path: root/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyUsableResp.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyUsableResp.php')
1 files changed, 783 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyUsableResp.php b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyUsableResp.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48e5cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyUsableResp.php
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+class SurveyUsableResp{
+ private $anketa; # id ankete
+ private $db_table; # katere tabele uporabljamo
+ public $_HEADERS = array(); # shranimo podatke vseh variabel
+ private $headFileName = null; # pot do header fajla
+ private $dataFileName = null; # pot do data fajla
+ private $dataFileStatus = null; # status data datoteke
+ public $variablesList = null; # Seznam vseh variabel nad katerimi lahko izvajamo (zakeširamo)
+ public $_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER = ''; # filter po statusih, privzeto izvažamo 6 in 5
+ public $_PROFILE_ID_VARIABLE = ''; # filter po statusih, privzeto izvažamo 6 in 5
+ public $_HAS_TEST_DATA = false; # ali anketa vsebuje testne podatke
+ private $sessionData; # podatki ki so bili prej v sessionu - za nastavitve, ki se prenasajo v izvoze...
+ private $_missings = array();
+ private $_unsets = array();
+ private $displayEditIconsSettings = false; # ali prikazujemo okno s checkboxi za nastavitve tabele s podatki
+ private $cols_with_value = array(); # kateri stolpci imajo vrednosti
+ private $show_with_zero = false; # Ali prikazujemo stolpce z vrednostmi 0
+ private $show_details = false; # Ali prikazujemo stolpce s podrobnimi vrednostmi (-1, -2...)
+ private $show_calculations = false; # Ali prikazujemo stolpce s podrobnimi izracuni (UML, UNL...)
+ private $show_with_other = true; # Ali prikazujemo vrstice "Drugo"
+ private $show_with_text = true; # Ali prikazujemo vrstice tipa "besedilo"
+ public $bottom_usable_limit = 50; # Spodnja meja za usable respondente (def. 50%)
+ public $top_usable_limit = 80; # Zgornja meja za usable respondente (def. 80%) - unusable (50-), partially usable (50-80), usable(80+)
+ private $sortField = 'recnum'; # Polje po katerem sortiramo tabelo
+ private $sortType = 0; # Nacin sortiranja (narascajoce/padajoce)
+ function __construct($anketa, $generateDataFile=true){
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if ((int)$anketa > 0){
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ SurveyAnalysisHelper::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa);
+ # polovimo vrsto tabel (aktivne / neaktivne)
+ SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) {
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ }
+ Common::deletePreviewData($this->anketa);
+ // Poskrbimo za datoteko s podatki
+ $SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ $SDF->init($this->anketa);
+ if($generateDataFile)
+ $SDF->prepareFiles();
+ $this->headFileName = $SDF->getHeaderFileName();
+ $this->dataFileName = $SDF->getDataFileName();
+ $this->dataFileStatus = $SDF->getStatus();
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED) {
+ Common::noDataAlert();
+ exit();
+ }
+ # Inicializiramo in polovimo nastavitve missing profila
+ SurveyStatusProfiles::Init($this->anketa);
+ SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyConditionProfiles :: Init($this->anketa, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyTimeProfiles :: Init($this->anketa, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyVariablesProfiles :: Init($this->anketa, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: Init($this->anketa);
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ if(isset($_SESSION['sid_'.$this->anketa]['usabilityIcons_settings']))
+ $this->displayEditIconsSettings = ($_SESSION['sid_'.$this->anketa]['usabilityIcons_settings']);
+ if (file_exists($this->headFileName) && $this->headFileName !== null && $this->headFileName != ''){
+ $this->_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->headFileName));
+ }
+ # nastavimo vse filtre
+ $this->setUpFilter();
+ # nastavimo filtre uporabnika
+ $this->setUserFilters();
+ # nastavimo sortiranje
+ if(isset($_GET['sortField']))
+ $this->sortField = $_GET['sortField'];
+ if(isset($_GET['sortType']))
+ $this->sortType = $_GET['sortType'];
+ }
+ else {
+ echo 'Invalid Survey ID!';
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ public function getMissings(){
+ return $this->_missings;
+ }
+ public function getUnsets(){
+ return $this->_unsets;
+ }
+ public function getColsWithValue(){
+ return $this->cols_with_value;
+ }
+ public function showCalculations(){
+ return $this->show_calculations;
+ }
+ public function showDetails(){
+ return $this->show_details;
+ }
+ public function showWithZero(){
+ return $this->show_with_zero;
+ }
+ function displayUsableRespTable(){
+ global $lang;
+ // Prikaz nastavitev
+ $this->displayUsableSettings();
+ # ali imamo testne podatke
+ if ($this->_HAS_TEST_DATA){
+ # izrišemo bar za testne podatke
+ $SSH = new SurveyStaticHtml($this->anketa);
+ $SSH -> displayTestDataBar(true);
+ }
+ // Izracunamo vse podatke
+ $usability = $this->calculateData();
+ $userData = $usability['data'];
+ // Sortiramo podatke
+ foreach ($userData as $key => $row) {
+ $mid[$key] = $row[$this->sortField];
+ }
+ if($this->sortType == 0)
+ array_multisort($mid, SORT_ASC, $userData);
+ else
+ array_multisort($mid, SORT_DESC, $userData);
+ # ali odstranimo stolpce kateri imajo same 0
+ if ($this->show_with_zero == false) {
+ # odstranimo missinge brez vrednosti
+ foreach ($this->_missings AS $_key => $_missing) {
+ if (!isset($this->cols_with_value[$_key]) || $this->cols_with_value[$_key] == false) {
+ unset($this->_missings[$_key]);
+ }
+ }
+ # odstranimo neveljavne brez vrednosti
+ foreach ($this->_unsets AS $_key => $_unset) {
+ if (!isset($this->cols_with_value[$_key]) || $this->cols_with_value[$_key] == false) {
+ unset($this->_unsets[$_key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<div id="usable_table"><table id="tbl_usable_respondents" '.($this->show_details==true && $this->show_calculations==true ? '' : ' style="width:100%"').'>';
+ // Header row
+ echo '<tr>';
+ if($this->sortType == 1){
+ $sortType = 0;
+ $arrow = ' <span class="faicon sort_ascending"></span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $sortType = 1;
+ $arrow = ' <span class="faicon sort_descending"></span>';
+ }
+ echo '<th class="recnum" rowspan="2" style="width:60px;"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=recnum&sortType='.$sortType.'">Recnum'./*$lang['recnum'].*/($this->sortField=='recnum' ? $arrow : '').'</a></th>';
+ echo '<th class="all" rowspan="2">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_qcount'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="data" colspan=4>'.$lang['srv_usableResp_exposed'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="data" rowspan="2"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=breakoff&sortType='.$sortType.'">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_breakoff'].($this->sortField=='breakoff' ? $arrow : '').'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="usable" colspan="2">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_usability'].'</th>';
+ // ali odstranimo vse stolpce s podrobnimi vrednostmi (-1, -2...)
+ if ($this->show_details == true) {
+ foreach ($this->_missings AS $value => $text){
+ $cnt_miss++;
+ echo "<th rowspan=\"2\" class=\"unusable\" title=\"".$lang['srv_usableResp_'.$text]."\" >{$value}<br/>(".$lang['srv_usableResp_'.$text].")</th>";
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_unsets AS $value => $text){
+ $cnt_undefined++;
+ echo "<th rowspan=\"2\" class=\"unusable\" title=\"".$lang['srv_usableResp_'.$text]."\">{$value}<br/>(".$lang['srv_usableResp_'.$text].")</th>";
+ }
+ }
+ // ali prikazemo podrobne izracune
+ if ($this->show_calculations == true) {
+ echo '<th class="calculation" rowspan="2">UNL</th>';
+ echo '<th class="calculation" rowspan="2">UML</th>';
+ echo '<th class="calculation" rowspan="2">UCL</th>';
+ echo '<th class="calculation" rowspan="2">UIL</th>';
+ echo '<th class="calculation" rowspan="2">UAQ</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="data"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=valid&sortType='.$sortType.'">'.$lang['srv_anl_valid'].($this->sortField=='valid' ? $arrow : '').'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="data"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=nonsubstantive&sortType='.$sortType.'">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_nonsubstantive'].($this->sortField=='nonsubstantive' ? $arrow : '').'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="data"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=nonresponse&sortType='.$sortType.'">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_nonresponse'].($this->sortField=='nonresponse' ? $arrow : '').'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="data"><span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_anl_suma1'].'</span></th>';
+ echo '<th class="usable"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=usable&sortType='.$sortType.'">%'.($this->sortField=='usable' ? $arrow : '').'</a></th>';
+ echo '<th class="usable status"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=usable_resp&sortField=status&sortType='.$sortType.'">Status'.($this->sortField=='status' ? $arrow : '').'</a></th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ // Izpis podatkov vsakega respondenta
+ foreach($userData as $key => $user){
+ // Obarvamo vrstico glede na status (belo, rumeno, rdece)
+ if($user['status'] == 0)
+ $css_usable = 'unusable';
+ elseif($user['status'] == 1)
+ $css_usable = 'partusable';
+ else
+ $css_usable = 'usable';
+ // Prva vrstica z vrednostmi
+ echo '<tr class="'.$data['css'].' '.$css_usable.'">';
+ echo '<td rowspan="2" class="recnum"><a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'&a=data&m=quick_edit&usr_id='.$user['usr_id'].'&quick_view=1">'.$user['recnum'].'</a></td>';
+ // Vsi
+ echo '<td rowspan="2" class="all">'.$user['all'].'</td>';
+ // Ustrezni
+ echo '<td class="data">'.$user['valid'].'</td>';
+ // Non-substantive
+ echo '<td class="data">'.$user['nonsubstantive'].'</td>';
+ // Non-response
+ echo '<td class="data">'.$user['nonresponse'].'</td>';
+ // Skupaj
+ echo '<td class="data sum bold">'.($user['valid']+$user['nonsubstantive']+$user['nonresponse']+$user['breakoff']).'</td>';
+ // Breakoffs
+ echo '<td class="data breakoff">'.$user['breakoff'].'</td>';
+ // Uporabni
+ echo '<td class="usable">'.$user['usable'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="usable status" rowspan="2">'.$user['status'].'</td>';
+ // ali odstranimo vse stolpce s podrobnimi vrednostmi (-1, -2...)
+ if ($this->show_details == true) {
+ foreach ($this->_missings AS $value => $text){
+ echo '<td class="unusable">'.$user[$value].'</td>';
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_unsets AS $value => $text){
+ echo '<td class="unusable">'.$user[$value].'</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ // ali prikazemo podrobne izracune
+ if ($this->show_calculations == true) {
+ echo '<td class="calculation" rowspan="2">'.common::formatNumber($user['UNL']*100, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="calculation" rowspan="2">'.common::formatNumber($user['UML']*100, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="calculation" rowspan="2">'.common::formatNumber($user['UCL']*100, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="calculation" rowspan="2">'.common::formatNumber($user['UIL']*100, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="calculation" rowspan="2">'.common::formatNumber($user['UAQ']*100, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ // Druga vrstica s procenti
+ echo '<tr class="multiVariablesHeader '.$user['css'].' '.$css_usable.'">';
+ // Ustrezni
+ echo '<td class="data">'.common::formatNumber($user['validPercent'], 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ // Non-substantive
+ echo '<td class="data">'.common::formatNumber($user['nonsubstantivePercent'], 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ // Non-response
+ echo '<td class="data">'.common::formatNumber($user['nonresponsePercent'], 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ // Skupaj
+ //echo '<td class="data bold">'.common::formatNumber(($user['validPercent']+$user['nonsubstantivePercent']+$user['nonresponsePercent']+$user['breakoffPercent']), 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="data sum bold">'.common::formatNumber(100, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ // Breakoffs
+ echo '<td class="data breakoff">'.common::formatNumber($user['breakoffPercent'], 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ // Uporabni
+ echo '<td class="usable">'.common::formatNumber($user['usablePercent'], 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ // ali odstranimo vse stolpce s podrobnimi vrednostmi (-1, -2...)
+ if ($this->show_details == true) {
+ foreach ($this->_missings AS $value => $text){
+ $val = $user[$value];
+ $val = ($all > 0) ? ($val / $all * 100) : 0;
+ echo '<td class="unusable">'.common::formatNumber($val, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_unsets AS $value => $text){
+ $val = $user[$value];
+ $val = ($all > 0) ? ($val / $all * 100) : 0;
+ echo '<td class="unusable">'.common::formatNumber($val, 0, null, '%').'</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ /*echo '<div class="usable_sum">';
+ echo '<div class="usable_legend" style="background-color:#ffffff;"></div> '.$lang['srv_usableResp_usable'].': <span class="bold">'.$usability['usable'].'</span>';
+ echo '<div class="usable_legend" style="background-color:#ffffe3;"></div> '.$lang['srv_usableResp_partusable'].': <span class="bold">'.$usability['partusable'].'</span> ';
+ echo '<div class="usable_legend" style="background-color:#ffe8e8;"></div> '.$lang['srv_usableResp_unusable'].': <span class="bold">'.$usability['unusable'].'</span>';
+ echo '</div>';*/
+ echo '<div class="usable_sum">';
+ //echo '<span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_usability'].': </span>';
+ if($usability['all'] > 0){
+ echo '<span class="usable_legend spaceLeft spaceRight" style="background-color:#ffffff;">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_usable_unit'].' - Status 2 ('.$this->top_usable_limit.'%-100%): <span class="bold">'.$usability['usable'].' ('.common::formatNumber($usability['usable']/$usability['all']*100, 0, null, '%').')</span></span>';
+ echo '<span class="usable_legend spaceLeft spaceRight" style="background-color:#ffffe3;">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_partusable_unit'].' - Status 1 ('.$this->bottom_usable_limit.'%-'.$this->top_usable_limit.'%): <span class="bold">'.$usability['partusable'].' ('.common::formatNumber($usability['partusable']/$usability['all']*100, 0, null, '%').')</span></span>';
+ echo '<span class="usable_legend spaceLeft" style="background-color:#ffe8e8;">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_unusable_unit'].' - Status 0 (0%-'.$this->bottom_usable_limit.'%): <span class="bold">'.$usability['unusable'].' ('.common::formatNumber($usability['unusable']/$usability['all']*100, 0, null, '%').')</span></span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<span class="usable_legend spaceLeft spaceRight" style="background-color:#ffffff;">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_usable_unit'].' - Status 2 ('.$this->top_usable_limit.'%-100%): <span class="bold">'.$usability['usable'].' ('.common::formatNumber(0, 0, null, '%').')</span></span>';
+ echo '<span class="usable_legend spaceLeft spaceRight" style="background-color:#ffffe3;">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_partusable_unit'].' - Status 1 ('.$this->bottom_usable_limit.'%-'.$this->top_usable_limit.'%): <span class="bold">'.$usability['partusable'].' ('.common::formatNumber(0, 0, null, '%').')</span></span>';
+ echo '<span class="usable_legend spaceLeft" style="background-color:#ffe8e8;">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_unusable_unit'].' - Status 0 (0%-'.$this->bottom_usable_limit.'%): <span class="bold">'.$usability['unusable'].' ('.common::formatNumber(0, 0, null, '%').')</span></span>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function displayUsableSettings(){
+ global $lang;
+ // Div z nastavitvami ki se razpre
+ echo '<div id="dataSettingsCheckboxes" '.($this->displayEditIconsSettings ? '' : ' style="display:none;"').'>';
+ echo '<div id="toggleDataCheckboxes2" onClick="toggleDataCheckboxes(\'usability\');"><span class="faicon close icon-orange" style="padding-bottom:2px;"></span> '.$lang['srv_data_settings_checkboxes2'].'</div>';
+ echo '<div id="usable_respondents_settings">';
+ echo $lang['srv_usableResp_limit'].': ';
+ echo '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_bottom_limit'].': <input type="text" id="bottom_usable_limit" size="2" onblur="changeUsableRespSetting(this);" value="'.$this->bottom_usable_limit.'" />%</span>';
+ echo '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_usableResp_top_limit'].': <input type="text" id="top_usable_limit" size="2" onblur="changeUsableRespSetting(this);" value="'.$this->top_usable_limit.'" />%</span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div style="margin-top:10px;">';
+ echo $lang['srv_usableResp_show'].': ';
+ // Prikaz neničelnih stolpcev
+ echo '<label class="spaceLeft spaceRight">';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="show_with_zero" onclick="changeUsableRespSetting(this);" '.($this->show_with_zero == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off">';
+ echo $lang['srv_usableResp_showZero'];
+ echo '</label>';
+ // Prikaz podrobnosti
+ echo '<label class="spaceLeft spaceRight">';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="show_details" onclick="changeUsableRespSetting(this);" '.($this->show_details == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off">';
+ echo $lang['srv_usableResp_showDetails'];
+ echo '</label>';
+ // Prikaz podrobnih izracunov
+ echo '<label class="spaceLeft">';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="show_calculations" onclick="changeUsableRespSetting(this);" '.($this->show_calculations == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off">';
+ echo $lang['srv_usableResp_showCalc'];
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ /** Funkcija ki nastavi vse filtre
+ *
+ */
+ private function setUpFilter(){
+ /*if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA
+ || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE
+ || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }*/
+ # poiščemo kater profil uporablja uporabnik
+ $_currentMissingProfile = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_missing_profile');
+ $this->currentMissingProfile = (isset($_currentMissingProfile) ? $_currentMissingProfile : 1);
+ # filtriranje po statusih
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsAWKString();
+ # filtriranje po časih
+ $_time_profile_awk = SurveyTimeProfiles :: getFilterForAWK($this->_HEADERS['unx_ins_date']['grids']['0']['variables']['0']['sequence']);
+ # dodamo še ife
+ SurveyConditionProfiles :: setHeader($this->_HEADERS);
+ $_condition_profile_AWK = SurveyConditionProfiles:: getAwkConditionString();
+ if (($_condition_profile_AWK != "" && $_condition_profile_AWK != null )
+ || ($_time_profile_awk != "" && $_time_profile_awk != null))
+ {
+ if ($_condition_profile_AWK != "" && $_condition_profile_AWK != null )
+ {
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER .= ' && '.$_condition_profile_AWK;
+ }
+ if ($_time_profile_awk != "" && $_time_profile_awk != null)
+ {
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER .= ' && '.$_time_profile_awk;
+ }
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER .= ')';
+ }
+ $status_filter = $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER;
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_OK || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_OLD)
+ {
+ if (isset($this->_HEADERS['testdata']))
+ {
+ $this->_HAS_TEST_DATA = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $smv = new SurveyMissingValues($this->anketa);
+ $smv -> Init();
+ $smv_array = $smv->GetSurveyMissingValues($this->anketa);
+ if (!empty($smv_array[1])){
+ foreach ($smv_array[1] AS $_survey_missings)
+ {
+ $this->_missings[$_survey_missings['value']] = $_survey_missings['text'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($smv_array[2])){
+ foreach ($smv_array[2] AS $_survey_unsets)
+ {
+ $this->_unsets[$_survey_unsets['value']] = $_survey_unsets['text'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function setUserFilters(){
+ # Nastavimo filtre variabel
+ $dvp = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_variable_profile');
+ $_currentVariableProfile = SurveyVariablesProfiles :: checkDefaultProfile($dvp);
+ if ($dvp != $_currentVariableProfile) {
+ SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_variable_profile', $_currentVariableProfile);
+ }
+ $this->_PROFILE_ID_VARIABLE = $_currentVariableProfile;
+ # ali prikazujemo tudi stolpce z 0 vrednostmi
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_with_zero'])) {
+ $this->show_with_zero = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_with_zero'];
+ }
+ # ali prikazujemo tudi stolpce z 0 vrednostmi
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_details'])) {
+ $this->show_details = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_details'];
+ }
+ # ali prikazujemo tudi stolpce z izracuni
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_calculations'])) {
+ $this->show_calculations = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_calculations'];
+ }
+ # ali prikazujemo vrstice "Drugo"
+ $this->show_with_other = true;
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_with_other'])) {
+ $this->show_with_other = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_with_other'];
+ }
+ # ali prikazujemo vrstice tipa "besedilo"
+ $this->show_with_text = true;
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_with_text'])) {
+ $this->show_with_text = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['show_with_text'];
+ }
+ # Spodnja in zgornja meja za usable
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['bottom_usable_limit'])) {
+ $this->bottom_usable_limit = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['bottom_usable_limit'];
+ }
+ # ali prikazujemo tudi stolpce z 0 vrednostmi
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['usable_resp']['top_usable_limit'])) {
+ $this->top_usable_limit = $this->sessionData['usable_resp']['top_usable_limit'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Zgeneriramo datoteko in izracunamo frekvence (stevilo 1, -1, -2...) za vsako enoto
+ private function collectData(){
+ global $site_path;
+ # polovimo frekvence statusov odgovorov za posameznega respondenta (stevilo -1, -2...)
+ $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ #array za imeni tmp fajlov, ki jih nato izbrišemo
+ $tmp_file = $folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa.'_usable_resp.php';
+ # pobrišemo sfiltrirane podatke, ker jih več ne rabimo
+ if (file_exists($tmp_file)) {
+ unlink($tmp_file);
+ }
+ $status_filter = $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER;
+ # s katero sekvenco se začnejo podatki, da ne delamo po nepotrebnem za ostala polja
+ $start_sequence = $this->_HEADERS['_settings']['dataSequence'];
+ # s katero sekvenco se končajo podatki da ne delamo po nepotrebnem za ostala polja
+ $end_sequence = $this->_HEADERS['_settings']['metaSequence']-1;
+ # sekvenca recnuma
+ $recnum_sequence = $this->_HEADERS['recnum']['sequences'];
+ # naredimo datoteko z frekvencami
+ # za windows sisteme in za linux sisteme
+ if (IS_WINDOWS ) {
+ # združimo v eno vrstico da bo strežnik bol srečen
+ $command = 'awk -F"|" "{{OFS=\"\x7C\"} {ORS=\"\n\"} {FS=\"\x7C\"} {SUBSEP=\"\x7C\"}} {{for (n in arr) {delete arr[n]}}} {delete arr} '.$status_filter.' {for (i='.$start_sequence.';i<='.$end_sequence.';i++) { arr[$i]++}} '.$status_filter.' {{for (n in arr) { print NR,$'.$recnum_sequence.',$1,n,arr[n]}}}" '.$this->dataFileName;
+ $command .= ' | sed "s*\x27*`*g" ';
+ $command .= ' | awk -F"|" "BEGIN {{OFS=\"\"} {ORS=\"\n\"}} { print \"$frequency[\",$1,\"]\",\"[\x27\",$4,\"\x27]\",\"=\",$5,\";\"} { print \"$frequency[\",$1,\"]\",\"[\"usr_id\"]\",\"=\",$3,\";\"} { print \"$frequency[\",$1,\"]\",\"[\"recnum\"]\",\"=\",$2,\";\"}" >> '.$tmp_file;
+ }
+ else {
+ # združimo v eno vrstico da bo strežnik bol srečen
+ $command = 'awk -F"|" \' {{OFS="|"} {ORS="\n"} {FS="|"} {SUBSEP="|"}} {{for (n in arr) {delete arr[n]}}} {delete arr} '.$status_filter.' {for (i='.$start_sequence.';i<='.$end_sequence.';i++) { arr[$i]++}} '.$status_filter.' {{for (n in arr) { print NR,$'.$recnum_sequence.',$1,n,arr[n]}}}\' '.$this->dataFileName;
+ $command .= ' | sed \'s*\x27*`*g\' ';
+ $command .= ' | awk -F"|" \'BEGIN {{OFS=""} {ORS="\n"}} { print "$frequency[",$1,"]","[\x27",$4,"\x27]","=\x27",$5,"\x27;"} { print "$frequency[",$1,"]","[\"usr_id\"]","=\x27",$3,"\x27;"} { print "$frequency[",$1,"]","[\"recnum\"]","=\x27",$2,"\x27;"}\' >> '.$tmp_file;
+ }
+ $file_handler = fopen($tmp_file,"w");
+ fwrite($file_handler,"<?php\n");
+ fclose($file_handler);
+ $out = shell_exec($command);
+ $file_handler = fopen($tmp_file,"a");
+ fwrite($file_handler,'?>');
+ fclose($file_handler);
+ include($tmp_file);
+ # pobrišemo sfiltrirane podatke, ker jih več ne rabimo
+ if (file_exists($tmp_file)) {
+ unlink($tmp_file);
+ }
+ // Loop cez podatke da vidimo kateri stolpci so prazni
+ foreach ($frequency AS $seq => $freqData) {
+ if (empty($freqData)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($freqData AS $key => $cnt){
+ if (is_numeric($key) && (isset($this->_missings[(int)$key]) || isset($this->_unsets[(int)$key])))
+ $this->cols_with_value[(int)$key] += $cnt;
+ elseif($key != 'recnum')
+ $this->cols_with_value['valid'] += $cnt;
+ }
+ }
+ return $frequency;
+ }
+ // Gremo cez enote in izracunamo uporabne vrednosti (uporabnost, breakoff...)
+ public function calculateData(){
+ // Preko datoteke preberemo frekvence za posamezne userje (1, -1, -2...)
+ $data = $this->collectData();
+ $css = '';
+ $usability = array();
+ // Loop cez vse responente
+ $counter = 1;
+ foreach($data as $key1 => $frequencies){
+ // Prestejemo vse in veljavne
+ $all = 0;
+ $valid = 0;
+ $usable = 0; // valid + nonsubstantive
+ $nonsubstantive = 0; // -97,-98...
+ $nonresponse = 0; // -1
+ $preskok = 0; // -2
+ $breakoff = 0; // -3
+ $naknadno = 0; // -4
+ $status = 0; // 0->unusable, 1->part. usable, 2->usable
+ foreach($frequencies as $key => $cnt){
+ if(!array_key_exists($key, $this->_missings) && !array_key_exists($key, $this->_unsets) && $key!==''){
+ $valid += $cnt;
+ $usable += $cnt;
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $this->_unsets)){
+ $nonsubstantive += $cnt;
+ $usable += $cnt;
+ }
+ if($key == -1)
+ $nonresponse += $cnt;
+ if($key == -3)
+ $breakoff+= $cnt;
+ if($key == -2)
+ $preskok+= $cnt;
+ if($key == -4)
+ $naknadno+= $cnt;
+ $all += $cnt;
+ }
+ // odstejemo polje recnum
+ $all -= $frequencies['recnum'];
+ $valid -= $frequencies['recnum'];
+ $usable -= $frequencies['recnum'];
+ // odstejemo polje usr_id
+ $all -= $frequencies['usr_id'];
+ $valid -= $frequencies['usr_id'];
+ $usable -= $frequencies['usr_id'];
+ //$validPercent = ($all > 0) ? ($valid / $all * 100) : 0;
+ //$nonsubstantivePercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive > 0) ? ($nonsubstantive / ($valid + $nonsubstantive) * 100) : 0;
+ //$nonresponsePercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse > 0) ? ($nonresponse / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse) * 100) : 0;
+ $validPercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse > 0) ? ($valid / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse) * 100) : 0;
+ $nonsubstantivePercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse > 0) ? ($nonsubstantive / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse) * 100) : 0;
+ $nonresponsePercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse > 0) ? ($nonresponse / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse) * 100) : 0;
+ //$breakoffPercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse + $breakoff > 0) ? ($breakoff / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse + $breakoff) * 100) : 0;
+ $breakoffPercent = $breakoff / $all * 100;
+ //$usablePercent = ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse + $breakoff > 0) ? ($usable / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse + $breakoff) * 100) : 0;
+ // Posebni izracuni
+ $UNL = (($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse) > 0) ? $nonresponse / ($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse) : 0; // Delez neodgovorov
+ $UBL = ($all > 0) ? $breakoff / $all : 0; // Delez prekinitev
+ $UML = $UBL + (1 - $UBL) * $UNL;
+ $UCL = 1 - $UML; // Uporabnost
+ $UIL = (($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse + $preskok) > 0) ? $preskok /($valid + $nonsubstantive + $nonresponse + $preskok) : 0; // Delez preskokov
+ $UAQ = ($all > 0) ? $naknadno / $all : 0; // Delez naknadnih
+ // Ce nimamo veljavnih in nevsebinskih je UCL vedno 0
+ $UCL = ($valid + $nonsubstantive == 0) ? 0 : $UCL;
+ $usablePercent = $UCL * 100;
+ if($usablePercent < (int)$this->bottom_usable_limit){
+ $css_usable = 'unusable';
+ $status = 0;
+ $usability['unusable']++;
+ }
+ elseif($usablePercent >= (int)$this->bottom_usable_limit && $usablePercent < (int)$this->top_usable_limit){
+ $css_usable = 'partusable';
+ $status = 1;
+ $usability['partusable']++;
+ }
+ else{
+ $css_usable = 'usable';
+ $status = 2;
+ $usability['usable']++;
+ }
+ $usability['all']++;
+ // Nastavimo izracunane podatke za respondenta
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['recnum'] = $frequencies['recnum'];
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['usr_id'] = $frequencies['usr_id'];
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['css'] = $css;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['status'] = $status;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['all'] = $all;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['valid'] = $valid;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['nonsubstantive'] = $nonsubstantive;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['nonresponse'] = $nonresponse;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['breakoff'] = $breakoff;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['usable'] = $usable;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['validPercent'] = $validPercent;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['usablePercent'] = $usablePercent;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['nonsubstantivePercent'] = $nonsubstantivePercent;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['nonresponsePercent'] = $nonresponsePercent;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['breakoffPercent'] = $breakoffPercent;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['UNL'] = $UNL;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['UML'] = $UML;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['UCL'] = $UCL;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['UIL'] = $UIL;
+ $usability['data'][$counter]['UAQ'] = $UAQ;
+ // ali odstranimo vse stolpce s podrobnimi vrednostmi (-1, -2...)
+ foreach ($this->_missings AS $value => $text){
+ $usability['data'][$counter][$value] = (isset($frequencies[$value]) ? $frequencies[$value] : '0');
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_unsets AS $value => $text){
+ $usability['data'][$counter][$value] = (isset($frequencies[$value]) ? $frequencies[$value] : '0');
+ }
+ $css = ($css == 'colored') ? '' : 'colored';
+ $counter++;
+ }
+ return $usability;
+ }
+ // Ali imamo zgenerirano datoteko ali ne
+ public function hasDataFile(){
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE
+ || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED)
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function setStatusFilter($status=''){
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER = $status;
+ }
+ function ajax(){
+ $action = $_GET['a'];
+ switch ($action){
+ case 'changeSetting' :
+ $this->ajax_change_settings();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private function ajax_change_settings(){
+ $value = $_POST['value'];
+ $what = $_POST['what'];
+ if($value == 'true')
+ $value = true;
+ elseif($value == 'false')
+ $value = false;
+ $this->sessionData['usable_resp'][$what] = $value;
+ // Shranimo spremenjene nastavitve v bazo
+ SurveyUserSession::saveData($this->sessionData);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file