path: root/_ont/
blob: a38f4767dbdef4ad88ef714cf6962eff928dd1cc (plain) (tree)































































title: GPON ONU Stick with MAC (GPON-ONU-34-20BI)
has_children: true
alias: SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO
parent: ONT
layout: default

# Hardware Specifications

|                  |                                          |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Vendor/Brand     |                                   |
| Model            | GPON-ONU-34-20BI                         |
| ODM              | SourcePhotonics                          |
| ODM Product Code | SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO                       |
| Chipset          | Lantiq PEB98035                          |
| CPU              | MIPS 34Kc interAptiv                     |
| CPU Clock        | 400MHz                                   |
| Flash            | 16 MB                                    |
| RAM              | 64 MB                                    |
| Bootloader       | U-Boot 2011.12-lantiq-gpon-1.2.24        |
| System           | OpenWRT 14.07_ltq (Kernel 3.10.49)       |
| Load addr        | 0x80800000                               |
| HSGMII           | Yes                                      |
| Optics           | SC/APC                                   |
| IP address       |                             |
| Web Gui          |                                          |
| SSH              | ✅ user `ONTUSER`, password `7sp!lwUBz1` |
| Telnet           |                                          |
| Serial           | ✅ on SFP                                |
| Serial baud      | 115200                                   |
| Serial encoding  | 8-N-1                                    |
| Form Factor      | miniONT SFP                              |

{% include image.html file="ont-fs.jpg" alt="ONT GPON ONU" caption="ONT GPON ONU" %}
{% include image.html file="ont-fs-box.jpg" alt="ONT GPON ONU in the box" caption="ONT GPON ONU in the box" %}

## Possible clones

- SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO

## Firmware is interchangeable with:

- [Huawei MA5671A](/ont-huawei-ma5671a)
- [Nokia G-010S-P](/ont-nokia-g-010s-p)
- [Hilink HL23446](/ont-hilink-hl23446)
- {:.text-red-200 } Dasan H650SFP 
- {:.text-red-200 } DpOptics D23446  
- {:.text-red-200 } Photonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO

## Serial

The stick has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the SFP connector.

| USB TTL(UART) Adapter | SFP 20pins Molex connector |
| --------------------- | -------------------------- |
| 3.3V                  | pin #15 and #16            |
| TX                    | pin #2                     |
| RX                    | pin #7                     |
| GND                   | pin #14                    |

{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if the connection doesn't work." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

## List of software versions
- 6BA1896SPLQA13 (Dec 16 2016)
- 6BA1896SPLQA41
- 6BA1896SPLQA42 (Sep 18 2021)

## List of partitions

Partition layouts change depending on which image is booted, in particular:

When booting image0:
mtd2 ---> image0 (linux)
mtd5 --> image1
mtd3 --> rootfs
mtd4 --> rootfs_data
When booting image0:
mtd2 ---> image0
mtd3 --> image1 (linux)
mtd4 --> rootfs
mtd5 --> rootfs_data

For more info [XPONos partition layout](

### When booting from image0

| dev  | size     | erasesize | name          |
| ---- | -------- | --------- | ------------- |
| mtd0 | 00040000 | 00010000  | "uboot"       |
| mtd1 | 00080000 | 00010000  | "uboot_env"   |
| mtd2 | 00740000 | 00010000  | "linux"       |
| mtd3 | 0061eedc | 00010000  | "rootfs"      |
| mtd4 | 00370000 | 00010000  | "rootfs_data" |
| mtd5 | 00800000 | 00010000  | "image1"      |

### When booting from image1

| dev  | size     | erasesize | name          |
| ---- | -------- | --------- | ------------- |
| mtd0 | 00040000 | 00010000  | "uboot"       |
| mtd1 | 00080000 | 00010000  | "uboot_env"   |
| mtd2 | 00740000 | 00010000  | "image0"      |
| mtd3 | 00800000 | 00010000  | "linux"       |
| mtd4 | 006d8077 | 00010000  | "rootfs"      |
| mtd5 | 00410000 | 00010000  | "rootfs_data" |

## List of firmwares and files
- [6BA1896SPLQA13 MTD0/U-Boot]({: .btn } md5hash: 992b31a67c644aa68cf7f9caf956b1f9
- [6BA1896SPLQA13 MTD2/Image0]({: .btn } md5hash: 5d46a9acc3c5ba8710887aa32b82aeb4
- [6BA1896SPLQA42 MTD0/U-Boot]({: .btn } md5hash: 992b31a67c644aa68cf7f9caf956b1f9
- [6BA1896SPLQA42 MTD2/Image0]({: .btn } md5hash: 04533554bb0c8b997697fbc048159002

# Unlock the device

{% include alert.html content=" The following commands concern version 6BA1896SPLQA42, to get the commands for version 6BA1896SPLQA41 please look at page [Carlito Firmware](/ont-huawei-ma5671a-carlito)." alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blu" %}

## Bootloader unlock from shell
{% include alert.html content="It is strongly recommended that you unlock the bootloader before making any major changes to the firmware." alert="Warning"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
fw_setenv bootdelay 5
fw_setenv asc0 0
fw_setenv preboot "gpio set 3;gpio input 2;gpio input 105;gpio input 106;gpio input 107;gpio input 108"

## Emergency bootloader unlock via TTL serial

{% include alert.html content="This is not necessary if you have already unlocked the bootloader from the shell as specified above." alert="Warning"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

If for some reason you are in the situation where you do not have a bootable firmware on your SFP stick you can do an emergency unlock via TTL serial.

To perform the emergency unlock is necessary to have:
- TTL-USB adapter
- SFP adapter to connect the TTL-USB cables to the SFP stick

The electrical connections are the same as those of the Huawei MA5671A, see the [Huawei root guide](/ont-huawei-ma5671a-root-web) for accurate details on how to connect the TTL-USB to the SFP adapter.

When you are ready with everything plugged in you need to press the button below. A window will open that will execute the emergency unlock.

{: .text-center .fs-6 }
<button id="start-button" class="btn btn-blue" data-jtd-toggle="modal" data-jtd-target="#root-modal" disabled>Start emergency unlock!</button>
{% include root_lantiq.html modelName="FS GPON ONU Stick" unlockHuaweiShell=false %}

<div id="browser-error" style="display:none">{% include alert.html content="This browser is not compatible with the emergency unlock procedure. See the <a href=''>Browser compatibility</a>" alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="red" %}</div>
{% include alert.html content="Your browser does not support JavaScript!" alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="red" %}

# GPON ONU status

## Get the operational status of the ONU

onu ploamsg

## Querying a particular OMCI ME
```sh meg MIB_IDX ME_IN
Where `MIB_IDX` is the MIB ID and the `ME_IN` is the ME instance number

## Getting/Setting Speed LAN Mode

To get the LAN Mode:

onu lanpsg 0
The `link_status` variable tells the current speed

| Value (for `sgmii_mode` and `link_status`) | Speed                              |
| ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------- |
| 3                                          | 1 Gbps / SGMII with auto-neg on    |
| 4                                          | 1 Gbps / SGMII with auto-neg off   |
| 5                                          | 2.5 Gbps / HSGMII with auto-neg on |

To change the default lan mode value you can use `fw_setenv sgmii_mode`. The firmware already has the value 5 by default and it is generally not necessary to change it.

# GPON/OMCI settings

## Setting ONU GPON Serial Number
set_serial_number ABCD12345678
sfp_i2c -i8 -s "ABCD12345678"

## Checking ONU GPON Serial Number
fw_printenv | grep nSerial
sfp_i2c -g

## Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password
sfp_i2c -i11 -s "1234567890"

## Setting ONU GPON LOID and LOID password
sfp_i2c -i9 -s "1234567890"
sfp_i2c -i10 -s "password01"

## Setting OMCI equipment ID (ME 257)
sfp_i2c -i6 -s "YOUR_EQUIPMENT_ID"

## Setting OMCI Vendor ID (ME 256)
sfp_i2c -i7 -s "YOUR_VENDOR_ID"

## Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)
sed 's/256 0 HWTC 0000000000000/256 0 HWTC YOUR_ONU_VERSION/' /rom/etc/mibs/data_1g_8q.ini > /etc/mibs/data_1g_8q.ini

## Restore the default ONU hardware version (ME 256)
cat /rom/etc/mibs/data_1g_8q.ini > /etc/mibs/data_1g_8q.ini

## Setting OMCI software version (ME 7)
{% include alert.html content="The patch below is only compatible with the firmware version `6BA1896SPLQA42`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

The image version normally couldn't be changed because it was hard-coded into the `/opt/lantiq/bin/omcid` binary, 
so you need to then modify the binary with the following hex patch which removes the hardcoded version.

< 000084c0: 9a43 931f f760 d840 9b64 f760 d864 1a00  .C...`.@.d.`.d..
< 000084d0: 1acf 6500 1a20 2268 940a 2205 b468 1a00  ..e.. "h.."..h..
> 000084c0: 9a43 931f f760 d840 9b64 f760 d864 6500  .C...`.@.d.`.de.
> 000084d0: 6500 6500 1a20 2268 940a 2205 b468 1a00  e.e.. "h.."..h..


{% include alert.html content="Proceed only if your `md5sum /opt/lantiq/bin/omcid` has the correct checksum `7e97163e24c9cb39439589c65b438168`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

This is the patch, encoded in base64
Save it on your computer (not on the stick) as `omcid_patch.base64`, then run:
base64 -d omcid_patch.base64 > omcid.bspatch
bspatch <your_original_omcid> omcid omcid.bspatch
{% include alert.html content="if you don't have bspatch installed, most distributions includes it in bsdiff package" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

After patching the resulting patched `omcid` should have an md5 checksum of `525139425009c4138e92766645dad7d0`.
If that also checks, go on making a backup copy of your original `omcid` on the stick.

cd /opt/lantiq/bin
cp omcid omcid.original

Now you have to use SCP to copy the modified `omcid` binary in `/opt/lantiq/bin/omcid`.
Before restarting the stick and applying changes, make sure `omcid` has its execution bit set, then reboot the stick and change the image version with the following command:

chmod ugo+x /opt/lantiq/bin/omcid

Is also a good time to set the image0/image1_version. Crash has reported if they are not set correctly before reboot.
fw_setenv image0_version YOUR_IMAGE0_VERSION
fw_setenv image1_version YOUR_IMAGE1_VERSION

Now you can restart the stick.
{% include alert.html content="Be aware that sometimes `omcid` can rewrite the two variables when runs in non patched state. After reboot, double check the values you put are still there." alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

# Advanced settings

## Setting `data_1g_8q_us1280_ds512.ini` OMCI MIB file for 2500 Mbps profiles
{% include alert.html content="The patch below is only compatible with the firmware version `6BA1896SPLQA42`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
{% include alert.html content="If you need to set the ONU version remember that you will have to do it using the MIB file `/etc/mibs/data_1g_8q_us1280_ds512.ini` instead of `/etc/mibs/data_1g_8q.ini`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

The MIB file `data_1g_8q_us1280_ds512.ini` is very useful to avoid performance problems in situations where 2500 Mbps speed profiles are used, to enable it you need to run this command:
fw_setenv mib_file data_1g_8q_us1280_ds512.ini

## Setting custom OMCI MIB file
{% include alert.html content="If you need to set the ONU version remember that you will have to do it using your custom MIB file instead of `/etc/mibs/data_1g_8q.ini`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

You have to copy the MIB file to /etc/mibs and then run this command:
fw_setenv mib_file YOUR_MIB_FILENAME

## Setting management MAC
uci set network.lct.macaddr=00:06:B5:07:D6:04
uci set
uci commit network.lct.macaddr=00:06:B5:07:D6:04
uci commit

## Setting management IP
fw_setenv ipaddr
fw_setenv gatewayip

## Rebooting the ONU

## Disable RX_LOS status
{% include alert.html content="The patch below is only compatible with the firmware version `6BA1896SPLQA42`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

Some switches/routers (e.g. Mikrotik) do not allow access to the magament interface without the fiber connected because the SFP reports RX_LOS status, it's possible to modify the `mod_optic.ko` driver to spoof non RX_LOS status by setting PIN 8 (RX_LOS) to be always low.

This is the change to be made in hex format:

< 00013740: 2404 0003 2405 0001 0c00 0000 ac43 0980  $...$........C..
> 00013740: 2404 0003 2405 0000 0c00 0000 ac43 0980  $...$........C..

{% include alert.html content="Proceed only if your `md5sum /lib/modules/3.10.49/mod_optic.ko` has the correct checksum `7c718c3410c4120fe98fa7a9a5c6c407`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

This is the patch, encoded in base64:

Save it on your computer (not on the stick) as `mod_optic.base64`, then run:
base64 -d mod_optic.base64 > mod_optic.bspatch
bspatch <your_original_mod_optic.ko> mod_optic.ko mod_optic.bspatch
{% include alert.html content="if you don't have bspatch installed, most distributions includes it in bsdiff package" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

After patching the resulting patched `mod_optic.ko` should have an md5 checksum of `e14a5a70b023873853afe920870f076e`.
If that also checks, go on making a backup copy of your original `mod_optic.ko` on the stick.

cd /lib/modules/3.10.49/
cp mod_optic.ko mod_optic.ko.original

Now you have to use SCP to copy the modified `mod_optic.ko` kernel module in `/lib/modules/3.10.49/mod_optic.ko`.

## TX Fault / Serial

The stick stays in a perpetual "TX Fault" state since the same SFP pin is used for both serial and TX Fault signaling, if that causes you issues (normally it shouldn't) you can issue the commands below to disable it. Note that it will disable both the TX Fault signal and Serial on the stick after boot.

fw_setenv asc0 1
fw_setenv preboot "gpio set 3;gpio input 100;gpio input 105;gpio input 106;gpio input 107;gpio input 108"

In case you need to re-enable it issue the following commands from the bootloader (FALCON)

FALCON => setenv asc0 0
FALCON => saveenv
# SFP EEPROM settings

## Reading all EEPROM
sfp_i2c -r

## Getting Firmware version
strings /opt/lantiq/bin/omcid | grep ^software_Version | awk -F[=,] '{print $2}'

## Getting Firmware build time
strings /opt/lantiq/bin/omcid | grep compiled

# EEPROM (I2C slave simulated EEPROM)
The FS GPON-ONU-34-20BI does not have a physical EEPROM, the Falcon SOC emulates an EEPROM by exposing it on the I2C interface as required by the SFF-8472 specification.

On the I2C interface there will be two memories of 256 bytes each at the addresses `1010000X (A0h)` and `1010001X (A2h)`, however in reality the memory available from the emulated EEPROM will be 640 bytes each but only the first 256 bytes will be exposed in the I2C interface.

The FS GPON-ONU-34-20BI stores the content of the emulated EEPROM in U-Boot env variables to restore it after a reboot:

- `EEPROM0 (A0h)` stored in U-Boot env variable `sfp_a0_low_128`
- `EEPROM1 (A2h)` stored in U-Boot env variable `sfp_a2_info`

## EEPROM0 layout

| address | size | name                              | default value                                                                                           | description                                                         |
| ------- | ---- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|         |      | **BASE ID FIELDS (SFF-8472)**     |                                                                                                         |                                                                     |
| 0       | 1    | Identifier                        | `0x03` (SFP)                                                                                            | Type of transceiver                                                 |
| 1       | 1    | Ext identifier                    | `0x04` (MOD_DEF 4)                                                                                      | Additional information about the transceiver                        |
| 2       | 1    | Connector                         | `0x01` (SC)                                                                                             | Type of media connector                                             |
| 3-10    | 8    | Transceiver                       | `0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                               | Code for optical compatibility                                      |
| 11      | 1    | Encoding                          | `0x03` (NRZ)                                                                                            | High speed serial encoding algorithm                                |
| 12      | 1    | Signaling Rate, Nominal           | `0x0C` (1.244Gbps)                                                                                      | Nominal signaling rate                                              |
| 13      | 1    | Rate Identifier                   | `0x00` (Not used)                                                                                       | Type of rate select functionality                                   |
| 14      | 1    | Length (SMF,km)                   | `0x14` (20 km)                                                                                          | Link length supported for single-mode fiber, units of km            |
| 15      | 1    | Length (SMF)                      | `0xC8` (200 x 100m)                                                                                     | Link length supported for single-mode fiber, units of 100 m         |
| 16      | 1    | Length (50 um, OM2)               | `0x00` (No support)                                                                                     | Link length supported for 50 um OM2 fiber, units of 10 m            |
| 17      | 1    | Length (62.5 um, OM1)             | `0x00` (No support)                                                                                     | Link length supported for 62.5 um OM1 fiber, units of 10 m          |
| 18      | 1    | Length copper cable               | `0x00` (No support)                                                                                     | Link length supported for copper or direct attach cable, units of m |
| 19      | 1    | Length (50 um, OM3)               | `0x00` (No support)                                                                                     | Link length supported for 50 um OM3 fiber, units of 10 m            |
| 20-35   | 16   | Vendor name                       | `0x46 0x53 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20` (FS)                  | SFP vendor name (ASCII)                                             |
| 36      | 1    | Transceiver                       | `0x00` (No support)                                                                                     | Code for optical compatibility                                      |
| 37-39   | 3    | Vendor OUI                        | `0x00 0x00 0x00` (No specified)                                                                         | SFP vendor IEEE company ID                                          |
| 40-55   | 16   | Vendor PN                         | `0x47 0x50 0x4F 0x4E 0x2D 0x4F 0x4E 0x55 0x2D 0x33 0x34 0x2D 0x32 0x30 0x42 0x49` (GPON-ONU-34-20BI)    | Part number provided by SFP vendor (ASCII)                          |
| 56-59   | 4    | Vendor rev                        | `0x30 0x31 0x20 0x20` (01)                                                                              | Revision level for part number provided by vendor (ASCII)           |
| 60-61   | 2    | Wavelength                        | `0x05 0x1E` (1310nm TX)                                                                                 | Laser wavelength                                                    |
| 62      | 1    | Fibre Channel Speed 2             | `0x00` (No support)                                                                                     | Transceiver's Fibre Channel speed capabilities                      |
| 63      | 1    | CC_BASE                           |                                                                                                         | Check code for Base ID Fields (addresses 0 to 62)                   |
|         |      | **EXTENDED ID FIELDS (SFF-8472)** |                                                                                                         |                                                                     |
| 64-65   | 2    | Options                           | `0x00 0x1A` (TX DISABLE, TX FAULT, RX LOS)                                                              | Indicates which optional transceiver signals are implemented        |
| 66      | 1    | Signaling Rate, max               | `0x00` (No specified)                                                                                   | Upper signaling rate margin, units of %                             |
| 67      | 1    | Signaling Rate, min               | `0x00` (No specified)                                                                                   | Lower signaling rate margin, units of %                             |
| 68-83   | 16   | Vendor SN                         | Unique in each SFP                                                                                      | Serial number provided by vendor (ASCII)                            |
| 84-91   | 8    | Date code                         | Unique in each SFP                                                                                      | Vendor's manufacturing date code                                    |
| 92      | 1    | Diagnostic Monitoring Type        | `0x68` (Digital diagnostic, Internally calibrated, Received average power type)                         | Indicates which type of diagnostic monitoring is implemented        |
| 93      | 1    | Enhanced Options                  | `0xF0` (Alarm/warning flags, soft TX_DISABLE control, soft TX_FAULT monitoring, soft RX_LOS monitoring) | Indicates which optional enhanced features are implemented          |
| 94      | 1    | SFF-8472 Compliance               | `0x05` (Rev 11.0 of SFF-8472)                                                                           | Indicates which revision of SFF-8472 the transceiver complies with  |
| 95      | 1    | CC_EXT                            |                                                                                                         | Check code for the Extended ID Fields (addresses 64 to 94)          |
|         |      | **VENDOR SPECIFIC FIELDS**        |                                                                                                         |                                                                     |
| 96-127  | 32   | Vendor data                       | `0x20 0x20 0x20...` (Not used)                                                                          | Vendor specifc data (ASCII)                                         |
| 128-255 | 128  | Reserved                          | `0x00 0x00 0x00...`                                                                                     | Reserved                                                            |
|         |      | **EXTRA EEPROM FIELDS**           |                                                                                                         | **Not exposed to I2C interface**                                    |
| 256-639 | 384  | Reserved                          | `0x00 0x00 0x00...`                                                                                     | Reserved                                                            |

## EEPROM1 layout

| address | size | name                              | default value                                                                               | description                                                       |
| ------- | ---- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
|         |      | **DIAGNOSTIC AND CONTROL FIELDS** |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 0-1     | 2    | Temp High Alarm                   | `0x5F 0x00` (95℃)                                                                           | Value expressed in two's complement                               |
| 2-3     | 2    | Temp Low Alarm                    | `0xCE 0x00` (-50℃)                                                                          | Value expressed in two's complement                               |
| 4-5     | 2    | Temp High Warning                 | `0x5A 0x00` (90℃)                                                                           | Value expressed in two's complement                               |
| 6-7     | 2    | Temp Low Warning                  | `0xD3 0x00` (-45℃)                                                                          | Value expressed in two's complement                               |
| 8-9     | 2    | Voltage High Alarm                | `0x8C 0xA0` (3.6V)                                                                          | Value expressed in volt subunits[^subunit]                        |
| 10-11   | 2    | Voltage Low Alarm                 | `0x75 0x30` (3.0V)                                                                          | Value expressed in volt subunits[^subunit]                        |
| 12-13   | 2    | Voltage High Warning              | `0x88 0xB8` (3.5V)                                                                          | Value expressed in volt subunits[^subunit]                        |
| 14-15   | 2    | Voltage Low Warning               | `0x79 0x18` (3.1V)                                                                          | Value expressed in milliampere subunits[^subunit]                 |
| 16-17   | 2    | Bias High Alarm                   | `0xAF 0xC8` (90mA)                                                                          | Value expressed in milliampere subunits[^subunit]                 |
| 18-19   | 2    | Bias Low Alarm                    | `0x00 0x00` (0mA)                                                                           | Value expressed in milliampere subunits[^subunit]                 |
| 20-21   | 2    | Bias High Warning                 | `0x88 0xB8` (70mA)                                                                          | Value expressed in milliampere subunits[^subunit]                 |
| 22-23   | 2    | Bias Low Warning                  | `0x00 0x00` (0mA)                                                                           | Value expressed in milliampere subunits[^subunit]                 |
| 24-25   | 2    | TX Power High Alarm               | `0xF6 0x77` (8dBm)                                                                          | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 26-27   | 2    | TX Power Low Alarm                | `0x15 0xF7` (-2.5dBm)                                                                       | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 28-29   | 2    | TX Power High Warning             | `0xC3 0xC6` (7dBm)                                                                          | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 30-31   | 2    | TX Power Low Warning              | `0x1B 0xA7` (-1.5dBm)                                                                       | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 32-33   | 2    | RX Power High Alarm               | `0x0C 0x5A` (-5dBm)                                                                         | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 34-35   | 2    | RX Power Low Alarm                | `0x00 0x08` (-31dBm)                                                                        | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 36-37   | 2    | RX Power High Warning             | `0x09 0xCF` (-6dBm)                                                                         | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 38-39   | 2    | RX Power Low Warning              | `0x00 0x0A` (-30dBm)                                                                        | Value expressed in watts subunits[^subunit]                       |
| 40-45   | 6    | MAC address                       | Unique in each SFP                                                                          | Contains the mac address of the SFP, it could also be empty       |
| 46-55   | 10   | Reserved                          | `0x00 0x00 0x00...`                                                                         | Reserved                                                          |
| 56-59   | 4    | RX_PWR(4) Calibration             | `0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                                       | 4th order RSSI calibration coefficient                            |
| 60-63   | 4    | RX_PWR(3) Calibration             | `0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                                       | 3rd order RSSI calibration coefficient                            |
| 64-67   | 4    | RX_PWR(2) Calibration             | `0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                                       | 2nd order RSSI calibration coefficient                            |
| 68-71   | 4    | RX_PWR(1) Calibration             | `0x3F 0x80 0x00 0x00`                                                                       | 1st order RSSI calibration coefficient                            |
| 72-75   | 4    | RX_PWR(0) Calibration             | `0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                                       | 0th order RSSI calibration coefficient                            |
| 76-77   | 2    | TX_I(Slope) Calibration           | `0x01 0x00`                                                                                 | Slope for Bias calibration                                        |
| 78-79   | 2    | TX_I(Offset) Calibration          | `0x00 0x00`                                                                                 | Offset for Bias calibration                                       |
| 80-81   | 2    | TX_PWR(Slope) Calibration         | `0x01 0x00`                                                                                 | Slope for TX Power calibration                                    |
| 82-83   | 2    | TX_PWR(Offset) Calibration        | `0x00 0x00`                                                                                 | Offset for TX Power calibration                                   |
| 84-85   | 2    | T(Slope) Calibration              | `0x01 0x00`                                                                                 | Slope for Temperature calibration                                 |
| 86-87   | 2    | T(Offset) Calibration             | `0x00 0x00`                                                                                 | Offset for Temperature calibration, in units of 256ths °C         |
| 88-89   | 2    | V(Slope) Calibration              | `0x01 0x00`                                                                                 | Slope for VCC calibration                                         |
| 90-91   | 2    | V(Offset) Calibration             | `0x00 0x00`                                                                                 | Offset for VCC calibration                                        |
| 92-94   | 3    | Reserved                          | `0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                                            | Reserved                                                          |
| 95      | 1    | CC_DMI                            |                                                                                             | Check code for Base Diagnostic Fields (addresses 0 to 94)         |
| 96      | 1    | Temperature MSB                   |                                                                                             | Internally measured module temperature                            |
| 97      | 1    | Temperature LSB                   |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 98      | 1    | Vcc MSB                           |                                                                                             | Internally measured supply voltage in transceiver                 |
| 99      | 1    | Vcc LSB                           |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 100     | 1    | TX Bias MSB                       |                                                                                             | Internally measured TX Bias Current                               |
| 101     | 1    | TX Bias LSB                       |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 102     | 1    | TX Power MSB                      |                                                                                             | Measured TX output power                                          |
| 103     | 1    | TX Power LSB                      |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 104     | 1    | RX Power MSB                      |                                                                                             | Measured RX input power                                           |
| 105     | 1    | RX Power LSB                      |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 106-109 | 4    | Optional Diagnostics              | `0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF` (No support)                                                          | Monitor Data for Optional Laser temperature and TEC current       |
| 110     | 1    | Status/Control                    | `0x82` (Soft TX disable, disable laser, digital TX fault, digital RX LOS, power&data ready) | Optional Status and Control Bits                                  |
| 111     | 1    | Reserved                          | `0x00`                                                                                      | Reserved                                                          |
| 112-113 | 2    | Alarm Flags                       | Supported                                                                                   | Diagnostic Alarm Flag Status Bits                                 |
| 114     | 1    | Tx Input EQ control               | `0xFF` (No support)                                                                         | Tx Input equalization level control                               |
| 115     | 1    | Rx Out Emphasis control           | `0xFF` (No support)                                                                         | Rx Output emphasis level control                                  |
| 116-117 | 2    | Warning Flags                     | Supported                                                                                   | Diagnostic Warning Flag Status Bits                               |
| 118-119 | 2    | Ext Status/Control                | `0x00 0x00` (No support)                                                                    | Extended module control and status bytes                          |
|         |      | **GENERAL USE FIELDS**            |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 120-126 | 7    | Vendor Specific                   | `0x70 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00`                                                        | Vendor specific memory addresses                                  |
| 127     | 1    | Table Select                      | `0x00`                                                                                      | Optional Page Select                                              |
|         |      | **USER WRITABLE EEPROM**          |                                                                                             |                                                                   |
| 128-190 | 63   | Reserved                          | `0xFF 0xFF 0xFF...`                                                                         | Reserved                                                          |
| 191-214 | 24   | GPON LOID or PLOAM                | Depends on the configuration of the SFP                                                     | GPON Logical ONU ID or PLOAM, depends on `GPON LOID/PLOAM switch` |
| 215-231 | 17   | GPON LPWD                         | Depends on the configuration of the SFP                                                     | GPON Logical Password                                             |
| 232     | 1    | GPON LOID/PLOAM switch            | Depends on the configuration of the SFP                                                     | `0x01` to enable LOID, `0x02` to enable PLOAM                     |
| 233-240 | 8    | GPON SN                           | Unique in each SFP                                                                          | GPON Serial Number (ME 256)                                       |
| 241-247 | 7    | Reserved                          | `0xFF 0xFF 0xFF...`                                                                         | Reserved                                                          |
| 248-255 | 8    | Vendor Control                    | `0xFF 0xFF 0xFF...` (Not used)                                                              | Vendor specific control functions                                 |
|         |      | **EXTRA EEPROM FIELDS**           |                                                                                             | **Not exposed to I2C interface**                                  |
| 256-511 | 256  | Unknown vendor specific           |                                                                                             | Probably not used in current SFPs                                 |
| 512-531 | 20   | GPON Equipment ID                 |                                                                                             | GPON Equipment ID (ME 257), may not work in some firmwares        |
| 532-535 | 4    | GPON Vendor ID                    |                                                                                             | GPON Vendor ID (ME 256 and more), may not work in some firmware   |
| 536-639 | 104  | Reserved                          |                                                                                             | Reserved                                                          |

{% include alert.html content="For more information, see the SFF-8472 Rev 11.0 specification." alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

# Miscellaneous Links

- [](
- [General setting of lantiq](
- [Usage GPON module SFP in Spain](
- [SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO Datasheet](


[^subunit]: The subunit are 10000 times smaller than the specified unit