path: root/private/utils/fdisk/fdhelpid.h
blob: c22507a2955f6b66a20fb6e16597401c8a8266f2 (plain) (tree)


Copyright (c) 1992  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    Context ids for context-sensitive help for the disk manager


    Ted Miller (tedm) 18-March-1992

Revision History:


// All ids in this file start with HC_DM, as in "Help Context for Disk Manager"

// Menu items.  In the form HC_DM_MENU_xxx, where xxx matches the name used
// in the resource file (fdisk.rc) for the menu item (of the form IDM_xxx).

// The partition menu

#define         HC_DM_MENU_PARTITIONCREATE          110
#define         HC_DM_MENU_PARTITIONCREATEEX        111
#define         HC_DM_MENU_PARTITIONDELETE          112
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTCREATEVOLUMESET        113
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTEXTENDVOLUMESET        114
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTCREATESTRIPE           115
#if i386
#define         HC_DM_MENU_PARTITIONACTIVE          116
#define         HC_DM_MENU_PARTITIONLETTER          117 // really in tools menu
#define         HC_DM_MENU_PARTITIONEXIT            118
#define         HC_DM_MENU_SECURESYSTEM             119
#define         HC_DM_MENU_COMMIT                   120

// The configuration menu

#define         HC_DM_MENU_CONFIGMIGRATE            210
#define         HC_DM_MENU_CONFIGSAVE               211
#define         HC_DM_MENU_CONFIGRESTORE            212
#define         HC_DM_MENU_CONFIG                   213

// The fault tolerance menu

#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTESTABLISHMIRROR        310
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTBREAKMIRROR            311
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTCREATEPSTRIPE          312
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FTRECOVERSTRIPE          313

// The tools menu

#define         HC_DM_MENU_AUTOMOUNT                610
#define         HC_DM_MENU_DBLSPACE                 611
#define         HC_DM_MENU_CDROM                    612
#define         HC_DM_MENU_FORMAT                   613
#define         HC_DM_MENU_LABEL                    614

// The options menu

#define         HC_DM_MENU_OPTIONSSTATUS            410
#define         HC_DM_MENU_OPTIONSLEGEND            411
#define         HC_DM_MENU_OPTIONSCOLORS            412
#define         HC_DM_MENU_OPTIONSDISPLAY           413

// The help menu

#define         HC_DM_MENU_HELPCONTENTS             510
#define         HC_DM_MENU_HELPSEARCH               511
#define         HC_DM_MENU_HELPHELP                 512
#define         HC_DM_MENU_HELPABOUT                513

// The system menu

#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_RESTORE               910
#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_MOVE                  911
#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_SIZE                  912
#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_MINIMIZE              913
#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_MAXIMIZE              914
#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_CLOSE                 915
#define         HC_DM_SYSMENU_SWITCHTO              916

// Dialog boxes.  In the form HC_DM_DLG_xxx, where xxx is some reasonably
// descriptive name for the dialog.
// These dialog boxes do not have help buttons:
//      - About
//      - Searching for Previous Installation
//      - Confirmation dialogs

// Min/Max dialogs for creating various items

#define         HC_DM_DLG_CREATEPRIMARY             1010
#define         HC_DM_DLG_CREATEEXTENDED            1011
#define         HC_DM_DLG_CREATELOGICAL             1012
#define         HC_DM_DLG_CREATEVOLUMESET           1013
#define         HC_DM_DLG_EXTENDVOLUMESET           1014
#define         HC_DM_DLG_CREATESTRIPESET           1015
#define         HC_DM_DLG_CREATEPARITYSTRIPE        1016

// Dialog for assigning drive letters

#define         HC_DM_DLG_DRIVELETTER               1020

// Dialog for determining display sizing

#define         HC_DM_DLG_DISPLAYOPTION             1030

// Configuration migration dialog to select previous installation

#define         HC_DM_DLG_SELECTINSTALLATION        1040

// Colors and patterns dialog

#define         HC_DM_COLORSANDPATTERNS             1050

// DoubleSpace dialog

#define         HC_DM_DLG_DOUBLESPACE               1060
#define         HC_DM_DLG_DOUBLESPACE_MOUNT         1061

// Format dialog

#define         HC_DM_DLG_FORMAT                    1070

// Label dialog

#define         HC_DM_DLG_LABEL                     1080

// CdRom dialog

#define         HC_DM_DLG_CDROM                     1090