path: root/private/ole32/stg/ref/h/sstream.hxx
blob: 7ea4578fef8365c1d4bef6ff7abd16e10041da9d (plain) (tree)

//  Microsoft Windows
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
//  File:           stream.hxx
//  Contents:       Stream header for mstream project
//  Classes:        CSStream - single linear stream for MSF

#ifndef __STREAM_HXX__
#define __STREAM_HXX__

#include <msf.hxx>
#include <handle.hxx>
#include <psstream.hxx>

//  Class:	CStreamCache (stmc)
//  Purpose:	Cache for stream optimization
//  Interface:	See below.

class CStreamCache
    inline CStreamCache();
    inline void SetCache(ULONG ulOffset, SECT sect);
    inline ULONG GetOffset(void) const;
    inline SECT GetSect(void) const;
    ULONG _ulOffset;
    SECT  _sect;

//  Member:	CStreamCache::CStreamCache, public
//  Synopsis:	CStreamCache constructor

inline CStreamCache::CStreamCache()
    _ulOffset = MAX_ULONG;
    _sect = ENDOFCHAIN;

//  Member:	CStreamCache::SetCache, public
//  Synopsis:	Set the cache information
//  Arguments:	[ulOffset] -- Offset into chain
//              [sect] -- Sect at that offset

inline void CStreamCache::SetCache(ULONG ulOffset, SECT sect)
    _ulOffset = ulOffset;
    _sect = sect;

//  Member:	CStreamCache::GetOffset, public
//  Synopsis:	Return offset

inline ULONG CStreamCache::GetOffset(void) const
    return _ulOffset;

//  Member:	CStreamCache::GetSect, public
//  Synopsis:	Return sect

inline SECT CStreamCache::GetSect(void) const
    return _sect;

//      Class:      CDirectStream (ds)
//      Purpose:    Direct stream class
//      Notes:

class CDirectStream: public PSStream

        CDirectStream(DFLUID dl);
	void InitSystem(CMStream MSTREAM_NEAR *pms,
			SID sid,
			ULONG cbSize);
	SCODE Init(CStgHandle *pstgh,
		   CDfName const *pdfn,
		   BOOL const fCreate);

        virtual void AddRef(VOID);
        inline void DecRef(VOID);
        virtual void Release(VOID);

        virtual SCODE ReadAt(
                ULONG ulOffset,
                VOID HUGEP *pBuffer,
                ULONG ulCount,
                ULONG STACKBASED *pulRetval);

        virtual SCODE WriteAt(
                ULONG ulOffset,
                VOID const HUGEP *pBuffer,
                ULONG ulCount,
                ULONG STACKBASED *pulRetval);

        virtual SCODE SetSize(ULONG ulNewSize);

        virtual void GetSize(ULONG *pulSize);

        // PEntry
        virtual SCODE GetTime(WHICHTIME wt, TIME_T *ptm);
        virtual SCODE SetTime(WHICHTIME wt, TIME_T tm);

        inline CStmHandle *GetHandle(void);

	CStmHandle _stmh;
        CStreamCache _stmc;
        ULONG    _ulSize;
        ULONG    _ulOldSize;

        LONG _cReferences;


//  Member:	CDirectStream::GetHandle, public
//  Synopsis:	Returns a pointer to the stream handle

inline CStmHandle *CDirectStream::GetHandle(void)
    return &_stmh;

//  Member:	CDirectStream::DecRef, public
//  Synopsis:	Decrements the ref count

inline void CDirectStream::DecRef(void)

#endif  //__SSTREAM_HXX__