path: root/src/citra_qt/qt-build.xml
diff options
authorMathieu Vaillancourt <>2014-04-01 04:26:50 +0200
committerMathieu Vaillancourt <>2014-04-01 04:32:03 +0200
commit05be8d2f0c58f5de56bbf920743f91bd8584b4f2 (patch)
treec82d5c690c7fa9e252adf0c24616aa042535d517 /src/citra_qt/qt-build.xml
parentadded very hackish ARMulator core initialization and CPU stepping (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/citra_qt/qt-build.xml')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/citra_qt/qt-build.xml b/src/citra_qt/qt-build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bc84aa99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/citra_qt/qt-build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<ProjectSchemaDefinitions xmlns="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Build.Framework.XamlTypes;assembly=Microsoft.Build.Framework" xmlns:x="" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:transformCallback="Microsoft.Cpp.Dev10.ConvertPropertyCallback" xmlns:impl="clr-namespace:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.Contracts.Implementation;assembly=Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.Contracts.Implementation">
+ <Rule
+ Name="UIC"
+ PageTemplate="tool"
+ DisplayName="Qt UI Compiler"
+ Order="200">
+ <Rule.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="UIC" />
+ </Rule.DataSource>
+ <Rule.Categories>
+ <Category
+ Name="General">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>General</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ <Category
+ Name="Command Line"
+ Subtype="CommandLine">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Command Line</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ </Rule.Categories>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Inputs"
+ Category="Command Line"
+ IsRequired="true"
+ Switch=" ">
+ <StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="UIC"
+ SourceType="Item" />
+ </StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringListProperty>
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="QtUicExt"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ HelpUrl=""
+ DisplayName="UI Header file extension"
+ Description="The header file extension generated by the UIC Compiler. (Example: .h)"
+ Switch="[value]" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="QtUicPrefix"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ HelpUrl=""
+ DisplayName="UI Header file prefix"
+ Description="The prefix string to be used for UIC output. ( usually ui_ )"
+ Switch="[value]" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="CommandLineTemplate"
+ DisplayName="Command Line"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="UICBeforeTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute Before</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^UICBeforeTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="UICAfterTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute After</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^UICAfterTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType=""
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Outputs"
+ DisplayName="Outputs"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="ExecutionDescription"
+ DisplayName="Execution Description"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="AdditionalDependencies"
+ DisplayName="Additional Dependencies"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False"
+ Visible="false" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Subtype="AdditionalOptions"
+ Name="AdditionalOptions"
+ Category="Command Line">
+ <StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <StringProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.Description>
+ </StringProperty>
+ </Rule>
+ <ItemType
+ Name="UIC"
+ DisplayName="Qt UI Compiler" />
+ <FileExtension
+ Name="*.ui"
+ ContentType="UIC" />
+ <ContentType
+ Name="UIC"
+ DisplayName="Qt UI Compiler"
+ ItemType="UIC" />
+ <Rule
+ Name="MOC"
+ PageTemplate="tool"
+ DisplayName="Qt Meta Object Compiler"
+ Order="200">
+ <Rule.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="MOC" />
+ </Rule.DataSource>
+ <Rule.Categories>
+ <Category
+ Name="General">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>General</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ <Category
+ Name="Command Line"
+ Subtype="CommandLine">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Command Line</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ </Rule.Categories>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Inputs"
+ Category="Command Line"
+ IsRequired="true"
+ Switch=" ">
+ <StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="MOC"
+ SourceType="Item" />
+ </StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringListProperty>
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtShared"
+ Subcategory="Moc Definitions"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Use QT as a Shared Library?"
+ Description="Use QT as a Shared Library?"
+ Switch="-DQT_SHARED" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtThread"
+ Subcategory="Moc Definitions"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Multi-threaded Support?"
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtUnicode"
+ Subcategory="Moc Definitions"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Unicode Support?"
+ Switch="-DUNICODE" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtLargeFile"
+ Subcategory="Moc Definitions"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Large File Support?"
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtKeywords"
+ Subcategory="Moc Definitions"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Disable QT Keywords."
+ Description="If QT_NO_KEYWORDS is defined, &quot;signals&quot;, &quot;slots&quot; and &quot;emit&quot; are not defined, thus increasing the interoperability with other toolkits by avoiding some common name clashes. However, the SIGNAL() and SLOT() macros are still defined, which may cause name clashes still."
+ Switch="-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtNoDebug"
+ Subcategory="Moc Definitions"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Disable QT Debuging"
+ Switch="-DQT_NO_DEBUG" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtGuiLib"
+ Subcategory="QT Libraries"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Use QT Gui Library"
+ Switch="-DQT_GUI_LIB" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtCoreLib"
+ Subcategory="QT Libraries"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Use QT Core Library"
+ Switch="-DQT_CORE_LIB" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtOpenGLLib"
+ Subcategory="QT Libraries"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Use QT OpenGL Library"
+ Switch="-DQT_OPENGL_LIB" />
+ <BoolProperty
+ Name="QtMocNoWarnings"
+ Subcategory="General"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ DisplayName="Do not display warnings"
+ Description="do not display warnings"
+ Switch="/nw" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="QtMocPfx"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ HelpUrl=""
+ DisplayName="Output file postfix"
+ Description="A postfix is added to the source and object files generated to prevent conflict with your source files. [Example: _moc leads to a.hxx -&gt; a_moc.cpp]"
+ Switch="[value]" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="QtCommandLine"
+ Subcategory="General"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ HelpUrl=""
+ DisplayName="C++ Command Line Options"
+ Description="Copy the command line options from your C/C++ section to match the qt compilation with your setup. Make sure you remove the /Fo option, for more details refer to the documentation."
+ Switch="[value]" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="CommandLineTemplate"
+ DisplayName="Command Line"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="MOCBeforeTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute Before</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^MOCBeforeTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="MOCAfterTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute After</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^MOCAfterTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType=""
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Outputs"
+ DisplayName="Outputs"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="ExecutionDescription"
+ DisplayName="Execution Description"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="AdditionalDependencies"
+ DisplayName="Additional Dependencies"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False"
+ Visible="false" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Subtype="AdditionalOptions"
+ Name="AdditionalOptions"
+ Category="Command Line">
+ <StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <StringProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.Description>
+ </StringProperty>
+ </Rule>
+ <ItemType
+ Name="MOC"
+ DisplayName="Qt Meta Object Compiler" />
+ <FileExtension
+ Name="*.hxx"
+ ContentType="MOC" />
+ <ContentType
+ Name="MOC"
+ DisplayName="Qt Meta Object Compiler"
+ ItemType="MOC" />
+ <Rule
+ Name="QRC"
+ PageTemplate="tool"
+ DisplayName="Qt Resource Compiler"
+ Order="200">
+ <Rule.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="QRC" />
+ </Rule.DataSource>
+ <Rule.Categories>
+ <Category
+ Name="General">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>General</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ <Category
+ Name="Command Line"
+ Subtype="CommandLine">
+ <Category.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Command Line</sys:String>
+ </Category.DisplayName>
+ </Category>
+ </Rule.Categories>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Inputs"
+ Category="Command Line"
+ IsRequired="true"
+ Switch=" ">
+ <StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType="QRC"
+ SourceType="Item" />
+ </StringListProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringListProperty>
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="QtCommandLine"
+ Subcategory="General"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ HelpUrl=""
+ DisplayName="C++ Command Line Options"
+ Description="Copy the command line options from your C/C++ section to match the qt compilation with your setup. Make sure you remove the /Fo option, for more details refer to the documentation."
+ Switch="[value]" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="QtQrcPfx"
+ Subcategory="Output"
+ HelpContext="0"
+ HelpUrl=""
+ DisplayName="Output file postfix"
+ Description="A postfix is added to the source and object files generated to prevent conflict with your source files. [Example: _qrc leads to a.qrc -&gt; a_qrc.cpp]"
+ Switch="[value]" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="CommandLineTemplate"
+ DisplayName="Command Line"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="QRCBeforeTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute Before</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run before.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^QRCBeforeTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty
+ Name="QRCAfterTargets"
+ Category="General"
+ EnumProvider="Targets"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False">
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Execute After</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DisplayName>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Specifies the targets for the build customization to run after.</sys:String>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.Description>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <NameValuePair
+ Name="Exclude"
+ Value="^QRCAfterTargets|^Compute" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.ProviderSettings>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource
+ Persistence="ProjectFile"
+ ItemType=""
+ HasConfigurationCondition="true" />
+ </DynamicEnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </DynamicEnumProperty>
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="Outputs"
+ DisplayName="Outputs"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Name="ExecutionDescription"
+ DisplayName="Execution Description"
+ Visible="False"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False" />
+ <StringListProperty
+ Name="AdditionalDependencies"
+ DisplayName="Additional Dependencies"
+ IncludeInCommandLine="False"
+ Visible="false" />
+ <StringProperty
+ Subtype="AdditionalOptions"
+ Name="AdditionalOptions"
+ Category="Command Line">
+ <StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.DisplayName>
+ <StringProperty.Description>
+ <sys:String>Additional Options</sys:String>
+ </StringProperty.Description>
+ </StringProperty>
+ </Rule>
+ <ItemType
+ Name="QRC"
+ DisplayName="Qt Resource Compiler" />
+ <FileExtension
+ Name="*.qrc"
+ ContentType="QRC" />
+ <ContentType
+ Name="QRC"
+ DisplayName="Qt Resource Compiler"
+ ItemType="QRC" />
+</ProjectSchemaDefinitions> \ No newline at end of file