path: root/admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/class.SurveyJsonSurveyData.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/class.SurveyJsonSurveyData.php')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/class.SurveyJsonSurveyData.php b/admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/class.SurveyJsonSurveyData.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c2457f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/class.SurveyJsonSurveyData.php
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ * Modul za pripravo podatkov, generiranje/brisanje json datoteke in prikazovanje JSON za anketo
+ *
+ */
+class SurveyJsonSurveyData {
+ var $anketa; # id ankete
+ protected $json; //hrani json
+ protected $grupaId; //hrani id grupe oz. strani, kjer se nahajajo vprasanja
+ function __construct($anketa){
+ // Ce imamo anketo
+ if ((int)$anketa > 0){
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ }
+ }
+ public function displaySettings(){
+ global $lang;
+/* echo '<fieldset><legend>'.$lang['settings'].'</legend>';
+ echo '</fieldset>'; */
+ echo '<br />';
+ //Prikazemo JSON kodo za izvoz in povezavo za prenos json datoteke
+ $this->displayJsonData();
+ }
+ ##########################################################################################
+ //Funkcija za prikazovanje json kode in sprozenje generacije ustrezne json datoteke
+ private function displayJsonData(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ //generiranje polja s podatki za JSON
+ $jsonArray= $this->generateJsonArray();
+ //pretvorba polja v JSON, kjer je json datoteka strukturirana in UTF-8
+ $this->json = json_encode($jsonArray, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
+ //ustvari json datoteko
+ $this->GenerateJsonFile();
+ //povezava do JSON datoteke za prenos
+ echo '<fieldset><legend>JSON file</legend>';
+ $href_json = 'izvoz.php?m=json_survey&anketa=' . $this->anketa;
+ echo ' <span class="spaceLeft"><a href="'.$href_json.'">JSON</a></span>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ //povezava do JSON datoteke za prenos - konec
+ //prikazovanje JSON kode
+/* echo '<fieldset><legend>JSON Data</legend>';
+ echo "<pre><code>";
+ echo ($this->json)."</br>";
+ echo "</pre></code>";
+ echo '</fieldset>'; */
+ //prikazovanje JSON kode - konec
+ }
+ ######################################################################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za ustvarjanje php polja za pretvorbo v JSON
+ private function generateJsonArray(){
+ #spremenljivke#################################################################
+ $dolgoImeAnkete = SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('naslov');
+ $kratkoImeAnkete = SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('akronim');
+ $avtorAnkete = SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditEmail();
+ //$avtorAnkete = SurveyInfo::getUserInsertInfo('email');
+ #spremenljivke - konec ########################################################
+ //polje za pretvorbo
+ $tmpJsonArray = array(
+ "survey"=> array(
+ "id"=> (float)$this->anketa ,
+ "name"=> $dolgoImeAnkete,
+ "author_username"=> $avtorAnkete,
+ "questionnaire"=> array(
+ "pages"=> $this->pagesArray()
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ return $tmpJsonArray;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za generiranje polja za strani ankete
+ private function pagesArray(){
+ global $lang;
+ //pobiranje podatkov o anketi
+ $introShow = SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('show_intro');
+ $conclShow = SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('show_concl');
+ $introductionText = (SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('introduction'));
+ $conclusionText = (SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('conclusion'));
+ //ureditev zacetne strani #######################
+ if($introductionText == ''){
+ $introductionText = $lang['srv_intro'];
+ }
+ if($introShow){ //ce je zacetna stran prisotna
+ $introShow = true;
+ }else{
+ $introShow = false;
+ }
+ //dodaj v polje informacije o zacetni strani
+ $pagesArray[] = array(
+ "id"=> -1,
+ "type"=> "intro",
+ "visible"=> $introShow,
+ "text"=> $introductionText
+ );
+ //ureditev zacetne strani - konec #######################
+ //pobiranje podatkov o grupah/straneh ankete
+ $sqlGrupeString = "SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa."' ORDER BY vrstni_red";
+ $sqlGrupe = sisplet_query($sqlGrupeString);
+ //ureditev ostalih strani
+ while ($rowGrupe = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $sqlGrupe )){ // sprehodimo se skozi grupe oz. straneh ankete brez intro in end straneh
+ $this->grupaId = $rowGrupe['id'];
+ $pagesArray[] = array(
+ "id"=> (float)$this->grupaId,
+ "type"=> "normal",
+ "questions"=> $this->questionsArray()
+ );
+ }
+ //ureditev ostalih strani - konec
+ //ureditev zakljucne strani #######################
+ if($conclusionText == ''){
+ $conclusionText = $lang['srv_end'];
+ }
+ //pobiranje podatkov o end_action ankete
+ $sqlEndActionString = "SELECT concl_link FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$this->anketa."' ";
+ $sqlEndAction = sisplet_query($sqlEndActionString);
+ $rowEndAction = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlEndAction);
+ $endActionNum = $rowEndAction['concl_link'];
+ //pobiranje podatkov o end_action ankete - konec
+ //ureditev end_action parametra
+ switch($endActionNum){
+ case 0:
+ $endAction = "close";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $endAction = "open_url";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $endAction = "restart";
+ break;
+ }
+ //ureditev end_action parametra - konec
+ if($conclShow){ //ce je zacetna stran prisotna
+ $conclShow = true;
+ }else{
+ $conclShow = false;
+ }
+ //dodaj v polje informacije o zakljucni strani
+ $pagesArray[] = array(
+ "id"=> -2,
+ "type"=> "end",
+ "visible"=> $conclShow,
+ "text"=> $conclusionText,
+ "end_action"=> $endAction
+ );
+ //ureditev zakljucne strani - konec #######################
+ return $pagesArray;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za generiranje polja za vprasanja ankete
+ private function questionsArray(){
+ $databaseRows = " id, tip, orientation, variable, naslov, info, reminder, enota, text_orientation ";
+ $sqlSpremenljivkeString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupaId."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlSpremenljivke = sisplet_query($sqlSpremenljivkeString);
+ $indeksQuestions = 0;
+ while ($rowSpremenljivke = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenljivke)){ // sprehodimo se skozi vprasanja
+ $questionsArray[] = array(
+ "id"=> (float)$rowSpremenljivke['id'],
+ "type"=> $this->getQuestionType($rowSpremenljivke['tip']),
+ );
+ if($rowSpremenljivke['tip']!=5){
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["input"] = $this->getQuestionInput($rowSpremenljivke['tip']);
+ }
+ if($this->getQuestionType($rowSpremenljivke['tip'])=='grid'){ //ce je "grid" dodaj "layout"
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["layout"]=$this->getQuestionLayout($rowSpremenljivke['orientation']);
+ }
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["name"] = $rowSpremenljivke['variable'];
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["text"] = ($rowSpremenljivke['naslov']);
+ if($rowSpremenljivke['info']!=''){
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["note"] = $rowSpremenljivke['info'];
+ }
+ if($rowSpremenljivke['tip']!=5){
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["nr_check"] = $this->getQuestionNrCheck($rowSpremenljivke['reminder']);
+ }
+ if($this->getQuestionType($rowSpremenljivke['tip'])=='open'){
+ if($rowSpremenljivke['tip']==7){ //ce je stevilo
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["item_text_layout"] = $this->getQuestionItemTextLayout($rowSpremenljivke['tip'], $rowSpremenljivke['enota']);
+ }elseif($rowSpremenljivke['tip']==21){ //ce je besedilo
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["item_text_layout"] = $this->getQuestionItemTextLayout($rowSpremenljivke['tip'], $rowSpremenljivke['text_orientation']);
+ }
+ }
+ $items = $this->itemsArray($rowSpremenljivke['id'], $rowSpremenljivke['tip'], $rowSpremenljivke['variable']);
+ if(!empty($items)){ //ce so itemi v polju
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["items"] = $items;
+ }
+ if ( in_array($rowSpremenljivke['tip'], array(16)) ) {
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["col_items"] = $this->colItemsArray($rowSpremenljivke['id']);
+ }
+ $answers = $this->answersArray($rowSpremenljivke['id'], $rowSpremenljivke['tip'], $rowSpremenljivke['variable']);
+ if(!empty($answers)){ //ce so odgovori v polju
+ $questionsArray[$indeksQuestions]["answers"] = $answers;
+ }
+ $indeksQuestions++;
+ }
+ return $questionsArray;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za generiranje polja za items, ki se nahajajo pod "questions"
+ private function itemsArray($spr_id, $tip, $name){
+ if ( in_array($tip, array(1)) ) { //radio
+ $itemsArray[]=array(
+ "id" => (float)$spr_id,
+ "name" => $name
+ );
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(2)) ) { //checkbox
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other, vrstni_red ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND other>=0 ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksItems = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi item
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["name"] = $rowVrednosti["variable"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text"] = ($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["position"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["vrstni_red"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["sort"] = $this->getAnswerSort($rowVrednosti["random"]);
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text_field"] = $this->getAnswerTextField($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksItems++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(6)) ) { //radio grid
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksItems = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi item
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["name"] = $rowVrednosti["variable"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text"] = ($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["sort"] = $this->getAnswerSort($rowVrednosti["random"]);
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text_field"] = $this->getAnswerTextField($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksItems++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(5, 7, 21)) ) { //odprta vprasanja besedilo/stevilo
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other, vrstni_red ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND other>=0 ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksItems = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi item
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["name"] = $rowVrednosti["variable"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text"] = ($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $indeksItems++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(16)) ) { //checkbox grid
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksItems = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi item
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["name"] = $rowVrednosti["variable"];
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text"] = ($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["sort"] = $this->getAnswerSort($rowVrednosti["random"]);
+ $itemsArray[$indeksItems]["text_field"] = $this->getAnswerTextField($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksItems++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $itemsArray;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za generiranje polja za col_items, ki se nahajajo pod "questions"
+ private function colItemsArray($spr_id){
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, other ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND other>=0 ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indekscolItems = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi odgovore
+ $colItemsArray[$indekscolItems]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $colItemsArray[$indekscolItems]["name"] = $rowVrednosti["variable"];
+ $colItemsArray[$indekscolItems]["text"] = ($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $indekscolItems++;
+ }
+ return $colItemsArray;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za generiranje polja za answers, ki se nahajajo pod "questions"
+ private function answersArray($spr_id, $tip, $name){
+ if ( in_array($tip, array(1)) ) { //radio
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksAnswers = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi odgovore
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["value"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["variable"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["sort"] = $this->getAnswerSort($rowVrednosti["random"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["missing_value"] = $this->getAnswerMv($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text_field"] = $this->getAnswerTextField($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksAnswers++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(2)) ) { //checkbox
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other, vrstni_red ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND other<0 ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksAnswers = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi odgovore
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["value"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["variable"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["position"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["vrstni_red"];
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["sort"] = $this->getAnswerSort($rowVrednosti["random"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["missing_value"] = $this->getAnswerMv($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text_field"] = $this->getAnswerTextField($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksAnswers++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(6)) ) { //radio grid
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, other ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksAnswers = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi odgovore
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ if($rowVrednosti["other"]>=0){
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["value"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["variable"]);
+ }else{
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["value"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ }
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["missing_value"] = $this->getAnswerMv($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksAnswers++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(5, 7, 21)) ) { //odprta vprasanja besedilo/stevilo
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, random, other, vrstni_red ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND other<0 ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksAnswers = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi odgovore
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["value"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["variable"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["missing_value"] = $this->getAnswerMv($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksAnswers++;
+ }
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(16)) ) { //checkbox grid
+ $databaseRows = " id, variable, naslov, other ";
+ $sqlVrednostiString = "SELECT ".$databaseRows." FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND other<0 ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query($sqlVrednostiString);
+ $indeksAnswers = 0;
+ while ($rowVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){ // sprehodimo se skozi odgovore
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["id"] = (float)$rowVrednosti["id"];
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["value"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["text"] = $this->getNumOrString($rowVrednosti["naslov"]);
+ $answersArray[$indeksAnswers]["missing_value"] = $this->getAnswerMv($rowVrednosti["other"]);
+ $indeksAnswers++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $answersArray;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra type
+ private function getQuestionType($tip){
+ if ( in_array($tip, array(1)) ) {
+ $questionType = "single_answer";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(2)) ) {
+ $questionType = "multi_answer";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(7, 21)) ) {
+ $questionType = "open";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(6, 16)) ) {
+ $questionType = "grid";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(5)) ) {
+ $questionType = "caption";
+ }
+ return $questionType;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra input
+ private function getQuestionInput($tip){
+ if ( in_array($tip, array(1, 6)) ) {
+ $questionInput = "radio";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(2, 16)) ) {
+ $questionInput = "checkbox";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(7)) ) {
+ $questionInput = "numeric";
+ }elseif ( in_array($tip, array(21, 5)) ) {
+ $questionInput = "text";
+ }
+ return $questionInput;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra layout
+ private function getQuestionLayout($orientation){
+ //trenutno dodamo samo za grid in rabimo samo "standard_table"
+ $questionLayout = "standard_table";
+ return $questionLayout;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra nr_check
+ private function getQuestionNrCheck($reminder){
+ switch ($reminder){
+ case 0:
+ $questionNrCheck = "none";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $questionNrCheck = "ask";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $questionNrCheck = "require";
+ break;
+ }
+ return $questionNrCheck;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra item_text_layout
+ private function getQuestionItemTextLayout($tip, $textLayout){
+ if($tip == 7){ //ce je stevilo
+ switch ($textLayout){
+ case 0:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "none";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "left";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "right";
+ break;
+ }
+ }elseif($tip == 21){ //ce je besedilo
+ switch ($textLayout){
+ case 0:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "none";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "left";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "bottom";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $questionItemTextLayout = "top";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $questionItemTextLayout;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra sort
+ private function getAnswerSort($sort){
+ switch ($sort){
+ case 0:
+ $answerSort = "list";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $answerSort = "random";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $answerSort = "ascending";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $answerSort = "descending";
+ break;
+ }
+ return $answerSort;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra missing_value
+ private function getAnswerMv($mv){
+ if($mv<0){
+ $answerMV = true;
+ }else{
+ $answerMV = false;
+ }
+ return $answerMV;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro ustrezne vrednosti parametra text_field
+ private function getAnswerTextField($tf){
+ if($tf==1){
+ $answerTextField = true;
+ }else{
+ $answerTextField = false;
+ }
+ return $answerTextField;
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija ki skrbi za izbiro stevila ali besedila
+ private function getNumOrString($check){
+ if(is_numeric($check)){
+ return (float)$check;
+ }else{
+ return ($check);
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za generiranje json datoteke
+ function GenerateJsonFile(){
+ global $site_path;
+ # generating json file
+ $filename = $site_path.'admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/temp/exported_'.$this->anketa.'.json';
+ $fp = fopen($filename, "w") or
+ die ("cannot generate file $filename<br>\n");
+ fwrite($fp, $this->json) or
+ die ("cannot send data to file<br>\n");
+ fclose($fp);
+ # generating json file - konec
+ }
+ ##################################################################################################
+ ###################################################
+ //Funkcija za output in brisanje json datotek
+ public function OutputJsonFile(){
+ global $site_path;
+ //datoteka
+ $file = $site_path.'admin/survey/modules/mod_json_survey_export/temp/exported_'.$this->anketa.'.json';
+ //ime datoteke
+ $filename = 'exported_'.$this->anketa.'.json';
+ //priprava header za json in forced download
+ header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"');
+ //priprava header za json in forced download - konec
+ readfile($file);
+ //brisanje temp json datoteke
+ unlink($file);
+ //brisanje temp json datoteke - konec
+ }
+ ##################################################################################################
+} \ No newline at end of file