import struct, sys, os, binascii
class bitsReader(object):
def __init__(self, ab):
self.bits = int(binascii.hexlify(ab[::-1]), 16)
self.o = 0
def get(self, n=1):
self.bits, v = divmod(self.bits, 1<<n)
return v
def decompress(ab):
cbUnp, = struct.unpack_from("<L", ab)
print(". Decompressing %d -> %d, be patient..." % (len(ab), cbUnp))
br = bitsReader(ab[4:])
r = bytearray()
while (br.bits):
flag = br.get(1)
if flag:
ncp = br.get(4)
if ncp < 3: ncp += 16
offs = br.get(14)
ocp = len(r) - offs
for i in range(ncp): r.append(r[ocp+i])
if len(r) != cbUnp: print("? Got %d instead of %d..." % (len(r), cbUnp))
else: print("+ Unpacked OK")
return bytes(r)
class Elf64_Shdr(object):
fmt = struct.Struct("<LLQQQQLLQQ")
def __init__(self, ab, shoff, iSec):
self.sh_name, self.sh_type, self.sh_flags, self.sh_addr, self.sh_offset, self.sh_size, self.sh_link, self.sh_info, self.sh_addralign, self.sh_entsize = \
self.fmt.unpack_from(ab, shoff + iSec*self.fmt.size)
def process(fn):
print("Processing %s" % fn)
with open(fn, "rb") as fi: ab =
oELF = ab.find(b'\x7FELF\2\1\1\0')
if oELF < 0:
print("- Can't find top ELF")
print(". ELF at 0x%X" % oELF)
e_ident, e_type, e_machine, e_version, e_entry, e_phoff, e_shoff, e_flags, e_ehsize, e_phentsize, e_phnum, e_shentsize, e_shnum, e_shstrndx = \
struct.unpack_from("<16sHHLQQQLHHHHHH", ab, oELF)
names = Elf64_Shdr(ab, oELF + e_shoff, e_shstrndx)
oNames = oELF + names.sh_offset
sPARKING, sXURT = None,None
for iSec in range(e_shnum):
sec = Elf64_Shdr(ab, oELF + e_shoff, iSec)
oN = oNames+sec.sh_name
if ab[oN:oN+len(nPARKING)] == nPARKING: sPARKING = sec
if ab[oN:oN+len(nXURT)] == nXURT: sXURT = sec
base,ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
if not os.path.isdir(base): os.mkdir(base)
with open(os.path.join(base, "topELF.bin"), "wb") as fo: fo.write(ab[oELF:])
print(". Parking: 0x%X+%X" % (oELF+sPARKING.sh_offset, sPARKING.sh_size))
with open(os.path.join(base, "Parking.bin"), "wb") as fo: fo.write(ab[oELF+sPARKING.sh_offset:oELF+sPARKING.sh_offset+sPARKING.sh_size])
else: print("- Can't find .PARKING")
if sXURT:
print(". XuRT: 0x%X+%X" % (oELF+sXURT.sh_offset, sXURT.sh_size))
packed = ab[oELF+sXURT.sh_offset:oELF+sXURT.sh_offset+sXURT.sh_size]
# with open(os.path.join(base, "XuRT.sect"), "wb") as fo: fo.write(packed)
plain = decompress(packed)
with open(os.path.join(base, "XuRT.bin"), "wb") as fo: fo.write(plain)
else: print("- Can't find .XURT")
def main(argv):
for fn in argv[1:]: process(fn)
if __name__=="__main__": main(sys.argv)