path: root/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyAlert.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyAlert.php')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyAlert.php b/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyAlert.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36e884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyAlert.php
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+ * Created on 20.5.2009
+ *
+ */
+define("DEF_ALERT_IN_DAYS", 3); # koliko dni prez izteko aktivira alert avtomatsko
+class SurveyAlert
+ static private $instance; // instanca razreda (razred kreiramo samo enkrat)
+ static private $userId = null; // user id
+ static private $surveyId = null; // id ankete
+ static private $data = array();
+ // konstrutor
+ protected function __construct() {}
+ // kloniranje
+ final private function __clone() {}
+ /** Poskrbimo za samo eno instanco razreda
+ *
+ */
+ static function getInstance()
+ {
+ if(!self::$instance)
+ {
+ self::$instance = new SurveyAlert();
+ }
+ return self::$instance;
+ }
+ /** Inicializacija
+ *
+ */
+ static function Init($sid, $uid) {
+ self::setSurveyId($sid);
+ self::setUserId($uid);
+ self::loadDataFromDB();
+ }
+ static function getSurveyId() { return self::$surveyId; }
+ static function setSurveyId($sid) { self::$surveyId = $sid; }
+ static function getUserId() { return self::$userId; }
+ static function setUserId($uid) { self::$userId = $uid; }
+ /** Naloži podatke iz baze v klass
+ *
+ */
+ static function loadDataFromDB() {
+ // podatki obveščanja
+ $sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_alert WHERE ank_id = '".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ $sqlD = sisplet_query("SELECT d.*,, u.surname, FROM srv_dostop AS d " .
+ "RIGHT JOIN (SELECT,, u.surname, FROM users as u) AS u ON d.uid = WHERE d.ank_id = '".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ $rowA = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlA);
+ $result=array();
+ $ostala_sinhronizirana_polja = array('finish_respondent', 'finish_respondent_cms', 'finish_author', 'finish_other', 'finish_other_emails', 'finish_text', 'finish_subject', 'expire_days', 'expire_author', 'expire_other', 'expire_other_emails', 'expire_text', 'expire_subject', 'delete_author', 'delete_other', 'delete_other_emails', 'delete_text', 'delete_subject', 'active_author', 'active_other', 'active_other_emails', 'active_text0', 'active_subject0', 'active_text1', 'active_subject1');
+ foreach ($ostala_sinhronizirana_polja as $polje) {
+ $result[$polje] = $rowA[$polje];
+ }
+ // dodamo še podatke iz dostopa
+ while ($rowD = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlD)) {
+ $result['dostop'][] = $rowD;
+ }
+ // Še nekateri podatki ankete
+ $catch_expire_date = isset($result['expire_days']) && $result['expire_days'] != '0000-00-00' ? ", DATE_SUB(expire,INTERVAL ".$result['expire_days']." DAY) as alert_date" : "";
+ $sqlS = sisplet_query("SELECT active, naslov, insert_uid, expire ".$catch_expire_date." FROM srv_anketa WHERE id = '".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ $rowS = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlS);
+ $result['expire'] = $rowS['expire'];
+ $result['survey_naslov'] = $rowS['naslov'];
+ $result['survey_active'] = $rowS['active'];
+ $result['author_uid'] = $rowS['insert_uid'];
+ $result['alert_date'] = $rowS['alert_date'];
+ self::$data = array();
+ self::$data = $result;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /** prepareSendExpireAlerts()
+ * Funkcija v bazo surveycrontab (tabela: srv_alert) shrani podatke za pošiljanje emailov
+ * Pošiljanje emailov se izvjaja z razredom CronJobs ki
+ * se s pomočjo crontaba zaganja vsak dan samodejno.
+ */
+ static function prepareSendExpireAlerts() {
+ global $site_url, $lang, $mysql_database_name, $app_settings;
+ // napolnimo tabelo srv_alert v bazi surveycrontab
+ $sqlSurvey = sisplet_query("SELECT active FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ $rowSurvey = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurvey);
+ $oldDb = $mysql_database_name;
+ # ce je anketa aktivna, dodamo zapise v bazo, če je anketa neaktivna pa jih odstranimo
+ if ($rowSurvey['active'] == 1) {
+ #anketa je aktivna
+ // poiscemo e-maile od avtorja in userjev v dostopu
+ $emails = "";
+ $prefix = "";
+ if (self::$data['expire_author']) {
+ $sqlAuthor = sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, id, email FROM users WHERE id='".self::$data['author_uid']."'");
+ $rowAuthor = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlAuthor);
+ if ($rowAuthor['email'] != "" ) {
+ $emails .= $prefix.$rowAuthor['email'];
+ $prefix = ",";
+ }
+ if (self::$data['dostop'])
+ foreach (self::$data['dostop'] as $user) {
+ if ($user['alert_expire'] == 1) {
+ $emails.=$prefix.$user['email'];
+ $prefix = ",";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (self::$data['expire_other']) {
+ foreach (explode("\n",self::$data['expire_other_emails']) as $other) {
+ $emails.=$prefix.trim($other);
+ $prefix = ",";
+ }
+ }
+ // pripravimo vsebino e-maila
+ $pdf_url = $site_url.'admin/survey/izvoz.php?dc='.base64_encode(
+ serialize(
+ array('a'=>'pdf_results',
+ 'anketa'=>self::$surveyId,
+ 'usr_id'=>self::$data['author_uid'],
+ 'type'=>'0')));
+ $rtf_url = $site_url.'admin/survey/izvoz.php?dc='.base64_encode(
+ serialize(
+ array( 'a'=>'rtf_results',
+ 'anketa'=>self::$surveyId,
+ 'b'=>'export',
+ 'usr_id'=>self::$data['author_uid'],
+ )));
+ // Custom podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $text = ( self::$data['expire_text'] != '' ) ? self::$data['expire_text'] : nl2br($lang['srv_alert_expire_text'].$signature);
+ $text = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '[SURVEY]',
+ '[DATE]',
+ '[SITE]',
+ '[DAYS]',
+ '[URL]',
+ '[PDF]',
+ '[RTF]',
+ '[DURATION]'),
+ array(
+ self::$data['survey_naslov'],
+ date('r'),
+ $site_url.'main/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId(),
+ self::$data['expire_days'],
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'">'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$pdf_url.'">'.$pdf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$rtf_url.'">'.$rtf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'&amp;a=trajanje">'.$lang['srv_activate_duration'].'</a>')
+ , $text);
+ $subject = ( self::$data['expire_subject'] != '' ) ? self::$data['expire_subject'] : $lang['srv_alert_expire_subject'];
+ $subject = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '[SURVEY]',
+ '[DATE]',
+ '[SITE]',
+ '[DAYS]',
+ '[URL]',
+ '[PDF]',
+ '[RTF]',
+ '[DURATION]'),
+ array(
+ self::$data['survey_naslov'],
+ date('r'),
+ $site_url.'main/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId(),
+ self::$data['expire_days'],
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'">'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$pdf_url.'">'.$pdf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$rtf_url.'">'.$rtf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'&amp;a=trajanje">'.$lang['srv_activate_duration'].'</a>')
+ ,$subject);
+ // pripravimo mail
+ Common::getInstance()->Init(self::getSurveyId());
+ $MailFrom = Common::getInstance()->getFromEmail();
+ $MailReply = Common::getInstance()->getReplyToEmail();
+ if ($emails != "" && $text != "" && $subject != "" && self::$data['alert_date'] != "") {
+ // izberemo bazo srvcrontab
+ $db = mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],'surveycrontab');
+ //or die($lang['srv_alert_database_error']);
+ if ($db) {
+ # najprej pobrišemo stare vrendosti, ker se alerti niso spremenili ob trajni anketi
+ $del = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_alert WHERE sid='".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ // najprej preverimo ali imamo za obstojeco anketo se kaj v crontabu (status = 0) in popravimo na status = 2 (spremenjen)
+ // vsaka anketa lahko ima samo en zapis z statusom 0 (se ni slo v crontab)
+ #$sqlUpdateOld = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_alert SET status = 2 WHERE dbname = '".$oldDb."' AND sid = '".self::getSurveyId()."' AND status = 0");
+ // dodamo zapis v crontab
+ # trajnih anket ne dodajamo
+ if (self::$data['expire'] != '2099-01-01') {
+ $sqlInsertString = "INSERT INTO srv_alert (dbname, sid, emails, text, subject, send_date, status, MailFrom, MailReply) " .
+ "VALUES ('".$oldDb."', '".self::getSurveyId()."', '".$emails."', '".$text."', '".$subject."', '".self::$data['alert_date']."', 0, '".$MailFrom."', '".$MailReply."')";
+ $sqlInsert = sisplet_query($sqlInsertString);
+ }
+ }
+ // uporabimo spet staro bazo
+ mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],$oldDb);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # ankata je deaktivirana, vse alerte ki so še aktivni spremenimo v status 3
+ $db = mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],'surveycrontab');
+ if ($db) {
+ // or die($lang['srv_alert_database_error']);
+ # nastavimo status na 3 - sprememba aktivnosti ankete
+ $sqlUpdateOld = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_alert SET status = 3 WHERE dbname = '".$oldDb."' AND sid = '".self::getSurveyId()."' AND status = 0");
+ }
+ // uporabimo spet staro bazo
+ mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],$oldDb);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ /** sendMailActive()
+ * Funkcija pošlje emaile ob spremembi aktivnosti ankete
+ */
+ static function sendMailActive() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings;
+ // poiščemo vse email naslove
+ // poiscemo e-maile od avtorja in userjev v dostopu
+ $emails = array();
+ if (self::$data['active_author']) {
+ $sqlAuthor = sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, id, email FROM users WHERE id='".self::$data['author_uid']."'");
+ $rowAuthor = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlAuthor);
+ if ($rowAuthor['email'] != "" ) {
+ $emails[] =$rowAuthor['email'];
+ }
+ foreach (self::$data['dostop'] as $user) {
+ if ($user['alert_active'] == 1) {
+ $emails[] = $user['email'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (self::$data['active_other']) {
+ foreach (explode("\n",self::$data['active_other_emails']) as $other) {
+ $emails[] = trim($other);
+ }
+ }
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ // odvisno od statuse izberemo text in subject
+ $text = ( self::$data['survey_active'] == 1 )
+ ? (( self::$data['active_text1'] != '' ) ? self::$data['active_text1'] : nl2br($lang['srv_alert_active_text1'].$signature))
+ : (( self::$data['active_text0'] != '' ) ? self::$data['active_text0'] : nl2br($lang['srv_alert_active_text0'].$signature));
+ $subject = ( self::$data['survey_active'] == 1 )
+ ? (( self::$data['active_subject1'] != '' ) ? self::$data['active_subject1'] : $lang['srv_alert_active_subject1'])
+ : (( self::$data['active_subject0'] != '' ) ? self::$data['active_subject0'] : $lang['srv_alert_active_subject0']);
+ $pdf_url = $site_url.'admin/survey/izvoz.php?dc='.base64_encode(
+ serialize(
+ array('a'=>'pdf_results',
+ 'anketa'=>self::$surveyId,
+ 'usr_id'=>self::$data['author_uid'],
+ 'type'=>'0')));
+ $rtf_url = $site_url.'admin/survey/izvoz.php?dc='.base64_encode(
+ serialize(
+ array( 'a'=>'rtf_results',
+ 'anketa'=>self::$surveyId,
+ 'b'=>'export',
+ 'usr_id'=>self::$data['author_uid'],
+ )));
+ $text = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '[SURVEY]',
+ '[DATE]',
+ '[SITE]',
+ '[DAYS]',
+ '[URL]',
+ '[PDF]',
+ '[RTF]'),
+ array(
+ self::$data['survey_naslov'],
+ date('r'),
+ $site_url.'main/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId(),
+ self::$data['expire_days'],
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'">'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$pdf_url.'">'.$pdf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$rtf_url.'">'.$rtf_url.'</a>'),
+ $text);
+ $subject = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '[SURVEY]',
+ '[DATE]',
+ '[SITE]',
+ '[DAYS]',
+ '[URL]',
+ '[PDF]',
+ '[RTF]'),
+ array(
+ self::$data['survey_naslov'],
+ date('r'),
+ $site_url.'main/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId(),
+ self::$data['expire_days'],
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'">'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$pdf_url.'">'.$pdf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$rtf_url.'">'.$rtf_url.'</a>'),
+ $subject);
+ // preprečimo večkratno pošiljanje na iste naslove
+ array_unique($emails);
+ $spisek = "";
+ $send_success = $send_errors = array();
+ // posljemo maile
+ foreach ($emails AS $email) {
+ $email = trim($email);
+ if (strlen ($email) > 1 && strpos ($spisek, $email)===false || strlen ($spisek) == 0) {
+ try
+ {
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(self::getSurveyId(), $type='alert');
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($text, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e)
+ {
+ }
+ $spisek .= $email ."|";
+ if ($resultX) {
+ $send_success[] = $email;
+ } else {
+ $send_errors[] = $email;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** sendMailDelete()
+ * Funkcija pošlje emaile ob izbrisu ankete
+ */
+ static function sendMailDelete() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings;
+ // poiščemo vse email naslove
+ // poiscemo e-maile od avtorja in userjev v dostopu
+ $emails = array();
+ if (self::$data['delete_author']) {
+ $sqlAuthor = sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, id, email FROM users WHERE id='".self::$data['author_uid']."'");
+ $rowAuthor = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlAuthor);
+ if ($rowAuthor['email'] != "" ) {
+ $emails[] =$rowAuthor['email'];
+ }
+ foreach (self::$data['dostop'] as $user) {
+ if ($user['alert_delete'] == 1) {
+ $emails[] = $user['email'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (self::$data['delete_other']) {
+ foreach (explode("\n",self::$data['delete_other_emails']) as $other) {
+ $emails[] = trim($other);
+ }
+ }
+ // Custom podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ // odvisno od statuse izberemo text in subject
+ $text = ( self::$data['delete_text'] != '' ) ? self::$data['delete_text'] : nl2br($lang['srv_alert_delete_text'].$signature);
+ $subject = ( self::$data['delete_subject'] != '' ) ? self::$data['delete_subject'] : $lang['srv_alert_delete_subject'];
+ $pdf_url = $site_url.'admin/survey/izvoz.php?dc='.base64_encode(
+ serialize(
+ array('a'=>'pdf_results',
+ 'anketa'=>self::$surveyId,
+ 'usr_id'=>self::$data['author_uid'],
+ 'type'=>'0')));
+ $rtf_url = $site_url.'admin/survey/izvoz.php?dc='.base64_encode(
+ serialize(
+ array( 'a'=>'rtf_results',
+ 'anketa'=>self::$surveyId,
+ 'b'=>'export',
+ 'usr_id'=>self::$data['author_uid']
+ )));
+ $text = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '[SURVEY]',
+ '[DATE]',
+ '[SITE]',
+ '[DAYS]',
+ '[URL]',
+ '[PDF]',
+ '[RTF]'),
+ array(
+ self::$data['survey_naslov'],
+ date('r'),
+ $site_url.'main/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId(),
+ self::$data['expire_days'],
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'">'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$pdf_url.'">'.$pdf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$rtf_url.'">'.$rtf_url.'</a>'),
+ $text);
+ $subject = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '[SURVEY]',
+ '[DATE]',
+ '[SITE]',
+ '[DAYS]',
+ '[URL]',
+ '[PDF]',
+ '[RTF]'),
+ array(
+ self::$data['survey_naslov'],
+ date('r'),
+ $site_url.'main/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId(),
+ self::$data['expire_days'],
+ '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'">'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.self::getSurveyId().'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$pdf_url.'">'.$pdf_url.'</a>',
+ '<a href="'.$rtf_url.'">'.$rtf_url.'</a>'),
+ $subject);
+ // preprečimo večkratno pošiljanje na iste naslove
+ array_unique($emails);
+ $spisek = "";
+ $send_success = $send_errors = array();
+ // posljemo maile
+ foreach ($emails AS $email) {
+ $email = trim($email);
+ if (strlen ($email) > 1 && strpos ($spisek, $email)===false || strlen ($spisek) == 0) {
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(self::getSurveyId(), $type='alert');
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($text, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e)
+ {
+ }
+ $spisek .= $email ."|";
+ if ($resultX) {
+ $send_success[] = $email;
+ }
+ else {
+ $send_errors[] = $email;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function setDefaultAlertBeforeExpire() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings;
+ $turn_on_alert = false;
+ # vseeno prvo preverimo ali ni zapisa za alert že v bazi
+ $sqlAlert = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_alert WHERE ank_id = '".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlAlert) > 0) {
+ # zapis je ze v bazi in ga zato ne popravljamo
+ $rowAlert = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlAlert);
+ if($rowAlert['expire_subject'] == '')
+ $turn_on_alert = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $turn_on_alert = true;
+ }
+ if($turn_on_alert) {
+ // Custom podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ # zapisa še ni v bazi, zato dodamo nov alert 3 dni pred koncem
+ $alert_expire_author = 1;
+ $alert_expire_other = 0;
+ $alert_expire_other_emails = '';
+ $alert_expire_text = nl2br($lang['srv_alert_expire_text'].$signature);
+ $alert_expire_subject = $lang['srv_alert_expire_subject'];
+ $mySqlInsert = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_alert (ank_id, expire_days, expire_author, expire_other, expire_other_emails, expire_subject, expire_text) VALUES " .
+ "('".self::getSurveyId()."', '".DEF_ALERT_IN_DAYS."', '$alert_expire_author', '$alert_expire_other', '$alert_expire_other_emails', '$alert_expire_subject', '$alert_expire_text') " .
+ "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE expire_days = '".DEF_ALERT_IN_DAYS."', expire_author = '$alert_expire_author', expire_other = '$alert_expire_other', expire_other_emails='$alert_expire_other_emails', expire_subject='$alert_expire_subject', expire_text='$alert_expire_text'");
+ if (!$mySqlInsert)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ #osvežimo podatke
+ self::loadDataFromDB();
+ self::prepareSendExpireAlerts();
+ $sqlAlert = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_alert WHERE ank_id = '".self::getSurveyId()."'");
+ $rowAlert = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlAlert);
+ return $rowAlert;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo obvescanje pri aktivaciji (default ob kreiranju ankete)
+ static function setDefaultAlertActivation() {
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $app_settings;
+ $anketa = self::getSurveyId();
+ $alert_active_author = 1;
+ $alert_active_other = 0;
+ // Custom podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $alert_active_subject0 = $lang['srv_alert_active_subject0'];
+ $alert_active_text0 = nl2br($lang['srv_alert_active_text0'].$signature);
+ $alert_active_subject1 = $lang['srv_alert_active_subject1'];
+ $alert_active_text1 = nl2br($lang['srv_alert_active_text1'].$signature);
+ $mySqlInsert = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_alert (ank_id, active_author, active_other, active_other_emails, active_subject0, active_text0, active_subject1, active_text1) VALUES " .
+ "('$anketa', '$alert_active_author', '$alert_active_other', '$alert_active_other_emails', '$alert_active_subject0', '$alert_active_text0', '$alert_active_subject1', '$alert_active_text1') " .
+ "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE active_author = '$alert_active_author', active_other = '$alert_active_other', active_other_emails='$alert_active_other_emails', active_subject0='$alert_active_subject0', active_text0='$alert_active_text0', active_subject1='$alert_active_subject1', active_text1='$alert_active_text1'");
+ if (!$mySqlInsert)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ // ponastavimo alert_admin
+ // najprej vse stare zapise postavimo na 0 nato pa setiramo na 1 kjer je potrebno
+ $mysqlUpdate = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_dostop SET alert_active='0' WHERE ank_id = '$anketa'");
+ $sqlInsertUpdate = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_dostop (ank_id, uid, alert_active) VALUES ('$anketa', '$global_user_id', 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE alert_active=1");
+ if (!$sqlInsertUpdate)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file