path: root/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataCollect.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataCollect.php')
1 files changed, 4382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataCollect.php b/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataCollect.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75cdd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataCollect.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4382 @@
+ *
+ * Created on 17.12.2019
+ *
+ * @author: Peter Hrvatin
+ *
+ * Class za ustvarjanje datotek s podatki
+ *
+set_time_limit(2400); # 30 minut
+global $site_path;
+class SurveyDataCollect{
+ // Osnovni podatki (id ankete, path...)
+ private $folder = ''; // Folder kamor shranjujemo vse podatke
+ private $sid = null; // id ankete
+ private $db_table = ''; // ali se uporablja aktivna tabela
+ private $survey = null; // podatki ankete
+ // Errorji
+ private $noErrors = true; // ali smo naleteli na napako, prekinemo izvajanje
+ private $errors = array(); // beležimo napake
+ // Zacsno za logiranje in testiranje
+ private $log = array();
+ // Ostale nastavitve
+ private $header_file_name = null; // Ime header datoteke
+ private $data_file_name = null; // Ime data datoteke
+ private $data_file_time = null; // datum zadnjega userja v data datoteki
+ private $max_anketa_time = null; // datum zadnje spremembe v anketi
+ private $max_usr_time = null; // datum zadnje spremembe v tabelu userjev
+ private $collect_all_status = 1; // ali so zbrani vsi statusi
+ private $has_test_data = false; // ali vnosi vsebujejo testne podatke
+ private $is_valid_user_limit = ''; // sql ali zbiramo vse statuse
+ private $force_show_hiden_system = false; // ali prisilimo prikaz sistemskih vprašanj (email. ime, priimek)
+ private $last_update = null; // kdaj je bila zadnja sprememba
+ private $fileStatus = FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA; // status datoteke z podatki 1 = OK, 0 = OLD .....
+ // Pointer do headerja
+ private $_HEADER = null;
+ // Kesiranje respondentov
+ private $_qry_users = null; // cache query za vprašanja
+ private $_str_users = null; // cache string za user_id ji
+ private $_cnt_all_users = 0; // cache za število userjev
+ // Kesiranje strani
+ private $_str_groups = null; // cache string za strani
+ private $_array_groups = null; // cache array za strani
+ private $_cnt_groups = 0; // cache število za strani
+ // Kesiranje vprasanj
+ private $AllQuestionsData = null; // cache array z podatki vseh vprašanj
+ private $AllQuestionsOrder = null; // cache array z vrstnim redom vseh vprašanj, upoštevajoč loope
+ private $_str_questions = null; // cache string za id-je vprašanj
+ private $_cnt_questions = 0; // cache za število vprašanj
+ private $_cnt_questions_types = null; // cache za število vprasanj po posameznih tipih (da ne klicemo funkcij po nepotrebnem)
+ // Kesiranje vrednosti v vprasanjih
+ private $_array_vrednosti = null; // cache array z vrednostmi
+ // Kesiranje gridov
+ private $_array_gridi = null; // cache array z gridi
+ // Prikaz vrstnega reda v randomiziranih vprasanjih / blokih
+ private $_array_random = null; // cache array za random bloke in vprasanja
+ private $_str_blocks = null; // cache string za id-je blokov
+ // Kesiranje loopov
+ private $_array_loop_on_spr = null; // cache array z loopi in na katero spremenljvko se nanaša
+ private $_array_loop_parent = null; // cache array z spremenljivkami in pripadajočimiloop idji
+ private $_array_vre_on_loop = null; // cache array z vrednostmi v posameznem loopu
+ private $_array_spr_in_loop = null; // cache array z id-lopi za posamezno spremenljvko
+ private $_array_loop_has_spr = null; // cache array katere spremenljvike vsebuje posamezen loop
+ private $_array_vrednosti_in_loops = null; // cache array vseh vrednosti ki se pojavljajo v loopih
+ private $_cnt_loop = 0; // cache za število vseh loopov
+ // Kesiranje ostalih dodatnih nastavitev
+ private $SNVariablesForSpr = null; // cache array spremenljivk z variablami
+ private $_array_users_from_CMS = null; // cache za e-maile uporanikov iz CMS
+ private $_array_SPSS = null; // cache array za spss izvoz za uporabnika
+ private $_array_user_grupa = null; // cache array casov respondentov po straneh
+ private $_user_spr_answer_count = array(); // stejemo variable na spremenljivko da spreminjamo -3 samo za variable katerih spremenljivka nima veljavnih vrednosti
+ private $sysMissingMap = array(); // za osnovni mapping sistemskih missingov, -1,-2,-3,-4,-5
+ // Rekodiranje
+ private $_array_recode = null; // cache array vseh rekodiranih vrednosti
+ private $_array_recoded = array(); // cache array vseh že rekodiranih vrednosti
+ // POINTER - Array-i do podatkov
+ private $_array_data_vrednost = null;
+ private $_array_data_vrednost_cond = null;
+ private $_array_data_text = null;
+ private $_array_data_grids = null;
+ private $_array_data_check_grids = null;
+ private $_array_data_rating = null;
+ private $_array_data_text_grid = null;
+ private $_array_data_text_upload = null;
+ private $_array_data_map = null;
+ private $_array_data_heatmap = null;
+ private $_array_data_heatmap_regions = null;
+ private $_array_data_random = null;
+ function __construct($sid = null) {
+ global $site_path, $lang, $mysql_database_name;
+ // Zacasno povecamo ram samo za veliko nijz anketo
+ if($sid == '123146' && $mysql_database_name == 'www1kasi'){
+ ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M');
+ }
+ if (is_numeric($sid) && (int)$sid > 0) {
+ // Nastavimo id ankete
+ $this->sid = $sid;
+ // Nastavimo globalni folder kjer se generirajo datoteke
+ $this->folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ // Nastavimo spremenljivke, ki so potrebne pri generiranju datoteke (cas zadnjega vnosa, status datoteke...)
+ $this->prepareVariables();
+ // Za vsak slucaj resetiramo vse pointerje
+ $this->cleanup();
+ // Inicializiramo razrede za dodatne nastavitve
+ SurveyStatusProfiles::Init($this->sid);
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->sid);
+ }
+ else {
+ $SL = new SurveyLog();
+ $SL->addMessage(SurveyLog::DEBUG, 'SurveyDataCollect constructor - survey id == 0!');
+ $SL->write();
+ echo 'Napaka! Manjka ID ankete!';
+ /*return false;
+ exit();*/
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ // Nastavimo spremenljivke potrebne za generiranje datoteke
+ private function prepareVariables(){
+ // Dobimo instanco razreda SurveyDataFile
+ $sdf = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ // Nastavimo spremenljivke, ki so ze nastavljene v razredu SurveyDataFile
+ $this->header_file_name = $sdf->getHeaderFileName();
+ $this->data_file_name = $sdf->getDataFileName();
+ $this->data_file_time = $sdf->getDataFileTime();
+ $this->last_update = $sdf->getFileUpdated();
+ $this->fileStatus = $sdf->getStatus();
+ $this->has_test_data = $sdf->getHasTestData();
+ $this->max_usr_time = $sdf->getLastResponseTime();
+ $this->collect_all_status = $sdf->getCollectAllStatus();
+ if ((int)$this->collect_all_status == 0)
+ $this->is_valid_user_limit = " AND u.last_status IN (5,6) ";
+ else
+ $this->is_valid_user_limit = '';
+ // Dobimo podatke o anketi
+ $qry_survey = sisplet_query("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edit_time) AS srv_edit_time FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$this->sid."'");
+ $this->survey = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_survey);
+ // Aktivne tabele za podatke v bazi
+ if ((int)$this->survey['db_table'] == 1)
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ else
+ $this->db_table = '';
+ // Zadnji cas editiranja ankete
+ $this->max_anketa_time = (int)$this->survey['srv_edit_time'];
+ // Ali prisilimo prikaz sistemskih spremenljivk
+ if ($this->survey['show_email'] == 1 || SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj'))
+ $this->force_show_hiden_system = true;
+ else
+ $this->force_show_hiden_system = false;
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo vse nove datoteke s podatki
+ public function createFiles() {
+ global $site_url, $lang, $site_path;
+ // Najprej zakesiramo vse podatke
+ $this->cache_data();
+ // Zgeneriramo datoteko z naslovno vrstico
+ $CH = (int)$this->createHeadFile();
+ // Zgeneriramo datoteko s podatki
+ $CD = (int)$this->createDataFile();
+ }
+ // Posodobimo datoteke ker so zastarele
+ public function updateFilesIncremental() {
+ global $site_url, $lang, $site_path;
+ // Pobrišemo odvecne response
+ $this->deleteUsers();
+ // Zakesiramo vse podatke
+ $this->cache_data();
+ // Zgeneriramo datoteko z naslovno vrstico
+ //$CH = (int)$this->createHeadFile();
+ // Zgeneriramo datoteko s podatki
+ $CD = (int)$this->createDataFile();
+ }
+ // Kreiramo datoteko z naslovno vrstico
+ private function createHeadFile() {
+ $result = false;
+ // za vsak slučaj
+ $this->_HEADER = null;
+ // Ce imamo query za vprasanja
+ if ($this->_str_questions !== '') {
+ // Izvedemo zbiranje podatkov v $this->_HEADER array
+ $this->CollectHeaders();
+ // Zapišemo header datoteko
+ file_put_contents($this->header_file_name, serialize($this->_HEADER));
+ unset($this->_HEADER);
+ // Ce ni napak updejtamo zapis v bazi
+ if ($this->noErrors) {
+ // data time damo na 0 ker moramo datoteko s podatki zgenerirati čisto na novo.
+ $updated = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_files
+ (sid, head_file_time, data_file_time) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', FROM_UNIXTIME('".$this->max_anketa_time."'), '0000-00-00')
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE head_file_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".$this->max_anketa_time."'), data_file_time = '0000-00-00'");
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ if ($updated) {
+ $result = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->trigerError('updateHeader', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->trigerError('createHeaderFile', 'Not set this->survey[edit_header_time] ('.$this->sid.')');
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Kreiramo datoteko z responsi
+ private function createDataFile() {
+ $result = false;
+ // Pobrišemo še morebitne prazne vrstice
+ if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $cmd1 = 'sed "/^$/d" '.$this->data_file_name.' > '.$this->data_file_name.'.empt && mv '.$this->data_file_name.'.empt '.$this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd1 = 'sed \'/^$/d\' '.$this->data_file_name.' > '.$this->data_file_name.'.empt && mv '.$this->data_file_name.'.empt '.$this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ $out_command1 = shell_exec($cmd1);
+ if (file_exists($this->data_file_name.'.empt')) {
+ unlink($this->data_file_name.'.empt');
+ }
+ // preverimo ali datoteka obstaja in ali že imamo zapise da prilagodimo line seperator
+ $this->new_line_seperator = null;
+ $lines = $this->getLinesCnt();
+ if ((int)$lines > 0) {
+ $this->new_line_seperator = NEW_LINE;
+ }
+ // Datoteko pripravimo za dodajanje
+ $file_handler = fopen($this->data_file_name, "a");
+ if ($this->noErrors) {
+ $_tmpCnt = 0;
+ // v loopu dodamo podatke v data file
+ if ($this->noErrors && count($this->_str_users) > 0) {
+ foreach ($this->_str_users AS $c => $string_user) {
+ // Zakesiramo podatke za vse odgovore respondenta
+ $this->cache_data_respondent($string_user);
+ // Ce ni errorjev izvedemo zbiranje podatkov
+ if ($this->noErrors) {
+ $this->CollectData($c, $file_handler);
+ }
+ $_tmpCnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Peverimo da res ni prišlo do napak
+ if ($this->noErrors) {
+ // Nastavimo cas zadnjega respondenta
+ $sdf = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ $this->max_usr_time = $sdf->setLastResponseTime();
+ $updated = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_files
+ (sid, data_file_time, last_update ) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', FROM_UNIXTIME('".$this->max_usr_time."'), NOW())
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE data_file_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".$this->max_usr_time."'), last_update = NOW()");
+ if ($updated) {
+ $result = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->trigerError('updateDataSql', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Zapremo datoteko
+ if ($file_handler !== null) {
+ fclose($file_handler);
+ // Se enkrat izvedemo generiranje ce imamo filter za uporabnost (ker ga racunamo na podlagi ze obstojece datoteke)
+ if (SurveyStatusProfiles::usabilitySettings()) {
+ $SUR = new SurveyUsableResp($this->sid, $generateDataFile=true);
+ // Resetiramo status filter (da izracunamo za vse enote)
+ $SUR->setStatusFilter($status_filter='');
+ // Izracunamo uporabnost za vsako enoto
+ $usability = $SUR->calculateData();
+ $file_handler_old = fopen($this->data_file_name,"r");
+ $data_file_name_new = $this->folder . 'export_data_'.$this->sid.'_2.dat';
+ $file_handler_new = fopen($data_file_name_new,"a");
+ // Beremo datoteko vrstico po vrstico
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (($line = fgets($file_handler_old)) !== false) {
+ // dodamo vrstici na koncu uporabnost
+ $usability_status = (isset($usability['data'][$cnt]['status'])) ? $usability['data'][$cnt]['status'] : 0;
+ $line = str_replace($this->new_line_seperator, '', $line);
+ $line .= STR_DLMT . $usability_status;
+ fwrite($file_handler_new, $line . $this->new_line_seperator);
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ fclose($file_handler_old);
+ fclose($file_handler_new);
+ // Pobrisemo staro datoteko
+ unlink($file_handler_old);
+ // Preimenujemo novo datoteko
+ rename($data_file_name_new, $this->data_file_name);
+ }
+ }
+ // Naredimo še cleanup pointerjev
+ $this->cleanup();
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Vsako spremenljivko shranimo pod svojim ID-jem
+ * spremenljivka ima enega ali več gridov ( odviso od dimenzi: eno=>(radio, check, vsota...) multi=>(multigrid, multicheck, multibox)
+ * vsak grid pa lahko ima eno ali več variabel (odgovor, tekstovni odgovor... )
+ *
+ * vse skupaj shranjujemo v urejenem arrayu
+ * HEADERS[SPR_ID] => array( tip => tip variable
+ * variable => ime Variable
+ * naslov => Naslov variable
+ * cnt_grids => koliko je gridov
+ * grids[ID] => array(
+ * variables[ID] => array(variable => ime variable
+ * naslov => naslov variable
+ * other => ali je polje drugo
+ * text => ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ * spss => polje za spss
+ * )
+ * )
+ * )
+ */
+ public function CollectHeaders() {
+ global $lang;
+ global $admin_type;
+ // v header dodomo userid
+ $sequence = 1; # vodimo zaporedno števiko polja v bazi
+ $_data_sequence = 1; # vodimo zaporedno števiko polja v bazi kjer se začnejo "resni" podatki
+ // Vsi status
+ if ((int)$this->collect_all_status > 0) {
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['collectAllStatus'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Samo ustrezni statusi 6 in 5
+ else {
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['collectAllStatus'] = '0';
+ }
+ // Obstajajo testni podatki
+ if ($this->has_test_data == true) {
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['hasTestData'] = '1';
+ }
+ else {
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['hasTestData'] = '0';
+ }
+ // Force-amo zbiranje skritih sistemskih vprasanj
+ if ($this->force_show_hiden_system == true) {
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['force_show_hiden_system'] = '1';
+ }
+ else {
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['force_show_hiden_system'] = '0';
+ }
+ // Preštejemo normalne variable, ki niso sistemske kot je email, ime.... in se v podatkih prikazujejo normalno
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['count_normal_data_variables'] = 0;
+ // Preštejemo sistemske kot je email, ime.... in se v podatkih ne smejo prikazovat
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['count_system_data_variables'] = 0;
+ // user ID
+ $_HEADER['uid']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'uid', 'naslov' =>'User ID',
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'uid', 'naslov'=>'User ID','spss'=>'F11.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>'uid','cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['uid']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // ustreznost uporabnika
+ $_HEADER['relevance']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'relevance', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_data_relevance'],
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'relevance', 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_relevance'],'spss'=>'F3.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_relevance'],'cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['relevance']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // EMAIL VABILO - invitation
+ $_HEADER['invitation']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'invitation', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_data_invitation'],
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'invitation', 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_invitation'],'spss'=>'F3.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_invitation'],'cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['invitation']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // status uporabnika
+ $_HEADER['status']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'status', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_data_status'],
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'status', 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_status'],'spss'=>'F3.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_status'],'cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['status']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // ali je uporabnik lurker
+ $_HEADER['lurker']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'lurker', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_data_lurker'],
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'lurker', 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_lurker'],'spss'=>'F3.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_lurker'],'cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['lurker']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // Cas vnosa
+ $_HEADER['unx_ins_date']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'unx_ins_date', 'naslov' =>'unx_ins_date',
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'unx_ins_date', 'naslov'=>'unx_ins_date','spss'=>'F20.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>'unx_ins_date','cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['unx_ins_date']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // Recnum
+ $_HEADER['recnum'] = array('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'recnum', 'naslov' =>'Record number',
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'recnum','naslov'=>'Record number','spss'=>'F5.0','sortType'=>'number','sequence'=>$sequence)),
+ 'naslov'=>'recnum','cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['recnum']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // Dodamo geslo - code
+ if ($this->force_show_hiden_system == true) {
+ $_HEADER['code'] = array('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'code', 'naslov' =>'Geslo',
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'code','naslov'=>'Geslo','spss'=>'A6','sequence'=>$sequence)),
+ 'naslov'=>'Geslo','cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['code']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ }
+ // Ce vsebuje testne podatke dodamo tudi to polje
+ if ($this->has_test_data) {
+ $_HEADER['testdata']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'testdata', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_data_test'],
+ 'grids' => array(0 => Array('variables'=>array(0 => Array ('variable'=>'testdata', 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_test'],'spss'=>'F3.0','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_test'],'cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['testdata']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ }
+ // date insert (Meta)
+ $_HEADER['itime']= array ('tip'=>'m', 'variable'=>'itime', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_data_date'],
+ 'grids' => array(0 =>
+ Array('variables'=>array(0 =>
+ Array ('variable'=>'itime', 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_date'],'spss'=>'DATETIMEw','sortType'=>'date','sequence'=>$sequence))
+ ,'naslov'=>$lang['srv_data_date'],'cnt_vars' => 1)));
+ $_HEADER['itime']['sequences'] = $sequence;
+ $sequence++;
+ $_data_sequence++;
+ // s katero sekvenco se začnejo podatki
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['dataSequence'] = $_data_sequence;
+ // naredimo pointerje na podatke če še ne obstajajo
+ $_array_vrednosti = $this->get_vrednosti(); // za vrednosti ankete
+ $_array_gridi = $this->get_gridi(); // za vrednosti ankete
+ $cntHs = 0;
+ // Stejemo loope za numeric vprasanje
+ $num_loop_cnt = array();
+ // dodamo vprašanja ki so v loopu
+ if ($this->noErrors && count($this->AllQuestionsOrder) > 0) {
+ foreach ($this->AllQuestionsOrder AS $_vprasanje_array) {
+ $cntHs++;
+ # dodelimo vrednosti loopa
+ $rowVprasanje = $this->AllQuestionsData[$_vprasanje_array['id']];
+ // nastavimo vrstni red ce loopamo po numericu
+ $num_loop_cnt[$_vprasanje_array['id']]++;
+ # spremenljivki dodamo loop_id da je konsistentno z podatki
+ $rowVprasanje['spr_id'] = $rowVprasanje['spr_id'].'_'.$_vprasanje_array['loop_id'];
+ $_vrednosti = $this->get_vrednosti($this->_array_loop_on_spr[$rowVprasanje['if_id']]);
+ $_loop_vrednost = $this->_array_vre_on_loop[$rowVprasanje['if_id']][$_vprasanje_array['loop_id']];
+ $spr_id = $rowVprasanje['spr_id'];
+ $vrednostLoopSufix = '';
+ # popravimo ime variable če smo v loopu
+ if(isset($this->_array_vre_on_loop[$rowVprasanje['if_id']][$_vprasanje_array['loop_id']])) {
+ // Posebej obravnavamo loop po numeric vprasanju - samo nastavimo suffix _1, _2...
+ if($this->_array_vre_on_loop[$rowVprasanje['if_id']][$_vprasanje_array['loop_id']] == 'num_loop'){
+ $rowVprasanje['variable'] = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['variable'])."_".$num_loop_cnt[$_vprasanje_array['id']];
+ }
+ else{
+ # id spremenljivke po kateri loopamo
+ $_loop_on_spr_id = $this->_array_loop_on_spr[$rowVprasanje['if_id']];
+ #variabla spremenljivke po kateri loopamo
+ $_loop_on_spr_variable = $this->AllQuestionsData[$_loop_on_spr_id]['variable'];
+ # id variable po kateri loopamo (v okviru $_loop_on_spr_id)
+ $_loop_on_variable_id = $_vrednosti[$_loop_vrednost];
+ # naslov variable po keteri loopamo (v okviru $_loop_on_spr_id)
+ $_vrednost_naslov = $_array_vrednosti[$_loop_on_spr_id][$_loop_on_variable_id['id']]['naslov'];
+ $rowVprasanje['variable'] = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['variable'])."_".$_vrednosti[$_loop_vrednost]['variable'];
+ $vrednostLoopSufix = "_".$_vrednosti[$_loop_vrednost]['variable'];
+ if ($_vrednost_naslov != '' && $_loop_on_spr_variable != '' && $rowVprasanje['naslov'] != '') {
+ # zamenjamo ime spremenljivke med #q1# (#q1# z naslovom trenutne variable)
+ $rowVprasanje['naslov'] = str_replace("#$_loop_on_spr_variable#", "$_vrednost_naslov", $rowVprasanje['naslov']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # pomožne variable
+ $tip = $rowVprasanje['tip'];
+ $_tmp_spr_id = explode('_',$rowVprasanje['spr_id']);
+ $spr_id = $_tmp_spr_id[0];
+ $spr_data_id = $rowVprasanje['spr_id'];
+ // Pri kalkulaciji izpisemo labelo v imenu, ce jo imamo
+ $spr_naslov = ($tip == '22' && $rowVprasanje['label'] != '') ? strip_tags($rowVprasanje['label']) : strip_tags($rowVprasanje['naslov']);
+ $spr_naslov_graf = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['naslov_graf']);
+ $spr_edit_graf = $rowVprasanje['edit_graf'];
+ $spr_wide_graf = $rowVprasanje['wide_graf'];
+ $spr_antonucci = $rowVprasanje['antonucci'];
+ $spr_variable = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['variable']);
+ $spr_size = $rowVprasanje['size'];
+ $spr_cela = $rowVprasanje['cela'];
+ $grid_subtitle1 = $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle1'];
+ $grid_subtitle2 = $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle2'];
+ $spr_decimalna = $rowVprasanje['decimalna'];
+ $spr_skala = $rowVprasanje['skala'];
+ $spr_sistem = $rowVprasanje['sistem'];
+ $spr_upload = $rowVprasanje['upload'];
+ $spr_signature = $rowVprasanje['signature'];
+ $spr_random = $rowVprasanje['random'];
+ #!!! po novem tako ali tako število znakov za spss lovimo iz datoteke s podatki
+ # TODO $spss_lngth mora biti enak za vse in sicer je enak največjemu možnemu številu znakov
+ # TODO zato je potrebno zdužit vse ($spss_lngth, $spss_lngth2, $spss_lngth3)
+ $spss_lngth = $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['text'];
+ $spss_lngth2 = $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['text2'];
+ $spss_lngth3 = isset($this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['vrednost']) && $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['vrednost'] != '' ? $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['vrednost'] : 0;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id] = array('spr_id'=>$spr_id, 'tip'=>$tip, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'naslov'=>$spr_naslov, 'sistem'=>$spr_sistem, 'skala'=>$spr_skala, 'naslov_graf'=>$spr_naslov_graf, 'edit_graf'=>$spr_edit_graf, 'wide_graf'=>$spr_wide_graf);
+ # kontrola sistemskih skritih spremenljivk
+ # kadar ne vsilimo prikaza sistemskih spremenljivk (lahko omogoči le admin)
+ if ($this->force_show_hiden_system == false
+ && $spr_sistem == '1'
+ && in_array($spr_variable,unserialize (SYSTEM_VARIABLES)) # unserialize (SYSTEM_VARIABLES) -> definition.php = array('email','telefon','ime','priimek','naziv','drugo')
+ # pri formi ali glasovanjzu prikazujemo tudi sistemske
+ && ( $this->survey['survey_type'] != 1 && $this->survey['survey_type'] != 0)) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['hide_system'] = '1';
+ # povečamo števec sistemskih variabel
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['count_system_data_variables'] ++;
+ } else {
+ # povečamo števec normalnih
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['count_normal_data_variables'] ++;
+ }
+ # če je sistemska variabla jo označimo
+ if (in_array($spr_variable,unserialize (SYSTEM_VARIABLES))) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['is_system'] = '1';
+ }
+ if ( $spr_upload == '1' || $spr_upload == '2') {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['upload'] = '1';
+ }
+ if ( $spr_signature == '1' ) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['signature'] = '1';
+ }
+ if (isset($rowVprasanje['enota']) && $rowVprasanje['enota'] > 0) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['enota'] = $rowVprasanje['enota'];
+ }
+ # dodoamo loop parent
+ if (isset($rowVprasanje['loop_parent']) && $rowVprasanje['loop_parent'] > 0) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['loop_parent'] = $rowVprasanje['loop_parent'];
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['antonucci'] = $rowVprasanje['antonucci'];
+ }
+ # dodoamo parent loop id
+ if (isset($_vprasanje_array['parent_loop_id']) && $_vprasanje_array['parent_loop_id'] > 0) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['parent_loop_id'] = $_vprasanje_array['parent_loop_id'];
+ }
+ # Dodamo še loop id
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['loop_id'] = $_vprasanje_array['loop_id'];
+ $_GRIDS = array();
+ $_seq_prefix = '';
+ $_sequences = '';
+ // v odvisnosti od tipa vprašanja pohandlamo podatke
+ switch ( $tip ) {
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$spr_naslov, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'other'=>false,'text'=>false,'spss'=>'F'.$spss_lngth3.'.0','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost)>0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ # dodamo še eno polje za tekstovne odgovore drugo
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'],
+ 'variable'=>$spr_variable.'_'.$vrednost['vrstni_red'].STR_OTHER_TEXT, 'other'=>true,'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_other'] += 1;
+ } // end if
+ #dodamo opcije (za spss)
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0 || $vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options'][$vrednost['variable']] = ($vrednost['naslov'] != null) ? $vrednost['naslov'] : $vrednost['variable'];
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options_graf'][$vrednost['variable']] = ($vrednost['naslov_graf'] != null) ? $vrednost['naslov_graf'] : $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options'][$vrednost['variable']];
+ }
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] = $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ if (isset($rowVprasanje['inline_edit'])) $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['inline_edit'] = $rowVprasanje['inline_edit'];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ $cnt=0;
+ if (count($arrayVrednost)>0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $vrednost) {
+ # dodamo header variable samo za ne -missing variable
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0 || $vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'], 'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix, 'other'=>false,'text'=>false,'spss'=>'F'.$spss_lngth3.'.0','sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ #dodamo še header za polja drugo
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ // dodamo v array 'variables'
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'], 'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix.STR_OTHER_TEXT, 'other'=>true,'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_other'] += 1;
+ } // end if
+ }
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ #dodamo opcije (za spss)
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options']['0'] = '0';
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options']['1'] = '1';
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] = $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ # TEXT
+ case 4:
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$spr_naslov, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true, 'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] = $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ # ali je dvojni grid
+ $double = (int)($rowVprasanje['enota'] == 3);
+ $double_data = array();
+ # Pri multigridu je logika obratna. variable predstavljajo podvprašanja, srv_grid pa odgovore
+ $cntGrid = 0;
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost)>0) {
+ # če imamo dvojni grid gremo 2_skozi
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$double+1;$i++) {
+ // for $double
+ $double_data[$i]['subtitle'] = $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle'.$i];
+ if ($double == 1) {
+ $var_appendix = '_'.$i;
+ } else {
+ $var_appendix = '';
+ }
+ $part = $i;
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ // Za kombinirane tabele popravimo ime variable
+ if($rowVprasanje['gru_id'] == -2){
+ $arr = explode("_", $spr_variable, 2);
+ $sprVar = $arr[0];
+ $vrednost['variable'] = $sprVar.'_'.$vrednost['variable'];
+ }
+ # dodamo header samo za nemissing variable
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0 || $vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $cnt = 0;
+ $_GRIDS[$cntGrid]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],
+ 'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'],
+ 'naslov2'=>$vrednost['naslov2'],
+ 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$var_appendix.$vrednostLoopSufix,
+ 'other'=>false,
+ 'text'=>false,
+ 'spss'=>'F'.$spss_lngth3.'.0','sequence'=>$sequence,
+ 'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[$cntGrid]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$var_appendix.$vrednostLoopSufix.STR_OTHER_TEXT, 'other'=>true,'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_GRIDS[$cntGrid]['cnt_other'] += 1;
+ } // end if
+ $_GRIDS[$cntGrid]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[$cntGrid]['naslov'] = $vrednost['variable'].$var_appendix;
+ $_GRIDS[$cntGrid]['part'] = $i;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $cntGrid++;
+ }
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end for $double
+ } // end if
+ #dodamo opcije (za spss)
+ $arrayGrids = $_array_gridi[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayGrids) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayGrids AS $kid => $grid) {
+ if ($grid['other'] == 0 || $grid['other'] == 1) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options'][$grid['variable']] = ($grid['naslov'] != null) ? $grid['naslov'] : $grid['variable'];
+ // Opcije za dodaten naslov grida pri grafu
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options_graf'][$grid['variable']] = ($grid['naslov_graf'] != null) ? $grid['naslov_graf'] : $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options'][$grid['variable']];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = $cntGrid;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ if ($double == 1) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['double'] = $double_data;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ # pri number lahko imamo dve variabli grida, če je size 2
+ $cnt_v = 0;
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost) > 0) {
+ $cnt=0;
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0) {
+ if ($spr_size > 1) {
+ # če imamo več variabel
+ $_variable = $vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix;
+ }
+ else { #imamo samo eno variablo
+ $_variable = $spr_variable.$vrednostLoopSufix;
+ }
+ // Ce nimamo enote je naslov enak naslovu vprasanja
+ if(!isset($rowVprasanje['enota']) || $rowVprasanje['enota'] == 0)
+ $vrednost['naslov'] = $spr_naslov;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'], 'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>false,'spss'=>'F'.($spr_cela+$spr_decimalna).($spr_decimalna > 0 ? ('.'.$spr_decimalna) : '.0'),'sortType'=>'number','sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt_v++;
+ $cnt++;
+ } // end if
+ } // end foreach
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt_v;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ } // end if
+ $_GRIDS[0]['enota'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt_v;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$spr_naslov, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A10','sortType'=>'date','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ case 19:
+ case 20:
+ // srv_variable predstavljajo podvprašanja, srv_grid pa možne pododkovore
+ $_spss = ($tip == 16)
+ ? 'F'.$spss_lngth3.'.0'
+ : (($tip == 19)
+ ? 'A'.$spss_lngth2
+ : 'F'.($spr_cela+$spr_decimalna).($spr_decimalna > 0 ? ('.'.$spr_decimalna) : '.0'));
+ $row = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($spr_id);
+ $newParams = new enkaParameters($row['params']);
+ $is_datum = $newParams->get('multigrid-datum');
+ #'sortType'=>'date'
+ $grid_id=0;
+ $arrayGrids = $_array_gridi[$spr_id];
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ // Za kombinirane tabele popravimo ime variable
+ if($rowVprasanje['gru_id'] == -2){
+ $arr = explode("_", $spr_variable, 2);
+ $sprVar = $arr[0];
+ $vrednost['variable'] = $sprVar.'_'.$vrednost['variable'];
+ }
+ $cnt=0;
+ if (count($arrayGrids) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayGrids AS $kid => $grid) {
+ if ($grid['other'] == 0 || $grid['other'] == 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'], 'gr_id'=>$grid['id'], 'naslov'=>$grid['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].'_'.$grid['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>false,'spss'=>$_spss,'sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$grid['naslov_graf']);
+ if((int)$is_datum === 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['variables'][$cnt]['sortType'] ='date';
+ }
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ } // end foreach
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix.STR_OTHER_TEXT, 'other'=>true,'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['cnt_other'] += 1;
+ } // end if
+ } // end if
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['naslov'] = $vrednost['naslov'];
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['variable'] = $vrednost['variable'];
+ $_GRIDS[$grid_id]['naslov_graf'] = $vrednost['naslov_graf'];
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $grid_id++;
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ if ($tip == 16) {
+ #dodamo opcije (za spss)
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options']['0'] = '0';
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options']['1'] = '1';
+ }
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = $grid_id;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ case 18:
+ $_spss = ($tip == 17)
+ ? 'F'.$spss_lngth3.'.0'
+ : 'F'.($spr_cela+$spr_decimalna).($spr_decimalna > 0 ? ('.'.$spr_decimalna) : '.0');
+ $cnt=0;
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>false,'spss'=>$_spss,'sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ if ($tip == 17) {
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options'][$vrednost['vrstni_red']] = $vrednost['vrstni_red'];
+ }
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0][ 'cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ $cnt=0;
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0) {
+ $_variable = (count($arrayVrednost) == 1)
+ ? $spr_variable
+ : $vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix ;
+ $_naslov = (trim($vrednost['naslov']) != '' && trim($vrednost['naslov']) != $lang['srv_new_text']) ? $vrednost['naslov'] : $spr_naslov;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],'naslov'=>$_naslov, 'variable'=>$_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ } // end if
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$spr_naslov, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true,'spss'=>'F'.$spss_lngth.'.0','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$spr_naslov, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true,'spss'=>'F'.$spss_lngth.'.0','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ # SN - IMENA
+ case 9:
+ $cnt=0;
+ $arrayVrednost = $this->SNVariablesForSpr[$_vprasanje_array['id']];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost,'naslov'=>($spr_variable.'_'.($cnt+1)), 'variable'=>($spr_variable.'_'.($cnt+1)), 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ # Lokacija
+ case 26:
+ $row = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($spr_id);
+ if($row['enota'] == 3){
+ $cnt=0;
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost) > 0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $kid=> $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0) {
+ $_variable = (count($arrayVrednost) == 1) ? $spr_variable
+ : $vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix ;
+ $_naslov = (trim($vrednost['naslov']) != '' && trim($vrednost['naslov']) != $lang['srv_new_text']) ? $vrednost['naslov'] : $_variable;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'],'naslov'=>$_naslov, 'variable'=>$_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true,'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ } // end if
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] += $cnt;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ }
+ else{
+ $newParams = new enkaParameters($row['params']);
+ $is_podvprasanje = $newParams->get('marker_podvprasanje') == 1;
+ $multi_input_type = $newParams->get('multi_input_type');
+ if($multi_input_type == 'marker'){
+ $arrayNaslovov = ($is_podvprasanje) ?
+ array(array('naslov' => $lang['srv_data_column_naslov_map'], 'variable' => $spr_variable.'a'),
+ array('naslov' => $lang['srv_data_column_vrednost_map'], 'variable' => $spr_variable.'b'),
+ array('naslov' => $lang['srv_data_column_koordinate_map'], 'variable' => $spr_variable.'c'))
+ : array(array('naslov' => $lang['srv_data_column_naslov_map'], 'variable' => $spr_variable.'a'),
+ array('naslov' => $lang['srv_data_column_koordinate_map'], 'variable' => $spr_variable.'b'));
+ }
+ else
+ $arrayNaslovov = array(array('naslov' => $lang['srv_data_column_koordinate_map'], 'variable' => $spr_variable.'a'));
+ //kot grid
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ foreach($arrayNaslovov as $naslo){
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$naslo['naslov'], 'variable'=>$naslo['variable'], 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true, 'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ //$cnt++;
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = count($arrayNaslovov);
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = count($arrayNaslovov);
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] = count($arrayNaslovov);
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ $arrayNaslovov = array($lang['srv_data_column_koordinate_map']);
+ //kot grid
+ $cnt=0;
+ # dodamo header variable
+ foreach($arrayNaslovov as $naslo){
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>null, 'naslov'=>$naslo, 'variable'=>$spr_variable, 'other'=>false, 'text'=>true, 'spss'=>'A'.$spss_lngth,'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ //checkbox vrednosti za imena obmocij
+ $arrayVrednost = $_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ if (count($arrayVrednost)>0) {
+ foreach ($arrayVrednost as $vrednost) {
+ # dodamo header variable samo za ne -missing variable
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0 || $vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ $_GRIDS[0]['variables'][$cnt] = array('vr_id'=>$vrednost['id'], 'naslov'=>$vrednost['naslov'], 'variable'=>$vrednost['variable'].$vrednostLoopSufix, 'other'=>false,'text'=>false,'spss'=>'F'.$spss_lngth3.'.0','sequence'=>$sequence,'naslov_graf'=>$vrednost['naslov_graf']);
+ $_sequences .= $_seq_prefix.$sequence;
+ $_seq_prefix = '_';
+ $sequence++;
+ $cnt++;
+ #dodamo še header za polja drugo
+ }
+ } // end foreach
+ } // end if
+ //checkbox vrednosti za imena obmocij - konec
+ #dodamo opcije (za spss)
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options']['0'] = '0';
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['options']['1'] = '1';
+ $_GRIDS[0]['cnt_vars'] = $cnt; //stevilo stolpcev pod enim vprasanjem
+ $_GRIDS[0]['naslov'] = $spr_variable;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_grids'] = 1;
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['cnt_all'] = $cnt; //koliko stolpcev mora pokriti naslov tega vprasanja
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['sequences'] = $_sequences;
+ break;
+ }
+ $_HEADER[$spr_data_id]['grids'] = $_GRIDS;
+ } // end foreach ($this->AllQuestionsOrder AS $_vprasanje_array) {
+ } // end if (count($this->AllQuestionsOrder) > 0)
+ // s katero sekvenco se začnejo meta podatki
+ $_HEADER['_settings']['metaSequence'] = $sequence;
+ $_HEADER['meta'] = array('tip'=>'sm', 'variable'=>'smeta', 'naslov' =>$lang['srv_displaydata_meta'],'cnt_all'=>2);
+ // Datum insert, datum edit, datume in čase za posamezno stran
+ $_g_cnt = 0;
+ $_tmp_seq = $sequence;
+ // Na zacetku prikazemo randomizacijo ce je prisotna pri kaksnem vprasanju ali bloku
+ foreach ($this->_array_random as $random_parent) {
+ if($random_parent['type'] == 'spr'){
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'Random '.$random_parent['variable']);
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][0] = Array ('variable'=>'random_'.$random_parent['id'],'naslov'=>$random_parent['variable'],'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_g_cnt++;
+ $sequence++;
+ }
+ elseif($random_parent['type'] == 'blok_spr'){
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'Random B'.$random_parent['number']);
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][0] = Array ('variable'=>'random_'.$random_parent['id'],'naslov'=>'B'.$random_parent['number'],'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_g_cnt++;
+ $sequence++;
+ }
+ elseif($random_parent['type'] == 'blok_blok'){
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'Random B'.$random_parent['number']);
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][0] = Array ('variable'=>'random_'.$random_parent['id'],'naslov'=>'B'.$random_parent['number'],'sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $_g_cnt++;
+ $sequence++;
+ }
+ }
+ // če mamo da prepozna uporabnika iz sispleta
+ if ((int)$this->survey['user_from_cms'] > 0) {
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'E-mail iz CMS');
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][0] = Array ('variable'=>'usr_from_cms','naslov'=>'E-mail iz CMS','spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $sequence++;
+ $_g_cnt ++;
+ }
+ // datum
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['date']);
+ // time insert
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][0] = Array ('variable'=>'t_insert','naslov'=>$lang['date_insert'],'spss'=>'DATETIMEw','sortType'=>'date','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $sequence++;
+ // time header
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][1] = Array ('variable'=>'t_edit','naslov'=>$lang['date_edit'],'spss'=>'DATETIMEw','sortType'=>'date','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $sequence++;
+ // dodamo št. variabel na grupo
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['cnt_vars'] = 2;
+ $_g_cnt ++;
+ # datumi in časi po posameznih straneh
+ # zaloopamo skozi strani
+ // zaloopamo skozi strani
+ $page = 1;
+ foreach ($this->_array_groups as $gid => $grupa) {
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['page'].' '.$page);
+ # date on page
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['variables'][0] = Array ('variable'=>'date_'.$page,'naslov'=>'datum_'.$page,'spss'=>'DATETIMEw','sortType'=>'date','sequence'=>$sequence);
+ $sequence++;
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt]['cnt_vars'] = 1;
+ $page++;
+ $_g_cnt++;
+ }
+ // IP
+ $ip = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_ip');
+ $ip_show = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_show_ip');
+ if($ip==0 && $ip_show==1 && ($admin_type == 0 || $admin_type == 1)){
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'IP',
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'IP','naslov'=>'IP','spss'=>'A32','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ }
+ // Browser
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['browser'],
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'Browser','naslov'=>$lang['browser'],'spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // Browser version
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['browser_version'],
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'BrowserVersion','naslov'=>$lang['browser_version'],'spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // OS
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'OS',
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'OS','naslov'=>$lang['srv_para_graph_os'],'spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // Device
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_para_graph_device'],
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'Device','naslov'=>$lang['srv_para_graph_device'],'spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // Referer
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'Referer',
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'Referer','naslov'=>'Referer','spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // unsubscribed
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>'Unsubscribed',
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'Unsubscribed','naslov'=>'Unsubscribed','spss'=>'A2','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // jezik - language
+ $_HEADER['meta']['grids'][$_g_cnt] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['lang'],
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'Language','naslov'=>$lang['lang'],'spss'=>'A256','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++; $_g_cnt++;
+ // dodamo št. variabel za celotno skupino
+ $_HEADER['meta']['cnt_all'] = $sequence - $_tmp_seq;
+ // USABILITY - ce vsebuje nastavitev da filtriramo po uporabnosti dodamo tudi to polje
+ if (SurveyStatusProfiles::usabilitySettings()) {
+ $_HEADER['usability'] = Array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_usableResp_usability'],
+ 'variables' => array( 0 => Array ('variable'=>'Usability','naslov'=>$lang['srv_usableResp_usability'],'spss'=>'A2','sequence'=>$sequence)));
+ $sequence++;
+ }
+ $this->_HEADER = $_HEADER;
+ }
+ // Zbiramo podatke
+ public function CollectData($c, $file_handler) {
+ global $site_path, $site_url, $lang, $admin_type;
+ # osvežimo podatke
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($this->_qry_users[$c]) > 0) {
+ mysqli_data_seek($this->_qry_users[$c], 0);
+ }
+ $_tmpCnt = $c * MAX_USER_PER_LOOP;
+ $_dataLine = "";
+ // Dobimo vse jezike za katere obstaja jezikovna datoteka
+ include_once($site_path.'lang/jeziki.php');
+ $jeziki = $lang_all_global['ime'];
+ // lang od 0 je privzet
+ $jeziki[0] = $lang['language'];
+ $jeziki[$lang['id']] = $lang['language'];
+ if ($this->noErrors) {
+ while ($rowUser = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->_qry_users[$c])) {
+ #sleep(1);
+ $_tmpCnt++;
+ $uid = $rowUser['usr_id'];
+ # dodamo usr id k podatkom
+ $_dataLine .= $rowUser['usr_id'];
+ # dodamo ustreznost k podatkom - relevance
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT. (($rowUser['status'] == 5 || $rowUser['status'] == 6) && $rowUser['lurker'] == 0 ? '1' : '0');
+ # dodamo email (invitation)k podatkom - če je bilo poslano z emailom ali je uporabnik ročno vnesel email
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT. ((int)$rowUser['inv_res_id'] > 0 || (int)$rowUser['inv_res_id'] == -1
+ # uporabnik je bil dodan z email vabilom
+ ? ((int)$rowUser['status'] == 1 || (int)$rowUser['status'] >= 3
+ # email je bil odposlan
+ ? '1'
+ # email ni bil odposlan ali je bila napaka
+ : '2')
+ # uporabnik ni bil dodan z email vabilom
+ : '0');
+ # dodamo status k podatkom
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['status'];
+ # dodamo lurkerje
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['lurker'];
+ #dodamo unx_ins_date
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.max($rowUser['unx_ins_date'],$rowUser['unx_edt_date']);
+ #dodamo recnum
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['recnum'];
+ #dodamo geslo
+ if ($this->force_show_hiden_system == true) {
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['pass'];
+ }
+ # če vsebuje testne podatke dodamo tudi kolono z tem statusom
+ if ($this->has_test_data) {
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.(int)$rowUser['testdata'];
+ }
+ # dodamo insert time k podatkom
+ $_dataLine .="d.m.Y",strtotime($rowUser['time_insert']));
+ #dodamo uporabnikove podatke
+ # zloopamo skozi vprašanja
+ # dodamo vprašanja ki so v loopu
+ $userAnswerLine = '';
+ #resetiramo
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count = array('cnt'=>0, 'last'=>0, 'spremenljivke'=>array());
+ $pages = array();
+ if ($this->noErrors && count($this->AllQuestionsOrder) > 0) {
+ foreach ($this->AllQuestionsOrder AS $_vprasanje_array) {
+ $rowVprasanje = $this->AllQuestionsData[$_vprasanje_array['id']];
+ # spremenljivki dodamo loop_id da je konsistentno z podatki
+ $rowVprasanje['spr_id'] = $rowVprasanje['spr_id'].'_'.$_vprasanje_array['loop_id'];
+ if (isset($this->_array_loop_on_spr[$rowVprasanje['if_id']])) {
+ $_vrednosti = $this->get_vrednosti($this->_array_loop_on_spr[$rowVprasanje['if_id']]);
+ }
+ if(isset($this->_array_vre_on_loop[$rowVprasanje['if_id']][$_vprasanje_array['loop_id']])) {
+ $_loop_vrednost = $this->_array_vre_on_loop[$rowVprasanje['if_id']][$_vprasanje_array['loop_id']];
+ }
+ # popravimo ime variable če smo v loopu
+ if(isset($this->_array_vre_on_loop[$rowVprasanje['if_id']][$_vprasanje_array['loop_id']])) {
+ $rowVprasanje['variable'] = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['variable'])."_".$_vrednosti[$_loop_vrednost]['variable'];
+ }
+ # pomožne variable
+ $tip = $rowVprasanje['tip'];
+ $_tmp_spr_id = explode('_',$rowVprasanje['spr_id']);
+ $spr_id = $_tmp_spr_id[0];
+ $spr_data_id = $rowVprasanje['spr_id'];
+ $spr_naslov = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['naslov']);
+ $spr_variable = strip_tags($rowVprasanje['variable']);
+ $spr_size = $rowVprasanje['size'];
+ $spr_cela = $rowVprasanje['cela'];
+ $grid_subtitle1 = $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle1'];
+ $grid_subtitle2 = $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle2'];
+ $spr_decimalna = $rowVprasanje['decimalna'];
+ $spr_skala = $rowVprasanje['skala'];
+ $spr_sistem = $rowVprasanje['sistem'];
+ $spr_page = $rowVprasanje['gru_id'];
+ $spr_upload = $rowVprasanje['upload'];
+ $spr_signature = $rowVprasanje['signature'];
+ $spr_visible = $rowVprasanje['visible'];
+ $spr_dostop = $rowVprasanje['dostop'];
+ $pages[$spr_page] = true;
+ # ponastavimo katere vrednosti se beležijo kot neodgovori na spremenljivko
+ # ali je to -3 ali -1. Če uporabnik še ni bil na tej strani je -3 če ne je -1
+ # ali pa če gre za email vabila dodamo status -3
+ if ((($rowUser['status'] == 6 || $rowUser['status'] == 5 ) && $rowUser['lurker'] != 1) ) {
+ // Ce je skrito je -2 (-2d da ga pobrisemo z -3 ce je potrebno)
+ if($spr_visible == 0 || !(($admin_type <= $spr_dostop && $admin_type>=0) || ($admin_type==-1 && $spr_dostop==4))){
+ }
+ else{
+ # če so veljavni odgovori damo -1 ali -3
+ # na -3 popravimo na okncu
+ #$VALUE_FOR_MISSING = isset($this->_array_user_grupa[$uid][$spr_page]) ? '-1' : '-1';
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( $rowUser['status'] == 0 || $rowUser['status'] == 1 || $rowUser['status'] == 2 ) {
+ # če je email vabilo
+ }
+ else {
+ # to so lurkerji
+ # če imamo neveljavne odgovore damo -5
+ }
+ # array z vrednosmi rabimo za podatke in za polja drugo
+ if (isset($this->_array_vrednosti[$spr_id])) {
+ $spr_vrednosti = $this->_array_vrednosti[$spr_id];
+ }
+ #gridi
+ if (isset($this->_array_gridi[$spr_id])) {
+ $spr_gridi = $this->_array_gridi[$spr_id];
+ }
+ #tekstovno odgovori
+ $spr_data_text = $this->get_array_data_text($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_text[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # vrednostni odgovori
+ $spr_data_vred = $this->get_array_data_vrednost($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_vrednost[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # preslkočeni vrednostni odgovori
+ $spr_data_vrednost_cond = $this->get_array_data_vrednost_cond($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_vrednost_cond[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # grid odgovori
+ $spr_data_grid = $this->get_array_data_grids($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_grids[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # grid odgovori za checkbox
+ $spr_data_grid_check = $this->get_array_data_check_grids($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_check_grids[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # ranking odgovori
+ $spr_data_ranking = $this->get_array_data_rating($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_rating[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # textgrid odgovori
+ $spr_data_grid_text = $this->get_array_data_text_grid($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_text_grid[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # lokacijski odgovori
+ $spr_data_map = $this->get_array_data_map($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_map[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ # heatmap odgovori
+ $spr_data_heatmap = $this->get_array_data_heatmap($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_heatmap[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ $spr_data_heatmap_regions = $this->get_array_data_heatmap_regions($uid,$spr_data_id);
+ unset($this->_array_data_heatmap_regions[$uid][$spr_data_id]);
+ // v odvisnosti od tipa vprašanja pohandlamo podatke
+ switch ( $tip ) {
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ $answer = null;
+ $_vred = null;
+ if (is_array($spr_data_vred)) {
+ $key = key($spr_data_vred);
+ if (isset($spr_data_vred[$key])) {
+ $_vred = $spr_data_vred[$key];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $_vred = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ if ($_vred > 0) {
+ $answer = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $answer = $_vred;
+ }
+ if ( $answer == '' || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ # dodamo podatek
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ // poiščemo polja drugo
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0){
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ if ($answer == -1 || $answer == -2 || $answer == -3 || $answer == -4 || $answer == -96 || $answer == -97 || $answer == -98 || $answer == -99 ) {
+ $answerOther = $answer;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'])) {
+ $answerOther = ($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == "" || $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == null) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ }
+ elseif($spr_vrednosti[$vid]['variable'] != $answer){
+ // Ce je bil -1 texta ni mogel vnesti in mora bit -2
+ if($VALUE_FOR_MISSING == -1)
+ $answerOther = '-2d';
+ else
+ $answerOther = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ else {
+ $answerOther = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ }
+ // dodamo podatek
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerOther,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $answer = null;
+ $_tmp_answers = array();
+ $_anything_set = false;
+ $_has_missing = NULL;
+ # najprej dodelimo odgovore posameznim vrednostim če obstatajo
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0){
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ if (isset($spr_data_vred[$vid]) && $_has_missing == NULL) {
+ // če je spr_data_vrednost obstaja je checkbox obkljukan
+ // preverimo ali imamo missing
+ if ($vrednost['other'] != 0 && $vrednost['other'] != 1 ) {
+ # odgovor je missing, vse vrednosti nastavimo na ta missing, zato pobrišemo morebitne že dodane odgovore
+ unset($_tmp_answers);
+ unset($spr_data_vred[$vid]);
+ $_has_missing = $spr_vrednosti[$vid]['variable'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $_tmp_answers[$vid] = 1;
+ unset($spr_data_vred[$vid]);
+ $_anything_set = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isset($spr_data_vrednost_cond[$vid])) {
+ $_tmp_answers[$vid] = $spr_data_vrednost_cond[$vid];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // če ni nič nastavljeno, je lahko samo -1, -2, -3,-4
+ $missing_answers = 0;
+ # preverimo ali so ostale še kakšne vrednosti, potem so najbrž missingi
+ #najprej preverimo missing na variabli
+ if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ unset($_tmp_answers);
+ $_has_missing = end($spr_data_vred);
+ $missing_answers = $_has_missing;
+ $_anything_set = false;
+ }
+ if ($_anything_set == false || $_has_missing != null) {
+ if ($_has_missing != null) {
+ # immamo misssing value
+ $missing_answers = $_has_missing;
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $missing_answers = end($spr_data_vred); # lahko da je -2, -4
+ } else {
+ // lahko je -1, -3
+ $missing_answers = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ }
+ # še enkrat zloopamo skozi vrednosti in dodelimo odgovore, tudi za polja drugo
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0) {
+ if ($missing_answers == 0 ) {
+ $missing_answers = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ # dodamo samo variable ki niso missing
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0 || $vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ if (isset($_tmp_answers[$vid])) {
+ $answer = $_tmp_answers[$vid];
+ } else if ($_anything_set == true){
+ #pri checkboxu je lahko tudi 0
+ $answer = 0;
+ } else {
+ $answer = $missing_answers;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ #dodamo še polje drugo
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ #ce smo meli checkboc obkljukan
+ if (isset($_tmp_answers[$vid])) {
+ $answerOther = ($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == "" || $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == null) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ } else if ($missing_answers !== null) {
+ // Ce je bil 0 texta ni mogel vnesti in mora bit -2
+ if($VALUE_FOR_MISSING == -1)
+ $answerOther = '-2d';
+ else
+ $answerOther = $missing_answers;
+ } else if ($answer == 0) {
+ $answerOther = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } else {
+ $answerOther = $answer;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerOther,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ # TEXT
+ case 4:
+ $answer = null;
+ # ce obstaja $spr_data_vred je po vsej vrjetnosti missing
+ if ( count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $key = key($spr_data_vred);
+ $answer = $spr_data_vred[$key];
+ //unset ($spr_data_vred[$key]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $answer = $spr_data_text[0]['text'];
+ }
+ if ( $answer == '' || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ // dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ # dvojni gridi so zapisani v $spr_data_grid_check
+ if ((int)$rowVprasanje['enota'] != 3) {
+ # ni dvojni grid
+ $answer = null;
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja (srv_vrednost
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0){
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ $missing_answer = false;
+ if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) == 1 ) {
+ $answer = end($spr_data_vred); # lahko da je -2, -4
+ $missing_answer = true;
+ }
+ else if (isset($spr_data_grid[$vid])) {
+ if ($spr_data_grid[$vid] > 0) {
+ if ($spr_gridi[$spr_data_grid[$vid]]['other'] == 0) {
+ # preberemo grid vrednost
+ $answer = $spr_gridi[$spr_data_grid[$vid]]['variable']; // tukaj dodelimo ime variable, lahko bi tudi id ali vrstni red???
+ $missing_answer = false;
+ } else {
+ $answer = $spr_gridi[$spr_data_grid[$vid]]['other'];
+ }
+ }else {
+ # je missing
+ $answer = $spr_data_grid[$vid];
+ $missing_answer = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ $missing_answer = true;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ # če answer ni missing
+ if ($missing_answer == false) {
+ if (isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'])) {
+ $answerOther = ($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == "" || $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == null) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ }else {
+ $answerOther = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $answerOther = $answer;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerOther,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # če imamo dvojni grid gremo 2_skozi
+ $double = (int)($rowVprasanje['enota'] == 3);
+ $_tmp_answers = array();
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$double+1;$i++) {
+ // for $double
+ # sfiltriramo odgovore za posamezen part
+ $_tmp_part_answers = array();
+ if (count($spr_data_grid_check) > 0) {
+ foreach($spr_data_grid_check as $vre_id => $grids) {
+ if (count($grids) > 0) {
+ foreach($grids AS $gid => $grid) {
+ if ($spr_gridi[$gid]['part'] == $i) {
+ if ($spr_gridi[$gid]['other'] == 0) {
+ $_tmp_part_answers[$vre_id] = $spr_gridi[$gid]['variable'];
+ } else {
+ $_tmp_part_answers[$vre_id] = $spr_gridi[$gid]['other'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $answer = null;
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja (srv_vrednost
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ $missing_answer=false;
+ if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) == 1 ) {
+ $answer = end($spr_data_vred); # lahko da je -2, -4
+ $missing_answer = true;
+ } else if (isset($_tmp_part_answers[$vid])) {
+ if ($_tmp_part_answers[$vid] > 0) {
+ # preberemo grid vrednost
+ $answer = $_tmp_part_answers[$vid]; // tukaj dodelimo ime variable, lahko bi tudi id ali vrstni red???
+ $missing_answer = false;
+ } else {
+ $answer = $_tmp_part_answers[$vid]; // tukaj dodelimo ime variable, lahko bi tudi id ali vrstni red???
+ $missing_answer = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ $missing_answer = true;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ # če answer ni missing
+ if ($missing_answer == false) {
+ $answerOther = ($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == "" || $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == null) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ } else {
+ $answerOther = $answer;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerOther,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for $double
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ case 8:
+ $_vred = null;
+ $answer0 = null;
+ # ce imamo odgovor
+ if (isset ($spr_data_text[0])) {
+ $answer0 = ($spr_data_text[0]['text'] != '') ? $spr_data_text[0]['text'] : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ else if (is_array($spr_data_vred)) {
+ $key = key($spr_data_vred);
+ if (isset($spr_data_vred[$key])) {
+ $_vred = $spr_data_vred[$key];
+ }
+ #pogledamo če je odgovor missing:
+ if (isset($spr_vrednosti[$_vred])) {
+ $answer0 = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ } else {
+ $answer0 = $_vred;
+ }
+ }
+ $answer0 = ($answer0 == null ) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $answer0;
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer0,$uid);
+ # ve imamo size = 2
+ if ($tip == 7 && $spr_size > 1) {
+ $answer1 = null;
+ # ce imamo odgovor
+ if (isset ($spr_data_text[0])) {
+ $answer1 = ($spr_data_text[0]['text2'] != '') ? $spr_data_text[0]['text2'] : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred)) {
+ $key = key($spr_data_vred);
+ if (isset($spr_data_vred[$key])) {
+ $_vred = $spr_data_vred[$key];
+ }
+ #pogledamo če je odgovor missing:
+ if (isset($spr_vrednosti[$_vred])) {
+ $answer1 = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ } else {
+ $answer1 = $_vred;
+ }
+ }
+ $answer1 = ($answer1 == null ) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $answer1;
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer1,$uid);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ # delamo na nivoju $spr_vrednosti kar predstavlja podvprašanje
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ $_tmp_answers = array();
+ $_anything_set = false;
+ $_missing_answer = NULL;
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja in nastavimo izbrane odgovore
+ if (count($spr_gridi) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spr_gridi AS $gid => $grid) {
+ if (isset($spr_data_grid_check[$vid][$gid]) && $_missing_answer == NULL) {
+ # če je spr_data_vrednost obstaja je checkbox obkljukan
+ #Najprej preverimo ali je odgovro missing...
+ if ($spr_gridi[$gid]['other'] == 0 || $spr_gridi[$gid]['other'] == 1) {
+ $_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid] = 1;
+ $_anything_set = true;
+ } else {
+ $_missing_answer = $spr_gridi[$gid]['other'];
+ # izrišemo morebitne 1 ke pri vrednostih ki imajo kakršnkoli missing
+ # ker ne more bit hkrati -99 ne vem in veljavni odgovor
+ unset($_tmp_answers);
+ $_anything_set = false;
+ }
+ unset($spr_data_grid_check[$vid][$gid]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # nastavimo ali missinge, ali neveljavne ali 0;
+ if ($_anything_set == false) {
+ if ($_missing_answer != NULL) {
+ # missing je že nastavljen
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $_missing_answer = end($spr_data_vred);
+ } else {
+ $_missing_answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovore
+ if (count($spr_gridi)>0) {
+ foreach ($spr_gridi AS $gid => $grid) {
+ # dodamo samo gride ki niso missingi
+ if ($spr_gridi[$gid]['other'] == 0 || $spr_gridi[$gid]['other'] == 1) {
+ $answer = '0';
+ # če je nastavljen missing so vsi gridi na podvprašanje enaki missingu
+ if ($_missing_answer != NULL ) {
+ $answer = $_missing_answer;
+ } else if (isset($_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid])) {
+ $answer = $_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid];
+ }
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id, $answer,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo še odgovore other text
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ if ($_missing_answer != null) {
+ $answerOther = $_missing_answer;
+ } else if (isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text']) && $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] !== '') {
+ $answerOther = $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ } else {
+ if ($_anything_set == false) {
+ if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $answerOther = end($spr_data_vred);
+ } else {
+ $answerOther = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $answerOther = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerOther,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ } // end foreach spr_vrednost
+ } // end if count spr_vrednost
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti ) > 0){
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ $answer = null;
+ if (isset($spr_data_ranking[$vid])) {
+ $answer = $spr_data_ranking[$vid];
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $answer = end($spr_data_vred);
+ }
+ if ($answer == "" || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } // end if
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ } // end foreach
+ }
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti ) > 0){
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ $answer = null;
+ if (isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'])) {
+ $answer = $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ }
+ else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $answer = end($spr_data_vred);
+ }
+ if ($answer == "" || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } // end if
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ } // end foreach
+ }
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ case 20:
+ $answer = null;
+ $_tmp_answers = array();
+ $_anything_set = array();
+ $missing_value_temp = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ # preverimo al mamo missing (-2 ali -4, ce je bila naknadno dodana) nad celo spremenljivko
+ if (isset($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) == 1) {
+ $missing_value_temp = (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) == 1 ) ? end($spr_data_vred) : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ $is_grid_missing = array();
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja in nastavimo izbrane odgovore
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ if (count($spr_gridi) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spr_gridi AS $gid => $grid) {
+ # dodajamo samo odgovore ki so veljavni
+ if ($grid['other'] == 0) {
+ # imamo veljaven odgovor
+ if (isset($spr_data_grid_text[$vid][$gid])) {
+ $_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid] = $spr_data_grid_text[$vid][$gid];
+ $_anything_set[$vid] = true;
+ }
+ else if (isset($spr_data_grid[$vid])) {
+ $_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid] = $spr_gridi[$spr_data_grid[$vid]]['other'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid] = $missing_value_temp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovore
+ if(count($spr_vrednosti) > 0)
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ if(count($spr_gridi) > 0)
+ foreach ($spr_gridi AS $gid => $grid) {
+ if ($grid['other'] == 0) {
+ # dodamo samo veljavne gride
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$_tmp_answers[$vid][$gid],$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo še odgovore other text
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 1) {
+ # če mamo missing dodamo missing
+ if (isset($is_grid_missing[$vid])) {
+ $answerOther = $is_grid_missing[$vid];
+ } else if ($_anything_set[$vid]) {
+ $answerOther = ($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == "" || $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] == null) ? $missing_value_temp : $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ } else {
+ $answerOther = $missing_value_temp;
+ }
+ # dodamo odgvor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerOther,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja in nastavimo izbrane odgovore
+ if(count($spr_vrednosti) > 0){
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['other'] == 0) {
+ $answer = null;
+ # imamo signature vprašanje
+ if($spr_signature == 1){
+ if(isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text']))
+ $answer = $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'] . ' ';
+ if(@getimagesize($site_url.'main/survey/uploads/'.$rowUser['usr_id'].'_'.$spr_id.'_'.$this->sid.'.png'))
+ $answer .= '('.$site_url.'main/survey/uploads/'.$rowUser['usr_id'].'_'.$spr_id.'_'.$this->sid.'.png)';
+ }
+ else if (isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text']) && $spr_signature != 1) {
+ if ($spr_upload == 1 || $spr_upload == 2) {
+ # imamo upload vprašanje
+ # imena datotek
+ $filename = substr($this->get_array_data_text_upload($spr_data_text[$vid]['text']),strlen($uid.'_'));
+ $answer = ''.$site_url.'main/survey/download.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&code='.$spr_data_text[$vid]['text'].'';
+ }
+ else {
+ # imamo normalno text vprašanje
+ $answer = $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ #$answer = end($spr_data_vred);
+ $key = key($spr_data_vred);
+ if (isset($spr_data_vred[$key])) {
+ $_vred = $spr_data_vred[$key];
+ }
+ #pogledamo če je odgovor missing:
+ if (isset($spr_vrednosti[$_vred])) {
+ $answer = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ } else {
+ $answer = $_vred;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($answer == "" || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } // end if
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ # Kalkulacija
+ case 22:
+ $_vred = null;
+ $answer0 = null;
+ # ce imamo odgovor
+ if (isset ($spr_data_text[0]) && $spr_data_text[0]['text'] != '') {
+ $answer0 = $spr_data_text[0]['text'];
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $answer0 = end($spr_data_vred);
+ }
+ $answer0 = ($answer0 == null ) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $answer0;
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer0,$uid);
+ break;
+ # Kvota
+ case 25:
+ $_vred = null;
+ $answer0 = null;
+ # ce imamo odgovor
+ if (isset ($spr_data_text[0]) && $spr_data_text[0]['text'] != '') {
+ $answer0 = $spr_data_text[0]['text'];
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $answer0 = end($spr_data_vred);
+ }
+ $answer0 = ($answer0 == null ) ? $VALUE_FOR_MISSING : $answer0;
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer0,$uid);
+ break;
+ # SN - IMENA *
+ case 9:
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja in nastavimo izbrane odgovore
+ $arrayVrednost = $this->SNVariablesForSpr[$_vprasanje_array['id']];
+ if (!is_array($arrayVrednost)) {
+ $arrayVrednost = array();
+ }
+ if(count($spr_vrednosti) > 0)
+ foreach ($spr_vrednosti AS $vid => $vrednost) {
+ if (in_array($vid,$arrayVrednost)) {
+ $answer = null;
+ if (isset($spr_data_text[$vid]['text'])) {
+ # imamo normalno text vprašanje
+ $answer = $spr_data_text[$vid]['text'];
+ } else if (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) > 0 ) {
+ $answer = end($spr_data_vred);
+ }
+ if ($answer == "" || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } // end if
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ $row = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($spr_id);
+ if($row['enota'] == 3){
+ if(count($spr_vrednosti) > 0){
+ # zloopamo skozi podvprašanja in nastavimo izbrane odgovore
+ if (isset ($spr_data_map)) {
+ if(empty($spr_data_map)){
+ //missingi, lahko da je -4
+ $missing_value_temp = (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) == 1 ) ? end($spr_data_vred) : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ for($i = 0; $i < count($spr_vrednosti); $i++){
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$missing_value_temp,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $answerArr = (count($spr_data_map['izpis']) > 0) ? $spr_data_map['izpis'] : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ if(count($spr_data_map) > 0)
+ foreach ($spr_data_map['izpis'] AS $izpis) {
+ $answer = null;
+ if (isset($izpis['vrednost'])) {
+ # imamo normalno text vprašanje
+ $answer = $izpis['vrednost'];
+ }
+ if ($answer == "" || $answer == null) {
+ $answer = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ } // end if
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answer,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $_vred = null;
+ $answerArr = null;
+ $answerAdd = null;
+ $answerVre = null;
+ $answerKoo = null;
+ $newParams = new enkaParameters($row['params']);
+ $is_podvprasanje = $newParams->get('marker_podvprasanje') == 1;
+ //$podvprasanje_naslov = '';
+ $is_podvprasanje ? $podvprasanje_naslov = $newParams->get('naslov_podvprasanja_map') :
+ $podvprasanje_naslov = '';
+ $multi_input_type = $newParams->get('multi_input_type');
+ # ce imamo odgovor
+ if (isset ($spr_data_map)) {
+ $missing_value_temp = (is_array($spr_data_vred) && count($spr_data_vred) == 1 ) ? end($spr_data_vred) : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ $answerArr = (is_countable($spr_data_map['izpis']) && count($spr_data_map['izpis']) > 0) ? $spr_data_map['izpis'] : $missing_value_temp;
+ }
+ else if (is_array($spr_data_map)) {
+ $key = key($spr_data_map);
+ if (isset($spr_data_map[$key])) {
+ $_vred = $spr_data_map[$key];
+ }
+ // pogledamo če je odgovor missing:
+ if (isset($spr_vrednosti[$_vred])) {
+ $answerAdd = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ $answerVre = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ $answerKoo = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ } else {
+ $answerAdd = $_vred;
+ $answerVre = $_vred;
+ $answerKoo = $_vred;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($answerArr == null || $answerArr == $missing_value_temp){
+ $answerAdd = $answerVre = $answerKoo = $missing_value_temp;
+ }
+ elseif($answerArr[0]['address'] == '-2'){
+ $answerAdd = $answerVre = $answerKoo = '-2';
+ }
+ else{
+ foreach($answerArr as $varArr){
+ if($answerKoo != null){
+ $answerAdd .= '<br>'.$varArr['address'];
+ $answerVre .= '<br>'.$varArr['vrednost'];
+ $answerKoo .= '<br>'.$varArr['koordinate'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $answerAdd = $varArr['address'];
+ $answerVre = $varArr['vrednost'];
+ $answerKoo = $varArr['koordinate'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovor
+ if($multi_input_type == 'marker')
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerAdd,$uid);
+ if($is_podvprasanje)
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerVre,$uid);
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerKoo,$uid);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ $_vred = null;
+ $answerArr = null;
+ $answerAdd = null;
+ $answerVre = null;
+ $answerKoo = null;
+ $row = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($spr_id);
+ $newParams = new enkaParameters($row['params']);
+ // ce imamo odgovor
+ if (isset ($spr_data_heatmap)) {
+ $answerArr = (is_countable($spr_data_heatmap['izpis']) && count($spr_data_heatmap['izpis']) > 0) ? $spr_data_heatmap['izpis'] : $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ else if (is_array($spr_data_heatmap)) {
+ $key = key($spr_data_heatmap);
+ if (isset($spr_data_heatmap[$key])) {
+ $_vred = $spr_data_heatmap[$key];
+ $_vred = $spr_data_heatmap[$key];
+ }
+ #pogledamo če je odgovor missing:
+ if (isset($spr_vrednosti[$_vred])) {
+ $answerAdd = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ $answerVre = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ $answerKoo = $spr_vrednosti[$_vred]['variable'];
+ } else {
+ $answerAdd = $_vred;
+ $answerVre = $_vred;
+ $answerKoo = $_vred;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($answerArr == null || $answerArr == $VALUE_FOR_MISSING){
+ $answerAdd = $answerVre = $answerKoo = $VALUE_FOR_MISSING;
+ }
+ elseif($answerArr[0]['address'] == '-2'){
+ $answerAdd = $answerVre = $answerKoo = '-2';
+ }
+ else{
+ foreach($answerArr as $varArr){
+ $answerAdd .= '<br>'.$varArr['address'];
+ $answerVre .= '<br>'.$varArr['vrednost'];
+ $answerKoo .= '<br>'.$varArr['koordinate'];
+ }
+ }
+ # dodamo odgovor za koordinate
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerKoo,$uid);
+ // za območja
+ if (is_array($spr_data_heatmap_regions)) {
+ //priprava spremenljivk za koordinate točk
+ $pointx = $this->preparePointCoords($answerKoo, 1, 0);
+ $pointy = $this->preparePointCoords($answerKoo, 0, 1);
+ $numberOfPointsInside=array();
+ if (count($spr_vrednosti) > 0) {
+ $i=0;
+ foreach ($this->_array_data_heatmap_regions[(int)$spr_id] AS $regions){
+ $answerReg = null;
+ $numberOfPointsInside[$regions['region_name']] = 0; // Belezi stevilo tock znotraj trenutnega obmocja
+ // Pretvori polje s tockami obmocja v ustrezno obliko
+ $poly = $this->convertPolyString($regions['region_coords']);
+ // preveri, ali je posamezna tocka znotraj trenutnega obmocja
+ for ($z=0; $z<sizeof($pointx); $z++){
+ $inside = $this->insidePoly($poly, $pointx[$z]["x"], $pointy[$z]["y"]);
+ if ($inside == true){
+ $numberOfPointsInside[$regions['region_name']]++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Priprava odgovora za preglednico s podatki
+ // Ce je missing
+ if($answerKoo < 0){
+ $answerReg = $answerKoo;
+ }
+ else{
+ $answerReg = $numberOfPointsInside[$regions['region_name']];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ // dodamo odgovor s stevilom tock znotraj obmocja
+ $userAnswerLine .= STR_DLMT.$this->recode_answer($spr_id,$answerReg,$uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //za območja - konec
+ break;
+ }
+ } // end while
+ } // end if ($this->noErrors)
+ // popravimo -1, -4 in -2d (text za drugo) => -3, začnemo odzadaj in spreminjamo -1, -4 in -2d v -3 dokler obstajajo ampak samo če status ni 6
+ $changed = false;
+ if ((int)$rowUser['status'] !== 6 && !empty($userAnswerLine)) {
+ // ugotovimo do katere spremenljivke sploh zamenjujemo vrednosti ker če je pri tabelah odgovor vsaj na 1 variablo, potem tam pustimo -1
+ $valuesToChange = $this->calculateValuesToChange($uid);
+ $userAnswerLineArray = explode('|',$userAnswerLine);
+ $reversed = array_reverse($userAnswerLineArray);
+ foreach ($reversed AS $key => $value) {
+ if ($key+1 > $valuesToChange) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($value == -1 || $value == -4 || $value == '-2d') {
+ $reversed[$key] = -3;
+ $changed = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ $reversed[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($changed) {
+ $userAnswerLineArray = array_reverse($reversed);
+ $userAnswerLine = (implode('|', $userAnswerLineArray));
+ }
+ }
+ // Popravimo -2d (text za drugo, ce je naknadno nastavljen na -2, ker ni bil oznacen radio/checkbox za drugo)
+ $userAnswerLine = str_replace('-2d','-2',$userAnswerLine);
+ // Naknadno popravimo se -2, ce je lurker (-5), ker nekatere drugace ostanejo
+ if ($VALUE_FOR_MISSING == -5) {
+ $userAnswerLine = str_replace('-2','-5',$userAnswerLine);
+ }
+ // dodamo podatke k userju
+ $_dataLine .= $userAnswerLine;
+ if ($this->noErrors) {
+ // Random vrstni redi
+ foreach ($this->_array_random as $random_parent) {
+ $type = ($random_parent['type'] == 'spr') ? 'spr' : 'block';
+ $random_data = $this->get_array_data_random($uid, $random_parent['id'], $type);
+ unset($this->_array_data_random[$uid][$type][$random_parent['id']]);
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$random_data;
+ }
+ # če mamo da prepozna uporabnika iz sispleta
+ if ((int)$this->survey['user_from_cms'] > 0) {
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT;
+ if ((int)$rowUser['user_id'] > 0) {
+ $_dataLine .= $this->get_user_CMS_email((int)$rowUser['user_id']);
+ }
+ }
+ # datum insert, datum edit
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.datetime($rowUser['time_insert']);
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.datetime($rowUser['time_edit']);
+ # strani in časi
+ foreach ($this->_array_groups AS $gid => $grupa) {
+ if ($this->_array_user_grupa[$uid][$gid] != '') {
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.datetime($this->_array_user_grupa[$uid][$gid]);
+ } else {
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.'';
+ }
+ }
+ $ip = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_ip');
+ $ip_show = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_show_ip');
+ if($ip==0 && $ip_show==1 && ($admin_type == 0 || $admin_type == 1)){
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['ip'];
+ }
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['useragent'];
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['browser'];
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['os'];
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$lang['srv_para_graph_device'.$rowUser['device']];
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['referer'];
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$rowUser['unsubscribed'];
+ $_dataLine .= STR_DLMT.$jeziki[$rowUser['language']];
+ }
+ // Pocistimo vrednosti, ker drugace v nekaterih primereih prihaja do zelo cudnih bugov
+ unset($rowVprasanje);
+ unset($spr_vrednosti);
+ unset($spr_gridi);
+ // Zapišemo vsako vrstico posebej
+ if ($this->noErrors && !empty($_dataLine)) {
+ // zapišemo vrstico z predhodnim vrivom nove vrstice
+ $success = fwrite($file_handler, $this->new_line_seperator . $_dataLine);
+ fflush($file_handler);
+ // Imamo napako - vse skupaj prekinemo
+ if ((int)$success <= 0) {
+ $this->noErrors = false;
+ }
+ $_dataLine = null;
+ unset($_dataLine);
+ }
+ else {
+ # dodamo v log napako
+ $SL = new SurveyLog();
+ $SL->addMessage(SurveyLog::ERROR, " ERROR user ".$rowUser['usr_id']." for ank_id".$this->sid);
+ $SL->write();
+ }
+ $this->new_line_seperator = NEW_LINE;
+ } // end while user loop
+ } // end if ($this->noErrors)
+ }
+ /***** KESIRANJE PODATKOV ANKETE (vprasanja, strani, gridi...) *****/
+ // Glavna funkcija preko katere na zacetku izvedemo vso kesiranje
+ private function cache_data(){
+ // Zakesiramo query za respondente
+ $this->create_qry_users();
+ // Zakesiramo strani v anketi
+ $this->get_groups();
+ // Zakesiramo vsa vprasanja v anketi
+ $this->get_vprasanja();
+ // Randomizacija v blokih in vprasanjih
+ $this->get_random();
+ // Za vrednosti ankete
+ $this->get_vrednosti();
+ // Za gride ankete
+ $this->get_gridi();
+ // Skreira array z polji za spss
+ $this->get_SPSS();
+ // Polovimo missing vrednosti ce so nastavljene drugače kot privzeto
+ // TODO če uporabnik na anketi spremeni da naj bo -1 -6 se to ne upošteva.
+ $this->setSurveyMissingValues();
+ }
+ // Naredimo query za respondente (srv_users)
+ private function create_qry_users() {
+ if ($this->_qry_users === null ) {
+ if ((int)$this->data_file_time > 0 && file_exists($this->folder . 'export_data_'.$this->sid.'.dat')) {
+ # delamo inkremental
+ $inkremental_user_limit = " AND u.time_edit > FROM_UNIXTIME('".(int)$this->data_file_time."') ";
+ }
+ else {
+ # lovimo vse userje - datoteko generiramo na novo
+ $inkremental_user_limit = '';
+ }
+ $_qry_cnt = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_user AS u WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND u.preview='0' AND u.deleted='0' ".$inkremental_user_limit .$this->is_valid_user_limit);
+ $_allUsers_count = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_cnt);
+ $this->_cnt_all_users = 0;
+ // naredimo array querijev za userje, limitirano po max vrednosti userjev na loop (MAX_USER_PER_LOOP)
+ $c = 0;
+ do {
+ // Naredimo query
+ $this->_qry_users[$c] = sisplet_query("SELECT AS usr_id, u.cookie, u.recnum, u.last_status as status, u.pass, u.testdata, u.lurker, u.unsubscribed, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.time_insert) AS unx_ins_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.time_edit) AS unx_edt_date, u.user_id, u.inv_res_id, u.time_insert, u.time_edit, u.ip, REPLACE(u.useragent,'|',' ') as useragent, u.browser, u.os, u.device, REPLACE(u.referer,'|',' ') as referer, language
+ FROM srv_user AS u
+ WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND u.preview='0' AND u.deleted='0' ".$inkremental_user_limit . $this->is_valid_user_limit."
+ if (!$this->_qry_users[$c]) {
+ $this->trigerError('create_qry_users', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ // Naredimo še string z id userjev za večkratno uporabo
+ $str = '';
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($this->_qry_users[$c]) > 0) {
+ $prefix ='';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->_qry_users[$c])) {
+ $str .= $prefix.$row['usr_id'];
+ $prefix = ',';
+ }
+ $this->_str_users[$c] = ' AND usr_id IN ('.$str.') ';
+ }
+ $this->_cnt_all_users += mysqli_num_rows($this->_qry_users[$c]);
+ $c ++;
+ }
+ while ($c * MAX_USER_PER_LOOP <= $_allUsers_count['0']);
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo strani v anketi (srv_grupa)
+ private function get_groups() {
+ if ($this->_cnt_groups == 0) {
+ $qry_groups = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ if (!$qry_groups) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_groups', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ // koliko strani imamo v anketi
+ $this->_cnt_groups = mysqli_num_rows($qry_groups);
+ // naredimo še string z id grupami za večkratno uporabo
+ $str = '';
+ $cnt = 0;
+ if ($this->_cnt_groups > 0) {
+ $this->_array_groups = array();
+ $prefix ='';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_groups)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ $this->_array_groups[$row['id']] = $row['id'];
+ $str .= $prefix.$row['id'];
+ $prefix = ',';
+ }
+ $this->_str_groups = $str;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo vsa vprasanja v anketi
+ private function get_vprasanja(){
+ // Delamo samo 1x
+ if ( $this->AllQuestionsData !== null && $this->AllQuestionsOrder != null) {
+ return array('AllQuestionsData'=>$this->AllQuestionsData, 'AllQuestionsOrder'=>$this->AllQuestionsOrder);
+ }
+ // Po novem lovimo tudi sistemske pa jih odstranimo pri prikazu in izvozih
+ $_qry_questions = sisplet_query("SELECT, s.tip, s.variable, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(s.naslov,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|','<br>') as naslov, s.label, s.gru_id, s.gru_id, s.random, s.size, s.cela, s.decimalna, s.skala, s.enota, s.sistem, s.upload, s.signature, s.grid_subtitle1, s.grid_subtitle2, s.inline_edit, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(s.naslov_graf,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|','<br>') as naslov_graf, s.edit_graf, s.wide_graf, antonucci, s.visible, s.dostop
+ FROM srv_spremenljivka AS s, srv_grupa AS g
+ WHERE s.gru_id = AND g.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND s.tip != '5'
+ ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red");
+ if (!$_qry_questions) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_vprasanja', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Prestejemo vprasanja v anketi
+ $this->_cnt_questions = mysqli_num_rows($_qry_questions);
+ // Ce nimamo vprasanj v anketi ne gremo naprej
+ if ($this->_cnt_questions == 0) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_vprasanja', 'Ni vprasanj v anketi');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Za SN - imena (modul social network)
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('social_network')){
+ $_result = array();
+ while ($rowVprasanje = mysqli_fetch_assoc($_qry_questions)) {
+ if($rowVprasanje['tip'] == 9) {
+ $_result[] = $rowVprasanje['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($_result) > 0) {
+ foreach ($_result AS $spr_id) {
+ $qry = sisplet_query("SELECT vre_id FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id = '".$spr_id."' GROUP BY vre_id");
+ while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ if ( $row['vre_id'] > 0 ) {
+ $this->SNVariablesForSpr[$spr_id][$row['vre_id']] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mysqli_data_seek($_qry_questions, 0);
+ }
+ // Polovimo spremenljivke za survey Grid Multiple - kombinirano tabelo
+ $sgmMap = array();
+ $sqlSgmMap = sisplet_query("SELECT sgm.parent AS sgm_parrent,, s.tip, s.variable, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(s.naslov,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|','<br>') as naslov, s.gru_id, s.size, s.random, s.cela, s.decimalna, s.skala, s.enota, s.sistem, s.upload, s.signature, s.grid_subtitle1, s.grid_subtitle2, s.inline_edit, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(s.naslov_graf,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|','<br>') as naslov_graf, s.edit_graf, s.wide_graf, s.antonucci, s.visible, s.dostop
+ FROM srv_spremenljivka AS s JOIN srv_grid_multiple AS sgm ON ( = sgm.spr_id)
+ WHERE sgm.ank_id = '$this->sid'
+ ORDER BY sgm.vrstni_red");
+ while ($sgmRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSgmMap)) {
+ $sgmMap[$sgmRow['sgm_parrent']][] = $sgmRow;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ali so bili skreirani loopi
+ if ($this->_array_loop_on_spr == null || $this->_array_spr_in_loop == null) {
+ $this->get_loops();
+ }
+ // Pripravimo array-e za kesiranje vprasanj
+ $this->AllQuestionsData = array();
+ $this->AllQuestionsOrder = array();
+ $star_loop_id = null;
+ // Spremenljivka za kreacijo stringa z id spremenljivkami za večkratno uporabo
+ $sprIds = array();
+ $cnt = 0;
+ // Loop po vseh vprasanjih v anketi
+ while ($rowMainVprasanje = mysqli_fetch_assoc($_qry_questions)) {
+ // Naredimo array z id spremenljivkami za večkratno uporabo - za kombinirano tabelo posebej dodamo se podtabele
+ if ($rowMainVprasanje['tip'] != 24) {
+ $sprIds[] = $rowMainVprasanje['id'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $sqlSub = sisplet_query("SELECT FROM srv_spremenljivka AS s JOIN srv_grid_multiple AS sgm ON ( = sgm.spr_id)
+ WHERE sgm.parent = '".$rowMainVprasanje['id']."'
+ ORDER BY sgm.vrstni_red");
+ while (list($subSprId) = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlSub)) {
+ $sprIds[] = $subSprId;
+ }
+ }
+ $rowVprasanja = array();
+ if (!is_countable($sgmMap[$rowMainVprasanje['id']]) || count($sgmMap[$rowMainVprasanje['id']]) == 0) {
+ $rowVprasanja[] = $rowMainVprasanje;
+ }
+ else {
+ // preverimo parent tip. mora biti 24
+ if ((int)$rowMainVprasanje['tip'] == 24){
+ // imamo kombinirano vprašanje
+ foreach ($sgmMap[$rowMainVprasanje['id']] AS $sgmRow) {
+ $tmpVprasanje = $sgmRow;
+ // popravimo variablo in besedilo
+ $tmpVprasanje['sgm_parrent'] = $rowMainVprasanje['id'];
+ $tmpVprasanje['variable'] = $rowMainVprasanje['variable'].'_'.$sgmRow['variable'];
+ $tmpVprasanje['naslov'] = $rowMainVprasanje['naslov'];
+ $rowVprasanja[] = $tmpVprasanje;
+ }
+ }
+ // če ne ni kombinirana tabela
+ else {
+ $rowVprasanja[] = $rowMainVprasanje;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($rowVprasanja) > 0) {
+ foreach ($rowVprasanja AS $rowVprasanje) {
+ $spr_id = $rowVprasanje['id'];
+ $this->AllQuestionsData[$rowVprasanje['id']] = array(
+ 'id' => $rowVprasanje['id'],
+ 'spr_id' => $spr_id,
+ 'sgm_parrent' => $rowVprasanje['sgm_parrent'],
+ 'tip' => $rowVprasanje['tip'],
+ 'gru_id' => $rowVprasanje['gru_id'],
+ 'variable' => strip_tags($rowVprasanje['variable']),
+ 'naslov' => strip_tags($rowVprasanje['naslov']),
+ 'label' => strip_tags($rowVprasanje['label']),
+ 'size' => $rowVprasanje['size'],
+ 'cela' => $rowVprasanje['cela'],
+ 'grid_subtitle1' => $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle1'],
+ 'grid_subtitle2' => $rowVprasanje['grid_subtitle2'],
+ 'decimalna' => $rowVprasanje['decimalna'],
+ 'skala' => $rowVprasanje['skala'],
+ 'sistem' => $rowVprasanje['sistem'],
+ 'enota' => $rowVprasanje['enota'],
+ 'if_id' => (isset($this->_array_spr_in_loop[$spr_id]) ? $this->_array_spr_in_loop[$spr_id] : 0),
+ 'upload' => $rowVprasanje['upload'],
+ 'signature' => $rowVprasanje['signature'],
+ 'naslov_graf' => $rowVprasanje['naslov_graf'],
+ 'edit_graf' => $rowVprasanje['edit_graf'],
+ 'wide_graf' => $rowVprasanje['wide_graf'],
+ 'antonucci' => $rowVprasanje['antonucci'],
+ 'visible' => $rowVprasanje['visible'],
+ 'dostop' => $rowVprasanje['dostop'],
+ 'random' => $rowVprasanje['random']
+ );
+ if ($rowVprasanje['inline_edit'] != 0) {
+ $this->AllQuestionsData[$rowVprasanje['id']]['inline_edit'] = $rowVprasanje['inline_edit'];
+ }
+ // Zabelezimo stevilo vprasanj po tipu
+ $this->_cnt_questions_types[$rowVprasanje['tip']] = (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types[$rowVprasanje['tip']])) ? $this->_cnt_questions_types[$rowVprasanje['tip']]+1 : 1;
+ // če je spremenljivka parent od loopa jo dodamo
+ if (isset($this->_array_loop_parent[$spr_id]) && $this->_array_loop_parent[$spr_id] > 0) {
+ $this->AllQuestionsData[$rowVprasanje['id']]['loop_parent'] = $this->_array_loop_parent[$spr_id];
+ $this->AllQuestionsData[$rowVprasanje['id']]['antonucci'] = $rowVprasanje['antonucci'];
+ }
+ // dodamo vprašanje v vrstni red, če je vprašanje v loopu dodamo loop
+ if (!isset($this->_array_spr_in_loop[$spr_id])) {
+ // vprašanje ni v loopu
+ $this->AllQuestionsOrder[] = array('id'=>$spr_id, 'loop_id'=>0);
+ // nismo v loopu
+ $star_loop_id = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ // vprašanje je v lopu
+ $trenutni_loop_id = $this->_array_spr_in_loop[$spr_id]; # id loopa v katerem se nahaja spremenljivk
+ // na katero spremenljivko se dela loop
+ $loop_on_spr = $this->_array_loop_on_spr[$trenutni_loop_id];
+ // če ta loop in pripadajoča vprašanja še niso bila dodana v vrstni red, jih dodamoše ni bil
+ if ($trenutni_loop_id != $star_loop_id) {
+ // loop še ni bil sprocesiran;
+ $_vrednosti_v_loopu = $this->_array_vre_on_loop[$trenutni_loop_id];
+ // preverimo ali smo v navadnem loopu ali v SN loopu
+ if (isset($this->SNVariablesForSpr[$loop_on_spr]) == false) {
+ // smo v navadnem loopu
+ // kolikokrat moramo iti skozi loop
+ if (count($_vrednosti_v_loopu)) {
+ foreach ($_vrednosti_v_loopu AS $li_id => $vrednost) {
+ // dodamo vprašanja ki so v posameznemm loopu.
+ if (count($this->_array_loop_has_spr[$trenutni_loop_id])) {
+ foreach($this->_array_loop_has_spr[$trenutni_loop_id] AS $vprasanje) {
+ $this->AllQuestionsOrder[] = array('id'=>$vprasanje,'loop_id'=>$li_id,'vre_id'=>$vrednost, 'parent_loop_id'=>$trenutni_loop_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // smo v SN loopu - skozi loop gremo samo za vrednosti ki so dodane kot sn imena
+ if (count($_vrednosti_v_loopu)) {
+ foreach ($_vrednosti_v_loopu AS $li_id => $vrednost) {
+ if (in_array($vrednost,$this->SNVariablesForSpr[$loop_on_spr])) {
+ // dodamo vprašanja ki so v posameznemm loopu.
+ if (count($this->_array_loop_has_spr[$trenutni_loop_id])) {
+ foreach($this->_array_loop_has_spr[$trenutni_loop_id] AS $vprasanje) {
+ $this->AllQuestionsOrder[] = array('id'=>$vprasanje,'loop_id'=>$li_id,'vre_id'=>$vrednost, 'parent_loop_id'=>$trenutni_loop_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # priredimo kateri loop smo že obdelali, da ne bomo 2x
+ $star_loop_id = $trenutni_loop_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Naredimo string z id spremenljivkami za večkratno uporabo
+ if (count($sprIds) > 0) {
+ $this->_str_questions = implode(',', $sprIds);
+ }
+ return array('AllQuestionsData'=>$this->AllQuestionsData, 'AllQuestionsOrder'=>$this->AllQuestionsOrder);
+ }
+ // Polovimo podatke za loop ce je kaksen v anketi
+ private function get_loops() {
+ // na katero spremenljivko se veže loop
+ $this->_array_loop_on_spr = array();
+ $this->_array_loop_parent = array();
+ $qryLoop_spr_select = sisplet_query("SELECT l.if_id, l.spr_id
+ FROM srv_branching AS b, srv_loop AS l
+ WHERE b.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND b.element_if = l.if_id");
+ while (list($loop_id,$spr_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryLoop_spr_select)) {
+ $this->_array_loop_parent[$spr_id] = $loop_id;
+ $this->_array_loop_on_spr[$loop_id] = $spr_id;
+ $_cnt_loop++;
+ }
+ // katere vrednosti uporablja posamezen loop ( kolikokrat se loop zavrti)
+ $this->_array_vre_on_loop = array();
+ $this->_array_vrednosti_in_loops = array();
+ $qry_vre_on_loop_select = sisplet_query("SELECT, ld.if_id, ld.vre_id
+ FROM srv_loop_data AS ld
+ WHERE ld.if_id IN
+ (SELECT l.if_id
+ FROM srv_branching AS b, srv_loop AS l
+ WHERE b.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND b.element_if = l.if_id)
+ ORDER BY if_id, ld.vre_id,");
+ while (list($id, $loop_id,$vre_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_vre_on_loop_select)) {
+ // če imamp SN -imena in je loop na SN - imena ne loopamo po vseh vrednostih, ampak samo po max vnosih
+ $this->_array_vre_on_loop[$loop_id][$id] = $vre_id;
+ $this->_array_vrednosti_in_loops[] = $vre_id;
+ // Posebej nastavimo ce gre za loop po numeric vprasanju
+ if($vre_id == null){
+ $this->_array_vre_on_loop[$loop_id][$id] = 'num_loop';
+ $this->_array_vrednosti_in_loops[] = 'num_loop';
+ }
+ }
+ // preverimo katere spremenljvke so v katerem loopu
+ $this->_array_spr_in_loop = array();
+ $this->_array_loop_has_spr = array();
+ $b = new Branching ($this->sid);
+ $_loops = $b->spremenljivke_in_loop();
+ if (count($_loops) > 0 ) {
+ foreach ($_loops AS $lkey => $spr_ids) {
+ if (count($spr_ids) > 0 ) {
+ $this->_array_loop_has_spr[$lkey] = array();
+ foreach ($spr_ids AS $spr_id) {
+ $this->_array_spr_in_loop[$spr_id] = $lkey;
+ $this->_array_loop_has_spr[$lkey][] = $spr_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo vrednosti vprasanj v anketi
+ private function get_vrednosti($spid=null) {
+ // Ce ze imamo podatek in iscemo za posamezno spremenljivko
+ if ($spid != null && (int)$spid > 0 && isset($this->_array_vrednosti[$spid])) {
+ return $this->_array_vrednosti[$spid];
+ }
+ // Ce ze imamo pripravljen cel array
+ if ($spid == null && $this->_array_vrednosti !== null) {
+ return $this->_array_vrednosti;
+ }
+ if ($this->_str_questions != '') {
+ $_qry_vrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, spr_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(naslov,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|',' ') as naslov, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(naslov2,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|',' ') as naslov2, variable, vrstni_red, other, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(naslov_graf,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|',' ') as naslov_graf
+ FROM srv_vrednost
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.")
+ ORDER BY spr_id, vrstni_red");
+ if (!$_qry_vrednosti) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_vrednosti', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ $_cnt_vrednosti = mysqli_num_rows($_qry_vrednosti);
+ if ($_cnt_vrednosti > 0) {
+ while (list($id, $spr_id, $naslov, $naslov2, $variable, $vrstni_red, $other, $naslov_graf) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_vrednosti)) {
+ $this->_array_vrednosti[(int)$spr_id][(int)$id] = array(
+ 'id' => (int)$id,
+ 'naslov' => strip_tags($naslov),
+ 'naslov2' => strip_tags($naslov2),
+ 'variable' => $variable,
+ 'vrstni_red' => (int)$vrstni_red,
+ 'other' => (int)$other,
+ 'naslov_graf' => strip_tags($naslov_graf)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($spid != null && (int)$spid > 0) {
+ return $this->_array_vrednosti[$spid];
+ }
+ else {
+ return $this->_array_vrednosti;
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo gride tabel vprasanj v anketi
+ private function get_gridi($grid=null) {
+ // Ce ze imamo podatek in iscemo za posamezno spremenljivko
+ if ($grid != null && (int)$grid > 0 && isset($this->_array_gridi[$grid])) {
+ return $this->_array_gridi[$grid];
+ }
+ // Vrenmo celoten array
+ if ($grid == null && $this->_array_gridi !== null) {
+ return $this->_array_gridi;
+ }
+ if ($this->_str_questions != '') {
+ $_qry_gridi = sisplet_query("SELECT id, spr_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(naslov,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|',' ') as naslov, variable, other, part, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(naslov_graf,'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|',' ') as naslov_graf, vrstni_red
+ FROM srv_grid
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.")
+ ORDER BY spr_id, vrstni_red");
+ if (!$_qry_gridi) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_gridi', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ $_cnt_gridi = mysqli_num_rows($_qry_gridi);
+ if ($_cnt_gridi > 0) {
+ while (list($id, $spr_id, $naslov, $variable, $other, $part, $naslov_graf) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_gridi)) {
+ $this->_array_gridi[(int)$spr_id][(int)$id] = array(
+ 'id' => (int)$id,
+ 'naslov' => strip_tags($naslov),
+ 'variable' => $variable,
+ 'other' => (int)$other,
+ 'part' => (int)$part,
+ 'naslov_graf' => strip_tags($naslov_graf)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($grid != null && (int)$grid > 0 ) {
+ return $this->_array_gridi[$grid];
+ }
+ else {
+ return $this->_array_gridi;
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke za SPSS
+ private function get_SPSS() {
+ if ($this->_array_SPSS === null && $this->_str_questions != '') {
+ $this->_array_SPSS = array();
+ $_qry_SPSS = sisplet_query("SELECT dt.spr_id, MAX(LENGTH(dt.text)) AS length, MAX(LENGTH(dt.text2)) AS length2
+ FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." dt, srv_grupa g, srv_spremenljivka s
+ WHERE dt.spr_id = AND AND g.ank_id=".$this->sid."
+ GROUP BY dt.spr_id");
+ while (list($spr_id, $text, $text2) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_SPSS)) {
+ $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id] = array('text'=>(int)$text, 'text2'=>(int)$text2);
+ }
+ $_qry_SPSS1 = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, max(LENGTH(text)) AS length
+ FROM srv_data_textgrid".$this->db_table."
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.")
+ GROUP BY spr_id");
+ while (list($spr_id, $text) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_SPSS1)) {
+ $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['text2'] = $text;
+ }
+ // polovimo še max vrednosti za variable
+ $tmp_qry_SPSS = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, max(LENGTH(vrstni_red)) AS length
+ FROM srv_vrednost
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.")
+ GROUP BY spr_id
+ ORDER BY spr_id, vrstni_red");
+ while (list($spr_id, $vrstni_red) = mysqli_fetch_row($tmp_qry_SPSS)) {
+ $this->_array_SPSS[$spr_id]['vrednost'] = $vrstni_red;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->_array_SPSS;
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo vse bloke in vprasanja, ki imajo vklopljeno randomizacijo
+ private function get_random () {
+ // ce smo ze zakesirali vrednosti
+ if ($this->_array_random != null) {
+ return $this->_array_random;
+ }
+ $this->_array_random = array();
+ // Preberemo vsa VPRASANJA ki imajo vklopljeno randomizacijo
+ $_qry_random_spr = sisplet_query("SELECT, s.variable FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND AND s.random='1'
+ ORDER BY s.vrstni_red");
+ if (!$_qry_random_spr) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_random', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ # koliko zapicov
+ $cnt_rows = mysqli_num_rows($_qry_random_spr);
+ // Napolnimo array z randomiziranimi vprasanji
+ if ($cnt_rows > 0) {
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($_qry_random_spr)) {
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['variable'] = $row['variable'];
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['type'] = 'spr';
+ }
+ }
+ // Preberemo vse BLOKE ki imajo vklopljeno randomizacijo
+ $_qry_random_blok = sisplet_query("SELECT, i.random, i.label, i.number
+ FROM srv_if i, srv_branching b
+ WHERE b.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND AND (i.random>=0 OR i.random=-2) AND i.tip='1'");
+ if (!$_qry_random_blok) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_random', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ # koliko zapicov
+ $cnt_rows = mysqli_num_rows($_qry_random_blok);
+ // Napolnimo array z randomiziranimi bloki
+ if ($cnt_rows > 0) {
+ $prefix = '';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($_qry_random_blok)) {
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['variable'] = $row['label'];
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['number'] = $row['number'];
+ // Napolnimo string z id-ji blokov
+ $this->_str_blocks .= $prefix.$row['id'];
+ $prefix = ',';
+ // Blok ima randomizirane bloke
+ if($row['random'] == -2){
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['type'] = 'blok_blok';
+ }
+ // Blok ima randomizirana vprasanja
+ else{
+ $this->_array_random[$row['id']]['type'] = 'blok_spr';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***** KONEC - KESIRANJE PODATKOV ANKETE (vprasanja, strani, gridi...) *****/
+ // Zakesiramo odgovore respondenta
+ private function cache_data_respondent($string_user){
+ if ($this->_str_questions != '') {
+ // resetiramo POINTER-je - Array-je do podatkov
+ $this->_array_user_grupa = null;
+ $this->_array_data_vrednost = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text = null;
+ $this->_array_data_grids = null;
+ $this->_array_data_check_grids = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text_grid = null;
+ $this->_array_data_rating = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text_upload = null;
+ $this->_array_data_map = null;
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap = null;
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap_regions = null;
+ $this->_array_data_vrednost_cond = null;
+ $this->_array_data_random = null;
+ // polovimo id-je strani do katerih je prišel posamezen uporabnik
+ $this->get_user_grupa($string_user);
+ // Popravimo string za omejevanje userjev
+ $_string_user = str_replace(array(' AND usr_id IN (', ')'), '', $string_user);
+ $_string_user = explode(',', $_string_user);
+ $string_user = ' AND usr_id BETWEEN '.$_string_user[0].' AND '.end($_string_user);
+ // Zakesiramo vse podatke - ce ni nobenega vprasanja tega tipa v anketi, ne rabimo tega izvajat
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_vrednost($string_user);
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_text($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_grid
+ if((isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['6']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['6'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['16']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['16'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['19']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['19'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['20']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['20'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['24']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['24'] > 0)
+ )
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_grid($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_checkgrid
+ if((isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['6']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['6'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['16']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['16'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['24']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['24'] > 0)
+ )
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_check_grid($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_textgrid
+ if((isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['19']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['19'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['20']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['20'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['24']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['24'] > 0)
+ )
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_text_grid($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_rating
+ if(isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['17']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['17'] > 0)
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_rating($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_text_upload
+ if(isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['21']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['21'] > 0)
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_text_upload($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_map
+ if(isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['26']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['26'] > 0)
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_map($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_heatmap in srv_data_heatmap_regions
+ if(isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['27']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['27'] > 0){
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_heatmap($string_user);
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_heatmap_regions($string_user);
+ }
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za srv_data_vrednost_cond
+ if((isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['2']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['2'] > 0)
+ || (isset($this->_cnt_questions_types['27']) && $this->_cnt_questions_types['27'] > 0)
+ )
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_vrednost_cond($string_user);
+ // Kesiranje podatkov za randomizirane vrednosti oz. randomizirana vprasanja v blokih
+ $this->cache_data_respondent_random($string_user);
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo case odgovorov po straneh za respondenta
+ private function get_user_grupa($string_user) {
+ if ($this->_str_groups != '') {
+ $qry = sisplet_query("SELECT gru_id, usr_id, time_edit, preskocena FROM srv_user_grupa".$this->db_table." WHERE gru_id IN (".$this->_str_groups.") ".$string_user."");
+ if (!$qry) {
+ $this->trigerError('get_user_grupa', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ $this->_array_user_grupa = array();
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ $this->_array_user_grupa[(int)$row['usr_id']][(int)$row['gru_id']] = $row['time_edit'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_vrednost
+ private function cache_data_respondent_vrednost($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_vrednost === null) {
+ $_qry_data_vrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table."
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.")" . $string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_vrednost) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_vrednost', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_vrednost) > 0) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id,$loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_vrednost)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ $this->_array_data_vrednost[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id][(int)$vre_id] = (int)$vre_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_vrednost
+ private function get_array_data_vrednost ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_vrednost[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_vrednost[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_text
+ private function cache_data_respondent_text($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_text === null) {
+ $_qry_data_text = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(text,'\n',' '),'\r',' '),'|',' ') as text, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(text2,'\n',' '),'\r',' '),'|',' ') as text2, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table."
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_text) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_text', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_text) > 0) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id, $text, $text2, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_text)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ // Addslashes je potreben za analize
+ $this->_array_data_text[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id][(int)$vre_id] = array(
+ 'text'=>trim(addslashes(strip_tags($text))),
+ 'text2'=>trim(addslashes(strip_tags($text2)))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_text
+ private function get_array_data_text ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_text[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_text[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_grid
+ private function cache_data_respondent_grid($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_grids === null) {
+ $_qry_data_grids = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, grd_id, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_grid".$this->db_table."
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_grids) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_grid', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_grids) > 0) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id, $grd_id, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_grids)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ $this->_array_data_grids[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id ][(int)$vre_id] = (int)$grd_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_grids
+ private function get_array_data_grids ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_grids[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_grids[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_checkgrid
+ private function cache_data_respondent_check_grid($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_check_grids === null) {
+ $_qry_data_check_grids = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, grd_id, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_checkgrid".$this->db_table."
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_check_grids) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_check_grid', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_check_grids) > 0) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id, $grd_id, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_check_grids)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ $this->_array_data_check_grids[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id][(int)$vre_id][(int)$grd_id] = (int)$grd_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_checkgrid
+ private function get_array_data_check_grids ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_check_grids[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_check_grids[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_textgrid
+ private function cache_data_respondent_text_grid($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_text_grid === null) {
+ $_qry_data_text_grid = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, grd_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(text, '\\\\', '/'),'\n',' '),'\r','<br>'),'|',' ') as text, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_textgrid".$this->db_table."
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_text_grid) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_text_grid', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_text_grid) > 0) {
+ while ( list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id, $grd_id, $text, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_text_grid)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ $this->_array_data_text_grid[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id][(int)$vre_id][(int)$grd_id] = trim(strip_tags($text));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_textgrid
+ private function get_array_data_text_grid ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_text_grid[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_text_grid[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_rating
+ private function cache_data_respondent_rating($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_rating === null) {
+ $_qry_data_rating = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_rating
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_rating) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_rating', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_rating) > 0) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id, $vrstni_red, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_rating)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ $this->_array_data_rating[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id][(int)$vre_id] = (int)$vrstni_red;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_rating
+ private function get_array_data_rating ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_rating[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_rating[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_upload
+ private function cache_data_respondent_text_upload($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_text_upload === null) {
+ $_qry_data_text_upload = sisplet_query("SELECT usr_id, code, filename
+ FROM srv_data_upload
+ WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_text_upload) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_text_upload', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_text_upload) > 0) {
+ while (list($usr_id, $code, $filename) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_text_upload)) {
+ $this->_array_data_text_upload[$code] = strip_tags($filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za filename za posamezen code za tabelo srv_data_upload
+ private function get_array_data_text_upload ($_code) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_text_upload[$_code]))
+ return $this->_array_data_text_upload[$_code];
+ else
+ return 'Download';
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_map
+ private function cache_data_respondent_map($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_map === null) {
+ $_qry_data_map = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, usr_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(address,'\n',' '),'\r',' '),'|',' ') as address, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(text,'\n',' '),'\r',' '),'|',' ') as text, lat, lng, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_map
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_map) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_map', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_map) > 0) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $usr_id, $address, $text, $lat, $lng, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_map)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ // Ce respondent ni vnesel vrednosti v infowindow
+ if($text == '' || $text == null) $text = '-1';
+ // Addslashes je potreben za analize
+ if($this->_array_data_map[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id]){
+ $this->_array_data_map[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id]['izpis'][$i] = array(
+ 'address'=>addslashes(strip_tags($address)),
+ 'vrednost'=>addslashes(strip_tags($text)),
+ 'koordinate'=> $lat . ', ' . $lng);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->_array_data_map[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id] = array(
+ 'izpis'=>array(array(
+ 'address'=>addslashes(strip_tags($address)),
+ 'vrednost'=>addslashes(strip_tags($text)),
+ 'koordinate'=>$lat . ', ' . $lng)),
+ 'spr_id' => $spr_id, 'usr_id' => $usr_id, 'loop_id' => $loop_id);
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_map
+ private function get_array_data_map ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_map[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_map[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_heatmap
+ private function cache_data_respondent_heatmap($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_heatmap === null) {
+ $_qry_data_heatmap = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, usr_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(address,'\n',' '),'\r',' '),'|',' ') AS address, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(text,'\n',' '),'\r',' '),'|',' ') as text, lat, lng, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_heatmap
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_heatmap) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_heatmap', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_heatmap)) {
+ while (list($spr_id, $usr_id, $address, $text, $lat, $lng, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_heatmap)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ // ce respondent ni vnesel vrednosti v infowindow
+ if($text == '' || $text == null) $text = '-1';
+ // adslashes je potreben za analize
+ if($this->_array_data_heatmap[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id]){
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id]['izpis'][$i] = array(
+ 'address'=>addslashes(strip_tags($address)),
+ 'vrednost'=>addslashes(strip_tags($text)),
+ 'koordinate'=> $lat . ', ' . $lng);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id] = array(
+ 'izpis'=>array(array(
+ 'address'=>addslashes(strip_tags($address)),
+ 'vrednost'=>addslashes(strip_tags($text)),
+ 'koordinate'=>$lat . ', ' . $lng)),
+ 'spr_id' => $spr_id, 'usr_id' => $usr_id, 'loop_id' => $loop_id);
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_heatmap
+ private function get_array_data_heatmap ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_heatmap[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_heatmap[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_heatmap_regions
+ private function cache_data_respondent_heatmap_regions($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_heatmap_regions === null) {
+ $spremenljivke_id = explode(",", $this->_str_questions);
+ $_qry_data_heatmap_regions = array();
+ foreach ($spremenljivke_id AS $val) {
+ $str_query_regions = "SELECT id, vre_id, spr_id, region_name, region_coords FROM srv_hotspot_regions WHERE spr_id =".$val.' ';
+ array_push($_qry_data_heatmap_regions, $str_query_regions);
+ }
+ foreach($_qry_data_heatmap_regions as $query){
+ $regionsQuery = sisplet_query($query);
+ if ($regionsQuery === null) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_heatmap_regions', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($regionsQuery) > 0) {
+ while (list($region_id, $vre_id, $spr_id, $region_name, $region_coords) = mysqli_fetch_row($regionsQuery)) {
+ // adslashes je potreben za analize
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap_regions[(int)$spr_id][$i] = array(
+ 'region_name' => addslashes(strip_tags($region_name)),
+ 'region_coords' => $region_coords);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_heatmap_regions
+ private function get_array_data_heatmap_regions ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_heatmap_regions[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_heatmap_regions[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke tabele srv_data_vrednost_cond
+ private function cache_data_respondent_vrednost_cond($string_user){
+ if ($this->_array_data_vrednost_cond === null) {
+ $_qry_data_vrednost_cond = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, text, loop_id
+ FROM srv_data_vrednost_cond
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_vrednost_cond) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_vrednost_cond', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_vrednost_cond) > 0) {
+ while ( list($spr_id, $vre_id, $usr_id, $text, $loop_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_data_vrednost_cond)) {
+ $loop_id = ($loop_id == null || $loop_id == '') ? 0 : $loop_id;
+ // adslashes je potreben za analize
+ $this->_array_data_vrednost_cond[(int)$usr_id][$spr_id.'_'.$loop_id][(int)$vre_id] = addslashes(strip_tags($text));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrednost za uid in spr_id za tabelo srv_data_vrednost_cond
+ private function get_array_data_vrednost_cond ($uid, $spid) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_vrednost_cond[$uid][$spid]))
+ return $this->_array_data_vrednost_cond[$uid][$spid];
+ else
+ return array();
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo podatke randomiziranih vprasanj
+ private function cache_data_respondent_random($string_user){
+ // Ce smo ze zakesirali ne rabimo naprej
+ if ($this->_array_data_random === null){
+ // Najprej dobimo random podatke za randomizacijo znotraj vprasanj
+ $_qry_data_random = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, usr_id, vrstni_red
+ FROM srv_data_random_spremenljivkaContent
+ WHERE spr_id IN (".$this->_str_questions.") ".$string_user);
+ //WHERE ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_random) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_random', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_random) > 0) {
+ while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($_qry_data_random)){
+ $this->_array_data_random[$row1['usr_id']]['spr'][$row1['spr_id']] = $row1['vrstni_red'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Dobimo se random podatke za randomizacijo znotraj blokov
+ if($this->_str_blocks != ''){
+ $_qry_data_random = sisplet_query("SELECT block_id, usr_id, vrstni_red
+ FROM srv_data_random_blockContent
+ WHERE block_id IN (".$this->_str_blocks.") ".$string_user);
+ //WHERE ".$string_user);
+ if (!$_qry_data_random) {
+ $this->trigerError('cache_data_respondent_random', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($_qry_data_random) > 0) {
+ while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($_qry_data_random)){
+ // Zgradimo string z labelami vprasanj za prikaz v podatkih
+ $vrstni_red_string = '';
+ // Spremenljivke v blokih
+ if($this->_array_random[$row2['block_id']]['type'] == 'blok_spr'){
+ // Pridobimo imena vprasanj za izpis
+ $sqlLabele1 = sisplet_query("SELECT variable
+ FROM srv_spremenljivka
+ WHERE id IN (".$row2['vrstni_red'].")
+ ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(id, '".$row2['vrstni_red']."')
+ ");
+ while($rowLabele1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlLabele1)){
+ $vrstni_red_string .= $rowLabele1['variable'].',';
+ }
+ }
+ // Bloki v blokih
+ else{
+ // Pridobimo imena blokov za izpis
+ $sqlLabele2 = sisplet_query("SELECT number
+ FROM srv_if
+ WHERE id IN (".$row2['vrstni_red'].")
+ ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(id, '".$row2['vrstni_red']."')
+ ");
+ if($sqlLabele2){
+ while($rowLabele2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlLabele2)){
+ $vrstni_red_string .= 'B'.$rowLabele2['number'].',';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $vrstni_red_string = substr($vrstni_red_string, 0, -1);
+ $this->_array_data_random[$row2['usr_id']]['block'][$row2['block_id']] = $vrstni_red_string;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo podatke vrstnega reda za userja in element (vprasanje ali blok)
+ private function get_array_data_random ($uid, $el_id, $el_type) {
+ if (isset($this->_array_data_random[$uid][$el_type][$el_id]))
+ return $this->_array_data_random[$uid][$el_type][$el_id];
+ else
+ return '';
+ }
+ // Iz datoteke pobrisemo response, ki so zastareli / pobrisani
+ private function deleteUsers() {
+ // Datoteka s podatki
+ $f1 = $this->data_file_name;
+ // Datoteka kam zapišemo user id-je ki jih je potrebno pobrisat
+ $f2 = $this->data_file_name.'.todel';
+ // Datoteka kamor začasno shranimo original
+ $f3 = $this->data_file_name.'_'.time().'.orig';
+ if ((int)$this->sid > 0 && file_exists($f1)) {
+ try {
+ // Preberemo max time iz datoteke in uporabimo manjšega
+ if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $command = 'awk -F"|" "BEGIN {max = 0} {if ('.TIME_FIELD.' > max && '.TIME_FIELD.' > 0) max='.TIME_FIELD.' } END {print max}" '.$f1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $command = 'awk -F\'|\' \'BEGIN {max = 0} {if ('.TIME_FIELD.' > max && '.TIME_FIELD.' > 0) max='.TIME_FIELD.' } END {print max}\' '.$f1;
+ }
+ $user_time_from_file = shell_exec($command);
+ $inkremental_user_limit = " AND u.time_edit > FROM_UNIXTIME('".max((int)$this->data_file_time,(int)$user_time_from_file)."') ";
+ // Za inkrementalno brisanje datotek
+ $qry_users_deleted = sisplet_query("SELECT AS usr_id FROM srv_user AS u WHERE u.ank_id='".$this->sid."' ".$inkremental_user_limit);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($qry_users_deleted) > 0) {
+ // Zapišemo v datoteko idje respondentov, ki jih brišemo
+ $file = fopen($f2, 'w');
+ while (list($usr_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_users_deleted)) {
+ fwrite($file, $usr_id . "\n");
+ }
+ fclose($file);
+ if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $cmd = 'cp '.$f1.' '.$f3.' && awk -F"|" "NR==FNR {++a[$0]; next} { f = $1; if (!a[$1]) print $0}" '.$f2.' '.$f3.' > '.$f1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = 'cp '.$f1.' '.$f3.' && awk -F\'|\' \'NR==FNR {++a[$0]; next} { f = $1; if (!a[$1]) print $0}\' '.$f2.' '.$f3.' > '.$f1;
+ }
+ $out_command = shell_exec($cmd);
+ }
+ // Ce je vse ok, pobrišemo datoteke
+ if (file_exists($f1)) {
+ // Pobrišemo datoteko z userji katere smo brisali
+ if (file_exists($f2)) {
+ unlink($f2);
+ }
+ // Pobrišemo backup datoteko
+ if (file_exists($f3)) {
+ unlink($f3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Resetiramo vse pointerje
+ private function cleanup() {
+ $this->noErrors = true;
+ $this->_HEADER = null;
+ $this->_str_groups = null; # cache string za strani
+ $this->_cnt_groups = 0; # cache število za strani
+ $this->_str_questions = null; # cache string za vprašanja
+ $this->_cnt_questions = 0; # cache za število vprašanj
+ $this->_qry_users = null; # cache query za vprašanja
+ $this->_str_users = null; # cache string za user_id ji
+ $this->_cnt_all_users = 0; # cache za število userjev
+ $this->_array_vrednosti = null; # cache array z vrednostmi
+ $this->_array_gridi = null; # cache array z gridi
+ $this->_array_random = null; # cache array z random vprasanji in bloki
+ $this->_array_SPSS = null; # zakeširamo array usergrup za uporabnika
+ $this->_array_user_grupa = null; # zakeširamo array usergrup za uporabnika
+ $this->_array_users_from_CMS = null;
+ $this->_array_data_vrednost = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text = null;
+ $this->_array_data_grids = null;
+ $this->_array_data_check_grids = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text_grid = null;
+ $this->_array_data_rating = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text_grid = null;
+ $this->_array_data_text_upload = null;
+ $this->_array_data_map = null;
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap = null;
+ $this->_array_data_heatmap_regions = null;
+ $this->_array_data_vrednost_cond = null;
+ $this->_array_data_random = null;
+ }
+ // Zakesiramo in vrnemo respondente, ki so tudi prijavljeni v 1ki (ce ima anketa to nastavitev vklopljeno)
+ private function get_user_CMS_email($user_from_cms_id) {
+ // če še niammo arraya z e-maili
+ if ($this->_array_users_from_CMS == null) {
+ // polovimo emaile uporrabnikov iz CMS
+ $this->_array_users_from_CMS = array();
+ $qry = sisplet_query("SELECT su.user_id,
+ FROM srv_user AS su JOIN users AS u ON su.user_id =
+ WHERE su.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND su.preview='0' AND su.deleted='0' AND su.user_id > 0");
+ while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ $this->_array_users_from_CMS[$row['user_id']] = $row['email'];
+ }
+ }
+ // ko smo že polovili e-maile
+ if (is_array($this->_array_users_from_CMS) && isset($this->_array_users_from_CMS[$user_from_cms_id])) {
+ return $this->_array_users_from_CMS[$user_from_cms_id];
+ }
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ // Pripravimo missing vrednosti za anketo
+ private function setSurveyMissingValues() {
+ $smv = new SurveyMissingValues($sid);
+ $smv -> Init();
+ $_sys_missings = $smv->GetSurveyMissingValues();
+ if (is_array($_sys_missings) && count($_sys_missings) > 0){
+ foreach ($_sys_missings[1] AS $_sys_missing) {
+ // nastavimo mapping za rekodiranje sistemskih vrednosti
+ $this->sysMissingMap[$_sys_missing['defSysVal']] = $_sys_missing['value'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prestejemo stevilo vrstic v datoteki
+ private function getLinesCnt(){
+ if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $command = 'awk "NF != 0 {++count} END {print count}" '.$this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ else {
+ $command = 'awk \'NF != 0 {++count} END {print count}\' '.$this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ $lines = shell_exec($command);
+ return (int)$lines;
+ }
+ // Ugotovimo do katere spremenljivke zamenjujemo vrednosti
+ private function calculateValuesToChange($uid) {
+ $result = 0;
+ if (count($this->_user_spr_answer_count['spremenljivke']) == 0) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ if ($this->_user_spr_answer_count['last_seen'] == $this->_user_spr_answer_count['cnt']) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ if (count($this->_user_spr_answer_count['spremenljivke']) == 0) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_user_spr_answer_count['spremenljivke'] AS $cnt) {
+ if ($this->_user_spr_answer_count['last_seen'] > $result) {
+ $result += $cnt;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->_user_spr_answer_count['cnt'] - $result;
+ }
+ // Rekodiranje odgovora
+ private function recode_answer($spr_id, $answer, $uid) {
+ $this->addUserSprAnswerCount($spr_id, $answer, $uid);
+ // Najprej preverimo ali imamo mapping za sistemske missige
+ $answer = isset($this->sysMissingMap[$answer]) && $this->sysMissingMap[$answer] != null
+ ? $this->sysMissingMap[$answer]
+ : $answer;
+ $_recoded = $answer;
+ if ( $this->_array_recode === null) {
+ $this->_array_recode = array();
+ // Polovimo vse spremenljivke za katere moramo rekodirat
+ $sqlSelect = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, search, value, operator FROM srv_recode WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND enabled='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ if (!$sqlSelect) {
+ $this->trigerError('recode_answer', mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlSelect)) {
+ while ($rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSelect)) {
+ $this->_array_recode[$rowSelect['spr_id']][] = array('s'=>$rowSelect['search'],'v'=>$rowSelect['value'],'o'=>$rowSelect['operator']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($this->_array_recode[$spr_id])) {
+ $recoded = false;
+ if (isset($this->_array_recoded[$spr_id][$answer])) {
+ return $this->_array_recoded[$spr_id][$answer];
+ }
+ else if (count($this->_array_recode[$spr_id]) > 0 && $recoded == false) {
+ foreach ($this->_array_recode[$spr_id] AS $k => $do_recode) {
+ if ( $answer == $do_recode['s'] || (int)$do_recode['o'] > 0 && $recoded == false) {
+ $original = $_recoded;
+ $_recoded = $this->check_recode($_recoded,$do_recode['s'],$do_recode['v'],$do_recode['o']);
+ if ($original != $_recoded) {
+ $recoded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->_array_recoded[$spr_id][$answer] = $_recoded;
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo rezultat
+ return $_recoded;
+ }
+ // Rekodiranje odgovora - stejemo zadnmi veljaven odgovor
+ private function addUserSprAnswerCount($spr, $answer, $uid) {
+ // štejemo zadnji veljaven odgovor
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count['cnt']++;
+ if ($answer != -1 && $answer != -4 && $answer !== '-2d') {
+ // sistemskih in skritih ne upoštevamo
+ if ($this->AllQuestionsData[$spr]['sistem'] == 1 || $this->AllQuestionsData[$spr]['visible'] == 0) {
+ // preskočimo
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count['last'] = $this->_user_spr_answer_count['cnt'];
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count['last_seen'] = $this->_user_spr_answer_count['cnt'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Pogledamo se ce je respondent videl vprasanje (tudi ce je -1, ker ga potem ne smemo spremenit v -3)
+ if ($answer == -1 || $answer === '-2d') {
+ if (is_array($this->_array_user_grupa[$uid]) && array_key_exists($this->AllQuestionsData[$spr]['gru_id'], $this->_array_user_grupa[$uid])) {
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count['last_seen'] = $this->_user_spr_answer_count['cnt'] - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isset($this->_user_spr_answer_count['spremenljivke'][$spr])) {
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count['spremenljivke'][$spr] = 0;
+ }
+ $this->_user_spr_answer_count['spremenljivke'][$spr]++;
+ }
+ // Rekodiranje odgovora - preverimo glede na operator
+ private function check_recode ($answer, $search, $value, $operand) {
+ $_recoded = $answer;
+ switch ($operand) {
+ case 0: # ==
+ $_recoded = $answer == $search ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ case 1: # <>
+ $_recoded = $answer != $search ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ case 2: # <
+ $_recoded = $answer < $search ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ case 3: # >
+ $_recoded = $answer > $search ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ case 4: # <=
+ $_recoded = $answer <= $search ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ case 5: # >=
+ $_recoded = $answer >= $search ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ case 6: # >=
+ $search = explode(',',$search);
+ $s1 = (int)$search[0];
+ $s2 = (int)$search[1];
+ $_recoded = (int)$answer >= $s1 && (int)$answer <= $s2 ? $value : $answer;
+ break;
+ }
+ return $_recoded;
+ }
+ // Heatmap - pretvori polje s tockami obmocja v ustrezno obliko
+ private function convertPolyString($polypoints){
+ $poly = array();
+ $polyObjectArray = array();
+ $j = 0;
+ $poly = explode(',',$polypoints);
+ for($i = 0; $i<sizeof($poly); $i++){
+ if($i == 0 || $i%2 == 0){
+ $tmpX = (int)$poly[$i];
+ }
+ else{
+ $tmpY = (int)$poly[$i];
+ $polyObjectArray[$j]["x"] = $tmpX;
+ $polyObjectArray[$j]["y"] = $tmpY;
+ $j++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $polyObjectArray;
+ }
+ // Heatmap - preveri, ali je posamezna tocka znotraj trenutnega obmocja
+ private function insidePoly($poly, $pointx, $pointy){
+ $inside = false;
+ for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($poly) - 1; $i < sizeof($poly); $j = $i++) {
+ if( (($poly[$i]["y"] > $pointy) != ($poly[$j]["y"] > $pointy)) && ($pointx < ($poly[$j]["x"]-$poly[$i]["x"]) * ($pointy-$poly[$i]["y"]) / ($poly[$j]["y"]-$poly[$i]["y"]) + $poly[$i]["x"]) )
+ $inside = !$inside;
+ }
+ return $inside;
+ }
+ // Heatmap - priprava spremenljivk za koordinate točk
+ private function preparePointCoords($answerKoo, $returnPointx, $returnPointy){
+ $coordsWithComma = explode('<br>',$answerKoo);
+ $pointx = array();
+ $pointy = array();
+ for($i = 1; $i<sizeof($coordsWithComma); $i++){
+ // Vecdimenzionalno polje
+ $coords[$i-1] = explode(',',$coordsWithComma[$i]);
+ }
+ // Loop-anje skozi vecdimenzionalno polje
+ $i = 0;
+ $j = 0;
+ foreach ($coords as $coord) {
+ foreach ($coord as $coo) {
+ if($i == 0 || $i%2 == 0){
+ $tmpX = (int)$coo;
+ }
+ else{
+ $tmpY = (int)$coo;
+ $pointx[$j]["x"] = $tmpX;
+ $pointy[$j]["y"] = $tmpY;
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($returnPointx == 1){
+ return $pointx;
+ }
+ if ($returnPointy == 1){
+ return $pointy;
+ }
+ }
+ // Zapisemo error in oznacimo da imamo error
+ private function trigerError($what, $error) {
+ $this->noErrors = false;
+ $this->errors[][$what] = $error;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo error
+ private function getError() {
+ return array('error'=>$this->errors);
+ }
+ // Shranimo checkpoint za merjenje performanca - zaenkrat onemogoceno (samo za testiranje)
+ private function setLogCheckpoint($checkpoint_name){
+ global $admin_type;
+ if(true || $admin_type != 0)
+ return;
+ $this->log[$checkpoint_name]['time'] = microtime(true);
+ $this->log[$checkpoint_name]['memory'] = memory_get_usage();
+ $this->log[$checkpoint_name]['memory_peak'] = memory_get_peak_usage();
+ }
+ // Zapisemo checkpointe v logfile - zaenkrat onemogoceno (samo za testiranje)
+ private function saveLogCheckpoints(){
+ if(true || $admin_type != 0)
+ return;
+ $SL = new SurveyLog();
+ $cnt = 0;
+ foreach($this->log as $checkpoint => $data){
+ $time = ($cnt == 0) ? 'Start: '.$data['time'] : 'Elapsed: '.($data['time'] - $this->log['start']['time']);
+ $memory = 'Memory: '.((int)$data['memory'] / 1024 / 1000).' MB';
+ $memory_peak = 'Memory peak: '.((int)$data['memory_peak'] / 1024 / 1000).' MB';
+ $message = ' TESTING data collection for survey '.$this->sid.' - checkpoint '.$checkpoint.' - '.$time.', '.$memory.', '.$memory_peak;
+ $SL->addMessage(SurveyLog::DEBUG, $message);
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $SL->write();
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file