path: root/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyList.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyList.php')
1 files changed, 3241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyList.php b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyList.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9377e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/class.SurveyList.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3241 @@
+/** Klass ki vodi seznam anket za prikaz na prvi stranu.
+ * se posodablja sproti za ankete ki jih uporabnik trenutno preglejuje
+ *
+ * Enter description here ...
+ * @author Gorazd_Veselic
+ *
+ */
+define('SRV_LIST_ORDER_BY', 16); # privzeto: sortiranje po stolpcu 1
+define('SRV_LIST_ORDER_TYPE', 1); # privzeto: sortiranje padajoče
+define('SRV_LIST_REC_PER_PAGE', 25); # privzeto: koliko zapisov na stran prikažemo
+define('SRV_LIST_GET_AS_LIST', true); # privzeto: ali lovimo kot seznam ali kot drevo folderjev
+define('SRV_LIST_GET_SUB_FOLDERS', true); # privzeto: ali poizvedujemo po poddirektorijih
+define('SRV_LIST_CHECK_DOSTOP', true); # ali preverja dostop na nivoju ankete
+define('SRV_LIST_GROUP_PAGINATE', 5); # po kolko strani grupira pri paginaciji
+define('SRV_LIST_UPDATE_TIME_LIMIT', 900); # na koliko minut updejtamo: 15min = 60s*15
+if(session_id() == '') {session_start();}
+class SurveyList {
+ private $surveys_ids = array(); # array z id-ji anket
+ private $settingsArray = array(); # array z nastavitvami
+ private $parentFolder; # osnovni direktorij
+ private $currentFolder; # trenutni direktorij
+ private $folders = array(); # array z direktoriji
+ private $user_id = null; # ali filtriramo po userju
+ private $g_uid = null; # globalna nastavitev user_id
+ private $g_adminType = null; # globalna nastavitev adminType
+ private $onlyPhone = false; # Ali prikazujemo samo telefonske ankete
+ private $lang_id = 0; # nastavitev languageType
+ private $gdpr = 0; # nastavitev gdpr filter za ankete
+ private $dostopCondition = null; # shranimo omejitve dostopa (glede na tip uporabnika in uporabniški uid)
+ private $folderCondition = null; # shranimo omejevanja folderjev
+ private $libraryCondition = null; # shranimo novo omejevanje folderjev (moja knjiznica)
+ private $currentLibrary; # trenutni direktorij moje knjiznice
+ private $filter = null; # filter za ime ankete
+ private $show_folders = 0; # ali prikazujemo mape ali ne (default zaenkrat da)
+ private $isSearch = 0; # ali izvajamo search po anektah
+ private $searchString = ''; # geslo po katerem iscemo po anketah
+ private $searchStringProcessed = array(); # geslo po katerem iscemo po anketah, obdelano (skrajsano da isce tudi po drugih sklanjatvah)
+ private $searchSettings = array(); # nastavitve searcha
+ # privzete nastavitve
+ private $pageno = 1; # na kateri strani navigacije smo
+ private $max_pages = 1; # koliko strani imamo
+ private $sortby = SRV_LIST_ORDER_BY; # id polja po katerem sortiramo
+ private $sorttype = SRV_LIST_ORDER_TYPE; # tip sortiranja 1= deac, 0 = asc
+ private $rec_per_page = SRV_LIST_REC_PER_PAGE; # število zapisov na stran
+ private $orderByText = false; # ali sortiramo po tekstovnem polju (takrat uporabimo upper)
+ # privzete možnosti
+ private $sort_types_options = array(1=>'DESC',2=>'ASC'); # možni načini sortiranja
+ private $appropriateStatus = '5,6'; # statusi ki veljajo kot ustrezni
+ # možni načini sortiranja
+ private $order_by_options = array(
+ 1=>'naslov',
+ 2=>'active',
+ 3=>'lib_glb',
+ 4=>'lib_usr',
+ 5=>'answers',
+ 6=>'variables',
+ 7=>'i_name',
+ 8=>'i_surname',
+ 9=>'i_email',
+ 10=>'insert_time',
+ 11=>'e_name',
+ 12=>'e_surname',
+ 13=>'e_email',
+ 14=>'edit_time',
+ 15=>'a_first',
+ 16=>'a_last',
+ 17=>'starts',
+ 18=>'expire',
+ 19=>'survey_type',
+ #20=>'del',
+ 20=>'naslov', # po ikoni za brisanje ne moremo sortirat
+ 21=>'approp',
+ );
+ # polja za prikaz
+ private $dataFields = array(
+ 1=>array('id'=>1,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'naslov','header_field'=>'sl_naslov','alsoResize'=>'.sl_naslov','minWidth'=>100,'data_field'=>'naslov','data_type'=>'naslov', 'data_css'=>'sl_naslov_padding', 'order_text'=>true),
+ 2=>array('id'=>2,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'active','header_field'=>'sl_active','lang_label'=>'sl_active_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_active','minWidth'=>20,'maxWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'active','data_type'=>'active','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ 3=>array('id'=>3,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'lib_glb','header_field'=>'sl_lib_glb','lang_label'=>'sl_lib_glb_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_lib_glb','minWidth'=>20,'maxWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'lib_glb','data_type'=>'lib_glb','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ 4=>array('id'=>4,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'lib_usr','header_field'=>'sl_lib_usr','lang_label'=>'sl_lib_usr_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_lib_usr','minWidth'=>20,'maxWidth'=>100,'data_field'=>'lib_usr','data_type'=>'lib_usr','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ 5=>array('id'=>5,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'answers','header_field'=>'sl_answers','lang_label'=>'sl_answers_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_answers','minWidth'=>25,'maxWidth'=>100,'data_field'=>'answers','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ 6=>array('id'=>6,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'variables','header_field'=>'sl_variables','lang_label'=>'sl_variables_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_variables','minWidth'=>25,'maxWidth'=>100,'data_field'=>'variables','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ 7=>array('id'=>7,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'i_name','header_field'=>'sl_i_name','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_avtor','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_avtor_holder,#h_sl_avtor_title,#h_sl_avtor,.sl_i_name','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'i_name','data_type'=>'iuid','order_text'=>true),
+ 8=>array('id'=>8,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'i_surname','header_field'=>'sl_i_surname','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_avtor','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_avtor_holder,#h_sl_avtor_title,#h_sl_avtor,.sl_i_surname','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'i_surname','data_type'=>'iuid','order_text'=>true),
+ 9=>array('id'=>9,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'i_email','header_field'=>'sl_i_email','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_avtor','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_avtor_holder,#h_sl_avtor_title,#h_sl_avtor,.sl_i_email','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'i_email','data_type'=>'iuid','order_text'=>true),
+ 10=>array('id'=>10,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'insert_time','header_field'=>'sl_i_time','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_avtor','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_avtor_holder,#h_sl_avtor_title,#h_sl_avtor,.sl_i_time','minWidth'=>50,'data_field'=>'i_time'),
+ 11=>array('id'=>11,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'e_name','header_field'=>'sl_e_name','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_spreminjal','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_spreminjal_holder,#h_sl_spreminjal_title,#h_sl_spreminjal,.sl_e_name','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'e_name','data_type'=>'euid','order_text'=>true),
+ 12=>array('id'=>12,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'e_surname','header_field'=>'sl_e_surname','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_spreminjal','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_spreminjal_holder,#h_sl_spreminjal_title,#h_sl_spreminjal,.sl_e_surname','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'e_surname','data_type'=>'euid','order_text'=>true),
+ 13=>array('id'=>13,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'e_email','header_field'=>'sl_e_email','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_spreminjal','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_spreminjal_holder,#h_sl_spreminjal_title,#h_sl_spreminjal,.sl_e_email','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'e_email','data_type'=>'euid','order_text'=>true),
+ 14=>array('id'=>14,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'edit_time','header_field'=>'sl_e_time','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_spreminjal','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_spreminjal_holder,#h_sl_spreminjal_title,#h_sl_spreminjal,.sl_e_time','minWidth'=>50,'data_field'=>'e_time'),
+ 15=>array('id'=>15,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'vnos_time_first','header_field'=>'sl_vnos_time_first','alsoResize'=>'.sl_vnos_time_first','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'v_time_first'),
+ 16=>array('id'=>16,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'vnos_time_last','header_field'=>'sl_vnos_time_last','alsoResize'=>'.sl_vnos_time_last','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'v_time_last'),
+ 17=>array('id'=>17,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'trajanjeod','header_field'=>'sl_trajanjeod','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_trajanje','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_trajanje_holder,#h_sl_trajanje_title,#h_sl_trajanje,.sl_trajanjeod','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'trajanjeod'),
+ 18=>array('id'=>18,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'trajanjedo','header_field'=>'sl_trajanjedo','header_grupa'=>'h_sl_trajanje','alsoResize'=>'#h_sl_trajanje_holder,#h_sl_trajanje_title,#h_sl_trajanje,.sl_trajanjedo','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'trajanjedo'),
+ 19=>array('id'=>19,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'survey_type','header_field'=>'sl_survey_type','lang_label'=>'sl_survey_type_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_survey_type','minWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'survey_type','data_type'=>'survey_type','order_text'=>true),
+ 20=>array('id'=>20,'visible'=>1,'order_by'=>'delete','header_field'=>'sl_delete','lang_label'=>'sl_delete_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_delete','minWidth'=>20,'maxWidth'=>30,'data_field'=>'del','data_type'=>'delete','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ 21=>array('id'=>21,'visible'=>0,'order_by'=>'approp','header_field'=>'sl_approp','lang_label'=>'sl_approp_1','alsoResize'=>'.sl_approp','minWidth'=>25,'maxWidth'=>100,'data_field'=>'approp','data_css'=>'anl_ac'),
+ );
+ public function __construct() {
+ global $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_path;
+ $this->lang_id = 0;
+ $this->g_uid = $global_user_id;
+ $this->g_adminType = $admin_type;
+ $this->onlyPhone = false;
+ if ( (isset($_REQUEST['onlyPhone']) && $_REQUEST['onlyPhone'] == 'true')
+ || (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && $_REQUEST['a'] == 'phoneSurveys')) {
+ $this->onlyPhone = true;
+ }
+ # Anketam ki so potekle popravimo aktivnost
+ $this->checkSurveyExpire();
+ # vsilimo refresh podatkov
+ SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->resetSurveyData();
+ #Inicializiramo (preberemo potrebne nastavitve iz baze, in pogledamo katero stran prikazujemo)
+ $this -> init();
+ # posodobimo podatke prikazanih anket
+ $this -> refreshData();
+ }
+ private function init($parentFolder = 0) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ # pogledamo ali imamo shranjeno nastavitev po katerem polj u sortiramo
+ UserSetting::getInstance()->Init($global_user_id);
+ $userSettins = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('survey_list_order_by');
+ if ( isset($userSettins) && $userSettins != null) {
+ $old_data = array_unique(explode(",",$userSettins));
+ if (isset($old_data[0]) && $old_data[0] > 0) {
+ $this->sortby = $old_data[0];
+ if (isset($old_data[1]) && $old_data[1] > 0) {
+ $this->sorttype = $old_data[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->setParentFolder($parentFolder);
+ $this->setCurrentFolder($parentFolder);
+ // Ali prikazujemo folderje ali ne
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ $detect = New Mobile_Detect();
+ if($userAccess->checkUserAccess('my_survey_folders') && !$detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet())
+ $this->show_folders = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('survey_list_folders');
+ # koliko zapisov prikazujemo na stran
+ $survey_list_rows_per_page = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('survey_list_rows_per_page');
+ if (isset($survey_list_rows_per_page) && $survey_list_rows_per_page != "" && (int)$survey_list_rows_per_page > 0) {
+ $this->rec_per_page = (int)$survey_list_rows_per_page;
+ }
+ #session_start();
+ # preverimo ali imamo filter po userju
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'surveyList_user' && (int)$_POST['uid'] > 0 && ($_POST['list_user_type'] == 'i' || $_POST['list_user_type'] == 'e' || $_POST['list_user_type'] == 'clr')) {
+ $this->setUserId();
+ } else if (isset($_SESSION['sl_uid']) && (int)$_SESSION['sl_uid'] > 0 && isset($_SESSION['sl_typ']) && ($_SESSION['sl_typ'] == 'e' || $_SESSION['sl_typ'] == 'i')) {
+ $this->user_id = (int)$_SESSION['sl_uid'];
+ }
+ # nastavimo sort po jezikih
+ if (isset($_SESSION['sl_lang_id']) && (int)$_SESSION['sl_lang_id'] > 0 ) {
+ $this->lang_id= (int)$_SESSION['sl_lang_id'];
+ }
+ # nastavimo sort po gdpr
+ if (isset($_SESSION['sl_gdpr']) && (int)$_SESSION['sl_gdpr'] > 0 ) {
+ $this->gdpr = (int)$_SESSION['sl_gdpr'];
+ }
+ # nastavimo filter po folderju moje knjiznice
+ if (isset($_SESSION['currentLibrary']) && (int)$_SESSION['currentLibrary'] > 0 ) {
+ $this->currentLibrary = (int)$_SESSION['currentLibrary'];
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce gre za search po anketah
+ if(isset($_GET['search']) && $_GET['search'] != ''){
+ $this->isSearch = 1;
+ $this->searchString = str_replace("\\", "", trim($_GET['search']));
+ // Iscemo po naslovu ali avtorju
+ $this->searchSettings['stype'] = (isset($_GET['stype'])) ? $_GET['stype'] : '0';
+ // Aktivnost ankete
+ $this->searchSettings['sstatus'] = (isset($_GET['sstatus'])) ? $_GET['sstatus'] : '0';
+ // Datum ustvarjanja ankete
+ $this->searchSettings['sidatefrom'] = (isset($_GET['sidatefrom'])) ? $_GET['sidatefrom'] : '';
+ $this->searchSettings['sidateto'] = (isset($_GET['sidateto'])) ? $_GET['sidateto'] : '';
+ // Datum zadnjega urejanja ankete
+ $this->searchSettings['sedatefrom'] = (isset($_GET['sedatefrom'])) ? $_GET['sedatefrom'] : '';
+ $this->searchSettings['sedateto'] = (isset($_GET['sedateto'])) ? $_GET['sedateto'] : '';
+ // Dodaten filter po avtorju (samo metaadmini)
+ $this->searchSettings['onlyAuthor'] = (isset($_GET['onlyAuthor'])) ? str_replace("\\", "", trim($_GET['onlyAuthor'])) : '';
+ }
+ $this->reloadSurveys();
+ return count($this->surveys_ids);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc prikaze zgornjo navigacijo
+ */
+ function display_sub_tabs () {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $admin_type, $site_domain, $aai_instalacija;
+ $SLCount = $this->countSurveys();
+ // *** druga vrstica navigacije ***//
+ echo '<div id="secondNavigation" class="library clr">';
+ if ($_GET['a']=='diagnostics') {
+ if ($_GET['t'] == 'uporabniki') {
+ // Admini imajo pregled nad vsemi zavihki uporabnikov
+ if ($admin_type == 0) {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ #zavihek osnovni pregled uporabnikov
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single '.((!isset($_GET['m']) || $_GET['m'] == 'my') ? 'active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki" title="'.$lang['n_users_list_all'].'">';
+ echo $lang['n_users_list'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ #zavihek seznam vseh uporabnikov
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single '.($_GET['m'] == 'all' ? 'active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki&m=all" title="'.$lang['n_users_list_all'].'">';
+ echo $lang['n_users_list_all'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ #zavihek izbrisani uporabniki
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single '.(!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'izbrisani' ? 'active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki&m=izbrisani" title="'.$lang['n_deleted_users'].'">';
+ echo $lang['n_deleted_users'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ #zavihek odjavljeni uporabniki
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single '.(!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'nepotrjeni' ? 'active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki&m=nepotrjeni" title="'.$lang['n_unconfirmed_users'].'">';
+ echo $lang['n_unconfirmed_users'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ #zavihek nepotrjenih uporabnikov
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single '.(!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'odjavljeni' ? 'active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki&m=odjavljeni" title="'.$lang['n_unsigned_users'].'">';
+ echo $lang['n_unsigned_users'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ #zavihek sa modul
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single '.(!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'sa-modul' ? 'active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki&m=sa-modul" title="'.$lang['srv_hierarchy_users_access'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_hierarchy_users_access'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ // Menegerji imajo samo osnovni pregled svojih uporabnikov
+ if ($admin_type == 1) {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ #zavihek osnovni pregled uporabnikov
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img single active" href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki" title="'.$lang['n_users_list_all'].'">';
+ echo $lang['n_users_list'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($admin_type == 0) {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ #zavihek ankete
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.(($_GET['t']=='ankete'||$_GET['a']=='diagnostics')&& !isset($_GET['t']) ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics" title="'.$lang['srv_ankete'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_ankete'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.(($_GET['t']=='time_span_daily') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=time_span_daily" title="'.$lang['srv_weekly_diagnostics'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_weekly_diagnostics'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.(($_GET['t']=='time_span_monthly') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=time_span_monthly" title="'.$lang['srv_monthly_diagnostics'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_monthly_diagnostics'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.(($_GET['t']=='time_span_yearly') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=time_span_yearly" title="'.$lang['srv_yearly_diagnostics'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_yearly_diagnostics'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.(($_GET['t']=='time_span') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=time_span&uvoz=0&ustrezni=1&delnoustrezni=1&neustrezni=0" title="'.$lang['srv_all_diagnostics'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_all_diagnostics'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.(($_GET['t']=='paradata') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=paradata" title="'.$lang['srv_metapodatki'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_metapodatki'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #podnavigacija za knjižnico
+ if( $_GET['a']=='knjiznica' ) {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ #zavihek javna knjižnica
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.(($_GET['t']=='javne_ankete'||$_GET['a']=='knjiznica')&& !isset($_GET['t']) ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=knjiznica" title="'.$lang['srv_javna_knjiznica'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_javna_knjiznica'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Zavihek moja knjižnica
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.($_GET['t'] == 'moje_ankete' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=knjiznica&t=moje_ankete" title="'.$lang['srv_moja_knjiznica'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_moja_knjiznica'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ #podnavigacija za nastavitve
+ if(($_GET['a']=='nastavitve')) {
+ $tab = $_GET['m'];
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ if ($admin_type == '0') {
+ #zavihek sistemske
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.($tab=='system' || $tab == '' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=system" title="'.$lang['srv_settingsSystem'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_settingsSystem'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Zavihek ocenjevanje trajanja
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.($tab=='predvidenicasi' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=predvidenicasi" title="'.$lang['srv_testiranje_predvidenicas'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_testiranje_predvidenicas'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Zavihek mape
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.($tab=='collectData' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=collectData" title="'.$lang['srv_collectData'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_collectData'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Zavihek lep url
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.($tab=='nice_links' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=nice_links" title="'.$lang['srv_nice_url'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_nice_url'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # ankete z administrativnim dostopom
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.($tab=='anketa_admin' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=anketa_admin" title="'.$lang['srv_anketa_admin'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_anketa_admin'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # zbrisane ankete
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.($tab=='anketa_deleted' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=anketa_deleted" title="'.$lang['srv_anketa_deleted'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_anketa_deleted'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Zbrisani podatki
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img'.($tab=='data_deleted' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=data_deleted" title="'.$lang['srv_data_deleted'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_data_deleted'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ // nastavitve uporabnika
+ if($admin_type == 0)
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.($tab=='global_user_settings' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=global_user_settings" title="'.$lang['srv_user_settings'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_user_settings'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ // Moj profil
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right' . ($tab == 'global_user_myProfile' ? ' active' : '') . '"' . ' href="index.php?a=nastavitve&amp;m=global_user_myProfile" title="' . $lang['edit_data'] . '">';
+ echo $lang['edit_data'] . '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ #podnavigacija za obvestila
+ if(($_GET['a']=='obvestila')) {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ # prejeta obvestila
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.(!isset($_GET['t']) ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=obvestila" title="'.$lang['srv_notifications_recieved'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_notifications_recieved'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ if ($admin_type == '0') {
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # poslana obvestila
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.($_GET['t']=='sent' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=obvestila&amp;t=sent" title="'.$lang['srv_notifications_sent'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_notifications_sent'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ #podnavigacija za narocila
+ if(($_GET['a']=='narocila')) {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ # moja narocila
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.(!isset($_GET['m']) ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=narocila" title="'.$lang['srv_narocila_my'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_narocila_my'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # placila - samo admini
+ if ($admin_type == '0') {
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.((isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'placila') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=narocila&m=placila" title="'.$lang['srv_placila'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_placila'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ # podnavigacija za gdpr
+ if($_GET['a']=='gdpr'){
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ // Nastavitve uporabnika
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.(!isset($_GET['m']) || $_GET['m']=='gdpr_user' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=gdpr&amp;m=gdpr_user" title="'.$lang['srv_gdpr_user_settings'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_gdpr_user_settings'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ // Seznam anket
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.($_GET['m']=='gdpr_survey_list' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=gdpr&amp;m=gdpr_survey_list" title="'.$lang['srv_gdpr_survey_list'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_gdpr_survey_list'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ // DPA
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.($_GET['m']=='gdpr_dpa' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=gdpr&amp;m=gdpr_dpa" title="'.$lang['srv_gdpr_dpa'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_gdpr_dpa'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ // Zahteve za izbris
+ echo '<li>';
+ $request_counter = GDPR::countUserUnfinishedRequests();
+ $request_counter_text = ($request_counter > 0) ? ' <sup class="red" style="vertical-align: top;">('.$request_counter.')</sup>' : '';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.($_GET['m']=='gdpr_requests' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=gdpr&amp;m=gdpr_requests" title="'.$lang['srv_gdpr_requests'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_gdpr_requests'].$request_counter_text.'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ // Vse zahteve za izbris - samo ADMINI
+ if($admin_type == '0'){
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.($_GET['m']=='gdpr_requests_all' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=gdpr&amp;m=gdpr_requests_all" title="'.$lang['srv_gdpr_requests_all'].'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_gdpr_requests_all'].'</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ }
+ #podnavigacija za UL evalvacijo
+ if($_GET['a']=='ul_evalvation') {
+ echo '<ul class="secondNavigation">';
+ # Izvozi za ul evalvacijo
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-right'.((!isset($_GET['t']) || $_GET['t'] == 'export') ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=ul_evalvation" title="Izvozi">';
+ echo 'Izvozi</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ if ($admin_type == 0) {
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Uvozi - samo admini
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.($_GET['t']=='import' ? ' active' : '').'"'
+ .' href="index.php?a=ul_evalvation&amp;t=import" title="Uvozi">';
+ echo 'Uvozi</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # Testiranje - samo admini
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.($_GET['t']=='test' ? ' active' : '').'" href="index.php?a=ul_evalvation&amp;t=test" title="Testiranje">';
+ echo 'Testiranje</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space"></li>';
+ # GC - samo admini
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a class="no-img side-left'.($_GET['t']=='gc' ? ' active' : '').'" href="index.php?a=ul_evalvation&amp;t=gc" title="GC">';
+ echo 'GC</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ echo '<div id="secondNavigation_links"></div>'; # id="secondNavigation_links"
+ echo '</div>'; #<div class="secondNavigation" >
+ $this->language_change();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc prikaze zgornjo navigacijo
+ */
+ function display_tabs () {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $admin_type, $mysql_database_name;
+ $css_1 = 'on';
+ $css_2 = 'off';
+ $css_3 = 'off';
+ $css_4 = 'off';
+ $css_5 = 'off';
+ $css_6 = 'off';
+ $css_7 = 'off';
+ $css_8 = 'off';
+ $css_9 = 'off';
+ $css_10 = 'off';
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'diagnostics') {
+ if ($_GET['t'] == 'uporabniki') {
+ #uporabniki
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_5 = 'on';
+ }
+ else {
+ #aktivnosti
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_2 = 'on';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'knjiznica') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_3 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'nastavitve') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_4 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'nastavitve') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_4 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'phoneSurveys') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_6 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'obvestila') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_7 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'ul_evalvation') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_8 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'gdpr') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_9 = 'on';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'narocila') {
+ $css_1 = 'off';
+ $css_10 = 'on';
+ }
+ echo '<div id="firstNavigation" class="frontpage">';
+ echo '<ol class="smaller left-side left-1ka">';
+ echo '<li class="moja1ka">';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=pregledovanje" title="' . $lang['srv_pregledovanje'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_1.'">'. $lang['srv_pregledovanje'] . '</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ $SLCountPhoneSurvey = $this->countPhoneSurveys();
+ if ($SLCountPhoneSurvey > 0 && $admin_type != '0') {
+ #echo '<li class="spaceLarge">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=phoneSurveys" title="' . $lang['srv_telephone_surveys'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_6.'">' . $lang['srv_telephone_surveys'] . '</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ $SLCount = $this->countSurveys();
+ if ($SLCount > 0 && $admin_type <= 1) {
+ #echo '<li class="spaceLarge">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=diagnostics" title="' . $lang['srv_diagnostics'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_2.'">'. $lang['srv_diagnostics'] . '</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ # uporabniki
+ if ($admin_type <= 1 /*or true*/) {
+ # ni smiselno da ostali uporabniki vidijo zavihek, ker so tako prikazane samo njihove ankete
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=diagnostics&t=uporabniki" title="' . $lang['hour_users'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_5.'">'. $lang['hour_users'] . '</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=knjiznica" title="' . $lang['srv_library'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_3.'">'. $lang['srv_library'] . '</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ # Nastavitve
+ //if ($admin_type == 0) {
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=nastavitve'.($admin_type != 0 ? '&m=global_user_settings' : '').'" title="' . $lang['settings'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_4.'">' . $lang['settings'] . '</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ //}
+ # Streznik
+ if ($admin_type == 0 && false) {
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="" title="'.$lang['srv_sar'].'" target="_blank">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-off">'/*<span class="sprites streznik_off"></span>'*/.$lang['srv_sar'].'</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ # Obvestila - zaenkrat samo admin
+ if ($admin_type == 0) {
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=obvestila'.($admin_type == 0 ? '&t=sent' : '').'" title="' . $lang['srv_notifications'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_7.'">'.$lang['srv_notifications'].'</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ # Narocila - samo ce imamo vklopljene pakete
+ global $app_settings;
+ if($app_settings['commercial_packages']){
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=narocila" title="' . $lang['srv_narocila'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_10.'">'.$lang['srv_narocila'].'</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ # GDPR
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ $request_counter = GDPR::countUserUnfinishedRequests();
+ $request_counter_text = (true) ? ' <sup class="red" style="vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; top: -0.4em;">('.$request_counter.')</sup>' : '';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=gdpr'.($request_counter > 0 ? '&m=gdpr_requests' : '').'" title="' . $lang['srv_gdpr_settings'] . '">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_9.'" style="margin-top: -1px">'.$lang['srv_gdpr_settings'].$request_counter_text.'</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ # UL evalvacija razne nastavitve, uvozi, izvozi - samo na (zaenkrat samo admin)
+ if (Common::checkModule('evalvacija') == '1' && $admin_type == 0) {
+ echo '<li class="spaceBig">&nbsp;</li>';
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<a href="index.php?a=ul_evalvation" title="UL evalvacije">';
+ echo '<div class="smaller-singlebutton-'.$css_8.'">UL evalvacije</div>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ol>';
+ // genialno, rewrite se nismo ucili...
+ if ($lang['id'] == "1") $subdomain = "www";
+ else $subdomain = "english";
+ switch ($_GET['a']) {
+ case 'pregledovanje':
+ $help_url = 'http://' .$subdomain .'';
+ break;
+ case 'diagnostics':
+ if ($_GET['t'] == 'uporabniki') {
+ $help_url = 'http://' .$subdomain .'';
+ } else {
+ $help_url = 'http://' .$subdomain .'';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'knjiznica':
+ $help_url = 'http://' .$subdomain .'';
+ break;
+ case 'nastavitve':
+ $help_url = 'http://' .$subdomain .'';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $help_url = 'http://' .$subdomain .'';
+ break;
+ }
+ echo '<ol class="smaller left-side help-1ka" >';
+ echo ' <li>';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$help_url.'" title="'.$lang['srv_settings_help'].'" target="_blank" >';
+ echo ' <div class="smaller-singlebutton-off">'.$lang['srv_settings_help'].'</div>';
+ echo ' </a>';
+ echo ' </li>';
+ echo '</ol>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * prikaze izbiro jezika zgoraj desno
+ *
+ */
+ function language_change() {
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT lang FROM users WHERE id = '$global_user_id'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $lang_admin = $row['lang'];
+ echo '<div id="language_select">';
+ if($lang_admin == 1){
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="language_change(2); return false;"><div class="flag eng"></div> <span>English</span></a>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="language_change(1); return false;"><div class="flag slo"></div> <span>Slovenščina</span></a>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ /** Seznam vseh anket ki so na voljo posameznemu uporabniku
+ *
+ */
+ function reloadSurveys() {
+ # polovimo seznam uporabnikovih anket
+ $this->dostopCondition = null;
+ $this->surveys_ids = array();
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT id, backup, active, folder, dostop FROM srv_anketa sa WHERE sa.backup='0' AND > 0 AND >= 0 AND sa.invisible = '0' ".$this->getFolderCondition().$this->getDostopAnketa();
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ while ( $rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ $this->surveys_ids[$rowSurveyList['id']] = $rowSurveyList['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ function setUserId() {
+ # nastavimo filter po userju
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'surveyList_user' && (int)$_POST['uid'] > 0 && ($_POST['list_user_type'] == 'i' || $_POST['list_user_type'] == 'e')) {
+ $_SESSION['sl_uid'] = (int)$_POST['uid'];
+ $_SESSION['sl_typ'] = $_POST['list_user_type'];
+ $this->user_id = (int)$_POST['uid'];
+ } else {
+ unset($_SESSION['sl_uid']);
+ unset($_SESSION['sl_typ']);
+ $this->user_id = null;
+ }
+ $this->reloadSurveys();
+ # posodobimo podatke prikazanih anket
+ $this -> refreshData();
+ }
+ function setUserLanguage() {
+ # nastavimo filter po userju
+ if ( isset($_POST['lang_id']) && (int)$_POST['lang_id']) {
+ $_SESSION['sl_lang_id'] = (int)$_POST['lang_id'];
+ $this->lang_id = (int)$_POST['lang_id'];
+ } else {
+ unset($_SESSION['sl_lang_id']);
+ $this->lang_id = 0;
+ }
+ $this->reloadSurveys();
+ # posodobimo podatke prikazanih anket
+ $this -> refreshData();
+ }
+ function setUserGDPR() {
+ # nastavimo filter po GDPR anketah
+ if ( isset($_POST['gdpr']) && (int)$_POST['gdpr']) {
+ $_SESSION['sl_gdpr'] = (int)$_POST['gdpr'];
+ $this->gdpr = (int)$_POST['gdpr'];
+ } else {
+ unset($_SESSION['sl_gdpr']);
+ $this->gdpr = 0;
+ }
+ $this->reloadSurveys();
+ # posodobimo podatke prikazanih anket
+ $this -> refreshData();
+ }
+ function setUserLibrary() {
+ # nastavimo filter po folderju knjiznice
+ if ( isset($_POST['currentLibrary']) && (int)$_POST['currentLibrary']) {
+ $_SESSION['currentLibrary'] = (int)$_POST['currentLibrary'];
+ $this->currentLibrary = (int)$_POST['currentLibrary'];
+ } else {
+ unset($_SESSION['currentLibrary']);
+ $this->currentLibrary = 0;
+ }
+ $this->reloadSurveys();
+ # posodobimo podatke prikazanih anket
+ $this -> refreshData();
+ }
+ /** Polovimo podatke anket in jih izrišemo
+ *
+ */
+ public function getSurveys() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $lang;
+ // ali imamo star napreden vmesnik za moje ankete
+ $advancedMySurveys = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('advancedMySurveys');
+ // Nastavitve zgoraj - nekatere niso prikazane pri searchu
+ if($this->isSearch != 1){
+ // Gumb za ustvarjanje ankete
+ echo '<div id="anketa_new_float">';
+ $this->new_anketa_div();
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Paginacija
+ echo '<div id="pagination">';
+ $this->displayPagiantion();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Sort gumb - samo v novem vmesniku
+ if($advancedMySurveys != 1 && $this->onlyPhone == false){
+ echo '<div id="sortButton">';
+ $this->displaySortButton();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Gumb za filtriranje - samo v novem vmesniku
+ //if($this->g_adminType <= 1){
+ if($advancedMySurveys != 1 && $this->onlyPhone == false){
+ //echo '<div id="filterButton">';
+ $this->displayFilterButton();
+ //echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Preklop na pogled s folderji (samo ce imamo nov vmesnik)
+ if($this->isSearch != 1){
+ if($advancedMySurveys != 1 && $this->onlyPhone == false){
+ //echo '<div id="folderSwitch">';
+ $this->displayFolderSwitch();
+ //echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Nastavitve zgoraj - nekatere niso prikazane pri searchu
+ if($this->isSearch != 1){
+ // Gumb z nastavitvami pogleda - za star vmesnik
+ if ($this->onlyPhone == false && $advancedMySurveys == 1){
+ $this->displaySettingsUrl();
+ }
+ // Okno za search po mojeih anketah
+ echo '<div id="searchMySurveys">';
+ $this->displaySearch();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris seznama anket - star oz. nov design
+ if($advancedMySurveys == 1){
+ $this->displaySurveyList();
+ }
+ else{
+ if($this->show_folders == 1 && $this->isSearch != 1){
+ // Info box za posamezno anketo (hover)
+ echo '<div id="survey_list_info"></div>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ // Loop po vseh folderjih prvega nivoja - samo na prvi strani
+ if($this->pageno == 1){
+ // Plus za dodajanje folderja
+ echo '<div style="margin: 15px 0 -15px 0"><a style="vertical-align:0px; line-height:18px;" href="#" title="'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_create_folder'].'" onClick="create_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;">';
+ echo '<span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="faicon add icon-blue-hover-orange pointer"></span> <span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="bold">'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_create_folder'].'</span>';
+ echo '</a></div>';
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_folder WHERE usr_id='$global_user_id' AND parent='0' ORDER BY naslov ASC");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
+ echo '<div id="folder_holder_'.$row['id'].'" class="folder_holder level1">';
+ $this->displayNewFolder($row);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Na koncu se izpisemo ankete ki niso v nobenem folderju
+ $row = array('id'=>0, 'naslov'=>$lang['srv_mySurvey_unallocated']);
+ echo '<div id="folder_holder_0" class="folder_holder level1">';
+ $this->displayNewFolder($row);
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">surveyList_folder_init();</script>';
+ }
+ // Ce ne prikazujemo map je vse po starem
+ else{
+ // Info box za posamezno anketo (hover)
+ echo '<div id="survey_list_info"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="div_sl_new_-1" class="div_sl_new">';
+ $this->displayNewSurveyList($folder=-1);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Paginacija - se na dnu - ni prikazana pri searchu
+ if($this->isSearch != 1){
+ echo '<div id="pagination" class="bottom">';
+ $this->displayPagiantion();
+ echo '</div><br /><br />';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function displaySurveyList() {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->onlyPhone == true) {
+ $this->settingsArray = array();
+ # prikažemo samo naslov
+ $this->settingsArray['naslov'] = $this->dataFields[1];;
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="onlyPhone" name="onlyPhone" value="1">';
+ }
+ echo '<div id="div_sl">';
+ if ( SRV_LIST_GET_AS_LIST == true) {
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ // labelo za aktivno, in knji?nico popravimo kar ro?no - nardimo slikice
+ $lang['srv_h_sl_active_1'] = '<span class="faicon star_on" title="'.$lang['srv_anketa_active'].'"></span>';
+ $lang['srv_h_sl_delete_1'] = '';
+ $lang['srv_h_sl_lib_glb_1'] = '<span class="sprites library_admin_on" title="'.$lang['srv_ank_lib_on'].'"></span>';
+ $lang['srv_h_sl_lib_usr_1'] = '<span class="sprites library_on" title="'.$lang['srv_ank_mylib_on'].'"></span>';
+ $ankete = $this->getSurveysAsList();
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="sortby" value="'.(isset($_POST['sortby']) ? $_POST['sortby'] : null).'">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="sorttype" value="'.(isset($_POST['sorttype']) ? $_POST['sorttype'] : null).'">';
+ echo '<ul id="surveyList" >';
+ // izpi?emo header celice
+ echo '<li class="sl_header">';
+ $grupaName = "";
+ $groupWidths = array();
+ if (count($this->settingsArray) > 0 ){
+ foreach ( $this->settingsArray as $opcija ) {
+ if ($opcija['visible'] == 1) {
+ // preverimo ali smo zaklju?ili prej?njo grupo
+ if ((!isset($opcija['header_grupa']) && $grupaName != "") || // nismo ve? v grupi stara ?e obstaja
+ ( isset($opcija['header_grupa']) && $grupaName != "" && $opcija['header_grupa'] != $grupaName)) { // smo v grupi ampak ime ni enako prej?njemu
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ $grupaName = "";
+ }
+ // preverimo ali naredimo novo grupo (Vnesel / urejal)
+ if (isset($opcija['header_grupa']) && $grupaName == "") { // smo v grupi polj pod in imamo podpolja: ime priimek, email, datum
+ // imamo za?etek grupe nari?emo ?tartne dive
+ echo '<div id="'.$opcija['header_grupa'].'_holder" class="floatLeft" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; border:none; height:100%;">';
+ echo '<div id="'.$opcija['header_grupa'].'_title" style="height:26px; /*border-bottom: 1px solid #C2D2C9;*/ padding:0px; margin:0px; /*border-right:1px solid #C2D2C9;*/">';
+ echo '<div id="'.$opcija['header_grupa'].'" class="floatLeft anl_ac" style="border:none;">'.$lang['srv_'.$opcija['header_grupa']].'</div>';
+ // nastavimo sirino grupe na 0
+ $groupWidths[$opcija['header_grupa']] = 0;
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div style="height:26px;padding:0px; margin:0px; border:none;">';
+ $grupaName = $opcija['header_grupa'];
+ }
+ echo '<div id="h_'.$opcija['header_field'].'" class="floatLeft sl_header_field '.$opcija['header_field'].' anl_ac" baseCss="'.$opcija['header_field'].'">'
+ . $this->createOrderUrl( $opcija['id'], (isset($opcija['lang_label']) ? $lang['srv_h_'.$opcija['lang_label']] : $lang['srv_h_'.$opcija['header_field']] ) )
+ . '</div>';
+ }
+ flush(); @ob_flush();
+ }
+ }
+ // na koncu ?e preverimo ali imamo kon?ano grupo ?ene nardimo zaklju?na diva
+ if ($grupaName != "") {
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ $grupaName = "";
+ }
+ echo '</li>';
+ $cnt = 1;
+ if (count($ankete)) {
+ foreach ( $ankete as $anketa ) {
+ $eavenOdd = $cnt&1;
+ $cnt++;
+ $anketa_answers_cnt = $anketa['answers'];
+ $anketa_is_active = $anketa['active'];
+ $anketa_is_copy = isset($anketa['insert_uid']) && $anketa['insert_uid'] == -1 ? true : false;
+ $anketa_i_uid= isset($anketa['insert_uid']) ? $anketa['insert_uid'] : null;
+ $anketa_e_uid= isset($anketa['edit_uid']) ? $anketa['edit_uid'] : null;
+ $anketa_canEdit= $anketa['canEdit'];
+ echo '<li id="anketa_list_'.$anketa['id'].'" class="sl_bck_'.$eavenOdd.'">';
+ // za vsako vidno polje za header izpi?emopodatek
+ foreach ( $this->settingsArray as $opcija ) {
+ if (isset($opcija['visible']) && $opcija['visible'] == 1) {
+ echo '<div class="floatLeft '.$opcija['header_field'].' '.(isset($opcija['data_css']) ? $opcija['data_css'] : null).' sl_bck_br_'.$eavenOdd.'" title="'.$anketa[$opcija['data_field']].'" >';
+ if (isset($opcija['data_type'])) {
+ $this->echoText($anketa[$opcija['data_field']], $opcija['data_type'], $anketa['id'], array('answers_cnt'=>$anketa_answers_cnt, 'is_active'=>$anketa_is_active, 'anketa_is_copy'=>$anketa_is_copy, 'anketa_i_uid'=>$anketa_i_uid, 'anketa_e_uid'=>$anketa_e_uid,'anketa_canEdit'=>$anketa_canEdit));
+ } else {
+ $this->echoText($anketa[$opcija['data_field']], 'text', $anketa['id'], array('answers_cnt'=>$anketa_answers_cnt, 'is_active'=>$anketa_is_active, 'anketa_is_copy'=>$anketa_is_copy, 'anketa_i_uid'=>$anketa_i_uid, 'anketa_e_uid'=>$anketa_e_uid,'anketa_canEdit'=>$anketa_canEdit));
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ // izpi?emo javascript za resizable
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo '$(document).ready(function() {';
+ // echo '$().ready(function() {';
+ foreach ( $this->settingsArray as $opcija ) {
+ if ($opcija['visible'] == 1) {
+ echo '$("#h_'.$opcija['header_field'].'").resizable({handles:"e", alsoResize: "'.$opcija['alsoResize'].'"'.
+ (isset($opcija['minWidth'])?', minWidth: '.$opcija['minWidth']:'').(isset($opcija['maxWidth'])?', maxWidth: '.$opcija['maxWidth']:'').
+ ', stop: function(event, ui) { save_surveyListCssSettings(event, ui); }'.'});';
+ }
+ }
+ // ponastavimo ?irine celic z JS
+ $css_data = $this->getCssSetings();
+ if (isset($css_data) && count($css_data)>0) {
+ foreach ($css_data as $css_key => $css) {
+ echo '$(".'.$css_key.'").width('.$css.');';
+ }
+ }
+ // prika?emo seznam
+ echo '$("#surveyList").show();';
+ // header title priredimo sirino
+ foreach ( $groupWidths as $grupa => $widths ) {
+ //echo '$("#'.$grupa.'").css( { "width": ($("#'.$grupa.'_holder").width()-5)+"px"});';
+ // chrome bux fix --mitja
+ echo '$("#'.$grupa.'").css( { "width": "100%"});';
+ }
+ echo '});';
+ echo '</script>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; // id="div_sl"
+ }
+ /** Kreacija nove ankete
+ */
+ function new_anketa_div(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo '<span id="buttonCreate" class="floatLeft"><a href="' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?a=ustvari_anketo" title="' . $lang['srv_create_survey'] . '">';
+ echo $lang['srv_create_survey'];
+ echo '</a></span>';
+ // uporabniki z vklopljeno moznostjo imajo tudi hitro ustvarjanje ankete (brez vnosa imena in izbire skina)
+ $oneclickCreateMySurveys = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('oneclickCreateMySurveys');
+ if ($oneclickCreateMySurveys == 1) {
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft" style="margin:10px 0 0 20px; font-weight:600;"><a style="vertical-align:0px; line-height:18px;" href="#" onclick="newAnketaBlank();" title="' . $lang['one_click_create'] . '"><span style="vertical-align:top;" class="faicon add icon-blue-hover-orange"></span> <span>'.$lang['one_click_create'].'</span></a>';
+ }
+ }
+ function displayNewSurveyList($folder=0) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if (SRV_LIST_GET_AS_LIST == true) {
+ $ankete = $this->getSurveysAsListNew($folder);
+ // Ce searchamo izrisemo napredne nastavitve za search
+ if($this->isSearch == 1){
+ echo '<div id="searchSettings">';
+ $this->displaySearchSettings();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ }
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="sortby" value="'.(isset($_POST['sortby']) ? $_POST['sortby'] : null).'">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="sorttype" value="'.(isset($_POST['sorttype']) ? $_POST['sorttype'] : null).'">';
+ if ($count = count($ankete)) {
+ // Naslov za search
+ if($this->isSearch == 1){
+ if($count == 1)
+ $hits = $lang['s_hits_1'];
+ elseif($count == 2)
+ $hits = $lang['s_hits_2'];
+ elseif($count == 3 || $count == 4)
+ $hits = $lang['s_hits_34'];
+ else
+ $hits = $lang['s_hits'];
+ // Ce imamo vec kot 1000 zadetkov izpisemo samo 1000 in opozorilo
+ if($count < 1000)
+ $cnt_text = '<span class="italic">('.$count.' '.$hits.')</span>';
+ else
+ $cnt_text = '<span class="italic">('.$lang['s_hits_1000'].')</span>';
+ echo '<span class="search_title">'.$lang['s_search_mySurvey_title'].' '.$cnt_text.':</span>';
+ }
+ echo '<table id="surveyList_new">';
+ echo '<tr class="sl_header_new">';
+ // Info ikona
+ echo '<td class="col1">';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Tip ankete (forma, navadna, glasovanje)
+ //echo '<td class="col2"></td>';
+ // Aktivnost ankete
+ echo '<td class="col2"></td>';
+ // Naslov
+ echo '<td class="col3">';
+ echo $this->createOrderUrlNew(1, $lang['title']);
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Trajanje - status
+ echo '<td class="col4">';
+ echo $this->createOrderUrlNew(18, 'Status');
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Tip + st. vprasanj
+ echo '<td class="col5">';
+ echo '';
+ echo $this->createOrderUrlNew(19, $lang['srv_tip']);
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Zadnji vnos
+ echo '<td class="col6">';
+ echo $this->createOrderUrlNew(16, $lang['srv_last_insrt']);
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Sprememba
+ echo '<td class="col7">';
+ echo $this->createOrderUrlNew(14, $lang['change']);
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Ikona1
+ echo '<td class="col8"></td>';
+ // Ikona2
+ echo '<td class="col9"></td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ( $ankete as $anketa ) {
+ echo '<tr id="anketa_list_'.$anketa['id'].'" class="anketa_list '.($this->show_folders == 1 ? ' mySurvey_draggable' : '').'" anketa_id="'.$anketa['id'].'">';
+ // Info ikona
+ echo '<td class="col1">';
+ //var_dump($anketa);
+ echo '<span id="info_icon_'.$anketa['id'].'" anketa="'.$anketa['id'].'" class="faicon info icon-as_link pointer icon-center" title="'.$lang['srv_survey_info'].'" onClick="surveyList_info(\''.$anketa['id'].'\');"></span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Aktivnost - neaktivna, aktivna, zakljucena
+ echo '<td class="col2">';
+ if ($anketa['active'] == 1) {
+ echo '<div class="dot blue" title="'.$lang['srv_anketa_active2'].'"></div>';
+ } else {
+ $sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT sid FROM srv_activity WHERE sid='".$anketa['id']."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlA) > 0) {
+ # anketa je zaključena
+ echo '<div class="dot grey" title="'.$lang['srv_survey_non_active'].'"></div>';
+ } else {
+ # anketa je neaktivna
+ echo '<div class="dot grey" title="'.$lang['srv_survey_non_active_notActivated'].'"></div>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Naslov
+ echo '<td class="col3">';
+ if(strlen($anketa['naslov']) > 60)
+ $text = substr($anketa['naslov'],0,60);
+ else
+ $text = $anketa['naslov'];
+ // Ce gre za search moramo ustrezno pobarvati najden del besede
+ $text_searched = $text;
+ if($this->isSearch == 1 && $this->searchSettings['stype'] == '0'){
+ foreach($this->searchStringProcessed as $search_word){
+ // Pobarvamo najden niz v naslovu ankete
+ preg_match_all("/$search_word+/i", $text_searched, $matches);
+ if (is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) >= 1) {
+ foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
+ $text_searched = str_replace($match, '<span class="red">'.$match.'</span>', $text_searched);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$anketa['id'].'&a='.A_REDIRECTLINK.'" title="'.$text.'">';
+ echo '<span class="title">'.$text_searched.'</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ $i_time = substr($anketa['i_time'], 0, 8);
+ $i_time = explode('.', $i_time);
+ echo '<br /><span class="small">';
+ if($anketa['mobile_created'] == '1')
+ echo '<span class="red spaceRight pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_mobile_survey'].'">M</span>';
+ // Ce gre za search moramo ustrezno pobarvati najden del besede
+ $name_searched = $anketa['i_name'];
+ $surname_searched = $anketa['i_surname'];
+ if($this->isSearch == 1 && $this->searchSettings['stype'] == '1'){
+ foreach($this->searchStringProcessed as $search_word){
+ // Pobarvamo najden niz v imenu
+ preg_match_all("/$search_word+/i", $name_searched, $matches);
+ if (is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) >= 1) {
+ foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
+ $name_searched = str_replace($match, '<span class="red">'.$match.'</span>', $name_searched);
+ }
+ }
+ // Pobarvamo najden niz v priimku
+ preg_match_all("/$search_word+/i", $surname_searched, $matches);
+ if (is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) >= 1) {
+ foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
+ $surname_searched = str_replace($match, '<span class="red">'.$match.'</span>', $surname_searched);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo $lang['srv_h_sl_avtor'].': '.$name_searched.' '.$surname_searched.', '.$i_time[0].'.'.$i_time[1].'.20'.$i_time[2].'</span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Trajanje - status
+ echo '<td class="col4">';
+ if ($anketa['active'] == 1) {
+ $now = time();
+ $do = explode('.', $anketa['trajanjedo']);
+ $do = strtotime($do[0].'.'.$do[1].'.20'.$do[2]);
+ $trajanje = $do - $now;
+ $trajanje = floor($trajanje/60/60/24) + 1;
+ if($trajanje >= 0){
+ // Ce je aktivna za vec kot 2000 dni je trajna
+ if($trajanje > 2000)
+ echo $lang['srv_trajna_anketa'];
+ else
+ echo $lang['more'].' '.$trajanje.' '.$lang['hour_days'];
+ }
+ else{
+ echo $lang['srv_trajna_anketa'];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT sid FROM srv_activity WHERE sid='".$anketa['id']."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlA) > 0) {
+ # anketa je zaključena
+ echo $lang['srv_survey_list_closed'];
+ } else {
+ # anketa je neaktivna
+ echo $lang['srv_survey_list_inpreparation'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Tip + st. vprasanj
+ echo '<td class="col5">';
+ if($anketa['survey_type'] == 0)
+ echo $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_0'];
+ elseif($anketa['survey_type'] == 1)
+ echo $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_1'];
+ elseif(SurveyInfo::checkSurveyModule('hierarhija', $anketa['id']))
+ echo $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_10'];
+ else
+ echo $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_2'];
+ echo '<br /><span class="small">'.$lang['srv_h_sl_stvprasanj'].': '. $anketa['variables'].'</span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Zadnji vnos
+ echo '<td class="col6">';
+ if($anketa['answers'] > 0){
+ $v_time = substr($anketa['v_time_last'], 0, 8);
+ $v_time = explode('.', $v_time);
+ echo $v_time[0].'.'.$v_time[1].'.20'.$v_time[2].'<br />';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '/<br />';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="small">'.$lang['srv_info_answers'].': '.$anketa['answers'].'</span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Sprememba
+ echo '<td class="col7">';
+ $e_time = substr($anketa['e_time'], 0, 8);
+ $e_time = explode('.', $e_time);
+ echo $e_time[0].'.'.$e_time[1].'.20'.$e_time[2].'<br />';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="surveyList_user(\'e\',\'#edit_user_'.$anketa['id'].'\');">';
+ echo '<span id="edit_user_'.$anketa['id'].'" euid="'.$anketa['edit_uid'].'" class="email">'.$anketa['e_email'].'</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Knjiznica - uporabnik
+ echo '<td class="col8">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="'.($anketa['lib_usr'] == 1 ? $lang['srv_ank_mylib_off'] : $lang['srv_ank_mylib_on']).'" onclick="surveyList_myknjiznica_new(\''.$anketa['id'].'\'); return false;">';
+ echo '<span class="sprites '.($anketa['lib_usr'] == 1 ? ' sl_active_on': ' sl_active_off').'"></span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Knjiznica - global (samo admin)
+ echo '<td class="col9">';
+ if ($this->g_adminType == 0){
+ echo '<a href="#" title="'.($anketa['lib_glb'] == 1 ? $lang['srv_ank_lib_off'] : $lang['srv_ank_lib_on']).'" onclick="surveyList_knjiznica_new(\''.$anketa['id'].'\'); return false;">';
+ echo '<span class="sprites '.($anketa['lib_glb'] == 1 ? ' sl_library_on': ' sl_library_off').'"></span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ else{
+ // Naslov za prazen search
+ if($this->isSearch == 1)
+ echo '<span class="search_title">'.$lang['s_search_mySurvey_nothing'].'.</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function displayNewFolder($folder){
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $admin_type;
+ // Izris nerazvrscenih anket
+ if($folder['id'] == 0){
+ echo '<div class="folder_title droppable" id="folder_0" folder_id="0">';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="toggle_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;"><span class="faicon minus icon-blue pointer"></span></a>';
+ echo ' <span class="spaceRight" style="vertical-align:0px;">'.$folder['naslov'].'</span>';
+ // Ikona za dodajanje folderja
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="folder_content_0" class="folder_content '.(/*$this->pageno == 1*/false ? ' closed' : '').'">';
+ $this->displayNewSurveyList($folder=0);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<div class="folder_title mySurvey_draggable droppable" id="folder_'.$folder['id'].'" folder_id="'.$folder['id'].'">';
+ if($folder['open'] == 1)
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="toggle_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;"><span class="faicon minus icon-blue pointer"></span></a>';
+ else
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="toggle_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;"><span class="faicon plus icon-blue pointer"></span></a>';
+ // Naslov folderja
+ echo ' <span class="faicon folder icon-blue"></span> <span id="folder_title_text_'.$folder['id'].'" class="folder_title_text spaceRight" style="vertical-align:0px;"><a href="#" onClick="edit_title_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;">'.$folder['naslov'].'</a></span>';
+ // Ikona za dodajanje folderja
+ echo ' <a href="#" title="'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_create_subfolder'].'" onClick="create_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;"><span class="faicon add icon-blue pointer map_holder_control"></span></a>';
+ // Ikona za brisanje folderja
+ echo ' <a href="#" title="'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_delete_folder'].'" onClick="delete_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;"><span class="faicon remove icon-orange pointer map_holder_control"></span></a>';
+ // Ikona za kopiranje folderja - samo admini
+ if($admin_type == 0)
+ echo ' &nbsp;<a href="#" title="'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_copy_folder'].'" onClick="copy_folder(\''.$folder['id'].'\'); return false;"><span class="faicon copy icon-blue_soft pointer map_holder_control"></span></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="folder_content_'.$folder['id'].'" class="folder_content '.($folder['open'] == 1 ? '' : ' closed').' '.($folder['parent'] != 0 ? ' subfolder' : '').'">';
+ $this->displayNewSurveyList($folder['id']);
+ // Izpisemo se vse folderje znotraj trenutnega folderja
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_folder WHERE usr_id='$global_user_id' AND parent='".$folder['id']."' ORDER BY id DESC");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
+ echo '<div id="folder_holder_'.$row['id'].'" class="folder_holder">';
+ $this->displayNewFolder($row);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ /** Prikažemo navigacijo po straneh rezultatov
+ *
+ */
+ function displayPagiantion() {
+ global $site_url, $lang;
+ //$this->max_pages = 100;
+ # ali sploh izrisujemo paginacijo
+ if ($this->max_pages > 1) {
+ if ($this->onlyPhone == false) {
+ $baseUrl = $site_url."admin/survey/index.php?pageno=";
+ } else {
+ $baseUrl = $site_url."admin/survey/index.php?a=phoneSurveys&pageno=";
+ }
+ # povezava na prejšnjo stran
+ $prev_page = $this->pageno - 1;
+ if($prev_page >= 1) {
+ //echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$prev_page.'">'.$lang['previous_page_short'].'</a></div>');
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$prev_page.'"><span class="faicon pagination_left icon-blue"></span></a></div>');
+ } else {
+ # brez href povezave
+ //echo('<div class="disabledPage">'.$lang['previous_page_short'].'</div>');
+ echo('<div class="disabledPage"><span class="faicon pagination_left icon-blue_soft"></span></div>');
+ }
+ # povezave za vmesne strani
+ $middle = $this->max_pages / 2;
+ $skipped = false;
+ for($a = 1; $a <= $this->max_pages; $a++) {
+ if ($this->max_pages < ((SRV_LIST_GROUP_PAGINATE+1) * 2) || $a <= SRV_LIST_GROUP_PAGINATE || $a > ($this->max_pages-SRV_LIST_GROUP_PAGINATE)
+ || ( abs($a-$this->pageno) < SRV_LIST_GROUP_PAGINATE)) {
+ if ($skipped == true) {
+ echo '<div class="spacePage">.&nbsp;.&nbsp;.</div>';
+ $skipped = false;
+ }
+ if($a == $this->pageno) {
+ # brez href povezave
+ echo('<div class="currentPage">'.$a.'</div>');
+ } else {
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$a.'">'.$a.'</a></div>');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $skipped = true;
+ }
+ }
+ # povezava na naslednjo stran
+ $next_page = $this->pageno + 1;
+ if($next_page <= $this->max_pages) {
+ //echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$next_page.'">'.$lang['next_page_short'].'</a></div>');
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$next_page.'"><span class="faicon pagination_right icon-blue"></span></a></div>');
+ } else {
+ # brez href povezave
+ //echo('<div class="disabledPage">'.$lang['next_page_short'].'</div>');
+ echo('<div class="disabledPage"><span class="faicon pagination_right icon-blue_soft"></span></div>');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikazemo gumb za sortiranje seznama anket
+ private function displaySortButton(){
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ echo $lang['orderby'];
+ //echo ' <img style="margin-left:5px; vertical-align:middle;" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_new/bullet_arrow_down.png">';
+ echo '<div id="sortSettings">';
+ echo '<ul>';
+ if($this->sorttype == 2){
+ $sort = 1;
+ $img_src = 'sort_ascending';
+ }
+ else{
+ $sort = 2;
+ $img_src = 'sort_descending';
+ }
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'1\',\''.($this->sortby != 1 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 1 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$lang['sort_by_title'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 1 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'6\',\''.($this->sortby != 6 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 6 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$lang['sort_by_qcount'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 6 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'5\',\''.($this->sortby != 5 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 5 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$lang['sort_by_answercount'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 5 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'16\',\''.($this->sortby != 16 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 16 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$lang['sort_by_insert'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 16 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'14\',\''.($this->sortby != 14 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 14 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$lang['sort_by_edit'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 14 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'18\',\''.($this->sortby != 18 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 18 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>Status <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 18 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'7\',\''.($this->sortby != 7 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 7 ? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$lang['sort_by_author'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 7 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\'11\',\''.($this->sortby != 11 ? '1' : $sort).'\')"><li '.($this->sortby == 11 ? ' class="active"' : '').' style="border:0;">'.$lang['sort_by_editor'].' <span class="faicon '.($this->sortby != 11 ? 'sort_unsorted' : $img_src).'"></span></li></a>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo gumb za filtriranje seznama anket
+ private function displayFilterButton(){
+ global $lang, $site_url, $admin_languages;
+ echo '<div id="filterButton" '.(($this->user_id || $this->lang_id != 0 || $this->gdpr != 0) ? 'class="active"' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_analiza_filter'];
+ //echo ' <img style="margin-left:5px; vertical-align:middle;" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_new/bullet_arrow_down.png">';
+ echo '<div id="filterSettings">';
+ echo '<ul>';
+ # filter po uporabniku
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<span class="filter_title">'.$lang['srv_list_author'].'</span><br />';
+ // Ce preklapljamo v searchu moramo refreshati celo stran (druga js funkcija)
+ $reload = ($this->isSearch == 1) ? '_reload' : '';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="filter_mySurveys" id="filter_mySurveys_0" value="0" '.(!$this->user_id ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_user'.$reload.'(\'clr\',\'0\');"> <label for="filter_mySurveys_0">'.$lang['srv_list_all_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br /><input type="radio" name="filter_mySurveys" id="filter_mySurveys_1" value="1" '.($this->user_id ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_user'.$reload.'(\'uid\',\''.$this->g_uid.'\');"> <label for="filter_mySurveys_1">'.$lang['srv_list_my_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ # filter po jeziku
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<span class="filter_title">'.$lang['srv_sl_set_language'].'</span><br />';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="filter_language" id="filter_language_0" value="0" '.((int)$this->lang_id == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_language'.$reload.'(\'0\');"> <label for="filter_language_0">'.$lang['srv_sl_set_language_all'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br /><input type="radio" name="filter_language" id="filter_language_1" value="1" '.((int)$this->lang_id == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_language'.$reload.'(\'1\');"> <label for="filter_language_1">'.$admin_languages['1'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br /><input type="radio" name="filter_language" id="filter_language_2" value="2" '.((int)$this->lang_id == 2 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_language'.$reload.'(\'2\');"> <label for="filter_language_2">'.$admin_languages['2'].'</label>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ # filter po GDPR anketah
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<span class="filter_title">'.$lang['srv_gdpr'].'</span><br />';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="filter_gdpr" id="filter_gdpr_0" value="0" '.((int)$this->gdpr == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_gdpr'.$reload.'(\'0\');"> <label for="filter_gdpr_0">'.$lang['srv_list_all_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br /><input type="radio" name="filter_gdpr" id="filter_gdpr_1" value="1" '.((int)$this->gdpr == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_gdpr'.$reload.'(\'1\');"> <label for="filter_gdpr_1">'.$lang['srv_list_gdpr_gdpr'].'</label>';
+ //echo '<br /><input type="radio" name="filter_gdpr" id="filter_gdpr_2" value="2" '.((int)$this->gdpr == 2 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onclick="surveyList_gdpr'.$reload.'(\'2\');"> <label for="filter_gdpr_2">'.$lang['srv_list_gdpr_no_gdpr'].'</label>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo preklop med navadnim pogledom in pogledom s folderji
+ private function displayFolderSwitch(){
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ // Preverimo, ce je funkcionalnost v paketu, ki ga ima uporabnik
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ // Ce ni na voljo
+ if(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('my_survey_folders')){
+ echo '<div title="'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_show_folders_desc'].'" id="folderSwitch" class="user_access_locked" onClick="popupUserAccess(\'my_survey_folders\');">';
+ echo $lang['srv_mySurvey_show_folders'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<div title="'.$lang['srv_mySurvey_show_folders_desc'].'" id="folderSwitch" '.($this->show_folders == 1 ? ' class="active"' : '').' onClick="switchFolder(\''.$this->show_folders.'\');">';
+ echo $lang['srv_mySurvey_show_folders'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ private function displaySettingsUrl() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<span class="sl_setting_link"><a href="#" onclick="show_surveyListSettings(); return false;"> '.$lang['settings'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<div id="survey_ListQickInfo" class="displayNone"></div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo nastavitve za napredno iskanje ce iscemo po anketah
+ private function displaySearchSettings(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Posebej imamo skrito polje s parametri da jih ohranimo pri ajax klicih
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="searchParams" name="searchParams" value="'.$this->getSearchParams().'" />';
+ echo '<span class="title">'.$lang['s_search_settings_my'].'</span>';
+ echo '<form method="GET" id="1kasf2" action="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php">';
+ // Iskano geslo
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo ' <span class="bold">'.$lang['s_search2'].':</span> <input type="text" name="search" id="searchMySurveyText" value="'.htmlentities($this->searchString).'" placeholder="' . $lang['s_search'] . '" />';
+ echo '</p>';
+ // Iskanje po naslovu ali avtorju ali besedilu
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['s_thru'].': </span>';
+ echo ' <label for="stype_0"><input type="radio" name="stype" id="stype_0" value="0" '.($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '0' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang['s_title'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <label for="stype_1"><input type="radio" name="stype" id="stype_1" value="1" '.($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '1' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang['s_author'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <label for="stype_2"><input type="radio" name="stype" id="stype_2" value="2" '.($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '2' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang['s_text'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ $show_advanced_search = false;
+ if($this->searchSettings['sstatus'] != '0'
+ || $this->searchSettings['sidatefrom'] != ''
+ || $this->searchSettings['sidateto'] != ''
+ || $this->searchSettings['sedatefrom'] != ''
+ || $this->searchSettings['sedateto'] != ''){
+ $show_advanced_search = true;
+ }
+ echo '<span class="advancedSearchButton clr bold spaceLeft">';
+ echo ' <a href="#" onClick="showAdvancedSearch(); return false;">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon '.($show_advanced_search ? ' minus': 'plus').'"></span> ' . $lang['s_advanced'];
+ echo ' </a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<div id="advancedSearch" '.($show_advanced_search ? '' : ' style="display:none;"').'>';
+ // Metaadmin lahko dodatno omeji search po avtorju
+ if(Dostop::isMetaAdmin()){
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo ' <span class="bold">'.$lang['s_search_metaadmin'].':</span> <input type="text" name="onlyAuthor" id="onlyAuthor" value="'.htmlentities($this->searchSettings['onlyAuthor']).'" placeholder="' . $lang['s_search'] . '" />';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ // Status ankete (aktivna, neaktivna, zakljucena)
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['s_activity'].': </span>';
+ echo ' <label for="sstatus_0"><input type="radio" name="sstatus" id="sstatus_0" value="0" '.($this->searchSettings['sstatus'] == '0' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang['s_all_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <label for="sstatus_1"><input type="radio" name="sstatus" id="sstatus_1" value="1" '.($this->searchSettings['sstatus'] == '1' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang['s_active_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <label for="sstatus_2"><input type="radio" name="sstatus" id="sstatus_2" value="2" '.($this->searchSettings['sstatus'] == '2' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang['s_nonactive_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ // Datum ustvarjanja ankete
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo ' <span class="spaceRight">'.$lang['s_itime'].': </span>';
+ echo ' <span class="spaceRight">'.$lang['s_from2'].' <input type="text" id="sidatefrom" name="sidatefrom" value="'.$this->searchSettings['sidatefrom'].'" autocomplete="off" size="12" /></span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['s_to'].' <input type="text" id="sidateto" name="sidateto" value="'.$this->searchSettings['sidateto'].'" autocomplete="off" size="12" /></span>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ // Datum zadnjega urejanja ankete
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo ' <span class="spaceRight">'.$lang['s_etime'].': </span>';
+ echo ' <span class="spaceRight">'.$lang['s_from2'].' <input type="text" id="sedatefrom" name="sedatefrom" value="'.$this->searchSettings['sedatefrom'].'" autocomplete="off" size="12" /></span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['s_to'].' <input type="text" id="sedateto" name="sedateto" value="'.$this->searchSettings['sedateto'].'" autocomplete="off" size="12" /></span>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Gumba isci in zapri
+ echo '<span style="margin-top: 10px;" class="floatRight spaceRight">';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceRight">';
+ echo ' <a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php"><span>'.$lang['s_search_mySurvey_back'].'</span></a>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight">';
+ echo ' <a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="$(\'#1kasf2\').submit(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['s_search'].'</span></a>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ // Gumb nazaj na moje ankete
+ /*echo '<span style="margin:5px 20px 0 5px;" class="floatRight bold">';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php"><span>'.$lang['s_search_mySurvey_back'].'</span></a>';
+ echo '</span>';*/
+ // Link na isci po knjiznici
+ echo '<span class="link"><a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?a=knjiznica&search='.$this->searchString.'">'.$lang['s_search_Library'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<input style="display: none;" value="Išči" type="submit">';
+ echo '</form>';
+ // JS za koledar
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">
+ var srv_site_url = \''.$site_url.'\';
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ $("#sidatefrom, #sidateto, #sedatefrom, #sedateto").datepicker({
+ showOtherMonths: true,
+ selectOtherMonths: true,
+ changeMonth: true,
+ changeYear: true,
+ dateFormat: "",
+ showAnim: "slideDown",
+ showOn: "button",
+ buttonText: ""
+ });
+ });
+ </script>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo search okno za iskanje po anketah
+ public function displaySearch(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo '<form method="GET" id="1kasmysurvey" action="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php">';
+ //echo '<span class="sprites search"></span> ';
+ echo '<input id="searchMySurvey" type="text" value="" placeholder="' . $lang['s_search_mySurvey'] . '" name="search" />';
+ //echo '<input type="submit" value="' . $lang['s_search'] . '" />';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight">';
+ echo ' <a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="$(\'#1kasmysurvey\').submit(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['s_search2'].'</span></a>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ }
+ /** polovimo nastavitve prikaza za posameznega uporabnika
+ *
+ */
+ private function getSettings($display_default = false) {
+ $defaultOrder = $this->dataFields;
+ $resultArray = array();
+ $izBaze = false;
+ if ($this->g_uid > 0) {
+ $saved_surveyList_string = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('survey_list_order');
+ $saved_surveyList_visible_string = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('survey_list_visible');
+ $saved_surveyList_visible = array_unique(explode(",",$saved_surveyList_visible_string));
+ if (isset($saved_surveyList_string) && $saved_surveyList_string != "" && !$display_default ) {
+ $saved_surveyList_order = array_unique(explode(",",$saved_surveyList_string));
+ $izBaze = true;
+ // uporabimo shranjene nastavitve
+ foreach ( $saved_surveyList_order as $order) {
+ if (in_array($order,$saved_surveyList_visible))
+ {
+ $defaultOrder[$order]['visible'] = 1;
+ } else {
+ $defaultOrder[$order]['visible'] = 0;
+ }
+ if (isset($defaultOrder[$order]['order_by']) && isset($defaultOrder[$order]))
+ {
+ $resultArray[$defaultOrder[$order]['order_by']] = $defaultOrder[$order];
+ if (isset($defaultOrder[$order]))
+ {
+ unset($defaultOrder[$order]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // za vse ostalo uporabimo privzete nastavitve
+ foreach ( $defaultOrder as $order)
+ {
+ if ($izBaze)
+ {
+ $order['visible'] = 0; // ponastavimo vidnost ?e imamo iz baze
+ }
+ if (isset($order['order_by']))
+ {
+ $resultArray[$order['order_by']] = $order;
+ }
+ }
+ return $resultArray;
+ }
+ private function getSurveysAsList() {
+ $result = array();
+ // ce imas hkrati dostop do ankete (srv_dostop) in preko managerskega dostopa (srv_dostop_manage) se brez DISTINCT podvajajo ankete
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT DISTINCT, sa.folder, '1' as del, sa.naslov,, sa.edit_time, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['lib_glb']['visible'] == 1 ) ? 'sal.lib_glb AS lib_glb, ' :'';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['lib_usr']['visible'] == 1 ) ? 'sal.lib_usr AS lib_usr, ' : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['e_name']['visible'] == 1 || $this->settingsArray['e_surname']['visible'] == 1 || $this->settingsArray['e_email']['visible'] == 1 )
+ ? "sa.edit_uid, sal.e_name AS e_name, sal.e_surname AS e_surname, sal.e_email AS e_email, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['i_name']['visible'] == 1 || $this->settingsArray['i_surname']['visible'] == 1 || $this->settingsArray['i_email']['visible'] == 1 )
+ ? "sa.insert_uid, sal.i_name AS i_name, sal.i_surname AS i_surname, sal.i_email AS i_email, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['edit_time']['visible'] == 1 ) ? "date_format(edit_time, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS e_time, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['insert_time']['visible'] == 1 ) ? "date_format(insert_time, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS i_time, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['vnos_time_first']['visible'] == 1 || $this->settingsArray['vnos_time_last']['visible'] == 1)
+ ? "date_format(sal.a_first, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS v_time_first, date_format(sal.a_last, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS v_time_last, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sal.answers as answers, "; // vedno prestejemo odgovore
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['variables']['visible'] == 1 ) ? "sal.variables as variables, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['trajanjeod']['visible'] == 1 ) ? "date_format(sa.starts, '%d.%m.%y') as trajanjeod, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['trajanjedo']['visible'] == 1 ) ? "date_format(sa.expire, '%d.%m.%y') as trajanjedo, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= ( $this->settingsArray['approp']['visible'] == 1 ) ? "approp, " : '';
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sd.canEdit, sa.survey_type "; // tega pustim tukaj, da ni problemov z vejico
+ $stringSurveyList .= "FROM srv_anketa sa ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_survey_list AS sal ON = " ;
+ # kdo lahko ureja anketo (briše)
+ // tega substringy se ne da dodatno razbit z prepareSubquery, ker selectamo 2 elementa...
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 1 AS canEdit, ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE FIND_IN_SET('edit', dostop ) ='1' AND aktiven = '1' AND uid = '$this->g_uid' OR uid IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager = '".$this->g_uid."'")).")) AS sd ON sd.ank_id = " ;
+ #$stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT ank_id, FIND_IN_SET('edit', dostop ) AS canEdit FROM srv_dostop WHERE aktiven = '1' AND uid = '$this->g_uid') AS sd ON sd.ank_id = " ;
+ $stringSurveyList .= "WHERE sa.backup='0' AND>0 AND active >= '0' AND invisible = '0' ";
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getFolderCondition();
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getLanguageLimit();
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getDostopAnketa();
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getOrderString();
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getLimitString();
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ if (!$sqlSurveyList) {
+ print_r("ERROR in query:");
+ print_r($stringSurveyList);
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ $ids = array();
+ while ($rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ $result[] = $rowSurveyList;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Dobimo seznam anket za nov prikaz (starega se naceloma ne uporablja vec)
+ private function getSurveysAsListNew($folder=0) {
+ $result = array();
+ // ce imas hkrati dostop do ankete (srv_dostop) in preko managerskega dostopa (srv_dostop_manage) se brez DISTINCT podvajajo ankete
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT DISTINCT, sa.folder, '1' as del, sa.naslov,, sa.mobile_created, sa.edit_time, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= 'sal.lib_glb AS lib_glb, ';
+ $stringSurveyList .= 'sal.lib_usr AS lib_usr, ';
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sa.edit_uid, sal.e_name AS e_name, sal.e_surname AS e_surname, sal.e_email AS e_email, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sa.insert_uid, sal.i_name AS i_name, sal.i_surname AS i_surname, sal.i_email AS i_email, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(edit_time, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS e_time, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(insert_time, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS i_time, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(sal.a_first, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS v_time_first, date_format(sal.a_last, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS v_time_last, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sal.answers as answers, "; // vedno prestejemo odgovore
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sal.variables as variables, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(sa.starts, '%d.%m.%y') as trajanjeod, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(sa.expire, '%d.%m.%y') as trajanjedo, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "approp, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sd.canEdit, sa.survey_type "; // tega pustim tukaj, da ni problemov z vejico
+ if($folder > 0)
+ $stringSurveyList .= ", sf.folder as mysurvey_folder ";
+ // Ce searchamo po besedah dodamo se uvod, zakljucek, naslove vprasanj in vrednosti vprasanj
+ if($this->isSearch == 1 && $this->searchSettings['stype'] == '2'){
+ $stringSurveyList .= ", sa.introduction AS introduction, sa.conclusion AS conclusion ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= ", AS sg_id, sg.ank_id AS sg_ank_id ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= ", AS ss_id, ss.naslov AS ss_naslov, ss.gru_id AS ss_gru_id ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= ", AS sv_id, sv.naslov AS sv_naslov, sv.spr_id AS sv_spr_id ";
+ }
+ $stringSurveyList .= "FROM srv_anketa sa ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_survey_list AS sal ON = " ;
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_library_anketa AS sla ON sla.ank_id = " ;
+ # kdo lahko ureja anketo (briše)
+ // tega substringy se ne da dodatno razbit z prepareSubquery, ker selectamo 2 elementa...
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 1 AS canEdit, ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE FIND_IN_SET('edit', dostop ) ='1' AND aktiven = '1' AND uid = '$this->g_uid' OR uid IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager = '".$this->g_uid."'")).")) AS sd ON sd.ank_id = " ;
+ #$stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT ank_id, FIND_IN_SET('edit', dostop ) AS canEdit FROM srv_dostop WHERE aktiven = '1' AND uid = '$this->g_uid') AS sd ON sd.ank_id = " ;
+ if($folder > 0)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_mysurvey_anketa AS sf ON sf.ank_id = ";
+ // Ce iscemo po kljucnih besedah moramo dodat se tabele srv_grupa, srv_spremenljivka in srv_vrednost
+ if($this->isSearch == 1 && $this->searchSettings['stype'] == '2'){
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_grupa AS sg ON sg.ank_id = ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_spremenljivka AS ss ON ss.gru_id = ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_vrednost AS sv ON sv.spr_id = ";
+ }
+ $stringSurveyList .= "WHERE sa.backup='0' AND>0 AND active >= '0' AND invisible = '0' ";
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getFolderCondition();
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getLibraryCondition(); // Tega ni vec ker imamo nove folderje v mojih anketah
+ if($folder > 0)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND sf.usr_id='$this->g_uid' AND sf.folder='$folder' ";
+ elseif($folder == 0)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_anketa sma WHERE AND sma.usr_id='$this->g_uid') ";
+ // GDPR filter
+ if($this->gdpr == 1)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM srv_gdpr_anketa sgdpr WHERE ";
+ elseif($this->gdpr == 2)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM srv_gdpr_anketa sgdpr WHERE ";
+ // Ce izvajamo search po anketah
+ if($this->isSearch == 1){
+ // Filter glede na search
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getSearchString();
+ // Filter glede na jezik ankete
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getLanguageLimit();
+ // Filter glede na dostop do ankete
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getDostopAnketa();
+ // Vrstni red anket
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getOrderString();
+ // Ce iscemo po kljucnih besedah moramo na koncu grupirat po anketi
+ if($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '2'){
+ //$stringSurveyList .= " GROUP BY id";
+ //$stringSurveyList .= " LIMIT 1000";
+ }
+ else{
+ // Limit anket
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getLimitString();
+ $stringSurveyList .= " LIMIT 1000";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Filter glede na jezik ankete
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getLanguageLimit();
+ // Filter glede na dostop do ankete
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getDostopAnketa();
+ // Vrstni red anket
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getOrderString();
+ // Limit anket
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getLimitString();
+ }
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ if (!$sqlSurveyList) {
+ print_r("ERROR in query:");
+ print_r($stringSurveyList);
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ while ($rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ $result[$rowSurveyList['id']] = $rowSurveyList;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Enostaven seznam anket za mobilno aplikacijo
+ public function getSurveysSimple($ank_id = 0, $limit = '', $mobile_created = -1, $include_folders=false) {
+ $result = array();
+ // ce imas hkrati dostop do ankete (srv_dostop) in preko managerskega dostopa (srv_dostop_manage) se brez DISTINCT podvajajo ankete
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT DISTINCT, sa.folder, '1' as del, sa.naslov,, sa.mobile_created, sa.block_ip, ";
+ //$stringSurveyList .= 'sal.lib_glb AS lib_glb, ';
+ //$stringSurveyList .= 'sal.lib_usr AS lib_usr, ';
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sa.edit_uid, sal.e_name AS e_name, sal.e_surname AS e_surname, sal.e_email AS e_email, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sa.insert_uid, sal.i_name AS i_name, sal.i_surname AS i_surname, sal.i_email AS i_email, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(edit_time, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS e_time, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(insert_time, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS i_time, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(sal.a_first, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS v_time_first, date_format(sal.a_last, '%d.%m.%y %k:%i') AS v_time_last, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sal.answers as answers, "; // vedno prestejemo odgovore
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sal.approp as approp, "; // vedno prestejemo odgovore
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sal.variables as variables, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(sa.starts, '%d.%m.%y') as trajanjeod, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "date_format(sa.expire, '%d.%m.%y') as trajanjedo, ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "sa.survey_type "; // tega pustim tukaj, da ni problemov z vejico
+ $stringSurveyList .= "FROM srv_anketa sa ";
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_survey_list AS sal ON = " ;
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN srv_library_anketa AS sla ON sla.ank_id = " ;
+ # kdo lahko ureja anketo (briše)
+ // tega substringy se ne da dodatno razbit z prepareSubquery, ker selectamo 2 elementa...
+ $stringSurveyList .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 1 AS canEdit, ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE FIND_IN_SET('edit', dostop ) ='1' AND aktiven = '1' AND uid = '$this->g_uid' OR uid IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager = '".$this->g_uid."'")).")) AS sd ON sd.ank_id = " ;
+ $stringSurveyList .= "WHERE sa.backup='0' AND>0 AND active >= '0' AND invisible = '0' ";
+ if($mobile_created == 1)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND sa.mobile_created='".$mobile_created."' ";
+ if(!$include_folders)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_anketa sma WHERE AND sma.usr_id='$this->g_uid') ";
+ // Ce imamo podan ank_id vrnemo samo za 1 anketo
+ if($ank_id > 0)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "AND'".$_GET['ank_id']."' ";
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getLanguageLimit();
+ $stringSurveyList .= $this->getDostopAnketa();
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getOrderString();
+ //$stringSurveyList .= $this->getLimitString();
+ //$stringSurveyList .= 'ORDER BY upper(naslov) ASC';
+ //zacasno zaradi aplikacije
+ if($mobile_created == 1)
+ $stringSurveyList .= "ORDER BY edit_time DESC";
+ else
+ $stringSurveyList .= 'ORDER BY sal.a_last DESC';
+ //@Uros dodal, da vrne samo doloceno stevilo zadnjih anktivnih anket, ce je nastavljeno
+ if($limit != '' && $limit != 0)
+ $stringSurveyList .= ' limit '.$limit;
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ while ($rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ // Pretvorimo vse v utf - drugace vcasih ne dela json_encode
+ foreach($rowSurveyList as $key => $val){
+ //$rowSurveyList[$key] = utf8_encode($val);
+ $rowSurveyList[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
+ }
+ $result[] = $rowSurveyList;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function createOrderUrl($id=null, $txt) {
+ if (!isset($id) || $id == null || $id == "") {
+ $id=1;
+ }
+ if ($this->sortby != $id ) {
+ $img_src = 'sort_unsorted';
+ $result='<div onClick="surveyList_goTo(\''.$id.'\',\'1\')">'.$txt.'</div>';
+ } else {
+ if ($this->sorttype == 2) {
+ $img_src = 'sort_ascending';
+ $result='<div onClick="surveyList_goTo(\''.$id.'\',\'1\')" class="red">'.$txt.'<span class="faicon '.$img_src.'" title=""></span></div>';
+ } else {
+ $img_src = 'sort_descending';
+ $result='<div onClick="surveyList_goTo(\''.$id.'\',\'2\')" class="red">'.$txt.'<span class="faicon '.$img_src.'" title=""></span></div>';
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function createOrderUrlNew($id=null, $txt) {
+ global $site_url;
+ if (!isset($id) || $id == null || $id == "") {
+ $id=1;
+ }
+ if ($this->sortby != $id ) {
+ $result='<div onClick="surveyList_goTo(\''.$id.'\',\'1\')">'.$txt.'</div>';
+ } else {
+ if ($this->sorttype == 2) {
+ $result='<div class="active" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\''.$id.'\',\'1\')">'.$txt.'<span class="active faicon after sort_up_arrow icon-orange"/></div>';
+ } else {
+ $result='<div class="active" onClick="surveyList_goTo(\''.$id.'\',\'2\')">'.$txt.'<span class="active faicon after sort_down_arrow icon-orange"/></div>';
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function echoText($text, $type = 'text', $id = null,$options=array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ if ( $type == 'text') {
+ $result = ( isset($text) && $text != null && $text != "") ? $text : "&nbsp;";
+ } elseif ($type == 'naslov') {
+ $result = '<strong><a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$id.'&a='.A_REDIRECTLINK.'" title="'.$text.'">'.$text.'</a></strong>';
+ } elseif ($type == 'active') {
+ $result = '<a href="/" onclick="anketa_active(\''.$id.'\',\''.(int)$text.'\',\'true\'); return false;">' .
+ '<span class="faicon '.((int)$text==1?'star_on':'star_off').'" alt="'.(int)$text.'" title="'.((int)$text==1?$lang['srv_anketa_active']:$lang['srv_anketa_noactive']).'"></span>'.
+ '</a>';
+ } elseif ($type == 'delete') {
+ if ((int)$options['anketa_canEdit'] > 0) {
+ $result = '<a href="/" onclick="anketa_delete_list(\''.$id.'\', \''.$lang['srv_anketadeleteconfirm'].'\'); return false;">' .
+ '<span class="faicon delete_circle icon-orange_link" title="'.$lang['srv_anketa_delete'].'"></span>'.
+ '</a>';
+ } else {
+ $result=' ';
+ }
+ } elseif ($type == 'lib_glb') {
+ if ($this->g_adminType == 0) {
+ // samo admin lahko dodaja in odstranjuje v sistemsko knjiznico
+ $result = '<a href="/" onclick="surveyList_knjiznica(\''.$id.'\'); return false;">'.
+ '<span class="sprites library_admin_'.((int)$text==1?'on':'off').'" title="'.((int)$text==1?$lang['srv_ank_lib_off']:$lang['srv_ank_lib_on']).'"></span>'.
+ '</a>';
+ } else {
+ $result = '<a href="/" onclick="surveyList_knjiznica_noaccess(\''.$lang['srv_list_library_no_access'].'\'); return false;">'.
+ '<span class="sprites library_admin_'.((int)$text==1?'on':'off').'" title="'.((int)$text==1?$lang['srv_ank_lib_off']:$lang['srv_ank_lib_on']).'"></span>'.
+ '</a>';
+ }
+ } elseif ($type == 'lib_usr') {
+ $result = '<a href="/" onclick="surveyList_myknjiznica(\''.$id.'\'); return false;">'.
+ '<span class="sprites '.((int)$text==1?'library_on':'library_off').'" title="'.((int)$text==1?$lang['srv_ank_mylib_off']:$lang['srv_ank_mylib_on']).'"></span>'.
+ '</a>';
+ } elseif ($type == 'survey_type') {
+ if ($text == '3') {
+ $text = '2';
+ }
+ $result = $lang['srv_vrsta_survey_type_'.$text];
+ } elseif ($type == 'euid' || $type == 'iuid') {
+ $text = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",$text);
+ if ($options['anketa_is_copy']) {
+ $result = $lang['srv_survey_is_copy'];
+ } else {
+ $result = ( isset($text) && $text != null && $text != "")
+ ? '<span class="as_link"'.($type == 'euid' ? ' onclick="surveyList_user(\'e\',this);" euid="'.$options['anketa_e_uid'].'"': ' onclick="surveyList_user(\'i\',this);" iuid="'.$options['anketa_i_uid'].'"').'>'.$text.'</span>' :
+ "&nbsp;";
+ // echoText($text, 'text', $id, $options );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->echoText($text, 'text', $id, $options );
+ }
+ echo (isset($result) && $result != "" && $result != null) ? $result : "&nbsp;";
+ }
+ /**
+ * polovimo shranjene ?irine za polja
+ */
+ private function getCssSetings() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $result_old_data = array();
+ if ($this->g_uid > 0) {
+ // najprej iz nastavitev preberemo obstoje?e shranjene ?irine
+ $saved_old_data_string = UserSetting::getInstance()->getUserSetting('survey_list_widths');
+ if (isset($saved_old_data_string) && $saved_old_data_string != null && $saved_old_data_string != "" ) {
+ $old_data = array_unique(explode(";",$saved_old_data_string));
+ foreach ( $old_data as $tmp_old_data ) {
+ $_tmp_old_data = array_unique(explode(",",$tmp_old_data));
+ $result_old_data[$_tmp_old_data[0]] = $_tmp_old_data[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result_old_data;
+ }
+ /** Izrišemo div z nastavitvami
+ *
+ * Enter description here ...
+ * @param unknown_type $display_default
+ */
+ public function displaySettings($display_default = false) {
+ global $site_url, $lang;
+ # izpisemo dive
+ $settingsArray = $this->getSettings();
+ echo '<div id="survey_list_inner">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="sortby" value="'.$_POST['sortby'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="sorttype" value="'.$_POST['sorttype'].'">';
+ $grupaName = "";
+ $zastopaneGrupe = array();
+ echo '<div class="floatLeft" style="width:auto !important"><ul id="sortable" style="width:auto !important;">';
+ foreach ( $settingsArray as $opcija ) {
+ // preverimo ali je nova grupa
+ if ((!isset($opcija['header_grupa']) && $grupaName != "") || // nismo več v grupi stara še obstaja
+ ( isset($opcija['header_grupa']) && $grupaName != "" && $opcija['header_grupa'] != $grupaName)) { // smo v grupi ampak ime ni enako prejšnjemu
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ $grupaName = "";
+ }
+ // preverimo ali naredimo novo grupo (Vnesel / urejal)
+ if (isset($opcija['header_grupa']) && $grupaName == "") { // smo v grupi polj pod in imamo podpolja: ime priimek, email, datum
+ // imamo začtek grupe
+ echo '<li class="sortable_group">';
+ echo '<div style="width:20px; float:left;">';
+ echo '<img class="parent movable" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/move_updown.png" alt="move" vartical-align="middle" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="group_holder" style="float:left;">';
+ echo '<ul id="sortableGroup" name="'.$opcija['header_grupa'].'">';
+ $grupaName = $opcija['header_grupa'];
+ $zastopaneGrupe[] = $opcija['header_grupa'];
+ }
+ if (!isset($opcija['header_grupa'])) {
+ echo '<li id="'.$opcija['id'].'" class="sortable_noGroup"><span class="">';
+ echo '<img class="parent movable" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/move_updown.png" alt="move" vartical-align="middle" />';
+ // ?e je viden ali ?e je id = 1 (ime ankete) potem dodamo checkbox (imena ankete ne moremo izklju?it)
+ echo '<input name="sl_fields" id="sl_fields_'.$opcija['id'].'" value="'.$opcija['id'].'" type="checkbox" '.($opcija['visible'] == 1 || $opcija['id'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"':'').' '.($opcija['id'] == 1 ? 'disabled="disabled"':'').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_h_'.$opcija['header_field']];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<li id="'.$opcija['id'].'" class="sortable_noGroup"><span class="">';
+ echo '<img class="sub_child movable" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/move_updown.png" alt="move" vartical-align="middle" />';
+ // ?e je viden ali ?e je id = 1 (ime ankete) potem dodamo checkbox (imena ankete ne moremo izklju?it)
+ echo '<input name="sl_fields" id="sl_fields_'.$opcija['id'].'" value="'.$opcija['id'].'" type="checkbox" '.($opcija['visible'] == 1 || $opcija['id'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"':'').' '.($opcija['id'] == 1 ? 'disabled="disabled"':'').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_'.$opcija['header_grupa']]. " - ";
+ echo $lang['srv_h_'.$opcija['header_field']];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ }
+ // na koncu ?e preverimo ali imamo kon?ano grupo ?ene nardimo zaključna diva
+ if ($grupaName != "") {
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ $grupaName = "";
+ }
+ echo '</ul></div>';
+ echo '<div class="floatRight sl_div_error_holder" style="margin-right:10px; width:420px;">';
+ echo '<div id="div_error" class="red sl_div_error"><img src="icons/icons/error.png" alt="" vartical-align="middle" />'.$lang['srv_sl_error_msg'].'</div>';
+ echo '<div style="margin-top:20px;">'.$lang['srv_sl_setting_show'].'<input id="rows_per_page" value="'.$this->rec_per_page.'" type="text" />'.$lang['srv_sl_setting_records'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div style="margin-top:20px;">';
+ echo ' <div class="floatLeft spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="default_surveyListSettings(); return false;"><span><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/page_white_gear.png" alt="" vartical-align="middle" />'.$lang['srv_default'].'</span></a></div></div>';
+ echo ' <div class="floatLeft spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="cancle_surveyListSettings(); return false;"><span><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/cog_back.png" alt="" vartical-align="middle" />'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></div></div>';
+ echo ' <div class="floatLeft spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="save_surveyListSettings(); return false;"><span><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/cog_save.png" alt="" vartical-align="middle" />'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></div></div>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ // echo '$(function() {';
+ echo '$(document).ready(function() {';
+ echo '$("#sortable").sortable({ axis: "y", handle: "img.parent"}).stop();';
+ // echo '$("#sortable").disableSelection();';
+ foreach ( $zastopaneGrupe as $grupa ) {
+ echo '$("[name='.$grupa.']").sortable({ axis: "y", handle: "img.sub_child", zIndex: 5 }).stop();';
+ }
+ // $("#sortableGroup").sortable();
+ // $("#sortableGroup").disableSelection();
+ echo '})';
+ echo '</script>';
+ }
+ public function displayListQickInfo() {
+ # prikažemo hitri povzetek anket uporabnika
+ # preštejemo zadnje ankete v 12 urah
+ $ank1hour = "SELECT id FROM srv_anketa sa WHERE sa.backup='0' AND > 0 AND >= 0 AND invisible = '0' AND (sa.insert_time > (DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)) || sa.edit_time > (DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)) ) ".$this->getDostopAnketa();
+ $ank12hour = "SELECT id FROM srv_anketa sa WHERE sa.backup='0' AND > 0 AND >= 0 AND invisible = '0' AND (sa.insert_time > (DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)) || sa.edit_time > (DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)) ) ".$this->getDostopAnketa();
+ $ank24hour = "SELECT id FROM srv_anketa sa WHERE sa.backup='0' AND > 0 AND >= 0 AND invisible = '0' AND (sa.insert_time > (DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR)) || sa.edit_time > (DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 23 HOUR)) ) ".$this->getDostopAnketa();
+ $qry1hour = sisplet_query($ank1hour);
+ $qry12hour = sisplet_query($ank12hour);
+ $qry24hour = sisplet_query($ank24hour);
+ $cnt1hour = mysqli_num_rows($qry1hour);
+ $cnt12hour = mysqli_num_rows($qry12hour);
+ $cnt24hour = mysqli_num_rows($qry24hour);
+ }
+ // Vrne stevilo vseh anket
+ public function countSurveys() {
+ return count($this->surveys_ids);
+ }
+ // Vrne stevilo vseh anket v rootu (ce imamo folderje)
+ public function countRootSurveys() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // Poiscemo vse ankete v custom folderjih
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_mysurvey_anketa WHERE usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ // Vrnemo razliko v stevilu anket (odstejemo ankete v custom folderjih)
+ $survey_count = count($this->surveys_ids);
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0)
+ $survey_count -= mysqli_num_rows($sql);
+ return $survey_count;
+ }
+ /** Anketam ki so potekle popravimo aktivnost
+ *
+ */
+ public function checkSurveyExpire() {
+ //v primeru maza moramo sporociti vsem aplikacijam deaktivacijo ankete
+ if(Common::checkModule('maza')){
+ $maza = new MAZA();
+ $maza -> maza_check_expired_surveys();
+ }
+ # Anketam ki so potekle popravimo aktivnost
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET active = '0' WHERE active = '1' AND expire < CURDATE()");
+ // vsilimo refresh podatkov
+ SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->resetSurveyData();
+ }
+ /** GETERS && SETTERS **/
+ /* GETERS */
+ private function getParentFolder() { return $this->parentFolder; }
+ private function getCurrentFolder() { return $this->currentFolder; }
+ public function getDef_Rows_per_page() { return SRV_LIST_REC_PER_PAGE; }
+ /** vrne sql pogoj za folderje na podlagi trenutnega folderja */
+ private function getFolderCondition () {
+ if ($this->folderCondition == null) {
+ $resultString = " AND 0";
+ #$this->folders = array();
+ $folderArray = $this->getFolderTreeAsArray($this->getCurrentFolder());
+ if ( count( $folderArray ) > 0) {
+ $prefix="";
+ $resultString = " AND sa.folder IN (";
+ foreach ($folderArray as $fid => $fname) {
+ $resultString .= $prefix.$fid;
+ $prefix=",";
+ }
+ $resultString .=") ";
+ }
+ $this->folderCondition = $resultString;
+ }
+ return $this->folderCondition;
+ }
+ /** vrne array z folderjem in subfolderji (če je SRV_LIST_GET_SUB_FOLDERS = true) */
+ function getFolderTreeAsArray($parent) {
+ # če ni dodan parent ga dodamo
+ if (!isset($this->folders[$parent])) {
+ $parentSql = sisplet_query('SELECT id, naslov FROM srv_folder WHERE id="'.$parent.'";');
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($parentSql)>0) {
+ $rowParent = mysqli_fetch_assoc($parentSql);
+ $this->folders[$rowParent['id']] = $rowParent['naslov'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (SRV_LIST_GET_SUB_FOLDERS || $parent == 0) {
+ $result = sisplet_query('SELECT id, naslov FROM srv_folder WHERE parent="'.$parent.'";');
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
+ $this->folders[$row['id']] = $row['naslov'];
+ $this->getFolderTreeAsArray($row['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->folders;
+ }
+ /** vrne sql pogoj za ankete v moji knjiznici na podlagi trenutnega folderja */
+ private function getLibraryCondition () {
+ if ($this->currentLibrary == null) {
+ $resultString = '';
+ }
+ else{
+ $children = array();
+ $children = $this->getLibraryChildren($this->currentLibrary, $children);
+ $childrenString = '';
+ if(!empty($children))
+ $childrenString = ','.implode(',', $children);
+ //$resultString = " AND AND sla.folder='".$this->currentLibrary."'";
+ $resultString = " AND AND sla.folder IN (".$this->currentLibrary . $childrenString.")";
+ }
+ $this->libraryCondition = $resultString;
+ return $this->libraryCondition;
+ }
+ private function getLibraryChildren($folder_id, $children){
+ // Pridobimo vse childe
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id, parent FROM srv_library_folder WHERE parent='".$folder_id."'");
+ // Izstopni pogoj
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0)
+ return ($children);
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
+ $children[] = $row['id'];
+ $children2 = $this->getLibraryChildren($row['id'], $children);
+ $children = array_merge($children, $children2);
+ }
+ return array_unique($children);
+ }
+ /** vrne sql string za omejevanje dostopa uporabniku */
+ function getLanguageLimit() {
+ global $global_admin_type;
+ if ((int)$this->lang_id > 0) {
+ return " AND lang_admin ='".(int)$this->lang_id."'";
+ }
+ }
+ /** vrne sql string za omejevanje dostopa uporabniku */
+ function getDostopAnketa() {
+ global $global_admin_type;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if ($this->dostopCondition == null) {
+ // posebej za managerje, ki vidijo ankete svojih uporabnikov
+ $manage = '';
+ #generalni dostop glede na tip uporabnikov --> $admin_type <= $row['dostop']
+ # posebej dostop za vsazga userja posebej --> sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_dostop WHERE ank_id = '$anketa' AND uid='$uid'") -> if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0)
+ if ($this->user_id == null) {
+ if ($this->g_adminType == 1 || $this->g_adminType == 0)
+ $manage = " OR uid IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager = '".$this->g_uid."' ")).") ";
+ $this->dostopCondition = (SRV_LIST_CHECK_DOSTOP ? " AND ( IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE uid='".$this->g_uid."' $manage"))."))" : "");
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($this->g_adminType == 1 || $this->g_adminType == 0)
+ $manage = " OR uid IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager = '".$this->g_uid."'")).") ";
+ $this->dostopCondition = (SRV_LIST_CHECK_DOSTOP ? " AND (insert_uid = '".$this->user_id."') AND ( IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE uid='".$this->g_uid."' $manage"))."))" : "");
+ }
+ # če ni admin odstranimo ankete kjer je uporabnik označen samo kot anketar
+ if ( true /*$this->g_adminType != '0'*/ ) {
+ $this->dostopCondition .= " AND".($this->onlyPhone == false ? " NOT":"")." IN"
+ ." (SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop AS sd WHERE sd.aktiven = '1' AND sd.uid = '$this->g_uid' AND FIND_IN_SET('phone',sd.dostop )>0 AND FIND_IN_SET('edit',sd.dostop ) = 0) ";
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ // meta admin vidi kao spet vse
+ if ( Dostop::isMetaAdmin() ) {
+ if ($this->user_id == null) {
+ $this->dostopCondition = (SRV_LIST_CHECK_DOSTOP ? " AND (sa.dostop >= '".$this->g_adminType."' OR IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE uid='".$this->g_uid."' $manage"))."))" : "");
+ }
+ // filtriranje
+ else {
+ $manage = " OR uid IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager = '".$this->g_uid."'")).") ";
+ $this->dostopCondition = (SRV_LIST_CHECK_DOSTOP ? " AND (insert_uid = '".$this->user_id."') AND ( IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE uid='".$this->g_uid."' $manage"))."))" : "");
+ }
+ // Včasih se za meta admina nekaj porusi in ne prikaze nobene ankete...
+ //$this->dostopCondition = '';
+ }
+ return $this->dostopCondition;
+ }
+ /** vrne order string za SQL s katerim sortiramo */
+ private function getOrderString() {
+ if (!isset($this->sortby) || (int)$this->sortby == 0) {
+ $this->sortby = SRV_LIST_ORDER_BY;
+ }
+ if (isset($this->order_by_options[$this->sortby])) {
+ $order_by = $this->order_by_options[$this->sortby];
+ } else {
+ $order_by = $this->order_by_options[SRV_LIST_ORDER_BY];
+ }
+ // UPPER damo, ker drugace sortira najprej vlke crke potem pa male
+ if($this->sortby == 1 || $this->sortby == 7 || $this->sortby == 11){
+ // Zamenjamo nacin sortiranja pri besedilu (drugace zacnemo od zadaj)
+ $sorttype = ($this->sorttype == 1) ? 2 : 1;
+ $result = " ORDER BY upper(" . $order_by . ") " . $this->sort_types_options[$sorttype];
+ }
+ // Dodamo opcije sortiranja pri statusu (18), ker ni dovolj sortiranje po "expired"
+ elseif($this->sortby == 18){
+ $sorttypeReverse = ($this->sorttype == 1) ? 2 : 1;
+ $result = " ORDER BY
+ ".$this->sort_types_options[$this->sorttype].",
+ (SELECT IF(COUNT(sac.sid) > 0, 1, 0) FROM srv_activity sac WHERE ".$this->sort_types_options[$this->sorttype].",
+ ".$order_by." ".$this->sort_types_options[$sorttypeReverse];
+ }
+ else
+ $result = " ORDER BY " . $order_by . " ".$this->sort_types_options[$this->sorttype];
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /** vrne Limit string za SQL s katerim prika?emo posamezno stran */
+ private function getLimitString() {
+ $result = " LIMIT " . ($this->pageno * $this->rec_per_page - $this->rec_per_page) . ", " . $this->rec_per_page;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // vrne sql string za search po anketah glede na nastavitve searcha
+ private function getSearchString(){
+ $search_text = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $this->searchString);
+ $search_text = stripslashes(stripslashes($search_text));
+ // Vse gre v lowerstring
+ $search_text = strtolower($search_text);
+ // Ce gre za string v narekovajih
+ if($search_text[0] == '"' && $search_text[strlen($search_text) - 1] == '"'){
+ $search_text = trim($search_text, '"');
+ $this->searchStringProcessed[] = $search_text;
+ $search_text = '%'.$search_text.'%';
+ }
+ else{
+ // Sklanjamo po search besedi - ce gre za search po naslovu ali kljucnih besedah
+ if ($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '0' || $this->searchSettings['stype'] == '2') {
+ // odstrani vse zvezdice in pluse in skrajsaj besede za dva znaka, dodaj *.
+ $search_text = explode (" ", $search_text);
+ for ($a=0; $a<sizeof($search_text); $a++) {
+ if (strlen ($search_text[$a]) > 5)
+ $search_text[$a] = substr ($search_text[$a], 0, -2);
+ elseif (strlen ($search_text[$a]) > 2)
+ $search_text[$a] = substr ($search_text[$a], 0, -1);
+ else
+ $search_text[$a] = $search_text[$a];
+ $this->searchStringProcessed[$a] = $search_text[$a];
+ $search_text[$a] = '%'.$search_text[$a].'%';
+ }
+ $search_text = implode(" ", $search_text);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->searchStringProcessed[] = $search_text;
+ $search_text = '%'.$search_text.'%';
+ }
+ }
+ // Search po avtorju
+ if($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '1'){
+ $result = " AND (i_name LIKE '".$search_text."' OR i_surname LIKE '".$search_text."' OR i_email LIKE '".$search_text."')";
+ }
+ // Search po kljucnih besedah znotraj vprasanj (naslovi vprasanj in vrednosti)
+ elseif($this->searchSettings['stype'] == '2'){
+ $result = " AND (LOWER(introduction) LIKE LOWER('".$search_text."')
+ OR LOWER(conclusion) LIKE LOWER('".$search_text."')
+ OR LOWER(ss.naslov) LIKE LOWER('".$search_text."')
+ OR LOWER(sv.naslov) LIKE LOWER('".$search_text."'))";
+ }
+ // Search po naslovu
+ else{
+ $result = " AND (LOWER(sa.naslov) LIKE LOWER('".$search_text."') OR LOWER(sa.akronim) LIKE LOWER('".$search_text."'))";
+ }
+ // Search po statusu (aktivne, neaktivne)
+ if($this->searchSettings['sstatus'] == '1')
+ $result .= " AND active > '0'";
+ if($this->searchSettings['sstatus'] == '2')
+ $result .= " AND active = '0'";
+ // Search po datumu ustvarjanja (od)
+ if($this->searchSettings['sidatefrom'] != ''){
+ $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->searchSettings['sidatefrom']));
+ $result .= " AND insert_time >= '".$date."'";
+ }
+ // Search po datumu ustvarjanja (do)
+ if($this->searchSettings['sidateto'] != ''){
+ $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->searchSettings['sidateto']));
+ $result .= " AND insert_time <= '".$date."'";
+ }
+ // Search po datumu zadnjega urejanja (od)
+ if($this->searchSettings['sedatefrom'] != ''){
+ $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->searchSettings['sedatefrom']));
+ $result .= " AND edit_time >= '".$date."'";
+ }
+ // Search po datumu zadnjega urejanja (do)
+ if($this->searchSettings['sedateto'] != ''){
+ $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->searchSettings['sedateto']));
+ $result .= " AND edit_time <= '".$date."'";
+ }
+ // Dodaten search po avtorju samo za metaadmine
+ if($this->searchSettings['onlyAuthor'] != ''){
+ $onlyAuthorString = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $this->searchSettings['onlyAuthor']);
+ $onlyAuthorString = stripslashes(stripslashes($onlyAuthorString));
+ $result .= " AND (i_name LIKE '%".$onlyAuthorString."%'
+ OR i_surname LIKE '%".$onlyAuthorString."%'
+ OR i_email LIKE '%".$onlyAuthorString."%')";
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Dobimo vse parametri searcha
+ private function getSearchParams(){
+ global $site_url;
+ $params = '';
+ if($this->isSearch == 1){
+ $params .= 'search='.urlencode($this->searchString);
+ if(!empty($this->searchSettings)){
+ foreach($this->searchSettings as $key => $val){
+ $params .= '&'.$key.'='.urlencode($val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $params;
+ }
+ /**
+ * shranimo širine celic
+ */
+ public function saveCssSettings($data) {
+ $new_data = array();
+ if (isset($data) && $data != null) {
+ $new_data = $this->getCssSetings();
+ // nato popravimo vrednost
+ $_tmp_new_data = array_unique(explode(",",$data));
+ $new_data[$_tmp_new_data[0]] = $_tmp_new_data[1];
+ // nato zdru?imo v primerno obliko in shranimo
+ $saveString = "";
+ $saveStringPrefix = "";
+ if (isset($new_data) && $new_data != null && count($new_data) > 0) {
+ foreach ( $new_data as $tmp_new_key => $tmp_new_data ) {
+ $saveString .= $saveStringPrefix.$tmp_new_key.",".$tmp_new_data;
+ $saveStringPrefix = ";";
+ }
+ }
+ UserSetting::getInstance()->setUserSetting('survey_list_widths', $saveString);
+ } else {
+ UserSetting::getInstance()->setUserSetting('survey_list_widths', "");
+ }
+ // shranimo
+ UserSetting::getInstance()->saveUserSetting('survey_list_widths', $saveString);
+ }
+ /* SETERS */
+ private function setParentFolder($parentFolder = 0) { $this->parentFolder = $parentFolder; }
+ private function setCurrentFolder($currentFolder = 0) { $this->currentFolder = $currentFolder; }
+ private function UpdateSystemLibrary () {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ echo '<a href="/" onclick="surveyList_knjiznica(\''.$anketa.'\'); return false;">';
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='0'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_folder WHERE uid='0' AND tip='1' AND parent='0' AND lang='$lang[id]'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_library_anketa (ank_id, uid, folder) VALUES ('$anketa', '0', '$row1[id]')");
+ echo '<span class="sprites library_admin_on" title="'.$lang['srv_ank_lib_on'].'"></span>';
+ } else {
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='0'");
+ echo '<span class="sprites library_admin_off" title="'.$lang['srv_ank_lib_off'].'"></span>';
+ }
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ private function UpdateUserLibrary () {
+ global $global_user_id, $site_url, $lang;
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ echo '<a href="/" onclick="surveyList_myknjiznica(\''.$anketa.'\'); return false;">';
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='$global_user_id'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='$global_user_id'");
+ echo '<span class="sprites library_off" title="'.$lang['srv_ank_mylib_off'].'"></span>';
+ } else {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_folder WHERE uid='$global_user_id' AND tip='1' AND parent='0'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_library_anketa (ank_id, uid, folder) VALUES ('$anketa', '$global_user_id', '$row1[id]')");
+ echo '<span class="sprites library_on" title="'.$lang['srv_ank_mylib_on'].'"></span>';
+ }
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ private function UpdateSystemLibraryNew () {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='0'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_folder WHERE uid='0' AND tip='1' AND parent='0' AND lang='$lang[id]'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_library_anketa (ank_id, uid, folder) VALUES ('$anketa', '0', '$row1[id]')");
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_survey_list SET lib_glb='1' WHERE id='$anketa'");
+ }
+ else {
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='0'");
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_survey_list SET lib_glb='0' WHERE id='$anketa'");
+ }
+ }
+ private function UpdateUserLibraryNew () {
+ global $global_user_id, $site_url;
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='$global_user_id'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_library_anketa WHERE ank_id='$anketa' AND uid='$global_user_id'");
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_survey_list SET lib_usr='0' WHERE id='$anketa'");
+ } else {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_library_folder WHERE uid='$global_user_id' AND tip='1' AND parent='0'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_library_anketa (ank_id, uid, folder) VALUES ('$anketa', '$global_user_id', '$row1[id]')");
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_survey_list SET lib_usr='1' WHERE id='$anketa'");
+ }
+ }
+ private function DisplayInfo () {
+ global $global_user_id, $site_url;
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($anketa);
+ SurveyInfo::DisplayInfoBox();
+ }
+ // ajax, ki poskrbi za vse update glelde razvrscanja mojih anket v folderje
+ private function updateMySurveyFolders(){
+ global $global_user_id, $site_url, $lang;
+ // Prenesli smo anketo v drug folder
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'survey_dropped'){
+ $parent = isset($_POST['parent']) ? $_POST['parent'] : '0';
+ $drag_survey = isset($_POST['drag_survey']) ? $_POST['drag_survey'] : '0';
+ // Ce smo spustili v root folder samo pobrisemo anketo
+ if($parent == '0'){
+ $sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_mysurvey_anketa WHERE ank_id='".$drag_survey."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ }
+ else{
+ // Razpremo parent folder
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_mysurvey_folder SET open='1' WHERE id='".$parent."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_mysurvey_anketa (ank_id, usr_id, folder) VALUES ('".$drag_survey."', '".$global_user_id."', '".$parent."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE folder='".$parent."'");
+ }
+ }
+ // Prenesli smo celoten folder v drug folder
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'folder_dropped'){
+ $parent = isset($_POST['parent']) ? $_POST['parent'] : '0';
+ $drag_folder = isset($_POST['drag_folder']) ? $_POST['drag_folder'] : '0';
+ // Preverimo da nismo slucajno prenesli v child folder - ne pustimo, ker drugace se zadeva porusi
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_folder WHERE id='".$parent."' AND parent='".$drag_folder."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
+ // Razpremo parent folder
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_mysurvey_folder SET open='1' WHERE id='".$parent."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_mysurvey_folder SET parent='".$parent."' WHERE id='".$drag_folder."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ }
+ }
+ // prikazemo/skrijemo ankete znotraj folderja
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'folder_toggle'){
+ $folder = isset($_POST['folder']) ? $_POST['folder'] : '0';
+ $open = isset($_POST['open']) ? $_POST['open'] : '0';
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_mysurvey_folder SET open='".$open."' WHERE id='".$folder."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ }
+ // Ustvarili smo nov folder
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'folder_create'){
+ $parent = isset($_POST['parent']) ? $_POST['parent'] : '0';
+ // Razpremo parent folder
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_mysurvey_folder SET open='1' WHERE id='".$parent."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_mysurvey_folder (usr_id, parent, naslov) VALUES ('".$global_user_id."','".$parent."', '".$lang['srv_mySurvey_new_folder']."')");
+ $new_folder_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $SL = new SurveyList();
+ $SL->getSurveys();
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="new_added_folder" value="'.$new_folder_id.'">';
+ }
+ // Pobrisali smo obstojec folder
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'folder_delete'){
+ $folder = isset($_POST['folder']) ? $_POST['folder'] : '0';
+ //Pobrisemo ankete ki so bile znotraj folderja
+ $sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_mysurvey_anketa WHERE folder='".$folder."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ // Na koncu se pobrisemo prazen folder
+ $sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_mysurvey_folder WHERE id='".$folder."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ // Rekurzivno pobrisemo vse poddirektorije z anketami - TODO!!!
+ }
+ // Preimenovali smo obstojec folder
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'folder_rename'){
+ $folder = isset($_POST['folder']) ? $_POST['folder'] : '0';
+ $text = isset($_POST['text']) ? $_POST['text'] : '';
+ $text = strip_tags($text);
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_mysurvey_folder SET naslov='".$text."' WHERE id='".$folder."' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
+ }
+ // Kopiramo obstojec folder z vsemi anketami
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'folder_copy'){
+ $folder = isset($_POST['folder']) ? $_POST['folder'] : '0';
+ if($folder > 0)
+ $this->copyMySurveyFolder($folder);
+ }
+ }
+ // Kopiramo obstojec folder z vsemi folderji in anketami (rekurzivno)
+ private function copyMySurveyFolder($folder_id, $parent=0){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_folder WHERE id='".$folder_id."' AND usr_id='".$global_user_id."'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0)
+ return;
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ // Najprej ustvarimo kopijo folderja
+ if($parent == 0)
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_mysurvey_folder (usr_id, parent, naslov, open) VALUES ('".$global_user_id."', '".$row['parent']."', '".$row['naslov']."_copy', '1')");
+ else
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_mysurvey_folder (usr_id, parent, naslov, open) VALUES ('".$global_user_id."', '".$parent."', '".$row['naslov']."_copy', '1')");
+ $new_folder_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ // Loop cez ankete v folderju
+ $sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_mysurvey_anketa WHERE folder='".$folder_id."'");
+ while($rowA = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlA)){
+ // Kopiramo anketo
+ $sas = new SurveyAdminSettings();
+ $ank_id = $sas->anketa_copy($rowA['ank_id']);
+ // Kopirano anketo vstavimo v nov folder
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_mysurvey_anketa (ank_id, usr_id, folder) VALUES ('".$ank_id."', '".$global_user_id."', '".$new_folder_id."')");
+ }
+ // Na koncu rekurzivno kopiramo se vse notranje folderje
+ $sqlF = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_mysurvey_folder WHERE parent='".$folder_id."' AND usr_id='".$global_user_id."'");
+ while($rowF = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlF)){
+ $this->copyMySurveyFolder($rowF['id'], $new_folder_id);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /** Funkcija ki kiče podfunkcije za ajax del
+ *
+ */
+ public function Ajax() {
+ switch ( $_GET['a'] ) {
+ case 'surveyList_knjiznica':
+ $this->UpdateSystemLibrary();
+ break;
+ case 'surveyList_myknjiznica':
+ $this->UpdateUserLibrary();
+ break;
+ case 'surveyList_myknjiznica_new':
+ $this->UpdateUserLibraryNew();
+ break;
+ case 'surveyList_knjiznica_new':
+ $this->UpdateSystemLibraryNew();
+ break;
+ case 'surveyList_display_info':
+ $this->DisplayInfo();
+ break;
+ case 'survey_dropped':
+ case 'folder_dropped':
+ case 'folder_create':
+ case 'folder_delete':
+ case 'folder_toggle':
+ case 'folder_rename':
+ case 'folder_copy':
+ $this->updateMySurveyFolders();
+ break;
+ case 'language_change':
+ $this->switch_language();
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r($_POST);
+ print_r($_GET);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Osveži datoteko z dodatnimi podatki anket
+ * za tiste ankete ki so bile spremenjene ali so imele kakšne vnose
+ */
+ private function refreshData() {
+ # polovimo vse obstoječe podatke v združeni datoteki
+ if (count($this->surveys_ids)>0 ) {
+ // Metaadmin updata samo svoje ankete (drugace jih je prevec in lahko zasteka)
+ if(Dostop::isMetaAdmin()){
+ # polovimo seznam metaadminovih anket
+ $meta_surveys_ids = array();
+ $dostopCondition = (SRV_LIST_CHECK_DOSTOP ? " AND (insert_uid = '".$this->user_id."') AND ( IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop WHERE uid='".$this->g_uid."'"))."))" : "");
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT id, backup, active, folder, dostop FROM srv_anketa sa WHERE sa.backup='0' AND > 0 AND >= 0 AND sa.invisible = '0' ".$dostopCondition;
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ while ( $rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ $meta_surveys_ids[$rowSurveyList['id']] = $rowSurveyList['id'];
+ }
+ $to_update = $meta_surveys_ids;
+ # poiščemmo katere ankete so OK, in jih odstranimo iz seznama anket potrebnih za update
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT id FROM srv_survey_list WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $meta_surveys_ids).")"
+ #. " AND (updated = '0' OR (updated = '1' AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),last_updated)) < ".SRV_LIST_UPDATE_TIME_LIMIT.")) AND ( last_updated IS NOT NULL)";
+ . " AND updated = '0' AND last_updated IS NOT NULL";
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ while ( $rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ if (isset($to_update[$rowSurveyList['id']])) {
+ unset($to_update[$rowSurveyList['id']]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $to_update = $this->surveys_ids;
+ # poiščemmo katere ankete so OK, in jih odstranimo iz seznama anket potrebnih za update
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT id FROM srv_survey_list WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $this->surveys_ids).")"
+ #. " AND (updated = '0' OR (updated = '1' AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),last_updated)) < ".SRV_LIST_UPDATE_TIME_LIMIT.")) AND ( last_updated IS NOT NULL)";
+ . " AND updated = '0' AND last_updated IS NOT NULL";
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ while ( $rowSurveyList = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSurveyList)) {
+ if (isset($to_update[$rowSurveyList['id']])) {
+ unset($to_update[$rowSurveyList['id']]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # če je treba kaj updejtat
+ if (count($to_update) > 0) {
+ $stringUpdateList =
+ " SELECT, "
+ . ' IF(ISNULL(sla1.lib_glb),0,sla1.lib_glb) AS lib_glb,'
+ . ' IF(ISNULL(sla2.lib_usr),0,sla2.lib_usr) AS lib_usr,'
+ // Po novem ne joinamo s tabelo "users", ker je lahko query pocasen in zaklene tabelo - potem pa vse zasteka (dodano preventivno)
+ //. ' sa.edit_uid, AS e_name, us1.surname AS e_surname, AS e_email,'
+ //. ' sa.insert_uid, AS i_name, us2.surname AS i_surname, AS i_email,'
+ . " us3.vnos_time_first AS v_time_first, us3.vnos_time_last AS v_time_last,"
+ . ' IF(ISNULL(us3.answers),0,us3.answers) as answers,'
+ . ' IF(ISNULL(g.variables),0,g.variables) as variables,'
+ . ' IF(ISNULL(us5.approp),0,us5.approp) as approp'
+ . ' FROM srv_anketa sa'
+ . " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ank_id, uid, COUNT(*) AS lib_glb FROM srv_library_anketa as sla WHERE sla.uid = '0' AND sla.ank_id IN (".implode(',', $to_update).") GROUP BY ank_id )
+ AS sla1 ON sla1.ank_id ="
+ . " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ank_id, uid, COUNT(*) AS lib_usr FROM srv_library_anketa as sla WHERE sla.uid = '".$this->g_uid."' AND sla.ank_id IN (".implode(',', $to_update).") GROUP BY ank_id )
+ AS sla2 ON sla2.ank_id ="
+ //. ' LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS us1 ON = sa.edit_uid'
+ //. ' LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS us2 ON = sa.insert_uid'
+ . ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT us3.ank_id, COUNT(us3.ank_id) as answers, MIN( us3.time_insert ) as vnos_time_first, MAX( us3.time_insert ) as vnos_time_last, preview FROM srv_user as us3 WHERE us3.ank_id IN ('.implode(',', $to_update).') AND us3.preview = \'0\' AND us3.deleted=\'0\' GROUP BY us3.ank_id )
+ AS us3 ON us3.ank_id ='
+ . ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT g.ank_id, COUNT(s.gru_id) as variables FROM srv_grupa g, srv_spremenljivka s WHERE = s.gru_id AND g.ank_id IN ('.implode(',', $to_update).') GROUP BY g.ank_id )
+ AS g ON g.ank_id ='
+ //spodaj dodaj AND us5.lurker=\'0\'
+ . ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT us5.ank_id, COUNT(us5.ank_id) as approp, preview FROM srv_user as us5 WHERE last_status IN (' . $this->appropriateStatus . ') AND us5.ank_id IN ('.implode(',', $to_update).') AND us5.preview =\'0\' AND us5.deleted=\'0\' GROUP BY us5.ank_id )
+ AS us5 ON us5.ank_id ='
+ . ' WHERE IN ('.implode(',', $to_update).')';
+ $sqlUpdateList = sisplet_query($stringUpdateList);
+ if (!$sqlUpdateList) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlUpdateList) > 0) {
+ // Po novem zakesiramo podatke iz tabele "users" posebej (da ne zaklene zgornji query tabele za dalj casa)
+ $users = array();
+ $sqlUsers = sisplet_query("SELECT AS ank_id, sa.edit_uid, AS e_name, us1.surname AS e_surname, AS e_email,
+ sa.insert_uid, AS i_name, us2.surname AS i_surname, AS i_email
+ FROM srv_anketa sa
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS us1 ON = sa.edit_uid
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS us2 ON = sa.insert_uid
+ WHERE IN (".implode(',', $to_update).")");
+ while($rowUsers = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlUsers)){
+ $users[$rowUsers['ank_id']] = $rowUsers;
+ }
+ $values = array();
+ while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlUpdateList)) {
+ /*$row[i_name] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $row[i_name]);
+ $row[i_surname] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $row[i_surname]);
+ $row[i_email] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $row[i_email]);
+ $row[e_name] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $row[e_name]);
+ $row[e_surname] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $row[e_surname]);
+ $row[e_email] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $row[e_email]);*/
+ $row['i_name'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $users[$row['id']]['i_name']);
+ $row['i_surname'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $users[$row['id']]['i_surname']);
+ $row['i_email'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $users[$row['id']]['i_email']);
+ $row['e_name'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $users[$row['id']]['e_name']);
+ $row['e_surname'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $users[$row['id']]['e_surname']);
+ $row['e_email'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $users[$row['id']]['e_email']);
+ $values[] = "('$row[id]','$row[lib_glb]','$row[lib_usr]','$row[answers]','$row[variables]','$row[approp]','$row[i_name]','$row[i_surname]','$row[i_email]','$row[e_name]','$row[e_surname]','$row[e_email]','$row[v_time_first]','$row[v_time_last]','0', NOW())";
+ }
+ $updateString = "INSERT INTO srv_survey_list (id, lib_glb, lib_usr, answers, variables, approp, i_name, i_surname, i_email, e_name, e_surname, e_email, a_first, a_last, updated, last_updated) "
+ ." VALUES ".implode(',', $values)." ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=VALUES(id), lib_glb=VALUES(lib_glb), lib_usr=VALUES(lib_usr), answers=VALUES(answers), variables=VALUES(variables), approp=VALUES(approp), i_name=VALUES(i_name), i_surname=VALUES(i_surname), i_email=VALUES(i_email), e_name=VALUES(e_name), e_surname=VALUES(e_surname), e_email=VALUES(e_email), a_first=VALUES(a_first), a_last=VALUES(a_last), updated='0', last_updated=NOW()";
+ sisplet_query($updateString);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ }
+ # polovimo nastavitve uporabnika
+ $this->settingsArray = $this->getSettings();
+ # koliko imamo strani
+ $this->max_pages = (int)$this->rec_per_page > 0 ? ceil($this->countSurveys() / $this->rec_per_page) : 1;
+ # ce imamo direktorije, imamo manj strani zaradi anket v direktorijih
+ if($this->show_folders == 1 && $this->max_pages > 1){
+ $this->max_pages = ceil($this->countRootSurveys() / $this->rec_per_page);
+ }
+ # katera je trenutna stran
+ if (isset($_GET['pageno']) && (int)$_GET['pageno'] > 0) {
+ # izbrana stran ne more biti večja, kot pa imamo vseh strani
+ $this->pageno = min((int)$_GET['pageno'], $this->max_pages );
+ }
+ }
+ function setFilter() {
+ if (isset($_POST['sl_filter']) && trim($_POST['sl_filter']) != "") {
+ $this->filter = trim($_POST['sl_filter']);
+ }
+ }
+ public function countPhoneSurveys() {
+ # če ni admin odstranimo ankete kjer je uporabnik označen samo kot anketar
+ $stringSurveyList = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_anketa sa WHERE sa.backup='0' AND > 0 AND >= 0 AND sa.invisible = '0' "
+ .$this->getFolderCondition();
+ if ($this->g_adminType != '0') {
+ $stringSurveyList .= " AND IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop AS sd WHERE sd.aktiven = '1' AND sd.uid = '$this->g_uid' AND FIND_IN_SET('phone',sd.dostop )>0 AND FIND_IN_SET('edit',sd.dostop ) = 0")).")";
+ } else {
+ $stringSurveyList .= " AND IN (".SurveyCopy::prepareSubquery(sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id FROM srv_dostop AS sd WHERE sd.aktiven = '1' AND FIND_IN_SET('phone',sd.dostop )>0 AND FIND_IN_SET('edit',sd.dostop ) = 0")).")";
+ }
+ $sqlSurveyList = sisplet_query($stringSurveyList);
+ [$count] = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlSurveyList);
+ return (int)$count;
+ }
+ // Preklopimo jezik
+ private function switch_language(){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $lang = $_POST['lang'];
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET lang = '$lang' WHERE id = '$global_user_id'");
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file