path: root/private/ole32/com/dcomrem
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/ole32/com/dcomrem')
47 files changed, 31384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/callctrl.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/callctrl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f393fdd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/callctrl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1820 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
+// File: callctrl.cxx
+// Contents: Contains the ORPC CallControl code
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Original Version
+// 04-Nov-94 Rickhi ReWrite as layer over channel
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <thkreg.h> // OLETHK_ defines
+#include <dde.h>
+#include <callctrl.hxx> // Class Definition
+#include <objsrv.h> // IID_IObjServer
+// private defines used only in this file
+#define WM_SYSTIMER 0x0118
+#define SYS_ALTDOWN 0x2000
+// empty slot in window registration
+#define WD_EMPTY (HWND)-1
+// the following table is used to quickly determine what windows
+// message queue inputflag to specify for the various categories of
+// outgoing calls in progress. The table is indexed by CALLCATEGORY.
+DWORD gMsgQInputFlagTbl[4] = {
+// the following table is used to map bit flags in the Rpc Message to
+// the equivalent OLE CALLCATEGORY.
+DWORD gRpcFlagToCallCatMap[3] = {
+ CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS, // no flags set
+// prototype
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl,
+ HRESULT hrIn);
+// Function: CoRegisterMessageFilter, public
+// Synopsis: registers an applications message filter with the call control
+// Arguments: [pMsgFilter] - message filter to register
+// [ppMsgFilter] - optional, where to return previous IMF
+// Returns: S_OK - registered successfully
+// History: 21-Dec-93 JohannP Created
+STDAPI CoRegisterMessageFilter(LPMESSAGEFILTER pMsgFilter,
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MFILTER, "CoRegisterMessageFilter pMF:%x ppMFOld:%x\n",
+ pMsgFilter, ppMsgFilter));
+ CALLHOOKOBJECT(S_OK,CLSID_NULL,IID_IMessageFilter,(IUnknown **)&pMsgFilter);
+ // validate the parameters. NULL acceptable for either or both parameters.
+ if (pMsgFilter != NULL && !IsValidInterface(pMsgFilter))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ if(ppMsgFilter != NULL && !IsValidPtrOut(ppMsgFilter, sizeof(ppMsgFilter)))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ // this operation is not allowed on MTA Threads
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ // find the callcontrol for this apartment and replace the existing
+ // message filter. if no callctrl has been created yet, just stick
+ // the pMsgFilter in tls.
+ COleTls tls;
+ CAptCallCtrl *pACC = tls->pCallCtrl;
+ IMessageFilter *pOldMF;
+ if (pACC)
+ {
+ pOldMF = pACC->InstallMsgFilter(pMsgFilter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pOldMF = tls->pMsgFilter;
+ if (pMsgFilter)
+ {
+ pMsgFilter->AddRef();
+ }
+ tls->pMsgFilter = pMsgFilter;
+ }
+ if (ppMsgFilter)
+ {
+ // return old MF to the caller
+ *ppMsgFilter = pOldMF;
+ }
+ else if (pOldMF)
+ {
+ // release the old MF
+ pOldMF->Release();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Method: CAptCallCtrl::InstallMsgFilter
+// Synopsis: called to install a new application provided message filter
+// Arguments: [pMF] - new message filter to install (or NULL)
+// Returns: previous message filter if there was one
+// History: 20-Dec-93 JohannP Created
+INTERNAL_(IMessageFilter *) CAptCallCtrl::InstallMsgFilter(IMessageFilter *pMF)
+ IMessageFilter *pMFOld = _pMF; // save the old one to return
+ _pMF = pMF; // install the new one
+ if (_pMF)
+ {
+ _pMF->AddRef();
+ }
+ return pMFOld;
+// Method: CAptCallCtrl::CAptCallCtrl
+// Synopsis: constructor for per apartment call control state
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+CAptCallCtrl::CAptCallCtrl() :
+ _fInMsgFilter(FALSE),
+ _pTopCML(NULL)
+ // The first one is reserved for ORPC. An hWnd value of WD_EMPTY
+ // means the slot is available.
+ _WD[0].hWnd = WD_EMPTY;
+ // The second slot has fixed values for DDE
+ _WD[1].hWnd = NULL;
+ _WD[1].wFirstMsg = WM_DDE_FIRST;
+ _WD[1].wLastMsg = WM_DDE_LAST;
+ // put our pointer into thread local storage, and retrieve any previously
+ // registered message filter.
+ COleTls tls;
+ tls->pCallCtrl = this;
+ _pMF = tls->pMsgFilter;
+ tls->pMsgFilter = NULL;
+// Method: CAptCallCtrl::~CAptCallCtrl
+// Synopsis: destructor for per apartment call control state
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+ Win4Assert(_pTopCML == NULL); // no outgoing calls.
+ if (_pMF)
+ {
+ _pMF->Release();
+ }
+ // remove our pointer from thread local storage
+ COleTls tls;
+ tls->pCallCtrl = NULL;
+// Method: CAptCallCtrl::Register/Revoke
+// Synopsis: register or revoke RPC window data
+// Arguments: [hWnd] - window handle to look for calls on
+// [wFirstMsg] - msgid of first message in range to look for
+// [wLastMsg] - msgid of last message in range to look for
+// Returns: nothing
+// Notes: This code is only ever called by the RpcChannel and by
+// the DDE layer, and so error checking is kept to a minimum.
+// History: 30-Apr-95 Rickhi Created
+void CAptCallCtrl::Register(HWND hWnd, UINT wFirstMsg, UINT wLastMsg)
+ Win4Assert(_WD[0].hWnd == WD_EMPTY && "Register Out of Space");
+ _WD[0].hWnd = hWnd;
+ _WD[0].wFirstMsg = wFirstMsg;
+ _WD[0].wLastMsg = wLastMsg;
+void CAptCallCtrl::Revoke(HWND hWnd)
+ Win4Assert(_WD[0].hWnd == hWnd && "Revoke not found");
+ _WD[0].hWnd = WD_EMPTY;
+// Function: GetSlowTimeFactor
+// Synopsis: Get the time slowing factor for Wow apps
+// Returns: The factor by which we need to slow time down.
+// Algorithm: If there is a factor in the registry, we open and read the
+// registry. Otherwise we just set it to the default.
+// History: 22-Jul-94 Ricksa Created
+// 09-Jun-95 Susia ANSI Chicago optimization
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+#undef RegOpenKeyEx
+#define RegOpenKeyEx RegOpenKeyExA
+#undef RegQueryValueEx
+#define RegQueryValueEx RegQueryValueExA
+DWORD GetSlowTimeFactor(void)
+ // Default slowing time so we can just exit if there is no key which
+ // is assumed to be the common case.
+ // Key for reading the value from the registry
+ HKEY hkeyOleThk;
+ // Get the Ole Thunk special value key
+ &hkeyOleThk);
+ if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DWORD dwType;
+ DWORD dwSizeData = sizeof(dwSlowTimeFactor);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyOleThk, OLETHK_SLOWRPCTIME_VALUE, NULL,
+ &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwSlowTimeFactor, &dwSizeData);
+ if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || dwType != REG_DWORD)
+ {
+ // Guarantee that value is reasonable if something went wrong.
+ }
+ // Close the key since we are done with it.
+ RegCloseKey(hkeyOleThk);
+ }
+ return dwSlowTimeFactor;
+// Function: CanMakeOutCall
+// Synopsis: called when the client app wants to make an outgoing call to
+// determine if it is OK to do it now or not. Common subroutine
+// to CAptRpcChnl::GetBuffer and RemoteReleaseRifRef.
+// Arguments: [dwCallCatOut] - call category of call the app wants to make
+// [pChnl] - ptr to channel call is being made on
+// [riid] - interface call is being made on
+// Returns: S_OK - ok to make the call
+// RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INASYNCCALL - inside async call
+// RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL - inside input sync or SendMsg
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Original Version
+// 04-Nov-94 Rickhi ReWrite
+// 03-Oct-95 Rickhi Made into common subroutine
+INTERNAL CanMakeOutCall(DWORD dwCallCatOut, REFIID riid)
+ // get the topmost incoming call state from Tls.
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ CSrvCallState *pSCS = tls->pTopSCS;
+ DWORD dwCallCatIn = (pSCS) ? pSCS->GetCallCatIn() : CALLCAT_NOCALL;
+ // if handling an incoming ASYNC call, only allow ASYNC outgoing calls,
+ // and local calls on IRemUnknown (which locally is actually IRundown).
+ if (dwCallCatIn == CALLCAT_ASYNC &&
+ dwCallCatOut != CALLCAT_ASYNC &&
+ !IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IRundown))
+ {
+ }
+ // if handling an incoming INPUTSYNC call, or if we are handling a
+ // SendMessage, dont allow SYNCHRONOUS calls out or we could deadlock
+ // since SYNC uses PostMessage and INPUTSYNC uses SendMessage.
+ if (dwCallCatOut == CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS &&
+ (dwCallCatIn == CALLCAT_INPUTSYNC || InSendMessage()))
+ {
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Method: CMTARpcChnl::CMTARpcChnl/~CMTARpcChnl
+// Synopsis: constructor/destructor
+// Parameters: [pStdId] - std identity for the object
+// [pOXIDEntry] - OXIDEntry for the object server
+// [eState] - state flags passed thru to CRpcChannelBuffer
+// (ignored by CMTARpcCnl).
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+CMTARpcChnl::CMTARpcChnl(CStdIdentity *pStdId,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ DWORD eState) :
+ CRpcChannelBuffer(pStdId, pOXIDEntry, eState),
+ _dwTIDCallee(pOXIDEntry->dwTid),
+ _dwAptId(GetCurrentApartmentId())
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CMTARpcChnl::CMTARpcChnl this:%x\n", this));
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CMTARpcChnl::~CMTARpcChnl this:%x\n", this));
+// Method: CMTARpcChnl::GetBuffer
+// Synopsis: Ensure it is legal to call out now, then get a buffer.
+// Parameters: [pMsg] - ptr to message structure
+// [riid] - interface call is being made on
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+ COleTls tls(hr); // use this form incase no calls made on this thread yet
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ if (!IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_WARN,"CMTARpcChnl::GetBuffer - MTA proxy called on apartment thread, this: 0x%x\n",
+ this));
+ }
+ // Make sure we are allowed to make this outgoing call. We do that here
+ // so that we dont marshal all the parameters only to discover that we
+ // cant call out and then have to free all the marshalled parameters
+ // (especially the ones where marshalling has side effects).
+ if (!(_dwAptId == GetCurrentApartmentId() || CallableOnAnyApt()))
+ {
+ // we are not being called on a thread in the MTA apartment
+ }
+ if (pMsg->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_INPUT_SYNCHRONOUS)
+ {
+ // dont allow INPUTSYNC calls from an MTA apartment to anybody.
+ }
+ // All ASYNC calls from an MTA apartment are treated as SYNCHRONOUS,
+ // so convert the call category here before proceeding.
+ pMsg->rpcFlags &= ~RPCFLG_ASYNCHRONOUS;
+ // ask the real channel for a buffer.
+ return CRpcChannelBuffer::ClientGetBuffer(pMsg, riid);
+// Method: CAptRpcChnl::CAptRpcChnl/~CAptRpcChnl
+// Synopsis: constructor/destructor
+// Parameters: [pStdId] - std identity for the object
+// [pOXIDEntry] - OXIDEntry for the object server
+// [eState] - state flags passed thru to CRpcChannelBuffer
+// (ignored by CAptRpcCnl).
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+CAptRpcChnl::CAptRpcChnl(CStdIdentity *pStdId,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ DWORD eState) :
+ CRpcChannelBuffer(pStdId, pOXIDEntry, eState),
+ _dwTIDCallee(pOXIDEntry->dwTid),
+ _dwAptId(GetCurrentApartmentId())
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CAptRpcChnl::CAptRpcChnl this:%x\n", this));
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CAptRpcChnl::~CAptRpcChnl this:%x\n", this));
+// Method: CAptRpcChnl::GetBuffer
+// Synopsis: Ensure it is legal to call out now, then get a buffer.
+// Parameters: [pMsg] - ptr to message structure
+// [riid] - interface call is being made on
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+ COleTls tls(hr); // use this form incase no calls made on this thread yet
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // first, make sure that we are being called on the correct thread
+ // so that we are sure tls->pCallCtrl is set.
+ if (!IsSTAThread() || !(_dwAptId == GetCurrentApartmentId() ||
+ CallableOnAnyApt()))
+ {
+ }
+ // dont allow the application to call out while handling an
+ // IMessageFilter call because it screws up the call sequencing.
+ CAptCallCtrl *pACC = tls->pCallCtrl;
+ if (pACC && pACC->InMsgFilter())
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Illegal callout from within IMessageFilter\n"));
+ }
+ // if the call is async and remote, or async and to an MTA apartment,
+ // then change the category to sync, since we dont support async remotely
+ // or to MTA apartments locally. This must be done before calling
+ // CanMakeOutCall in order to avoid deadlocks. If the call is input sync
+ // and remote or to an MTA apartment, dissallow the call.
+ {
+ DWORD dwCtx;
+ CRpcChannelBuffer::GetDestCtx(&dwCtx, NULL);
+ (GetOXIDEntry()->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER))
+ {
+ if (pMsg->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_INPUT_SYNCHRONOUS)
+ // turn off the async flag so that the call looks (and acts)
+ // like it is synchronous.
+ pMsg->rpcFlags &= ~RPCFLG_ASYNCHRONOUS;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure we are allowed to make this outgoing call. We do that here
+ // so that we dont marshal all the parameters only to discover that we
+ // cant call out and then have to free all the marshalled parameters
+ // (especially the ones where marshalling has side effects).
+ // figure out the call category of this call by looking at bit
+ // values in the rpc message flags.
+ DWORD dwCallCatOut = RpcFlagToCallCat(pMsg->rpcFlags);
+ // check other outgoing call restrictions common to multi and single
+ // threaded apartments
+ hr = CanMakeOutCall(dwCallCatOut, riid);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // ask the real channel for a buffer.
+ hr = CRpcChannelBuffer::ClientGetBuffer(pMsg, riid);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Method: CAptRpcChnl::SendReceive
+// Synopsis: instantiate a modal loop object and then transmit the call
+// Parameters: [pMsg] - ptr to message structure
+// [pulStatus] - place to return a status code
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+STDMETHODIMP CAptRpcChnl::SendReceive(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, ULONG *pulStatus)
+ // Figure out the call category of this call by looking at the bit
+ // values in the rpc message flags.
+ DWORD dwCallCatOut = RpcFlagToCallCat(pMsg->rpcFlags);
+ DWORD dwMsgQInputFlag = gMsgQInputFlagTbl[dwCallCatOut];
+ // Now for a spectacular hack. IRemUnknown::Release had slightly
+ // different dwMsgQInputFlag semantic in the old code base, so we
+ // check for that one case here and set the flag accordingly. Not
+ // doing this would allow SYSCOMMAND calls in during Release which
+ // we throw away, thus preventing an app from shutting down correctly.
+ // SimpSvr.exe is a good example of this.
+ if ((pMsg->iMethod & ~RPC_FLAGS_VALID_BIT) == 5 &&
+ (IsEqualIID(IID_IRundown, *MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg)) ||
+ IsEqualIID(IID_IRemUnknown, *MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg))))
+ {
+ }
+ // Now construct a modal loop object for the call that is about to
+ // be made. It maintains the call state and exits when the call has
+ // been completed, cancelled, or rejected.
+ CCliModalLoop CML(_dwTIDCallee, dwMsgQInputFlag);
+ do
+ {
+ hr = CML.SendReceive(pMsg, pulStatus, this);
+ {
+ // the call was rejected by the server and the client Msg Filter
+ // decided to retry the call. We have to make a copy of the
+ // message and re-send it.
+ hr = CopyMsgForRetry(pMsg);
+ }
+ else if (hr == RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED)
+ {
+ // the call was rejected by the server and the client Msg Filter
+ // decided NOT to retry the call. We have to free the buffer
+ // that was returned since the proxy is not expecting it.
+ FreeBuffer(pMsg);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Method: CAptRpcChnl::CopyMsgForRetry
+// Synopsis: Makes a copy of the message we sent. We have to ask Rpc
+// for another buffer and then copy the original buffer into
+// the new one so we can make another call.
+// Parameters: [pMsg] - ptr to message structure to copy
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CAptRpcChnl::CopyMsgForRetry(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CAptRpcChnl::CopyMsgForRetry pMsg:%x\n", pMsg));
+ // CODEWORK: this is dumb, but the channel blows chunks in FreeBuffer
+ // if i dont do this double copy.
+ void *pTmpBuf = PrivMemAlloc(pMsg->cbBuffer);
+ if (pTmpBuf)
+ {
+ memcpy(pTmpBuf, pMsg->Buffer, pMsg->cbBuffer);
+ }
+ // save copy of the contents of the old message so we can free it later
+ RPCOLEMESSAGE MsgToFree = *pMsg;
+ FreeBuffer(&MsgToFree);
+ if (pTmpBuf)
+ {
+ // allocate a new message, dont have to worry about checking the
+ // CanMakeOutCall again, so we just ask the Rpc channel directly.
+ hr = CRpcChannelBuffer::GetBuffer(pMsg, *MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // copy the temp buffer into the new buffer
+ memcpy(pMsg->Buffer, pTmpBuf, pMsg->cbBuffer);
+ }
+ PrivMemFree(pTmpBuf);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::SendReceive
+// Synopsis: called to transmit a call to the server and enter a modal
+// loop.
+// Arguments: [pMsg] - message to send
+// [pulStatus] - place to return status code
+// [pChnl] - IRpcChannelBuffer pointer
+// Returns: result of the call. May return RETRYLATER if the call should
+// be retransmitted.
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+INTERNAL CCliModalLoop::SendReceive(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, ULONG *pulStatus,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer2 *pChnl)
+ // SendReceive is a blocking call. The channel will transmit the call
+ // asynchronously then call us back in BlockFn where we wait for an
+ // event such as the call completing, or a windows message arriving,
+ // or the user cancelling the call. Because of the callback, we need
+ // to set _hr before calling SR.
+ _hr = pChnl->SendReceive2(pMsg, pulStatus);
+ // By this point the call has completed. Now check if it was rejected
+ // and if so, whether we need to retry immediately, later, or never.
+ // Handling of Rejected calls must occur here, not in the BlockFn, due
+ // to the fact that some calls and some protocols are synchronous, and
+ // other calls and protocols are asynchronous.
+ {
+ // this function decides on 1 of 3 different courses of action
+ // 1. fail the call - sets the state to Call_Rejected
+ // 2. retry immediately - sets _hr to RETRYLATER, fall out
+ // 3. retry later - starts the timer, we block below
+ _hr = HandleRejectedCall(pChnl);
+ // if a timer was installed to retry the call later, then we have
+ // to go into modal loop until the timer expires. if the call is
+ // cancelled while in this loop, the loop will be exited.
+ while (!IsTimerAtZero())
+ {
+ BlockFn(NULL);
+ }
+ // Either it is time to retransmit the call, or the call was
+ // cancelled or rejected.
+ }
+ return _hr;
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::HandleRejectedCall
+// Synopsis: called when the response to a remote call is rejected or
+// retry later.
+// Arguments: [pChnl] - channel we are calling on.
+// Returns: RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED - call is rejected
+// RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER - the call should be retried
+// (Timer is set if retry is to be delayed)
+// Algorithm: Calls the app's message filter (if there is one) to
+// determine whether the call should be failed, retried
+// immediately, or retried at some later time. If there is
+// no message filter, or the client is on a different machine,
+// then the call is always rejected.
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Created
+// 30-Apr-95 Rickhi ReWrite
+INTERNAL CCliModalLoop::HandleRejectedCall(IRpcChannelBuffer2 *pChnl)
+ // default return value - rejected
+ DWORD dwRet = 0xffffffff;
+ DWORD dwDestCtx;
+ HRESULT hr = pChnl->GetDestCtx(&dwDestCtx, NULL);
+ {
+ // the call is local to this machine, ask the message filter
+ // what to do. For remote calls we never allow retry, since
+ // the parameters were not sent back to us in the packet.
+ IMessageFilter *pMF = _pACC->GetMsgFilter();
+ if (pMF)
+ {
+ "pMF->RetryRejectedCall(dwTIDCallee:%x ElapsedTime:%x Type:%x)\n",
+ _dwTIDCallee, GetElapsedTime(),
+ dwRet = pMF->RetryRejectedCall((MF_HTASK)_dwTIDCallee, GetElapsedTime(),
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MFILTER,"pMF->RetryRejected() dwRet:%x\n", dwRet));
+ _pACC->ReleaseMsgFilter();
+ }
+ }
+ if (dwRet == 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ // Really rejected. Mark it as such incase it was actually
+ // Call_RetryLater, also ensures that IsWaiting returns FALSE
+ }
+ else if (dwRet >= 100)
+ {
+ // Retry Later. Start the timer. This ensures that IsTimerAtZero
+ // returns FALSE and IsWaiting returns TRUE
+ return StartTimer(dwRet);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Retry Immediately. The state is set so that IsTimerAtZero
+ // returns TRUE.
+ Win4Assert(IsTimerAtZero());
+ }
+// Function: OleModalLoopBlockFn
+// Synopsis: Called by the RpcChannel during an outgoing call while
+// waiting for the reply message.
+// Arguments: [pvWnd] - Window handle to expect the reply on
+// [pvCtx] - Call Context (the CCliModalLoop)
+// [hCallWaitEvent] - optional event to have CallControl wait on
+// Returns: result of the call
+// Algorithm: pvCtx is the topmost modal loop for the current apartment.
+// Just call it's block function.
+// History: Dec-93 JohannP Created
+RPC_STATUS OleModalLoopBlockFn(void *pvWnd, void *pvCtx, HANDLE hCallWaitEvent)
+ Win4Assert( pvCtx != NULL );
+ return ((CCliModalLoop *) pvCtx)->BlockFn(hCallWaitEvent);
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::BlockFn (private)
+// Synopsis: Implements the blocking part of the modal loop. This function
+// blocks until an event of interest occurs, then it goes and
+// processes that event and returns.
+// Arguments: [hCallWaitEvent] - event to wait on (optional)
+// Returns: RPC_S_CALLPENDING - the call is still pending a reply
+// RPC_E_CALL_CANCELLED - the call was cancelled.
+// RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER - the call should be retried later
+// History: Dec-93 JohannP Created
+// 30-Apr-95 Rickhi ReWrite
+HRESULT CCliModalLoop::BlockFn(HANDLE hEventCallComplete)
+ "CCliModalLoop::BlockFn this:%x dwMsgQInputFlag:%x hEvent:%x\n",
+ this, _dwMsgQInputFlag, hEventCallComplete));
+ Win4Assert(IsWaiting() && "ModalLoop::BlockFn - not waiting on call");
+ // First, we wait for an event of interest to occur, either for the call
+ // to complete, or a new windows message to arrive on the queue.
+ DWORD dwWakeReason = WAIT_TIMEOUT;
+ HANDLE rgEvents[1] = {hEventCallComplete};
+ DWORD cEvents = 0;
+ if (hEventCallComplete != NULL)
+ {
+ // Check if the event is already signalled. This ensures that
+ // when we return from nested calls and the upper calls have already
+ // been acknowledged, that no windows messages can come in.
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "WaitForSingleObject hEvent:%x\n", rgEvents[0]));
+ cEvents = 1;
+ dwWakeReason = WaitForSingleObject(rgEvents[0], 0);
+ }
+ if (dwWakeReason == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ DWORD dwWaitTime = TicksToWait();
+ // If we want to wake up for a posted message, we need to make
+ // sure that we haven't missed any because of the queue status
+ // being affected by prior PeekMessages. We don't worry about
+ // QS_SENDMESSAGE because if PeekMessage got called, the pending
+ // send got dispatched. Further, if we are in an input sync call,
+ // we don't want to start dispatching regular RPC calls here by
+ // accident.
+ if (_dwMsgQInputFlag & QS_POSTMESSAGE)
+ {
+ DWORD dwStatus = GetQueueStatus(_dwMsgQInputFlag);
+ // We care about any message on the queue not just new messages
+ // because PeekMessage affects the queue state. It resets the
+ // state so even if a message is not processed, the queue state
+ // represents this as an old message even though no one has
+ // ever looked at it. So even though the message queue tells us
+ // there are no new messages in the queue. A new message we are
+ // interested in could be in the queue.
+ WORD wNew = (WORD) dwStatus | HIWORD(dwStatus);
+ // Note that we look for send as well as post because our
+ // queue status could have reset the state of the send message
+ // bit and therefore, MsgWaitForMultipleObject below will not
+ // wake up to dispatch the send message.
+ {
+ // the acknowledge message might be already in the queue
+ if (PeekRPCAndDDEMessage())
+ {
+ // we know that *some* RPC message came in and was
+ // processed. It could have been the Reply we were waiting
+ // for OR some other incoming call. Since we cant tell
+ // which, we return to RPC land. If it was not our Reply
+ // then RPC will call our modal loop again.
+ return _hr;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ //Note:POSTPPC
+ WORD wOld = HIWORD(dwStatus);
+ if (wOld & (QS_POSTMESSAGE))
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "Set timeout time to 100\n"));
+ dwWaitTime = 100;
+ }
+#endif //_CHICAGO_
+ }
+ "Call MsgWaitForMultiple time:%ld, cEvents:%x hEvent:%x,\n",
+ dwWaitTime, cEvents, rgEvents[0] ));
+ dwWakeReason = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(cEvents, rgEvents, FALSE,
+ dwWaitTime, _dwMsgQInputFlag);
+ "MsgWaitForMultipleObjects hr:%ld\n", dwWakeReason));
+ }
+ // OK, we've done whatever blocking we were going to do and now we have
+ // been woken up, so figure out what event of interest occured to wake
+ // us up and go handle it.
+ if (dwWakeReason == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + cEvents))
+ {
+ // Windows message came in - go process it
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "BlockFn: Windows Message Arrived\n"));
+ HandleWakeForMsg();
+ }
+ else if (dwWakeReason == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ if (_hr == RPC_S_WAITONTIMER && IsTimerAtZero())
+ {
+ // The Retrytimer timed out - just exit and retransmit the call
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "BlockFn: Timer at zero\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we may have missed a message before we called MsgWaitForMult...
+ // so we go check now for any incoming messages.
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "BlockFn: Timeout-Look for msgs\n"));
+ HandleWakeForMsg();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // CallComplete signalled - the call is done.
+ Win4Assert(rgEvents[dwWakeReason - WAIT_OBJECT_0] == hEventCallComplete);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "BlockFn: CallComplete Event Signaled\n"));
+ _hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "CCliModalLoop::BlockFn this:%x returns:%x\n",
+ this, _hr));
+ return _hr;
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::HandleWakeForMsg (private)
+// Synopsis: Handle wake for the arrival of some kind of message
+// Returns: nothing
+// fClearedQueue flag set if appropriate
+// Algorithm: If this is called to wake up for a posted message, we
+// check the queue status. If the message queue status indicates
+// that there is some kind of a modal loop going on, then we
+// clear all the keyboard and mouse messages in our queue. Then
+// if we wake up for all input, we check the message queue to
+// see whether we need to notify the application that a message
+// has arrived. Then, we dispatch any messages that have to do
+// with the ORPC system. Finally we yield just in case we need
+// to dispatch a send message in the VDM. For an input sync
+// RPC, all we do is a call that will yield to get the pending
+// send message dispatched.
+// History: Dec-93 JohannP Created
+// 13-Aug-94 Ricksa Created
+INTERNAL_(void) CCliModalLoop::HandleWakeForMsg()
+ MSG msg; // Used for various peeks.
+ // Is this an input sync call?
+ if (_dwMsgQInputFlag != QS_SENDMESSAGE)
+ {
+ // No, so we have to worry about the state of the message queue.
+ // We have to be careful that we aren't holding the input focus
+ // on an input synchronized queue.
+ // So what is the state of the queue? - note we or QS_TRANSFER because
+ // this an undocumented flag which tells us the the input focus has
+ // changed to us.
+ DWORD dwQueueFlags = GetQueueStatus(QS_ALLINPUT | QS_TRANSFER);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "Queue Status %lx\n", dwQueueFlags));
+ // Call through to the application if we are going to. We do this here
+ // so that the application gets a chance to process any
+ // messages that it wants to and also allows the call control to
+ // dispatch certain messages that it knows how to, thus making the
+ // queue more empty.
+ if (((_dwMsgQInputFlag & QS_ALLINPUT) == QS_ALLINPUT) &&
+ FindMessage(dwQueueFlags))
+ {
+ // pending message in the queue
+ HandlePendingMessage();
+ }
+ // Did the input focus change to us?
+ if ((LOWORD(dwQueueFlags) & QS_TRANSFER) || _dwFlags & CMLF_CLEAREDQUEUE)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "Message Queue is being cleared\n"));
+ // Try to clear the queue as best we can of any messages that
+ // might be holding off some other modal loop from executing.
+ // So we eat all mouse and key events.
+ if (HIWORD(dwQueueFlags) & QS_KEY)
+ {
+ while (MyPeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST,
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear mouse releated messages if there are any
+ if (HIWORD(dwQueueFlags) & QS_MOUSE)
+ {
+ while (MyPeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_MOUSEFIRST, WM_MOUSELAST,
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ while (MyPeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_NCMOUSEFIRST,
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ while (MyPeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_QUEUESYNC, WM_QUEUESYNC,
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get rid of paint message if we can as well -- this makes
+ // the screen look so much better.
+ if (HIWORD(dwQueueFlags) & QS_PAINT)
+ {
+ if (MyPeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD))
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "Dispatch paint\n"));
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsWOWThread() || !IsWOWThreadCallable())
+ {
+ // We need to give user control so that the send message
+ // can get dispatched. Thus the following is simply a no-op
+ // which gets into user to let it dispatch the message.
+ PeekMessage(&msg, 0, WM_NULL, WM_NULL, PM_NOREMOVE);
+ }
+ if (IsWOWThread() && IsWOWThreadCallable())
+ {
+ // In WOW, a genuine yield is the only thing to guarantee
+ // that SendMessage will get through
+ g_pOleThunkWOW->YieldTask16();
+ }
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::PeekRPCAndDDEMessage
+// Synopsis: Called when a windows message arrives to look for incoming
+// Rpc messages which might be the reply to an outstanding call
+// or may be new incoming request messages. Also looks for
+// DDE messages.
+// Returns: TRUE - found and processed an RPC message
+// FALSE - did not find an RPC message
+// History: 21-Dec-93 JohannP Created
+// 30-Apr-95 Rickhi ReWrite
+BOOL CCliModalLoop::PeekRPCAndDDEMessage()
+ // loop over all windows looking for incoming Rpc messages. Note that
+ // it is possible for a dispatch here to cause one of the windows to
+ // be deregistered or another to be registered, so our loop has to account
+ // for that, hence the check for NULL hWnd.
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ MSG Msg;
+ for (UINT i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ // get window info and peek on it if the hWnd is still OK
+ SWindowData *pWD = _pACC->GetWindowData(i);
+ if (pWD->hWnd != WD_EMPTY)
+ {
+ if (MyPeekMessage(&Msg, pWD->hWnd, pWD->wFirstMsg, pWD->wLastMsg,
+ {
+ Win4Assert(IsWaiting());
+ DispatchMessage(&Msg);
+ // exit on the first dispatched message. If the message was
+ // not the reply we were waiting for, then the channel will
+ // call us back again.
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::FindMessage
+// Synopsis: Called by HandleWakeForMsg when a message arrives on the
+// windows msg queue. Determines if there is something of
+// interest to us, and pulls timer msgs. Dispatches RPC, DDE,
+// and RPC timer messages.
+// Arguments: [dwStatus] - current Queue status (from GetQueueStatus)
+// Returns: TRUE - there is a message to process
+// FALSE - no messages to process
+// Algorithm: Find the next message in the queue by using the following
+// priority list:
+// 1. RPC and DDE messages
+// 2. mouse and keyboard messages
+// 3. other messages
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Created
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) CCliModalLoop::FindMessage(DWORD dwStatus)
+ WORD wOld = HIWORD(dwStatus);
+ WORD wNew = (WORD) dwStatus;
+ if (!wNew)
+ {
+ if (!(wOld & QS_POSTMESSAGE))
+ return FALSE; // no messages to take care of
+ else
+ }
+ MSG Msg;
+ // Priority 1: look for RPC and DDE messages
+ {
+ if (PeekRPCAndDDEMessage())
+ {
+ // we know that *some* RPC message came in, might be our
+ // reply or may be some incoming call. In any case, return to
+ // the modal loop to guy so we can figure out if we need to
+ // keep going.
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wNew & QS_TIMER)
+ {
+ // throw the system timer messages away
+ while (MyPeekMessage(&Msg, 0, WM_SYSTIMER, WM_SYSTIMER, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD))
+ ;
+ }
+ // Priority 2: messages from the hardware queue
+ {
+ return TRUE; // these messages are always removed
+ }
+ else if (wNew & QS_TIMER)
+ {
+ if (MyPeekMessage(&Msg, 0, WM_TIMER, WM_TIMER, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD) )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (wNew & QS_PAINT)
+ {
+ return TRUE; // this message might not get removed
+ }
+ {
+ if (MyPeekMessage(&Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
+ return TRUE; // Priority 3: all other messages
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::HandlePendingMessage
+// Synopsis: this function is called for system messages and other
+// pending messages
+// Arguments: none
+// Returns: nothing, _hr may be updated if call is cancelled.
+// Algorithm:
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Created
+// 30-Apr-95 Rickhi ReWrite
+INTERNAL_(void) CCliModalLoop::HandlePendingMessage()
+ // get and call the message filter if there is one
+ IMessageFilter *pMF = _pACC->GetMsgFilter();
+ if (pMF)
+ {
+ "pMF->MessagePending(dwTIDCallee:%x ElapsedTime:%x Type:%x)\n",
+ _dwTIDCallee, GetElapsedTime(),
+ DWORD dwRet = pMF->MessagePending((MF_HTASK)_dwTIDCallee,
+ GetElapsedTime(),
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MFILTER,"pMF->MessagePending() dwRet:%x\n", dwRet));
+ _pACC->ReleaseMsgFilter();
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ "Invalid return value from pMF->MessagePending");
+ }
+ // if we get here we are going to do the default message processing.
+ // Default Processing: Continue to wait for the call return and
+ // don't dispatch the new message. Perform default processing on
+ // special system messages.
+ MSG msg;
+ // we have to take out all syscommand messages
+ {
+ // only dispatch some syscommands
+ if (msg.wParam == SC_HOTKEY || msg.wParam == SC_TASKLIST)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,">>>> Dispatching SYSCOMMAND message: %x; wParm: %x \r\n",msg.message, msg.wParam));
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,">>>> Received/discarded SYSCOMMAND message: %x; wParm: %x \r\n",msg.message, msg.wParam));
+ MessageBeep(0);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if (msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN)
+ {
+ if (msg.wParam != VK_CONTROL && msg.wParam != VK_SHIFT)
+ MessageBeep(0);
+ }
+ else if (msg.message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN && msg.lParam & SYS_ALTDOWN &&
+ (msg.wParam == VK_TAB || msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE))
+ {
+ TranslateMessage(&msg);
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (MyPeekMessage(&msg, 0, WM_ACTIVATE, WM_ACTIVATE, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)
+ {
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::MyPeekMessage
+// Synopsis: This function is called whenever we want to do a PeekMessage.
+// It intercepts WM_QUIT messages and remembers them so that
+// they can be reposted when the modal loop is exited.
+// Arguments: [pMsg] - message structure
+// [hWnd] - window to peek on
+// [min/max] - min and max message numbers
+// [wFlag] - peek flags
+// Returns: TRUE - a message is available
+// FALSE - no messages available
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Created
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) CCliModalLoop::MyPeekMessage(MSG *pMsg, HWND hwnd,
+ UINT min, UINT max, WORD wFlag)
+ BOOL fRet = PeekMessage(pMsg, hwnd, min, max, wFlag);
+ while (fRet)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "MyPeekMessage: hwnd:%x msg:%d time:%ld\n",
+ pMsg->hwnd, pMsg->message, pMsg->time));
+ if (pMsg->message != WM_QUIT)
+ {
+ // it is not a QUIT message so exit the loop and return TRUE
+ break;
+ }
+ // just remember that we saw a QUIT message. we will ignore it for
+ // now and repost it after our call has completed.
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "WM_QUIT received.\n"));
+ _wQuitCode = pMsg->wParam;
+ if (!(wFlag & PM_REMOVE)) // NOTE: dont use PM_NOREMOVE
+ {
+ // quit message is still on queue so pull it off
+ PeekMessage(pMsg, hwnd, WM_QUIT, WM_QUIT, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD);
+ }
+ // peek again to see if there is another message
+ fRet = PeekMessage(pMsg, hwnd, min, max, wFlag);
+ }
+ return fRet;
+#if DBG==1
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::DispatchMessage
+// Synopsis: This function is called whenever we want to dispatch a
+// message we have peeked. It is just a debug wrapper to provide
+// debug out statements about dispatched messages.
+// Arguments: [pMsg] - message structure
+INTERNAL_(void) CCliModalLoop::DispatchMessage(MSG *pMsg)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "Dispatching Message hWnd:%x msg:%d wParam:%x\n",
+ pMsg->hwnd, pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam));
+ ::DispatchMessage(pMsg);
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::GetElapsedTime
+// Synopsis: Get the elapsed time for an RPC call
+// Returns: Elapsed time of current call
+// Algorithm: This checks whether we have the slow time factor. If not,
+// and we are in WOW we read it from the registry. Otherwise,
+// it is just set to one. Then we calculate the time of the
+// RPC call and divide it by the slow time factor.
+// History: 22-Jul-94 Ricksa Created
+INTERNAL_(DWORD) CCliModalLoop::GetElapsedTime()
+ // Define slow time factor to something invalid
+ static dwSlowTimeFactor = 0;
+ if (dwSlowTimeFactor == 0)
+ {
+ if (IsWOWProcess())
+ {
+ // Get time factor from registry otherwise set to the default
+ dwSlowTimeFactor = GetSlowTimeFactor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Time is unmodified for 32 bit apps
+ dwSlowTimeFactor = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount();
+ DWORD dwElapsedTime = dwTickCount - _dwTimeOfCall;
+ if (dwTickCount < _dwTimeOfCall)
+ {
+ // the timer wrapped
+ dwElapsedTime = 0xffffffff - _dwTimeOfCall + dwTickCount;
+ }
+ return (dwElapsedTime / dwSlowTimeFactor);
+// Member: CCliModalLoop::FindPrevCallOnLID [server side]
+// Synopsis: When an incoming call arrives this is used to find any
+// previous call for the same logical thread, ignoring
+// INTERNAL calls. The result is used to determine if this
+// is a nested call or not.
+// Arguments: [lid] - logical threadid of incoming call
+// Returns: pCML - if a previous CliModalLoop found for this lid
+// NULL - otherwise
+// Algorithm: just walk backwards on the _pPrev chain
+// History: 17-Dec-93 JohannP Created
+// 30-Apr-95 Rickhi ReWrite
+CCliModalLoop *CCliModalLoop::FindPrevCallOnLID(REFLID lid)
+ CCliModalLoop *pCML = this;
+ do
+ {
+ if (pCML->_lid == lid)
+ {
+ break; // found a match, return it
+ }
+ } while ((pCML = pCML->_pPrev) != NULL);
+ return pCML;
+// Function: STAInvoke
+// Synopsis: Called whenever an incoming call arrives in a single-threaded
+// apartment. It asks the apps message filter (if there is one)
+// whether it wants to handle the call or not, and dispatches
+// the call if OK.
+// Arguments: [pMsg] - Incoming Rpc message
+// [pStub] - stub to call if MF says it is OK
+// [pChnl] - channel ptr to give to stub
+// [pv] - real interface being called
+// [pdwFault] - where to store fault code if there is a fault
+// Returns: result for MF or from call to stub
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Original Version
+// 22-Jul-94 Rickhi ReWrite
+INTERNAL STAInvoke(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, DWORD CallCatIn, IRpcStubBuffer *pStub,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, void *pv, DWORD *pdwFault)
+ "STAInvoke pMsg:%x CallCatIn:%x pStub:%x pChnl:%x\n",
+ pMsg, CallCatIn, pStub, pChnl));
+ HRESULT hr = HandleIncomingCall(*MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg),
+ (WORD)pMsg->iMethod,
+ CallCatIn, pv);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // the message filter says its OK to invoke the call.
+ // construct a server call state. This puts the current incoming
+ // call's CallCat in Tls so we can check it if the server tries to
+ // make an outgoing call while handling this call. See CanMakeOutCall.
+ CSrvCallState SCS(CallCatIn);
+ // invoke the call
+ hr = MTAInvoke(pMsg, CallCatIn, pStub, pChnl, pdwFault);
+ }
+ {
+ // server is rejecting the call, try to copy the incomming buffer so
+ // that the client has the option of retrying the call.
+ hr = CopyMsgForRetry(pMsg, pChnl, hr);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"STAInvoke returns:%x\n",hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: HandleIncomingCall, internal
+// Synopsis: Called whenever an incoming call arrives in a single-threaded
+// apartment. It asks the app's message filter (if there is one)
+// whether it wants to handle the call or not
+// Arguments: [piid] - ptr to interface the call is being made on
+// [iMethod] - method number being called
+// [CallCatIn] - category of incoming call
+// [pv] - real interface being called
+// Returns: result from MF
+// History: 11-Oct-96 Rickhi Separated from STAInvoke
+INTERNAL HandleIncomingCall(REFIID riid, WORD iMethod, DWORD CallCatIn, void *pv)
+ "HandleIncomingCall iid:%I iMethod:%x CallCatIn:%x pv:%x:%x\n",
+ &riid, iMethod, CallCatIn, pv));
+ COleTls tls;
+ if (!(tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_APARTMENTTHREADED))
+ {
+ // free-threaded apartments don't have a message filter
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ CAptCallCtrl *pACC = tls->pCallCtrl;
+ // We dont call the message filter for IUnknown since older versions
+ // of OLE did not, and doing so (unfortunately) breaks compatibility.
+ // Also check for IRundown since local clients call on it instead of
+ // IRemUnknown.
+ IMessageFilter *pMF = (riid == IID_IRundown || riid == IID_IRemUnknown)
+ ? NULL : pACC->GetMsgFilter();
+ if (pMF)
+ {
+ // the app has installed a message filter, call it.
+ IfInfo.pUnk = (IUnknown *)pv;
+ IfInfo.iid = riid;
+ IfInfo.wMethod = iMethod;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "Calling iMethod:%x riid:%I\n",
+ IfInfo.wMethod, &IfInfo.iid));
+ CCliModalLoop *pCML = NULL;
+ REFLID lid = tls->LogicalThreadId;
+ DWORD TIDCaller = tls->dwTIDCaller;
+ DWORD dwCallType = pACC->GetCallTypeForInCall(&pCML, lid, CallCatIn);
+ DWORD dwElapsedTime = (pCML) ? pCML->GetElapsedTime() : 0;
+ // The DDE layer doesn't provide any interface information. This
+ // was true on the 16-bit implementation, and has also been
+ // brought forward into this implementation to insure
+ // compatibility. However, the CallCat of the IfInfo is still
+ // provided.
+ //
+ // Therefore, if pIfInfo has its pUnk member set to NULL, then
+ // we are going to send a NULL pIfInfo to the message filter.
+ "pMF->HandleIncomingCall(dwCallType:%x TIDCaller:%x dwElapsedTime:%x IfInfo:%x)\n",
+ dwCallType, TIDCaller, dwElapsedTime, (IfInfo.pUnk) ? &IfInfo : NULL));
+ DWORD dwRet = pMF->HandleInComingCall(dwCallType,
+ (MF_HTASK)TIDCaller,
+ dwElapsedTime,
+ IfInfo.pUnk ? &IfInfo : NULL);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MFILTER,"pMF->HandleIncomingCall() dwRet:%x\n", dwRet));
+ pACC->ReleaseMsgFilter();
+ // strict checking of app return code for win32
+ Win4Assert(dwRet == SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED ||
+ IsWOWThread() && "Invalid Return code from App IMessageFilter");
+ {
+ {
+ // Note: input-sync and async calls can not be rejected
+ // Even though they can not be rejected, we still have to
+ // call the MF above to maintain 16bit compatability.
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (dwRet == SERVERCALL_REJECTED)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (dwRet == SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 16bit OLE let bogus return codes go through and of course
+ // apps rely on that behaviour so we let them through too, but
+ // we are more strict on 32bit.
+ hr = (IsWOWThread()) ? S_OK : RPC_E_UNEXPECTED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "HandleIncomingCall hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: MTAInvoke
+// Synopsis: Multi-Threaded Apartment Invoke. Called whenever an incoming
+// call arrives in the MTA apartment (or as a subroutine to
+// STAInvoke). It just dispatches to a common sub-routine.
+// Arguments: [pMsg] - Incoming Rpc message
+// [pStub] - stub to call if MF says it is OK
+// [pChnl] - channel ptr to give to stub
+// [pdwFault] - where to store fault code if there is a fault
+// Returns: result from calling the stub
+// History: 03-Oct-95 Rickhi Made into subroutine from STAInvoke
+INTERNAL MTAInvoke(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, DWORD CallCatIn, IRpcStubBuffer *pStub,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, DWORD *pdwFault)
+#if DBG==1
+ "MTAInvoke pMsg:%x CallCatIn:%x pStub:%x pChnl:%x\n",
+ pMsg, CallCatIn, pStub, pChnl));
+ IID *piid = MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg);
+ DebugPrintORPCCall(ORPC_INVOKE_BEGIN, *piid, pMsg->iMethod, CallCatIn);
+ RpcSpy((CALLIN_BEGIN, NULL, *piid, pMsg->iMethod, 0));
+ // call a common subroutine to do the dispatch. The subroutine also
+ // catches exceptions and provides some debug help.
+ HRESULT hr = StubInvoke(pMsg, pStub, pChnl, pdwFault);
+#if DBG==1
+ RpcSpy((CALLIN_END, NULL, *piid, pMsg->iMethod, hr));
+ DebugPrintORPCCall(ORPC_INVOKE_END, *piid, pMsg->iMethod, CallCatIn);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"MTAInvoke returns:%x\n",hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CopyMsgForRetry
+// Synopsis: Makes a copy of the server-side message buffer to return to
+// the client so that the client can retry the call later.
+// Returns an error if the client is on a different machine.
+// Parameters: [pMsg] - ptr to message to copy
+// [pChnl] - ptr to channel call is being made on
+// [hr] - result code
+// History: 30-05-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CopyMsgForRetry(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, HRESULT hrIn)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CopyMsgForRetry pMsg:%x pChnl:%x pBuffer:%x\n",
+ pMsg, pChnl, pMsg->Buffer));
+ DWORD dwDestCtx;
+ HRESULT hr = pChnl->GetDestCtx(&dwDestCtx, NULL);
+ !IsEqualGUID(IID_IObjServer, *MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg)))
+ {
+ // client on same machine as server.
+ void *pSavedBuffer = pMsg->Buffer;
+ hr = pChnl->GetBuffer(pMsg, *MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // copy original buffer to the new buffer
+ memcpy(pMsg->Buffer, pSavedBuffer, pMsg->cbBuffer);
+ hr = hrIn;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // client on different machine than server, or the call was on
+ // the activation interface, fail the call and dont send back
+ // a copy of the parameter packet.
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"CopyMsgForRetry pBuffer:%x hr:%x\n",
+ pMsg->Buffer, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Method: CAptCallCtrl::GetCallTypeForInCall
+// Synopsis: called when an incoming call arrives in order to determine
+// what CALLTYPE to pass to the applications message filter.
+// Arguments: [ppCML] - Client Modal Loop of prev call on same lid (if any)
+// [lid] - logical thread id of this call
+// [dwCallCat] - call category of incoming call
+// Returns: the CALLTYPE to give to the message filter
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Created
+// 30-Apr-95 Rickhi ReWrite
+// Notes:
+// 1 = CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL // sync or inputsync call - no outgoing call
+// 2 = CALLTYPE_NESTED // callback on behalf of previous outgoing call
+// 3 = CALLTYPE_ASYNC // asynchronous call - no outstanding call
+// 4 = CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL_CALLPENDING // call with new LID - outstand call
+// 5 = CALLTYPE_ASYNC_CALLPENDING // async call - outstanding call
+DWORD CAptCallCtrl::GetCallTypeForInCall(CCliModalLoop **ppCML,
+ REFLID lid, DWORD dwCallCatIn)
+ DWORD CallType;
+ CCliModalLoop *pCML = GetTopCML();
+ if (dwCallCatIn == CALLCAT_ASYNC) // asynchronous call has arrived
+ {
+ if (pCML == NULL)
+ CallType = CALLTYPE_ASYNC; // no outstanding calls
+ else
+ CallType = CALLTYPE_ASYNC_CALLPENDING; // outstanding call
+ }
+ else // non-async call has arrived
+ {
+ if (pCML == NULL)
+ CallType = CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL; // no outstanding call
+ else if ((*ppCML = pCML->FindPrevCallOnLID(lid)) != NULL)
+ CallType = CALLTYPE_NESTED; // outstanding call on same lid
+ else
+ CallType = CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL_CALLPENDING; // different lid
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"GetCallTypeForInCall return:%x\n", CallType));
+ return CallType;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/callctrl.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/callctrl.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44b2efcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/callctrl.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
+// File: callctrl.hxx
+// Contents: OLE Call Control
+// Functions:
+// History: 21-Dec-93 Johannp Original Version
+// 04-Nov-94 Rickhi ReWrite
+#ifndef __CALLCTRL_HXX__
+#define __CALLCTRL_HXX__
+#include <channelb.hxx> // CRpcChannelBuffer
+// Max time we wait for MsgWaitForMultiple before waking up and
+// checking the queue. This is needed because the API is broken
+// (ie it does not wake up on messages posted before it is called).
+#define MAX_TICKS_TO_WAIT 1000
+// Private definition for change of input focus
+// BUGBUG: fix for CHICAGO when chicago's USER supports QS_TRANSFER
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+#define QS_TRANSFER 0x0000
+#define QS_TRANSFER 0x4000
+typedef IID LID; // logical thread id
+typedef REFIID REFLID; // ref to logical thread id
+#define MF_HTASK struct HTASK__ *
+// the following table is used to quickly determine what windows
+// message queue inputflag to specify for the various categories of
+// outgoing calls in progress. The table is indexed by CALLCATEGORY.
+extern DWORD gMsgQInputFlagTbl[4]; // see callctrl.cxx
+// the following table is used to map bit flags in the Rpc Message to
+// the equivalent OLE CALLCATEGORY.
+extern DWORD gRpcFlagToCallCatMap[3]; // see callctrl.cxx
+// the following inline funtion is used to compute the CALLCATEGORY from
+// the RpcFlags field in the RPC message
+inline DWORD RpcFlagToCallCat(DWORD RpcFlags)
+ return gRpcFlagToCallCatMap[(RpcFlags & 0x60000000) >> 29];
+// convenient mapping from RPCOLEMESSAGE to IID in the message
+#define MSG_TO_IIDPTR(pMsg) \
+ &((RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *)((RPC_MESSAGE *)pMsg)->RpcInterfaceInformation)->InterfaceId.SyntaxGUID
+// private structure used to hold the window handles and message ranges
+// to peek to see if there is more work to do when in the modal loop.
+typedef struct tagSWindowData
+ HWND hWnd; // window handle to peek on
+ UINT wFirstMsg; // first msg in range to peek
+ UINT wLastMsg; // Last msg in range to peek
+} SWindowData;
+// function prototypes. This function is called by the channel during
+// transmission in the apartment model.
+RPC_STATUS OleModalLoopBlockFn(void *, void *, HANDLE hEventComplete);
+// function called by the channel during dispatch in the apartment model.
+// STAInvoke is used for single-threaded apartments, MTAInvoke is used
+// for Multi-threaded apartments.
+INTERNAL STAInvoke(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, DWORD dwCallCat, IRpcStubBuffer *pStub,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, void *pv, DWORD *pdwFault);
+INTERNAL MTAInvoke(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, DWORD dwCallCat, IRpcStubBuffer *pStub,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, DWORD *pdwFault);
+INTERNAL CanMakeOutCall(DWORD dwCallCatOut, REFIID riid);
+class CAptCallCtrl;
+// Function: GetAptCallCtrl
+// Synopsis: Gets the current apartment's call control ptr from TLS.
+inline CAptCallCtrl *GetAptCallCtrl(void)
+ COleTls tls;
+ return tls->pCallCtrl;
+// Class: CAptRpcChnl
+// Synopsis: Client side Apartment model Rpc Channel.
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This object inherits the Rpc channel and adds some
+// functionality to it that is needed by the apartment model,
+// (eg deadlock prevention, call retry, nested call support).
+// For each outgoing call, it verifies the app is allowed to
+// make the call, and instantiates a modal loop for it, thereby
+// allowing callbacks and new calls to be handled by the app
+// thread.
+// Important: Since no mutual exclusion primitives are used in this code,
+// the derived class CAptRpcChnl must be stateless, as some
+// proxies are freethreaded even in the apartment model, in
+// particular, IRemUnknown and the SCM activation interface. All
+// relevant state is maintained in the CCliModalLoop object which
+// is constructed on the stack on a per call basis. Note that the
+// _dwTIDCallee state is safe because it is set in the ctor and
+// never changes. The base class, CRpcChannelBuffer *is* thread
+// safe since it is used in the freethreaded model also.
+class CAptRpcChnl : public CRpcChannelBuffer
+ CAptRpcChnl(CStdIdentity *pStdId, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, DWORD eState);
+ // CRpcChannelBuffer methods that we override
+ STDMETHOD (SendReceive) (RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, ULONG *pulStatus);
+ ~CAptRpcChnl(); // can only be called from Release
+ DWORD _dwTIDCallee; // TID of thread server lives on
+ DWORD _dwAptId; // Apartment ID proxy lives in.
+// Class: CMTARpcChnl
+// Synopsis: Client side Multi-Threaded Apartment Rpc Channel.
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This object inherits the Rpc channel and adds some
+// functionality to it that is needed by Multi-threaded apartment.
+// For each outgoing call, it verifies the app is allowed to
+// make the call.
+// Important: Since no mutual exclusion primitives are used in this code,
+// the derived class CMTARpcChnl must be stateless. Note that the
+// _dwTIDCallee state is safe because it is set in the ctor and
+// never changes. The base class, CRpcChannelBuffer *is* thread
+// safe.
+class CMTARpcChnl : public CRpcChannelBuffer
+ CMTARpcChnl(CStdIdentity *pStdId, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, DWORD eState);
+ // CRpcChannelBuffer methods that we override
+ ~CMTARpcChnl(); // can only be called from Release
+ DWORD _dwTIDCallee; // TID of thread server lives on
+ DWORD _dwAptId; // Apartment ID proxy lives in.
+// Class: CCliModalLoop
+// Synopsis: Each outgoing client call enters a modal loop. This object
+// maintains the state of the modal loop for one outgoing
+// call.
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This object is constructed on the stack on a per call basis
+// and needs no mutual exclusion mechanisms. A pointer to this
+// state is stored in TLS (actually in CAptCallCtrl in TLS) and
+// later referenced when OleModalLoopBlockFn is called from deep
+// within the bowls of SendReceive in the channel (or Rpc Runtime
+// if the MSWMSG transport is used).
+class CCliModalLoop
+ CCliModalLoop(DWORD TIDCallee, DWORD CallCatOut);
+ ~CCliModalLoop();
+ CCliModalLoop *FindPrevCallOnLID(REFLID lid);
+ HRESULT SendReceive(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, ULONG *pulStatus,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer2 *pChnl);
+ HRESULT BlockFn(HANDLE hEventCallComplete);
+ BOOL IsWaiting(void)
+ {
+ return (_hr == RPC_S_CALLPENDING || _hr == RPC_S_WAITONTIMER);
+ }
+ INTERNAL_(BOOL) MyPeekMessage(MSG *pMsg, HWND hwnd, UINT min, UINT max, WORD wFlag);
+ INTERNAL_(DWORD) GetElapsedTime();
+ // message processing in modal loop
+ INTERNAL_(void) HandleWakeForMsg(void);
+ INTERNAL_(BOOL) FindMessage(DWORD dwStatus);
+ INTERNAL_(void) HandlePendingMessage(void);
+ INTERNAL_(BOOL) PeekRPCAndDDEMessage(void);
+#if DBG==1
+ INTERNAL_(void) DispatchMessage(MSG *pMsg);
+ // rejected call processing
+ INTERNAL HandleRejectedCall(IRpcChannelBuffer2 *pChnl);
+ INTERNAL StartTimer(DWORD dwMilliSecToWait);
+ INTERNAL_(BOOL) IsTimerAtZero();
+ INTERNAL_(DWORD) TicksToWait();
+ HRESULT _hr; // the return value of this call
+ CCliModalLoop *_pPrev; // Previous CCliModalLoop for this apartment
+ DWORD _dwTIDCallee; // TID of thread we are calling
+ DWORD _dwMsgQInputFlag; // message queue input flag
+ LID _lid; // logical threadid of call
+ DWORD _dwFlags; // internal flags (see CMLFLAGS)
+ UINT _wQuitCode; // quit code if WM_QUIT received
+ DWORD _dwTimeOfCall; // time when call was made
+ DWORD _dwWakeup; // absolute time to wake up
+ DWORD _dwMillSecToWait; // relative time
+ CAptCallCtrl *_pACC; // apartment call control object
+// bit values for the CliModalLoop _dwFlags field
+typedef enum tagCMLFLAGS
+ CMLF_QUITRECEIVED = 1, // WM_QUIT was received
+ CMLF_CLEAREDQUEUE = 2 // the msg queue has been cleared
+// Class: CSrvCallState
+// Synopsis: Each incoming server call generates one of these objects.
+// It maintains the state of the incoming call.
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+class CSrvCallState
+ CSrvCallState(DWORD CallCatIn);
+ ~CSrvCallState();
+ DWORD GetCallCatIn(void) { return _dwCallCatIn; }
+ DWORD _dwCallCatIn; // category of this incoming call
+ CSrvCallState *_pPrev; // previous CSrvCallState on the stack
+// Class: CAptCallCtrl
+// Synopsis: Represents per apartment Call Control state that is shared
+// between both the client side and server side call control
+// objects.
+// History: 11-Nov-94 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: Two LIFO stacks are maintained, one for client call modal
+// loops, and one for incoming server calls. The incoming
+// server calls are used in both Single-Threaded apartments
+// and multi-threaded apartments, and so are stored in TLS
+// directly, rather than chained off this object.
+class CAptCallCtrl
+ CAptCallCtrl();
+ ~CAptCallCtrl();
+ // message filter handling methods
+ IMessageFilter *InstallMsgFilter(IMessageFilter *pMF);
+ IMessageFilter *GetMsgFilter();
+ void ReleaseMsgFilter() { _fInMsgFilter = FALSE; }
+ BOOL InMsgFilter() { return _fInMsgFilter; }
+ // client side LIFO modal loop queue
+ void SetTopCML(CCliModalLoop *pCML) { _pTopCML = pCML; }
+ CCliModalLoop *GetTopCML(void) { return _pTopCML; }
+ // modal loop helper functions
+ SWindowData *GetWindowData(UINT i) { return &_WD[i]; }
+ DWORD GetCallTypeForInCall(CCliModalLoop **ppCML,
+ REFLID lid, DWORD dwCallCatIn);
+ // window registration/revocation methods (used by channel & dde)
+ void Register(HWND hWnd, UINT wFirstMsg, UINT wLastMsg);
+ void Revoke(HWND hWnd);
+ IMessageFilter *_pMF; // app supplied Msg Filter
+ BOOL _fInMsgFilter; // TRUE when calling the Apps MF
+ CCliModalLoop *_pTopCML; // topmost Client Modal Loop
+ SWindowData _WD[2]; // RPC and DDE Window Data
+// Method: CCliModalLoop::CCliModalLoop
+// Synopsis: constructor for the client side modal loop
+inline CCliModalLoop::CCliModalLoop(DWORD dwTIDCallee, DWORD dwMsgQInputFlag) :
+ _dwTIDCallee(dwTIDCallee),
+ _dwMsgQInputFlag(dwMsgQInputFlag),
+ _dwFlags(0) // all flags start FALSE
+ COleTls tls;
+ _lid = tls->LogicalThreadId;
+ // push self on top of the per apartment modal loop stack
+ _pACC = tls->pCallCtrl;
+ _pPrev = _pACC->GetTopCML();
+ _pACC->SetTopCML(this);
+ _dwTimeOfCall = GetTickCount(); // record start time of the call
+ // the rest of the fields are initialized when first used
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "CCliModalLoop::CCliModalLoop at:%x\n", this));
+// Method: CCliModalLoop::~CCliModalLoop
+// Synopsis: destructor for the client side modal loop
+inline CCliModalLoop::~CCliModalLoop()
+ // pop self off the per apartment modal loop stack by resetting the
+ // top of stack to the previous value.
+ _pACC->SetTopCML(_pPrev);
+ // repost any WM_QUIT message we intercepted during the call
+ if (_dwFlags & CMLF_QUITRECEIVED)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "posting WM_QUIT\n"));
+ PostQuitMessage(_wQuitCode);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "CCliModalLoop::~CCliModalLoop at:%x\n", this));
+// Method: CCliModalLoop::StartTimer
+// Synopsis: starts a timer when a call is rejected and the client
+// wants to retry it later.
+inline HRESULT CCliModalLoop::StartTimer(DWORD dwMilliSecToWait)
+ // Set time when we should awake and retry the call. Note that
+ // if the GetTickCount + dwMilliSecToWait wraps the timer, then
+ // we may wakeup earlier than expected, but at least we wont
+ // deadlock.
+ "Timer installed for %lu msec.\n", dwMilliSecToWait));
+ _dwMillSecToWait = dwMilliSecToWait;
+ _dwWakeup = GetTickCount() + dwMilliSecToWait;
+ // caller should place the return value in _hr
+// Method: CCliModalLoop::IsTimerAtZero
+// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the timer is not started or the timer has
+// run down.
+inline BOOL CCliModalLoop::IsTimerAtZero()
+ // if no timer installed, return TRUE
+ if (_hr != RPC_S_WAITONTIMER)
+ return TRUE;
+ DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount();
+ // the second test is in case GetTickCount wrapped during
+ // the call. see also the comment in StartTimer.
+ if (dwTickCount > _dwWakeup ||
+ dwTickCount < _dwWakeup - _dwMillSecToWait)
+ {
+ // this _hr will tell SendReceive to retransmit the call
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Method: CCliModalLoop::TicksToWait
+// Synopsis: returns the amount of time to wait for a message to arrive.
+inline DWORD CCliModalLoop::TicksToWait()
+ if (_hr != RPC_S_WAITONTIMER)
+ // waiting to retry a rejected call
+ DWORD dwTick = GetTickCount();
+ return (_dwWakeup < dwTick) ? 0 : _dwWakeup - dwTick;
+// Method: CSrvCallState::CSrvCallState
+// Synopsis: constructor for server side call state. Pushes the call
+// state on the call control stack.
+inline CSrvCallState::CSrvCallState(DWORD dwCallCatIn) :
+ _dwCallCatIn(dwCallCatIn)
+ // push self on top of the per apartment server call state stack
+ COleTls tls;
+ _pPrev = tls->pTopSCS;
+ tls->pTopSCS = this;
+// Method: CSrvCallState::~CSrvCallState
+// Synopsis: destructor for server side call state. Pops the call
+// state off the call control stack.
+inline CSrvCallState::~CSrvCallState()
+ // pop self on top of the per apartment server call state stack
+ COleTls tls;
+ tls->pTopSCS = _pPrev;
+// Method: CAptCallCtrl::GetMsgFilter
+// Synopsis: returns the IMessageFilter and set the flag indicating we
+// are currently calling the IMF, so that apps are prevented
+// from making outgoing calls while inside their IMF.
+inline IMessageFilter *CAptCallCtrl::GetMsgFilter()
+ if (_pMF)
+ {
+ _fInMsgFilter = TRUE;
+ }
+ return _pMF;
+#endif // __CALLCTRL_HXX__
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chancont.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chancont.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c936f93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chancont.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ chancont.cxx
+ This module contains thread switching code for the single threaded mode
+ and the message filter hooks
+ Alex Mitchell
+Revision History:
+ Mar 1994 JohannP Added call category support.
+ 29 Dec 1993 Alex Mitchell Creation.
+ 19 Jul 1994 CraigWi Added support for ASYNC calls
+ 27-Jan-95 BruceMa Don't get on CChannelControl list unless
+ constructor is successsful
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <userapis.h>
+#include <chancont.hxx>
+#include <channelb.hxx>
+#include <threads.hxx>
+#include <objerror.h>
+#include <callctrl.hxx>
+#include <service.hxx>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx>
+/* Prototypes. */
+void Cancel ( CChannelCallInfo ** );
+HRESULT ModalLoop ( CChannelCallInfo *call );
+HRESULT ProtectedPostToSTA( OXIDEntry *, CChannelCallInfo *call );
+HRESULT TransmitCall( OXIDEntry *, CChannelCallInfo * );
+/* Globals. */
+// Rpc worker thread cache.
+CRpcThreadCache gRpcThreadCache;
+// Event cache.
+CEventCache gEventCache;
+HANDLE CEventCache::_list[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+DWORD CEventCache::_ifree = 0;
+extern LPTSTR gOleWindowClass;
+extern BOOL gfChannelProcessInitialized;
+extern BOOL gfDestroyingMainWindow;
+ /***************************************************************************/
+CChannelCallInfo::CChannelCallInfo( CALLCATEGORY callcat,
+ DWORD flags,
+ REFIPID ipidServer,
+ DWORD destctx,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *channel,
+ DWORD authn_level )
+ // The call info must hold a reference to the channel on the client side
+ // because the channel holds the binding handle that ThreadSendReceive
+ // uses.
+ category = callcat;
+ event = NULL;
+ iFlags = flags;
+ eState = in_progress_cs;
+ pmessage = message;
+ ipid = ipidServer;
+ iDestCtx = destctx;
+ pNext = NULL;
+ pHeader = NULL;
+ pChannel = channel;
+ lSavedAuthnLevel = 0;
+ lAuthnLevel = authn_level;
+ if (pChannel != NULL)
+ pChannel->AddRef();
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ if (event != NULL)
+ gEventCache.Free(event);
+ // Release the reply buffer.
+ if (eState == canceled_cs && pmessage->Buffer != NULL)
+ DeallocateBuffer(pmessage);
+ // Release the channel.
+ if (pChannel != NULL)
+ pChannel->Release();
+#if DBG==1
+void DebugIsValidWindow(void *hWnd)
+ // USER could be out of memory and unable to validate the handle.
+ // GetDesktopWindow only returns NULL if USER is out of memory. So
+ // we only assert if USER is not out of memory and our window handle
+ // is invalid.
+ if (GetDesktopWindow() == NULL)
+ return;
+ Win4Assert( IsWindow((HWND) hWnd));
+inline void DebugIsValidWindow(void *hWnd) {}
+void Cancel( CChannelCallInfo **call )
+ DWORD result;
+ // If the call is still in progress, change it to canceled.
+ if ((*call)->eState == in_progress_cs)
+ (*call)->eState = canceled_cs;
+ // If the call completed before it could be canceled, wait for it to
+ // signal the completion event and clean up.
+ if ((*call)->eState == server_done_cs || (*call)->eState == got_done_msg_cs)
+ {
+ (*call)->eState = canceled_cs;
+ if (IsWOWThread() && (*call)->Local())
+ {
+ // If the reply has arrived, the call can be deleted.
+ if ((*call)->eState == got_done_msg_cs)
+ {
+ delete *call;
+ }
+ // Otherwise
+ // the completion routine will have posted a message instead of
+ // setting an event, so we have to mark it as canceled and cleanup
+ // when the Reply msg comes in.
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A call that completed in TransmitCall (ie, didn't create an event)
+ // cannot be canceled.
+ Win4Assert( (*call)->event != NULL );
+ result = WaitForSingleObject((*call)->event, INFINITE);
+ Win4Assert( result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 );
+ delete *call;
+ }
+ }
+ // Null the CChannelCallInfo pointer so no one tries to access it.
+ *call = NULL;
+HRESULT GetToSTA( OXIDEntry *pOxid, CChannelCallInfo *call )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "GetToSTA pCall:%x\n", call));
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ HRESULT result;
+ Win4Assert(call->event == NULL);
+ Win4Assert(pOxid->dwTid != GetCurrentThreadId());
+ // Don't accept calls if this thread has been uninitialized.
+ if (pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_STOPPED)
+ if (call->category == CALLCAT_INPUTSYNC)
+ {
+ // On CoUninitialize this may fail when the window is destroyed.
+ // Pass the thread id to aid debugging.
+ SetLastError( 0 );
+ SendMessage((HWND)pOxid->hServerSTA, WM_OLE_ORPC_SEND,
+ GetCurrentThreadId(), (DWORD) call);
+ if (GetLastError() == 0)
+ result = call->hResult;
+ else
+ result = RPC_E_SERVER_DIED;
+ }
+ else if (call->category == CALLCAT_ASYNC)
+ {
+ // async call; copy message, post message and return.
+ // NOTE that in the MTA case, async was converted to SYNC by
+ // the call control.
+ CChannelCallInfo *copy = MakeAsyncCopy( call );
+ if (copy == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Post a message and wait for the app to get back to GetMessage.
+ result = ProtectedPostToSTA( pOxid, copy );
+ if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ // error in posting; free packet and return error (result set above)
+ delete copy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Win4Assert( call->category == CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS );
+ // Get completion event. May cause an event to be created.
+ result = gEventCache.Get( &call->event );
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ result = ProtectedPostToSTA( pOxid, call );
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Wait for the app to finish processing the request.
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(call->event, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ result = call->hResult;
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ return result;
+HRESULT ModalLoop( CChannelCallInfo *pcall )
+ DWORD result;
+ // we should only enter the modal loop for synchronous calls or input
+ // synchronous calls to another process or to an MTA apartment within
+ // the current process.
+ Win4Assert(pcall->category == CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS ||
+ pcall->category == CALLCAT_INPUTSYNC);
+ // detemine if we are using an event or a postmessage for the call
+ // completion signal. We use PostMessage only for process local
+ // calls in WOW, otherwise we use events and the OleModalLoop determines
+ // if the call completed or not.
+ BOOL fMsg = (pcall->Local() && IsWOWThread());
+ BOOL fWait = TRUE;
+ CAptCallCtrl *pACC = GetAptCallCtrl();
+ CCliModalLoop *pCML = pACC->GetTopCML();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT,"ModalLoop: wait on %s\n",(fMsg) ? "Msg" : "Event"));
+ // Wait at least once so the event is returned to the cache in the
+ // unsignalled state.
+ do
+ {
+ Win4Assert(fMsg || pcall->event);
+ result = OleModalLoopBlockFn(NULL, pCML, pcall->event);
+ if (fMsg)
+ {
+ if (result == RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED)
+ {
+ fWait = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // loop until the call's state indicates the arrival of the
+ // reply message.
+ fWait = (pcall->eState != got_done_msg_cs);
+ result = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // loop until the OleModalLoop tells us the call is no longer
+ // pending.
+ fWait = (result == RPC_S_CALLPENDING);
+ }
+ } while (fWait);
+ return result;
+#if DBG==1
+LONG ProtectedPostExceptionFilter( DWORD lCode,
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x in ProtectedPostToCOMThread at address 0x%x\n",
+ lCode, lpep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress));
+ DebugBreak();
+#endif // DBG
+// executed on client thread (in local case) and RPC thread (in remote case);
+// posts a message to the server thread, guarding against disconnected threads
+HRESULT ProtectedPostToSTA( OXIDEntry *pOxid, CChannelCallInfo *call )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ProtectedPostToSTA hWnd:%x pCall:%x\n",
+ pOxid->hServerSTA, call));
+ // ensure we are not posting to ourself and that the apartment is not
+ // an MTA apartment.
+ Win4Assert((pOxid->dwTid != GetCurrentThreadId()) &&
+ ((pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER) == 0));
+ HRESULT result;
+ if (!(pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_STOPPED))
+ {
+#if DBG==1
+ DebugIsValidWindow(pOxid->hServerSTA);
+ _try
+ {
+ // Pass the thread id to aid debugging.
+ if (PostMessage((HWND)pOxid->hServerSTA, WM_OLE_ORPC_POST,
+ GetCurrentThreadId(), (DWORD)call))
+ result = S_OK;
+ else
+#if DBG==1
+ }
+ _except( ProtectedPostExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode(),
+ GetExceptionInformation()) )
+ {
+ }
+ Win4Assert( IsWindow((HWND) pOxid->hServerSTA) );
+ }
+ else
+ return result;
+HRESULT SwitchSTA( OXIDEntry *pOxid, CChannelCallInfo **call )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "SwitchSTA hWnd:%x pCall:%x hEvent:%x\n",
+ (*call)->hWndCaller, (*call), (*call)->event));
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ // Transmit the call.
+ HRESULT result = TransmitCall( pOxid, *call );
+ // the transmit was successful and the reply isn't already here so wait.
+ if (result == RPC_S_CALLPENDING)
+ {
+ // This is a single-threaded apartment so enter the modal loop.
+ result = ModalLoop( *call );
+ }
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ result = (*call)->hResult;
+ else if (result == RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED)
+ Cancel( call );
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "SwitchSTA hr:%x\n", result));
+ return result;
+ This routine is called by the OLE Worker thread on the client side,
+ and by ThreadWndProc on the server side.
+ For the client case, it calls ThreadSendReceive which will send the
+ the data over to the server side.
+ This routine notifies the COM thread when the call is complete. If the
+ call is canceled before completion, the routine cleans up.
+void ThreadDispatch( CChannelCallInfo **ppcall)
+ CChannelCallInfo *pcall = *ppcall;
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ // Dispatch the call.
+ if (pcall->edispatch == invoke_wd)
+ pcall->hResult = ComInvoke( pcall );
+ else
+ pcall->hResult = ThreadSendReceive( pcall );
+ // Change the state to done; we cheat on non-local, recipient side since
+ // there is only one thread accessing the channel control; no need to
+ // lock and no need to check for cancel since it can't happen.
+ if (pcall->edispatch == invoke_wd && !pcall->Local())
+ {
+ // non-local recipient; just set to done
+ Win4Assert(pcall->eState == in_progress_cs);
+ pcall->eState = server_done_cs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // sender or local case; use lock in case other thread accesses it
+ if (pcall->eState == in_progress_cs)
+ pcall->eState = server_done_cs;
+ }
+ // If the call completed, wake up the waiting thread. For local calls
+ // the client thread is waiting. For remote calls the helper thread is
+ // waiting.
+ if (pcall->eState == server_done_cs)
+ {
+ // only need to wake somebody for synchronous calls
+ if (pcall->category == CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS ||
+ pcall->category == CALLCAT_INPUTSYNC)
+ {
+ // Don't do anything in an STA server for input synchronous
+ // calls since the other thread called here with SendMessage.
+ if (pcall->category == CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS ||
+ pcall->edispatch == sendreceive_wd ||
+ IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ if (!pcall->Local() || !IsWOWThread())
+ {
+ // remote calls (outside this process) always use events for
+ // notification. 32bit uses events for local calls too.
+ // someone waiting (e.g., not a SendMessage-type call)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL,"SetEvent pInfo:%x hEvent:%x\n",
+ pcall, pcall->event));
+ SetEvent( pcall->event );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 16bit OLE used to do PostMessage for the Reply; we
+ // tried using SetEvent (which is faster) but this caused
+ // compatibility problems for applications which had bugs that
+ // were hidden by the 16bit OLE DLLs because messages happened
+ // to be dispatched in a particular order (see NtBug 21616 for
+ // an example). To retain the old behavior, we do a
+ // PostMessage here.
+ "PostMessage Reply hWnd:%x pCall:%x hEvent:%x\n",
+ pcall->hWndCaller, pcall, pcall->event));
+ // Pass the thread id to aid debugging.
+ Verify(PostMessage(pcall->hWndCaller,
+ GetCurrentThreadId(), (DWORD)pcall));
+ }
+ // pcall likely invalid here as other thread probably deleted it
+ }
+ }
+ // Must be asynchronous.
+ else if (pcall->edispatch == invoke_wd)
+ {
+ // async call and on recipient side, free packet (no one waiting)
+ Win4Assert( pcall->category == CALLCAT_ASYNC );
+ delete pcall;
+ *ppcall = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the call was canceled, clean up.
+ else
+ {
+ // can only cancel when on client side or local call
+ Win4Assert(pcall->edispatch == sendreceive_wd || pcall->Local());
+ delete pcall;
+ *ppcall = NULL;
+ }
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+// Member: ThreadStart
+// Synopsis: Apartment model only. Setup the window used for MSWMSG,
+// local thread switches and the call control.
+// History: 08-02-95 Rickhi Created, from various pieces
+HRESULT ThreadStart(void)
+ Win4Assert(IsSTAThread());
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ LOCK // lock since GetLocalOXIDEntry expects it
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid = GetLocalOXIDEntry();
+ Win4Assert(pOxid != NULL); //already created so cant fail
+ if (GetCurrentThreadId() == gdwMainThreadId && hwndOleMainThread != NULL)
+ {
+ // this is the main thread, we can just re-use the already
+ // existing gMainThreadWnd.
+ pOxid->hServerSTA = hwndOleMainThread;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Create a new window for use by the current thread for the
+ // apartment model. The window is destroyed in ThreadStop.
+ Win4Assert(gOleWindowClass != NULL);
+ pOxid->hServerSTA = CreateWindowEx(0,
+ gOleWindowClass,
+ TEXT("OLEChannelWnd"),
+ // must use WS_POPUP so the window does not get
+ // assigned a hot key by user.
+ g_hinst,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (pOxid->hServerSTA)
+ {
+ DebugIsValidWindow(pOxid->hServerSTA);
+ // Override the window proc function
+ SetWindowLong((HWND)pOxid->hServerSTA, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)ThreadWndProc);
+ // get the local call control object, and register the
+ // the window with it. Note that it MUST exist cause we
+ // created it in ChannelThreadInitialize.
+ CAptCallCtrl *pCallCtrl = GetAptCallCtrl();
+ pCallCtrl->Register((HWND) pOxid->hServerSTA, WM_USER, 0x7fff );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "ThreadStart returns %x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: ThreadCleanup
+// Synopsis: Release the window for the thread.
+void ThreadCleanup()
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid = GetLocalOXIDEntry();
+ if (pOxid != NULL)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( (pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER) == 0 );
+ // Destroy the window. This will unblock any pending SendMessages.
+ if (pOxid->hServerSTA == hwndOleMainThread)
+ {
+ // restore the window proceedure
+ SetWindowLong(hwndOleMainThread, GWL_WNDPROC,
+ (LONG)OleMainThreadWndProc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This may fail if threads get terminated.
+ DestroyWindow((HWND) pOxid->hServerSTA);
+ }
+ pOxid->hServerSTA = NULL;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "ThreadCleanup called.\n"));
+// Member: ThreadStop
+// Synopsis: Per thread uninitialization
+// History: ??-???-?? ? Created
+// 05-Jul-94 AlexT Separated thread and process uninit
+// Notes: We are not holding the single thread mutex during this call
+STDAPI_(void) ThreadStop(void)
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid = GetLocalOXIDEntry();
+ if (pOxid != NULL)
+ {
+ // Change state
+ pOxid->dwFlags |= OXIDF_STOPPED;
+ }
+ if (pOxid != NULL)
+ {
+ // Stop MSWMSG.
+ I_RpcServerStopListening();
+ if (pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER)
+ {
+ if (pOxid->cCalls != 0)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( pOxid->hComplete != NULL );
+ g_mxsSingleThreadOle.Release();
+ WaitForSingleObject( pOxid->hComplete, INFINITE );
+ g_mxsSingleThreadOle.Request();
+ // a new thread may have been initialized while we released
+ // the lock, so we cant assert that the cCalls is zero.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Single-threaded apartment so wait for all current calls
+ // to complete.
+ MSG msg;
+ BOOL got_quit = FALSE;
+ WPARAM quit_val;
+ while(PeekMessage(&msg, (HWND) pOxid->hServerSTA, WM_USER,
+ 0x7fff, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD))
+ {
+ if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
+ {
+ got_quit = TRUE;
+ quit_val = msg.wParam;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (got_quit)
+ {
+ PostQuitMessage( quit_val );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "ThreadStop called.\n"));
+// Function: ThreadWndProc, Internal
+// Synopsis: Dispatch COM windows messages. This routine is only called
+// for Single-Threaded Apartments. It dispatches calls and call
+// complete messages. If it does not recognize the message, it
+// calls MSWMSG to dispatch it.
+LRESULT ThreadWndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM unused, LPARAM params)
+ Win4Assert(IsSTAThread());
+ if (message == WM_OLE_ORPC_POST ||
+ message == WM_OLE_ORPC_SEND)
+ {
+ CChannelCallInfo *call = (CChannelCallInfo *) params;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ThreadWndProc: Incoming Call pCall:%x\n", call));
+ // Dispatch all calls through ThreadDispatch. Local calls may be
+ // canceled. Server-side, non-local calls cannot be canceled. Send
+ // message calls (event == NULL) are handled as well.
+ call->edispatch = invoke_wd;
+ ThreadDispatch( &call );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (message == WM_OLE_ORPC_DONE)
+ {
+ // call completed - only happens InWow()
+ CChannelCallInfo *call = (CChannelCallInfo *) params;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ThreadWndProc: Call Completed hWnd:%x pCall:%x\n", window, call));
+ if (call->eState == canceled_cs)
+ {
+ // canceled, throw it away
+ delete call;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Notify the modal loop that the call is complete.
+ call->eState = got_done_msg_cs;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (message == WM_OLE_ORPC_RELRIFREF)
+ {
+ HandlePostReleaseRifRef(params);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (message == WM_OLE_GETCLASS)
+ {
+ return OleMainThreadWndProc(window, message, unused, params);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // when the window is first created we are holding the lock, and the
+ // creation of the window causes some messages to be dispatched.
+ // check if the window is being destroyed because of UninitMainWindow
+ // or because of system shut down. Only destroy it in the former case.
+ if ((message == WM_DESTROY || message == WM_CLOSE) &&
+ window == hwndOleMainThread &&
+ gfDestroyingMainWindow == FALSE)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_WARN, "Attempted to destroy window outside of UninitMainThreadWnd"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ // Otherwise let the default window procedure have the message.
+ return DefWindowProc( window, message, unused, params );
+ return I_RpcWindowProc( window, message, unused, params );
+ }
+ Return S_OK if the call completed successfully.
+ Return RPC_S_CALL_PENDING if the caller should block.
+ Return an error if the call failed.
+HRESULT TransmitCall( OXIDEntry *pOxid, CChannelCallInfo *call )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "TransmitCall pCall:%x\n", call));
+ BOOL fDispCall = FALSE;
+ HRESULT result;
+ // Don't touch the call hresult after the other thread starts,
+ // otherwise we might erase the results of the other thread.
+ // Since we never want signalled events returned to the cache, always
+ // wait on the event at least once. For example, the post message
+ // succeeds and the call completes immediately. Return RPC_S_CALLPENDING even
+ // though the call already has a S_OK in it.
+ if (call->Local())
+ {
+ // server is in this process.
+ if (!(pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER))
+ {
+ // server is in an STA apartment
+ if (call->category == CALLCAT_INPUTSYNC)
+ {
+ // Inputsync call. Send the message.
+ if (!(pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_STOPPED))
+ {
+ // On CoUninitialize this may fail when the window is destroyed.
+ // Pass the thread id to aid debugging.
+ SetLastError( 0 );
+ SendMessage((HWND)pOxid->hServerSTA, WM_OLE_ORPC_SEND,
+ GetCurrentThreadId(), (DWORD) call);
+ if (GetLastError() != 0)
+ {
+ call->hResult = RPC_E_SERVER_DIED;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ call->hResult = RPC_E_SERVER_DIED_DNE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (call->category == CALLCAT_ASYNC)
+ {
+ // Async call. Copy message, post message and return.
+ CChannelCallInfo *copy = MakeAsyncCopy( call );
+ if (copy == NULL)
+ {
+ call->hResult = RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ call->hResult = ProtectedPostToSTA( pOxid, copy );
+ if (call->hResult != S_OK)
+ {
+ delete copy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Sync call. Post the message and wait for a reply.
+ Win4Assert(call->category == CALLCAT_SYNCHRONOUS);
+ call->hResult = S_OK;
+ if (!IsWOWThread())
+ {
+ // Get an event from the cache. In 32bit, replyies are done
+ // via Events, but for 16bit, repliest are done with PostMsg,
+ // so we dont need an event. Not having an event makes the
+ // callctrl modal loop a little faster.
+ call->hResult = gEventCache.Get( &call->event );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Win4Assert( GetLocalOXIDEntry() != NULL );
+ call->hWndCaller = (HWND) GetLocalOXIDEntry()->hServerSTA;
+ call->event = NULL;
+ }
+ if (call->hResult == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Post a message to server
+ call->hResult = RPC_S_CALLPENDING;
+ result = ProtectedPostToSTA( pOxid, call );
+ if (result != S_OK)
+ call->hResult = result;
+ else
+ wait = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // server is in an MTA apartment. Transmit the call by having
+ // a worker thread invoke the server directly. Async calls to
+ // a FT server are treated as SYNC calls and should have been
+ // converted by this point, so we never expect to see callcat
+ // ASYNC.
+ Win4Assert(call->category != CALLCAT_ASYNC);
+ wait = TRUE;
+ call->edispatch = invoke_wd;
+ fDispCall = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // server is in a different process or on a different machine.
+ if (call->category == CALLCAT_ASYNC)
+ {
+ // For async calls to other local processes, just make an RPC call.
+ call->hResult = ThreadSendReceive(call);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Get a worker thread to do the RPC call.
+ wait = TRUE;
+ call->edispatch = sendreceive_wd;
+ fDispCall = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fDispCall)
+ {
+ // Dispatch to a worker thread to make the call
+ call->hResult = gEventCache.Get( &call->event );
+ if (call->hResult == S_OK)
+ {
+ call->hResult = RPC_S_CALLPENDING;
+ result = gRpcThreadCache.Dispatch( call );
+ if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ call->hResult = result;
+ wait = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "TransmitCall call->hResult:%x fWait:%x\n",
+ call->hResult, wait));
+ Win4Assert(wait || call->hResult != RPC_S_CALLPENDING);
+ return (wait) ? RPC_S_CALLPENDING : call->hResult;
+// Member: CEventCache::Cleanup
+// Synopsis: Empty the event cache
+// Notes: This function must be thread safe because Canceled calls
+// can complete at any time.
+void CEventCache::Cleanup(void)
+ while (_ifree > 0)
+ {
+ _ifree--; // decrement the index first!
+ Verify(CloseHandle(_list[_ifree]));
+ _list[_ifree] = NULL; // NULL slot so we dont need to re-init
+ }
+ // reset the index to 0 so reinitialization is not needed
+ _ifree = 0;
+// Member: CEventCache::Free
+// Synopsis: returns an event to the cache if there are any available
+// slots, frees the event if not.
+// Notes: This function must be thread safe because Canceled calls
+// can complete at any time.
+void CEventCache::Free( HANDLE hEvent )
+ // there better be an event
+ Win4Assert(hEvent != NULL);
+ // dont return anything to the cache if the process is no longer init'd.
+ if (_ifree < CEVENTCACHE_MAX_EVENT && gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ // there is space, save this event.
+#if DBG==1
+ // in debug, ensure slot is NULL
+ Win4Assert(_list[_ifree] == NULL && "Free: _list[_ifree] != NULL");
+ // enusre not already in the list
+ for (ULONG j=0; j<_ifree; j++)
+ {
+ Win4Assert(_list[j] != hEvent && "Free: event already in cache!");
+ }
+ // ensure that the event is in the non-signalled state
+ Win4Assert(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT &&
+ "Free: Signalled event returned to cache!\n");
+ _list[_ifree] = hEvent;
+ _ifree++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise really free it.
+ Verify(CloseHandle(hEvent));
+ }
+// Member: CEventCache::Get
+// Synopsis: gets an event from the cache if there are any available,
+// allocates one if not.
+// Notes: This function must be thread safe because Canceled calls
+// can complete at any time.
+HRESULT CEventCache::Get( HANDLE *hEvent )
+ Win4Assert(_ifree <= CEVENTCACHE_MAX_EVENT);
+ if (_ifree > 0)
+ {
+ // there is an event in the cache, use it.
+ _ifree--;
+ *hEvent = _list[_ifree];
+#if DBG==1
+ // in debug, NULL the slot.
+ _list[_ifree] = NULL;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // no free event in the cache, allocate a new one.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ *hEvent = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+#else //_CHICAGO_
+ *hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+#endif //_CHICAGO_
+ if (*hEvent)
+ return S_OK;
+ Win4Assert(*hEvent != NULL && "CEventCache:GetEvent returning NULL");
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chancont.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chancont.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fe24bf1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chancont.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#ifndef _CHANCONT_HXX_
+#define _CHANCONT_HXX_
+#include <wtypes.h>
+#include <OleSpy.hxx>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx>
+// class: CEventCache
+// Synopsis: Since ORPC uses events very frequently, we keep a small
+// internal cache of them. There is only one of them, so
+// we use static initializers to reduce Init time.
+// History: 25-Oct-95 Rickhi Made data static
+// dont change this value without changing the static initializer.
+class CEventCache : public CPrivAlloc
+ void Free( HANDLE );
+ void Cleanup(void);
+ static DWORD _ifree;
+extern CEventCache gEventCache;
+typedef enum
+ in_progress_cs,
+ server_done_cs,
+ got_done_msg_cs,
+ canceled_cs
+} ECallState;
+typedef enum
+ CF_LOCKED = 0x1, // Set when free buffer must call UnlockClient
+ CF_PROCESS_LOCAL = 0x2, // Set for process local calls
+ CF_WAS_IMPERSONATING = 0x4, // Client was impersonating before call started
+} ECallFlags;
+typedef enum
+ none_wd, // dont call anything
+ invoke_wd, // call ComInvoke
+ sendreceive_wd // call ThreadSendReceive
+} EWhichDispatch;
+class CRpcChannelBuffer;
+class CChannelCallInfo
+ public:
+ CChannelCallInfo();
+ CChannelCallInfo( CALLCATEGORY callcat,
+ DWORD iFlags,
+ REFIPID ipidServer,
+ DWORD destctx,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *channel,
+ DWORD authn_level );
+ ~CChannelCallInfo();
+ BOOL Local () { return iFlags & CF_PROCESS_LOCAL; }
+ BOOL Locked () { return iFlags & CF_LOCKED; }
+ // Channel controller fields.
+ CALLCATEGORY category;
+ DWORD iFlags; // ECallFlags
+ ECallState eState;
+ SCODE hResult; // SCODE or exception code
+ HANDLE event; // caller wait event
+ HWND hWndCaller; // caller apartment hWnd (only used InWow)
+ EWhichDispatch edispatch; // which function to invoke in worker thread
+ IPID ipid;
+ // Channel fields.
+ RPCOLEMESSAGE *pmessage;
+ DWORD server_fault;
+ DWORD iDestCtx;
+ CChannelCallInfo *pNext;
+ void *pHeader;
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChannel;
+ DWORD lSavedAuthnLevel;
+ DWORD lAuthnLevel;
+/* Classes. */
+ The channel controller switches threads for the channel. It is not
+used in the free threaded mode. There are two basic scenarios: a local
+call and a remote call.
+ A local call looks like this.
+ Client Server
+ SendReceive
+ SwitchSTA
+ TransmitCall
+ PostMessage
+ ModalLoop
+ MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
+ ThreadWndProc
+ ThreadDispatch
+ ComInvoke
+ AppInvoke
+ AptInvoke
+ Stub
+ SetEvent
+ A remote call looks like this.
+ Client ClientHelper ServerHelper Server
+ SendReceive
+ SwitchSTA
+ TransmitCall
+ SetEvent
+ ModalLoop
+ MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
+ ThreadSendReceive
+ ThreadInvoke
+ GetToSTA
+ PostMessage
+ WaitForSingleObject
+ ThreadWndProc
+ ThreadDispatch
+ ComInvoke
+ AppInvoke
+ AptInvoke
+ Stub
+ SetEvent
+ reply
+ SetEvent
+ The actual thread switch mechanism (PostMessage, event) depend on
+the call category, whether or not the call is local, whether or not the
+call is in WOW, and the direction (request vs. reply).
+/* Externals. */
+extern CEventCache EventCache;
+HRESULT GetToSTA ( OXIDEntry *, CChannelCallInfo * );
+HRESULT SwitchSTA ( OXIDEntry *, CChannelCallInfo ** );
+void ThreadCleanup ( void );
+void ThreadDispatch ( CChannelCallInfo ** );
+HRESULT ThreadStart ( void );
+LRESULT ThreadWndProc (HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM unused, LPARAM params);
+#endif // _CHANCONT_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/channelb.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/channelb.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c602b2f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/channelb.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2665 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1994.
+// File: d:\nt\private\cairole\com\remote\channelb.cxx
+// Contents: This module contains thunking classes that allow proxies
+// and stubs to use a buffer interface on top of RPC for Cairo
+// Classes: CRpcChannelBuffer
+// Functions:
+// ChannelThreadInitialize
+// ChannelProcessInitialize
+// ChannelRegisterProtseq
+// ChannelThreadUninitialize
+// ChannelProcessUninitialize
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::AddRef
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::AppInvoke
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::CRpcChannelBuffer
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::FreeBuffer
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::GetBuffer
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::QueryInterface
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::Release
+// CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive
+// DebugCoSetRpcFault
+// DllDebugObjectRPCHook
+// ThreadInvoke
+// ThreadSendReceive
+// History: 22 Jun 93 AlexMi Created
+// 31 Dec 93 ErikGav Chicago port
+// 15 Mar 94 JohannP Added call category support.
+// 09 Jun 94 BruceMa Get call category from RPC message
+// 19 Jul 94 CraigWi Added support for ASYNC calls
+// 01-Aug-94 BruceMa Memory sift fix
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <channelb.hxx>
+#include <hash.hxx> // CUUIDHashTable
+#include <riftbl.hxx> // gRIFTbl
+#include <callctrl.hxx> // CAptRpcChnl, AptInvoke
+#include <threads.hxx> // CRpcThreadCache
+#include <service.hxx> // StopListen
+#include <resolver.hxx> // CRpcResolver
+extern "C"
+#include "orpc_dbg.h"
+#include <rpcdcep.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#include <obase.h>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx>
+#include <security.hxx>
+#include <chock.hxx>
+// This is needed for the debug hooks. See orpc_dbg.h
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+/* Defines. */
+#define MAKE_WIN32( status ) \
+// This should just return a status to runtime, but runtime does not
+// support both comm and fault status yet.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+#define RETURN_COMM_STATUS( status ) return (status)
+#define RETURN_COMM_STATUS( status ) RpcRaiseException( status )
+// Flags for local rpc header.
+// These are only valid on a request (in a ORPCTHIS header).
+// These are only valid on a reply (in a ORPCTHAT header).
+// Default size of hash table.
+const int INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS = 20;
+/* Typedefs. */
+// This structure contains a copy of all the information needed to make a
+// call. It is copied so it can be canceled without stray pointer references.
+struct working_call : public CChannelCallInfo
+ working_call( CALLCATEGORY callcat,
+ DWORD flags,
+ REFIPID ipidServer,
+ DWORD destctx,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *channel,
+ DWORD authn_level );
+ void *operator new ( size_t );
+ void operator delete( void * );
+ static void Cleanup ( void );
+ static void Initialize ( void );
+ static void *list[CALLCACHE_SIZE];
+ static DWORD next;
+void *working_call::list[CALLCACHE_SIZE] =
+DWORD working_call::next = 0;
+/* Macros. */
+// Compute the size needed for the implicit this pointer including the
+// various optional headers.
+inline DWORD SIZENEEDED_ORPCTHIS( BOOL local, DWORD debug_size )
+ if (debug_size == 0)
+ return sizeof(WireThisPart1) + ((local) ? sizeof(LocalThis) : 0);
+ else
+ return sizeof(WireThisPart2) + ((local) ? sizeof(LocalThis) : 0) +
+ debug_size;
+ if (debug_size == 0)
+ return sizeof(WireThatPart1);
+ else
+ return sizeof(WireThatPart2) + debug_size;
+inline CALLCATEGORY GetCallCat( void *header )
+ WireThis *inb = (WireThis *) header;
+ if (inb->c.flags & ORPCF_ASYNC)
+ else if (inb->c.flags & ORPCF_INPUT_SYNC)
+ else
+/* Globals. */
+// Should the debugger hooks be called?
+BOOL DoDebuggerHooks = FALSE;
+// The extension identifier for debug data.
+const uuid_t DEBUG_EXTENSION =
+{ 0xf1f19680, 0x4d2a, 0x11ce, {0xa6, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x6e, 0x72, 0xf4}};
+#if DBG == 1
+// strings that prefix the call
+WCHAR *wszDebugORPCCallPrefixString[4] = { L"--> [BEG]", // Invoke
+ L" --> [end]",
+ L"<-- [BEG]", // SendReceive
+ L" <-- [end]" };
+LONG ulDebugORPCCallNestingLevel[4] = {1, -1, 1, -1};
+SHashChain OIDBuckets[23] = { {&OIDBuckets[0], &OIDBuckets[0]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[1], &OIDBuckets[1]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[2], &OIDBuckets[2]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[3], &OIDBuckets[3]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[4], &OIDBuckets[4]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[5], &OIDBuckets[5]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[6], &OIDBuckets[6]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[7], &OIDBuckets[7]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[8], &OIDBuckets[8]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[9], &OIDBuckets[9]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[10], &OIDBuckets[10]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[11], &OIDBuckets[11]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[12], &OIDBuckets[12]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[13], &OIDBuckets[13]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[14], &OIDBuckets[14]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[15], &OIDBuckets[15]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[16], &OIDBuckets[16]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[17], &OIDBuckets[17]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[18], &OIDBuckets[18]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[19], &OIDBuckets[19]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[20], &OIDBuckets[20]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[21], &OIDBuckets[21]},
+ {&OIDBuckets[22], &OIDBuckets[22]}
+ };
+CUUIDHashTable gClientRegisteredOIDs;
+// flag whether or not the channel has been initialized for current process
+BOOL gfChannelProcessInitialized = 0;
+BOOL gfMTAChannelInitialized = 0;
+// count of multi-threaded apartment inits (see CoInitializeEx)
+extern DWORD g_cMTAInits;
+// Channel debug hook object.
+CDebugChannelHook gDebugHook;
+// Channel error hook object.
+CErrorChannelHook gErrorHook;
+#if DBG==1
+// Function: GetInterfaceName
+// synopsis: Gets the human readable name of an Interface given it's IID.
+// History: 12-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+LONG GetInterfaceName(REFIID riid, WCHAR *pwszName)
+ // convert the iid to a string
+ CDbgGuidStr dbgsIID(riid);
+ // Read the registry entry for the interface to get the interface name
+ LONG ulcb=256;
+ WCHAR szKey[80];
+ szKey[0] = L'\0';
+ lstrcatW(szKey, L"Interface\\");
+ lstrcatW(szKey, dbgsIID._wszGuid);
+ LONG result = RegQueryValue(
+ szKey,
+ pwszName,
+ &ulcb);
+ Win4Assert( result == 0 );
+ return result;
+// Function: DebugPrintORPCCall
+// synopsis: Prints the interface name and method number to the debugger
+// to allow simple ORPC call tracing.
+// History: 12-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+void DebugPrintORPCCall(DWORD dwFlag, REFIID riid, DWORD iMethod, DWORD Callcat)
+ if (CairoleInfoLevel & DEB_USER15)
+ {
+ Win4Assert (dwFlag < 4);
+ // adjust the nesting level for this thread.
+ COleTls tls;
+ tls->cORPCNestingLevel += ulDebugORPCCallNestingLevel[dwFlag];
+ // set the indentation string according to the nesting level
+ CHAR szNesting[100];
+ memset(szNesting, 0x20, 100);
+ if (tls->cORPCNestingLevel > 99) // watch for overflow
+ szNesting[99] = '\0';
+ else
+ szNesting[tls->cORPCNestingLevel] = '\0';
+ // construct the debug strings
+ WCHAR *pwszDirection = wszDebugORPCCallPrefixString[dwFlag];
+ WCHAR wszName[100];
+ GetInterfaceName(riid, wszName);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_USER15, "%s%ws [%x] %ws:: %x\n",
+ szNesting, pwszDirection, Callcat, wszName, iMethod));
+ }
+void ByteSwapThis( DWORD drep, WireThis *inb )
+ {
+ // Extensions are swapped later. If we ever use the reserved field,
+ // swap it.
+ ByteSwapShort( inb->c.version.MajorVersion );
+ ByteSwapShort( inb->c.version.MinorVersion );
+ ByteSwapLong( inb->c.flags );
+ // ByteSwapLong( inb->c.reserved1 );
+ ByteSwapLong( inb->c.cid.Data1 );
+ ByteSwapShort( inb->c.cid.Data2 );
+ ByteSwapShort( inb->c.cid.Data3 );
+ }
+void ByteSwapThat( DWORD drep, WireThat *outb )
+ {
+ // Extensions are swapped later.
+ ByteSwapLong( outb->c.flags );
+ }
+// Function: ChannelProcessInitialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initializes the channel subsystem per process data.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 AlexMit Created
+STDAPI ChannelProcessInitialize()
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "ChannelProcessInitialize");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "ChannelProcessInitialize [IN]\n"));
+ Win4Assert( (sizeof(WireThisPart1) & 7) == 0 );
+ Win4Assert( (sizeof(WireThisPart2) & 7) == 0 );
+ Win4Assert( (sizeof(LocalThis) & 7) == 0 );
+ Win4Assert( (sizeof(WireThatPart1) & 7) == 0 );
+ Win4Assert( (sizeof(WireThatPart2) & 7) == 0 );
+ // we want to take the gComLock since that prevents other Rpc
+ // threads from accessing anything we are about to create, in
+ // particular, the event cache and working_call cache are accessed
+ // by Rpc worker threads of cancelled calls.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (!gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ // Initialize the interface hash tables, the OID hash table, and
+ // the MID hash table. We dont need to cleanup these on errors.
+ gMIDTbl.Initialize();
+ gOXIDTbl.Initialize();
+ gRIFTbl.Initialize();
+ gIPIDTbl.Initialize();
+ gSRFTbl.Initialize();
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Initialize(OIDBuckets);
+ // Register the debug channel hook.
+ hr = CoRegisterChannelHook( DEBUG_EXTENSION, &gDebugHook );
+ // Register the error channel hook.
+ if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = CoRegisterChannelHook( ERROR_EXTENSION, &gErrorHook );
+ }
+ // Initialize security.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = InitializeSecurity();
+ }
+ // always set to TRUE if we initialized ANYTHING, regardless of
+ // whether there were any errors. That way, ChannelProcessUninit
+ // will cleanup anything we have initialized.
+ gfChannelProcessInitialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // cleanup anything we have created thus far.
+ ChannelProcessUninitialize();
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "ChannelProcessInitialize [OUT] hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CleanupRegOIDs, public
+// Synopsis: called to delete each node of the registered OID list.
+void CleanupRegOIDs(SHashChain *pNode)
+ delete pNode;
+// Function: ChannelProcessUninitialize, public
+// Synopsis: Uninitializes the channel subsystem global data.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This is called at process uninitialize, not thread
+// uninitialize.
+STDAPI_(void) ChannelProcessUninitialize(void)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "ChannelProcessUninitialize");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "ChannelProcessUninitialize [IN]\n"));
+ if (gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ // Stop accepting calls from the object resolver and flag that service
+ // is no longer initialized. This can result in calls being
+ // dispatched. Do not hold the lock around this call.
+ UnregisterDcomInterfaces();
+ }
+ gResolver.ReleaseSCMProxy();
+ // we want to take the gComLock since that prevents other Rpc
+ // threads from accessing anything we are about to cleanup, in
+ // particular, the event cache and working_call are accessed by
+ // Rpc worker threaded for cancelled calls.
+ if (gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ // Release the interface tables. This causes RPC to stop dispatching
+ // DCOM calls. This can result in calls being dispatched.
+ // UnRegisterServerInterface releases and reaquires the lock each
+ // time it is called.
+ gRIFTbl.Cleanup();
+ if (gpLocalMIDEntry)
+ {
+ // release the local MIDEntry
+ DecMIDRefCnt(gpLocalMIDEntry);
+ gpLocalMIDEntry = NULL;
+ }
+ // release the MTA apartment's OXIDEntry if there is one. Do this
+ // after the RIFTble cleanup so we are not processing any calls
+ // while it happens.
+ gOXIDTbl.ReleaseLocalMTAEntry();
+ if (gpsaCurrentProcess)
+ {
+ // delete the string bindings for the current process
+ PrivMemFree(gpsaCurrentProcess);
+ gpsaCurrentProcess = NULL;
+ }
+ // cleanup the IPID, OXID, and MID tables
+ gOXIDTbl.FreeExpiredEntries(GetTickCount()+1);
+ gIPIDTbl.Cleanup();
+ gOXIDTbl.Cleanup();
+ gMIDTbl.Cleanup();
+ gSRFTbl.Cleanup();
+ // Cleanup the OID registration table.
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Cleanup(CleanupRegOIDs);
+ // Cleanup the call cache.
+ working_call::Cleanup();
+ // Release all cached threads.
+ gRpcThreadCache.ClearFreeList();
+ // cleanup the event cache
+ gEventCache.Cleanup();
+ // Cleanup the channel hooks.
+ CleanupChannelHooks();
+ }
+ // Always cleanup the RPC OXID resolver since security may initialize it.
+ gResolver.Cleanup();
+ // Cleanup security.
+ UninitializeSecurity();
+ // mark the channel as no longer intialized for this process
+ gfChannelProcessInitialized = FALSE;
+ gfMTAChannelInitialized = FALSE;
+ // release the static unmarshaler
+ if (gpStdMarshal)
+ {
+ ((CStdIdentity *)gpStdMarshal)->UnlockAndRelease();
+ gpStdMarshal = NULL;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "ChannelProcessUninitialize [OUT]\n"));
+ return;
+// Function: STAChannelInitialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initializes the channel subsystem per thread data
+// for single-threaded apartments.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This is called at thread initialize, not process
+// initialize. Cleanup is done in ChannelThreadUninitialize.
+STDAPI STAChannelInitialize(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "STAChannelInitialize [IN]\n"));
+ Win4Assert(IsSTAThread());
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (!gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ // process initialization has not been done, do that now.
+ if (FAILED(hr = ChannelProcessInitialize()))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // create the callctrl before calling ThreadStart, since the latter
+ // tries to register with the call controller. We might already have
+ // a callctrl if some DDE stuff has already run.
+ COleTls tls;
+ if (tls->pCallCtrl == NULL)
+ {
+ // assume OOM and try to create callctrl. ctor sets tls.
+ CAptCallCtrl *pCallCtrl = new CAptCallCtrl();
+ }
+ if (tls->pCallCtrl)
+ {
+ // mark the channel as initialized now to prevent re-entracy in
+ // GetLocalEntry.
+ // Precreate the thread window. The window is normally only used
+ // for requests (and thus created during marshalling). But in WOW
+ // it is used for responses (and thus created during initialization).
+ // We do it for normal cases here too in order to avoid recursion
+ // when marshaling the first interface.
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid;
+ hr = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry( &pOxid );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = ThreadStart();
+ }
+ // Clear the channel initialized flag if initialization fails.
+ // Everything gets cleaned up in uninitialize regardless of the
+ // channel flag.
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "STAChannelInitialize [OUT] hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: MTAChannelInitialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initializes the channel subsystem per thread data
+// for multi-threaded apartments.
+// History: 19-Mar-96 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This is called at thread initialize, not process
+// initialize. Cleanup is done in ChannelThreadUninitialize.
+STDAPI MTAChannelInitialize(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "MTAChannelInitialize [IN]\n"));
+ Win4Assert(IsMTAThread());
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (!gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ // process initialization has not been done, do that now.
+ if (FAILED(hr = ChannelProcessInitialize()))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (!gfMTAChannelInitialized)
+ {
+ // Create the OXID entry for this apartment. Do it now to avoid
+ // any races with two threads creating it simultaneously.
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid;
+ hr = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry( &pOxid );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ pOxid->dwFlags &= ~ OXIDF_STOPPED;
+ gfMTAChannelInitialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "MTAChannelInitialize [OUT] hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: ChannelThreadUninitialize, private
+// Synopsis: Uninitializes the channel subsystem per thread data.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: This is called at thread uninitialize, not process
+// uninitialize.
+STDAPI_(void) ChannelThreadUninitialize(void)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "ChannelThreadUninitialize");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "ChannelThreadUninitialize [IN]\n"));
+ COleTls tls;
+ {
+ // Cleanup the window for this thread.
+ ThreadCleanup();
+ // Free the apartment call control.
+ delete tls->pCallCtrl;
+ tls->pCallCtrl = NULL;
+ // Free any registered MessageFilter that has not been picked
+ // up by the call ctrl.
+ if (tls->pMsgFilter)
+ {
+ tls->pMsgFilter->Release();
+ tls->pMsgFilter = NULL;
+ }
+ // release the OXIDEntry for this thread.
+ gOXIDTbl.ReleaseLocalSTAEntry();
+ // mark the thread as no longer intialized for the channel
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the MTA channel is no longer initialized.
+ gfMTAChannelInitialized = FALSE;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_COMPOBJ, "ChannelThreadUninitialize [OUT]\n"));
+// count of multi-threaded inits
+// Function: InitChannelIfNecessary, private
+// Synopsis: Checks if the ORPC channel has been initialized for
+// the current apartment and initializes if not. This is
+// required by the delayed initialization logic.
+// History: 26-Oct-95 Rickhi Created
+INTERNAL InitChannelIfNecessary()
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ if (!(tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_APARTMENTTHREADED))
+ {
+ if (!gfMTAChannelInitialized)
+ {
+ if (g_cMTAInits > 0)
+ {
+ // initialize the MTAChannel
+ return MTAChannelInitialize();
+ }
+ // CoInitializeEx(MULTITHREADED) has not been called
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!(tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_CHANNELTHREADINITIALZED))
+ {
+ if (tls->cComInits > 0 &&
+ return STAChannelInitialize();
+ // CoInitializeEx(APARTMENTTHREADED) has not been called,
+ // or the thread is Uninitializing
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ Make a copy of a message for an asyncronous call. Also make a fake
+reply for the call.
+CChannelCallInfo *MakeAsyncCopy( CChannelCallInfo *original )
+ void *pBuffer = NULL;
+ WireThat *outb;
+ BOOL success;
+ working_call *copy = new working_call( original->category,
+ original->pmessage,
+ original->iFlags,
+ original->ipid,
+ original->iDestCtx,
+ original->pChannel,
+ original->lAuthnLevel );
+ if (copy != NULL)
+ {
+ original->hResult = S_OK;
+ if (original->pmessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ {
+ // no need to duplicate the buffer, just use it as is.
+ copy->message.Buffer = original->pmessage->Buffer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pBuffer = PrivMemAlloc8(original->pmessage->cbBuffer);
+ Win4Assert(((ULONG)pBuffer & 0x7) == 0 && "Buffer not aligned properly");
+ if (pBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ copy->message.Buffer = pBuffer;
+ memcpy(pBuffer, original->pmessage->Buffer,
+ original->pmessage->cbBuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ original->hResult = RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(original->hResult))
+ {
+ // pretend local so we don't touch rpc for more buffers, etc.
+ copy->message.rpcFlags |= RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL;
+ // Create a fake reply containing a result even though the
+ // client will never see it.
+ original->pmessage->cbBuffer = SIZENEEDED_ORPCTHAT(0) + 4;
+ if (original->pmessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ {
+ original->pmessage->Buffer = PrivMemAlloc8(original->pmessage->cbBuffer);
+ success = original->pmessage->Buffer != NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ success = I_RpcGetBuffer((RPC_MESSAGE *) original->pmessage) == RPC_S_OK;
+ }
+ // simulate success in method call
+ if (success)
+ {
+ outb = (WireThat *) original->pmessage->Buffer;
+ outb->c.flags = ORPCF_NULL;
+ outb->c.unique = 0;
+ *(SCODE *)((WireThatPart1 *)outb + 1) = S_OK;
+ return copy;
+ }
+ }
+ PrivMemFree(pBuffer);
+ delete copy;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRpcChannelBuffer::AddRef( THIS )
+ // can't call AssertValid(FALSE) since it is used in asserts
+ InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
+ return ref_count;
+HRESULT CRpcChannelBuffer::AppInvoke( CChannelCallInfo *call,
+ IRpcStubBuffer *stub,
+ void *pv,
+ void *orig_stub_buffer,
+ LocalThis *localb )
+ RPC_MESSAGE *message = (RPC_MESSAGE *) call->pmessage;
+ void *orig_buffer = message->Buffer;
+ WireThat *outb = NULL;
+ HRESULT result;
+ // Save a pointer to the inbound header.
+ call->pHeader = message->Buffer;
+ // Adjust the buffer.
+ message->BufferLength -= (char *) orig_stub_buffer - (char *) message->Buffer;
+ message->Buffer = orig_stub_buffer;
+ message->ProcNum &= ~RPC_FLAGS_VALID_BIT;
+ // if the incoming call is from a non-NDR client, then set a bit in
+ // the message flags field so the stub can figure out how to dispatch
+ // the call. This allows a 32bit server to simultaneously service a
+ // 32bit client using NDR and a 16bit client using non-NDR, in particular,
+ // to support OLE Automation.
+ if (localb != NULL && localb->flags & LOCALF_NONNDR)
+ message->RpcFlags |= RPCFLG_NON_NDR;
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ // do multi-threaded apartment invoke
+ result = MTAInvoke((RPCOLEMESSAGE *)message, GetCallCat( call->pHeader ),
+ stub, this, &call->server_fault);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // do single-threaded apartment invoke
+ result = STAInvoke((RPCOLEMESSAGE *)message, GetCallCat( call->pHeader ),
+ stub, this, pv, &call->server_fault);
+ }
+ // For local calls, just free the in buffer. For non-local calls,
+ // the RPC runtime does this for us.
+ if (message->RpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ PrivMemFree( orig_buffer );
+ // If an exception occurred before a new buffer was allocated,
+ // set the Buffer field to point to the original buffer.
+ if (message->Buffer == orig_stub_buffer)
+ {
+ // The buffer pointer in the message must be correct so RPC can free it.
+ if (message->RpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ message->Buffer = NULL;
+ else
+ message->Buffer = orig_buffer;
+ }
+ else if (message->Buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ // An out buffer exists, get the pointer to the channel header.
+ Win4Assert( call->pHeader != orig_buffer );
+ message->BufferLength += (char *) message->Buffer - (char *) call->pHeader;
+ message->Buffer = call->pHeader;
+ outb = (WireThat *) message->Buffer;
+ }
+ // If successful, adjust the buffer.
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ if (call->iDestCtx == MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE)
+ outb->c.flags = 0;
+ else
+ outb->c.flags = ORPCF_LOCAL;
+ // For asynchronous calls, MSWMSG will delete the out buffer. If MSWMSG
+ // is not the transport, delete it here. Non-Mswmsg async calls have
+ // been converted to local calls.
+ if (message->RpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL &&
+ call->category == CALLCAT_ASYNC)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( message->Buffer );
+ message->Buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result == RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED)
+ {
+ // Call was rejected. If the caller is on another machine, just fail the
+ // call.
+ if (call->iDestCtx != MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE && outb != NULL)
+ {
+ // Otherwise return S_OK so the buffer gets back, but set the flag
+ // to indicate it was rejected.
+ outb->c.flags = ORPCF_LOCAL | ORPCF_REJECTED;
+ result = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result == RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER)
+ {
+ // Call was rejected. If the caller is on another machine, just fail the
+ // call.
+ if (call->iDestCtx != MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE && outb != NULL)
+ {
+ // Otherwise return S_OK so the buffer gets back, but set the flag
+ // to indicate it was rejected with retry later.
+ outb->c.flags = ORPCF_LOCAL | ORPCF_RETRY_LATER;
+ result = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (message->RpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ {
+ // call failed and the call is local, free the out buffer. For
+ // non-local calls the RPC runtime does this for us.
+ PrivMemFree( message->Buffer );
+ message->Buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ return result;
+// Function: AppInvokeExceptionFilter
+// Synopsis: Determine if the application as thrown an exception we want
+// to report. If it has, then print out enough information for
+// the 'user' to debug the problem
+// Arguments: [lpep] -- Exception context records
+// History: 6-20-95 kevinro Created
+// Notes:
+// At the moment, I was unable to get this to work for Win95, so I have
+// commented out the code.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+// Win95 doesn't appear to support this functionality by default.
+inline LONG
+ )
+#include <imagehlp.h>
+#define SYM_HANDLE GetCurrentProcess()
+#if defined(_M_IX86)
+#elif defined(_M_MRX000)
+#elif defined(_M_ALPHA)
+#elif defined(_M_PPC)
+#error( "unknown target machine" );
+ )
+#if DBG == 1
+ BOOL rVal;
+ STACKFRAME StackFrame;
+ CONTEXT Context;
+ SymSetOptions( SYMOPT_UNDNAME );
+ SymInitialize( SYM_HANDLE, NULL, TRUE );
+ ZeroMemory( &StackFrame, sizeof(StackFrame) );
+ Context = *lpep->ContextRecord;
+#if defined(_M_IX86)
+ StackFrame.AddrPC.Offset = Context.Eip;
+ StackFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
+ StackFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = Context.Ebp;
+ StackFrame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
+ StackFrame.AddrStack.Offset = Context.Esp;
+ StackFrame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,"An Exception occurred while calling into app\n"));
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,
+ "Exception address = 0x%x Exception number 0x%x\n",
+ lpep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress,
+ lpep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode ));
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,"The following stack trace is where the exception occured\n"));
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,"Frame RetAddr mod!symbol\n"));
+ do
+ {
+ rVal = StackWalk(MACHINE_TYPE,SYM_HANDLE,0,&StackFrame,&Context,ReadProcessMemory,
+ SymFunctionTableAccess,SymGetModuleBase,NULL);
+ if (rVal)
+ {
+ DWORD dump[200];
+ ULONG Displacement;
+ LPSTR pModuleName = "???";
+ BOOL fSuccess;
+ sym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(dump);
+ fSuccess = SymGetSymFromAddr(SYM_HANDLE,StackFrame.AddrPC.Offset,
+ &Displacement,sym);
+ //
+ // If there is module name information available, then grab it.
+ //
+ if(SymGetModuleInfo(SYM_HANDLE,StackFrame.AddrPC.Offset,&ModuleInfo))
+ {
+ pModuleName = ModuleInfo.ModuleName;
+ }
+ if (fSuccess)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,
+ "%08x %08x %s!%s + %x\n",
+ StackFrame.AddrFrame.Offset,
+ StackFrame.AddrReturn.Offset,
+ pModuleName,
+ sym->Name,
+ Displacement));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,
+ "%08x %08x %s!%08x\n",
+ StackFrame.AddrFrame.Offset,
+ StackFrame.AddrReturn.Offset,
+ pModuleName,
+ StackFrame.AddrPC.Offset));
+ }
+ }
+ } while( rVal );
+ SymCleanup( SYM_HANDLE );
+#endif // _CHICAGO_
+#if DBG == 1
+DWORD AppInvoke_break = 0;
+DWORD AppInvoke_count = 0;
+HRESULT StubInvoke(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, IRpcStubBuffer *pStub,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, DWORD *pdwFault)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "StubInvoke pMsg:%x pStub:%x pChnl:%x pdwFault:%x\n",
+ pMsg, pStub, pChnl, pdwFault));
+#if DBG==1
+ DWORD dwMethod = pMsg->iMethod;
+ IID iidBeingCalled = ((RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *) pMsg->reserved2[1])->InterfaceId.SyntaxGUID;
+ _try
+ {
+#if DBG == 1
+ //
+ // On a debug build, we are able to break on a call by serial number.
+ // This isn't really 100% thread safe, but is still extremely useful
+ // when debugging a problem.
+ //
+ DWORD dwBreakCount = ++AppInvoke_count;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "AppInvoke(0x%x) calling method 0x%x iid %I\n",
+ dwBreakCount,dwMethod, &iidBeingCalled));
+ if(AppInvoke_break == dwBreakCount)
+ {
+ DebugBreak();
+ }
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ if (! gcwx86.IsN2XProxy(pStub))
+ {
+ IUnknown *pActual;
+ hr = pStub->DebugServerQueryInterface((void **)&pActual);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (gcwx86.IsN2XProxy(pActual))
+ {
+ // If we are going to invoke a native stub that is
+ // connected to an object on the x86 side then
+ // set a flag in the Wx86 thread environment to
+ // let the thunk layer know that the call is a
+ // stub invoked call and allow any in or out
+ // custom interface pointers to be thunked as
+ // IUnknown rather than failing the interface thunking
+ gcwx86.SetStubInvokeFlag((BOOL)1);
+ }
+ pStub->DebugServerRelease(pActual);
+ }
+ }
+ hr = pStub->Invoke(pMsg, pChnl);
+ }
+ _except(AppInvokeExceptionFilter( GetExceptionInformation()))
+ {
+ *pdwFault = GetExceptionCode();
+#if DBG == 1
+ //
+ // OLE catches exceptions when the server generates them. This is so we can
+ // cleanup properly, and allow the client to continue.
+ //
+ if (*pdwFault == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ||
+ {
+ WCHAR iidName[256];
+ iidName[0] = 0;
+ char achProgname[256];
+ achProgname[0] = 0;
+ GetModuleFileNameA(NULL,achProgname,sizeof(achProgname));
+ GetInterfaceName(iidBeingCalled,iidName);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,
+ "OLE has caught a fault 0x%08x on behalf of the server %s\n",
+ *pdwFault,
+ achProgname));
+ ComDebOut((DEB_FORCE,
+ "The fault occured when OLE called the interface %I (%ws) method 0x%x\n",
+ &iidBeingCalled,iidName,dwMethod));
+ Win4Assert(!"The server application has faulted processing an inbound RPC request. Check the kernel debugger for useful output. OLE can continue but you probably want to stop and debug the application.");
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "StubInvoke hr:%x dwFault:%x\n", hr, *pdwFault));
+ return hr;
+#if DBG==1
+LONG ComInvokeExceptionFilter( DWORD lCode,
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x in ComInvoke at address 0x%x\n",
+ lCode, lpep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress));
+ DebugBreak();
+HRESULT ComInvoke( CChannelCallInfo *call )
+ RPC_MESSAGE *message = (RPC_MESSAGE *) call->pmessage;
+ LocalThis *localb;
+ void *saved_buffer;
+ RPC_STATUS status;
+ HRESULT result;
+ IPIDEntry *ipid_entry = NULL;
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *server_channel = NULL;
+ DWORD TIDCallerSaved;
+ BOOL fLocalSaved;
+ UUID saved_threadid;
+ IUnknown *save_context;
+ DWORD saved_authn_level;
+ char *stub_data;
+ WireThis *inb = (WireThis *) message->Buffer;
+ OXIDEntry *oxid;
+ HANDLE hWakeup = NULL;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ComInvoke callinfo:%x header:%x\n",
+ call, message->Buffer));
+ COleTls tls(result);
+ if (FAILED(result))
+ return result;
+ // Catch exceptions that might keep the lock.
+#if DBG == 1
+ _try
+ {
+ // Find the IPID entry. Fail if the IPID or the OXID are not ready.
+ ipid_entry = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID( call->ipid );
+ Win4Assert( ipid_entry == NULL || ipid_entry->pOXIDEntry != NULL );
+ if (ipid_entry == NULL || (ipid_entry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED) ||
+ (ipid_entry->pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_STOPPED) ||
+ ipid_entry->pChnl == NULL)
+ else if (ipid_entry->pStub == NULL)
+ result = E_NOINTERFACE;
+ // Keep the server object and our associated objects alive during the call.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(result))
+ {
+ oxid = ipid_entry->pOXIDEntry;
+ server_channel = ipid_entry->pChnl;
+ Win4Assert( server_channel != NULL && server_channel->pStdId != NULL );
+ server_channel->pStdId->LockServer();
+ InterlockedIncrement( &oxid->cCalls );
+ }
+ if (FAILED(result))
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Create a new security call context;
+ CServerSecurity security( call );
+ save_context = tls->pCallContext;
+ tls->pCallContext = &security;
+ // save the original threadid & copy in the new one.
+ if (!(tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_UUIDINITIALIZED))
+ {
+ UuidCreate(&tls->LogicalThreadId);
+ }
+ saved_threadid = tls->LogicalThreadId;
+ tls->LogicalThreadId = inb->c.cid;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "ComInvoke: LogicalThreads Old:%I New:%I\n",
+ &saved_threadid, &tls->LogicalThreadId));
+ // Save the call info in TLS.
+ call->pNext = (CChannelCallInfo *) tls->pCallInfo;
+ tls->pCallInfo = call;
+ saved_authn_level = tls->dwAuthnLevel;
+ tls->dwAuthnLevel = call->lAuthnLevel;
+ // Call the channel hooks. Set up as much TLS data as possible before
+ // calling the hooks so they can access it.
+ result = ServerNotify(
+ ((RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *) message->RpcInterfaceInformation)->InterfaceId.SyntaxGUID,
+ (WireThis *) message->Buffer,
+ message->BufferLength,
+ (void **) &stub_data,
+ message->DataRepresentation );
+ // Find the local header.
+ if (inb->c.flags & ORPCF_LOCAL)
+ {
+ localb = (LocalThis *) stub_data;
+ stub_data += sizeof(LocalThis);
+ }
+ else
+ localb = NULL;
+ // Set the caller TID. This is needed by some interop code in order
+ // to do focus management via tying queues together. We first save the
+ // current one so we can restore later to deal with nested calls
+ // correctly.
+ TIDCallerSaved = tls->dwTIDCaller;
+ fLocalSaved = tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_LOCALTID;
+ tls->dwTIDCaller = localb != NULL ? localb->client_thread : 0;
+ if (call->iFlags & CF_PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ tls->dwFlags |= OLETLS_LOCALTID; // turn the local bit on
+ else
+ tls->dwFlags &= ~OLETLS_LOCALTID; // turn the local bit off
+ // Continue dispatching the call.
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ result = server_channel->AppInvoke(
+ call,
+ (IRpcStubBuffer *) ipid_entry->pStub,
+ ipid_entry->pv,
+ stub_data,
+ localb );
+ }
+ // Restore the original thread id, call info, dest context and thread id.
+ tls->LogicalThreadId = saved_threadid;
+ tls->pCallInfo = call->pNext;
+ tls->dwTIDCaller = TIDCallerSaved;
+ tls->dwAuthnLevel = saved_authn_level;
+ if (fLocalSaved)
+ tls->dwFlags |= OLETLS_LOCALTID;
+ else
+ tls->dwFlags &= ~OLETLS_LOCALTID;
+ // Restore the security context;
+ tls->pCallContext = save_context;
+ security.EndCall();
+ // Decrement the call count. If the MTA is waiting to uninitialize
+ // and this is the last call, wake up the uninitializing thread, but
+ // do this *after* calling UnLockServer so the other thread does not
+ // blow away the server.
+ if (InterlockedDecrement( &oxid->cCalls ) == 0 &&
+ hWakeup = oxid->hComplete;
+ // Release our hold on the object and channel.
+ server_channel->pStdId->UnLockServer();
+ if (hWakeup)
+ SetEvent(hWakeup);
+ // Catch exceptions that might keep the lock.
+#if DBG == 1
+ }
+ _except( ComInvokeExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode(),
+ GetExceptionInformation()) )
+ {
+ }
+ return result;
+CRpcChannelBuffer *CRpcChannelBuffer::Copy(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ REFIPID ripid, REFIID riid)
+ Win4Assert( !(state & server_cs) );
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *chan;
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ // make client side multi-threaded apartment version of channel
+ chan = new CMTARpcChnl(pStdId, pOXIDEntry, state);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // make client side single-threaded apartment version of channel
+ chan = new CAptRpcChnl(pStdId, pOXIDEntry, state);
+ }
+ if (chan != NULL)
+ {
+ chan->state = proxy_cs | (state & ~client_cs);
+ chan->lAuthnLevel = lAuthnLevel;
+ }
+ return chan;
+HRESULT CRpcChannelBuffer::InitClientSideHandle()
+ Win4Assert((state & proxy_cs));
+ if (state & initialized_cs)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Lookup the interface info. This cant fail.
+ pInterfaceInfo = gRIFTbl.GetClientInterfaceInfo(pIPIDEntry->iid);
+ RPC_STATUS status;
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ if (state & process_local_cs)
+ {
+ handle = NULL;
+ status = RPC_S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = RpcBindingCopy(pOXIDEntry->hServerSTA, &handle);
+ if (status == RPC_S_OK)
+ // If this is a single threaded apartment, give LRPC the blocking
+ // hook.
+ if (state & mswmsg_cs)
+ status = I_RpcBindingSetAsync(handle, OleModalLoopBlockFn);
+#ifndef CHICAGO
+ // If the server is a single threaded apartment, tell LRPC to
+ // use MSWMSG to dispatch.
+ else if (pOXIDEntry->dwTid != 0)
+ status = I_RpcBindingSetAsync(handle, NULL);
+ if (status == RPC_S_OK)
+ status = RpcBindingSetObject(handle, (GUID *)&pIPIDEntry->ipid);
+ }
+ if (status == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ state |= initialized_cs;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ return MAKE_WIN32(status);
+CRpcChannelBuffer::CRpcChannelBuffer(CStdIdentity *standard_identity,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXID,
+ DWORD eState )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CRpcChannelBuffer %s Created this:%x pOXID:%x\n",
+ (eState & client_cs) ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", this, pOXID));
+ // Fill in the easy fields first.
+ ref_count = 1;
+ pStdId = standard_identity;
+ handle = NULL;
+ pOXIDEntry = pOXID;
+ pIPIDEntry = NULL;
+ pInterfaceInfo = NULL;
+ hToken = NULL;
+ lAuthnLevel = gAuthnLevel;
+ state = eState;
+ state |= pOXID->dwPid == GetCurrentProcessId() ? process_local_cs : 0;
+ SetImpLevel( gImpLevel );
+ if ((pOXID->dwFlags & OXIDF_MSWMSG) && IsSTAThread())
+ {
+ // use MSWMSG protocol with the blocking hook
+ state |= mswmsg_cs;
+ }
+ if (state & (client_cs | proxy_cs))
+ {
+ // Determine the destination context.
+ if (!IsWOWThread() && (state & process_local_cs))
+ else
+ iDestCtx = MSHCTX_LOCAL;
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // On the server side, the destination context isn't known
+ // untill a call arrives.
+ iDestCtx = 0;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CRpcChannelBuffer %s Deleted this:%x\n",
+ (state & server_cs) ? "SERVER" : "CLIENT", this));
+ if (handle != NULL)
+ RpcBindingFree( &handle );
+ if (hToken != NULL)
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::FreeBuffer( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "CRpcChannelBuffer::FreeBuffer");
+ AssertValid(FALSE, TRUE);
+ if (pMessage->Buffer == NULL)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Pop the call stack.
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( tls->pCallInfo != NULL );
+ working_call *pCall = (working_call *) tls->pCallInfo;
+ tls->pCallInfo = pCall->pNext;
+ tls->dwAuthnLevel = pCall->lSavedAuthnLevel;
+ pMessage->Buffer = pCall->pHeader;;
+ DeallocateBuffer(pCall->pmessage);
+ // Resume any outstanding impersonation.
+ ResumeImpersonate( tls->pCallContext, pCall->iFlags & CF_WAS_IMPERSONATING );
+ // Release the AddRef we did earlier. Note that we cant do this until
+ // after DeallocateBuffer since it may release a binding handle that
+ // I_RpcFreeBuffer needs.
+ if (pCall->Locked())
+ pStdId->UnLockClient();
+ pMessage->Buffer = NULL;
+ delete pCall;
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRpcChannelBuffer::GetBuffer
+// Synopsis: Calls ClientGetBuffer or ServerGetBuffer
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::GetBuffer( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage,
+ REFIID riid )
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ if (state & proxy_cs)
+ return ClientGetBuffer( pMessage, riid );
+ else
+ return ServerGetBuffer( pMessage, riid );
+// Member: CRpcChannelBuffer::ClientGetBuffer
+// Synopsis: Gets a buffer and sets up client side stuff
+HRESULT CRpcChannelBuffer::ClientGetBuffer( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage,
+ REFIID riid )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "CRpcChannelBuffer::ClientGetBuffer");
+ RPC_STATUS status;
+ ULONG debug_size;
+ ULONG num_extent;
+ WireThis *inb;
+ LocalThis *localb;
+ IID *logical_thread;
+ working_call *call;
+ DWORD flags;
+ BOOL resume;
+ DWORD orig_size = pMessage->cbBuffer;
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert(state & proxy_cs);
+ AssertValid(FALSE, TRUE);
+ // Don't allow remote calls if DCOM is disabled.
+ if (gDisableDCOM && iDestCtx == MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE)
+ // Fetch the call category from the RPC message structure
+ if (pMessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_ASYNCHRONOUS)
+ {
+ // only allow async for these two interfaces for now
+ if (riid != IID_IAdviseSink && riid != IID_IAdviseSink2)
+ return E_UNEXPECTED;
+ callcat = CALLCAT_ASYNC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ logical_thread = TLSGetLogicalThread();
+ if (logical_thread == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ if (pMessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_INPUT_SYNCHRONOUS)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the buffer complete flag for local calls.
+ pMessage->rpcFlags |= RPC_BUFFER_COMPLETE;
+ // Note - RPC requires that the 16th bit of the proc num be set because
+ // we use the rpcFlags field of the RPC_MESSAGE struct.
+ pMessage->iMethod |= RPC_FLAGS_VALID_BIT;
+ // if service object of destination is in same process, definitely local
+ // calls; async calls are also forced to be local.
+ if (state & process_local_cs)
+ {
+ pMessage->rpcFlags |= RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL;
+ }
+ else
+ flags = 0;
+ // Find out if we need hook data.
+ debug_size = ClientGetSize( riid, &num_extent );
+ // Complete the channel initialization if needed.
+ status = InitClientSideHandle();
+ if (status != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ return status;
+ }
+ // Fill in the binding handle. Adjust the size. Clear the transfer
+ // syntax. Set the interface identifier.
+ if ((pMessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL) == 0)
+ pMessage->reserved1 = handle;
+ pMessage->cbBuffer += SIZENEEDED_ORPCTHIS( pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL,
+ debug_size );
+ pMessage->reserved2[0] = 0;
+ pMessage->reserved2[1] = pInterfaceInfo;
+ Win4Assert( pMessage->reserved2[1] != NULL );
+ // Allocate a call record.
+ call = new working_call( callcat, pMessage, flags, pIPIDEntry->ipid,
+ iDestCtx, this, lAuthnLevel );
+ pMessage->cbBuffer = orig_size;
+ if (call == NULL)
+ // Suspend any outstanding impersonation and ignore failures.
+ SuspendImpersonate( tls->pCallContext, &resume );
+ // Get a buffer.
+ if (call->pmessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ {
+ call->pmessage->dataRepresentation = 0x00 | 0x10 | 0x0000;
+ call->pmessage->Buffer = PrivMemAlloc8( call->pmessage->cbBuffer );
+ if (call->pmessage->Buffer == NULL)
+ status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ else
+ status = RPC_S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = I_RpcGetBuffer( (RPC_MESSAGE *) call->pmessage );
+ }
+ if (status != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // Resume any outstanding impersonation.
+ ResumeImpersonate( tls->pCallContext, resume );
+ // Cleanup.
+ pMessage->cbBuffer = 0;
+ tls->fault = MAKE_WIN32( status );
+ delete call;
+ return MAKE_WIN32( status );
+ }
+ // Save the impersonation flag.
+ if (resume)
+ call->iFlags |= CF_WAS_IMPERSONATING;
+ // Chain the call info in TLS.
+ call->pNext = (CChannelCallInfo *)tls->pCallInfo;
+ tls->pCallInfo = call;
+ call->pHeader = call->message.Buffer;
+ // Adjust the authentication level in TLS.
+ call->lSavedAuthnLevel = tls->dwAuthnLevel;
+ tls->dwAuthnLevel = lAuthnLevel;
+ // Fill in the COM header.
+ pMessage->Buffer = call->message.Buffer;
+ inb = (WireThis *) pMessage->Buffer;
+ inb->c.version.MajorVersion = COM_MAJOR_VERSION;
+ inb->c.version.MinorVersion = COM_MINOR_VERSION;
+ inb->c.reserved1 = 0;
+ // Generate a new logical thread for async calls.
+ if (callcat == CALLCAT_ASYNC)
+ UuidCreate( &inb->c.cid );
+ // Find the logical thread id.
+ else
+ inb->c.cid = *logical_thread;
+ if (pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL)
+ inb->c.flags = ORPCF_LOCAL;
+ else
+ inb->c.flags = ORPCF_NULL;
+ // Fill in any hook data and adjust the buffer pointer.
+ if (debug_size != 0)
+ {
+ pMessage->Buffer = FillBuffer( riid, &inb->d.ea, debug_size, num_extent,
+ TRUE );
+ inb->c.unique = 0x77646853; // Any non-zero value.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pMessage->Buffer = (void *) &inb->d.ea;
+ inb->c.unique = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Fill in the local header.
+ if (pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL)
+ {
+ localb = (LocalThis *) pMessage->Buffer;
+ localb->client_thread = GetCurrentApartmentId();
+ localb->flags = 0;
+ pMessage->Buffer = localb + 1;
+ if (callcat == CALLCAT_ASYNC)
+ inb->c.flags |= ORPCF_ASYNC;
+ else if (callcat == CALLCAT_INPUTSYNC)
+ inb->c.flags |= ORPCF_INPUT_SYNC;
+ // if the caller is using a non-NDR proxy, set a bit in the local
+ // header flags so that server side stub knows which way to unmarshal
+ // the parameters. This lets a 32bit server simultaneously service calls
+ // from 16bit non-NDR clients and 32bit NDR clients, in particular, to
+ // support OLE Automation.
+ localb->flags |= LOCALF_NONNDR;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "ClientGetBuffer: LogicalThreadId:%I\n",
+ &(tls->LogicalThreadId)));
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRpcChannelBuffer::ServerGetBuffer
+// Synopsis: Gets a buffer and sets up server side stuff
+HRESULT CRpcChannelBuffer::ServerGetBuffer( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage,
+ REFIID riid )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "CRpcChannelBuffer::ServerGetBuffer");
+ RPC_STATUS status;
+ ULONG debug_size;
+ ULONG num_extent;
+ HRESULT result = S_OK;
+ WireThis *inb;
+ WireThat *outb;
+ CChannelCallInfo *call;
+ void *stub_data;
+ DWORD orig_size = pMessage->cbBuffer;
+ Win4Assert( state & server_cs );
+ AssertValid(FALSE, TRUE);
+ // Get the call info from TLS.
+ COleTls tls;
+ call = (CChannelCallInfo *) tls->pCallInfo;
+ Win4Assert( call != NULL );
+ // Find out if we need debug data.
+ pMessage->Buffer = call->pHeader;
+ debug_size = ServerGetSize( riid, &num_extent );
+ // Adjust the buffer size.
+ pMessage->cbBuffer += SIZENEEDED_ORPCTHAT( debug_size );
+ // Get a buffer.
+ if (pMessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ {
+ pMessage->dataRepresentation = 0x00 | 0x10 | 0x0000;
+ pMessage->Buffer = PrivMemAlloc8( pMessage->cbBuffer );
+ if (pMessage->Buffer == NULL)
+ status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ else
+ status = RPC_S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = I_RpcGetBuffer( (RPC_MESSAGE *) pMessage );
+ Win4Assert( call->pHeader != pMessage->Buffer || status != RPC_S_OK );
+ }
+ if (status != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ pMessage->cbBuffer = 0;
+ pMessage->Buffer = NULL;
+ tls->fault = MAKE_WIN32( status );
+ return MAKE_WIN32( status );
+ }
+ // Fill in the outbound COM header.
+ call->pHeader = pMessage->Buffer;
+ outb = (WireThat *) pMessage->Buffer;
+ outb->c.flags = ORPCF_NULL;
+ pMessage->cbBuffer = orig_size;
+ if (debug_size != 0)
+ {
+ stub_data = FillBuffer( riid, &outb->d.ea, debug_size, num_extent, FALSE );
+ outb->c.unique = 0x77646853; // Any non-zero value.
+ pMessage->Buffer = stub_data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outb->c.unique = 0;
+ pMessage->Buffer = &outb->d.ea;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CALLCONT, "ServerGetBuffer: LogicalThreadId:%I\n",
+ &(tls->LogicalThreadId)));
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::GetDestCtx( DWORD FAR* lpdwDestCtx,
+ LPVOID FAR* lplpvDestCtx )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "CRpcChannelBuffer::GetDestCtx");
+ AssertValid(FALSE, FALSE);
+ // On the client side, get the destination context from the channel.
+ if (state & (client_cs | proxy_cs))
+ {
+ *lpdwDestCtx = iDestCtx;
+ }
+ // On the server side, get the destination context from TLS.
+ else
+ {
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( tls->pCallInfo != NULL );
+ *lpdwDestCtx = ((CChannelCallInfo *) tls->pCallInfo)->iDestCtx;
+ }
+ if (lplpvDestCtx != NULL)
+ *lplpvDestCtx = NULL;
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::IsConnected( THIS )
+ // must be on right thread because it is only called by proxies and stubs.
+ AssertValid(FALSE, TRUE);
+ // Server channels never know if they are connected. The only time the
+ // client side knows it is disconnected is after the standard identity
+ // has disconnected the proxy from the channel. In that case it doesn't
+ // matter.
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
+ AssertValid(FALSE, FALSE);
+ // IMarshal is queried more frequently than any other interface, so
+ // check for that first.
+ if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMarshal))
+ {
+ *ppvObj = (IMarshal *) this;
+ }
+ else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer))
+ {
+ *ppvObj = (IRpcChannelBuffer *) this;
+ }
+ else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_INonNDRStub) &&
+ (state & proxy_cs) && pIPIDEntry &&
+ (pIPIDEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NONNDRSTUB))
+ {
+ // this interface is used to tell proxies whether the server side speaks
+ // NDR or not. Returns S_OK if NOT NDR.
+ *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppvObj = NULL;
+ }
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRpcChannelBuffer::Release( THIS )
+ // can't call AssertValid(FALSE) since it is used in asserts
+ ULONG lRef = ref_count - 1;
+ if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return lRef;
+ }
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive( THIS_ RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage,
+ ULONG *status )
+ return CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive2(pMessage, status);
+STDMETHODIMP CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive2( THIS_ RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage,
+ ULONG *status )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive pChnl:%x pMsg:%x\n",
+ this, pMessage));
+ AssertValid(FALSE, TRUE);
+ Win4Assert( state & proxy_cs );
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ HRESULT result;
+ working_call *call;
+ working_call *next_call;
+ IID iid;
+ WireThis *inb;
+ WireThat *outb;
+ DWORD saved_authn_level;
+ BOOL resume;
+ char *stub_data;
+ // Get the information about the call stored in TLS
+ COleTls tls;
+ call = (working_call *) tls->pCallInfo;
+ Win4Assert( call != NULL );
+ next_call = (working_call *) call->pNext;
+ saved_authn_level = call->lSavedAuthnLevel;
+ resume = call->iFlags & CF_WAS_IMPERSONATING;
+ // Set up the header pointers.
+ inb = (WireThis *) call->pHeader;
+ iid =
+ ((RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE *) ((RPC_MESSAGE *) call->pmessage)->RpcInterfaceInformation)->InterfaceId.SyntaxGUID;
+ // we must ensure that we dont go away during this call. we will Release
+ // ourselves in the FreeBuffer call, or in the error handling at the
+ // end of this function.
+ pStdId->LockClient();
+#if DBG==1
+ DWORD CallCat = GetCallCat( inb );
+ DebugPrintORPCCall(ORPC_SENDRECEIVE_BEGIN, iid, call->message.iMethod, CallCat);
+ RpcSpy((CALLOUT_BEGIN, inb, iid, call->message.iMethod, 0));
+ // Send the request.
+ if ((state & mswmsg_cs) || (IsMTAThread() && !call->Local()))
+ {
+ // For MSWMSG or non-local MTA, call ThreadSendReceive directly.
+ result = ThreadSendReceive( call );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (call->Local())
+ call->message.reserved2[3] = NULL;
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ result = GetToSTA( pOXIDEntry, call);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = SwitchSTA( pOXIDEntry, (CChannelCallInfo **) &call );
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ DebugPrintORPCCall(ORPC_SENDRECEIVE_END, iid, pMessage->iMethod, CallCat);
+ RpcSpy((CALLOUT_END, inb, iid, pMessage->iMethod, result));
+ // We can't look at the call structure if the call was canceled.
+ if (result != RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED)
+ {
+ // Get the reply header if there is a reply buffer.
+ if ((state & mswmsg_cs) && (pMessage->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_ASYNCHRONOUS))
+ outb = NULL;
+ else
+ outb = (WireThat *) call->message.Buffer;
+ // Local calls reuse pNext on the server side.
+ call->pNext = next_call;
+ // Save the real buffer pointer for FreeBuffer.
+ call->pHeader = call->message.Buffer;
+ }
+ else
+ outb = NULL;
+ // Figure out when to retry.
+ // FreeThreaded - treat retry as a failure.
+ // Apartment - return the buffer and let call control decide.
+ if (result == S_OK)
+ {
+ // No buffer was returned for async calls on MSWMSG.
+ if (outb == NULL)
+ *status = S_OK;
+ else if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ if (outb->c.flags & ORPCF_REJECTED)
+ else if (outb->c.flags & ORPCF_RETRY_LATER)
+ else
+ *status = S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (outb->c.flags & ORPCF_REJECTED)
+ else if (outb->c.flags & ORPCF_RETRY_LATER)
+ else
+ *status = S_OK;
+ }
+ // Check the packet extensions.
+ if (result != RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED)
+ {
+ stub_data = (char *) call->message.Buffer;
+ result = ClientNotify( iid, outb, call->message.cbBuffer,
+ (void **) &stub_data,
+ call->message.dataRepresentation,
+ result );
+ }
+ else
+ result = ClientNotify( iid, outb, 0, (void **) &stub_data, 0, result );
+ // Call succeeded.
+ if (result == S_OK && outb != NULL)
+ {
+ // The locked flag lets FreeBuffer know that it has to call
+ // RH->UnlockClient.
+ call->iFlags |= CF_LOCKED;
+ pMessage->Buffer = stub_data;
+ pMessage->cbBuffer = call->message.cbBuffer -
+ (stub_data - (char *) call->message.Buffer);
+ pMessage->dataRepresentation = call->message.dataRepresentation;
+ result = *status;
+ // Copy a portion of the message structure that RPC updated on SendReceive.
+ // This is needed to free the buffer. Note that we still have to free
+ // the buffer in certain failure cases (reject).
+ pMessage->reserved2[2] = call->message.reserved2[2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Resume any outstanding impersonation.
+ ResumeImpersonate( tls->pCallContext, resume );
+ // Clean up the call.
+ pStdId->UnLockClient();
+ tls->pCallInfo = next_call;
+ tls->dwAuthnLevel = saved_authn_level;
+ delete call;
+ // Make sure FreeBuffer doesn't try to free the in buffer.
+ pMessage->Buffer = NULL;
+ // If the result is server fault, get the exception code from the CChannelCallInfo.
+ if (result == RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)
+ {
+ *status = call->server_fault;
+ }
+ // Everything else is a comm fault.
+ else if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ *status = result;
+ result = RPC_E_FAULT;
+ }
+ tls->fault = *status;
+ // Since result is almost always mapped to RPC_E_FAULT, display the
+ // real error here to assist debugging.
+ if (*status != S_OK)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ORPC call failed. status = %x\n", *status));
+ }
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive hr:%x\n", result));
+ return result;
+HANDLE CRpcChannelBuffer::SwapSecurityToken( HANDLE hNew )
+ HANDLE hOld = hToken;
+ hToken = hNew;
+ return hOld;
+#if DBG == 1
+// Member: CRpcChannelBuffer::AssertValid
+// Synopsis: Validates that the state of the object is consistent.
+// History: 25-Jan-94 CraigWi Created.
+// DCOMWORK - Put in some asserts.
+void CRpcChannelBuffer::AssertValid(BOOL fKnownDisconnected,
+ BOOL fMustBeOnCOMThread)
+ Win4Assert(state & (proxy_cs | client_cs | server_cs ));
+ if (state & (client_cs | proxy_cs))
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ else if (state & server_cs)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( !(state & freethreaded_cs) );
+ if (fMustBeOnCOMThread && IsSTAThread())
+ Win4Assert(IsMTAThread() || pOXIDEntry->dwTid == GetCurrentThreadId());
+ // ref count can be 0 in various stages of connection and disconnection
+ Win4Assert(ref_count < 0x7fff && "Channel ref count unreasonably high");
+ // the pStdId pointer can not be NULL
+ // Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(pStdId));
+ }
+#endif // DBG == 1
+STDAPI_(ULONG) DebugCoGetRpcFault()
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return tls->fault;
+ return 0;
+STDAPI_(void) DebugCoSetRpcFault( ULONG fault )
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ tls->fault = fault;
+extern "C"
+BOOL _stdcall DllDebugObjectRPCHook( BOOL trace, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS pass_through )
+ if (!IsWOWThread())
+ {
+ DoDebuggerHooks = trace;
+ DebuggerArg = pass_through;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LocalCall()
+ CChannelCallInfo *call;
+ // Get the call info from TLS.
+ COleTls tls;
+ call = (CChannelCallInfo *) tls->pCallInfo;
+ Win4Assert( call != NULL );
+ return call->iFlags & CF_PROCESS_LOCAL;
+LONG ThreadInvokeExceptionFilter( DWORD lCode,
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x in ThreadInvoke at address 0x%x\n",
+ lCode, lpep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress));
+ DebugBreak();
+/* This routine returns both comm status and server faults to the runtime
+ by raising exceptions. If FreeThreading is true, ComInvoke will throw
+ exceptions to indicate server faults. These will not be caught and will
+ propogate directly to the runtime. If FreeThreading is false, ComInvoke
+ will return the result and fault in the CChannelCallInfo record.
+ This function switches to the 32 bit stack under WIN95.
+ An exception has to be caught while switched to the 32 bit stack.
+ The exceptions has to be pass as a value and rethrown again on the
+ 16 bit stack (see SSInvoke in stkswtch.cxx)
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+SSAPI(ThreadInvoke)(RPC_MESSAGE *message )
+ HRESULT result = S_OK;
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "ThreadInvoke");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL,"ThreadInvoke pMsg:%x\n", message));
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ BOOL success;
+ WireThis *inb = (WireThis *) message->Buffer;
+ IPID ipid;
+ RPC_STATUS status;
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid;
+ unsigned int transport_type;
+ DWORD authn_level;
+ // Byte swap the header.
+ ByteSwapThis( message->DataRepresentation, inb );
+ // Validate several things:
+ // The packet size is larger then the first header size.
+ // No extra flags are set.
+ // The procedure number is greater then 2 (not QI, AddRef, Release).
+ if (sizeof(WireThisPart1) > message->BufferLength ||
+ (inb->c.flags & ~(ORPCF_LOCAL | ORPCF_RESERVED1 |
+ message->ProcNum < 3)
+ // Validate the version.
+ if (inb->c.version.MajorVersion != COM_MAJOR_VERSION ||
+ inb->c.version.MinorVersion > COM_MINOR_VERSION)
+ // Get the transport the call arrived on.
+ status = I_RpcServerInqTransportType( &transport_type );
+ if (status != RPC_S_OK)
+ // Don't accept the local header on remote calls.
+ if (inb->c.flags & ORPCF_LOCAL)
+ {
+ if (transport_type != TRANSPORT_TYPE_LPC &&
+ transport_type != TRANSPORT_TYPE_WMSG)
+ // For local calls the authentication level will always be encrypt.
+ }
+ // Don't accept remote calls if DCOM is diabled.
+ else if (gDisableDCOM &&
+ (transport_type == TRANSPORT_TYPE_CN || transport_type == TRANSPORT_TYPE_DG))
+ // Lookup the authentication level.
+ else
+ {
+ result = RpcBindingInqAuthClient( message->Handle, NULL,
+ NULL, &authn_level, NULL, NULL );
+ if (result == RPC_S_BINDING_HAS_NO_AUTH)
+ authn_level = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
+ else if (result != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( result == RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES );
+ }
+ // Verify the authentication level.
+ if (gAuthnLevel > RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE ||
+ gImpLevel > 0)
+ {
+ if (authn_level < gAuthnLevel)
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ _try
+ {
+ // Find the ipid entry from the ipid.
+ status = RpcBindingInqObject( message->Handle, &ipid );
+ if (status == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // The CChannelCallInfo is created in a nested scope so that it
+ // is destroyed before the calls to throw an exception at the
+ // end of this function.
+ CChannelCallInfo call(
+ GetCallCat( inb ),
+ (RPCOLEMESSAGE *) message,
+ 0,
+ ipid,
+ authn_level );
+ // Find the OXIDEntry of the server apartment.
+ IPIDEntry *ipid_entry = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID( ipid );
+ if (ipid_entry == NULL || (ipid_entry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ || ipid_entry->pChnl == NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pOxid = ipid_entry->pOXIDEntry;
+ // NCALRPC always gets the thread right (except on Chicago).
+ // For MTAs, any thread will do.
+ if (transport_type == TRANSPORT_TYPE_WMSG ||
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ transport_type == TRANSPORT_TYPE_LPC ||
+ (pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER))
+ {
+ result = ComInvoke( &call );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pass the message to the app thread.
+ IncOXIDRefCnt( pOxid );
+ result = GetToSTA( pOxid, &call );
+ DecOXIDRefCnt( pOxid );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = MAKE_WIN32( status );
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ }
+ _except( ThreadInvokeExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode(),
+ GetExceptionInformation()) )
+ {
+ }
+ // For comm and server faults, generate an exception. Otherwise the buffer
+ // is set up correctly.
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ if (result == RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ return 0;
+#endif //_CHICAGO_
+HRESULT ThreadSendReceive( CChannelCallInfo *call )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "ThreadSendReceive");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ThreadSendReceive pCall:%x\n", call));
+ HRESULT result;
+ RPCOLEMESSAGE *message = call->pmessage;
+ WireThat *outb;
+ // Call the runtime. In the future, detect server faults and
+ // change the value of result to RPC_E_SERVERFAULT.
+ if (call->pChannel->state & mswmsg_cs)
+ {
+ CAptCallCtrl *pACC = GetAptCallCtrl();
+ CCliModalLoop *pCML = (pACC) ? pACC->GetTopCML() : NULL;
+ OXIDEntry *pOxidClient;
+ HWND hwnd = NULL;
+ if (IsWOWThread())
+ {
+ result = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry( &pOxidClient );
+ Win4Assert( result == S_OK );
+ hwnd = (HWND) pOxidClient->hServerSTA;
+ }
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "I_RpcAsyncSendReceive");
+ result = I_RpcAsyncSendReceive( (RPC_MESSAGE *) message, pCML, hwnd );
+ // If the call was canceled, the rest of the code path assumes that
+ // the call was deleted (by SwitchComThread). So delete it.
+ if (result == RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED)
+ {
+ // Convert the win32 error to a hresult.
+ delete call;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "I_RpcSendReceive");
+ result = I_RpcSendReceive( (RPC_MESSAGE *) message );
+ }
+ // If the result is small, it is probably a Win32 code.
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ message->Buffer = NULL;
+ if ((ULONG) result > 0xfffffff7 || (ULONG) result < 0x2000)
+ result = MAKE_WIN32( result );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No buffer is returned for asynchronous calls on MSWMSG.
+ if ((call->pChannel->state & mswmsg_cs) == 0 ||
+ (message->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_ASYNCHRONOUS) == 0)
+ {
+ // Byte swap the reply header. Fail the call if the buffer is too
+ // small.
+ outb = (WireThat *) message->Buffer;
+ if (message->cbBuffer >= sizeof(WireThatPart1))
+ ByteSwapThat( message->dataRepresentation, outb);
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "ThreadSendReceive pCall:%x hr:%x\n", call, result));
+ return result;
+/* static */
+void working_call::Cleanup()
+ DWORD i;
+ // Release everything.
+ if (next <= CALLCACHE_SIZE)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < next; i++)
+ if (list[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( list[i] );
+ list[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ next = 0;
+ }
+/* static */
+void working_call::Initialize()
+ next = 0;
+// Method: working_call:: operator delete
+// Synopsis: Cache or actually free a working call.
+// Notes: gComLock need not be held before calling this function.
+void working_call::operator delete( void *call )
+ // Add the structure to the list if the list is not full and
+ // if the process is still initialized (since latent threads may try
+ // to return stuff).
+ if (next < CALLCACHE_SIZE && gfChannelProcessInitialized)
+ {
+ list[next] = call;
+ next += 1;
+ }
+ // Otherwise just free it.
+ else
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( call );
+ }
+// Method: working_call:: operator new
+// Synopsis: Keep a cache of working_calls. Since the destructor is
+// virtual, the correct delete will be called if any base
+// class is deleted.
+// Notes: gComLock must be held before calling this function.
+void *working_call::operator new( size_t size )
+ void *call;
+ // Get the last entry from the cache.
+ Win4Assert( size == sizeof( working_call ) );
+ if (next > 0 && next < CALLCACHE_SIZE+1)
+ {
+ next -= 1;
+ call = list[next];
+ list[next] = NULL;
+ }
+ // If there are none, allocate a new one.
+ else
+ call = PrivMemAlloc(size);
+ return call;
+ /**********************************************************************/
+working_call::working_call( CALLCATEGORY callcat,
+ RPCOLEMESSAGE *original_msg,
+ DWORD flags,
+ REFIPID ipidServer,
+ DWORD destctx,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *channel,
+ DWORD authn_level ) :
+ CChannelCallInfo( callcat, &message, flags, ipidServer, destctx, channel,
+ authn_level )
+ message = *original_msg;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/channelb.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/channelb.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75e41f23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/channelb.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#ifndef _CHANNELB_HXX_
+#define _CHANNELB_HXX_
+#include <sem.hxx>
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#include <chancont.hxx>
+#include <stdid.hxx>
+extern "C"
+#include "orpc_dbg.h"
+/* Type definitions. */
+typedef enum EChannelState
+ // The channel on the client side held by the remote handler.
+ client_cs = 0x1,
+ // The channels on the client side held by proxies.
+ proxy_cs = 0x2,
+ // The server channels held by remote handlers.
+ server_cs = 0x4,
+ // Flag to indicate that the channel may be used on any thread.
+ freethreaded_cs = 0x8,
+ // Client side only. Use mswmsg transport.
+ mswmsg_cs = 0x10,
+ // Client side only. handle and pInterfaceInfo initialized.
+ initialized_cs = 0x20,
+ // The server and client are in this process.
+ process_local_cs = 0x40,
+ // The proxy has been set to identify level impersonation (process local only).
+ identify_cs = 0x80
+} EChannelState;
+// The size of this structure must be a multiple of 8.
+typedef struct LocalThis
+ DWORD flags;
+ DWORD client_thread;
+} LocalThis;
+// LocalThis flag indicates parameters in buffer not marshalled NDR
+const DWORD LOCALF_NONNDR = 0x800;
+// Debug Code
+#define ORPC_INVOKE_END 1
+#if DBG==1
+void DebugPrintORPCCall(DWORD dwFlag, REFIID riid, DWORD iMethod, DWORD Callcat);
+inline void DebugPrintORPCCall(DWORD dwFlag, REFIID riid, DWORD iMethod, DWORD Callcat) {}
+// Interface: IRpcChannelBuffer2
+// Synopsis: Interface to add one more method to the IRpcChannelBuffer
+// for use by the call control.
+class IRpcChannelBuffer2 : public IRpcChannelBuffer
+ STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (void) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (void) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD (GetBuffer) (RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage, REFIID) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD (FreeBuffer) (RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD (SendReceive) (RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage, ULONG *) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD (GetDestCtx) (DWORD *lpdwDestCtx, LPVOID *lplpvDestCtx) = 0;
+ STDMETHOD (IsConnected) (void) = 0;
+ // method on apartment channels called by CCliModalLoop
+ STDMETHOD (SendReceive2) (RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, ULONG *pulStatus) = 0;
+// Class: CRpcChannelBuffer
+// Purpose: Three distinct uses:
+// Client side channel
+// State:
+// When not connected (after create and after disconnect):
+// ref_count 1 + 1 per addref during pending
+// calls that were in progress during
+// a disconnect.
+// pStdId back pointer to Id; not Addref'd
+// state client_cs
+// When connected (after unmarshal):
+// ref_count 1 + 1 for each proxy
+// pStdId same
+// state client_cs
+// Server side channel; free standing; comes and goes with each
+// connection; addref owned disconnected via last release.
+// State:
+// ref_count > 0
+// pStdId pointer to other Id; AddRef'd
+// state server_cs
+// Interface: IRpcChannelBuffer
+class CRpcChannelBuffer : public IRpcChannelBuffer2,
+ public CPrivAlloc
+ friend HRESULT ComInvoke ( CChannelCallInfo * );
+ friend HRESULT ThreadSendReceive ( CChannelCallInfo * );
+ public:
+ STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD ( GetBuffer ) ( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage, REFIID );
+ STDMETHOD ( FreeBuffer ) ( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage );
+ STDMETHOD ( SendReceive ) ( RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage, ULONG * );
+ STDMETHOD ( GetDestCtx ) ( DWORD FAR* lpdwDestCtx,
+ LPVOID FAR* lplpvDestCtx );
+ STDMETHOD ( IsConnected ) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD (SendReceive2) (RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, ULONG *pulStatus);
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *Copy (OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ REFIPID ripid, REFIID riid);
+ HRESULT GetHandle ( handle_t * );
+ DWORD GetImpLevel ( void );
+ REFMOXID GetMOXID ( void ) { return pOXIDEntry->moxid;}
+ OXIDEntry *GetOXIDEntry ( void ) { return pOXIDEntry; }
+ HANDLE GetSecurityToken ( void ) { return hToken; }
+ CStdIdentity *GetStdId ( void );
+ BOOL ProcessLocal ( void ) { return state & process_local_cs; }
+ void SetAuthnLevel ( DWORD level ) { lAuthnLevel = level; }
+ void SetImpLevel ( DWORD level );
+ void SetIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry) { pIPIDEntry = pEntry; }
+ HANDLE SwapSecurityToken ( HANDLE );
+ BOOL UsingMswmsg ( void ) { return state & mswmsg_cs; }
+#if DBG == 1
+ void AssertValid(BOOL fKnownDisconnected, BOOL fMustBeOnCOMThread);
+ void AssertValid(BOOL fKnownDisconnected, BOOL fMustBeOnCOMThread) { }
+ CRpcChannelBuffer( CStdIdentity *,
+ OXIDEntry *,
+ DWORD eState );
+ ~CRpcChannelBuffer();
+ protected:
+ BOOL CallableOnAnyApt( void ) { return state & freethreaded_cs; }
+ private:
+ HRESULT AppInvoke ( CChannelCallInfo *, IRpcStubBuffer *,
+ void *object, void *stub_data, LocalThis * );
+ void CheckDestCtx ( void *pDestProtseq );
+ HRESULT InitClientSideHandle();
+ ULONG ref_count;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ DWORD state; // See EChannelState
+ handle_t handle;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry;
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry;
+ DWORD iDestCtx;
+ void *pInterfaceInfo;
+ HANDLE hToken;
+ DWORD lAuthnLevel;
+inline void DeallocateBuffer(RPCOLEMESSAGE *message )
+ if (message->rpcFlags & RPCFLG_LOCAL_CALL)
+ PrivMemFree( message->Buffer );
+ else
+ I_RpcFreeBuffer( (RPC_MESSAGE *) message );
+// returns the std identity object; not addref'd.
+inline CStdIdentity *CRpcChannelBuffer::GetStdId()
+ AssertValid(FALSE, FALSE);
+ Win4Assert( pStdId != NULL );
+ return pStdId;
+inline DWORD CRpcChannelBuffer::GetImpLevel()
+ if (state & identify_cs)
+ else
+inline void CRpcChannelBuffer::SetImpLevel( DWORD level )
+ if (level == RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY)
+ state |= identify_cs;
+ else
+ state &= ~identify_cs;
+inline HRESULT CRpcChannelBuffer::GetHandle( handle_t *pHandle )
+ HRESULT status;
+ status = InitClientSideHandle();
+ if (status == RPC_S_OK)
+ *pHandle = handle;
+ return status;
+/* Prototypes. */
+HRESULT ComInvoke ( CChannelCallInfo * );
+BOOL LocalCall ( void );
+CChannelCallInfo *MakeAsyncCopy ( CChannelCallInfo * );
+void ThreadInvoke ( RPC_MESSAGE *message );
+HRESULT ThreadSendReceive( CChannelCallInfo * );
+HRESULT StubInvoke(RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, IRpcStubBuffer *pStub,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, DWORD *pdwFault);
+#if DBG==1
+LONG GetInterfaceName(REFIID riid, WCHAR *wszName);
+// Externs
+extern BOOL DoDebuggerHooks;
+extern LPORPC_INIT_ARGS DebuggerArg;
+extern const uuid_t DEBUG_EXTENSION;
+#endif //_CHANNELB_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chock.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chock.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23bd268de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chock.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+// File: chock.cxx
+// Contents: Channel hook APIs
+// Classes: CDebugChannelHook
+#include <ole2int.h>
+extern "C"
+#include "orpc_dbg.h"
+#include <channelb.hxx>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx>
+#include <chock.hxx>
+#include <stream.hxx>
+// Definitions.
+typedef struct SHookList
+ struct SHookList *pNext;
+ IChannelHook *pHook;
+ UUID uExtension;
+} SHookList;
+// Global variables.
+SHookList gHookList = { &gHookList, NULL };
+ULONG gNumExtent = 0;
+// Function: CleanupChannelHooks
+// Synopsis: Releases all the hooks in the list.
+void CleanupChannelHooks()
+ SHookList *pCurr = gHookList.pNext;
+ // Release and free each entry.
+ while (pCurr != &gHookList)
+ {
+ pCurr->pHook->Release();
+ gHookList.pNext = pCurr->pNext;
+ PrivMemFree( pCurr );
+ pCurr = gHookList.pNext;
+ }
+ gNumExtent = 0;
+// Function: CoRegisterChannelHook
+// Synopsis: Adds a hook object to the list of hook objects.
+WINOLEAPI CoRegisterChannelHook( REFGUID uExtension, IChannelHook *pCaptain )
+ SHookList *pCurr;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // ChannelProcessIntialize calls while holding the lock.
+#if DBG==1
+ // See if the extenstion is already on the list.
+ pCurr = gHookList.pNext;
+ while (pCurr != &gHookList)
+ {
+ if (pCurr->uExtension == uExtension)
+ break;
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+ Win4Assert( pCurr == &gHookList );
+ Win4Assert( pCaptain != NULL );
+ // Add a node at the head.
+ pCurr = (SHookList *) PrivMemAlloc( sizeof(SHookList) );
+ if (pCurr != NULL)
+ {
+ pCaptain->AddRef();
+ pCurr->uExtension = uExtension;
+ pCurr->pHook = pCaptain;
+ pCurr->pNext = gHookList.pNext;
+ gHookList.pNext = pCurr;
+ gNumExtent += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return hr;
+// Function: ClientGetSize
+// Synopsis: Asks each hook in the list how much data it wishes to
+// place in the next request on this thread.
+ULONG ClientGetSize( REFIID riid, ULONG *cNumExtent )
+ SHookList *pCurr = gHookList.pNext;
+ ULONG lSize = sizeof(WireExtentArray) - 8;
+ ULONG lPiece = 0;
+ *cNumExtent = 0;
+ // Ignore any hooks added to the head of the list.
+ // Ask each hook.
+ while (pCurr != &gHookList)
+ {
+ pCurr->pHook->ClientGetSize( pCurr->uExtension, riid, &lPiece );
+ if (lPiece != 0)
+ {
+ lPiece = ((lPiece + 7) & ~7) + sizeof(WireExtent);
+ lSize += lPiece;
+ *cNumExtent += 1;
+ }
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+ // Round up the number of extents and add size for an array of unique
+ // flags.
+ *cNumExtent = (*cNumExtent + 1) & ~1;
+ lSize += sizeof(DWORD) * *cNumExtent;
+ if (*cNumExtent != 0)
+ return lSize;
+ else
+ return 0;
+// Function: FillBuffer
+// Synopsis: Asks each hook in the list to place data in the buffer
+// for the next request on this thread. Returns the final
+// buffer pointer.
+void *FillBuffer( REFIID riid, WireExtentArray *pArray, ULONG cMax,
+ ULONG cNumExtent, BOOL fClient )
+ SHookList *pCurr;
+ WireExtent *pExtent;
+ ULONG lPiece;
+ ULONG cNumFill;
+ ULONG i;
+ // Ignore any hooks added to the head of the list.
+ // Figure out where the extents start.
+ pCurr = gHookList.pNext;
+ pExtent = (WireExtent *) ((void **) (pArray + 1) + cNumExtent - 2);
+ cNumFill = 0;
+ cMax -= sizeof(WireExtentArray) - 8 + sizeof(void*)*cNumExtent;
+ // Ask each hook.
+ while (pCurr != &gHookList && cMax > 0)
+ {
+ lPiece = cMax - sizeof(WireExtent);
+ if (fClient)
+ pCurr->pHook->ClientFillBuffer( pCurr->uExtension, riid, &lPiece,
+ pExtent+1 );
+ else
+ pCurr->pHook->ServerFillBuffer( pCurr->uExtension, riid, &lPiece,
+ pExtent+1, S_OK );
+ Win4Assert( ((lPiece+7)&~7) + sizeof(WireExtent) <= cMax );
+ // If the hook put in data, initialize this extent and find the next.
+ if (lPiece != 0)
+ {
+ pExtent->size = lPiece;
+ pExtent->rounded_size = (lPiece+7) & ~7;
+ pExtent->id = pCurr->uExtension;
+ cNumFill += 1;
+ cMax -= pExtent->rounded_size + sizeof(WireExtent);
+ pExtent = (WireExtent *) ((char *) (pExtent+1) +
+ pExtent->rounded_size);
+ Win4Assert( cNumFill <= cNumExtent );
+ }
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+ // If any hooks put in data, fill in the header.
+ if (cNumFill != 0)
+ {
+ pArray->size = cNumFill;
+ pArray->reserved = 0;
+ pArray->unique = 0x6d727453; // Any non-zero value.
+ pArray->rounded_size = (cNumFill+1) & ~1;
+ for (i = 0; i < cNumExtent; i++)
+ if (i < cNumFill)
+ pArray->unique_flag[i] = 0x79614b44; // Any non-zero value.
+ else
+ pArray->unique_flag[i] = 0;
+ return pExtent;
+ }
+ // Otherwise return the original buffer.
+ else
+ {
+ return pArray;
+ }
+// Function: FindExtentId
+// Synopsis: Search for the specified extension id in the list of
+// registered extensions. Return the index of the entry
+// if found
+ULONG FindExtentId( SHookList *pHead, UUID uExtension )
+ ULONG i = 0;
+ while (pHead != &gHookList)
+ if (pHead->uExtension == uExtension)
+ return i;
+ else
+ {
+ i += 1;
+ pHead = pHead->pNext;
+ }
+ return 0xffffffff;
+// Function: VerifyExtent
+// Synopsis: Verifies extent array and extents.
+void *VerifyExtent( SHookList *pHead, WireExtentArray *pArray, ULONG cMax,
+ WireExtent **aExtent, DWORD dwRep )
+ WireExtent *pExtent;
+ ULONG i;
+ ULONG j;
+ ULONG cNumExtent;
+ WireExtent *pEnd;
+ // Fail if the buffer isn't larger then the extent array header.
+ if (cMax < sizeof(WireExtentArray) - 8)
+ return NULL;
+ // Byte swap the array header.
+ {
+ ByteSwapLong( pArray->size );
+ // ByteSwapLong( pArray->reserved );
+ ByteSwapLong( pArray->rounded_size );
+ }
+ // Validate the array header.
+ if (cMax < sizeof(WireExtentArray) - 8 +
+ sizeof(ULONG) * pArray->rounded_size ||
+ (pArray->rounded_size & 1) != 0 ||
+ pArray->size > pArray->rounded_size ||
+ pArray->reserved != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ // Count how many unique flags are set.
+ cNumExtent = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pArray->size; i++)
+ if (pArray->unique_flag[i])
+ cNumExtent += 1;
+ // Look up each extent from the packet in the registered list.
+ pEnd = (WireExtent *) ((char *) pArray + cMax);
+ pExtent = (WireExtent *) &pArray->unique_flag[pArray->rounded_size];
+ for (i = 0; i < cNumExtent; i++)
+ {
+ // Fail if the next extent header doesn't fit in the buffer.
+ if (pExtent + 1 > pEnd)
+ return NULL;
+ // Byte swap the extent header.
+ {
+ ByteSwapLong( pExtent->rounded_size );
+ ByteSwapLong( pExtent->size );
+ ByteSwapLong( pExtent->id.Data1 );
+ ByteSwapShort( pExtent->id.Data2 );
+ ByteSwapShort( pExtent->id.Data3 );
+ }
+ // Validate the extent.
+ if (pExtent->size > pExtent->rounded_size ||
+ (pExtent->rounded_size & 1) != 0 ||
+ ((char *) (pExtent+1)) + pExtent->rounded_size > (char *) pEnd)
+ return NULL;
+ // If the extension is registered, save a pointer to it.
+ j = FindExtentId( pHead, pExtent->id );
+ if (j != 0xffffffff)
+ aExtent[j] = pExtent;
+ // Find the next extension.
+ pExtent = (WireExtent *) ((char *) (pExtent + 1) +
+ pExtent->rounded_size);
+ }
+ return pExtent;
+// Function: ClientNotify
+// Synopsis: Calls each hook and passes data to those that received
+// data in a reply.
+// Notes: pOut is NULL for failed calls or async calls.
+HRESULT ClientNotify( REFIID riid, WireThat *pOut, ULONG cMax, void **pStubData,
+ DWORD dwRep, HRESULT hr )
+ SHookList *pHead = gHookList.pNext;
+ SHookList *pCurr;
+ WireExtent **aExtent;
+ ULONG cMaxExtent = gNumExtent;
+ ULONG i;
+ // Return immediately if there is nothing to do.
+ *pStubData = &pOut->d.ea;
+ if (pHead == &gHookList &&
+ (pOut == NULL || pOut->c.unique == FALSE))
+ return hr;
+ // Initialize the array of extent pointers.
+ aExtent = (WireExtent **) _alloca( cMaxExtent * sizeof(WireExtent *) );
+ memset( aExtent, 0, cMaxExtent * sizeof( WireExtent *) );
+ // If there are any extents, verify them and sort them.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pOut != NULL && pOut->c.unique)
+ {
+ *pStubData = VerifyExtent( pHead, &pOut->d.ea, cMax - sizeof(WireThatPart1),
+ aExtent, dwRep );
+ if (*pStubData == NULL)
+ }
+ // Notify all the hooks
+ for (pCurr = pHead, i = 0; pCurr != &gHookList; pCurr = pCurr->pNext, i++)
+ pCurr->pHook->ClientNotify( pCurr->uExtension, riid,
+ aExtent[i] != NULL ? aExtent[i]->size : 0,
+ aExtent[i] != NULL ? aExtent[i] + 1 : NULL,
+ dwRep, hr );
+ return hr;
+// Function: ServerNotify
+// Synopsis: Calls each hook and passes data to those that receive
+// data in a request.
+HRESULT ServerNotify( REFIID riid, WireThis *pIn, ULONG cMax, void **pStubData,
+ DWORD dwRep )
+ SHookList *pHead = gHookList.pNext;
+ SHookList *pCurr;
+ WireExtent **aExtent;
+ ULONG cMaxExtent = gNumExtent;
+ ULONG i;
+ // Return immediately if there is nothing to do.
+ *pStubData = &pIn->d.ea;
+ if (pHead == &gHookList && pIn->c.unique == FALSE)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Initialize the array of extent pointers.
+ aExtent = (WireExtent **) _alloca( cMaxExtent * sizeof(WireExtent *) );
+ memset( aExtent, 0, cMaxExtent * sizeof( WireExtent *) );
+ // If there are any extents, verify them and sort them.
+ if (pIn->c.unique)
+ {
+ *pStubData = VerifyExtent( pHead, &pIn->d.ea, cMax - sizeof(WireThisPart1),
+ aExtent, dwRep );
+ if (*pStubData == NULL)
+ }
+ // Notify all the hooks
+ for (pCurr = pHead, i = 0; pCurr != &gHookList; pCurr = pCurr->pNext, i++)
+ pCurr->pHook->ServerNotify( pCurr->uExtension, riid,
+ aExtent[i] != NULL ? aExtent[i]->size : 0,
+ aExtent[i] != NULL ? aExtent[i] + 1 : NULL,
+ dwRep );
+ return S_OK;
+// Function: ServerGetSize
+// Synopsis: Asks each hook in the list how much data it wishes to
+// place in the next reply on this thread.
+ULONG ServerGetSize( REFIID riid, ULONG *cNumExtent )
+ SHookList *pCurr = gHookList.pNext;
+ ULONG lSize = sizeof(WireExtentArray) - 8;
+ ULONG lPiece = 0;
+ *cNumExtent = 0;
+ // Ask each hook.
+ while (pCurr != &gHookList)
+ {
+ pCurr->pHook->ServerGetSize( pCurr->uExtension, riid, S_OK, &lPiece );
+ if (lPiece != 0)
+ {
+ lPiece = ((lPiece + 7) & ~7) + sizeof(WireExtent);
+ lSize += lPiece;
+ *cNumExtent += 1;
+ }
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+ // Round up the number of extents and add size for an array of unique
+ // flags.
+ *cNumExtent = (*cNumExtent + 1) & ~1;
+ lSize += sizeof(DWORD) * *cNumExtent;
+ if (*cNumExtent != 0)
+ return lSize;
+ else
+ return 0;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::ClientGetSize
+// Synopsis: Asks the VC debugger how much data to put in the next
+// request on this thread. Stores the result in TLS.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDebugChannelHook::ClientGetSize( REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG *pSize )
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( DEBUG_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ if (DoDebuggerHooks)
+ tls->cDebugData = DebugORPCClientGetBufferSize( NULL,
+ riid, NULL, NULL, DebuggerArg, DoDebuggerHooks );
+ else
+ tls->cDebugData = 0;
+ *pSize = tls->cDebugData;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::ClientFillBuffer
+// Synopsis: Asks the VC debugger to place data in the buffer for
+// the next request on this thread. Uses the size stored
+// in TLS.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDebugChannelHook::ClientFillBuffer( REFGUID uExtension,
+ REFIID riid,
+ ULONG *pSize, void *pBuffer )
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( DEBUG_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ Win4Assert( tls->cDebugData <= *pSize );
+ if (tls->cDebugData != 0)
+ DebugORPCClientFillBuffer(
+ tls->pCallInfo->pmessage,
+ riid,
+ pBuffer,
+ tls->cDebugData,
+ DebuggerArg,
+ DoDebuggerHooks );
+ *pSize = tls->cDebugData;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::ClientNotify
+// Synopsis: Passes data to the VC debugger received on the last
+// reply on this thread.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDebugChannelHook::ClientNotify(
+ REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG lSize, void *pBuffer,
+ DWORD dwRep, HRESULT hr )
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( DEBUG_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ if (pBuffer != NULL || DoDebuggerHooks)
+ DebugORPCClientNotify(
+ tls->pCallInfo->pmessage,
+ riid,
+ hr,
+ pBuffer,
+ lSize,
+ DebuggerArg,
+ DoDebuggerHooks );
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::ServerNotify
+// Synopsis: Passes data to the VC debugger receive on the last
+// request on this thread.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDebugChannelHook::ServerNotify(
+ REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG lSize, void *pBuffer,
+ DWORD dwRep )
+ COleTls tls;
+ IPIDEntry *pIpid;
+ void *pv = NULL;
+ Win4Assert( DEBUG_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ if (pBuffer != NULL || DoDebuggerHooks)
+ {
+ // Lookup the IPID entry.
+ pIpid = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID( tls->pCallInfo->ipid );
+ Win4Assert( pIpid != NULL );
+ // Get the object pointer from the stub because the IPID entry
+ // might have a different pointer.
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *) pIpid->pStub)->DebugServerQueryInterface( &pv );
+ // Call the debugger.
+ DebugORPCServerNotify(
+ tls->pCallInfo->pmessage,
+ riid,
+ pIpid->pChnl,
+ pv,
+ pBuffer,
+ lSize,
+ DebuggerArg,
+ DoDebuggerHooks );
+ // Release the object pointer.
+ if (pv != NULL)
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *) pIpid->pStub)->DebugServerRelease( pv );
+ }
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::ServerGetSize
+// Synopsis: Asks the VC debugger how much data to place in the buffer
+// for the next reply on this thread. Stores the result
+// in TLS.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDebugChannelHook::ServerGetSize( REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ HRESULT hrFault, ULONG *pSize )
+ COleTls tls;
+ IPIDEntry *pIpid;
+ void *pv = NULL;
+ Win4Assert( DEBUG_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ if (DoDebuggerHooks)
+ {
+ // Lookup the IPID entry.
+ pIpid = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID( tls->pCallInfo->ipid );
+ Win4Assert( pIpid != NULL );
+ // Get the object pointer from the stub because the IPID entry
+ // might have a different pointer.
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *) pIpid->pStub)->DebugServerQueryInterface( &pv );
+ // Ask the debugger how much data it has.
+ tls->cDebugData = DebugORPCServerGetBufferSize(
+ tls->pCallInfo->pmessage,
+ riid,
+ pIpid->pChnl,
+ pv,
+ DebuggerArg,
+ DoDebuggerHooks );
+ // Release the object pointer.
+ if (pv != NULL)
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *) pIpid->pStub)->DebugServerRelease( pv );
+ }
+ else
+ tls->cDebugData = 0;
+ *pSize = tls->cDebugData;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::ServerFillBuffer
+// Synopsis: Asks the VC debugger to place data in the buffer for the
+// next reply on this thread. Uses the size from TLS.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDebugChannelHook::ServerFillBuffer( REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG *pSize, void *pBuffer, HRESULT hrFault )
+ COleTls tls;
+ IPIDEntry *pIpid;
+ void *pv = NULL;
+ Win4Assert( DEBUG_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ Win4Assert( tls->cDebugData <= *pSize );
+ if (tls->cDebugData != 0)
+ {
+ // Lookup the IPID entry.
+ pIpid = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID( tls->pCallInfo->ipid );
+ Win4Assert( pIpid != NULL );
+ // Get the object pointer from the stub because the IPID entry
+ // might have a different pointer.
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *) pIpid->pStub)->DebugServerQueryInterface( &pv );
+ // Ask the debugger to write its data.
+ DebugORPCServerFillBuffer(
+ tls->pCallInfo->pmessage,
+ riid,
+ pIpid->pChnl,
+ pv,
+ pBuffer,
+ tls->cDebugData,
+ DebuggerArg,
+ DoDebuggerHooks );
+ // Release the object pointer.
+ if (pv != NULL)
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *) pIpid->pStub)->DebugServerRelease( pv );
+ }
+ *pSize = tls->cDebugData;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::QueryInterface
+// Synopsis: Queries this object for interfaces
+STDMETHODIMP CDebugChannelHook::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
+ if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IChannelHook))
+ {
+ *ppvObj = this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppvObj = NULL;
+ }
+ // This object is not reference counted.
+ // AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::AddRef
+// Synopsis: Increments object reference count.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDebugChannelHook::AddRef( )
+ return 1;
+// Member: CDebugChannelHook::Release
+// Synopsis: Decrements object reference count and deletes if zero.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDebugChannelHook::Release( )
+ return 1;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::ClientGetSize
+// Synopsis: Does nothing.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CErrorChannelHook::ClientGetSize( REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG *pSize )
+ Win4Assert( ERROR_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ *pSize = 0;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::ClientFillBuffer
+// Synopsis: Does nothing.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CErrorChannelHook::ClientFillBuffer( REFGUID uExtension,
+ REFIID riid,
+ ULONG *pSize, void *pBuffer )
+ Win4Assert( ERROR_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ *pSize = 0;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::ClientNotify
+// Synopsis: Unmarshals the COM extended error information.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CErrorChannelHook::ClientNotify(
+ REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG lSize, void *pBuffer,
+ DWORD dwRep, HRESULT hr )
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( ERROR_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ //Unmarshal the new error object.
+ if ((pBuffer != NULL) && (lSize > 0))
+ {
+ CNdrStream MemStream((unsigned char *)pBuffer, lSize);
+ //Release the old error object.
+ if(tls->punkError != NULL)
+ {
+ tls->punkError->Release();
+ tls->punkError = NULL;
+ }
+ CoUnmarshalInterface(&MemStream,
+ IID_IUnknown,
+ (void **) &tls->punkError);
+ }
+ else if((tls->punkError != NULL) &&
+ !IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IRundown) &&
+ !IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IRemUnknown) &&
+ !IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ISupportErrorInfo))
+ {
+ //Release the old error object.
+ tls->punkError->Release();
+ tls->punkError = NULL;
+ }
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::ServerNotify
+// Synopsis: Clears the COM extended error information on an
+// incoming call.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CErrorChannelHook::ServerNotify(
+ REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG lSize, void *pBuffer,
+ DWORD dwRep )
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( ERROR_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ //Release the old error object.
+ if(tls->punkError != NULL)
+ {
+ tls->punkError->Release();
+ tls->punkError = NULL;
+ }
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::ServerGetSize
+// Synopsis: Calculates the size of the marshalled error object.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CErrorChannelHook::ServerGetSize( REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ HRESULT hrFault, ULONG *pSize )
+ COleTls tls;
+ Win4Assert( ERROR_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ tls->cbErrorData = 0;
+ //Compute the size of the marshalled error object.
+ if(tls->punkError != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = CoGetMarshalSizeMax( &tls->cbErrorData,
+ IID_IUnknown,
+ tls->punkError,
+ ((CChannelCallInfo *) tls->pCallInfo)->iDestCtx,
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ //Release the error object.
+ tls->punkError->Release();
+ tls->punkError = NULL;
+ tls->cbErrorData = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ *pSize = tls->cbErrorData;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::ServerFillBuffer
+// Synopsis: Marshals the error object.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CErrorChannelHook::ServerFillBuffer( REFGUID uExtension, REFIID riid,
+ ULONG *pSize, void *pBuffer, HRESULT hrFault )
+ COleTls tls;
+ ULONG cbSize = 0;
+ Win4Assert( ERROR_EXTENSION == uExtension );
+ Win4Assert( tls->cbErrorData <= *pSize );
+ if(tls->punkError != NULL)
+ {
+ //Marshal the error object.
+ if(tls->cbErrorData > 0)
+ {
+ CNdrStream MemStream((unsigned char *)pBuffer, tls->cbErrorData);
+ hr = CoMarshalInterface(&MemStream,
+ IID_IUnknown,
+ tls->punkError,
+ ((CChannelCallInfo *) tls->pCallInfo)->iDestCtx,
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ tls->cbErrorData = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //Release the error object.
+ tls->punkError->Release();
+ tls->punkError = NULL;
+ }
+ *pSize = tls->cbErrorData;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::QueryInterface
+// Synopsis: Queries this object for interfaces
+STDMETHODIMP CErrorChannelHook::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
+ if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IChannelHook))
+ {
+ *ppvObj = this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppvObj = NULL;
+ }
+ // This object is not reference counted.
+ // AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::AddRef
+// Synopsis: Increments object reference count.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CErrorChannelHook::AddRef( )
+ return 1;
+// Member: CErrorChannelHook::Release
+// Synopsis: Decrements object reference count and deletes if zero.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CErrorChannelHook::Release( )
+ return 1;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chock.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chock.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8c0fd5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/chock.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// File: chock.hxx
+// Contents: APIs for channel hooks
+#ifndef _CHOCK_HXX_
+#define _CHOCK_HXX_
+const DWORD MASK_A_C_ = 0xFF00FF00;
+const DWORD MASK__B_D = 0x00FF00FF;
+const DWORD MASK_AB__ = 0xFFFF0000;
+const DWORD MASK___CD = 0x0000FFFF;
+inline void ByteSwapLong( DWORD &l )
+ // Start with ABCD.
+ // First change it to BADC.
+ l = ((l & MASK_A_C_) >> 8) | ((l & MASK__B_D) << 8);
+ // Then change it to DCBA.
+ l = ((l & MASK_AB__) >> 16) | ((l & MASK___CD) << 16);
+inline void ByteSwapShort( unsigned short &s )
+ s = ((s & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((s & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+typedef struct
+ unsigned long rounded_size; // Actual number of extents.
+ uuid_t id; // Extension identifier.
+ unsigned long size; // Extension size.
+ // byte data[]; // Extension data.
+} WireExtent;
+// Array of extensions.
+typedef struct
+ unsigned long size; // Number of extents.
+ unsigned long reserved; // Must be zero.
+ unsigned long unique; // Flag to indicate presence of unique_flag array.
+ unsigned long rounded_size; // Actual number of extents.
+ unsigned long unique_flag[2]; // Flags to indicate presense of ORPC_EXTENTs
+} WireExtentArray;
+// These two structures are laid out to match the NDR wire represenation
+// of the type ORPCTHIS in obase.idl.
+typedef struct
+ COMVERSION version; // COM version number
+ unsigned long flags; // ORPCF flags for presence of other data
+ unsigned long reserved1; // set to zero
+ CID cid; // causality id of caller
+ unsigned long unique; // tag to indicate presence of extensions
+} WireThisPart1;
+typedef struct
+ WireThisPart1 part1;
+ // Debug data.
+ WireExtentArray ea;
+ WireExtent e;
+} WireThisPart2;
+typedef union
+ WireThisPart1 c;
+ WireThisPart2 d;
+} WireThis;
+// These two structures are laid out to match the NDR wire represenation
+// of the type ORPCTHAT in obase.idl.
+typedef struct
+ unsigned long flags; // ORPCF flags for presence of other data
+ unsigned long unique; // tag to indicate presence of extensions
+} WireThatPart1;
+typedef struct
+ WireThatPart1 part1;
+ // Debug data.
+ WireExtentArray ea;
+ WireExtent e;
+} WireThatPart2;
+typedef union
+ WireThatPart1 c;
+ WireThatPart2 d;
+} WireThat;
+// Class: CDebugChannelHook, private
+// Purpose: Translates channel hook calls to special calls the VC
+// debugger expects.
+class CDebugChannelHook : public IChannelHook
+ public:
+ STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ClientGetSize) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ClientFillBuffer)( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize, void *DataBuffer );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ClientNotify) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
+ DWORD DataRep, HRESULT hrFault );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ServerNotify) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
+ DWORD DataRep );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ServerGetSize) ( REFGUID, REFIID, HRESULT hrFault,
+ ULONG *DataSize );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ServerFillBuffer)( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
+ HRESULT hrFault );
+// Class: CErrorChannelHook, private
+// Purpose: Channel hook for marshalling COM extended error
+// information.
+class CErrorChannelHook : public IChannelHook
+ public:
+ STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ClientGetSize) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ClientFillBuffer)( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize, void *DataBuffer );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ClientNotify) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
+ DWORD DataRep, HRESULT hrFault );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ServerNotify) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
+ DWORD DataRep );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ServerGetSize) ( REFGUID, REFIID, HRESULT hrFault,
+ ULONG *DataSize );
+ STDMETHOD_(void,ServerFillBuffer)( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
+ HRESULT hrFault );
+// Functions called by channel.
+void CleanupChannelHooks();
+ULONG ClientGetSize( REFIID riid, ULONG *cNumExtent );
+HRESULT ClientNotify ( REFIID riid, WireThat *, ULONG cMax, void **pStubData,
+ DWORD DataRep, HRESULT hr );
+void *FillBuffer ( REFIID riid, WireExtentArray *, ULONG cMaxSize,
+ ULONG cNumExtent, BOOL fClient );
+ULONG ServerGetSize( REFIID riid, ULONG *cNumExtent );
+HRESULT ServerNotify ( REFIID riid, WireThis *, ULONG cMax, void **pStubData,
+ DWORD DataRep );
+#endif // _CHOCK_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/coapi.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/coapi.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..681a99c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/coapi.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+// File: coapi.cxx
+// Contents: Public COM remote subsystem APIs
+// Functions: CoGetStandardMarshal - returns IMarshal for given interface
+// CoGetMarshalSizeMax - returns max size buffer needed
+// CoMarshalInterface - marshals an interface
+// CoUnmarshalInterface - unmarshals an interface
+// CoReleaseMarshalData - releases data from marshaled interface
+// CoLockObjectExternal - keep object alive or releases it
+// CoDisconnectObject - kills sessions held by remote clients
+// CoIsHandlerConnected - try to determine if handler connected
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to identity object
+// 05-Jul-94 BruceMa Check for end of stream
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Major changes for DCOM
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <olerem.h>
+#include <marshal.hxx> // CStdMarshal
+#include <stdid.hxx> // CStdIdentity, IDTable APIs
+#include <service.hxx> // SASIZE
+// static unmarshaler
+IMarshal *gpStdMarshal = NULL;
+// Function: CoGetStandardMarshal, public
+// Synopsis: Returns an instance of the standard IMarshal for the
+// specifed object.
+// Algorithm: lookup or create a CStdIdentity (and CStdMarshal) for
+// the object.
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to identity object
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Switched to CStdMarshal
+STDAPI CoGetStandardMarshal(REFIID riid, IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD dwDestCtx,
+ void *pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags, IMarshal **ppMarshal)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CoGetStandardMarshal");
+ "CoGetStandardMarshal riid:%I pUnk:%x dwDest:%x pvDest:%x flags:%x\n",
+ &riid, pUnk, dwDestCtx, pvDestCtx, mshlflags));
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (ppMarshal == NULL ||
+ dwDestCtx > MSHCTX_INPROC || pvDestCtx != NULL ||
+ (mshlflags & ~MSHLFLAGS_ALL))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ *ppMarshal = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ if (pUnk == NULL)
+ {
+ // this is the unmarshal side. any instance will do so we return
+ // the static one. Calling UnmarshalInterface will return the real
+ // proxy.
+ hr = GetStaticUnMarshaler(ppMarshal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this is the marshal side. We put a strong reference on the StdId
+ // so that the ID does not get disconnected when the last external
+ // Release occurs.
+ if (mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_NOPING)
+ {
+ // requesting NOPING, so set the IDL flags accordingly
+ dwFlags |= IDLF_NOPING;
+ }
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ hr = LookupIDFromUnk(pUnk, dwFlags, &pStdId);
+ *ppMarshal = (IMarshal *)pStdId;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoGetStandardMarshal: pIM:%x hr:%x\n",
+ *ppMarshal, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoGetMarshalSizeMax, public
+// synopsis: returns max size needed to marshal the specified interface.
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to static marshaler
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Return correct sizes once again.
+STDAPI CoGetMarshalSizeMax(ULONG *pulSize, REFIID riid, IUnknown *pUnk,
+ DWORD dwDestCtx, void *pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags)
+ "CoGetMarshalSizeMax: riid:%I pUnk:%x dwDest:%x pvDest:%x flags:%x\n",
+ &riid, pUnk, dwDestCtx, pvDestCtx, mshlflags));
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (pulSize == NULL || pUnk == NULL ||
+ dwDestCtx > MSHCTX_INPROC || pvDestCtx != NULL ||
+ (mshlflags & ~MSHLFLAGS_ALL))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ *pulSize = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ IMarshal *pIM;
+ hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMarshal, (void **)&pIM);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // object supports custom marshalling, ask it how much space it needs
+ hr = pIM->GetMarshalSizeMax(riid, (void *)pUnk, dwDestCtx,
+ pvDestCtx, mshlflags, pulSize);
+ pIM->Release();
+ // add in the size of the stuff CoMarshalInterface will write
+ *pulSize += sizeof(OBJREF);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // uses standard marshalling, we know the max size already.
+ *pulSize = sizeof(OBJREF) + SASIZE(gpsaLocalResolver->wNumEntries);
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoGetMarshalSizeMax: pUnk:%x size:%x hr:%x\n",
+ pUnk, *pulSize, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoMarshalInterface, public
+// Synopsis: marshals the specified interface into the given stream
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to identity object and
+// new marshaling format
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi switched to newer marshal format
+STDAPI CoMarshalInterface(IStream *pStm, REFIID riid, IUnknown *pUnk,
+ DWORD dwDestCtx, void *pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CoMarshalInterface");
+ "CoMarshalInterface: pStm:%x riid:%I pUnk:%x dwDest:%x pvDest:%x flags:%x\n",
+ pStm, &riid, pUnk, dwDestCtx, pvDestCtx, mshlflags));
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (pStm == NULL || pUnk == NULL ||
+ dwDestCtx > MSHCTX_INPROC || pvDestCtx != NULL ||
+ (mshlflags & ~MSHLFLAGS_ALL))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ CALLHOOKOBJECT(S_OK,CLSID_NULL,riid,(IUnknown **)&pUnk);
+ // determine whether to do custom or standard marshaling
+ IMarshal *pIM;
+ hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMarshal, (void **)&pIM);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // object supports custom marshaling, use it. we package the
+ // custom data inside an OBJREF.
+ Win4Assert(pIM);
+ OBJREF objref;
+ objref.signature = OBJREF_SIGNATURE;
+ objref.flags = OBJREF_CUSTOM;
+ objref.iid = riid;
+ // get the clsid for unmarshaling
+ hr = pIM->GetUnmarshalClass(riid, pUnk, dwDestCtx, pvDestCtx,
+ mshlflags, &ORCST(objref).clsid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) &&
+ !IsEqualCLSID(CLSID_StdMarshal, ORCST(objref).clsid))
+ {
+ // get the size of data to marshal
+ hr = pIM->GetMarshalSizeMax(riid, (void *)pUnk, dwDestCtx,
+ pvDestCtx, mshlflags,
+ &ORCST(objref).size);
+ // currently we dont write any extensions into the custom
+ // objref. The provision is there so we can do it in the
+ // future, for example, if the unmarshaler does not have the
+ // unmarshal class code available we could to provide a callback
+ // mechanism by putting the OXID, and saResAddr in there.
+ ORCST(objref).cbExtension = 0;
+ // write the objref header info into the stream
+ ULONG cbToWrite = (BYTE *)(&ORCST(objref).pData) - (BYTE *)&objref;
+ hr = pStm->Write(&objref, cbToWrite, NULL);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // tell the marshaler to write the rest of the data
+ hr = pIM->MarshalInterface(pStm, riid, pUnk, dwDestCtx,
+ pvDestCtx, mshlflags);
+ }
+ pIM->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // use standard marshaling - find or create a standard marshaler
+ // note this may include handler marshaling.
+ // Figure out what flags to pass. If marshaling TABLEWEAK, don't
+ // add then remove a strong connection, since many objects have a
+ // bogus implementation of IExternalConnection that shuts down the
+ // object when the last strong count goes to zero regardless of the
+ // fLastReleaseCloses flag.
+ if (!(mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK))
+ {
+ dwFlags |= IDLF_STRONG;
+ }
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ hr = LookupIDFromUnk(pUnk, dwFlags, &pStdId);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pStdId->MarshalInterface(pStm, riid, pUnk, dwDestCtx,
+ pvDestCtx, mshlflags);
+ if (!(mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK))
+ {
+ // If marshaling succeeded, removing the last strong connection
+ // should keep the object alive. If marshaling failed,
+ // removing the last strong connection should shut it down.
+ BOOL fKeepAlive = (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ pStdId->DecStrongCnt(fKeepAlive);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CoMarshalInterface: pUnk:%x hr:%x\n",pUnk,hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoUnmarshalInterface, public
+// Synopsis: Unmarshals a marshaled interface pointer from the stream.
+// Notes: when a controlling unknown is supplied, it is assumed that
+// the HANDLER for the class has done a CreateInstance and wants
+// to aggregate just the proxymanager, ie. we dont want to
+// instantiate a new class handler (the default unmarshalling
+// behaviour).
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to static marshaler and
+// new marshaling format
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi switched to newer marshal format
+STDAPI CoUnmarshalInterface(IStream *pStm,
+ REFIID riid,
+ void **ppv)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CoUnmarshalInterface");
+ "CoUnmarshalInterface: pStm:%x riid:%I\n", pStm, &riid));
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (pStm == NULL || ppv == NULL)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // read the objref from the stream.
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = ReadObjRef(pStm, objref);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (objref.flags & OBJREF_CUSTOM)
+ {
+ // uses custom marshaling, create an instance and ask that guy
+ // to do the unmarshaling. special case createinstance for the
+ // freethreaded marshaler.
+ IMarshal *pIM;
+ if (IsEqualCLSID(CLSID_InProcFreeMarshaler, ORCST(objref).clsid))
+ {
+ hr = GetInProcFreeMarshaler(&pIM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = CoCreateInstance(ORCST(objref).clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
+ IID_IMarshal, (void **)&pIM);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pIM->UnmarshalInterface(pStm, objref.iid, ppv);
+ pIM->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // seek past the custom marshalers data so we leave the
+ // stream at the correct position.
+ libMove.LowPart = ORCST(objref).size;
+ libMove.HighPart = 0;
+ pStm->Seek(libMove, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // uses standard marshaling, call API to find or create the
+ // instance of CStdMarshal for the oid inside the objref, and
+ // ask that instance to unmarshal the interface. This covers
+ // handler unmarshaling also.
+ hr = UnmarshalObjRef(objref, ppv);
+ }
+ // free the objref we read above
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ if (!InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, GUID_NULL) &&
+ !InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, objref.iid) && SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // the interface iid requested was different than the one that
+ // was marshaled (and was not GUID_NULL), so go get the requested
+ // one and release the marshaled one. GUID_NULL is used by the Ndr
+ // unmarshaling engine and means return whatever interface was
+ // marshaled.
+ IUnknown *pUnk = (IUnknown *)*ppv;
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ if (gcwx86.IsN2XProxy(pUnk))
+ {
+ // Tell wx86 thunk layer to thunk as IUnknown
+ gcwx86.SetStubInvokeFlag((BOOL)1);
+ }
+ hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
+ pUnk->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoUnmarshalInterface: pUnk:%x hr:%x\n",
+ *ppv, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoReleaseMarshalData, public
+// Synopsis: release the reference created by CoMarshalInterface
+// Algorithm:
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to static marshaler and
+// new marshaling format
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi switched to newer marshal format
+STDAPI CoReleaseMarshalData(IStream *pStm)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CoReleaseMarshalData");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoReleaseMarshalData pStm:%x\n", pStm));
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (pStm == NULL)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // read the objref from the stream.
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = ReadObjRef(pStm, objref);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (objref.flags & OBJREF_CUSTOM)
+ {
+ // object uses custom marshaling. create an instance of
+ // the unmarshaling code and ask it to release the marshaled
+ // data.
+ IMarshal *pIM;
+ if (IsEqualCLSID(CLSID_InProcFreeMarshaler, ORCST(objref).clsid))
+ {
+ hr = GetInProcFreeMarshaler(&pIM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = CoCreateInstance(ORCST(objref).clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
+ IID_IMarshal, (void **)&pIM);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pIM->ReleaseMarshalData(pStm);
+ pIM->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // seek past the custom marshalers data so we leave the
+ // stream at the correct position.
+ libMove.LowPart = ORCST(objref).size;
+ libMove.HighPart = 0;
+ pStm->Seek(libMove, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // uses standard marshaling, find or create the instance of
+ // CStdMarshal for the oid inside the objref, and ask that
+ // instance to unmarshal the interface.
+ CStdMarshal *pStdMshl;
+ hr = FindStdMarshal(objref, &pStdMshl);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pStdMshl->ReleaseMarshalObjRef(objref);
+ pStdMshl->Release();
+ }
+ else if (hr == CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED)
+ {
+ // it was for this process but the object is already dead
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ // free the objref we read above
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoReleaseMarshalData hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoDisconnectObject, public
+// synopsis: disconnects all clients of an object by marking their
+// connections as terminted abnormaly.
+// History: 04-Oct-93 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to identity object
+STDAPI CoDisconnectObject(IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD dwReserved)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CoDisconnectObject");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoDisconnectObject pUnk:%x dwRes:%x\n",
+ pUnk, dwReserved));
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (pUnk == NULL || dwReserved != 0)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ if (!IsValidInterface(pUnk))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ if (!IsApartmentInitialized())
+ {
+ }
+ IMarshal *pIM = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMarshal, (void **)&pIM);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // object does not support IMarshal directly. Find its standard
+ // marshaler if there is one, otherwise return an error.
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ hr = LookupIDFromUnk(pUnk, 0, &pStdId);
+ pIM = (IMarshal *)pStdId;
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pIM->DisconnectObject(dwReserved);
+ pIM->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // could not get std marshal, must be disconnected already
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CoDisconnectObject pIM:%x hr:%x\n", pIM, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoLockObjectExternal, public
+// synopsis: adds/revokes a strong reference count to/from the
+// identity for the given object.
+// parameters: [punkObject] - IUnknown of the object
+// [fLock] - lock/unlock the object
+// [fLastUR] - last unlock releases.
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+// 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Switched to identity object
+STDAPI CoLockObjectExternal(IUnknown *pUnk, BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUR)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CoLockObjectExternal");
+ "CoLockObjectExternal pUnk:%x fLock:%x fLastUR:%x\n", pUnk, fLock, fLastUR));
+ if (!IsValidInterface(pUnk))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID;
+ hr = LookupIDFromUnk(pUnk, (fLock) ? IDLF_CREATE : 0, &pStdID);
+ switch (hr)
+ {
+ case S_OK:
+ // REF COUNTING: inc or dec external ref count
+ hr = pStdID->LockObjectExternal(fLock, fLastUR);
+ pStdID->Release();
+ break;
+ // unlock when not registered; 16bit code returned NOERROR;
+ // disconnected handler goes to S_OK case above.
+ hr = S_OK;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ "CoLockObjectExternal pStdID:%x hr:%x\n", pStdID, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoIsHandlerConnected, public
+// Synopsis: Returns whether or not handler is connected to remote
+// Algorithm: QueryInterface to IProxyManager. If this is supported,
+// then this is a handler. We ask the handler
+// for its opinion otherwise we simply return TRUE.
+// History: 04-Oct-93 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: The answer of this routine may be wrong by the time
+// the routine returns. This is correct behavior as
+// this routine is primilary to cleanup state associated
+// with connections.
+STDAPI_(BOOL) CoIsHandlerConnected(LPUNKNOWN pUnk)
+ // validate input parameters
+ if (!IsValidInterface(pUnk))
+ return FALSE;
+ // Assume it is connected
+ BOOL fResult = TRUE;
+ // Handler should support IProxyManager
+ IProxyManager *pPM;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IProxyManager, (void **)&pPM)))
+ {
+ // We have something that thinks its is an Ole handler so we ask
+ fResult = pPM->IsConnected();
+ pPM->Release();
+ }
+ return fResult;
+// Function: GetStaticUnMarshaler, private
+// Synopsis: Returns the static instance of the CStdMarshal.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+// Notes: The standard marshaler must be able to resolve identity, that
+// is two proxies for the same object must never be created in
+// the same apartment. Given that, it makes sense to let the
+// standard guy do the unmarshaling. Since we dont know the
+// identity of the object upfront, and any instance will do, we
+// use a static instance to handle unmarshal.
+INTERNAL GetStaticUnMarshaler(IMarshal **ppIM)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (gpStdMarshal == NULL)
+ {
+ // the global instance has not been created yet, so go make it now.
+ hr = CreateIdentityHandler(NULL, 0, IID_IMarshal,
+ (void **)&gpStdMarshal);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // dont let anybody but us delete this thing.
+ ((CStdIdentity *)gpStdMarshal)->SetLockedInMemory();
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ *ppIM = gpStdMarshal;
+ if (gpStdMarshal)
+ {
+ gpStdMarshal->AddRef();
+ }
+ return hr;
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+// Function: CoGetIIDFromMarshaledInterface, public
+// Synopsis: Returns the IID embedded inside a marshaled interface
+// pointer. Needed by the x86 thunking code.
+// History: 16-Apr-96 Rickhi Created
+STDAPI CoGetIIDFromMarshaledInterface(IStream *pStm, IID *piid)
+ LARGE_INTEGER lSeekStart, lSeekEnd;
+ LISet32(lSeekStart, 0);
+ // remember the current position
+ HRESULT hr = pStm->Seek(lSeekStart, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &ulSeekEnd);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // read the first part of the objref which contains the IID
+ // also check to ensure the objref is at least partially sane
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = StRead(pStm, &objref, 2*sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(IID));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if ((objref.signature != OBJREF_SIGNATURE) ||
+ (objref.flags & OBJREF_RSRVD_MBZ) ||
+ (objref.flags == 0))
+ {
+ // the objref signature is bad, or one of the reserved
+ // bits in the flags is set, or none of the required bits
+ // in the flags is set. the objref cant be interpreted so
+ // fail the call.
+ Win4Assert(!"Invalid Objref Flags");
+ }
+ // extract the IID
+ *piid = objref.iid;
+ }
+ // put the seek pointer back to the original location
+ lSeekEnd.LowPart = ulSeekEnd.LowPart;
+ lSeekEnd.HighPart = (LONG)ulSeekEnd.HighPart;
+ hr = pStm->Seek(lSeekEnd, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
+ }
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/daytona/makefile b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/daytona/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d3728d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/daytona/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+!include $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/daytona/sources b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/daytona/sources
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ac4f5b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/daytona/sources
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ sources.
+ This file specifies the target component being built and the list of
+ sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional
+ compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being
+ built.
+ Donna Liu (DonnaLi) 19-Dec-1993
+MAJORCOMP = cairole
+!include ..\..\..\
+# This is the name of the target built from the source files specified
+# below. The name should include neither the path nor the file extension.
+# This specifies where the target is to be built. A private target of
+# type LIBRARY or DYNLINK should go to obj, whereas a public target of
+# type LIBRARY or DYNLINK should go to $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib.
+# This specifies the type of the target, such as PROGRAM, DYNLINK, LIBRARY,
+# etc.
+INCLUDES = ..\..\..\common\daytona;..\..\..\ih;..;..\..\inc;
+INCLUDES = $(INCLUDES);..\..\dcomidl\daytona;..\..\class;..\..\objact;
+INCLUDES = $(INCLUDES);$(BASEDIR)\private\dcomidl\obj
+ ..\callctrl.cxx \
+ ..\chancont.cxx \
+ ..\channelb.cxx \
+ ..\chock.cxx \
+ ..\coapi.cxx \
+ ..\hash.cxx \
+ ..\idtable.cxx \
+ ..\ipidtbl.cxx \
+ ..\ipmrshl.cxx \
+ ..\locks.cxx \
+ ..\marshal.cxx \
+ ..\orpc_dbg.c \
+ ..\pgalloc.cxx \
+ ..\remoteu.cxx \
+ ..\resolver.cxx \
+ ..\riftbl.cxx \
+ ..\security.cxx \
+ ..\service.cxx \
+ ..\stdid.cxx \
+ ..\stream.cxx \
+ ..\threads.cxx
+UMTYPE= windows
+!include ..\..\
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/dirs b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/dirs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80cd267ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ dirs.
+ This file specifies the subdirectories of the current directory that
+ contain component makefiles.
+ Donna Liu (DonnaLi) 19-Dec-1993
+# This is a list of all subdirectories that build required components.
+# Each subdirectory name should appear on a line by itself. The build
+# follows the order in which the subdirectories are specified.
+# This is a list of all subdirectories that build optional components.
+# Each subdirectory name should appear on a line by itself. The build
+# follows the order in which the subdirectories are specified.
+ daytona \
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c69313e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Name of target. Include an extension (.dll, .lib, .exe)
+# If the target is part of the release, set RELEASE to 1.
+TARGET = remote.lib
+# Source files. Remember to prefix each name with .\
+ .\channelb.cxx \
+ .\chancont.cxx \
+ .\callcont.cxx \
+ .\callmain.cxx \
+ .\imchnl.cxx \
+ .\sichnl.cxx \
+ .\service.cxx \
+ .\endpnt.cxx \
+ .\remhdlr.cxx \
+ .\remapi.cxx \
+ .\coapi.cxx \
+ .\dd.cxx \
+ .\stdid.cxx \
+ .\idtable.cxx
+CFILES = .\orpc_dbg.c
+# Libraries and other object files to link.
+# Precompiled headers.
+PXXFILE = headers.cxx
+CINC = $(CINC) -I..\inc -I..\idl -I..\class -I..\objact $(TRACELOG)
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/hash.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/hash.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec4c519dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/hash.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+// File: hash.cxx
+// Contents: class for maintaining a hash table.
+// Classes: CUUIDHashTable
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <hash.hxx> // CUUIDHashTable
+#include <locks.hxx> // ASSERT_LOCK_HELD
+#include <service.hxx> // SASIZE
+// Type definitions
+typedef struct
+ const IPID *pIpid;
+} SNameKey;
+// Secure references hash table buckets. This is defined as a global
+// so that we dont have to run any code to initialize the hash table.
+SHashChain SRFBuckets[23] =
+ {&SRFBuckets[0], &SRFBuckets[0]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[1], &SRFBuckets[1]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[2], &SRFBuckets[2]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[3], &SRFBuckets[3]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[4], &SRFBuckets[4]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[5], &SRFBuckets[5]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[6], &SRFBuckets[6]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[7], &SRFBuckets[7]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[8], &SRFBuckets[8]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[9], &SRFBuckets[9]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[10], &SRFBuckets[10]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[11], &SRFBuckets[11]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[12], &SRFBuckets[12]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[13], &SRFBuckets[13]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[14], &SRFBuckets[14]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[15], &SRFBuckets[15]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[16], &SRFBuckets[16]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[17], &SRFBuckets[17]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[18], &SRFBuckets[18]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[19], &SRFBuckets[19]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[20], &SRFBuckets[20]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[21], &SRFBuckets[21]},
+ {&SRFBuckets[22], &SRFBuckets[22]}
+CNameHashTable gSRFTbl;
+// Function: DummyCleanup
+// Synopsis: Callback for CHashTable::Cleanup that does nothing.
+void DummyCleanup( SHashChain *pIgnore )
+// Method: CHashTable::Cleanup
+// Synopsis: Cleans up the hash table by deleteing leftover entries.
+void CHashTable::Cleanup(PFNCLEANUP *pfnCleanup)
+ Win4Assert(pfnCleanup);
+ for (ULONG iHash=0; iHash < NUM_HASH_BUCKETS; iHash++)
+ {
+ // the ptrs could be NULL if the hash table was never initialized.
+ while (_buckets[iHash].pNext != NULL &&
+ _buckets[iHash].pNext != &_buckets[iHash])
+ {
+ // remove the entry from the list and call it's cleanup function
+ SHashChain *pNode = _buckets[iHash].pNext;
+ Remove(pNode);
+ (pfnCleanup)(pNode);
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ // Verify that the hash table is empty or uninitialized.
+ for (iHash = 0; iHash < NUM_HASH_BUCKETS; iHash++)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( _buckets[iHash].pNext == &_buckets[iHash] ||
+ _buckets[iHash].pNext == NULL);
+ Win4Assert( _buckets[iHash].pPrev == &_buckets[iHash] ||
+ _buckets[iHash].pPrev == NULL);
+ }
+// Method: CHashTable::Lookup
+// Synopsis: Searches for a given key in the hash table.
+// Note: iHash is between 0 and -1, not 0 and NUM_HASH_BUCKETS
+SHashChain *CHashTable::Lookup(DWORD dwHash, const void *k)
+ // compute the index to the hash chain (it's the hash value of the key
+ // mod the number of buckets in the hash table)
+ DWORD iHash = dwHash % NUM_HASH_BUCKETS;
+ SHashChain *pNode = _buckets[iHash].pNext;
+ // Search the destination bucket for the key.
+ while (pNode != &_buckets[iHash])
+ {
+ if (Compare( k, pNode, dwHash ))
+ return pNode;
+ pNode = pNode->pNext;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Method: CHashTable::Add
+// Synopsis: Adds an element to the hash table. The Cleanup method will
+// call a Cleanup function that can be used to delete the
+// element.
+// Note: iHash is between 0 and -1, not 0 and NUM_HASH_BUCKETS
+void CHashTable::Add(DWORD dwHash, SHashChain *pNode)
+ // Add the node to the bucket chain.
+ SHashChain *pHead = &_buckets[dwHash % NUM_HASH_BUCKETS];
+ SHashChain *pNew = pNode;
+ pNew->pPrev = pHead;
+ pHead->pNext->pPrev = pNew;
+ pNew->pNext = pHead->pNext;
+ pHead->pNext = pNew;
+// Method: CUUIDHashTable::Remove
+// Synopsis: Removes an element from the hash table.
+void CHashTable::Remove(SHashChain *pNode)
+ pNode->pPrev->pNext = pNode->pNext;
+ pNode->pNext->pPrev = pNode->pPrev;
+// Method: CUUIDHashTable::HashNode
+// Synopsis: Computes the hash value for a given node.
+DWORD CUUIDHashTable::HashNode(SHashChain *pNode)
+ return Hash( ((SUUIDHashNode *) pNode)->key );
+// Method: CUUIDHashTable::Compare
+// Synopsis: Compares a node and a key.
+BOOL CUUIDHashTable::Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash )
+ return InlineIsEqualGUID(*(const UUID *)k,
+ ((SUUIDHashNode *)pNode)->key);
+// Method: CStringHashTable::Hash
+// Synopsis: Computes the hash value for a given key.
+DWORD CStringHashTable::Hash(DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey)
+ DWORD dwHash = 0;
+ DWORD *pdw = (DWORD *) &psaKey->aStringArray[0];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i< (psaKey->wNumEntries/2); i++)
+ {
+ dwHash = (dwHash << 8) ^ *pdw++;
+ }
+ return dwHash;
+// Method: CStringHashTable::HashNode
+// Synopsis: Computes the hash value for a given node.
+DWORD CStringHashTable::HashNode(SHashChain *pNode)
+ return Hash( ((SStringHashNode *) pNode)->psaKey );
+// Method: CStringHashTable::Compare
+// Synopsis: Compares a node and a key.
+BOOL CStringHashTable::Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash )
+ SStringHashNode *pSNode = (SStringHashNode *) pNode;
+ const DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey = (const DUALSTRINGARRAY *) k;
+ if (dwHash == pSNode->dwHash)
+ {
+ // a quick compare of the hash values found a match, now do
+ // a full compare of the key (Note: if the sizes of the two
+ // Keys are different, we exit the memcmp on the first dword,
+ // so we dont have to worry about walking off the endo of one
+ // of the Keys during the memcmp).
+ return !memcmp(psaKey, pSNode->psaKey, SASIZE(psaKey->wNumEntries));
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Method: CNameHashTable::Cleanup
+// Synopsis: Call the base cleanup routine with a dummy callback function
+void CNameHashTable::Cleanup()
+ CHashTable::Cleanup( DummyCleanup );
+// Method: CNameHashTable::Hash
+// Synopsis: Computes the hash value for a given key.
+DWORD CNameHashTable::Hash( REFIPID ipid, SECURITYBINDING *pName )
+ DWORD dwHash = 0;
+ DWORD *pdw = (DWORD *) &ipid;
+ DWORD dwLen = lstrlenW( (WCHAR *) pName ) >> 1;
+ ULONG i;
+ // First hash the IPID.
+ for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ dwHash = (dwHash << 8) ^ *pdw++;
+ }
+ // Then hash the name.
+ pdw = (DWORD *) pName;
+ for (i=0; i < dwLen; i++)
+ {
+ dwHash = (dwHash << 8) ^ *pdw++;
+ }
+ return dwHash;
+// Method: CNameHashTable::HashNode
+// Synopsis: Computes the hash value for a given node.
+DWORD CNameHashTable::HashNode(SHashChain *pNode)
+ SNameHashNode *pNNode = (SNameHashNode *) pNode;
+ return Hash( pNNode->ipid, &pNNode->sName );
+// Method: CNameHashTable::Compare
+// Synopsis: Compares a node and a key.
+BOOL CNameHashTable::Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash )
+ SNameHashNode *pNNode = (SNameHashNode *) pNode;
+ const SNameKey *pKey = (const SNameKey *) k;
+ if (dwHash == pNNode->dwHash)
+ {
+ // a quick compare of the hash values found a match, now do
+ // a full compare of the key
+ if (*pKey->pIpid == pNNode->ipid)
+ return !lstrcmpW( (WCHAR *) pKey->pName, (WCHAR *) &pNNode->sName );
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Method: CNameHashTable::IncRef
+// Synopsis: Find or create an entry for the specified name. Increment
+// its reference count.
+HRESULT CNameHashTable::IncRef( ULONG cRefs, REFIPID ipid,
+ SNameHashNode *pNode;
+ DWORD dwHash = Hash( ipid, pName );
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ULONG lLen;
+ SNameKey key;
+ // See if there is already a node in the table.
+ key.pIpid = &ipid;
+ key.pName = pName;
+ pNode = (SNameHashNode *) Lookup( dwHash, &key );
+ // If not, create one.
+ if (pNode == NULL)
+ {
+ lLen = lstrlenW( (WCHAR *) pName );
+ pNode = (SNameHashNode *) PrivMemAlloc( sizeof(SNameHashNode) +
+ lLen*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ if (pNode != NULL)
+ {
+ pNode->cRef = 0;
+ pNode->dwHash = dwHash;
+ pNode->ipid = ipid;
+ memcpy( &pNode->sName, pName, (lLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ Add( dwHash, &pNode->chain );
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ // Increment the reference count on the node.
+ if (pNode != NULL)
+ pNode->cRef += cRefs;
+ return hr;
+// Method: CNameHashTable::DecRef
+// Synopsis: Decrement references for the specified name. Do not decrement
+// more references then exist. Return the actual decrement count.
+ULONG CNameHashTable::DecRef( ULONG cRefs, REFIPID ipid,
+ SNameHashNode *pNode;
+ DWORD dwHash = Hash( ipid, pName );
+ SNameKey key;
+ // Lookup the name.
+ key.pIpid = &ipid;
+ key.pName = pName;
+ pNode = (SNameHashNode *) Lookup( dwHash, &key );
+ if (pNode != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pNode->cRef < cRefs)
+ cRefs = pNode->cRef;
+ pNode->cRef -= cRefs;
+ if (pNode->cRef == 0)
+ {
+ Remove( &pNode->chain );
+ PrivMemFree( pNode );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ cRefs = 0;
+ return cRefs;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/hash.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/hash.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38fc27096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/hash.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// File: hash.hxx
+// Contents: class for maintaining a GUID-based hash table.
+// Classes: CHashTable
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _HASHTBL_HXX_
+#define _HASHTBL_HXX_
+#include <obase.h>
+// Structure: SHashChain
+// Synopsis: An element in the double link list. Used by S*HashNode and
+// C*HashTable.
+typedef struct SHashChain
+ struct SHashChain *pNext; // ptr to next node in chain
+ struct SHashChain *pPrev; // ptr to prev node in chain
+} SHashChain;
+// Structure: SUUIDHashNode
+// Synopsis: This is an element in a bucket in the UUID hash table.
+typedef struct SUUIDHashNode
+ SHashChain chain; // double linked list ptrs
+ UUID key; // node key (the value that is hashed)
+} SUUIDHashNode;
+// Structure: SStringHashNode
+// Synopsis: This is an element in a bucket in the string hash table.
+typedef struct SStringHashNode
+ SHashChain chain; // double linked list ptrs
+ DWORD dwHash; // hash value of the key
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey; // node key (the value that is hashed)
+} SStringHashNode;
+// Structure: SNameHashNode
+// Synopsis: This is an element in a bucket in the name hash table.
+typedef struct SNameHashNode
+ SHashChain chain; // double linked list ptrs
+ DWORD dwHash; // hash value of the key
+ ULONG cRef; // count of references
+ IPID ipid; // ipid holding the reference
+ SECURITYBINDING sName; // user name
+} SNameHashNode;
+// ptr to cleanup function that gets called by Cleanup
+typedef void (PFNCLEANUP)(SHashChain *pNode);
+// number of buckets in the hash table array. It should be a prime
+// number > 20.
+#define NUM_HASH_BUCKETS 23
+// External definitions.
+class CNameHashTable;
+extern SHashChain SRFBuckets[23];
+extern CNameHashTable gSRFTbl;
+// Class: CHashTable
+// Synopsis: Base hash table. The table uses any key
+// and stores nodes in an array of circular double linked lists.
+// The hash value of the key is the index in the array to the
+// double linked list that the node is chained off.
+// Nodes must be allocated with new. A cleanup function is
+// optionally called for each node when the table is cleaned
+// up.
+// Inheritors of this class must supply the HashNode
+// and Compare functions.
+// Notes: All locking must be done outside the class via LOCK/UNLOCK.
+class CHashTable
+ virtual void Initialize(SHashChain *pChain) { _buckets = pChain; }
+ virtual void Cleanup(PFNCLEANUP *pfn);
+ void Remove(SHashChain *pNode);
+ virtual BOOL Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash) = 0;
+ virtual DWORD HashNode(SHashChain *pNode) = 0;
+ SHashChain *Lookup(DWORD dwHash, const void *k);
+ void Add(DWORD dwHash, SHashChain *pNode);
+ SHashChain *_buckets; // ptr to array of double linked lists
+// Class: CUUIDHashTable
+// Synopsis: This table inherits from CHashTable. It hashs based on a UUID.
+// Nodes must be allocated with new. A cleanup function is
+// optionally called for each node when the table is cleaned up.
+// Notes: All locking must be done outside the class via LOCK/UNLOCK.
+class CUUIDHashTable : public CHashTable
+ virtual BOOL Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash);
+ virtual DWORD HashNode(SHashChain *pNode);
+ SUUIDHashNode *Lookup(DWORD dwHash, REFGUID k);
+ void Add(DWORD dwHash, REFGUID k, SUUIDHashNode *pNode);
+// Class: CStringHashTable
+// Synopsis: String based hash table, uses a DUALSTRINGARRAY as the key,
+// Nodes must be allocated with new. A cleanup function is
+// optionally called for each node when the table is cleaned up.
+// Notes: All locking must be done outside the class via LOCK/UNLOCK.
+class CStringHashTable : public CHashTable
+ virtual BOOL Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash);
+ virtual DWORD HashNode(SHashChain *pNode);
+ SStringHashNode *Lookup(DWORD dwHash, DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey);
+ void Add(DWORD dwHash, DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey, SStringHashNode *pNode);
+// Class: CNameHashTable
+// Synopsis: Name based hash table, uses a string as the key,
+// Nodes must be allocated with new. A cleanup function is
+// optionally called for each node when the table is cleaned up.
+// Notes: All locking must be done outside the class via LOCK/UNLOCK.
+class CNameHashTable : public CHashTable
+ virtual BOOL Compare(const void *k, SHashChain *pNode, DWORD dwHash);
+ virtual DWORD HashNode(SHashChain *pNode);
+ void Cleanup();
+ void Initialize() { CHashTable::Initialize( SRFBuckets ); }
+// Method: CUUIDHashTable::Hash
+// Synopsis: Computes the hash value for a given key.
+inline DWORD CUUIDHashTable::Hash(REFIID k)
+ const DWORD *tmp = (DWORD *) &k;
+ DWORD sum = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2] + tmp[3];
+ return sum % NUM_HASH_BUCKETS;
+// Method: CUUIDHashTable::Lookup
+// Synopsis: Finds the node with the requested key.
+inline SUUIDHashNode *CUUIDHashTable::Lookup(DWORD iHash, REFGUID k)
+ return (SUUIDHashNode *) CHashTable::Lookup( iHash, (const void *) &k );
+// Method: CUUIDHashTable::Add
+// Synopsis: Inserts the specified node.
+inline void CUUIDHashTable::Add(DWORD iHash, REFGUID k, SUUIDHashNode *pNode)
+ // set the key
+ pNode->key = k;
+ CHashTable::Add( iHash, (SHashChain *) pNode );
+// Method: CStringHashTable::Lookup
+// Synopsis: Searches for a given key in the hash table.
+inline SStringHashNode *CStringHashTable::Lookup(DWORD dwHash, DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey)
+ return (SStringHashNode *) CHashTable::Lookup( dwHash, (const void *) psaKey);
+// Method: CStringHashTable::Add
+// Synopsis: Adds an element to the hash table. The element must
+// be allocated using new. The Cleanup method will call
+// an optional Cleanup function, then will call delete on
+// the element.
+inline void CStringHashTable::Add(DWORD dwHash, DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaKey, SStringHashNode *pNode)
+ // set the key and hash values
+ pNode->psaKey = psaKey;
+ pNode->dwHash = dwHash;
+ CHashTable::Add( dwHash, (SHashChain *) pNode );
+#endif // _HASHTBL_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/idtable.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/idtable.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10f8c3b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/idtable.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// File: idtable.cxx
+// Contents: identity table
+// Functions:
+// History: 1-Dec-93 CraigWi Created
+// 14-Apr-95 Rickhi ReVamped
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <idtable.hxx>
+#include <locks.hxx> // LOCK/UNLOCK
+#include <resolver.hxx> // gResolver
+#include <comsrgt.hxx>
+CIDArray *gpOIDTable = NULL;
+// Function: LookupIDFromUnk, private
+// Synopsis: Looks up and may create the identity object for the given
+// object. If the identity object is created, it is not
+// aggregated to the given object.
+// Identity lookup is based on pUnkControl.
+// Arguments: [pUnk] -- the object; not necessarily the controlling unknown
+// [dwflags] -- see IDLFLAGS in idtable.hxx
+// [ppStdId] -- when S_OK is returned, this is the identity
+// Returns: S_OK - identity now exists (whether created here or not)
+// CO_E_OBJNOTREG - no identity and !fCreate
+// E_UNEXPECTED - at least: no controlling unknown
+// Notes: If the StdId is client-side, the returned pointer will hold
+// the object alive.
+// If the StdId is server-side, the returned pointer will hold
+// the object alive only if IDLF_STRONG is set, otherwise it
+// just holds the identity alive.
+// History: 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+INTERNAL LookupIDFromUnk(IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD dwFlags, CStdIdentity **ppStdId)
+ // QI for IStdID; if ok, return that
+ if (pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IStdIdentity, (void **)ppStdId) == NOERROR)
+ return S_OK;
+ // QI for controlling unknown; should succeed
+ IUnknown *pUnkControl;
+ if (pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnkControl) != NOERROR)
+ return E_UNEXPECTED;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = NULL;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdIdForRelease = NULL;
+ // scan for value in map; may find one attached to object created by now
+ IDENTRY identry;
+ identry.m_tid = GetCurrentApartmentId();
+ identry.m_pUnkControl = pUnkControl;
+ // lock others out of the table while we do our stuff...
+ int iID;
+ if (gpOIDTable == NULL)
+ {
+ iID = -1;
+ if (dwFlags & IDLF_CREATE)
+ {
+ gpOIDTable = new CIDArray;
+ }
+ if (gpOIDTable == NULL)
+ {
+ pUnkControl->Release();
+ *ppStdId = NULL;
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // change the GrowBy value to something better than 1
+ gpOIDTable->SetSize(0, 20);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iID = gpOIDTable->IndexOf((void *)&identry.m_tid,
+ sizeof(identry.m_tid) + sizeof(identry.m_pUnkControl),
+ offsetof(IDENTRY, m_tid));
+ }
+ Win4Assert(gpOIDTable != NULL);
+ if (iID == -1)
+ {
+ hr = CO_E_OBJNOTREG; // assume no creation
+ if (dwFlags & IDLF_CREATE)
+ {
+ // try to create one. Must release the lock to do this since
+ // we have to go ask the app a bunch of questions.
+ hr = S_OK;
+ IUnknown *pUnkID; // internal unknown of Identity, ignored on
+ // the server side.
+ pStdId = new CStdIdentity(STDID_SERVER, NULL,pUnkControl, &pUnkID);
+ if (pStdId == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ MOID moid;
+ if (dwFlags & IDLF_NOPING)
+ {
+ // object wont be pinged so dont bother using a
+ // pre-registered oid, just use a reserved one. Save
+ // the pre-registered ones for pinged objects.
+ hr = gResolver.ServerGetReservedMOID(&moid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // object will be pinged, so get a pre-registered OID.
+ // Do this while the lock is released incase we have
+ // to Rpc to the resolver. Note this could yield if we
+ // have to pre-register more OIDs so do this before
+ // checking the table again.
+ hr = gResolver.ServerGetPreRegMOID(&moid);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // while we released the lock, another thread could have
+ // come along and created the identity for this object,
+ // so we need to check again.
+ iID = gpOIDTable->IndexOf((void *)&identry.m_tid,
+ sizeof(identry.m_tid) + sizeof(identry.m_pUnkControl),
+ offsetof(IDENTRY, m_tid));
+ if (iID == -1)
+ {
+ // make the created StdId the identity for the object.
+ hr = pStdId->SetOID(moid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // need to set the marshal time of the object to
+ // ensure that it does not run down when if the lock
+ // is released before our first marshal is complete.
+ pStdId->SetMarshalTime();
+ if (dwFlags & IDLF_STRONG)
+ {
+ pStdId->IncStrongCnt();
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ if (dwFlags & IDLF_NOPING)
+ {
+ pStdId->SetNoPing();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // OOM on SetOID, release Identity and return error
+ pStdIdForRelease = pStdId;
+ pStdId = NULL;
+ Win4Assert(iID == -1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // release the one we created and use the one in the
+ // tbl. we get it below in the (iID != -1) case.
+ pStdIdForRelease = pStdId;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cant allocate an OID. Release the StdId we created
+ // when we exit the lock and return an error
+ pStdIdForRelease = pStdId;
+ pStdId = NULL;
+ Win4Assert(iID == -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (iID != -1)
+ {
+ // found, addref pStdId which holds the identity alive
+ pStdId = gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_pStdID;
+ if (dwFlags & IDLF_STRONG)
+ pStdId->IncStrongCnt();
+ else
+ pStdId->AddRef();
+ Win4Assert(hr == S_OK);
+ }
+#if DBG == 1
+ if (pStdId != NULL)
+ {
+ if (iID == -1)
+ {
+ // object was created, need to get the iID for debug
+ iID = gpOIDTable->IndexOf((void *)&identry.m_tid,
+ sizeof(identry.m_tid) + sizeof(identry.m_pUnkControl),
+ offsetof(IDENTRY, m_tid));
+ Win4Assert(iID != -1);
+ }
+ // verify correctness of entry
+ Win4Assert(pUnkControl == gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_pUnkControl);
+ Win4Assert(IsEqualGUID(pStdId->GetOID(), gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_moid));
+ Win4Assert(gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_tid == identry.m_tid);
+ }
+ *ppStdId = pStdId;
+ // Release any of the pointers we dont need. Must unlock before
+ // doing this cause it will call app code.
+ if (pStdIdForRelease)
+ {
+ pStdIdForRelease->Release();
+ }
+ pUnkControl->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: LookupIDFromID, private
+// Synopsis: Lookup an identity object based on an OID; does not create.
+// Arguments: [moid] -- The identity
+// [ppStdID] -- The cooresponding identity object if successful
+// Returns: S_OK - have the identity object
+// CO_E_OBJNOTREG - not present (when we looked)
+// History: 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+INTERNAL LookupIDFromID(REFMOID moid, BOOL fAddRef, CStdIdentity **ppStdID)
+// ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "LookupIDFromID fAddRef:%x ppStdId:%x oid:%I\n",
+// fAddRef, ppStdID, &moid));
+ *ppStdID = NULL;
+ if (gpOIDTable == NULL)
+ {
+ // no table, dont do lookup
+ return CO_E_OBJNOTREG;
+ }
+ IDENTRY identry;
+ identry.m_moid = moid;
+ identry.m_tid = GetCurrentApartmentId();
+ int iID = gpOIDTable->IndexOf((void *)&identry.m_moid,
+ sizeof(identry.m_moid) + sizeof(identry.m_tid),
+ offsetof(IDENTRY, m_moid));
+ if (iID != -1)
+ {
+ // found, addref pStdID which holds the identity alive
+ *ppStdID = gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_pStdID;
+ if (fAddRef)
+ {
+ // I sure hope the app doesn't try anything fancy in AddRef
+ // that would cause a deadlock here! (That is, in the aggregated
+ // case we will run app code).
+ (*ppStdID)->AddRef();
+ }
+#if DBG == 1
+ // verify correctness of entry
+ Win4Assert(IsEqualGUID(moid, gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_moid));
+ Win4Assert(IsEqualGUID(moid, (*ppStdID)->GetOID()));
+ Win4Assert(gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_tid == identry.m_tid);
+ }
+ return (*ppStdID == NULL) ? CO_E_OBJNOTREG : NOERROR;
+// Function: SetObjectID, private
+// Synopsis: Called by the object id creation and unmarshal functions
+// to establish the identity for an object (handler or server).
+// Can fail if we discover an existing identity.
+// Identity lookup is based on pUnkControl.
+// Arguments: [moid] -- The id for the object
+// [pUnkControl] -- The controlling uknown of the object being
+// identitified.
+// [pStdID] -- The identity object itself.
+// Returns: S_OK - identity was set successfully
+// CO_E_OBJISREG - object was already registered (as determined
+// by pUnkControl); *ppStdIDExisting set (if requested).
+// History: 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+INTERNAL SetObjectID(REFMOID moid, IUnknown *pUnkControl, CStdIdentity *pStdID)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "SetObjectID pUnk:%x pStdId:%x oid:%I\n",
+ pUnkControl, pStdID, &moid));
+ Win4Assert(!IsEqualGUID(moid, GUID_NULL));
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (gpOIDTable == NULL)
+ {
+ gpOIDTable = new CIDArray;
+ if (gpOIDTable == NULL)
+ // change the GrowBy value to something better than 1
+ gpOIDTable->SetSize(0, 20);
+ }
+ IDENTRY identry;
+ identry.m_moid = moid;
+ identry.m_tid = GetCurrentApartmentId();
+ identry.m_pUnkControl = pUnkControl;
+ identry.m_pStdID = pStdID;
+#if DBG==1
+ // scan for value in map; better not find one
+ // CODEWORK: for freethreaded handler case we may need to allow
+ // finding a duplicate entry, and throw away the second copy.
+ int iID = gpOIDTable->IndexOf((void *)&identry.m_tid,
+ sizeof(identry.m_tid) + sizeof(identry.m_pUnkControl),
+ offsetof(IDENTRY, m_tid));
+ if (iID != -1)
+ {
+ // if found, another thread created identity for same object;
+ // this is an error.
+ Win4Assert(!"Already Registered OID");
+ }
+ // add at end; no addrefs
+ if (gpOIDTable->Add(identry) == -1)
+ return hr;
+// Function: ClearObjectID, private
+// Synopsis: Called during the revokation of the id only. Clears
+// the identity entry in the table.
+// Identity lookup is based on oid.
+// Arguments: [moid] -- The identity
+// [pUnkControl] -- The object for which the identity is being
+// revoked; used for asserts only.
+// [pStdID] -- The identity object; used for asserts only.
+// Returns: S_OK - removed successfully
+// CO_E_OBJNOTREG - not present (often ignored).
+// History: 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+INTERNAL ClearObjectID(REFMOID moid, IUnknown *pUnkControl, CStdIdentity *pStdID)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "ClearObjectID pUnk:%x pStdId:%x oid:%I\n",
+ pUnkControl, pStdID, &moid));
+ IDENTRY identry;
+ identry.m_moid = moid;
+ identry.m_tid = GetCurrentApartmentId();
+ int iID = gpOIDTable->IndexOf((void *)&identry.m_moid,
+ sizeof(identry.m_moid) + sizeof(identry.m_tid),
+ offsetof(IDENTRY, m_moid));
+ if (iID != -1)
+ {
+ // found, remove it.
+#if DBG == 1
+ // verify correctness of entry
+ Win4Assert(pUnkControl == gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_pUnkControl);
+ Win4Assert(IsEqualGUID(pStdID->GetOID(), gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_moid));
+ Win4Assert(pStdID == gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_pStdID);
+ Win4Assert(gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID).m_tid == identry.m_tid);
+ Win4Assert(gpOIDTable->GetSize() != 0);
+ int iLast = gpOIDTable->GetSize() - 1;
+ if (iID != iLast)
+ {
+ // element removed is not last; copy last element to current
+ gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iID) = gpOIDTable->ElementAt(iLast);
+ }
+ // now setsize to one less to remove the now unused last element
+ gpOIDTable->SetSize(iLast);
+ // for surrogates, we need to detect when there are no clients
+ // using servers in the surrogate process -- we rely on the
+ // fact that the OIDTable must be empty when there are no clients
+ // if there are no external clients, this process should terminate
+ // if its a surrogate process
+ if(iLast == 0)
+ {
+ (void)CCOMSurrogate::FreeSurrogate();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Win4Assert(!"ClearObjectID not found!");
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: IDTableUninitializeHelper, private
+// Synopsis: Clears the id table memory for the specified thread (or all
+// if party model). This involves scanning the table and for
+// entries on the current thread, calling
+// IMarshal::DisconnectObject.
+// The purpose of this routine is to simulate inter-thread rundown
+// as well as clean up memory.
+// History: 23-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// 26-Apr-94 CraigWi Now called per-thread and disconnects
+// Note: This function should only be called when the IDTable
+// really needs to be uninitialized. For the party model, this
+// means that it should only be called when the last thread
+// is exiting.
+// This function must NOT assume that it is being called within
+// a critical section.
+INTERNAL_(void) IDTableThreadUninitializeHelper(DWORD tid)
+ // The table being uninitialized is resized as items are deleted. Thus
+ // if an element in the middle is removed, the last element in the table
+ // will be copied into that slot and the table will shrink. Also, some
+ // of the calls made while cleaning up an entry will free other entries,
+ // causing further swapping.
+ int i = gpOIDTable->GetSize() - 1;
+ while (i >= 0)
+ {
+ if (gpOIDTable->ElementAt(i).m_tid == tid)
+ {
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(gpOIDTable->ElementAt(i).m_pStdID));
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID = gpOIDTable->ElementAt(i).m_pStdID;
+ pStdID->AddRef();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR,
+ "Object [%s] at %lx still has [%x] connections\n",
+ pStdID->IsClient() ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER",
+ gpOIDTable->ElementAt(i).m_pUnkControl, pStdID->GetRC()));
+ pStdID->DbgDumpInterfaceList();
+ // release lock since the disconnect could take a long time.
+ pStdID->Disconnect();
+ pStdID->Release();
+ // re-request the lock since we need to guard the GetSize below
+ }
+ i--;
+ if (i >= gpOIDTable->GetSize())
+ i = gpOIDTable->GetSize() - 1;
+ }
+// Function: IDTableUninitialize, public
+// Synopsis: Clears the id table memory for the current apartment.
+// History: 13 Apr 95 AlexMit Created.
+INTERNAL_(void) IDTableThreadUninitialize(void)
+ if (gpOIDTable)
+ {
+ IDTableThreadUninitializeHelper(GetCurrentApartmentId());
+ }
+// Function: IDTableProcessUninitialize
+// Synopsis: Process specific IDTable uninitialization
+// Effects: Frees up table memory
+// Requires: All thread specific uninitialization already complete. This
+// function assumes that the caller is holding the
+// g_mxsSingleThreadOle mutex (so that no other thread is trying
+// to use the table while we clean it up).
+// History: 29-Jun-94 AlexT Created
+INTERNAL_(void) IDTableProcessUninitialize(void)
+ if (gpOIDTable)
+ {
+ gpOIDTable->RemoveAll();
+ delete gpOIDTable;
+ gpOIDTable = NULL;
+ }
+#if DBG == 1
+// Function: Dbg_FindRemoteHdlr
+// Synopsis: finds a remote object handler for the specified object,
+// and returns an instance of IMarshal on it. This is debug
+// code for assert that reference counts are as expected and
+// is used by tmarshal.exe.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+// 23-Dec-93 CraigWi Changed to identity object
+extern "C" IMarshal * _stdcall Dbg_FindRemoteHdlr(IUnknown *punkObj)
+ // validate input parms
+ Win4Assert(punkObj);
+ IMarshal *pIM = NULL;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID;
+ HRESULT hr = LookupIDFromUnk(punkObj, 0, &pStdID);
+ if (hr == NOERROR)
+ {
+ pIM = (IMarshal *)pStdID;
+ }
+ return pIM;
+#endif // DBG==1
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/idtable.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/idtable.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41fad6f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/idtable.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// File: idtable.hxx
+// Contents: internal identity table definitions.
+// Description:
+// The table consists, logically, of two different
+// keys which map to the same value. The two
+// keys are the object identity (oid) and the
+// controlling unknown (pUnkControl). The value
+// is the pointer to the identity interface.
+// Additionally, if the apartment model is in use,
+// the thread forms an additional part of both keys.
+// Presently this is implemented as an array of the
+// three values and linear scans are used for lookup.
+// Neither of the pointers are addref'd (as far as the
+// table is concerned). Lookup does addref and return
+// a pointer to the identity object. The pUnkControl
+// is used solely for lookup.
+// Possible changes: use two separate maps, one of
+// which is keyed by the oid and the other keyed
+// by pUnkControl. The value in the first map is
+// the hKey of value in the second map. The id object
+// would hold the hKey of the value in the first map
+// to save on space. Using two maps increases the
+// speed of lookup for large numbers of ids, but
+// increases the cost per id from 40bytes to 48bytes.
+// (40 = 2 GUIDS + 2 far pointers; 48 = 1 GUID +
+// 3 hKeys/ptrs + 16 bytes overhead for two hash
+// buckets)
+// It is also possible to use one map (keyed by
+// the oid) and trim the array by the GUID. The
+// cost per id is 40bytes (1 GUID + 1 hKey + 3 ptr +
+// 8 bytes overhead for one hash bucket).
+// History: 1-Dec-93 CraigWi Created
+#ifndef __IDTABLE__
+#define __IDTABLE__
+#include <olerem.h>
+#include <stdid.hxx> // CStdIdentity
+#include <sem.hxx> // CMutexSem
+// flags passed in on LookupIDFromUnk.
+typedef enum tagIDLFLAGS
+ IDLF_CREATE = 0x01, // create if not found
+ IDLF_STRONG = 0x02, // add a strong connection
+ IDLF_NOPING = 0x04 // object wont be pinged
+// entry in id array. the array is packed (no NULL holes)
+// NOTE: when looking up for the apartment model, we pair the two fields
+// m_oid/m_tid and m_tid/m_pUnkControl;
+struct IDENTRY
+ MOID m_moid; // OID + MID
+ DWORD m_tid;
+ IUnknown *m_pUnkControl;// not addref'd directly
+ CStdIdentity *m_pStdID; // not addref'd directly
+#include <array_id.h>
+// other functions declared in olerem.h
+INTERNAL LookupIDFromUnk(IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD dwFlags, CStdIdentity **ppStdId);
+INTERNAL LookupIDFromID(REFMOID moid, BOOL fAddRef, CStdIdentity **ppStdId);
+INTERNAL SetObjectID(REFMOID moid, IUnknown *pUnkControl, CStdIdentity *pStdID);
+INTERNAL ClearObjectID(REFMOID moid, IUnknown *pUnkControl, CStdIdentity *pStdID);
+INTERNAL_(void) IDTableThreadUninitialize(void);
+INTERNAL_(void) IDTableProcessUninitialize(void);
+INTERNAL GetStaticUnMarshaler(IMarshal **ppMarshal);
+#endif // __IDTABLE__
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipidtbl.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipidtbl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21a7b4fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipidtbl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1502 @@
+// File: ipidtbl.cxx
+// Contents: IPID (interface pointer identifier) table.
+// Classes: CIPIDTable
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: All synchronization is the responsibility of the caller.
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // CIPIDTable
+#include <resolver.hxx> // CRpcResolver
+#include <service.hxx> // SASIZE
+#include <remoteu.hxx> // CRemoteUnknown
+#include <marshal.hxx> // UnmarshalObjRef
+#include <idtable.hxx> // LookupIDFromUnk
+#include <callctrl.hxx> // OleModalLoopBlockFn
+// global tables
+CMIDTable gMIDTbl; // machine ID table
+COXIDTable gOXIDTbl; // object exported ID table
+CIPIDTable gIPIDTbl; // interface pointer ID table
+MIDEntry *gpLocalMIDEntry = NULL; // local machine MIDEntry
+OXIDEntry *gpMTAOXIDEntry = NULL; // MTA OXIDEntry
+DUALSTRINGARRAY *gpsaLocalResolver = NULL; // local OXIDResolver address
+OXIDEntry COXIDTable::_InUseHead = { &_InUseHead, &_InUseHead };
+OXIDEntry COXIDTable::_CleanupHead = { &_CleanupHead, &_CleanupHead };
+OXIDEntry COXIDTable::_ExpireHead = { &_ExpireHead, &_ExpireHead };
+DWORD COXIDTable::_cExpired = 0;
+CStringHashTable CMIDTable::_HashTbl; // hash table for MIDEntries
+CPageAllocator CMIDTable::_palloc; // allocator for MIDEntries
+CPageAllocator COXIDTable::_palloc; // allocator for OXIDEntries
+CPageAllocator CIPIDTable::_palloc; // allocator for IPIDEntries
+// Machine Identifier hash table buckets. This is defined as a global
+// so that we dont have to run any code to initialize the hash table.
+SHashChain MIDBuckets[23] = {
+ {&MIDBuckets[0], &MIDBuckets[0]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[1], &MIDBuckets[1]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[2], &MIDBuckets[2]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[3], &MIDBuckets[3]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[4], &MIDBuckets[4]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[5], &MIDBuckets[5]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[6], &MIDBuckets[6]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[7], &MIDBuckets[7]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[8], &MIDBuckets[8]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[9], &MIDBuckets[9]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[10], &MIDBuckets[10]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[11], &MIDBuckets[11]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[12], &MIDBuckets[12]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[13], &MIDBuckets[13]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[14], &MIDBuckets[14]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[15], &MIDBuckets[15]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[16], &MIDBuckets[16]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[17], &MIDBuckets[17]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[18], &MIDBuckets[18]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[19], &MIDBuckets[19]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[20], &MIDBuckets[20]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[21], &MIDBuckets[21]},
+ {&MIDBuckets[22], &MIDBuckets[22]}
+// Member: CIPIDTbl::Initialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initializes the IPID table.
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CIPIDTable::Initialize()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CIPIDTable::Initialize\n"));
+ _palloc.Initialize(sizeof(IPIDEntry), IPIDS_PER_PAGE);
+// Member: CIPIDTbl::Cleanup, public
+// Synopsis: Cleanup the ipid table.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CIPIDTable::Cleanup()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CIPIDTable::Cleanup\n"));
+ _palloc.Cleanup();
+// Member: CIPIDTbl::LookupIPID, public
+// Synopsis: Finds an entry in the IPID table with the given IPID.
+// This is used by the unmarshalling code, the dispatch
+// code, and CRemoteUnknown.
+// Notes: This method should be called instead of GetEntryPtr
+// whenever you dont know if the IPID is valid or not (eg it
+// came in off the network), since this validates the IPID
+// index to ensure its within the table size, as well as
+// validating the rest of the IPID.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+IPIDEntry *CIPIDTable::LookupIPID(REFIPID ripid)
+ // Validate the IPID index that is passed in, since this came in off
+ // off the net it could be bogus and we dont want to fault on it.
+ // first dword of the ipid is the index into the ipid table.
+ if (_palloc.IsValidIndex(ripid.Data1))
+ {
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry = GetEntryPtr(ripid.Data1);
+ // entry must be server side and not vacant
+ if ((pIPIDEntry->dwFlags & (IPIDF_SERVERENTRY | IPIDF_VACANT)) ==
+ {
+ // validate the rest of the guid
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(pIPIDEntry->ipid, ripid))
+ return pIPIDEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Member: CIPIDTable::ReleaseEntryList
+// Synopsis: return a linked list of IPIDEntry to the table's free list
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CIPIDTable::ReleaseEntryList(IPIDEntry *pFirst, IPIDEntry *pLast)
+ Win4Assert(pLast->pNextOID == NULL);
+#if DBG==1
+ // In debug, walk the list to ensure they are released, vacant,
+ // disconnected etc.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = pFirst;
+ while (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pOXIDEntry == NULL); // must already be released
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_VACANT);
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED);
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ _palloc.ReleaseEntryList((PageEntry *)pFirst, (PageEntry *)pLast);
+#if DBG==1
+// Member: CIPIDTable::ValidateIPIDEntry
+// Synopsis: Ensures the IPIDEntry is valid.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CIPIDTable::ValidateIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry, BOOL fServerSide,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl)
+ // validate the IPID flags
+ Win4Assert(!(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_VACANT));
+ if (fServerSide)
+ {
+ // server side must have SERVERENTRY ipids
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_SERVERENTRY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // client side must not have SERVERENTRY ipids
+ Win4Assert(!(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_SERVERENTRY));
+ }
+ // Validate the pStub interface
+ if (IsEqualIID(pEntry->iid, IID_IUnknown))
+ {
+ // there is no proxy or stub for IUnknown interface
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pStub == NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED) &&
+ (pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_SERVERENTRY))
+ {
+ // disconnected server side has NULL pStub
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pStub == NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // both connected and disconnected client side has valid proxy
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pStub != NULL);
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(pEntry->pStub));
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate the interface pointer (pv)
+ if (!(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED))
+ {
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pv != NULL);
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(pEntry->pv));
+ }
+ // Validate the channel ptr
+ if (fServerSide)
+ {
+ // all stubs share the same channel on the server side
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pChnl == pChnl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // all proxies have their own different channel on client side
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pChnl != pChnl || pEntry->pChnl == NULL);
+ }
+ // Validate the RefCnts
+ if (!(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED) && !fServerSide)
+ {
+ // if connected, must be > 0 refcnt on client side.
+ // potentially not > 0 if TABLE marshal on server side.
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->cStrongRefs + pEntry->cWeakRefs > 0);
+ }
+ // Validate the OXIDEntry
+ if (pEntry->pOXIDEntry)
+ {
+ OXIDEntry *pOX = pEntry->pOXIDEntry;
+ if (fServerSide)
+ {
+ // check OXID tid and pid
+ Win4Assert(pOX->dwPid == GetCurrentProcessId());
+ if ((pOX->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER))
+ Win4Assert(pOX->dwTid == 0);
+ else
+ Win4Assert(pOX->dwTid == GetCurrentThreadId());
+ if (pChnl != NULL)
+ {
+ // CODEWORK: ensure OXID is same as the rest of the object
+ // Win4Assert(IsEqualGUID(pOX->moxid, GetMOXID()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate the pNextOID
+ if (pEntry->pNextOID != NULL)
+ {
+ // ensure it is within the bounds of the table
+ Win4Assert(GetEntryIndex(pEntry) != -1);
+ // cant point back to self or we have a circular list
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->pNextOID != pEntry);
+ }
+// Member: COXIDTbl::Initialize, public
+// Synopsis:
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::Initialize()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::Initialize\n"));
+ _palloc.Initialize(sizeof(OXIDEntry), OXIDS_PER_PAGE);
+// Member: COXIDTbl::Cleanup, public
+// Synopsis: Cleanup the OXID table.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::Cleanup()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::Cleanup\n"));
+ // the lists better be empty before we delete the entries
+ AssertListsEmpty();
+ _palloc.Cleanup();
+// Member: COXIDTbl::AddEntry, public
+// Synopsis: Adds an entry to the OXID table. The entry is AddRef'd.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT COXIDTable::AddEntry(REFOXID roxid, OXID_INFO *poxidInfo,
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry, OXIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ Win4Assert(poxidInfo != NULL);
+ Win4Assert(pMIDEntry != NULL);
+ // find first free entry slot, grow table if necessary
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry = (OXIDEntry *) _palloc.AllocEntry();
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR,"Out Of Memory in COXIDTable::AddEntry\n"));
+ }
+ // chain it on the list of inuse entries
+ pEntry->pPrev = &_InUseHead;
+ _InUseHead.pNext->pPrev = pEntry;
+ pEntry->pNext = _InUseHead.pNext;
+ _InUseHead.pNext = pEntry;
+ // Copy oxidInfo into OXIDEntry.
+ MOXIDFromOXIDAndMID(roxid, pMIDEntry->mid, &pEntry->moxid);
+ pEntry->cRefs = 1; // caller gets one reference
+ pEntry->cWaiters = 0;
+ pEntry->dwPid = poxidInfo->dwPid;
+ pEntry->dwTid = poxidInfo->dwTid;
+ pEntry->dwFlags = (poxidInfo->dwPid == 0) ? 0 : OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL;
+ pEntry->dwFlags |= (poxidInfo->dwTid != 0) ? 0 : OXIDF_MTASERVER;
+ pEntry->pRUSTA = NULL;
+ pEntry->pRUMTA = NULL;
+ pEntry->ipidRundown = poxidInfo->ipidRemUnknown;
+ pEntry->hServerSTA = NULL;
+ pEntry->hServerMTA = NULL;
+ pEntry->pMIDEntry = pMIDEntry;
+ pEntry->hComplete = NULL;
+ pEntry->cCalls = 0;
+ pEntry->cResolverRef = 0;
+ IncMIDRefCnt(pMIDEntry);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (poxidInfo->dwPid != GetCurrentProcessId())
+ {
+ // This OXID is for an apartment outside the current process. We
+ // need to make an RPC binding handle from the supplied strings.
+ Win4Assert(poxidInfo->psa != NULL &&
+ poxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[0] != 0);
+ // Set the MSWMSG flag if the transport is MSWMSG.
+ RPC_STATUS sc = CheckClientMswmsg(poxidInfo->psa->aStringArray,
+ &pEntry->dwFlags);
+ // Make a binding handle from the string bindings.
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ sc = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(poxidInfo->psa->aStringArray,
+ &pEntry->hServerSTA);
+ }
+ // Pass our blocking function to MSWMSG. When we make calls out,
+ // MSWMSG will call the blocking function.
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK && (pEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MSWMSG))
+ {
+ sc = I_RpcBindingSetAsync(pEntry->hServerSTA, OleModalLoopBlockFn);
+ }
+ // Set security on the binding handle if necessary.
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ hr = SetAuthnService( pEntry->hServerSTA, poxidInfo, pEntry );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get a shutdown event for server side MTAs. Don't use the event
+ // cache because the event isn't always reset.
+ else if (pEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MTASERVER)
+ {
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ pEntry->hComplete = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+#else //_CHICAGO_
+ pEntry->hComplete = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+#endif //_CHICAGO_
+ if (pEntry->hComplete == NULL)
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // failed, release the OXIDEntry
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pEntry);
+ pEntry = NULL;
+ }
+ *ppEntry = pEntry;
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"COXIDTable::AddEntry pEntry:%x moxid:%I\n",
+ pEntry, (pEntry) ? &pEntry->moxid : &GUID_NULL));
+ return hr;
+// Member: COXIDTbl::LookupOXID, public
+// Synopsis: finds an entry in the OXID table with the given OXID.
+// This is used by the unmarshalling code. The returned
+// entry has been AddRef'd.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+// PERFWORK: we could move the OXIDEntry to the head of the InUse list on
+// the assumption that it will be the most frequently used item
+// in the near future.
+OXIDEntry *COXIDTable::LookupOXID(REFOXID roxid, REFMID rmid)
+ MOXID moxid;
+ MOXIDFromOXIDAndMID(roxid, rmid, &moxid);
+ // first, search the InUse list.
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry = SearchList(moxid, &_InUseHead);
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // not found on InUse list, search the Expire list.
+ if ((pEntry = SearchList(moxid, &_ExpireHead)) != NULL)
+ {
+ // found it, unchain it from the list of Expire entries
+ pEntry->pPrev->pNext = pEntry->pNext;
+ pEntry->pNext->pPrev = pEntry->pPrev;
+ // chain it on the list of InUse entries
+ pEntry->pPrev = &_InUseHead;
+ _InUseHead.pNext->pPrev = pEntry;
+ pEntry->pNext = _InUseHead.pNext;
+ _InUseHead.pNext = pEntry;
+ // reset the cRefs field (which was overloaded with the
+ // expire time by ReleaseEntry), and count one less entry.
+ pEntry->cRefs = 1;
+ _cExpired--;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"COXIDTable::LookupOXID pEntry:%x moxid:%I\n",
+ pEntry, &moxid));
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ return pEntry;
+// Member: COXIDTbl::SearchList, private
+// Synopsis: Searches the specified list for a matching OXID entry.
+// This is a subroutine of LookupOXID.
+// History: 25-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
+OXIDEntry *COXIDTable::SearchList(REFMOXID rmoxid, OXIDEntry *pStart)
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry = pStart->pNext;
+ while (pEntry != pStart)
+ {
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(rmoxid, pEntry->moxid))
+ {
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pEntry);
+ return pEntry; // found a match, return it
+ }
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNext; // try next one in use
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Member: COXIDTbl::ReleaseEntry, public
+// Synopsis: removes an entry from the OXID table InUse list and
+// places it on the Expire list. Entries on the Expire list
+// will be cleaned up by a worker thread at a later time, or
+// placed back on the InUse list by LookupOXID.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::ReleaseEntry(OXIDEntry *pEntry)
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->cRefs == 0); // must be no users of this entry
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ if (pEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_PENDINGRELEASE)
+ {
+ return; // already being deleted, just ignore.
+ }
+ // unchain it from the list of InUse entries
+ pEntry->pPrev->pNext = pEntry->pNext;
+ pEntry->pNext->pPrev = pEntry->pPrev;
+ // chain it on the *END* of the list of Expire entries, and
+ // count one more expired entry.
+ pEntry->pPrev = _ExpireHead.pPrev;
+ pEntry->pNext = &_ExpireHead;
+ _ExpireHead.pPrev->pNext= pEntry;
+ _ExpireHead.pPrev = pEntry;
+ _cExpired++;
+ // set the time when it was placed on the Expire list. This (may be)
+ // used to determine when this entry should really expire.
+ pEntry->cRefs = GetTickCount();
+ // Free anything hanging around on the cleanup list. This may release
+ // the lock.
+ FreeCleanupEntries();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"COXIDTable::ReleaseEntry pEntry:%x\n", pEntry));
+// Member: COXIDTbl::FreeExpiredEntries, public
+// Synopsis: Walks the Expire list and deletes the OXIDEntries that
+// were placed on the expire list before the given time.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::FreeExpiredEntries(DWORD dwTime)
+ while (_ExpireHead.pNext != &_ExpireHead)
+ {
+#if 0
+ // CODEWORK: currently we never use the ExpireTime function,
+ // we only call this routine from ChannelProcessUninit, so ignore
+ // the expire time and release all the entries.
+ // there is an entry on the list. check its time stamp (which
+ // was placed in the cRefs field)
+ if ((DWORD)_ExpireHead.pNext->cRefs - dwTime > 0)
+ {
+ // this entry has not yet expired. All entries after this
+ // one must not have expired either, so exit early.
+ break;
+ }
+ // unchain it from the list of Expire entries, and count one less
+ // expired entry.
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry = _ExpireHead.pNext;
+ pEntry->pPrev->pNext = pEntry->pNext;
+ pEntry->pNext->pPrev = pEntry->pPrev;
+ _cExpired--;
+ ExpireEntry(pEntry);
+ }
+ // The worker thread moves entries to the cleanup list while holding the
+ // lock. Since the expire list is now empty no more OXIDs can be added
+ // to the cleanup list. Now would be a good time to free items on the
+ // cleanup list.
+ FreeCleanupEntries();
+ AssertListsEmpty(); // the lists better be empty now
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::FreeExpiredEntries dwTime:%x\n", dwTime));
+// Member: COXIDTbl::FreeCleanupEntries, public
+// Synopsis: Deletes all OXID entries on the Cleanup list.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::FreeCleanupEntries()
+ while (_CleanupHead.pNext != &_CleanupHead)
+ {
+ // Unchain the entries and free all resources it holds.
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry = _CleanupHead.pNext;
+ _CleanupHead.pNext = pEntry->pNext;
+ ExpireEntry(pEntry);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::FreeCleanupEntries\n"));
+// Member: COXIDTable::NumOxidsToRemove
+// Synopsis: Returns the number of OXIDs on the expired list that can be
+// freed.
+// History: 03-Jun-96 AlexMit Created
+DWORD COXIDTable::NumOxidsToRemove()
+ // Compute how many extra OXIDs are on the expired list.
+ if (_cExpired > OXIDTBL_MAXEXPIRED)
+ return _cExpired - OXIDTBL_MAXEXPIRED;
+ else
+ return 0;
+// Member: COXIDTable::GetOxidsToRemove
+// Synopsis: Builds a list of OXIDs old enough to be deleted. Removes
+// them from the expired list and puts them on the cleanup list.
+// Moves machine local OXIDs directly to the cleanup list.
+// History: 03-Jun-42 AlexMit Created
+void COXIDTable::GetOxidsToRemove( OXID_REF *pRef, DWORD *pNum )
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry;
+ // Expire entries until the expired list is short enough.
+ *pNum = 0;
+ while (_cExpired > OXIDTBL_MAXEXPIRED)
+ {
+ // Only count machine remote OXIDs.
+ pEntry = _ExpireHead.pNext;
+ if ((pEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL) == 0)
+ {
+ // Add the OXID to the list to deregister.
+ MIDFromMOXID( pEntry->moxid, &pRef->mid );
+ OXIDFromMOXID( pEntry->moxid, &pRef->oxid );
+ pRef->refs = pEntry->cResolverRef;
+ pRef++;
+ *pNum += 1;
+ }
+ // Remove the OXID from the expired list and put it on a list
+ // of OXIDs to be released by some apartment thread.
+ _cExpired--;
+ pEntry->pPrev->pNext = pEntry->pNext;
+ pEntry->pNext->pPrev = pEntry->pPrev;
+ pEntry->pNext = _CleanupHead.pNext;
+ _CleanupHead.pNext = pEntry;
+ }
+// Member: COXIDTbl::ExpireEntry, private
+// Synopsis: deletes all state associated with an OXIDEntry that has
+// been expired.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::ExpireEntry(OXIDEntry *pEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::ExpireEntry pEntry:%x\n", pEntry));
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ Win4Assert(!(pEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_PENDINGRELEASE));
+ if (pEntry->pRUSTA || pEntry->pRUMTA)
+ {
+ // release the IRemUnknown. Note that the IRemUnk is an object
+ // proxy who's IPIDEntry holds a reference back to the very
+ // OXIDEntry we are releasing. In order to prevent recursive
+ // Release's we set a simple flag here and check for it above.
+ pEntry->dwFlags |= OXIDF_PENDINGRELEASE;
+ if (pEntry->pRUSTA)
+ {
+ pEntry->pRUSTA->Release();
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pRUMTA)
+ {
+ pEntry->pRUMTA->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (pEntry->hServerSTA != NULL)
+ {
+ // Note that if hServerSTA is an HWND (apartment model, same process)
+ // then it should have been cleaned up already in ThreadStop. We
+ // just assert that here.
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->dwPid != GetCurrentProcessId());
+ // hServerSTA is an RPC binding handle. Free it.
+ RPC_STATUS sc = RpcBindingFree(&pEntry->hServerSTA);
+ ComDebErr(sc != RPC_S_OK, "RpcBindingFree failed.\n");
+ }
+ if (pEntry->hServerMTA != NULL)
+ {
+ // hServerMTA is an RPC binding handle. Free it.
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->dwPid != GetCurrentProcessId());
+ RPC_STATUS sc = RpcBindingFree(&pEntry->hServerMTA);
+ ComDebErr(sc != RPC_S_OK, "RpcBindingFree failed.\n");
+ }
+ // dec the refcnt on the MIDEntry
+ DecMIDRefCnt(pEntry->pMIDEntry);
+ // Release the call shutdown event.
+ if (pEntry->hComplete != NULL)
+ CloseHandle( pEntry->hComplete );
+ // zero out the fields
+ memset(pEntry, 0, sizeof(OXIDEntry));
+ // return it to the allocator
+ _palloc.ReleaseEntry((PageEntry *)pEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"COXIDTable::ExpireEntry pEntry:%x\n", pEntry));
+// Function: COXIDTbl::DecOXIDRefCnt, public
+// Synopsis: release one reference to the OXIDEntry and release
+// the entry if the count goes to zero.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void DecOXIDRefCnt(OXIDEntry *pEntry)
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,
+ "DecOXIDRefCnt pEntry:%x cRefs[%x]\n", pEntry, pEntry->cRefs-1));
+ pEntry->cRefs--;
+ if (pEntry->cRefs == 0)
+ {
+ gOXIDTbl.ReleaseEntry(pEntry);
+ }
+// Member: COXIDTable::GetRemUnk, public
+// Synopsis: Find or create the proxy for the IRemUnknown for the
+// specified OXID
+// History: 27-Mar-95 AlexMit Created
+HRESULT COXIDTable::GetRemUnk(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IRemUnknown **ppRemUnk)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::GetRemUnk pOXIDEntry:%x ppRemUnk:%x\n",
+ pOXIDEntry, ppRemUnk));
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ // return the MTA version of the IRemUnknown proxy.
+ if (pOXIDEntry->pRUMTA == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = MakeRemUnk(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ *ppRemUnk = pOXIDEntry->pRUMTA;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // return the STA version of the IRemUnknown proxy.
+ if (pOXIDEntry->pRUSTA == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = MakeRemUnk(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ *ppRemUnk = pOXIDEntry->pRUSTA;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::GetRemUnk pOXIDEntry:%x pRU:%x hr:%x\n",
+ pOXIDEntry, *ppRemUnk, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: COXIDTable::MakeRemUnk, private
+// Synopsis: Create the proxy for the IRemUnknown for the
+// specified OXID and current apartments threading model.
+// History: 27-Mar-95 AlexMit Created
+HRESULT COXIDTable::MakeRemUnk(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ // There is no remote unknown proxy for this entry, get one.
+ // Make up an objref, then unmarshal it to create a proxy to
+ // the remunk object in the server.
+ // on the same machine, we ask for the IRundown interface since we may
+ // need the RemChangeRef method. IRundown inherits from IRemUnknown2
+ // and IRemUnknown.
+ REFIID riid = (pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL)
+ ? IID_IRundown : IID_IRemUnknown;
+ OBJREF objref;
+ HRESULT hr = MakeFakeObjRef(objref, pOXIDEntry, pOXIDEntry->ipidRundown, riid);
+ IRemUnknown *pRU = NULL;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = UnmarshalInternalObjRef(objref, (void **)&pRU);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsMTAThread() && pOXIDEntry->pRUMTA == NULL)
+ {
+ pOXIDEntry->pRUMTA = pRU;
+ // need to adjust the internal refcnt on the OXIDEntry, since
+ // the IRemUnknown has an IPID that holds a reference to it.
+ // Dont use DecOXIDRefCnt since that would delete if it was 0.
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry->cRefs > 0);
+ pOXIDEntry->cRefs--;
+ }
+ else if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsSTAThread() && pOXIDEntry->pRUSTA == NULL)
+ {
+ pOXIDEntry->pRUSTA = pRU;
+ // need to adjust the internal refcnt on the OXIDEntry, since
+ // the IRemUnknown has an IPID that holds a reference to it.
+ // Dont use DecOXIDRefCnt since that would delete if it was 0.
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry->cRefs > 0);
+ pOXIDEntry->cRefs--;
+ }
+ else if (pRU)
+ {
+ // either setting of the security failed OR, we released the
+ // lock and when we took the lock again some other thread had already
+ // created the proxy. In either case we just release the one we made.
+ pRU->Release();
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::GetRemUnk pOXIDEntry:%x pRU:%x hr:%x\n",
+ pOXIDEntry, pRU, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: COXIDTbl::GetLocalEntry, public
+// Synopsis: Finds an entry in the OXID table for the local apartment.
+// If no entry exists, it creates an entry, and starts RPC
+// listening if appropriate.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: Marshalling the remote unknown causes recursion back to
+// this function. The recursion is terminated because
+// GetLocalOXIDEntry is not NULL on the second call.
+HRESULT COXIDTable::GetLocalEntry(OXIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::GetLocalEntry ppEntry:%x\n", ppEntry));
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry;
+ *ppEntry = GetLocalOXIDEntry();
+ if (*ppEntry == NULL && SUCCEEDED(hr = GetLocalMIDEntry(&pMIDEntry)))
+ {
+ // No local OXID entry exists, make one.
+ // NOTE: Chicken And Egg Problem.
+ //
+ // Marshaling needs the local OXIDEntry. The local OXIDEntry needs
+ // the local OXID. To get the local OXID we have to call the resolver.
+ // To call the resolver we need the IPID for IRemUnknown. To get the
+ // IPID for IRemUnknown, we need to marshal CRemoteUnknown!
+ //
+ // To get around this problem, we create a local OXIDEntry (that has
+ // a 0 OXID and NULL ipidRemUnknown) so that marshaling can find it.
+ // Then we marshal the RemoteUnknown and extract its IPID value, stick
+ // it in the local OXIDEntry. When we call the resolver (to get some
+ // pre-registered OIDs) we get the real OXID value which we then stuff
+ // in the local OXIDEntry.
+ OXID_INFO oxidInfo;
+ oxidInfo.dwTid = (IsMTAThread()) ? 0 : GetCurrentThreadId();
+ oxidInfo.dwPid = GetCurrentProcessId();
+ oxidInfo.ipidRemUnknown = GUID_NULL;
+ oxidInfo.psa = NULL;
+ oxidInfo.dwAuthnHint = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
+ // NOTE: temp creation of OXID. We dont know the real OXID until
+ // we call the resolver. So, we use 0 temporarily (it wont conflict
+ // with any other MOXIDs we might be searching for because we already
+ // have the real MID and our local resolver wont give out a 0 OXID).
+ // The OXID will be replaced with the real one when we register
+ // with the resolver in CRpcResolver::ServerAllocateOXIDAndOIDs.
+ OXID oxid;
+ memset(&oxid, 0, sizeof(oxid));
+ hr = AddEntry(oxid, &oxidInfo, pMIDEntry, ppEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Set the local OXID index and marshal IRemUnknown. Note
+ // that the index must be set before we construct the
+ // CRemoteUnknown since that calls MarshalObjRef which
+ // recurses back into GetLocalEntry. Setting the LocalOXID
+ // now allows us to break the recursion.
+ SetLocalOXIDEntry(*ppEntry);
+ // Create the remote unknown for this apartment. It places
+ // itself in TLS or in the global gpMTARemoteUnknown.
+ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; // assume OOM
+ CRemoteUnknown *pRemUnk = new CRemoteUnknown(hr,
+ &(*ppEntry)->ipidRundown);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // remove the Local OXID entry. This will also clean up
+ // pRemUnk if the allocation succeeded but ctor failed.
+ if (IsSTAThread())
+ {
+ ReleaseLocalSTAEntry();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReleaseLocalMTAEntry();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::GetLocalEntry this:%x pEntry:%x\n",
+ this, *ppEntry));
+ return hr;
+// Member: COXIDTbl::ReleaseLocalSTAEntry, public
+// Synopsis: releases the OXIDEntry for the current STA apartment.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::ReleaseLocalSTAEntry(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::ReleaseLocalSTAEntry\n"));
+ Win4Assert(IsSTAThread());
+ COleTls tls;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = (OXIDEntry *)(tls->pOXIDEntry);
+ if (pOXIDEntry)
+ {
+ // get the CRemoteUnknown for this apartment.
+ CRemoteUnknown *pRemUnk = tls->pRemoteUnk;
+ tls->pRemoteUnk = NULL;
+ // this guy ignores refcounts so we delete him directly.
+ delete pRemUnk;
+ // de-register the OXID and OIDs with the resolver.
+ gResolver.ServerFreeOXID(pOXIDEntry);
+ // Clear the apartment OXID Entry.
+ tls->pOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ // now decrement its count.
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+// Member: COXIDTbl::ReleaseLocalMTAEntry, public
+// Synopsis: releases the OXIDEntry for the current apartment.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void COXIDTable::ReleaseLocalMTAEntry(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "COXIDTable::ReleaseLocalMTAEntry\n"));
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = gpMTAOXIDEntry;
+ if (pOXIDEntry)
+ {
+ // get the CRemoteUnknown for this apartment.
+ CRemoteUnknown *pRemUnk = gpMTARemoteUnknown;;
+ gpMTARemoteUnknown = NULL;
+ // this guy ignores refcounts so we delete him directly.
+ delete pRemUnk;
+ // de-register the OXID and OIDs with the resolver.
+ gResolver.ServerFreeOXID(pOXIDEntry);
+ // Clear the MTA apartment OXID Entry.
+ gpMTAOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ // now decrement its count.
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+// Function: FindOrCreateOXIDEntry
+// Synopsis: finds or adds an OXIDEntry for the given OXID. May
+// also create a MIDEntry if one does not yet exist.
+// History: 22-Jan-96 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(REFOXID roxid,
+ OXID_INFO &oxidInfo,
+ FOCOXID eResolverRef,
+ REFMID rmid,
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry,
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"FindOrCreateOXIDEntry oxid:%08x %08x oxidInfo:%x psa:%ws pMIDEntry:%x\n",
+ roxid, &oxidInfo, psaResolver, pMIDEntry));
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // check if the OXIDEntry was created while we were resolving it.
+ *ppOXIDEntry = gOXIDTbl.LookupOXID(roxid, rmid);
+ if (*ppOXIDEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ BOOL fReleaseMIDEntry = FALSE;
+ if (pMIDEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // dont yet have a MIDEntry for the machine so go add it
+ hr = gMIDTbl.FindOrCreateMIDEntry(rmid, psaResolver, &pMIDEntry);
+ fReleaseMIDEntry = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (pMIDEntry)
+ {
+ // add a new the OXIDEntry
+ hr = gOXIDTbl.AddEntry(roxid, &oxidInfo, pMIDEntry, ppOXIDEntry);
+ if (fReleaseMIDEntry)
+ {
+ // undo the reference added by FindOrCreateMIDEntry
+ DecMIDRefCnt(pMIDEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && eResolverRef == FOCOXID_REF)
+ {
+ // Increment the count of references handed to us from the resolver.
+ (*ppOXIDEntry)->cResolverRef += 1;
+ }
+ gOXIDTbl.ValidateOXID();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"FindOrCreateOXIDEntry pOXIDEntry:%x hr:%x\n",
+ *ppOXIDEntry, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: GetLocalOXIDEntry
+// Synopsis: Get either the global or the TLS OXIDEntry based on the
+// threading model of the current thread.
+// History: 05-May-95 AlexMit Created
+OXIDEntry *GetLocalOXIDEntry()
+ COleTls tls;
+ return (OXIDEntry *)(tls->pOXIDEntry);
+ return gpMTAOXIDEntry;
+// Function: SetLocalOXIDEntry
+// Synopsis: Set either the global or the TLS OXIDEntry based on the
+// threading model of the current thread.
+// History: 05-May-95 AlexMit Created
+void SetLocalOXIDEntry(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ COleTls tls;
+ {
+ tls->pOXIDEntry = (void *)pOXIDEntry;
+ return;
+ }
+ gpMTAOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+// Function: CoGetTidFromIPID
+// Synopsis: Take an IPID and return the thread id the object is on.
+// MSWMSG calls this function during dispatches.
+ DWORD iTid = 0;
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID( *pIPID );
+ if (pEntry != NULL && pEntry->pOXIDEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ iTid = pEntry->pOXIDEntry->dwTid;
+ }
+ return iTid;
+// Function: CleanupMIDEntry
+// Synopsis: Called by the MID hash table when cleaning up any leftover
+// entries.
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CleanupMIDEntry(SHashChain *pNode)
+ gMIDTbl.ReleaseEntry((MIDEntry *)pNode);
+// Member: CMIDTbl::Initialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initializes the MID table.
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CMIDTable::Initialize()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::Initialize\n"));
+ _HashTbl.Initialize(MIDBuckets);
+ _palloc.Initialize(sizeof(MIDEntry), MIDS_PER_PAGE);
+// Member: CMIDTbl::Cleanup, public
+// Synopsis: Cleanup the MID table.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CMIDTable::Cleanup()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::Cleanup\n"));
+ _HashTbl.Cleanup(CleanupMIDEntry);
+ _palloc.Cleanup();
+// Member: CMIDTable::FindOrCreateMIDEntry, public
+// Synopsis: Looks for existing copy of the string array in the MID table,
+// creates one if not found
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CMIDTable::FindOrCreateMIDEntry(REFMID rmid,
+ MIDEntry **ppMIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::FindOrCreateMIDEntry psa:%x\n", psaResolver));
+ Win4Assert(psaResolver != NULL);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ DWORD dwHash;
+ *ppMIDEntry = LookupMID(psaResolver, &dwHash);
+ if (*ppMIDEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = AddMIDEntry(rmid, dwHash, psaResolver, ppMIDEntry);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::FindOrCreateEntry pMIDEntry:%x hr:%x\n", *ppMIDEntry, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CMIDTable::LookupMID, public
+// Synopsis: Looks for existing copy of the string array in the MID table.
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+MIDEntry *CMIDTable::LookupMID(DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaResolver, DWORD *pdwHash)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::LookupMID psa:%x\n", psaResolver));
+ Win4Assert(psaResolver != NULL);
+ *pdwHash = _HashTbl.Hash(psaResolver);
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry = (MIDEntry *) _HashTbl.Lookup(*pdwHash, psaResolver);
+ if (pMIDEntry)
+ {
+ // found the node, AddRef it and return
+ IncMIDRefCnt(pMIDEntry);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::LookupMID pMIDEntry:%x\n", pMIDEntry));
+ return pMIDEntry;
+// Member: CMIDTable::AddEntry, public
+// Synopsis: Adds an entry to the MID table. The entry is AddRef'd.
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CMIDTable::AddMIDEntry(REFMID rmid, DWORD dwHash,
+ MIDEntry **ppMIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::AddMIDEntry rmid:%08x %08x dwHash:%x psa:%x\n",
+ rmid, dwHash, psaResolver));
+ Win4Assert(psaResolver != NULL);
+ // We must make a copy of the psa to store in the table, since we are
+ // using the one read in from ReadObjRef (or allocated by MIDL).
+ HRESULT hr = CopyStringArray(psaResolver, NULL, &psaNew);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry = (MIDEntry *) _palloc.AllocEntry();
+ if (pMIDEntry)
+ {
+ pMIDEntry->cRefs = 1;
+ pMIDEntry->dwFlags = 0;
+ pMIDEntry->mid = rmid;
+ // add the entry to the hash table
+ _HashTbl.Add(dwHash, psaNew, &pMIDEntry->Node);
+ hr = S_OK;
+ // set the maximum size of any resolver PSA we have seen. This is used
+ // when computing the max marshal size during interface marshaling.
+ DWORD dwpsaSize = SASIZE(psaNew->wNumEntries);
+ if (dwpsaSize > gdwPsaMaxSize)
+ {
+ gdwPsaMaxSize = dwpsaSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cant create a MIDEntry, free the copy of the string array.
+ PrivMemFree(psaNew);
+ }
+ *ppMIDEntry = pMIDEntry;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::AddMIDEntry pMIDEntry:%x hr:%x\n", *ppMIDEntry, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CMIDTable::ReleaseEntry, public
+// Synopsis: remove the MIDEntry from the hash table and free the memory
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+void CMIDTable::ReleaseEntry(MIDEntry *pMIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CMIDTable::ReleaseEntry pMIDEntry:%x\n", pMIDEntry));
+ Win4Assert(pMIDEntry->cRefs == 0);
+ // delete the string array
+ PrivMemFree(pMIDEntry->Node.psaKey);
+ // remove from the hash chain and delete the node
+ _HashTbl.Remove(&pMIDEntry->Node.chain);
+ _palloc.ReleaseEntry((PageEntry *)pMIDEntry);
+// Function: DecMIDRefCnt, public
+// Synopsis: release one reference to the MIDEntry and release
+// the entry if the count goes to zero.
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+void DecMIDRefCnt(MIDEntry *pMIDEntry)
+ Win4Assert(pMIDEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,
+ "DecMIDRefCnt pMIDEntry:%x cRefs[%x]\n", pMIDEntry, pMIDEntry->cRefs-1));
+ pMIDEntry->cRefs--;
+ if (pMIDEntry->cRefs == 0)
+ {
+ gMIDTbl.ReleaseEntry(pMIDEntry);
+ }
+// Function: GetLocalMIDEntry
+// Synopsis: Get or create the MID (Machine ID) entry for the local
+// machine. gpLocalMIDEntry holds the network address for the
+// local OXID resolver.
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT GetLocalMIDEntry(MIDEntry **ppMIDEntry)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (gpLocalMIDEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // make sure we have the local resolver string bindings
+ RPC_STATUS sc = gResolver.GetConnection();
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // Create a MID entry for the Local Resolver
+ hr = gMIDTbl.FindOrCreateMIDEntry(gLocalMid, gpsaLocalResolver,
+ &gpLocalMIDEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ *ppMIDEntry = gpLocalMIDEntry;
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipidtbl.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipidtbl.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04962ea79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipidtbl.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+// File: ipidtbl.hxx
+// Contents: MID (machine identifier) table.
+// OXID (object exporter identifier) table.
+// IPID (interface pointer identifier) table.
+// Classes: CMIDTable
+// COXIDTable
+// CIPIDTable
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _IPIDTBL_HXX_
+#define _IPIDTBL_HXX_
+#include <pgalloc.hxx> // CPageAllocator
+#include <lclor.h> // local OXID resolver interface
+#include <remoteu.hxx> // CRemoteUnknown
+#include <locks.hxx> // ASSERT_LOCK_HELD
+#include <hash.hxx> // CStringHashTable
+// forward declarations
+class CRpcChannelBuffer;
+// This structure defines an Entry in the MID table. There is one MID
+// table for the entire process. There is one MIDEntry per machine that
+// the current process is talking to (including one for the local machine).
+typedef struct tagMIDEntry
+ SStringHashNode Node; // hash chain and key
+ MID mid; // machine identifier
+ LONG cRefs; // count of IPIDs using this OXIDEntry
+ DWORD dwFlags; // state flags
+} MIDEntry;
+// MID Table constants. MIDS_PER_PAGE is the number of MIDEntries
+// in one page of the page allocator.
+#define MIDS_PER_PAGE 5
+// class: CMIDTable
+// Synopsis: Table of Machine IDs (MIDs) and associated information.
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+class CMIDTable
+ void Initialize(); // initialize table
+ void Cleanup(); // cleanup table
+ HRESULT FindOrCreateMIDEntry(REFMID rmid,
+ MIDEntry **ppMIDEntry);
+ MIDEntry *LookupMID(DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaResolver, DWORD *pdwHash);
+ void ReleaseEntry(MIDEntry *pMIDEntry);
+ DWORD dwHash,
+ MIDEntry **ppMIDEntry);
+ static CStringHashTable _HashTbl; // hash table for MIDEntries
+ static CPageAllocator _palloc; // page based allocator
+// This structure defines an Entry in the OXID table. There is one OXID
+// table for the entire process. There is one OXIDEntry per apartment.
+typedef struct tagOXIDEntry
+ struct tagOXIDEntry *pPrev; // previous entry on inuse list
+ struct tagOXIDEntry *pNext; // next entry on free/inuse list
+ DWORD dwPid; // process id of server
+ DWORD dwTid; // thread id of server
+ MOXID moxid; // object exporter identifier + machine id
+ IPID ipidRundown;// IPID of IRundown and Remote Unknown
+ DWORD dwFlags; // state flags
+ handle_t hServerSTA; // rpc binding handle of server
+ handle_t hServerMTA; // rpc binding handle of server
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry; // MIDEntry for machine where server lives
+ IRemUnknown *pRUSTA; // STA model proxy for Remote Unknown
+ IRemUnknown *pRUMTA; // MTA model proxy for Remote Unknown
+ LONG cRefs; // count of IPIDs using this OXIDEntry
+ LONG cWaiters; // count of threads waiting for OIDs
+ HANDLE hComplete; // set when last outstanding call completes
+ LONG cCalls; // number of calls dispatched
+ LONG cResolverRef;//References to resolver
+ DWORD dwPad; // keep structure 16 byte aligned
+} OXIDEntry;
+// bit flags for dwFlags of OXIDEntry
+typedef enum tagOXIDFLAGS
+ OXIDF_REGISTERED = 0x1, // oxid is registered with Resolver
+ OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL = 0x2, // oxid is local to this machine
+ OXIDF_STOPPED = 0x4, // thread can no longer receive calls
+ OXIDF_PENDINGRELEASE = 0x8, // oxid entry is already being released
+ OXIDF_MSWMSG = 0x10, // use mswmsg transport
+ OXIDF_REGISTERINGOIDS= 0x20, // a thread is busy registering OIDs
+ OXIDF_MTASERVER = 0x40 // the server is an MTA apartment.
+// Parameter to FindOrCreateOXIDEntry
+typedef enum tagFOCOXID
+ FOCOXID_REF = 1, // Got reference from resolver
+ FOCOXID_NOREF = 2 // No reference from resolver
+// OXID Table constants.
+#define OXIDS_PER_PAGE 10
+#define OXIDTBL_MAXEXPIRED 5 // max number of expired entries to keep
+// class: COXIDTable
+// Synopsis: Maintains a table of OXIDs and associated information
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+class COXIDTable
+ HRESULT AddEntry(REFOXID roxid, OXID_INFO *poxidInfo,
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry, OXIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ void ReleaseEntry(OXIDEntry *pEntry);
+ HRESULT GetLocalEntry(OXIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ void ReleaseLocalSTAEntry(void);
+ void ReleaseLocalMTAEntry(void);
+ OXIDEntry *LookupOXID(REFOXID roxid, REFMID rmid);
+ HRESULT GetRemUnk(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IRemUnknown **ppRemUnk);
+ void Initialize(); // initialize table
+ void Cleanup(); // cleanup table
+ void FreeExpiredEntries(DWORD dwTime);
+ void ValidateOXID();
+ void FreeCleanupEntries();
+ DWORD NumOxidsToRemove();
+ void GetOxidsToRemove( OXID_REF *pRef, DWORD *pNum );
+ void ExpireEntry(OXIDEntry *pEntry);
+ OXIDEntry *SearchList(REFMOXID rmoxid, OXIDEntry *pStart);
+ HRESULT MakeRemUnk(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry);
+ void AssertListsEmpty(void);
+ static DWORD _cExpired; // count of expired entries
+ static OXIDEntry _InUseHead; // head of InUse list.
+ static OXIDEntry _ExpireHead; // head of Expire list.
+ static OXIDEntry _CleanupHead; // head of Cleanup list.
+ static CPageAllocator _palloc; // page alloctor
+ // PERFWORK: could save space since only the first two entries of
+ // the InUseHead and ExpireHead are used (the list ptrs) and hence
+ // dont need whole OXIDEntries here.
+// Member: COXIDTbl::ValidateOXID, public
+// Synopsis: Asserts that no OXIDEntries have trashed window handles.
+inline void COXIDTable::ValidateOXID()
+#if DBG==1
+ // Check all entries in use.
+ OXIDEntry *pCurr = _InUseHead.pNext;
+ while (pCurr != &_InUseHead)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( pCurr->hServerSTA != (void *) 0xC000001C );
+ Win4Assert( pCurr->hServerMTA != (void *) 0xC000001C );
+ pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
+ }
+// Member: COXIDTbl::AssertListsEmpty, public
+// Synopsis: Asserts that no OXIDEntries are in use
+// History: 19-Apr-96 Rickhi Created
+inline void COXIDTable::AssertListsEmpty(void)
+ // Assert that there are no entries in the InUse or Expired lists.
+ Win4Assert(_InUseHead.pNext == &_InUseHead);
+ Win4Assert(_InUseHead.pPrev == &_InUseHead);
+ Win4Assert(_ExpireHead.pNext == &_ExpireHead);
+ Win4Assert(_ExpireHead.pPrev == &_ExpireHead);
+// This structure defines an Entry in the IPID table. There is one
+// IPID table for the entire process. It holds IPIDs from local objects
+// as well as remote objects.
+typedef struct tagIPIDEntry
+ struct tagIPIDEntry *pNextOID; // next IPIDEntry for same object
+ DWORD dwFlags; // flags (see IPIDFLAGS)
+ ULONG cStrongRefs; // strong reference count
+ ULONG cWeakRefs; // weak reference count
+ ULONG cPrivateRefs;// private reference count
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl; // channel pointer
+ IUnknown *pStub; // proxy or stub pointer
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry; // ptr to OXIDEntry in OXID Table
+ IPID ipid; // interface pointer identifier
+ IID iid; // interface iid
+ void *pv; // real interface pointer
+ DWORD pad[3]; // round size to modulus 16
+} IPIDEntry;
+// bit flags for dwFlags of IPIDEntry
+typedef enum tagIPIDFLAGS
+ IPIDF_CONNECTING = 0x1, // ipid is being connected
+ IPIDF_DISCONNECTED = 0x2, // ipid is disconnected
+ IPIDF_NOPING = 0x8, // dont need to ping the server or release
+ IPIDF_COPY = 0x10, // copy for security only
+ IPIDF_VACANT = 0x80, // entry is vacant (ie available to reuse)
+ IPIDF_NONNDRSTUB = 0x100, // stub does not use NDR marshaling
+ IPIDF_NONNDRPROXY = 0x200, // proxy does not use NDR marshaling
+ IPIDF_NOTIFYACT = 0x400 // notify activation on marshal/release
+// IPID Table constants. IPIDS_PER_PAGE is the number of IPIDEntries
+// in one page of the page allocator.
+#define IPIDS_PER_PAGE 50
+// class: CIPIDTbl
+// Synopsis: Maintains a table of IPIDs and associated information
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+class CIPIDTable
+ IPIDEntry *LookupIPID(REFIPID ripid); // find entry in the table with
+ // the matching ipid
+ IPIDEntry *FirstFree(void);
+ void ReleaseEntryList(IPIDEntry *pFirst, IPIDEntry *pLast);
+ IPIDEntry *GetEntryPtr(LONG iEntry);
+ LONG GetEntryIndex(IPIDEntry *pEntry);
+#if DBG==1
+ void AssertValid(void) {;}
+ void ValidateIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry, BOOL fServerSide,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl);
+ void AssertValid(void) {;}
+ void ValidateIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry, BOOL fServerSide,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl) {;}
+ void Initialize(); // initialize table
+ void Cleanup(); // cleanup table
+ static CPageAllocator _palloc; // page alloctor
+// Global Externals
+extern CMIDTable gMIDTbl; // global table, defined in ipidtbl.cxx
+extern COXIDTable gOXIDTbl; // global table, defined in ipidtbl.cxx
+extern CIPIDTable gIPIDTbl; // global table, defined in ipidtbl.cxx
+extern MIDEntry *gpLocalMIDEntry; // ptr to MIDEntry for current process
+extern OXIDEntry *gpMTAOXIDEntry; // ptr to local OXIDEntry in MTA
+extern DUALSTRINGARRAY *gpsaLocalResolver; // bindings for local OXID resolver.
+// Function Prototypes
+HRESULT GetLocalMIDEntry(MIDEntry **ppMIDEntry);
+OXIDEntry *GetLocalOXIDEntry();
+void SetLocalOXIDEntry(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry);
+void DecOXIDRefCnt(OXIDEntry *pEntry);
+void DecMIDRefCnt(MIDEntry *pEntry);
+HRESULT FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(REFOXID roxid,
+ OXID_INFO &oxidInfo,
+ FOCOXID eReferenced,
+ REFMID rmid,
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry,
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry);
+// Member: CIPIDTbl::FirstFree, public
+// Synopsis: Finds the first available entry in the table and returns
+// its index. Returns -1 if no space is available and it
+// cant grow the list.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+inline IPIDEntry *CIPIDTable::FirstFree()
+ return (IPIDEntry *) _palloc.AllocEntry();
+// Member: CIPIDTbl::GetEntryIndex, public
+// Synopsis: Converts an entry ptr into an entry index
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+inline LONG CIPIDTable::GetEntryIndex(IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry)
+ return _palloc.GetEntryIndex((PageEntry *)pIPIDEntry);
+// Member: CIPIDTbl::GetEntryPtr, public
+// Synopsis: Converts an entry index into an entry pointer
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+inline IPIDEntry *CIPIDTable::GetEntryPtr(LONG index)
+ return (IPIDEntry *) _palloc.GetEntryPtr(index);
+// Function: IncOXIDRefCnt, public
+// Synopsis: increment the number of references to the OXIDEntry
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+inline void IncOXIDRefCnt(OXIDEntry *pEntry)
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,
+ "IncOXIDRefCnt pEntry:%x cRefs[%x]\n", pEntry, pEntry->cRefs+1));
+ pEntry->cRefs++;
+// Function: IncMIDRefCnt, public
+// Synopsis: increment the number of references to the MIDEntry
+// History: 05-Janb-96 Rickhi Created
+inline void IncMIDRefCnt(MIDEntry *pEntry)
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,
+ "IncMIDRefCnt pEntry:%x cRefs[%x]\n", pEntry, pEntry->cRefs+1));
+ pEntry->cRefs++;
+// Function: MOXIDFromOXIDAndMID, public
+// Synopsis: creates a MOXID (machine and object exporter ID) from
+// the individual OXID and MID components
+// History: 05-Janb-96 Rickhi Created
+inline void MOXIDFromOXIDAndMID(REFOXID roxid, REFMID rmid, MOXID *pmoxid)
+ BYTE *pb = (BYTE *)pmoxid;
+ memcpy(pb, &roxid, sizeof(OXID));
+ memcpy(pb+8, &rmid, sizeof(MID));
+// Function: OXIDFromMOXID, public
+// Synopsis: extracts the OXID from a MOXID (machine and OXID)
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+inline void OXIDFromMOXID(REFMOXID rmoxid, OXID *poxid)
+ memcpy(poxid, (BYTE *)&rmoxid, sizeof(OXID));
+// Function: MIDFromMOXID, public
+// Synopsis: extracts the MID from a MOXID (machine and OXID)
+// History: 05-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+inline void MIDFromMOXID(REFMOXID rmoxid, OXID *pmid)
+ memcpy(pmid, ((BYTE *)&rmoxid)+8, sizeof(MID));
+// OID + MID versions of the above routines.
+#endif // _IPIDTBL_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipmrshl.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipmrshl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1833d2b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/ipmrshl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+// File: ipmrshl.cpp
+// Contents: Code the implements the standard free thread in process
+// marshaler.
+// Classes: CFreeMarshaler
+// CFmCtrlUnknown
+// Functions: CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler
+// History: 03-Nov-94 Ricksa
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <stdid.hxx>
+// Class: CFreeMarshaler
+// Synopsis: Generic marshaling class
+// Methods: IUnknown
+// IMarshal
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+class CFreeMarshaler : public IMarshal, public CPrivAlloc
+ CFreeMarshaler(IUnknown *punk);
+ // IUnknown
+ STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR * ppv);
+ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
+ // IMarshal Interface
+ STDMETHODIMP GetUnmarshalClass(
+ REFIID riid,
+ void *pv,
+ DWORD dwDestContext,
+ void *pvDestContext,
+ DWORD mshlflags,
+ CLSID *pCid);
+ STDMETHODIMP GetMarshalSizeMax(
+ REFIID riid,
+ void *pv,
+ DWORD dwDestContext,
+ void *pvDestContext,
+ DWORD mshlflags,
+ DWORD *pSize);
+ STDMETHODIMP MarshalInterface(
+ IStream __RPC_FAR *pStm,
+ REFIID riid,
+ void *pv,
+ DWORD dwDestContext,
+ void *pvDestContext,
+ DWORD mshlflags);
+ STDMETHODIMP UnmarshalInterface(
+ IStream *pStm,
+ REFIID riid,
+ void **ppv);
+ STDMETHODIMP ReleaseMarshalData(IStream *pStm);
+ STDMETHODIMP DisconnectObject(DWORD dwReserved);
+ friend class CFmCtrlUnknown;
+ // Pointer to the controlling unknown.
+ IUnknown * _punkCtrl;
+// Class: CFmCtrlUnknown
+// Synopsis: Controlling IUnknown for generic marshaling class.
+// Methods: IUnknown
+// IMarshal
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+class CFmCtrlUnknown : public IUnknown, public CPrivAlloc
+ // IUnknown
+ STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppv);
+ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
+ friend HRESULT CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(
+ IUnknown *punkCtrl,
+ IUnknown **punkMarshal);
+ friend HRESULT GetInProcFreeMarshaler(IMarshal **ppIM);
+ CFmCtrlUnknown(void);
+ ~CFmCtrlUnknown(void);
+ CFreeMarshaler * _pfm;
+ ULONG _cRefs;
+// Function: CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler, public
+// Synopsis: Create the controlling unknown for the marshaler
+// Arguments: [punkOuter] - controlling unknown
+// [ppunkMarshal] - controlling unknown for marshaler.
+// Returns: NOERROR
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(
+ IUnknown *punkOuter,
+ IUnknown **ppunkMarshal)
+ // Validate the parameters
+ if (((punkOuter == NULL) || IsValidInterface(punkOuter))
+ && IsValidPtrOut(ppunkMarshal, sizeof(IUnknown *)))
+ {
+ CALLHOOKOBJECT(S_OK,CLSID_NULL,IID_IUnknown,(IUnknown **)&punkOuter);
+ // Assume failure
+ *ppunkMarshal = NULL;
+ // Allocate new free marshal object
+ CFmCtrlUnknown *pfmc = new CFmCtrlUnknown();
+ if (pfmc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (punkOuter == NULL)
+ {
+ // Caller wants a non-aggreagated object
+ punkOuter = pfmc;
+ }
+ // Initialize the pointer
+ pfmc->_pfm = new CFreeMarshaler(punkOuter);
+ if (pfmc->_pfm != NULL)
+ {
+ *ppunkMarshal = pfmc;
+ (IUnknown **)ppunkMarshal);
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete pfmc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: GetInProcFreeMarshaler, public
+// Synopsis: Create the controlling unknown for the marshaler
+// Arguments: [ppIM] - where to put inproc marshaler
+// Returns: NOERROR
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT GetInProcFreeMarshaler(IMarshal **ppIM)
+ // Allocate new free marshal object
+ CFmCtrlUnknown *pfmc = new CFmCtrlUnknown();
+ if (pfmc != NULL)
+ {
+ // Initialize the pointer
+ pfmc->_pfm = new CFreeMarshaler(pfmc);
+ if (pfmc->_pfm != NULL)
+ {
+ *ppIM = pfmc->_pfm;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete pfmc;
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFmCtrlUnknown::CFmCtrlUnknown
+// Synopsis: The constructor for controling IUnknown of free marshaler
+// Arguments: None
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+CFmCtrlUnknown::CFmCtrlUnknown(void) : _cRefs(1), _pfm(NULL)
+ // Header does all the work.
+// Member: CFmCtrlUnknown::~CFmCtrlUnknown
+// Synopsis: The destructor for controling IUnknown of free marshaler
+// Arguments: None
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+ delete _pfm;
+// Member: CFmCtrlUnknown::QueryInterface
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFmCtrlUnknown::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppv)
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ if (IsEqualGUID(iid, IID_IUnknown))
+ {
+ *ppv = this;
+ AddRef();
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (IsEqualGUID(iid, IID_IMarshal))
+ {
+ *ppv = _pfm;
+ _pfm->AddRef();
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFmCtrlUnknown::AddRef
+// Synopsis: Standard stuff
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CFmCtrlUnknown::AddRef(void)
+ InterlockedIncrement((LONG *) &_cRefs);
+ return _cRefs;
+// Member: CFmCtrlUnknown::Release
+// Synopsis: Standard stuff
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CFmCtrlUnknown::Release(void)
+ ULONG cRefs = InterlockedDecrement((LONG *) &_cRefs);
+ if (cRefs == 0)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return cRefs;
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::CFreeMarshaler()
+// Synopsis: The constructor for CFreeMarshaler.
+// Arguments: None
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+CFreeMarshaler::CFreeMarshaler(IUnknown *punkCtrl)
+ : _punkCtrl(punkCtrl)
+ // Header does all the work.
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::QueryInterface
+// Synopsis: Pass QI to our controlling IUnknown
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppv)
+ return _punkCtrl->QueryInterface(iid, ppv);
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::AddRef
+// Synopsis: Pass AddRef to our controlling IUnknown
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CFreeMarshaler::AddRef(void)
+ return _punkCtrl->AddRef();
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::Release
+// Synopsis: Pass release to our controlling IUnknown
+// History: 15-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CFreeMarshaler::Release(void)
+ return _punkCtrl->Release();
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::GetUnmarshalClass
+// Synopsis: Return the unmarshaling class
+// History: 08-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::GetUnmarshalClass(
+ REFIID riid,
+ void *pv,
+ DWORD dwDestContext,
+ void *pvDestContext,
+ DWORD mshlflags,
+ CLSID *pCid)
+ // Inprocess context?
+ if (dwDestContext == MSHCTX_INPROC)
+ {
+ // If this is an inproc marshal then we are the class
+ // that can unmarshal.
+ *pCid = CLSID_InProcFreeMarshaler;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // we can just use the static guy here and save a lot of work.
+ IMarshal *pmrshlStd;
+ HRESULT hr = GetStaticUnMarshaler(&pmrshlStd);
+ if (pmrshlStd != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = pmrshlStd->GetUnmarshalClass(riid, pv, dwDestContext,
+ pvDestContext, mshlflags, pCid);
+ pmrshlStd->Release();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::GetMarshalSizeMax
+// Synopsis: Return maximum bytes need for marshaling
+// History: 08-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::GetMarshalSizeMax(
+ REFIID riid,
+ void *pv,
+ DWORD dwDestContext,
+ void *pvDestContext,
+ DWORD mshlflags,
+ DWORD *pSize)
+ // Inprocess context?
+ if (dwDestContext == MSHCTX_INPROC)
+ {
+ // If this is an inproc marshal then we know the size
+ *pSize = sizeof(this);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // we can just use the static guy here and save a lot of work.
+ IMarshal *pmrshlStd;
+ HRESULT hr = GetStaticUnMarshaler(&pmrshlStd);
+ if (pmrshlStd != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = pmrshlStd->GetMarshalSizeMax(riid, pv, dwDestContext,
+ pvDestContext, mshlflags, pSize);
+ pmrshlStd->Release();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::MarshalInterface
+// Synopsis: Marshal the interface
+// History: 08-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::MarshalInterface(
+ IStream *pStm,
+ REFIID riid,
+ void *pv,
+ DWORD dwDestContext,
+ void *pvDestContext,
+ DWORD mshlflags)
+ // Inprocess context?
+ if (dwDestContext == MSHCTX_INPROC)
+ {
+ // Write the marshal flags into the stream
+ hr = pStm->Write(&mshlflags, sizeof(mshlflags), NULL);
+ if (hr == NOERROR)
+ {
+ // Write the pointer into the stream
+ ULONG cb;
+ hr = pStm->Write(&pv, sizeof(pv), NULL);
+ // Bump reference count based on type of marshal
+ if ((hr == NOERROR) && (mshlflags != MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK))
+ {
+ ((IUnknown *) pv)->AddRef();
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // find or create a stdid for this object. Make sure we get a strong
+ // reference to gaurd against a simultaneous last release by another
+ // thread.
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ hr = LookupIDFromUnk((IUnknown *) pv, IDLF_CREATE | IDLF_STRONG, &pStdId);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pStdId->MarshalInterface(pStm, riid, pv, dwDestContext,
+ pvDestContext, mshlflags);
+ pStdId->DecStrongCnt(TRUE); // fKeepAlive
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::UnmarshalInterface
+// Synopsis: Unmarshal the interface
+// History: 08-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::UnmarshalInterface(
+ IStream *pStm,
+ REFIID riid,
+ void **ppv)
+ // The marshal flags will tell us if we have to AddRef the object
+ DWORD mshlflags;
+ hr = pStm->Read(&mshlflags, sizeof(mshlflags), NULL);
+ if (hr == NOERROR)
+ {
+ // If Inprocess, we just read the pointer out of the stream
+ hr = pStm->Read(ppv, sizeof(*ppv), NULL);
+ // AddRef the pointer if marshaled for a table.
+ if ((hr == NOERROR)
+ && ((mshlflags == MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK)
+ || (mshlflags == MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG)))
+ {
+ ((IUnknown *) *ppv)->AddRef();
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::ReleaseMarshalData
+// Synopsis: Release the marshaled data
+// History: 08-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::ReleaseMarshalData(IStream *pStm)
+ // Get the marshal flags
+ DWORD mshlflags;
+ HRESULT hr = pStm->Read(&mshlflags, sizeof(mshlflags), NULL);
+ if (hr == NOERROR)
+ {
+ IUnknown *punk;
+ // If Inprocess, we just read the pointer out of the stream
+ hr = pStm->Read(&punk, sizeof(punk), NULL);
+ if ((hr == NOERROR) && (mshlflags != MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK))
+ {
+ // Dump the extra AddRef we put on when we put the object
+ // during marshal.
+ punk->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CFreeMarshaler::DisconnectObject
+// Synopsis: Disconnect the object
+// History: 08-Nov-94 Ricksa Created
+STDMETHODIMP CFreeMarshaler::DisconnectObject(DWORD dwReserved)
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ HRESULT hr = LookupIDFromUnk(_punkCtrl, 0, &pStdId);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pStdId->DisconnectObject(dwReserved);
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // already disconnected, report success
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/locks.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/locks.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98244be90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/locks.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// File: locks.cxx
+// Contents: functions used in DBG builds to validate the lock state.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <locks.hxx>
+COleStaticMutexSem gComLock;
+#if DBG==1
+#define MyAssert Win4Assert
+// # define MyAssert(x) if (!(x)) { DebugBreak(); }
+struct tagGLOCK
+ DWORD tid; // tid of current holder
+ LONG cLocks; // count of holds on the lock by current holder
+ DWORD line; // line # where lock taken
+ const char *file; // file name where lock taken
+} glock = {0xffffffff, 0, 0xffffffff, 0};
+void AssertLockHeld(void)
+ MyAssert(glock.tid == GetCurrentThreadId());
+ MyAssert(glock.cLocks > 0); // && "Lock not Held"
+void AssertLockReleased(void)
+ MyAssert(glock.tid != GetCurrentThreadId() && "Lock not Released");
+void ORPCLock(DWORD line, const char *file)
+ gComLock.Request();
+ if (glock.cLocks > 0)
+ {
+ MyAssert(glock.tid == GetCurrentThreadId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glock.line = line;
+ glock.file = file;
+ }
+ glock.tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ glock.cLocks++;
+void ORPCUnLock(void)
+ MyAssert(glock.cLocks > 0); // && "Releasing Unheld Lock"
+ MyAssert(glock.tid == GetCurrentThreadId());
+ glock.cLocks--;
+ if (glock.cLocks == 0)
+ {
+ // we no longer hold the lock, set the tid to zero
+ glock.tid = 0;
+ }
+ gComLock.Release();
+#endif // DBG
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/locks.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/locks.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfe84d437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/locks.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// File: locks.hxx
+// Contents: class and marcros for providing mutual exclusion
+// Classes: CStaticSem
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _ORPC_LOCKS_
+#define _ORPC_LOCKS_
+#include "olesem.hxx"
+// global mutex for ORPC
+extern COleStaticMutexSem gComLock;
+// Macros for use in the code.
+#if DBG==1
+void AssertLockHeld(void);
+void AssertLockReleased(void);
+void ORPCLock(DWORD line, const char *file);
+void ORPCUnLock(void);
+#define LOCK ORPCLock(__LINE__, __FILE__);
+#define UNLOCK ORPCUnLock();
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD AssertLockHeld();
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_RELEASED AssertLockReleased();
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_DONTCARE // just exists to comment the code better
+#define LOCK gComLock.Request();
+#define UNLOCK gComLock.Release();
+#endif // DBG
+#endif // _ORPC_LOCKS_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/makefile b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e09078703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# We need to do the following so that build will stop reading from the
+# pipe.
+all :
+ echo $(BUILDMSG)
+clean : all
+!else # NTMAKEENV
+!include $(CAIROLE)\com\makefile
+!include $(DEPENDFILE)
+!endif # NTMAKEENV
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/mapdwp.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/mapdwp.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76f904e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/mapdwp.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// File: mapdwp.hxx
+// Contents: Class to map thread id to thread local storage ptr
+// Classes: CMapDword
+// Notes: This class is needed soley for debug builds and then only
+// because we dont get THREAD_DETACH notification for all
+// threads when a process exits. This allows us to clean up
+// the tls so we dont report memory leaks.
+// In order to keep the implementation simple, we use a fixed
+// array of entries, meaning we (may) get memory leaks
+// reported if we ever have more than MAP_MAX_SIZE threads
+// alive at any given time.
+#if !defined(_CAIRO_) && DBG==1
+#define MAP_MAX_SIZE 100
+class CMapDword : public CPrivAlloc
+ CMapDword(void);
+ ~CMapDword(void);
+ void SetAt(DWORD tid, void *pData);
+ void RemoveKey(DWORD tid);
+ void RemoveAll(void);
+ void * _pData[MAP_MAX_SIZE];
+ DWORD _index;
+ _index = 0;
+ memset(_tid, 0, MAP_MAX_SIZE * sizeof(DWORD));
+ RemoveAll();
+void CMapDword::SetAt(DWORD tid, void *pData)
+ for (ULONG i=_index; i<MAP_MAX_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ if (_tid[i] == 0)
+ {
+ _tid[i] = tid;
+ _pData[i] = pData;
+ _index = i;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<_index; i++)
+ {
+ if (_tid[i] == 0)
+ {
+ _tid[i] = tid;
+ _pData[i] = pData;
+ _index = i;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Win4Assert(!"Tls Table is FULL");
+void CMapDword::RemoveKey(DWORD tid)
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<MAP_MAX_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ if (_tid[i] == tid)
+ {
+ _tid[i] = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CMapDword::RemoveAll(void)
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<MAP_MAX_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ if (_tid[i] != 0)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree(_pData[i]);
+ _tid[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // !defined(_CAIRO_) && DBG==1
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/marshal.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/marshal.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42380e4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/marshal.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,4974 @@
+// File: marshal.cxx
+// Contents: class implementing standard COM interface marshaling
+// Classes: CStdMarshal
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+// DCOMWORK: (maybe) implement Extended form marshal packet
+// PERFWORK: during unmarshal and RMD compare the MOXID in the STDOBJREF
+// to the one for the current apartment. If equal, then i know the IPID is
+// just an index into the IPID table and i can index into it, grab the
+// channel ptr and hence the stdid ptr and do very fast unmarshal or RMD
+// with no table lookup or list walking.
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <marshal.hxx> // CStdMarshal
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // CIPIDTable, COXIDTable, CMIDTable
+#include <riftbl.hxx> // CRIFTable
+#include <resolver.hxx> // CRpcResolver
+#include <stdid.hxx> // CStdIdentity
+#include <channelb.hxx> // CRpcChannelBuffer
+#include <callctrl.hxx> // CAptRpcChnl, CSrvCallCtrl
+#include <scm.h> // CLSCTX_PS_DLL
+#include <service.hxx> // SASIZE
+#include <locks.hxx> // LOCK/UNLOCK etc
+#include <thunkapi.hxx> // GetAppCompatabilityFlags
+#if DBG==1
+// this flag and interface are used in debug to enable simpler testing
+// of the esoteric NonNDR stub code feature.
+const GUID IID_ICube =
+ {0x00000139,0x0001,0x0008,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}};
+#endif // DBG
+// BUGBUG: this is not quite reliable enough. Maybe best solution is
+// CoGetCurrentProcessId plus sequence number.
+LONG gIPIDSeqNum = 0;
+// mappings from MSHLFLAGS to STDOBJREF flags
+static ULONG mapMFtoSORF[] =
+// NULL resolver string array
+// number of remote AddRefs to acquire when we need more.
+#define REM_ADDREF_CNT 5
+// out internal psclass factory implementation
+EXTERN_C HRESULT PrxDllGetClassObject(REFCLSID clsid, REFIID iid, void **ppv);
+// structure used to post a delayed remote release call to ourself.
+typedef struct tagPOSTRELRIFREF
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry; // server OXIDEntry
+ USHORT cRifRef; // count of entries in arRifRef
+// Member: CStdMarshal::CStdMarshal/Init, public
+// Synopsis: constructor/initializer of a standard marshaler
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+CStdMarshal::CStdMarshal() : _dwFlags(0), _pChnl(NULL)
+ // Caller must call Init before doing anything! This just makes it
+ // easier for the identity object to figure out the init parameters
+ // before initializing us.
+void CStdMarshal::Init(IUnknown *punkObj, CStdIdentity *pStdId,
+ REFCLSID rclsidHandler, DWORD dwFlags)
+ ASSERT_LOCK_DONTCARE // may be released if def handler calls CreateIdHdlr
+ // server side we need to do the FirstMarshal work.
+ // client side we assume disconnected until we connect the first IPIDEntry
+ // and assume NOPING until we see any interface that needs pinging
+ _dwFlags = dwFlags;
+ _dwFlags |= (ServerSide()) ? SMFLAGS_FIRSTMARSHAL
+ _pFirstIPID = NULL;
+ _cIPIDs = 0;
+ _pStdId = pStdId;
+ _pChnl = NULL;
+ _cNestedCalls = 0;
+ _cTableRefs = 0;
+ _dwMarshalTime = 0;
+ _clsidHandler = rclsidHandler;
+ _pSecureRemUnk = NULL;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal %s New this:%x pStdId:%x punkObj:%x\n",
+ (ClientSide()) ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", this, pStdId, punkObj));
+ AssertValid();
+// Member: CStdMarshal::~CStdMarshal, public
+// Synopsis: destructor of a standard marshaler
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal %s Deleted this:%x\n",
+ (ClientSide()) ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", this));
+ if (ClientSide())
+ {
+ // Due to backward compatibility, we are not allowed to release
+ // interface proxies in Disconnect since the client might try to
+ // reconnect later and expects the same interface pointer values.
+ // Since we are going away now, we go release the proxies.
+ ReleaseCliIPIDs();
+ if (_pSecureRemUnk != NULL)
+ {
+ _pSecureRemUnk->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (_pChnl)
+ {
+ // release the channel
+ _pChnl->Release();
+ }
+// Member: CStdMarshal::GetUnmarshalClass, public
+// Synopsis: returns the clsid of the standard marshaller
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdMarshal::GetUnmarshalClass(REFIID riid, LPVOID pv,
+ DWORD dwDestCtx, LPVOID pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags, LPCLSID pClsid)
+ AssertValid();
+ *pClsid = CLSID_StdMarshal;
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::GetMarshalSizeMax, public
+// Synopsis: Returns an upper bound on the amount of data for
+// a standard interface marshal.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdMarshal::GetMarshalSizeMax(REFIID riid, LPVOID pv,
+ DWORD dwDestCtx, LPVOID pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags, LPDWORD pSize)
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(gdwPsaMaxSize != 0);
+ *pSize = sizeof(OBJREF) + gdwPsaMaxSize;
+ return S_OK;
+// Function: MarshalObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Marshals interface into the objref.
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// [riid] - interface id to marshal
+// [pv] - interface to marshal
+// [mshlflags] - marshal flags
+// Algorithm: Get the correct standard identity and ask it to do
+// all the work.
+// History: 25-Mar-95 AlexMit Created
+INTERNAL MarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, REFIID riid, void *pv, DWORD mshlflags)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "MarshalObjRef: riid:%I pv:%x flags:%x\n",
+ &riid, pv, mshlflags));
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Find or create the StdId for this object. We need to get a strong
+ // reference to guard against an incoming last release on another
+ // thread which would cause us to Disconnect this StdId.
+ dwFlags |= (mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_NOPING) ? IDLF_NOPING : 0;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID;
+ hr = LookupIDFromUnk((IUnknown *)pv, dwFlags, &pStdID);
+ if (hr == NOERROR)
+ {
+ hr = pStdID->MarshalObjRef(objref, riid, pv, mshlflags);
+ pStdID->DecStrongCnt(TRUE); // fKeepAlive
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "MarshalObjRef: hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: MarshalInternalObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Marshals an internal interface into the objref.
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// [riid] - interface id to marshal
+// [pv] - interface to marshal
+// [mshlflags] - marshal flags
+// [ppStdId] - StdId to return (may be NULL)
+// Algorithm: Create a StdIdentity and ask it to do the work.
+// Notes: This differs from the normal MarshalObjRef in that it does
+// not look in the OID table for an already marshaled interface,
+// nor does it register the marshaled interface in the OID table.
+// This is used for internal interfaces such as the IObjServer
+// and IRemUnknown.
+// History: 25-Oct-95 Rickhi Created
+INTERNAL MarshalInternalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, REFIID riid, void *pv,
+ DWORD mshlflags, void **ppStdId)
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "MarshalInternalObjRef");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "MarshalInternalObjRef: riid:%I pv:%x flags:%x\n",
+ &riid, pv, mshlflags));
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (!IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IRundown))
+ {
+ // NOTE: make sure the local OXID is registered with the resolver.
+ // See the discussion on the Chicken and Egg problem in ipidtbl.cxx
+ // COXIDTable::GetLocalEntry for why this is necessary.
+ MOID moid;
+ hr = gResolver.ServerGetPreRegMOID(&moid);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Find or create the StdId for this object. We need to get a strong
+ // reference to guard against an incoming last release on another
+ // thread which would cause us to Disconnect this StdId.
+ IUnknown *pUnkId; // ignored
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = new CStdIdentity(STDID_SERVER, NULL,
+ (IUnknown *)pv, &pUnkId);
+ if (pStdId != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = pStdId->MarshalObjRef(objref, riid, pv, mshlflags);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ppStdId)
+ {
+ *ppStdId = (void *)pStdId;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "MarshalInternalObjRef: hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::MarshalInterface, public
+// Synopsis: marshals the interface into the stream.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdMarshal::MarshalInterface(IStream *pStm, REFIID riid,
+ LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestCtx, LPVOID pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags)
+ "CStdMarshal::MarshalInterface this:%x pStm:%x riid:%I pv:%x dwCtx:%x pvCtx:%x flags:%x\n",
+ this, pStm, &riid, pv, dwDestCtx, pvDestCtx, mshlflags));
+ AssertValid();
+ // Marshal the interface into an objref, then write the objref
+ // into the provided stream.
+ OBJREF objref;
+ HRESULT hr = MarshalObjRef(objref, riid, pv, mshlflags);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // write the objref into the stream
+ hr = WriteObjRef(pStm, objref, dwDestCtx);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // undo whatever we just did, ignore error from here since
+ // the stream write error supercedes any error from here.
+ ReleaseMarshalObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ // free resources associated with the objref.
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::MarshalInterface this:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::MarshalObjRef, public
+// Synopsis: marshals the interface into the objref.
+// History: 25-Mar-95 AlexMit Seperated from MarshalInterface
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::MarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, REFIID riid,
+ LPVOID pv, DWORD mshlflags)
+ "CStdMarshal::MarsalObjRef this:%x riid:%I pv:%x flags:%x\n",
+ this, &riid, pv, mshlflags));
+ AssertValid();
+ // validate the parameters. we dont allow TABLE cases if we are
+ // a client side object.
+ if ((mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLE) && ClientSide())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // count of Refs we are handing out. In the table cases we pass out
+ // zero refs because we dont know how many times it will be unmarshaled
+ // (and hence how many references to count). Zero refs will cause the
+ // client to call back and ask for more references if it does not already
+ // have any (which has the side effect of making sure the object still
+ // exists, which is required by RunningObjectTable).
+ ULONG cRefs = (mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLE) ? 0 :
+ (ClientSide()) ? 1 : REM_ADDREF_CNT;
+ HRESULT hr = PreventDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // The first time through we have some extra work to do so go off
+ // and do that now. Next time we can just bypass all that work.
+ {
+ hr = FirstMarshal((IUnknown *)pv, mshlflags);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Create the IPID table entry. On the server side this may
+ // cause the creation of an interface stub, on the client side
+ // it may just take away one of our references or it may call
+ // the server to get more references for the interface being
+ // marshaled.
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry;
+ hr = MarshalIPID(riid, cRefs, mshlflags, &pIPIDEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // fill in the rest of the OBJREF
+ FillObjRef(objref, cRefs, mshlflags, pIPIDEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // it is now OK to allow real disconnects in.
+ HRESULT hr2 = HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr2) && SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // a disconnect came in while marshaling. The ObjRef has a
+ // reference to the OXIDEntry so go free that now.
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::MarshalObjRef this:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, hr2));
+ return hr2;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::FillObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Fill in the fields of an OBJREF
+// History: 21-Sep-95 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::FillObjRef(OBJREF &objref, ULONG cRefs, DWORD mshlflags,
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "FillObjRef pObjRef:%x\n", &objref));
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ Win4Assert(pIPIDEntry);
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry;
+ // first, fill in the STDOBJREF section
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ FillSTD(pStd, cRefs, mshlflags, pIPIDEntry);
+ // next fill in the rest of the OBJREF
+ objref.signature = OBJREF_SIGNATURE; // 'MEOW'
+ objref.iid = pIPIDEntry->iid; // interface iid
+ if (_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_HANDLER)
+ {
+ // handler form, copy in the clsid
+ objref.flags = OBJREF_HANDLER;
+ ORHDL(objref).clsid = _clsidHandler;
+ ppOXIDEntry = (OXIDEntry **) &ORHDL(objref).saResAddr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ objref.flags = OBJREF_STANDARD;
+ ppOXIDEntry = (OXIDEntry **) &ORSTD(objref).saResAddr;
+ }
+ // TRICK: in order to keep the objref a fixed size internally,
+ // we use the saResAddr.size field as a ptr to the OXIDEntry. We
+ // pay attention to this in ReadObjRef, WriteObjRef, and FreeObjRef.
+ *ppOXIDEntry = pIPIDEntry->pOXIDEntry;
+ Win4Assert(*ppOXIDEntry != NULL);
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(*ppOXIDEntry);
+// Member: CStdMarshal::FillSTD, public
+// Synopsis: Fill in the STDOBJREF fields of an OBJREF
+// History: 21-Sep-95 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::FillSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd, ULONG cRefs, DWORD mshlflags,
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry)
+ // fill in the STDOBJREF to return to the caller.
+ pStd->flags = mapMFtoSORF[mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLE];
+ pStd->flags |= (pIPIDEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NOPING) ? SORF_NOPING : 0;
+ pStd->flags |= (pIPIDEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NONNDRSTUB) ? SORF_NONNDR : 0;
+ pStd->cPublicRefs = cRefs;
+ pStd->ipid = pIPIDEntry->ipid;
+ OIDFromMOID(_pStdId->GetOID(), &pStd->oid);
+ OXIDFromMOXID(pIPIDEntry->pOXIDEntry->moxid, &pStd->oxid);
+ ValidateSTD(pStd);
+ DbgDumpSTD(pStd);
+// Member: CStdMarshal::FirstMarshal, private
+// Synopsis: Does some first-time server side marshal stuff
+// Parameters: [pUnk] - interface being marshalled
+// [mshlflags] - flags for marshaling
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::FirstMarshal(IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD mshlflags)
+ "CStdMarshal::FirstMarshal this:%x pUnk:%x\n", this, pUnk));
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ Win4Assert(_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_FIRSTMARSHAL);
+ Win4Assert(_pChnl == NULL);
+ AssertValid();
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ // have now executed this code so dont do it again.
+ if (mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_NOPING)
+ {
+ // if the first interface is marked as NOPING, then all interfaces
+ // for the object are treated as NOPING, otherwise, all interfaces
+ // are marked as PING. MakeSrvIPIDEntry will look at _dwFlags to
+ // determine whether to mark each IPIDEntry as NOPING or not.
+ _dwFlags |= SMFLAGS_NOPING;
+ }
+ // get our local OXID. This should have already been created, and
+ // so wont cause the LOCK to be released.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry(&pOXIDEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // create a channel for this object.
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl;
+ hr = CreateChannel(pOXIDEntry, 0, GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, &pChnl);
+ }
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ "CStdMarshal::FirstMarshal this:%x hr:%x\n", this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::MarshalIPID, private
+// Synopsis: finds or creates an interface stub and IPID entry
+// for the given object interface.
+// Arguments: [riid] - interface to look for
+// [cRefs] - count of references wanted
+// [mshlflags] - marshal flags
+// [ppEntry] - place to return IPIDEntry ptr
+// Returns: S_OK if succeeded
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::MarshalIPID(REFIID riid, ULONG cRefs, DWORD mshlflags,
+ IPIDEntry **ppIPIDEntry)
+ "CStdMarshal::MarshalIPID this:%x riid:%I cRefs:%x mshlflags:%x ppEntry:%x\n",
+ this, &riid, cRefs, mshlflags, ppIPIDEntry));
+ AssertValid();
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ // validate input parms.
+ Win4Assert(!(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_NULL) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMarshal)));
+ // look for an existing IPIDEntry for the requested interface
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = FindIPIDEntry(riid, &pEntry);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // no entry currently exists. on the server side we try to create one.
+ // on the client side we do a remote QI for the requested interface.
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ // this call fail if we are disconnected during a yield.
+ hr = MakeSrvIPIDEntry(riid, &pEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = RemQIAndUnmarshal(1, (GUID *)&riid, NULL);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = FindIPIDEntry(riid, &pEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ // remember the latest marshal time so we can tell if the ping
+ // server has run us down too early. This can happen when an
+ // existing client dies and we remarshal the interface just
+ // moments before the pingserver tells us the first guy is gone
+ // and before the new client has had time to unmarshal and ping.
+ _dwMarshalTime = GetCurrentTime();
+ // inc the refcnt for the IPIDEntry and optionaly the stdid. Note
+ // that for TABLE marshals cRefs is 0 (that's the number that gets
+ // placed in the packet) but we do want a reference so we ask for
+ // 1 here. ReleaseMarshalData will undo the 1.
+ ULONG cRefs2 = (mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLE) ? 1 : cRefs;
+ IncSrvIPIDCnt(pEntry, cRefs2, 0, NULL, mshlflags);
+ }
+ else // client side,
+ {
+ // we dont support marshaling weak refs on the client side, though
+ // we do support marshaling strong from a weak client by going to
+ // the server and getting a strong reference.
+ Win4Assert(!(mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_WEAK));
+ if (cRefs >= pEntry->cStrongRefs)
+ {
+ // need more references than we own, go get more from server
+ // to satisfy the marshal. Get a few extra refs for ourselves
+ // unless we are a weak client.
+ ULONG cExtraRefs = (_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_WEAKCLIENT)
+ hr = RemoteAddRef(pEntry, pEntry->pOXIDEntry, cRefs + cExtraRefs, 0);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // add in the extra references we asked for (if any).
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs += cExtraRefs;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we have enough references to satisfy this request (and still
+ // keep some for ourselves), just subtract from the IPIDEntry
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs -= cRefs;
+ }
+ // mark this object as having been client-side marshaled so
+ // that we can tell the resolver whether or not it needs to
+ // ping this object if we release it before the OID is registered.
+ }
+ // do some debug stuff
+ ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "pEntry:%x cRefs:%x cStdId:%x\n", pEntry,
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs, _pStdId->GetRC()));
+ }
+ *ppIPIDEntry = pEntry;
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::MarshalIPID hr:%x pIPIDEntry\n", hr, *ppIPIDEntry));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::UnmarshalInterface, public
+// Synopsis: Unmarshals an Interface from a stream.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdMarshal::UnmarshalInterface(LPSTREAM pStm,
+ REFIID riid, VOID **ppv)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::UnmarsalInterface this:%x pStm:%x riid:%I\n",
+ this, pStm, &riid));
+ AssertValid();
+ // read the objref from the stream and find or create an instance
+ // of CStdMarshal for its OID. Then ask that guy to do the rest of
+ // the unmarshal (create the interface proxy)
+ OBJREF objref;
+ HRESULT hr = ReadObjRef(pStm, objref);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // pass objref to subroutine to unmarshal the objref
+ hr = ::UnmarshalObjRef(objref, ppv);
+ // release the objref we read
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ "UnmarsalInterface this:%x pv:%x hr:\n", this, *ppv, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: UnmarshalObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: UnMarshals interface from objref.
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// [ppv] - proxy
+// Algorithm: Get the correct standard identity and ask it to do
+// all the work.
+// History: 25-Mar-95 AlexMit Created
+INTERNAL UnmarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, void **ppv)
+ CStdMarshal *pStdMshl;
+ HRESULT hr = FindStdMarshal(objref, &pStdMshl);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // pass objref to subroutine to unmarshal the objref
+ hr = pStdMshl->UnmarshalObjRef(objref, ppv);
+ CALLHOOKOBJECTCREATE(S_OK,ORHDL(objref).clsid,objref.iid,(IUnknown **)ppv);
+ pStdMshl->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we could not create the indentity or handler, release the
+ // marshaled objref.
+ ReleaseMarshalObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: ChkIfLocalOID, private
+// Synopsis: Helper function for UnmarshalInternalObjRef & FindStdMarshal
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// [ppStdMshl] - CStdMarshal returned
+// Algorithm: Read the objref, get the OID. If we already have an identity
+// for this OID return it AddRefd.
+// History: 21-May-95 MurthyS Created.
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) ChkIfLocalOID(OBJREF &objref, CStdIdentity **ppStdId)
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ BOOL flocal = FALSE;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "ChkIfLocalOID (IN) poid: %x\n", &pStd->oid));
+ Win4Assert((*ppStdId == NULL) && "ChkIfLocalOID: pStdId != NULL");
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ if (pOXIDEntry == GetLocalOXIDEntry())
+ {
+ flocal = TRUE;
+ // OXID is for this apartment, look IPID up in the IPIDTable
+ // directly, and extract the CStdMarshal from it.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID(pStd->ipid);
+ if (pEntry && pEntry->pChnl)
+ {
+ // get the Identity
+ *ppStdId = pEntry->pChnl->GetStdId();
+ (*ppStdId)->AddRef();
+ }
+ }
+ return flocal;
+// Function: UnmarshalInternalObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: UnMarshals an internally-used interface from objref.
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// [ppv] - proxy
+// Algorithm: Create a StdId and ask it to do the work.
+// Notes: This differs from UnmarshalObjRef in that it does not lookup
+// or register the OID. This saves a fair amount of work and
+// avoids initializing the OID table.
+// History: 25-Oct-95 Rickhi Created
+INTERNAL UnmarshalInternalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, void **ppv)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = NULL;
+ if (ChkIfLocalOID(objref, &pStdId))
+ {
+ if (pStdId)
+ {
+ // set OID in objref to match that in returned std identity
+ OIDFromMOID(pStdId->GetOID(), &ORSTD(objref).std.oid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = CreateIdentityHandler(NULL, ORSTD(objref).std.flags,
+ IID_IStdIdentity, (void **)&pStdId);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // pass objref to subroutine to unmarshal the objref. tell StdId not
+ // to register the OID in the OID table.
+ pStdId->IgnoreOID();
+ hr = pStdId->UnmarshalObjRef(objref, ppv);
+ CALLHOOKOBJECTCREATE(S_OK,ORHDL(objref).clsid,objref.iid,(IUnknown **)ppv);
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::UnmarshalObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: unmarshals the objref. Called by CoUnmarshalInterface,
+// UnmarshalObjRef APIs, and UnmarshalInterface method.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::UnmarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, void **ppv)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::UnmarsalObjRef this:%x objref:%x riid:%I\n",
+ this, &objref, &objref.iid));
+ AssertValid();
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ DbgDumpSTD(pStd);
+ // Prevent a disconnect from occuring while unmarshaling the
+ // interface since we may have to yield the ORPC lock.
+ HRESULT hr = PreventPendingDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (objref.flags & OBJREF_HANDLER)
+ {
+ // handler form, extract the handler clsid and set our flags
+ _dwFlags |= SMFLAGS_HANDLER;
+ _clsidHandler = ORHDL(objref).clsid;
+ }
+ // if no OID registered yet, do that now. only possible on client side
+ // during reconnect.
+ MOID moid;
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(pStd->oid, pOXIDEntry->pMIDEntry->mid, &moid);
+ hr = _pStdId->SetOID(moid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // find or create the IPID entry for the interface. On the client
+ // side this may cause the creation of an interface proxy. It will
+ // also manipulate the reference counts.
+ hr = UnmarshalIPID(objref.iid, pStd, pOXIDEntry, ppv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ClientSide())
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (_pStdId->IsAggregated())
+ {
+ // we are currently holding a proxy pointer. If aggregated,
+ // the controlling unknown may want to override this pointer
+ // with his own version, so issue a QI to give it that chance.
+ IUnknown *pUnk = (IUnknown *)*ppv;
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ if (gcwx86.IsN2XProxy(pUnk))
+ {
+ // Tell wx86 thunk layer to thunk as IUnknown
+ gcwx86.SetStubInvokeFlag((BOOL)1);
+ }
+ hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(objref.iid, ppv);
+ pUnk->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cleanup our state on failure (only meaningful on client side,
+ // since if the unmarshal failed on the server side, the interface
+ // is already cleaned up).
+ ReleaseMarshalObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ }
+ // now let pending disconnect through. on server-side, ignore any
+ // error from HPD and pay attention only to the unmarshal result, since
+ // a successful unmarshal on the server side may result in a disconnect
+ // if that was the last external reference to the object.
+ HRESULT hr2 = HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr2) && ClientSide())
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // a disconnect came in while unmarshaling. ppv contains an
+ // AddRef'd interface pointer so go Release that now.
+ ((IUnknown *)*ppv)->Release();
+ }
+ hr = hr2;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::UnmarsalObjRef this:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::UnmarshalIPID, private
+// Synopsis: finds or creates an interface proxy for the given
+// interface. may also do a remote query interface.
+// Arguements: [riid] - the interface to return
+// [std] - standard objref to unmarshal from
+// [pOXIDEntry] - ptr to OXIDEntry of the server
+// [ppv] - interface ptr of type riid returned, AddRef'd
+// Returns: S_OK if succeeded
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::UnmarshalIPID(REFIID riid, STDOBJREF *pStd,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, void **ppv)
+ "CStdMarshal::UnmarshalIPID this:%x riid:%I pStd:%x pOXIDEntry:%x\n",
+ this, &riid, pStd, pOXIDEntry));
+ DbgDumpSTD(pStd);
+ AssertValid();
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ // validate input params.
+ Win4Assert(!(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_NULL) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMarshal)));
+ Win4Assert(pStd != NULL);
+ ValidateSTD(pStd);
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ // look for an existing IPIDEntry for the requested interface.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = FindIPIDEntry(riid, &pEntry);
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ BOOL fSameApt = SUCCEEDED(hr);
+ PVOID pvPSThunk = NULL;
+ if (ClientSide())
+ {
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // no IPID Entry exists yet for the requested interface. We do
+ // have a STDOBJREF. Create the interface proxy and IPIDEntry
+ // now, and connect it up. If successful, the proxy will be
+ // fully connected upon return, with pEntry->cStrongRefs set
+ // to pStd->cPublicRefs.
+ if (ppv)
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ hr = MakeCliIPIDEntry(riid, pStd, pOXIDEntry, &pEntry);
+ }
+ else if (pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ {
+ // reconnect the IPID entry to the server. this will set
+ // pEntry->cStrongRefs to pStd->cPublicRefs. Even though we could
+ // yield, the IPIDEntry is guarenteed connected on return
+ // (cause we are holding the lock on return).
+ hr = ConnectIPIDEntry(pStd, pOXIDEntry, pEntry);
+ }
+ else if ((pStd->flags & SORF_WEAKREF) &&
+ (pEntry->pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL))
+ {
+ // add the refcnt to our weak total for this IPIDEntry
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs += pStd->cPublicRefs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // add the refcnt to our strong total for this IPIDEntry
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs += pStd->cPublicRefs;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // unmarshaling in the server apartment. If the cRefs is zero,
+ // then the interface was TABLE marshalled and we dont do
+ // anything to the IPID RefCnts since the object must live until
+ // ReleaseMarshalData is called on it.
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ pvPSThunk = gcwx86.UnmarshalledInSameApt(pEntry->pv, riid);
+ if (pStd->cPublicRefs > 0)
+ {
+ // normal case, dec the ref counts from the IPID entry,
+ // OLE always passed fLastReleaseCloses = FALSE on
+ // Unmarshal and RMD so do the same here.
+ DWORD mshlflags = (pStd->flags & SORF_WEAKREF)
+ DecSrvIPIDCnt(pEntry, pStd->cPublicRefs, 0, NULL, mshlflags);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ppv)
+ {
+ ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ // extract and AddRef the pointer to return to the caller.
+ // Do this before releasing the lock (which we might do below
+ // on the server-side in DecSrvIPIDCnt.
+ // NOTE: we are calling App code while holding the lock,
+ // but there is no way to avoid this.
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(pEntry->pv));
+ *ppv = pEntry->pv;
+ ((IUnknown *)*ppv)->AddRef();
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, *ppv);
+ if (_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_WEAKCLIENT && !(pStd->flags & SORF_WEAKREF))
+ {
+ // make the client interface weak, ignore errors.
+ RemoteChangeRef(0,0);
+ }
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ // If we unmarshalled in the same apartment as the object and Wx86
+ // recognized the interface then change the returned proxy to the
+ // proxy created for the Wx86 PSThunk.
+ if (pvPSThunk == (PVOID)-1)
+ {
+ // Wx86 recognized the interface, but could not establish a
+ // PSThunk for it. Force an error return.
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (pvPSThunk != NULL)
+ {
+ // Wx86 recognized the interface and did establish a PSThunk
+ // for it. Force a successful return with Wx86 proxy interface.
+ *ppv = pvPSThunk;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "pEntry:%x cRefs:%x cStdId:%x\n", pEntry,
+ (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? pEntry->cStrongRefs : 0, _pStdId->GetRC()));
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::UnmarshalIPID hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::PrivateCopyProxy, internal
+// Synopsis: Creates a copy of a proxy and IPID entry.
+// Arguements: [pProxy] - Proxy to copy
+// [ppProxy] - return copy here.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::PrivateCopyProxy( IUnknown *pv, IUnknown **ppv )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::PrivateCopyProxy");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::PrivateCopyProxy this:%x pv:%x\n",
+ this, pv));
+ // Don't copy stubs.
+ if (ServerSide())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // Prevent a disconnect from occuring while unmarshaling the
+ // interface since we may have to yield the ORPC lock.
+ HRESULT hr = PreventPendingDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Find the proxy to copy.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ hr = FindIPIDEntryByInterface(pv, &pEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Don't copy disconnected proxies.
+ if (pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ // IUnknown can't be copied.
+ else if (IsEqualGUID( pEntry->iid, IID_IUnknown ))
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL fNonNDRProxy;
+ IRpcProxyBuffer *pProxy;
+ hr = CreateProxy(pEntry->iid, &pProxy, (void **)ppv,
+ &fNonNDRProxy);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ IPIDEntry *pIpidCopy;
+ // add a disconnected IPID entry to the table.
+ hr = AddIPIDEntry(NULL, &pEntry->ipid, pEntry->iid, NULL,
+ pProxy, *ppv, &pIpidCopy);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // mark this IPID as a copy so we dont free it during
+ // ReleaseIPIDs.
+ pIpidCopy->dwFlags |= IPIDF_COPY;
+ // connect the IPIDEntry before adding it to the table so
+ // that we dont have to worry about races between Unmarshal,
+ // Disconnect, and ReconnectProxies.
+ // Make up an objref. Mark it as NOPING since we dont
+ // really have any references and we dont really need
+ // any because if we ever try to marshal it we will
+ // find the original IPIDEntry and use that. NOPING
+ // also lets us skip this IPID in DisconnectCliIPIDs.
+ OXIDFromMOXID(pEntry->pOXIDEntry->moxid, &std.oxid);
+ std.ipid = pEntry->ipid;
+ std.cPublicRefs = 1;
+ std.flags = SORF_NOPING;
+ hr = ConnectIPIDEntry(&std, pEntry->pOXIDEntry, pIpidCopy);
+ // Add this IPID entry after the original.
+ pIpidCopy->pNextOID = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ pEntry->pNextOID = pIpidCopy;
+ _cIPIDs++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // could not get an IPIDEntry, release the proxy, need to
+ // release the lock to do this.
+ pProxy->Release();
+ ((IUnknown *)*ppv)->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, *ppv);
+ }
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ }
+ // Now let pending disconnect through.
+ HRESULT hr2 = HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr2) && SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // a disconnect came in while creating the proxy. ppv contains
+ // an AddRef'd interface pointer so go Release that now.
+ ((IUnknown *)*ppv)->Release();
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::PrivateCopyProxy hr:%x\n", hr2));
+ return hr2;
+// Member: MakeSrvIPIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: creates a server side IPID table entry
+// Arguements: [riid] - the interface to return
+// [ppEntry] - IPIDEntry returned
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::MakeSrvIPIDEntry(REFIID riid, IPIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ AssertValid();
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ BOOL fNonNDRStub;
+ void *pv;
+ IRpcStubBuffer *pStub;
+ HRESULT hr = CreateStub(riid, &pStub, &pv, &fNonNDRStub);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = _pChnl->GetOXIDEntry();
+ IPID ipidDummy;
+ hr = AddIPIDEntry(pOXIDEntry, &ipidDummy, riid, _pChnl, pStub, pv,
+ ppEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_NOPING)
+ {
+ // object does no need pinging, turn on NOPING
+ (*ppEntry)->dwFlags |= IPIDF_NOPING;
+ }
+ if (fNonNDRStub)
+ {
+ // the stub was a custom 16bit one requested by WOW, mark the
+ // IPIDEntry as holding a non-NDR stub so we know to set the
+ // SORF_NONNDR flag in the StdObjRef when marshaling. This
+ // tells local clients whether to create a MIDL generated
+ // proxy or custom proxy. Functionality to support OLE
+ // Automation on DCOM.
+ (*ppEntry)->dwFlags |= IPIDF_NONNDRSTUB;
+ }
+ // increment the OXIDEntry ref count so that it stays
+ // around as long as the IPIDEntry points to it. It gets
+ // decremented when we disconnect the IPIDEntry.
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ // chain the IPIDEntries for this OID together
+ (*ppEntry)->pNextOID = _pFirstIPID;
+ _pFirstIPID = *ppEntry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // release the stub. we need to release the lock to do this.
+ pStub->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ return hr;
+// Member: MakeCliIPIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: creates a client side IPID table entry
+// Arguements: [riid] - the interface to return
+// [pStd] - standard objref
+// [pOXIDEntry] - OXIDEntry of the server
+// [ppEntry] - IPIDEntry returned
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::MakeCliIPIDEntry(REFIID riid, STDOBJREF *pStd,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ IPIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ AssertValid();
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ BOOL fNonNDRProxy;
+ void *pv;
+ IRpcProxyBuffer *pProxy;
+ HRESULT hr = CreateProxy(riid, &pProxy, &pv, &fNonNDRProxy);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // add a disconnected IPID entry to the table.
+ hr = AddIPIDEntry(NULL, &pStd->ipid, riid, NULL, pProxy, pv, ppEntry);
+ if (pv)
+ {
+ // throw away our reference here, we will get it back later
+ // in UnmarshalIPID
+ ((IUnknown *)pv)->Release();
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (fNonNDRProxy)
+ {
+ // the proxy is a custom 16bit one requested by WOW, mark the
+ // IPIDEntry as holding a non-NDR proxy so we know to set the
+ // LOCALF_NOTNDR flag in the local header when we call on it
+ // (see CRpcChannelBuffer::ClientGetBuffer). Functionality to
+ // support OLE Automation on DCOM.
+ (*ppEntry)->dwFlags |= IPIDF_NONNDRPROXY;
+ }
+ if (pStd->flags & SORF_NONNDR)
+ {
+ // need to remember this flag so we can tell other
+ // unmarshalers if we remarshal it.
+ (*ppEntry)->dwFlags |= IPIDF_NONNDRSTUB;
+ }
+ // connect the IPIDEntry before adding it to the table so
+ // that we dont have to worry about races between Unmarshal,
+ // Disconnect, and ReconnectProxies.
+ hr = ConnectIPIDEntry(pStd, pOXIDEntry, *ppEntry);
+ // chain the IPIDEntries for this OID together. On client side
+ // always add the entry to the list regardless of whether connect
+ // succeeded.
+ (*ppEntry)->pNextOID = _pFirstIPID;
+ _pFirstIPID = *ppEntry;
+ _cIPIDs++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // could not get an IPIDEntry, release the proxy, need to
+ // release the lock to do this.
+ pProxy->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ return hr;
+// Member: ConnectIPIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: connects a client side IPID table entry to the server
+// Arguments: [pStd] - standard objref
+// [pOXIDEntry] - OXIDEntry for the server
+// [pEntry] - IPIDEntry to connect, already has a proxy
+// and the IID filled in.
+// Notes: This routine is re-entrant, it may be called multiple
+// times for the same IPIDEntry, with part of the work done
+// in one call and part in another. Only if the entry is
+// fully set up will it return S_OK and mark the entry as
+// connected. DisconnectCliIPIDs handles cleanup of partial
+// connections.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::ConnectIPIDEntry(STDOBJREF *pStd,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry)
+ "CStdMarshal::ConnectIPIDEntry this:%x ipid:%I pOXIDEntry:%x pIPIDEntry:%x\n",
+ this, &pStd->ipid, pOXIDEntry, pEntry));
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // mark the object as having attempted to connect an IPIDEntry so that
+ // if we fail somewhere in this routine and dont mark the whole object
+ // as connected, Disconnect will still try to clean things up.
+ if (!(pStd->flags & SORF_NOPING))
+ {
+ // this interface requires pinging, turn off NOPING for this object
+ // and this IPIDEntry.
+ _dwFlags &= ~SMFLAGS_NOPING;
+ pEntry->dwFlags &= ~IPIDF_NOPING;
+ }
+ {
+ // register the OID with the ping server so it will get pinged
+ hr = gResolver.ClientRegisterOIDWithPingServer(pStd->oid, pOXIDEntry);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Go get any references we need that are not already included in the
+ // STDOBJREF. These references will have been added to the counts in
+ // the IPIDEntry upon return. Any references in the STDOBJREF will be
+ // added to the IPIDEntry count only if the connect succeeds, otherwise
+ // ReleaseMarshalObjRef (which will clean up STDOBJREF references) will
+ // get called by higher level code.
+ hr = GetNeededRefs(pStd, pOXIDEntry, pEntry);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pChnl == NULL)
+ {
+ // create a channel for this oxid/ipid pair. On the client side we
+ // create one channel per proxy (and hence per IPID).
+ hr = CreateChannel(pOXIDEntry, pStd->flags, pStd->ipid,
+ pEntry->iid, &pEntry->pChnl);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // update this IPID table entry. must update ipid too since
+ // on reconnect it differs from the old value.
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ pEntry->pOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+ pEntry->ipid = pStd->ipid;
+ pEntry->pChnl->SetIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Release the lock while we connect the proxy. We have to do
+ // this because the IDispatch proxy makes an Rpc call during
+ // Connect (Yuk!), which causes the channel to assert that the
+ // lock is released. The proxy MUST be able to handle multiple
+ // simultaneous or nested connects to the same channel ptr, since
+ // it is possible when we yield the lock for another thread to
+ // come in here and try a connect.
+ void *pv = NULL;
+ IRpcProxyBuffer * pProxy = (IRpcProxyBuffer *)(pEntry->pStub);
+ if (pProxy)
+ {
+ // HACKALERT: OleAutomation returns NULL pv in CreateProxy
+ // in cases where they dont know whether to return an NDR
+ // proxy or a custom-format proxy. So we have to go connect
+ // the proxy first then Query for the real interface once that
+ // is done.
+ BOOL fGetpv = (pEntry->pv) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ hr = pProxy->Connect(pEntry->pChnl);
+ if (fGetpv && SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ if (gcwx86.IsN2XProxy(pProxy))
+ {
+ // If we are creating a proxy for an object that is
+ // living on the x86 side then we need to set the
+ // StubInvoke flag to allow QI to thunk the
+ // custom interface QI.
+ gcwx86.SetStubInvokeFlag((BOOL)2);
+ }
+ hr = pProxy->QueryInterface(pEntry->iid, &pv);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, pv);
+ if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ // Call whole32 thunk layer to play with the ref count
+ // and aggregate the proxy to the controlling unknown.
+ gcwx86.AggregateProxy(_pStdId->GetCtrlUnk(),
+ (IUnknown *)pv);
+ // Release our reference here.
+ // We keep a weak reference to pv.
+ ((IUnknown *)pv)->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Regardless of errors from Connect and QI we wont try to cleanup
+ // any of the work we have done so far in this routine. The routine
+ // is reentrant (by the same thread or by different threads) and
+ // those calls could be using some of resources we have already
+ // allocated. Instead, we rely on DisconnectCliIPIDs to cleanup
+ // the partial allocation of resources.
+ if (pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ {
+ // Mark the IPIDEntry as connected so we dont try to connect
+ // again. Also, as long as there is one IPID connected, the
+ // whole object is considered connected. This allows disconnect
+ // to find the newly connected IPID and disconnect it later.
+ // Infact, DisconnectCliIPIDs relies on there being at least
+ // one IPID with a non-NULL OXIDEntry. It is safe to set this
+ // now because Disconnects have been temporarily turned off.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (pv)
+ {
+ // assign the interface pointer
+ pEntry->pv = pv;
+ }
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ pEntry->dwFlags &= ~IPIDF_DISCONNECTED;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // while the lock was released, the IPIDEntry got connected
+ // by another thread (or by a nested call on this thread).
+ // Ignore any errors from Connect or QI since apparently
+ // things are connected now.
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Add in any references we were given. If we were given 0 refs
+ // and the interface is noping, then pretend like we got 1 ref.
+ ULONG cRefs = ((pStd->cPublicRefs == 0) && (pStd->flags & SORF_NOPING))
+ ? 1 : pStd->cPublicRefs;
+ // figure out if we have weak or strong references. To be weak
+ // they must be local to this machine and the SORF flag set.
+ BOOL fWeak = ((pStd->flags & SORF_WEAKREF) &&
+ (pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL));
+ if (fWeak)
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs += cRefs;
+ else
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs += cRefs;
+ }
+ // in debug build, ensure that we did not screw up
+ ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ }
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ "CStdMarshal::ConnectIPIDEntry this:%x pOXIDEntry:%x pChnl:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, pEntry->pOXIDEntry, pEntry->pChnl, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: GetNeededRefs, private
+// Synopsis: Figures out if any references are needed and goes and gets
+// them from the server.
+// Arguments: [pStd] - standard objref
+// [pOXIDEntry] - OXIDEntry for the server
+// [pEntry] - IPIDEntry to connect, already has a proxy
+// and the IID filled in.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::GetNeededRefs(STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if ((pStd->flags & (SORF_NOPING | SORF_WEAKREF)) == 0)
+ {
+ // if we dont have any and weren't given any strong refs, go get some.
+ ULONG cNeedStrong = ((pEntry->cStrongRefs + pStd->cPublicRefs) == 0)
+ // if we are using secure refs and we dont have any, go get some.
+ ULONG cNeedSecure = ((gCapabilities & EOAC_SECURE_REFS) &&
+ (pEntry->cPrivateRefs == 0)) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (cNeedStrong || cNeedSecure)
+ {
+ // Need to go get some references from the remote server. Note
+ // that we will yield here but we dont have to worry about it because
+ // the IPIDEntry is still marked as disconnected.
+ hr = RemoteAddRef(pEntry, pOXIDEntry, cNeedStrong, cNeedSecure);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs += cNeedStrong;
+ pEntry->cPrivateRefs += cNeedSecure;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::ReconnectProxies
+// Synopsis: Reconnects the proxies to a new server (functionality
+// used by the OLE default handler).
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+// CODEWORK: CreateServer should just ask for all these interfaces
+// during the create.
+// BUGBUG: fail this call if freethreaded
+void CStdMarshal::ReconnectProxies()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::ReconnectProxies this:%x pFirst:%x\n",
+ this, _pFirstIPID));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ // must be at least 1 proxy already connected in order to be able
+ // to reconnect the other proxies. We cant just ASSERT that's true
+ // because we were not holding the lock on entry.
+ HRESULT hr = PreventDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // allocate a stack buffer to hold the IPIDs
+ IID *pIIDsAlloc = (IID *) _alloca(_cIPIDs * sizeof(IID));
+ IID *pIIDs = pIIDsAlloc;
+ USHORT cIIDs = 0;
+ IPIDEntry *pNextIPID = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pNextIPID)
+ {
+ // Don't allow reconnection for fancy new servers or with
+ // secure proxies.
+ if (pNextIPID->dwFlags & IPIDF_COPY)
+ {
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((pNextIPID->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED))
+ {
+ // not connected, add it to the list to be connected.
+ *pIIDs = pNextIPID->iid;
+ pIIDs++;
+ cIIDs++;
+ }
+ pNextIPID = pNextIPID->pNextOID;
+ }
+ if (cIIDs != 0 && SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // we have looped filling in the IID list, and there are
+ // entries int he list. go call QI on server now and
+ // unmarshal the results.
+ hr = RemQIAndUnmarshal(cIIDs, pIIDsAlloc, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ DbgWalkIPIDs();
+ // this will handle any Disconnect that came in while we were busy.
+ hr = HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::ReconnectProxies [OUT] this:%x\n", this));
+ return;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalData, public
+// Synopsis: Releases the references added by MarshalInterface
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalData(LPSTREAM pStm)
+ "CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalData this:%x pStm:%x\n", this, pStm));
+ AssertValid();
+ OBJREF objref;
+ HRESULT hr = ReadObjRef(pStm, objref);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // call worker API to do the rest of the work
+ hr = ::ReleaseMarshalObjRef(objref);
+ // deallocate the objref we read
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ "CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalData this:%x hr:%x\n", this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: ReleaseMarshalObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Releases the references added by MarshalObjRef
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// Algorithm: Get the correct standard identity and ask it to do
+// a ReleaseMarshalData.
+// History: 19-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+INTERNAL ReleaseMarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "ReleaseMarshalObjRef objref:%x\n", &objref));
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ CStdMarshal *pStdMshl;
+ hr = FindStdMarshal(objref, &pStdMshl);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // only do the RMD if on the server side.
+ if (pStdMshl->ServerSide())
+ {
+ // pass objref to subroutine to Release the marshaled data
+ hr = pStdMshl->ReleaseMarshalObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ pStdMshl->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we could not find or create an identity. If the server is
+ // outside this apartment, try to issue a remote release on
+ // the interface. if the OXID is local and we could not find
+ // the identity, there is nothing left to cleanup.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ if (pOXIDEntry != GetLocalOXIDEntry())
+ {
+ // make a remote release call
+ RemoteReleaseObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "ReleaseMarshalObjRef hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalObjRef, public
+// Synopsis: Releases the references added by MarshalObjRef
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref)
+ "CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalObjRef this:%x objref:%x\n", this, &objref));
+ AssertValid();
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ ValidateSTD(pStd);
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ // look for an existing IPIDEntry for the given IPID
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ hr = FindIPIDEntryByIPID(pStd->ipid, &pEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED))
+ {
+ // subtract the ref count from the IPIDEntry, may Release the
+ // StdId if this was the last reference for this IPIDEntry.
+ // we need to figure out how it was marshalled, strong/weak etc
+ // in order to set the flags and cRefs correctly to pass to
+ // DecSrvIPIDCnt.
+ if (pStd->cPublicRefs == 0)
+ {
+ // table case
+ DWORD mshlflags = (pStd->flags & SORF_TBLWEAK)
+ DecSrvIPIDCnt(pEntry, 1, 0, NULL, mshlflags);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // normal or weak case
+ DWORD mshlflags = (pStd->flags & SORF_WEAKREF)
+ DecSrvIPIDCnt(pEntry, pStd->cPublicRefs, 0, NULL, mshlflags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // client side
+ {
+ if ((pStd->cPublicRefs == 0) || (pStd->flags & SORF_NOPING))
+ {
+ // there are no references, or this interface does not
+ // need pinging, so there is nothing to do.
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // look for an existing IPIDEntry for the given IPID
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ hr = FindIPIDEntryByIPID(pStd->ipid, &pEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED))
+ {
+ // add these to the cRefs of this entry, they will get freed
+ // when we do the remote release. Saves an Rpc call now.
+ if ((pStd->flags & SORF_WEAKREF) &&
+ (pEntry->pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL))
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs += pStd->cPublicRefs;
+ else
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs += pStd->cPublicRefs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // client side, no matching IPIDEntry so just contact the remote
+ // server to remove the reference. ignore errors since there is
+ // nothing we can do about them anyway.
+ RemoteReleaseObjRef(objref);
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "CStdMarshal::ReleaseMarshalObjRef this:%x hr:%x\n", this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::PreventDisconnect, public
+// Synopsis: Prevents a Disconnect from occurring until a matching
+// HandlePendingDisconnect is called.
+// History: 21-Sep-95 Rickhi Created
+// The ORPC LOCK is yielded at many places in order to make calls on
+// application interfaces (server-side objects, stubs, proxies,
+// handlers, remote objects, resolver, etc). In order to keep the
+// code (reasonably?) simple, disconnects are prevented from occuring
+// while in the middle of (potentially) complex operations, and while
+// there are outstanding calls on interfaces to this object.
+// To accomplish this, a counter (_cNestedCalls) is atomically incremented.
+// When _cNestedCalls != 0 and a Disconnect arrives, the object is flagged
+// as PendingDisconnect. When HandlePendingDisconnect is called, it
+// decrements the _cNestedCalls. If the _cNestedCalls == 0 and there is
+// a pending disconnect, the real Disconnect is done.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::PreventDisconnect()
+ // treat this as a nested call so that if we yield, a real
+ // disconnect wont come through, instead it will be treated
+ // as pending. That allows us to avoid checking our state
+ // for Disconnected every time we yield the ORPC LOCK.
+ InterlockedIncrement(&_cNestedCalls);
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::PreventPendingDisconnect, public
+// Synopsis: similar to PreventDisconnect but special case for use
+// in UnmarshalObjRef (since the client side starts out
+// in the Disconnected state until the first unmarshal is done).
+// History: 21-Sep-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::PreventPendingDisconnect()
+ InterlockedIncrement(&_cNestedCalls);
+ if (_dwFlags &
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::HandlePendingDisconnect, public
+// Synopsis: Reverses a call to PreventDisconnect and lets a
+// pending disconnect through.
+// History: 21-Sep-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::HandlePendingDisconnect(HRESULT hr)
+ // treat this as a nested call so that if we yield, a real
+ // disconnect wont come through, instead it will be treated
+ // as pending. That allows us to avoid checking our state
+ // for Disconnected every time we yield the ORPC LOCK.
+ if (InterlockedDecrement(&_cNestedCalls) == 0 &&
+ {
+ Disconnect();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::DisconnectObject, public
+// Synopsis: part of IMarshal interface, this is legal only on the
+// server side.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdMarshal::DisconnectObject(DWORD dwReserved)
+ "CStdMarshal::DisconnectObject this:%x dwRes:%x\n", this, dwReserved));
+ AssertValid();
+ // this operation is not legal from the client side (although
+ // IProxyManager::Disconnect is), but we still have to return S_OK
+ // in either case for backward compatibility.
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ Disconnect();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::Disconnect, public
+// Synopsis: client side - disconnects proxies from the channel.
+// server side - disconnects stubs from the server object.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::Disconnect(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::Disconnect this:%x\n", this));
+ AssertValid();
+ if ((_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_DISCONNECTED) &&
+ {
+ // already disconnected, no partial connects, nothing to do
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::Disconnect [already done]:%x\n",this));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Revoke ID from the ID table if registered. This prevents other
+ // marshals/unmarshals from finding this identity that is about to
+ // be disconnected. This is the ONLY state that should change, since
+ // we dont want to screw up any work-in-progress on other threads
+ // or in calls higher up the stack.
+ _pStdId->RevokeOID();
+ if (_cNestedCalls != 0)
+ {
+ // we dont allow disconnect to occur inside a nested call since we
+ // dont want state to vanish in the middle of a call, but we do
+ // remember that we want to disconnect and will do it when the
+ // stack unwinds (or other threads complete).
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::Disconnect [pending]:%x\n",this));
+ return;
+ }
+ // No calls in progress and not already disconnected, OK to really
+ // disconnect now. First mark ourself as disconnected incase we
+ // get reentered while releasing a stub pointer.
+ _dwFlags |= SMFLAGS_DISCONNECTED; // turn on disconnected
+ _dwFlags &= ~(SMFLAGS_PENDINGDISCONNECT | // turn off pending disconnect
+ SMFLAGS_TRIEDTOCONNECT); // turn off tried to connect
+ // disconnect all our IPIDs
+ if (ServerSide())
+ DisconnectSrvIPIDs();
+ else
+ DisconnectCliIPIDs();
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ // HACK - 16 and 32 bit Word 6.0 crash if you release all the objects
+ // it left lying around at CoUninitialize. Leak them.
+ COleTls tls;
+ // If we are not uninitializing, then call the release.
+ if ((tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_THREADUNINITIALIZING) == 0 ||
+ // If we are in WOW and the app is not word, then call the release.
+ (IsWOWThread() &&
+ (g_pOleThunkWOW->GetAppCompatibilityFlags() & OACF_NO_UNINIT_CLEANUP) == 0) ||
+ // If the app is not 32 bit word, then call the release.
+ !IsTaskName( L"winword.exe" ))
+ {
+ // on the server side, we have to tell the stdid to release his
+ // controlling unknown of the real object.
+ _pStdId->ReleaseCtrlUnk();
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::Disconnect [complete]:%x\n",this));
+// Member: CStdMarshal::DisconnectCliIPIDs
+// Synopsis: disconnects client side IPIDs for this object.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::DisconnectCliIPIDs()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"CStdMarshal::DisconnectCliIPIDs this:%x pFirst:%x\n",
+ this, _pFirstIPID));
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ Win4Assert(_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_DISCONNECTED);
+ // YIELD WARNING: Do not yield between here and the matching comment
+ // below, since we are mucking with internal state that could get
+ // messed up if a reconnect (or unmarshal) is done.
+ // on client side, we cant actually release the proxies until the
+ // object goes away (backward compatibility), so we just release
+ // our references to the remote guy, disconnect the proxies, and
+ // delete the channels, but hold on to the IPIDEntries.
+ _alloca(_cIPIDs * 2 * sizeof(REMINTERFACEREF));
+ REMINTERFACEREF *pRifRef = pRifRefAlloc;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXID = NULL;
+ USHORT cRifRef = 0;
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ // we have to handle the case where ConnectIPIDEntry partially (but
+ // not completely) set up the IPIDEntry, hence we cant just check
+ // for the IPIDF_DISCONNECTED flag.
+ ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ // NOTE: we are calling Proxy code here while holding the ORPC LOCK.
+ // There is no way to get around this without introducing race
+ // conditions. We cant just disconnect the channel and leave the
+ // proxy connected cause some proxies (like IDispatch) do weird shit,
+ // like keeping separate pointers to the server.
+ if (pEntry->pStub) // NULL for IUnknown IPID
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "Disconnect pProxy:%x\n", pEntry->pStub));
+ ((IRpcProxyBuffer *)pEntry->pStub)->Disconnect();
+ pEntry->pv = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NOPING))
+ {
+ // the object pays attention to pings (and hence refcounts)
+ if (pEntry->cStrongRefs > 0 || pEntry->cPrivateRefs > 0)
+ {
+ // we own some strong references on this interface, fill
+ // in an interfaceref so we release them.
+ pRifRef->cPublicRefs = pEntry->cStrongRefs;
+ pRifRef->cPrivateRefs = pEntry->cPrivateRefs;
+ pRifRef->ipid = pEntry->ipid;
+ pRifRef++;
+ cRifRef++;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->cWeakRefs > 0)
+ {
+ // we own some weak references on this interface, fill
+ // in an interfaceref so we release them.
+ pRifRef->cPublicRefs = pEntry->cWeakRefs;
+ pRifRef->cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ pRifRef->ipid = pEntry->ipid;
+ // mark the IPID as weak so that RemRelease on the server
+ // knows to release weak references instead of strong refs.
+ pRifRef->ipid.Data1 |= IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF;
+ pRifRef++;
+ cRifRef++;
+ }
+ }
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs = 0;
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs = 0;
+ pEntry->cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ if (pEntry->pChnl)
+ {
+ // release the channel for this IPID
+ pEntry->pChnl->Release();
+ pEntry->pChnl = NULL;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pOXIDEntry)
+ {
+ // We will be decrementing the OXID refcnt as we release IPIDEntries
+ // but we dont want the OXIDEntry to go away until after we make the
+ // RemoteRelease call below, so we hold on to it here.
+ if (pOXID == NULL)
+ {
+ pOXID = pEntry->pOXIDEntry;
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pOXID);
+ }
+ // If we ever go to a model where different IPIDEntries on the
+ // same object can point to different OXIDEntires, then we need
+ // to re-write this code to batch the releases by OXID.
+ Win4Assert(pOXID == pEntry->pOXIDEntry);
+ // release the RefCnt on the OXIDEntry
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pEntry->pOXIDEntry);
+ pEntry->pOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ }
+ // get next IPID in chain for this object
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ if (_pChnl)
+ {
+ // release the last client side channel
+ _pChnl->Release();
+ _pChnl = NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ // Tell the resolver to stop pinging the OID. The OID is only
+ // registered on the client side.
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ gResolver.ClientDeRegisterOIDFromPingServer(_pStdId->GetOID(),
+ }
+ // turn these flags off so re-connect (with new OID) will behave properly.
+ // YIELD WARNING: Up this this point we have been mucking with our
+ // internal state. We cant yield before this point or a reconnect
+ // proxies could get all screwed up. It is OK to yield after this point
+ // because all internal state changes are now complete. The function
+ // to release the remote references yield.
+ if (cRifRef != 0)
+ {
+ // we have looped filling in the RifRef and entries exist in the
+ // array. go call the server now to release the IPIDs.
+ Win4Assert(pOXID); // must have been at least one
+ RemoteReleaseRifRef(pOXID, cRifRef, pRifRefAlloc);
+ }
+ if (pOXID)
+ {
+ // Now release the refcnt (if any) we put on the OXIDEntry above
+ // to hold it
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXID);
+ }
+ DbgWalkIPIDs();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdMarshal::DisconnectCliIPIDs this:%x\n",this));
+// Member: CStdMarshal::DisconnectSrvIPIDs
+// Synopsis: disconnects the server side IPIDs for this object.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::DisconnectSrvIPIDs()
+ "CStdMarshal::DisconnectSrvIPIDs this:%x pFirst:%x\n",this, _pFirstIPID));
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ // there should be no other threads looking at these IPIDs at this time,
+ // since Marshal, Unmarshal, and Dispatch all call PreventDisconnect,
+ // Disconnect checks the disconnected flag directly, RMD holds the
+ // lock over it's whole execution, RemAddRef and RemRelease hold the
+ // lock and check the disconnected flag of the IPIDEntry, and
+ // RemQueryInterface calls PreventDisconnect.
+ Win4Assert(_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_DISCONNECTED);
+ Win4Assert(_cNestedCalls == 0);
+ // while holding the lock, flag each IPID as disconnected so that no
+ // more incoming calls are dispatched to this object. We also unchain
+ // the IPIDs to ensure that no other threads are pointing at them.
+ IPIDEntry *pFirstIPID = _pFirstIPID;
+ _pFirstIPID = NULL;
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ // release the refcnt on the OXIDEntry and NULL it
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pEntry->pOXIDEntry);
+ pEntry->pOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ // now release the LOCK since we will be calling into app code to
+ // disconnect the stubs, and to release the external connection counts.
+ // There should be no other pointers to these IPIDEntries now, so it
+ // is safe to muck with their fields (except the dwFlags which is looked
+ // at by Dispatch and was already set above).
+ IPIDEntry *pLastIPID;
+ pEntry = pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ if (pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NOTIFYACT)
+ {
+ // the activation code asked to be notified when the refcnt
+ // on this interface reaches zero. Turn the flag off so we
+ // don't call twice.
+ pEntry->dwFlags &= ~IPIDF_NOTIFYACT;
+ NotifyActivation(FALSE, (IUnknown *)(pEntry->pv));
+ }
+ if (pEntry->pStub) // pStub is NULL for IUnknown IPID
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "Disconnect pStub:%x\n", pEntry->pStub));
+ ((IUnknown *)pEntry->pv)->Release();
+ ((IRpcStubBuffer *)pEntry->pStub)->Disconnect();
+ pEntry->pStub->Release();
+ pEntry->pStub = NULL;
+ pEntry->pv = NULL;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->cWeakRefs > 0)
+ {
+ // Release weak references on the StdId.
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs = 0;
+ _pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ if (pEntry->cStrongRefs > 0)
+ {
+ // Release strong references on the StdId. Note that 16bit
+ // 16bit OLE always passed fLastReleaseCloses = FALSE in
+ // DisconnectObject so we do the same here.
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs = 0;
+ _pStdId->DecStrongCnt(TRUE); // fKeepAlive
+ }
+ if (pEntry->cPrivateRefs > 0)
+ {
+ // Release private references on the StdId. Note that 16bit
+ // 16bit OLE always passed fLastReleaseCloses = FALSE in
+ // DisconnectObject so we do the same here.
+ pEntry->cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ _pStdId->DecStrongCnt(TRUE); // fKeepAlive
+ }
+ pLastIPID = pEntry;
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ if (pFirstIPID)
+ {
+ // now we release all entries.
+ gIPIDTbl.ReleaseEntryList(pFirstIPID, pLastIPID);
+ }
+ DbgWalkIPIDs();
+ "CStdMarshal::DisconnectSrvIPIDs [OUT] this:%x\n",this));
+// Member: CStdMarshal::InstantiatedProxy, public
+// Synopsis: return requested interfaces to the caller if instantiated
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+BOOL CStdMarshal::InstantiatedProxy(REFIID riid, void **ppv, HRESULT *phr)
+ "CStdMarshal::InstantiatedProxy this:%x riid:%I ppv:%x\n",
+ this, &riid, ppv));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ Win4Assert(*ppv == NULL);
+ Win4Assert(*phr == S_OK);
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ // look for an existing IPIDEntry for the requested interface
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = FindIPIDEntry(riid, &pEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEntry->pv)
+ {
+ // found the ipid entry, now extract the interface
+ // pointer to return to the caller.
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(pEntry->pv));
+ *ppv = pEntry->pv;
+ fRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (_cIPIDs == 0)
+ {
+ // no IPIDEntry for the requested interface, and we have never
+ // been connected to the server. Return E_NOINTERFACE in this
+ // case. This is different from having been connected then
+ // disconnected, where we return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED.
+ Win4Assert(fRet == FALSE);
+ }
+ {
+ // no IPIDEntry for the requested interface and disconnect is
+ // pending, so return an error.
+ Win4Assert(fRet == FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no IPIDEntry, we are not disconnected, and we do have other
+ // instantiated proxies. QueryMultipleInterfaces expects
+ // *phr == S_OK and FALSE returned.
+ Win4Assert(*phr == S_OK);
+ Win4Assert(fRet == FALSE);
+ }
+ "CStdMarshal::InstantiatedProxy hr:%x pv:%x fRet:%x\n", *phr, *ppv, fRet));
+ return fRet;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::QueryRemoteInterfaces, public
+// Synopsis: return requested interfaces to the caller if supported
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::QueryRemoteInterfaces(USHORT cIIDs, IID *pIIDs, SQIResult *pQIRes)
+ "CStdMarshal::QueryRemoteInterfaces this:%x pIIDs:%x pQIRes:%x\n",
+ this, pIIDs, pQIRes));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ Win4Assert(cIIDs > 0);
+ HRESULT hr = PreventDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // call QI on the remote guy and unmarshal the results
+ hr = RemQIAndUnmarshal(cIIDs, pIIDs, pQIRes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cant call out because we're disconnected so return error for
+ // each requested interface.
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<cIIDs; i++, pQIRes++)
+ {
+ pQIRes->hr = hr;
+ }
+ }
+ // if the object was disconnected while in the middle of the call,
+ // then we still return SUCCESS for any interfaces we acquired. The
+ // reason is that we do have the proxies, and this matches the
+ // behaviour of a QI for an instantiated proxy on a disconnected
+ // object.
+ hr = HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ "CStdMarshal::QueryRemoteInterfaces this:%x hr:%x\n", this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::RemQIAndUnmarshal, private
+// Synopsis: call QI on remote guy, then unmarshal the STDOBJREF
+// to create the IPID, and return the interface ptr.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+// Notes: Caller must guarantee at least one IPIDEntry is connected.
+// This function does a sparse fill of the result array.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::RemQIAndUnmarshal(USHORT cIIDs, IID *pIIDs,
+ SQIResult *pQIRes)
+ "CStdMarshal::RemQIAndUnmarshal this:%x cIIDs:%x pIIDs:%x pQIRes:%x\n",
+ this, cIIDs, pIIDs, pQIRes));
+ AssertValid();
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ Win4Assert(_pFirstIPID); // must be at least 1 IPIDEntry
+ // we need an IPID to call RemoteQueryInterface with, any one will
+ // do so long as it is connected (in the reconnect case there may be
+ // only one connected IPID) so we pick the first one in the chain that
+ // is connected.
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry = GetConnectedIPID();
+ // remember what type of reference to get since we yield the lock
+ // and cant rely on _dwFlags later.
+ BOOL fWeakClient = (_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_WEAKCLIENT);
+ // call the remote guy
+ IRemUnknown *pRemUnk;
+ HRESULT hr = GetSecureRemUnk( &pRemUnk, pIPIDEntry->pOXIDEntry );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = RemoteQueryInterface(pRemUnk, pIPIDEntry, cIIDs, pIIDs, &pRemQiRes,
+ fWeakClient);
+ }
+ // need to remember the result ptr so we can free it.
+ REMQIRESULT *pRemQiResNext = pRemQiRes;
+ // unmarshal each STDOBJREF returned. Note that while we did the
+ // RemoteQI we could have yielded (or nested) and did another
+ // RemoteQI for the same interfaces, so we have to call UnmarshalIPID
+ // which will find any existing IPIDEntry and bump its refcnt.
+ HRESULT hr2;
+ HRESULT *phr = &hr2;
+ void *pv;
+ void **ppv = &pv;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<cIIDs; i++)
+ {
+ if (pQIRes)
+ {
+ // caller wants the pointers returned, set ppv and phr.
+ ppv = &pQIRes->pv;
+ phr = &pQIRes->hr;
+ pQIRes++;
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pRemQiResNext->hResult))
+ {
+ if (fWeakClient)
+ {
+ // mark the std objref with the weak reference flag so
+ // that UnmarshalIPID adds the references to the correct
+ // count.
+ pRemQiResNext->std.flags |= SORF_WEAKREF;
+ }
+ *phr = UnmarshalIPID(*pIIDs, &pRemQiResNext->std,
+ pIPIDEntry->pOXIDEntry,
+ (pQIRes) ? ppv : NULL);
+ if (FAILED(*phr))
+ {
+ // could not unmarshal, release the resources with the
+ // server.
+ RemoteReleaseStdObjRef(&pRemQiResNext->std,
+ pIPIDEntry->pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pQIRes)
+ {
+ // the requested interface was not returned so set the
+ // return code and interface ptr.
+ *phr = pRemQiResNext->hResult;
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ }
+ pIIDs++;
+ pRemQiResNext++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the whole call failed so return the error for each
+ // requested interface.
+ *phr = hr;
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ }
+ // make sure the ptr value is NULL on failure. It may be NULL or
+ // non-NULL on success. (ReconnectProxies wants NULL).
+ Win4Assert(SUCCEEDED(*phr) || *ppv == NULL);
+ }
+ // free the result buffer
+ CoTaskMemFree(pRemQiRes);
+ AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ "CStdMarshal::RemQIAndUnmarshal this:%x hr:%x\n", this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::RemIsConnected, private
+// Synopsis: Returns TRUE if most likely connected, FALSE if definitely
+// not connected or pending disconnect.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+BOOL CStdMarshal::RemIsConnected(void)
+ AssertValid();
+ Assert(ClientSide());
+ // the default link depends on us returning FALSE if we are either
+ // disconnected or just pending disconnect, in order that they avoid
+ // running their cleanup code twice.
+ "CStdMarshal::RemIsConnected this:%x fResult:%x\n", this, fRes));
+ return fRes;
+// Member: CreateChannel, private
+// Synopsis: Creates an instance of the Rpc Channel.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::CreateChannel(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, DWORD dwFlags,
+ REFIPID ripid, REFIID riid, CRpcChannelBuffer **ppChnl)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (_pChnl == NULL)
+ {
+ DWORD cState = ServerSide() ? server_cs : client_cs;
+ cState |= (dwFlags & SORF_FREETHREADED) ? freethreaded_cs : 0;
+ // make a channel. We dont need the call control stuff so just
+ // create the base class.
+ _pChnl = new CRpcChannelBuffer(_pStdId, pOXIDEntry, cState);
+ if (_pChnl == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ClientSide())
+ {
+ *ppChnl = _pChnl->Copy(pOXIDEntry, ripid, riid);
+ if (*ppChnl == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppChnl = _pChnl;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: GetPSFactory, private
+// Synopsis: loads the proxy/stub factory for given IID
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::GetPSFactory(REFIID riid, IUnknown *pUnkWow, BOOL fServer,
+ IPSFactoryBuffer **ppIPSF, BOOL *pfNonNDR)
+ "CStdMarshal::GetPSFactory this:%x riid:%I pUnkWow:%x\n",
+ this, &riid, pUnkWow));
+ // map iid to classid
+ CLSID clsid;
+ HRESULT hr = gRIFTbl.RegisterInterface(riid, fServer, &clsid);
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ BOOL fWx86 = FALSE;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ BOOL fWow = FALSE;
+ if (IsWOWThread())
+ {
+ // figure out if this is a custom interface from a 16bit
+ // app, since we have to load the 16bit proxy code if so.
+ IThunkManager *pThkMgr;
+ g_pOleThunkWOW->GetThunkManager(&pThkMgr);
+ Win4Assert(pThkMgr && "pUnk in WOW does not support IThunkManager.");
+ if (pUnkWow)
+ fWow = pThkMgr->IsCustom3216Proxy(pUnkWow, riid);
+ else
+ fWow = pThkMgr->IsIIDRequested(riid);
+ pThkMgr->Release();
+ }
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ // If we are in a Wx86 process then we need to determine if the
+ // PSFactory needs to be an x86 or native one.
+ else if (gcwx86.IsWx86Enabled())
+ {
+ // Callout to wx86 to ask it to determine if an x86 PS factory
+ // is required. Whole32 can tell if the stub needs to be x86
+ // by determining if pUnkWow is a custom interface proxy or not.
+ // Whole32 can determine if a x86 proxy is required by checking
+ // if the riid is one for a custom interface that is expected
+ // to be returned.
+ fWx86 = gcwx86.NeedX86PSFactory(pUnkWow, riid);
+ }
+ // if we are loading a 16bit custom proxy then mark it as non NDR
+ *pfNonNDR = (fWow) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if (IsEqualGUID(clsid, CLSID_PSOlePrx32))
+ {
+ // its our internal CLSID so go straight to our class factory.
+ hr = PrxDllGetClassObject(clsid, IID_IPSFactoryBuffer,
+ (void **)ppIPSF);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ // load the dll and get the PS class object
+ hr = ICoGetClassObject(clsid, dwContext, NULL, IID_IPSFactoryBuffer,
+ (void **)ppIPSF);
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ if (fWx86 && FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // if we are looking for an x86 PSFactory and we didn't find
+ // one on InprocServerX86 key then we need to check
+ // InprocServer32 key as well.
+ hr = ICoGetClassObject(clsid,
+ NULL, IID_IPSFactoryBuffer,
+ (void **)ppIPSF);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) &&
+ (! gcwx86.IsN2XProxy((IUnknown *)*ppIPSF)))
+ {
+ ((IUnknown *)*ppIPSF)->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, *ppIPSF);
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ // if the fake NonNDR flag is set and its the test interface, then
+ // trick the code into thinking this is a nonNDR proxy. This is to
+ // enable simpler testing of an esoteric feature.
+ if (gfFakeNonNDR && IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ICube))
+ {
+ *pfNonNDR = TRUE;
+ }
+ "CStdMarshal::GetPSFactory this:%x pIPSF:%x fNonNDR:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, *ppIPSF, *pfNonNDR, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CreateProxy, private
+// Synopsis: creates an interface proxy for the given interface
+// Returns: [ppv] - interface of type riid, AddRef'd
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::CreateProxy(REFIID riid, IRpcProxyBuffer **ppProxy,
+ void **ppv, BOOL *pfNonNDR)
+ "CStdMarshal::CreateProxy this:%x riid:%I\n", this, &riid));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ Win4Assert(ppProxy != NULL);
+ // get the controlling IUnknown of this object
+ IUnknown *punkCtrl = _pStdId->GetCtrlUnk();
+ Win4Assert(punkCtrl != NULL);
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
+ {
+ // there is no proxy for IUnknown so we handle that case here
+ punkCtrl->AddRef();
+ *ppv = (void **)punkCtrl;
+ *ppProxy = NULL;
+ *pfNonNDR = FALSE;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // now construct the proxy for the interface
+ IPSFactoryBuffer *pIPSF = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = GetPSFactory(riid, NULL, FALSE, &pIPSF, pfNonNDR);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // got the class factory, now create an instance
+ hr = pIPSF->CreateProxy(punkCtrl, riid, ppProxy, ppv);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, *ppProxy);
+ pIPSF->Release();
+ }
+ "CStdMarshal::CreateProxy this:%x pProxy:%x pv:%x fNonNDR:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, *ppProxy, *ppv, *pfNonNDR, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CreateStub, private
+// Synopsis: creates an interface stub and adds it to the IPID table
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::CreateStub(REFIID riid, IRpcStubBuffer **ppStub,
+ void **ppv, BOOL *pfNonNDR)
+ "CStdMarshal::CreateStub this:%x riid:%I\n", this, &riid));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ Win4Assert(ppStub != NULL);
+ // get the IUnknown of the object
+ IUnknown *punkObj = _pStdId->GetServer();
+ Win4Assert(punkObj != NULL);
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
+ {
+ // there is no stub for IUnknown so we handle that here
+ *ppv = (void *)punkObj;
+ *ppStub = NULL;
+ *pfNonNDR = FALSE;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // make sure the object supports the given interface, so we dont
+ // waste a bunch of effort creating a stub if the interface is
+ // not supported.
+ IUnknown *pUnkIf = NULL;
+#ifdef WX86OLE
+ if (gcwx86.IsN2XProxy(punkObj))
+ {
+ // If we are creating a stub for an object that is living on the
+ // x86 side then we need to set the StubInvoke flag to allow QI
+ // to thunk the custom interface QI.
+ gcwx86.SetStubInvokeFlag((BOOL)1);
+ }
+ hr = punkObj->QueryInterface(riid, (void **)&pUnkIf);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, pUnkIf);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // now construct the stub for the interface
+ IPSFactoryBuffer *pIPSF = NULL;
+ hr = GetPSFactory(riid, pUnkIf, TRUE, &pIPSF, pfNonNDR);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // got the class factory, now create an instance
+ hr = pIPSF->CreateStub(riid, punkObj, ppStub);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, *ppStub);
+ pIPSF->Release();
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // remember the interface pointer
+ *ppv = (void *)pUnkIf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // error, release the interface and return NULL
+ pUnkIf->Release();
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ "CStdMarshal::CreateStub this:%x pStub:%x pv:%x fNonNDR:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, *ppStub, *ppv, *pfNonNDR, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: FindIPIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: Finds an IPIDEntry, chained off this object, with the
+// given riid.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::FindIPIDEntry(REFIID riid, IPIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"CStdMarshal::FindIPIDEntry ppEntry:%x riid:%I\n",
+ ppEntry, &riid));
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, pEntry->iid))
+ {
+ *ppEntry = pEntry;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID; // get next entry in object chain
+ }
+// Member: FindIPIDEntryByIPID, private
+// Synopsis: returns the IPIDEntry ptr for the given IPID
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::FindIPIDEntryByIPID(REFIPID ripid, IPIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(pEntry->ipid, ripid))
+ {
+ *ppEntry = pEntry;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID; // get next entry in object chain
+ }
+// Member: FindIPIDEntryByInterface, internal
+// Synopsis: returns the IPIDEntry ptr for the given proxy
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::FindIPIDEntryByInterface(void *pProxy, IPIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ *ppEntry = NULL;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ if (pEntry->pv == pProxy)
+ {
+ *ppEntry = pEntry;
+ break;
+ }
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ if (*ppEntry != NULL)
+ return S_OK;
+ else
+// Member: IncSrvIPIDCnt, protected
+// Synopsis: increments the refcnt on the IPID entry, and optionally
+// AddRefs the StdId.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::IncSrvIPIDCnt(IPIDEntry *pEntry, ULONG cRefs,
+ DWORD mshlflags)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "IncSrvIPIDCnt this:%x pIPID:%x cRefs:%x cPrivateRefs:%x\n",
+ this, pEntry, cRefs, cPrivateRefs));
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ Win4Assert(cRefs > 0 || cPrivateRefs > 0);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (cPrivateRefs != 0)
+ {
+ // Add a reference.
+ hr = gSRFTbl.IncRef( cPrivateRefs, pEntry->ipid, pName );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ BOOL fNotify = (pEntry->cPrivateRefs == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ pEntry->cPrivateRefs += cPrivateRefs;
+ if (fNotify)
+ {
+ // this inc causes the count to go from zero to non-zero, so we
+ // inc the strong count on the stdid to hold it alive until this
+ // IPID is released.
+ IncStrongAndNotifyAct(pEntry, mshlflags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ {
+ // Table Marshal Case: inc the number of table marshals.
+ IncTableCnt();
+ }
+ {
+ if (pEntry->cWeakRefs == 0)
+ {
+ // this inc causes the count to go from zero to non-zero, so we
+ // AddRef the stdid to hold it alive until this IPID is released.
+ _pStdId->AddRef();
+ }
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs += cRefs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL fNotify = (pEntry->cStrongRefs == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs += cRefs;
+ if (fNotify)
+ {
+ // this inc causes the count to go from zero to non-zero, so we
+ // inc the strong count on the stdid to hold it alive until this
+ // IPID is released.
+ IncStrongAndNotifyAct(pEntry, mshlflags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: IncTableCnt, public
+// Synopsis: increments the count of table marshals
+// History: 9-Oct-96 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::IncTableCnt(void)
+ // If something was marshaled for a table, we have to ignore
+ // rundowns until a subsequent RMD is called for it, at which
+ // time we start paying attention to rundowns again. Since there
+ // can be any number of table marshals, we have to refcnt them.
+ _cTableRefs++;
+// Member: IncStrongAndNotifyAct, private
+// Synopsis: notifies the activation code when this interface refcnt
+// goes from 0 to non-zero and the activation code asked to be
+// notified, and also increments the strong refcnt.
+// History: 21-Apr-96 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::IncStrongAndNotifyAct(IPIDEntry *pEntry, DWORD mshlflags)
+ // inc the strong count on the stdid to hold it alive until this
+ // IPIDEntry is released.
+ _pStdId->IncStrongCnt();
+ !(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NOTIFYACT))
+ {
+ // the activation code asked to be notified when the refcnt
+ // on this interface goes positive, and when it reaches
+ // zero again. Set a flag so we remember to notify
+ // activation when the strong reference reference count
+ // goes back down to zero.
+ pEntry->dwFlags |= IPIDF_NOTIFYACT;
+ BOOL fOK = NotifyActivation(TRUE, (IUnknown *)(pEntry->pv));
+ if (!fOK)
+ {
+ // call failed, so dont bother notifying
+ pEntry->dwFlags &= ~IPIDF_NOTIFYACT;
+ }
+ }
+// Member: DecSrvIPIDCnt, protected
+// Synopsis: decrements the refcnt on the IPID entry, and optionally
+// Releases the StdId.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::DecSrvIPIDCnt(IPIDEntry *pEntry, ULONG cRefs,
+ DWORD mshlflags)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "DecSrvIPIDCnt this:%x pIPID:%x cRefs:%x cPrivateRefs:%x\n",
+ this, pEntry, cRefs, cPrivateRefs));
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ Win4Assert(cRefs > 0 || cPrivateRefs > 0);
+ // Note: we dont care about holding the LOCK over the Release call since
+ // the guy who called us is holding a ref to the StdId, so this Release
+ // wont cause us to go away.
+ {
+ // Table Marshal Case: dec the number of table marshals.
+ DecTableCnt();
+ }
+ {
+ Win4Assert(pEntry->cWeakRefs >= cRefs);
+ pEntry->cWeakRefs -= cRefs;
+ if (pEntry->cWeakRefs == 0)
+ {
+ // this dec caused the count to go from non-zero to zero, so we
+ // Release the stdid since this IPID is no longer holding it alive.
+ _pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Adjust the strong reference count. Don't let the caller release
+ // too many times.
+ if (pEntry->cStrongRefs < cRefs)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_WARN,"DecSrvIPIDCnt too many releases. IPID entry: 0x%x Extra releases: 0x%x",
+ pEntry, cRefs-pEntry->cStrongRefs));
+ cRefs = pEntry->cStrongRefs;
+ }
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs -= cRefs;
+ if (pEntry->cStrongRefs == 0 && cRefs != 0)
+ {
+ // this dec caused the count to go from non-zero to zero, so we
+ // dec the strong count on the stdid since the public references
+ // on this IPID is no longer hold it alive.
+ DecStrongAndNotifyAct(pEntry, mshlflags);
+ }
+ // Adjust the secure reference count. Don't let the caller release
+ // too many times.
+ if (pName != NULL)
+ {
+ cPrivateRefs = gSRFTbl.DecRef(cPrivateRefs, pEntry->ipid, pName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ }
+ Win4Assert( pEntry->cPrivateRefs >= cPrivateRefs );
+ pEntry->cPrivateRefs -= cPrivateRefs;
+ if (pEntry->cPrivateRefs == 0 && cPrivateRefs != 0)
+ {
+ // this dec caused the count to go from non-zero to zero, so we
+ // dec the strong count on the stdid since the private references
+ // on this IPID is no longer hold it alive.
+ DecStrongAndNotifyAct(pEntry, mshlflags);
+ }
+ }
+// Member: DecTableCnt, public
+// Synopsis: decrements the count of table marshals
+// History: 9-Oct-96 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::DecTableCnt(void)
+ // If something was marshaled for a table, we have to ignore
+ // rundowns until a subsequent RMD is called for it, at which
+ // time we start paying attention to rundowns again. Since there
+ // can be any number of table marshals, we have to refcnt them.
+ // This is also used by CoLockObjectExternal.
+ if (--_cTableRefs == 0)
+ {
+ // this was the last table marshal, so now we have to pay
+ // attention to rundown from normal clients, so that if all
+ // clients go away we cleanup.
+ }
+// Member: DecStrongAndNotifyAct, private
+// Synopsis: notifies the activation code if this interface has
+// been released and the activation code asked to be
+// notified, and also decrements the strong refcnt.
+// History: 21-Apr-96 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::DecStrongAndNotifyAct(IPIDEntry *pEntry, DWORD mshlflags)
+ BOOL fNotifyAct = FALSE;
+ if ((pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NOTIFYACT) &&
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs == 0 &&
+ pEntry->cPrivateRefs == 0)
+ {
+ // the activation code asked to be notified when the refcnt
+ // on this interface reaches zero. Turn the flag off so we
+ // don't call twice.
+ pEntry->dwFlags &= ~IPIDF_NOTIFYACT;
+ fNotifyAct = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (fNotifyAct)
+ {
+ NotifyActivation(FALSE, (IUnknown *)(pEntry->pv));
+ }
+ _pStdId->DecStrongCnt(mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_KEEPALIVE);
+// Member: AddIPIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: Allocates and fills in an entry in the IPID table.
+// The returned entry is not yet in the IPID chain.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::AddIPIDEntry(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IPID *pipid,
+ REFIID riid, CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, IUnknown *pUnkStub,
+ void *pv, IPIDEntry **ppEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"AddIPIDEntry this:%x pOXID:%x iid:%I pStub:%x pv:%x\n",
+ this, pOXIDEntry, &riid, pUnkStub, pv));
+ // CODEWORK: while we released the lock to create the proxy or stub,
+ // the same interface could have been marshaled/unmarshaled. We should
+ // go check for duplicates now. This is just an optimization, not a
+ // requirement.
+ // get a new entry in the IPID table.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntryNew = gIPIDTbl.FirstFree();
+ if (pEntryNew == NULL)
+ {
+ // no free slots and could not allocate more memory to grow
+ }
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ // create an IPID for this entry
+ DWORD *pdw = &pipid->Data1;
+ *pdw = gIPIDTbl.GetEntryIndex(pEntryNew); // IPID table index
+ *(pdw+1) = GetCurrentProcessId(); // current PID
+ *(pdw+2) = GetCurrentThreadId(); // current TID
+ *(pdw+3) = gIPIDSeqNum++; // process sequence #
+ }
+ *ppEntry = pEntryNew;
+ pEntryNew->ipid = *pipid;
+ pEntryNew->iid = riid;
+ pEntryNew->pChnl = pChnl;
+ pEntryNew->pStub = pUnkStub;
+ pEntryNew->pv = pv;
+ pEntryNew->dwFlags = ServerSide() ? IPIDF_SERVERENTRY :
+ pEntryNew->cStrongRefs = 0;
+ pEntryNew->cWeakRefs = 0;
+ pEntryNew->cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ pEntryNew->pOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"AddIPIDEntry this:%x pIPIDEntry:%x ipid:%I\n",
+ this, pEntryNew, &pEntryNew->ipid));
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: ReleaseCliIPIDs, private
+// Synopsis: walks the IPID table releasing the proxy/stub entries
+// on the IPIDEntries associated with this Object.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::ReleaseCliIPIDs(void)
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ // first thing we do is detach the chain of IPIDs from the CStdMarshal
+ // while holding the LOCK. Then release the lock and walk the chain
+ // releasing the proxy/stub pointers. Note there should not be any other
+ // pointers to any of these IPIDs, so it is OK to muck with their state.
+ IPIDEntry *pFirstIPID = _pFirstIPID;
+ _pFirstIPID = NULL;
+ IPIDEntry *pLastIPID;
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ // mark the entry as vacant and disconnected. Note we dont put
+ // it back in the FreeList yet. We leave it chained to the other
+ // IPIDs in the list, and add the whole chain to the FreeList at
+ // the end.
+ if (pEntry->pStub)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"ReleaseProxy pProxy:%x\n", pEntry->pStub));
+ pEntry->pStub->Release();
+ pEntry->pStub = NULL;
+ }
+ pLastIPID = pEntry;
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ if (pFirstIPID != NULL)
+ {
+ // now take the LOCK again and release all the IPIDEntries back into
+ // the IPIDTable in one fell swoop.
+ gIPIDTbl.ReleaseEntryList(pFirstIPID, pLastIPID);
+ }
+// Member: CStdMarshal::LockClient/UnLockClient
+// Synopsis: Locks the client side object during outgoing calls in order
+// to prevent the object going away in a nested disconnect.
+// Notes: UnLockClient is not safe in the freethreaded model.
+// Fortunately pending disconnect can only be set in the
+// apartment model on the client side.
+// History: 12-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+ULONG CStdMarshal::LockClient(void)
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ InterlockedIncrement(&_cNestedCalls);
+ return (_pStdId->GetCtrlUnk())->AddRef();
+ULONG CStdMarshal::UnLockClient(void)
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ if ((InterlockedDecrement(&_cNestedCalls) == 0) &&
+ {
+ Disconnect();
+ }
+ return (_pStdId->GetCtrlUnk())->Release();
+// Member: CStdMarshal::GetSecureRemUnk, public
+// Synopsis: If the marshaller has its own remote unknown, use it.
+// Otherwise use the OXID's remote unknown.
+// History: 2-Apr-96 AlexMit Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::GetSecureRemUnk( IRemUnknown **ppSecureRemUnk,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "CStdMarshal::GetSecureRemUnk ppRemUnk:%x\n",
+ ppSecureRemUnk));
+ if (_pSecureRemUnk != NULL)
+ {
+ *ppSecureRemUnk = _pSecureRemUnk;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return gOXIDTbl.GetRemUnk( pOXIDEntry, ppSecureRemUnk );
+ }
+// Member: CStdMarshal::LookupStub, private
+// Synopsis: used by the channel to acquire the stub ptr for debugging
+// History: 12-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::LookupStub(REFIID riid, IRpcStubBuffer **ppStub)
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = FindIPIDEntry(riid, &pEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ *ppStub = (IRpcStubBuffer *)pEntry->pStub;
+ }
+ return hr;
+#if DBG==1
+// Member: CStdMarshal::GetOXID, private, debug
+// Synopsis: returns the OXID for this object
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+REFMOXID CStdMarshal::GetMOXID(void)
+ if (ServerSide())
+ {
+ // local to this apartment, use the local OXID
+ return GetLocalOXIDEntry()->moxid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Win4Assert(_pChnl);
+ return _pChnl->GetMOXID();
+ }
+// Member: CStdMarshal::DbgWalkIPIDs
+// Synopsis: Validates that the state of all the IPIDs is consistent.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::DbgWalkIPIDs(void)
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry);
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+// Member: CStdMarshal::AssertValid
+// Synopsis: Validates that the state of the object is consistent.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::AssertValid()
+ Win4Assert(_pStdId != NULL);
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(_pStdId));
+ if (_pChnl != NULL)
+ {
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(_pChnl));
+ _pChnl->AssertValid(FALSE, FALSE);
+ }
+ DbgWalkIPIDs();
+// Member: CStdMarshal::AssertDisconnectPrevented, private
+// Synopsis: Just ensures that no disconnects can/have arrived.
+// History: 21-Sep-95 Rickhi Created
+void CStdMarshal::AssertDisconnectPrevented()
+ if (ServerSide())
+ Win4Assert(!(_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_DISCONNECTED));
+ Win4Assert(_cNestedCalls > 0);
+// Member: CStdMarshal::ValidateSTD
+// Synopsis: Ensures that the STDOBJREF is valid
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::ValidateSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd)
+ // validate the flags field
+ Win4Assert((pStd->flags & SORF_RSRVD_MBZ) == 0);
+ // validate the OID
+ OID oid;
+ OIDFromMOID(_pStdId->GetOID(), &oid);
+ Win4Assert(pStd->oid == oid);
+ if (ServerSide() || _pChnl != NULL)
+ {
+ // validate the OXID
+ OXID oxid;
+ OXIDFromMOXID(GetMOXID(), &oxid);
+ Win4Assert(pStd->oxid == oxid );
+ }
+// Function: DbgDumpSTD
+// Synopsis: dumps a formated STDOBJREF to the debugger
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void DbgDumpSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd)
+ ULARGE_INTEGER *puintOxid = (ULARGE_INTEGER *)&pStd->oxid;
+ ULARGE_INTEGER *puintOid = (ULARGE_INTEGER *)&pStd->oid;
+ "\n\tpStd:%x flags:%08x cPublicRefs:%08x\n\toxid: %08x %08x\n\t oid: %08x %08x\n\tipid:%I\n",
+ pStd, pStd->flags, pStd->cPublicRefs, puintOxid->HighPart, puintOxid->LowPart,
+ puintOid->HighPart, puintOid->LowPart, &pStd->ipid));
+// Member: CStdMarshal::ValidateIPIDEntry
+// Synopsis: Ensures that the IPIDEntry is valid
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::ValidateIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry)
+ // ask the table to validate the IPID entry
+ gIPIDTbl.ValidateIPIDEntry(pEntry, ServerSide(), _pChnl);
+// Member: CStdMarshal::DbgDumpInterfaceList
+// Synopsis: Prints the list of Interfaces on the object.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdMarshal::DbgDumpInterfaceList(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "\tInterfaces left on object are:\n"));
+ // walk the IPID list printing the friendly name of each interface
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pEntry)
+ {
+ WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH];
+ GetInterfaceName(pEntry->iid, wszName);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR,"\t\t %ws\t cRefs:%x\n",wszName,pEntry->cStrongRefs));
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+#endif // DBG == 1
+// Function: RemoteQueryInterface, private
+// Synopsis: call RemoteQueryInterface on remote server.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL RemoteQueryInterface(IRemUnknown *pRemUnk, IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry,
+ REMQIRESULT **ppQiRes, BOOL fWeakClient)
+ "RemoteQueryInterface pIPIDEntry:%x cIIDs:%x, pIIDs:%x riid:%I\n",
+ pIPIDEntry, cIIDs, pIIDs, pIIDs));
+ Win4Assert(pIPIDEntry->pOXIDEntry); // must have a resolved oxid
+ // set the IPID according to whether we want strong or weak
+ // references. It will only be weak if we are an OLE container
+ // and are talking to an embedding running on the same machine.
+ IPID ipid = pIPIDEntry->ipid;
+ if (fWeakClient)
+ {
+ ipid.Data1 |= IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = pRemUnk->RemQueryInterface(ipid, REM_ADDREF_CNT,
+ cIIDs, pIIDs, ppQiRes);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteQueryInterface hr:%x pQIRes:%x\n",
+ hr, *ppQiRes));
+ return hr;
+// Function: RemoteAddRef, private
+// Synopsis: calls the remote server to AddRef one of its interfaces
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL RemoteAddRef(IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ ULONG cStrongRefs, ULONG cSecureRefs)
+ "RemoteAddRef cRefs:%x cSecure:%x ipid:%I\n",
+ cStrongRefs, cSecureRefs, &pIPIDEntry->ipid));
+ // if the object does not require pinging, it is also ignoring
+ // reference counts, so there is no need to go get more, just
+ // pretend like we did.
+ if (pIPIDEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_NOPING)
+ {
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // get the IRemUnknown for the remote server
+ IRemUnknown *pRemUnk;
+ HRESULT hr = gOXIDTbl.GetRemUnk(pOXIDEntry, &pRemUnk);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // call RemAddRef on the interface
+ rifRef.ipid = pIPIDEntry->ipid;
+ rifRef.cPublicRefs = cStrongRefs;
+ rifRef.cPrivateRefs = cSecureRefs;
+ HRESULT ignore;
+ hr = pRemUnk->RemAddRef(1, &rifRef, &ignore);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteAddRef hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: RemoteReleaseRifRef
+// Synopsis: calls the remote server to release some IPIDs
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL RemoteReleaseRifRef(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ Win4Assert(pRifRef);
+ "RemoteRelease pOXID:%x cRifRef:%x pRifRef:%x cRefs:%x ipid:%I\n",
+ pOXIDEntry, cRifRef, pRifRef, pRifRef->cPublicRefs, &pRifRef->ipid));
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ if (IsSTAThread() &&
+ {
+ // the call control will not let this apartment model thread make
+ // the outgoing release call (cause we're inside an InputSync call)
+ // so we post ourselves a message to do it later.
+ hr = PostReleaseRifRef(pOXIDEntry, cRifRef, pRifRef);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get the IRemUnknown for the remote server
+ IRemUnknown *pRemUnk;
+ hr = gOXIDTbl.GetRemUnk(pOXIDEntry, &pRemUnk);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pRemUnk->RemRelease(cRifRef, pRifRef);
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteRelease hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: PostReleaseRifRef
+// Synopsis: Post a message to ourself to call RemoteReleaseRifRef later.
+// This is used to make a synchronous remote Release call when
+// a Release is done inside of an InputSync call. The call is
+// delayed until we are out of the InputSync call, since the
+// call control wont allow a synch call inside an inputsync call.
+// History: 05-Apr-96 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL PostReleaseRifRef(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ Win4Assert(pRifRef);
+ "PostRelease pOXID:%x cRifRef:%x pRifRef:%x cRefs:%x ipid:%I\n",
+ pOXIDEntry, cRifRef, pRifRef, pRifRef->cPublicRefs, &pRifRef->ipid));
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ OXIDEntry *pLocalOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry(&pLocalOXIDEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // allocate a structure to hold the data and copy in the RifRef
+ // list, OXIDEntry, and count of entries. Inc the OXID RefCnt to
+ // ensure it stays alive until the posted message is processed.
+ ULONG cbRifRef = cRifRef * sizeof(REMINTERFACEREF);
+ ULONG cbAlloc = sizeof(POSTRELRIFREF) + (cbRifRef-1);
+ POSTRELRIFREF *pRelRifRef = (POSTRELRIFREF *) PrivMemAlloc(cbAlloc);
+ if (pRelRifRef)
+ {
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry); // keep alive
+ pRelRifRef->pOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+ pRelRifRef->cRifRef = cRifRef;
+ memcpy(&pRelRifRef->arRifRef, pRifRef, cbRifRef);
+ if (!PostMessage((HWND)pLocalOXIDEntry->hServerSTA,
+ GetCurrentThreadId(),
+ (LPARAM)pRelRifRef))
+ {
+ // Post failed, free the structure and report an error.
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ PrivMemFree(pRelRifRef);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "PostRelease hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: HandlePostReleaseRifRef
+// Synopsis: Handles the ReleaseRifRef message that was posted to the
+// current thread (by the current thread) in order to do a
+// delayed remote release call. See PostReleaseRifRef above.
+// History: 05-Apr-96 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL HandlePostReleaseRifRef(LPARAM param)
+ Win4Assert(param);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "HandlePostRelease pRifRef:%x\n", param));
+ // simply make the real remote release call now, then release the
+ // reference we have on the OXIDEntry, and free the message buffer.
+ // If this call fails, dont try again, otherwise we could spin busy
+ // waiting. Instead, just let Rundown clean up the server.
+ RemoteReleaseRifRef(pRelRifRef->pOXIDEntry,
+ pRelRifRef->cRifRef,
+ &pRelRifRef->arRifRef);
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pRelRifRef->pOXIDEntry);
+ PrivMemFree(pRelRifRef);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "HandlePostRelease hr:%x\n", S_OK));
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: RemoteChangeRef
+// Synopsis: calls the remote server to convert interface refereces
+// from strong to weak or vise versa. This behaviour is
+// required to support silent updates in the OLE container /
+// link / embedding scenarios.
+// Notes: This functionality is not exposed in FreeThreaded apps
+// or in remote apps. The implication being that the container
+// must be on the same machine as the embedding.
+// History: 20-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CStdMarshal::RemoteChangeRef(BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUnlockReleases)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteChangeRef \n"));
+ Win4Assert(ClientSide());
+ Win4Assert(IsSTAThread()); // not allowed in MTA Apartment
+ // must be at least 1 proxy already connected in order to be able
+ // to do this. We cant just ASSERT that's true because we were not
+ // holding the lock on entry.
+ HRESULT hr = PreventDisconnect();
+ // A previous version of OLE set the object to weak even it it was
+ // currently disconnected, and it remembered that it was weak and set
+ // any new interfaces that it later accquired to weak. I emulate that
+ // behaviour here.
+ if (fLock)
+ else
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ _alloca(_cIPIDs * sizeof(REMINTERFACEREF));
+ REMINTERFACEREF *pRifRef = pRifRefAlloc;
+ DWORD cSecure = gCapabilities & EOAC_SECURE_REFS ? 1 : 0;
+ USHORT cIIDs = 0;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ IPIDEntry *pNextIPID = _pFirstIPID;
+ while (pNextIPID)
+ {
+ if (!(pNextIPID->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED))
+ {
+ if (pOXIDEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // This is the first connected IPID we encountered.
+ // Get its OXID entry and make sure it is for a server
+ // process on the current machine.
+ if (!(pNextIPID->pOXIDEntry->dwFlags &
+ {
+ // OXID is for a remote process. Abandon this call.
+ Win4Assert(cIIDs == 0); // skip call below
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry == NULL); // dont dec below
+ Win4Assert(hr == S_OK); // report success
+ break; // exit while loop
+ }
+ // Remember the OXID and AddRef it to keep it alive
+ // over the duration of the call.
+ pOXIDEntry = pNextIPID->pOXIDEntry;
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ pRifRef->ipid = pNextIPID->ipid;
+ if (!fLock && pNextIPID->cStrongRefs > 0)
+ {
+ pRifRef->cPublicRefs = pNextIPID->cStrongRefs;
+ pRifRef->cPrivateRefs = pNextIPID->cPrivateRefs;
+ pNextIPID->cWeakRefs += pNextIPID->cStrongRefs;
+ pNextIPID->cStrongRefs = 0;
+ pNextIPID->cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ pRifRef++;
+ cIIDs++;
+ }
+ else if (fLock && pNextIPID->cStrongRefs == 0)
+ {
+ pRifRef->cPublicRefs = pNextIPID->cWeakRefs;
+ pRifRef->cPrivateRefs = cSecure;
+ pNextIPID->cStrongRefs += pNextIPID->cWeakRefs;
+ pNextIPID->cWeakRefs = 0;
+ pNextIPID->cPrivateRefs = cSecure;
+ pRifRef++;
+ cIIDs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // get next IPIDentry for this object
+ pNextIPID = pNextIPID->pNextOID;
+ }
+ if (cIIDs != 0)
+ {
+ // we have looped filling in the IPID list, and there are
+ // entries in the list. go call the server now. First, set up
+ // the flags, then reset the RifRef pointer since we trashed
+ // it while walking the list above.
+ if (fLastUnlockReleases)
+ hr = RemoteChangeRifRef(pOXIDEntry, dwFlags, cIIDs, pRifRefAlloc);
+ }
+ if (pOXIDEntry)
+ {
+ // release the OXIDEntry
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A previous implementation of OLE returned S_OK if the object was
+ // disconnected. I emulate that behaviour here.
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ DbgWalkIPIDs();
+ // this will handle any Disconnect that came in while we were busy.
+ hr = HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteChangeRef hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: RemoteChangeRifRef
+// Synopsis: calls the remote server to release some IPIDs
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL RemoteChangeRifRef(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, DWORD dwFlags,
+ Win4Assert(pRifRef);
+ "RemoteChangeRifRef pOXID:%x cRifRef:%x pRifRef:%x cRefs:%x ipid:%I\n",
+ pOXIDEntry, cRifRef, pRifRef, pRifRef->cPublicRefs, &(pRifRef->ipid)));
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ // get the IRemUnknown for the remote server
+ IRemUnknown *pRemUnk;
+ HRESULT hr = gOXIDTbl.GetRemUnk(pOXIDEntry, &pRemUnk);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = ((IRemUnknown2 *)pRemUnk)->RemChangeRef(dwFlags, cRifRef, pRifRef);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteChangeRifRef hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: RemoteReleaseStdObjRef
+// Synopsis: calls the remote server to release an ObjRef
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL RemoteReleaseStdObjRef(STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteReleaseStdObjRef pStd:%x\n pOXIDEntry:%x",
+ pStd, pOXIDEntry));
+ rifRef.ipid = pStd->ipid;
+ rifRef.cPublicRefs = pStd->cPublicRefs;
+ rifRef.cPrivateRefs = 0;
+ // incase we get disconnected while in the RemRelease call
+ // we need to extract the OXIDEntry and AddRef it.
+ IncOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ RemoteReleaseRifRef(pOXIDEntry, 1, &rifRef);
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "RemoteReleaseStdObjRef hr:%x\n", S_OK));
+ return S_OK;
+// Function: RemoteReleaseObjRef
+// Synopsis: calls the remote server to release an ObjRef
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL RemoteReleaseObjRef(OBJREF &objref)
+ return RemoteReleaseStdObjRef(&ORSTD(objref).std, GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref));
+// Function: GetOXIDFromObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: extracts the OXID from the OBJREF.
+// History: 09-Jan-96 Rickhi Created.
+OXIDEntry *GetOXIDFromObjRef(OBJREF &objref)
+ // TRICK: Internally we use the saResAddr.size field as the ptr
+ // to the OXIDEntry. See ReadObjRef and FillObjRef.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = (objref.flags & OBJREF_STANDARD)
+ ? *(OXIDEntry **)&ORSTD(objref).saResAddr
+ : *(OXIDEntry **)&ORHDL(objref).saResAddr;
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ return pOXIDEntry;
+// Function: WriteObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Writes the objref into the stream
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL WriteObjRef(IStream *pStm, OBJREF &objref, DWORD dwDestCtx)
+ ULONG cbToWrite = (objref.flags & OBJREF_STANDARD)
+ ? (2*sizeof(ULONG)) + sizeof(IID) + sizeof(STDOBJREF)
+ : (2*sizeof(ULONG)) + sizeof(IID) + sizeof(STDOBJREF) + sizeof(CLSID);
+ // write the fixed-sized part of the OBJREF into the stream
+ HRESULT hr = pStm->Write(&objref, cbToWrite, NULL);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // write the resolver address into the stream.
+ // TRICK: Internally we use the saResAddr.size field as the ptr
+ // to the OXIDEntry. See ReadObjRef and FillObjRef.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ if (pOXIDEntry->pMIDEntry != gpLocalMIDEntry ||
+ {
+ // the interface is for a remote server, or it is going to a
+ // remote client, therefore, marshal the resolver strings
+ psa = pOXIDEntry->pMIDEntry->Node.psaKey;
+ Win4Assert(psa->wNumEntries != 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the interface is for an OXID local to this machine and
+ // the interface is not going to a remote client, marshal an
+ // empty string (we pay attention to this in ReadObjRef)
+ psa = &saNULL;
+ }
+ // These string bindings always come from the object exporter
+ // who has already padded the size to 8 bytes.
+ hr = pStm->Write(psa, SASIZE(psa->wNumEntries), NULL);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"WriteObjRef psa:%x\n", psa));
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: ReadObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Reads the objref from the stream
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL ReadObjRef(IStream *pStm, OBJREF &objref)
+ // read the signature, flags, and iid fields of the objref so we know
+ // what kind of objref we are dealing with and how big it is.
+ HRESULT hr = StRead(pStm, &objref, 2*sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(IID));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if ((objref.signature != OBJREF_SIGNATURE) ||
+ (objref.flags & OBJREF_RSRVD_MBZ) ||
+ (objref.flags == 0))
+ {
+ // the objref signature is bad, or one of the reserved
+ // bits in the flags is set, or none of the required bits
+ // in the flags is set. the objref cant be interpreted so
+ // fail the call.
+ Win4Assert(!"Invalid Objref Flags");
+ }
+ // compute the size of the remainder of the objref and
+ // include the size fields for the resolver string array
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ ULONG cbToRead;
+ if (objref.flags & OBJREF_STANDARD)
+ {
+ cbToRead = sizeof(STDOBJREF) + sizeof(ULONG);
+ psa = &ORSTD(objref).saResAddr;
+ }
+ else if (objref.flags & OBJREF_HANDLER)
+ {
+ cbToRead = sizeof(STDOBJREF) + sizeof(CLSID) + sizeof(ULONG);
+ psa = &ORHDL(objref).saResAddr;
+ }
+ else if (objref.flags & OBJREF_CUSTOM)
+ {
+ cbToRead = sizeof(CLSID) + 2*sizeof(DWORD); // clsid + cbExtension + size
+ psa = NULL;
+ }
+ // read the rest of the (fixed sized) objref from the stream
+ hr = StRead(pStm, pStd, cbToRead);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (psa != NULL)
+ {
+ // Non custom interface. Make sure the resolver string array
+ // has some sensible values.
+ if (psa->wNumEntries != 0 &&
+ psa->wSecurityOffset >= psa->wNumEntries)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // custom marshaled interface
+ if (ORCST(objref).cbExtension != 0)
+ {
+ // skip past the extensions since we currently dont
+ // know about any extension types.
+ dlibMove.LowPart = ORCST(objref).cbExtension;
+ dlibMove.HighPart = 0;
+ hr = pStm->Seek(dlibMove, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && psa)
+ {
+ // Non custom interface. The data that follows is a variable
+ // sized string array. Allocate memory for it and then read it.
+ DbgDumpSTD(pStd);
+ cbToRead = psa->wNumEntries * sizeof(WCHAR);
+ if (cbToRead == 0)
+ {
+ // server must be local to this machine, just get the local
+ // resolver strings and use them to resolve the OXID
+ psaNew = gpsaLocalResolver;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // allocate space to read the strings
+ psaNew = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *) _alloca(cbToRead + sizeof(ULONG));
+ if (psaNew != NULL)
+ {
+ // update the size fields and read in the rest of the data
+ psaNew->wSecurityOffset = psa->wSecurityOffset;
+ psaNew->wNumEntries = psa->wNumEntries;
+ hr = StRead(pStm, psaNew->aStringArray, cbToRead);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ psa->wNumEntries = 0;
+ psa->wSecurityOffset = 0;
+ // seek the stream past what we should have read, ignore
+ // seek errors, since the OOM takes precedence.
+ libMove.LowPart = cbToRead;
+ libMove.HighPart = 0;
+ pStm->Seek(libMove, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // TRICK: internally we want to keep the ObjRef a fixed size
+ // structure, even though we have variable sized data. To do
+ // this i use the saResAddr.size field of the ObjRef as a ptr
+ // to the OXIDEntry. We pay attention to this in FillObjRef,
+ // WriteObjRef and FreeObjRef.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // resolve the OXID.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ hr = gResolver.ClientResolveOXID(pStd->oxid,
+ psaNew, &pOXIDEntry);
+ *((void **) psa) = pOXIDEntry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *((void **) psa) = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"ReadObjRef hr:%x objref:%x\n", hr, &objref));
+ return hr;
+// Function: FreeObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Releases an objref that was read in from a stream via
+// ReadObjRef.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+// Notes: Anybody who calls ReadObjRef should call this guy to
+// free the objref. This decrements the refcnt on the
+// embedded pointer to the OXIDEntry.
+INTERNAL_(void) FreeObjRef(OBJREF &objref)
+ if (objref.flags & (OBJREF_STANDARD | OBJREF_HANDLER))
+ {
+ // TRICK: Internally we use the saResAddr.size field as the ptr to
+ // the OXIDEntry. See ReadObjRef, WriteObjRef and FillObjRef.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+// Function: MakeFakeObjRef, private
+// Synopsis: Invents an OBJREF that can be unmarshaled in this process.
+// The objref is partially fact (the OXIDEntry) and partially
+// fiction (the OID).
+// History: 16-Jan-96 Rickhi Created.
+// Notes: This is used by MakeSCMProxy and GetRemUnk. Note that
+// the pOXIDEntry is not AddRef'd here because the OBJREF
+// created is only short-lived the callers guarantee it's
+// lifetime, so FreeObjRef need not be called.
+INTERNAL MakeFakeObjRef(OBJREF &objref, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ REFIPID ripid, REFIID riid)
+ // first, invent an OID since this could fail.
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ HRESULT hr = gResolver.ServerGetReservedID(&pStd->oid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ pStd->cPublicRefs = 1;
+ pStd->ipid = ripid;
+ OXIDFromMOXID(pOXIDEntry->moxid, &pStd->oxid);
+ // TRICK: Internally we use the saResAddr.size field as the ptr to
+ // the OXIDEntry. See ReadObjRef, WriteObjRef and FillObjRef.
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry = (OXIDEntry **) &ORSTD(objref).saResAddr;
+ *ppOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+ objref.signature = OBJREF_SIGNATURE;
+ objref.flags = OBJREF_STANDARD;
+ objref.iid = riid;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: MakeCallableFromAnyApt, private
+// Synopsis: set SORF_FREETHREADED in OBJREF so unmarshaled proxy
+// can be called from any apartment.
+// History: 16-Jan-96 Rickhi Created.
+void MakeCallableFromAnyApt(OBJREF &objref)
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ pStd->flags |= SORF_FREETHREADED;
+// Function: FindStdMarshal, private
+// Synopsis: Finds the CStdMarshal for the OID read from the stream
+// Arguements: [objref] - object reference
+// [ppStdMshl] - CStdMarshal returned, AddRef'd
+// Algorithm: Read the objref, get the OID. If we already have an identity
+// for this OID, use that, otherwise either create an identity
+// object, or create a handler (which in turn will create the
+// identity). The identity inherits CStdMarshal.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+INTERNAL FindStdMarshal(OBJREF &objref, CStdMarshal **ppStdMshl)
+ "FindStdMarshal objref:%x ppStdMshl:%x\n", &objref, ppStdMshl));
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = NULL;
+ if (ChkIfLocalOID(objref, &pStdId))
+ {
+ if (pStdId)
+ {
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ STDOBJREF *pStd = &ORSTD(objref).std;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "poid: %x\n", &pStd->oid));
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ // OXID is for different apartment, check the identity table for
+ // an existing OID.
+ MOID moid;
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(pStd->oid, pOXIDEntry->pMIDEntry->mid, &moid);
+ hr = LookupIDFromID(moid, TRUE, &pStdId);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ CStdIdentity *pStdIdPrev = NULL;
+ BOOL fDuplicate = FALSE;
+ if (objref.flags & OBJREF_STANDARD)
+ {
+ // create an instance of the identity for this OID. We want
+ // to be holding the lock while we do this since it wont
+ // exercise any app code.
+ hr = CreateIdentityHandler(NULL, pStd->flags,
+ IID_IStdIdentity, (void **)&pStdId);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, pStdId);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // set the identity while holding the lock. The result is
+ // checked below and we release if this fails.
+ hr = pStdId->SetOID(moid);
+ Win4Assert(pStdIdPrev == NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // create an instance of the handler. the handler will
+ // aggregate in the identity, but will pass GUID_NULL for
+ // the OID so that the identity is not set in the table yet.
+ Win4Assert(!(ORHDL(objref).std.flags & SORF_FREETHREADED));
+ // dont want to hold the lock while creating the handler
+ // since this involves running app code and calling the
+ // SCM etc.
+ hr = CoCreateInstance(ORHDL(objref).clsid, NULL,
+ IID_IStdIdentity, (void **)&pStdId);
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, pStdId);
+ // look for the OID in the table again, since it may have
+ // been added while we released the lock to create the
+ // handler.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(LookupIDFromID(moid, TRUE, &pStdIdPrev)))
+ {
+ // object was unmarshaled while we released the lock
+ // to create the handler, so we will use the existing one.
+ // since we are releasing app code, we need to release the
+ // lock.
+ fDuplicate = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // set the OID now while we are holding the lock.
+ hr = pStdId->SetOID(moid);
+ Win4Assert(pStdIdPrev == NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStdId && (FAILED(hr) || fDuplicate))
+ {
+ Win4Assert( (FAILED(hr) && (pStdIdPrev == NULL)) ||
+ (fDuplicate && (pStdIdPrev != NULL)) );
+ pStdId->Release();
+ pStdId = pStdIdPrev;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *ppStdMshl = (CStdMarshal *)pStdId;
+ AssertOutPtrIface(hr, *ppStdMshl);
+ "FindStdMarshal pStdMshl:%x hr:%x\n", *ppStdMshl, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CompleteObjRef, public
+// Synopsis: Fills in the missing fields of an OBJREF from a STDOBJREF
+// and resolves the OXID. Also sets fLocal to TRUE if the
+// object was marshaled in this apartment.
+// History: 22-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CompleteObjRef(OBJREF &objref, OXID_INFO &oxidInfo, REFIID riid, BOOL *pfLocal)
+ // tweak the objref so we can call ReleaseMarshalObjRef or UnmarshalObjRef
+ objref.signature = OBJREF_SIGNATURE;
+ objref.flags = OBJREF_STANDARD;
+ objref.iid = riid;
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry;
+ hr = GetLocalMIDEntry(&pMIDEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(ORSTD(objref).std.oxid,
+ oxidInfo,
+ gpsaLocalResolver,
+ gLocalMid,
+ pMIDEntry,
+ &pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry = (OXIDEntry **) &ORSTD(objref).saResAddr;
+ *ppOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+ *pfLocal = (pOXIDEntry == GetLocalOXIDEntry());
+ }
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/marshal.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/marshal.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54d57d202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/marshal.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// File: marshal.hxx
+// Contents: class for standard interface marshaling
+// Classes: CStdMarshal
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _MARSHAL_HXX_
+#define _MARSHAL_HXX_
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // CIPIDTable
+#include <remunk.h> // IRemUnknown, REMINTERFACEREF
+#include <locks.hxx>
+// convenient mappings
+#define ORCST(objref) objref.u_objref.u_custom
+#define ORSTD(objref) objref.u_objref.u_standard
+#define ORHDL(objref) objref.u_objref.u_handler
+// bits that must be zero in the flags fields
+// Internal Uses of the reserved SORF_OXRES flags.
+// SORF_TBLWEAK is needed so that RMD works correctly on TABLEWEAK
+// marshaling, so it is ignored by unmarshalers. Therefore, we use one of
+// the bits reserved for the object exporter that must be ignored by
+// unmarshalers.
+// SORF_WEAKREF is needed for container weak references, when handling
+// an IRemUnknown::RemQueryInterface on a weak interface. This is a strictly
+// local (windows) machine protocol, so we use a reserved bit.
+// SORF_NONNDR is needed for interop of 16bit custom (non-NDR) marshalers
+// with 32bit, since the 32bit guys want to use MIDL (NDR) to talk to other
+// 32bit processes and remote processes, but the custom (non-NDR) format to
+// talk to local 16bit guys. In particular, this is to support OLE Automation.
+// SORF_FREETHREADED is needed when we create a proxy to the SCM interface
+// in the apartment model. All apartments can use the same proxy so we avoid
+// the test for calling on the correct thread.
+#define SORF_TBLWEAK SORF_OXRES1 // (table) weak reference
+#define SORF_WEAKREF SORF_OXRES2 // (normal) weak reference
+#define SORF_NONNDR SORF_OXRES3 // stub does not use NDR marshaling
+#define SORF_FREETHREADED SORF_OXRES4 // proxy may be used on any thread
+// new MARSHAL FLAG constants.
+// definitions to simplify coding
+ MSHLFLAGS_WEAK | // 0x08
+// forward class declarations
+class CStdIdentity;
+class CStdMarshal;
+class CRpcChannelBuffer;
+extern IMarshal *gpStdMarshal;
+// internal subroutines used by CStdMarshal and CoUnmarshalInterface
+INTERNAL ReadObjRef (IStream *pStm, OBJREF &objref);
+INTERNAL WriteObjRef(IStream *pStm, OBJREF &objref, DWORD dwDestCtx);
+INTERNAL MakeFakeObjRef(OBJREF &objref, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, REFIPID ipid, REFIID riid);
+INTERNAL_(void) FreeObjRef(OBJREF &objref);
+INTERNAL_(OXIDEntry *)GetOXIDFromObjRef(OBJREF &objref);
+INTERNAL RemoteQueryInterface(IRemUnknown *pRemUnk, IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry,
+ REMQIRESULT **ppQiRes, BOOL fWeakClient);
+INTERNAL RemoteAddRef(IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, ULONG cStrongRefs, ULONG cSecureRefs);
+INTERNAL RemoteReleaseObjRef(OBJREF &objref);
+INTERNAL RemoteReleaseStdObjRef(STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry);
+INTERNAL RemoteReleaseRifRef(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, USHORT cRifRef,
+INTERNAL PostReleaseRifRef(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, USHORT cRifRef,
+INTERNAL HandlePostReleaseRifRef(LPARAM param);
+INTERNAL RemoteChangeRifRef(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, DWORD dwFlags,
+INTERNAL FindStdMarshal(OBJREF &objref, CStdMarshal **ppStdMshl);
+#if DBG==1
+void DbgDumpSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd);
+inline void DbgDumpSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd) {};
+// Definition of values for dwFlags field of CStdMarshal
+typedef enum tagSMFLAGS
+ SMFLAGS_CLIENT_SIDE = 0x01, // object is local to this process
+ SMFLAGS_PENDINGDISCONNECT = 0x02, // disconnect is pending
+ SMFLAGS_REGISTEREDOID = 0x04, // OID is registered with resolver
+ SMFLAGS_DISCONNECTED = 0x08, // really disconnected
+ SMFLAGS_FIRSTMARSHAL = 0x10, // first time marshalled
+ SMFLAGS_HANDLER = 0x20, // object has a handler
+ SMFLAGS_WEAKCLIENT = 0x40, // client has weak ref to server
+ SMFLAGS_IGNORERUNDOWN = 0x80, // dont rundown this object
+ SMFLAGS_CLIENTMARSHALED = 0x100,// client-side has re-marshaled object
+ SMFLAGS_NOPING = 0x200,// this object is not pinged
+ SMFLAGS_TRIEDTOCONNECT = 0x400 // attempted ConnectIPIDEntry
+// structure: SQIResult
+// synopsis: structure used for QueryRemoteInterfaces
+typedef struct tagSQIResult
+ void *pv; // interface pointer
+ HRESULT hr; // result of the QI call
+} SQIResult;
+// Class: CStdMarshal, private
+// Purpose: Provides standard marshaling of interface pointers.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+class CStdMarshal : public IMarshal
+ CStdMarshal();
+ ~CStdMarshal();
+ void Init(IUnknown *pUnk, CStdIdentity *pstdID,
+ REFCLSID rclsidHandler, DWORD dwFlags);
+ // IMarshal - IUnknown taken from derived classes
+ STDMETHOD(GetUnmarshalClass)(REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestCtx,
+ LPVOID pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags, LPCLSID pClsid);
+ STDMETHOD(GetMarshalSizeMax)(REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestCtx,
+ LPVOID pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags, LPDWORD pSize);
+ STDMETHOD(MarshalInterface)(LPSTREAM pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID pv,
+ DWORD dwDestCtx, LPVOID pvDestCtx, DWORD mshlflags);
+ STDMETHOD(UnmarshalInterface)(LPSTREAM pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);
+ STDMETHOD(ReleaseMarshalData)(LPSTREAM pStm);
+ STDMETHOD(DisconnectObject)(DWORD dwReserved);
+ // used by coapi's for unmarshaling/releasing
+ HRESULT MarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD mshlflags);
+ HRESULT MarshalIPID(REFIID riid, ULONG cRefs, DWORD mshlflags, IPIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ HRESULT UnmarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, void **ppv);
+ HRESULT ReleaseMarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref);
+ // used by client side StdIdentity to make calls to the remote server
+ HRESULT QueryRemoteInterfaces(USHORT cIIDs, IID *pIIDs, SQIResult *pQIRes);
+ BOOL InstantiatedProxy(REFIID riid, void **ppv, HRESULT *phr);
+ BOOL RemIsConnected(void);
+ void Disconnect(void);
+ void ReconnectProxies(void);
+ HRESULT FindIPIDEntry(REFIID riid, IPIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ void SetMarshalTime(void) { _dwMarshalTime = GetCurrentTime() ;}
+ void SetNoPing(void) { _dwFlags |= SMFLAGS_NOPING; }
+ HRESULT RemoteChangeRef(BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUnlockReleases);
+ // used by CRpcChannelBuffer
+ HRESULT LookupStub(REFIID riid, IRpcStubBuffer **ppStub);
+ ULONG LockClient(void);
+ ULONG UnLockClient(void);
+ void LockServer(void);
+ void UnLockServer(void);
+ // used by CRemoteUnknown
+ HRESULT PreventDisconnect();
+ HRESULT PreventPendingDisconnect();
+ HRESULT HandlePendingDisconnect(HRESULT hr);
+ HRESULT IncSrvIPIDCnt(IPIDEntry *pEntry, ULONG cRefs, ULONG cPrivateRefs,
+ SECURITYBINDING *pName, DWORD mshlflags);
+ void DecSrvIPIDCnt(IPIDEntry *pEntry, ULONG cRefs, ULONG cPrivateRefs,
+ SECURITYBINDING *pName, DWORD mshlflags);
+ BOOL CanRunDown(DWORD iNow);
+ void FillSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd, ULONG cRefs, DWORD mshlflags, IPIDEntry *pEntry);
+ IPIDEntry *GetConnectedIPID();
+ HRESULT GetSecureRemUnk( IRemUnknown **, OXIDEntry * );
+ void SetSecureRemUnk( IRemUnknown *pSecure ) { _pSecureRemUnk = pSecure; }
+ BOOL CheckSecureRemUnk() { return _pSecureRemUnk != NULL; }
+ // used by CoLockObjectExternal
+ void IncTableCnt(void);
+ void DecTableCnt(void);
+ // used by CClientSecurity
+ HRESULT FindIPIDEntryByInterface( void * pProxy, IPIDEntry ** ppEntry );
+ HRESULT PrivateCopyProxy( IUnknown *pProxy, IUnknown **ppProxy );
+#if DBG==1
+ void DbgDumpInterfaceList(void);
+ void DbgDumpInterfaceList(void) {}
+ friend INTERNAL ReleaseMarshalObjRef(OBJREF &objref);
+ HRESULT FirstMarshal(IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD mshlflags);
+ HRESULT CreateChannel(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, DWORD dwFlags, REFIPID ripid,
+ REFIID riid, CRpcChannelBuffer **ppChnl);
+ // Internal methods to find or create interface proxies or stubs
+ HRESULT CreateProxy(REFIID riid, IRpcProxyBuffer **ppProxy, void **ppv, BOOL *pfNonNDR);
+ HRESULT CreateStub(REFIID riid, IRpcStubBuffer **ppStub, void **ppv, BOOL *pfNonNDR);
+ HRESULT GetPSFactory(REFIID riid, IUnknown *pUnkWow, BOOL fServer, IPSFactoryBuffer **ppIPSF, BOOL *pfNonNDR);
+ // IPID Table Manipulation subroutines
+ HRESULT UnmarshalIPID(REFIID riid, STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, void **ppv);
+ HRESULT FindIPIDEntryByIPID(REFIPID ripid, IPIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ HRESULT MakeSrvIPIDEntry(REFIID riid, IPIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ HRESULT MakeCliIPIDEntry(REFIID riid, STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IPIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ HRESULT ConnectIPIDEntry(STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IPIDEntry *pEntry);
+ HRESULT AddIPIDEntry(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IPID *pipid, REFIID riid,
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl, IUnknown *pUnkStub,
+ void *pv, IPIDEntry **ppEntry);
+ void DisconnectCliIPIDs(void);
+ void DisconnectSrvIPIDs(void);
+ void ReleaseCliIPIDs(void);
+ void IncStrongAndNotifyAct(IPIDEntry *pEntry, DWORD mshlflags);
+ void DecStrongAndNotifyAct(IPIDEntry *pEntry, DWORD mshlflags);
+ // reference counting routines
+ HRESULT GetNeededRefs(STDOBJREF *pStd, OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry, IPIDEntry *pEntry);
+ HRESULT RemQIAndUnmarshal(USHORT cIIDs, IID* pIIDs, SQIResult *pQIRes);
+ void FillObjRef(OBJREF &objref, ULONG cRefs, DWORD mshlflags, IPIDEntry *pEntry);
+ BOOL ClientSide() { return (_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_CLIENT_SIDE); }
+ BOOL ServerSide() { return !(_dwFlags & SMFLAGS_CLIENT_SIDE); }
+#if DBG==1
+ void AssertValid();
+ void AssertDisconnectPrevented();
+ void ValidateSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd);
+ void ValidateIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry);
+ void DbgWalkIPIDs();
+ void AssertValid() {}
+ void AssertDisconnectPrevented() {}
+ void ValidateSTD(STDOBJREF *pStd) {}
+ void ValidateIPIDEntry(IPIDEntry *pEntry) {}
+ void DbgWalkIPIDs() {}
+ DWORD _dwFlags; // flags info (see SMFLAGS)
+ LONG _cIPIDs; // count of IPIDs in this object
+ IPIDEntry *_pFirstIPID; // first IPID of this object
+ CStdIdentity *_pStdId; // standard identity
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *_pChnl; // channel ptr
+ CLSID _clsidHandler; // clsid of handler (if needed)
+ LONG _cNestedCalls; // count of nested calls
+ LONG _cTableRefs; // count of table marshals
+ DWORD _dwMarshalTime; // tick count when last marshalled
+ IRemUnknown *_pSecureRemUnk; // remunk with app specified security
+// Member: CStdMarshal::CanRunDown
+// Synopsis: determines if it is OK to rundown this object, based on
+// the current time and the marshaled state of the object.
+// History: 24-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
+// time period of one ping, used to determine if OK to rundown OID
+extern DWORD giPingPeriod;
+inline BOOL CStdMarshal::CanRunDown(DWORD iNow)
+ // Make sure the interface hasn't been marshalled since it
+ // was last pinged. This calculation handles the wrap case.
+ (iNow - _dwMarshalTime >= giPingPeriod))
+ {
+ Win4Assert(_cTableRefs == 0);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "Running Down Object this:%x\n", this));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Member: CStdMarshal::LockServer/UnLockServer
+// Synopsis: Locks the server side object during incoming calls in order
+// to prevent the object going away in a nested disconnect.
+// History: 12-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+inline void CStdMarshal::LockServer(void)
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ AddRef();
+ InterlockedIncrement(&_cNestedCalls);
+inline void CStdMarshal::UnLockServer(void)
+ Win4Assert(ServerSide());
+ if ((InterlockedDecrement(&_cNestedCalls) == 0) &&
+ {
+ // a disconnect was pending, do that now.
+ Disconnect();
+ }
+ Release();
+// Member: CStdMarshal::GetConnectedIPID
+// Synopsis: Finds the first connected IPID entry.
+// History: 10-Apr-96 AlexMit Plagerized
+inline IPIDEntry *CStdMarshal::GetConnectedIPID()
+ Win4Assert( _pFirstIPID != NULL );
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry = _pFirstIPID;
+ // Find an IPID entry that has an OXID pointer.
+ while (pIPIDEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ {
+ pIPIDEntry = pIPIDEntry->pNextOID;
+ }
+ Win4Assert( pIPIDEntry != NULL );
+ return pIPIDEntry;
+#endif // _MARSHAL_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/orpc_dbg.c b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/orpc_dbg.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef410ce1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/orpc_dbg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+// ORPC_DBG.C (tabs 4)
+// !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
+// !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
+// Created 08-Oct-1993 by Mike Morearty. The master copy of this file
+// is in the LANGAPI project owned by the Languages group.
+// Helper functions for OLE RPC debugging.
+#include <windows.h>
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+#include <tchar.h>
+#include "orpc_dbg.h"
+static TCHAR tszAeDebugName[] = TEXT("AeDebug");
+static TCHAR tszAutoName[] = TEXT("Auto");
+static TCHAR tszOldAutoName[] = TEXT("OldAuto");
+static TCHAR tszDebugObjectRpcEnabledName[] =
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\DebugObjectRPCEnabled";
+ TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\DebugObjectRPCEnabled");
+// Emit the ORPC signature into the bytestream of the function
+#define ORPC_EMIT_SIGNATURE() 'M', 'A', 'R', 'B',
+// Emit a LONG into the bytestream
+#define ORPC_EMIT_LONG(l) \
+ ((l >> 0) & 0xFF), \
+ ((l >> 8) & 0xFF), \
+ ((l >> 16) & 0xFF), \
+ ((l >> 24) & 0xFF),
+// Emit a WORD into the bytestream
+#define ORPC_EMIT_WORD(w) \
+ ((w >> 0) & 0xFF), \
+ ((w >> 8) & 0xFF),
+// Emit a BYTE into the bytestream
+#define ORPC_EMIT_BYTE(b) \
+ b,
+// Emit a GUID into the bytestream
+#define ORPC_EMIT_GUID(l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
+BYTE rgbClientGetBufferSizeSignature[] =
+ ORPC_EMIT_GUID(0x9ED14F80, 0x9673, 0x101A, 0xB0, 0x7B,
+ 0x00, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x11)
+BYTE rgbClientFillBufferSignature[] =
+ ORPC_EMIT_GUID(0xDA45F3E0, 0x9673, 0x101A, 0xB0, 0x7B,
+ 0x00, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x11)
+BYTE rgbClientNotifySignature[] =
+ ORPC_EMIT_GUID(0x4F60E540, 0x9674, 0x101A, 0xB0, 0x7B,
+ 0x00, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x11)
+BYTE rgbServerNotifySignature[] =
+ ORPC_EMIT_GUID(0x1084FA00, 0x9674, 0x101A, 0xB0, 0x7B,
+ 0x00, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x11)
+BYTE rgbServerGetBufferSizeSignature[] =
+ ORPC_EMIT_GUID(0x22080240, 0x9674, 0x101A, 0xB0, 0x7B,
+ 0x00, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x11)
+BYTE rgbServerFillBufferSignature[] =
+ ORPC_EMIT_GUID(0x2FC09500, 0x9674, 0x101A, 0xB0, 0x7B,
+ 0x00, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x11)
+// Macro to deal with assigning refiid for both C and C++.
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#define ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid) ((orpc_all).refiid = &iid)
+#define ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid) ((orpc_all).refiid = iid)
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+// SzSubStr()
+// Find str2 in str2
+static LPTSTR SzSubStr(LPTSTR str1, LPTSTR str2)
+ CharLower(str1);
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ return strstr(str1, str2);
+ return _tcsstr(str1, str2);
+// DebugORPCSetAuto()
+// Sets the "Auto" value in the "AeDebug" key to "1", and saves info
+// necessary to restore the previous value later.
+ HKEY hkey;
+ TCHAR rgtchDebugger[256]; // 256 is the length NT itself uses for this
+ TCHAR rgtchAuto[256];
+ TCHAR rgtchOldAuto[2]; // don't need to get the whole thing
+ // If the "DebugObjectRPCEnabled" key does not exist, then do not
+ // cause any notifications
+ if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tszDebugObjectRpcEnabledName, &hkey))
+ return FALSE;
+ RegCloseKey(hkey);
+ // If the AeDebug debugger string does not exist, or if it contains
+ // "drwtsn32" anywhere in it, then don't cause any notifications,
+ // because Dr. Watson is not capable of fielding OLE notifications.
+ if (!GetProfileString(tszAeDebugName, TEXT("Debugger"), TEXT(""),
+ rgtchDebugger, sizeof(rgtchDebugger)) ||
+ SzSubStr(rgtchDebugger, TEXT("drwtsn32")) != NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Must ensure that the "Auto" value in the AeDebug registry key
+ // is set to "1", so that the embedded INT 3 below will cause the
+ // debugger to be automatically spawned if it doesn't already
+ // exist.
+ // Get old "Auto" value
+ GetProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszAutoName, TEXT(""),
+ rgtchAuto, sizeof(rgtchAuto));
+ // If "OldAuto" already existed, then it's probably left over from
+ // a previous invocation of the debugger, so don't overwrite it.
+ // Otherwise, copy "Auto" value to "OldAuto"
+ if (!GetProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszOldAutoName, TEXT(""),
+ rgtchOldAuto, sizeof(rgtchOldAuto)))
+ {
+ if (!WriteProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszOldAutoName, rgtchAuto))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Change "Auto" value to "1"
+ if (!WriteProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszAutoName, TEXT("1")))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+// DebugORPCRestoreAuto()
+// Restores the previous value of the "Auto" value in the AeDebug key.
+ TCHAR rgtchAuto[256];
+ // Restore old Auto value (or delete it if it didn't exist before).
+ // Very minor bug here: if "Auto" was previously "", then we will
+ // now delete it. That's not a big deal though, as an empty "Auto"
+ // and a nonexistent one have the same effect.
+ GetProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszOldAutoName, TEXT(""),
+ rgtchAuto, sizeof(rgtchAuto));
+ WriteProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszAutoName,
+ rgtchAuto[0] ? rgtchAuto : NULL);
+ // Delete OldAuto value
+ WriteProfileString(tszAeDebugName, tszOldAutoName, NULL);
+ // This pragma is necessary in case the compiler chooses not to inline these
+// functions (e.g. in a debug build, when optimizations are off).
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+__inline DWORD WINAPI OrpcBreakpointFilter(
+ BOOL *lpAeDebugAttached ) \
+ BOOL fAeDebugAttached = FALSE;
+ DWORD dwRet;
+ if ( lpExcptPtr->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG )
+ {
+ if ( UnhandledExceptionFilter(lpExcptPtr) == EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH )
+ {
+ // It is important that we don't return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH.
+ // This is because there might an handler up the stack which could
+ // handle this exception. Just set the flag indicating that a
+ // debugger is now attached.
+ fAeDebugAttached = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Not one of our exceptions.
+ }
+ if ( lpAeDebugAttached != NULL )
+ (*lpAeDebugAttached) = fAeDebugAttached;
+ return dwRet;
+ULONG WINAPI DebugORPCClientGetBufferSize(
+ REFIID iid,
+ void * reserved,
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled)
+ ULONG cbBuffer = 0;
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL orpc_all = {0};
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL * lpOrpcAll = &orpc_all;
+ if (!fHookEnabled)
+ return 0; // We should be able to assert that this never happens.
+ orpc_all.pSignature = rgbClientGetBufferSizeSignature;
+ orpc_all.pMessage = pMessage;
+ orpc_all.reserved = reserved;
+ orpc_all.pUnkProxyMgr = pUnkProxyMgr;
+ orpc_all.lpcbBuffer = &cbBuffer;
+ ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid);
+ if ( lpInitArgs == NULL || lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug == NULL )
+ {
+ // Do Orpc debug notification using an exception.
+ __try
+ {
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ __except(OrpcBreakpointFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), NULL))
+ {
+ // this just goes down to the to the return.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR *lpIntf = lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ // call the appropriate method in the registered interface
+ // ( this is typically used by in-proc debuggers)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ lpIntf->ClientGetBufferSize(lpOrpcAll);
+ lpIntf->lpVtbl->ClientGetBufferSize(lpIntf, lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ return cbBuffer;
+void WINAPI DebugORPCClientFillBuffer(
+ REFIID iid,
+ void * reserved,
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled)
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL orpc_all = {0};
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL * lpOrpcAll = &orpc_all;
+ if (!fHookEnabled)
+ return; // We should be able to assert that this never happens
+ orpc_all.pSignature = rgbClientFillBufferSignature;
+ orpc_all.pMessage = pMessage;
+ orpc_all.reserved = reserved;
+ orpc_all.pUnkProxyMgr = pUnkProxyMgr;
+ ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid);
+ orpc_all.pvBuffer = pvBuffer;
+ orpc_all.cbBuffer = cbBuffer;
+ if ( lpInitArgs == NULL || lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug == NULL )
+ {
+ // Do Orpc debug notification using an exception.
+ __try
+ {
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ __except(OrpcBreakpointFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), NULL))
+ {
+ // this just returns.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR *lpIntf = lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ // call the appropriate method in the registered interface
+ // ( this is typically used by in-proc debuggers)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ lpIntf->ClientFillBuffer(lpOrpcAll);
+ lpIntf->lpVtbl->ClientFillBuffer(lpIntf, lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+// This special value is to ensure backward compatibility with VC 2.0.
+// It is not exposed in the header files. The behavior if this is the value
+// in the first four bytes of the debug packet, should be identical to
+#define ORPC_COMPATIBILITY_CODE (0x4252414DL)
+void WINAPI DebugORPCClientNotify(
+ REFIID iid,
+ void * reserved,
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr,
+ HRESULT hresult,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled)
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL orpc_all = {0};
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL * lpOrpcAll = &orpc_all;
+ BOOL fRethrow = FALSE;
+ // First check to see if the debugger on the other side
+ // wants us to notify this side if the hook is not enabled.
+ if (!fHookEnabled)
+ {
+ if (cbBuffer >= 4)
+ {
+ LONG orpcCode = *(LONG *)pvBuffer;
+ if ( orpcCode == ORPC_DEBUG_IF_HOOK_ENABLED)
+ return; // No notification in this case.
+ }
+ }
+ orpc_all.pSignature = rgbClientNotifySignature;
+ orpc_all.pMessage = pMessage;
+ orpc_all.reserved = reserved;
+ orpc_all.pUnkProxyMgr = pUnkProxyMgr;
+ orpc_all.hresult = hresult;
+ ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid);
+ orpc_all.pvBuffer = pvBuffer;
+ orpc_all.cbBuffer = cbBuffer;
+ if ( lpInitArgs == NULL || lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug == NULL )
+ {
+ if (DebugORPCSetAuto())
+ {
+ // Do Orpc debug notification using an exception.
+ __try
+ {
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ __except(OrpcBreakpointFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), &fRethrow))
+ {
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ if (fRethrow)
+ {
+ // At this point we are sure that a debugger is attached
+ // so we raise this exception outside of a __try block.
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ DebugORPCRestoreAuto();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR *lpIntf = lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ // call the appropriate method in the registered interface
+ // ( this is typically used by in-proc debuggers)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ lpIntf->ClientNotify(lpOrpcAll);
+ lpIntf->lpVtbl->ClientNotify(lpIntf, lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+void WINAPI DebugORPCServerNotify(
+ REFIID iid,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel,
+ void * pInterface,
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled)
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL orpc_all = {0};
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL * lpOrpcAll = &orpc_all;
+ BOOL fRethrow = FALSE;
+ // First check to see if the debugger on the other side
+ // wants us to notify this side if the hook is not enabled.
+ if (!fHookEnabled)
+ {
+ if (cbBuffer >= 4)
+ {
+ LONG orpcCode = *(LONG *)pvBuffer;
+ if ( orpcCode == ORPC_DEBUG_IF_HOOK_ENABLED)
+ return; // No notification in this case.
+ }
+ }
+ orpc_all.pSignature = rgbServerNotifySignature;
+ orpc_all.pMessage = pMessage;
+ orpc_all.pChannel = pChannel;
+ orpc_all.pInterface = pInterface;
+ orpc_all.pUnkObject = pUnkObject;
+ ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid);
+ orpc_all.pvBuffer = pvBuffer;
+ orpc_all.cbBuffer = cbBuffer;
+ if ( lpInitArgs == NULL || lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug == NULL )
+ {
+ if (DebugORPCSetAuto())
+ {
+ // Do Orpc debug notification using an exception.
+ __try
+ {
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ __except(OrpcBreakpointFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), &fRethrow))
+ {
+ // Fall through
+ }
+ if (fRethrow)
+ {
+ // At this point we are sure that a debugger is attached
+ // so we raise this exception outside of a __try block.
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ DebugORPCRestoreAuto();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR *lpIntf = lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ // call the appropriate method in the registered interface
+ // ( this is typically used by in-proc debuggers)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ lpIntf->ServerNotify(lpOrpcAll);
+ lpIntf->lpVtbl->ServerNotify(lpIntf, lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ULONG WINAPI DebugORPCServerGetBufferSize(
+ REFIID iid,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel,
+ void * pInterface,
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled)
+ ULONG cbBuffer = 0;
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL orpc_all = {0};
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL * lpOrpcAll = &orpc_all;
+ if (!fHookEnabled)
+ return 0; // We should be able to assert that this never happens.
+ orpc_all.pSignature = rgbServerGetBufferSizeSignature;
+ orpc_all.pMessage = pMessage;
+ orpc_all.pChannel = pChannel;
+ orpc_all.pInterface = pInterface;
+ orpc_all.pUnkObject = pUnkObject;
+ orpc_all.lpcbBuffer = &cbBuffer;
+ ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid);
+ if ( lpInitArgs == NULL || lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug == NULL )
+ {
+ // Do Orpc debug notification using an exception.
+ __try
+ {
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ __except(OrpcBreakpointFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), NULL))
+ {
+ // this just goes down to the return.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR *lpIntf = lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ // call the appropriate method in the registered interface
+ // ( this is typically used by in-proc debuggers)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ lpIntf->ServerGetBufferSize(lpOrpcAll);
+ lpIntf->lpVtbl->ServerGetBufferSize(lpIntf, lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ return cbBuffer;
+void WINAPI DebugORPCServerFillBuffer(
+ REFIID iid,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel,
+ void * pInterface,
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled)
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL orpc_all = {0};
+ ORPC_DBG_ALL * lpOrpcAll = &orpc_all;
+ if (!fHookEnabled)
+ return; // We should be able to assert that this never happens.
+ orpc_all.pSignature = rgbServerFillBufferSignature;
+ orpc_all.pMessage = pMessage;
+ orpc_all.pChannel = pChannel;
+ orpc_all.pInterface = pInterface;
+ orpc_all.pUnkObject = pUnkObject;
+ ASSIGN_REFIID(orpc_all, iid);
+ orpc_all.pvBuffer = pvBuffer;
+ orpc_all.cbBuffer = cbBuffer;
+ if ( lpInitArgs == NULL || lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug == NULL )
+ {
+ // Do Orpc debug notification using an exception.
+ __try
+ {
+ RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG, 0, 1, (LPDWORD)&lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+ __except(OrpcBreakpointFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), NULL))
+ {
+ // this just returns.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR *lpIntf = lpInitArgs->lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ // call the appropriate method in the registered interface
+ // ( this is typically used by in-proc debuggers)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ lpIntf->ServerFillBuffer(lpOrpcAll);
+ lpIntf->lpVtbl->ServerFillBuffer(lpIntf, lpOrpcAll);
+ }
+// WARNING: there is no way to "pop" to the previously active code_seg:
+// this will revert to what the code seg was when compilation began.
+#pragma code_seg()
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/orpc_dbg.h b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/orpc_dbg.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62b512df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/orpc_dbg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// ORPC_DBG.H (tabs 4)
+// !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
+// !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
+// Created 07-Oct-1993 by Mike Morearty. The master copy of this file
+// is in the LANGAPI project owned by the Languages group.
+// Macros and functions for OLE RPC debugging. For a detailed explanation,
+// see OLE2DBG.DOC.
+#ifndef __ORPC_DBG__
+#define __ORPC_DBG__
+// Public:
+// This structure is the information packet which OLE sends the debugger
+// when it is notifying it about an OLE debug event. The first field in this
+// structure points to the signature which identifies the type of the debug
+// notification. The consumer of the notification can then get the relevant
+// information from the struct members. Note that for each OLE debug notification
+// only a subset of the struct members are meaningful.
+typedef struct ORPC_DBG_ALL
+ BYTE * pSignature;
+ const IID * refiid;
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel;
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr;
+ void * pInterface;
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject;
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ void * pvBuffer;
+ ULONG cbBuffer;
+ ULONG * lpcbBuffer;
+ void * reserved;
+// Interface definition for IOrpcDebugNotify
+typedef interface IOrpcDebugNotify IOrpcDebugNotify;
+typedef IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * LPORPCDEBUGNOTIFY;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ interface IOrpcDebugNotify : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual VOID __stdcall ClientGetBufferSize (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0;
+ virtual VOID __stdcall ClientFillBuffer (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0;
+ virtual VOID __stdcall ClientNotify (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0;
+ virtual VOID __stdcall ServerNotify (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0;
+ virtual VOID __stdcall ServerGetBufferSize (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0;
+ virtual VOID __stdcall ServerFillBuffer (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IOrpcDebugNotifyVtbl
+ {
+ HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
+ ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This);
+ ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This);
+ VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ClientGetBufferSize)(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll);
+ VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ClientFillBuffer)(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll);
+ VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ClientNotify)(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll);
+ VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ServerNotify)(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll);
+ VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ServerGetBufferSize)(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll);
+ VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ServerFillBuffer)(
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This,
+ LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll);
+ } IOrpcDebugNotifyVtbl;
+ interface IOrpcDebugNotify
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IOrpcDebugNotifyVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
+ };
+// This is the structure that is passed by the debugger to OLE when it enables ORPC
+// debugging.
+typedef struct ORPC_INIT_ARGS
+ IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * lpIntfOrpcDebug;
+ void * pvPSN; // contains ptr to Process Serial No. for Mac ORPC debugging.
+ DWORD dwReserved1; // For future use, must be 0.
+ DWORD dwReserved2;
+// Function pointer prototype for the "DllDebugObjectRPCHook" function.
+// The first four bytes in the debug specific packet are interpreted by the
+// ORPC debug layer. The valid values are the ones defined below.
+#define ORPC_DEBUG_ALWAYS (0x00000000L) // Notify always.
+#define ORPC_DEBUG_IF_HOOK_ENABLED (0x00000001L) // Notify only if hook enabled.
+// This exception code indicates that the exception is really an
+// ORPC debug notification.
+#define EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG (0x804f4c45)
+// Private: Declarations below this point are related to the implementation and should
+// be removed from the distributable version of the header file.
+// Helper routines to set & restore the "Auto" value in the registry
+ ULONG WINAPI DebugORPCClientGetBufferSize(
+ REFIID iid,
+ void * reserved,
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled);
+void WINAPI DebugORPCClientFillBuffer(
+ REFIID iid,
+ void * reserved,
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled);
+void WINAPI DebugORPCClientNotify(
+ REFIID iid,
+ void * reserved,
+ IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr,
+ HRESULT hresult,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled);
+void WINAPI DebugORPCServerNotify(
+ REFIID iid,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel,
+ void * pInterface,
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled);
+ULONG WINAPI DebugORPCServerGetBufferSize(
+ REFIID iid,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel,
+ void * pInterface,
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled);
+void WINAPI DebugORPCServerFillBuffer(
+ REFIID iid,
+ IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel,
+ void * pInterface,
+ IUnknown * pUnkObject,
+ void * pvBuffer,
+ ULONG cbBuffer,
+ BOOL fHookEnabled);
+#endif // __ORPC_DBG__
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/pgalloc.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/pgalloc.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55976b35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/pgalloc.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+// File: pagealloc.cxx
+// Contents: Special fast allocator to allocate fixed-sized entities.
+// Classes: CPageAllocator
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: All synchronization is the responsibility of the caller.
+// CODEWORK: faster list managment
+// free empty pages
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <pgalloc.hxx> // class def'n
+#include <locks.hxx> // LOCK/UNLOCK
+// Member: CPageAllocator::Initialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initializes the page allocator.
+// Notes: Instances of this class must be static since this
+// function does not init all members to 0.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CPageAllocator::Initialize(LONG cbPerEntry, LONG cEntriesPerPage)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE,
+ "CPageAllocator::Initialize cbPerEntry:%x cEntriesPerPage:%x\n",
+ cbPerEntry, cEntriesPerPage));
+ Win4Assert(cbPerEntry >= sizeof(PageEntry));
+ Win4Assert(cEntriesPerPage > 0);
+ _cbPerEntry = cbPerEntry;
+ _cEntriesPerPage = cEntriesPerPage;
+// Member: CPageAllocator::Cleanup, public
+// Synopsis: Cleanup the page allocator.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CPageAllocator::Cleanup()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE, "CPageAllocator::Cleanup\n"));
+ if (_pPageListStart)
+ {
+ PageEntry **pPagePtr = _pPageListStart;
+ while (pPagePtr < _pPageListEnd)
+ {
+ // release each page of the table
+ PrivMemFree(*pPagePtr);
+ pPagePtr++;
+ }
+ // release the page list
+ PrivMemFree(_pPageListStart);
+ // reset the pointers so re-initialization is not needed
+ _cPages = 0;
+ _pPageListStart = NULL;
+ _pPageListEnd = NULL;
+ _pFirstFreeEntry = NULL;
+ }
+// Member: CPageAllocator::AllocEntry, public
+// Synopsis: Finds the first available entry in the table and returns
+// a ptr to it. Returns NULL if no space is available and it
+// cant grow the list.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+PageEntry *CPageAllocator::AllocEntry()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE, "CPageAllocator::AllocEntry\n"));
+ if (_pFirstFreeEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // no free entries, grow the list
+ Grow();
+ if (_pFirstFreeEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // unable to allocate more
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // get the ptr to return and update the _pFirstFree to the next
+ // available entry
+ PageEntry *pEntry = _pFirstFreeEntry;
+ _pFirstFreeEntry = pEntry->pNext;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE, "CPageAllocator::AllocEntry pEntry:%x\n", pEntry));
+ return pEntry;
+// Member: CPageAllocator::ReleaseEntry, private
+// Synopsis: returns an entry on the free list.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CPageAllocator::ReleaseEntry(PageEntry *pEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE, "CPageAllocator::ReleaseEntry pEntry:%x\n", pEntry));
+ Win4Assert(pEntry);
+ // chain it on the free list
+ pEntry->pNext = _pFirstFreeEntry;
+ _pFirstFreeEntry = pEntry;
+// Member: CPageAllocator::ReleaseEntryList, private
+// Synopsis: returns a list of entries to the free list.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CPageAllocator::ReleaseEntryList(PageEntry *pFirst, PageEntry *pLast)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE,
+ "CPageAllocator::ReleaseEntryList pFirst:%x pLast:%x\n",
+ pFirst, pLast));
+ Win4Assert(pFirst);
+ Win4Assert(pLast);
+ // update the free list
+ pLast->pNext = _pFirstFreeEntry;
+ _pFirstFreeEntry = pFirst;
+// Member: CPageAllocator::Grow, private
+// Synopsis: Grows the table to allow for more Entries.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+void CPageAllocator::Grow()
+ Win4Assert(_pFirstFreeEntry == NULL);
+ // allocate a new page
+ LONG cbPerPage = _cbPerEntry * _cEntriesPerPage;
+ PageEntry *pNewPage = (PageEntry *) PrivMemAlloc(cbPerPage);
+ if (pNewPage == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ // clear the page (only needed in debug)
+ memset(pNewPage, 0, cbPerPage);
+ // compute size of current page list
+ LONG cbCurListSize = _cPages * sizeof(PageEntry *);
+ // allocate a new page list to hold the new page ptr.
+ PageEntry **pNewList = (PageEntry **) PrivMemAlloc(cbCurListSize +
+ sizeof(PageEntry *));
+ if (pNewList)
+ {
+ // copy old page list into the new page list
+ memcpy(pNewList, _pPageListStart, cbCurListSize);
+ // set the new page ptr entry
+ *(pNewList + _cPages) = pNewPage;
+ _cPages ++;
+ // replace old page list with the new page list
+ PrivMemFree(_pPageListStart);
+ _pPageListStart = pNewList;
+ _pPageListEnd = pNewList + _cPages;
+ // update the first free entry ptr and link all the new entries
+ // together in a linked list.
+ _pFirstFreeEntry = pNewPage;
+ PageEntry *pNextFreeEntry = pNewPage;
+ PageEntry *pLastFreeEntry = (PageEntry *)(((BYTE *)pNewPage) + cbPerPage - _cbPerEntry);
+ while (pNextFreeEntry < pLastFreeEntry)
+ {
+ pNextFreeEntry->pNext = (PageEntry *)((BYTE *)pNextFreeEntry + _cbPerEntry);
+ pNextFreeEntry = pNextFreeEntry->pNext;
+ }
+ // last entry has an pNextFree of NULL (end of list)
+ pLastFreeEntry->pNext = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // release the allocated page.
+ PrivMemFree(pNewPage);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_PAGE, "CPageAllocator::Grow _pPageListStart:%x _pPageListEnd:%x _pFirstFreeEntry:%x\n",
+ _pPageListStart, _pPageListEnd, _pFirstFreeEntry));
+// Member: CPageAllocator::GetEntryIndex, public
+// Synopsis: Converts a PageEntry ptr into an index.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+LONG CPageAllocator::GetEntryIndex(PageEntry *pEntry)
+ for (LONG index=0; index<_cPages; index++)
+ {
+ PageEntry *pPage = *(_pPageListStart + index); // get page ptr
+ if (pEntry >= pPage)
+ {
+ if (pEntry < (PageEntry *) ((BYTE *)pPage + (_cEntriesPerPage * _cbPerEntry)))
+ {
+ // found the page that the entry lives on, compute the index of
+ // the page and the index of the entry within the page.
+ return (index << PAGETBL_PAGESHIFT) +
+ ((BYTE *)pEntry - (BYTE *)pPage) / _cbPerEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // not found
+ return -1;
+// Member: CPageAllocator::IsValidIndex, private
+// Synopsis: determines if the given DWORD provides a legal index
+// into the PageTable.
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+BOOL CPageAllocator::IsValidIndex(LONG index)
+ // make sure the index is not negative, otherwise the shift will do
+ // sign extension. check for valid page and valid offset within page
+ if ( (index >= 0) &&
+ ((index >> PAGETBL_PAGESHIFT) < _cPages) &&
+ ((index & PAGETBL_PAGEMASK) < _cEntriesPerPage) )
+ return TRUE;
+ // Don't print errors during shutdown.
+ if (_cPages != 0)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "IsValidIndex: Invalid PageTable Index:%x\n", index));
+ return FALSE;
+// Member: CPageAllocator::GetEntryPtr, public
+// Synopsis: Converts an entry index into an entry pointer
+// History: 02-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+PageEntry *CPageAllocator::GetEntryPtr(LONG index)
+ Win4Assert(index >= 0);
+ Win4Assert(_cPages != 0);
+ Win4Assert(IsValidIndex(index));
+ PageEntry *pEntry = _pPageListStart[index >> PAGETBL_PAGESHIFT];
+ pEntry = (PageEntry *) ((BYTE *)pEntry +
+ ((index & PAGETBL_PAGEMASK) * _cbPerEntry));
+ return pEntry;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/pgalloc.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/pgalloc.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c1c709d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/pgalloc.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// File: pagealloc.hxx
+// Contents: Special fast allocator to allocate fixed-sized entities.
+// Classes: CPageAllocator
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _PAGEALLOC_HXX_
+#define _PAGEALLOC_HXX_
+// struct: PageEntry. This is one entry in the page alloctor.
+typedef struct tagPageEntry
+ struct tagPageEntry *pNext; // next page in list
+ struct tagPageEntry *pPrev; // prev page in list
+} PageEntry;
+// Page Table constants for Index manipulation.
+// The high 16bits of the PageEntry index provides the index to the page
+// where the PageEntry is located. The lower 16bits provides the index
+// within the page where the PageEntry is located.
+#define PAGETBL_PAGEMASK 0x0000ffff
+// class: CPageAllocator
+// Synopsis: special fast allocator for fixed-sized entities.
+// Notes: The table has two-levels. The top level is an array of ptrs
+// to "pages" of entries. Each "page" is an array of entries
+// of a given size (specified at init time). This allows us to
+// grow the table by adding a new "page" and extending the top
+// level by one more pointer, while allowing the existing entries
+// to remain at the same address throughout their life times.
+// A 32bit entry index can be computed for any entry. It consists
+// if two 16bit indices, one for the page pointer index, and
+// and one for the entry index on the page. There is also a
+// function to compute the entry address from its index.
+// This allocator is used for various internal DCOM tables.
+// The main points are to keep related data close together
+// to reduce working set, minimize allocation time, allow
+// verifiable handles (indexs) that can be passed outside, and
+// to make debugging easier (since all data is kept in tables
+// its easier to find in the debugger).
+// Tables using instances of this allocator are:
+// CMIDTable COXIDTable CIPIDTable CRIFTable
+// History: 02-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+class CPageAllocator
+ PageEntry *AllocEntry(); // return ptr to first free entry
+ void ReleaseEntry(PageEntry *); // return an entry to the free list
+ void ReleaseEntryList(PageEntry *pFirst, PageEntry *pLast);
+ LONG GetEntryIndex(PageEntry *pEntry);
+ BOOL IsValidIndex(LONG iEntry); // TRUE if index is valid
+ PageEntry *GetEntryPtr(LONG iEntry); // return ptr based on index
+ // initialize the table
+ void Initialize(LONG cbPerEntry, LONG cEntryPerPage);
+ void Cleanup(); // cleanup the table
+ void Grow(); // grows the table
+ LONG _cPages; // count of pages in the page list
+ PageEntry **_pPageListStart; // ptr to start of page list
+ PageEntry **_pPageListEnd; // ptr to end of page list
+ PageEntry *_pFirstFreeEntry; // ptr to first free page entry
+ LONG _cbPerEntry; // count of bytes in a single page entry
+ LONG _cEntriesPerPage; // # of page entries in a page
+#endif // _PAGEALLOC_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/remoteu.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/remoteu.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c58b8599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/remoteu.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+// File: remoteu.cxx
+// Copyright (c) 1996-1996, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
+// Contents: Remote Unknown object implementation
+// Classes: CRemoteUnknown
+// History: 23-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <remoteu.hxx> // CRemoteUnknown
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // COXIDTable, CIPIDTable
+#include <stdid.hxx> // CStdIdentity
+#include <channelb.hxx> // CRpcChannelBuffer
+#include <resolver.hxx> // giPingPeriod
+#include <security.hxx> // FromLocalSystem
+CRemoteUnknown *gpMTARemoteUnknown = NULL;
+const WCHAR *gLocalName = L"\\\\\\Thread to thread";
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::CRemoteUnknown, public
+// Synopsis: ctor for the CRemoteUnknown
+// History: 22-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+CRemoteUnknown::CRemoteUnknown(HRESULT &hr, IPID *pipid) :
+ _pStdId(NULL)
+ // Marshal the remote unknown and rundown, no pinging needed. Note
+ // that we just marshal the IRundown interfaces since it inherits
+ // from IRemUnknown. This lets us use the same IPID for both
+ // interfaces. Also, we use the Internal version of MarshalObjRef in
+ // order to prevent registering the OID in the OIDTable. This allows
+ // us to receive Release calls during IDTableThreadUninitialize since
+ // we wont get cleaned up in the middle of that function. It also allows
+ // us to lazily create the OIDTable.
+ UNLOCK // release the LOCK because MarshalObjRef expects it unlocked.
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = MarshalInternalObjRef(objref, IID_IRundown, this, MSHLFLAGS_NOPING,
+ (void **)&_pStdId);
+ // regardless of errors, put this object in TLS or the global. If we
+ // got an error marshaling, COIXIDTable::ReleaseLocalEntry still will be
+ // able to find us to cleanup properly.
+ COleTls tls;
+ {
+ // Store the pRemUnk in TLS so we can clean it up on CoUninitialize.
+ tls->pRemoteUnk = this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // store the pRemUnk in the global for the MTA apartment
+ gpMTARemoteUnknown = this;
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // return the IPID to the caller, and release any allocated resources
+ // since all we wanted was the infrastructure, not the objref itself.
+ *pipid = ORSTD(objref).std.ipid;
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ "CRemoteUnk::CRemoteUnk this:%x pStdId:%x hr:%x\n", this, _pStdId, hr));
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::~CRemoteUnknown, public
+// Synopsis: dtor for the CRemoteUnknown
+// History: 22-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+ if (_pStdId)
+ {
+ UNLOCK // DisconnectObject expects lock to be released
+ // disconnect the standard identity and release it
+ _pStdId->DisconnectObject(0);
+ _pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CRemoteUnk::~CRemoteUnk this:%x\n", this));
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::QueryInterface, public
+// Synopsis: returns supported interfaces
+// History: 22-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+STDMETHODIMP CRemoteUnknown::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
+ if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IRundown) || // more common than IUnknown
+ IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IRemUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
+ {
+ *ppv = (IRundown *) this;
+ // no need to AddRef since we dont refcount this object
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ *ppv = NULL;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::AddRef, public
+// Synopsis: increment reference count
+// History: 23-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRemoteUnknown::AddRef(void)
+ return 1;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::Release, public
+// Synopsis: decrement reference count
+// History: 23-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRemoteUnknown::Release(void)
+ return 1;
+// Function: GetIPIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: find the IPIDEntry given an IPID
+// History: 23-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+IPIDEntry *GetIPIDEntry(REFIPID ripid)
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry= gIPIDTbl.LookupIPID(ripid);
+ if (pEntry && !(pEntry->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED))
+ {
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Function: GetStdIdFromIPID, private
+// Synopsis: find the stdid from the ipid
+// History: 23-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+CStdIdentity *GetStdIdFromIPID(REFIPID ripid)
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = GetIPIDEntry(ripid);
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ return pEntry->pChnl->GetStdId();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::RemQueryInterface, public
+// Synopsis: returns supported interfaces
+// History: 22-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+// Notes: Remote calls to QueryInterface for this OXID arrive here.
+// This routine looks up the object and calls MarshalIPID on
+// it for each interface requested.
+STDMETHODIMP CRemoteUnknown::RemQueryInterface(REFIPID ripid, ULONG cRefs,
+ USHORT cIids, IID *iids, REMQIRESULT **ppQIResults)
+ "CRemUnknown::RemQueryInterface this:%x ipid:%I cRefs:%x cIids:%x iids:%x ppQIResults:%x\n",
+ this, &ripid, cRefs, cIids, iids, ppQIResults));
+ // init the out parameters
+ *ppQIResults = NULL;
+ // validate the input parameters
+ if (cIids == 0)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ // allocate space for the return parameters
+ REMQIRESULT *pQIRes = (REMQIRESULT *)CoTaskMemAlloc(cIids *
+ sizeof(REMQIRESULT));
+ if (pQIRes == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ // Remember whether the IPID is for a strong or a weak reference,
+ // then clear the strong/weak bit so that GetIPIDEntry will find
+ // the IPID. It is safe to mask off this bit because we are the
+ // server for this IPID and we know it's format.
+ DWORD sorfflags = SORF_NULL;
+ if (ripid.Data1 & IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF)
+ {
+ mshlflags = MSHLFLAGS_WEAK;
+ sorfflags = SORF_WEAKREF;
+ ((IPID &)(ripid)).Data1 &= ~IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF; // overcome the const
+ }
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = GetStdIdFromIPID(ripid);
+ if (pStdId == NULL)
+ {
+ CoTaskMemFree(pQIRes);
+ }
+ USHORT cFails = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = pStdId->PreventDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ *ppQIResults = pQIRes;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i < cIids; i++, pQIRes++)
+ {
+ // marshal each interface that was requested
+ IPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry;
+ pQIRes->hResult = pStdId->MarshalIPID(iids[i], cRefs, mshlflags,
+ &pIPIDEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pQIRes->hResult))
+ {
+ pStdId->FillSTD(&pQIRes->std, cRefs, mshlflags, pIPIDEntry);
+ pQIRes->std.flags |= sorfflags;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // on failure, the STDOBJREF must be NULL
+ memset(&pQIRes->std, 0, sizeof(pQIRes->std));
+ cFails++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CoTaskMemFree(pQIRes);
+ }
+ if (cFails > 0)
+ {
+ hr = (cFails == cIids) ? E_NOINTERFACE : S_FALSE;
+ }
+ // handle any disconnects that came in while we were marshaling
+ // the requested interfaces.
+ hr = pStdId->HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ "CRemUnknown::RemQueryInterface this:%x pQIRes:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, *ppQIResults, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::GetSecBinding
+// Synopsis: Get the security binding of the caller
+// History: 21-Feb-96 AlexMit Created
+HRESULT CRemoteUnknown::GetSecBinding( SECURITYBINDING **pSecBind )
+ DWORD lAuthnSvc;
+ DWORD lAuthzSvc;
+ DWORD lAuthnLevel;
+ const WCHAR *pPrivs;
+ DWORD lLen;
+ hr = CoQueryClientBlanket( &lAuthnSvc, &lAuthzSvc, NULL,
+ &lAuthnLevel, NULL, (void **) &pPrivs, NULL );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // For thread to thread calls, make up a privilege name.
+ if (pPrivs == NULL && LocalCall())
+ pPrivs = gLocalName;
+ else if (lAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE ||
+ lAuthnLevel < gAuthnLevel ||
+ pPrivs == NULL ||
+ pPrivs[0] == 0)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ lLen = lstrlenW( pPrivs ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
+ *pSecBind = (SECURITYBINDING *) PrivMemAlloc(
+ sizeof(SECURITYBINDING) + lLen );
+ if (*pSecBind != NULL)
+ {
+ // BUGBUG - Sometimes mswmsg returns authn svc 0.
+ if (lAuthnSvc == RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE)
+ lAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
+ (*pSecBind)->wAuthnSvc = (USHORT) lAuthnSvc;
+ if (lAuthzSvc == RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE)
+ (*pSecBind)->wAuthzSvc = COM_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
+ else
+ (*pSecBind)->wAuthzSvc = (USHORT) lAuthzSvc;
+ memcpy( &(*pSecBind)->aPrincName, pPrivs, lLen+2 );
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::RemAddRef, public
+// Synopsis: increment reference count
+// History: 22-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+// Description: Remote calls to AddRef for this OXID arrive
+// here. This routine just looks up the correct remote
+// remote handler and asks it to do the work.
+STDMETHODIMP CRemoteUnknown::RemAddRef(unsigned short cInterfaceRefs,
+ REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[],
+ HRESULT *pResults)
+ // Adjust the reference count for each entry.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ HRESULT hr2;
+ REMINTERFACEREF *pNext = InterfaceRefs;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i < cInterfaceRefs; i++, pNext++)
+ {
+ // Get the IPIDEntry for the specified IPID.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = GetIPIDEntry(pNext->ipid);
+ if (!pEntry)
+ {
+ // Don't assert on failure. The server can disconnect and go away
+ // while clients exist.
+ pResults[i] = hr = CO_E_OBJNOTREG;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // get the stdmarshal identity
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = pEntry->pChnl->GetStdId();
+ if (pStdId)
+ {
+ "CRemUnknown::RemAddRef pEntry:%x cCur:%x cAdd:%x cStdId:%x ipid:%I\n", pEntry,
+ pEntry->cStrongRefs, pNext->cPublicRefs, pStdId->GetRC(), &pNext->ipid));
+ Win4Assert(pNext->cPublicRefs > 0 ||
+ pNext->cPrivateRefs > 0);
+ // Lookup security info the first time an entry asks for
+ // secure references.
+ if (pNext->cPrivateRefs != 0 && pSecBind == NULL)
+ {
+ hr2 = GetSecBinding( &pSecBind );
+ if (FAILED(hr2))
+ {
+ hr = pResults[i] = hr2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ hr2 = pStdId->IncSrvIPIDCnt(pEntry, pNext->cPublicRefs,
+ pNext->cPrivateRefs, pSecBind,
+ if (FAILED(hr2))
+ hr = pResults[i] = hr2;
+ else
+ pResults[i] = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ hr = pResults[i] = CO_E_OBJNOTREG;
+ }
+ PrivMemFree( pSecBind );
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::RemRelease, public
+// Synopsis: decrement reference count
+// History: 22-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+// Description: Remote calls to Release for this OXID arrive
+// here. This routine just looks up the correct remote
+// remote handler and asks it to do the work.
+STDMETHODIMP CRemoteUnknown::RemRelease(unsigned short cInterfaceRefs,
+ REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[])
+ REMINTERFACEREF *pNext = InterfaceRefs;
+ // Adjust the reference count for each entry.
+ for (USHORT i=0; i < cInterfaceRefs; i++, pNext++)
+ {
+ // Get the entry for the requested IPID. Remember whether this
+ // is an IPID for a strong or a weak reference, then clear the
+ // strong/weak bit so that GetIPIDEntry will find the IPID.
+ DWORD mshlflags = (InterfaceRefs[i].ipid.Data1 & IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF)
+ InterfaceRefs[i].ipid.Data1 &= ~IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF;
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = GetIPIDEntry(InterfaceRefs[i].ipid);
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ // Get the entry for the requested IPID.
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = pEntry->pChnl->GetStdId();
+ if (pStdId)
+ {
+ // Get the client's security binding on the first entry
+ // that releases secure references.
+ if (pNext->cPrivateRefs > 0 && pSecBind == NULL)
+ {
+ GetSecBinding( &pSecBind );
+ if (pSecBind == NULL)
+ continue;
+ }
+ pStdId->AddRef();
+ "CRemUnknown::RemRelease pEntry:%x cCur:%x cStdId:%x cRel:%x mshlflags:%x ipid:%I\n", pEntry,
+ (mshlflags == MSHLFLAGS_WEAK) ? pEntry->cWeakRefs : pEntry->cStrongRefs,
+ pStdId->GetRC(), pNext->cPublicRefs, mshlflags, &pNext->ipid));
+ Win4Assert(pNext->cPublicRefs > 0 || pNext->cPrivateRefs > 0);
+ // Prevent a disconnect from occuring while releasing the
+ // interface since we have to yield the ORPC lock.
+ HRESULT hr = pStdId->PreventDisconnect();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ pStdId->DecSrvIPIDCnt(pEntry, pNext->cPublicRefs,
+ pNext->cPrivateRefs, pSecBind,
+ mshlflags);
+ }
+ // do the final release of the object while not holding
+ // the lock, since it may call into the server.
+ // This will handle any Disconnect that came in while we were
+ // busy. Ignore error codes since we are releasing.
+ pStdId->HandlePendingDisconnect(hr);
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PrivMemFree( pSecBind );
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::RemChangeRefs, public
+// Synopsis: Change an interface reference from strong/weak or vice versa.
+// History: 08-Nov-95 Rickhi Created
+// Note: It is safe for this routine to ignore private refcounts
+// becuase it is only called locally hence we own the client
+// implementation and can guarantee they are zero.
+STDMETHODIMP CRemoteUnknown::RemChangeRef(ULONG flags, USHORT cInterfaceRefs,
+ REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[])
+ // figure out the flags to pass to the Inc/DecSrvIPIDCnt
+ BOOL fMakeStrong = flags & IRUF_CONVERTTOSTRONG;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = NULL;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i < cInterfaceRefs; i++)
+ {
+ // Get the entry for the specified IPID.
+ IPIDEntry *pEntry = GetIPIDEntry(InterfaceRefs[i].ipid);
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ // find the StdId for this IPID. We assume that the client
+ // only gives us IPIDs for the same object, so first time
+ // we find a StdId we remember it and AddRef it. This is a safe
+ // assumption cause the client is local to this machine (ie
+ // we wrote the client).
+ CStdIdentity *pStdIdTmp = pEntry->pChnl->GetStdId();
+ if (pStdIdTmp != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pStdId == NULL)
+ {
+ pStdId = pStdIdTmp;
+ pStdId->AddRef();
+ }
+ // We assume that all IPIDs are for the same object. We
+ // just verify that here.
+ if (pStdId == pStdIdTmp)
+ {
+ // tweak the reference counts
+ pStdId->IncSrvIPIDCnt(
+ pEntry, InterfaceRefs[i].cPublicRefs,
+ fMakeStrong ? InterfaceRefs[i].cPrivateRefs : 0,
+ NULL, IncFlags);
+ pStdId->DecSrvIPIDCnt(
+ pEntry, InterfaceRefs[i].cPublicRefs,
+ fMakeStrong ? 0 : InterfaceRefs[i].cPrivateRefs,
+ NULL, DecFlags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStdId)
+ {
+ // release the AddRef (if any) we did above
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRemoteUnknown::RundownOid, public
+// Synopsis: Tell the server that no clients are using an object
+// History: 25 May 95 AlexMit Created
+// Description: Lookup each OID in the IDTable. If found and not
+// recently marshaled, call DisconnectObject on it.
+STDMETHODIMP CRemoteUnknown::RundownOid(ULONG cOid, OID aOid[],
+ unsigned char afOkToRundown[])
+ DWORD iNow = GetCurrentTime();
+ if (IsCallerLocalSystem())
+ {
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < cOid; i++)
+ {
+ afOkToRundown[i] = TRUE;
+ MOID moid;
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(aOid[i], gLocalMid, &moid);
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ HRESULT hr = LookupIDFromID(moid, TRUE, &pStdId);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ afOkToRundown[i] = pStdId->CanRunDown(iNow);
+ if (afOkToRundown[i] == TRUE)
+ {
+ pStdId->DisconnectObject( 0 );
+ }
+ pStdId->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // need to look at the set of pre-registered OIDs to ensure
+ // we dont run these down before we use them.
+ afOkToRundown[i] = gResolver.ServerCanRundownOID(aOid[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Rather then being rude and returning access denied, tell the caller
+ // that all the objects have been released.
+ else
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Invalid user called CRemoteUnknown::RundownOid" ));
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < cOid; i++)
+ afOkToRundown[i] = TRUE;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/remoteu.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/remoteu.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d74984fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/remoteu.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// File: remoteu.hxx
+// Contents: Remote Unknown class definition
+// Classes: CRemoteUnknown
+// Functions:
+// History: 23-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+// Notes: Each server has one remote unknown object per OXID.
+// Each client OXID has a table of proxies to OXIDs referenced
+// by the client OXID. The table includes a pointer
+// to the remote unknown for the client (if it has one).
+// Entries in the table are reference counted.
+// An OXID references a thread in the apartment model and
+// a process in the free threaded model.
+#ifndef __REMOTEU__
+#define __REMOTEU__
+#include <obase.h>
+#include <remunk.h>
+#include <odeth.h>
+// forward declaration
+class CStdIdentity;
+// we set the top bit in the first dword of an IPID to flag the IPID as
+// holding weak references, so that RemRelease and RemQueryInterface between
+// an OLE container and an embedded object works as desired. Note that this
+// this is strictly a same-machine protocol, it is not part of the published
+// DCOM protocol spec.
+#define IPIDFLAG_WEAKREF 0x80000000
+// Class: CRemoteUnknown
+// Purpose: Pass remote IUnknown calls and rundowns to the correct
+// local standard identity.
+// History: 23-Feb-95 AlexMit Created
+class CRemoteUnknown : public IRundown, public CPrivAlloc
+ CRemoteUnknown(HRESULT &hr, IPID *pipid);
+ ~CRemoteUnknown();
+ // IUnknown
+ STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
+ // IRemUnknown
+ STDMETHOD(RemQueryInterface) ( REFIPID ripid,
+ ULONG cRefs,
+ unsigned short cIids,
+ IID *iids,
+ REMQIRESULT **ppQIResults);
+ STDMETHOD(RemAddRef) ( unsigned short cInterfaceRefs,
+ REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[],
+ HRESULT *pResults );
+ STDMETHOD(RemRelease) ( unsigned short cInterfaceRefs,
+ REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[] );
+ // IRemUnknown2
+ STDMETHOD(RemChangeRef) ( unsigned long flags,
+ unsigned short cInterfaceRefs,
+ REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[]);
+ // IRundown
+ STDMETHOD(RundownOid) ( ULONG cOid,
+ OID aOid[],
+ unsigned char afOkToRundown[] );
+ HRESULT GetSecBinding( SECURITYBINDING **pSecBind );
+ CStdIdentity *_pStdId; // stdid for this object
+// remote unknown pointer for MTA Apartment.
+extern CRemoteUnknown *gpMTARemoteUnknown;
+#endif // __REMOTEU__
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/resolver.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/resolver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94959df81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/resolver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2959 @@
+// File: resolver.cxx
+// Contents: class implementing interface to RPC OXID/PingServer
+// resolver process. Only one instance per process.
+// Classes: CRpcResolver
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <resolver.hxx> // CRpcResolver
+#include <service.hxx> // GetStringBindings
+#include <locks.hxx> // LOCK/UNLOCK etc
+#include <security.hxx> // GetCallAuthnLevel
+#include <marshal.hxx> // GetOXIDFromObjRef
+#include <sobjact.hxx> // CObjServer
+// global instance of OXID resolver
+CRpcResolver gResolver;
+// static members of CRpcResolver
+handle_t CRpcResolver::_hRpc = NULL; // binding handle to resolver
+PHPROCESS CRpcResolver::_ph = NULL; // context handle to resolver
+HANDLE CRpcResolver::_hThrd = NULL; // worker thread handle
+HANDLE CRpcResolver::_hEventOXID = NULL; // event for registering threads
+DWORD CRpcResolver::_dwFlags = 0; // flags
+DWORD CRpcResolver::_dwSleepPeriod = 0; // worker thread sleep period
+ULONG CRpcResolver::_cReservedOidsAvail = 0;
+ULONGLONG CRpcResolver::_OidNextReserved = 0;
+ULONG CRpcResolver::_cOidsToAdd = 0; // # OIDs to add next call
+ULONG CRpcResolver::_cOidsToRemove = 0; // # OIDs to remove next call
+ULONG CRpcResolver::_cPreRegOidsAvail = 0; // # Pre-Regist'd OIDs available
+IDSCM * CRpcResolver::_pSCMSTA = NULL; // single-threaded scm proxy
+IDSCM * CRpcResolver::_pSCMMTA = NULL; // multi-threaded scm proxy
+LPWSTR CRpcResolver::_pwszWinstaDesktop = NULL;
+DWORD CRpcResolver::_dwProcessSignature = 0;
+BOOL CRpcResolver::_bDynamicSecurity = FALSE;
+// List of OIDs to register/ping/revoke with the resolver used
+// for lazy/batch client-side OID processing.
+SOIDRegistration CRpcResolver::_ClientOIDRegList = {{{NULL, NULL},},
+ 0, 0, NULL,
+ &_ClientOIDRegList,
+ &_ClientOIDRegList};
+// MID (machine ID) of local machine
+MID gLocalMid;
+// Ping period in milliseconds.
+DWORD giPingPeriod;
+// string binding to the resolver
+const WCHAR *pwszResolverBindString = L"ncalrpc:[epmapper,Security=Impersonation Dynamic False]";
+// String arrays for the SCM process. These are used to tell the interface
+// marshaling code the protocol and endpoint of the SCM process.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+typedef struct tagSCMSA
+ unsigned short wNumEntries; // Number of entries in array.
+ unsigned short wSecurityOffset; // Offset of security info.
+ WCHAR awszStringArray[26];
+SCMSA saSCM = {26, 25, L"mswmsg:[endpoint mapper]\0" };
+typedef struct tagSCMSA
+ unsigned short wNumEntries; // Number of entries in array.
+ unsigned short wSecurityOffset; // Offset of security info.
+ WCHAR awszStringArray[60];
+// The last 4 characters in the string define the security bindings.
+// \0 is an empty principle name
+SCMSA saSCM = {57, 56, L"ncalrpc:[epmapper,Security=Impersonation Dynamic False]\0\xA\xFFFF\0"};
+DWORD GetThreadWinstaDesktop( WCHAR ** ppwszWinstaDesktop );
+// Member: CRpcResolver::Cleanup, public
+// Synopsis: cleanup the resolver state. Called by ProcessUninitialze.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CRpcResolver::Cleanup()
+ // release our context handle
+ if (_ph != NULL)
+ {
+ RpcSmDestroyClientContext(&_ph);
+ _ph = NULL;
+ }
+ // release regular handle
+ if (_hRpc)
+ {
+ RpcBindingFree(&_hRpc);
+ _hRpc = NULL;
+ }
+ // Release the string bindings for the local object exporter.
+ if (gpsaLocalResolver)
+ {
+ MIDL_user_free(gpsaLocalResolver);
+ gpsaLocalResolver = NULL;
+ }
+ // empty the OIDRegList. Any SOIDRegistration records have already
+ // been deleted by the gClientRegisteredOIDs list cleanup code.
+ _ClientOIDRegList.pPrevList = &_ClientOIDRegList;
+ _ClientOIDRegList.pNextList = &_ClientOIDRegList;
+ _cOidsToAdd = 0;
+ _cOidsToRemove = 0;
+ // zero the count of pre-registered oids since all pre-registered
+ // Oids are for our old OXID value.
+ _cPreRegOidsAvail = 0;
+ // close the event handle (if any)
+ if (_hEventOXID)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(_hEventOXID);
+ _hEventOXID = NULL;
+ }
+ if (_pwszWinstaDesktop != NULL)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree(_pwszWinstaDesktop);
+ _pwszWinstaDesktop = NULL;
+ }
+ _bDynamicSecurity = FALSE;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ReleaseSCMProxy, public
+// Synopsis: cleanup the resolver state. Called by ProcessUninitialze.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CRpcResolver::ReleaseSCMProxy()
+ if (_pSCMSTA != NULL)
+ {
+ _pSCMSTA->Release();
+ }
+ if (_pSCMMTA != NULL)
+ {
+ _pSCMMTA->Release();
+ }
+ if (gpMTAObjServer != NULL)
+ {
+ delete gpMTAObjServer;
+ gpMTAObjServer = NULL;
+ }
+// Member: CRpcResolver::RetryRPC, private
+// Synopsis: determine if we need to retry the RPC call due to
+// the resolver being too busy.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+BOOL CRpcResolver::RetryRPC(RPC_STATUS sc)
+ if (sc != RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY)
+ return FALSE;
+ // give the resolver time to run, then try again.
+ Sleep(100);
+ // CODEWORK: this is currently an infinite loop. Should we limit it?
+ return TRUE;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::CheckStatus, private
+// Synopsis: Checks the status code of an Rpc call, prints a debug
+// ERROR message if failed, and maps the failed status code
+// into an HRESULT.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::CheckStatus(RPC_STATUS sc)
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "OXID Resolver Failure sc:%x\n", sc));
+ sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc);
+ }
+ return sc;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::GetConnection, public
+// Synopsis: connects to the resolver process
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::GetConnection()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"CRpcResolver::GetConnection\n"));
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (_ph == NULL)
+ {
+ sc = RpcBindingFromStringBinding((LPWSTR)pwszResolverBindString, &_hRpc);
+ ComDebErr(sc != RPC_S_OK, "Resolver Binding Failed.\n");
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ OID oidBase;
+ DWORD fConnectFlags;
+ do
+ {
+ // call the resolver to get a context handle
+ sc = Connect(_hRpc,
+ &_ph,
+ &giPingPeriod,
+ &gpsaLocalResolver,
+ &gLocalMid,
+ &oidBase,
+ &fConnectFlags,
+ (WCHAR **) &gLegacySecurity,
+ &gAuthnLevel,
+ &gImpLevel,
+ &gServerSvcListLen,
+ &gServerSvcList,
+ &gClientSvcListLen,
+ &gClientSvcList,
+ &(tls->dwApartmentID),
+ &gdwScmProcessID,
+ &_dwProcessSignature);
+ } while (RetryRPC(sc));
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ gDisableDCOM = fConnectFlags & CONNECT_DISABLEDCOM;
+ if (fConnectFlags & CONNECT_MUTUALAUTH)
+ gCapabilities = EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH;
+ else
+ gCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
+ if (fConnectFlags & CONNECT_SECUREREF)
+ gCapabilities |= EOAC_SECURE_REFS;
+ // remember the reserved OID base.
+ _OidNextReserved = oidBase;
+ _cReservedOidsAvail = MAX_RESERVED_OIDS;
+ // Mark the security data as initialized.
+ gGotSecurityData = TRUE;
+ if (IsWOWProcess())
+ {
+ gDisableDCOM = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Convert the ping period from seconds to milliseconds.
+ giPingPeriod *= 1000;
+ Win4Assert(gpsaLocalResolver->wNumEntries != 0);
+ // compute the sleep period for the registration worker thread
+ // (which is 1/6th the ping period). The ping period may differ
+ // on debug and retail builds.
+#if DBG==1
+ // shorter time period to enable testing
+ _dwSleepPeriod = 5000;
+ _dwSleepPeriod = giPingPeriod / 6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "Resolver Connect Failed sc:%x\n", sc));
+ RpcBindingFree(&_hRpc);
+ _hRpc = NULL;
+ Win4Assert(gpsaLocalResolver == NULL);
+ Win4Assert(_ph == NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (sc == RPC_S_OK) && (_pwszWinstaDesktop == NULL))
+ sc = SetWinstaDesktop();
+ hr = CheckStatus(sc);
+ ComDebErr(hr != S_OK, "GetConnection Failed.\n");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"CRpcResolver::GetConnection hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerGetReservedMOID, public
+// Synopsis: Get an OID that does not need to be pinged.
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerGetReservedMOID(MOID *pmoid)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerGetReservedMOID\n"));
+ OID oid;
+ HRESULT hr = ServerGetReservedID(&oid);
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(oid, gLocalMid, pmoid);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerGetReservedMOID hr:%x moid:%I\n", pmoid));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerGetReservedID, public
+// Synopsis: Get an ID that does not need to be pinged.
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerGetReservedID(OID *pid)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerGetReservedID\n"));
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (_cReservedOidsAvail == 0)
+ {
+ // go get more reserved OIDs from the ping server
+ OID OidBase;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::AllocateReservedIds(
+ _hRpc, // Rpc binding handle
+ MAX_RESERVED_OIDS, // count of OIDs requested
+ &OidBase); // place to hold base id
+ } while (RetryRPC(hr));
+ // map Rpc status if necessary
+ hr = CheckStatus(hr);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // copy into global state. Dont have to worry about two threads
+ // getting more simultaneously, since these OIDs are expendable.
+ _cReservedOidsAvail = MAX_RESERVED_OIDS;
+ _OidNextReserved = OidBase;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ *pid = _OidNextReserved;
+ _OidNextReserved++;
+ _cReservedOidsAvail--;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerGetReservedID hr:%x id:%08x %08x\n", *pid));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerGetPreRegMOID, public
+// Synopsis: Get an OID that has been pre-registered with the Ping
+// Server.
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+// Notes: careful. The oids are dispensed in reverse order [n]-->[0], so the
+// unused ones are from [0]-->[cPreRegOidsAvail-1]. ServerCanRundownOID
+// depends on this behavior.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerGetPreRegMOID(MOID *pmoid)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerGetPreRegMOID\n"));
+ // Get the local OXID. This cant fail because the local
+ // entry was pre-created in ChannelThreadInitialize.
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry(&pOXIDEntry);
+ Win4Assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));
+ COleTls tls;
+ if (!(tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_APARTMENTTHREADED))
+ {
+ // in MTA Apartment, use the global list and global count.
+ if (_cPreRegOidsAvail == 0)
+ {
+ hr = ServerAllocMoreOIDs(&_cPreRegOidsAvail, _arPreRegOids,
+ pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ _cPreRegOidsAvail--;
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(_arPreRegOids[_cPreRegOidsAvail],
+ gLocalMid, pmoid);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // In STA Apartment, the pre-registered OIDs are kept per apartment
+ // in a list off of tls.
+ if (tls->cPreRegOidsAvail == 0)
+ {
+ if (tls->pPreRegOids == NULL)
+ {
+ // first time for this thread. Allocate a list to hold
+ // the pre-registered oids.
+ tls->pPreRegOids = (OID *)PrivMemAlloc(MAX_PREREGISTERED_OIDS *
+ sizeof(OID));
+ if (tls->pPreRegOids == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = ServerAllocMoreOIDs(&tls->cPreRegOidsAvail,
+ tls->pPreRegOids, pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ tls->cPreRegOidsAvail--;
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(tls->pPreRegOids[tls->cPreRegOidsAvail],
+ gLocalMid, pmoid);
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerGetPreRegMOID hr:%x moid:%I\n", hr, pmoid));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerCanRundownOID, public
+// Synopsis: Determine if OK to rundown the specified OID.
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+BOOL CRpcResolver::ServerCanRundownOID(REFOID roid)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerCanRundownOID poid:%x\n", &roid));
+ // look in the list of unused pre-registered OIDs to see if the
+ // OID is in there. If so, we dont want to run it down yet so
+ // return FALSE, otherwise return TRUE
+ BOOL fRundown = TRUE; // assume not found
+ ULONG cPreRegOidsAvail = _cPreRegOidsAvail;
+ OID *pPreRegOids = &_arPreRegOids[0];
+ COleTls tls;
+ {
+ cPreRegOidsAvail = tls->cPreRegOidsAvail;
+ pPreRegOids = tls->pPreRegOids;
+ }
+ // carefull. The oids are dispensed in reverse order (ie [n]-->[0])
+ // so when checking for unused ones check in forward order
+ // [0]-->[cPreRegOidsAvail-1]
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<cPreRegOidsAvail; i++, pPreRegOids++)
+ {
+ if (roid == *pPreRegOids)
+ {
+ // found the oid in the list of unused ones. Dont run it down.
+ fRundown = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerCanRundownOID fRundown:%x\n", fRundown));
+ return fRundown;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::WaitForOXIDEntry, private
+// Synopsis: waits until an OXIDEntry is not busy
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::WaitForOXIDEntry(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ {
+ // some other thread is busy registering OIDs for this OXID
+ // so lets wait for it to finish. This should only happen in
+ // the MTA apartment.
+ Win4Assert(IsMTAThread());
+ if (_hEventOXID == NULL)
+ {
+ _hEventOXID = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (_hEventOXID == NULL)
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ }
+ }
+ // count one more waiter
+ pOXIDEntry->cWaiters++;
+ do
+ {
+ // release the lock before we block so the other thread can wake
+ // us up when it returns.
+ ComDebOut((DEB_WARN,"WaitForOXIDEntry wait on hEvent:%x\n", _hEventOXID));
+ DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(_hEventOXID, INFINITE);
+ Win4Assert(rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
+ } while (pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_REGISTERINGOIDS);
+ // one less waiter
+ pOXIDEntry->cWaiters--;
+ }
+ // mark the entry as busy by us
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::CheckForWaiters, private
+// Synopsis: wakes up any threads waiting for this OXIDEntry
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CRpcResolver::CheckForWaiters(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ if (pOXIDEntry->cWaiters > 0)
+ {
+ // some other thread is busy waiting for the current thread to
+ // finish registering so signal him that we are done.
+ Win4Assert(_hEventOXID != NULL);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_TRACE,"CheckForWaiters signalling hEvent:%x\n", _hEventOXID));
+ SetEvent(_hEventOXID);
+ }
+ // mark the entry as no longer busy by us
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerAllocMoreOIDs, private
+// Synopsis: register Object ID with the local ping server
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerAllocMoreOIDs(ULONG *pcPreRegOidsAvail,
+ OID *parPreRegOids,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerAllocMoreOIDs\n"));
+ Win4Assert(_ph != NULL);
+ // wait until no other threads are calling ServerAllocOIDs
+ HRESULT hr = WaitForOXIDEntry(pOXIDEntry);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (*pcPreRegOidsAvail == 0)
+ {
+ // need to really go get more
+ hr = ServerAllocOIDs(pOXIDEntry,
+ pcPreRegOidsAvail,
+ parPreRegOids);
+ }
+ // wakeup any waiters
+ CheckForWaiters(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ServerAllocMoreOIDs hr:%x\n", hr));
+ ComDebErr(hr != S_OK, "ServerAllocMoreOIDs Failed.\n");
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerAllocOIDs, private
+// Synopsis: allocate Object IDs from the local ping server
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerAllocOIDs(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ ULONG *pcPreRegOidsAvail,
+ OID *parPreRegOids)
+ // make up a list of pre-registered OIDs on our stack so multiple
+ // threads executing here simultaneously are not a problem.
+ if (!(pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_REGISTERED))
+ {
+ // have not yet registered the OXID, so go do that at the same time
+ // we allocate OIDs.
+ hr = ServerRegisterOXID(pOXIDEntry, &cOidsToAllocate, arNewOidList);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // just need to allocate more OIDs.
+ OXID oxid;
+ OXIDFromMOXID(pOXIDEntry->moxid, &oxid);
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::ServerAllocateOIDs(
+ _hRpc, // Rpc binding handle
+ _ph, // context handle
+ &oxid, // OXID of server
+ cOidsToAllocate, // count of OIDs requested
+ arNewOidList, // array of reserved oids
+ &cOidsToAllocate);// count actually allocated
+ } while (RetryRPC(hr));
+ // map Rpc status if necessary
+ hr = CheckStatus(hr);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // copy the newly created OIDs into the list in whatever space
+ // is still available, since some other thread could have come
+ // along and pre-registered OIDs simultaneously (in MTA apartment
+ // only). The OIDs that are not copied will be lost and
+ // eventually the resolver will run them down. This should be
+ // relatively rare.
+ LONG cToCopy = min(cOidsToAllocate,
+ memcpy(parPreRegOids + *pcPreRegOidsAvail,
+ arNewOidList,
+ sizeof(OID) * cToCopy);
+ *pcPreRegOidsAvail += cToCopy;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerRegisterOXID, public
+// Synopsis: allocate an OXID and Object IDs with the local ping server
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerRegisterOXID(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ ULONG *pcOidsToAllocate,
+ OID arNewOidList[])
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ServerRegisterOXID TID:%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId()));
+ // OXID has not yet been registered with the resolver, do that
+ // now along with pre-registering a bunch of OIDs.
+ // make sure we have the local binding and security strings
+ HRESULT hr = StartListen();
+ ComDebErr(hr != S_OK, "StartListen Failed.\n");
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ OXID_INFO oxidInfo;
+ oxidInfo.dwTid = pOXIDEntry->dwTid;
+ oxidInfo.dwPid = pOXIDEntry->dwPid;
+ oxidInfo.ipidRemUnknown = pOXIDEntry->ipidRundown;
+ oxidInfo.dwAuthnHint = gAuthnLevel;
+ oxidInfo.psa = NULL;
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaSB = gpsaCurrentProcess; // string bindings
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaSC = gpsaSecurity; // security bindings
+ {
+ // already registered these once, dont need to do it again.
+ psaSB = NULL;
+ psaSC = NULL;
+ }
+ OXID oxid;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ServerRegisterOXID oxidInfo:%x psaSB:%x psaSC:%x\n",
+ &oxidInfo, psaSB, psaSC));
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::ServerAllocateOXIDAndOIDs(
+ _hRpc, // Rpc binding handle
+ _ph, // context handle
+ &oxid, // OXID of server
+ IsSTAThread(), // fApartment Threaded
+ *pcOidsToAllocate, // count of OIDs requested
+ arNewOidList, // array of reserved oids
+ pcOidsToAllocate, // count actually allocated
+ &oxidInfo, // OXID_INFO to register
+ psaSB, // string bindings for process
+ psaSC); // security bindings for process
+ } while (RetryRPC(hr));
+ // map Rpc status if necessary
+ hr = CheckStatus(hr);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // mark the OXID as registered with the resolver, and replace
+ // the (temporarily zero) oxid with the real one the resolver
+ // returned to us.
+ pOXIDEntry->dwFlags |= OXIDF_REGISTERED;
+ MOXIDFromOXIDAndMID(oxid, gLocalMid, &pOXIDEntry->moxid);
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ServerRegisterOXID hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ServerFreeOXID, public
+// Synopsis: frees an OXID and associated OIDs that were pre-registered
+// with the local ping server
+// History: 20-Jan-96 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ServerFreeOXID(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ServerFreeOXID TID:%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId()));
+ if (!(pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_REGISTERED))
+ {
+ // OXID was never registered, just return
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // Free any pre-registered OIDs since these are registered for the
+ // current OXID. We get a new OXID if the thread is re-initialized.
+ // Set the ptr and count of Oids to de-register.
+ ULONG cOids;
+ OID *pOids;
+ COleTls tls;
+ if (!(tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_APARTMENTTHREADED))
+ {
+ pOids = _arPreRegOids;
+ cOids = _cPreRegOidsAvail;
+ _cPreRegOidsAvail = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cOids = tls->cPreRegOidsAvail;
+ tls->cPreRegOidsAvail = 0;
+ pOids = tls->pPreRegOids;
+ tls->pPreRegOids = NULL;
+ }
+ // extract the OXID and mark the OXIDEntry as no longer registered
+ OXID oxid;
+ OXIDFromMOXID(pOXIDEntry->moxid, &oxid);
+ pOXIDEntry->dwFlags &= ~OXIDF_REGISTERED;
+ // call the resolver.
+ do
+ {
+ Win4Assert(_ph != NULL);
+ hr = ::ServerFreeOXIDAndOIDs(
+ _hRpc, // Rpc binding handle
+ _ph, // context handle
+ oxid, // OXID of server
+ cOids, // count of OIDs to de-register
+ pOids); // ptr to OIDs to de-register
+ } while (RetryRPC(hr));
+ // map Rpc status if necessary
+ hr = CheckStatus(hr);
+ {
+ // delete the space allocated for the pre-registered OIDs
+ PrivMemFree(pOids);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ServerFreeOXID hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ClientResolveOXID, public
+// Synopsis: Resolve client-side OXID and returns the OXIDEntry, AddRef'd.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ClientResolveOXID(REFOXID roxid,
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ClientResolveOXID oxid:%08x %08x psa:%x\n",
+ roxid, psaResolver));
+ *ppOXIDEntry = NULL;
+ // Look for a MID entry for the resolver. if we cant find it
+ // then we know we dont have an OXIDEntry for the oxid.
+ DWORD dwHash;
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry = gMIDTbl.LookupMID(psaResolver, &dwHash);
+ if (pMIDEntry)
+ {
+ // found the MID, now look for the OXID
+ *ppOXIDEntry = gOXIDTbl.LookupOXID(roxid, pMIDEntry->mid);
+ }
+ if (*ppOXIDEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // didn't find the OXIDEntry in the table so we need to resolve it.
+ MID mid;
+ OXID_INFO oxidInfo;
+ oxidInfo.psa = NULL;
+ do
+ {
+ Win4Assert(_ph != NULL);
+ sc = ::ClientResolveOXID(
+ _hRpc, // Rpc binding handle
+ _ph, // context handle
+ (OXID *)&roxid, // OXID of server
+ psaResolver, // resolver binging strings
+ IsSTAThread(), // fApartment threaded
+ // GetCallAuthnLevel(), CODEWORK: someday
+ &oxidInfo, // resolver info returned
+ &mid); // mid for the machine
+ } while (RetryRPC(sc));
+ // map Rpc status if necessary
+ sc = CheckStatus(sc);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(sc))
+ {
+ // create an OXIDEntry.
+ sc = FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(roxid, oxidInfo, FOCOXID_REF,
+ psaResolver,
+ mid, pMIDEntry, ppOXIDEntry);
+ // free the returned string bindings
+ MIDL_user_free(oxidInfo.psa);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pMIDEntry)
+ {
+ DecMIDRefCnt(pMIDEntry);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ClientResolveOXID hr:%x pOXIDEntry:%x\n",
+ sc, *ppOXIDEntry));
+ return sc;
+// Function: FillLocalOXIDInfo
+// Synopsis: Fills in a OXID_INFO structure for the current apartment.
+// Used by the Drag & Drop code to register with the resolver.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT FillLocalOXIDInfo(OBJREF &objref, OXID_INFO &oxidInfo)
+ // extract the OXIDEntry from the objref
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry = GetOXIDFromObjRef(objref);
+ Win4Assert(pOXIDEntry);
+ // fill in the fields of the OXID_INFO structure.
+ oxidInfo.dwTid = pOXIDEntry->dwTid;
+ oxidInfo.dwPid = pOXIDEntry->dwPid;
+ oxidInfo.ipidRemUnknown = pOXIDEntry->ipidRundown;
+ oxidInfo.dwAuthnHint = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
+ HRESULT hr = GetStringBindings(&oxidInfo.psa);
+ ComDebErr(hr != S_OK, "GetStringBindings Failed.\n");
+ return (hr);
+// Function: AddToList / RemoveFromList
+// Synopsis: adds or removes an SOIDRegistration entry to/from
+// a doubly linked list.
+// History: 30-Oct-95 Rickhi Created.
+void AddToList(SOIDRegistration *pOIDReg, SOIDRegistration* pOIDListHead)
+ pOIDReg->pPrevList = pOIDListHead;
+ pOIDListHead->pNextList->pPrevList = pOIDReg;
+ pOIDReg->pNextList = pOIDListHead->pNextList;
+ pOIDListHead->pNextList = pOIDReg;
+void RemoveFromList(SOIDRegistration *pOIDReg)
+ pOIDReg->pPrevList->pNextList = pOIDReg->pNextList;
+ pOIDReg->pNextList->pPrevList = pOIDReg->pPrevList;
+ pOIDReg->pPrevList = pOIDReg;
+ pOIDReg->pNextList = pOIDReg;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ClientRegisterOIDWithPingServer
+// Synopsis: registers an OID with the Ping Server if it has
+// not already been registered.
+// History: 30-Oct-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ClientRegisterOIDWithPingServer(REFOID roid,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ClientRegisterOIDWithPingServer poid:%x\n", &roid));
+ AssertValid();
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // make a MOID from the OID
+ MOID moid;
+ MOIDFromOIDAndMID(roid, pOXIDEntry->pMIDEntry->mid, &moid);
+ // see if this OID already has a client-side registration
+ // record created by another apartment in this process.
+ DWORD iHash = gClientRegisteredOIDs.Hash(moid);
+ SOIDRegistration *pOIDReg = (SOIDRegistration *)
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Lookup(iHash, moid);
+ if (pOIDReg == NULL)
+ {
+ // not yet registered with resolver, create a new entry and
+ // add it to the hash table and to the List of items to register
+ // with the Resolver.
+ // make sure we have a worker thread ready to do the register
+ // at some point in the future.
+ hr = EnsureWorkerThread();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ pOIDReg = new SOIDRegistration;
+ if (pOIDReg)
+ {
+ pOIDReg->cRefs = 1;
+ pOIDReg->pPrevList = pOIDReg;
+ pOIDReg->pNextList = pOIDReg;
+ pOIDReg->pOXIDEntry = pOXIDEntry;
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Add(iHash, moid, (SUUIDHashNode *)pOIDReg);
+ pOIDReg->flags = ROIDF_REGISTER;
+ AddToList(pOIDReg, &_ClientOIDRegList);
+ _cOidsToAdd++;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // already have a record for this OID, inc the refcnt
+ pOIDReg->cRefs++;
+ if (pOIDReg->cRefs == 1)
+ {
+ // re-using an entry that had a count of zero, so it must have
+ // been going to be deregistered or pinged.
+ Win4Assert((pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_PING) ||
+ (pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_DEREGISTER));
+ _cOidsToRemove--;
+ if (pOIDReg->flags & ROIDF_PING)
+ {
+ // was only going to be pinged, now must be added.
+ pOIDReg->flags |= ROIDF_REGISTER;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // was going to be unregistered, already registered so does
+ // not need to be on the registration list anymmore
+ Win4Assert(pOIDReg->flags & ROIDF_DEREGISTER);
+ pOIDReg->flags = 0;
+ RemoveFromList(pOIDReg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AssertValid();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ClientRegisterOIDWithPingServer pOIDReg:%x hr:%x\n",
+ pOIDReg, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ClientDeRegisterOIDWithPingServer
+// Synopsis: de-registers an OID that has previously been registered
+// with the Ping Server
+// History: 30-Oct-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ClientDeRegisterOIDFromPingServer(REFMOID rmoid,
+ BOOL fMarshaled)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ClientDeRegisterOIDWithPingServer rmoid:%I\n", &rmoid));
+ AssertValid();
+ // find the OID in the hash table. it better still be there!
+ DWORD iHash = gClientRegisteredOIDs.Hash(rmoid);
+ SOIDRegistration *pOIDReg = (SOIDRegistration *)
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Lookup(iHash, rmoid);
+ Win4Assert(pOIDReg != NULL);
+ Win4Assert((pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_REGISTER) ||
+ (pOIDReg->flags == (ROIDF_REGISTER | ROIDF_PING)) ||
+ (pOIDReg->flags == 0));
+ if (-- pOIDReg->cRefs == 0)
+ {
+ // this was the last registration of the OID in this process.
+ if (pOIDReg->flags & ROIDF_REGISTER)
+ {
+ // still on the Register list, have not yet told the Ping Server
+ // about this OID so dont have to do anything unless it was
+ // client-side marshaled.
+ if (fMarshaled || pOIDReg->flags & ROIDF_PING)
+ {
+ // object was marshaled by the client. Still need to tell
+ // the Ping Server to ping the OID then forget about it.
+ pOIDReg->flags = ROIDF_PING;
+ _cOidsToRemove++;
+ // make sure we have a worker thread ready to do the deregister
+ // at some point in the future. Not much we can do about an
+ // error here. If transient, then a thread will most likely
+ // be created later.
+ EnsureWorkerThread();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // dont need this record any longer. remove from chain
+ // and delete the record.
+ RemoveFromList(pOIDReg);
+ _cOidsToAdd--;
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Remove((SHashChain *)pOIDReg);
+ delete pOIDReg;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // must already be registered with the resolver. now need to
+ // deregister it so put it on the Registration list for delete.
+ AddToList(pOIDReg, &_ClientOIDRegList);
+ _cOidsToRemove++;
+ // make sure we have a worker thread ready to do the deregister
+ // at some point in the future. Not much we can do about an
+ // error here. If transient, then a thread will most likely
+ // be created later.
+ EnsureWorkerThread();
+ }
+ }
+ AssertValid();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID,"ClientDeRegisterOIDWithPingServer pOIDReg:%x hr:%x\n",
+ pOIDReg, S_OK));
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::ClientBulkUpdateOIDWithPingServer
+// Synopsis: registers/deregisters/pings any OIDs waiting to be
+// sent to the ping server.
+// History: 30-Oct-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::ClientBulkUpdateOIDWithPingServer(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ClientBulkUpdateOIDWithPingServer\n"));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(_cOidsToAdd + _cOidsToRemove != 0);
+ // Copy the counters so we can reset them before we make the call.
+ // Allocate space for the Add, Status, and Remove lists to send to the
+ // ping server, and remember the start address so we can free the
+ // memory later. Compute the address of the other lists within the
+ // one allocated memory block.
+ ULONG cOidsToAdd = _cOidsToAdd;
+ ULONG cOidsToRemove = _cOidsToRemove;
+ ULONG cOxidsToRemove = gOXIDTbl.NumOxidsToRemove();
+ ULONG cBytesToAlloc = (cOidsToAdd * (sizeof(OXID_OID_PAIR)+sizeof(ULONG)))
+ + (cOidsToRemove * sizeof(OID_MID_PAIR))
+ + (cOxidsToRemove * sizeof(OXID_REF));
+ OXID_OID_PAIR *pOidsToAdd = (OXID_OID_PAIR *)PrivMemAlloc(cBytesToAlloc);
+ if (pOidsToAdd == NULL)
+ {
+ // cant allocate memory. Leave the registration lists alone for
+ // now, this may be a transient problem and we can handle the
+ // registration later (unless of course the problem persists and
+ // our object is run down!).
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "ClientBulkUpdate OOM\n"));
+ }
+ OXID_OID_PAIR *pOidsToAddStart = pOidsToAdd;
+ LONG *pStatusOfAdds = (LONG *) (&pOidsToAdd[cOidsToAdd]);
+ OID_MID_PAIR *pOidsToRemove = (OID_MID_PAIR *)(&pStatusOfAdds[cOidsToAdd]);
+ OXID_REF *pOxidsToRemove = (OXID_REF *) (&pOidsToRemove[cOidsToRemove]);
+ // loop through each OID registration records in the list filling in
+ // the Add and Remove lists. Pinged OIDs are placed in both lists.
+ while (_ClientOIDRegList.pNextList != &_ClientOIDRegList)
+ {
+ // get the entry and remove it from the registration list
+ SOIDRegistration *pOIDReg = _ClientOIDRegList.pNextList;
+ RemoveFromList(pOIDReg);
+ // reset the state flags before we begin
+ DWORD dwFlags = pOIDReg->flags;
+ pOIDReg->flags = 0;
+ if (dwFlags & (ROIDF_REGISTER | ROIDF_PING))
+ {
+ // register the OID with the ping server
+ MIDFromMOXID (pOIDReg->pOXIDEntry->moxid, &pOidsToAdd->mid);
+ OXIDFromMOXID(pOIDReg->pOXIDEntry->moxid, &pOidsToAdd->oxid);
+ OIDFromMOID (pOIDReg->Node.key, &pOidsToAdd->oid);
+ pOidsToAdd++;
+ _cOidsToAdd--;
+ }
+ if (dwFlags == ROIDF_DEREGISTER || dwFlags == ROIDF_PING)
+ {
+ // deregister the OID with the ping server
+ // Node.key is the OID+MID so extract each part
+ MIDFromMOID(pOIDReg->Node.key, &pOidsToRemove->mid);
+ OIDFromMOID(pOIDReg->Node.key, &pOidsToRemove->oid);
+ pOidsToRemove++;
+ _cOidsToRemove--;
+ // dont need the entry any more since there are no more
+ // users of it. remove from hash table and delete it.
+ gClientRegisteredOIDs.Remove((SHashChain *)pOIDReg);
+ delete pOIDReg;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ask the OXID table to fill in the list of OXIDs to remove.
+ gOXIDTbl.GetOxidsToRemove( pOxidsToRemove, &cOxidsToRemove );
+ // make sure we got all the entries and that our counters work correctly.
+ Win4Assert(_cOidsToAdd == 0);
+ Win4Assert(_cOidsToRemove == 0);
+ AssertValid();
+ // reset the OidsToRemove list pointer since we mucked with it above.
+ pOidsToRemove = (OID_MID_PAIR *) (&pStatusOfAdds[cOidsToAdd]);
+ do
+ {
+ // call the Resolver.
+ sc = BulkUpdateOIDs(_hRpc, // Rpc binding handle
+ _ph, // context handle
+ cOidsToAdd, // #oids to add
+ pOidsToAddStart, // ptr to oids to add
+ pStatusOfAdds, // status of adds
+ cOidsToRemove, // #oids to remove
+ pOidsToRemove, // ptr to oids to remove
+ 0, 0, // ptr to oids to free
+ cOxidsToRemove, // #oxids to remove
+ pOxidsToRemove); // ptr to oxids to remove
+ } while (RetryRPC(sc));
+ // map status if necessary
+ sc = CheckStatus(sc);
+ // CODEWORK: reset the status flags for any OIDs not successfully added
+ // to the resolver.
+ // release the memory allocated above
+ PrivMemFree(pOidsToAddStart);
+#if DBG==1
+ AssertValid();
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "ClientBulkUpdateOIDWithPingServer hr:%x\n", S_OK));
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::EnsureWorkerThread
+// Synopsis: Make sure there is a worker thread. Create one if
+// necessary.
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::EnsureWorkerThread(void)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (_hThrd == NULL)
+ {
+ // no worker thread currently exists, try to create one. First, make
+ // sure that we have a connection to the resolver.
+ hr = GetConnection();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ DWORD dwThrdId;
+ _hThrd = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
+ WorkerThreadLoop,
+ 0, 0, &dwThrdId);
+ if (_hThrd)
+ {
+ // although the handle is closed, it is NOT nulled until
+ // the worker thread exits. That is the signal that there
+ // is no more worker thread and we may need to allocate
+ // another one.
+ CloseHandle(_hThrd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // unable to create worker thread
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR,"Create Resolver worker thread hr:%x\n",hr));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::WorkerThreadLoop
+// Synopsis: Worker thread for doing lazy/bulk OID registration
+// with the ping server.
+// History: 06-Nov-95 Rickhi Created.
+DWORD _stdcall CRpcResolver::WorkerThreadLoop(void *param)
+ // First thing we need to do is LoadLibrary ourselves in order to
+ // prevent our code from going away while this worker thread exists.
+ // The library will be freed when this thread exits.
+ HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(L"OLE32.DLL");
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ // sleep for a while to let the OIDs batch up in the registration list
+ Sleep(_dwSleepPeriod);
+ if (_cOidsToAdd == 0 && _cOidsToRemove == 0)
+ {
+ // There is no work to do. Exit this thread. If we need to
+ // register more oids later we will spin up another thread.
+ _hThrd = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ ClientBulkUpdateOIDWithPingServer();
+ }
+ // Simultaneously free our Dll and exit our thread. This allows us to
+ // keep our Dll around incase a remote call was is progress and the
+ // worker thread is still blocked on the call, and allows us to cleanup
+ // properly when all threads are done with the code.
+ FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hInst, 0);
+ // compiler wants a return value
+ return 0;
+#if DBG==1
+// Member: CRpcResolver::AssertValid
+// Synopsis: validates the state of this object
+// History: 30-Oct-95 Rickhi Created.
+void CRpcResolver::AssertValid(void)
+ Win4Assert((_cOidsToAdd & 0xf0000000) == 0x00000000);
+ Win4Assert((_cOidsToRemove & 0xf0000000) == 0x00000000);
+ if (_cOidsToAdd == 0 && _cOidsToRemove == 0)
+ {
+ // make sure the Reg list is empty.
+ Win4Assert(_ClientOIDRegList.pPrevList == &_ClientOIDRegList);
+ Win4Assert(_ClientOIDRegList.pNextList == &_ClientOIDRegList);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // make sure we have a worker thread. we cant assert because
+ // we could be OOM trying to create the thread.
+ if (_hThrd == NULL)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_WARN, "No Resolver Worked Thread\n"));
+ }
+ // make sure the Reg list is consistent with the counters
+ ULONG cAdd = 0;
+ ULONG cRemove = 0;
+ SOIDRegistration *pOIDReg = _ClientOIDRegList.pNextList;
+ while (pOIDReg != &_ClientOIDRegList)
+ {
+ // make sure the flags are valid
+ Win4Assert(pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_REGISTER ||
+ pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_DEREGISTER ||
+ pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_PING ||
+ if (pOIDReg->flags & (ROIDF_REGISTER | ROIDF_PING))
+ {
+ // OID is to be registered
+ cAdd++;
+ }
+ if (pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_DEREGISTER ||
+ pOIDReg->flags == ROIDF_PING)
+ {
+ // OID is to be deregistered
+ cRemove++;
+ }
+ pOIDReg = pOIDReg->pNextList;
+ }
+ Win4Assert(cAdd == _cOidsToAdd);
+ Win4Assert(cRemove == _cOidsToRemove);
+ }
+// Function: MakeSCMProxy, public
+// Synopsis: Creates an OXIDEntry and a proxy for the SCM Activation
+// Interface.
+// History: 14 Apr 95 AlexMit Created
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "MakeSCMProxy psaSCM:%x ppSCM:%x\n", psaSCM, ppSCM));
+ Win4Assert(gdwScmProcessID != 0);
+ // Init out parameter
+ *ppSCM = NULL;
+ // Make a fake OXIDEntry for the SCM.
+ OXID_INFO oxidInfo;
+ oxidInfo.dwTid = 0;
+ oxidInfo.dwPid = gdwScmProcessID;
+ oxidInfo.ipidRemUnknown = GUID_NULL;
+ oxidInfo.psa = psaSCM;
+ oxidInfo.dwAuthnHint = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry;
+ MIDEntry *pMIDEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = GetLocalMIDEntry(&pMIDEntry); // not AddRef'd
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Make a fake OXID for the SCM. We can use any ID that the resolver
+ // hands out as the OXID for the SCM.
+ OXID oxid;
+ hr = gResolver.ServerGetReservedID(&oxid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = gOXIDTbl.AddEntry(oxid, &oxidInfo, pMIDEntry, &pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Make an object reference for the SCM. The oid and ipid dont
+ // matter, except the OID must be machine-unique.
+ IPID ipidTmp;
+ UuidCreate(&ipidTmp); // fake the IPID
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = MakeFakeObjRef(objref, pOXIDEntry, ipidTmp, riid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // now unmarshal the objref to create a proxy to the SCM.
+ // use the internal form to reduce initialization time.
+ hr = UnmarshalInternalObjRef(objref, ppSCM);
+ {
+ // Make sure SCM can impersonate us.
+ hr = CoSetProxyBlanket( (IUnknown *) *ppSCM,
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ ((IUnknown *) (*ppSCM))->Release();
+ *ppSCM = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // release the reference to the OXIDEntry from AddEntry, since
+ // UnmarshalInternalObjRef added another one if it was successful.
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOXIDEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_OXID, "MakeSCMProxy hr:%x *ppSCM:%x\n", hr, *ppSCM));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::BindToSCMProxy
+// Synopsis: Get a proxy to the SCM Activation interface.
+// History: 19-May-95 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: The SCM activation interface is an ORPC interface so that
+// apartment model apps can receive callbacks and do cancels
+// while activating object servers.
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::BindToSCMProxy()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::BindToSCMProxy"));
+ // since we are calling out on this thread, we have to ensure that the
+ // call control is set up for this thread.
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ COleStaticLock lck(gmxsOleMisc);
+ if (IsSTAThread())
+ {
+ if (_pSCMSTA == NULL)
+ {
+ // Make a proxy to the SCM
+ hr = MakeSCMProxy((DUALSTRINGARRAY *)&saSCM, IID_IDSCM, (void **) &_pSCMSTA);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_pSCMMTA == NULL)
+ {
+ // Make a proxy to the SCM
+ hr = MakeSCMProxy((DUALSTRINGARRAY *)&saSCM, IID_IDSCM, (void **) &_pSCMMTA);
+ }
+ }
+ "CCoScm::BindToSCMProxy for IDSCM returns %x.\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::NotifyStarted
+// Synopsis: Notify the SCM that a class has been started
+// Arguments: [rclsid] - class started
+// [dwFlags] - whether class is multiple use or not.
+// History: 19-May-92 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::NotifyStarted(
+ RegInput *pRegIn,
+ RegOutput **ppRegOut)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::NotifyStarted"));
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ WCHAR * pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ServerRegisterClsid(
+ _hRpc,
+ _ph,
+ pwszWinstaDesktop,
+ pRegIn,
+ ppRegOut,
+ &rpcstat );
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ ComDebOut(( (hr == S_OK) ? DEB_SCM : DEB_ERROR,
+ "Class Registration returned %x", hr));
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstat);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::NotifyStopped
+// Synopsis: Notify the SCM that the server is stopped.
+// History: 19-May-92 Ricksa Created
+void CRpcResolver::NotifyStopped(
+ REFCLSID rclsid,
+ DWORD dwReg)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::NotifyStopped"));
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ RevokeClasses revcls;
+ revcls.dwSize = 1;
+ revcls.revent[0].clsid = rclsid;
+ revcls.revent[0].dwReg = dwReg;
+ do
+ {
+ ServerRevokeClsid(_hRpc, _ph, &revcls, &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+// Member: CRpcResolver::GetClassObject
+// Synopsis: Send a get object request to the SCM
+// Arguments: [rclsid] - class id for class object
+// [dwCtrl] - type of server required
+// [ppIFDClassObj] - marshaled buffer for class object
+// [ppwszDllToLoad] - DLL name to use for server
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 20-May-93 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::GetClassObject(
+ REFCLSID rclsid,
+ DWORD dwContext,
+ IID *pIID,
+ COSERVERINFO *pServerInfo,
+ MInterfacePointer **ppIFDClassObj,
+ DWORD *pdwDllServerType,
+ WCHAR **ppwszDllToLoad)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::GetClassObject"));
+ ACTIVATION_INFO ActivationInfo;
+ OXID OxidServer;
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY * pssaServerObjectResolverBindings;
+ OXID_INFO OxidInfo;
+ MID LocalMidOfRemote;
+ OXIDEntry * pOxidEntry;
+ LPWSTR pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = BindToSCMProxy();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ ActivationInfo.Clsid = &rclsid;
+ ActivationInfo.pServerInfo = pServerInfo;
+ ActivationInfo.pwszWinstaDesktop = pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ ActivationInfo.ClsContext = dwContext;
+ ActivationInfo.ProcessSignature = _dwProcessSignature;
+ ActivationInfo.bDynamicSecurity = _bDynamicSecurity;
+ pssaServerObjectResolverBindings = 0;
+ OxidInfo.psa = 0;
+ pOxidEntry = 0;
+ hr = GetSCM()->SCMGetClassObject(
+ &ActivationInfo,
+ pIID,
+ IsSTAThread(),
+ &OxidServer,
+ &pssaServerObjectResolverBindings,
+ &OxidInfo,
+ &LocalMidOfRemote,
+ ppIFDClassObj );
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) || (OxidServer == 0) )
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::GetClassObject hr:%x", hr));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ hr = FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(
+ OxidServer,
+ OxidInfo,
+ pssaServerObjectResolverBindings,
+ LocalMidOfRemote,
+ &pOxidEntry );
+ CoTaskMemFree(OxidInfo.psa);
+ CoTaskMemFree(pssaServerObjectResolverBindings);
+ //
+ //
+ // These comments also apply to CreateInstance and GetPersistentInstance
+ // methods.
+ //
+ // Releasing the OXID and reacquiring it makes me a little
+ // nervous. The Expired list is fairly short, so if multiple guys are doing
+ // this simultaneously, the entries could get lost. I guess this is not
+ // too bad since it should be rare and the local resolver will have it
+ // anyway, but I think there is a window where the local resolver could
+ // lose it too, forcing a complete roundtrip back to the server.
+ //
+ // A better mechanism may be to pass the iid and ppunk into this method
+ // and do the unmarshal inside it. We could improve performance by calling
+ // UnmarshalObjRef instead of putting a stream wrapper around the
+ // MInterfacePointer and then calling CoUnmarshalInterface. It would avoid
+ // looking up the OXIDEntry twice, and would avoid the race where we could
+ // lose the OXIDEntry off the expired list. It would require a small
+ // change in UnmarshalObjRef to deal with the custom marshal case.
+ //
+ //
+ // Decrement our ref. The interface unmarshall will do a LookupOXID
+ // which will increment the count and move the OXIDEntry back to the
+ // InUse list.
+ //
+ if ( pOxidEntry )
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOxidEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::GetClassObject hr:%x", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::CreateInstance
+// Synopsis: Send a create instance request to the SCM
+// Arguments:
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 20-May-93 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::CreateInstance(
+ COSERVERINFO *pServerInfo,
+ CLSID *pClsid,
+ DWORD dwClsCtx,
+ DWORD dwCount,
+ IID *pIIDs,
+ MInterfacePointer **pRetdItfs,
+ HRESULT *pRetdHrs,
+ DWORD *pdwDllServerType,
+ OLECHAR **ppwszDllToLoad )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::CreateInstance"));
+ ACTIVATION_INFO ActivationInfo;
+ OXID OxidServer;
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY * pssaServerObjectResolverBindings;
+ OXID_INFO OxidInfo;
+ MID LocalMidOfRemote;
+ OXIDEntry * pOxidEntry;
+ LPWSTR pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = BindToSCMProxy();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ ActivationInfo.Clsid = pClsid;
+ ActivationInfo.pServerInfo = pServerInfo;
+ ActivationInfo.pwszWinstaDesktop = pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ ActivationInfo.ClsContext = dwClsCtx;
+ ActivationInfo.ProcessSignature = _dwProcessSignature;
+ ActivationInfo.bDynamicSecurity = _bDynamicSecurity;
+ pssaServerObjectResolverBindings = 0;
+ OxidInfo.psa = 0;
+ pOxidEntry = 0;
+ hr = GetSCM()->SCMCreateInstance(
+ &ActivationInfo,
+ dwCount,
+ pIIDs,
+ IsSTAThread(),
+ &OxidServer,
+ &pssaServerObjectResolverBindings,
+ &OxidInfo,
+ &LocalMidOfRemote,
+ pRetdItfs,
+ pRetdHrs );
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) || (OxidServer == 0) )
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::CreateInstance hr:%x", hr));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ hr = FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(
+ OxidServer,
+ OxidInfo,
+ pssaServerObjectResolverBindings,
+ LocalMidOfRemote,
+ &pOxidEntry );
+ CoTaskMemFree(OxidInfo.psa);
+ CoTaskMemFree(pssaServerObjectResolverBindings);
+ //
+ // Decrement our ref. The interface unmarshall will do a LookupOXID
+ // which will increment the count and move the OXIDEntry back to the
+ // InUse list.
+ //
+ if ( pOxidEntry )
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOxidEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::CreateInstance hr:%x", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::GetPersistentInstance
+// Synopsis: Send a get object request to the SCM
+//GAJGAJ - fix this comment block
+// Arguments: [rclsid] - class id for class object
+// [dwCtrl] - type of server required
+// [ppIFDClassObj] - marshaled buffer for class object
+// [ppwszDllToLoad] - DLL name to use for server
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 20-May-93 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::GetPersistentInstance(
+ COSERVERINFO * pServerInfo,
+ CLSID *pClsid,
+ DWORD dwClsCtx,
+ DWORD grfMode,
+ BOOL bFileWasOpened,
+ OLECHAR *pwszName,
+ MInterfacePointer *pstg,
+ DWORD dwCount,
+ IID *pIIDs,
+ BOOL * FoundInROT,
+ MInterfacePointer **pRetdItfs,
+ HRESULT *pRetdHrs,
+ DWORD *pdwDllServerType,
+ OLECHAR **ppwszDllToLoad )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::GetPersistentInstance"));
+ ACTIVATION_INFO ActivationInfo;
+ OXID OxidServer;
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY * pssaServerObjectResolverBindings;
+ OXID_INFO OxidInfo;
+ MID LocalMidOfRemote;
+ OXIDEntry * pOxidEntry;
+ LPWSTR pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = BindToSCMProxy();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ ActivationInfo.Clsid = pClsid;
+ ActivationInfo.pServerInfo = pServerInfo;
+ ActivationInfo.pwszWinstaDesktop = pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ ActivationInfo.ClsContext = dwClsCtx;
+ ActivationInfo.ProcessSignature = _dwProcessSignature;
+ ActivationInfo.bDynamicSecurity = _bDynamicSecurity;
+ pssaServerObjectResolverBindings = 0;
+ OxidInfo.psa = 0;
+ pOxidEntry = 0;
+ hr = GetSCM()->SCMGetPersistentInstance(
+ &ActivationInfo,
+ pwszName,
+ pstg,
+ grfMode,
+ bFileWasOpened,
+ dwCount,
+ pIIDs,
+ IsSTAThread(),
+ &OxidServer,
+ &pssaServerObjectResolverBindings,
+ &OxidInfo,
+ &LocalMidOfRemote,
+ FoundInROT,
+ pRetdItfs,
+ pRetdHrs );
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) || (OxidServer == 0) )
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::GetPersistentInstance hr:%x",hr));
+ return hr;
+ }
+ hr = FindOrCreateOXIDEntry(
+ OxidServer,
+ OxidInfo,
+ pssaServerObjectResolverBindings,
+ LocalMidOfRemote,
+ &pOxidEntry );
+ CoTaskMemFree(OxidInfo.psa);
+ CoTaskMemFree(pssaServerObjectResolverBindings);
+ //
+ // Decrement our ref. The interface unmarshall will do a LookupOXID
+ // which will increment the count and move the OXIDEntry back to the
+ // InUse list.
+ //
+ if ( pOxidEntry )
+ DecOXIDRefCnt(pOxidEntry);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::GetPersistentInstance hr:%x", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotRegister
+// Synopsis: Register an object in the ROT
+// Arguments: [pmkeqbuf] - moniker compare buffer
+// [pifdObject] - marshaled interface for object
+// [pifdObjectName] - marshaled moniker
+// [pfiletime] - file time of last change
+// [dwProcessID] -
+// [psrkRegister] - output of registration
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotRegister(
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf,
+ InterfaceData *pifdObject,
+ InterfaceData *pifdObjectName,
+ FILETIME *pfiletime,
+ DWORD dwProcessID,
+ WCHAR *pwszServerExe,
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ WCHAR * pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotRegister(
+ _hRpc,
+ _ph,
+ pwszWinstaDesktop,
+ pmkeqbuf,
+ pifdObject,
+ pifdObjectName,
+ pfiletime,
+ dwProcessID,
+ pwszServerExe,
+ psrkRegister,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotRevoke
+// Synopsis: Call to SCM to revoke object from the ROT
+// Arguments: [psrkRegister] - moniker compare buffer
+// [fServerRevoke] - whether server for object is revoking
+// [pifdObject] - where to put marshaled object
+// [pifdName] - where to put marshaled moniker
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotRevoke(
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister,
+ BOOL fServerRevoke,
+ InterfaceData **ppifdObject,
+ InterfaceData **ppifdName)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotRevoke(
+ _hRpc,
+ psrkRegister,
+ fServerRevoke,
+ ppifdObject,
+ ppifdName,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotIsRunning
+// Synopsis: Call to SCM to determine if object is in the ROT
+// Arguments: [pmkeqbuf] - moniker compare buffer
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotIsRunning(MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ WCHAR * pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotIsRunning(
+ _hRpc,
+ _ph,
+ pwszWinstaDesktop,
+ pmkeqbuf,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotGetObject
+// Synopsis: Call to SCM to determine if object is in the ROT
+// Arguments: [dwProcessID] - process ID for object we want
+// [pmkeqbuf] - moniker compare buffer
+// [psrkRegister] - registration ID in SCM
+// [pifdObject] - marshaled interface for the object
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotGetObject(
+ DWORD dwProcessID,
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf,
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister,
+ InterfaceData **pifdObject)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ WCHAR * pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotGetObject(
+ _hRpc,
+ _ph,
+ pwszWinstaDesktop,
+ dwProcessID,
+ pmkeqbuf,
+ psrkRegister,
+ pifdObject,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotNoteChangeTime
+// Synopsis: Call to SCM to set time of change for object in the ROT
+// Arguments: [psrkRegister] - SCM registration ID
+// [pfiletime] - time of change
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotNoteChangeTime(
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister,
+ FILETIME *pfiletime)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotNoteChangeTime(
+ _hRpc,
+ psrkRegister,
+ pfiletime,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotGetTimeOfLastChange
+// Synopsis: Call to SCM to get time changed of object in the ROT
+// Arguments: [pmkeqbuf] - moniker compare buffer
+// [pfiletime] - where to put time of last change
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotGetTimeOfLastChange(
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf,
+ FILETIME *pfiletime)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ WCHAR * pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotGetTimeOfLastChange(
+ _hRpc,
+ _ph,
+ pwszWinstaDesktop,
+ pmkeqbuf,
+ pfiletime,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::IrotEnumRunning
+// Synopsis: Call to SCM to enumerate running objects in the ROT
+// Arguments: [ppMkIFList] - output pointer to array of marshaled monikers
+// Returns: S_OK
+// History: 28-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::IrotEnumRunning(MkInterfaceList **ppMkIFList)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat = RPC_S_OK;
+ WCHAR * pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ hr = GetWinstaDesktop( &pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return hr;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::IrotEnumRunning(
+ _hRpc,
+ _ph,
+ pwszWinstaDesktop,
+ ppMkIFList,
+ &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ if ( pwszWinstaDesktop != _pwszWinstaDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinstaDesktop );
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::UpdateShrdTbls
+// Synopsis: Ask the SCM to update the shared memory tables.
+// Arguments: none
+// History: 11-July-94 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::UpdateShrdTbls(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "CRpcResolver::UpdateShrdTbls"));
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::UpdateShrdTbls(_hRpc, &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ ComDebOut(( (hr == S_OK) ? DEB_SCM : DEB_ERROR,
+ "UpdateShrdTbls returned %x\n", hr));
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstat);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::GetThreadID
+// Synopsis: Get unique thread id from SCM.
+// Arguments: [pThreadID] - Pointer to returned thread ID.
+// History: 22-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+void CRpcResolver::GetThreadID( DWORD * pThreadID )
+ *pThreadID = 0;
+ hr = GetConnection();
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return;
+ //
+ // If GetConnection does the initial connect to the SCM/OR then
+ // our apartment thread id, which is aliased by pThreadID, will be set.
+ //
+ if ( *pThreadID != 0 )
+ return;
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ do
+ {
+ ::GetThreadID( _hRpc, pThreadID, &rpcstat );
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+// Member: CRpcResolver::UpdateActivationSettings
+// Synopsis: Tells rpcss to re-read default activation keys/values.
+// Used by OLE test team.
+// Arguments: none
+void CRpcResolver::UpdateActivationSettings()
+ hr = GetConnection();
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ return;
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ do
+ {
+ ::UpdateActivationSettings( _hRpc, &rpcstat );
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+// Member: CRpcResolver::RegisterWindowPropInterface
+// Synopsis: Register window property interface with the SCM
+// Arguments:
+// History: 22-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::RegisterWindowPropInterface(HWND hWnd, STDOBJREF *pStd,
+ OXID_INFO *pOxidInfo,
+ DWORD *pdwCookie)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::RegisterWindowPropInterface(_hRpc, (DWORD) hWnd,
+ pStd, pOxidInfo, pdwCookie, &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ ComDebOut(( (hr == S_OK) ? DEB_SCM : DEB_ERROR,
+ "RegisterWindowPropInterface returned %x\n", hr));
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstat);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::RegisterWindowPropInterface
+// Synopsis: Get (and possibly Revoke) window property interface
+// registration with the SCM.
+// Arguments:
+// History: 22-Jan-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::GetWindowPropInterface(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwCookie, BOOL fRevoke,
+ STDOBJREF *pStd, OXID_INFO *pOxidInfo)
+ // Bind to the SCM if that hasn't already happened
+ HRESULT hr = GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ error_status_t rpcstat;
+ do
+ {
+ hr = ::GetWindowPropInterface(_hRpc, (DWORD) hWnd, dwCookie, fRevoke,
+ pStd, pOxidInfo, &rpcstat);
+ } while (RetryRPC(rpcstat));
+ ComDebOut(( (hr == S_OK) ? DEB_SCM : DEB_ERROR,
+ "GetWindowPropInterface returned %x\n", hr));
+ if (rpcstat != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstat);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::SetWinstaDesktop
+// Purpose: Sets the default winsta\desktop string we'll use for this
+// process.
+// Returns: Success code.
+// History: Nov 96 DKays Created
+DWORD CRpcResolver::SetWinstaDesktop()
+ return GetThreadWinstaDesktop( &_pwszWinstaDesktop );
+// Member: CRpcResolver::GetWinstaDesktop
+// Purpose: Gets the winsta\desktop string to use for an activation call.
+// Returns: Success code.
+// History: Nov 96 DKays Created
+HRESULT CRpcResolver::GetWinstaDesktop( WCHAR ** ppwszWinstaDesktop )
+ DWORD Status;
+ *ppwszWinstaDesktop = 0;
+ if ( ! _bDynamicSecurity )
+ {
+ *ppwszWinstaDesktop = _pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ Status = GetThreadWinstaDesktop( ppwszWinstaDesktop );
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( Status );
+// Member: CRpcResolver::GetDynamicSecurity
+// Purpose: Get the dynamic security setting for the process.
+// Returns: TRUE or FALSE
+// History: Nov 96 DKays Created
+BOOL CRpcResolver::GetDynamicSecurity()
+ return _bDynamicSecurity;
+// Member: CRpcResolver::SetDynamicSecurity
+// Purpose: Set the dynamic security setting for the process to TRUE.
+// Returns: None.
+// History: Nov 96 DKays Created
+void CRpcResolver::SetDynamicSecurity()
+ _bDynamicSecurity = TRUE;
+// Method: GetThreadWinstaDesktop
+// Purpose: Get the winsta\desktop string for the calling thread.
+// Returns: Success code.
+// History: Nov-96 DKays Created
+DWORD GetThreadWinstaDesktop( WCHAR ** ppwszWinstaDesktop )
+ HWINSTA hWinsta;
+ HDESK hDesk;
+ WCHAR wszWinsta[32];
+ WCHAR wszDesktop[32];
+ LPWSTR pwszWinsta;
+ LPWSTR pwszDesktop;
+ DWORD WinstaSize;
+ DWORD DesktopSize;
+ DWORD Length;
+ BOOL Status;
+ DWORD Result;
+ *ppwszWinstaDesktop = 0;
+ hWinsta = GetProcessWindowStation();
+ if ( ! hWinsta )
+ return GetLastError();
+ hDesk = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
+ if ( ! hDesk )
+ return GetLastError();
+ pwszWinsta = wszWinsta;
+ pwszDesktop = wszDesktop;
+ Length = sizeof(wszWinsta);
+ Status = GetUserObjectInformation(
+ hWinsta,
+ pwszWinsta,
+ Length,
+ &Length );
+ if ( ! Status )
+ {
+ Result = GetLastError();
+ goto WinstaDesktopExit;
+ pwszWinsta = (LPWSTR)PrivMemAlloc( Length );
+ if ( ! pwszWinsta )
+ {
+ goto WinstaDesktopExit;
+ }
+ Status = GetUserObjectInformation(
+ hWinsta,
+ pwszWinsta,
+ Length,
+ &Length );
+ if ( ! Status )
+ {
+ Result = GetLastError();
+ goto WinstaDesktopExit;
+ }
+ }
+ Length = sizeof(wszDesktop);
+ Status = GetUserObjectInformation(
+ hDesk,
+ pwszDesktop,
+ Length,
+ &Length );
+ if ( ! Status )
+ {
+ Result = GetLastError();
+ goto WinstaDesktopExit;
+ pwszDesktop = (LPWSTR)PrivMemAlloc( Length );
+ if ( ! pwszDesktop )
+ {
+ goto WinstaDesktopExit;
+ }
+ Status = GetUserObjectInformation(
+ hDesk,
+ pwszDesktop,
+ Length,
+ &Length );
+ if ( ! Status )
+ {
+ Result = GetLastError();
+ goto WinstaDesktopExit;
+ }
+ }
+ *ppwszWinstaDesktop = (WCHAR *)
+ PrivMemAlloc( (lstrlenW(pwszWinsta) + 1 + lstrlenW(pwszDesktop) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ if ( *ppwszWinstaDesktop )
+ {
+ lstrcpyW( *ppwszWinstaDesktop, pwszWinsta );
+ lstrcatW( *ppwszWinstaDesktop, L"\\" );
+ lstrcatW( *ppwszWinstaDesktop, pwszDesktop );
+ Result = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if ( pwszWinsta != wszWinsta )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszWinsta );
+ if ( pwszDesktop != wszDesktop )
+ PrivMemFree( pwszDesktop );
+ return Result;
+// Method: ScmGetThreadId
+// Purpose: Stupid helper method so gResolver is not used in
+// com\class subdir.
+void ScmGetThreadId( DWORD * pThreadID )
+ gResolver.GetThreadID( pThreadID );
+// Function: UpdateDCOMSettings
+// Synopsis: Calls rpcss to re-read the default activation keys/values.
+STDAPI_(void) UpdateDCOMSettings(void)
+ gResolver.UpdateActivationSettings();
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/resolver.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/resolver.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3232a019e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/resolver.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// File: resolver.hxx
+// Contents: class implementing interface to RPC OXID/PingServer
+// resolver and OLE SCM process.
+// Classes: CRpcResolver
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _RESOLVER_HXX_
+#define _RESOLVER_HXX_
+#include <lclor.h>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // gOXIDTbl
+#include <hash.hxx> // CHashTable
+#include <iface.h>
+#include <scm.h>
+#include <irot.h>
+#include <dscm.h>
+// Client-Side OID registration record. Created for each client-side OID
+// that needs to be registered with the Resolver. Exists so we can lazily
+// register the OID and because the resolver expects one register/deregister
+// per process, not per apartment.
+typedef struct tagSOIDRegistration
+ SUUIDHashNode Node; // hash node
+ USHORT cRefs; // # apartments registered this OID
+ USHORT flags; // state flags
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry;// OXID of server for this OID
+ struct tagSOIDRegistration *pPrevList; // prev ptr for list
+ struct tagSOIDRegistration *pNextList; // next ptr for list
+} SOIDRegistration;
+// bit values for SOIDRegistration flags field
+typedef enum tagROIDFLAG
+ ROIDF_REGISTER = 0x01, // Register OID with Ping Server
+ ROIDF_PING = 0x02, // Ping (ie Register & DeRegister) OID
+ ROIDF_DEREGISTER = 0x04 // DeRegister OID with Ping Server
+// number of server-side OIDs to pre-register or reserve with the resolver
+// bit values for Resolver _dwFlags field
+typedef enum tagORFLAG
+ ORF_STRINGSREGISTERED = 0x01 // string bindings registerd with resolver
+// Class: CRpcResolver
+// Purpose: Provides an interface to OXID Resolver/PingServer process.
+// There is only one instance of this class in the process.
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Created
+class CRpcResolver : public CPrivAlloc
+ HRESULT ServerGetPreRegMOID(MOID *pmoid);
+ HRESULT ServerGetReservedMOID(MOID *pmoid);
+ HRESULT ServerGetReservedID(OID *pid);
+ HRESULT ServerFreeOXID(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry);
+ BOOL ServerCanRundownOID(REFOID roid);
+ HRESULT ClientResolveOXID(REFOXID roxid,
+ OXIDEntry **ppOXIDEntry);
+ HRESULT ClientRegisterOIDWithPingServer(REFOID roid,
+ OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry);
+ HRESULT ClientDeRegisterOIDFromPingServer(REFMOID roid,
+ BOOL fMarshaled);
+ HRESULT NotifyStarted(
+ RegInput *pRegIn,
+ RegOutput **ppRegOut);
+ void NotifyStopped(
+ REFCLSID rclsid,
+ DWORD dwReg);
+ HRESULT GetClassObject(
+ REFCLSID rclsid,
+ DWORD dwCtrl,
+ IID *pIID,
+ COSERVERINFO *pServerInfo,
+ MInterfacePointer **ppIFDClassObj,
+ DWORD *pdwDllServerType,
+ WCHAR **ppwszDllToLoad);
+ HRESULT CreateInstance(
+ COSERVERINFO *pServerInfo,
+ CLSID *pClsid,
+ DWORD dwClsCtx,
+ DWORD dwCount,
+ IID *pIIDs,
+ MInterfacePointer **pRetdItfs,
+ HRESULT *pRetdHrs,
+ DWORD *pdwDllServerType,
+ OLECHAR **ppwszDllToLoad );
+ HRESULT GetPersistentInstance(
+ COSERVERINFO * pServerInfo,
+ CLSID *pClsid,
+ DWORD dwClsCtx,
+ DWORD grfMode,
+ BOOL bFileWasOpened,
+ OLECHAR *pwszName,
+ MInterfacePointer *pstg,
+ DWORD dwCount,
+ IID *pIIDs,
+ BOOL * FoundInROT,
+ MInterfacePointer **pRetdItfs,
+ HRESULT *pRetdHrs,
+ DWORD *pdwDllServerType,
+ OLECHAR **ppwszDllToLoad );
+ HRESULT IrotRegister(
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf,
+ InterfaceData *pifdObject,
+ InterfaceData *pifdObjectName,
+ FILETIME *pfiletime,
+ DWORD dwProcessID,
+ WCHAR *pwszServerExe,
+ SCMREGKEY *pdwRegister);
+ HRESULT IrotRevoke(
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister,
+ BOOL fServerRevoke,
+ InterfaceData **pifdObject,
+ InterfaceData **pifdName);
+ HRESULT IrotIsRunning(
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf);
+ HRESULT IrotGetObject(
+ DWORD dwProcessID,
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf,
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister,
+ InterfaceData **pifdObject);
+ HRESULT IrotNoteChangeTime(
+ SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister,
+ FILETIME *pfiletime);
+ HRESULT IrotGetTimeOfLastChange(
+ MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf,
+ FILETIME *pfiletime);
+ HRESULT IrotEnumRunning(
+ MkInterfaceList **ppMkIFList);
+ HRESULT UpdateShrdTbls(void);
+ void GetThreadID( DWORD * pThreadID );
+ void UpdateActivationSettings();
+ HRESULT RegisterWindowPropInterface(
+ HWND hWnd,
+ OXID_INFO *pOxidInfo,
+ DWORD *pdwCookie);
+ HRESULT GetWindowPropInterface(
+ HWND hWnd,
+ DWORD dwCookie,
+ BOOL fRevoke,
+ OXID_INFO *pOxidInfo);
+ HRESULT GetConnection();
+ HRESULT BindToSCMProxy();
+ void ReleaseSCMProxy();
+ DWORD SetWinstaDesktop();
+ HRESULT GetWinstaDesktop( WCHAR ** ppwszWinstaDesktop );
+ BOOL GetDynamicSecurity();
+ void SetDynamicSecurity();
+ void Cleanup();
+#if DBG==1
+ void AssertValid(void);
+ void AssertValid(void) {};
+ HRESULT EnsureWorkerThread(void);
+ DWORD _stdcall WorkerThreadLoop(void *param);
+ HRESULT ClientBulkUpdateOIDWithPingServer(void);
+ HRESULT WaitForOXIDEntry(OXIDEntry *pEntry);
+ void CheckForWaiters(OXIDEntry *pEntry);
+ HRESULT ServerAllocMoreOIDs(ULONG *pcPreRegOidsAvail,
+ OID *parPreRegOidsAvail,
+ OXIDEntry *pEntry);
+ HRESULT ServerAllocOIDs(OXIDEntry *pEntry,
+ ULONG *pcPreRegOidsAvail,
+ OID *parPreRegOidsAvail);
+ HRESULT ServerRegisterOXID(OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry,
+ ULONG *pcOidsToAllocate,
+ OID arNewOidList[]);
+ HRESULT CheckStatus(RPC_STATUS sc);
+ IDSCM *GetSCM() { return (IsSTAThread()) ? _pSCMSTA : _pSCMMTA; }
+ static handle_t _hRpc; // rpc binding handle to resolver
+ static PHPROCESS _ph; // context handle to resolver
+ static HANDLE _hThrd; // handle of worker thread (if any)
+ static HANDLE _hEventOXID; // event for registering threads
+ static DWORD _dwFlags; // flags
+ static DWORD _dwSleepPeriod; // worker thread sleep period
+ // reserved sequence of OIDs (for no-ping marshals)
+ static ULONG _cReservedOidsAvail;
+ static ULONGLONG _OidNextReserved;
+ // pre-registered OIDs (for objects that need to be pinged)
+ static ULONG _cPreRegOidsAvail;
+ static ULONG _cOidsToAdd; // # of OIDs to register with resolver
+ static ULONG _cOidsToRemove; // # of OIDs to deregister with resolver
+ static SOIDRegistration _ClientOIDRegList;
+ static IDSCM * _pSCMSTA; // Single-threaded SCM proxy
+ static IDSCM * _pSCMMTA; // Multi-threaded SCM proxy
+ static LPWSTR _pwszWinstaDesktop;
+ static DWORD _dwProcessSignature;
+ static BOOL _bDynamicSecurity;
+extern MID gLocalMid; // MID for current machine
+extern OXID gScmOXID; // OXID for the SCM
+// global ptr to the one instance of this class
+extern CRpcResolver gResolver;
+// Ping period in milliseconds.
+extern DWORD giPingPeriod;
+// table of OIDs client-registered for pinging
+extern CUUIDHashTable gClientRegisteredOIDs;
+#endif // _RESOLVER_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/riftbl.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/riftbl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f39860ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/riftbl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+// File: riftbl.cxx
+// Contents: RIF (Registered Interfaces) Table.
+// Classes: CRIFTable
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <riftbl.hxx> // class definition
+#include <locks.hxx> // LOCK/UNLOCK
+#include <channelb.hxx> // ThreadInvoke
+// number of Registered Interface Entries per allocator page
+#define RIFS_PER_PAGE 32
+// global RIF table
+CRIFTable gRIFTbl;
+// Vector Table: All calls on registered interfaces are dispatched through
+// this table to ThreadInvoke, which subsequently dispatches to the
+// appropriate interface stub. All calls on COM interfaces are dispatched
+// on method #0 so the table only needs to be 1 entry long.
+const RPC_DISPATCH_FUNCTION vector[] =
+ (void (_stdcall *) (struct ::_RPC_MESSAGE *)) ThreadInvoke,
+const RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE gDispatchTable =
+ sizeof(vector)/sizeof(RPC_DISPATCH_FUNCTION),
+// Interface Templates. When we register an interface with the RPC runtime,
+// we allocate an structure, copy one of these templates in (depending on
+// whether we want client side or server side) and then set the interface
+// IID to the interface being registered.
+// We hand-register the RemUnknown interface because we normally marshal its
+// derived verion (IRundown), yet expect calls on IRemUnknown.
+ {0x69C09EA0, 0x4A09, 0x101B, 0xAE, 0x4B, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x34, 0x9A, 0x02,
+ {0, 0}},
+ {0x8A885D04, 0x1CEB, 0x11C9, 0x9F, 0xE8, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x10, 0x48, 0x60,
+ {2, 0}},
+ (RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE *)&gDispatchTable, 0, 0, 0
+ {0x69C09EA0, 0x4A09, 0x101B, 0xAE, 0x4B, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x34, 0x9A, 0x02,
+ {0, 0}},
+ {0x8A885D04, 0x1CEB, 0x11C9, 0x9F, 0xE8, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x10, 0x48, 0x60,
+ {2, 0}},
+ 0, 0, 0, 0
+const RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE gRemUnknownIf =
+ {0x00000131, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46,
+ {0, 0}},
+ {0x8A885D04, 0x1CEB, 0x11C9, 0x9F, 0xE8, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x10, 0x48, 0x60,
+ {2, 0}},
+ (RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE *)&gDispatchTable, 0, 0, 0
+// Registered Interface hash table buckets. This is defined as a global
+// so that we dont have to run any code to initialize the hash table.
+SHashChain RIFBuckets[23] =
+ {&RIFBuckets[0], &RIFBuckets[0]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[1], &RIFBuckets[1]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[2], &RIFBuckets[2]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[3], &RIFBuckets[3]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[4], &RIFBuckets[4]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[5], &RIFBuckets[5]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[6], &RIFBuckets[6]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[7], &RIFBuckets[7]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[8], &RIFBuckets[8]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[9], &RIFBuckets[9]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[10], &RIFBuckets[10]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[11], &RIFBuckets[11]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[12], &RIFBuckets[12]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[13], &RIFBuckets[13]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[14], &RIFBuckets[14]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[15], &RIFBuckets[15]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[16], &RIFBuckets[16]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[17], &RIFBuckets[17]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[18], &RIFBuckets[18]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[19], &RIFBuckets[19]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[20], &RIFBuckets[20]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[21], &RIFBuckets[21]},
+ {&RIFBuckets[22], &RIFBuckets[22]}
+// Function: CleanupRIFEntry
+// Synopsis: Call the RIFTable to cleanup an entry. This is called
+// by the hash table cleanup code.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CleanupRIFEntry(SHashChain *pNode)
+ gRIFTbl.UnRegisterInterface((RIFEntry *)pNode);
+// Member: CRIFTable::Initialize, public
+// Synopsis: Initialize the Registered Interface Table
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CRIFTable::Initialize()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRIFTable::Initialize\n"));
+ _HashTbl.Initialize(RIFBuckets);
+ _palloc.Initialize(sizeof(RIFEntry), RIFS_PER_PAGE);
+// Member: CRIFTable::Cleanup, public
+// Synopsis: Cleanup the Registered Interface Table.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CRIFTable::Cleanup()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRIFTable::Cleanup\n"));
+ _HashTbl.Cleanup(CleanupRIFEntry);
+ _palloc.Cleanup();
+// Member: CRIFTable::GetClientInterfaceInfo, public
+// Synopsis: returns the interface info for a given interface
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE *CRIFTable::GetClientInterfaceInfo(REFIID riid)
+ DWORD iHash = _HashTbl.Hash(riid);
+ RIFEntry *pRIFEntry = (RIFEntry *) _HashTbl.Lookup(iHash, riid);
+ Win4Assert(pRIFEntry); // must already be registered
+ Win4Assert(pRIFEntry->pCliInterface);
+ return pRIFEntry->pCliInterface;
+// Member: CRIFTable::RegisterInterface, public
+// Synopsis: returns the proxy stub clsid of the specified interface,
+// and adds an entry to the registered interface hash table
+// if needed.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRIFTable::RegisterInterface(REFIID riid, BOOL fServer, CLSID *pClsid)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRIFTable::RegisterInterface riid:%I\n", &riid));
+ // look for the interface in the table.
+ RIFEntry *pRIFEntry;
+ HRESULT hr = GetPSClsid(riid, pClsid, &pRIFEntry);
+ if (pRIFEntry)
+ {
+ if (fServer)
+ {
+ if (pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = RegisterServerInterface(pRIFEntry, riid);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pRIFEntry->pCliInterface == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = RegisterClientInterface(pRIFEntry, riid);
+ }
+ }
+ "CRIFTable::RegisterInterface hr:%x clsid:%I\n", hr, pClsid));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRIFTable::RegisterClientInterface, private
+// Synopsis: Register with the RPC runtime a client RPC interface
+// structure for the given IID. The IID must not already
+// be registered.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRIFTable::RegisterClientInterface(RIFEntry *pRIFEntry, REFIID riid)
+ "CRIFTable::RegisterClientInterface pRIFEntry:%x\n", pRIFEntry));
+ Win4Assert(pRIFEntry->pCliInterface == NULL);
+ pRIFEntry->pCliInterface = (RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE *)
+ PrivMemAlloc(sizeof(RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE));
+ if (pRIFEntry->pCliInterface != NULL)
+ {
+ memcpy(pRIFEntry->pCliInterface, &gClientIf, sizeof(gClientIf));
+ pRIFEntry->pCliInterface->InterfaceId.SyntaxGUID = riid;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRIFTable::RegisterServerInterface, private
+// Synopsis: Register with the RPC runtime a server RPC interface
+// structure for the given IID. The IID must not already
+// be registered
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRIFTable::RegisterServerInterface(RIFEntry *pRIFEntry, REFIID riid)
+ "CRIFTable::RegisterServerInterface pRIFEntry:%x\n", pRIFEntry));
+ Win4Assert(pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface == NULL);
+ pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface = (RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *)
+ PrivMemAlloc(sizeof(RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE));
+ if (pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = S_OK;
+ memcpy(pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface, &gServerIf, sizeof(gServerIf));
+ pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface->InterfaceId.SyntaxGUID = riid;
+ RPC_STATUS sc = RpcServerRegisterIfEx(pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface, NULL,
+ 0xffff, GetAclFn());
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR,
+ "RegisterServerInterface %I failed:0x%x.\n", &riid, sc));
+ PrivMemFree(pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface);
+ pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface = NULL;
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc);
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRIFTable::UnRegisterInterface
+// Synopsis: UnRegister with the RPC runtime a server RPC interface
+// structure for the given IID. This is called by
+// CUUIDHashTable::Cleanup during CoUninitialize. Also
+// delete the interface structures.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+void CRIFTable::UnRegisterInterface(RIFEntry *pRIFEntry)
+ if (pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface)
+ {
+ // server side entry exists, unregister the interface with RPC.
+ // Note that this can result in calls being dispatched so we
+ // have to release the lock around the call.
+ RpcServerUnregisterIf(pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface, 0, 1);
+ PrivMemFree(pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface);
+ pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface = NULL;
+ }
+ PrivMemFree(pRIFEntry->pCliInterface);
+ _palloc.ReleaseEntry((PageEntry *)pRIFEntry);
+// Member: CRIFTable::GetPSClsid, public
+// Synopsis: Finds the RIFEntry in the table for the given riid, and
+// adds an entry if one is not found. Called by CoGetPSClsid
+// and by CRIFTable::RegisterInterface.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRIFTable::GetPSClsid(REFIID riid, CLSID *pclsid, RIFEntry **ppEntry)
+ "CRIFTable::GetPSClsid riid:%I pclsid:%x\n", &riid, pclsid));
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // look for the interface in the table.
+ DWORD iHash = _HashTbl.Hash(riid);
+ RIFEntry *pRIFEntry = (RIFEntry *) _HashTbl.Lookup(iHash, riid);
+ if (pRIFEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // no entry exists for this interface, add one. Dont hold
+ // the lock over a call to the SCM.
+ hr = wCoGetPSClsid(riid, pclsid);
+ // now that we are holding the lock again, do another lookup incase
+ // some other thread came it while the lock was released.
+ pRIFEntry = (RIFEntry *) _HashTbl.Lookup(iHash, riid);
+ if (pRIFEntry == NULL && SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = AddEntry(*pclsid, riid, iHash, &pRIFEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // found an entry, return the clsid
+ *pclsid = pRIFEntry->psclsid;
+ }
+ *ppEntry = pRIFEntry;
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRIFTable::RegisterPSClsid pRIFEntry:%x\n", pRIFEntry));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRIFTable::RegisterPSClsid, public
+// Synopsis: Adds an entry to the table. Used by CoRegisterPSClsid
+// so that applications can add a temporary entry that only
+// affects the local process without having to muck with
+// the system registry.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRIFTable::RegisterPSClsid(REFIID riid, REFCLSID rclsid)
+ "CRIFTable::RegisterPSClsid rclsid:%I riid:%I\n", &rclsid, &riid));
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // look for the interface in the table.
+ DWORD iHash = _HashTbl.Hash(riid);
+ RIFEntry *pRIFEntry = (RIFEntry *) _HashTbl.Lookup(iHash, riid);
+ if (pRIFEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ // no entry exists for this interface, add one.
+ hr = AddEntry(rclsid, riid, iHash, &pRIFEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // found an entry, update the clsid
+ pRIFEntry->psclsid = rclsid;
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRIFTable::RegisterPSClsid hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRIFTable::AddEntry, private
+// Synopsis: allocates and entry, fills in the values, and adds it
+// to the hash table.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CRIFTable::AddEntry(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid,
+ DWORD iHash, RIFEntry **ppRIFEntry)
+ RIFEntry *pRIFEntry = (RIFEntry *) _palloc.AllocEntry();
+ if (pRIFEntry)
+ {
+ pRIFEntry->psclsid = rclsid;
+ pRIFEntry->pSrvInterface = NULL;
+ pRIFEntry->pCliInterface = NULL;
+ *ppRIFEntry = pRIFEntry;
+ // add to the hash table
+ _HashTbl.Add(iHash, riid, &pRIFEntry->HashNode);
+ "Added RIFEntry riid:%I pRIFEntry\n", &riid, pRIFEntry));
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+// Function: CoRegisterPSClsid, public
+// Synopsis: registers a IID->PSCLSID mapping that applies only within
+// the current process. Can be used by code downloaded over
+// a network to do custom interface marshaling without having
+// to muck with the system registry.
+// Algorithm: validate the parameters then add an entry to the RIFTable.
+// History: 15-Apr-96 Rickhi Created
+STDAPI CoRegisterPSClsid(REFIID riid, REFCLSID rclsid)
+ "CoRegisterPSClsid riid:%I rclsid:%I\n", &riid, &rclsid));
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ if ((&riid != NULL) && (&rclsid != NULL) &&
+ IsValidPtrIn(&riid, sizeof(riid)) &&
+ IsValidPtrIn(&rclsid, sizeof(rclsid)))
+ {
+ hr = gRIFTbl.RegisterPSClsid(riid, rclsid);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoGetPSClsid, public
+// Synopsis: returns the proxystub clsid associated with the specified
+// interface IID.
+// Arguments: [riid] - the interface iid to lookup
+// [lpclsid] - where to return the clsid
+// Returns: S_OK if successfull
+// REGDB_E_IIDNOTREG if interface is not registered.
+// REGDB_E_READREGDB if any other error
+// Algorithm: First it looks in the local RIFTable for a matching IID. If
+// no entry is found, the RIFTable looks in the shared memory
+// table (NT only), and if not found and the table is FULL, it
+// will look in the registry itself.
+// History: 07-Apr-94 Rickhi rewrite
+STDAPI CoGetPSClsid(REFIID riid, CLSID *pclsid)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CoGetPSClsid riid:%I pclsid:%x\n", &riid, pclsid));
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ if ((&riid != NULL) &&
+ IsValidPtrIn(&riid, sizeof(riid)) &&
+ IsValidPtrOut(pclsid, sizeof(*pclsid)))
+ {
+ RIFEntry *pRIFEntry;
+ hr = gRIFTbl.GetPSClsid(riid, pclsid, &pRIFEntry);
+ }
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/riftbl.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/riftbl.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0a0b7987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/riftbl.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// File: riftbl.hxx
+// Contents: RIF (registered interface) table.
+// Classes: CRIFTable
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef _RIFTBL_HXX_
+#define _RIFTBL_HXX_
+#include <pgalloc.hxx> // CPageAllocator
+#include <hash.hxx> // CUUIDHashTable
+// Struct: RIFEntry - Registered Interface Entry
+// This structure defines an Entry in the RIF table. There is one RIF
+// table for the entire process. There is one RIFEntry per interface
+// the current process is using (client side or server side).
+typedef struct tagRIFEntry
+ SUUIDHashNode HashNode; // hash chain and key (IID)
+ CLSID psclsid; // proxy stub clsid
+ RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *pSrvInterface; // ptr to server interface
+ RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE *pCliInterface; // ptr tp client interface
+} RIFEntry;
+// class: CRIFTable
+// Synopsis: Hash table of registered interfaces.
+// History: 12-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+// Notes: Entries are kept in a hash table keyed by the IID. Entries
+// are allocated via the page-based allocator. There is one
+// global instance of this table per process (gRIFTbl).
+class CRIFTable
+ void Initialize();
+ void Cleanup();
+ HRESULT RegisterInterface(REFIID riid, BOOL fServer, CLSID *pClsid);
+ RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE *GetClientInterfaceInfo(REFIID riid);
+ HRESULT RegisterPSClsid(REFIID riid, REFCLSID rclsid);
+ HRESULT GetPSClsid(REFIID riid, CLSID *pclsid, RIFEntry **ppEntry);
+ void UnRegisterInterface(RIFEntry *pRIFEntry);
+ HRESULT RegisterClientInterface(RIFEntry *pRIFEntry, REFIID riid);
+ HRESULT RegisterServerInterface(RIFEntry *pRIFEntry, REFIID riid);
+ HRESULT AddEntry(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, DWORD iHash, RIFEntry **ppRIFEntry);
+ CUUIDHashTable _HashTbl; // interface lookup hash table
+ CPageAllocator _palloc; // page allocator
+// global externs
+extern CRIFTable gRIFTbl;
+extern const RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE gRemUnknownIf;
+#endif // _RIFTBL_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/rpcspy.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/rpcspy.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cf829ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/rpcspy.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
+// File: rpcspy.hxx
+// Contents: A primitive rpc spy with output to debug terminal
+// Classes:
+// Functions:
+// History: 3-31-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
+// Note: Can be turned on via CairOle InfoLelevel mask 0x08000000
+#ifndef _RPCSPY_HXX_
+#define _RPCSPY_HXX_
+#if DBG==1
+// switch on to trace rpc calls
+// by setting CairoleInfoLevel = DEB_USER1;
+#define NESTING_SPACES 32
+static char achSpaces[NESTING_SPACES+1] = " ";
+WORD wlevel = 0;
+char tabs[128];
+// Method: PushLevel
+// Synopsis:
+// Arguments: (none)
+// History: 3-31-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
+void PushLevel()
+ wlevel++;
+// Method: PopLevel
+// Synopsis:
+// History: 3-31-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
+void PopLevel()
+ if (wlevel)
+ wlevel--;
+// Method: NestingSpaces
+// Synopsis:
+// Arguments: [psz] --
+// Returns:
+// History: 3-31-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
+// Notes:
+void NestingSpaces(char *psz)
+ int iSpaces, i;
+ iSpaces = wlevel * SPACES_PER_LEVEL;
+ while (iSpaces > 0)
+ {
+ i = min(iSpaces, NESTING_SPACES);
+ memcpy(psz, achSpaces, i);
+ psz += i;
+ *psz = 0;
+ iSpaces -= i;
+ }
+// Method: GetTabs
+// Synopsis:
+// Arguments: (none)
+// Returns:
+// History: 3-31-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
+// Notes:
+LPSTR GetTabs()
+ static char ach[256];
+ char *psz;
+ sprintf(ach, "%2d:", wlevel);
+ psz = ach+strlen(ach);
+ if (sizeof(ach)/SPACES_PER_LEVEL <= wlevel)
+ {
+ strcpy(psz, "...");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NestingSpaces(psz);
+ }
+ return ach;
+typedef enum
+// Method: RpcSpyOutput
+// Synopsis:
+// Arguments: [mode] -- in or out call
+// [iid] -- interface id
+// [dwMethod] -- called method
+// [hres] -- hresult of finished call
+// Returns:
+// History: 3-31-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
+// Notes:
+void RpcSpyOutput(RPCSPYMODE mode , REFIID iid, DWORD dwMethod, HRESULT hres)
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_RPCSPY,"%s <<< %lx, %d \n",GetTabs(), iid.Data1, dwMethod));
+ PushLevel();
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case CALLIN_END:
+ PopLevel();
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_RPCSPY,"%s === %lx, %d (%lx) \n",GetTabs(), iid.Data1, dwMethod, hres));
+ break;
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_RPCSPY,"%s >>> %lx, %d \n",GetTabs(), iid.Data1, dwMethod));
+ PushLevel();
+ break;
+ break;
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_RPCSPY,"%s !!! %lx, %d, error:%lx \n",GetTabs(), iid.Data1, dwMethod, hres));
+ break;
+ PopLevel();
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_RPCSPY,"%s +++ %lx, %d (%lx) \n",GetTabs(), iid.Data1, dwMethod, hres));
+ break;
+ }
+#define RpcSpy(x) RpcSpyOutput x
+#define RpcSpy(x)
+#endif // DBG==1
+#endif // _RPCSPY_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/security.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/security.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de7f7e024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/security.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3060 @@
+// File: security.cxx
+// Copyright (c) 1996-1996, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
+// Contents: Classes for channel security
+// Classes: CClientSecurity, CServerSecurity
+// History: 11 Oct 95 AlexMit Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <locks.hxx>
+#include <security.hxx>
+#include <channelb.hxx>
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx>
+#include <resolver.hxx>
+#include <service.hxx>
+#include <oleext.h>
+#include <stream.hxx>
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+#include <apiutil.h>
+#include <wksta.h>
+// Definitions.
+// Versions of the permissions in the registry.
+// Guess length of user name.
+const DWORD SIZEOF_NAME = 80;
+// This leaves space for 8 sub authorities. Currently NT only uses 6 and
+// Cairo uses 7.
+const DWORD SIZEOF_SID = 44;
+// This leaves space for 2 access allowed ACEs in the ACL.
+const DWORD SIZEOF_ACL = sizeof(ACL) + 2 * sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) +
+const SID LOCAL_SYSTEM_SID = {SID_REVISION, 1, {0,0,0,0,0,5},
+const DWORD NUM_SEC_PKG = 8;
+// Remove this for NT 5.0 when we link to oleext.lib
+const IID IID_IAccessControl = {0xEEDD23E0,0x8410,0x11CE,{0xA1,0xC3,0x08,0x00,0x2B,0x2B,0x8D,0x8F}};
+// Stores results of AccessCheck.
+typedef struct
+ BOOL fAccess;
+ DWORD lHash;
+ SID sid;
+} SAccessCache;
+// Header in access permission key.
+typedef struct
+ WORD wVersion;
+ WORD wPad;
+ GUID gClass;
+} SPermissionHeader;
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+typedef unsigned
+ (*NetWkstaGetInfoFn) ( const char FAR * pszServer,
+ short sLevel,
+ char FAR * pbBuffer,
+ unsigned short cbBuffer,
+ unsigned short FAR * pcbTotalAvail );
+// Externals.
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IObjServer;
+// Prototypes.
+void CacheAccess ( SID *pSid, BOOL fAccess );
+BOOL CacheAccessCheck ( SID *pSid, BOOL *pAccess );
+HRESULT FixupSecurityDescriptor( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR **pSD, DWORD cbSD );
+HRESULT GetRegistrySecDesc ( HKEY, WCHAR *pValue,
+DWORD HashSid ( SID * );
+BOOL IsLocalAuthnService ( USHORT wAuthnService );
+HRESULT DefaultAuthnServices ( void );
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+HRESULT LookupPrincName ( WCHAR ** );
+HRESULT LookupPrincName(
+ USHORT *pwAuthnServices,
+ ULONG cAuthnServices,
+ WCHAR **pPrincName
+ );
+#endif // _CHICAGO_
+// Globals.
+// These variables hold the default authentication information.
+DWORD gCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
+// These variables define a list of security providers OLE clients can
+// use and a list OLE servers can use.
+USHORT *gClientSvcList = NULL;
+DWORD gClientSvcListLen = 0;
+USHORT *gServerSvcList = NULL;
+DWORD gServerSvcListLen = 0;
+// gDisableDCOM is read from the registry by CRpcResolver::GetConnection.
+// If TRUE, all machine remote calls will be failed. It is set TRUE in WOW.
+// Set TRUE when CRpcResolver::GetConnection initializes the previous globals.
+BOOL gGotSecurityData = FALSE;
+// The security descriptor to check when new connections are established.
+// gAccessControl and gSecDesc will not both be nonNULL at the same time.
+IAccessControl *gAccessControl = NULL;
+// The security string array. If gDefaultService is TRUE, compute the
+// security string array the first time a remote protocol sequence is
+// registered.
+BOOL gDefaultService = FALSE;
+// The security descriptor to check in RundownOID.
+// Don't map any of the generic bits to COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE or any other bit.
+GENERIC_MAPPING gMap = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+PRIVILEGE_SET gPriv = { 1, 0 };
+// Cache of results of calls to AccessCheck.
+SAccessCache *gAccessCache[ACCESS_CACHE_LEN] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
+DWORD gMostRecentAccess = 0;
+// Function: CacheAccess
+// Synopsis: Store the results of the access check in the cache.
+void CacheAccess( SID *pSid, BOOL fAccess )
+ SAccessCache *pNew;
+ DWORD cbSid;
+ // Allocate a new record.
+ cbSid = GetLengthSid( pSid );
+ pNew = (SAccessCache *) PrivMemAlloc( sizeof(SAccessCache) + cbSid -
+ sizeof(SID) );
+ // Initialize the record.
+ if (pNew != NULL)
+ {
+ pNew->fAccess = fAccess;
+ pNew->lHash = HashSid( pSid );
+ memcpy( &pNew->sid, pSid, cbSid );
+ // Free the old record and insert the new.
+ gMostRecentAccess += 1;
+ if (gMostRecentAccess >= ACCESS_CACHE_LEN)
+ gMostRecentAccess = 0;
+ PrivMemFree( gAccessCache[gMostRecentAccess] );
+ gAccessCache[gMostRecentAccess] = pNew;
+ }
+// Function: CacheAccessCheck
+// Synopsis: Look for the specified SID in the cache. If found,
+// return the results of the cached access check.
+BOOL CacheAccessCheck( SID *pSid, BOOL *pAccess )
+ DWORD i;
+ DWORD lHash = HashSid( pSid );
+ DWORD j;
+ BOOL fFound = FALSE;
+ SAccessCache *pSwap;
+ // Look for the SID.
+ j = gMostRecentAccess;
+ for (i = 0; i < ACCESS_CACHE_LEN; i++)
+ {
+ if (gAccessCache[j] != NULL &&
+ gAccessCache[j]->lHash == lHash &&
+ EqualSid( pSid, &gAccessCache[j]->sid ))
+ {
+ // Move this entry to the head.
+ fFound = TRUE;
+ *pAccess = gAccessCache[j]->fAccess;
+ pSwap = gAccessCache[gMostRecentAccess];
+ gAccessCache[gMostRecentAccess] = gAccessCache[j];
+ gAccessCache[j] = pSwap;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j == 0)
+ else
+ j -= 1;
+ }
+ return fFound;
+// Member: CClientSecurity::CopyProxy, public
+// Synopsis: Create a new IPID entry for the specified IID.
+STDMETHODIMP CClientSecurity::CopyProxy( IUnknown *pProxy, IUnknown **ppCopy )
+ // Make sure TLS is initialized on this thread.
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask the marshaller to copy the proxy.
+ return _pStdId->PrivateCopyProxy( pProxy, ppCopy );
+// Member: CClientSecurity::QueryBlanket, public
+// Synopsis: Get the binding handle for a proxy. Query RPC for the
+// authentication information for that handle.
+STDMETHODIMP CClientSecurity::QueryBlanket(
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD *pImpLevel,
+ void **pAuthInfo,
+ DWORD *pCapabilities )
+ IPIDEntry *pIpid;
+ DWORD iLen;
+ OLECHAR *pCopy;
+ handle_t hHandle;
+ IRemUnknown *pRemUnk = NULL;
+ // Initialize all out parameters to default values.
+ if (pServerPrincName != NULL)
+ *pServerPrincName = NULL;
+ if (pAuthnLevel != NULL)
+ if (pImpLevel != NULL)
+ if (pAuthnSvc != NULL)
+ *pAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
+ if (pAuthInfo != NULL)
+ *pAuthInfo = NULL;
+ if (pAuthzSvc != NULL)
+ *pAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
+ if (pCapabilities != NULL)
+ *pCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
+ // For IUnknown just call QueryBlanket on the IRemUnknown of
+ // the IPID or the OXID.
+ if (_pStdId->GetCtrlUnk() == pProxy)
+ {
+ pIpid = _pStdId->GetConnectedIPID();
+ hr = _pStdId->GetSecureRemUnk( &pRemUnk, pIpid->pOXIDEntry );
+ if (pRemUnk != NULL)
+ {
+ hr = CoQueryProxyBlanket( pRemUnk, pAuthnSvc, pAuthzSvc,
+ pServerPrincName, pAuthnLevel,
+ pImpLevel, pAuthInfo, pCapabilities );
+ }
+ }
+ // Find the right IPID entry.
+ else
+ {
+ hr = _pStdId->FindIPIDEntryByInterface( pProxy, &pIpid );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Disallow server entries.
+ if (pIpid->dwFlags & IPIDF_SERVERENTRY)
+ // No security for disconnected proxies.
+ else if (pIpid->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ // If it is local, use the default values for everything but the
+ // impersonation level.
+ else if (pIpid->pChnl->ProcessLocal())
+ {
+ if (pImpLevel != NULL)
+ *pImpLevel = pIpid->pChnl->GetImpLevel();
+ }
+ // Otherwise ask RPC.
+ else
+ {
+ hr = pIpid->pChnl->GetHandle( &hHandle );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ sc = RpcBindingInqAuthInfoExW( hHandle,
+ pServerPrincName, pAuthnLevel,
+ pAuthnSvc, pAuthInfo,
+ pAuthzSvc,
+ &sQos );
+ // RPC sometimes sets out parameters on error.
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ if (pServerPrincName != NULL)
+ *pServerPrincName = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Return the impersonation level and capabilities.
+ if (pImpLevel != NULL)
+ *pImpLevel = sQos.ImpersonationType;
+ if (pCapabilities != NULL)
+ *pCapabilities = EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH;
+ else
+ *pCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
+ // Reallocate the principle name using the OLE memory allocator.
+ if (pServerPrincName != NULL && *pServerPrincName != NULL)
+ {
+ iLen = lstrlenW( *pServerPrincName ) + 1;
+ pCopy = (OLECHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( iLen * sizeof(OLECHAR) );
+ if (pCopy != NULL)
+ memcpy( pCopy, *pServerPrincName, iLen*sizeof(USHORT) );
+ else
+ RpcStringFree( pServerPrincName );
+ *pServerPrincName = pCopy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CClientSecurity::SetBlanket, public
+// Synopsis: Get the binding handle for a proxy. Call RPC to set the
+// authentication information for that handle.
+STDMETHODIMP CClientSecurity::SetBlanket(
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ DWORD AuthnSvc,
+ DWORD AuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR *pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD AuthnLevel,
+ DWORD ImpLevel,
+ void *pAuthInfo,
+ DWORD Capabilities )
+ IPIDEntry *pIpid;
+ BOOL fSuccess;
+ HANDLE hToken = NULL;
+ HANDLE hProcess;
+ handle_t hHandle;
+ IRemUnknown *pRemUnk;
+ IRemUnknown *pSecureRemUnk = NULL;
+ DWORD dwOpen;
+ // IUnknown is special. Set the security on IRemUnknown instead.
+ if (_pStdId->GetCtrlUnk() == pProxy)
+ {
+ // Make sure the identity has its own copy of the OXID's
+ // IRemUnknown.
+ if (!_pStdId->CheckSecureRemUnk())
+ {
+ // This will get the remote unknown from the OXID.
+ pIpid = _pStdId->GetConnectedIPID();
+ hr = _pStdId->GetSecureRemUnk( &pRemUnk, pIpid->pOXIDEntry );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = CoCopyProxy( pRemUnk, (IUnknown **) &pSecureRemUnk );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Remote Unknown proxies are not supposed to ref count
+ // the OXID.
+ pIpid->pOXIDEntry->cRefs -= 1;
+ // Only keep the proxies if no one else made a copy
+ // while this thread was making a copy.
+ if (!_pStdId->CheckSecureRemUnk())
+ _pStdId->SetSecureRemUnk( pSecureRemUnk );
+ else
+ {
+ pSecureRemUnk->Release();
+ hr = _pStdId->GetSecureRemUnk( &pSecureRemUnk, NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ hr = _pStdId->GetSecureRemUnk( &pSecureRemUnk, NULL );
+ // Call SetBlanket on the copy of IRemUnknown.
+ if (pSecureRemUnk != NULL)
+ hr = CoSetProxyBlanket( pSecureRemUnk, AuthnSvc, AuthzSvc,
+ pServerPrincName, AuthnLevel,
+ ImpLevel, pAuthInfo, Capabilities );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find the right IPID entry.
+ hr = _pStdId->FindIPIDEntryByInterface( pProxy, &pIpid );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Disallow server entries.
+ if (pIpid->dwFlags & IPIDF_SERVERENTRY)
+ // No security for disconnected proxies.
+ else if (pIpid->dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ else if (pIpid->pChnl->ProcessLocal())
+ {
+ // Local calls can use no authn service or winnt.
+ if (AuthnSvc != RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE &&
+ AuthnSvc != RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT)
+ // Make sure the authentication level is not invalid.
+ else if ((AuthnSvc == RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE &&
+ AuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE) ||
+ (AuthnSvc == RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT &&
+ // No authorization services are supported locally.
+ else if (AuthzSvc != RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE)
+ // You cannot supply credentials locally.
+ else if (pAuthInfo != NULL)
+ // Impersonation is not legal yet.
+ else if (ImpLevel != RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE &&
+ // No capabilities are supported yet.
+ else if (Capabilities != EOAC_NONE)
+ // Don't do delegation for NT 4.0
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetAuthnLevel( AuthnLevel );
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetImpLevel( ImpLevel );
+ // Save the user token if the app asked for security.
+ else if (AuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
+ {
+ {
+ eDuplicate = SecurityImpersonation;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eDuplicate = SecurityIdentification;
+ dwOpen = TOKEN_QUERY;
+ }
+ fSuccess = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), dwOpen,
+ TRUE, &hToken );
+ hr = GetLastError();
+ // If the application is not impersonating, no thread token
+ // will be present. Get the process token instead.
+ if (!fSuccess && hr == ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
+ {
+ fSuccess = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(),
+ TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &hProcess );
+ if (fSuccess)
+ {
+ fSuccess = DuplicateToken( hProcess, eDuplicate,
+ &hToken );
+ CloseHandle( hProcess );
+ }
+ }
+ if (fSuccess)
+ {
+ hToken = pIpid->pChnl->SwapSecurityToken( hToken );
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetAuthnLevel( AuthnLevel );
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetImpLevel( ImpLevel );
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hToken = pIpid->pChnl->SwapSecurityToken( NULL );
+ }
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ }
+ // If there was an old token, toss it.
+ else if (pIpid->pChnl->GetSecurityToken() != NULL)
+ {
+ hToken = pIpid->pChnl->SwapSecurityToken( NULL );
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetAuthnLevel( AuthnLevel );
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetImpLevel( ImpLevel );
+ }
+ }
+ // If it is remote, tell RPC.
+ else
+ {
+ // Validate the capabilities.
+ if (Capabilities & ~ EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH)
+ else
+ hr = pIpid->pChnl->GetHandle( &hHandle );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ // If the principal name is not known, the server must be
+ // NT. Replace the principal name in that case
+ // because a NULL principal name is a flag for some
+ // Chicago security hack.
+ if (pServerPrincName == NULL &&
+ AuthnSvc == RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT &&
+ (pIpid->pOXIDEntry->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL) == 0)
+ pServerPrincName = L"Default";
+#endif // _CHICAGO_
+ // Suspend any outstanding impersonation and ignore failures.
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ BOOL resume = FALSE;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ SuspendImpersonate( tls->pCallContext, &resume );
+ else
+ hr = S_OK;
+ sQos.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_STATIC;
+ sQos.ImpersonationType = ImpLevel;
+ sQos.Capabilities = (Capabilities & EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH) ?
+ sc = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW( hHandle,
+ pServerPrincName, AuthnLevel,
+ AuthnSvc, pAuthInfo, AuthzSvc,
+ &sQos );
+ // Resume any outstanding impersonation.
+ ResumeImpersonate( tls->pCallContext, resume );
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ else
+ pIpid->pChnl->SetAuthnLevel( AuthnLevel );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: CheckAccessControl
+// Synopsis: Call the access control and ask it to check access.
+RPC_STATUS CheckAccessControl( RPC_IF_HANDLE pIid, void *pContext )
+ TRUSTEE_W sTrustee;
+ CServerSecurity sSecurity;
+ IUnknown *pSave;
+ BOOL fAccess = FALSE;
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+#if DBG == 1
+ char *pFailure = "";
+ sTrustee.ptstrName = NULL;
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+#if DBG == 1
+ pFailure = "Bad TLS: 0x%x\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ // On Chicago RpcBindingInqAuthClientW doesn't work locally. Since
+ // IObjServer is the only interface that uses security locally on
+ // Chicago, allow it if the call is local.
+ if (pIid == NULL)
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+ else if ((*(IID *) pIid) == IID_IObjServer)
+ {
+#if DBG == 1
+ pFailure = "IObjServer can't be called remotely: 0x%x\n";
+ }
+ // Since IObjServer always uses dynamic impersonation, allow access here.
+ // It will be checked later in CheckObjactAccess.
+ if (pIid != NULL && *((IID *) pIid) == IID_IObjServer)
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Get the trustee name.
+ hr = RpcBindingInqAuthClientW( NULL,
+ (void **) &sTrustee.ptstrName,
+ if (hr == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // Save the security context in TLS.
+ pSave = tls->pCallContext;
+ tls->pCallContext = &sSecurity;
+ // Check access.
+ sTrustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
+ sTrustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
+ sTrustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
+ sTrustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
+ hr = gAccessControl->IsAccessAllowed( &sTrustee, NULL,
+#if DBG==1
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ pFailure = "IsAccessAllowed failed: 0x%x\n";
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !fAccess)
+ {
+#if DBG==1
+ pFailure = "IAccessControl does not allow user access.\n";
+ }
+ // Restore the security context.
+ tls->pCallContext = pSave;
+ }
+#if DBG == 1
+ else
+ pFailure = "RpcBindingInqAuthClientW failed: 0x%x\n";
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, "***** ACCESS DENIED *****\n" ));
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, pFailure, hr ));
+ // Print the user name.
+ if (sTrustee.ptstrName != NULL)
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, "User: %ws\n", sTrustee.ptstrName ));
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: CheckAcl
+// Synopsis: Impersonate and do an AccessCheck against the global ACL.
+RPC_STATUS CheckAcl( RPC_IF_HANDLE pIid, void *pContext )
+ BOOL fAccess = FALSE;
+ BOOL fSuccess;
+ DWORD lGrantedAccess;
+ DWORD lSetLen = sizeof(gPriv);
+ HANDLE hToken;
+ DWORD i;
+ TOKEN_USER *pTokenInfo = (TOKEN_USER *) _alloca( lSize );
+ SID *pSid = NULL;
+#if DBG==1
+ char *pFailure = "";
+ // Since IObjServer always uses dynamic impersonation, allow access here.
+ // It will be checked later in CheckObjactAccess.
+ if (pIid != NULL && *((IID *) pIid) == IID_IObjServer)
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+ // Impersonate.
+ sc = RpcImpersonateClient( NULL );
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // Open the thread token.
+ fSuccess = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ,
+ TRUE, &hToken );
+ // Revert.
+ RpcRevertToSelf();
+ if (fSuccess)
+ {
+ // Get the SID and see if its cached.
+ if (GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, pTokenInfo,
+ lSize, &lSize ))
+ {
+ pSid = (SID *) pTokenInfo->User.Sid;
+ fSuccess = CacheAccessCheck( pSid, &fAccess );
+ if (fSuccess)
+ {
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ if (fAccess)
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ // Access check.
+ fSuccess = AccessCheck( gSecDesc, hToken, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE,
+ &gMap, &gPriv, &lSetLen, &lGrantedAccess,
+ &fAccess );
+ if (fSuccess)
+ CacheAccess( pSid, fAccess );
+ if (!fAccess)
+ {
+#if DBG==1
+ pFailure = "Security descriptor does not allow user access.\n";
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ if (!fSuccess)
+ pFailure = "Bad security descriptor";
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sc = GetLastError();
+#if DBG==1
+ pFailure = "Could not open thread token: 0x%x\n";
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ else
+ pFailure = "Could not impersonate client: 0x%x\n";
+#if DBG==1
+ if (sc != 0)
+ {
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, "***** ACCESS DENIED *****\n" ));
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, pFailure, sc ));
+ // Print the user name.
+ WCHAR *pClient;
+ if (0 == RpcBindingInqAuthClient( NULL, (void **) &pClient, NULL,
+ pClient != NULL)
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, "User: %ws\n", pClient ));
+ // Print the user sid.
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, "Security Descriptor 0x%x\n", gSecDesc ));
+ if (pSid != NULL)
+ {
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, "SID:\n" ));
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, " Revision: 0x%02x\n", pSid->Revision ));
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, " SubAuthorityCount: 0x%x\n", pSid->SubAuthorityCount ));
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, " IdentifierAuthority: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ pSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[0],
+ pSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[1],
+ pSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[2],
+ pSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[3],
+ pSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[4],
+ pSid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[5] ));
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < pSid->SubAuthorityCount; i++)
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, " SubAuthority[%d]: 0x%08x\n", i,
+ pSid->SubAuthority[i] ));
+ }
+ else
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_WARN, " Unknown\n" ));
+ }
+ return sc;
+// Function: CheckObjactAccess, private
+// Synopsis: Determine whether caller has permission to make call.
+// Notes: Since IObjServer uses dynamic delegation, we have to allow
+// all calls to IObjServer through the normal security (which only
+// checks access on connect) and check them manually.
+BOOL CheckObjactAccess()
+ // Get the access check function.
+ pAccess = GetAclFn();
+ // Check access. Lie about the IID since the check access functions
+ // won't fail calls to IID_IObjServer.
+ if (pAccess != NULL)
+ return pAccess( NULL, NULL ) == S_OK;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+// Function: CoCopyProxy, public
+// Synopsis: Copy a proxy.
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ IUnknown **ppCopy )
+ IClientSecurity *pickle;
+ // Ask the proxy for IClientSecurity.
+ hr = ((IUnknown *) pProxy)->QueryInterface( IID_IClientSecurity,
+ (void **) &pickle );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask IClientSecurity to do the copy.
+ hr = pickle->CopyProxy( pProxy, ppCopy );
+ pickle->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoGetCallContext
+// Synopsis: Get an interface that supplies contextual information
+// about the call. Currently only IServerSecurity.
+WINOLEAPI CoGetCallContext( REFIID riid, void **ppInterface )
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Fail if there is no call context.
+ if (tls->pCallContext == NULL)
+ // Look up the requested interface.
+ return tls->pCallContext->QueryInterface( riid, ppInterface );
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoImpersonateClient
+// Synopsis: Get the server security for the current call and ask it
+// to do an impersonation.
+WINOLEAPI CoImpersonateClient()
+ IServerSecurity *pSS;
+ // Get the IServerSecurity.
+ hr = CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &pSS );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask IServerSecurity to do the impersonate.
+ hr = pSS->ImpersonateClient();
+ pSS->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoInitializeSecurity, public
+// Synopsis: Set the values to use for automatic security. This API
+// can only be called once so it does not need to be thread
+// safe.
+WINOLEAPI CoInitializeSecurity(
+ LONG cAuthSvc,
+ void *pReserved1,
+ DWORD dwAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD dwImpLevel,
+ void *pReserved2,
+ DWORD dwCapabilities,
+ void *pReserved3 )
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ DWORD i;
+ IAccessControl *pAccessControl = NULL;
+ BOOL fFreeSecDesc = FALSE;
+ // Fail if OLE is not initialized or TLS cannot be allocated.
+ if (!IsApartmentInitialized())
+ // Make sure the security data is available.
+ if (!gGotSecurityData)
+ {
+ hr = gResolver.GetConnection();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ Win4Assert(gGotSecurityData);
+ }
+ // Make sure only one of the flags defining the pVoid parameter is set.
+ if ((dwCapabilities & (EOAC_APPID | EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL)) ==
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // If the appid flag is set, read the registry security.
+ if (dwCapabilities & EOAC_APPID)
+ {
+ // Get a security descriptor from the registry.
+ if (gAuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
+ {
+ hr = GetLegacySecDesc( &pSecDesc, &dwCapabilities );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ fFreeSecDesc = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Fix up the security binding.
+ if (gLegacySecurity != NULL)
+ {
+ cAuthSvc = 1;
+ asAuthSvc = &sAuthSvc;
+ sAuthSvc.dwAuthnSvc = gLegacySecurity->wAuthnSvc;
+ sAuthSvc.dwAuthzSvc = gLegacySecurity->wAuthzSvc;
+ sAuthSvc.pPrincipalName = NULL;
+ if (sAuthSvc.dwAuthzSvc == COM_C_AUTHZ_NONE)
+ sAuthSvc.dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ cAuthSvc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ // Initialize remaining parameters.
+ pReserved1 = NULL;
+ dwAuthnLevel = gAuthnLevel;
+ dwImpLevel = gImpLevel;
+ pReserved2 = NULL;
+ pReserved3 = NULL;
+ dwCapabilities |= gCapabilities;
+ }
+ // Fail if called too late, recalled, or called with bad parameters.
+ if (dwImpLevel > RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE ||
+ pReserved1 != NULL ||
+ pReserved2 != NULL ||
+ pReserved3 != NULL ||
+ (dwCapabilities & ~VALID_INIT_FLAGS))
+ {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ if ((dwCapabilities & EOAC_SECURE_REFS) &&
+ dwAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
+ {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ // Validate the pointers.
+ if (pSecDesc != NULL)
+ if (dwCapabilities & EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL)
+ {
+ if (!IsValidPtrIn( pSecDesc, 4 ))
+ {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsValidPtrIn( pSecDesc, sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) ))
+ {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ if (cAuthSvc != 0 && cAuthSvc != -1 &&
+ !IsValidPtrOut( asAuthSvc, sizeof(SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE) * cAuthSvc ))
+ {
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ if (gpsaSecurity != NULL)
+ hr = RPC_E_TOO_LATE;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // If the app doesn't want security, don't set up a security
+ // descriptor.
+ if (dwAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
+ {
+ // Check for some more invalid parameters.
+ if (pSecDesc != NULL)
+ }
+ // Check whether security is done with ACLs or IAccessControl.
+ else if (dwCapabilities & EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL)
+ {
+ if (pSecDesc == NULL)
+ else
+ hr = ((IUnknown *) pSecDesc)->QueryInterface(
+ IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &pAccessControl );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ if (pSecDesc != NULL)
+ // If specified, copy the security descriptor.
+ if (pSecDesc != NULL)
+ hr = CopySecDesc( pSecDesc, &pCopySecDesc );
+ }
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Delay the registration of authentication services if the caller
+ // isn't picky.
+ if (cAuthSvc == -1)
+ {
+ gpsaSecurity = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *) PrivMemAlloc( SASIZE(4) );
+ if (gpsaSecurity != NULL)
+ {
+ gDefaultService = TRUE;
+ gpsaSecurity->wNumEntries = 4;
+ gpsaSecurity->wSecurityOffset = 2;
+ memset( gpsaSecurity->aStringArray, 0, 4*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ // Otherwise, register the ones the caller specified.
+ else
+ hr = RegisterAuthnServices( cAuthSvc, asAuthSvc );
+ }
+ // If everything succeeded, change the globals.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Save the defaults.
+ gAuthnLevel = dwAuthnLevel;
+ gImpLevel = dwImpLevel;
+ gCapabilities = dwCapabilities;
+ gSecDesc = pCopySecDesc;
+ gAccessControl = pAccessControl;
+ if ( dwCapabilities & EOAC_DYNAMIC )
+ gResolver.SetDynamicSecurity();
+ }
+ // Otherwise free any memory allocated.
+ else
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( pCopySecDesc );
+ }
+ // If anything was allocated for app id security, free it.
+ if (fFreeSecDesc && pSecDesc != NULL)
+ if (dwCapabilities & EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL)
+ ((IAccessControl *) pSecDesc)->Release();
+ else
+ PrivMemFree( pSecDesc );
+ return hr;
+// Function: CopySecDesc
+// Synopsis: Copy a security descriptor.
+// Notes: The function does not copy the SACL because we do not do
+// auditing.
+ SID *pOwner;
+ SID *pGroup;
+ ACL *pDacl;
+ ULONG cSize;
+ ULONG cOwner;
+ ULONG cGroup;
+ ULONG cDacl;
+ // Assert if there is a new revision for the security descriptor or
+ // ACL.
+#if DBG== 1
+ ComDebOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Someone made a new security descriptor revision without telling me." ));
+ if (pOrig->Dacl != NULL)
+ Win4Assert( pOrig->Dacl->AclRevision == ACL_REVISION ||
+ !"Someone made a new acl revision without telling me." );
+ // Validate the security descriptor and ACL.
+ if (pOrig->Revision != SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION ||
+ (pOrig->Control & SE_SELF_RELATIVE) != 0 ||
+ pOrig->Owner == NULL ||
+ pOrig->Group == NULL ||
+ pOrig->Sacl != NULL ||
+ (pOrig->Dacl != NULL && pOrig->Dacl->AclRevision != ACL_REVISION))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // Figure out how much memory to allocate for the copy and allocate it.
+ cOwner = GetLengthSid( pOrig->Owner );
+ cGroup = GetLengthSid( pOrig->Group );
+ cDacl = pOrig->Dacl == NULL ? 0 : pOrig->Dacl->AclSize;
+ cSize = sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) + cOwner + cGroup + cDacl;
+ *pCopy = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) PrivMemAlloc( cSize );
+ if (*pCopy == NULL)
+ // Get pointers to each of the parts of the security descriptor.
+ pOwner = (SID *) (*pCopy + 1);
+ pGroup = (SID *) (((char *) pOwner) + cOwner);
+ if (pOrig->Dacl != NULL)
+ pDacl = (ACL *) (((char *) pGroup) + cGroup);
+ else
+ pDacl = NULL;
+ // Copy each piece.
+ **pCopy = *pOrig;
+ memcpy( pOwner, pOrig->Owner, cOwner );
+ memcpy( pGroup, pOrig->Group, cGroup );
+ if (pDacl != NULL)
+ memcpy( pDacl, pOrig->Dacl, pOrig->Dacl->AclSize );
+ (*pCopy)->Owner = pOwner;
+ (*pCopy)->Group = pGroup;
+ (*pCopy)->Dacl = pDacl;
+ (*pCopy)->Sacl = NULL;
+ // Check the security descriptor.
+#if DBG==1
+ if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor( *pCopy ))
+ {
+ Win4Assert( !"COM Created invalid security descriptor." );
+ return GetLastError();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Function: CoQueryAuthenticationServices, public
+// Synopsis: Return a list of the registered authentication services.
+WINOLEAPI CoQueryAuthenticationServices( DWORD *pcAuthSvc,
+ DWORD i;
+ DWORD lNum = 0;
+ USHORT *pNext;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // Count the number of services in the security string array.
+ if (gpsaSecurity != NULL)
+ {
+ pNext = &gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[gpsaSecurity->wSecurityOffset];
+ while (*pNext != 0)
+ {
+ lNum++;
+ pNext += lstrlenW(pNext)+1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return nothing if there are no authentication services.
+ *pcAuthSvc = lNum;
+ if (lNum == 0)
+ {
+ *asAuthSvc = NULL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Allocate a list of pointers.
+ CoTaskMemAlloc( lNum * sizeof(void *) );
+ if (*asAuthSvc == NULL)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Initialize it.
+ for (i = 0; i < lNum; i++)
+ (*asAuthSvc)[i].pPrincipalName = NULL;
+ // Fill in one SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE record per service
+ pNext = &gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[gpsaSecurity->wSecurityOffset];
+ for (i = 0; i < lNum; i++)
+ {
+ (*asAuthSvc)[i].dwAuthnSvc = *(pNext++);
+ (*asAuthSvc)[i].dwAuthzSvc = *(pNext++);
+ (*asAuthSvc)[i].hr = S_OK;
+ // Allocate memory for the principal name string.
+ (*asAuthSvc)[i].pPrincipalName = (OLECHAR *)
+ CoTaskMemAlloc( (lstrlenW(pNext)+1)*sizeof(OLECHAR) );
+ if ((*asAuthSvc)[i].pPrincipalName == NULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ lstrcpyW( (*asAuthSvc)[i].pPrincipalName, pNext );
+ pNext += lstrlenW(pNext) + 1;
+ }
+ // Clean up if there wasn't enough memory.
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < lNum; i++)
+ CoTaskMemFree( (*asAuthSvc)[i].pPrincipalName );
+ CoTaskMemFree( *asAuthSvc );
+ *asAuthSvc = NULL;
+ *pcAuthSvc = 0;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoQueryClientBlanket
+// Synopsis: Get the authentication settings the client used to call
+// the server.
+WINOLEAPI CoQueryClientBlanket(
+ DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD *pImpLevel,
+ DWORD *pCapabilities )
+ IServerSecurity *pSS;
+ // Get the IServerSecurity.
+ hr = CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &pSS );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask IServerSecurity to do the query.
+ hr = pSS->QueryBlanket( pAuthnSvc, pAuthzSvc, pServerPrincName,
+ pAuthnLevel, pImpLevel, pPrivs, pCapabilities );
+ pSS->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoQueryProxyBlanket, public
+// Synopsis: Get the authentication settings from a proxy.
+WINOLEAPI CoQueryProxyBlanket(
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD *pImpLevel,
+ DWORD *pCapabilities )
+ IClientSecurity *pickle;
+ // Ask the proxy for IClientSecurity.
+ hr = ((IUnknown *) pProxy)->QueryInterface( IID_IClientSecurity,
+ (void **) &pickle );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask IClientSecurity to do the query.
+ hr = pickle->QueryBlanket( pProxy, pAuthnSvc, pAuthzSvc, pServerPrincName,
+ pAuthnLevel, pImpLevel, pAuthInfo,
+ pCapabilities );
+ pickle->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoRevertToSelf
+// Synopsis: Get the server security for the current call and ask it
+// to revert.
+WINOLEAPI CoRevertToSelf()
+ IServerSecurity *pSS;
+ // Get the IServerSecurity.
+ hr = CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &pSS );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask IServerSecurity to do the revert.
+ hr = pSS->RevertToSelf();
+ pSS->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoSetProxyBlanket, public
+// Synopsis: Set the authentication settings for a proxy.
+WINOLEAPI CoSetProxyBlanket(
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ DWORD dwAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD dwAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR *pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD dwAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD dwImpLevel,
+ DWORD dwCapabilities )
+ IClientSecurity *pickle;
+ // Ask the proxy for IClientSecurity.
+ hr = ((IUnknown *) pProxy)->QueryInterface( IID_IClientSecurity,
+ (void **) &pickle );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ // Ask IClientSecurity to do the set.
+ hr = pickle->SetBlanket( pProxy, dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, pServerPrincName,
+ dwAuthnLevel, dwImpLevel, pAuthInfo,
+ dwCapabilities );
+ pickle->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: CoSwitchCallContext
+// Synopsis: Replace the call context object in TLS. Return the old
+// context object. This API is used by custom marshallers
+// to support security.
+WINOLEAPI CoSwitchCallContext( IUnknown *pNewObject, IUnknown **ppOldObject )
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ *ppOldObject = tls->pCallContext;
+ tls->pCallContext = pNewObject;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::AddRef, public
+// Synopsis: Adds a reference to an interface
+// Note: This is created in the stack so its reference count is ignored.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerSecurity::AddRef()
+ InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &_iRefCount );
+ return _iRefCount;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::CServerSecurity, public
+// Synopsis: Construct a server security for a remote call.
+ _iRefCount = 1;
+ _pChannel = NULL;
+ _pHandle = NULL;
+ _iFlags = 0;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::CServerSecurity, public
+// Synopsis: Construct a server security for a call.
+CServerSecurity::CServerSecurity( CChannelCallInfo *call )
+ _iRefCount = 1;
+ if (call->iFlags & CF_PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ {
+ _pChannel = call->pChannel;
+ _pHandle = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _pChannel = NULL;
+ _pHandle = (handle_t *) call->pmessage->reserved1;
+ _iFlags = 0;
+ }
+// Member: CServerSecurity::EndCall, public
+// Synopsis: Clears the stored binding handle because the call
+// this object represents is over.
+void CServerSecurity::EndCall()
+ // Revert if the app forgot to.
+ RevertToSelf();
+ _iFlags |= SS_CALL_DONE;
+ _pChannel = NULL;
+ _pHandle = NULL;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::ImpersonateClient, public
+// Synopsis: Calls RPC to impersonate for the stored binding handle.
+STDMETHODIMP CServerSecurity::ImpersonateClient()
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ BOOL fSuccess;
+ HANDLE hProcess;
+ HANDLE hToken;
+ // If the call is over, fail this request.
+ if (_iFlags & SS_CALL_DONE)
+ // For process local calls, ask the channel to impersonate.
+ else if (_iFlags & SS_PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ {
+ if (_pChannel->GetSecurityToken() == NULL)
+ {
+ // Determine what rights to duplicate the token with.
+ if (_pChannel->GetImpLevel() == RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE)
+ eDuplicate = SecurityImpersonation;
+ else
+ eDuplicate = SecurityIdentification;
+ // If the channel doesn't have a token, use the process token.
+ if (OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(),
+ &hProcess ))
+ {
+ if (DuplicateToken( hProcess, eDuplicate, &hToken ))
+ {
+ if (!SetThreadToken( NULL, hToken ))
+ // If the channel still doesn't have a token, save this one.
+ if (_pChannel->GetSecurityToken() == NULL)
+ _pChannel->SwapSecurityToken( hToken );
+ else
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ }
+ else
+ CloseHandle( hProcess );
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fSuccess = SetThreadToken( NULL, _pChannel->GetSecurityToken() );
+ if (!fSuccess)
+ }
+ }
+ // For process remote calls, ask RPC to impersonate.
+ else
+ {
+ sc = RpcImpersonateClient( _pHandle );
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ return hr;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::IsImpersonating, public
+// Synopsis: Return TRUE if ImpersonateClient has been called.
+STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CServerSecurity::IsImpersonating()
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ return FALSE;
+ return _iFlags & SS_IMPERSONATING;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::QueryBlanket, public
+// Synopsis: Calls RPC to return the authentication information
+// for the stored binding handle.
+STDMETHODIMP CServerSecurity::QueryBlanket(
+ DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD *pImpLevel,
+ void **pPrivs,
+ DWORD *pCapabilities )
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ DWORD iLen;
+ OLECHAR *pCopy;
+ // Initialize the out parameters. Currently the impersonation level
+ // and capabilities can not be determined.
+ if (pPrivs != NULL)
+ *((void **) pPrivs) = NULL;
+ if (pServerPrincName != NULL)
+ *pServerPrincName = NULL;
+ if (pAuthnSvc != NULL)
+ *pAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
+ if (pAuthnLevel != NULL)
+ if (pImpLevel != NULL)
+ if (pAuthzSvc != NULL)
+ *pAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
+ if (pCapabilities != NULL)
+ *pCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
+ // If the call is over, fail this request.
+ if (_iFlags & SS_CALL_DONE)
+ // For process local calls, use the defaults. Otherwise ask RPC.
+ else if ((_iFlags & SS_PROCESS_LOCAL) == 0)
+ {
+ sc = RpcBindingInqAuthClientW( _pHandle, pPrivs, pServerPrincName,
+ pAuthnLevel, pAuthnSvc, pAuthzSvc );
+ // Sometimes RPC sets out parameters in error cases.
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ if (pServerPrincName != NULL)
+ *pServerPrincName = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (pServerPrincName != NULL && *pServerPrincName != NULL)
+ {
+ // Reallocate the principle name using the OLE memory allocator.
+ iLen = lstrlenW( *pServerPrincName );
+ pCopy = (OLECHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( (iLen+1) * sizeof(OLECHAR) );
+ if (pCopy != NULL)
+ lstrcpyW( pCopy, *pServerPrincName );
+ else
+ RpcStringFree( pServerPrincName );
+ *pServerPrincName = pCopy;
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::QueryInterface, public
+// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
+STDMETHODIMP CServerSecurity::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
+ if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IServerSecurity))
+ {
+ *ppvObj = (IServerSecurity *) this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppvObj = NULL;
+ }
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CServerSecurity::Release, public
+// Synopsis: Releases an interface
+// Note: This is created in the stack so its reference count is ignored.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerSecurity::Release()
+ ULONG lRef = _iRefCount - 1;
+ if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &_iRefCount ) == 0)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( !"Illegal release of IServerSecurity." );
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return lRef;
+ }
+// Member: CServerSecurity::RevertToSelf, public
+// Synopsis: If ImpersonateClient was called, then either ask RPC to
+// revert or NULL the thread token ourself.
+HRESULT CServerSecurity::RevertToSelf()
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ return S_OK;
+ BOOL fSuccess;
+ if (_iFlags & SS_IMPERSONATING)
+ {
+ // Ask win32 to revert for process local calls.
+ if (_iFlags & SS_PROCESS_LOCAL)
+ {
+ fSuccess = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
+ if (!fSuccess)
+ }
+ // Ask RPC to revert for process remote calls.
+ else
+ {
+ sc = RpcRevertToSelfEx( _pHandle );
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: DefaultAuthnServices, private
+// Synopsis: Register authentication services with RPC and build
+// a string array of authentication services and principal
+// names.
+HRESULT DefaultAuthnServices()
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ DWORD i;
+ WCHAR *pPrincName = NULL;
+ DWORD lNameLen;
+ USHORT *pNextString;
+ DWORD cBinding = gServerSvcListLen ? gServerSvcListLen : 1;
+ // Return if the security bindings are already computed.
+ if (!gDefaultService)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Only look up the current user name if the only security provider
+ // is not NTLMSSP since NTLMSSP doesn't do mutual auth.
+ if (gServerSvcListLen != 0 &&
+ (gServerSvcListLen != 1 || gServerSvcList[0] != RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT))
+ {
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ hr = LookupPrincName( &pPrincName );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ lNameLen = lstrlenW( pPrincName ) + 1;
+ hr = LookupPrincName( gServerSvcList, gServerSvcListLen, &pPrincName );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ lNameLen = lstrlenW( pPrincName ) + 1;
+ else
+ {
+ // BUGBUG: the whole PrincName mess still needs clean up
+ // especially given the state of msnsspc.dll
+ pPrincName = NULL;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ lNameLen = 1;
+ }
+#endif // _CHICAGO_
+ }
+ else
+ lNameLen = 1;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Allocate memory for the string array.
+ Win4Assert( gGotSecurityData );
+ pOld = gpsaSecurity;
+ gpsaSecurity = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *)
+ PrivMemAlloc( sizeof(DUALSTRINGARRAY) + 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) +
+ cBinding * (sizeof(SECURITYBINDING) +
+ lNameLen*sizeof(WCHAR)) );
+ if (gpsaSecurity != NULL)
+ {
+ // Fill in the array of security information. First two characters
+ // are NULLs to signal empty binding strings.
+ PrivMemFree( pOld );
+ gDefaultService = FALSE;
+ gpsaSecurity->wSecurityOffset = 2;
+ gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[0] = 0;
+ gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[1] = 0;
+ pNextString = &gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[2];
+ for (i = 0; i < gServerSvcListLen; i++)
+ {
+ // Ignore errors since applications using automatic security
+ // may not care if they can't receive secure calls.
+ hr = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfoW( pPrincName, gServerSvcList[i],
+ if (hr == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // Fill in authentication service, authorization service,
+ // and principal name.
+ *(pNextString++) = gServerSvcList[i];
+ *(pNextString++) = COM_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
+ if (pPrincName == NULL)
+ *pNextString = 0;
+ else
+ memcpy( pNextString, pPrincName, lNameLen*sizeof(USHORT) );
+ pNextString += lNameLen;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add a final NULL. Special case an empty list which requires
+ // two NULLs.
+ *(pNextString++) = 0;
+ if (gServerSvcListLen == 0)
+ *(pNextString++) = 0;
+ gpsaSecurity->wNumEntries = (USHORT)
+ (pNextString-gpsaSecurity->aStringArray);
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gpsaSecurity = pOld;
+ }
+ }
+ PrivMemFree( pPrincName );
+ return hr;
+// Function: FixupAccessControl, internal
+// Synopsis: Get the access control class id. Instantiate the access
+// control class and load the data.
+// Notes: The caller has already insured that the structure is
+// at least as big as a SPermissionHeader structure.
+ SPermissionHeader *pHeader;
+ IAccessControl *pControl = NULL;
+ IPersistStream *pPersist = NULL;
+ CNdrStream cStream( ((unsigned char *) *pSD) + sizeof(SPermissionHeader),
+ cbSD - sizeof(SPermissionHeader) );
+ // Get the class id.
+ pHeader = (SPermissionHeader *) *pSD;
+ // Instantiate the class.
+ hr = CoCreateInstance( pHeader->gClass, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
+ IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &pControl );
+ // Get IPeristStream
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pControl->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistStream, (void **) &pPersist );
+ // Load the stream.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ hr = pPersist->Load( &cStream );
+ }
+ // Release resources.
+ if (pPersist != NULL)
+ pPersist->Release();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( *pSD );
+ *pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) pControl;
+ }
+ else if (pControl != NULL)
+ pControl->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: FixupSecurityDescriptor, internal
+// Synopsis: Convert the security descriptor from self relative to
+// absolute form and check for errors.
+ // Fix up the security descriptor.
+ (*pSD)->Control &= ~SE_SELF_RELATIVE;
+ (*pSD)->Sacl = NULL;
+ if ((*pSD)->Dacl != NULL)
+ {
+ if (cbSD < sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) ||
+ (ULONG) (*pSD)->Dacl > cbSD - sizeof(ACL))
+ (*pSD)->Dacl = (ACL *) (((char *) *pSD) + ((ULONG) (*pSD)->Dacl));
+ if ((*pSD)->Dacl->AclSize + sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) > cbSD)
+ }
+ // Set up the owner and group SIDs.
+ if ((*pSD)->Group == 0 || ((ULONG) (*pSD)->Group) + sizeof(SID) > cbSD ||
+ (*pSD)->Owner == 0 || ((ULONG) (*pSD)->Owner) + sizeof(SID) > cbSD)
+ (*pSD)->Group = (SID *) (((BYTE *) *pSD) + (ULONG) (*pSD)->Group);
+ (*pSD)->Owner = (SID *) (((BYTE *) *pSD) + (ULONG) (*pSD)->Owner);
+ // Check the security descriptor.
+#if DBG==1
+ if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor( *pSD ))
+ return S_OK;
+// Function: GetLegacySecDesc, internal
+// Synopsis: Get a security descriptor for the current app. First,
+// look under the app id for the current exe name. If that
+// fails look up the default descriptor. If that fails,
+// create one.
+// Note: It is possible that the security descriptor size could change
+// during the size computation. Add code to retry.
+HRESULT GetLegacySecDesc( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR **pSD, DWORD *pCapabilities )
+ // Holds either Appid\{guid} or Appid\module_name.
+ WCHAR aKeyName[MAX_PATH+7];
+ HKEY hKey = NULL;
+ DWORD lSize;
+ WCHAR aModule[MAX_PATH];
+ DWORD cModule;
+ DWORD i;
+ WCHAR aAppid[40]; // Hold a registry GUID.
+ DWORD lType;
+ // If the flag EOAC_APPID is set, the security descriptor contains the
+ // app id.
+ if ((*pCapabilities & EOAC_APPID) && *pSD != NULL)
+ {
+ if (StringFromIID2( *((GUID *) *pSD), aAppid, sizeof(aAppid) ) == 0)
+ *pSD = NULL;
+ // Open the application id key. A GUID in the registry is stored.
+ // as a 38 character string.
+ lstrcpyW( aKeyName, L"AppID\\" );
+ memcpy( &aKeyName[6], aAppid, 39*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ hr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aKeyName,
+ NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey );
+ // Get the security descriptor from the registry.
+ if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ hr = GetRegistrySecDesc( hKey, L"AccessPermission", pSD,
+ pCapabilities );
+ else
+ }
+ // Look up the app id from the exe name.
+ else
+ {
+ // Get the executable's name. Find the start of the file name.
+ cModule = GetModuleFileName( NULL, aModule, MAX_PATH );
+ if (cModule >= MAX_PATH)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( !"Module name too long." );
+ }
+ for (i = cModule-1; i > 0; i--)
+ if (aModule[i] == '/' ||
+ aModule[i] == '\\' ||
+ aModule[i] == ':')
+ break;
+ if (i != 0)
+ i += 1;
+ // Open the key for the EXE's module name.
+ lstrcpyW( aKeyName, L"AppID\\" );
+ memcpy( &aKeyName[6], &aModule[i], (cModule - i + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ hr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aKeyName,
+ NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey );
+ // Look for an application id.
+ if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ lSize = sizeof(aAppid);
+ hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"AppID", NULL, &lType,
+ (unsigned char *) &aAppid, &lSize );
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ hKey = NULL;
+ // Open the application id key. A GUID in the registry is stored.
+ // as a 38 character string.
+ if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS && lType == REG_SZ &&
+ lSize == 39*sizeof(WCHAR))
+ {
+ memcpy( &aKeyName[6], aAppid, 39*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ hr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aKeyName,
+ NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey );
+ // Get the security descriptor from the registry.
+ if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ hr = GetRegistrySecDesc( hKey, L"AccessPermission", pSD,
+ pCapabilities );
+ goto cleanup;
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ hKey = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Open the default key.
+ hr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE",
+ NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey );
+ // Get the security descriptor from the registry.
+ if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ hr = GetRegistrySecDesc( hKey, L"DefaultAccessPermission", pSD,
+ pCapabilities );
+ // If that failed, make one.
+ hr = MakeSecDesc( pSD, pCapabilities );
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ // Free the security descriptor memory if anything failed.
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( *pSD );
+ *pSD = NULL;
+ }
+ // Close the registry key.
+ if (hKey != NULL)
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ return hr;
+// Function: GetRegistrySecDesc, internal
+// Synopsis: Convert a security descriptor from self relative to
+// absolute form. Stuff in an owner and a group.
+// Notes:
+// REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE is returned when there is something
+// at the specified value, but it is not a security descriptor.
+// The caller must free the security descriptor in both the
+// success and failure cases.
+// Codework: It would be nice to use the unicode APIs on NT.
+HRESULT GetRegistrySecDesc( HKEY hKey, WCHAR *pValue,
+ SID *pGroup;
+ SID *pOwner;
+ DWORD cbSD = 256;
+ DWORD lType;
+ WORD wVersion;
+ // Guess how much memory to allocate for the security descriptor.
+ *pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) PrivMemAlloc( cbSD );
+ if (*pSD == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ // Find put how much memory to allocate for the security
+ // descriptor.
+ hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, pValue, NULL, &lType,
+ (unsigned char *) *pSD, &cbSD );
+ if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS && hr != ERROR_MORE_DATA)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (lType != REG_BINARY || cbSD < sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ // If the first guess wasn't large enough, reallocate the memory.
+ if (hr == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( *pSD );
+ *pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) PrivMemAlloc( cbSD );
+ if (*pSD == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ // Read the security descriptor.
+ hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, pValue, NULL, &lType,
+ (unsigned char *) *pSD, &cbSD );
+ if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (lType != REG_BINARY || cbSD < sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the first DWORD to determine what type of data is in the
+ // registry value.
+ wVersion = *((WORD *) *pSD);
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ hr = FixupSecurityDescriptor( pSD, cbSD );
+ else
+ {
+ hr = FixupAccessControl( pSD, cbSD );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ *pCapabilities |= EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL;
+ }
+ else
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( *pSD );
+ *pSD = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: HashSid
+// Synopsis: Create a 32 bit hash of a SID.
+DWORD HashSid( SID *pSid )
+ DWORD lHash = 0;
+ DWORD cbSid = GetLengthSid( pSid );
+ DWORD i;
+ unsigned char *pData = (unsigned char *) pSid;
+ for (i = 0; i < cbSid; i++)
+ lHash = (lHash << 1) + *pData++;
+ return lHash;
+// Function: InitializeSecurity, internal
+// Synopsis: Called the first time the channel is used. If the app
+// has not initialized security yet, this function sets
+// up legacy security.
+HRESULT InitializeSecurity()
+ // Return if already initialized.
+ if (gpsaSecurity != NULL)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Initialize. All parameters are ignored except the security descriptor
+ // since the capability is set to app id.
+ hr = CoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
+ NULL );
+ // Convert confusing error codes.
+ if (hr == E_INVALIDARG)
+ return hr;
+// Function: IsCallerLocalSystem
+// Synopsis: Impersonate the caller and do an ACL check. The first
+// time this function is called, create the ACL
+BOOL IsCallerLocalSystem()
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ DWORD granted_access;
+ BOOL access;
+ HANDLE token;
+ DWORD privilege_size = sizeof(gPriv);
+ BOOL success;
+ DWORD lIgnore;
+ // If the security descriptor does not exist, create it.
+ if (gRundownSD == NULL)
+ {
+ // Make the security descriptor.
+ hr = MakeSecDesc( &pSecDesc, &lIgnore );
+ // Save the security descriptor.
+ if (gRundownSD == NULL)
+ gRundownSD = pSecDesc;
+ else
+ PrivMemFree( pSecDesc );
+ }
+ // Impersonate.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ hr = CoImpersonateClient();
+ // Get the thread token.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ,
+ TRUE, &token );
+ if (!success)
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ }
+ // Check access.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ success = AccessCheck( gRundownSD, token, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE,
+ &gMap, &gPriv, &privilege_size,
+ &granted_access, &access );
+ if (!success || !access)
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ CloseHandle( token );
+ }
+ // Just call revert since it detects whether or not the impersonate
+ // succeeded.
+ CoRevertToSelf();
+ return SUCCEEDED(hr);
+// Function: IsLocalAuthnService
+// Synopsis: Return TRUE is the specified authentication service is
+// on the list of services this machine supports.
+// NOTE: If we ever expect the list to be more then three items
+// long, we can add code to sort it.
+BOOL IsLocalAuthnService( USHORT wAuthnService )
+ DWORD l;
+ for (l = 0; l < gClientSvcListLen; l++)
+ if (gClientSvcList[l] == wAuthnService)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+// Function: LookupPrincName, private
+// Synopsis: Open the process token and find the user's name.
+HRESULT LookupPrincName( WCHAR **pPrincName )
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ TOKEN_USER *pTokenUser = (TOKEN_USER *) &aMemory;
+ HANDLE hToken = NULL;
+ DWORD lIgnore;
+ DWORD lNameLen = 80;
+ DWORD lDomainLen = 80;
+ WCHAR *pDomainName = NULL;
+ SID_NAME_USE sIgnore;
+ BOOL fSuccess;
+ // Open the process's token.
+ *pPrincName = NULL;
+ if (OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ))
+ {
+ // Lookup SID of process token.
+ if (GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, sizeof(aMemory),
+ &lIgnore ))
+ {
+ // Preallocate some memory.
+ *pPrincName = (WCHAR *) PrivMemAlloc( lNameLen*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ pDomainName = (WCHAR *) _alloca( lDomainLen*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ if (*pPrincName != NULL && pDomainName != NULL)
+ {
+ // Find the user's name.
+ fSuccess = LookupAccountSidW( NULL, pTokenUser->User.Sid,
+ *pPrincName, &lNameLen,
+ pDomainName, &lDomainLen,
+ &sIgnore );
+ // If the call failed, try allocating more memory.
+ if (!fSuccess)
+ {
+ // Allocate memory for the user's name.
+ PrivMemFree( *pPrincName );
+ *pPrincName = (WCHAR *) PrivMemAlloc( lNameLen*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ pDomainName = (WCHAR *) _alloca( lDomainLen*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ if (*pPrincName != NULL && pDomainName != NULL)
+ {
+ // Find the user's name.
+ if (!LookupAccountSidW( NULL, pTokenUser->User.Sid,
+ *pPrincName, &lNameLen, pDomainName,
+ &lDomainLen, &sIgnore ))
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if DBG==1
+ Win4Assert( !"Why did OpenProcessToken fail?" );
+ OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken );
+ }
+ if (hr != S_OK)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( *pPrincName );
+ *pPrincName = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+#else // _CHICAGO_
+// Function: LookupPrincName, private
+// Synopsis: We have a service other than NTLMSSP.
+// Find the first (!) such and find the user's name.
+// BUGBUG: This is a hack until the principal name issue is properly
+// sorted out.
+HRESULT LookupPrincName(
+ USHORT *pwAuthnServices,
+ ULONG cAuthnServices,
+ WCHAR **pPrincName
+ )
+ // assume failure lest thou be disappointed
+ *pPrincName = NULL;
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < cAuthnServices; i++)
+ {
+ if (pwAuthnServices[i] != RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT)
+ {
+ status = RpcServerInqDefaultPrincNameW(
+ pwAuthnServices[i],
+ pPrincName);
+ if (status == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status);
+#endif // _CHICAGO_
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+// Function: MakeSecDesc, private
+// Synopsis: Make an access control that allows the current user
+// access.
+// NOTE: NetWkstaGetInfo does not return the size needed unless the size
+// in is zero.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ IAccessControl *pAccess = NULL;
+ DWORD cTrustee;
+ WCHAR *pTrusteeW;
+ char *pTrusteeA;
+ DWORD cDomain;
+ DWORD cUser;
+ char *pBuffer;
+ struct wksta_info_10 *wi10;
+ USHORT cbBuffer;
+ NetWkstaGetInfoFn fnNetWkstaGetInfo;
+ ACTRL_ACCESSW sAccessList;
+ // Load msnet32.dll
+ hMsnet = LoadLibraryA( "msnet32.dll" );
+ if (hMsnet == NULL)
+ // Get the function NetWkstaGetInfo.
+ fnNetWkstaGetInfo = (NetWkstaGetInfoFn) GetProcAddress( hMsnet,
+ (char *) 57 );
+ if (fnNetWkstaGetInfo == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ // Find out how much space to allocate for the domain and user names.
+ cbBuffer = 0;
+ fnNetWkstaGetInfo( NULL, 10, NULL, 0, &cbBuffer );
+ pBuffer = (char *) _alloca( cbBuffer );
+ // Get the domain and user names.
+ hr = fnNetWkstaGetInfo( NULL, 10, pBuffer, cbBuffer, &cbBuffer );
+ if (hr != 0)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ // Stick the user name and domain name in the same string.
+ wi10 = (struct wksta_info_10 *) pBuffer;
+ Win4Assert( wi10->wki10_logon_domain != NULL );
+ Win4Assert( wi10->wki10_username != NULL );
+ cDomain = lstrlenA( wi10->wki10_logon_domain );
+ cUser = lstrlenA( wi10->wki10_username );
+ pTrusteeA = (char *) _alloca( cDomain+cUser+2 );
+ lstrcpyA( pTrusteeA, wi10->wki10_logon_domain );
+ lstrcpyA( &pTrusteeA[cDomain+1], wi10->wki10_username );
+ pTrusteeA[cDomain] = '\\';
+ // Find out how long the name is in Unicode.
+ cTrustee = MultiByteToWideChar( GetConsoleCP(), 0, pTrusteeA,
+ cDomain+cUser+2, NULL, 0 );
+ // Convert the name to Unicode.
+ pTrusteeW = (WCHAR *) _alloca( cTrustee * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ if (!MultiByteToWideChar( GetConsoleCP(), 0, pTrusteeA,
+ cDomain+cUser+2, pTrusteeW, cTrustee ))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ // Create an AccessControl.
+ *pSD = NULL;
+ hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, NULL,
+ IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &pAccess );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ goto cleanup;
+ // Give the current user access.
+ sAccessList.cEntries = 1;
+ sAccessList.pPropertyAccessList = &sProperty;
+ sProperty.lpProperty = NULL;
+ sProperty.pAccessEntryList = &sEntryList;
+ sProperty.fListFlags = 0;
+ sEntryList.cEntries = 1;
+ sEntryList.pAccessList = &sEntry;
+ sEntry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
+ sEntry.Access = COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE;
+ sEntry.ProvSpecificAccess = 0;
+ sEntry.Inheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
+ sEntry.lpInheritProperty = NULL;
+ sEntry.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
+ sEntry.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
+ sEntry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
+ sEntry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
+ sEntry.Trustee.ptstrName = pTrusteeW;
+ hr = pAccess->GrantAccessRights( &sAccessList );
+ FreeLibrary( hMsnet );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ *pCapabilities |= EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL;
+ }
+ else if (pAccess != NULL)
+ pAccess->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Function: MakeSecDesc, private
+// Synopsis: Make a security descriptor that allows the current user
+// and local system access.
+// NOTE: Compute the length of the sids used rather then using constants.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ACL *pAcl;
+ DWORD lSidLen;
+ SID *pGroup;
+ SID *pOwner;
+ TOKEN_USER *pTokenUser = (TOKEN_USER *) &aMemory;
+ HANDLE hToken = NULL;
+ DWORD lIgnore;
+ HANDLE hThread;
+ Win4Assert( *pSD == NULL );
+ // Open the process's token.
+ if (!OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ))
+ {
+ // If the thread has a token, remove it and try again.
+ if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE,
+ &hThread ))
+ {
+ Win4Assert( !"How can both OpenThreadToken and OpenProcessToken fail?" );
+ }
+ if (!SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL ))
+ {
+ CloseHandle( hThread );
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (!OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ))
+ SetThreadToken( NULL, hThread );
+ CloseHandle( hThread );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Lookup SID of process token.
+ if (!GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, sizeof(aMemory),
+ &lIgnore ))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Compute the length of the SID.
+ lSidLen = GetLengthSid( pTokenUser->User.Sid );
+ Win4Assert( lSidLen <= SIZEOF_SID );
+ // Allocate the security descriptor.
+ *pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) PrivMemAlloc(
+ if (*pSD == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ pGroup = (SID *) (*pSD + 1);
+ pOwner = (SID *) (((BYTE *) pGroup) + lSidLen);
+ pAcl = (ACL *) (((BYTE *) pOwner) + lSidLen);
+ // Initialize a new security descriptor.
+ if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(*pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Initialize a new ACL.
+ if (!InitializeAcl(pAcl, SIZEOF_ACL, ACL_REVISION2))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Allow the current user access.
+ if (!AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, ACL_REVISION2, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE,
+ pTokenUser->User.Sid))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Allow local system access.
+ if (!AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, ACL_REVISION2, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE,
+ (void *) &LOCAL_SYSTEM_SID ))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Add a new ACL to the security descriptor.
+ if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( *pSD, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE ))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Set the group.
+ memcpy( pGroup, pTokenUser->User.Sid, lSidLen );
+ if (!SetSecurityDescriptorGroup( *pSD, pGroup, FALSE ))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Set the owner.
+ memcpy( pOwner, pTokenUser->User.Sid, lSidLen );
+ if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner( *pSD, pOwner, FALSE ))
+ goto last_error;
+ // Check the security descriptor.
+#if DBG==1
+ if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor( *pSD ))
+ {
+ Win4Assert( !"COM Created invalid security descriptor." );
+ goto last_error;
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (hToken != NULL)
+ CloseHandle( hToken );
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( *pSD );
+ *pSD = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: RegisterAuthnServices, public
+// Synopsis: Register the specified services. Build a security
+// binding.
+HRESULT RegisterAuthnServices( DWORD cAuthSvc,
+ DWORD i;
+ USHORT wNumEntries = 0;
+ USHORT *pNext;
+ DWORD lNameLen;
+ // Register all the authentication services specified.
+ for (i = 0; i < cAuthSvc; i++)
+ {
+ sc = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfoW( asAuthSvc[i].pPrincipalName,
+ asAuthSvc[i].dwAuthnSvc,
+ // If the registration failed, store the failure code.
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ // Otherwise determine how much space to reserve for it in the string
+ // array.
+ else
+ {
+ asAuthSvc[i].hr = S_OK;
+ if (asAuthSvc[i].pPrincipalName != NULL)
+ wNumEntries += lstrlenW( asAuthSvc[i].pPrincipalName ) + 3;
+ else
+ wNumEntries += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wNumEntries == 0)
+ else
+ // make room for the two NULLs that placehold for the empty
+ // string binding and the trailing NULL.
+ wNumEntries += 3;
+ // If some services were registered, build a string array.
+ if (wNumEntries != 0)
+ {
+ gpsaSecurity = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *) PrivMemAlloc(
+ wNumEntries*sizeof(USHORT) + sizeof(DUALSTRINGARRAY) );
+ if (gpsaSecurity == NULL)
+ else
+ {
+ gpsaSecurity->wNumEntries = wNumEntries;
+ gpsaSecurity->wSecurityOffset = 2;
+ gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[0] = 0;
+ gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[1] = 0;
+ pNext = &gpsaSecurity->aStringArray[2];
+ for (i = 0; i < cAuthSvc; i++)
+ {
+ if (asAuthSvc[i].hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Fill in authentication service, authorization service,
+ // and principal name.
+ *(pNext++) = (USHORT) asAuthSvc[i].dwAuthnSvc;
+ *(pNext++) = (USHORT) (asAuthSvc[i].dwAuthzSvc == 0 ?
+ asAuthSvc[i].dwAuthzSvc);
+ if (asAuthSvc[i].pPrincipalName != NULL)
+ {
+ lNameLen = lstrlenW( asAuthSvc[i].pPrincipalName ) + 1;
+ memcpy( pNext, asAuthSvc[i].pPrincipalName,
+ lNameLen*sizeof(USHORT) );
+ pNext += lNameLen;
+ }
+ else
+ *(pNext++) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ *pNext = 0;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Function: SetAuthnService, internal
+// Synopsis: Determine the authentication information to set on a
+// binding handle for a newly unmarshalled interface.
+// The authentication level is the higher of the process
+// default and the level in the interface. The
+// impersonation level is the process default. If the
+// authentication level is not zero, the function
+// scans the list of authentication services in the
+// interface looking for one this machine supports.
+HRESULT SetAuthnService( handle_t hHandle, OXID_INFO *pOxidInfo,
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid )
+ DWORD lAuthnLevel;
+ DWORD lAuthnSvc;
+ USHORT wNext;
+ USHORT wAuthzSvc;
+ WCHAR *pPrincipal;
+ // Pick the highest authentication level between the process default
+ // and the interface hint. The constant RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT
+ // has value zero and maps to connect.
+ if (gAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT)
+ else
+ lAuthnLevel = gAuthnLevel;
+ if (pOxidInfo->dwAuthnHint == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT)
+ pOxidInfo->dwAuthnHint = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT;
+ if (lAuthnLevel > pOxidInfo->dwAuthnHint)
+ lAuthnLevel = gAuthnLevel;
+ else
+ lAuthnLevel = pOxidInfo->dwAuthnHint;
+ // For machine local servers, only set the authentication information if
+ // the impersonation level is not the default.
+ sQos.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_STATIC;
+ sQos.ImpersonationType = gImpLevel;
+ sQos.Capabilities = (gCapabilities & EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH) ?
+ if (pOxid->dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL)
+ {
+ {
+ sc = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW( hHandle, NULL, lAuthnLevel,
+ RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, &sQos );
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ else
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ // For machine remote servers, set the authentication information if any
+ // parameter differs from RPC's default.
+ else if (lAuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
+ {
+ // Look through all the authentication services in the interface
+ // till we find one that works on this machine.
+ wNext = pOxidInfo->psa->wSecurityOffset;
+ while (wNext < pOxidInfo->psa->wNumEntries &&
+ pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext] != 0)
+ {
+ if (IsLocalAuthnService( pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext] ))
+ {
+ // Set the authentication info on the binding handle.
+ pPrincipal = &pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext+2];
+ if (pPrincipal[0] == 0)
+ pPrincipal = NULL;
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ // If the principal name is not known, the server must be
+ // NT. Replace the principal name in that case
+ // because a NULL principal name is a flag for some
+ // Chicago security hack.
+ if (pPrincipal == NULL &&
+ pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext] == RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT)
+ pPrincipal = L"Default";
+#endif // _CHICAGO_
+ wAuthzSvc = pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext+1];
+ if (wAuthzSvc == COM_C_AUTHZ_NONE)
+ wAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
+ sc = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW(
+ hHandle,
+ pPrincipal,
+ lAuthnLevel,
+ pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext],
+ wAuthzSvc,
+ &sQos );
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ else
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // Skip to the next authentication service.
+ wNext += lstrlenW( &pOxidInfo->psa->aStringArray[wNext] ) + 1;
+ }
+ // No valid authentication service was found. This is an error.
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Function: UninitializeSecurity, internal
+// Synopsis: Free resources allocated while initializing security.
+void UninitializeSecurity()
+ DWORD i;
+ PrivMemFree(gSecDesc);
+ PrivMemFree(gpsaSecurity);
+ PrivMemFree( gRundownSD );
+ MIDL_user_free( gClientSvcList );
+ MIDL_user_free( gServerSvcList );
+ MIDL_user_free( gLegacySecurity );
+#else // SHRMEM_OBJEX
+ delete [] gClientSvcList;
+ delete [] gServerSvcList;
+ delete [] gLegacySecurity;
+#endif // SHRMEM_OBJEX
+ for (i = 0; i < ACCESS_CACHE_LEN; i++)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( gAccessCache[i] );
+ gAccessCache[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (gAccessControl != NULL)
+ gAccessControl->Release();
+ gAccessControl = NULL;
+ gSecDesc = NULL;
+ gCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
+ gLegacySecurity = NULL;
+ gpsaSecurity = NULL;
+ gClientSvcList = NULL;
+ gServerSvcList = NULL;
+ gGotSecurityData = FALSE;
+ gRundownSD = NULL;
+ gDefaultService = FALSE;
+ gMostRecentAccess = 0;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/security.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/security.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96b48f760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/security.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// File: security.hxx
+// Contents: Classes for channel security
+// Classes: CClientSecurity, CServerSecurity
+// History: 11 Oct 95 AlexMit Created
+#ifndef _SECURITY_HXX_
+#define _SECURITY_HXX_
+#include <chancont.hxx>
+// Typedefs.
+typedef enum
+ SS_PROCESS_LOCAL = 0x1, // Client and server are in same process
+ SS_CALL_DONE = 0x2, // Call is complete, fail new calls to impersonate
+ SS_IMPERSONATING = 0x4 // Server has called impersonate
+} EServerSecurity;
+// Class: CClientSecurity, public
+// Purpose: Provides security for proxies
+class CStdIdentity;
+class CClientSecurity : public IClientSecurity
+ public:
+ CClientSecurity( CStdIdentity *pId ) { _pStdId = pId; }
+ ~CClientSecurity() {}
+ STDMETHOD (QueryBlanket)
+ (
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD *pImpLevel,
+ void **pAuthInfo,
+ DWORD *pCapabilities
+ );
+ STDMETHOD (SetBlanket)
+ (
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ DWORD AuthnSvc,
+ DWORD AuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR *ServerPrincName,
+ DWORD AuthnLevel,
+ DWORD ImpLevel,
+ void *pAuthInfo,
+ DWORD Capabilities
+ );
+ STDMETHOD (CopyProxy)
+ (
+ IUnknown *pProxy,
+ IUnknown **ppCopy
+ );
+ private:
+ CStdIdentity *_pStdId;
+// Class: CServerSecurity, public
+// Purpose: Provides security for stubs
+class CRpcChannelBuffer;
+class CServerSecurity : public IServerSecurity
+ public:
+ CServerSecurity( CChannelCallInfo * );
+ CServerSecurity();
+ ~CServerSecurity() {}
+ STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD (QueryBlanket)
+ (
+ DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
+ DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
+ OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
+ DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
+ DWORD *pImpLevel,
+ void **pPrivs,
+ DWORD *pCapabilities
+ );
+ STDMETHOD (ImpersonateClient)( void );
+ STDMETHOD (RevertToSelf) ( void );
+ STDMETHOD_(BOOL,IsImpersonating) (void);
+ void EndCall();
+ private:
+ DWORD _iRefCount;
+ DWORD _iFlags; // See EServerSecurity
+ handle_t *_pHandle; // RPC server handle of call
+ CRpcChannelBuffer *_pChannel; // Channel of call
+// Prototypes.
+RPC_STATUS CheckAccessControl ( RPC_IF_HANDLE pIid, void *pContext );
+RPC_STATUS CheckAcl ( RPC_IF_HANDLE pIid, void *pContext );
+HRESULT DefaultAuthnServices();
+HRESULT InitializeSecurity ();
+BOOL IsCallerLocalSystem ();
+HRESULT SetAuthnService ( handle_t, OXID_INFO *, OXIDEntry * );
+void UninitializeSecurity();
+struct IAccessControl;
+extern IAccessControl *gAccessControl;
+extern DWORD gAuthnLevel;
+extern DWORD gCapabilities;
+extern USHORT *gClientSvcList;
+extern DWORD gClientSvcListLen;
+extern BOOL gDisableDCOM;
+extern BOOL gGotSecurityData;
+extern DWORD gImpLevel;
+extern SECURITYBINDING *gLegacySecurity;
+extern DUALSTRINGARRAY *gpsaSecurity;
+extern USHORT *gServerSvcList;
+extern DWORD gServerSvcListLen;
+extern BOOL gSetAuth;
+// Function: GetCallAuthnLevel, public
+// Synopsis: Get the authentication level of the current call from TLS.
+// If no calls are in progress and the level has not been
+// set on this thread, use the process default instead.
+inline DWORD GetCallAuthnLevel()
+ COleTls tls;
+ DWORD lAuthnLevel = tls->dwAuthnLevel;
+ if (lAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT)
+ {
+ lAuthnLevel = tls->dwAuthnLevel = gAuthnLevel;
+ }
+ return lAuthnLevel;
+// Function: ResumeImpersonate
+// Synopsis: Query the context object for IServerSecurity. If the
+// resume flag is set, call ImpersonateClient.
+inline void ResumeImpersonate( IUnknown *pContext, BOOL fResume )
+ IServerSecurity *pServer;
+ HRESULT result;
+ if (pContext != NULL && fResume)
+ {
+ result = pContext->QueryInterface( IID_IServerSecurity,
+ (void **) &pServer );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(result))
+ {
+ pServer->ImpersonateClient();
+ pServer->Release();
+ }
+ }
+// Function: SuspendImpersonate
+// Synopsis: Query the context for IServerSecurity. If found,
+// check to see if the call is impersonated. If it is,
+// set pResume TRUE and call RevertToSelf.
+inline void SuspendImpersonate( IUnknown *pContext, BOOL *pResume )
+ IServerSecurity *pServer;
+ HRESULT result;
+ *pResume = FALSE;
+ if (pContext != NULL)
+ {
+ result = pContext->QueryInterface( IID_IServerSecurity,
+ (void **) &pServer );
+ if (SUCCEEDED(result))
+ {
+ *pResume = pServer->IsImpersonating();
+ if (*pResume)
+ pServer->RevertToSelf();
+ pServer->Release();
+ }
+ }
+// Function: GetAclFn()
+// Synopsis: If automatic security is turned on and the level is
+// not none, return the function to do ACL checking.
+// Otherwise return NULL.
+inline RPC_IF_CALLBACK_FN *GetAclFn()
+ if (gSecDesc != NULL)
+ return CheckAcl;
+ else if (gAccessControl != NULL)
+ return CheckAccessControl;
+ else
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/service.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/service.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b3f2f580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/service.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+// File: service.cxx
+// Contents: APIs to simplify RPC setup
+// Functions:
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Major Simplification for DCOM
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <service.hxx> // CRpcService
+#include <orcb.h> // IOrCallback
+#include <malloc.hxx> // MIDL_user_allocate
+#include <locks.hxx> // LOCK/UNLOCK etc
+#include <ipidtbl.hxx> // GetLocalEntry
+#include <security.hxx> // gpsaSecurity
+#include <channelb.hxx> // gRemUnknownIf
+BOOL gSpeedOverMem = FALSE; // Trade memory for speed.
+BOOL gfListening = FALSE; // Server is/isn't listening
+BOOL gfDefaultStrings = FALSE; // Using precomputed string bindings
+BOOL gfLrpc = FALSE; // Registered for ncalrpc
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+BOOL gfMswmsg = FALSE; // Registered for mswmsg
+DWORD gdwEndPoint = 0;
+DWORD gdwPsaMaxSize = 0;
+DUALSTRINGARRAY *gpsaCurrentProcess = NULL;
+const DWORD MAX_LOCAL_SB = 23;
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR LrpcSecurityDescriptor;
+BOOL fLrpcSDInitialized = FALSE;
+// interface structure for IRemUnknown
+extern const RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE gRemUnknownIf;
+#if DBG==1
+// Function: DisplayAllStringBindings, private
+// Synopsis: prints the stringbindings to the debugger
+// Notes: This function requires the caller to hold gComLock.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+void DisplayAllStringBindings(void)
+ if (gpsaCurrentProcess)
+ {
+ LPWSTR pwszNext = gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray;
+ LPWSTR pwszEnd = pwszNext + gpsaCurrentProcess->wSecurityOffset;
+ while (pwszNext < pwszEnd)
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "pSEp=%x %ws\n", pwszNext, pwszNext));
+ pwszNext += lstrlenW(pwszNext) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DBG == 1
+// Function: InitializeLrpcSecurity, private
+// Synopsis: Create a DACL allowing all access to NCALRPC and MSWMSG
+// endpoints.
+void InitializeLrpcSecurity()
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ if (!fLrpcSDInitialized)
+ {
+ //
+ // Since this is static storage, and we always initialize it
+ // to the same values, it does not need to be MT safe.
+ //
+ InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&LrpcSecurityDescriptor,
+ SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&LrpcSecurityDescriptor,
+ fLrpcSDInitialized = TRUE;
+ }
+// Function: RegisterLrpc, private
+// Synopsis: Register the ncalrpc transport.
+RPC_STATUS RegisterLrpc()
+ WCHAR pwszEndPoint[12];
+ InitializeLrpcSecurity();
+ lstrcpyW( pwszEndPoint, L"OLE" );
+ _ultow( gdwEndPoint, &pwszEndPoint[3], 16 );
+ // The second parameter is a hint that tells lrpc whether or not it
+ // can preallocate additional resources (threads).
+ sc = RpcServerUseProtseqEp(L"ncalrpc",
+ pwszEndPoint,
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ &LrpcSecurityDescriptor);
+ NULL);
+ // Assume that duplicate endpoint means we registered the endpoint and
+ // got unload and reloaded instead of it meaning someone else registered
+ // the endpoint.
+ {
+ gfLrpc = TRUE;
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+#ifndef _CHICAGO_
+ // Tell RPC to use this endpoint for mswmsg replies.
+ sc = I_RpcSetWMsgEndpoint( pwszEndPoint );
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ gfLrpc = TRUE;
+ }
+ return sc;
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+// Function: RegisterMswmsg, private
+// Synopsis: Register the mswmsg transport.
+// Notes: The caller must hold gComLock.
+RPC_STATUS RegisterMswmsg()
+ WCHAR pwszEndPoint[12];
+ InitializeLrpcSecurity();
+ lstrcpyW( pwszEndPoint, L"MSG" );
+ _ultow( gdwEndPoint, &pwszEndPoint[3], 16 );
+ sc = RpcServerUseProtseqEp(L"mswmsg",
+ pwszEndPoint,
+ &LrpcSecurityDescriptor);
+ // Assume that duplicate endpoint means we registered the endpoint and
+ // got unload and reloaded instead of it meaning someone else registered
+ // the endpoint.
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK || sc == RPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT)
+ {
+ gfMswmsg = TRUE;
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ return sc;
+// Function: CheckClientMswmsg, public
+// Synopsis: For the MSWMSG transport, we must call RpcServerUseProtseqEp
+// on the client side.
+// Notes: The caller must hold gComLock.
+// History: 27 Sept 95 AlexMit Created
+RPC_STATUS CheckClientMswmsg( WCHAR *pProtseq, DWORD *pFlags )
+ // Set the MSWMSG flag correctly.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ if (lstrlenW (pProtseq) >= 6 &&
+ memcmp ( L"mswmsg", pProtseq, 6 * sizeof (WCHAR)) == 0)
+ if (IsSTAThread() && (*pFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL))
+ *pFlags |= OXIDF_MSWMSG;
+ // Find out if the transport is MSWMSG.
+ if ((*pFlags & OXIDF_MSWMSG)
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ && IsSTAThread() && !gfMswmsg
+ )
+ {
+ // Get a unique number and convert it to a string endpoint.
+ if (gdwEndPoint == 0)
+ gdwEndPoint = CoGetCurrentProcess();
+ if (gdwEndPoint == 0)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ // Register mswmsg.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ sc = RegisterMswmsg();
+ sc = RegisterLrpc();
+ }
+ return sc;
+// Function: GetLocalEndpoint, public
+// Synopsis: Get the endpoint for the local protocol sequence
+// for the local OXID.
+// Notes: This function takes gComLock.
+// History: 6 May 95 AlexMit Created
+LPWSTR GetLocalEndpoint()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"Entering GetLocalEndpoint.\n"));
+ LPWSTR pwszLocalEndpoint = NULL;
+ StartListen();
+ if (gfListening)
+ {
+ // maximum 12 character including the null, 24 bytes.
+ pwszLocalEndpoint = (LPWSTR) PrivMemAlloc( 24 );
+ if (pwszLocalEndpoint != NULL)
+ {
+ Win4Assert( gdwEndPoint != 0 );
+ lstrcpyW( pwszLocalEndpoint, L"OLE" );
+ _ultow( gdwEndPoint, &pwszLocalEndpoint[3], 16 );
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"Leaving GetLocalEndpoint Endpoint: 0x%x\n",
+ pwszLocalEndpoint));
+ return pwszLocalEndpoint;
+// Function: DefaultStringBindings, private
+// Synopsis: Create a string binding with entries for just ncalrpc
+// and mswmsg
+// Notes: This function requires the caller to hold gComLock.
+RPC_STATUS DefaultStringBindings()
+ ULONG cChar;
+ // If mswmsg has been used, reserve space for the string
+ // mswmsg:[MSGnnnnnnnn]
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ if (gfMswmsg)
+ cChar = 22;
+ else
+ cChar = 0;
+ // If ncalrpc has been used, reserve space for the string
+ // ncalrpc:[OLEnnnnnnnn]
+ if (gfLrpc)
+ cChar += 24;
+ // Allocate memory. Reserve space for an empty security binding.
+ cChar += 3;
+ gpsaCurrentProcess = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *) PrivMemAlloc( SASIZE(cChar) );
+ // Give up if the allocation failed.
+ if (gpsaCurrentProcess == NULL)
+ // If mswmsg has been used, make up a string for it.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ if (gfMswmsg)
+ {
+ lstrcpyW( gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray, L"mswmsg:[MSG" );
+ _ultow( gdwEndPoint, &gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[11], 16 );
+ cChar = lstrlenW( gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray );
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = L']';
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ cChar = 0;
+ // If ncalrpc has been used, make up a string for it.
+ if (gfLrpc)
+ {
+ lstrcpyW( &gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar], L"ncalrpc:[OLE" );
+ _ultow( gdwEndPoint, &gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar+12], 16 );
+ cChar += lstrlenW( &gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar] );
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = L']';
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = 0;
+ }
+ // Stick on an empty security binding.
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = 0;
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->wSecurityOffset = (USHORT) cChar;
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = 0;
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray[cChar++] = 0;
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->wNumEntries = (USHORT) cChar;
+ gfDefaultStrings = TRUE;
+ return RPC_S_OK;
+// Function: InquireStringBindings, private
+// Synopsis: Get and server binding handles from RPC and convert them
+// into a string array.
+// Notes: This function requires the caller to hold gComLock.
+// History: 23 May 95 AlexMit Created
+BOOL InquireStringBindings( WCHAR *pProtseq )
+ BOOL fFound = FALSE;
+ DWORD cbProtseq;
+ RPC_STATUS sc = RpcServerInqBindings(&pBindVect);
+ if (sc == S_OK)
+ {
+ LPWSTR *apwszFullStringBinding;
+ ULONG *aulStrLen;
+ ULONG ulTotalStrLen = MAX_LOCAL_SB; // Total string lengths
+ ULONG j = 0; // BindString we're using
+ if (pProtseq != NULL)
+ cbProtseq = lstrlenW( pProtseq ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
+ else
+ cbProtseq = 0;
+ apwszFullStringBinding = (LPWSTR *) PrivMemAlloc( pBindVect->Count *
+ sizeof(LPWSTR) );
+ aulStrLen = (ULONG *) PrivMemAlloc( pBindVect->Count *
+ sizeof(ULONG) );
+ if (apwszFullStringBinding != NULL &&
+ aulStrLen != NULL)
+ {
+ // iterate over the handles to get the string bindings
+ // and dynamic endpoints for all available protocols.
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<pBindVect->Count; i++)
+ {
+ LPWSTR pwszStringBinding = NULL;
+ apwszFullStringBinding[j] = NULL;
+ aulStrLen[j] = 0;
+ sc = RpcBindingToStringBinding(pBindVect->BindingH[i],
+ &pwszStringBinding);
+ Win4Assert(sc == S_OK && "RpcBindingToStringBinding");
+ if (sc == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Determine is this is the protseq we are looking for.
+ if (memcmp( pProtseq, pwszStringBinding, cbProtseq ) == 0)
+ fFound = TRUE;
+ // Skip ncalrpc because rot needs to know the
+ // format of the ncalrpc endpoint.
+ if (lstrlenW (pwszStringBinding) >= 7 &&
+ memcmp ( L"ncalrpc", pwszStringBinding, 7*sizeof(WCHAR)) != 0)
+ {
+ // record the string lengths for later. include room
+ // for the NULL terminator.
+ apwszFullStringBinding[j] = pwszStringBinding;
+ aulStrLen[j] = lstrlenW(apwszFullStringBinding[j])+1;
+ ulTotalStrLen += aulStrLen[j];
+ j++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RpcStringFree( &pwszStringBinding );
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
+ // now that all the string bindings and endpoints have been
+ // accquired, allocate a DUALSTRINGARRAY large enough to hold them
+ // all and copy them into the structure.
+ if (ulTotalStrLen > 0)
+ {
+ void *pNew = PrivMemAlloc( sizeof(DUALSTRINGARRAY) +
+ (ulTotalStrLen+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ if (pNew)
+ {
+ PrivMemFree( gpsaCurrentProcess );
+ gpsaCurrentProcess = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *) pNew;
+ LPWSTR pwszNext = gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray;
+ // Copy in ncalrpc:[OLEnnnnnnnn]
+ if (gfLrpc)
+ {
+ lstrcpyW( pwszNext, L"ncalrpc:[OLE" );
+ _ultow( gdwEndPoint, &pwszNext[12], 16 );
+ lstrcatW( pwszNext, L"]" );
+ pwszNext += lstrlenW(pwszNext) + 1;
+ }
+ // copy in the strings
+ for (i=0; i<j; i++)
+ {
+ lstrcpyW(pwszNext, apwszFullStringBinding[i]);
+ pwszNext += aulStrLen[i];
+ }
+ // Add a second null to terminate the string binding
+ // set. Add a third and fourth null to create an empty
+ // security binding set.
+ pwszNext[0] = 0;
+ pwszNext[1] = 0;
+ pwszNext[2] = 0;
+ // Fill in the size fields.
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->wSecurityOffset = pwszNext -
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->aStringArray + 1;
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->wNumEntries =
+ gpsaCurrentProcess->wSecurityOffset + 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no binding strings. this is an error.
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "No Rpc ProtSeq/EndPoints Generated\n"));
+ }
+ // free the full string bindings we allocated above
+ for (i=0; i<j; i++)
+ {
+ // free the old strings
+ RpcStringFree(&apwszFullStringBinding[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // free the binding vector allocated above
+ RpcBindingVectorFree(&pBindVect);
+ PrivMemFree( apwszFullStringBinding );
+ PrivMemFree( aulStrLen );
+ }
+#if DBG==1
+ // display our binding strings on the debugger
+ DisplayAllStringBindings();
+ return fFound;
+// Function: StartListen, public
+// Synopsis: this starts the Rpc service listening. this is required
+// in order to marshal interfaces. it is executed lazily,
+// that is, we dont start listening until someone tries to
+// marshal a local object interface. this is done so we dont
+// spawn a thread unnecessarily.
+// Notes: This function takes gComLock.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT StartListen()
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL,"[IN] StartListen.\n"));
+ OXIDEntry *pOxid;
+ if (!gfListening)
+ {
+ // Get a unique number and convert it to a string endpoint.
+ if (gdwEndPoint == 0)
+ gdwEndPoint = CoGetCurrentProcess();
+ if (gdwEndPoint == 0)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ // Register ncalrpc for free threaded and mswmsg for apartment.
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ sc = RegisterLrpc();
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sc = RegisterMswmsg();
+ // BUGBUG - Register ncalrpc until SCM can call us on mswmsg.
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ sc = RegisterLrpc();
+ }
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ // Register the Object Resolver Callback interface.
+ sc = RpcServerRegisterIfEx(_IOrCallback_ServerIfHandle, NULL, NULL,
+ 0xffff, GetAclFn());
+ {
+ // Register the IRemUnknown interface. We need to register this
+ // manually because CRemoteUnknown marshals IRundown which inherits
+ // IRemoteUnknown. The resolver calls on IRundown and external clients
+ // call on IRemoteUnknown.
+ sc = RpcServerRegisterIfEx(
+ 0xffff, GetAclFn() );
+ {
+ sc = DefaultStringBindings();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK)
+ {
+ gfListening = TRUE;
+ sc = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK && IsSTAThread())
+ {
+ // Tell MSWMSG the window for each thread.
+ sc = gOXIDTbl.GetLocalEntry( &pOxid);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(sc))
+ {
+ sc = I_RpcServerStartListening( (HWND) pOxid->hServerSTA );
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc);
+ }
+ }
+ // If something failed, make sure everything gets cleaned up.
+ if (FAILED(sc))
+ {
+ UnregisterDcomInterfaces();
+ }
+ ComDebOut(((sc == S_OK) ? DEB_MARSHAL : DEB_ERROR,
+ "[OUT] StartListen hr: 0x%x\n", sc));
+ return sc;
+// Function: GetStringBindings, public
+// Synopsis: Return an array of strings bindings for this process
+// Notes: This function takes gComLock.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT GetStringBindings( DUALSTRINGARRAY **psaStrings )
+ TRACECALL(TRACE_RPC, "GetStringBindings");
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "[IN] GetStringBindings\n"));
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ #error Register MSWMSG per thread.
+ *psaStrings = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = StartListen();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = CopyStringArray(gpsaCurrentProcess, gpsaSecurity, psaStrings);
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "[OUT] GetStringBindings hr:%x\n", hr));
+ return hr;
+// Function: CopyStringArray, public
+// Synopsis: Combines the string bindings from the first DUALSTRINGARRAY
+// with the security bindings from the second DUALSTRINGARRAY
+// (if present) into a new DUALSTRINGARRAY.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+HRESULT CopyStringArray(DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaStringBinding,
+ // compute size of string bindings
+ USHORT lSizeSB = SASIZE(psaStringBinding->wNumEntries);
+ // compute size of additional security strings
+ USHORT lSizeSC = (psaSecurity == NULL) ? 0 :
+ psaSecurity->wNumEntries - psaSecurity->wSecurityOffset;
+ *ppsaNew = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *) PrivMemAlloc( lSizeSB +
+ lSizeSC * sizeof(USHORT));
+ if (*ppsaNew != NULL)
+ {
+ // copy in the string bindings
+ memcpy(*ppsaNew, psaStringBinding, lSizeSB);
+ if (psaSecurity != NULL)
+ {
+ // copy in the security strings, and adjust the overall length.
+ memcpy(&(*ppsaNew)->aStringArray[psaStringBinding->wSecurityOffset],
+ &psaSecurity->aStringArray[psaSecurity->wSecurityOffset],
+ lSizeSC*sizeof(USHORT));
+ (*ppsaNew)->wNumEntries = psaStringBinding->wSecurityOffset +
+ lSizeSC;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+// Function: UnregisterDcomInterfaces
+// Synopsis: Unregister the object resolver callback function and mark
+// DCOM as no longer accepting remote calls.
+// Notes: This function requires that the caller guarentee
+// serialization without taking gComLock.
+// History: 23-Nov-93 Rickhi Created
+SCODE UnregisterDcomInterfaces(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "[IN] UnregisterDcomInterfaces\n"));
+ if (gfListening)
+ {
+ // Unregister IOrCallback. This can result in calls being dispatched.
+ // Do not hold the lock around this call.
+ sc = RpcServerUnregisterIf(_IOrCallback_ServerIfHandle, 0, 1 );
+ // Unregister IRemUnknown. This can result in calls being dispatched.
+ // Do not hold the lock around this call.
+ sc = RpcServerUnregisterIf((RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *)&gRemUnknownIf, 0, 1);
+ gfListening = FALSE;
+ }
+ gSpeedOverMem = FALSE;
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc);
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "[OUT] UnregisterDcomInterfaces hr:%x\n", sc));
+ return sc;
+// Function: UseProtseq
+// Synopsis: Use the specified protseq and return a list of all string
+// bindings.
+// History: 25 May 95 AlexMit Created
+error_status_t _UseProtseq( handle_t hRpc,
+ wchar_t *pwstrProtseq,
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppsaNewBindings,
+ DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppsaSecurity )
+ BOOL fInUse = FALSE;
+ // Make sure security is initialized.
+ sc = DefaultAuthnServices();
+ // If we have never inquired string bindings, inquire them before doing
+ // anything else.
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK && gfDefaultStrings)
+ {
+ fInUse = InquireStringBindings( pwstrProtseq );
+ gfDefaultStrings = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (sc == RPC_S_OK && !fInUse)
+ {
+ // Special case ncalrpc.
+ if (lstrcmpW( pwstrProtseq, L"ncalrpc" ) == 0)
+ sc = RegisterLrpc();
+ #ifdef _CHICAGO_
+ // Special case mswmsg.
+ else if (lstrcmpW( pwstrProtseq, L"mswmsg" ) == 0)
+ {
+ if (!gfMswmsg)
+ sc = RegisterMswmsg();
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Register all other protocol sequences.
+ else
+ {
+ sc = RpcServerUseProtseq(pwstrProtseq,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (sc != RPC_S_OK)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "Could not register protseq %ws: 0x%x\n",
+ pwstrProtseq, sc ));
+ // Return the latest string bindings. Ignore failures.
+ InquireStringBindings( NULL );
+ }
+ // Generate a copy to return.
+ CopyStringArray( gpsaCurrentProcess, NULL, ppsaNewBindings );
+ CopyStringArray( gpsaSecurity, NULL, ppsaSecurity );
+ return RPC_S_OK;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/service.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/service.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8868025bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/service.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// File: service.hxx
+// Contents: APIs to simplify RPC setup
+// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
+#ifndef __SERVICE__
+#define __SERVICE__
+#define SASIZE(size) (sizeof(ULONG) + (size) * sizeof(WCHAR))
+// Function Prototypes.
+STDAPI StartListen(void);
+SCODE UnregisterDcomInterfaces(void);
+RPC_STATUS CheckClientMswmsg ( WCHAR *pProtseq, DWORD * );
+HRESULT CopyStringArray ( DUALSTRINGARRAY *psaStringBind,
+LPWSTR GetLocalEndpoint();
+HRESULT GetStringBindings ( DUALSTRINGARRAY **psaStrings );
+extern DWORD gdwEndPoint; // endpoint for current process
+extern DWORD gdwPsaMaxSize; // max size of any known psa
+extern DUALSTRINGARRAY *gpsaCurrentProcess; // string bindings for current process
+#endif // __SERVICE__
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stdid.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stdid.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cd070026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stdid.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1378 @@
+// File: stdid.cxx
+// Contents: identity object and creation function
+// History: 1-Dec-93 CraigWi Created
+// 13-Sep-95 Rickhi Simplified
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <stdid.hxx> // CStdIdentity
+#include <marshal.hxx> // CStdMarshal
+#include <idtable.hxx> // Indentity Table
+#include "..\objact\objact.hxx" // used in IProxyManager::CreateServer
+#if DBG==1
+// head of linked list of identities for debug tracking purposes
+CStdIdentity gDbgIDHead;
+#endif // DBG
+// Class: CStdIdentity (stdid)
+// Purpose: To be the representative of the identity of the object.
+// History: 11-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// 21-Apr-94 CraigWi Stubmgr addref's object; move strong cnt
+// 10-May-94 CraigWi IEC called for strong connections
+// 17-May-94 CraigWi Container weak connections
+// 31-May-94 CraigWi Tell object of weak pointers
+// Details:
+// The identity is determined on creation of the identity object. On the
+// server side a new OID is created, on the client side, the OID contained
+// in the OBJREF is used.
+// The identity pointer is typically stored in the OIDTable, NOT AddRef'd.
+// SetOID adds the identity to the table, and can be called from ctor or
+// from Unmarshal. RevokeOID removes the identity from the table, and can
+// be called from Disconnect, or final Release.
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CStdIdentity, private
+// Synopsis: ctor for identity object
+// Arguments: for all but the last param, see CreateIdentityHandler.
+// [ppUnkInternal] --
+// when aggregated, this the internal unknown;
+// when not aggregated, this is the controlling unknown
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+CStdIdentity::CStdIdentity(DWORD flags, IUnknown *pUnkOuter,
+ IUnknown *pUnkControl, IUnknown **ppUnkInternal) :
+ m_refs(1),
+ m_cStrongRefs(0),
+ m_flags(flags),
+ m_pIEC(NULL),
+ m_moid(GUID_NULL),
+ m_pUnkOuter((pUnkOuter) ? pUnkOuter : (IMultiQI *)&m_InternalUnk),
+ m_pUnkControl((pUnkControl) ? pUnkControl : m_pUnkOuter),
+ CClientSecurity( this )
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdIdentity %s Created this:%x\n",
+ IsClient() ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", this));
+ Win4Assert(!!IsClient() == (pUnkControl == NULL));
+#if DBG==1
+ // Chain this identity onto the global list of instantiated identities
+ // so we can track even the ones that are not placed in the ID table.
+ m_pNext = gDbgIDHead.m_pNext;
+ m_pPrev = &gDbgIDHead;
+ gDbgIDHead.m_pNext = this;
+ m_pNext->m_pPrev = this;
+ if (pUnkOuter)
+ {
+ m_flags |= STDID_AGGREGATED;
+ }
+ CLSID clsidHandler;
+ DWORD dwSMFlags = SMFLAGS_CLIENT_SIDE; // assume client side
+ if (!IsClient())
+ {
+#if DBG == 1
+ // the caller should have a strong reference and so these tests
+ // should not disturb the object. These just check the sanity of
+ // the object we are attempting to marshal.
+ // addref/release pUnkControl; shouldn't go away (i.e.,
+ // should be other ref to it).
+ // Do this only if it is not Excel as it always returns which will
+ // trigger the assert on debug builds unnecessarily!
+ if (!IsTaskName(L"EXCEL.EXE"))
+ {
+ pUnkControl->AddRef();
+ Verify(pUnkControl->Release() != 0);
+ // verify that pUnkControl is in fact the controlling unknown
+ IUnknown *pUnkT;
+ Verify(pUnkControl->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,(void **)&pUnkT)==NOERROR);
+ Win4Assert(pUnkControl == pUnkT);
+ Verify(pUnkT->Release() != 0);
+ }
+ dwSMFlags = 0; // server side
+ m_pUnkControl->AddRef();
+ // determine if we will write a standard or handler objref. we write
+ // standard unless the object implements IStdMarshalInfo and overrides
+ // the standard class. we ignore all errors from this point onward in
+ // order to maintain backward compatibility.
+ IStdMarshalInfo *pSMI;
+ HRESULT hr = m_pUnkControl->QueryInterface(IID_IStdMarshalInfo,
+ (void **)&pSMI);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = pSMI->GetClassForHandler(NULL, NULL, &clsidHandler);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !IsEqualCLSID(clsidHandler, CLSID_NULL))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ clsidHandler = GUID_NULL;
+ }
+ pSMI->Release();
+ }
+ // look for the IExternalConnection interface. The StdId will use
+ // this for Inc/DecStrongCnt. We do the QI here while we are not
+ // holding the LOCK.
+ hr = m_pUnkControl->QueryInterface(IID_IExternalConnection,
+ (void **)&m_pIEC);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // make sure it is NULL
+ m_pIEC = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_cStrongRefs = 1;
+ }
+ // now intialize the standard marshaler
+ CStdMarshal::Init(m_pUnkControl, this, clsidHandler, dwSMFlags);
+ *ppUnkInternal = (IMultiQI *)&m_InternalUnk; // this is what the m_refs=1 is for
+ AssertValid();
+#if DBG==1
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CStdIdentity, public
+// Synopsis: Special Identity ctor for the debug list head.
+CStdIdentity::CStdIdentity() : CClientSecurity(this)
+ Win4Assert(this == &gDbgIDHead);
+ m_pNext = this;
+ m_pPrev = this;
+#endif // DBG
+// Member: CStdIdentity::~CStdIdentity, private
+// Synopsis: Final destruction of the identity object. ID has been
+// revoked by now (in internal ::Release). Here we disconnect
+// on server.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// Rickhi Simplified
+#if DBG==1
+ if (this != &gDbgIDHead)
+ {
+#endif // DBG
+ ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "CStdIdentity %s Deleted this:%x\n",
+ IsClient() ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER", this));
+ Win4Assert(m_refs == 0);
+ m_refs++; // simple guard against reentry of dtor
+ SetNowInDestructor(); // debug flag which enables asserts to detect
+ // make sure we have disconnected
+ Disconnect();
+#if DBG==1
+ // UnChain this identity from the global list of instantiated identities
+ // so we can track even the ones that are not placed in the ID table.
+ m_pPrev->m_pNext = m_pNext;
+ m_pNext->m_pPrev = m_pPrev;
+ }
+#endif // DBG
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::QueryInterface, private
+// Synopsis: Queries for an interface. Just delegates to the common
+// code in QueryMultipleInterfaces.
+// History: 26-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, VOID **ppv)
+ MULTI_QI mqi;
+ mqi.pIID = &riid;
+ mqi.pItf = NULL;
+ QueryMultipleInterfaces(1, &mqi);
+ *ppv = (void *)mqi.pItf;
+ return;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::QueryMultipleInterfaces, public
+// Synopsis:
+// History: 26-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::QueryMultipleInterfaces(ULONG cMQIs,
+ // Make sure TLS is initialized.
+ COleTls tls(hr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID = GETPPARENT(this, CStdIdentity, m_InternalUnk);
+ pStdID->AssertValid();
+ // allocate some space on the stack for the intermediate results. declare
+ // working pointers and remember the start address of the allocations.
+ MULTI_QI **ppMQIAlloc = (MULTI_QI **)_alloca(sizeof(MULTI_QI *) * cMQIs);
+ IID *pIIDAlloc = (IID *) _alloca(sizeof(IID) * cMQIs);
+ SQIResult *pSQIAlloc = (SQIResult *)_alloca(sizeof(SQIResult) * cMQIs);
+ MULTI_QI **ppMQIPending = ppMQIAlloc;
+ IID *pIIDPending = pIIDAlloc;
+ SQIResult *pSQIPending = pSQIAlloc;
+ // loop over the interfaces looking for locally supported interfaces,
+ // instantiated proxies, and unsupported interfaces. Gather up all the
+ // interfaces that dont fall into the above categories, and issue a
+ // remote query to the server.
+ USHORT cPending = 0;
+ ULONG cAcquired = 0;
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<cMQIs; i++, pMQI++)
+ {
+ if (pMQI->pItf != NULL)
+ {
+ // skip any entries that are not set to NULL. This allows
+ // progressive layers of handlers to optionally fill in the
+ // interfaces that they know about and pass the whole array
+ // on to the next level.
+ continue;
+ }
+ pMQI->hr = S_OK;
+ // always allow - IUnknown, IMarshal, IStdIdentity, Instantiated proxies
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IUnknown))
+ {
+ pMQI->pItf = (IMultiQI *)this;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IMarshal))
+ {
+ pMQI->pItf = (IMarshal *)pStdID;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IStdIdentity))
+ {
+ pMQI->pItf = (IUnknown *)(void*)pStdID;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IProxyManager))
+ {
+ // old code exposed this IID and things now depend on it.
+ pMQI->pItf = (IProxyManager *)pStdID;
+ }
+ else if (pStdID->InstantiatedProxy(*(pMQI->pIID),(void **)&pMQI->pItf,
+ &pMQI->hr))
+ {
+ // a proxy for this interface already exists
+ //
+ // NOTE: this call also set pMQI->hr = E_NOINTERFACE if the
+ // StId has never been connected, and to CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED if
+ // it has been connected but is not currently connected. This is
+ // required for backwards compatibility, and will cause us to skip
+ // the QueryRemoteInterface.
+ ;
+ }
+ else if (pStdID->IsAggregated())
+ {
+ // aggregate case
+ // allow - IInternalUnknown
+ // dissallow - IMultiQI, IClientSecurity, IServerSecurity
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IInternalUnknown))
+ {
+ pMQI->pItf = (IInternalUnknown *)this;
+ pMQI->hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IMultiQI) ||
+ InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IClientSecurity) ||
+ InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IServerSecurity))
+ {
+ }
+ else if (pMQI->hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // InstantiatedProxy did not return E_NOINTERFACE or
+ // CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED so add this interface to the
+ // list to pass to the QueryRemoteInterfaces.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // non-aggregate case
+ // allow - IClientSecurity, IMultiQI
+ // dissallow - IInternalUnknown, IServerSecurity
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IClientSecurity))
+ {
+ pMQI->pItf = (IClientSecurity *)pStdID;
+ pMQI->hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IMultiQI))
+ {
+ pMQI->pItf = (IMultiQI *)this;
+ pMQI->hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IInternalUnknown) ||
+ InlineIsEqualGUID(*(pMQI->pIID), IID_IServerSecurity))
+ {
+ }
+ else if (pMQI->hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // InstantiatedProxy did not return E_NOINTERFACE or
+ // CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED so add this interface to the
+ // list to pass to the QueryRemoteInterfaces.
+ }
+ }
+ if (pMQI->hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // got an interface to return, AddRef it and count one more
+ // interface acquired.
+ pMQI->pItf->AddRef();
+ cAcquired++;
+ }
+ else if (pMQI->hr == RPC_S_CALLPENDING)
+ {
+ // fill in a remote QI structure and count one more
+ // pending interface
+ pSQIPending->pv = NULL;
+ pSQIPending->hr = S_OK;
+ *pIIDPending = *(pMQI->pIID);
+ *ppMQIPending = pMQI;
+ pSQIPending++;
+ pIIDPending++;
+ ppMQIPending++;
+ cPending++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cPending > 0)
+ {
+ // there are some interfaces which we dont yet know about, so
+ // go ask the remoting layer to Query the server and build proxies
+ // where possible. The results are returned in the individual
+ // SQIResults, so the overall return code is ignored.
+ pStdID->QueryRemoteInterfaces(cPending, pIIDAlloc, pSQIAlloc);
+ // got some interfaces, loop over the remote QI structure filling
+ // in the rest of the MULTI_QI structure to return to the caller.
+ // the proxies are already AddRef'd.
+ pSQIPending = pSQIAlloc;
+ ppMQIPending = ppMQIAlloc;
+ for (i=0; i<cPending; i++, pSQIPending++, ppMQIPending++)
+ {
+ pMQI = *ppMQIPending;
+ pMQI->pItf = (IUnknown *)(pSQIPending->pv);
+ pMQI->hr = pSQIPending->hr;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pMQI->hr))
+ {
+ // count one more acquired interface
+ cAcquired++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if we got all the interfaces, return S_OK. If we got none of the
+ // interfaces, return E_NOINTERFACE. If we got some, but not all, of
+ // the interfaces, return S_FALSE;
+ if (cAcquired == cMQIs)
+ return S_OK;
+ else if (cAcquired > 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ else
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::QueryInternalInterface, public
+// Synopsis: return interfaces that are internal to the aggregated
+// proxy manager.
+// History: 26-Feb-96 Rickhi Created
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::QueryInternalInterface(REFIID riid,
+ VOID **ppv)
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID = GETPPARENT(this, CStdIdentity, m_InternalUnk);
+ pStdID->AssertValid();
+ if (!pStdID->IsAggregated())
+ {
+ // this method is only valid when we are part of a client-side
+ // aggregate.
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ }
+ if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IInternalUnknown))
+ {
+ *ppv = (IInternalUnknown *)this;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IMultiQI))
+ {
+ *ppv = (IMultiQI *)this;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IStdIdentity))
+ {
+ *ppv = pStdID;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IClientSecurity))
+ {
+ *ppv = (IClientSecurity *)pStdID;
+ }
+ else if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IProxyManager))
+ {
+ *ppv = (IProxyManager *)pStdID;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ }
+ ((IUnknown *)*ppv)->AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::AddRef, public
+// Synopsis: Nothing special.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::AddRef(void)
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID = GETPPARENT(this, CStdIdentity, m_InternalUnk);
+ pStdID->AssertValid();
+ AssertSz(!pStdID->IsInDestructor(), "CStdIdentity AddRef'd during destruction");
+ InterlockedIncrement((long *)&pStdID->m_refs);
+ // ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "StdId:CtrlUnk::AddRef this:%x m_refs:%x\n", pStdID, pStdID->m_refs));
+ return pStdID->m_refs;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::Release, public
+// Synopsis: Releases the identity object. When the ref count goes
+// to zero, revokes the id and destroys the object.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// 18-Apr-95 Rickhi Rewrote much faster/simpler
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CStdIdentity::CInternalUnk::Release(void)
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID = GETPPARENT(this, CStdIdentity, m_InternalUnk);
+ pStdID->AssertValid();
+ DWORD refs = pStdID->m_refs - 1;
+ // ComDebOut((DEB_MARSHAL, "StdId:CtrlUnk::Release this:%x m_refs:%x\n", pStdID, refs));
+ if (InterlockedDecrement((long *)&pStdID->m_refs) == 0)
+ {
+ BOOL fDelete = FALSE;
+ // check if we are already in the dtor and skip a second destruction
+ // if so. The reason we need this is that some crusty old apps do
+ // CoMarshalInterface followed by CoLockObjectExternal(FALSE,TRUE),
+ // expecting this to accomplish a Disconnect. It subtracts from the
+ // references, but it takes away the ones that the IPIDEntry put on,
+ // without telling the IPIDEntry, so when we release the IPIDEntry,
+ // our count goes negative!!!
+ // the LockedInMemory flag is for the gpStdMarshal instance that we
+ // may hand out to clients, but which we never want to go away,
+ // regardless of how many times they call Release.
+ if (pStdID->m_refs == 0)
+ {
+ // refcnt is still zero, so the idtable did not just hand
+ // out a reference behind our back.
+ if (!pStdID->IsLockedOrInDestructor())
+ {
+ // remove from the OID table and delete the identity
+ // We dont delete while holding the table mutex.
+ pStdID->RevokeOID();
+ fDelete = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this object is locked in memory and we should never
+ // get here, but some broken test app was doing this in
+ // stress.
+ pStdID->m_refs = 100;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fDelete)
+ {
+ delete pStdID;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return refs;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::IUnknown methods, public
+// Synopsis: External IUnknown methods; delegates to m_pUnkOuter.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, VOID **ppvObj)
+ AssertValid();
+ return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CStdIdentity::AddRef(void)
+ AssertValid();
+ return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef();
+STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CStdIdentity::Release(void)
+ AssertValid();
+ return m_pUnkOuter->Release();
+// Member: CStdIdentity::UnlockAndRelease, public
+// Synopsis: Version of Release used for gpStdMarshal, that is
+// currently locked in memory so nobody but us can
+// release it, regardless of refcnt.
+// History: 19-Apr-96 Rickhi Created
+ULONG CStdIdentity::UnlockAndRelease(void)
+ m_flags &= ~STDID_LOCKEDINMEM;
+ m_refs = 1;
+ return m_pUnkOuter->Release();
+// Member: CStdIdentity::IncStrongCnt, public
+// Synopsis: Increments the strong reference count on the identity.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdIdentity::IncStrongCnt()
+ Win4Assert(!IsClient());
+ // we might be holding the lock here if this is called from
+ // LookupIDFromUnk, since we have to be holding the lock while
+ // doing the lookup. We cant release it or we could go away.
+ "CStdIdentity::IncStrongCnt this:%x cStrong:%x\n",
+ this, m_cStrongRefs+1));
+ AddRef();
+ InterlockedIncrement(&m_cStrongRefs);
+ if (m_pIEC)
+ {
+ m_pIEC->AddConnection(EXTCONN_STRONG, 0);
+ }
+// Member: CStdIdentity::DecStrongCnt, public
+// Synopsis: Decrements the strong reference count on the identity,
+// and releases the object if that was the last strong
+// reference.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 Rickhi Created.
+void CStdIdentity::DecStrongCnt(BOOL fKeepAlive)
+ Win4Assert(!IsClient());
+ "CStdIdentity::DecStrongCnt this:%x cStrong:%x fKeepAlive:%x\n",
+ this, m_cStrongRefs-1, fKeepAlive));
+ LONG cStrongRefs = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cStrongRefs);
+ if (m_pIEC)
+ {
+ m_pIEC->ReleaseConnection(EXTCONN_STRONG, 0, !fKeepAlive);
+ }
+ if (cStrongRefs == 0 && !fKeepAlive && (IsWOWThread() || m_pIEC == NULL))
+ {
+ // strong count has gone to zero, disconnect.
+ DisconnectObject(0);
+ }
+ if (cStrongRefs >= 0)
+ {
+ // some apps call CoMarshalInterface + CoLockObjectExternal(F,T)
+ // and expect the object to go away. Doing that causes Release to
+ // be called too many times (once for each IPID, once for CLOE, and
+ // once for the original Lookup).
+ Release();
+ }
+// Member: CStdIdentity::LockObjectExternal, public
+// Synopsis: locks (or unlocks) the object so the remoting layer does
+// not (or does) go away.
+// History: 09-Oct-96 Rickhi Moved from CoLockObjectExternal.
+HRESULT CStdIdentity::LockObjectExternal(BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUR)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (GetServer() == NULL)
+ {
+ // attempt to lock handler, return error!
+ }
+ else if (fLock)
+ {
+ // lock (and ignore rundowns) so it does not go away
+ IncStrongCnt();
+ IncTableCnt();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // unlock so that it can go away
+ DecTableCnt();
+ DecStrongCnt(!fLastUR);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::GetServer, public
+// Synopsis: Returns a pUnk for the identified object; NULL on client side
+// The pointer is optionally addrefed depending upon fAddRef
+// Returns: The pUnk on the object.
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+IUnknown * CStdIdentity::GetServer()
+ if (IsClient() || m_pUnkControl == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // Verify validity
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(m_pUnkControl));
+ return m_pUnkControl;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::ReleaseCtrlUnk, public
+// Synopsis: Releases the server side controlling unknown
+// This code is safe for reentrant calls.
+// History: 11-Jun-95 Rickhi Created
+void CStdIdentity::ReleaseCtrlUnk(void)
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(!IsClient());
+ if (m_pUnkControl)
+ {
+ // server side: release the real object's m_pUnkControl;
+ // prevent problem on recursive disconnect
+ AssertSz(IsValidInterface(m_pUnkControl),
+ "Invalid IUnknown during disconnect");
+ IUnknown *pUnkControl = m_pUnkControl;
+ m_pUnkControl = NULL;
+ if (m_pIEC)
+ {
+ AssertSz(IsValidInterface(m_pIEC),
+ "Invalid IExternalConnection during disconnect");
+ m_pIEC->Release();
+ m_pIEC = NULL;
+ }
+ pUnkControl->Release();
+ }
+// Member: CStdIdentity::SetOID, public
+// Synopsis: Associates the OID and the object (handler or server).
+// History: 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Simplified
+HRESULT CStdIdentity::SetOID(REFMOID rmoid)
+ Win4Assert(rmoid != GUID_NULL);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (!(m_flags & STDID_HAVEID))
+ {
+ if (!(m_flags & STDID_IGNOREID))
+ {
+ Win4Assert(!(m_flags & STDID_FREETHREADED));
+ hr = SetObjectID(rmoid, m_pUnkControl, this);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ m_flags |= STDID_HAVEID;
+ m_moid = rmoid;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebErr(hr != S_OK, "SetOID Failed. Probably OOM.\n");
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::RevokeOID, public
+// Synopsis: Disassociates the OID and the object (handler or server).
+// Various other methods will fail (e.g., MarshalInterface).
+// History: 15-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Simplified
+void CStdIdentity::RevokeOID(void)
+ AssertValid();
+ if (m_flags & STDID_HAVEID)
+ {
+ m_flags &= ~STDID_HAVEID;
+ if (!(m_flags & STDID_IGNOREID))
+ (void)ClearObjectID(m_moid, m_pUnkControl, this);
+ }
+// Member: CStdIdentity::IsConnected, public
+// Synopsis: Indicates if the client is connected to the server.
+// Only the negative answer is definitive because we
+// might not be able to tell if the server is connected
+// and even if we could, the answer might be wrong by
+// the time the caller acted on it.
+// Returns: TRUE if the server might be connected; FALSE if
+// definitely not.
+// History: 16-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CStdIdentity::IsConnected(void)
+ Win4Assert(IsClient()); // must be client side
+ AssertValid();
+ return RemIsConnected();
+// Member: CStdIdentity::Disconnect, public
+// Synopsis: IProxyManager::Disconnect implementation, just forwards
+// to the standard marshaller, which may call us back to
+// revoke our OID and release our CtrlUnk.
+// May also be called by the IDTable cleanup code.
+// History: 11-Jun-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP_(void) CStdIdentity::Disconnect(void)
+ AssertValid();
+ CStdMarshal::Disconnect();
+// Member: CStdIdentity::LockConnection, public
+// Synopsis: IProxyManager::LockConnection implementation. Changes
+// all interfaces to weak from strong, or strong from weak.
+// History: 11-Jun-95 Rickhi Created.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::LockConnection(BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUnlockReleases)
+ AssertValid();
+ if (!IsClient())
+ {
+ // this operation does not make sense on the server side.
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ }
+ if (IsMTAThread())
+ {
+ // this call is not allowed if we are FreeThreaded. Report
+ // success, even though we did not do anything.
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ if (( fLock && (++m_cStrongRefs == 1)) ||
+ (!fLock && (--m_cStrongRefs == 0)))
+ {
+ // the strong count transitioned from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, so
+ // call the server to change our references.
+ return RemoteChangeRef(fLock, fLastUnlockReleases);
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CreateServer, public
+// Synopsis: Creates the server clsid in the given context and
+// attaches it to this handler.
+// History: 16-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// CODEWORK: this code is not thread safe in the freethreading case. We
+// need to decide if the thread safety is the responsibility
+// of the caller, or us. In the latter case, we would check
+// if we are already connected before doing UnmarshalObjRef, and
+// instead do a ::ReleaseMarshalObjRef.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::CreateServer(REFCLSID rclsid, DWORD clsctx, void *pv)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "ScmCreateObjectInstance this:%x clsctx:%x pv:%x\n",
+ this, clsctx, pv));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(IsClient()); // must be client side
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(m_pUnkControl)); // must be valid
+ //Win4Assert(!IsConnected());
+ // Loop trying to get object from the server. Because the server can be
+ // in the process of shutting down and respond with a marshaled interface,
+ // we will retry this call if unmarshaling fails assuming that the above
+ // is true.
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ const int MAX_SERVER_TRIES = 3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SERVER_TRIES; i++)
+ {
+ // create object and get back marshaled interface pointer
+ InterfaceData *pIFD = NULL;
+ // Dll ignored here since we are just doing this to get
+ // the remote handler.
+ WCHAR *pwszDllPath = NULL;
+#ifdef DCOM
+ HRESULT hrinterface;
+ hr = gResolver.CreateInstance( NULL, (CLSID *)&rclsid, clsctx, 1,
+ (IID *)&IID_IUnknown, (MInterfacePointer **)&pIFD,
+ &hrinterface,&dwDllType, &pwszDllPath );
+ // The first three NULLs (pwszFrom, pstgFrom, pwszNew) trigger a
+ // simple creation.
+ hr = gResolver.CreateObject(rclsid, clsctx, 0,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, &pIFD, &dwDllType, &pwszDllPath, NULL);
+ if (pwszDllPath != NULL)
+ {
+ CoTaskMemFree(pwszDllPath);
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // If an error occurred, return that otherwise convert a wierd
+ // success into E_FAIL. The point here is to return an error that
+ // the caller can figure out what happened.
+ hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ // make a stream out of the interface data returned, then read the
+ // objref from the stream. No need to find another instance of
+ // CStdMarshal because we already know it is for us!
+ CXmitRpcStream Stm(pIFD);
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = ReadObjRef(&Stm, objref);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // become this identity by unmarshaling the objref into this
+ // object. Note the objref must use standard marshaling.
+ Win4Assert(objref.flags & (OBJREF_HANDLER | OBJREF_STANDARD));
+ Win4Assert(IsEqualIID(objref.iid, IID_IUnknown));
+ IUnknown *pUnk = NULL;
+ hr = UnmarshalObjRef(objref, (void **)&pUnk);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // release the AddRef done by unmarshaling
+ pUnk->Release();
+ // Reconnect the interface proxies
+ CStdMarshal::ReconnectProxies();
+ }
+ // free the objref we read above.
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ CoTaskMemFree(pIFD);
+ // If either this worked or we got a packet we couldn't unmarshal
+ // at all we give up. Otherwise, we will hope that recontacting the
+ // SCM will fix things.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == E_FAIL))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "ScmCreateObjectInstance this:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, hr));
+ return hr;
+// Member: CStdIdentity::CreateServerWithHandler, public
+// Synopsis: Creates the server clsid in the given context and
+// attaches it to this handler.
+// History: 10-Oct-95 JohannP Created
+// CODEWORK: this code is not thread safe in the freethreading case. We
+// need to decide if the thread safety is the responsibility
+// of the caller, or us. In the latter case, we would check
+// if we are already connected before doing UnmarshalObjRef, and
+// instead do a ::ReleaseMarshalObjRef.
+STDMETHODIMP CStdIdentity::CreateServerWithHandler(REFCLSID rclsid, DWORD clsctx, void *pv,
+ REFCLSID rclsidHandler, IID iidSrv, void **ppv,
+ IID iidClnt, void *pClientSiteInterface)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "ScmCreateObjectInstance this:%x clsctx:%x pv:%x\n",
+ this, clsctx, pv));
+ AssertValid();
+ Win4Assert(IsClient()); // must be client side
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(m_pUnkControl)); // must be valid
+ //Win4Assert(!IsConnected());
+ Win4Assert(ppv != NULL);
+ // Loop trying to get object from the server. Because the server can be
+ // in the process of shutting down and respond with a marshaled interface,
+ // we will retry this call if unmarshaling fails assuming that the above
+ // is true.
+ HRESULT hr = InitChannelIfNecessary();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ IClientSiteHandler *pClientSiteHandler = (IClientSiteHandler *)pClientSiteInterface;
+ const int MAX_SERVER_TRIES = 3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SERVER_TRIES; i++)
+ {
+ // create object and get back marshaled interface pointer
+ InterfaceData *pIFD = NULL;
+ // Dll ignored here since we are just doing this to get
+ // the remote handler.
+ WCHAR *pwszDllPath = NULL;
+#ifdef DCOM
+ HRESULT hrinterface;
+ // marshal ClientSiteHandler
+ MInterfacePointer * pIFPServerHandler = NULL;
+ MInterfacePointer * pIFPClientSiteHandler = NULL;
+ if (pClientSiteHandler)
+ {
+ // addref once here - MarshalHelper calls release on the object
+ pClientSiteHandler->AddRef();
+ hr = MarshalHelper(pClientSiteHandler, IID_IClientSiteHandler,
+ (InterfaceData **) &pIFPClientSiteHandler);
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = gResolver.CreateInstance( NULL, (CLSID *)&rclsid, clsctx, 1,
+ (IID *)&IID_IUnknown, (MInterfacePointer **)&pIFD,
+ &hrinterface, &dwDllType, &pwszDllPath );
+ if (pIFPServerHandler)
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ CXmitRpcStream Stm((InterfaceData *) pIFPServerHandler);
+ hr = CoUnmarshalInterface(&Stm, IID_IServerHandler, ppv);
+ }
+ CoTaskMemFree(pIFPServerHandler);
+ }
+ PrivMemFree(pIFPClientSiteHandler);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = gResolver.CreateInstance( NULL, (CLSID *)&rclsid, clsctx, 1,
+ (IID *)&IID_IUnknown, (MInterfacePointer **)&pIFD,
+ &hrinterface,&dwDllType, &pwszDllPath );
+ }
+ // The first three NULLs (pwszFrom, pstgFrom, pwszNew) trigger a
+ // simple creation.
+ hr = gResolver.CreateObject(rclsid, clsctx, 0,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, &pIFD, &dwDllType, &pwszDllPath, NULL);
+ if (pwszDllPath != NULL)
+ {
+ CoTaskMemFree(pwszDllPath);
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // If an error occurred, return that otherwise convert a wierd
+ // success into E_FAIL. The point here is to return an error that
+ // the caller can figure out what happened.
+ hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ // make a stream out of the interface data returned, then read the
+ // objref from the stream. No need to find another instance of
+ // CStdMarshal because we already know it is for us!
+ CXmitRpcStream Stm(pIFD);
+ OBJREF objref;
+ hr = ReadObjRef(&Stm, objref);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // become this identity by unmarshaling the objref into this
+ // object. Note the objref must use standard marshaling.
+ Win4Assert(objref.flags & (OBJREF_HANDLER | OBJREF_STANDARD));
+ Win4Assert(IsEqualIID(objref.iid, IID_IUnknown));
+ IUnknown *pUnk = NULL;
+ hr = UnmarshalObjRef(objref, (void **)&pUnk);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // release the AddRef done by unmarshaling
+ pUnk->Release();
+ // Reconnect the interface proxies
+ CStdMarshal::ReconnectProxies();
+ }
+ // free the objref we read above.
+ FreeObjRef(objref);
+ }
+ CoTaskMemFree(pIFD);
+ // If either this worked or we got a packet we couldn't unmarshal
+ // at all we give up. Otherwise, we will hope that recontacting the
+ // SCM will fix things.
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == E_FAIL))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ACTIVATE, "ScmCreateObjectInstance this:%x hr:%x\n",
+ this, hr));
+ return hr;
+#if DBG == 1
+// Member: CStdIdentity::AssertValid
+// Synopsis: Validates that the state of the object is consistent.
+// History: 26-Jan-94 CraigWi Created.
+void CStdIdentity::AssertValid()
+ AssertSz(m_refs < 0x7fff, "Identity ref count unreasonable");
+ // ensure we have the controlling unknown
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(m_pUnkOuter)); // must be valid
+ // NOTE: don't carelessly AddRef/Release because of weak references
+ Win4Assert((m_flags & ~(STDID_SERVER | STDID_CLIENT | STDID_HAVEID |
+ if ((m_flags & STDID_HAVEID) &&
+ {
+ CStdIdentity *pStdID;
+ Verify(LookupIDFromID(m_moid, FALSE /*fAddRef*/, &pStdID) == NOERROR);
+ Win4Assert(pStdID == this);
+ // pStdID not addref'd
+ }
+ if (IsClient())
+ Win4Assert(m_pUnkControl == m_pUnkOuter);
+ // must have RH tell identity when object goes away so we can NULL this
+ if (m_pUnkControl != NULL)
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(m_pUnkControl)); // must be valid
+ if (m_pIEC != NULL)
+ Win4Assert(IsValidInterface(m_pIEC)); // must be valid
+#endif // DBG == 1
+// Function: CreateIdentityHandler, private
+// Synopsis: Creates a client side identity object (one which is
+// initialized by the first unmarshal).
+// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] - controlling unknown if aggregated
+// [flags] - flags (indicates free-threaded or not)
+// [riid] - interface requested
+// [ppv] - place for pointer to that interface.
+// History: 16-Dec-93 CraigWi Created.
+// 20-Feb-95 Rickhi Simplified
+INTERNAL CreateIdentityHandler(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, DWORD flags,
+ REFIID riid, void **ppv)
+#if DBG == 1
+ Win4Assert(IsApartmentInitialized());
+ // if aggregating, it must ask for IUnknown.
+ Win4Assert(pUnkOuter == NULL || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown));
+ if (pUnkOuter != NULL)
+ {
+ // addref/release pUnkOuter; shouldn't go away (i.e.,
+ // should be other ref to it).
+ // Except Excel which always returns 0 on Release!
+ if (!IsTaskName(L"EXCEL.EXE"))
+ {
+ pUnkOuter->AddRef();
+ Verify(pUnkOuter->Release() != 0);
+ // verify that pUnkOuter is in fact the controlling unknown
+ IUnknown *pUnkT;
+ Verify(pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,(void**)&pUnkT)==NOERROR);
+ Win4Assert(pUnkOuter == pUnkT);
+ Verify(pUnkT->Release() != 0);
+ }
+ }
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ IUnknown *pUnkID;
+ CStdIdentity *pStdId = new CStdIdentity(StdIdFlags, pUnkOuter,
+ NULL, &pUnkID);
+ if (pStdId)
+ {
+ // get the interface the caller asked for.
+ hr = pUnkID->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
+ pUnkID->Release();
+ }
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stdid.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stdid.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e187fc65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stdid.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// File: stdid.hxx
+// Contents: identity object and creation function
+// History: 1-Dec-93 CraigWi Created
+#ifndef _STDID_HXX_
+#define _STDID_HXX_
+#include <marshal.hxx> // CStdMarshal
+#include <idtable.hxx> // IDTable APIs
+#include <srvhdl.h>
+#include <security.hxx> // CClientSecurity
+ class CInternalUnk : public IInternalUnknown, public IMultiQI \
+ { \
+ public: \
+ /* IUnknown methods */ \
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, VOID **ppv); \
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void) ; \
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void); \
+ \
+ /* IInternalUnknown methods */ \
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInternalInterface)(REFIID riid, VOID **ppv); \
+ \
+ /* IMultiQI methods */ \
+ STDMETHOD(QueryMultipleInterfaces)(ULONG cMQIs, MULTI_QI *pMQIs); \
+ }; \
+ friend CInternalUnk; \
+ CInternalUnk m_InternalUnk;
+typedef enum tagSTDID_FLAGS
+ STDID_SERVER = 0x0, // on server side
+ STDID_CLIENT = 0x1, // on client side (non-local in RH terms)
+ STDID_FREETHREADED = 0x2, // this object is callable on any thread
+ STDID_HAVEID = 0x4, // have an OID in the table
+ STDID_IGNOREID = 0x8, // dont put OID in the table
+ STDID_AGGREGATED = 0x10, // dont put OID in the table
+ STDID_INDESTRUCTOR = 0x100,// dtor entered; assert on AddRef and others
+ STDID_LOCKEDINMEM = 0x200,// dont delete this object regardless of refcnt
+class CStdIdentity : public IProxyManager, public CStdMarshal,
+ public CClientSecurity
+ CStdIdentity(DWORD flags, IUnknown *pUnkOuter, IUnknown *pUnkControl,
+ IUnknown **ppUnkInternal);
+ ~CStdIdentity();
+ // IUnknown
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (void);
+ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (void);
+ // IProxyManager (only if client side)
+ STDMETHOD(CreateServer)(REFCLSID rclsid, DWORD clsctx, void *pv);
+ STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsConnected)(void);
+ STDMETHOD(LockConnection)(BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUnlockReleases);
+ STDMETHOD_(void, Disconnect)();
+ STDMETHOD(CreateServerWithHandler)(REFCLSID rclsid, DWORD clsctx, void *pv,
+ REFCLSID rclsidHandler, IID iidSrv, void **ppv,
+ IID iidClnt, void *pClientSiteInterface);
+ IUnknown *GetCtrlUnk(void) { return m_pUnkControl; };
+ IUnknown *GetServer();
+ void ReleaseCtrlUnk(void);
+ REFMOID GetOID (void) { return m_moid; }
+ void IgnoreOID (void) { m_flags |= STDID_IGNOREID; }
+ void RevokeOID (void);
+ ULONG GetRC (void) { return m_refs; }
+ BOOL IsFreeThreaded(void) { return m_flags & STDID_FREETHREADED; }
+ BOOL IsAggregated(void) { return m_flags & STDID_AGGREGATED; }
+ void SetLockedInMemory() { m_flags |= STDID_LOCKEDINMEM; }
+ ULONG UnlockAndRelease(void);
+ // methods to manipulate the strong reference count.
+ void IncStrongCnt();
+ void DecStrongCnt(BOOL fKeepAlive);
+ // method used by CoLockObjectExternal
+ HRESULT LockObjectExternal(BOOL fLock, BOOL fLastUR);
+ // internal unknown
+ friend INTERNAL CreateIdentityHandler(IUnknown *pUnkOuter,
+ DWORD flags, REFIID riid, void **ppv);
+ friend INTERNAL_(void) IDTableThreadUninitializeHelper(DWORD);
+#if DBG == 1
+ void AssertValid();
+ CStdIdentity(); // debug ctor for debug list head
+ void AssertValid() { }
+ BOOL IsClient() { return m_flags & STDID_CLIENT; }
+ void SetNowInDestructor() { m_flags |= STDID_INDESTRUCTOR; }
+ BOOL IsInDestructor() { return m_flags & STDID_INDESTRUCTOR; }
+ BOOL IsLockedOrInDestructor(){ return (m_flags & (STDID_INDESTRUCTOR |
+ DWORD m_refs; // number of pointer refs
+ DWORD m_flags; // see STDID_* values above; set once.
+ IUnknown *m_pUnkOuter; // controlling unknown; set once.
+ IUnknown *m_pUnkControl; // the controlling unk of the object;
+ // this member has three possible values:
+ // pUnkOuter - client side; not addref'd
+ // pUnkControl - server side (which may
+ // be pUnkOuter if aggregated); addref'd
+ // NULL - server side, disconnected
+ MOID m_moid; // the identity (OID + MID)
+ IExternalConnection *m_pIEC;// of the server if supported
+ LONG m_cStrongRefs; // count of strong references
+#if DBG==1
+ CStdIdentity *m_pNext; // double chain list of instantiated
+ CStdIdentity *m_pPrev; // identity objects for debugging
+#endif // DBG
+#endif // _STDID_HXX
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stream.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stream.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..496d9bf92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stream.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+Microsoft Windows
+Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+Module Name:
+ stream.cxx
+ Implements the IStream interface on a memory buffer.
+ ShannonC 09-Mar-1994
+ Windows NT and Windows 95. We do not support DOS and Win16.
+Revision History:
+ 12-Oct-94 ShannonC Reformat for code review.
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <stream.hxx>
+ IN unsigned char * pData,
+ IN unsigned long cbMax)
+ : pBuffer(pData), cbBufferLength(cbMax)
+Routine Description:
+ This function creates a stream on the specified memory buffer.
+ pData - Supplies pointer to memory buffer.
+ cbMax - Supplies size of memory buffer.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ RefCount = 1;
+ position = 0;
+Routine Description:
+ Increment the reference count.
+Return Value:
+ Reference count.
+ InterlockedIncrement(&RefCount);
+ return (ULONG) RefCount;
+ OUT IStream **ppstm)
+Routine Description:
+ Create a new IStream object. The new IStream gets an
+ independent seek pointer but it shares the underlying
+ data buffer with the original IStream object.
+ ppstm - Pointer to the new stream.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK - The stream was successfully copied.
+ E_OUTOFMEMORY - The stream could not be copied due to lack of memory.
+ CNdrStream *pStream = new CNdrStream(pBuffer, cbBufferLength);
+ if(pStream != 0)
+ {
+ pStream->position = position;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ *ppstm = (IStream *) pStream;
+ return hr;
+ IN DWORD grfCommitFlags)
+Routine Description:
+ This stream does not support transacted mode. This function does nothing.
+ grfCommitFlags
+Return Value:
+ S_OK
+ return S_OK;
+ IN IStream * pstm,
+Routine Description:
+ Copies data from one stream to another stream.
+ pstm - Specifies the destination stream.
+ cb - Specifies the number of bytes to be copied to the destination stream.
+ pcbRead - Returns the number of bytes read from the source stream.
+ pcbWritten - Returns the number of bytes written to the destination stream.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK - The data was successfully copied.
+ Other errors from IStream::Write.
+ unsigned char * pSource;
+ unsigned long cbRead;
+ unsigned long cbWritten;
+ unsigned long cbRemaining;
+ //Check if we are going off the end of the buffer.
+ if(position < cbBufferLength)
+ cbRemaining = cbBufferLength - position;
+ else
+ cbRemaining = 0;
+ if((cb.HighPart == 0) && (cb.LowPart <= cbRemaining))
+ cbRead = cb.LowPart;
+ else
+ cbRead = cbRemaining;
+ pSource = pBuffer + position;
+ //copy the data
+ hr = pstm->Write(pSource, cbRead, &cbWritten);
+ //advance the current position
+ position += cbRead;
+ if (pcbRead != 0)
+ {
+ pcbRead->LowPart = cbRead;
+ pcbRead->HighPart = 0;
+ }
+ if (pcbWritten != 0)
+ {
+ pcbWritten->LowPart = cbWritten;
+ pcbWritten->HighPart = 0;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ IN DWORD dwLockType)
+Routine Description:
+ Range locking is not supported by this stream.
+Return Value:
+ REFIID riid,
+ void **ppvObj)
+Routine Description:
+ Query for an interface on the stream. The stream supports
+ the IUnknown and IStream interfaces.
+ riid - Supplies the IID of the interface being requested.
+ ppvObject - Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK
+ if ((memcmp(&riid, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) == 0) ||
+ (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IStream, sizeof(IID)) == 0))
+ {
+ this->AddRef();
+ *ppvObj = (IStream *) this;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppvObj = 0;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ OUT void * pv,
+ IN ULONG cb,
+ OUT ULONG *pcbRead)
+Routine Description:
+ Reads data from the stream starting at the current seek pointer.
+ pv - Returns the data read from the stream.
+ cb - Supplies the number of bytes to read from the stream.
+ pcbRead - Returns the number of bytes actually read from the stream.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK - The data was successfully read from the stream.
+ S_FALSE - The number of bytes read was smaller than the number requested.
+ unsigned long cbRead;
+ unsigned long cbRemaining;
+ //Check if we are reading past the end of the buffer.
+ if(position < cbBufferLength)
+ cbRemaining = cbBufferLength - position;
+ else
+ cbRemaining = 0;
+ if(cb <= cbRemaining)
+ {
+ cbRead = cb;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cbRead = cbRemaining;
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ }
+ //copy the data
+ memcpy(pv, pBuffer + position, cbRead);
+ //advance the current position
+ position += cbRead;
+ if(pcbRead != 0)
+ *pcbRead = cbRead;
+ return hr;
+Routine Description:
+ Decrement the reference count. When the reference count
+ reaches zero, the stream is deleted.
+Return Value:
+ Reference count.
+ unsigned long count;
+ count = RefCount - 1;
+ if(InterlockedDecrement(&RefCount) == 0)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return count;
+Routine Description:
+ This stream does not support transacted mode. This function does nothing.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK.
+ return S_OK;
+ IN DWORD dwOrigin,
+ OUT ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition)
+Routine Description:
+ Sets the position of the seek pointer. It is an error to seek
+ before the beginning of the stream or past the end of the stream.
+ dlibMove - Supplies the offset from the position specified in dwOrigin.
+ dwOrigin - Supplies the seek mode.
+ plibNewPosition - Returns the new position of the seek pointer.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK - The seek pointer was successfully adjusted.
+ STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION - dwOrigin contains invalid value.
+ STG_E_SEEKERROR - The seek pointer cannot be positioned before the
+ beginning of the stream or past the
+ end of the stream.
+ long high;
+ long low;
+ unsigned long offset;
+ unsigned long cbRemaining;
+ switch (dwOrigin)
+ {
+ //Set the seek position relative to the beginning of the stream.
+ if((dlibMove.HighPart == 0) && (dlibMove.LowPart <= cbBufferLength))
+ {
+ position = dlibMove.LowPart;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //It is an error to seek past the end of the stream.
+ }
+ break;
+ //Set the seek position relative to the current position of the stream.
+ high = (long) dlibMove.HighPart;
+ if(high < 0)
+ {
+ //Negative offset
+ low = (long) dlibMove.LowPart;
+ offset = -low;
+ if((high == -1) && (offset <= position))
+ {
+ position -= offset;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //It is an error to seek before the beginning of the stream.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Positive offset
+ if(position < cbBufferLength)
+ cbRemaining = cbBufferLength - position;
+ else
+ cbRemaining = 0;
+ if((dlibMove.HighPart == 0) && (dlibMove.LowPart <= cbRemaining))
+ {
+ position += dlibMove.LowPart;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //It is an error to seek past the end of the stream.
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //Set the seek position relative to the end of the stream.
+ high = (long) dlibMove.HighPart;
+ if(high < 0)
+ {
+ //Negative offset
+ low = (long) dlibMove.LowPart;
+ offset = -low;
+ if((high == -1) && (offset <= cbBufferLength))
+ {
+ position = cbBufferLength - offset;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //It is an error to seek before the beginning of the stream.
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dlibMove.QuadPart == 0)
+ {
+ position = cbBufferLength;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Positive offset
+ //It is an error to seek past the end of the stream.
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //dwOrigin contains an invalid value.
+ }
+ if (plibNewPosition != 0)
+ {
+ plibNewPosition->LowPart = position;
+ plibNewPosition->HighPart = 0;
+ }
+ return hr;
+Routine Description:
+ Changes the size of the stream.
+ libNewSize - Supplies the new size of the stream.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK - The stream size was successfully changed.
+ STG_E_MEDIUMFULL - The stream size could not be changed.
+ if((libNewSize.HighPart == 0) && (libNewSize.LowPart <= cbBufferLength))
+ {
+ cbBufferLength = libNewSize.LowPart;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ return hr;
+ OUT STATSTG * pstatstg,
+ IN DWORD grfStatFlag)
+Routine Description:
+ This function gets information about this stream.
+ pstatstg - Returns information about this stream.
+ grfStatFlg - Specifies the information to be returned in pstatstg.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK.
+ memset(pstatstg, 0, sizeof(STATSTG));
+ pstatstg->type = STGTY_STREAM;
+ pstatstg->cbSize.LowPart = cbBufferLength;
+ pstatstg->cbSize.HighPart = 0;
+ return S_OK;
+ IN DWORD dwLockType)
+Routine Description:
+ Range locking is not supported by this stream.
+Return Value:
+ IN void const *pv,
+ IN ULONG cb,
+ OUT ULONG * pcbWritten)
+Routine Description:
+ Write data to the stream starting at the current seek pointer.
+ pv - Supplies the data to be written to the stream.
+ cb - Specifies the number of bytes to be written to the stream.
+ pcbWritten - Returns the number of bytes actually written to the stream.
+Return Value:
+ S_OK - The data was successfully written to the stream.
+ STG_E_MEDIUMFULL - Data cannot be written past the end of the stream.
+ unsigned long cbRemaining;
+ unsigned long cbWritten;
+ //Check if we are writing past the end of the buffer.
+ if(position < cbBufferLength)
+ cbRemaining = cbBufferLength - position;
+ else
+ cbRemaining = 0;
+ if(cb <= cbRemaining)
+ {
+ cbWritten = cb;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cbWritten = cbRemaining;
+ }
+ // Write the data.
+ memcpy(pBuffer + position, pv, cbWritten);
+ //Advance the current position
+ position += cbWritten;
+ //update pcbWritten
+ if (pcbWritten != 0)
+ *pcbWritten = cbWritten;
+ return hr;
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stream.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stream.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af128e10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/stream.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// File: stream.hxx
+// Contents: Implements the IStream interface on a memory buffer.
+#ifndef _STREAM_HXX_
+#define _STREAM_HXX_
+class CNdrStream : public IStream
+ QueryInterface(
+ IN REFIID riid,
+ OUT void **ppvObj);
+ AddRef();
+ Release();
+ Read(
+ IN void * pv,
+ IN ULONG cb,
+ OUT ULONG * pcbRead);
+ Write(
+ IN void const *pv,
+ IN ULONG cb,
+ OUT ULONG * pcbWritten);
+ Seek(
+ IN DWORD dwOrigin,
+ OUT ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition);
+ SetSize(
+ CopyTo(
+ IN IStream * pstm,
+ OUT ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten);
+ Commit(
+ IN DWORD grfCommitFlags);
+ Revert();
+ LockRegion(
+ IN DWORD dwLockType);
+ UnlockRegion(
+ IN DWORD dwLockType);
+ Stat(
+ OUT STATSTG * pstatstg,
+ IN DWORD grfStatFlag);
+ Clone(
+ OUT IStream **ppstm);
+ CNdrStream(
+ IN unsigned char * pData,
+ IN unsigned long cbMax);
+ long RefCount;
+ unsigned char * pBuffer;
+ unsigned long cbBufferLength;
+ unsigned long position;
+#endif // _STREAM_HXX_
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/threads.cxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/threads.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35ca9c212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/threads.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+// File: threads.cxx
+// Contents: Rpc thread cache
+// Classes: CRpcThread - single thread
+// CRpcThreadCache - cache of threads
+// Notes: This code represents the cache of Rpc threads used to
+// make outgoing calls in the SINGLETHREADED object Rpc
+// model.
+// History: Rickhi Created
+// 07-31-95 Rickhi Fix event handle leak
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <olerem.h>
+#include <chancont.hxx> // ThreadDispatch
+#include <threads.hxx>
+// static members of ThreadCache class
+CRpcThread * CRpcThreadCache::_pFreeList = NULL;// list of free threads
+COleStaticMutexSem CRpcThreadCache::_mxs; // for list manipulation
+// Member: CRpcThreadCache::RpcWorkerThreadEntry
+// Purpose: Entry point for an Rpc worker thread.
+// Returns: nothing, it never returns.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by a worker thread.
+DWORD _stdcall CRpcThreadCache::RpcWorkerThreadEntry(void *param)
+ // First thing we need to do is LoadLibrary ourselves in order to
+ // prevent our code from going away while this worker thread exists.
+ // The library will be freed when this thread exits.
+ HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(L"OLE32.DLL");
+ // construct a thread object on the stack, and call the main worker
+ // loop. Do this in nested scope so the dtor is called before ExitThread.
+ {
+ CRpcThread Thrd(param);
+ Thrd.WorkerLoop();
+ }
+ // Simultaneously free our Dll and exit our thread. This allows us to
+ // keep our Dll around incase a remote call was cancelled and the
+ // worker thread is still blocked on the call, and allows us to cleanup
+ // properly when all threads are done with the code.
+ FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hInst, 0);
+ // compiler wants a return value
+ return 0;
+// Member: CRpcThread::CRpcThread
+// Purpose: Constructor for a thread object.
+// Notes: Allocates a wakeup event.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by a worker thread.
+CRpcThread::CRpcThread(void *param) :
+ _param(param),
+ _pNext(NULL),
+ _fDone(FALSE)
+ // create the Wakeup event. Do NOT use the event cache, as there are
+ // some exit paths that leave this event in the signalled state!
+#ifdef _CHICAGO_ // Chicago ANSI optimization
+ _hWakeup = CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+#else //_CHICAGO_
+ _hWakeup = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+#endif //_CHICAGO_
+ "CRpcThread::CRpcThread pThrd:%x _hWakeup:%x\n", this, _hWakeup));
+// Member: CRpcThread::~CRpcThread
+// Purpose: Destructor for an Rpc thread object.
+// Notes: When threads are exiting, they place the CRpcThread
+// object on the delete list. The main thread then later
+// pulls it from the delete list and calls this destructor.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by a worker thread.
+ // close the event handle. Do NOT use the event cache, since not all
+ // exit paths leave this event in the non-signalled state. Also, do
+ // not close NULL handle.
+ if (_hWakeup)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(_hWakeup);
+ }
+ "CRpcThread::~CRpcThread pThrd:%x _hWakeup:%x\n", this, _hWakeup));
+// Function: CRpcThread::WorkerLoop
+// Purpose: Entry point for a new Rpc call thread.
+// Notes: This dispatches a call to the function ThreadDispatch. That
+// code signals an event that the COM thread is waiting on, then
+// returns to us. We put the thread on the free list, and wait
+// for more work to do.
+// When there is no more work after some timeout period, we
+// pull it from the free list and exit.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by worker thread.
+void CRpcThread::WorkerLoop()
+ // Main worker loop where we do some work then wait for more.
+ // When the thread has been inactive for some period of time
+ // it will exit the loop.
+ while (!_fDone)
+ {
+ // Dispatch the call.
+ ThreadDispatch((CChannelCallInfo **)&_param);
+ if (!_hWakeup)
+ {
+ // we failed to create an event in the ctor so we cant
+ // get put on the freelist to be re-awoken later with more
+ // work. Just exit.
+ break;
+ }
+ // put the thread object on the free list
+ gRpcThreadCache.AddToFreeList(this);
+ // Wait for more work or for a timeout.
+ while (WaitForSingleObjectEx(_hWakeup, THREAD_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT, 0)
+ {
+ // try to remove ourselves from the queue of free threads.
+ // if _fDone is still FALSE, it means someone is about to
+ // give us more work to do (so go wait for that to happen).
+ gRpcThreadCache.RemoveFromFreeList(this);
+ if (_fDone)
+ {
+ // OK to exit and let this thread die.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Member: CRpcThreadCache::Dispatch
+// Purpose: Finds the first free thread, and dispatches the request
+// to that thread, or creates a new thread if none are
+// available.
+// Returns: S_OK if dispatched OK
+// Win32 error if it cant create a thread.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by the main thread.
+HRESULT CRpcThreadCache::Dispatch(void *param)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ _mxs.Request();
+ // grab the first thread from the list
+ CRpcThread *pThrd = _pFreeList;
+ if (pThrd)
+ {
+ // update the free list pointer
+ _pFreeList = pThrd->GetNext();
+ _mxs.Release();
+ // dispatch the call
+ pThrd->Dispatch(param);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _mxs.Release();
+ // no free threads, spin up a new one and dispatch directly to it.
+ DWORD dwThrdId;
+ HANDLE hThrd = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
+ RpcWorkerThreadEntry,
+ param, 0,
+ &dwThrdId);
+ if (hThrd)
+ {
+ // close the thread handle since we dont need it for anything.
+ CloseHandle(hThrd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR,"CreatThread failed:%x\n", GetLastError()));
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ }
+ }
+ return hr;
+// Member: CRpcThreadCache::RemoveFromFreeList
+// Purpose: Tries to pull a thread from the free list.
+// Returns: pThrd->_fDone TRUE if it was successfull and thread can exit.
+// pThrd->_fDone FALSE otherwise.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by a worker thread.
+void CRpcThreadCache::RemoveFromFreeList(CRpcThread *pThrd)
+ "CRpcThreadCache::RemoveFromFreeList pThrd:%x\n", pThrd));
+ COleStaticLock lck(_mxs);
+ // pull pThrd from the free list. if it is not on the free list
+ // then either it has just been dispatched OR ClearFreeList has
+ // just removed it, set _fDone to TRUE, and kicked the wakeup event.
+ CRpcThread *pPrev = NULL;
+ CRpcThread *pCurr = _pFreeList;
+ while (pCurr && pCurr != pThrd)
+ {
+ pPrev = pCurr;
+ pCurr = pCurr->GetNext();
+ }
+ if (pCurr == pThrd)
+ {
+ // remove it from the free list.
+ if (pPrev)
+ pPrev->SetNext(pThrd->GetNext());
+ else
+ _pFreeList = pThrd->GetNext();
+ // tell the thread to wakeup and exit
+ pThrd->WakeAndExit();
+ }
+// Member: CRpcThreadCache::ClearFreeList
+// Purpose: Cleans up all threads on the free list.
+// Notes: For any threads still on the free list, it pulls them
+// off the freelist, sets their _fDone flag to TRUE, and
+// kicks their event to wake them up. When the threads
+// wakeup, they will exit.
+// We do not free active threads. The only way for a thread
+// to still be active at this time is if it was making an Rpc
+// call and was cancelled by the message filter and the thread has
+// still not returned to us. We cant do much about that until
+// Rpc supports cancel for all protocols. If the thread ever
+// does return to us, it will eventually idle-out and delete
+// itself. This is safe because the threads LoadLibrary OLE32.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by the last COM thread during
+// ProcessUninitialize.
+void CRpcThreadCache::ClearFreeList(void)
+ ComDebOut((DEB_CHANNEL, "CRpcThreadCache::ClearFreeList\n"));
+ {
+ COleStaticLock lck(_mxs);
+ CRpcThread *pThrd = _pFreeList;
+ while (pThrd)
+ {
+ // use temp variable incase thread exits before we call GetNext
+ CRpcThread *pThrdNext = pThrd->GetNext();
+ pThrd->WakeAndExit();
+ pThrd = pThrdNext;
+ }
+ _pFreeList = NULL;
+ // the lock goes out of scope at this point. we dont want to hold
+ // it while we sleep.
+ }
+ // yield to let the other threads run if necessary.
+ Sleep(0);
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/threads.hxx b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/threads.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c66b3941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/dcomrem/threads.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// File: threads.hxx
+// Contents: Rpc thread cache
+// Classes: CRpcThread - single thread
+// CRpcThreadCache - cache of threads
+// Notes: This code represents the cache of Rpc threads used to
+// make outgoing calls in the APARTMENT object Rpc
+// model.
+// History: Rickhi Created
+// 07-31-95 Rickhi Fix event handle leak
+#ifndef __THREADS_HXX__
+#define __THREADS_HXX__
+#include <olesem.hxx>
+// inactive thread timeout. this is how long a thread will sit idle
+// in the thread cache before deleting itself.
+#define THREAD_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 // in milliseconds
+// Class: CRpcThread
+// Purpose: Represents one thread in the cache of Rpc callout
+// threads.
+// Notes: In order to make Rpc calls in the OLE Single-Threaded
+// model, we must leave the main thread and perform the
+// blocking Rpc call on a worker thread. This object
+// represents such a worker thread.
+class CRpcThread
+ CRpcThread(void *param);
+ ~CRpcThread();
+ // dispatch methods
+ void Dispatch(void *param);
+ void WorkerLoop();
+ CRpcThread * GetNext(void) { return _pNext; }
+ void SetNext(CRpcThread *pNext) { _pNext = pNext; }
+ // cleanup methods
+ void WakeAndExit();
+ HANDLE _hWakeup; // thread wakeup event
+ BOOL _fDone; // completion flag
+ void * _param; // parameter packet
+ CRpcThread * _pNext; // next thread in free list
+// Class: CRpcThreadCache
+// Purpose: Holds a cache of Rpc threads. It finds the first
+// free CRpcThread or creates a new one and dispatches
+// the call to it.
+// Notes: the free list is kept in a most recently used order
+// so that uneeded threads can time out and go away.
+class CRpcThreadCache
+ // no ctor, since only work is init'ing a static
+ // no dtor since nothing to do
+ // dispatch methods
+ HRESULT Dispatch(void *param);
+ void AddToFreeList(CRpcThread *pThrd);
+ // cleanup methods
+ void RemoveFromFreeList(CRpcThread *pThrd);
+ void ClearFreeList(void);
+ static DWORD _stdcall RpcWorkerThreadEntry(void *param);
+ static CRpcThread * _pFreeList; // list of free threads
+ static COleStaticMutexSem _mxs; // for list manipulation
+// Rpc SendReceive thread pool. This must be static to handle Rpc threads
+// that block and dont return until after CoUninitialize has been called.
+extern CRpcThreadCache gRpcThreadCache;
+// Member: CRpcThread::Dispatch
+// Purpose: wakes up a thread blocked in WorkerLoop.
+// Notes: folks who want to execute code on another thread
+// call this method. It fills in the parameter packet
+// and wakes up the sleeping thread.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by the COM thread.
+inline void CRpcThread::Dispatch(void *param)
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_CHANNEL,
+ "Dispatch pThrd:%x param:%x\n", this, param));
+ // set the call info and the completion event
+ _param = param;
+ // signal the Rpc thread to wakeup
+ SetEvent(_hWakeup);
+// Member: CRpcThread::WakeAndExit
+// Purpose: Tells the thread object to free itself
+// Note: This is called by CRpcThreadCache::RemoveFromFreeList
+// when we want to free this thread, eg at ProcessUninitialize.
+// Callers: Called by the COM thread OR worker thread.
+inline void CRpcThread::WakeAndExit()
+ // _fDone should only be set inside this function and in the
+ // constructor. _fDone must only ever transition from FALSE
+ // to TRUE and that must only happen once in the life of this
+ // object.
+ Win4Assert(_fDone == FALSE);
+ _fDone = TRUE;
+ CairoleDebugOut((DEB_CHANNEL,
+ "CRpcThreadCache:WakeAndExit pThrd:%x _hWakeup:%x\n", this, _hWakeup));
+ SetEvent(_hWakeup);
+// Member: CRpcThreadCache::AddToFreeLlist
+// Purpose: puts a thread back onto the free list after the
+// thread has completed its job.
+// Callers: Called ONLY by worker thread.
+inline void CRpcThreadCache::AddToFreeList(CRpcThread *pThrd)
+ COleStaticLock lck(_mxs);
+ // place this thread on the front of the free list. it is
+ // important that we add and remove only from the front of
+ // the list so that unused threads will eventually time out
+ // and release themselves...that is, it keeps our thread pool
+ // as small as possible.
+ pThrd->SetNext(_pFreeList);
+ _pFreeList = pThrd;
+#endif // __THREADS_HXX__