path: root/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaFreq.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaFreq.php')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaFreq.php b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaFreq.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8945266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaFreq.php
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+ global $site_path;
+ include_once('../../function.php');
+ include_once('../survey/definition.php');
+/* include_once('../exportclases/class.pdfIzvozAnalizaFrekvenca.php');
+ include_once('../exportclases/class.pdfIzvozAnalizaFunctions.php');
+ require_once('../exportclases/class.enka.pdf.php'); */
+ define("ALLOW_HIDE_ZERRO_REGULAR", false); // omogočimo delovanje prikazovanja/skrivanja ničelnih vnosti za navadne odgovore
+ define("ALLOW_HIDE_ZERRO_MISSING", true); // omogočimo delovanje prikazovanja/skrivanja ničelnih vnosti za missinge
+ define("NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE", 2); // stevilo digitalnih mest za povprecje
+ define("NUM_DIGIT_DEVIATION", 2); // stevilo digitalnih mest za povprecje
+ define("M_ANALIZA_DESCRIPTOR", "descriptor");
+ define("M_ANALIZA_FREQUENCY", "frequency");
+ define("FNT_FREESERIF", "freeserif");
+ define("FNT_FREESANS", "freesans");
+ define("FNT_HELVETICA", "helvetica");
+ define("FNT_MAIN_SIZE", 10);
+ define("FNT_QUESTION_SIZE", 9);
+ define("FNT_HEADER_SIZE", 10);
+ define("RADIO_BTN_SIZE", 3);
+ define("CHCK_BTN_SIZE", 3);
+ define("LINE_BREAK", 6);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_HEADER', 8);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER', 12);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_TOP', 18);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM', 18);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_LEFT', 15);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT', 15);
+ define ('MEJA_DOLZINA_VPRASANJA', 132);
+ * @desc Class za generacijo izvoza v Latex
+ */
+class AnalizaFreq extends LatexAnalysisElement{
+ var $anketa; // trenutna anketa (array)
+ var $spremenljivka; // trenutna spremenljivka
+ private $headFileName = null; # pot do header fajla
+ var $pi=array('canCreate'=>false); // za shrambo parametrov in sporocil
+ var $pdf;
+ protected $tex;
+ var $currentStyle;
+ var $current_loop = 'undefined';
+ static public $_FILTRED_OTHER = array(); # filter za polja drugo
+ protected $texNewLine = '\\\\ ';
+ protected $export_format;
+ protected $horizontalLineTex = "\\hline ";
+ protected $show_valid_percent;
+ protected $texBigSkip = '\bigskip';
+ protected $spaceBetweenTables = ' \newline \vspace*{1 cm} \newline';
+ /**
+ * @desc konstruktor
+ */
+ function __construct ($anketa = null, $sprID = null, $loop = null){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // preverimo ali imamo stevilko ankete
+ if ( is_numeric($anketa['id']) ){
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ $this->spremenljivka = $sprID;
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->pi['msg'] = "Anketa ni izbrana!";
+ $this->pi['canCreate'] = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id'])){
+ $this->anketa['uid'] = $global_user_id;
+ SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id'], $this->anketa['uid']);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ // ce smo prisli do tu je vse ok
+ $this->pi['canCreate'] = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function checkCreate()
+ {
+ return $this->pi['canCreate'];
+ }
+ function displayTableLatex($headFileName=null, $spremenljivka=null, $spid=null, $export_format='', $hideEmpty=null){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ $this->hideEmpty = $hideEmpty;
+ $tabela = '';
+ $this->headFileName = $headFileName;
+ //TODO: Omenjene datoteke že generiramo v LatexAnalysis in tukaj za vsako vrstico res ni potrebe še enkrat to generirat
+ /*
+ #preberemo HEADERS iz datoteke
+ SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->headFileName));
+ # polovimo frekvence
+ SurveyAnalysis::getFrequencys();
+ #odstranimo sistemske variable
+ SurveyAnalysis::removeSystemVariables();
+ ###
+ //SurveyMissingProfiles :: Init($spremenljivka['id'], $global_user_id);
+ */
+ ####
+ //TODO: Spremenljivki se nikjer ne kliče
+ //$vars_count = count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_VARIABLES);
+ //$line_break = '';
+ //echo "Spr tip v Sums: ".$spremenljivka['tip']."</br>";
+ #prikazujemo v odvisnosti od kategorije spremenljivke
+ switch ($spremenljivka['tip']) {
+ case 1: # radio - prikjaže navpično
+ case 2: #checkbox če je dihotomna:
+ case 3: # dropdown - prikjaže navpično
+ case 6: # multigrid
+ case 4: # text
+ case 7:# variabla tipa »število«
+ case 8: # datum
+ case 16: #multicheckbox če je dihotomna:
+ case 17: #razvrščanje če je ordinalna
+ case 18: # vsota
+ case 19: # multitext
+ case 20: # multi number
+ case 21: # besedilo*
+ case 22: # kalkulacija
+ //self::frequencyVertical($spid);
+ $tabela .= self::frequencyVertical($spid, $export_format);
+ //$tabela .= $this->spaceBetweenTables;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ # nagovor
+ //pdfIzvozAnalizaSums::sumNagovor($spid,'freq');
+ $tabela .= $this->sumNagovor($spid,'freq');
+ //$tabela .= $this->spaceBetweenTables;
+ break;
+ }
+ //echo "</br> Tex celotne tabele: ".$tabela."</br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ /** Izriše frekvence v vertikalni obliki z Latex
+ *
+ * @param unknown_type $spid
+ */
+ function frequencyVertical($spid=null, $export_format='') {
+ global $lang;
+ $tex = '';
+ $spremenljivka = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$spid];
+ # če je besedilo * in je samo ena kategorija je inline legenda false
+ $inline_legenda = (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$spid]['cnt_all'] == 1 || in_array($spremenljivka['tip'],array(1,8) ) ) ? false: true;
+ # koliko zapisov prikažemo naenkrat
+ $num_show_records = SurveyAnalysis::getNumRecords();
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = 6;
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ $parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ $parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ //$tex .= '\keepXColumns'; //potrebno dodati pred tabelo, da se obdrzi sirina stolpca
+ $tex .= $this->StartLatexTable($export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tex .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ /*Naslovni vrstici tabele*/
+ //prva vrstica tabele
+ //$tex .= $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['variable'])." & \multicolumn{".$steviloOstalihStolpcev."}{X|}{".$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'])."} ".$this->texNewLine;
+ //$tex .= $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['variable'])." & \multicolumn{".$steviloOstalihStolpcev."}{l|}{".$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'])."} ".$this->texNewLine;
+ //$tex .= $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['variable']).' & \multicolumn{'.$steviloOstalihStolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloOstalihStolpcev+1).'\hsize + '.($steviloOstalihStolpcev+1).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov']).'} '.$this->texNewLine;
+ $dolzinaVprasanja = strlen($this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov']));
+ if($dolzinaVprasanja > MEJA_DOLZINA_VPRASANJA){ //ce je dolzina vprasanja daljsa od ene vrstice v tabeli
+ $tex .= $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['variable'])." & \multicolumn{".$steviloOstalihStolpcev."}{X|}{".$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'])."} ".$this->texNewLine;
+ }else{
+ $tex .= $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['variable'])." & \multicolumn{".$steviloOstalihStolpcev."}{l|}{".$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'])."} ".$this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tex .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //druga vrstica
+ $tex .= self::tableHeader();
+ /*Konec naslovnih vrstic*/
+ $_answersOther = array();
+ /* dodamo opcijo kje izrisujemo legendo*/
+ $options=array('inline_legenda' => $inline_legenda, 'isTextAnswer' => false, 'isOtherAnswer' => false);
+ /* izpis veljavnih odgovorov*/
+ if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0)
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ $_variables_count = count($grid['variables']);
+ # dodamo dodatne vrstice z albelami grida
+ if ($_variables_count > 0 )
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
+ $_sequence = $variable['sequence']; # id kolone z podatki
+ if (($variable['text'] != true && $variable['other'] != true)
+ || (in_array($spremenljivka['tip'],array(4,8,21,22)))){
+ # dodamo ime podvariable
+ //if ($_variables_count > 1 && in_array($spremenljivka['tip'],array(2,6,7,16,17,18,19,20,21))) {
+ if ($inline_legenda) {
+ $tex .= self::outputSubVariablaVertical($spremenljivka,$variable,$grid,$spid,$options);
+ }
+ $maxAnswer = (SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('numOpenAnswers') > 0) ? SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('numOpenAnswers') : 30;
+ $counter = 0;
+ $_kumulativa = 0;
+ //SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]
+ if (count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['valid'])> 0 ) {
+ foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['valid'] AS $vkey => $vAnswer) {
+ if ($vAnswer['cnt'] > 0 /*&& $counter < $maxAnswer*/ || true) { # izpisujemo samo tiste ki nisno 0
+ if (in_array($spremenljivka['tip'],array(4,7,8,19,20,21))) { // text, number, datum, mtext, mnumber, text*
+ $options['isTextAnswer'] = true;
+ # ali prikažemo vse odgovore ali pa samo toliko koliko je nastavljeno v TEXT_ANSWER_LIMIT
+ $options['textAnswerExceed'] = ($counter >= TEXT_ANSWER_LIMIT && count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['valid']) > TEXT_ANSWER_LIMIT+2) ? true : false; # ali začnemo skrivati tekstovne odgovore
+ } else {
+ $options['isTextAnswer'] = false;
+ $options['textAnswerExceed'] = false;
+ }
+ //$counter = pdfIzvozAnalizaSums::outputValidAnswerVertical($counter,$vkey,$vAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,$_kumulativa,$options);
+ $tex .= $this->outputValidAnswerVertical($counter,$vkey,$vAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,$_kumulativa,$options);
+ }
+ }
+ # izpišemo sumo veljavnih
+ //$counter = pdfIzvozAnalizaSums::outputSumaValidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ //$tex .= $this->outputSumaValidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ $tex .= self::outputSumaValidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ }
+ if (count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalid'])> 0 ) {
+ $_Z_MV = !$this->hideEmpty;
+ if($_Z_MV){ //ce je potrebno izpisati tudi manjkajoce
+ $tex .= $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_missing1']);
+ }
+ foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalid'] AS $ikey => $iAnswer) {
+ if ($iAnswer['cnt'] > 0 ) { # izpisujemo samo tiste ki nisno 0
+ //$counter = pdfIzvozAnalizaSums::outputInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$ikey,$iAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ $tex .= $this->outputInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$ikey,$iAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ }
+ }
+ # izpišemo sumo veljavnih
+ //$counter = pdfIzvozAnalizaSums::outputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ $tex .= $this->outputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ }
+ #izpišemo še skupno sumo
+ //$counter = pdfIzvozAnalizaSums::outputSumaVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ $tex .= $this->outputSumaVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,$options);
+ } else {
+ $_answersOther[] = array('spid'=>$spid,'gid'=>$gid,'vid'=>$vid,'sequence'=>$_sequence);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //zaljucek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $tex .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ //zaljucek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ # izpišemo še tekstovne odgovore za polja drugo
+ if (count($_answersOther) > 0 && SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_OTHER) {
+ foreach ($_answersOther AS $oAnswers) {
+ $tex .= self::outputOtherAnswers($oAnswers, $parameterTabular, $export_format);
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "tex: ".$tex;
+ return $tex;
+ }
+ function outputSubVariablaVertical($spremenljivka=null,$variable=null,$grid=null,$spid=null,$_options = array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ $texOutputSubVariablaVertical='';
+ $text = array();
+ # opcije
+ $options = array( 'isTextAnswer' => false, # ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ 'isOtherAnswer' => false, # ali je odgovor Drugo
+ 'inline_legenda' => true, # ali je legenda inline ali v headerju
+ 'textAnswerExceed'=>false # ali presegamo število tekstovnih odgovorov za prikaz
+ );
+ foreach ($_options as $_oKey => $_option) {
+ $options[$_oKey] = $_option;
+ }
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($variable['variable']);
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($variable['naslov']);
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $texOutputSubVariablaVertical .= self::tableRow($text);
+ return $texOutputSubVariablaVertical;
+ }
+ function setUserId($usrId=null) {$this->anketa['uid'] = $usrId;}
+ function getUserId() {return ($this->anketa['uid'])?$this->anketa['uid']:false;}
+ function formatNumber($value=null, $digit=0, $sufix=""){
+ if ( $value <> 0 && $value != null )
+ $result = round($value,$digit);
+ else
+ $result = "0";
+ $result = number_format($result, $digit, ',', '.').$sufix;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function drawLine(){
+ $cy = $this->pdf->getY();
+ $this->pdf->Line(15, $cy , 195, $cy , $this->currentStyle);
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file