path: root/admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/class.SurveyVizualizacija.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/class.SurveyVizualizacija.php')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/class.SurveyVizualizacija.php b/admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/class.SurveyVizualizacija.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9884b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/class.SurveyVizualizacija.php
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+include_once 'definition.php';
+define("TEMP_FOLDER", "admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/temp");
+define("SCRIPT_FOLDER", "admin/survey/modules/mod_vizualizacija/R/app");
+class SurveyVizualizacija{
+ var $anketa; # id ankete
+ var $db_table = '';
+ function __construct($anketa){
+ global $site_url;
+ // Ce imamo anketo, smo v status->ul evealvacija
+ if ((int)$anketa > 0){
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ # polovimo vrsto tabel (aktivne / neaktivne)
+ SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) {
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikazemo vsebino zavihka v analizah
+ public function display(){
+ // Zenkrat iframe aplikacije na zunanjem strezniku
+ //echo '<iframe src="" style="width:80%; height:800px; border:1px #c8e3f8 solid;"></iframe>';
+ echo '<div id="shiny_iframe" style="width:80%; height:800px; border:1px #c8e3f8 solid;"></div>';
+ echo '<script>
+ window.onload = function() {
+ var iframe = document.createElement(\'iframe\');
+ iframe.src = "";
+ $(\'#shiny_iframe\').html(iframe);
+ $(iframe).css({
+ "width": "100%",
+ "height": "100%"
+ });
+ };
+ </script>';
+ // Zgeneriramo zacasne csv datoteke
+ $this->prepareCSV();
+ //$this->execute();
+ }
+ // Odpremom popup z vizualizacijo
+ public function execute(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $admin_type;
+ // Zgeneriramo zacasne csv datoteke
+ $this->prepareCSV();
+ // Poklicemo R skripto in zgeneriramo pdf
+ $script = $site_path . SCRIPT_FOLDER . '/Visualize_df.R';
+ $file_name = 'data_'.$this->anketa.'.csv';
+ //$out = exec('Rscript '.$script.' '.$file_name.' 2>&1', $output, $return_var);
+ // Testiranje - izpis errorjev
+ /*echo '<div>';
+ echo 'Rscript '.$script;
+ //echo '<br />'.$out.'<br />';
+ var_dump($output);
+ echo '</div>';*/
+ // Na koncu pobrisemo zacasne datoteke
+ $this->deleteTemp();
+ // Ugasnemo skripto:)
+ die();
+ }
+ // Pripravimo zacasne datoteke
+ private function prepareCSV(){
+ global $site_path;
+ $temp_folder = $site_path . TEMP_FOLDER.'/';
+ // Poskrbimo za datoteko s podatki
+ $SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ $SDF->init($this->anketa);
+ $SDF->prepareFiles();
+ $_headFileName = $SDF->getHeaderFileName();
+ $_dataFileName = $SDF->getDataFileName();
+ if ($_headFileName != null && $_headFileName != '') {
+ $_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($_headFileName));
+ }
+ else {
+ echo 'Error! Empty file name!';
+ }
+ // Zaenkrat dopuscamo samo status 6 in brez lurkerjev
+ $status_filter = '('.STATUS_FIELD.' ~ /6|5/)&&('.LURKER_FIELD.'==0)';
+ $start_sequence = 2;
+ $end_sequence = $_HEADERS['_settings']['metaSequence']-1;
+ $field_delimit = ';';
+ // Filtriramo podatke po statusu in jih zapisemo v temp folder
+ if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $out = shell_exec('awk -F"|" "BEGIN {{OFS=\",\"} {ORS=\"\n\"}} '.$status_filter.'" '.$_dataFileName.' | cut -d "|" -f '.$start_sequence.'-'.$end_sequence.' >> '.$temp_folder.'/temp_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat');
+ }
+ else {
+ $out = shell_exec('awk -F"|" \'BEGIN {{OFS=","} {ORS="\n"}} '.$status_filter.'\' '.$_dataFileName.' | cut -d \'|\' -f '.$start_sequence.'-'.$end_sequence.' >> '.$temp_folder.'/temp_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat');
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo koncni CSV
+ if ($fd = fopen($temp_folder.'/temp_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat', "r")) {
+ //$fd2 = fopen($temp_folder.'/data_'.$this->anketa.'.csv', "w");
+ $fd2 = fopen($temp_folder.'/data.csv', "w");
+ $convertType = 1; // kateri tip konvertiranja uporabimo
+ $convertTypes[1] = array('charSet' => 'windows-1250',
+ 'delimit' => ';',
+ 'newLine' => "\n",
+ 'BOMchar' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF");
+ # dodamo boomchar za utf-8
+ fwrite($fd2, $convertTypes[$convertType]['BOMchar']);
+ # naredimo header row
+ foreach ($_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) {
+ if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
+ if ($spremenljivka['tip'] !== 'sm' && !($variable['variable'] == 'uid' && $variable['naslov'] == 'User ID')){
+ $output1 .= strip_tags($variable['variable']).$field_delimit;
+ $output2 .= '"'.strip_tags($variable['naslov']).'"'.$field_delimit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fwrite($fd2, $output1."\r\n");
+ fwrite($fd2, $output2."\r\n");
+ while ($line = fgets($fd)) {
+ $temp = array();
+ $temp = explode('|', $line);
+ $line = '"' . str_replace(array("\r","\n","\"","|"), array("","","",'";"'), $line) . '"';
+ // Spremenimo encoding v windows-1250
+ //$line = iconv("UTF-8","Windows-1250//TRANSLIT", $line);
+ fwrite($fd2, $line);
+ fwrite($fd2, "\r\n");
+ }
+ fclose($fd2);
+ }
+ fclose($fd);
+ // Na koncu pobrisemo temp datoteke
+ if (file_exists($temp_folder.'/temp_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat')) {
+ unlink($temp_folder.'/temp_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat');
+ }
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo zacasne datoteke
+ private function deleteTemp(){
+ global $site_path;
+ $temp_folder = $site_path . TEMP_FOLDER.'/';
+ if (file_exists($temp_folder.'/data_'.$this->anketa.'.csv')) {
+ unlink($temp_folder.'/data_'.$this->anketa.'.csv');
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo zacasno CSV datoteko s podatki - UGASNEMO, KER VCASIH NE DELA:)
+ if (file_exists($temp_folder.'/evoli.csv')) {
+ unlink($temp_folder.'/evoli.csv');
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo pdf grafe ki so bili vstavljeni v porocilo
+ $files = glob($site_path . RESULTS_FOLDER . '/part-predmet-slike/*');
+ foreach($files as $file){
+ if(is_file($file))
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo še vse ostalo v rezultatih
+ $files = glob($site_path . RESULTS_FOLDER . '/*');
+ foreach($files as $file){
+ if(is_file($file))
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file