path: root/admin/survey/script/narocila.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/script/narocila.js')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/script/narocila.js b/admin/survey/script/narocila.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db78335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/script/narocila.js
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// Disablamo elemente za export ce niso na voljo v paketu
+function userAccessExport(){
+ $("a.user_access_locked").each(function(index) {
+ $(this).attr("href", "#");
+ $(this).removeAttr("target");
+ $(this).removeAttr("onclick");
+ what = $(this).attr('user-access');
+ if(typeof what === typeof undefined || what === false)
+ var what = 'export';
+ $(this).click(function(){
+ popupUserAccess(what);
+ });
+ });
+// Disablamo elemente za filtriranje ce niso na voljo v paketu
+function userAccessFilters(){
+ $("#div_analiza_filtri_right ul li span").each(function(index) {
+ $(this).removeAttr("onclick");
+ var what = 'filters';
+ $(this).click(function(){
+ popupUserAccess(what);
+ });
+ });
+// Prikaz popupa da funkcionalnost ni na voljo v paketu
+function popupUserAccess(what) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $("#popup_user_access").load('ajax.php?t=userAccess&a=displayNoAccessPopup', {what: what, anketa: srv_meta_anketa_id});
+ $("#popup_user_access").show();
+// Prikaz popupa da funkcionalnost ni na voljo v paketu - zapri
+function popupUserAccess_close() {
+ $("#popup_user_access").hide();
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+// Tabela z vsemi narocili za admine
+function prepareNarocilaTableAdmin(){
+ $("#user_narocila").DataTable({
+ order: [[ 5, "desc" ]],
+ lengthMenu: [[50, 500, 1000], [50, 500, 1000]],
+ select: false,
+ lengthChange: true,
+ deferRender: true,
+ dom: 'Blfrtip',
+ responsive: true,
+ columnDefs: [
+ {responsivePriority: 1, targets: 0},
+ {responsivePriority: 2, targets: 1},
+ {responsivePriority: 3, targets: 8},
+ {responsivePriority: 4, targets: 5}
+ ],
+ language: {
+ "url": siteUrl+"admin/survey/script/datatables/Slovenian.json"
+ },
+ buttons: [
+ {
+ extend: 'copy',
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'print',
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'csv',
+ title: '1KA - Seznam vseh uporabnikov',
+ bom: true,
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'excel',
+ title: '1KA - Seznam vseh uporabnikov',
+ bom: true,
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'pdf',
+ title: '1KA - Seznam vseh uporabnikov',
+ orientation: 'landscape',
+ pageSize: 'LEGAL',
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ }/*,
+ 'colvis'*/
+ ]
+ });
+// Tabela z vsemi placili za admine
+function preparePlacilaTableAdmin(){
+ $("#user_placila").DataTable({
+ order: [[ 2, "desc" ]],
+ lengthMenu: [[50, 500, 1000], [50, 500, 1000]],
+ select: false,
+ lengthChange: true,
+ deferRender: true,
+ dom: 'Blfrtip',
+ responsive: true,
+ columnDefs: [
+ {responsivePriority: 1, targets: 0},
+ {responsivePriority: 2, targets: 3},
+ {responsivePriority: 3, targets: 2}
+ ],
+ language: {
+ "url": siteUrl+"admin/survey/script/datatables/Slovenian.json"
+ },
+ buttons: [
+ {
+ extend: 'copy',
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'print',
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'csv',
+ title: '1KA - Seznam vseh uporabnikov',
+ bom: true,
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'excel',
+ title: '1KA - Seznam vseh uporabnikov',
+ bom: true,
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ extend: 'pdf',
+ title: '1KA - Seznam vseh uporabnikov',
+ orientation: 'landscape',
+ pageSize: 'LEGAL',
+ exportOptions: {
+ columns: ':visible'
+ }
+ },
+ 'colvis'
+ ]
+ });
+// Pridobimo predracun preko api-ja in redirectamo
+function getNarociloPredracun(narocilo_id){
+ //$.post(siteUrl+'frontend/payments/api.php?action=get_predracun', {narocilo_id : narocilo_id}, function(response){
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=getPredracun', {narocilo_id : narocilo_id}, function(response){
+ var pdf_url = response.replace(/\\\//g, "/");
+ pdf_url = pdf_url.replace(/['"]+/g, '');
+ window.location = pdf_url;
+ });
+// Pridobimo racun preko api-ja in redirectamo
+function getNarociloRacun(narocilo_id){
+ //$.post(siteUrl+'frontend/payments/api.php?action=get_racun', {narocilo_id : narocilo_id}, function(response){
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=getRacun', {narocilo_id : narocilo_id}, function(response){
+ var pdf_url = response.replace(/\\\//g, "/");
+ pdf_url = pdf_url.replace(/['"]+/g, '');
+ window.location = pdf_url;
+ });
+// Urejanje narocila
+function displayNarociloPopup(narocilo_id){
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $("#user_narocila_popup").load('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=displayNarociloPopup', {narocilo_id: narocilo_id});
+ $("#user_narocila_popup").show();
+// Urejanje narocila - shrani
+function urediNarociloSave(){
+ var form_serialize = $("#edit_narocilo").serializeArray();
+ $("#narocila").load('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=editNarocilo', form_serialize, function () {
+ $('#user_narocila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ });
+// Urejanje narocila - placaj
+function urediNarociloPay(narocilo_id){
+ $("#narocila").load('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=payNarocilo', {narocilo_id: narocilo_id, payment_method: '1'}, function () {
+ $('#user_narocila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ });
+// Urejanje narocila - placaj eracun
+function urediNarociloPayEracun(narocilo_id){
+ $("#narocila").load('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=payNarociloEracun', {narocilo_id: narocilo_id, payment_method: '1'}, function () {
+ $('#user_narocila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ });
+// Urejanje narocila - zapri
+function urediNarociloClose(){
+ $('#user_narocila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+// Brisanje narocila
+function brisiNarocilo(narocilo_id){
+ if(confirm('Ste prepričani?')){
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=deleteNarocilo', {narocilo_id: narocilo_id}, function () {
+ });
+ }
+// Urejanje placila
+function displayPlaciloPopup(placilo_id){
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $("#user_placila_popup").load('ajax.php?t=userPlacila&a=displayPlaciloPopup', {placilo_id: placilo_id});
+ $("#user_placila_popup").show();
+// Urejanje placila - shrani
+function urediPlaciloSave(){
+ var form_serialize = $("#edit_placilo").serializeArray();
+ $("#placila").load('ajax.php?t=userPlacila&a=editPlacilo', form_serialize, function () {
+ $('#user_placila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ });
+// Urejanje placila - shrani
+function createPlaciloSave(){
+ var form_serialize = $("#create_placilo").serializeArray();
+ $("#placila").load('ajax.php?t=userPlacila&a=createPlacilo', form_serialize, function () {
+ $('#user_placila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ });
+// Urejanje placila - zapri
+function urediPlaciloClose(){
+ $('#user_placila_popup').hide().html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+// Brisanje placila
+function brisiPlacilo(placilo_id){
+ if(confirm('Ste prepričani?')){
+ $("#placila").load('ajax.php?t=userPlacila&a=deletePlacilo', {placilo_id: placilo_id});
+ }
+// Storniranje placila
+function stornirajPlacilo(placilo_id){
+ if(confirm('Ste prepričani?')){
+ $("#placila").load('ajax.php?t=userPlacila&a=stornirajPlacilo', {placilo_id: placilo_id});
+ }
+// Nastavi filtriranje po statusu
+function filterNarocila(status, checked){
+ if(checked)
+ var value = 1;
+ else
+ var value = 0;
+ $("#narocila").load('ajax.php?t=userNarocila&a=filterNarocila', {status: status, value: value});
+} \ No newline at end of file