path: root/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php b/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5499fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/BaseStripeClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+namespace Stripe;
+class BaseStripeClient implements StripeClientInterface
+ /** @var string default base URL for Stripe's API */
+ const DEFAULT_API_BASE = '';
+ /** @var string default base URL for Stripe's OAuth API */
+ /** @var string default base URL for Stripe's Files API */
+ const DEFAULT_FILES_BASE = '';
+ /** @var array<string, mixed> */
+ private $config;
+ /** @var \Stripe\Util\RequestOptions */
+ private $defaultOpts;
+ /**
+ * Initializes a new instance of the {@link BaseStripeClient} class.
+ *
+ * The constructor takes a single argument. The argument can be a string, in which case it
+ * should be the API key. It can also be an array with various configuration settings.
+ *
+ * Configuration settings include the following options:
+ *
+ * - api_key (null|string): the Stripe API key, to be used in regular API requests.
+ * - client_id (null|string): the Stripe client ID, to be used in OAuth requests.
+ * - stripe_account (null|string): a Stripe account ID. If set, all requests sent by the client
+ * will automatically use the {@code Stripe-Account} header with that account ID.
+ * - stripe_version (null|string): a Stripe API verion. If set, all requests sent by the client
+ * will include the {@code Stripe-Version} header with that API version.
+ *
+ * The following configuration settings are also available, though setting these should rarely be necessary
+ * (only useful if you want to send requests to a mock server like stripe-mock):
+ *
+ * - api_base (string): the base URL for regular API requests. Defaults to
+ * {@link DEFAULT_API_BASE}.
+ * - connect_base (string): the base URL for OAuth requests. Defaults to
+ * - files_base (string): the base URL for file creation requests. Defaults to
+ *
+ * @param array<string, mixed>|string $config the API key as a string, or an array containing
+ * the client configuration settings
+ */
+ public function __construct($config = [])
+ {
+ if (\is_string($config)) {
+ $config = ['api_key' => $config];
+ } elseif (!\is_array($config)) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$config must be a string or an array');
+ }
+ $config = \array_merge($this->getDefaultConfig(), $config);
+ $this->validateConfig($config);
+ $this->config = $config;
+ $this->defaultOpts = \Stripe\Util\RequestOptions::parse([
+ 'stripe_account' => $config['stripe_account'],
+ 'stripe_version' => $config['stripe_version'],
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the API key used by the client to send requests.
+ *
+ * @return null|string the API key used by the client to send requests
+ */
+ public function getApiKey()
+ {
+ return $this->config['api_key'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the client ID used by the client in OAuth requests.
+ *
+ * @return null|string the client ID used by the client in OAuth requests
+ */
+ public function getClientId()
+ {
+ return $this->config['client_id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the base URL for Stripe's API.
+ *
+ * @return string the base URL for Stripe's API
+ */
+ public function getApiBase()
+ {
+ return $this->config['api_base'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the base URL for Stripe's OAuth API.
+ *
+ * @return string the base URL for Stripe's OAuth API
+ */
+ public function getConnectBase()
+ {
+ return $this->config['connect_base'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the base URL for Stripe's Files API.
+ *
+ * @return string the base URL for Stripe's Files API
+ */
+ public function getFilesBase()
+ {
+ return $this->config['files_base'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends a request to Stripe's API.
+ *
+ * @param string $method the HTTP method
+ * @param string $path the path of the request
+ * @param array $params the parameters of the request
+ * @param array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts the special modifiers of the request
+ *
+ * @return \Stripe\StripeObject the object returned by Stripe's API
+ */
+ public function request($method, $path, $params, $opts)
+ {
+ $opts = $this->defaultOpts->merge($opts, true);
+ $baseUrl = $opts->apiBase ?: $this->getApiBase();
+ $requestor = new \Stripe\ApiRequestor($this->apiKeyForRequest($opts), $baseUrl);
+ list($response, $opts->apiKey) = $requestor->request($method, $path, $params, $opts->headers);
+ $opts->discardNonPersistentHeaders();
+ $obj = \Stripe\Util\Util::convertToStripeObject($response->json, $opts);
+ $obj->setLastResponse($response);
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends a request to Stripe's API.
+ *
+ * @param string $method the HTTP method
+ * @param string $path the path of the request
+ * @param array $params the parameters of the request
+ * @param array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts the special modifiers of the request
+ *
+ * @return \Stripe\Collection of ApiResources
+ */
+ public function requestCollection($method, $path, $params, $opts)
+ {
+ $obj = $this->request($method, $path, $params, $opts);
+ if (!($obj instanceof \Stripe\Collection)) {
+ $received_class = \get_class($obj);
+ $msg = "Expected to receive `Stripe\\Collection` object from Stripe API. Instead received `{$received_class}`.";
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\UnexpectedValueException($msg);
+ }
+ $obj->setFilters($params);
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param \Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
+ *
+ * @throws \Stripe\Exception\AuthenticationException
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function apiKeyForRequest($opts)
+ {
+ $apiKey = $opts->apiKey ?: $this->getApiKey();
+ if (null === $apiKey) {
+ $msg = 'No API key provided. Set your API key when constructing the '
+ . 'StripeClient instance, or provide it on a per-request basis '
+ . 'using the `api_key` key in the $opts argument.';
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\AuthenticationException($msg);
+ }
+ return $apiKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * TODO: replace this with a private constant when we drop support for PHP < 5.
+ *
+ * @return array<string, mixed>
+ */
+ private function getDefaultConfig()
+ {
+ return [
+ 'api_key' => null,
+ 'client_id' => null,
+ 'stripe_account' => null,
+ 'stripe_version' => null,
+ 'api_base' => self::DEFAULT_API_BASE,
+ 'connect_base' => self::DEFAULT_CONNECT_BASE,
+ 'files_base' => self::DEFAULT_FILES_BASE,
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<string, mixed> $config
+ *
+ * @throws \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
+ */
+ private function validateConfig($config)
+ {
+ // api_key
+ if (null !== $config['api_key'] && !\is_string($config['api_key'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('api_key must be null or a string');
+ }
+ if (null !== $config['api_key'] && ('' === $config['api_key'])) {
+ $msg = 'api_key cannot be the empty string';
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
+ }
+ if (null !== $config['api_key'] && (\preg_match('/\s/', $config['api_key']))) {
+ $msg = 'api_key cannot contain whitespace';
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
+ }
+ // client_id
+ if (null !== $config['client_id'] && !\is_string($config['client_id'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('client_id must be null or a string');
+ }
+ // stripe_account
+ if (null !== $config['stripe_account'] && !\is_string($config['stripe_account'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('stripe_account must be null or a string');
+ }
+ // stripe_version
+ if (null !== $config['stripe_version'] && !\is_string($config['stripe_version'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('stripe_version must be null or a string');
+ }
+ // api_base
+ if (!\is_string($config['api_base'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('api_base must be a string');
+ }
+ // connect_base
+ if (!\is_string($config['connect_base'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('connect_base must be a string');
+ }
+ // files_base
+ if (!\is_string($config['files_base'])) {
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('files_base must be a string');
+ }
+ // check absence of extra keys
+ $extraConfigKeys = \array_diff(\array_keys($config), \array_keys($this->getDefaultConfig()));
+ if (!empty($extraConfigKeys)) {
+ // Wrap in single quote to more easily catch trailing spaces errors
+ $invalidKeys = "'" . \implode("', '", $extraConfigKeys) . "'";
+ throw new \Stripe\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Found unknown key(s) in configuration array: ' . $invalidKeys);
+ }
+ }