path: root/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyStatistic.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyStatistic.php')
1 files changed, 2482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyStatistic.php b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyStatistic.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89910fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyStatistic.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2482 @@
+ * Created on 28.01.2010
+ *
+ */
+if(session_id() == '') {session_start();}
+define('TYPE_ALL', 'all'); # čisto vsi statusi
+define('TYPE_APPROPRIATE', 'appropriate'); # ustrezni statusi 6,5 brez lurkerjev
+define('TYPE_STATUS_6', 'status_6'); # ustrezni statusi 6 brez lurkerjev
+define('TYPE_STATUS_5', 'status_5'); # ustrezni statusi 5 brez lurkerjev
+define('TYPE_INAPPROPRIATE', 'inappropriate'); # neustrezni statusi 6l,5l,4,3,2,1,0,-1
+define('TYPE_STATUS_6l', 'status_6l'); # neustrezni statusi 6l
+define('TYPE_STATUS_5l', 'status_5l'); # neustrezni statusi 5l
+define('TYPE_STATUS_4', 'status_4'); # neustrezni statusi 4
+define('TYPE_STATUS_3', 'status_3'); # neustrezni statusi 3
+define('TYPE_STATUS_2', 'status_2'); # neustrezni statusi 2
+define('TYPE_STATUS_1', 'status_1'); # neustrezni statusi 1
+define('TYPE_STATUS_0', 'status_0'); # neustrezni statusi 0
+# končal anketo => 6
+define('TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_6', 'status_kum_6'); # kumulativni statusi 6 brez lurkerjev
+# začel izpolnjevat => 5 = 6 + 5 (brez L)
+define('TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_5', 'status_kum_5'); # kumulativni statusi 6 in 5 brez lurkerjev
+define('TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_5ll', 'status_kum_5ll'); # kumulativni statusi 5ll
+define('TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_4ll', 'status_kum_4ll'); # kumulativni statusi 4ll
+define('TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_3ll', 'status_kum_3ll'); # kumulativni statusi 3ll
+define('TYPE_STATUS_NULL', 'status_null'); # neustrezni statusi NULL <=> -1
+define('TYPE_PAGES', 'pages');
+define('TYPE_ANALYSIS', 'analysis');
+define('DATE_FORMAT', 'Y-m-d');
+define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', 'j.n.y');
+define('TIME_FORMAT_SHORT', 'G:i');
+define('PERIOD_MONTH_PERIOD', 'month_period'); # meseci v obdobju
+define('PERIOD_WEEK_PERIOD', 'week_period'); # tedni v obdobju
+define('PERIOD_DAY_PERIOD', 'day_period'); # dnevi v mesecu v obdobju(izpis po datumih - dnevi)
+define('PERIOD_HOUR_PERIOD', 'hour_period'); # ure v obdobju ( 0 - 23 ) za vsak dan posebej
+define('PERIOD_MONTH_YEAR', 'month_year'); # meseci v letu v obdobju (1-12)
+define('PERIOD_WEEK_YEAR', 'week_year'); # tedni v letu v obdobju (1-52)
+define('PERIOD_DAY_YEAR', 'day_year'); # dnevi v letu v obdobju (1-366)
+define('PERIOD_DAY_MONTH', 'day_month'); # dnevi v mesecu v obdobju (1-31)
+define('PERIOD_DAY_WEEK', 'day_week'); # dnevi v tednu ( 1 - 7 ) (pon-ned)
+define('PERIOD_HOUR_DAY', 'hour_day'); # ure v dnevu ( 0 - 23 )
+define('GRAPH_REDUCE', '1.22'); # količnik za koliko zmanjšamo širino grafa da ne prebije
+define('REFRESH_USER_COUNT', 1000); # Koliko userejv je meja da delamo refresh na 15 minut
+define('REFRESH_USER_TIME', 15); # Na koliko minut delamo update za veliko bazo
+class SurveyStatistic {
+ public $inited=false; // inicializacija
+ public $surveyId = null; // id ankete
+ public $doCache = false; // ali keširamo dashboard
+ public $startDate = null; // datum zacetka statistik
+ public $endDate = null; // datum konca statistik
+ public $type = TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_3ll;
+ public $period = PERIOD_DAY_PERIOD;
+ public $hideNullValues_dates = true; // ali prikazujemo nicelne vrednosti pri statistiki referalov
+ public $hideNullValues_status = true; // ali skrivamo nicelne vrednosti pri statisti statusov
+ public $filter_email_status = 0; // vsi userji
+ public $timelineDropDownType = 1; // 0 - končni statusi, 1 - kumulativni statusi
+ public $isDefaultFilters = false; // ali imampo privzete filtre
+ public $range = null;
+ public $arrayRange = null; // za datumsko porazdelitev koikov
+ public $allRecordCount = null; // koliko je vseh zapisov v bazi (neglede na datumsko obdobje)
+ public $maxValue = 0;
+ public $isInterval = false; // ali je uporabnik izbral datum iz intervala
+ public $stat_interval = null; // obdobje intervala
+ /*
+ "srv_userstatus_0" => "Email &#154;e ni bil poslan",
+ "srv_userstatus_1" => "Email poslan",
+ "srv_userstatus_2" => "Napaka pri po&#154;iljanju emaila",
+ "srv_userstatus_3" => "Klik na anketo",
+ "srv_userstatus_4" => "Klik na prvo stran",
+ "srv_userstatus_5" => "Za&#269;el izpolnjevati",
+ "srv_userstatus_6" => "Kon&#269;al anketo",
+ */
+ public $userByStatus = array('valid'=>array(6=>0,5=>0),
+ 'nonvalid'=>array('6l'=>0,'5l'=>0,4=>0,3=>0,-1=>0),
+ 'invitation'=>array(2=>0,1=>0,0=>0)); // za porazdelitev userjev po statusu
+ public $testDataCount = 0;
+ public $appropriateStatus = array(6,5); // Statusi anket katere štejemo kot ustrezne
+ public $unAppropriateStatus = array('6l','5l',4,3,-1); // Statusi anket katere štejemo kot neustrezne, 5l, 6l - lurkerji
+ public $invitationStatus = array(2,1,0); // Statusi anket katere štejemo kot neustrezne, 5l, 6l - lurkerji
+ public $emailInvitation = 0; # vsi respondenti (email in normalni)
+ public $cntUserByStatus = array('valid'=>0, 'nonvalid'=>0, 'invitation'=>0); // Štejemo userej po statusu
+ public $emailStatus = array(0,1,2); // Statusi povezani z emaili, se upoštevajo v statistiki neglede na datu (timeinsert)
+ public $cntValidRedirections = 0; // Stejemo vlejavne referale (ki vsebujejo tekst)
+ public $cntNonValidRedirections = 0; // Stejemo neveljavne referale (ki ne vsebujejo teksta)
+ public $userRedirections = array(3=>0,4=>0,5=>0,6=>0,'valid' => array('email'=>0),'email'=>0,'direct'=>0, 'cntAll'=>0); // za porazdelitev redirekcij na anketo
+ public $maxRedirection = 0; // koliko je maksimalno število klikov (za primerno širino diva)
+ public $maxCharRedirection = 0; // max stevilo znakovv v "host" (za lepsi izpis redirekcij)
+ public $realUsersByStatus_all = 0; // skupaj frekvenc
+ public $realUsersByStatus = array(); // frekvenca po posameznem statusu (uposeteva da ce je kdo koncal anketo jo je tudi zacel)
+ public $respondentLangArray = array(); # grupiranje po jezikih
+ public $realUsersByStatus_base = '3ll'; # kateri status nam predstavlja osnovo (100%) v oknu stopnje odgovorov
+ public $pageUsersByStatus_base = '3ll'; # kateri status nam predstavlja osnovo (100%) v oknu potek po straneh
+ public $ip_list = array();
+ public $db_table = "";
+ public $fileTimestamp = null; # timestamp ki ga dodelimo datoteki če shranimo dashboard v fajl
+ public $comments = array(); # za komentarej ankete
+ public $cnt_all = 0;
+ public $cnt_email = 0;
+ /** Inicializacija
+ *
+ */
+ function Init($sid, $forceDefaultFilter = false) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ # nastavimo sid
+ $this->surveyId = $sid;
+ $this->setSurveyId($sid);
+ Common::deletePreviewData($sid);
+ # inicializiramo časovne porfile
+ SurveyTimeProfiles :: Init($this->getSurveyId(), $global_user_id);
+ # poiščemo aktivno anketo
+ SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->getSurveyId());
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1)
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ # nastavimo spremenljivko ali imamo vse default vrednosti
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = true;
+ # resetiramo timestamp
+ $this->fileTimestamp = null;
+ # osvezimo datume zacetka in konca iz profila
+ $this->RefreshDates($forceDefaultFilter);
+ # če se število respondentov z emaili in brez razlikuje ponudimo filter
+ $str1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND (time_insert BETWEEN '".$this->startDate."' AND '".$this->endDate."' + INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
+ list($cnt_all) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($str1));
+ $str2 = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND inv_res_id is NOT NULL AND (time_insert BETWEEN '".$this->startDate."' AND '".$this->endDate."' + INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
+ list($cnt_email) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($str2));
+ $this->cnt_all = (int)$cnt_all;
+ $this->cnt_email = (int)$cnt_email;
+ # ali gledamo vse/samo emaile/brez emailov
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['filter_email_status']) && $_REQUEST['filter_email_status'] != "") {
+ $this->emailInvitation = (int)$_REQUEST['filter_email_status'];
+ } else if ( $this->cnt_all == $this->cnt_email && $this->cnt_all > 0 ) {
+ $this->emailInvitation = 1;
+ }
+ # tip statistike, strani, analize, uporabniki
+ #privzet tip:
+ $this->type = TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_3ll;
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = true;
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] != "") {
+ $this->type = $_REQUEST['type'];
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ # Ali skrivamo vrednosti ki so 0 za datumski prikaz
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['hideNullValues_dates']) && $_REQUEST['hideNullValues_dates'] != "") {
+ $this->hideNullValues_dates = ($_REQUEST['hideNullValues_dates'] == 'true');
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ # Ali skrivamo vrednosti ki so 0 pri statusih
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['hideNullValues_status']) && $_REQUEST['hideNullValues_status'] != "") {
+ $this->hideNullValues_status = ($_REQUEST['hideNullValues_status'] == 'true');
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ # Kateri dropdown prikažemo. ali z končnimi statusi, ali pa z kumulativnmi statusi
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['timelineDropDownType']) && $_REQUEST['timelineDropDownType'] == 'false') {
+ $this->timelineDropDownType = 0;
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ # če nimamo pravega tipa
+ } else {
+ $this->type = TYPE_STATUS_KUMULATIVE_3ll;
+ }
+ }
+ # Time filter
+ if ( (int)SurveyTimeProfiles ::getCurentProfileId() !== (int)SurveyTimeProfiles ::getSystemDefaultProfile())
+ {
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ # obdobje prikaza
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['period']) && $_REQUEST['period'] != "") {
+ $this->period = $_REQUEST['period'];
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ # osnova za stopnje odgovorov (dropdown)
+ # če smo preklopli na email vabila in če imamo samo vabila je osnova email
+ if ($this->emailInvitation === 1 && $_REQUEST['inviation_dropdown'] === 'true') {
+ $this->realUsersByStatus_base = 'email';
+ } else if ( isset($_REQUEST['userStatusBase']) && $_REQUEST['userStatusBase'] != "") {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation !== 1 && $_REQUEST['userStatusBase'] == 'email') {
+ $_REQUEST['userStatusBase'] = '3ll';
+ }
+ $this->realUsersByStatus_base = $_REQUEST['userStatusBase'];
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ // Osnova za odgovore po straneh
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['pageUserStatusBase']) && $_REQUEST['pageUserStatusBase'] != "") {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation !== 1 && $_REQUEST['pageUserStatusBase'] == 'email') {
+ $_REQUEST['pageUserStatusBase'] = '3ll';
+ }
+ $this->pageUsersByStatus_base = $_REQUEST['pageUserStatusBase'];
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ if ((int)$sid > 0) {
+ $this->inited = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function ajax() {
+ global $lang;
+ }
+ function getSurveyId() { return $this->surveyId; }
+ function setSurveyId($sid) { $this->surveyId = $sid; }
+ function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; }
+ function setStartDate($sd) { $this->startDate = $sd; }
+ function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; }
+ function setEndDate($ed) { $this->endDate = $ed; }
+ function getUserByStatus() { return $this->userByStatus; }
+ function getCntUserByStatus() { return $this->cntUserByStatus; }
+ function setPeriod($period) { $this->period = $period; }
+ function getArrayRange() { return $this->arrayRange; }//dobi range po datumih
+ function getUserRedirections() { return $this->userRedirections; }//dobi preusmeritve
+ function RefreshDates($forceDefaultFilter = false) {
+ # iz profila preberemo začetni datum in končni datum
+ $dates = SurveyTimeProfiles :: GetDates($forceDefaultFilter);
+ $this->startDate = $dates['start_date'];
+ $this->endDate = $dates['end_date'];
+ if ($dates['is_default_dates'] == false) {
+ $this->isDefaultFilters = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Pripravi osnovne podatke ce niso podani drugace
+ *
+ */
+ function PrepareDateView() {
+ switch ($this->type) {
+ case TYPE_ALL :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_6 :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_5 :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_6l :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_5l :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_4 :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_3 :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_2 :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_1 :
+ case TYPE_STATUS_0 :
+ #še kumulativni statusi
+ $time_edit = 'srv_user.time_insert';
+ break;
+ case TYPE_PAGES :
+ $time_edit = 'grupa.time_edit';
+ break;
+ $time_edit = 'srv_tracking'.$this->db_table.'.datetime';
+ break;
+ }
+ switch ($this->period) {
+ // vzamemo prvi dan v izbranem mesecu
+ $intervalFormat = "DATE_FORMAT($time_edit,'%Y-%m') AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = $this->createDateRangeArray($this->startDate, $this->endDate, "Y-m", 'm');
+ break;
+ // vzamemo prvi dan v izbranem mesecu
+ $intervalFormat = "YEARWEEK($time_edit) AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = $this->createDateRangeArray($this->startDate, $this->endDate, "YW", 'W');
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "MONTH($time_edit) AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = (($this->startDate <= $this->endDate) ? array_fill(1, 12, 0) : array ());
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "WEEKOFYEAR($time_edit) AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = (($this->startDate <= $this->endDate) ? array_fill(1, 52, 0) : array ());
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "DAYOFYEAR($time_edit) AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = (($this->startDate <= $this->endDate) ? array_fill(1, 366, 0) : array ());
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "DAYOFMONTH($time_edit) AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = (($this->startDate <= $this->endDate) ? array_fill(1, 31, 0) : array ());
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "DATE_FORMAT($time_edit,'%Y-%m-%d') AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = $this->createDateRangeArray($this->startDate, $this->endDate, DATE_FORMAT);
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "WEEKDAY($time_edit) AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = (($this->startDate <= $this->endDate) ? array_fill(0, 7, 0) : array ());
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "DATE_FORMAT($time_edit,'%H') AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) // da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ $this->arrayRange = (($this->startDate <= $this->endDate) ? $this->createDateRangeArray(null,null,null,'H') : array ());
+ break;
+ $intervalFormat = "DATE_FORMAT($time_edit,'%Y-%m-%d %H') AS formatdate ";
+ $groupBy = "GROUP BY formatdate ";
+ if (!$this->hideNullValues_dates) {// da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ // pripravimo data array
+ //$this->arrayRange = $this->createPeriodDateRangeArray(PERIOD_HOUR_PERIOD, $this->startDate, $this->endDate);
+ $this->arrayRange = $this->createDateRangeArray($this->startDate, $this->endDate, "Y-m-d H", 'h');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ $email_filter_string = null;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ } else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ // Tega ne rabimo? Drugace je pri kopirani arivski anketi vse prazno
+ //$intervalLimit = "AND $time_edit BETWEEN '".$this->startDate."' AND '".$this->endDate."' + INTERVAL 1 DAY ";
+ $intervalLimit = "";
+ switch ($this->type) {
+ # VSI
+ case TYPE_ALL :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' " . $email_filter_string . $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' ".$email_filter_string; // vsi statusi
+ break;
+ case TYPE_APPROPRIATE : # 6,5 brez lurkerjev
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' " . " AND last_status IN (6,5) AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string . $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status IN (6,5) AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string; // samo veljavne statuse
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_6 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string . $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_5 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '5' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '5' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND ( last_status NOT IN (6,5) OR lurker = '1') ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status NOT IN (6,5) OR lurker = '1' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ # NEUSTREZNI 6L lurkerji
+ case TYPE_STATUS_6l :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '1' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '1' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ # NEUSTREZNI 5L lurkerji
+ case TYPE_STATUS_5l :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '5' AND lurker = '1' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '1' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_4 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '4' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '4' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_3 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '3' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '3'".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_2 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '2' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '2'".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_1 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '1' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '1'".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_STATUS_0 :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '0' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '0'".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '-1' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '-1'.$email_filter_string";
+ break;
+ # kumuativni statusi
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status IN ('6','5') AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ # KUMULATIVNI 5LL = 6 in 5 z lurkerji
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status IN ('6','5') ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ # KUMULATIVNI 4LL = 6 in 5 z lurkerji in 4
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status IN ('6','5','4') ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ # KUMULATIVNI 3LL = 6 in 5 z lurkerji in 4 in 3
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status IN ('6','5','4','3') ".$email_filter_string. $intervalLimit . $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '" . $this->getSurveyId() . "' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '6' AND lurker = '0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_PAGES :
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user_grupa".$this->db_table." AS grupa, srv_grupa WHERE" .
+ " grupa.gru_id = AND srv_grupa.ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."'" . $intervalLimit . " ". $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_user_grupa".$this->db_table." AS grupa, srv_grupa WHERE" .
+ " grupa.gru_id = AND srv_grupa.ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."'";
+ break;
+ $sqlString = "SELECT " . $intervalFormat . ", count(*) as cnt FROM srv_tracking".$this->db_table." WHERE" .
+ " `get` LIKE '%analiza%' AND srv_tracking".$this->db_table.".ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."'" . $intervalLimit . " ". $groupBy;
+ $sqlStringAll = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_tracking".$this->db_table." WHERE" .
+ " `get` LIKE '%analiza%' AND srv_tracking".$this->db_table.".ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."'";
+ break;
+ }
+ // napolnomo array z damumi med intervali
+ $sql = sisplet_query($sqlString) ;
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
+ $this->range[$row['formatdate']] = $row['cnt'];
+ }
+ // preštejemo vse neodvisno od datuma
+ $sqlAll = sisplet_query($sqlStringAll) ;
+ $rowAll = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlAll);
+ $this->allRecordCount = $rowAll['cnt'];
+ if ($this->hideNullValues_dates)
+ $this->arrayRange = array(); // naredimo prazen array in nato dodamo samo vrednosti > 0
+ // kjer imamo zapise popravimo pre"stete vrednosti
+ if ($this->range)
+ foreach ($this->range as $key => $value) {
+ $this->arrayRange[$key] = $value;
+ $this->maxValue = max($this->maxValue, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Funkcija pripravi podatke za vse panele razen za panel DIsplayData
+ *
+ */
+ function prepareStatusView() {
+ $email_filter_string = null;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ }
+ else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ // Tukaj ne vem zakaj filtriramo po datumu? Itak rabimo vse
+ $qry = sisplet_query("SELECT id, last_status, lurker, testdata, inv_res_id, referer, language
+ FROM srv_user
+ WHERE ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview='0' AND deleted='0'"
+ .$email_filter_string
+ );
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($qry) > 0) {
+ $user_id_to_check_link = array(); # id-ji uporabnikov pri katerih imamo direkten klik. naknadno ugotavljamo ali je slučajno e-mail vabilo
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1 && $row['inv_res_id'] != null){
+ $this->userByStatus['valid']['email'] += 1;
+ }
+ if ((int)$row['testdata'] > 0) {
+ $this->testDataCount++;
+ }
+ // dodamo statuse
+ if (in_array($row['last_status'], $this->appropriateStatus)){
+ # če ni lurker je ok
+ if ($row['lurker'] == 0){
+ $this->userByStatus['valid'][$row['last_status']] += 1;
+ $this->cntUserByStatus['valid'] += 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ # če je lurker ga dodamo k neveljavnim
+ $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][$row['last_status'].'l'] += 1;
+ $this->cntUserByStatus['nonvalid'] += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # neveljavne enote
+ else if (in_array($row['last_status'], $this->unAppropriateStatus)){
+ $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][$row['last_status']] += 1;
+ $this->cntUserByStatus['nonvalid'] += 1;
+ }
+ # emaili
+ else if (in_array($row['last_status'], $this->invitationStatus)){
+ $this->userByStatus['invitation'][$row['last_status']] += 1;
+ $this->cntUserByStatus['invitation'] += 1;
+ }
+ #polovimo redirekte
+ if (in_array((int)$row['last_status'], $this->invitationStatus)){
+ # email vabila ... ne lovimo redirektov
+ # podatek o referalu je prazen lahko da email ni bil poslan, ali pa gre za direkten link
+ #$this->cntNonValidRedirections += 1;
+ #$this->userRedirections[(int)$row['last_status']] += 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # če so vabila
+ if ($row['inv_res_id'] != null ){
+ $this->cntValidRedirections += 1;
+ $this->userRedirections["valid"]['email'] += 1;
+ //$this->userRedirections["cntAll"] += 1;
+ $this->maxRedirection = max($this->maxRedirection , $this->userRedirections["valid"]['email']);
+ }
+ # če imamo referal
+ else if ($row['referer'] != "" && $row['referer'] != "0"){
+ $parsed = parse_url($row['referer']);
+ $this->cntValidRedirections += 1;
+ $this->userRedirections["valid"][$parsed['host']] += 1;
+ //$this->userRedirections["cntAll"] += 1;
+ $this->maxCharRedirection = max($this->maxCharRedirection , strlen ($parsed['host']) );
+ $this->maxRedirection = max($this->maxRedirection , $this->userRedirections["valid"][$parsed['host']] );
+ }
+ # če ne je najbrž direkten link
+ else{
+ # shranimo id_userjev za katere nato ugotavljamo ali je link res direkten ali obstaja kaksen zapis da je slo preko e-maila
+ $user_id_to_check_link[] = $row['id'];
+ $_tmp_direct +=1;
+ $this->cntNonValidRedirections += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ #polovimo jezike
+ if (isset($this->respondentLangArray[$row['language']])){
+ $this->respondentLangArray[$row['language']] ++;
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->respondentLangArray[$row['language']] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # od direktnega klika odštejemo e-mail vabila
+ if (count($user_id_to_check_link)> 0) {
+ $qryEmail = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM srv_userstatus WHERE usr_id IN (".implode(',', $user_id_to_check_link).") AND status IN (".implode(',', $this->emailStatus).")");
+ $rwsEmail = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qryEmail);
+ $this->userRedirections["email"] = (int)$rwsEmail['cnt'];
+ $directCnt = (int)$_tmp_direct - (int)$rwsEmail['cnt'];
+ $this->userRedirections["direct"] = $directCnt;
+ //$this->userRedirections["cntAll"] += $directCnt;
+ }
+ // prestejemo max stevilo klikov za lepsi izris tabele
+ $this->maxRedirection = max($this->maxRedirection , $this->userRedirections["2"], $this->userRedirections["1"], $this->userRedirections["0"],$this->userRedirections["direct"], $this->userRedirections['email']);
+ # izracunamo realne frekvence po statusih
+ # Klik na anketo - vsak ki je končal anketo (itd...) je "najbrž" tudi kliknil na anketo..
+ $this->realUsersByStatus_all = $this->userByStatus['valid'][6]
+ + $this->userByStatus['valid'][5]
+ + $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['5l']
+ + $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['6l']
+ + $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][4]
+ + $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][3]
+ + $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][-1];
+ // Klik na prvo stran - vsak ki je končal anketo (itd...) je "najbrž" tudi kliknil na anketo..
+ # končal anketo => 6
+ $this->realUsersByStatus[6] = array('cnt'=>$this->userByStatus['valid'][6], 'percent'=>0);
+ # začel izpolnjevat => 5 = 6 + 5
+ $this->realUsersByStatus[5] = array('cnt'=>$this->userByStatus['valid'][5]+$this->realUsersByStatus[6]['cnt'], 'percent'=>0);
+ # Koliko ljudi je dejansko končalo anketo ne glede na to ali so lurkerji 6 + 6l
+ $this->realUsersByStatus['6ll'] = array('cnt'=>$this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['6l']+$this->realUsersByStatus[6]['cnt'], 'percent'=>0);
+ # delno izpolnjena 4ll => 6 + 5 + 6l + 5l
+ $this->realUsersByStatus['5ll'] = array('cnt'=>$this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['6l']+$this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['5l']+$this->realUsersByStatus[5]['cnt'], 'percent'=>0);
+ # klik na prvo stran => 4 = 6 + 6l + 5l + 5 + 4
+ $this->realUsersByStatus['4ll'] = array('cnt'=>$this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][4]+$this->realUsersByStatus['5ll']['cnt'], 'percent'=>0);
+ # klik na anketo => 3 = 6 + 6l + 5l + 5 + 4 + 3
+ $this->realUsersByStatus['3ll'] = array('cnt'=>$this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][3]+$this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][-1]+$this->realUsersByStatus['4ll']['cnt'], 'percent'=>0);
+ //if ($this->emailInvitation == 1)
+ {
+ $this->realUsersByStatus['email']
+ = array('cnt'=>(isset($this->userByStatus['valid']['email'])?$this->userByStatus['valid']['email']:0), 'percent'=>0);
+ }
+ // izracunamo se procente
+ # v odvisnosti od osnove (dropdown) izberemo kaj nam predstavlja 100%
+ $status_100_percent = ($this->realUsersByStatus_base == '3ll')
+ ? $this->realUsersByStatus_all
+ : $this->realUsersByStatus[$this->realUsersByStatus_base]['cnt'];
+ foreach ($this->realUsersByStatus as $key => $value) {
+ $this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['percent'] = ($status_100_percent > 0) ? $value['cnt'] / $status_100_percent : 0;
+ }
+ # komentarji
+ $SD = new SurveyDiagnostics($this->surveyId);
+ $this->comments = $SD->testComments();
+ }
+ /** Funkcija klice funkcije za prikaz statistike
+ * DisplayInfoView - prikaze panelo z osnovnimi informacijami
+ * DisplayStatusView - prikaze panelo z kliki po statusih
+ * DisplayReferalsView - prikaze panelo z redirekcijami in referali
+ * DisplayDataView - prikate panelo z kliki po datumih
+ */
+ function Display() {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ $dashboardHtml = null;
+ // Preverjamo ce imamo slucajno izklopljeno shranjevanje datumov odgovorov (potem ni vecine statusov)
+ $paradata_date = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_date');
+ $dashboardCacheFile = $this->CheckDashbordChacheFile();
+ // Preverimo stanje datoteke s podatki
+ $SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ $SDF->init($this->surveyId);
+ # iz chace preberemo samo za osnovni profil
+ if ($this->doCache && $dashboardCacheFile !== null && $this->isDefaultFilters == true ) {
+ #čas updejta iz dashboarda
+ $_sql_string = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(dashboard_update_time,'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') FROM srv_data_files WHERE sid = '".$this->surveyId."'";
+ $_sql_qry = sisplet_query($_sql_string);
+ list($dashboard_update_time) = mysqli_fetch_row($_sql_qry);
+ echo '<span id="srv_dashboard_updated">'.$lang['srv_dashboard_updated'].$dashboard_update_time.'</span>';
+ #preberemo podatke o datoteki
+ echo $SDF->getDataFileInfo();
+ # preberemo cache file in ga zehamo
+ echo $this->ReadCacheFile();
+ }
+ else {
+ $dashboard_update_time = date("d.m.Y, H:i:s");
+ echo '<span id="srv_dashboard_updated">'.$lang['srv_dashboard_updated'].$dashboard_update_time.'</span>';
+ #preberemo podatke o datoteki
+ echo $SDF->getDataFileInfo();
+ // Ce ne zbiramo parapodatkov casov resevanja izpisemo opozorilo
+ if($paradata_date == 1)
+ echo '<br /><br /><span>'.$lang['srv_dashboard_paradata_date_warning'].'</span>';
+ // Prikazemo filter na datum ce je vklopljen
+ if (SurveyTimeProfiles::getCurentProfileId() != STP_DEFAULT_PROFILE){
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<div id="displayFilterNotes">';
+ SurveyTimeProfiles :: printIsDefaultProfile();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # Cache file ne obstaja. Če imamo privzete nastavitve vseh filtrov, shranimo prikazan html v datoteko
+ # spodnje ehote shranimo v spremenljivko ki jo popotrebi keširanja shranimo v datoteko.
+ ob_start();
+ $email_filter_string = null;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ } else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ // preverimo ali ima anketa kakšne vnose
+ $str_qry_all_users = "SELECT count( AS user_count FROM srv_user AS u " . "WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' ".$email_filter_string;
+ $qry_all_users = sisplet_query($str_qry_all_users);
+ $row_all_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_all_users);
+ $allUserCount = $row_all_users['user_count'];
+ // nimamo še vnosov
+ if ($allUserCount == 0 || $paradata_date == 1) {
+ // zgornji boxi
+ echo '<table class="dashboard dashboard_single">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_info" id="div_statistic_info" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayInfoView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ // imamo vnose, prikažemo statistiko
+ else {
+ $this->PrepareDateView();
+ $this->PrepareStatusView();
+ echo '<table class="dashboard">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // zgornji boxi
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_info" id="div_statistic_info" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayInfoView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_status" id="div_statistic_status" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayStatusView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_answer_state" id="div_statistic_answer_state" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayAnswerStateView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ // spodnji boxi
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" id="div_statistic_referals">';
+ $this -> DisplayReferalsView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" id="div_statistic_visit">';
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_timeline_title'].'</span>'.Help :: display('srv_statistic_timeline_title');
+ $this -> DisplayFilters();
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div name="div_statistic_visit_data" id="div_statistic_visit_data" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayDateView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" id="div_statistic_pages_state">';
+ $this -> DisplayPagesStateView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ # HTML zapišemo v spremenljivko
+ $dashboardHtml = ob_get_clean();
+ # če imamo default filtre zapišemo v datoteko; Prav tako mora bit izbran osnovni profil intervala z id = 0
+ if ($dashboardHtml != null && $this->isDefaultFilters == true) {
+ # poiščemo čase
+ # poiščemo datume sprememb v anketi
+ $str_qry_surveys = "SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(GREATEST(insert_time,edit_time)) as time FROM srv_anketa WHERE id = '".$this->surveyId."'";
+ $qry_surveys = sisplet_query($str_qry_surveys);
+ list($id,$time1) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_surveys);
+ # poiščemo datume sprememb v userju
+ $str_qry_users = "SELECT ank_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(GREATEST(max(time_insert), max(time_edit))) as time FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->surveyId."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' GROUP BY ank_id";
+ $qry_users = sisplet_query($str_qry_users);
+ list($id,$time2) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_users);
+ $timestamp = (int)$time1 + (int)$time2;
+ $this->WriteToCacheFile($dashboardHtml,$timestamp);
+ }
+ # izpišemo HTML v browser
+ echo $dashboardHtml;
+ }
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '<span >';
+ echo '</span>';
+ $dashboardHtml = null;
+ }
+ /** Funkcija prikaze osnovnih informacij
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayInfoView() {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_info_title'].Help :: display('srv_statistic_info_title').'</div><br/>';
+ //SurveyInfo::getInstance()->DisplayInfoBox(false);
+ /* zaradi nenehnih sprememb (Vasja) se ne da naredit univerzalno, */
+ echo '<table style="width:100%;">';
+ echo '<COLGROUP><COL width="90px"><COL width="100px"><COL width="90px"><COL width="100px"></COLGROUP>';
+ # ime ankete
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_name'].':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo htmlentities(SurveyInfo::getSurveyTitle(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyInfo()) {
+ #opomba
+ // prikažemo 30 znakov na mouseover pa kompletno
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_note'].':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3" title="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyInfo() . '">';
+ echo htmlentities($this->limitString(SurveyInfo::getSurveyInfo(),30), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ # katere napredne možnosti so vklopljene
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getSurveyRow();
+ $modules = SurveyInfo::getSurveyModules();
+ $enabled_advanced = null;
+ $prefix = '';
+ if (isset($modules['uporabnost'])) {
+ $enabled_advanced .= $prefix . $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_4'];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ if ($row['user_from_cms'] == 1) {
+ $enabled_advanced .= $prefix . $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_5'];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ if (isset($modules['quiz'])) {
+ $enabled_advanced .= $prefix . $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_6'];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ if (isset($modules['voting'])) {
+ $enabled_advanced .= $prefix . $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_18'];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ if (isset($modules['phone'])) {
+ $enabled_advanced .= $prefix . $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_7'];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ if (isset($modules['social_network'])) {
+ $enabled_advanced .= $prefix . $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_8'];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ # tip ankete
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_type'].':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_'.(SurveyInfo::getSurveyType()>2 ? 2 : SurveyInfo::getSurveyType())] . ($enabled_advanced != null ? ' ('.$enabled_advanced.')' : '' );
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # vprašanj, variabel
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_questions']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyQuestionCount();
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_variables']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyVariableCount();
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # stevilo strani
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_pages']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyGroupCount();
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # uporabnikov, odgovorov
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_analiza_stUporabnikov']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyAnswersCount();
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_answers_valid']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td>';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyApropriateAnswersCount();
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # jezik izpolnjevanja
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_language']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3" >';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getRespondentLanguage();
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # autor
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_creator']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3" title="'.SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertEmail().'">';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertName();
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertDate() && SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertDate() != "00.00.0000")
+ echo SurveyInfo::getDateTimeSeperator() . $this->dateFormat(SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertDate(),DATE_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertTime() && SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertTime() != "00:00:00")
+ echo SurveyInfo::getDateTimeSeperator() . $this->dateFormat(SurveyInfo::getSurveyInsertTime(),TIME_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # spreminjal
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_modify']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3" title="'.SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditEmail().'">';
+ echo SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditName();
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditDate() && SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditDate() != "00.00.0000")
+ echo SurveyInfo::getDateTimeSeperator() . $this->dateFormat(SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditDate(),DATE_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditTime() && SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditTime() != "00:00:00")
+ echo SurveyInfo::getDateTimeSeperator() . $this->dateFormat(SurveyInfo::getSurveyEditTime(),TIME_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #dostop, Kdo razen avtorja ima dostop
+ $dostop = SurveyInfo::getSurveyAccessUsers();
+ if ($dostop) {
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_access']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ $prefix='';
+ foreach ( $dostop as $user) {
+ //echo $prefix.'<span style="width:auto;" title="'.$user['email'].'">'.iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",$user['name']).'</span>';
+ echo $prefix.'<span style="width:auto;" title="'.$user['email'].'">'.$user['name'].'</span>';
+ $prefix='; ';
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ # aktivnost
+ $activity = SurveyInfo:: getSurveyActivity();
+ $_last_active = end($activity);
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_displaydata_status']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('active') == 1) {
+ echo '<span style="width:auto; color: green;">'.$lang['srv_anketa_active2'].'</span>';
+ } else {
+ # preverimo ali je bila anketa že aktivirana
+ if (!isset($_last_active['starts'])) {
+ # anketa še sploh ni bila aktivirana
+ echo '<span style="width:auto; color:orange;">'.$lang['srv_survey_non_active_notActivated'].'</span>';
+ } else {
+ # anketa je že bila aktivirna ampak je sedaj neaktivna
+ echo '<span style="width:auto; color:orange;">'.$lang['srv_survey_non_active'].'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ # trajanje: datumi aktivnosti
+ if ( count($activity) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_activity']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ $prefix = '';
+ foreach ($activity as $active) {
+ $_starts = explode('-',$active['starts']);
+ $_expire = explode('-',$active['expire']);
+ echo $prefix.$_starts[2].'.'.$_starts[1].'.'.$_starts[0].'-'.$_expire[2].'.'.$_expire[1].'.'.$_expire[0];
+ # echo $prefix . $this->dateFormat($active['starts'],DATE_FORMAT_SHORT).'-'.$this->dateFormat($active['expire'],DATE_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ $prefix = '; ';
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ # predviceni cas trajanja enkete
+ $sas = new SurveyAdminSettings();
+ $skupni_cas = $sas->testiranje_cas(1);
+ $skupni_predvideni_cas = $sas->testiranje_predvidenicas(1);
+ $d = new Dostop();
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_duration']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo ($skupni_cas!=''?'<a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->surveyId.'&a='.A_REPORTI . '&m='.M_TESTIRANJE_CAS.'">':'').$skupni_cas.($skupni_cas!=''?'</a>, ':'');
+ echo ''.$lang['srv_predvideno'].': ';
+ if ($d->checkDostopSub('test'))
+ echo '<a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->surveyId.'&a=testiranje&m=predvidenicas">';
+ echo $skupni_predvideni_cas;
+ if ($d->checkDostopSub('test'))
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ //VNOSI - pvi / zadnji vnos
+ $prvi_vnos_date = SurveyInfo::getSurveyFirstEntryDate();
+ $prvi_vnos_time = SurveyInfo::getSurveyFirstEntryTime();
+ $zadnji_vnos_date = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLastEntryDate();
+ $zadnji_vnos_time = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLastEntryTime();
+ if ($prvi_vnos_date != null) {
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_first_entry']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td '.( $zadnji_vnos_date == null ? 'colspan="3"' : '').'>';
+ echo $this->dateFormat($prvi_vnos_date,DATE_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ echo $prvi_vnos_time != null ? (SurveyInfo::$dateTimeSeperator .$this->dateFormat($prvi_vnos_time,TIME_FORMAT_SHORT)) : '';
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ if ($zadnji_vnos_date != null) {
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_info_last_entry']. ':';
+ echo '</td><td '.( $prvi_vnos_date == null ? 'colspan="3"' : '').'>';
+ echo $this->dateFormat($zadnji_vnos_date,DATE_FORMAT_SHORT);
+ echo $zadnji_vnos_time != null ? (SurveyInfo::$dateTimeSeperator .$this->dateFormat($zadnji_vnos_time,TIME_FORMAT_SHORT)) : '';
+ echo'</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #linki - urejanje
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_stat_edit'] . ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->getSurveyId().'">' . $lang['srv_stat_edit_survey'] . '</a>,';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->getSurveyId().'&a=komentarji">'.$lang['comments'].'</a>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #linki - povezave
+ */
+ list($commentsAll,$commentsUnresolved,$commentsQuestionAll,$commentsQuestionUnresolved,$commentsUser,$commentsUserFinished,$commentsUserSurveyAll,$commentsUserSurveyUnresolved) = $this->comments;
+ $commentsUserUnresolved = $commentsUser - $commentsUserFinished;
+ if (( (int)$commentsAll
+ +(int)$commentsUnresolved
+ +(int)$commentsQuestionAll
+ +(int)$commentsQuestionUnresolved
+ +(int)$commentsUser
+ +(int)$commentsUserFinished
+ ) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $lang['srv_diagnostic_4_element_0'] . ':';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo $lang['srv_diagnostic_4_element_1'];
+ echo ':&nbsp;';
+ echo (int)$commentsUnresolved. ' / '.(int)$commentsAll;
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo $lang['srv_diagnostic_4_element_1a'];
+ echo ':&nbsp;';
+ echo (int)$commentsUserSurveyUnresolved. ' / '.(int)$commentsUserSurveyAll;
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo $lang['srv_diagnostic_4_element_6'];
+ echo ':&nbsp;';
+ echo (int)$commentsQuestionUnresolved. ' / '.(int)$commentsQuestionAll;
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '</td><td colspan="3">';
+ echo $lang['srv_diagnostic_4_element_7'];
+ echo ':&nbsp;';
+ echo (int)$commentsUserUnresolved. ' / '.(int)$commentsUser;
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ /** Funkcija prikaže statuse odgovorov
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayAnswerStateView() {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $order = array('email','3ll','4ll','5ll',5,6);
+ } else {
+ $order = array('3ll','4ll','5ll',5,6);
+ }
+ if(true) {
+ $this->realUsersByStatus[0]['cnt'] = $this->cntUserByStatus['invitation'];
+ }
+ echo '<div class="floatLeft"><span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_title'].'</span>'.Help :: display('srv_statistic_answer_state_title');
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="floatRight">'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_base'].': ';
+ echo '<select id="userStatusBase" onchange="changeUserStatusBase()">';
+ foreach ($order as $key) {
+ echo '<option '.($this->realUsersByStatus_base.'' == $key.'' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').' value="'.$key.'" >'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$key].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_answ_state">';
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb "><th><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_status'].'</strong></th><td><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_frequency'].'</strong></td><td><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_percent'].'</strong></td></tr>';
+ foreach ($order as $key) {
+ if ($this->realUsersByStatus_base == $key) {
+ $base_found = true;
+ }
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$key].'</th>';
+ #frekvenca
+ echo '<td>'.($this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['cnt'] > 0 ? $this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['cnt'] : '0').'</td>';
+ #procenti
+ ;
+ echo '<td>';
+ #echo ( (float)$this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['percent'] > 1.0)
+ echo ( $base_found == false)
+ ? '--'
+ : $this->formatNumber($this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['percent']*100,NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT,'%');
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ // Uporabnost respondentov
+ $sur = new SurveyUsableResp($this->surveyId, $generateDatafile=false);
+ if(!$sur->hasDataFile())
+ echo '<br />';
+// echo $lang['srv_dashboard_no_file'].'<br /><br />';
+ else{
+ $usability = $sur->calculateData();
+ echo '<table id="tbl_answ_usability">';
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb "><th><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_usability'].' ('.$sur->bottom_usable_limit.'%/'.$sur->top_usable_limit.'%)</strong></th><td><strong>'./*$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_frequency'].*/'</strong></td><td><strong>'./*$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_percent'].*/'</strong></td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_usableResp_usable_unit'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>'.$usability['usable'].'</td>';
+ if($usability['all'] > 0)
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber($usability['usable']/$usability['all']*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ else
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(0, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_usableResp_partusable_unit'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>'.$usability['partusable'].'</td>';
+ if($usability['all'] > 0)
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber($usability['partusable']/$usability['all']*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ else
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(0, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_usableResp_unusable_unit'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>'.$usability['unusable'].'</td>';
+ if($usability['all'] > 0)
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber($usability['unusable']/$usability['all']*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ else
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(0, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ }
+ // Breakoffi
+ $status3 = (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['3'])) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['3'] : 0;
+ $status4 = (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['4'])) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['4'] : 0;
+ $status5 = (isset($this->userByStatus['valid']['5'])) ? $this->userByStatus['valid']['5'] : 0;
+ $status5l = (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['5l'])) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['5l'] : 0;
+ $status6 = (isset($this->userByStatus['valid']['6'])) ? $this->userByStatus['valid']['6'] : 0;
+ $all = (isset($this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'])) ? $this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'] : 0;
+ if($all > 0){
+ echo '<table id="tbl_answ_breakoff">';
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb "><th><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_breakoff'].'</strong></th><td><strong>'./*$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_frequency'].*/'</strong></td><td><strong>'./*$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_percent'].*/'</strong></td></tr>';
+ $introBreakoff = $status3 + $status4;
+ $introBreakoffPercent = $introBreakoff / $all;
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_breakoff_1'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>'.$introBreakoff.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber($introBreakoffPercent*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $qBreakoff = $status5 + $status5l;
+ $qBreakoffPercent = $qBreakoff / $all;
+ if(($all - $status3 - $status4) > 0)
+ $qBreakoffNeto = $qBreakoff / ($all - $status3 - $status4);
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_breakoff_2'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>'.$qBreakoff.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber($qBreakoffPercent*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').' (neto '.$this->formatNumber($qBreakoffNeto*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').')</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $totalBreakoff = $status3 + $status4 + $status5 + $status5l;
+ $totalBreakoffPercent = $totalBreakoff / $all;
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_breakoff_3'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>'.$totalBreakoff.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber($totalBreakoffPercent*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ $this->JsonAnswerStateView();
+ }
+ /** Funkcija kreira json statuse odgovorov (za API)
+ *
+ */
+ function JsonAnswerStateView() {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $order = array('email','3ll','4ll','5ll',5,6);
+ } else {
+ $order = array('3ll','4ll','5ll',5,6);
+ }
+ if(true) {
+ $this->realUsersByStatus[0]['cnt'] = $this->cntUserByStatus['invitation'];
+ }
+ $json_array = array();
+ foreach ($order as $key) {
+ if ($this->realUsersByStatus_base == $key) {
+ $base_found = true;
+ }
+ $json_array['status'][$key] = ['freq' => $this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['cnt'] > 0 ? $this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['cnt'] : '0',
+ 'state' => ( $base_found == false) ? '--'
+ : $this->formatNumber($this->realUsersByStatus[$key]['percent']*100,NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT,'%')];
+ }
+ // Uporabnost respondentov
+ $sur = new SurveyUsableResp($this->surveyId, $generateDatafile=false);
+ if($sur->hasDataFile()){
+ $usability = $sur->calculateData();
+ $json_array['usability']['unit'] = '('.$sur->bottom_usable_limit.'%/'.$sur->top_usable_limit.'%)';
+ if(isset($usability['usable']))
+ $json_array['usability']['usable'] = ['freq' => $usability['usable'],
+ 'state' => $this->formatNumber($usability['usable']/$usability['all']*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%')];
+ else
+ $json_array['usability']['usable'] = ['freq' => 0, 'state' => '0%'];
+ if(isset($usability['partusable']))
+ $json_array['usability']['partusable'] = ['freq' => $usability['partusable'],
+ 'state' => $this->formatNumber($usability['partusable']/$usability['all']*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%')];
+ else
+ $json_array['usability']['partusable'] = ['freq' => 0, 'state' => '0%'];
+ if(isset($usability['unusable']))
+ $json_array['usability']['unusable'] = ['freq' => $usability['unusable'],
+ 'state' => $this->formatNumber($usability['unusable']/$usability['all']*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%')];
+ else
+ $json_array['usability']['unusable'] = ['freq' => 0, 'state' => '0%'];
+ }
+ else
+ $json_array['usability'] = array();
+ // Breakoffi
+ $status3 = (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['3'])) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['3'] : 0;
+ $status4 = (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['4'])) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['4'] : 0;
+ $status5 = (isset($this->userByStatus['valid']['5'])) ? $this->userByStatus['valid']['5'] : 0;
+ $status5l = (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['5l'])) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid']['5l'] : 0;
+ $status6 = (isset($this->userByStatus['valid']['6'])) ? $this->userByStatus['valid']['6'] : 0;
+ $all = (isset($this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'])) ? $this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'] : 0;
+ if($all > 0){
+ $introBreakoff = $status3 + $status4;
+ $introBreakoffPercent = $introBreakoff / $all;
+ $json_array['breakoffs']['intro'] = ['freq' => $introBreakoff,
+ 'state' => $this->formatNumber($introBreakoffPercent*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%')];
+ $qBreakoff = $status5 + $status5l;
+ $qBreakoffPercent = $qBreakoff / $all;
+ if(($all - $status3 - $status4) > 0)
+ $qBreakoffNeto = $qBreakoff / ($all - $status3 - $status4);
+ $json_array['breakoffs']['questionnaire'] = ['freq' => $qBreakoff,
+ 'state' => $this->formatNumber($qBreakoffPercent*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').
+ ' (neto '.$this->formatNumber($qBreakoffNeto*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%').')'];
+ $totalBreakoff = $status3 + $status4 + $status5 + $status5l;
+ $totalBreakoffPercent = $totalBreakoff / $all;
+ $json_array['breakoffs']['total'] = ['freq' => $totalBreakoff,
+ 'state' => $this->formatNumber($totalBreakoffPercent*100, NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT, '%')];
+ }
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ /** Funkcija prikaže statuse
+ */
+ function DisplayStatusView() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_status_title'].Help :: display('srv_statistic_status_title');
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight">';
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_hide_null'];
+ echo '<input id="hideNullValues_status" name="hideNullValues_status" type="checkbox" onchange="statisticStatusRefresh(); return false;"'.($this->hideNullValues_status ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/><br/>';
+ $cntValid = 0; // da vemo ali izpisemo skupne
+ $cntNonValid = 0; // da vemo ali izpisemo skupne
+ $cntInvitation = 0; // da vemo ali izpisemo skupne
+ foreach ($this->appropriateStatus as $status) {
+ if (!($this->hideNullValues_status && $this->userByStatus['valid'][$status] == 0)) {// da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_status_span">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_'.$status] . ' ('.$status.') :</span>' . $this->userByStatus['valid'][$status].'<br/>';
+ $cntValid++;
+ }
+ }
+ // vsota vlejavnih
+ if ($cntValid > 0 || !$this->hideNullValues_status) {
+ echo '<div class="anl_dash_bt full strong"><span class="dashboard_status_span">'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum_valid'].'</span>'.($this->cntUserByStatus['valid']).'<br/></div><br/>';
+ }
+ // izpišemo še neveljavne
+ foreach ($this->unAppropriateStatus as $status) {
+ if (!($this->hideNullValues_status && $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][$status] == 0)) {// da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_status_span">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_'.$status] . ' ('.$status.') :</span>' . $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][$status]
+ . ( ( $index <= 2 && $this->userByStatus['valid'][$status] > 0 )
+ ? '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="survey_statistic_status(\''.$status.'\')">'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail'].'</a>'
+ : '')
+ . '<br/>';
+ $cntNonValid++;
+ }
+ }
+ // se status null (neznan status)
+ /*if (!($this->hideNullValues_status && $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][-1] == 0)) {// da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_status_span">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_null'] . ' (null) :</span>' . (isset($this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][-1]) ? $this->userByStatus['nonvalid'][-1] : '0') . '<br/>';
+ $cntNonValid++;
+ }*/
+ // vsota nevlejavnih
+ if ($cntNonValid > 0 || !$this->hideNullValues_status) {
+ echo '<div class="anl_dash_bt full strong"><span class="dashboard_status_span">'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum_nonvalid'].'</span>'.($this->cntUserByStatus['nonvalid']).'<br></div><br/>';
+ }
+ // Klikov na povezavo
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->setSID($this->surveyId);
+ $view_count = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('view_count');
+ if ($view_count == "") $view_count = 0;
+ if ($view_count > 0 || !$this->hideNullValues_status)
+ echo '<div class="full strong"><span class="dashboard_status_span">'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum_view'].'</span>'.($view_count).'<br /><br /></div>';
+ // Vsota anketiranih
+ echo '<div class="anl_dash_bt full strong "><span class="dashboard_status_span">'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum_surveyed'].'</span>'.($this->cntUserByStatus['valid']+$this->cntUserByStatus['nonvalid']).'<br></div>';
+ // Testni
+ if ((int)$this->testDataCount > 0) {
+ echo '<div class="full"><span class="dashboard_status_span">('.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_test'].')</span>'.((int)$this->testDataCount).'<br></div>';
+ }
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ # preštejemo še neposlana vabila
+ $str = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id='".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND sent='0' AND deleted='0'";
+ $qry = sisplet_query($str);
+ list($cntUnsent) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry);
+ $this->userByStatus['invitation'][0] = (int)$cntUnsent;
+ # še email vabila
+ // ker izpade čudno, statusov email neposlan
+ if (count(array_filter($this->userByStatus['invitation'])) > 0 || !$this->hideNullValues_status){
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft strong">'.$lang['srv_statistic_nonsurveyed_title'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ foreach ($this->invitationStatus as $status)
+ {
+ if (!($this->hideNullValues_status && $this->userByStatus['invitation'][$status] == 0)) {// da ne delamo po neporebnem
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_status_span">' . $lang['srv_statistic_email_status_'.$status] . ' ('.$status.') :</span>' . $this->userByStatus['invitation'][$status]
+ #. ( ( $status <= 2 && $this->userByStatus['invitation'][$status] > 0 )
+ # ? '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="survey_statistic_status(\''.$status.'\')">'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail'].'</a>'
+ # : '')
+ . '<br/>';
+ $cntInvitation++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // vsota emaili
+ if ($cntInvitation > 0 || !$this->hideNullValues_status) {
+ echo '<div class="anl_dash_bt full strong"><span class="dashboard_status_span">'.$lang['srv_statistic_sum2'].'</span>'.($this->cntUserByStatus['invitation']).'<br/></div><br/>';
+ }
+ // Vsota vseh
+ echo '<div class="anl_dash_bt full strong"><span class="dashboard_status_span">'.$lang['srv_statistic_sum_all'].'</span>'.($this->cntUserByStatus['valid']+$this->cntUserByStatus['nonvalid']+$this->cntUserByStatus['invitation']).'<br></div>';
+ }
+ /** Funkcija za prikaz referalov
+ */
+ function DisplayReferalsView() {
+ global $lang;
+ global $admin_type;
+ echo '<div><span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_title'].'</span>'.Help :: display('srv_statistic_redirection_title').'</div>';
+ // izrisemo graf
+ if ( ( $this->cntValidRedirections + $this->cntNonValidRedirections ) > 0) {
+ $maxValue = $this->maxRedirection * GRAPH_REDUCE;
+ $value_sum = 0;
+ echo '<table class="survey_referals_tbl">'."\n";
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;"><strong>' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_site'] . '</strong></th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td class="anl_ar"><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_click'].'</strong></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ if (count($this->userRedirections["valid"])) {
+ foreach ($this->userRedirections["valid"] as $key => $value) {
+ if ($key == 'email')
+ {
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;">' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_email'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;">' . $key . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ $value_sum += $value;
+ }
+ }
+ // dodamo še direktni link
+ if ($this->userRedirections["direct"] > 0) {
+ $value = $this->userRedirections["direct"];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;">' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_direct'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ $value_sum += $value;
+ }
+ // dodamo še email klik
+ // @Uros to je identicno, kot zgoraj v foreach, na koncu se gleda rezultat iz to sploh rabi?
+ if ($this->userRedirections["email"] > 0) {
+ $value = $this->userRedirections["email"];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;">' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_email'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ $value_sum += $value;
+ }
+ // dodamo sumo
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bt strong">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;"><strong>' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum_clicked'] . '</strong></th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="text-align:left">'.$value_sum.'</td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<tr class="">'."\n";
+ echo '<th colspan="2">&nbsp;</th>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ /*
+ // dodamo se neveljavne
+ $value_sum_nonvalid = 0;
+ for ($key = 2; $key >= 0; $key--) {
+ $value = $this->userRedirections["$key"];
+ if ($value > 0) {
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;">' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_email_'.$key] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_ly" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ $value_sum_nonvalid += $value;
+ }
+ }
+ // dodamo sumo
+ if ($value_sum_nonvalid > 0 ) {
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bt strong">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;"><strong>' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum_nonvalid'] . '</strong></th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="text-align:left">'.$value_sum_nonvalid.'</td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<tr class="">'."\n";
+ echo '<th colspan="2">&nbsp;</th>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ */
+ if (!($value_sum_nonvalid == 0 || $value_sum == 0 )) {
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bt strong">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;"><strong>' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum'] . '</strong></th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="text-align:left">'.($value_sum+$value_sum_nonvalid).'</td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ echo '</table>'."\n";
+ echo '<div id="referal_detail"><span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_details'].'</span></div>';
+ if ($this->cntValidRedirections > 0) {
+ echo '<div class="spaceLeft"><a href="#" onclick="survey_statistic_referal(this); return false;" value="0" title="'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail_referal'].'">'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail_referal'].'</a></div>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<div class="spaceLeft">'.$lang['srv_statistic_show_no_referals'].'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="spaceLeft"><a href="#" onclick="ip_list_podrobno(this); return false;" value="0" title="'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail_IP'].'">'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail_IP'].'</a></div>';
+ }
+ #echo '<div><p><strong>'.$lang['srv_count_ip_list'].': '.count($this->ip_list).'</strong></p></div>';
+ echo '<div><p><strong>'.$lang['srv_detail_ip_list'].': </strong></p></div>';
+ echo '<p>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="ip_list_podrobno(this); return false;" value="0">'.$lang['srv_statistic_detail'].'</a></p>';
+ # skrita div aza podrobnosti
+ echo '<div id="survey_referals" class="displayNone"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="ip_list_podrobno" class="displayNone"></div>';
+ }
+ /** Funkcija za prikaz klikov po straneh
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayPagesStateView() {
+ global $lang;
+ # ali lovimo samo strani ki niso bile preskočene
+ $grupa_jump = "AND ug.preskocena = 0 ";
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_pages_state_title'].'</span>'.Help :: display('srv_statistic_pages_state_title');
+ // Filter po osnovi
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $order = array('email','3ll','4ll','5ll',5,6);
+ } else {
+ $order = array('3ll','4ll','5ll',5,6);
+ }
+ echo '<div class="floatRight">'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_base'].': ';
+ echo '<select id="pageUserStatusBase" onchange="changePageUserStatusBase()">';
+ foreach ($order as $key) {
+ echo '<option '.($this->pageUsersByStatus_base.'' == $key.'' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').' value="'.$key.'" >'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$key].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ $status_filter_string = '';
+ switch($this->pageUsersByStatus_base){
+ case 'email':
+ //$status_filter_string = "AND u.last_status IN ('6','5')";
+ break;
+ case '3ll':
+ $status_filter_string = "AND u.last_status IN ('3','4','6','5')";
+ break;
+ case '4ll':
+ $status_filter_string = "AND u.last_status IN ('4', '6','5')";
+ break;
+ case '5ll':
+ $status_filter_string = "AND u.last_status IN ('6','5')";
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ $status_filter_string = "AND u.last_status IN ('6','5') AND u.lurker='0'";
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ $status_filter_string = "AND u.last_status='6' AND u.lurker='0'";
+ break;
+ }
+ echo '<br class="clr">';
+ $pages=array();
+ $maxValue = 0;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ } else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ # polovimo imena strani in preštejemo klike
+ $sql= "SELECT, g.naslov, g.vrstni_red, COUNT( ug.usr_id ) cnt FROM srv_grupa g LEFT JOIN srv_user_grupa".$this->db_table." ug ON = ug.gru_id"
+ ." JOIN srv_user u ON"
+ ." WHERE ug.time_edit BETWEEN '".$this->startDate."' AND '".$this->endDate."' + INTERVAL 1 DAY ".$grupa_jump
+ ." AND g.ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND u.preview='0' AND u.deleted='0' ".$email_filter_string." ".$status_filter_string." GROUP BY ORDER BY g.vrstni_red";
+ $qry = sisplet_query($sql);
+ if (!$qry) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ $pages[$row['id']] = array('naslov'=>$row['naslov'],'vrstni_red'=>$row['vrstni_red'],'cnt'=>$row['cnt']);
+ $maxValue = max($maxValue, $row['cnt']);
+ }
+ $maxValue = max($maxValue, $this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt']);
+ $maxValue = $maxValue * GRAPH_REDUCE;
+ echo '<table class="survey_referals_tbl">'."\n";
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:10pt;"><strong>' . $lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_status'] . '</strong></th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td class="anl_ar"><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_redirection_click'].'</strong></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ # status 3 - "Klik na anketo"
+ $value = $this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_3'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ # status 4 - "Klik na prvo stran"
+ $value = $this->realUsersByStatus['4ll']['cnt'];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_4'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ # status 5 - "Za&#269;el izpolnjevati",
+ $value = $this->realUsersByStatus[5]['cnt'];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_5'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ #strani
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:10pt;">' . $lang[''] . '</th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="text-align:center">'.$lang[' '].'</td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ foreach ($pages as $key => $page) {
+ $value = $page['cnt'];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ //echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $page['naslov'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_stran'].' '.$page['vrstni_red']. '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ #strani
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:10pt;">' . $lang[''] . '</th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="text-align:center">'.$lang[' '].'</td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ # status 6 - "Koncal",
+ $value6 = $this->realUsersByStatus[6]['cnt'];
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_6'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $value6) ? (round($value6/ $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value6.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ #če imamo lurkerje 6l dodamo skupaj konačal anketo (to je 6 + 6l) in nato še koliko jih je samo s statusom 6 (končal anketo)
+ # status 6l - "Koncal - lurker", izpišemo samo če obstajajo 6l
+ $lurkerjev = $this->realUsersByStatus['6ll']['cnt'] - $value6;
+ if ($lurkerjev > 0) {
+ $valueall = $this->realUsersByStatus['6ll']['cnt'] ;
+ # končal s tem da je lurker (6l)
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_6l'].'' . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $lurkerjev) ? (round($lurkerjev / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$lurkerjev.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ #črta
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb">'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width:10pt;">' . $lang[''] . '</th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="text-align:center">'.$lang[' '].'</td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ # končal ne glede na to ali je lurker
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<th style="width: 10pt;">' . $lang['srv_userstatus_all'] . '</th>'."\n";
+ $width = ($maxValue && $valueall) ? (round($valueall / $maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$valueall.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ echo '</table>'."\n";
+ }
+ /** Funkcija za prikaz seznam referalov
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayReferalsList() {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ } else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<br/><div class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_referals_list'].Help :: display('srv_statistic_referals_list').'</div>';
+ // še podatke o uporabniku
+ $sql_userInfo = sisplet_query("SELECT referer, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND time_insert BETWEEN '".$this->startDate."' AND '".$this->endDate."' + INTERVAL 1 ".$email_filter_string ." DAY GROUP BY referer");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_userInfo) > 0) {
+ echo '<table>';
+ $cnt=0;
+ while ( $row_userInfo = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_userInfo) ) {
+ if ($row_userInfo['referer'] != "") {
+ $css_top = $cnt ? ' anl_dash_bt' : '';
+ echo '<tr><td class="anl_dash_br anl_w15'.$css_top.'">'.$row_userInfo['cnt']. '</td><td class="'.$css_top.'">' .$row_userInfo['referer'].'</td></tr>';
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_show_no_referals'];
+ }
+ }
+ /** Funkcija za prikaz seznam IP-jev
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayIPList() {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ } else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ # IP-je lovimo preko ajaxa
+ $string_sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS count, ip FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id='".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND (time_insert BETWEEN '".$this->startDate."' AND '".$this->endDate."' + INTERVAL 1 DAY) ".$email_filter_string." GROUP BY ip ORDER BY count DESC, ip ASC";
+ $sql = sisplet_query($string_sql);
+ echo '<br/><div class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_IP_list'].Help :: display('srv_statistic_IP_list').'</div>';
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ #echo '<div class="dashboard_title">'.$lang[''].'</div>';
+ echo '<table>';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ echo '<tr><td class="anl_dash_br">'.$row['ip'].'</td><td>'.$row['count'].'</td></tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ }
+ /** Prikaze userje po posameznem statusu
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayUserByStatus() {
+ global $lang;
+ $status = $_POST['status'];
+ if ($this->emailInvitation > 0) {
+ if ($this->emailInvitation == 1) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is not NULL ';
+ } else if($this->emailInvitation == 2) {
+ $email_filter_string = ' AND inv_res_id is NULL ';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<div id="div_statistic_float_div">';
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_statistic_show_emails'].'</span><br/>';
+ // polovimo e-maile ce obstajajo
+ $sqlUser = sisplet_query("SELECT d.text FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." d, srv_spremenljivka s , srv_grupa g WHERE AND d.usr_id IN ( SELECT id FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' AND last_status = '".$status."' ) AND s.variable = 'email' AND g.ank_id='" . $this->getSurveyId(). "' AND ".$email_filter_string);
+ $cnt = 0;
+ while($rowUser = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlUser)) {
+ if (isset($rowUser['text']) && $rowUser['text'] != "") {
+ echo '<div class="list">'.$rowUser['text'].'</div>';
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$cnt){
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_show_no_emails'];
+ }
+ echo '<br/><span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="close_statistic_float_div(); return false;"><span>';
+ echo $lang['srv_zapri'];
+ echo '</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ /** Funkcija prikaze filter
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayFilters () {
+ global $lang;
+ // Kumulativa
+ echo '<span class="floatRight" style="display:inline-block; vertical-align: middle;">';
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_hide_null'];
+ echo '<input id="hideNullValues_dates" name="hideNullValues_dates" type="checkbox" onclick="statisticFilterDateRefresh();"'.($this->hideNullValues_dates ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '</span>';
+ // Skrij 0
+ echo '<span class="floatRight" style="display:inline-block; margin-right:10px; vertical-align: middle;">';
+ echo '<label for="timelineDropDownType" autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_statistic_kumulativa'].': </label>';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="timelineDropDownType" name="timelineDropDownType" value="0" '.($this->timelineDropDownType == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off" style="margin:0px!important;" onclick="statisticDropdownChange();" >';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ // Osnova
+ echo '<span id="span_timelineDropDownType" class="floatLeft">';
+ $this->DisplayTimelineDropdowns();
+ echo '</span>';
+ // Oblika
+ echo '<span class="floatRight">';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_statistic_period'].'</label>:'."\n";
+ echo '<select id="period" name="period" size="1" onchange="statisticFilterDateRefresh();" autocomplete="off" >'."\n";
+ foreach ( $this->periods as $key => $_period) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $_period . '" ' . ( $_period == $this->period ? ' selected="selected" ' : '') . '>'.$lang['srv_statistic_period_' . $_period ].'</option>'."\n";
+ }
+ echo '</select>'."\n";
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ function DisplayTimelineDropdowns() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_base'].': ';
+ if ($this->timelineDropDownType == 0) {
+ echo '<select name="type" id="type" onchange="statisticFilterDateRefresh();" autocomplete="off">'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_ALL.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_ALL ? ' selected' : '') . ' class="opt_bold">'.$lang['srv_userstatus_total'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_APPROPRIATE.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_APPROPRIATE ? ' selected' : '') . ' class="opt_bold">'.$lang['srv_userstatus_appropriate'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_6.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_6 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_6'].' (6)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_5.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_5 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_5'].' (5)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_INAPPROPRIATE.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_INAPPROPRIATE ? ' selected' : '') . 'class="opt_bold">'.$lang['srv_userstatus_inappropriate'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_6l.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_6l ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_6l'].' (6l)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_5l.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_5l ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_5l'].' (5l)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_4.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_4 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_4'].' (4)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_3.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_3 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_3'].' (3)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_2.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_2 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_2'].' (2)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_1.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_1 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_1'].' (1)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_0.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_0 ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_0'].' (0)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_STATUS_NULL.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_STATUS_NULL ? ' selected' : '') . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_userstatus_null'].' (-1)</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_PAGES.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_PAGES ? ' selected' : '') . ' class="opt_bold">'.$lang['srv_diagnostics_strani'].'</option>'."\n";
+ echo '<option value="'.TYPE_ANALYSIS.'"' . ($this -> type == TYPE_ANALYSIS ? ' selected' : '') . ' class="opt_bold">'.$lang['srv_diagnostics_analiza'].'</option>'."\n";
+ echo '</select>'."\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $order = array(
+ echo '<select name="type" id="type" onchange="statisticFilterDateRefresh();" autocomplete="off">'."\n";
+ foreach ($order as $key => $value) {
+ echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '.($this -> type .'' == $value.'' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').' value="'.$value.'" >'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$key].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ }
+ }
+ /** Funkcija prikaze statistike
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayDateView() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->maxValue *= GRAPH_REDUCE;
+ $cnt=0;
+ echo '<table class="survey_referals_tbl">'."\n";
+ if ($this->arrayRange) {
+ foreach ($this->arrayRange as $key => $value) {
+ $label = $this->formatStatsString($key, $this->period);
+ echo '<tr>'."\n";
+ echo '<td style="width:90px;">' . $label . '</td>'."\n";
+ $width = ($this->maxValue && $value) ? (round($value / $this->maxValue * 100, 0)) : "0";
+ echo '<td style=""><div class="graph_db" style="text-align:right; float:left; width:'.$width.'%">&nbsp;</div><span style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-left:5px; width:20px; float:left">'.$value.'</span></td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ $cnt+=$value;
+ }
+ // dodamo sumo
+ echo '<tr >'."\n";
+ echo '<th class="anl_dash_bt strong" style="width:'.($this->maxCharRedirection+2).'pt;"><strong>' . $lang['srv_statistic_redirection_sum'] . '</strong></th>'."\n";
+ echo '<td class="anl_dash_bt strong" style="text-align:left">'.$cnt.' </td>'."\n";
+ echo '</tr>'."\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo '<td style="width:70%"><div style="background-color:#EFF2F7; border-left:1px solid #B9C5D9;">'.$lang['srv_no_data'].'</div></td>'."\n";
+ }
+ echo '</table>'."\n";
+ }
+ // pomozne funkcije
+ /**
+ * @param $strDateFrom
+ * @param $strDateTo
+ * @param $format
+ * @param $add
+ * [D] - doda en dan (24 ur);
+ * [m] - doda en mesec (št dni * 24 ur);
+ * [h] - doda 1 uro;
+ * @return unknown_type
+ */
+ function createDateRangeArray ($strDateFrom, $strDateTo, $format = DATE_FORMAT, $add = 'D') {
+ // takes two dates formatted as YYYY-MM-DD and creates an
+ // inclusive array of the dates between the from and to dates.
+ // could test validity of dates here but I'm already doing
+ // that in the main script
+ $aryRange = array ();
+ if ($add == 'H') { // urni interval za dnevno obdobje
+ for ($i = 0; $i <=23; $i++){
+ $aryRange[($i <= 9) ? '0'.$i : $i] = 0; // vrednosti nastavimo na 0
+ }
+ return $aryRange;
+ }
+ if ($add == 'h') { // urni interval za celotno obdobje
+ $iDateFrom = strtotime($strDateFrom.' -1 hour');
+ $iDateTo = strtotime($strDateTo.' + 23 hour');
+ while ($iDateFrom < $iDateTo) {
+ $iDateFrom += 3600; // add 1 hour
+ $aryRange[date($format, $iDateFrom)] = 0; // vrednosti nastavimo na 0
+ }
+ return $aryRange;
+ }
+ $iDateFrom = mktime(1, 0, 0, substr($strDateFrom, 5, 2), substr($strDateFrom, 8, 2), substr($strDateFrom, 0, 4));
+ $iDateTo = mktime(1, 0, 0, substr($strDateTo, 5, 2), substr($strDateTo, 8, 2), substr($strDateTo, 0, 4));
+ if ($iDateTo >= $iDateFrom) {
+ //NAMESTO: array_push($aryRange,date($format,$iDateFrom)); // first entry
+ $aryRange[date($format, $iDateFrom)] = 0; // vrednosti nastavimo na 0
+ while ($iDateFrom <= $iDateTo) {
+ if ($add == 'm') {
+ // ugotovimo koliko dni je v trenutnem mesecu
+ $daysInMonth = date("d", strtotime('-1 second', strtotime('+1 month', strtotime(date("m", $iDateFrom) . '/01/' . date("Y", $iDateFrom) . ' 00:00:00'))));
+ $iDateFrom += 86400 * ($daysInMonth); // add 24 hours * dayInMonth
+ } else { // ($add == 'H')
+ $iDateFrom += 86400; // add 24 hours
+ }
+ if ($iDateFrom <= $iDateTo)
+ $aryRange[date($format, $iDateFrom)] = 0; // vrednosti nastavimo na 0
+ //NAMESTO: array_push($aryRange,date($format,$iDateFrom));
+ }
+ }
+ return $aryRange;
+ }
+ function formatStatsString ($txt, $type) {
+ global $months, $months_shortx, $weekdays, $week_short,$months;
+ switch ($type) {
+ $result = $months[round(substr($txt, 5, 7), 0)] . ", " . substr($txt, 0, 4);
+ break;
+ $result = substr($txt, 4, 7) . ", " . substr($txt, 0, 4);
+ break;
+ $result = $months[$txt];
+ break;
+ $result = $txt;
+ break;
+ $result = $txt;
+ break;
+ $result = $txt;
+ break;
+ $result = $txt;
+ break;
+ $weekdays['0'] = $weekdays['7'];
+ $nedelja = $weekdays['7'];
+ ksort($weekdays);
+ $weekdays = array_unique($weekdays);
+ $result = $weekdays[round($txt, 0)];
+ break;
+ $result = $txt.':00 - '.($txt+1).':00';
+ break;
+ $result = date('Y-m-d H:00',strtotime($txt.':00')).' - '.date('H:00',strtotime($txt.':00 + 1 hour'));
+ break;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function dateFormat($input, $format) {
+ if ($input != '..') {
+ return date($format,strtotime($input));
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ /** Lepo oblikuje number string
+ *
+ * @param float $value
+ * @param int $digit
+ * @param string $sufix
+ * @return string
+ */
+ function formatNumber ($value, $digit = 0, $sufix = "") {
+ if ($value <> 0 && $value != null)
+ $result = round($value, $digit);
+ else
+ $result = "0";
+ $result = number_format($result, $digit, '.', ',') . $sufix;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc Odreze niz na zadnjem presledkom pred omejitvijo (limit)
+ *
+ * @param $input
+ * @param $limit
+ *
+ * @return $string
+ */
+ function limitString($input, $limit = 100) {
+ // Return early if the string is already shorter than the limit
+ if(strlen($input) < $limit) {return $input;}
+ $regex = "/(.{1,$limit})\b/";
+ preg_match($regex, $input, $matches);
+ return $matches[1].'...';
+ }
+ /**
+ * perveri ali imamo zakeširan fajl (HTML) če obstaja, ga uporabimo za prikaz dashboarda.
+ */
+ function CheckDashbordChacheFile() {
+ global $site_path;
+ # nastavimo folder
+ $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ # preverimo timestampe
+ $str_qry_surveys = "SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(GREATEST(insert_time,edit_time)) as time FROM srv_anketa WHERE id ='".$this->surveyId."'";
+ $qry_surveys = sisplet_query($str_qry_surveys);
+ list($id,$time_survey) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_surveys);
+ $str_qry_users = "SELECT ank_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(GREATEST(max(time_insert), max(time_edit))) as time FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id > 0 AND ank_id ='".$this->surveyId."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' GROUP BY ank_id";
+ $qry_users = sisplet_query($str_qry_users);
+ list($id,$time_user) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_users);
+ $dashboard_timestamp = (int)$time_survey + (int)$time_user;
+ $fileToUse = $folder . 'export_dashboard_'.$this->surveyId.'.html';
+ # če cache fajla še nimamo kreiramo novega
+ if (!file_exists($fileToUse)) {
+ # cache fajl ne obstaja
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ # cache fajl obstaja
+ #preverimo datum dashboard fajla
+ $_sql_string = "SELECT dashboard_file_time FROM srv_data_files WHERE sid = '".$this->surveyId."'";
+ $_sql_qry = sisplet_query($_sql_string);
+ list($dashboard_file_time) = mysqli_fetch_row($_sql_qry);
+ # preverimo ali je file up to date
+ if ($dashboard_timestamp == $dashboard_file_time) {
+ #dashboard file je up to date
+ return $fileToUse;
+ } else {
+ # dashboard fajl ni up to date
+ #preštejemo vse userje da lahko za vlke ankete kreiramo cache samo na 15 minut.
+ $str_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM srv_user where ank_id ='".$this->surveyId."' AND deleted='0'"; // zakaj tukaj ni preview???
+ $qry_count = sisplet_query($str_count);
+ list($user_count) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_count);
+ # če imamo dosti uporabnikov refreshamo cache fajl na 15 minut.
+ if ($user_count > REFRESH_USER_COUNT ) {
+ # preverimo ali je potrebno dashboard fajl posodobit, ali uporabimo starega
+ # cache fajl ni up to date, preverimo ali moramo kreirati novega ali lahko uporabimo starega (update time < 15 min)
+ # poiščemo zadnji cache file za to anketo
+ if (file_exists($fileToUse)) {
+ $ctime = filectime($lastFiles);
+ $diff = time() - $ctime;
+ if ($diff > (REFRESH_USER_TIME * 60)) {
+ # pobrišemo star fajl
+ unlink($fileToUse);
+ # updejt je bil pred več kot 15 min. delamo nov fajl
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return $fileToUse;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unlink($fileToUse);
+ return null;
+ }
+ /** Zapišemo html ($data) v html fajl za keširanje
+ *
+ * @param HTML $data
+ */
+ function WriteToCacheFile($data,$timestamp) {
+ global $site_path;
+ if ($this->surveyId !== null && $data !== null && $data !== '') {
+ # če imamo default filtre zapišemo v datoteko; Prav tako mora bit izbran osnovni profil intervala z id = 0
+ if ( $this->isDefaultFilters == true) {
+ # nastavimo folder
+ $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ $fileToUse = $folder . 'export_dashboard_'.$this->surveyId.'.html';
+ # pobrišemo morebitne predhodne header datoteke ankete
+ if (file_exists($fileToUse)) {
+ unlink($fileToUse);
+ }
+ $df = fopen($fileToUse, 'w') or die("can't open file");
+ fwrite($df, $data);
+ fclose($df);
+ $str_qry_exist_files_update = "INSERT INTO srv_data_files (sid, dashboard_file_time, dashboard_update_time) VALUES ('".$this->surveyId."','".$timestamp."',NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE dashboard_file_time = '".$timestamp."', dashboard_update_time = NOW()";
+ $updated = sisplet_query($str_qry_exist_files_update);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** prepebremo zakeširan html fajl
+ *
+ * @param unknown_type $data
+ */
+ function ReadCacheFile() {
+ global $site_path;
+ if ($this->surveyId !== null) {
+ # nastavimo folder
+ $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ $dashboardFile = null;
+ # prebermo fajl:
+ foreach (glob($folder . 'export_dashboard_'.$this->surveyId.'.html') as $filesToUse) {
+ if ( $dashboardFile == null) {
+ $dashboardFile = $filesToUse;
+ }
+ }
+ $df = fopen($dashboardFile, 'r') or die("can't open file");
+ $data = fread($df, filesize($dashboardFile));
+ fclose($df);
+ return $data;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /** Funkcija klice funkcije za prikaz statistike
+ * DisplayInfoView - prikaze panelo z osnovnimi informacijami
+ * DisplayStatusView - prikaze panelo z kliki po statusih
+ * DisplayReferalsView - prikaze panelo z redirekcijami in referali
+ * DisplayDataView - prikate panelo z kliki po datumih
+ */
+ function WriteDashboardToFile($sid,$timestamp) {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ if ((int)$sid > 0) {
+ # spodnje ehote shranimo v spremenljivko ki jo popotrebi keširanja shranimo v datoteko.
+ // preverimo ali ima anketa kakšne vnose
+ $str_qry_all_users = "SELECT count( AS user_count FROM srv_user AS u " . "WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->getSurveyId()."' AND preview = '0' AND deleted='0' ";
+ $qry_all_users = sisplet_query($str_qry_all_users);
+ $row_all_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_all_users);
+ $allUserCount = $row_all_users['user_count'];
+ ob_start();
+ #echo '<div class="floatLeft" id="updateTime">'.$lang['srv_dashboard_updated'].date("d.m.Y, H:i").'</div>';
+ if ($allUserCount == 0) { // nimamo še vnosov
+ // zgornji boxi
+ echo '<table class="dashboard dashboard_single">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_info" id="div_statistic_info" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayInfoView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ // 1) če ankete še nima nobenega klika, naj se pri poročilu ne prikaže nobena od šestih analiza,
+ // ampak naj pise: Anketa nima še nobenega vnosa« zreaven naj bo v SIVEM zavihka UREJANJE
+ // 2) Če nima anketa nobenega klika in ni niti aktivirana, pa napisite:
+ // Anketa še ni aktivvirajna. Zraven naj bo sta siva zavihkja Urejanje vprašalnika in Objave&vabila
+ } else {
+ // imamo vnose, prikažemo statistiko
+ $this->PrepareDateView();
+ $this->PrepareStatusView();
+ echo '<table class="dashboard">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // zgornji boxi
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_info" id="div_statistic_info" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayInfoView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_status" id="div_statistic_status" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayStatusView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_answer_state" id="div_statistic_answer_state" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayAnswerStateView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ // spodnji boxi
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" id="div_statistic_referals">';
+ $this -> DisplayReferalsView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" id="div_statistic_visit">';
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_timeline_title'].'</span>'.Help :: display('srv_statistic_timeline_title');
+ echo '<form name="frm_statistic_filter" id="frm_statistic_filter" autocomplete="off">'."\n";
+ // echo '<div name="div_statistic_filter" id="div_statistic_filter" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayFilters();
+ // echo '</div>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div name="div_statistic_visit_data" id="div_statistic_visit_data" >'."\n";
+ $this -> DisplayDateView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" id="div_statistic_pages_state">';
+ $this -> DisplayPagesStateView();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ # HTML zapišemo v spremenljivko
+ $dashboardHtml = ob_get_clean();
+ $this->WriteToCacheFile($dashboardHtml,$timestamp);
+ }
+ }
+ function changeInvitationFilter() {
+ $this->emailInvitationFilter($_POST['filter_email_status']);
+ }
+ function emailInvitationFilter($dashboardInvitationType) {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($dashboardInvitationType == 1) {
+ echo '<div id="dashboardEmailFilter">';
+ echo $lang[''].'Podatki so filtrirani: ';
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_email_invitation_only_email'];
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="as_link space_left" onclick="$(\'#filter_email_status\').val(\'0\').trigger(\'change\');">Odstrani</span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ if ($dashboardInvitationType == 2) {
+ echo '<div id="dashboardEmailFilter">';
+ echo $lang[''].'Podatki so filtrirani: ';
+ echo $lang['srv_statistic_email_invitation_no_email'];
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="as_link space_left" onclick="$(\'#filter_email_status\').val(\'0\').trigger(\'change\');">Odstrani</span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ function DisplayAaporCalculations() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->PrepareDateView();
+ $this->PrepareStatusView();
+ $sa = new SurveyAapor($this->cntUserByStatus,$this->userByStatus,$this->surveyId);
+ }
+ function DisplayAaporPriblizek(){
+ $this->PrepareDateView();
+ $this->PrepareStatusView();
+ $sa = new SurveyAapor($this->cntUserByStatus,$this->userByStatus,$this->surveyId);
+ $sa->prikaziPriblizek();
+ }
+ function DisplayAaporFullCalculation(){
+ $sa = new SurveyAapor($this->cntUserByStatus,$this->userByStatus,$this->surveyId);
+ $sa->calculationForFullAapor();
+ }
+ function DisplayLangStatistic() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->PrepareDateView();
+ $this->PrepareStatusView();
+ echo '<table class="dashboard dashboard_single">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // zgornji boxi
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div class="dashboard_cell" name="div_statistic_info" id="div_statistic_info" >'."\n";
+ {
+ $lang_array = array();
+ $lang_array[$lang['id']] = $lang['language'];
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT lang_id, language FROM srv_language WHERE ank_id='$this->surveyId' ORDER BY language");
+ while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll)) {
+ $lang_array[$rowl['lang_id']] = $rowl['language'];
+ }
+ echo '<span class="dashboard_title">'.$lang['srv_statistic_lang_title'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_answ_state">';
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bb "><th><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_lang'].'</strong></th><td><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_frequency'].'</strong></td><td><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_answer_state_percent'].'</strong></td></tr>';
+ foreach ($this->respondentLangArray as $key => $cnt) {
+ $allCnt+=$cnt;
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang_array[$key].'</th>';
+ #frekvenca
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$cnt.'</td>';
+ #procenti
+ echo '<td>';
+ $percent = ($this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'] > 0)
+ ? $cnt / $this->realUsersByStatus['3ll']['cnt'] * 100
+ : 0;
+ echo $this->formatNumber((int)$percent,NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT,'%');
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr class="anl_dash_bt "><th><strong>'.$lang['srv_statistic_sum'].'</strong></th>';
+ #frekvenca
+ echo '<td><strong>'.(int)$allCnt.'</strong></td>';
+ #procenti
+ echo '<td>';
+ $percent = 100;
+ echo $this->formatNumber((int)$percent,NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT,'%');
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file