path: root/src/HTTPServer/HTTPMessage.h
blob: 81b9ffc61710ba2f850919c6fe9afc1966451fbc (plain) (tree)





































// HTTPMessage.h

// Declares the cHTTPMessage class representing the common ancestor for HTTP request and response classes

#pragma once

#include "EnvelopeParser.h"

class cHTTPMessage
	enum eStatus
		HTTP_OK = 200,
	} ;

	enum eKind
	} ;
	cHTTPMessage(eKind a_Kind);

	// Force a virtual destructor in all descendants
	virtual ~cHTTPMessage() {}
	/** Adds a header into the internal map of headers. Recognizes special headers: Content-Type and Content-Length */
	void AddHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value);
	void SetContentType  (const AString & a_ContentType) { m_ContentType   = a_ContentType; }
	void SetContentLength(size_t a_ContentLength)        { m_ContentLength = a_ContentLength; }
	const AString & GetContentType  (void) const { return m_ContentType; }
	size_t          GetContentLength(void) const { return m_ContentLength; }

	typedef std::map<AString, AString> cNameValueMap;
	eKind m_Kind;
	cNameValueMap m_Headers;

	/** Type of the content; parsed by AddHeader(), set directly by SetContentLength() */
	AString m_ContentType;

	/** Length of the content that is to be received.
	AString::npos when the object is created.
	Parsed by AddHeader() or set directly by SetContentLength() */
	size_t m_ContentLength;
} ;

class cHTTPRequest :
	public cHTTPMessage,
	protected cEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks
	typedef cHTTPMessage super;
	/** Parses the request line and then headers from the received data.
	Returns the number of bytes consumed or AString::npos number for error
	size_t ParseHeaders(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size);
	/** Returns true if the request did contain a Content-Length header */
	bool HasReceivedContentLength(void) const { return (m_ContentLength != AString::npos); }
	/** Returns the method used in the request */
	const AString & GetMethod(void) const { return m_Method; }
	/** Returns the URL used in the request */
	const AString & GetURL(void) const { return m_URL; }
	/** Returns the URL used in the request, without any parameters */
	AString GetBareURL(void) const;
	/** Sets the UserData pointer that is stored within this request.
	The request doesn't touch this data (doesn't delete it)! */
	void SetUserData(void * a_UserData) { m_UserData = a_UserData; }
	/** Retrieves the UserData pointer that has been stored within this request. */
	void * GetUserData(void) const { return m_UserData; }
	/** Returns true if more data is expected for the request headers */
	bool IsInHeaders(void) const { return m_EnvelopeParser.IsInHeaders(); }
	/** Returns true if the request did present auth data that was understood by the parser */
	bool HasAuth(void) const { return m_HasAuth; }
	/** Returns the username that the request presented. Only valid if HasAuth() is true */
	const AString & GetAuthUsername(void) const { return m_AuthUsername; }
	/** Returns the password that the request presented. Only valid if HasAuth() is true */
	const AString & GetAuthPassword(void) const { return m_AuthPassword; }
	bool DoesAllowKeepAlive(void) const { return m_AllowKeepAlive; }
	/** Parser for the envelope data */
	cEnvelopeParser m_EnvelopeParser;
	/** True if the data received so far is parsed successfully. When false, all further parsing is skipped */
	bool m_IsValid;
	/** Bufferred incoming data, while parsing for the request line */
	AString m_IncomingHeaderData;
	/** Method of the request (GET / PUT / POST / ...) */
	AString m_Method;
	/** Full URL of the request */
	AString m_URL;
	/** Data that the HTTPServer callbacks are allowed to store. */
	void * m_UserData;
	/** Set to true if the request contains auth data that was understood by the parser */
	bool m_HasAuth;
	/** The username used for auth */
	AString m_AuthUsername;
	/** The password used for auth */
	AString m_AuthPassword;
	/** Set to true if the request indicated that it supports keepalives.
	If false, the server will close the connection once the request is finished */
	bool m_AllowKeepAlive;
	/** Parses the incoming data for the first line (RequestLine)
	Returns the number of bytes consumed, or -1 for an error
	size_t ParseRequestLine(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size);
	// cEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks /*override*/s:
	virtual void OnHeaderLine(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value) /*override*/;
} ;

class cHTTPResponse :
	public cHTTPMessage
	typedef cHTTPMessage super;

	/** Appends the response to the specified datastream - response line and headers.
	The body will be sent later directly through cConnection::Send()
	void AppendToData(AString & a_DataStream) const;
} ;