path: root/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexSurvey.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexSurvey.php')
1 files changed, 1342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexSurvey.php b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexSurvey.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f93749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexSurvey.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1342 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za izris vprasalnika v latex
+ *
+ *
+ */
+//namespace Export\Latexclasses;
+define("RADIO_BTN_SIZE", 0.13);
+class LatexSurvey{
+ var $anketa; // ID ankete
+ var $tex; //shrani tex kodo
+ var $texNewLine = '\\\\ ';
+ //var $texPageBreak = "\\pagebreak";
+ var $texPageBreak = "\\newpage";
+ var $export_format;
+ var $export_data_show_recnum;
+ var $exportDataPageBreak=0; //vsak respondent na svoji strani
+ var $commentType = 1; // tip izpisa komentarjev
+ var $loop_id = null; // id trenutnega loopa ce jih imamo
+ var $db_table = '';
+ protected $showIntro = 0;
+ protected $showGDPRIntro = 0;
+ protected $GDPRIntro = '';
+ protected $type = 0; // tip izpisa - 0->navaden, 1->iz prve strani, 2->s komentarji
+ protected $showIf = 0; // izpis if-ov
+ var $skipEmpty = 0; // izpusti vprasanja brez odgovora
+ var $skipEmptySub = 0; // izpusti podvprasanja brez odgovora
+ protected $recnum = 0;
+ protected $usr_id = 0;
+ protected $texBigSkip = '\bigskip';
+ protected $admin_type;
+ protected $path2UploadedImages;
+ protected $language = -1; // Katero verzijo prevoda izvazamo
+ //function __construct($anketa, $export_format){
+ function __construct($anketa=null, $export_format='', $export_show_intro=null, $export_show_if=null, $export_data_skip_empty=null, $export_data_skip_empty_sub=null){
+ global $site_path, $global_user_id, $admin_type, $lang;
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ $this->admin_type = $admin_type;
+ $this->usr_id = $_GET['usr_id'];
+ $this->showIntro = $export_show_intro;
+ $this->showIf = $export_show_if;
+ $this->skipEmpty = $export_data_skip_empty;
+ $this->skipEmptySub = $export_data_skip_empty_sub;
+ $this->path2Images = $site_path.'admin/survey/export/latexclasses/textemp/images/';
+ //Prikazi GDPR v uvodu
+ $gdpr = new GDPR();
+ $this->showGDPRIntro = $gdpr->isGDPRSurveyTemplate($this->anketa);
+ //echo "gdpr nastavitve: ".$this->showGDPRIntro."</br>";
+ if($this->showGDPRIntro){
+ $this->GDPRIntro = $gdpr->getSurveyIntro($this->anketa);
+ //echo "gdpr te: ".$this->GDPRIntro."</br>";
+ }
+ if ($this->usr_id != '') {
+ $sqlR = sisplet_query("SELECT recnum FROM srv_user WHERE id = '$this->usr_id '");
+ $rowR = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlR);
+ $this->recnum = $rowR['recnum'];
+ }
+ //pridobitev nastavitev izvoza
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa);
+ $this->export_data_show_recnum = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('export_data_show_recnum'); //ali je potrebno pokazati recnum ob vsakem respondentu
+ $this->exportDataPageBreak = (int)SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('export_data_PB'); //ali mora vsak izpis odgovorov respondenta zaceti na svoji strani
+ SurveyStatusProfiles::Init($this->anketa);
+ //if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']) && $this->init())
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa) )
+ {
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1){
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis praznega vprasalnika in vprasalnika z odgovori enega respondenta
+ public function displaySurvey($export_subtype='', $export_data_type='', $language=null){
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ //echo "Funkcija displaySurvey user: $this->usr_id</br>";
+ $this->language = $language;
+ if($this->language!=-1){
+ // Naložimo jezikovno datoteko
+ $file = '../../lang/'.$this->language.'.php';
+ include($file);
+ $_SESSION['langX'] = $site_url .'lang/'.$this->language.'.php';
+ }
+ $surveyExpanded = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('expanded');
+ // filtriramo spremenljivke glede na profil
+ SurveyVariablesProfiles :: Init($this->anketa);
+ $dvp = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_variable_profile');
+ $_currentVariableProfile = SurveyVariablesProfiles :: checkDefaultProfile($dvp);
+ $tmp_svp_pv = SurveyVariablesProfiles :: getProfileVariables($_currentVariableProfile);
+ foreach ( $tmp_svp_pv as $vid => $variable) {
+ $tmp_svp_pv[$vid] = substr($vid, 0, strpos($vid, '_'));
+ }
+ if($export_subtype=='q_data'){ //ce je vprasalnik za enega respondenta
+ //pridobitev podatkov trenutnega respondenta za izpis Recnum
+ $izbranStatusProfile = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsQueryString();
+ $sqluString = "SELECT id, last_status, lurker, recnum FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->anketa."' ".$izbranStatusProfile." AND deleted='0' AND preview='0' AND id='".$this->usr_id."' ORDER BY recnum";
+ //echo $sqluString;
+ $sqlu = sisplet_query($sqluString);
+ $rowu = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlu);
+ $recnum = $rowu['recnum'];
+ if($recnum && $this->export_data_show_recnum){
+ $recnumBesedilo = "(Recnum $recnum)";
+ }else{
+ $recnumBesedilo = "";
+ }
+ //pridobitev podatkov trenutnega respondenta za izpis Recnum - konec
+ //$tex .= $lang['srv_respondent_answer'].": ".$this->recnum;
+ $tex .= '\MakeUppercase{\huge \textbf{'.$lang['srv_respondent_answer'].' '.$recnumBesedilo.'}}'; //izpisi "Odgovori respondenta"
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ //ce je potrebno izpisati GDPR besedilo v intro
+ if($this->showGDPRIntro == 1){
+ //$GDPRintro = "gdpr INTRO";
+ $GDPRintro = strip_tags($this->GDPRIntro, '<a><img><ul><li><ol><br><p>');
+ $GDPRintro = $this->encodeTextHere($GDPRintro);
+ $tex .= ' \textbf{'.$GDPRintro.'} ';
+ //radio buttona
+ if($export_subtype=='q_empty'){ //ce je prazen vprasalnik
+ $radioButtonTex = ("\\includegraphics[scale=".RADIO_BTN_SIZE."]{".$this->path2Images."radio}");
+ $tex .= '\\\\'.$radioButtonTex.' '.$lang['srv_gdpr_intro_no'];
+ $tex .= '\\\\'.$radioButtonTex.' '.$lang['srv_gdpr_intro_yes'];
+ }else{
+ //pridobitev ID grupe
+ $sqlGrupeStringGDPR = "SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa."' ORDER BY vrstni_red";
+ $sqlGrupeGDPR = sisplet_query($sqlGrupeStringGDPR);
+ $rowGrupeGDPR = mysqli_fetch_array( $sqlGrupeGDPR );
+ $grupa = $rowGrupeGDPR['id'];
+ //pridobitev ID grupe - konec
+ //pridobitev informacije obiska strani oz. ankete
+ $sqlStringStran = "SELECT time_edit FROM srv_user_grupa".$this->db_table." WHERE usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND gru_id='".$grupa."'";
+ //echo $sqlStringStran;
+ $sqlStran = sisplet_query($sqlStringStran);
+ $rowStran = mysqli_fetch_array( $sqlStran );
+ $stran = $rowStran['time_edit'];
+ //echo $stran;
+ //pridobitev informacije obiska strani oz. ankete - konec
+ if($stran){
+ $radioButtonTexNo = ("\\includegraphics[scale=".RADIO_BTN_SIZE."]{".$this->path2Images."radio}");
+ $radioButtonTexYes = ("\\includegraphics[scale=".RADIO_BTN_SIZE."]{".$this->path2Images."radio2}");
+ }else{
+ $radioButtonTexNo = ("\\includegraphics[scale=".RADIO_BTN_SIZE."]{".$this->path2Images."radio2}");
+ $radioButtonTexYes = ("\\includegraphics[scale=".RADIO_BTN_SIZE."]{".$this->path2Images."radio}");
+ }
+ $tex .= '\\\\'.$radioButtonTexNo.' '.$lang['srv_gdpr_intro_no'];
+ $tex .= '\\\\'.$radioButtonTexYes.' '.$lang['srv_gdpr_intro_yes'];
+ }
+ //radio buttona - konec
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ // ce obstaja intro izpisemo intro - pri izpisu vprasalnika brez odgovorov (ce smo na prvi strani moramo biti v razsirjenem nacinu)
+ if( ($surveyExpanded != 0 || $this->type != 1) && $this->showIntro == 1 ){
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyShowIntro() )
+ {
+ //preverjanje, ali je prevod
+ if(isset($_GET['language'])){
+ $this->language = $_GET['language'];
+ $prevod = 1;
+ }else{
+ $prevod = 0;
+ }
+ //preverjanje, ali je prevod - konec
+ //if($this->language!=-1){ //ce je prevod ankete
+ if($prevod){ //ce je prevod ankete
+ $spr_id_uvod = -1;
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov, info FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa."' AND spr_id='".$spr_id_uvod."' AND lang_id='".$this->language."'");
+ $rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll); //pridobi prevod uvoda v ustreznem jeziku
+ $intro = $rowl['naslov']; //prevod uvoda v ustreznem jeziku
+ }else{
+ $intro = (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyIntro() == '') ? $lang['srv_intro'] : SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyIntro();
+ }
+ $tex .= $this->encodeTextHere($intro);
+ if($intro){
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sqlGrupeString = "SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa."' ORDER BY vrstni_red";
+ $sqlGrupe = sisplet_query($sqlGrupeString);
+ //echo "__________________________________</br>";
+ //echo "Funkcija displaySurvey user: $this->usr_id</br>";
+ if($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ $question = new LatexSurveyElement($this->anketa, $this->export_format, 0, $this->usr_id, $export_subtype, $language);
+ ########
+ while ( $rowGrupe = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $sqlGrupe ) )
+ { // sprehodmo se skozi grupe ankete
+ $this->grupa = $rowGrupe['id'];
+ // Pogledamo prvo spremenljivko v grupi ce je v loopu
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupa."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ // ce je ima loop za parenta
+ $if_id = $this->find_parent_loop($row['id']);
+ if ($if_id > 0 && ($export_subtype=='q_data'||$export_subtype=='q_data_all')){ //ce je loop in (je izpis odgovorov respondentov)
+ $texLoop = '';
+ //echo "Je v loopu $if_id </br>";
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT if_id FROM srv_loop WHERE if_id = '$if_id'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ $this->loop_id = $this->findNextLoopId($row1['if_id']);
+ //echo "Loop id: ".$this->loop_id."</br>";
+ //echo " id: ".$row['id']."</br>";
+ $if = Cache::srv_if($if_id);
+ //echo "If label: ".$if['label']."</br>";
+ //echo "If : ".print_r($if)."</br>";
+ $loop_title = $if['label'];
+ // gremo cez vse spremenljivke v trenutnem loopu
+ while($this->loop_id != null){
+ //echo "Loop id: ".$this->loop_id."</br>";
+ // Izrisemo naslov loopa
+ $tex .= $this->dataPiping($loop_title);
+ //TODO: TUdi tu se celotna spremenljivka prenaša naprej
+ $sqlSpremenljivke = sisplet_query("SELECT id, tip, visible, sistem, variable, naslov, info, orientation, dostop FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupa."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ //echo "SELECT id, tip, visible, sistem, variable, naslov, info, orientation FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupa."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC "."</br>";
+ while ($rowSpremenljivke = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenljivke))
+ { // sprehodimo se skozi spremenljivke grupe
+ $spremenljivka = $rowSpremenljivke['id'];
+ if ($rowSpremenljivke['visible'] == 0 || !( ($this->admin_type <= $rowSpremenljivke['dostop'] && $this->admin_type>=0) || ($this->admin_type==-1 && $rowSpremenljivke['dostop']==4) ) ) {
+ //echo "ni admin za sprem: ".$rowSpremenljivke['id']."</br>";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if($export_subtype=='q_data'||$export_subtype=='q_data_all'){ //ce je vprasalnik s podatki za enega ali vse respondente
+ $preveriSpremenljivko = $this->checkSpremenljivkaData($spremenljivka, $this->loop_id);
+ }else{ //ce je prazen vprasalnik ali vprasalnik s komentarji
+ $preveriSpremenljivko = $this->checkSpremenljivka($spremenljivka);
+ }
+ //if ( $this->checkSpremenljivka ($spremenljivka) /*|| $this->showIf == 1*/ )
+ if ($preveriSpremenljivko)
+ { // lahko izrišemo spremenljivke
+ // po potrebi obarvamo vprašanja
+ //$this->pdf->SetTextColor(0);
+ if ($rowSpremenljivke['visible'] == 0)
+ {
+ if ($rowSpremenljivke['sistem'] == 1)
+ { // če je oboje = vijolčno
+ $this->pdf->SetTextColor(128,0,128);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Če je skrito = rdeče
+ $this->pdf->SetTextColor(255,0,0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($rowSpremenljivke['sistem'] == 1)
+ $this->pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,255);
+ // Izpis vprasalnika z rezultati
+ // Ce imamo kombinirano tabelo pogledamo ce prikazujemo katero od podtabel
+ if($rowSpremenljivke['tip'] == 24){
+ $subGrids = array();
+ $showGridMultiple = false;
+ // Loop po podskupinah gridov
+ $sqlSubGrid = sisplet_query("SELECT m.spr_id, s.tip, s.enota FROM srv_grid_multiple m, srv_spremenljivka s WHERE m.parent='".$spremenljivka."' AND");
+ while($rowSubGrid = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlSubGrid)){
+ if(in_array($rowSubGrid['spr_id'],$tmp_svp_pv) || count($tmp_svp_pv) == 0){
+ $showGridMultiple = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ce je nastavljen profil s filtriranimi spremenljivkami
+ if(in_array($spremenljivka,$tmp_svp_pv) || count($tmp_svp_pv) == 0 || ($rowSpremenljivke['tip'] == 24 && $showGridMultiple) || $rowSpremenljivke['tip'] == 5){
+ $this->currentHeight = 0;
+ //izpisi tekst vprasanja
+ $tex .= $question->displayQuestionText($rowSpremenljivke, $stevilcenje, $export_subtype, $preveriSpremenljivko, $this->loop_id, $export_data_type); //izpisi tekst vprasanja
+ //izpisi odgovore
+ $tex .= $question->displayAnswers($rowSpremenljivke, $export_subtype, $preveriSpremenljivko, $export_data_type, $this->loop_id); //izpisi odgovore
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->loop_id = $this->findNextLoopId();
+ //ce je prazen vprasalnik, ustavi
+ if($export_subtype=='q_empty'){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Navadne spremenljivke ki niso v loopu
+ else{
+ //echo "Ni v loop-u </br>";
+ $loop_id = 'IS NULL';
+ $zaporedna = 0;
+ //TODO: Omenjen query je potrebno optimizirati in da se naprej samo prenaša ID, ki se potem v podfunkcijah kliče ustrezen query
+ // trenutno se potrebuje: id, tip, visible, sistem, variable, params
+ $sqlSpremenljivke = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupa."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ //$testniStavek = "SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupa."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ //echo "sql stavek za testiranje: ".$testniStavek."</br>";
+ while ($rowSpremenljivke = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenljivke)){ // sprehodimo se skozi spremenljivke grupe
+ $spremenljivka = $rowSpremenljivke['id'];
+ if ($rowSpremenljivke['visible'] == 0 || !( ($this->admin_type <= $rowSpremenljivke['dostop'] && $this->admin_type>=0) || ($this->admin_type==-1 && $rowSpremenljivke['dostop']==4) ) ) {
+ //echo "ni admin za sprem: ".$rowSpremenljivke['id']."</br>";
+ continue;
+ }
+ //echo "Ni v loop-u:".$rowSpremenljivke['tip']." </br>";
+ if($export_subtype=='q_data'||$export_subtype=='q_data_all'){ //ce je vprasalnik s podatki za enega ali vse respondente
+ $preveriSpremenljivko = $this->checkSpremenljivkaData($spremenljivka, $loop_id);
+ }else{ //ce je prazen vprasalnik ali vprasalnik s komentarji
+ $preveriSpremenljivko = $this->checkSpremenljivka($spremenljivka);
+ }
+ //if ( $this->checkSpremenljivka ($spremenljivka) /*|| $this->showIf == 1*/ )
+ if ($preveriSpremenljivko)
+ { // lahko izrišemo spremenljivke
+ // po potrebi obarvamo vprašanja
+ //$this->pdf->SetTextColor(0);
+ if ($rowSpremenljivke['visible'] == 0)
+ {
+ if ($rowSpremenljivke['sistem'] == 1)
+ { // če je oboje = vijolčno
+ //$this->pdf->SetTextColor(128,0,128);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Če je skrito = rdeče
+ //$this->pdf->SetTextColor(255,0,0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($rowSpremenljivke['sistem'] == 1)
+ //$this->pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,255);
+ // če imamo številčenje Type = 1 potem številčimo V1
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyCountType())
+ $zaporedna++;
+ $stevilcenje = ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyCountType() ) ?
+ ( ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyCountType() == 2 ) ? $rowSpremenljivke['variable'].") " : $zaporedna.") " ) : null;
+ $this->currentHeight = 0;
+ // izpis skrcenega vprasalnika (samo pri izpisu iz urejanja)
+ if($surveyExpanded == 0 && $this->type == 1){
+ //$this->outputVprasanjeCollapsed($rowSpremenljivke, $stevilcenje);
+ }
+ // izpis navadnega vprasalnika
+ else{
+ //echo "while stavek za".$rowSpremenljivke['id']." </br>";
+ $tex .= $question->displayQuestionText($rowSpremenljivke, $stevilcenje, $export_subtype, $preveriSpremenljivko, $this->loop_id, $export_data_type); //izpisi tekst vprasanja
+ $tex .= $question->displayAnswers($rowSpremenljivke, $export_subtype, $preveriSpremenljivko, $export_data_type, $this->loop_id); //izpisi odgovore
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->Ln(LINE_BREAK);
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "Končni tex brez loopa: ".$tex."</br>";
+ }
+ //$tex .= $this->texBigSkip;
+ if($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $tex .= $this->texBigSkip;
+ }
+ //$tex .= $texLoop;
+ //echo "Končni tex: ".$tex."</br>";
+ }
+ //echo "Končni tex: ".$tex."</br>";
+ // če izpisujemo grupo, ne izpisujemo zakljucka
+ if ( !$this->getGrupa() ){
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyShowConcl() && SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyConcl() )
+ { // ce obstaja footer izpisemo footer
+ }
+ }
+ // Izpis grafa in tabele za NIJZ na koncu dokumenta
+ global $site_domain;
+ if( ($site_domain == '' && $this->anketa == '8892') || ($site_domain == '' && $this->anketa == '126738') ){
+ // Page break
+ $tex .= '\cleardoublepage';
+ // Naslov "Ocena bivalnega okolja"
+ $tex .= '\begin{center} \textbf{Ocena bivalnega okolja} \end{center}';
+ $nijz = new SurveyNIJZ($this->anketa, $this->usr_id);
+ // Latex nijz slika grafa
+ $tex .= $nijz->displayRadarLatex();
+ // Latex nijz tabela
+ $tex .= $nijz->displayTableLatex();
+ }
+ return $tex;
+ }
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis praznega vprasalnika in vprasalnika z odgovori enega respondenta - konec
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis vseh odgovorov (vsi respondenti -> max 300) //po outputAllResults() iz class.pdfIzvozResults.php
+ public function displayAllSurveys($export_subtype='', $export_format='', $export_data_type=''){
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ $tex = '';
+ $izbranStatusProfile = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsQueryString();
+ $sqluString = "SELECT id, last_status, lurker, recnum FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->anketa."' ".$izbranStatusProfile." AND deleted='0' AND preview='0' ORDER BY recnum";
+ //echo $sqluString;
+ $sqlu = sisplet_query($sqluString);
+ $numOfUsers = mysqli_num_rows($sqlu); //stevilo respondentov
+ if($numOfUsers > 300){
+ $tex .= $lang['srv_export_all_respondent_data_error'].' ('.$numOfUsers.').';
+ }
+ else{
+ //za vsak user oz respondent
+ while($rowu = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlu)){
+ //belezenje statusa
+ switch($rowu['last_status']){
+ case '0':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_0'];
+ break;
+ case '1':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_1'];
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_2'];
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_3'];
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_4'];
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_5'];
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ $status = $lang['srv_userstatus_6'];
+ $status .= ($rowu['lurker'] == '1') ? ' - lurker' : '';
+ break;
+ }
+ #prenos odgovorov vsakega respondenta na novo stran, če je to potrebno
+ //if($this->exportDataPageBreak == 1){ //ce mora vsak respondent imeti svoje odgovore na svoji strani
+ if($this->exportDataPageBreak == 1 && $export_format == 'pdf'){ //ce mora vsak respondent imeti svoje odgovore na svoji strani in je pdf izvoz, saj za rtf pagebreak ne deluje
+ $tex .= $this->texPageBreak;
+ }
+ #prenos odgovorov vsakega respondenta na novo stran, če je to potrebno - konec
+ //$this->export_data_show_recnum = 1;
+ #izpis statusa respondenta in anketiranja
+ if($this->export_data_show_recnum == 1){ //ce je potrebno pokazati stevilko respondenta
+ $tex .= '{\\Large Status '.$rowu['last_status'].' - '.$status.' (Recnum '.$rowu['recnum'].')} '.$this->texNewLine.' \\par ';
+ }else{
+ $tex .= '{\\Large Status '.$rowu['last_status'].' - '.$status.$this->texNewLine.' \\par}';
+ }
+ #izpis statusa respondenta in anketiranja - konec
+ #izpis odgovorov posameznega userja
+ $this->usr_id = $rowu['id'];
+ #za pridobitev jezika respondenta
+ if ($this->usr_id != '') {
+ $sqlL = sisplet_query("SELECT language FROM srv_user WHERE id = '$this->usr_id ' ");
+ $rowL = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlL);
+ $language = $rowL['language'];
+ }
+ #za pridobitev jezika respondenta - konec
+ $tex .= $this->displaySurvey($export_subtype, $export_data_type, $language);
+ #izpis odgovorov posameznega userja - konec
+ }
+ }
+ return $tex;
+ }
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis vseh odgovorov (vsi respondenti -> max 300) - konec
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis praznega vprasalnika s komentarji //po outputCommentaries() iz class.pdfIzvoz.php
+ public function displaySurveyCommentaries($export_subtype='', $export_data_type=''){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $texBigSkip = '\bigskip';
+ $tex = '';
+ $this->commentType = (isset($_GET['only_unresolved'])) ? $_GET['only_unresolved'] : 1;
+ $f = new Forum;
+ $c = 0;
+ $b = new Branching($this->anketa);
+ $rowi = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa);
+ $question_resp_comment_viewadminonly = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_resp_comment_viewadminonly');
+ $question_comment_viewadminonly = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_comment_viewadminonly');
+ $question_comment_viewauthor = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_comment_viewauthor');
+ $sortpostorder = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('sortpostorder');
+ $question_note_view = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_note_view');
+ $addfieldposition = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('addfieldposition');
+ $commentmarks = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('commentmarks');
+ $commentmarks_who = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('commentmarks_who');
+ $sqlString = "SELECT s.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE AND g.ank_id='".$this->anketa."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red ASC, s.vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sql = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ $question = new LatexSurveyElement($this->anketa, $this->export_format, 0, 0, 0);
+ if ( mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0 && ( (int)$question_resp_comment_viewadminonly + (int)$question_comment_viewadminonly ) > 0 ) {
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT thread, note FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '$row[id]'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ $orderby = $sortpostorder == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' ;
+ $tid = $row1['thread'];
+ $only_unresolved = " ";
+ $only_unresolved2 = " ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 1) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena <= 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 1) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 <= 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 2) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 0 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 2) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 0 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 3) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 3) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 4) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 2 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 4) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 2 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 5) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 3 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 5) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 3 ";
+ $tema_vsebuje = substr($lang['srv_forum_intro'],0,10); // da ne prikazujemo 1. default sporocila
+ if ($admin_type <= $question_comment_viewadminonly) { // vidi vse komentarje
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT uid, time, vsebina FROM post WHERE vsebina NOT LIKE '%{$tema_vsebuje}%' AND tid='$tid' $only_unresolved ORDER BY time $orderby, id $orderby");
+ } elseif ($question_comment_viewauthor==1) { // vidi samo svoje komentarje
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT uid, time, vsebina FROM post WHERE vsebina NOT LIKE '%{$tema_vsebuje}%' AND tid='$tid' $only_unresolved AND uid='$global_user_id' ORDER BY time $orderby, id $orderby");
+ } else { // ne vidi nobenih komentarjev
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT uid, time, vsebina FROM post WHERE 1=0");
+ }
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='0' AND vre_id='$row[id]' $only_unresolved2");
+ $row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2);
+ if ( mysqli_num_rows($sqlt) > 0 || $row2['count'] > 0 || $row1['note'] != '') {
+ $c++;
+ $preveriSpremenljivko = 0; //ni potrebno
+ $tex .= $question->displayQuestionText($row, $stevilcenje, $export_subtype, $preveriSpremenljivko, null, $export_data_type); //izpisi tekst vprasanja
+ $tex .= $question->displayAnswers($row, $export_subtype, $preveriSpremenljivko, $export_data_type, null); //izpisi odgovore
+ if ($admin_type <= $question_note_view || $question_note_view == '') {
+ if ($row1['note'] != '') {
+ //$tex .= $texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($lang['hour_comment']);
+ //$tex .= $texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($row1['note']);
+ }
+ }
+ // komentarji na vprasanje
+ if ($row1['thread'] > 0) {
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlt) > 0) {
+ //$tex .= $texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ //$tex .= '\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($lang['srv_admin_comment']).'}'; //izpis naslova komentarjev
+ $tex .= '\textcolor{komentar}{\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($lang['srv_admin_comment']).'}}'; //izpis naslova komentarjev
+ //$tex .= '\textcolor{komentar}{\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($lang['srv_admin_comment']).'}}'; //izpis naslova komentarjev
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($rowt = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlt)) {
+ $tex .= '\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($f->user($rowt['uid'])).'}'; //izpis imena trenutnega urednika
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText(' ('.$f->datetime1($rowt['time']).'):'); //izpis datuma komentarja
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ // Popravimo vsebino ce imamo replike
+ $vsebina = $rowt['vsebina'];
+ $odgovori = explode("<blockquote style=\"margin-left:20px\">", $vsebina);
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($odgovori[0]); //izpis komentarja
+ unset($odgovori[0]);
+ foreach($odgovori as $odgovor){ //izpis replik
+ $odgovor = explode('<br />', $odgovor);
+ $avtor = explode('</b> ', $odgovor[0]);
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ $tex .= '\forceindent'; //da je indented
+ $tex .= '\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($avtor[0]).'} '; //avtor replike
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($avtor[1]); //izpis datuma replike
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ $tex .= '\forceindent '; //da je indented
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($odgovor[1]); //izpis replike
+ }
+ // Crta
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ $tex .= '\noindent\rule{0.9\textwidth}{0.5pt} ';
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // komentarji respondentov
+ if ($row2['count'] > 0) {
+ if ($admin_type <= $question_resp_comment_viewadminonly) {
+/* $this->pdf->Ln(3);
+ $this->pdf->setFont('','B', 10);
+ $this->pdf->Write (0, $this->encodeText($lang['srv_repondent_comment']), '', 0, 'l', 1, 1); */
+ //$tex .= $texNewLine;
+ $tex .= $this->texNewLine;
+ //$tex .= '\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($lang['srv_repondent_comment']).'}'; //izpisa naslova komentarjev
+ $tex .= '\textcolor{komentar}{\textbf{'.$question->encodeText($lang['srv_repondent_comment']).'}}'; //izpisa naslova komentarjev
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ //$this->pdf->Ln(3);
+ if ($this->commentType == 1) $only_unresolved = " AND d.text2 <= 1 "; else $only_unresolved = " ";
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT d.text AS text, u.time_edit AS time_edit FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." d, srv_user u WHERE d.spr_id='0' AND d.vre_id='$row[id]' AND $only_unresolved2 ORDER BY ASC");
+ if (!$sqlt) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ while ($rowt = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlt)) {
+/* $this->pdf->setFont('','', 10);
+ $this->pdf->Write(0, $this->encodeText($f->datetime1($rowt['time_edit']).':'), '', 0, 'l', 1, 1);*/
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($f->datetime1($rowt['time_edit']).':'); //izpis datuma komentarja
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(100, 0, $this->encodeText($rowt['text']),0,'L',0,1,0,0,true,0);
+ $tex .= $question->encodeText($rowt['text']); //izpis komentarja respondenta
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ // Crta
+ $tex .= '\noindent\rule{0.9\textwidth}{0.5pt} ';
+ $tex .= '\\\\';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->Ln(LINE_BREAK);
+ $tex .= $texBigSkip;
+ $tex .= $texBigSkip;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $tex;
+ }
+ function getGrupa() {return $this->grupa;}
+ /**
+ * @desc preveri ali je spremenljivka vidna (zaradi branchinga)
+ */
+ function checkSpremenljivka ($spremenljivka=null) {
+ $row = sisplet_query("SELECT visible FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '".$spremenljivka."'", "obj");
+ if ($row->visible == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //TODO: Omenjen del kode je nepotreben, ker vedno vrne true
+ //$sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT parent FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr = '".$spremenljivka."'");
+ //if (!$sql1) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ //$row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ /*if (!$this->checkIf($row1['parent']))
+ return false;*/
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc preveri ali je spremenljivka vidna (zaradi branchinga), ko je q_data ali q_data_all
+ */
+ //function checkSpremenljivkaData ($spremenljivka, $gridMultiple=false) {
+ function checkSpremenljivkaData ($spremenljivka=null, $loop_id_raw=null, $gridMultiple=false) {
+ $loop_id = $loop_id_raw == 'IS NULL' ? " IS NULL" : " = '".$loop_id_raw."'";
+ //$row = sisplet_query("SELECT id, visible, dostop, tip, enota FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '".$spremenljivka."'", "array");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id, visible, dostop, tip, enota FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '".$spremenljivka."'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ // Ce vprasanje ni vidno ali ce uporabnik nima dostopa do vprasanja
+ if ($row['visible'] == 0 || !( ($this->admin_type <= $row['dostop'] && $this->admin_type>=0) || ($this->admin_type==-1 && $row['dostop']==4) ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Kalklulacije in kvote ne prikazujemo
+ if($row['tip'] == 22 || $row['tip'] == 25) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Preverjamo ce je vprasanje prazno in ce preskakujemo prazne
+ if($this->skipEmpty==1 && !$gridMultiple){
+ $isEmpty = true;
+ //echo "isEmpty: ".$isEmpty."</br>";
+ switch ( $row['tip'] ){
+ case 1: //radio
+ case 2: //check
+ case 3: //select -> radio
+ //$sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$row[id]' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND vre_id!='-2'");
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$row[id]' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND vre_id>'0' AND loop_id $loop_id ";
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0){
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6: //multigrid
+ case 16:// multicheckbox
+ case 19:// multitext
+ case 20:// multinumber
+ if($row['tip'] == 6 && $row['enota'] != 3){
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_grid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$row['id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ }
+ elseif($row['tip'] == 16 || ($row['tip'] == 6 && $row['enota'] == 3)){
+ //$sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_data_checkgrid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$row['id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."'");
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_checkgrid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$row['id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ }
+ else{
+ //$sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_data_textgrid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$row['id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."'");
+ $sqlUserAnswerString ="SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_textgrid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$row['id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ }
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ //echo "stevilo podatkov: ".mysqli_num_rows($sqlUserAnswer)."</br>";
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0){
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7: //number
+ case 8: //datum
+ case 18: //vsota
+ case 21: //besedilo*
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ break;
+ case 4: //besedilo*
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ break;
+ case 17: //ranking
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_rating WHERE spr_id=".$row['id']." AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ break;
+ case 24: //mesan multigrid
+ // loop po podskupinah gridov
+ $sqlSubGrid = sisplet_query("SELECT m.spr_id AS spr_id, s.tip AS tip, s.enota FROM srv_grid_multiple AS m LEFT JOIN srv_spremenljivka AS s ON WHERE m.parent='".$spremenljivka."'");
+ while($rowSubGrid = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlSubGrid)){
+ if($rowSubGrid['tip'] == 6){
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_grid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$rowSubGrid['spr_id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ }
+ elseif($rowSubGrid['tip'] == 16){
+ $sqlUserAnswerString ="SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_checkgrid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$rowSubGrid['spr_id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ }
+ else{
+ $sqlUserAnswerString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_textgrid".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$rowSubGrid['spr_id']."' AND usr_id = '".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ }
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0){
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5: //nagovor
+ // Ce je nagovor v loopu, ga prikazemo
+ if($this->loop_id != null)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ break;
+ case 26: //lokacija
+ //za podtip izberi lokacijo je treba preverjat posebej, ker se vrstica pri userju vedno kreira ampak brez odgovora
+ if($row['enota'] == 3){
+ $qu = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_data_map WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='$this->usr_id' AND loop_id $loop_id AND (text NOT REGEXP '^[+\-]?[0-9]+$' OR text>=0);";
+ $sql = sisplet_query($qu, 'obj');
+ if($sql->cnt > 0)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ //$sqlUserAnswerString ="SELECT lat, lng, address, text FROM srv_data_map WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' ";
+ $sqlUserAnswerString ="SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_map WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 27: //heatmap
+ //$sqlUserAnswerString ="SELECT lat, lng, address, text FROM srv_data_heatmap WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' ";
+ $sqlUserAnswerString ="SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_data_heatmap WHERE spr_id='".$row['id']."' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND loop_id $loop_id";
+ $sqlUserAnswer = sisplet_query($sqlUserAnswerString, "obj");
+ if($sqlUserAnswer->st > 0)
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $isEmpty = false;
+ //$isEmpty = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ //echo "isEmpty na koncu: ".$isEmpty."</br>";
+ if($isEmpty == true){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function displayIf($if=null){
+ global $lang;
+ //echo "</br> displayIf funkcija </br> ";
+ $sql_if_string = "SELECT tip, number FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$if'";
+ //echo "sql_if_string: ".$sql_if_string." </br>";
+ //$sql_if = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$if'");
+ $sql_if = sisplet_query($sql_if_string);
+ $row_if = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_if);
+ //echo "tip: ".$row_if['tip']." </br>";
+ // Blok
+ if($row_if['tip'] == 1)
+ $output = strtoupper($lang['srv_block']).' ';
+ // Loop
+ elseif($row_if['tip'] == 2)
+ $output = strtoupper($lang['srv_loop']).' ';
+ // IF
+ else
+ $output = 'IF ';
+ $output .= '('.$row_if['number'].') ';
+ $sql = Cache::srv_condition($if);
+ $bracket = 0;
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ if ($i++ != 0)
+ if ($row['conjunction'] == 0)
+ $output .= ' and ';
+ else
+ $output .= ' or ';
+ if ($row['negation'] == 1)
+ $output .= ' NOT ';
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$row['left_bracket']; $i++)
+ $output .= ' ( ';
+ // obicajne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['spr_id'] > 0) {
+ $row2 = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($row['spr_id']);
+ // obicne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['vre_id'] == 0) {
+ $row1 = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($row['spr_id']);
+ // multigrid
+ } elseif ($row['vre_id'] > 0) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE id = '$row[vre_id]'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ } else
+ $row1 = null;
+ $output .= $row1['variable'];
+ // radio, checkbox, dropdown in multigrid
+ if (($row2['tip'] <= 3 || $row2['tip'] == 6) && ($row['spr_id'] || $row['vre_id'])) {
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0)
+ $output .= ' = ';
+ else
+ $output .= ' != ';
+ $output .= '[';
+ // obicne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['vre_id'] == 0) {
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT v.variable AS variable FROM srv_condition_vre c, srv_vrednost v WHERE cond_id='$row[id]' AND");
+ $j = 0;
+ while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2)) {
+ if ($j++ != 0) $output .= ', ';
+ $output .= $row2['variable'];
+ }
+ // multigrid
+ } elseif ($row['vre_id'] > 0) {
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT g.variable AS variable FROM srv_condition_grid c, srv_grid g WHERE c.cond_id='$row[id]' AND AND g.spr_id='$row[spr_id]'");
+ $j = 0;
+ while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2)) {
+ if ($j++ != 0) $output .= ', ';
+ $output .= $row2['variable'];
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= ']';
+ // textbox in nubmer mata drugacne pogoje in opcije
+ } elseif ($row2['tip'] == 4 ||$row2['tip'] == 21 || $row2['tip'] == 7 || $row2['tip'] == 22) {
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0)
+ $output .= ' = ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 1)
+ $output .= ' <> ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 2)
+ $output .= ' < ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 3)
+ $output .= ' <= ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 4)
+ $output .= ' > ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 5)
+ $output .= ' >= ';
+ $output .= '\''.$row['text'].'\'';
+ }
+ // recnum
+ } elseif ($row['spr_id'] == -1) {
+ $output .= 'mod(recnum, '.$row['modul'].') = '.$row['ostanek'];
+ }
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$row['right_bracket']; $i++)
+ $output .= ' ) ';
+ }
+ if ($row_if['label'] != '') {
+ $output .= ' (';
+ $output .= ' '.$row_if['label'].' ';
+ $output .= ') ';
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ /* poisce, ce ima podani element parenta, ki je loop
+ *
+ */
+ function find_parent_loop ($element_spr=null, $element_if=0) {
+ //$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT parent FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr = '$element_spr' AND element_if = '$element_if' AND ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT parent FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr = '$element_spr' AND element_if = '$element_if' AND ank_id='".$this->anketa."'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ if ($row['parent'] == 0) return 0;
+ $count = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$row[parent]' AND tip = '2'", "obj");
+ if ($count->st > 0) {
+ return $row['parent'];
+ }else {
+ return $this->find_parent_loop(0, $row['parent']);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * poisce naslednjo vre_id v loopu
+ *
+ */
+ function findNextLoopId ($if_id=0) {
+ if ($if_id == 0) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT if_id FROM srv_loop_data WHERE id='$this->loop_id'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $if_id = $row['if_id'];
+ $loop_id = $this->loop_id;
+ } else{
+ $loop_id = 0;
+ }
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, max FROM srv_loop WHERE if_id = '$if_id'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $spr_id = $row['spr_id'];
+ $max = $row['max'];
+ $spr = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($spr_id);
+ //echo "spr tip: ".$spr['tip']."</br>";
+ if ($spr['tip'] == 2 || $spr['tip'] == 3 || $spr['tip'] == 9) {
+ $data_vrednost = array();
+ if($spr['tip'] == 9){
+ if($this->usr_id){
+ $sql1String = "SELECT vre_id FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$spr_id' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' ";
+ }else{
+ $sql1String = "SELECT vre_id FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$spr_id' ";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if($this->usr_id){
+ $sql1String = "SELECT vre_id FROM srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$spr_id' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."'";
+ }else{
+ $sql1String = "SELECT vre_id FROM srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$spr_id' ";
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "sql1String: ".$sql1String."</br>";
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query($sql1String);
+ while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) {
+ $data_vrednost[$row1['vre_id']] = 1;
+ }
+ $vre_id = '';
+ $i = 1;
+ //$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_loop_vre WHERE if_id='$if_id'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT lv.vre_id AS vre_id, lv.tip AS tip FROM srv_loop_vre lv, srv_vrednost v WHERE lv.if_id='$if_id' AND ORDER BY v.vrstni_red ASC");
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ if ($row['tip'] == 0) { // izbran
+ if ( isset($data_vrednost[$row['vre_id']]) ) {
+ $vre_id .= ', '.$row['vre_id'];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ } elseif ($row['tip'] == 1) { // ni izbran
+ if ( !isset($data_vrednost[$row['vre_id']]) ) {
+ $vre_id .= ', '.$row['vre_id'];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ } elseif ($row['tip'] == 2) { // vedno
+ $vre_id .= ', '.$row['vre_id'];
+ $i++;
+ } // nikoli nimamo sploh v bazi, zato ni potrebno nic, ker se nikoli ne prikaze
+ if ($i > $max && $max>0) break;
+ }
+ $vre_id = substr($vre_id, 2);
+ if ($vre_id == '') return null;
+ //Stari query srv_vrednost se ni nikjer uporabljal
+ //$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT l.* FROM srv_loop_data l, srv_vrednost v WHERE l.if_id='$if_id' AND > '$loop_id' AND l.vre_id IN ($vre_id) AND ORDER BY ASC");
+ //Problematicni sql, ker ocitno tale zadeva z obj ne dela najbolje
+ //$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_loop_data WHERE if_id='$if_id' AND id > '$loop_id' AND vre_id IN ($vre_id) ORDER BY id ASC", "obj");
+ $sqlTestString = "SELECT id FROM srv_loop_data WHERE if_id='$if_id' AND id > '$loop_id' AND vre_id IN ($vre_id) ORDER BY id ASC";
+ //echo "sqlString: ".$sqlTestString."</br>";
+ $sqlTest = sisplet_query($sqlTestString);
+ $rowTest = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlTest);
+ if (count($sql) > 0)
+ return $rowTest['id'];
+ //return $sql->id;
+ else
+ return null;
+ // number
+ } elseif ($spr['tip'] == 7) {
+ //$sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT text FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$spr_id' AND usr_id='".$this->getUserId()."'");
+ $sql1String = "SELECT text FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$spr_id' AND usr_id='".$this->usr_id."'";
+ //echo "sql1String: ".$sql1String."</br>";
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query($sql1String);
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ $num = (int)$row1['text'];
+ //$countLoopManjsi = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_loop_data WHERE if_id='$if_id' AND id <= '$loop_id'", "obj");
+ $countLoopManjsiString = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS st FROM srv_loop_data WHERE if_id='$if_id' AND id <= '$loop_id'";
+ $countLoopManjsi = sisplet_query($countLoopManjsiString);
+ $rowcountLoopManjsi = mysqli_fetch_array($countLoopManjsi);
+ //echo "countLoopManjsiString: ".$countLoopManjsiString."</br>";
+ //if ($countLoopManjsi->st >= $num || ($countLoopManjsi->st >= $max && $max>0)) {
+ if ($rowcountLoopManjsi['st'] >= $num || ($rowcountLoopManjsi['st'] >= $max && $max>0)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ //$loopVecji = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_loop_data WHERE if_id='$if_id' AND id > '$loop_id'", "obj");
+ $loopVecjiString = "SELECT id FROM srv_loop_data WHERE if_id='$if_id' AND id > '$loop_id'";
+ //echo "loopVecjiString: ".$loopVecjiString."</br>";
+ $loopVecji = sisplet_query($loopVecjiString);
+ $rowcountLoopVecji = mysqli_fetch_array($loopVecji);
+ //if (count($loopVecji) > 0) {
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($loopVecji) > 0) {
+ //return $loopVecji->id;
+ return $rowcountLoopVecji['id'];
+ }else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc V podanem stringu poisce spremenljivke in jih spajpa z vrednostmi
+ */
+ function dataPiping ($text='') {
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa);
+ return Common::getInstance()->dataPiping($text, $this->usr_id, $this->loop_id);
+ }
+ #funkcija ki skrbi za encode dolocenih spornih delov besedila v latex-u prijazno
+ function encodeTextHere($text='', $vre_id=0){
+ global $site_path, $lang;
+ //echo "Encoding ".$text."</br>";
+ //echo "vre_id: ".$vre_id."</br>";
+ $this->path2UploadedImages = $site_path.'uploadi/editor/';
+ if($text == ''){ //ce ni teksta, vrni se
+ return;
+ }
+ $textOrig = $text;
+ $findme = '<br />';
+ $findmeLength = strlen($findme);
+ $findImg = '<img';
+ $findImgLength = strlen($findImg);
+ $findUl = '<ul';
+ $findUlLength = strlen($findUl);
+ $findLi = '<li';
+ $findPar = '<p>';
+ $pos = strpos($text, $findme);
+ $posImg = strpos($text, $findImg);
+ $posUl = strpos($text, $findUl);
+ $posLi = strpos($text, $findLi);
+ $posPar = strpos($text, $findPar);
+ //ureditev posebnih karakterjev za Latex,
+ $text = str_replace('\\','\textbackslash{} ',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('{','\{',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('}','\}',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('$','\$ ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('#','\# ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('%','\% ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('€','\euro',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('^','\textasciicircum{} ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('_','\_ ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('~','\textasciitilde{} ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('&amp;','\&',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('&lt;','\textless ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('&lt;','\textless',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('&gt;','\textgreater ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('&gt;','\textgreater',$text);
+ //ureditev posebnih karakterjev za Latex - konec
+ //ureditev preureditve html kode ul in li v latex itemize
+ if($posUl !== false){
+ //echo "text prej: ".$text."</br>";
+ $numOfUl = substr_count($text, $findUl); //stevilo '<ul' v tekstu
+ //echo "numOfUl ".$numOfUl."</br>";
+ ######################
+ //if($numOfUl!=0){
+ if($numOfUl!=0 && $posLi !== false){ //ce imamo ul in li
+ $text = str_replace('<ul>','\begin{itemize} ', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('<li>','\item ', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('</ul>','\end{itemize} ', $text);
+ }
+ //echo "prazno v html: ".strpos($text, '\r')."</br>";
+ //echo "text potem: ".$text."</br>";
+ ######################
+ }
+ //ureditev preureditve html kode ul in li v latex itemize - konec
+ if($posPar !== false){ //ce je kaksen html tag <p>, dodaj prazno vrstico oz. break
+ if($numOfUl!=0 && $posLi !== false){ //ce imamo ul in li
+ $divider = ' ';
+ }else{
+ $divider = ' \\ \\\\ ';
+ }
+ //$text = str_replace('<p>',' ', $text);
+ //$text = str_replace('<p>',' \break ', $text);
+ //$text = str_replace('<p>',' \\\\ ', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('<p>', $divider, $text);
+ }
+ if($pos === false && $posImg === false) { //v tekstu ni br in img
+ $text = preg_replace("/(\R){2,}/", "$1", $text);
+ return strip_tags($text);
+ }else { //v tekstu sta prisotna br ali img
+ $text2Return = ''; //tekst ki bo vrnjen
+ //ureditev preureditev html kode za novo vrstico v latex, ureditev prenosa v novo vrstico
+ if($pos !== false){
+ $pos = strpos($text, $findme);
+ $numOfBr = substr_count($text, $findme); //stevilo '<br />' v tekstu
+ for($i=0; $i<$numOfBr; $i++){
+ if($i == 0){ //ce je prvi najdeni '<br />'
+ $textPrej = substr($text, 0, $pos);
+ $textPotem = substr($text, $pos+$findmeLength);
+ if($i == $numOfBr-1){
+ //$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break '.$textPotem;
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \\\\ '.$textPotem;
+ }else{
+ //$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break ';
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \\\\ ';
+ }
+ }else{ //drugace
+ $pos = strpos($textPotem, $findme);
+ $textPrej = substr($textPotem, 0, $pos);
+ $textPotem = substr($textPotem, $pos+$findmeLength);
+ if($i == $numOfBr-1){
+ //$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break '.$textPotem;
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \\\\ '.$textPotem;
+ }else{
+ //$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break ';
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \\\\ ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $text = $text2Return;
+ }
+ //ureditev preureditev html kode za novo vrstico v latex, ureditev prenosa v novo vrstico - konec
+ //echo "text potem: ".$text."</br>";
+ $text = preg_replace("/(\R){2,}/", "$1", $text);
+ return strip_tags($text); //vrni tekst brez html tag-ov
+ }
+ }
+ #funkcija ki skrbi za encode dolocenih spornih delov besedila v latex-u prijazno - konec
+} \ No newline at end of file