path: root/src/common/logging/types.h
blob: 08af50ee0ccaf7b331bf0f6815f44740d0971eb1 (plain) (tree)






// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

#pragma once

#include "common/common_types.h"

namespace Common::Log {

/// Specifies the severity or level of detail of the log message.
enum class Level : u8 {
    Trace,    ///< Extremely detailed and repetitive debugging information that is likely to
              ///< pollute logs.
    Debug,    ///< Less detailed debugging information.
    Info,     ///< Status information from important points during execution.
    Warning,  ///< Minor or potential problems found during execution of a task.
    Error,    ///< Major problems found during execution of a task that prevent it from being
              ///< completed.
    Critical, ///< Major problems during execution that threaten the stability of the entire
              ///< application.

    Count ///< Total number of logging levels

 * Specifies the sub-system that generated the log message.
 * @note If you add a new entry here, also add a corresponding one to `ALL_LOG_CLASSES` in
 * filter.cpp.
enum class Class : u8 {
    Log,                ///< Messages about the log system itself
    Common,             ///< Library routines
    Common_Filesystem,  ///< Filesystem interface library
    Common_Memory,      ///< Memory mapping and management functions
    Core,               ///< LLE emulation core
    Core_ARM,           ///< ARM CPU core
    Core_Timing,        ///< CoreTiming functions
    Config,             ///< Emulator configuration (including commandline)
    Debug,              ///< Debugging tools
    Debug_Emulated,     ///< Debug messages from the emulated programs
    Debug_GPU,          ///< GPU debugging tools
    Debug_Breakpoint,   ///< Logging breakpoints and watchpoints
    Debug_GDBStub,      ///< GDB Stub
    Kernel,             ///< The HLE implementation of the CTR kernel
    Kernel_SVC,         ///< Kernel system calls
    Service,            ///< HLE implementation of system services. Each major service
                        ///< should have its own subclass.
    Service_ACC,        ///< The ACC (Accounts) service
    Service_AM,         ///< The AM (Applet manager) service
    Service_AOC,        ///< The AOC (AddOn Content) service
    Service_APM,        ///< The APM (Performance) service
    Service_ARP,        ///< The ARP service
    Service_Audio,      ///< The Audio (Audio control) service
    Service_BCAT,       ///< The BCAT service
    Service_BGTC,       ///< The BGTC (Background Task Controller) service
    Service_BPC,        ///< The BPC service
    Service_BTDRV,      ///< The Bluetooth driver service
    Service_BTM,        ///< The BTM service
    Service_Capture,    ///< The capture service
    Service_ERPT,       ///< The error reporting service
    Service_ETicket,    ///< The ETicket service
    Service_EUPLD,      ///< The error upload service
    Service_Fatal,      ///< The Fatal service
    Service_FGM,        ///< The FGM service
    Service_Friend,     ///< The friend service
    Service_FS,         ///< The FS (Filesystem) service
    Service_GRC,        ///< The game recording service
    Service_HID,        ///< The HID (Human interface device) service
    Service_IRS,        ///< The IRS service
    Service_JIT,        ///< The JIT service
    Service_LBL,        ///< The LBL (LCD backlight) service
    Service_LDN,        ///< The LDN (Local domain network) service
    Service_LDR,        ///< The loader service
    Service_LM,         ///< The LM (Logger) service
    Service_Migration,  ///< The migration service
    Service_Mii,        ///< The Mii service
    Service_MM,         ///< The MM (Multimedia) service
    Service_MNPP,       ///< The MNPP service
    Service_NCM,        ///< The NCM service
    Service_NFC,        ///< The NFC (Near-field communication) service
    Service_NFP,        ///< The NFP service
    Service_NGC,        ///< The NGC (No Good Content) service
    Service_NIFM,       ///< The NIFM (Network interface) service
    Service_NIM,        ///< The NIM service
    Service_NOTIF,      ///< The NOTIF (Notification) service
    Service_NPNS,       ///< The NPNS service
    Service_NS,         ///< The NS services
    Service_NVDRV,      ///< The NVDRV (Nvidia driver) service
    Service_Nvnflinger, ///< The Nvnflinger service
    Service_OLSC,       ///< The OLSC service
    Service_PCIE,       ///< The PCIe service
    Service_PCTL,       ///< The PCTL (Parental control) service
    Service_PCV,        ///< The PCV service
    Service_PM,         ///< The PM service
    Service_PREPO,      ///< The PREPO (Play report) service
    Service_PSC,        ///< The PSC service
    Service_PTM,        ///< The PTM service
    Service_SET,        ///< The SET (Settings) service
    Service_SM,         ///< The SM (Service manager) service
    Service_SPL,        ///< The SPL service
    Service_SSL,        ///< The SSL service
    Service_TCAP,       ///< The TCAP service.
    Service_Time,       ///< The time service
    Service_USB,        ///< The USB (Universal Serial Bus) service
    Service_VI,         ///< The VI (Video interface) service
    Service_WLAN,       ///< The WLAN (Wireless local area network) service
    HW,                 ///< Low-level hardware emulation
    HW_Memory,          ///< Memory-map and address translation
    HW_LCD,             ///< LCD register emulation
    HW_GPU,             ///< GPU control emulation
    HW_AES,             ///< AES engine emulation
    IPC,                ///< IPC interface
    Frontend,           ///< Emulator UI
    Render,             ///< Emulator video output and hardware acceleration
    Render_Software,    ///< Software renderer backend
    Render_OpenGL,      ///< OpenGL backend
    Render_Vulkan,      ///< Vulkan backend
    Shader,             ///< Shader recompiler
    Shader_SPIRV,       ///< Shader SPIR-V code generation
    Shader_GLASM,       ///< Shader GLASM code generation
    Shader_GLSL,        ///< Shader GLSL code generation
    Audio,              ///< Audio emulation
    Audio_DSP,          ///< The HLE implementation of the DSP
    Audio_Sink,         ///< Emulator audio output backend
    Loader,             ///< ROM loader
    CheatEngine,        ///< Memory manipulation and engine VM functions
    Crypto,             ///< Cryptographic engine/functions
    Input,              ///< Input emulation
    Network,            ///< Network emulation
    WebService,         ///< Interface to yuzu Web Services
    Count               ///< Total number of logging classes

} // namespace Common::Log