// Copyright (C) 2000 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
// Component: CGuiScreenMissionLoad
// Description: Implementation of the CGuiScreenMissionSuccess class.
// Authors: Tony Chu
// Revisions Date Author Revision
// 2003/04/07 ian gipson Created for SRR2
// Includes
#include <camera/animatedcam.h>
#include <camera/supercammanager.h>
#include <events/eventmanager.h>
#include <gameflow/gameflow.h>
#include <memory/classsizetracker.h>
#include <mission/gameplaymanager.h>
#include <mission/objectives/coinobjective.h>
#include <mission/objectives/raceobjective.h>
#include <mission/charactersheet/charactersheetmanager.h>
#include <mission/missionmanager.h>
#include <p3d/imagefactory.hpp>
#include <p3d/sprite.hpp>
#include <presentation/gui/ingame/guiscreenmissionbase.h>
#include <presentation/gui/ingame/guiscreenmissionselect.h>
#include <presentation/gui/utility/transitions.h>
#include <sound/soundmanager.h>
#include <worldsim/redbrick/vehicle.h>
#include <worldsim/coins/coinmanager.h>
#include <worldsim/worldphysicsmanager.h>
#include <worldsim/character/charactermanager.h>
#include <ai/actor/actormanager.h>
#include <group.h>
#include <layer.h>
#include <page.h>
#include <polygon.h>
#include <pure3dobject.h>
#include <screen.h>
#include <sprite.h>
#include <text.h>
// Global Data, Local Data, Local Classes
#define CLIP_PAUSE_TIME 300.0f
#define CLIP_MOVE_TIME 300.0f
//Intialize the special case patty and selma screen pointer
tSprite* CGuiScreenMissionBase::sp_PattyAndSelmaScreenPNG = NULL;
char CGuiScreenMissionBase::s_AnimatedBitmapName[ 256 ] = "";
char CGuiScreenMissionBase::s_AnimatedBitmapShortName[ 32 ] = "";
tSprite* CGuiScreenMissionBase::s_AnimatedBitmapSprite = NULL;
bool CGuiScreenMissionBase::s_BitmapLoadPending = false;
static tColour g_BackgroundColorLeft( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
static tColour g_BackgroundColorRight( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_BackgroundBlue ( 59, 76, 129 );
const tColour g_BackgroundRed ( 100, 6, 6 );
const tColour g_BackgroundGreen( 7, 73, 30 );
const tColour g_ColorNormalLeft ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorNormalRight( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorBonusLeft ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorBonusRight ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorRaceLeft ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorRaceRight ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorWagerLeft ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
const tColour g_ColorWagerRight ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
GuiSFX::Dummy g_IntroStart( "IntroStart" );
GuiSFX::Junction3 g_IntroJunction;
GuiSFX::Show g_ForegroundShow( "ForeGroundShow" );
GuiSFX::Show g_ClipLeftShow( "ClipLeftShow" );
GuiSFX::PauseInFrames g_IntroPause( "Pause" );
GuiSFX::Translator g_ScreenSlideIn( "ScreenSlideIn" );
GuiSFX::Pause g_ClipLeftPause( "ClipLeftPause" );
GuiSFX::Translator g_ClipLeftSlideOut( "ClipLeftSlideOut" );
GuiSFX::Hide g_ClipLeftHide( "ClipLeftHide" );
GuiSFX::Show g_BackgroundShow( "BackgroundShow" );
GuiSFX::ColorChange g_DarkenPolyFade( "DarkenPolyFade" );
GuiSFX::Dummy g_OutroStart( "OutroStart" );
GuiSFX::Junction3 g_OutroJunction;
GuiSFX::Translator g_OutroBottomOut( "OutroBottomOut" );
GuiSFX::Translator g_OutroTopOut( "OutroTopOut" );
GuiSFX::Show g_ClipRightShow( "ClipRightShow" );
GuiSFX::Pause g_ClipRightPause( "ClipRightPause" );
GuiSFX::Translator g_ClipRightSlideIn( "ClipRightSlideIn" );
GuiSFX::Translator g_ScreenSlideOut( "ScreenSlideOut" );
GuiSFX::Hide g_OutroHideEverything( "OutroHideEverything" );
GuiSFX::Dummy g_OutroDone( "OutroDone" );
GuiSFX::IrisWipeOpen g_IrisOpen( "IrisOpen" );
GuiSFX::IrisWipeOpen g_IrisClose( "IrisClose" );
GuiSFX::PulseScale g_TitlePulse( "TitlePulse" );
#ifdef RAD_WIN32
// Public Member Functions
// CGuiScreenMissionSuccess::CGuiScreenMissionSuccess
// Description: Constructor.
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
CGuiScreenMissionBase::CGuiScreenMissionBase( Scrooby::Screen* pScreen, CGuiEntity* pParent, eGuiWindowID id ):
CGuiScreen( pScreen, pParent, id ),
m_missionTitle( NULL ),
m_loadCompleted( NULL ),
m_PlayAnimatedCamera( false ),
m_gamblingInfo( NULL ),
m_gamblingEntryFee( NULL ),
m_gamblingTimeToBeat( NULL ),
m_gamblingBestTime( NULL ),
m_gamblingVehicleOdds( NULL ),
m_gamblingPayout( NULL ),
m_ReadyToExitScreen( false )
unsigned char* leftChar = reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( &g_BackgroundColorLeft );
radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( leftChar + 2, "Red", "gui\\missionloading\\left" );
radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( leftChar + 1, "Green", "gui\\missionloading\\left" );
radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( leftChar + 0, "Blue", "gui\\missionloading\\left" );
//radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( leftChar + 3, "Alpha", "gui\\missionloading\\left" );
unsigned char* rightChar = reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( &g_BackgroundColorRight );
radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( rightChar + 2, "Red", "gui\\missionloading\\right" );
radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( rightChar + 1, "Green", "gui\\missionloading\\right" );
radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( rightChar + 0, "Blue", "gui\\missionloading\\right" );
//radDbgWatchAddUnsignedChar( rightChar + 3, "Alpha", "gui\\missionloading\\right" );
// Add All the transitions to the screen
AddTransition( g_DarkenPolyFade );
AddTransition( g_TitlePulse );
AddTransition( g_ScreenSlideIn );
AddTransition( g_ScreenSlideOut );
AddTransition( g_ClipLeftSlideOut );
AddTransition( g_ClipRightSlideIn );
AddTransition( g_OutroBottomOut );
AddTransition( g_OutroTopOut );
AddTransition( g_IntroPause );
AddTransition( g_ClipLeftPause );
AddTransition( g_ClipRightPause );
// Retrieve the Scrooby drawing elements.
// Iris wipe stuff
Scrooby::Page* irisPage;
irisPage = m_pScroobyScreen->GetPage( "3dIris" );
rAssert( irisPage != NULL );
m_Iris = irisPage->GetPure3dObject( "p3d_iris" );
rAssert( m_Iris != NULL );
m_MultiController = p3d::find< tMultiController >( "IrisController" );
rAssert( m_MultiController );
m_irisWipeNumFrames = m_MultiController->GetNumFrames();
// Functional page stuff
Scrooby::Layer* overlay;
// Get the elements out of scrooby
m_Page = m_pScroobyScreen->GetPage( "MissionLoad" ); rAssert( m_Page != NULL );
m_LetterboxPage = m_pScroobyScreen->GetPage( "LetterBox" ); rAssert( m_LetterboxPage != NULL );
m_FgLayer = m_Page-> GetGroup( "foreground" ); rAssert( m_FgLayer != NULL );
m_loadCompleted = m_Page->GetGroup( "LoadCompleted" ); rAssert( m_loadCompleted != NULL );
m_Line0 = m_FgLayer->GetText( "MissionInfo" ); rAssert( m_Line0 != NULL );
m_missionTitle = m_FgLayer->GetText( "MissionTitle" ); rAssert( m_missionTitle != NULL );
m_BgLayer = m_Page->GetLayer( "Background" ); rAssert( m_BgLayer != NULL );
m_missionStartBitmap = m_Page->GetSprite( "MissionStartBitmap" ); rAssert( m_missionStartBitmap != NULL);
overlay = m_Page->GetLayer( "Overlay" ); rAssert( overlay != NULL );
m_darkenPolys = overlay->GetGroup( "dark_polys" ); rAssert( m_darkenPolys != NULL );
m_darkenTop = m_LetterboxPage->GetGroup( "TopBar" ); rAssert( m_darkenTop != NULL );
m_darkenBottom = m_LetterboxPage->GetGroup( "BottomBar" ); rAssert( m_darkenBottom != NULL );
m_backgroundPoly = m_Page->GetPolygon( "background" ); rAssert( m_backgroundPoly!= NULL );
m_textOverlays = m_Page->GetGroup( "Text" ); rAssert( m_textOverlays != NULL );
m_Flag = m_Page->GetSprite( "flag" ); rAssert( m_Flag != NULL );
m_ClipLeftGroup = m_Page->GetGroup( "ClipLeftGroup"); rAssert( m_ClipLeftGroup != NULL );
m_ClipRightGroup= m_Page->GetGroup( "ClipRightGroup"); rAssert( m_ClipRightGroup!= NULL );
m_ClipLeft = m_Page->GetSprite( "clipLeft" ); rAssert( m_ClipLeft != NULL );
m_ClipRight = m_Page->GetSprite( "clipRight1"); rAssert( m_ClipRight != NULL );
m_ClipLeftArm = m_Page->GetSprite( "clipArmLeft1" ); rAssert( m_ClipLeftArm != NULL );
m_ClipRightArm = m_Page->GetSprite( "clipArmRight1" ); rAssert( m_ClipRightArm != NULL );
m_Foreground = m_Page->GetLayer( "Background" ); rAssert( m_Foreground != NULL );
m_LetterboxLayer=m_LetterboxPage->GetLayer( "Background" ); rAssert( m_LetterboxLayer!= NULL );
if( IsWideScreenDisplay() )
ApplyWideScreenCorrectionScale( m_Page );
m_buttonIcons[ BUTTON_ICON_ACCEPT ] = m_loadCompleted->GetGroup( "Continue" );
m_buttonIcons[ BUTTON_ICON_BACK ] = m_loadCompleted->GetGroup( "Abort" );
// add some scrooby elements to the watcher
const char* screenName = GetWatcherName();
m_missionStartBitmap-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_missionTitle-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_Line0-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_LetterboxPage-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_LetterboxLayer-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_darkenTop-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_darkenBottom-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_Flag-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_ClipLeft-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_ClipRight-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_ClipLeftArm-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_ClipRightArm-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_ClipLeftGroup-> WatchAll( screenName );
m_ClipRightGroup-> WatchAll( screenName );
this->SetFadingEnabled( false );
m_ClipRight->Scale( -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
// Get gambling info group and text
m_gamblingInfo = m_Page->GetGroup( "GamblingInfo" );
rAssert( m_gamblingInfo != NULL );
m_gamblingEntryFee = m_gamblingInfo->GetText( "EntryFee_Value" );
m_gamblingTimeToBeat = m_gamblingInfo->GetText( "TimeToBeat_Value" );
m_gamblingBestTime = m_gamblingInfo->GetText( "BestTime_Value" );
m_gamblingVehicleOdds = m_gamblingInfo->GetText( "VehicleOdds_Value" );
m_gamblingPayout = m_gamblingInfo->GetText( "Payout_Value" );
g_BackgroundColorLeft = m_backgroundPoly->GetVertexColour( 0 );
g_BackgroundColorRight = m_backgroundPoly->GetVertexColour( 2 );
// Set Up Transitions
// Continuous
g_TitlePulse.SetDrawable( m_textOverlays );
g_TitlePulse.SetAmplitude( 0.05f );
g_TitlePulse.SetFrequency( 2.0f );
WATCH( g_TitlePulse, GetWatcherName() );
// Intro
WATCH( g_IntroStart, GetWatcherName() );
g_ForegroundShow.SetDrawable( m_Foreground );
g_ClipLeftShow.SetDrawable( m_ClipLeftGroup );
g_IntroPause.SetNumberOfFrames( 1 );
g_ScreenSlideIn.SetDrawable( m_Foreground );
g_ScreenSlideIn.SetStartOffscreenLeft( m_Foreground );
g_ScreenSlideIn.SetTimeInterval( 400.0f );
WATCH( g_ScreenSlideIn, GetWatcherName() );
g_ClipLeftPause.SetTimeInterval( CLIP_PAUSE_TIME );
WATCH( g_ClipLeftPause, GetWatcherName() );
g_ClipLeftSlideOut.SetDrawable( m_ClipLeftGroup );
g_ClipLeftSlideOut.SetEndOffscreenLeft( m_ClipLeftGroup );
g_ClipLeftSlideOut.SetTimeInterval( CLIP_MOVE_TIME );
WATCH( g_ClipLeftSlideOut, GetWatcherName() );
g_ClipLeftHide.SetDrawable( m_ClipLeftGroup );
// Outro
WATCH( g_OutroStart, GetWatcherName() );
g_ClipRightShow.SetDrawable( m_ClipRightGroup );
g_OutroTopOut.SetDrawable( m_darkenTop );
g_OutroTopOut.SetEndOffscreenTop( m_darkenTop );
g_OutroTopOut.SetTimeInterval( 1000.0f );
WATCH( g_OutroTopOut, GetWatcherName() );
g_OutroBottomOut.SetDrawable( m_darkenBottom );
g_OutroBottomOut.SetEndOffscreenBottom( m_darkenBottom );
g_OutroBottomOut.SetTimeInterval( 1000.0f );
WATCH( g_OutroBottomOut, GetWatcherName() );
g_ClipRightSlideIn.SetDrawable( m_ClipRightGroup );
g_ClipRightSlideIn.SetStartOffscreenRight( m_ClipRightGroup );
g_ClipRightSlideIn.SetTimeInterval( CLIP_MOVE_TIME );
WATCH( g_ClipRightSlideIn, GetWatcherName() );
g_ClipRightPause.SetTimeInterval( CLIP_PAUSE_TIME );
WATCH( g_ClipRightPause, GetWatcherName() );
g_ScreenSlideOut.SetDrawable( m_Foreground );
g_ScreenSlideOut.SetEndOffscreenRight( m_Foreground );
g_ScreenSlideOut.SetTimeInterval( 400.0f );
WATCH( g_ScreenSlideOut, GetWatcherName() );
g_BackgroundShow.SetDrawable( m_BgLayer );
g_DarkenPolyFade.SetDrawable( m_darkenPolys );
g_DarkenPolyFade.SetStartColour( tColour( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
g_DarkenPolyFade.SetEndColour( tColour( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) );
g_DarkenPolyFade.SetTimeInterval( 100.0f );
g_OutroHideEverything.SetDrawable( m_Foreground );
m_missionStartBitmap->SetRawSprite( NULL );
#ifdef RAD_WIN32
m_missionStartBitmap->ScaleAboutCenter( MISSION_BITMAP_CORRECTION_SCALE );
m_missionStartBitmap->Translate( -71, -32 ); // These are trial & error numbers that hopefully work.
// text wrap mission info title and description
m_missionTitle->SetTextMode( Scrooby::TEXT_WRAP );
m_Line0->SetTextMode( Scrooby::TEXT_WRAP );
// Set up transitions for lines of text
// Transition sequencing
g_IntroStart. SetNextTransition( g_IntroJunction );
g_IntroJunction. SetNextTransition( 0, g_IntroPause );
g_IntroJunction. SetNextTransition( 1, g_ClipLeftShow );
g_IntroJunction. SetNextTransition( 2, g_ScreenSlideIn );
g_ForegroundShow. SetNextTransition( NULL );
g_ClipLeftShow. SetNextTransition( NULL );
g_IntroPause. SetNextTransition( g_ForegroundShow );
g_ScreenSlideIn. SetNextTransition( g_ClipLeftPause );
g_ClipLeftPause. SetNextTransition( g_ClipLeftSlideOut );
g_ClipLeftSlideOut. SetNextTransition( g_ClipLeftHide );
g_ClipLeftHide. SetNextTransition( g_BackgroundShow );
g_BackgroundShow. SetNextTransition( g_DarkenPolyFade );
g_DarkenPolyFade. SetNextTransition( NULL );
g_OutroStart. SetNextTransition( g_OutroJunction );
g_OutroJunction. SetNextTransition( 0, g_ClipRightShow );
g_OutroJunction. SetNextTransition( 1, g_OutroBottomOut );
g_OutroJunction. SetNextTransition( 2, g_OutroTopOut );
g_OutroBottomOut. SetNextTransition( NULL );
g_OutroTopOut. SetNextTransition( NULL );
g_ClipRightShow. SetNextTransition( g_ClipRightSlideIn );
g_ClipRightSlideIn. SetNextTransition( g_ClipRightPause );
g_ClipRightPause. SetNextTransition( g_ScreenSlideOut );
g_ScreenSlideOut. SetNextTransition( g_OutroHideEverything );
g_OutroHideEverything. SetNextTransition( g_OutroDone );
g_OutroDone. SetNextTransition( NULL );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::~CGuiScreenMissionBase
// Description: destructor
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
if( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite)
//Chuck release the special patty and selma screen if we are still holding on to it.
sp_PattyAndSelmaScreenPNG = NULL;
s_BitmapLoadPending = false;
p3d::inventory->RemoveSectionElements( tEntity::MakeUID( "DynamicHud" ) );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::ClearBitmap
// Description: clears the currently loaded animated bitmap
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the abort bitmap group
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::ClearBitmap()
s_AnimatedBitmapSprite = NULL;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetAbortBitmap
// Description: Allows access to the stored group pointer
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the abort bitmap group
Scrooby::Group* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetAbortBitmap()
return m_buttonIcons[ BUTTON_ICON_BACK ];
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetBitmapName
// Description: Allows access to the name of the mission briefing pic
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: buffer - filled in with the name
// Return: pointer to the flag
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetBitmapName( char* buffer )
if( buffer != NULL )
::strcpy( buffer, s_AnimatedBitmapName );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetFlag
// Description: Allows access to the flag bitmap
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the flag
Scrooby::Drawable* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetFlag()
return m_Flag;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetLoadCompletedGroup
// Description: Allows access to the stored group pointer
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the pace
Scrooby::Group* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetLoadCompletedGroup()
return m_loadCompleted;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetMissionInfoText
// Description: Allows access to the stored text pointer
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the text
Scrooby::Text* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetMissionInfoText()
return m_Line0;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetMissionStartBitmap
// Description: Allows access to the stored mission start bitmap
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the drawable
Scrooby::BoundedDrawable* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetMissionStartBitmap()
return m_missionStartBitmap;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetPage
// Description: Allows access to the stored page pointer
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the pace
Scrooby::Page* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetPage()
return m_Page;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetPage
// Description: Allows access to the stored page pointer
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the pace
Scrooby::Text* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetTitleText()
return m_missionTitle;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetWatcherName
// Description: Allows access to the stored page pointer
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: pointer to the pace
const char* CGuiScreenMissionBase::GetWatcherName() const
return "GuiScreenMissionBase";
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::HandleMessage
// Description:
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::HandleMessage
eGuiMessage message,
unsigned int param1,
unsigned int param2
if( message == GUI_MSG_UPDATE )
float deltaT = static_cast< float >( param1 );
UpdateTransitions( deltaT );
m_FgLayer->SetColour( tColour( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_missionStartBitmap->SetColour( tColour( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_backgroundPoly->SetVertexColour( 0, g_BackgroundColorLeft );
m_backgroundPoly->SetVertexColour( 1, g_BackgroundColorLeft );
m_backgroundPoly->SetVertexColour( 2, g_BackgroundColorRight );
m_backgroundPoly->SetVertexColour( 3, g_BackgroundColorRight );
if( message == GUI_MSG_WINDOW_EXIT )
if( m_state == GUI_WINDOW_STATE_INTRO )
if( message == GUI_MSG_UPDATE )
// --m_numTransitionsPending; //get us out of the intro state
float deltaT = static_cast< float >( param1 );
UpdateAnimatedBitmap( deltaT );
if( m_state == GUI_WINDOW_STATE_OUTRO )
if( message == GUI_MSG_UPDATE )
if( g_OutroDone.IsDone() )
switch( message )
UpdateAnimatedBitmap( static_cast< float >( param1 ) );
// Propogate the message up the hierarchy.
CGuiScreen::HandleMessage( message, param1, param2 );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::InitIntro
// Description:
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::InitIntro()
m_ReadyToExitScreen = false;
if( ( !s_BitmapLoadPending ) && ( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite == NULL) )
// Need to reset all the transitions
this->SetButtonVisible( BUTTON_ICON_BACK, true );
m_LetterboxPage->SetVisible( true );
m_Page-> SetVisible( true );
m_Line0-> SetVisible( false );
m_BgLayer-> SetVisible( true );
m_FgLayer-> SetVisible( true );
m_Iris-> SetVisible( false );
m_missionTitle-> SetVisible( false );
m_Flag-> SetVisible( false );
m_ClipLeftGroup->SetVisible( true );
m_ClipRightGroup->SetVisible( false );
m_Foreground-> SetVisible( false );
m_darkenPolys-> SetColour( tColour( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_darkenBottom-> ResetTransformation();
m_darkenTop-> ResetTransformation();
m_ClipLeft-> ResetTransformation();
m_MultiController->SetRelativeSpeed( 1.0f );
m_MultiController->SetFrameRange( 0.0f, m_irisWipeNumFrames );
m_MultiController->SetFrame( 0.0f );
unsigned int size = m_textOverlays->Size();
unsigned int i;
for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
Scrooby::Drawable* drawable = m_textOverlays->GetChildDrawable( i );
drawable->SetVisible( false );
const int currentLevelIndex = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentLevelIndex();
int currentMissionIndex = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMissionIndex();
int currentMissionNum = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMissionNum();
if( currentMissionNum >= GameplayManager::MAX_MISSIONS )
// current mission must be either a street race or a bonus mission
currentMissionIndex = currentMissionNum - GameplayManager::MAX_MISSIONS +
// special case for level 1 due to tutorial mission
if( currentLevelIndex == RenderEnums::L1 )
#ifdef RAD_E3
// TC: *** quick and dirty E3 hack!
if( currentLevelIndex == RenderEnums::L2 )
currentMissionIndex = RenderEnums::M5;
int textIndex = currentLevelIndex * MAX_NUM_MISSIONS_PER_LEVEL + currentMissionIndex;
int missionNumber = textIndex % MAX_NUM_MISSIONS_PER_LEVEL ;
// special case for level 1 due to tutorial mission
if( currentLevelIndex == 0 )
if( textIndex < 0 ) // meaning it must be the tutorial mission
const int NUM_LEVELS = 7;
m_missionTitle->SetIndex( textIndex );
m_Line0->SetIndex( textIndex );
// Set the Background Color of the screen
bool bonusMission = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission()->IsBonusMission();
bool raceMission = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission()->IsRaceMission();
bool wagerMission = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission()->IsWagerMission();
if( wagerMission )
m_backgroundPoly->SetColour( g_BackgroundGreen );
g_BackgroundColorLeft = g_ColorWagerLeft;
g_BackgroundColorRight = g_ColorWagerRight;
else if( bonusMission )
m_backgroundPoly->SetColour( g_BackgroundRed );
g_BackgroundColorLeft = g_ColorBonusLeft;
g_BackgroundColorRight = g_ColorBonusRight;
else if( raceMission )
m_backgroundPoly->SetColour( g_BackgroundBlue );
g_BackgroundColorLeft = g_ColorRaceLeft;
g_BackgroundColorRight = g_ColorRaceRight;
m_backgroundPoly->SetColour( g_BackgroundBlue );
g_BackgroundColorLeft = g_ColorNormalLeft;
g_BackgroundColorRight = g_ColorNormalRight;
if( wagerMission || bonusMission || raceMission )
s_AnimatedBitmapSprite = NULL;
//SetBitmapName( NULL );
rAssert( m_gamblingInfo != NULL );
m_gamblingInfo->SetVisible( false ); // hide by default
this->SetButtonVisible( BUTTON_ICON_ACCEPT, true ); // show by default
// Inform the sound manager that it's time to turn the sound down a bit
// CGuiScreenMissionLoad::InitIntroWagerMission
// Description: sets up stuff for the wager mission screen
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::InitIntroWagerMission()
int textIndex = m_Line0->GetNumOfStrings() - 2;
int entryFee = 0; // in coins
Mission* currentMission = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission();
rAssert( currentMission != NULL );
MissionStage* ms = currentMission->GetStage( 0 );
rAssert( ms != NULL );
CoinObjective* coinObjective = dynamic_cast<CoinObjective*>( ms->GetObjective() );
rAssertMsg( coinObjective != NULL, "No coin objective in first stage!" );
entryFee = coinObjective->GetCoinAmount();
if( entryFee > GetCoinManager()->GetBankValue() )
// Disable accept button
this->SetButtonVisible( BUTTON_ICON_ACCEPT, false );
// Change the info text to the "You need (x) coins to continue" message
m_Line0->SetIndex( textIndex );
UnicodeString us = m_Line0->GetString( textIndex );
char number[ 256 ] = "";
sprintf( number, "%d", entryFee );
us.Replace( "%D", number );
m_Line0->SetString( textIndex + 1, us );
m_Line0->SetIndex ( textIndex + 1 );
// CGuiScreenMissionLoad::InitOutro
// Description:
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::InitOutro()
//This is a hack to get the stage setup before we start showing the world after
//the mission briefing screen. This simulates a one frame step that sets up and
//"starts" the mission before we leave the pause context. NOTE: There may be
//seom other managers that need to be run here.
GetMissionManager()->Update( 16 );
GetSuperCamManager()->GetSCC( 0 )->NoTransition();
GetSuperCamManager()->Update( 16, true );
GetCharacterManager()->PreSimUpdate( 0.0001f );
GetCharacterManager()->PreSubstepUpdate( 0.0001f );
GetCharacterManager()->Update( 0.0001f );
GetCharacterManager()->PostSubstepUpdate( 0.0001f );
GetCharacterManager()->PostSimUpdate( 0.0001f );
// Turn the sound back up
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::InitRunning
// Description:
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::InitRunning()
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::IsCurrentBitmap
// Description: deetermines if the current bitmap loaded corresponds to this
// name
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: name - the string name to check.
// Return: N/A.
bool CGuiScreenMissionBase::IsCurrentBitmap( const char* name )
bool returnMe = ( strcmp( name, s_AnimatedBitmapName ) == 0 );
return returnMe;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::OutroDone
// Description: called when the outro is done and we're ready to leave this
// screen
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::OutroDone()
// If this is a race, we need to play a camera
if( m_PlayAnimatedCamera )
// If it's a race mission, don't allow skipping of the animated cam
bool raceMission = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission()->IsRaceMission();
if( raceMission )
AnimatedCam::AllowSkipping( false );
// we need to go to the gameplay context. This is so not cool it almost makes me sick - IAN
GetGameFlow()->SetContext( CONTEXT_GAMEPLAY );
m_PlayAnimatedCamera = false;
AnimatedCam::SetCamera( "" );
AnimatedCam::SetMulticontroller( "" );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::RemoveAnimatedBitmap
// Description: gets rid of the animated bitmap
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::RemoveAnimatedBitmap()
if( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite != NULL )
s_AnimatedBitmapSprite = NULL;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::ReplaceBitmap
// Description: replaces the bitmap with a sprite from a file
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::ReplaceBitmap()
p3d::inventory->RemoveSectionElements( tEntity::MakeUID( "DynamicHud" ) );
rWarning( s_BitmapLoadPending != true );
s_BitmapLoadPending = true;
rAssert( strlen( s_AnimatedBitmapName ) != 0 );
if( strlen( s_AnimatedBitmapName ) != 0 )
tRefCounted::Release( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite );
tFileHandler* fileHandler = p3d::loadManager->GetHandler( "png" );
rAssert( fileHandler != NULL );
tImageHandler* pngHandler = dynamic_cast< tImageHandler* >( fileHandler );
rAssert( pngHandler != NULL );
pngHandler->SetLoadType( tImageHandler::SPRITE );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::SetBitmapName
// Description: sets up the name of the animated bitmap that will be loaded
// for this mission
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: name - string representing the name of this bitmap on disk
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::SetBitmapName( const char* name )
// If we're erasing the bitmap
if( name == NULL )
strcpy( s_AnimatedBitmapName, "" );
strcpy( s_AnimatedBitmapShortName, "" );
// If we're not really changing anything, early out
if( strcmp( name, s_AnimatedBitmapName ) == 0 )
//save the whole filename
//chuck: we need to somehow release the sprite or
//not set the s_AnimatedBitmapSprite = NULL because it
//will leak the the patty and selma screen.
//check if our static pointer is to the patty and selma screen
if (s_AnimatedBitmapSprite != NULL)
// s_AnimatedBitmapSprite->Release();
if (
s_AnimatedBitmapSprite->GetUID() == tName::MakeUID("misXX_PS.png")
s_AnimatedBitmapSprite->GetUID() == tName::MakeUID("misXX_HW.png")
//if it is then we make a switch
rAssert(sp_PattyAndSelmaScreenPNG == NULL);
sp_PattyAndSelmaScreenPNG = s_AnimatedBitmapSprite;
s_AnimatedBitmapSprite = NULL;
size_t length = strlen( name );
rAssert( length < sizeof( s_AnimatedBitmapName ) );
// If there's no text just return
if( length == 0 )
// if we're not actually changing anything, return
if( strcmp( s_AnimatedBitmapName, name ) == 0 )
strcpy( s_AnimatedBitmapName, name );
//figure out and save the name of the sprite from the filename
if( length >= 12 )
const char* spriteName = name + length - 12;
strcpy( s_AnimatedBitmapShortName, spriteName );
//s_AnimatedBitmapShortName[ 09 ] = 'p';
s_AnimatedBitmapShortName[ 10 ] = 'n';
s_AnimatedBitmapShortName[ 11 ] = 'g';
strcpy( s_AnimatedBitmapShortName, "" );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::SetPlayAnimatedCamera
// Description: sets a flag to tell us whether or not to play the animated
// camera after we exit this screen
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::SetPlayAnimatedCamera( bool play )
m_PlayAnimatedCamera = play;
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::StartIrisWipeClose
// Description: starts the transition to close the iris
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::StartIrisWipeClose()
// ++m_numTransitionsPending;
float frames = m_MultiController->GetNumFrames();
m_MultiController->SetFrameRange( 0.0f, frames * 0.5f );
m_MultiController->SetFrame( 0.0f );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::StartIrisWipeOpen
// Description: starts the transition to open the iris
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::StartIrisWipeOpen()
// ++m_numTransitionsPending;
float frames = m_MultiController->GetNumFrames();
m_MultiController->SetFrameRange( frames * 0.5f, frames );
m_MultiController->SetFrame( frames * 0.5f );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::UnloadBitmap
// Description: unloads the bitmap, and reclaims all lost memory
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: None
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::UnloadBitmap()
//::radThreadSleep (500); // Hmmmm, this shouldn't be required
tRefCounted::Release( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite );
m_missionStartBitmap->SetRawSprite( NULL );
m_missionStartBitmap->SetVisible( false );
// CGuiScreenMissionBase::UpdateAnimatedBitmap
// Description: Updates animation of the bitmap
// Constraints: None.
// Parameters: deltaT - how much time has elapsed
// Return: N/A.
void CGuiScreenMissionBase::UpdateAnimatedBitmap( const float deltaT )
if( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite == NULL )
p3d::inventory->SelectSection( "DynamicHud" );
p3d::inventory->SetCurrentSectionOnly( false );
tEntityTable* currentSection = p3d::inventory->GetSection( "DynamicHud" );
HeapMgr()->PushHeap( GMA_TEMP );
tInventory::Iterator< tEntity > it( p3d::inventory );
HeapMgr()->PopHeap( GMA_TEMP );
tEntity* entity = it.First();
while( entity != NULL )
if( entity->GetNameObject() == s_AnimatedBitmapShortName )
tSprite* sprite = dynamic_cast< tSprite* >( entity );
tRefCounted::Assign( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite, sprite );
entity = it.Next();
if( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite == NULL )
tRefCounted::Assign( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite, p3d::find< tSprite >( s_AnimatedBitmapShortName ) );
if( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite == NULL )
//loading is not yet complete
m_missionStartBitmap->SetVisible( false );
p3d::inventory->RemoveSectionElements( tEntity::MakeUID( "DynamicHud" ) );
#ifdef RAD_DEBUG
tSprite* stillThere = p3d::find< tSprite >( s_AnimatedBitmapShortName );
rWarningMsg( stillThere == NULL, "We're leaking memory if we can't remove this" );
m_missionStartBitmap->SetVisible( true );
s_BitmapLoadPending = false;
m_missionStartBitmap->SetRawSprite( s_AnimatedBitmapSprite );
//Chuck I hope this a safe place to release the patty and selma screen
if (sp_PattyAndSelmaScreenPNG != NULL)
sp_PattyAndSelmaScreenPNG= NULL;
rAssert( m_gamblingInfo != NULL );
m_gamblingInfo->SetVisible( true );
HeapMgr()->PushHeap( GMA_LEVEL_HUD );
char buffer[ 32 ];
Mission* currentMission = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission();
rAssert( currentMission != NULL );
// set entry fee
int entryFee = 0; // in coins
CoinObjective* coinObjective = dynamic_cast<CoinObjective*>( currentMission->GetStage( 0 )->GetObjective() );
if( coinObjective != NULL )
entryFee = coinObjective->GetCoinAmount();
rAssertMsg( false, "No coin objective in first stage!" );
sprintf( buffer, "%d", entryFee );
rAssert( m_gamblingEntryFee != NULL );
m_gamblingEntryFee->SetString( 0, buffer );
// if not enough coins to gamble, disable 'accept button'\
// set time to beat
int timeToBeat = 0; // in seconds
RaceObjective* raceObjective = dynamic_cast<RaceObjective*>( currentMission->GetStage( 1 )->GetObjective() );
if( raceObjective != NULL )
timeToBeat = raceObjective->GetParTime();
rAssertMsg( false, "No race objective in second stage!" );
sprintf( buffer, "%d:%02d", timeToBeat / 60, timeToBeat % 60 );
rAssert( m_gamblingTimeToBeat != NULL );
m_gamblingTimeToBeat->SetString( 0, buffer );
// set best time
RenderEnums::LevelEnum currentLevel = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentLevelIndex();
int bestTime = GetCharacterSheetManager()->GetGambleRaceBestTime( currentLevel );
if( bestTime < 0 )
// if no best time set yet, just set it to the time to beat
bestTime = timeToBeat;
sprintf( buffer, "%d:%02d", bestTime / 60, bestTime % 60 );
rAssert( m_gamblingBestTime != NULL );
m_gamblingBestTime->SetString( 0, buffer );
// set vehicle odds
float oddsRatio = 1.0f;
Vehicle* currentVehicle = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentVehicle();
if( currentVehicle != NULL )
oddsRatio = currentVehicle->GetGamblingOdds();
rAssertMsg( false, "What? How do you expect to race w/out a vehicle??" );
rAssert( m_gamblingVehicleOdds != NULL );
if( oddsRatio >= VEHICLE_ODDS_HARD_THRESHOLD ) // hard
m_gamblingVehicleOdds->SetIndex( VEHICLE_ODDS_HARD );
else if( oddsRatio >= VEHICLE_ODDS_MEDIUM_THRESHOLD ) // medium
m_gamblingVehicleOdds->SetIndex( VEHICLE_ODDS_MEDIUM );
else // easy
m_gamblingVehicleOdds->SetIndex( VEHICLE_ODDS_EASY );
sprintf( buffer, "%.1f : 1", oddsRatio );
rAssert( m_gamblingVehicleOdds != NULL );
m_gamblingVehicleOdds->SetString( 0, buffer );
// set payout amount
int payoutAmount = entryFee + (int)( entryFee * oddsRatio );
sprintf( buffer, "%d", payoutAmount );
rAssert( m_gamblingPayout != NULL );
m_gamblingPayout->SetString( 0, buffer );
HeapMgr()->PopHeap( GMA_LEVEL_HUD );