path: root/private/utils/rdisk/diamond.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/utils/rdisk/diamond.c')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/utils/rdisk/diamond.c b/private/utils/rdisk/diamond.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e77dae2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/utils/rdisk/diamond.c
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+Module Name:
+ diamond.c
+ Diamond compression interface.
+ This module contains functions to compress a file using
+ the mszip compression library.
+ Ted Miller
+ Windows
+#include "precomp.h"
+#pragma hdrstop
+typedef struct _COMPRESS_CONTEXT {
+ DWORD GaugeBasePosition;
+ DWORD GaugeRangeForFile;
+ HWND GaugeWindow;
+ DWORD FileSize;
+ DWORD BytesCompressedSoFar;
+DWORD DiamondLastError;
+// Callback functions to perform memory allocation, io, etc.
+// We pass addresses of these functions to diamond.
+ OUT PCCAB Cabinet,
+ IN PSTR FileName,
+ IN LONG FileSize,
+ IN BOOL Continuation,
+ IN PVOID Context
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to indicate that a file has been
+ comitted to a cabinet.
+ No action is taken and success is returned.
+ Cabinet - cabinet structure to fill in.
+ FileName - name of file in cabinet
+ FileSize - size of file in cabinet
+ Continuation - TRUE if this is a partial file, continuation
+ of compression begun in a different cabinet.
+ Context - supplies context information.
+Return Value:
+ 0 (success).
+ return(0);
+ IN ULONG NumberOfBytes
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to allocate memory.
+ NumberOfBytes - supplies desired size of block.
+Return Value:
+ Returns pointer to a block of memory or NULL
+ if memory cannot be allocated.
+ return((PVOID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,NumberOfBytes));
+ IN PVOID Block
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to free a memory block.
+ The block must have been allocated with fciAlloc().
+ Block - supplies pointer to block of memory to be freed.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ LocalFree((HLOCAL)Block);
+ OUT PSTR TempFileName,
+ IN int TempFileNameBufferSize
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to request a tempfile name.
+ TempFileName - receives temp file name.
+ TempFileNameBufferSize - supplies size of memory block
+ pointed to by TempFileName.
+Return Value:
+ TRUE (success).
+ if(GetTempFileNameA(".","dc",0,TempFileName)) {
+ //
+ // GetTempFileNameA will create the file, causing
+ // FCI to fail when it tries to open it using _O_EXCL.
+ //
+ DeleteFileA(TempFileName);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ OUT PCCAB Cabinet,
+ IN DWORD CabinetSizeEstimate,
+ IN PVOID Context
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to request a new cabinet file.
+ This functionality is not used in our implementation as
+ we deal only with single-file cabinets.
+ Cabinet - cabinet structure to be filled in.
+ CabinetSizeEstimate - estimated size of cabinet.
+ Context - supplies context information.
+Return Value:
+ FALSE (failure).
+ return(FALSE);
+ IN UINT StatusType,
+ IN DWORD Count1,
+ IN DWORD Count2,
+ IN PVOID Context
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to give status on file compression
+ and cabinet operations, etc.
+ This routine has no effect.
+ Status Type - supplies status type.
+ 0 = statusFile - compressing block into a folder.
+ Count1 = compressed size
+ Count2 = uncompressed size
+ 1 = statusFolder - performing AddFilder.
+ Count1 = bytes done
+ Count2 = total bytes
+ Context - supplies context info.
+Return Value:
+ TRUE (success).
+ DWORD delta;
+ context = (PCOMPRESS_CONTEXT)Context;
+ if(StatusType == statusFile) {
+ //
+ // Update number of bytes compressed so far.
+ //
+ context->BytesCompressedSoFar += Count2;
+ //
+ // Calculate the gauge offset from the base position
+ // for this file. We do this carefully to avoid overflow.
+ //
+ delta = (DWORD)( (LONGLONG)context->GaugeRangeForFile
+ * (LONGLONG)context->BytesCompressedSoFar
+ / (LONGLONG)context->FileSize);
+ //
+ // Update the gas gauge.
+ //
+ SendDlgItemMessage( context->GaugeWindow,
+ context->GaugeBasePosition + delta,
+ 0L
+ );
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ IN PSTR FileName,
+ OUT WORD *DosDate,
+ OUT WORD *DosTime,
+ OUT WORD *FileAttributes,
+ IN PVOID Context
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Callback used by diamond to open a file and retreive information
+ about it.
+ FileName - supplies filename of file about which information
+ is desired.
+ DosDate - receives last write date of the file if the file exists.
+ DosTime - receives last write time of the file if the file exists.
+ FileAttributes - receives file attributes if the file exists.
+ Context - supplies context information.
+Return Value:
+ C runtime handle to open file if success; -1 if file could
+ not be located or opened.
+ int h;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindData;
+ HANDLE FindHandle;
+ context = Context;
+ FindHandle = FindFirstFileA(FileName,&FindData);
+ if(FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ DiamondLastError = GetLastError();
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ FindClose(FindHandle);
+ context->FileSize = FindData.nFileSizeLow;
+ FileTimeToDosDateTime(&FindData.ftLastWriteTime,DosDate,DosTime);
+ *FileAttributes = (WORD)FindData.dwFileAttributes;
+ h = _open(FileName,_O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY);
+ if(h == -1) {
+ DiamondLastError = GetLastError();
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ return(h);
+ IN PSTR SourceFile,
+ IN PSTR TargetFile,
+ IN DWORD GaugeBasePosition,
+ IN DWORD GaugeRangeForThisFile,
+ IN HWND GaugeNotifyWindow
+ )
+ BOOL b;
+ PSTR SourceFilenamePart,p;
+ HFCI FciContext;
+ ERF FciError;
+ CCAB ccab;
+ //
+ // Isolate the filename part of the source file.
+ //
+ if(SourceFilenamePart = strrchr(SourceFile,'\\')) {
+ SourceFilenamePart++;
+ } else {
+ SourceFilenamePart = SourceFile;
+ }
+ //
+ // Fill in the cabinet structure.
+ //
+ ZeroMemory(&ccab,sizeof(ccab));
+ lstrcpyA(ccab.szCabPath,TargetFile);
+ if(p=strrchr(ccab.szCabPath,'\\')) {
+ lstrcpyA(ccab.szCab,++p);
+ *p = 0;
+ } else {
+ lstrcpyA(ccab.szCab,TargetFile);
+ ccab.szCabPath[0] = 0;
+ }
+ DiamondLastError = NO_ERROR;
+ GaugeContext.GaugeBasePosition = GaugeBasePosition;
+ GaugeContext.GaugeRangeForFile = GaugeRangeForThisFile;
+ GaugeContext.GaugeWindow = GaugeNotifyWindow;
+ GaugeContext.FileSize = 0;
+ GaugeContext.BytesCompressedSoFar = 0;
+ //
+ // Compress the file.
+ //
+ FciContext = FCICreate(
+ &FciError,
+ fciFilePlacedCB,
+ fciAllocCB,
+ fciFreeCB,
+ fciTempFileCB,
+ &ccab
+ );
+ if(FciContext) {
+ b = FCIAddFile(
+ FciContext,
+ SourceFile, // file to add to cabinet.
+ SourceFilenamePart, // filename part, name to store in cabinet.
+ FALSE, // fExecute on extract
+ fciNextCabinetCB, // routine for next cabinet (always fails)
+ fciStatusCB,
+ fciOpenInfoCB,
+ tcompTYPE_MSZIP,
+ &GaugeContext
+ );
+ if(b) {
+ b = FCIFlushCabinet(
+ FciContext,
+ fciNextCabinetCB,
+ fciStatusCB,
+ &GaugeContext
+ );
+ }
+ FCIDestroy(FciContext);
+ }
+ return(b ? NO_ERROR : ((DiamondLastError == NO_ERROR) ? ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION : DiamondLastError));
+#if 0
+#include <stdio.h>
+void __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[])
+ if(argc == 3) {
+ DiamondCompressFile(argv[1],argv[2]);
+ } else {
+ printf("bad args\n");
+ }