path: root/admin/survey/minify/vendor/tubalmartin/cssmin/
diff options
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+# A PHP port of the YUI CSS compressor
+[![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Total Downloads](]( [![Daily Downloads](]( [![License](](
+This port is based on version 2.4.8 (Jun 12, 2013) of the [YUI compressor](
+This port contains fixes & features not present in the original YUI compressor.
+**Table of Contents**
+1. [Installation & requirements](#install)
+2. [How to use](#howtouse)
+3. [Tests](#tests)
+4. [API Reference](#api)
+5. [Who uses this?](#whousesit)
+6. [Changelog](#changelog)
+<a name="install"></a>
+## 1. Installation & requirements
+### Installation
+Use [Composer]( to include the library into your project:
+ $ composer.phar require tubalmartin/cssmin
+Require Composer's autoloader file:
+require './vendor/autoload.php';
+use tubalmartin\CssMin\Minifier as CSSmin;
+// Use it!
+$compressor = new CSSmin;
+### Requirements
+* PHP 5.3.2 or newer with PCRE extension.
+<a name="howtouse"></a>
+## 2. How to use
+There are three ways you can use this library:
+1. [PHP](#php)
+2. [CLI](#cli)
+3. [GUI](#gui)
+<a name="php"></a>
+### PHP
+// Autoload libraries
+require './vendor/autoload.php';
+use tubalmartin\CssMin\Minifier as CSSmin;
+// Extract the CSS code you want to compress from your CSS files
+$input_css = file_get_contents('test.css');
+// Create a new CSSmin object.
+// By default CSSmin will try to raise PHP settings.
+// If you don't want CSSmin to raise the PHP settings pass FALSE to
+// the constructor i.e. $compressor = new CSSmin(false);
+$compressor = new CSSmin;
+// Set the compressor up before compressing (global setup):
+// Keep sourcemap comment in the output.
+// Default behavior removes it.
+// Remove important comments from output.
+// Split long lines in the output approximately every 1000 chars.
+// Override any PHP configuration options before calling run() (optional)
+// Compress the CSS code!
+$output_css = $compressor->run($input_css);
+// You can override any setup between runs without having to create another CSSmin object.
+// Let's say you want to remove the sourcemap comment from the output and
+// disable splitting long lines in the output.
+// You can achieve that using the methods `keepSourceMap` and `setLineBreakPosition`:
+$output_css = $compressor->run($input_css);
+// Do whatever you need with the compressed CSS code
+echo $output_css;
+<a name="cli"></a>
+### CLI
+A binary file named `cssmin` will be created after installation in `./vendor/bin` folder.
+Output help:
+./vendor/bin/cssmin -h
+Output compression result to the command line:
+./vendor/bin/cssmin -i ./my-css-file.css
+Output compression result to another file:
+./vendor/bin/cssmin -i ./my-css-file.css -o ./my-css-file.min.css
+Output compression result to another file and keep sourcemap comment in the output:
+./vendor/bin/cssmin -i ./my-css-file.css -o ./my-css-file.min.css --keep-sourcemap
+See the binary help for all available CLI options.
+<a name="gui"></a>
+### GUI
+We've made a simple web based GUI to use the compressor, it's in the `gui` folder.
+GUI features:
+* Optional on-the-fly LESS compilation before compression with error reporting included.
+* Absolute control of the library.
+How to use the GUI:
+* You need a server with PHP 5.3.2+ installed.
+* Download the repository and upload it to a folder in your server.
+* Run `php composer.phar install` in project's root to install dependencies.
+* Open your favourite browser and enter the URL to the `/gui` folder.
+<a name="tests"></a>
+## 3. Tests
+Tests from YUI compressor have been modified to fit this port.
+How to run the test suite:
+* Run `php composer.phar install` in project's root to install dependencies. `phpunit` will be installed locally.
+* After that, run `phpunit` in the command line:
+PHPUnit diffing is too simple so when a test fails it's hard to see the actual diff, that's why I've created a
+test runner that displays inline coloured diffs for a failing test. Only one test can be run at a time.
+Here's how to use it:
+./tests/bin/runner -t <expectation-name> [-f <fixture-name>] [--keep-sourcemap] [--remove-important-comments] [--linebreak-position <pos>]
+<a name="api"></a>
+## 4. API Reference
+### __construct ([ bool *$raisePhpLimits* ])
+Class constructor, creates a new CSSmin object.
+If TRUE, CSSmin will try to raise the values of some php configuration options.
+Set to FALSE to keep the values of your php configuration options.
+Defaults to TRUE.
+### run (string *$css*)
+Minifies a string of uncompressed CSS code.
+`run()` may be called multiple times on a single CSSmin instance.
+A string of uncompressed CSS code.
+CSSmin default value: `''` (empty string).
+**Return Values**
+A string of compressed CSS code or an empty string if no string is passed.
+### keepSourceMapComment (bool *$keepSourceMap*)
+Sets whether to keep sourcemap comment `/*# sourceMappingURL=<path> */`in the output.
+CSSmin default behavior: Sourcemap comment gets removed from output.
+### removeImportantComments (bool *$removeImportantComments*)
+Sets whether to remove important comments from output.
+CSSmin default behavior: Important comments outside declaration blocks are kept in the output.
+### setLinebreakPosition (int *$position*)
+Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer than, say 8000 characters, are checked in.
+The linebreak option is used in that case to split long lines after a specific column.
+CSSmin default value: `0` (all CSS code in 1 long line).
+Minimum value supported: `1`.
+### setMaxExecutionTime (int *$seconds*)
+Sets the `max_execution_time` configuration option for this script
+CSSmin default value: `60`
+Values & notes: [max_execution_time documentation](
+### setMemoryLimit (mixed *$limit*)
+Sets the `memory_limit` configuration option for this script
+CSSmin default value: `128M`
+Values & notes: [memory_limit documentation](
+### setPcreBacktrackLimit (int *$limit*)
+Sets the `pcre.backtrack_limit` configuration option for this script
+CSSmin default value: `1000000`
+Values & notes: [pcre.backtrack_limit documentation](
+### setPcreRecursionLimit (int *$limit*)
+Sets the `pcre.recursion_limit` configuration option for this script.
+CSSmin default value: `500000`
+Values & notes: [pcre.recursion_limit documentation](
+<a name="whousesit"></a>
+## 5. Who uses this port
+* [Magento]( eCommerce platforms and solutions for selling online.
+* [Minify]( Minify is an HTTP content server. It compresses sources of content (usually files), combines the result and serves it with appropriate HTTP headers.
+* [Autoptimize]( is a Wordpress plugin. Autoptimize speeds up your website and helps you save bandwidth by aggregating and minimizing JS, CSS and HTML.
+* [IMPRESSPAGES]( PHP framework with content editor.
+* [Other dependent Composer packages](
+<a name="changelog"></a>
+## 6. Changelog
+### v4.1.1 15 Jan 2018
+* Breakage when minifying at-import rule with unquoted urls containing semicolons [#45](
+### v4.1.0 16 May 2017
+* NEW:
+ * `--dry-run` CLI argument to perform a dry run and display statistics.
+ * Performance: 2x times faster than v4.0.0 after code profiling:
+ * A 1MB file takes 1.8s with PHP 5.3.29 and 350ms with PHP 7.0.18 (on average).
+ * A full Bootstrap v3.3.7 CSS suite takes 330ms with PHP 5.3.29 and 50ms with PHP 7.0.18 (on average).
+### v4.0.0 15 May 2017
+* API:
+ * Removed: `setChunkLength()` method and `--chunk-length` CLI argument.
+ * Modified: `keepSourceMap()` method is now named `keepSourceMapComment()`. CLI argument `--keep-sourcemap` stays the same but we've added `--keep-sourcemap-comment` too.
+ * Modified: `run()` method signature. It only accepts one argument now.
+ * Added: `removeImportantComments()` method & `--keep-important-comments` CLI argument.
+* Important comments `/*! ... */` can be optionally removed from output too calling `removeImportantComments()` method.
+### v3.3.1 16 May 2017
+* Backported performance improvements made in v4.1.0
+### v3.3.0 13 May 2017
+* CLI binary displays some useful stats after execution.
+* A concatenated file can be safely compressed now: `@charset`, `@import` & `@namespace` at-rules will be placed correctly.
+* Conditional group rules fully and safely supported, that is, unlimited rule nesting levels. Previously only one nesting level was fully supported.
+* Pretty big refactor done for two main reasons:
+ * Make minified output even more reliable even when a potential scenario has not been tested beforehand.
+ * Make development, testing and contribution a bit easier due to simplified logic.
+* As a consequence of this refactor, stylesheet chunking is not needed anymore. `setChunkLength` method and `--chunk-length` CLI argument
+ still exist for backwards compatibility reasons but have no effect at all.
+### v3.2.0 10 May 2017
+* PHPUnit added as test runner.
+* CLI binary provided.
+* CSS Sourcemap special comment supported.
+* `ms` unit compression: from `300ms` to `.3s`.
+* Shortable double colon (CSS3) pseudo-elements are now shortened to single colon (CSS2): from `::after` to `:after`.
+* `background: none` & `background: transparent` are shortened to `background:0 0`.
+* Some regular expressions.
+* Long line splitting algorithm.
+* Lowercasing pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements and functions to cover more cases.
+* Shortening of suitable shorthand properties with repeated values. All cases are covered now.
+* Tests.
+* When splitting long lines in the output, if a comment or string contained closing curly braces `}`, the curly brace
+ could be recognised as a selector or at-rule closing curly brace resulting in an unexpected newline being added.
+### v3.1.2 17 Apr 2017
+* Improved compression of long named colors: now all long named colors get compressed to their shorter HEX counterpart.
+* Fixes cases such as [#39](
+* Huge performance improvement after code profiling. See table below for results when running the whole test suite:
+PHP version used: 5.3.29
+| chunkLength | v3.1.1 | v3.1.2 |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| 100 | 6.8s | 2.6s |
+| 1000 | 5.3s | 2s |
+| 2000 | 5.2s | 1.95s |
+| 5000 | 5.1s | 1.9s |
+PHP version used: 7.0.8
+| chunkLength | v3.1.1 | v3.1.2 |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| 100 | 2s | 0.72s |
+| 1000 | 1s | 0.37s |
+| 2000 | 0.8s | 0.33s |
+| 5000 | 0.7s | 0.3s |
+### v3.1.1 11 Apr 2017
+* Regexes improved.
+* Small performance improvements.
+* Blocks such as `@media` blocks with empty rules are removed too.
+* Quoted unquotable attribute selectors get unquoted now i.e. from `col[class*="col-"]` to `col[class*=col-]`. Covers most common cases. Safe approach.
+### v3.1.0 9 Apr 2017
+* Code deeply analyzed. Some areas rewritten from the ground up with maximum performance in mind. No change in compressor behavior.
+* Fixed some hidden bugs discovered along the way that affected performance negatively.
+* IE5/Mac comment hack removed from minifier logic. Those comments will no longer be preserved.
+* The table below displays the performance optimization done in this version in comparison with the previous one running the whole test suite:
+PHP version used: 5.3.29
+| chunkLength | v3.0.0 | v3.1.0 |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| 100 | 38s | 6.9s |
+| 1000 | 8.5s | 5.4s |
+| 2000 | 7.3s | 5.3s |
+| 5000 | 5.8s | 5.2s |
+PHP version used: 7.0.8
+| chunkLength | v3.0.0 | v3.1.0 |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| 100 | 22.8s | 2.1s |
+| 1000 | 2.9s | 1.1s |
+| 2000 | 2s | 0.9s |
+| 5000 | 1.3s | 0.8s |
+### v3.0.0 4 Apr 2017
+* New API compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2 & PSR-4. PHP 5.3.2+ required. I think it was time!
+* Many tests added, strengthened and fixed. Big, real life, stylesheets included such as Bootstrap or Foundation.
+* Fixed some critical and minor issues, such as:
+ * Chunking system breaking some stylesheets (broken at rules block) or leaving some bits off.
+ * Backreferences in replacement strings breaking stylesheets.
+ * [#23](
+ * Others...
+* Color compression improved. Now all named colors are supported i.e. from `white` to `#fff`.
+* Shortening zero values is back but in a safe manner, shortening values assigned to "safe" properties only i.e. from `margin: 1px 0.0em 0rem 0%` to `margin:1px 0 0`. Check the code to see the list of "safe" properties.
+* `padding` and `margin` properties are shortened to the bare minimum i.e. from `margin: 3px 2.1em 3px 2.1em` => `margin:3px 2.1em`
+* Upgrading to v3 is strongly recommended for users enjoying PHP 5.3.2+.
+### v2.4.8-p10 4 Apr 2017
+* This is the last v2 release. v3 onwards will only support PHP 5.3.2+.
+* This patch has all improvements and fixes v3.0.0 has. See v3.0.0 notes for further info (no API change in this version of course).
+* Updating to this patch is strongly recommended for users stuck with PHP versions lower than PHP 5.3.
+### v2.4.8-p9 28 Mar 2017
+* Rolling back property declaration with scalar expressions (>= PHP 5.6) introduced in v2.4.8-p8 to support PHP 5.0. No change in compressor behavior.
+### v2.4.8-p8 27 Mar 2017
+* Fixed issue [#18](
+* Added `set_chunk_length` method.
+* `bold` & `normal` values get compressed to `700` & `400` respectively for `font-weight` property.
+* GUI updated.
+* FineDiff library loaded through Composer.
+* README updated.
+### v2.4.8-p7 26 Mar 2017
+* Fixed many issues [#20](, [#22](, [#24](, [#25](, [#26]( reported by contributors and others that I'm sure haven't been reported, at least yet. Sorry for the long delay guys.
+* This release is all about stability and reliability and as such I've had to take some controversial decisions such as:
+ * Not minifying `none` property value to `0` because in some subtle scenarios the resulting output may render some styles differently.
+ * Not removing units from zero length values because in many cases the output will break the intended behavior. Patching every single case after someone finds a new breaking case is not good IMHO taking into account CSS is a live spec and browsers differ in some cases.
+* Hope you agree with me removing those conflicting parts. Enjoy this release :)
+### v2.4.8-p6 21 Mar 2017
+* Fixed PHP CLI issues. See [#36](
+### v2.4.8-p5 27 Feb 2017
+* Fixed PHP 7 issues.
+### v2.4.8-p4 22 Sep 2014
+* Composer support. The package is [tubalmartin/cssmin](
+* Fixed issue [#17]
+### v2.4.8-p3 26 Apr 2014
+* Fixed all reported bugs: See issues [#11], [#13] (first case only) and [#14].
+* LESS compiler upgraded to version 1.7.0
+### v2.4.8-p2 13 Nov 2013
+* Chunk length reduced to 5000 chars (previously 25.000 chars) in an effort to avoid PCRE backtrack limits (needs feedback).
+* Improvements for the `@keyframes 0%` step bug. Tests improved.
+* Fix IE7 issue on matrix filters which browser accept whitespaces between Matrix parameters
+* LESS compiler upgraded to version 1.4.2
+### v2.4.8-p1 8 Aug 2013
+* Fix for the `@keyframes 0%` step bug. Tests added.
+* LESS compiler upgraded to version 1.4.1