path: root/admin/survey/modules/mod_slideshow/class.SurveySlideshow.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/modules/mod_slideshow/class.SurveySlideshow.php')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/modules/mod_slideshow/class.SurveySlideshow.php b/admin/survey/modules/mod_slideshow/class.SurveySlideshow.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1718475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/modules/mod_slideshow/class.SurveySlideshow.php
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+class SurveySlideshow {
+ private $sid = null;
+ private $settings = array();
+ public function __construct($anketa = null) {
+ if ($anketa == null) {
+ die("class.SurveySlideshow -> anketa ID missing!");
+ }
+ $this->sid = $anketa;
+ SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($anketa);
+ $this->reloadSettings();
+ }
+ public function ajax() {
+ if ($this->sid != null) {
+ switch ($_GET['a']) {
+ case 'reset_interval' :
+ $this->ResetSlideshowInterval();
+ $this->ShowSlideshowSetings();
+ break;
+ case 'save_settings' :
+ $this->SaveSlideshowSettings();
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r("<pre>");
+ print_r($_POST);
+ print_r($_GET);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ die("Class Slideshow not inited!");
+ }
+ }
+ /** prebere nastavitve iz baze
+ *
+ */
+ public function reloadSettings() {
+ $slide_settings_qry = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_slideshow_settings WHERE ank_id='$this->sid'");
+ $slide_settings = mysqli_fetch_assoc($slide_settings_qry);
+ $this->settings = $slide_settings;
+ }
+ /** vrne vse nastavitve ali posamezno vrednost nastavitev za slideshow
+ *
+ */
+ public function getSettings($what = null) {
+ if (!is_countable($this->settings) || !count($this->settings) > 0) {
+ $this->reloadSettings();
+ }
+ if ($what == null) {
+ return $this->settings;
+ } else {
+ return $this->settings[$what];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * posebne opcije in navodile za anketo slideshow
+ */
+ public function ShowSlideshowSetings () {
+ global $lang;
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ $slide_settings_qry = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_slideshow_settings WHERE ank_id='$this->sid'");
+ $slide_settings = mysqli_fetch_assoc($slide_settings_qry);
+ echo '<fieldset><legend>'.$lang['settings'].'</legend>';
+ #set timer interval
+ echo '<div class="slide_sett_option">';
+ echo '<span class="slide_sett_option_lbl" ><label for="timer" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_set_timer'] . '&nbsp;</label></span>';
+ echo '<label for="slide_fixed_interval" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_set_fixed'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="slide_fixed_interval" name="slide_fixed_interval" value="1"' . ($slide_settings['fixed_interval'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<select name="slideshow_timer" id="slideshow_timer">';
+ # od 1-15 mamo za vsako sekundo
+ for ($t = 1; $t < 15; $t += 1) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $t . '"' . (($t == $slide_settings['timer']) ? ' selected' : '') . '>';
+ echo '' . (substr(bcdiv($t, 60), 0, 4)) . '' . $lang['srv_minutes'] . ' ';
+ echo '' . (bcmod($t, 60)) . '' . $lang['srv_seconds'] . '';
+ echo '</option>';
+ }
+ #od 15 do 600 mamo na 15s
+ for ($t = 15; $t <= 600; $t += 15) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $t . '"' . (($t == $slide_settings['timer']) ? ' selected' : '') . '>';
+ echo '' . (substr(bcdiv($t, 60), 0, 4)) . '' . $lang['srv_minutes'] . ' ';
+ echo '' . (bcmod($t, 60)) . '' . $lang['srv_seconds'] . '';
+ echo '</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<span class="as_link" id="link_slideshow_reset_interval" title="' . $lang['srv_slideshow_link_reset_interval'] . '">' . $lang['srv_slideshow_link_reset_interval'] . '</span><br/>' . NEW_LINE;
+ echo '</div>'; // slide_sett_option
+ #save entries
+ echo '<div class="slide_sett_option">';
+ echo '<span class="slide_sett_option_lbl" ><label for="save_entries" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_save_entries_lbl'] . '&nbsp;</label></span>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_save_entries_0" name="slide_save_entries" value="0"' . ($slide_settings['save_entries'] == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_save_entries_0" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_save_entries_opt_0'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_save_entries_1" name="slide_save_entries" value="1"' . ($slide_settings['save_entries'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_save_entries_1" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_save_entries_opt_1'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '</div>'; // slide_sett_option
+ #autostart
+ echo '<div class="slide_sett_option">';
+ echo '<span class="slide_sett_option_lbl" ><label for="timer" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_lbl'] . '&nbsp;</label></span>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_autostart_0" name="slide_autostart" value="0"' . ($slide_settings['autostart'] == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_autostart_0" title="' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_0'] . '">' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_0_short'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_autostart_1" name="slide_autostart" value="1"' . ($slide_settings['autostart'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_autostart_1" title="' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_1'] . '">' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_1_short'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_autostart_2" name="slide_autostart" value="2"' . ($slide_settings['autostart'] == 2 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_autostart_2" title="' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_2'] . '">' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_2_short'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_autostart_3" name="slide_autostart" value="3"' . ($slide_settings['autostart'] == 3 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_autostart_3" title="' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_3'] . '">' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_autostart_opt_3_short'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '</div>'; // slide_sett_option
+ #next button
+ echo '<div class="slide_sett_option">';
+ echo '<span class="slide_sett_option_lbl" ><label for="next" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_next_button_lbl'] . '&nbsp;</label></span>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_next_0" name="slide_next" value="0"' . ($slide_settings['next_btn'] == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_next_0" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_button_opt_0'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_next_1" name="slide_next" value="1"' . ($slide_settings['next_btn'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_next_1" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_button_opt_1'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '</div>'; // slide_sett_option
+ #back button
+ echo '<div class="slide_sett_option">';
+ echo '<span class="slide_sett_option_lbl" ><label for="back" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_back_button_lbl'] . '&nbsp;</label></span>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_back_0" name="slide_back" value="0"' . ($slide_settings['back_btn'] == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_back_0" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_button_opt_0'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_back_1" name="slide_back" value="1"' . ($slide_settings['back_btn'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_back_1" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_button_opt_1'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '</div>'; // slide_sett_option
+ #pause button
+ echo '<div class="slide_sett_option">';
+ echo '<span class="slide_sett_option_lbl" ><label for="pause" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_pause_button_lbl'] . '&nbsp;</label></span>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_pause_0" name="slide_pause" value="0"' . ($slide_settings['pause_btn'] == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_pause_0" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_button_opt_0'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '<input type="radio" id="slide_pause_1" name="slide_pause" value="1"' . ($slide_settings['pause_btn'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label for="slide_pause_1" >' . $lang['srv_slideshow_sett_button_opt_1'] . '&nbsp;</label>';
+ echo '</div>'; // slide_sett_option
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ #saving
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange btn_savesettings" href="#" onclick="slideshow_save_settings(); return false;"><span>';
+ echo $lang['edit1337'] . '</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="success_save"></div>';
+ }
+ function ResetSlideshowInterval() {
+ if ((int)$_POST['timer'] > 0 && $this->sid > 0) {
+ $timer = (int)$_POST['timer'];
+ $fixed_interval = (int)$_POST['fixed_interval'];
+ # shranimo v bazo
+ $sqlInsertString = "INSERT INTO srv_slideshow_settings (ank_id, fixed_interval, timer) VALUES ('$this->sid', '$fixed_interval', '$timer' ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE fixed_interval = '$fixed_interval', timer = '$timer' ";
+ $sqlInsertQry = sisplet_query($sqlInsertString);
+ # ponastavimo timerje pri vprašanjih
+ #zloopamo skozi vprašanja
+ $_spr_ids = array();
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE AND g.ank_id='$this->sid'");
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
+ $_spr_ids[] = $row['id'];
+ }
+ if (count($_spr_ids) > 0) {
+ $update_str = "UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET timer = '".(int)$_POST['timer']."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$_spr_ids).")";
+ $update_qry = sisplet_query($update_str);
+ # spremenimo timestamp
+ Common::updateEditStamp();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setSlideshowSkin() {
+ global $site_path, $site_url;
+ # ko prvič nastavimo nastavitve, nastavimo skin ankete na: slideshow, če obstaja
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ $slide_settings_qry = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_slideshow_settings WHERE ank_id='$this->sid'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($slide_settings_qry) == 0 ) {
+ $prefix = '';
+ $sql_string = null;
+ # skin nastavimo samo prvič, če uporabnik še ni ničesar spreminjal in če fajl fizično obstaja
+ $dir = $site_path . 'main/survey/skins/';
+ $skin_name = 'Slideshow';
+ if (file_exists($dir.$skin_name.'.css')) {
+ $sql_string .= $prefix." skin='$skin_name'";
+ $prefix = ',';
+ }
+ $sql_string .= $prefix." concl_link='1', concl_back_button='0'";
+ $prefix = ',';
+ $sql_string .= $prefix." progressbar='0'";
+ $prefix = ',';
+ $sql_string .= $prefix." url = '".SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() ."?preview=on'";
+ if ($sql_string != null) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET".$sql_string." WHERE id='$this->sid'");
+ }
+ #vstavimo še osnovni zapis v tabelo nastavitev slideshovow
+ $slide_settings_qry = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_slideshow_settings (ank_id) VALUES ('$this->sid')");
+ }
+ }
+ /** shrani nastavitve prezentacije za posamezno anketo
+ *
+ * Enter description here ...
+ */
+ private function SaveSlideshowSettings() {
+ $timer = (int)$_POST['timer'];
+ $fixed_interval = (int)$_POST['fixed_interval'];
+ $save_entries = (int)$_POST['save_entries'];
+ $autostart = (int)$_POST['autostart'];
+ $next_btn = (int)$_POST['next_btn'];
+ $back_btn = (int)$_POST['back_btn'];
+ $pause_btn = (int)$_POST['pause_btn'];
+ # shranimo v bazo
+ $sqlInsertString = "INSERT INTO srv_slideshow_settings".
+ " (ank_id, fixed_interval, timer, save_entries, autostart, next_btn, back_btn, pause_btn)".
+ " VALUES ('$this->sid', '$fixed_interval', '$timer', '$save_entries', '$autostart', '$next_btn', '$back_btn', '$pause_btn' )".
+ " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE fixed_interval = '$fixed_interval', timer = '$timer', save_entries = '$save_entries', autostart = '$autostart', next_btn = '$next_btn', back_btn = '$back_btn', pause_btn = '$pause_btn' ";
+ $sqlInsertQry = sisplet_query($sqlInsertString);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file