#ifndef ACTION_LIST_H_
#define ACTION_LIST_H_
#include <ai/actionbuttonhandler.h>
#include <ai/playanimonce.h>
#include <ai/actionnames.h>
#include <ai/automaticdoor.h>
#include <radkey.hpp>
class EventLocator;
namespace ActionButton
// Create a function ptr type for easy handling of new actions.
typedef ButtonHandler* (*newActionPtr)( ActionEventLocator* pActionEventLocator);
// Keep the names around in debug mode.
#ifdef RAD_DEBUG
#define MAKE_ACTION_KEY( s ) s
typedef const char* ACTION_KEY;
bool CompareActionType( const char* typeName, const char* actionName )
return ( ::radMakeCaseInsensitiveKey( typeName ) == ::radMakeCaseInsensitiveKey( actionName ) );
#define MAKE_ACTION_KEY( s ) radMakeCaseInsensitiveKey( s )
typedef radInt64 ACTION_KEY;
bool CompareActionType( const char* typeName, tUID actionUID )
return ( ::radMakeCaseInsensitiveKey( typeName ) == actionUID );
// A key, function ptr pair.
struct ActionIndex
ACTION_KEY mActionKey;
newActionPtr actionPtr;
// Add entries to this table when you want to create new actions.
static int nameIndex = 0;
ActionIndex theListOfActions[ ] =
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), ToggleAnim::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), ReverseAnim::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), PlayAnim::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), PlayAnimLoop::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), AutoPlayAnim::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), AutoPlayAnimLoop::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), AutoPlayAnimInOut::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), DestroyObject::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), DestroyObject::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), UseVendingMachine::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), PrankPhone::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), SummonVehiclePhone::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), Doorbell::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), OpenDoor::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), TalkFood::NewAction },
// NB switch to TalkCollectible::NewAction
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), CollectibleCard::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), TalkDialog::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), TalkMission::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), CollectibleFood::NewFoodSmallAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), CollectibleFood::NewFoodLargeAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), CollectibleCard::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), DestroyObject::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), PlayAnimOnce::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), AutomaticDoor::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), WrenchIcon::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), TeleportAction::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), PurchaseCar::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), PurchaseSkin::NewAction },
{ MAKE_ACTION_KEY( ActionName[ nameIndex++ ] ), NitroIcon::NewAction }
const int ActionListSize = ( sizeof(ActionButton::theListOfActions) / sizeof(ActionButton::theListOfActions[0]) );