path: root/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyProfileManager.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyProfileManager.php')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyProfileManager.php b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyProfileManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf95af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyProfileManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+/** @author: Gorazd Veselič
+ *
+ * @Desc: za upravljanje s profili
+ *
+ *
+ * @Date: 10.12.2012
+ */
+class SurveyProfileManager {
+ private $uid = null; # id userja
+ private $sid = null; # id ankete
+ private $currentProfileId = SPM_DEFAULT_PROFILE; # id trenutno izbranega profila
+ private $ssp = null;
+ private $svp = null;
+ private $scp = null;
+ private $stp = null;
+ private $profileVariables = array(0=>'ssp',1=>'svp',2=>'scp',3=>'stp');
+ private $profiles = array();
+ function __construct($anketa = null) {
+ if ((int)$anketa > 0) {
+ $this->sid = $anketa;
+ } else {
+ $this->sid = $_REQUEST['anketa'];
+ }
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $this->uid = $global_user_id;;
+ #polovimo privzete profile
+ $this->ssp = new SurveyStatusProfiles;
+ $this->ssp -> Init($this->sid);
+ $this->svp = new SurveyVariablesProfiles();
+ $this->svp -> Init($this->sid, $this->uid, true);
+ $this->scp = new SurveyConditionProfiles();
+ $this->scp -> Init($this->sid, $this->uid);
+ $this->stp = new SurveyTimeProfiles();
+ $this->stp -> Init($this->sid, $this->uid);
+ SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->Init($this->sid, $this->uid);
+ $this -> currentProfileId = (int)SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_profileManager_pid');
+ $this->getProfiles();
+ }
+ function getCurentProfileId(){
+ return $this->currentProfileId;
+ }
+ function ajax() {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['m']) && trim($_REQUEST['m']) != '') {
+ $this->action($_REQUEST['m']);
+ } else {
+ echo 'Ajax error!';
+ return 'Ajax error!';
+ }
+ }
+ function action($action) {
+ if ($action == 'displayProfiles') {
+ $this->DisplayProfiles();
+ } else if ($action == 'save') {
+ $this->SaveProfile();
+ } else if ($action == 'saveNew') {
+ $_POST['pm_name'] = $_POST['newName'];
+ $_POST['asNew'] = 'true';
+ $this->SaveProfile();
+ } else if ($action == 'changeProfile') {
+ $this->ChangeProfile();
+ } else if ($action == 'choose') {
+ $this->ChooseProfile();
+ } else if ($action == 'delete') {
+ $this->DeleteProfile();
+ } else {
+ echo $_REQUEST;
+ }
+ }
+ function getProfiles() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->profiles = array();
+ # privzet profil
+ $this->profiles[SPM_DEFAULT_PROFILE] = array (
+ 'name' => $lang['srv_profileManager_profileName_without'],
+ 'comment' => $lang['srv_profileManager_profileComment_system'],
+ 'ssp' => (int)SurveyStatusProfiles :: getSystemDefaultProfile(),
+ 'svp' => SurveyVariablesProfiles :: getSystemDefaultProfile(),
+ 'scp' => SurveyConditionProfiles :: getSystemDefaultProfile(),
+ 'stp' =>SurveyTimeProfiles :: getSystemDefaultProfile()
+ );
+ # trenutne nastavitve
+ $this->profiles[0] = array (
+ 'id' => 0,
+ 'name' => $lang['srv_profileManager_profileName_current'],
+ 'comment' => $lang['srv_profileManager_profileComment_system'],
+ 'ssp' => SurveyStatusProfiles :: getCurentProfileId(),
+ 'svp' => SurveyVariablesProfiles :: getCurentProfileId(),
+ 'scp' => SurveyConditionProfiles :: getCurentProfileId(),
+ 'stp' =>SurveyTimeProfiles :: getCurentProfileId()
+ );
+ # polovimo iz baze
+ $str = "SELECT id, name, comment, ssp, svp, scp, stp FROM srv_profile_manager WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'";
+ $qry = sisplet_query($str);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($qry) > 0) {
+ while (list($id,$name,$comment,$ssp,$svp,$scp,$stp) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry)) {
+ # preverimo še obstoj posameznega profila
+ $updateProfile=false;
+ if (!$this->ssp->checkProfileExist((int)$ssp))
+ {
+ $ssp = (int)SurveyStatusProfiles::getSystemDefaultProfile();
+ $updateProfile=true;
+ }
+ if (!$this->svp->checkProfileExist((int)$svp))
+ {
+ $svp = (int)SurveyVariablesProfiles::getSystemDefaultProfile();
+ $updateProfile=true;
+ }
+ if (!$this->scp->checkProfileExist((int)$scp))
+ {
+ $scp = (int)SurveyConditionProfiles::getSystemDefaultProfile();
+ $updateProfile=true;
+ }
+ if (!$this->stp->checkProfileExist((int)$stp))
+ {
+ $stp = (int)SurveyTimeProfiles::getSystemDefaultProfile();
+ $updateProfile=true;
+ }
+ $this->profiles[$id] = array (
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'comment' => $comment,
+ 'ssp' => (int)$ssp,
+ 'svp' => (int)$svp,
+ 'scp' => (int)$scp,
+ 'stp' => (int)$stp
+ );
+ #po potrebi updejtamo profil
+ if($updateProfile == true) {
+ $this->updateProfiles($id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->profiles;
+ }
+ function DisplayLink($hideAdvanced = true, $hideSeperator = false) {
+ global $lang;
+ $css = (
+ (int)$this->currentProfileId == SPM_DEFAULT_PROFILE
+ || (int)$this->currentProfileId == 0
+ ? ' gray'
+ : '');
+ if ($hideAdvanced == false || $izbranStatusProfile != SSP_DEFAULT_PROFILE) {
+ if ($hideSeperator == false) {
+ echo '<li class="space">&nbsp;</li>';
+ }
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<span class="as_link'.$css.'" onclick="profileManager_displayProfiles(); return false;" title="' . $lang['srv_profileManager_link'] . '">' . $lang['srv_profileManager_link'] . '</span>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ }
+ function DisplayProfiles($pid = null) {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($pid === null) {
+ $pid = $this -> currentProfileId;
+ }
+ $popUp = new PopUp();
+ $popUp->setId('divProfileManager');
+ $popUp->setHeaderText($lang['srv_profileManager_div_header']);
+ #vsebino shranimo v buffer
+ ob_start();
+ echo '<form id="profileManager_form">';
+ echo '<div class="floatLeft spaceRight" style="height:100%;">';
+ echo '<div id="profileManager_holder">';
+ echo '<div id="profileManager_profile" class="select">';
+ foreach ($this->profiles as $key => $value) {
+ echo '<div class="option' . ( $pid == $value['id'] ? ' active' : '') . '" id="profileManager_profile_' . $value['id'] . '" value="'.$value['id'].'">';
+ echo $value['name'];
+ if($pid > 0 && $pid == $value['id']){
+ echo ' <a href="#" onclick="profileManager_delete(\''.$pid.'\'); return false;" value="'.$lang['srv_delete_profile'].'"><span class="faicon delete_circle icon-orange_link floatRight" style="margin-top:1px;"></span></a>'."\n";
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ $this->DisplayProfileData($pid);
+ echo '</form>'; # profileManager_form
+ // cover Div
+ echo '<div id="profileManagerCoverDiv"></div>';
+ // div za shranjevanje novega profila
+ echo '<div id="newProfile">'.$lang['srv_missing_profile_name'].': ';
+ echo '<input id="newProfileName" name="newProfileName" type="text" size="45" />';
+ $button = new PopUpButton($lang['srv_save_profile']);
+ echo $button -> setFloat('right')
+ ->setButtonColor('orange')
+ -> addAction('onClick','profileManager_saveNew(\''.$pid.'\'); return false;');
+ $button = new PopUpButton($lang['srv_cancel']);
+ echo $button -> setFloat('right')
+ -> addAction('onClick','$(\'#newProfile\').hide(); $(\'#profileManagerCoverDiv\').fadeOut(); return false;');
+ echo '</div>';
+ $content = ob_get_clean();
+ #dodamo vsebino
+ $popUp->setContent($content);
+ #dodamo gumb izberi profil
+ $button = new PopUpButton($lang['srv_choose_profile']);
+ $button -> setFloat('right')
+ -> setButtonColor('orange')
+ -> addAction('onClick','profileManager_choose(\''.$pid.'\'); return false;');
+ $popUp->addButton($button);
+ #dodamo gumb nov profil
+ $button = new PopUpButton($lang['srv_new_profile_name']);
+ $button -> setFloat('right')
+ -> addAction('onClick','profileManager_newName(\''.$pid.'\'); return false;');
+ $popUp->addButton($button);
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ # dodamo gumb shrani
+ $button = new PopUpButton($lang['srv_save_profile']);
+ $button -> setFloat('right')
+ -> addAction('onClick','profileManager_save(\''.$pid.'\',\'false\'); return false;');
+ $popUp->addButton($button);
+ # dodamo gumb izbriši
+ /*$button = new PopUpButton($lang['srv_delete_profile']);
+ $button -> setFloat('right')
+ -> addAction('onClick','profileManager_delete(\''.$pid.'\'); return false;');
+ $popUp->addButton($button);*/
+ }
+ # dodamo gumb Prekliči
+ $button = new PopUpCancelButton();
+ $button -> setFloat('right');
+ $popUp->addButton($button);
+ echo $popUp;
+ }
+ function getPidData($pid = null) {
+ if ($pid === null) {
+ $pid = $this -> currentProfileId;
+ }
+ $result = $this->profiles[$pid];
+ # pridobimo imena profilov
+ foreach ($this->profileVariables AS $pvKey => $profileVariable) {
+ $sub_pid = $this->profiles[$pid][$profileVariable];
+ $subName = $this->{$profileVariable}->getProfileName($sub_pid);
+ $result[$profileVariable] = array('id'=>$sub_pid, 'name'=>$subName);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function SaveProfile() {
+ global $lang;
+ $pid = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ $name = isset($_POST['pm_name']) && trim($_POST['pm_name']) != '' ? $_POST['pm_name'] : $lang['srv_profileManager_profileName_new'];
+ $comment = $_POST['pm_comment'];
+ $asNew = $_POST['asNew'] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ $data_fields = array();
+ $data_variables = array();
+ foreach ($this->profileVariables AS $pvKey => $profileVariable) {
+ $data[] = $_POST['pm_profile_'.$profileVariable];
+ if (isset($_POST['pm_profile_'.$profileVariable])) {
+ $data_fields[] = $profileVariable;
+ $data_variables[] = $_POST['pm_profile_'.$profileVariable];
+ }
+ }
+ # ali updejtamo obstoječ profil
+ if ($asNew == false) {
+ # preverimo ali profil s tem ID-jem že obstaja ali ga samo shranmimo
+ $str = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_profile_manager WHERE id = '$pid'";
+ $qry = sisplet_query($str);
+ list($count) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry);
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ # popravimo star profil
+ $strUpdate = "UPDATE srv_profile_manager SET name='$name', comment='$comment' WHERE id='$pid'";
+ $qryUpdate = sisplet_query($strUpdate);
+ sisplet_query('COMMIT');
+ $this->profiles = $this->getProfiles();
+ $this->DisplayProfiles($pid);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # v nov profil
+ if (count($data_fields) > 0 && count($data_variables) > 0) {
+ $str = "INSERT INTO srv_profile_manager (id,ank_id,name,comment,"
+ .implode(',',$data_fields)
+ .") VALUES (NULL,'$this->sid','$name','$comment',"
+ .implode(',',$data_variables)
+ . ")";
+ $qry = sisplet_query($str);
+ $new_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ sisplet_query('COMMIT');
+ $this->profiles = $this->getProfiles();
+ $this->DisplayProfiles($new_id);
+ }
+ }
+ /** updejtamo izbrane podprofile pri posameznem glevnem profilu
+ *
+ * @param (int) $pid
+ */
+ function updateProfiles($pid) {
+ # popravimo star profil
+ $strUpdate = "UPDATE srv_profile_manager SET"
+ . " ssp = '".$this->profiles[$pid]['ssp']."'"
+ . ", svp = '".$this->profiles[$pid]['svp']."'"
+ . ", scp = '".$this->profiles[$pid]['scp']."'"
+ . ", stp = '".$this->profiles[$pid]['stp']."'"
+ . " WHERE id='$pid'";
+ $qryUpdate = sisplet_query($strUpdate);
+ sisplet_query('COMMIT');
+ }
+ function ChangeProfile() {
+ $pid = (int)$_REQUEST['pid'];
+ $this->DisplayProfiles($pid);
+ }
+ function DisplayProfileData($pid=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($pid === null) {
+ $pid = $this -> currentProfileId;
+ }
+ echo '<div style="background-color:#EFF2F7; padding: 5px; float:right; height:160px;">';
+ echo '<div class="floatRight">';
+ $pidData = $this->getPidData($pid);
+ echo '<table id="tbl_profileManager_pdofileData">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_profileManager_profileChoosen'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_profileManager_profileChoosen_name'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ($this->profileVariables AS $pvKey => $profileVariable) {
+ $pvProfile = $pidData[$profileVariable];
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_profileManager_profileName_'.$profileVariable].'</td>';
+ echo '<td><input type="hidden" name="pm_profile_'.$profileVariable.'" value="'.$pvProfile['id'].'">'.$pvProfile['name'].'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="floatRight spaceRight">';
+ echo '<table><tr>';
+ echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;"><label>'.$lang['srv_profileManager_name'].'</label></td>';
+ if (trim($pidData['name']) == '') {
+ $placeholder = ' placeholder="'.$lang['srv_profileManager_profileName_new'].'"';
+ }
+ if ($pid <= 0) {
+ $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
+ }
+ echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;">';
+ echo '<input type="text" style="width:250px;" name="pm_name"'.$placeholder.$disabled.' value="'.$pidData['name'].'"/>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr><tr>';
+ echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;"><label>'.$lang['srv_profileManager_comment'].'</label></td>';
+ echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;"><textarea name="pm_comment"'.$disabled.' style="width:250px; height:80px;">'.$pidData['comment'].'</textarea></td>';
+ echo '</tr></table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function DeleteProfile() {
+ $pid = (int)$_REQUEST['pid'];
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ # popravimo star profil
+ $strUpdate = "DELETE FROM srv_profile_manager WHERE id='$pid' AND ank_id='$this->sid'";
+ $qryUpdate = sisplet_query($strUpdate);
+ sisplet_query('COMMIT');
+ $this->profiles = $this->getProfiles();
+ }
+ $this->DisplayProfiles((int)SPM_DEFAULT_PROFILE);
+ }
+ function ChooseProfile() {
+ $pid = (int)$_REQUEST['pid'];
+ #zloopamo skozi profile in ponastavimo nastavitve
+ foreach ($this->profileVariables AS $pvKey => $profileVariable) {
+ $sub_pid = $this->profiles[$pid][$profileVariable];
+ $this->{$profileVariable}->setDefaultProfileId($sub_pid);
+ }
+ SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_profileManager_pid', $pid);
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file