path: root/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyMobile.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyMobile.php')
1 files changed, 1142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyMobile.php b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyMobile.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55ce2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyMobile.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1142 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za komunikacijo z mobilno aplikacijo
+ *
+ */
+class SurveyMobile {
+ private $anketa; // id ankete
+ function __construct($anketa = 0) {
+ global $lang;
+ if ((int) $anketa > 0) {
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrne string zadnje verzije mobilne app
+ //!! to je samo nek ostanek, ki se trenutno rabi samo zato, da se pac gre cez login in da po loginu klice neko funkcijo
+ public function getMobileVersion() {
+ /* $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='mobileApp_version'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ return $row['value'];
+ }
+ else
+ return 0; */
+ return 'ABORTED';
+ }
+ // Preveri username in pass ce sta ok za login
+ public function checkLogin($pass, $uname) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ $login_check = false;
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id, pass, status FROM users WHERE email='" . $uname . "'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ //if($row['pass'] == base64_encode(bin2hex(hash(SHA256, $pass.$pass_salt))))
+ if ($row['pass'] == base64_encode(hash('SHA256', $pass . $pass_salt)))
+ $login_check = true;
+ }
+ if ($login_check && $row['id'] > 0 && $row['status'] > 0)
+ return $row['id'];
+ else if ($login_check && $row['id'] > 0 && $row['status'] == 0)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Login preko google account api
+ public function googleLogin($user_email) {
+ if ($user_email != '') {
+ $res = sisplet_query("SELECT id, pass FROM users WHERE email='" . $user_email . "'");
+ // Je noter, ga samo prijavim...
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
+ return $r[0];
+ }
+ // Ni se registriran, ga je potrebno dodati na prijavno formo
+ else {
+ // geslo med 00000 in zzzzz
+ $pass = base_convert(mt_rand(0x19A100, 0x39AA3FF), 10, 36);
+ $EncPass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $pass)));
+ $fn = explode("@", $user_email);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO users (name, surname, email, pass, lang) VALUES ('" . $fn[0] . "', '', '" . $user_email . "', '" . $EncPass . "', '" . (isset($_GET['regFromEnglish']) && $_GET['regFromEnglish'] == "1" ? '2' : '1') . "')");
+ $uid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO oid_users (uid) VALUES ('$uid')");
+ return $uid;
+ }
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // update vrstnega reda vprasanj
+ public function updateQuestionOrder($ank_id, $data) {
+ if (!isset($data['to_place']) && !isset($data['que_id'])){
+ $json_array['error'] = 'Question ID or order number missing';
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ //poizvedi, koliko je vseh spremenljivk
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT MAX(vrstni_red) FROM srv_branching WHERE ank_id = '$ank_id'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
+ //ali se da spremenljivko na zadnje mesto? ce da, nastavi page_break = 2
+ $page_break = $row['MAX(vrstni_red)'] == $data['to_place'] ? 2 : 0;
+ //poizvedi, ali se premakne vprasanje navzgor ali navzdol
+ //to se rabi, ker ce se prestavi navzgor, je treba odsteti vrstni_red za 1
+ //zato, ker se v branchingu lahko razvrsca med vsako spremenljivko, pred prvo ter za zadnjo - to je skupaj vse +1
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr = '" . $data['que_id'] . "'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
+ $vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] >= $data['to_place'] ? $data['to_place'] - 1 : $data['to_place'];
+ $ba = new BranchingAjax($ank_id);
+ $json_array = $ba->ajax_accept_droppable($data['que_id'], $vrstni_red, $page_break, true);
+ if (empty($json_array))
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Question order updated';
+ Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp();
+ Common::prestevilci();
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ //MAZA
+ /**
+ * Check login data for MAZA modul app
+ * @param boolean $loginAction - true if action is only to check login, false otherwise
+ * @param type $identifier - identifier code for maza app user
+ * @param type $id_server - id of maza app user on server
+ * @return if $loginAction is true, return object with data, otherwise return id of maza app user
+ */
+ public function checkMazaLogin($loginAction, $identifier, $id_server, $registration_id) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ $login_check = false;
+ $id = 0;
+ $response;
+ if ($identifier == 'no_identifier') {
+ $maza = new MAZA();
+ $newuser = $maza -> insertNewUsers('self');
+ $login_check = true;
+ $id = $newuser['id'];
+ $response['note'] = "login OK";
+ $response['identifier'] = $newuser['identifier'];
+ $response['id_server'] = $newuser['id'];
+ $response['update'] = 'deviceInfo';
+ }
+ elseif($identifier == 'no_login'){
+ $response['note'] = "login OK";
+ }
+ else {
+ //$salted_identifier = base64_encode(hash(SHA256, $identifier . $pass_salt));
+ $check_id = '';
+ $does_id_serever_exist = false;
+ if(!$loginAction || ($loginAction && (isset($id_server) && $id_server!=''))){
+ $check_id = "id='".$id_server."' AND ";
+ $does_id_serever_exist = true;
+ }
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id, deviceInfo FROM maza_app_users WHERE ".$check_id."identifier='" . $identifier . "'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $login_check = true;
+ $id = $row['id'];
+ $deviceInfo = $row['deviceInfo'];
+ //update datetime_last_active
+ $maza = new MAZA();
+ $maza -> maza_update_user_active($id, $registration_id);
+ if(!isset($deviceInfo))
+ $response['update'] = 'deviceInfo';
+ if(!$does_id_serever_exist){
+ $response['identifier'] = $identifier;
+ $response['id_server'] = $id;
+ }
+ $response['note'] = "login OK";
+ }
+ //if only login
+ if($loginAction){
+ //update datetime_started in table maza_user_srv_access to set datetime of user linking to his survey is already existing (generated users)
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_user_srv_access SET datetime_started = NOW() WHERE maza_user_id = '$id' AND datetime_started IS NULL;");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($login_check && $id > 0)
+ return $loginAction ? $response : $id;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Udates device info with sensors
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaUpdateDeviceInfo($data) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $gotData = json_decode($data);
+ $sqldi = sisplet_query("SELECT deviceInfo FROM maza_app_users WHERE id = '$global_user_id'", 'obj');
+ if($sqldi->deviceInfo[0] == '{'){
+ $odlInfo = json_decode($sqldi->deviceInfo);
+ $lastInfo = end($odlInfo)->device_info;
+ $gotInfo = $gotData->device_info;
+ if($lastInfo->os_version == $gotInfo->os_version && $lastInfo->release == $gotInfo->release &&
+ $lastInfo->serial == $gotInfo->serial){
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Device info already up to date';
+ }
+ else{
+ $temptime = time();
+ $odlInfo->$temptime = $gotData;
+ $newInfo = $odlInfo;
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_app_users SET deviceInfo = '" . json_encode($newInfo) . "' WHERE id = '$global_user_id'");
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Device info added';
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $newInfo = array(time()=>$gotData);
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_app_users SET deviceInfo = '" . json_encode($newInfo) . "' WHERE id = '$global_user_id'");
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Device info inserted';
+ }
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all alarms of surveys for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetAlarms() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT ma.alarm_notif_title, ma.alarm_notif_message, ma.repeat_by AS alarm_repeat_by, "
+ . "ma.alarm_notif_sound, ma.time_in_day AS alarm_time_in_day, ma.day_in_week AS alarm_day_in_week, "
+ . "ma.every_which_day AS alarm_every_which_day, mr.every_which_day AS repeater_every_which_day, "
+ . "mr.time_in_day AS repeater_time_in_day, mr.repeat_by AS repeater_repeat_by, ma.ank_id, an.url, an.naslov, "
+ . "mr.day_in_week AS repeater_day_in_week, mr.datetime_start, mr.datetime_end, MAX(sa.srv_version_datetime) AS last_answered_version_datetime, "
+ . "CASE WHEN sa.datetime_started < mr.datetime_start THEN mr.datetime_start ELSE sa.datetime_started END AS datetime_user_started FROM maza_srv_alarms AS ma "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT sua.ank_id, sua.maza_user_id, sua.datetime_started, su.srv_version_datetime FROM maza_user_srv_access AS sua "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT msu.srv_version_datetime, msu.maza_user_id, su.ank_id FROM maza_srv_users AS msu "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, ank_id FROM srv_user) AS su ON AS su "
+ . "ON sua.maza_user_id=su.maza_user_id AND su.ank_id=sua.ank_id) AS sa ON ma.ank_id = sa.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN maza_srv_repeaters AS mr ON mr.ank_id = sa.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, url, naslov FROM srv_anketa) AS an ON = sa.ank_id "
+ . "WHERE sa.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND mr.repeater_on='1' GROUP BY ma.ank_id", 'array');
+ $alarms = array();
+ foreach ($sql_arr as $row) {
+ $last_answered_version_datetime = ($row['last_answered_version_datetime']) ? $row['last_answered_version_datetime'] : null;
+ $alarm = array('title' => $row['alarm_notif_title'], 'message' => $row['alarm_notif_message'], 'ank_id' => $row['ank_id'], 'sound' => $row['alarm_notif_sound'], 'link' => $row['url'].'a/'.$row['ank_id'], 'srv_title' => $row['naslov'],
+ 'repeat' => array("repeat_by" => $row['alarm_repeat_by'], "time_in_day" => json_decode($row['alarm_time_in_day']), "day_in_week" => json_decode($row['alarm_day_in_week']),
+ "every_which_day" => $row['alarm_every_which_day']),
+ 'repeater' => array("repeat_by" => $row['repeater_repeat_by'], "time_in_day" => json_decode($row['repeater_time_in_day']), "day_in_week" => json_decode($row['repeater_day_in_week']),
+ "every_which_day" => $row['repeater_every_which_day'], "datetime_start" => $row['datetime_start'], "datetime_end" => $row['datetime_end'],
+ "last_answered_version_datetime" => $last_answered_version_datetime, "datetime_user_started" => $row['datetime_user_started']));
+ array_push($alarms, $alarm);
+ }
+ return $alarms;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all geofences of surveys for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetGeofences() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT, mg.ank_id, mg.geofence_on,, mg.lng, mg.radius, mg.address,, mg.notif_title, mg.trigger_survey, "
+ . "mg.notif_message, mg.notif_sound, mg.on_transition, mg.after_seconds, mg.location_triggered, an.url, an.naslov FROM maza_srv_geofences AS mg "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, maza_user_id FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sua ON mg.ank_id = sua.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, url, naslov, active FROM srv_anketa) AS an ON = sua.ank_id "
+ . "WHERE sua.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND mg.geofence_on='1' AND'1'", 'array');
+ //array of all surveys with geofences
+ $surveys = array();
+ //object of one survey with its geofences
+ $survey = array();
+ //array of geofences of one survey
+ $geofences = array();
+ //temporary survey id
+ $srv_id_temp = -1;
+ //loop trough geofences
+ foreach ($sql_arr as $row) {
+ //if survey id is not equal to previous, create new survey array
+ if($srv_id_temp != $row['ank_id']){
+ //ingor first time
+ if($srv_id_temp > -1){
+ $survey['geofences'] = $geofences;
+ array_push($surveys, $survey);
+ }
+ //set survey array
+ $survey = array('ank_id' => $row['ank_id'], 'link' => $row['url'].'a/'.$row['ank_id'], 'srv_title' => $row['naslov']);
+ //reset geofences
+ $geofences = array();
+ //set temporary survey id
+ $srv_id_temp = $row['ank_id'];
+ }
+ //set geofence array
+ $geofence = array('id' => $row['id'], 'lat' => $row['lat'], 'lng' => $row['lng'], 'radius' => $row['radius'],
+ 'address' => $row['address'], 'notif_title' => $row['notif_title'], 'notif_message' => $row['notif_message'],
+ 'notif_sound' => $row['notif_sound'], 'on_transition' => $row['on_transition'], 'name' => $row['name'],
+ 'after_seconds' => $row['after_seconds'], 'location_triggered' => $row['location_triggered'], 'trigger_survey' => $row['trigger_survey']);
+ //add geofence to geofences array of one survey
+ array_push($geofences, $geofence);
+ }
+ if(sizeof($sql_arr) > 0){
+ //add geofences to last survey
+ $survey['geofences'] = $geofences;
+ //add last survey to surveys aray
+ array_push($surveys, $survey);
+ }
+ return $surveys;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all activities of surveys for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetActivities() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT, ma.ank_id, ma.activity_on, ma.notif_title, ma.notif_message, ma.notif_sound, "
+ . "ma.activity_type, ma.after_seconds, ank.naslov, as ank_id, ank.url, sua.nextpin_tracking_permitted FROM maza_srv_activity AS ma "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, maza_user_id, nextpin_tracking_permitted FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sua ON ma.ank_id = sua.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, url, naslov FROM srv_anketa) AS ank ON ma.ank_id = "
+ . "WHERE sua.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND ma.activity_on='1'", 'array');
+ //array of all surveys with activities
+ $surveys = array();
+ //object of one survey with its activities
+ $survey = array();
+ //loop trough activities
+ foreach ($sql_arr as $row) {
+ //set survey array
+ $survey = array('ank_id' => $row['ank_id'], 'link' => $row['url'].'a/'.$row['ank_id'], 'srv_title' => $row['naslov'],
+ 'notif_title' => $row['notif_title'], 'notif_message' => $row['notif_message'], 'notif_sound' => $row['notif_sound'],
+ 'activity' => array('id' => $row['id'], 'activity_type' => $row['activity_type'], 'after_seconds' => $row['after_seconds']), 'permitted'=>$row['nextpin_tracking_permitted']);
+ array_push($surveys, $survey);
+ }
+ return $surveys;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all tracking of surveys for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetTracking() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT, ma.ank_id, ma.tracking_on, ma.activity_recognition, ma.tracking_accuracy, ma.interval_wanted, "
+ . "ma.interval_fastes, ma.displacement_min, ma.ar_interval_wanted, ank.naslov, ank.url, sua.tracking_permitted FROM maza_srv_tracking AS ma "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, maza_user_id, tracking_permitted FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sua ON ma.ank_id = sua.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, url, naslov, active FROM srv_anketa) AS ank ON ma.ank_id = "
+ . "WHERE sua.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND ma.tracking_on='1' AND'1'", 'array');
+ //array of all surveys with tracking
+ $surveys = array();
+ //object of one survey with its tracking
+ $survey = array();
+ //loop trough trackings
+ foreach ($sql_arr as $row) {
+ //set survey array
+ $survey = array('ank_id' => $row['ank_id'], 'link' => $row['url'].'a/'.$row['ank_id'], 'srv_title' => $row['naslov'],
+ 'tracking' => array('id' => $row['id'], 'activity_recognition' => $row['activity_recognition'], 'tracking_accuracy' => $row['tracking_accuracy'],
+ 'displacement_min' => $row['displacement_min'], 'interval_wanted' => $row['interval_wanted'], 'interval_fastes' => $row['interval_fastes'],
+ 'ar_interval_wanted' => $row['ar_interval_wanted'], 'permitted'=>$row['tracking_permitted']));
+ array_push($surveys, $survey);
+ }
+ return $surveys;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all data entries of surveys for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetEntries() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT, me.ank_id, me.entry_on, me.location_check, ank.naslov, ank.url FROM maza_srv_entry AS me "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, maza_user_id FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sua ON me.ank_id = sua.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, url, naslov, active FROM srv_anketa) AS ank ON sua.ank_id = "
+ . "WHERE sua.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND me.entry_on='1' AND'1'", 'array');
+ //array of all surveys with tracking
+ $surveys = array();
+ //object of one survey with its tracking
+ $survey = array();
+ //loop trough trackings
+ foreach ($sql_arr as $row) {
+ //set survey array
+ $survey = array('ank_id' => $row['ank_id'], 'link' => $row['url'].'a/'.$row['ank_id'], 'srv_title' => $row['naslov'],
+ 'entry' => array('id' => $row['id'], 'location_check' => $row['location_check']));
+ array_push($surveys, $survey);
+ }
+ return $surveys;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all locations and AR of user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetMyLocations() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ //array of locations of user
+ $sql_loc = sisplet_query("SELECT lat, lng, provider, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp, "
+ . "accuracy, altitude, bearing, speed, vertical_acc, bearing_acc, speed_acc, extras, is_mock "
+ . "FROM maza_user_locations WHERE maza_user_id='$global_user_id' ORDER BY timestamp ASC", 'array');
+ //array of all AR of user
+ $sql_ar = sisplet_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp, in_vehicle, on_bicycle, "
+ . "on_foot, still, unknown, tilting, running, walking FROM maza_user_activity_recognition "
+ . "WHERE maza_user_id='$global_user_id' ORDER BY timestamp ASC", 'array');
+ return array("locations" => $sql_loc, "ar" => $sql_ar);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update tracking log for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $jsonArray - array of logs to save
+ */
+ public function mazaUpdateTrackingLog($jsonArray) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $update = "";
+ foreach ($jsonArray as $obj) {
+ $date = new DateTime();
+ $date->setTimestamp($obj['tsSec']);
+ $update .= $obj['value'] . " " . $obj['event'] . " " . $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "; ";
+ }
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_app_users SET tracking_log = CONCAT(tracking_log, '" . $update . "') WHERE id = '$global_user_id'");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert tracking locations for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $jsonArray - array of locations to insert
+ * @param type $triggered_geofence_id - ID of triggered geofence to pin location on
+ */
+ public function mazaInsertTrackingLocations($jsonArray, $triggered_geofence_id=null) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $querryFirst = $querry = "INSERT INTO maza_user_locations (maza_user_id, lat, lng, provider, timestamp, accuracy, altitude, bearing, speed, vertical_acc, bearing_acc, speed_acc, extras, is_mock, tgeof_id) VALUES ";
+ foreach ($jsonArray as $obj) {
+ $date = new DateTime();
+ $date->setTimestamp($obj['timestamp']);
+ $date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ if(!isset($obj['server_input_id']) || $obj['server_input_id'] == -1){
+ $querry .= "($global_user_id, ".$obj['lat'].", ".$obj['lng'].", '".$obj['provider']."', '".$date."', ".($obj['accuracy'] ? $obj['accuracy'] : "NULL").", ".
+ ($obj['altitude'] ? $obj['altitude'] : "NULL").", ".($obj['bearing'] ? $obj['bearing'] : "NULL").", ".($obj['speed'] ? $obj['speed'] : "NULL").", ".
+ ($obj['vertical_acc'] ? $obj['vertical_acc'] : "NULL").", ".($obj['bearing_acc'] ? $obj['bearing_acc'] : "NULL").", ".
+ ($obj['speed_acc'] ? $obj['speed_acc'] : "NULL").", '".($obj['extras'] ? $obj['extras'] : "")."', ".$obj['is_mock'].", ".($triggered_geofence_id ? $triggered_geofence_id : "NULL")."), ";
+ }
+ else{
+ $querry1 = "INSERT INTO maza_user_locations (maza_user_id, lat, lng, provider, timestamp, accuracy, altitude, bearing, speed, vertical_acc, bearing_acc, speed_acc, extras, is_mock, tgeof_id) VALUES "
+ . "($global_user_id, ".$obj['lat'].", ".$obj['lng'].", '".$obj['provider']."', '".$date."', ".($obj['accuracy'] ? $obj['accuracy'] : "NULL").", ".
+ ($obj['altitude'] ? $obj['altitude'] : "NULL").", ".($obj['bearing'] ? $obj['bearing'] : "NULL").", ".($obj['speed'] ? $obj['speed'] : "NULL").", ".
+ ($obj['vertical_acc'] ? $obj['vertical_acc'] : "NULL").", ".($obj['bearing_acc'] ? $obj['bearing_acc'] : "NULL").", ".
+ ($obj['speed_acc'] ? $obj['speed_acc'] : "NULL").", '".($obj['extras'] ? $obj['extras'] : "")."', ".$obj['is_mock'].", ".($triggered_geofence_id ? $triggered_geofence_id : "NULL").");";
+ $loc_id = sisplet_query($querry1, 'id');
+ $querry2 = "UPDATE maza_srv_users SET loc_id='$loc_id' WHERE srv_user_id='".$obj['server_input_id']."';";
+ sisplet_query($querry2);
+ }
+ }
+ if($querryFirst != $querry){
+ $querry = substr($querry, 0, -2);
+ sisplet_query($querry);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit tracking locations for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $jsonArray - array of locations to edit
+ */
+ public function mazaEditTrackingLocations($jsonArray) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if(isset($jsonArray['delete']) && !empty($jsonArray['delete'])){
+ $set_timestamp = "";
+ $where_delete="";
+ foreach ($jsonArray['delete'] as $obj) {
+ $set_timestamp.=" when UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp)=".$obj['timestamp']." then FROM_UNIXTIME(".$obj['extras'].")";
+ $where_delete.=$obj['timestamp'].", ";
+ }
+ $where_delete = substr($where_delete, 0, -2);
+ $querry_delete = "UPDATE maza_user_locations SET timestamp = (case$set_timestamp end), "
+ . "lat=999, lng=999, provider='deleted', accuracy=NULL, altitude=NULL, bearing=NULL, speed=NULL, vertical_acc=NULL, bearing_acc=NULL, speed_acc=NULL, extras=NULL, is_mock=NULL WHERE maza_user_id=$global_user_id AND "
+ . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) IN (".$where_delete.");";
+ sisplet_query($querry_delete);
+ }
+ if(isset($jsonArray['edit']) && !empty($jsonArray['edit'])){
+ $set_lat = "";
+ $set_lng = "";
+ $where_edit="";
+ foreach ($jsonArray['edit'] as $obj) {
+ $set_lat.=" when UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp)=".$obj['timestamp']." then ".$obj['lat'];
+ $set_lng.=" when UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp)=".$obj['timestamp']." then ".$obj['lng'];
+ $where_edit.=$obj['timestamp'].", ";
+ }
+ $where_edit = substr($where_edit, 0, -2);
+ $querry_delete = "UPDATE maza_user_locations SET lat = (case$set_lat end), lng = (case$set_lng end), "
+ . "provider='manual' WHERE maza_user_id=$global_user_id AND "
+ . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) IN (".$where_edit.");";
+ sisplet_query($querry_delete);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert tracking locations for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $jsonArray - array of locations to insert
+ */
+ public function mazaInsertTrackingAR($jsonArray) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $querry = "INSERT INTO maza_user_activity_recognition (maza_user_id, timestamp, in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, still, unknown, tilting, running, walking) VALUES ";
+ foreach ($jsonArray as $obj) {
+ $date = new DateTime();
+ $date->setTimestamp($obj['timestamp']);
+ $date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ $querry .= "($global_user_id, '$date', ".$obj['in_vehicle'].", ".
+ $obj['on_bicycle'].", ".$obj['on_foot'].", ".$obj['still'].", ".
+ $obj['unknown'].", ".$obj['tilting'].", ".
+ $obj['running'].", ".$obj['walking']."), ";
+ }
+ $querry = substr($querry, 0, -2);
+ sisplet_query($querry);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert new triggered geofences
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $jsonArray - arrays of triggered geofences to save
+ */
+ public function mazaInsertTriggeredGeofences($jsonArray) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $new_tgeof_id = 0;
+ foreach ($jsonArray as $obj) {
+ $date = new DateTime();
+ $triggered_timestamp = $date->setTimestamp($obj['geofence']['tsSec'])->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ $enter_timestamp = $date->setTimestamp($obj['geofence']['enter_timestamp'])->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ $dwell_timestamp = $date->setTimestamp($obj['geofence']['dwell_timestamp'])->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ $tgeo_id = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO maza_srv_triggered_geofences (geof_id, maza_user_id, triggered_timestamp, enter_timestamp, dwell_timestamp) VALUES "
+ . "('".$obj['geofence']['value']."','$global_user_id', '$triggered_timestamp', '$enter_timestamp' ,'$dwell_timestamp')", "id");
+ $this->mazaInsertTrackingLocations($obj['locations'], $tgeo_id);
+ if(isset($obj['geofence']['return_server_id']) && $obj['geofence']['return_server_id'] == true)
+ $new_tgeof_id = $tgeo_id;
+ }
+ return $new_tgeof_id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unsubscribe survey for this user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $ank_id - survey ID to unsuscribe
+ */
+ public function mazaUnsubscribeSurvey($ank_id) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_user_srv_access SET datetime_unsubscribed = NOW() WHERE maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND ank_id = '$ank_id';");
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Unsubscribed from survey';
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set agreed permission for tracking and register listener on nextpin API
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $data - array of data
+ */
+ public function mazaSetNextpinTrackingPermission($data) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if (isset($data['tracking_permission']) && isset($data['srv_id'])) {
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_user_srv_access SET nextpin_tracking_permitted = '" . $data['tracking_permission'] . "' WHERE maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND ank_id = '".$data['srv_id']."'");
+ if($data['tracking_permission'] == 1){
+ $sql_pass = sisplet_query("SELECT nextpin_password, identifier FROM maza_app_users WHERE id='$global_user_id';", 'obj');
+ if($sql_pass){
+ $maza = new MAZA($data['srv_id']);
+ //password is null, user is not registered on nextpin yet
+ if(!$sql_pass->nextpin_password){
+ //generate new password
+ $newpass = $maza -> randomAlphaNumericCode(4);
+ //set password in db
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_app_users SET nextpin_password = '$newpass' WHERE id = '$global_user_id'");
+ $json_array['data']['nextpin_password'] = $newpass;
+ //create new user in nextpin
+ $maza -> nextpin_create_user($sql_pass->identifier, $newpass);
+ }
+ //create new activity listener for this identifier
+ $maza -> nextpin_set_activity_listener($sql_pass->identifier);
+ }
+ }
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Tracking permission updated';
+ }
+ else
+ $json_array['error'] = 'Param tracking_permission or srv_id missing';
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set agreed permission for tracking and register listener
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $data - array of data
+ */
+ public function mazaSetTrackingPermission($data) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if (isset($data['tracking_permission']) && isset($data['srv_id'])) {
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE maza_user_srv_access SET tracking_permitted = '" . $data['tracking_permission'] . "' WHERE maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND ank_id = '".$data['srv_id']."'");
+ $json_array['note'] = 'Tracking permission updated';
+ }
+ else
+ $json_array['error'] = 'Param tracking_permission or srv_id missing';
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Merge identifiers
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $identifier - identifier to merge
+ */
+ public function mazaMergeIdentifier($identifier) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ //check if this identifier exists
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM maza_app_users WHERE identifier='$identifier';", 'obj');
+ if($sql_arr->id == $global_user_id)
+ return array('error' => 'incorrect identifier');
+ //identifier exsits
+ else if($sql_arr){
+ //get survey access of user
+ $sql_user_access = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM maza_user_srv_access WHERE maza_user_id='$global_user_id';", 'array');
+ //get survey access of identifier
+ $sql_identifier_access = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM maza_user_srv_access WHERE maza_user_id='$sql_arr->id';", 'array');
+ $user_access_arr = array();
+ $identifier_access_arr = array();
+ //create array of user accesses
+ foreach($sql_user_access as $ua)
+ array_push($user_access_arr, $ua['ank_id']);
+ //create array of identifier accesses
+ foreach($sql_identifier_access as $ia)
+ array_push($identifier_access_arr, $ia['ank_id']);
+ //array of which surveys does indentifier has access and not user
+ $what_to_add_array = array_diff($identifier_access_arr, $user_access_arr);
+ //if not empty, go insert
+ if($what_to_add_array){
+ $sql_values = "";
+ //create string of values(accesses) to insert to user access
+ foreach($what_to_add_array as $add)
+ $sql_values .= "('$global_user_id','$add', NOW()),";
+ //remove last comma
+ $sql_values = substr($sql_values, 0, -1);
+ //insert new accesses from identifier to user
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO maza_user_srv_access (maza_user_id, ank_id, datetime_started) VALUES $sql_values");
+ }
+ //delete all accesses of identifier
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM maza_user_srv_access WHERE maza_user_id = '$sql_arr->id'");
+ //delete identifier from user table
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM maza_app_users WHERE id = '$sql_arr->id'");
+ return array('note' => 'merge OK');
+ }
+ //identifier does not exist
+ else
+ return array('error' => 'identifier does not exist');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get info of surveys to merge (by identifier)
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @param type $identifier - identifier to get linked surveys info from
+ */
+ public function mazaGetSurveysInfoByIdentifier($identifier) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ //check if this identifier exists
+ $sql_arr = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM maza_app_users WHERE identifier='$identifier';", 'obj');
+ //identifier exsits
+ if($sql_arr){
+ //get survey access of user
+ $sql_user_access = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM maza_user_srv_access WHERE maza_user_id='$global_user_id';", 'array');
+ //get survey access of identifier
+ $sql_identifier_access = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM maza_user_srv_access WHERE maza_user_id='$sql_arr->id';", 'array');
+ $user_access_arr = array();
+ $identifier_access_arr = array();
+ //create array of user accesses
+ foreach($sql_user_access as $ua)
+ array_push($user_access_arr, $ua['ank_id']);
+ //create array of identifier accesses
+ foreach($sql_identifier_access as $ia)
+ array_push($identifier_access_arr, $ia['ank_id']);
+ //array of which surveys does indentifier has access and not user
+ $what_to_add_array = array_diff($identifier_access_arr, $user_access_arr);
+ //if not empty, or get info about users identifier, go selelct
+ if($sql_arr->id == $global_user_id || $what_to_add_array){
+ $sur_ids_in_string = "(".implode( ", ", $what_to_add_array ).")";
+ //get surveys info
+ $sql = "SELECT, s.naslov,, s.starts, s.expire, s.url, "
+ . "ge.geofences, sr.repeater_on, sr.repeat_by, sr.datetime_start, sr.datetime_end, "
+ . "ac.activities, se.entry_on, se.location_check, tr.tracking_on, tr.activity_recognition "
+ . "FROM srv_anketa AS s "
+ . "LEFT JOIN maza_srv_repeaters AS sr ON = sr.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, COUNT(id) as geofences FROM maza_srv_geofences WHERE geofence_on='1' GROUP BY ank_id) AS ge ON = ge.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, COUNT(id) as activities FROM maza_srv_activity WHERE activity_on='1' GROUP BY ank_id) AS ac ON = ac.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT entry_on, location_check, ank_id FROM maza_srv_entry) AS se ON = se.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT tracking_on, activity_recognition, ank_id FROM maza_srv_tracking) AS tr ON = tr.ank_id "
+ . "WHERE IN $sur_ids_in_string;";
+ $sql_surveys_info = sisplet_query($sql, 'array');
+ return $sql_surveys_info;
+ }
+ else
+ return array('note' => 'already participant');
+ }
+ //identifier does not exist
+ else
+ return array('error' => 'identifier does not exist');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all subscriptions/surveys of user
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return type
+ */
+ public function mazaGetSubscriptionsList($timeZone){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ //get surveys
+ $Sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime_started) as unixstart FROM maza_user_srv_access AS sa "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id AS srv_id, naslov, active, starts, expire, url FROM srv_anketa) AS s ON s.srv_id = sa.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN maza_srv_repeaters AS sr ON s.srv_id = sr.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, COUNT(id) as geofences FROM maza_srv_geofences WHERE geofence_on='1' GROUP BY ank_id) AS ge ON s.srv_id = ge.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, COUNT(id) as activities FROM maza_srv_activity WHERE activity_on='1' GROUP BY ank_id) AS ac ON s.srv_id = ac.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT entry_on, location_check, ank_id FROM maza_srv_entry) AS se ON s.srv_id = se.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT tracking_on, activity_recognition, ank_id FROM maza_srv_tracking) AS tr ON s.srv_id = tr.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT srv_description, srv_id as ank_id FROM maza_survey) AS ms ON ms.ank_id = s.srv_id "
+ . "WHERE sa.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND = '1' AND sa.datetime_unsubscribed IS NULL;";
+ //all active surveys on which user has access
+ $sarray = sisplet_query($Sql, 'array');
+ $resultarray = array();
+ //get nuber of unfidished questionnaires
+ $surveyListArray = $this->mazaGetSurveyList($timeZone);
+ foreach($sarray as $survey){
+ $survey['unfinished_cnt'] = $surveyListArray[$survey['srv_id']]['unfinished_cnt'];
+ $survey['url'] = $survey['url'].'a/'.$survey['srv_id'];
+ $resultarray[] = $survey;
+ }
+ return $resultarray;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Vrne seznam anket na katere je uporabnik narocen
+ * @param type $timeZone - timezone ID of user
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function mazaGetSurveyList($timeZone, $srv_id = null) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $surveyWhere = $srv_id == null ? '' : ' AND s.srv_id = '.$srv_id;
+ $json_array = array();
+ //get surveys
+ $Sql = "SELECT * FROM maza_user_srv_access AS sa "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id AS srv_id, naslov, active, starts, expire, url FROM srv_anketa) AS s ON s.srv_id = sa.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN maza_srv_repeaters AS sr ON s.srv_id = sr.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, ank_id, COUNT(id) as geofences FROM maza_srv_geofences WHERE geofence_on='1' GROUP BY ank_id) AS ge ON s.srv_id = ge.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, ank_id, COUNT(id) as activities FROM maza_srv_activity WHERE activity_on='1' GROUP BY ank_id) AS ac ON s.srv_id = ac.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT tracking_on, ank_id FROM maza_srv_tracking) AS st ON s.srv_id = st.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT entry_on, ank_id FROM maza_srv_entry) AS se ON s.srv_id = se.ank_id "
+ . "WHERE sa.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND = '1' AND sa.datetime_unsubscribed IS NULL$surveyWhere;";
+ //all active surveys on which user has access
+ $sarray = sisplet_query($Sql, 'array');
+ //get existing surveys for this user
+ $Sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(srv_version_datetime) as unixver FROM maza_srv_users AS msu "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, cookie, ank_id, last_status, time_insert FROM srv_user) AS su ON msu.srv_user_id = "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id AS srv_id, active, starts, naslov, url FROM srv_anketa) AS s ON su.ank_id = s.srv_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT maza_user_id, ank_id, datetime_unsubscribed FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sa ON sa.ank_id = s.srv_id "
+ . "WHERE = '1' AND msu.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND sa.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND sa.datetime_unsubscribed IS NULL$surveyWhere;";
+ //cookies of surveys for all active surveys of this user
+ $uarray = sisplet_query($Sql, 'array');
+ //do we have any active survey with data entries?
+ $dataEntryArray = null;
+ //create array of users surveys to later access it
+ $cookies_array = array();
+ foreach($uarray as $row){
+ //if we have a entry mode and didnt get data entry array yet, run it
+ if($dataEntryArray == null && $row['mode'] == 'entry'){
+ $dataEntryArray = $this->getDataEntryArray();
+ }
+ $link = $row['url'].'a/'.$row['srv_id'].'&survey-'.$row['srv_id'].'='.$row['cookie'];
+ $srv_version_datetime = ($row['srv_version_datetime'] != null && $row['unixver'] != null) ? $row["srv_version_datetime"] : $row["time_insert"];
+ $temp_date = new DateTime($srv_version_datetime);
+ //$srv_version_datetime = $temp_date->format('Hi_d_m_Y');
+ $srv_version_timestamp = $row['unixver'] != null ? $row['unixver'] : $temp_date->getTimestamp();
+ $cookies_array[$row['srv_id']][$srv_version_timestamp] = array('status'=>$row['last_status'], 'link'=>$link, 'naslov'=>$row['naslov'], 'srv_id'=>$row['ank_id'],
+ 'timestamp'=>$srv_version_timestamp, 'datetime'=>$srv_version_datetime, 'mode'=>$row['mode'], 'srv_version'=>$srv_version_datetime,
+ 'latitude'=>$dataEntryArray[$row['srv_user_id']]['latitude'], 'longitude'=>$dataEntryArray[$row['srv_user_id']]['longitude'], 'srv_user_id'=>$row['srv_user_id']);
+ }
+ //set users timezone (all calculations are for users timezone)
+ $dateTz = new DateTimeZone($timeZone);
+ //what is now a time of users device
+ $Udate = new DateTime("now", $dateTz);
+ //get offset in hours of user timezone versus server timezone (for calculations of datetime from DB)
+ $offset = $dateTz->getOffset($Udate)-date('Z');
+ //set users timestamp based on time of DB datetimes
+ $user_timestamp_now = $Udate->getTimestamp()+$offset;
+ //geofences
+ $sql_geo = sisplet_query("SELECT g.ank_id,, tg.geof_id, tg.triggered_timestamp, g.address,, g.trigger_survey, s.naslov, s.url, sa.ank_id, sa.maza_user_id, sa.datetime_unsubscribed "
+ . "FROM maza_srv_triggered_geofences AS tg "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, geofence_on, id, address, name, trigger_survey FROM maza_srv_geofences) AS g ON "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id as srv_id, active, naslov, url FROM srv_anketa) AS s ON g.ank_id = s.srv_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT maza_user_id, ank_id, datetime_unsubscribed FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sa ON sa.ank_id = g.ank_id "
+ . "WHERE tg.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND = '1' AND sa.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND sa.datetime_unsubscribed IS NULL$surveyWhere;", 'array');
+ //this survey has geofencing
+ if (count($sql_geo) > 0) {
+ foreach($sql_geo as $tgeo){
+ if($tgeo['trigger_survey']!=null){
+ $triggered_datetime = new DateTime($tgeo['triggered_timestamp']);
+ $triggered_timestamp = $triggered_datetime->getTimestamp();
+ $link = isset($cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]['link'] : $tgeo['url'].'a/'.$tgeo['ank_id'];
+ $user_status = isset($cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]['status'] : '';
+ $srv_user_id = isset($cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]['srv_user_id'] : '';
+ //$srv_version = $temp_date->format('Hi_d_m_Y');
+ /*$new_array = array('timestamp' => $triggered_timestamp, 'datetime' => $tgeo['triggered_timestamp'], 'srv_id' => $tgeo['ank_id'], 'naslov' => $tgeo['naslov'], 'name' => $tgeo['name'],
+ 'srv_version' => $tgeo['triggered_timestamp'], 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'address' => $tgeo['address'], 'tgeof_id' => $tgeo['id'], 'mode' => 'geofence', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id);*/
+ $unfinished = $user_status == 6 ? 0 : 1;
+ if(isset($json_array[$tgeo['ank_id']]['surveys'])){
+ $json_array[$tgeo['ank_id']]['surveys'][]=array('timestamp' => $triggered_timestamp, 'datetime' => $tgeo['triggered_timestamp'], 'srv_version' => $tgeo['triggered_timestamp'],
+ 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'tgeof_id' => $tgeo['id'], 'mode' => 'geofence', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id, 'name' => $tgeo['name'], 'address' => $tgeo['address']);
+ $json_array[$tgeo['ank_id']]['unfinished_cnt']+=$unfinished;
+ }
+ else{
+ $json_array[$tgeo['ank_id']]=array('srv_id' => $tgeo['ank_id'], 'naslov' => $tgeo['naslov'], 'unfinished_cnt' => $unfinished,
+ 'surveys' => array(array('timestamp' => $triggered_timestamp, 'datetime' => $tgeo['triggered_timestamp'], 'srv_version' => $tgeo['triggered_timestamp'], 'link' => $link,
+ 'status' => $user_status, 'tgeof_id' => $tgeo['id'], 'mode' => 'geofence', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id, 'name' => $tgeo['name'], 'address' => $tgeo['address'])));
+ }
+ //array_push($json_array, $new_array);
+ if(isset($cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]))
+ unset($cookies_array[$tgeo['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //activity
+ $sql_act = sisplet_query("SELECT a.ank_id,, ta.act_id, ta.triggered_timestamp, s.naslov, s.url, sa.ank_id, sa.maza_user_id, sa.datetime_unsubscribed "
+ . "FROM maza_srv_triggered_activities AS ta "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT ank_id, activity_on, id FROM maza_srv_activity) AS a ON "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id as srv_id, active, naslov, url FROM srv_anketa) AS s ON a.ank_id = s.srv_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT maza_user_id, ank_id, datetime_unsubscribed FROM maza_user_srv_access) AS sa ON sa.ank_id = g.ank_id "
+ . "WHERE ta.maza_user_id='$global_user_id' AND = '1' AND sa.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND sa.datetime_unsubscribed IS NULL$surveyWhere;", 'array');
+ //this survey has activities
+ if (count($sql_act) > 0) {
+ foreach($sql_act as $tact){
+ $triggered_datetime = new DateTime($tact['triggered_timestamp']);
+ $triggered_timestamp = $triggered_datetime->getTimestamp();
+ $link = isset($cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]['link'] : $tact['url'].'a/'.$tact['ank_id'];
+ $user_status = isset($cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]['status'] : '';
+ $srv_user_id = isset($cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]['srv_user_id'] : '';
+ //$srv_version = $temp_date->format('Hi_d_m_Y');
+ /*$new_array = array('timestamp' => $triggered_timestamp, 'datetime' => $tact['triggered_timestamp'], 'srv_id' => $tact['ank_id'], 'naslov' => $tact['naslov'],
+ 'srv_version' => $tact['triggered_timestamp'], 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'tact_id' => $tact['id'], 'mode' => 'activity', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id);*/
+ $unfinished = $user_status == 6 ? 0 : 1;
+ if(isset($json_array[$tact['ank_id']]['surveys'])){
+ $json_array[$tgeo['ank_id']]['surveys'][]= array('timestamp' => $triggered_timestamp, 'datetime' => $tact['triggered_timestamp'], 'srv_version' => $tact['triggered_timestamp'],
+ 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'tact_id' => $tact['id'], 'mode' => 'activity', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id);
+ $json_array[$tgeo['ank_id']]['unfinished_cnt']+=$unfinished;
+ }
+ else
+ $json_array[$tact['ank_id']]=array('srv_id' => $tact['ank_id'], 'naslov' => $tact['naslov'], 'unfinished_cnt' => $unfinished,
+ 'surveys' => array(array('timestamp' => $triggered_timestamp, 'datetime' => $tact['triggered_timestamp'], 'srv_version' => $tact['triggered_timestamp'],
+ 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'tact_id' => $tact['id'], 'mode' => 'activity', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id)));
+ //array_push($json_array, $new_array);
+ if(isset($cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]))
+ unset($cookies_array[$tact['ank_id']][$triggered_timestamp]);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($sarray as $survey){
+ //if($survey["repeater_on"] != '2'){
+ //survey with no repeater
+ if($survey["repeater_on"] == '0'){
+ //only basic survey with no answer
+ if(($survey['geofences'] == null || $survey['geofences'] == '0') &&
+ ($survey['activities'] == null || $survey['activities'] == '0') &&
+ ($survey['entry_on'] == null || $survey['entry_on'] == '0') &&
+ ($survey['tracking_on'] == null || $survey['tracking_on'] == '0') &&
+ !isset($cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']])){
+ $link = $survey['url'].'a/'.$survey['srv_id'];
+ $user_status = '';
+ $temp_timestamp = strtotime($survey['starts']);
+ //$srv_version = $temp_date->format('Hi_d_m_Y');
+ /*$new_array = array('timestamp' => $temp_timestamp, 'datetime' => $survey['starts'], 'srv_id' => $survey['srv_id'], 'naslov' => $survey['naslov'],
+ 'srv_version' => '', 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'mode' => 'basic', 'srv_user_id'=>'');*/
+ $json_array[$survey['srv_id']] = array('srv_id' => $survey['srv_id'], 'naslov' => $survey['naslov'], 'unfinished_cnt' => 1,
+ 'surveys' => array(array('timestamp' => $temp_timestamp, 'datetime' => $survey['starts'], 'link' => $link, 'srv_version' => '', 'status' => $user_status, 'mode' => 'basic', 'srv_user_id'=>'')));
+ //array_push($json_array, $new_array);
+ }
+ }
+ //survey with repeater
+ else{
+ //use latest datetime to start repeater for this user (when repeater started or when user accessed)
+ $Accessdate = new DateTime($survey["datetime_started"]);
+ $Startdate = new DateTime($survey["datetime_start"]);
+ $Startdate = $Startdate < $Accessdate ? $Accessdate : $Startdate;
+ $Startdate_string = $Startdate->format('Y-m-d');
+ //if, based on timezone user-server differences, users timestamp is less than starting of repeater, there are no avalible surveys yet
+ //we have to wait until users date and time gets at least to date and time of servers datetime of repeater started
+ if(strtotime($Startdate_string) <= $user_timestamp_now /*&& $user_timestamp_now <= $Endtimestamp*/){
+ switch($survey["repeat_by"]){
+ case 'everyday':
+ $temp_date_by_day = new DateTime($Startdate_string);
+ $edited_arr = $this->createArrayRepeater($json_array, $temp_date_by_day, $user_timestamp_now, $survey, $cookies_array, 1);
+ $json_array = $edited_arr['surveys'];
+ $cookies_array = $edited_arr['cookies'];
+ break;
+ case 'daily':
+ $temp_date_by_day = new DateTime($Startdate_string);
+ $edited_arr = $this->createArrayRepeater($json_array, $temp_date_by_day, $user_timestamp_now, $survey, $cookies_array, $survey['every_which_day']);
+ $json_array = $edited_arr['surveys'];
+ $cookies_array = $edited_arr['cookies'];
+ break;
+ case 'weekly':
+ foreach(json_decode($survey['day_in_week']) as $dayinweek){
+ $temp_date_by_day = new DateTime($Startdate_string);
+ $dayinweek_string = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'];
+ if($temp_date_by_day->format('l') != $dayinweek_string[$dayinweek-1])
+ $temp_date_by_day->modify('next '.$dayinweek_string[$dayinweek-1]);
+ $edited_arr = $this->createArrayRepeater($json_array, $temp_date_by_day, $user_timestamp_now, $survey, $cookies_array, 7);
+ $json_array = $edited_arr['surveys'];
+ $cookies_array = $edited_arr['cookies'];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //}
+ }
+ //for data entry surveys and basic survey with answer
+ foreach($cookies_array as $survey){
+ foreach($survey as $cookie){
+ //include basic survey with answer and data entry if it is still on
+ if(!isset($cookie['mode']) || ($cookie['mode'] == 'entry')){
+ //array_push($json_array, $cookie);
+ if(isset($json_array[$cookie['srv_id']]['surveys']))
+ $json_array[$cookie['srv_id']]['surveys'][] = $cookie;
+ else
+ $json_array[$cookie['srv_id']] = array('srv_id' => $cookie['srv_id'], 'naslov' => $cookie['naslov'], 'surveys'=>array($cookie));
+ $json_array[$cookie['srv_id']]['unfinished_cnt']+=($cookie['status']==6 ? 0:1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //krsort($json_array);
+ //tole mislim da sicer razvrsti, ampak pobrise keye
+ /*usort($json_array, function ($a, $b)
+ {
+ return -strcmp($a['timestamp'], $b['timestamp']);
+ });*/
+ return $json_array;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get array of data entry latitude and longitude values from answers
+ * @global type $global_user_id
+ * @return type array of data with usr_id as keys
+ */
+ private function getDataEntryArray(){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $dataEntryArray = array();
+ $Sql = "SELECT * FROM maza_srv_users AS msu "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, ank_id FROM srv_user) AS su ON msu.srv_user_id = "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id AS srv_id, active FROM srv_anketa) AS s ON su.ank_id = s.srv_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id as gru_id, ank_id FROM srv_grupa) AS gru ON su.ank_id = gru.ank_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id AS lat_spr_id, gru_id FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE variable='latitude' AND sistem='1') AS spr1 ON gru.gru_id = spr1.gru_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT text as latitude, usr_id, spr_id FROM srv_data_text_active) AS dt1 ON msu.srv_user_id = dt1.usr_id AND dt1.spr_id = spr1.lat_spr_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT id AS lng_spr_id, gru_id FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE variable='longitude' AND sistem='1') AS spr2 ON gru.gru_id = spr2.gru_id "
+ . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT text as longitude, usr_id, spr_id FROM srv_data_text_active) AS dt2 ON msu.srv_user_id = dt2.usr_id AND dt2.spr_id = spr2.lng_spr_id "
+ . "WHERE = '1' AND msu.maza_user_id = '$global_user_id' AND msu.mode='entry' AND dt1.latitude IS NOT NULL AND dt2.longitude IS NOT NULL;";
+ //coordinates of data entries for all active surveys of this user
+ $entryarray = sisplet_query($Sql, 'array');
+ foreach($entryarray as $array){
+ $dataEntryArray[$array['srv_user_id']] = $array;
+ }
+ return $dataEntryArray;
+ }
+ /**
+ * MAZA function
+ * Creates or modifies a json array of surveys with repeater
+ * @param type $json_array - array to modify or empty array
+ * @param type $temp_date_by_day - DateTime object of starting day
+ * @param type $user_timestamp_now - timestamp of users now (by users timezone)
+ * @param type $survey - array of surveys and repeaters data for survey, to which user has access
+ * @param type $cookies_array - array of existing surveys for this user
+ * @param type $every_which_day - every which day has to be repeated (every day - 1, weekly - 7,...)
+ * @return type json array of surveys for this user
+ */
+ private function createArrayRepeater($json_array, $temp_date_by_day, $user_timestamp_now, $survey, $cookies_array, $every_which_day){
+ //get ending timestamp time of repeater
+ $Endtimestamp = $survey["datetime_end"] != null ? (new DateTime($survey["datetime_end"]))->getTimestamp() : null;
+ //loop until users timestamp of now
+ while($temp_date_by_day->getTimestamp() <= $user_timestamp_now && ($Endtimestamp != null ? $temp_date_by_day->getTimestamp() <= $Endtimestamp : true)){
+ //iterate trough times in day
+ foreach(json_decode($survey['time_in_day']) as $timeinday){
+ //set temporary datetime of given date and time in day
+ $temp_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d Hi', $temp_date_by_day->format('Y-m-d').' '.$timeinday);
+ $temp_date_timestamp = $temp_date->getTimestamp();
+ if(/*$temp_date_timestamp > strtotime($survey["datetime_started"]) &&*/ $temp_date_timestamp < $user_timestamp_now){
+ $srv_version = $temp_date->format('Hi_d_m_Y');
+ $link = isset($cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]['link'] : $survey['url'].'a/'.$survey['srv_id'];
+ $user_status = isset($cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]['status'] : '';
+ $srv_user_id = isset($cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]) ? $cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]['srv_user_id'] : '';
+ /*$new_array = array('timestamp' => $temp_date_timestamp, 'datetime' => $temp_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'srv_id' => $survey['srv_id'], 'naslov' => $survey['naslov'],
+ 'srv_version' => $srv_version, 'link' => $link, 'status' => $user_status, 'mode' => 'repeater', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id);*/
+ //array_push($json_array, $new_array);
+ $unfinished = $user_status == 6 ? 0:1;
+ $survey_array = array('timestamp' => $temp_date_timestamp, 'datetime' => $temp_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'link' => $link,
+ 'srv_version' => $srv_version, 'status' => $user_status, 'mode' => 'repeater', 'srv_user_id'=>$srv_user_id);
+ if(isset($json_array[$survey['srv_id']]['surveys'])){
+ array_push($json_array[$survey['srv_id']]['surveys'], $survey_array);
+ $json_array[$survey['srv_id']]['unfinished_cnt']+=$unfinished;
+ }
+ else
+ $json_array[$survey['srv_id']] = array('srv_id' => $survey['srv_id'], 'naslov' => $survey['naslov'], 'unfinished_cnt' => $unfinished, 'surveys'=>array($survey_array));
+ if(isset($cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]))
+ unset($cookies_array[$survey['srv_id']][$temp_date_timestamp]);
+ }
+ }
+ //increase date by given number of days
+ $temp_date_by_day->modify('+'.$every_which_day.' day');
+ }
+ $result = array('surveys' => $json_array, 'cookies' => $cookies_array);
+ return $result;
+ }