path: root/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaBreak.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaBreak.php')
1 files changed, 1343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaBreak.php b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaBreak.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3317de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/Analize/AnalizaBreak.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+ global $site_path;
+ include_once('../../function.php');
+ include_once('../survey/definition.php');
+ define("ALLOW_HIDE_ZERRO_REGULAR", false); // omogočimo delovanje prikazovanja/skrivanja ničelnih vnosti za navadne odgovore
+ define("ALLOW_HIDE_ZERRO_MISSING", true); // omogočimo delovanje prikazovanja/skrivanja ničelnih vnosti za missinge
+ define("NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE", 2); // stevilo digitalnih mest za povprecje
+ define("NUM_DIGIT_DEVIATION", 2); // stevilo digitalnih mest za povprecje
+ define("M_ANALIZA_DESCRIPTOR", "descriptor");
+ define("M_ANALIZA_FREQUENCY", "frequency");
+ define("FNT_FREESERIF", "freeserif");
+ define("FNT_FREESANS", "freesans");
+ define("FNT_HELVETICA", "helvetica");
+ define("FNT_MAIN_SIZE", 10);
+ define("FNT_QUESTION_SIZE", 9);
+ define("FNT_HEADER_SIZE", 10);
+ define("RADIO_BTN_SIZE", 3);
+ define("CHCK_BTN_SIZE", 3);
+ define("LINE_BREAK", 6);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_HEADER', 8);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER', 12);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_TOP', 18);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM', 18);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_LEFT', 15);
+ define ('PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT', 15);
+/** Class za generacijo latex
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+class AnalizaBreak extends LatexAnalysisElement {
+ var $anketa;// = array(); // trenutna anketa
+ var $pi=array('canCreate'=>false); // za shrambo parametrov in sporocil
+ var $pdf;
+ var $currentStyle;
+ var $db_table = '';
+ public $breakClass = null; // break class
+ public $crosstabClass = null; // crosstab class
+ var $spr = 0; // spremenljivka za katero delamo razbitje
+ var $seq; // sekvenca
+ var $break_percent; // opcija za odstotke
+ public $break_charts = 0; // ali prikazujemo graf ali tabelo
+ var $sessionData; // podatki ki so bili prej v sessionu - za nastavitve, ki se prenasajo v izvoze...
+ protected $texNewLine = '\\\\ ';
+ protected $export_format;
+ protected $horizontalLineTex = "\\hline ";
+ protected $texBigSkip = '\bigskip';
+ protected $spaceBetweenTables = ' \newline \vspace*{1 cm} \newline';
+ /**
+ * @desc konstruktor
+ */
+ function __construct ($anketa = null, $podstran = 'break'){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // preverimo ali imamo stevilko ankete
+ //if ( is_numeric($anketa) ){
+ if ( is_numeric($anketa['id']) ){
+ //$this->anketa['id'] = $anketa;
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ $this->anketa['podstran'] = $podstran;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->pi['msg'] = "Anketa ni izbrana!";
+ $this->pi['canCreate'] = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ $_GET['a'] = A_ANALYSIS;
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ #############################################
+/* // ustvarimo break objekt
+ $this->breakClass = new SurveyBreak($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->spr = $this->sessionData['break']['spr'];
+ # poiščemo sekvenco
+ $this->seq = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'];
+ $this->break_percent = (isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_percent']) && $this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'] == false) ? false : true; */
+ #############################################
+ //if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']) && $this->init()){
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']) ){
+ $this->anketa['uid'] = $global_user_id;
+ SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id'], $this->anketa['uid']);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ // ce smo prisli do tu je vse ok
+ $this->pi['canCreate'] = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function checkCreate()
+ {
+ return $this->pi['canCreate'];
+ }
+ function getFile($fileName='')
+ {
+ //Close and output PDF document
+ ob_end_clean();
+ $this->pdf->Output($fileName, 'I');
+ }
+/* function encodeText($text)
+ { // popravimo sumnike ce je potrebno
+ $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+ $text = str_replace(array("&scaron;","&#353;","&#269;"),array("š","š","č"),$text);
+ return strip_tags($text);
+ } */
+ function displayBreak($forSpr=null, $forSeq=null, $frequencys=null, $breakClass=null, $break_charts=null, $export_format='') {
+ $this->breakClass = $breakClass;
+ $this->break_charts = $break_charts;
+ $this->seq = $forSeq;
+ $this->spr = $forSpr;
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ $tabela = '';
+ // če ne uporabljamo privzetega časovnega profila izpišemo opozorilo
+ //SurveyTimeProfiles :: printIsDefaultProfile(false);
+ // če imamo filter ifov ga izpišemo
+ //SurveyConditionProfiles:: getConditionString();
+ // če imamo filter spremenljivk ga izpišemo
+ //SurveyVariablesProfiles:: getProfileString(true);
+ //SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getVariableTypeNote();
+ // če rekodiranje
+ //$SR = new SurveyRecoding($this->anketa);
+ //$SR -> getProfileString();
+ // filtriranje po spremenljivkah
+ $_FILTRED_VARIABLES = SurveyVariablesProfiles::getProfileVariables(SurveyVariablesProfiles::checkDefaultProfile(), true);
+ foreach ($this->breakClass->_HEADERS AS $skey => $spremenljivka) {
+ $spremenljivka['id'] = $skey;
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ if ( is_numeric($tip)
+ && $tip != 4 #text
+ && $tip != 5 #label
+ && $tip != 8 #datum
+ && $tip != 9 #SN-imena
+ && $tip != 19 #multitext
+ && $tip != 21 #besedilo*
+ && ( count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) == 0 || (count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) > 0 && isset($_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$skey]) ))
+ ) {
+ $tabela .= $this->displayBreakSpremenljivka($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ } else if ( is_numeric($tip)
+ && (
+ $tip == 4 #text
+ || $tip == 19 #multitext
+ || $tip == 21 #besedilo*
+ || $tip == 20 #multi numer*
+ ) && ( count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) == 0 || (count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) > 0 && isset($_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$skey]) ) )
+ ) {
+ $tabela .= $this->displayBreakSpremenljivka($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ }
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayBreakSpremenljivka($forSpr=null,$frequencys=null,$spremenljivka=null) {
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ $skala = $spremenljivka['skala'];
+ $tabela = '';
+ if ($forSpr != $spremenljivka['id']) {
+ switch ($tip) {
+ # radio, dropdown
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabs($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ #multigrid
+ case 6:
+ if ($skala == 0) {
+ $tabela .= $this->displayBreakTableMgrid($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ } else {
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabs($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ }
+ break;
+ # checkbox
+ case 2:
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabs($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ #number
+ case 7:
+ #ranking
+ case 17:
+ #vsota
+ case 18:
+ #multinumber
+ case 20:
+ $tabela .= $this->displayBreakTableNumber($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break ;
+ case 19:
+ $tabela .= $this->displayBreakTableText($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break ;
+ #multicheck
+ case 16:
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabs($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 21:
+ # po novem besedilo izpisujemo v klasični tabeli
+ $tabela .= $this->displayBreakTableText($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabs($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayBreakTableMgrid($forSpr=null,$frequencys=null,$spremenljivka=null, $creport=false, $ank_id=null, $export_format=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ $tabela = '';
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($this->export_format);
+ if($creport){
+ $breakClass = new SurveyBreak($ank_id);
+ $this->breakClass = $breakClass;
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ }
+ //echo "displayBreakTableMgrid funckija</br>";
+ //echo "tip vprašanja: ".$spremenljivka['tip']."</br>";
+ // Ce izrisujemo graf//
+ if($this->break_charts == 1){
+ $tabela .= $this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'mgrid');
+ }
+ // Ce izrisujemo tabelo
+ else{
+ $keysCount = count($frequencys);
+ $sequences = explode('_',$spremenljivka['sequences']);
+ $forSpremenljivka = $this->breakClass->_HEADERS[$forSpr];
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ # izračunamo povprečja za posamezne sekvence
+ $means = array();
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ foreach ($sequences AS $sequence) {
+ $means[$fkey][$sequence] = $this->breakClass->getMeansFromKey($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($tip != 16 && $tip != 20) {
+ if ($tip == 1 || $tip == 3) {
+ if (count($spremenljivka['options']) < 15) {
+ $rowspan = 2;
+ $colspan = count($spremenljivka['options'])+1;
+ } else {
+ $rowspan = 1;
+ $colspan = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $rowspan = 2;
+ $colspan = count($sequences);
+ }
+ $singleWidth = floor(200 / $colspan);
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = $colspan;
+ #preverjanje velikosti tabele
+ $mejaZaVelikeTabele = 5;
+ $velikostTabele = $steviloPodstolpcev;
+ if($velikostTabele > $mejaZaVelikeTabele){ //ce imamo veliko tabelo, jo je potrebno razbiti na vec tabel, ker drugace je presiroka
+ //echo "tabela je prevelika, ima ".($velikostTabele)." stolpcev</br>";
+ $presirokaTabela = 1;
+ $steviloTabelCelih = intval($velikostTabele / $mejaZaVelikeTabele);
+ $steviloTabelMod = $velikostTabele % $mejaZaVelikeTabele;
+ $delnaTabela = 0;
+ if($steviloTabelMod != 0){
+ $delnaTabela = 1;
+ }
+ $steviloTabel = $steviloTabelCelih + $delnaTabela;
+/* echo "stevilo podtabel celih ".($steviloTabelCelih)." </br>";
+ echo "stevilo podtabel mod ".($steviloTabelMod)." </br>";
+ echo "stevilo podtabel ".($steviloTabel)." </br>"; */
+ }else{
+ $presirokaTabela = 0;
+ }
+ #preverjanje velikosti tabele - konec
+ if($presirokaTabela == 0){ //ce tabela ni presiroka
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = $steviloPodstolpcev+1;
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ //echo "steviloOstalihStolpcev v funkciji: ".$steviloOstalihStolpcev."</br>";
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ //echo "tukaj";
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C|' : 'c|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ $tabela .= $this->StartLatexTable($this->export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ $prvaVrstica = array();
+ $prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')');
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')');
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')').'}';
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).')').'}';
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).')').'}';
+ }elseif($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')').'}';
+ }
+ $drugaVrstica = array();
+ $drugaVrstica[]='';
+ $tretjaVrstica = array();
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = '';
+ //echo "tip: ".$tip."</br>";
+ if ($tip != 1 && $tip != 3) {
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $text = $this->encodeText($variable['naslov'].' ('.$variable['variable'].')');
+ $drugaVrstica[]=$text;
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_average']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (count($spremenljivka['options']) < 15) {
+ //echo "options :".count($spremenljivka['options'])."</br>";
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['options'] AS $okey => $option) {
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($option.' ('.$okey.')'), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $text = $this->encodeText($option.' ('.$okey.')');
+ $drugaVrstica[]=$text;
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_average']);
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, 'povprečje', 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele ##################
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica,1); //izpis prve vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($drugaVrstica,1); //izpis druge vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($tretjaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis tretje vrstice
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ $podatkiVrstica = array();
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['options'][$fkey]); //naslov horizontalne vrstice
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if (($tip == 1 || $tip == 3) && count($spremenljivka['options']) < 15) {
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['options'] AS $okey => $option) {
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['valid'][$okey]['cnt']), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['valid'][$okey]['cnt']);
+ //echo "podatkiVrstica 1 :".$this->encodeText($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['valid'][$okey]['cnt'])."</br>";
+ }
+ }
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'');
+ //echo "podatki v vrstici: ".$this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'')."</br>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($podatkiVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s podatki
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele - konec ##################
+ /*zakljucek latex tabele*/
+ $tabela .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ /*zaljucek latex tabele - konec */
+ //echo "tabela :".$tabela."</br>";
+ }elseif($presirokaTabela == 1){ //ce tabela je presiroka
+ $izpisaneCeleTabele = 0;
+ $indeksPodatkov = 0;
+ $indeksPodatkovOld = 0;
+ $indeksPodatkov1 = 0;
+ $indeksPodatkovOld1 = 0;
+ for($p=0; $p<$steviloTabel; $p++){ //ustvarjanje podtabel
+ $indeksPodatkov1 = $indeksPodatkov;
+ $indeksPodatkovOld1 = $indeksPodatkovOld;
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ if($izpisaneCeleTabele < $steviloTabelCelih){
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = $mejaZaVelikeTabele+1;
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular;
+ }else{
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = $steviloTabelMod+1;
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular;
+ }
+ $izpisaneCeleTabele++; //vecanje indeksa za belezenja stevila izpisaih celih tabel, takih, ki so velike 5 + 1 stolpcev
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ //echo "steviloOstalihStolpcev v funkciji: ".$steviloOstalihStolpcev."</br>";
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ //echo "tukaj";
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C|' : 'c|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "parametri za tabelo: ".$parameterTabular."</br>";
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ $tabela .= $this->StartLatexTable($this->export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ $prvaVrstica = array();
+ $prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')');
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.($steviloPodstolpcev-1).'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).')').'}';
+ }elseif($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.($steviloPodstolpcev-1).'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')').'}';
+ }
+ $drugaVrstica = array();
+ $drugaVrstica[]='';
+ $tretjaVrstica = array();
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = '';
+ //echo "tip: ".$tip."</br>";
+ //echo "indeks podatkov prej: ".$indeksPodatkov."</br>";
+ if ($tip != 1 && $tip != 3) {
+ for($s=$indeksPodatkov; $s<($steviloPodstolpcev-1+$indeksPodatkovOld); $s++){
+ $grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][$s];
+ $text = $this->encodeText($grid['variables'][0]['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variables'][0]['variable'].')');
+ //echo "grid podatek: ".$text."</br>";
+ $drugaVrstica[] = $text;
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_average']);
+ $indeksPodatkov = $s;
+ }
+ $indeksPodatkov = $indeksPodatkov + 1;
+ $indeksPodatkovOld = $indeksPodatkov;
+ }
+ else if (count($spremenljivka['options']) < 15) { //TO-DO: preureditev foreach v for, sem naredil isto kot v starih izvozih, vendar ne razumem, kdaj se to sprozi
+ //echo "options :".count($spremenljivka['options'])."</br>";
+ //echo "znotraj </br>";
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['options'] AS $okey => $option) {
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($option.' ('.$okey.')'), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $text = $this->encodeText($option.' ('.$okey.')');
+ $drugaVrstica[]=$text;
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_average']);
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, 'povprečje', 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele ##################
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica,1); //izpis prve vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($drugaVrstica,1); //izpis druge vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($tretjaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis tretje vrstice
+ //echo "tabela: ".$tabela."</br>";
+ //print_r($frequencys);
+ //echo "vrstice: ".count($frequencys)."</br>";
+ //foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ $steviloVrsticSPodatki = count($frequencys);
+ for($fkey=1; $fkey<=($steviloVrsticSPodatki); $fkey++){ //izpis vsake vrstice posebej
+ //echo "indeks freq: ".$fkey."</br>";
+ $podatkiVrstica = array();
+ $podatkiVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['options'][$fkey]); //naslov horizontalne vrstice
+ //echo "debug text: ".$this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['options'][$fkey])."</br>";
+ //foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ for($s1=$indeksPodatkov1; $s1<($steviloPodstolpcev-1+$indeksPodatkovOld1); $s1++){
+ $grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][$s1];
+ $variable = $grid['variables'][0];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ //echo "sdvsdv </br>";
+ /* if (($tip == 1 || $tip == 3) && count($spremenljivka['options']) < 15) {
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['options'] AS $okey => $option) {
+ $podatkiVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['valid'][$okey]['cnt']);
+ //echo "podatki Vrstica 1 :".$this->encodeText($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['valid'][$okey]['cnt'])."</br>";
+ }
+ } */
+ $podatkiVrstica[] = $this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'');
+ //echo "podatki v vrstici: ".$this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'')."</br>";
+ }
+ }
+ //print_r($podatkiVrstica);
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($podatkiVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s podatki
+ //echo "indeks podatkov: ".$indeksPodatkov1."</br>";
+ //echo "limit for zanke ".(5+$indeksPodatkovOld)." </br>";
+ //echo "konec vrstice </br>";
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele - konec ##################
+ /*zakljucek latex tabele*/
+ $tabela .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ /*zaljucek latex tabele - konec */
+ //echo "tabela :".$tabela."</br>";
+ }
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ $rowspan = 2;
+ $colspan = $spremenljivka['grids'][0]['cnt_vars'];
+ $singleWidth = floor(200 / $colspan);
+ //echo "colspan spodaj: ".$colspan."</br>";
+ # za multicheck razdelimo na grupe - skupine
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $frequency) {
+/* $this->pdf->setFont('','B','6');
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell(200, 5, $this->encodeText('Tabela za: ('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].') = '.$forSpremenljivka['options'][$fkey]), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); */
+ $text = $spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ $height = $this->getCellHeight($text, 260);
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(260, $height, $this->encodeText($text), 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ //$this->pdf->setFont('','','6');
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ //$height = ($this->getCellHeight($variable['naslov'], $singleWidth) > $height) ? $this->getCellHeight($variable['naslov'], $singleWidth) : $height;
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(60, $height, '', 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($variable['naslov']), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(1, $height,'', 0, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ $text = '('.$grid['variable'].') '.$grid['naslov'];
+/* $height = $this->getCellHeight($text, 60);
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell(60, $height, $this->encodeText($text), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); */
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, self::formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),''), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(1, $height,'', 0, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ }
+ //$this->pdf->ln(10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayBreakTableNumber($forSpr=null,$frequencys=null,$spremenljivka=null, $creport=false, $ank_id=null, $export_format=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ $tabela = '';
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($this->export_format);
+ if($creport){
+ $breakClass = new SurveyBreak($ank_id);
+ $this->breakClass = $breakClass;
+ }
+ $keysCount = count($frequencys);
+ $sequences = explode('_',$spremenljivka['sequences']);
+ $forSpremenljivka = $this->breakClass->_HEADERS[$forSpr];
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ # izračunamo povprečja za posamezne sekvence
+ $means = array();
+ $totalMeans = array();
+ $totalFreq = array();
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ foreach ($sequences AS $sequence) {
+ $means[$fkey][$sequence] = $this->breakClass->getMeansFromKey($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce izrisujemo graf
+ if($this->break_charts == 1){
+ // Number, vsota, ranking graf
+ if($tip != 20 ){
+ //$this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'number');
+ $tabela .= $this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'number');
+ }
+ // Multinumber graf
+ else{
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ // Izrisujemo samo 1 graf v creportu
+ if($_GET['m'] == 'analysis_creport'){
+ if($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] == $gkey){
+ //$this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'number');
+ $tabela .= $this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'number');
+ }
+ }
+ // Izrisujemo vse zaporedne grafe
+ else{
+ $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] = $gkey;
+ $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence'] = $grid['variables'][0]['sequence'];
+ $tabela .= $this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'number');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izrisujemo tabelo
+ else{
+ # za multi number naredimo po skupinah
+ if ($tip != 20) {
+ $rowspan = 3;
+ $colspan = count($sequences);
+ $singleWidth = floor(200 / $colspan);
+ //Priprava podatkov za prve 3 vrstice tabele
+ // DRUGA VRSTICA prva, ker potrebujemo stevilo elementov v drugi vrstici, da pripravimo izpis prve vrstice in tabele
+ $drugaVrstica = array();
+ $drugaVrstica[] = '';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $drugaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($variable['naslov'].' ('.$variable['variable'].')');
+ }
+ }
+ $prvaVrstica = array();
+ $prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')');
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')'); //\multicolumn{".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."}{X|}
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = count($drugaVrstica) - 1;
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')').'}';
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}
+ //{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}
+ //{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).'('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).')').'}';
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}
+ {>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}
+ {'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).'('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).')').'}';
+ }elseif($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')').'}';
+ }
+ $tretjaVrstica = array();
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = '';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_average']);
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava podatkov za prve 3 vrstice tabele - konec
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ //$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = 2;
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = count($drugaVrstica);
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C|' : 'c|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ $tabela .= $this->StartLatexTable($this->export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica,1); //izpis prve vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($drugaVrstica,1); //izpis druge vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($tretjaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis tretje vrstice
+ //VRSTICE S PODATKI - priprava in izpis podatkov
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ $podatkiVrstica = array();
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['options'][$fkey]);
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence]);
+ $totalMeans[$sequence] += ($this->breakClass->getMeansFromKey($fkeyFrequency[$sequence])*(int)$frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt']);
+ $totalFreq[$sequence]+= (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($podatkiVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s podatki
+ }
+ //VRSTICE S PODATKI - priprava in izpis podatkov - konec
+ // dodamo še skupno sumo in povprečje
+ $sumaVrstica = array();
+ $sumaVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_skupaj']);
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ $totalMean = $totalFreq[$sequence] > 0 ? $totalMeans[$sequence] / $totalFreq[$sequence] : 0;
+ $sumaVrstica[]=$this->formatNumber($totalMean ,SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($sumaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s sumo
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele - konec
+ /*zakljucek latex tabele*/
+ $tabela .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ /*zaljucek latex tabele - konec */
+ }
+ else {
+ $rowspan = 3;
+ $colspan = count($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables']);
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = $colspan;
+ $singleWidth = floor(200 / $colspan);
+ # za multinumber razdelimo na grupe - skupine
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ //izpis opisnega besedila pred tabelo
+ $tabela .= $this->encodeText('Tabela za: '.$spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') = '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')');
+ //$tabela .= $this->texNewLine;
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = $steviloPodstolpcev+1;
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ $tabela .= $this->StartLatexTable($this->export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ $prvaVrstica = array();
+ $prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')');
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') - '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')').'}';
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).') - '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')').'}';
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).') - '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')').'}';
+ }elseif($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') - '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')').'}';
+ }
+ $drugaVrstica = array();
+ $drugaVrstica[]='';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $text = $this->encodeText($variable['naslov'].' ('.$variable['variable'].')');
+ $drugaVrstica[]=$text;
+ }
+ $tretjaVrstica = array();
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = '';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $tretjaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_average']);
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica,1); //izpis prve vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($drugaVrstica,1); //izpis druge vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($tretjaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis tretje vrstice
+ foreach ($forSpremenljivka['options'] AS $okey => $option) {
+ $podatkiVrstica = array();
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($option);
+ //$height = $this->getCellHeight($option, 60);
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(60, $height, $this->encodeText($option), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ #povprečje
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, self::formatNumber($means[$okey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),''), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->formatNumber($means[$okey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'');
+ $totalMeans[$sequence] += ($means[$okey][$sequence]*(int)$frequencys[$okey][$sequence]['validCnt']);
+ $totalFreq[$sequence]+= (int)$frequencys[$okey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($podatkiVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s podatki
+ }
+ // dodamo še skupno sumo in povprečje
+ $sumaVrstica = array();
+ $sumaVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_skupaj']);
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ $totalMean = $totalFreq[$sequence] > 0 ? $totalMeans[$sequence] / $totalFreq[$sequence] : 0;
+ $sumaVrstica[]=$this->formatNumber($totalMean ,SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'');
+ }
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($sumaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s sumo
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele - konec
+ /*zakljucek latex tabele*/
+ $tabela .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ /*zaljucek latex tabele - konec */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayBreakTableText($forSpr=null,$frequencys=null,$spremenljivka=null, $creport=false, $ank_id=null, $export_format=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ $tabela = '';
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($this->export_format);
+ if($creport){
+ $breakClass = new SurveyBreak($ank_id);
+ $this->breakClass = $breakClass;
+ }
+ $keysCount = count($frequencys);
+ $sequences = explode('_',$spremenljivka['sequences']);
+ $forSpremenljivka = $this->breakClass->_HEADERS[$forSpr];
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ # izračunamo povprečja za posamezne sekvence
+ $texts = array();
+ $forSequences = array();
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ foreach ($sequences AS $sequence) {
+ $texts[$fkey][$sequence] = $this->breakClass->getTextFromKey($fkeyFrequency[$sequence]);
+ }
+ }
+ $rowspan = 2;
+ $colspan = count($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables']);
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = $colspan;
+ $singleWidth = floor(200 / $colspan);
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ //izpis opisnega besedila pred tabelo
+ $tabela .= $this->encodeText('Tabela za: '.$spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') = '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')');
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = $steviloPodstolpcev+1;
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ //$parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C|' : 'c|');
+ $parameterTabular .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ $tabela .= $this->StartLatexTable($this->export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo - konec
+ $prvaVrstica = array();
+ $prvaVrstica[] = $this->encodeText($forSpremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')');
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') - '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')').'}';
+ //$prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).') - '.$this->snippet($grid['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($grid['variable']).')').'}';
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\hsize + '.($steviloPodstolpcev).'\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth}X|}{'.$this->encodeText($this->snippet($spremenljivka['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($spremenljivka['variable']).') - '.$this->snippet($grid['naslov']).' ('.$this->snippet($grid['variable']).')').'}';
+ }elseif($this->export_format == 'rtf'){
+ $prvaVrstica[] = '\multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev.'}{c|}{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') - '.$grid['naslov'].' ('.$grid['variable'].')').'}';
+ }
+ $drugaVrstica = array();
+ $drugaVrstica[]='';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $text = $this->encodeText($variable['naslov'].' ('.$variable['variable'].')');
+ $drugaVrstica[]=$text;
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica,1); //izpis prve vrstice
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{2-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //izpis prekinjene horizontalne crte
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($drugaVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis druge vrstice
+ foreach ($forSpremenljivka['options'] AS $okey => $option) {
+ $podatkiVrstica = array();
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($option);
+ // Izrisemo vrstico
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(60, $height, $this->encodeText($option), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if (count($texts[$okey][$sequence]) > 0) {
+ $text = "";
+ foreach ($texts[$okey][$sequence] AS $ky => $units) {
+ //$text .= $units['text']."\n";
+ $text .= $units['text']."; ";
+ }
+ $text = substr($text,0,-2);
+ $podatkiVrstica[]=$this->encodeText($text);
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($text), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ }
+ else{
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, '', 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $podatkiVrstica[]='';
+ }
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($podatkiVrstica, $brezHline); //izpis vrstice s podatki
+ }
+ //Izpis vrstic tabele - konec
+ /*zakljucek latex tabele*/
+ $tabela .= ($this->export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ /*zaljucek latex tabele - konec */
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayCrosstabs($forSpr=null,$frequencys=null,$spremenljivka=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ $tabela = '';
+ //echo "funkcija displayCrosstabs </br>";
+ //print_r($spremenljivka['grids'] );
+ //ustvarimo crosstab objekt
+ $this->crosstabClass = new SurveyCrosstabs();
+ $this->crosstabClass->Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $spr1 = $this->spr;
+ $seq1 = $this->seq;
+ $grd1 = 'undefined';
+ foreach ($this->breakClass->_HEADERS[$spr1]['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['sequence'] == $seq1) {
+ $grd1 = $gid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $spr2 = $spremenljivka['id'];
+ //echo "spremenljivka, ki jo gledam: ".$spremenljivka['tip']." </br>";
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ if (($spremenljivka['tip'] == 16 || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 6) && $this->break_charts != 1) {
+ $text = 'Tabela za: '.$spremenljivka['naslov'].' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') = '.$grid['naslov'];
+ if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 6) {
+ $text .= ' ('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->encodeText($text);
+ }
+ $seq2 = $grid['variables'][0]['sequence'];
+ $grd2 = $gid;
+ $this->crosstabClass->setVariables($seq2,$spr2,$grd2,$seq1,$spr1,$grd1);
+ if($this->break_charts == 1){
+ $this->crosstabClass->fromBreak = false;
+ $tabela .= $this->displayChart($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka,$type = 'crosstab');
+ }
+ else{
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabsTable();
+ }
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayCrosstabsTable() {
+ global $lang;
+ $tabela = '';
+ $crosstab = new AnalizaCrosstab($this->anketa);
+ $tabela .= $crosstab->showCrosstabsTable($this->crosstabClass, $this->export_format);
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayChart($forSpr=null,$frequencys=null,$spremenljivka=null,$type=null){
+ global $lang;
+ $texImg = '';
+ // Zgeneriramo id vsake tabele (glede na izbrani spremenljivki za generiranje)
+ if($type == 'crosstab'){
+ $chartID = implode('_', $this->crosstabClass->variabla1[0]);
+ $chartID .= '_'.$this->crosstabClass->variabla2[0]['seq'].'_'.$this->crosstabClass->variabla2[0]['spr'].'_undefined';
+ $chartID .= '_counter_0'/*.$this->crosstabClass->counter*/;
+ $settings = $this->sessionData['crosstab_charts'][$chartID];
+ }
+ else{
+ if($spremenljivka['tip'] == 20){
+ // Preberemo za kateri grid izrisujemo tabelo
+ $gkey = $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'];
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'].'-'. $this->sessionData['break']['spr'].'-undefined';
+ $spr2 = $spremenljivka['grids'][$gkey]['variables'][0]['sequence'].'-'.$spremenljivka['id'].'-undefined';
+ }
+ else{
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'].'-'. $this->sessionData['break']['spr'].'-undefined';
+ $spr2 = $spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][0]['sequence'].'-'.$spremenljivka['id'].'-undefined';
+ }
+ $chartID = $spr1.'_'.$spr2;
+ $settings = $this->sessionData['break_charts'][$chartID];
+ }
+ $imgName = $settings['name'];
+ if($imgName){
+ copy('pChart/Cache/'.$imgName,'pChart/Cache/'.$imgName.'.png');
+ }
+ // Naslov posameznega grafa
+ $title = $spremenljivka['naslov'] . ' ('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ if($spremenljivka['tip'] == 20){
+ $grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][$gkey];
+ $subtitle = $grid['naslov'] . ' ('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ }
+ elseif($spremenljivka['tip'] == 16 || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 6){
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ if($this->crosstabClass->variabla1[0]['seq'] == $grid['variables'][0]['sequence']){
+ $subtitle = $grid['naslov'];
+ if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 6) {
+ $subtitle .= ' ('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $boldedTitle = $this->returnBold($this->encodeText($title)).$this->texNewLine; //vrni boldan naslov in skoci v novo vrstico
+ $boldedSubTitle = '';
+ if($spremenljivka['tip'] == 20 || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 16 || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 6){
+ $boldedSubTitle = $this->returnBold($this->encodeText($subtitle)).$this->texNewLine; //vrni boldan naslov in skoci v novo vrstico
+ }
+ if($imgName){
+ $texImageOnly = " \\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{".$imgName."} "; //latex za sliko
+ }else{
+ $texImageOnly = $lang['srv_export_no_chart'];
+ }
+ $texImage .= $this->returnCentered($boldedTitle.$boldedSubTitle.$texImageOnly); //vrni sredinsko poravnana naslov in slika
+ return $texImage;
+ }
+ /*
+ prikazemo posamezno celico s podatki
+ $data - vsebina (array)
+ $width - sirina celice
+ $numRows - stevilo vrstic (1, 2 ali 3)
+ frekvence - da ali ne
+ $numColumnPercent - stevilo stolpcev pri procentih (1, 2 ali 3)
+ $numColumnResidual - stevilo stolpcev pri procentih (1, 2, 3 ali 4)
+ */
+ function displayCell($data=null, $width=null, $numRows=null, $frekvence=null, $numColumnPercent=null, $numColumnResidual=null){
+ $height = ($numRows == 1 ? 8 : 5);
+ $fullHeight = ($height == 8 ? $height : $numRows*$height);
+ $i=0;
+ //preberemo pozicijo - zacetek celice
+ $y = $this->pdf->GetY();
+ $x = $this->pdf->GetX();
+ $this->pdf->setDrawColor(170, 170, 170);
+ //izrisemo frekvence
+ if($frekvence == 1){
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, $height, $this->encodeText($data[$i]), 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if($numColumnPercent > 0){
+ $this->pdf->setX($x);
+ $singleWidth = round($width/$numColumnPercent);
+ for($j=1; $j<$numColumnPercent; $j++){
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($data[$i]), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell($width - (($numColumnPercent-1)*$singleWidth), $height, $this->encodeText($data[$i]), 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if($numColumnResidual > 0){
+ $this->pdf->setX($x);
+ $singleWidth = round($width/$numColumnResidual);
+ for($j=1; $j<$numColumnResidual; $j++){
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell($singleWidth, $height, $this->encodeText($data[$i]), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell($width - (($numColumnResidual-1)*$singleWidth), $height, $this->encodeText($data[$i]), 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ //zaradi preglednosti narisemo okvir celotne celice
+ $this->pdf->setDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
+ $this->pdf->SetXY($x, $y);
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, $fullHeight, '', 1, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ //na koncu nastavimo pozicijo na pravo mesto
+ $this->pdf->SetXY($x+$width, $y);
+ }
+ /*Skrajsa tekst in doda '...' na koncu*/
+ function snippet($text=null,$length=64,$tail="...")
+ {
+ $text = trim($text);
+ $txtl = strlen($text);
+ if($txtl > $length)
+ {
+ for($i=1;$text[$length-$i]!=" ";$i++)
+ {
+ if($i == $length)
+ {
+ return substr($text,0,$length) . $tail;
+ }
+ }
+ $text = substr($text,0,$length-$i+1) . $tail;
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ function drawLine()
+ {
+ $cy = $this->pdf->getY();
+ $this->pdf->Line(15, $cy , 195, $cy , $this->currentStyle);
+ }
+ function setUserId($usrId=null) {$this->anketa['uid'] = $usrId;}
+ function getUserId() {return ($this->anketa['uid'])?$this->anketa['uid']:false;}
+/* function formatNumber($value,$digit=0,$sufix="")
+ {
+ if ( $value <> 0 && $value != null )
+ $result = round($value,$digit);
+ else
+ $result = "0";
+ $result = number_format($result, $digit, ',', '.').$sufix;
+ return $result;
+ } */
+ function getCellHeight($string=null, $width=null){
+ $this->pdf->startTransaction();
+ // get the number of lines calling you method
+ $linecount = $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 0, $string, 0, 'L', 0, 0, '', '', true, 0, false, true, 0);
+ // restore previous object
+ $this->pdf = $this->pdf->rollbackTransaction();
+ $height = ($linecount <= 1) ? 4.7 : $linecount * ($this->pdf->getFontSize() * $this->pdf->getCellHeightRatio()) + 2;
+ return $height;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file