path: root/admin/survey/script/invitations.js
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /admin/survey/script/invitations.js
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/script/invitations.js')
1 files changed, 1763 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/script/invitations.js b/admin/survey/script/invitations.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d2a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/script/invitations.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1763 @@
+function deleteRecipient_confirm(inv_rid) {
+ // vprašamo ali resnično želi izbrisati respondenta
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=delete_recipient_confirm', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, inv_rid:inv_rid,noNavi:'true'});
+function inv_delete_recipient() {
+ var inv_rid = $("#inv_delete_rec_confirm input#inv_rid").val();
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=delete_recipient_single', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, inv_rid:inv_rid,noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.success == 1) {
+ // uporabnik je bil zbrisan, skrijmo njevovo vrstico
+ $('#tbl_recipients_list tr td input[value="'+inv_rid+'"]').closest('tr').hide('slow');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+ }
+ });
+function editRecipient(inv_rid) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=edit_recipient', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, inv_rid:inv_rid,noNavi:'true'});
+function inv_arch_recipients_close() {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+function inv_arch_save_comment() {
+ var aid = $("#inv_arch_id").val();
+ var comment = $("#inv_arch_comment").val();
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=arch_save_comment', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, aid:aid, comment:comment, noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ // to ni vredu.window.location.reload();
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+ });
+function inv_arch_recipients_send() {
+ var send_type = $('input[name=mailto]:checked').val();
+ var prefix = "";
+ var checkboxes = "";
+ $('input[name="mailto_status[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ checkboxes = checkboxes+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ $('#fullscreen').load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=send_mail',
+ {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true',send_type:send_type, checkboxes:checkboxes}
+ );
+function inv_change_import_type() {
+ var import_type = $('input[name=inv_import_type]:checked').val();
+ $("#inv_import").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=change_import_type', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, import_type:import_type,noNavi:'true'}, function(){
+ refreshFieldsList();
+ });
+function toggleInvCheckbox(what) {
+ var id = $(what).attr("id");
+ if ( $(what).is(":checked") ) {
+ $(what).parent().addClass('inv_field_enabled');
+ }
+ else {
+ $(what).parent().removeClass('inv_field_enabled');
+ }
+ refreshFieldsList();
+function refreshFieldsList() {
+ var fields = '';
+ var fields_id = '';
+ var prefix = '';
+ var pass_field = false;
+ $('ul').children('li.inv_field_enabled').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ fields = fields + prefix + $(elm).find('label').html();
+ fields_id = fields_id + prefix + $(elm).attr('id');
+ prefix = ',';
+ if($(elm).find('label').html() == 'PASSWORD')
+ pass_field = true;
+ });
+ $("#inv_field_list.inv_type_0, #inv_field_list.inv_type_1").html(fields);
+ if ($("#inv_recipients_upoad_fields").length > 0) {
+ $("#inv_recipients_upoad_fields").val(fields_id);
+ }
+ // Prikazemo opozorilo za dolzino passworda (20 znakov)
+ if(pass_field)
+ $("#inv_field_list_warning").show();
+ else
+ $("#inv_field_list_warning").hide();
+function inv_save_rec_profile() {
+ var profile_name = $("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ var profile_id = $("#inv_recipients_profile_name select").find('option:selected').val();
+ var profile_comment = $("#rec_profile_comment").val();
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_prof_recipients_list").val();
+ var field_list = $("#inv_prof_field_list").val();
+ var doAdd = ($("#inv_doAdd").val() == 1 || $("#inv_doAdd").val() == '1') ? true : false;
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=save_rec_profile', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, recipients_list:recipients_list, field_list:field_list, profile_name:profile_name, profile_comment:profile_comment, noNavi:'true', profile_id:profile_id}, function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (doAdd == true) {
+ inv_add_recipients(;
+ } else {
+ // prikažemo profil
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=use_recipients_list', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, });
+ }
+ });
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+function inv_update_rec_profile() {
+ var pid = $('#inv_recipients_profile_name').find('#rec_profile_pid').val();
+ var profile_name = $('#inv_recipients_profile_name').find('#rec_profile_name').val();
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=update_rec_profile', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid, profile_name:profile_name, noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+ // osvežimo polja
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=use_recipients_list', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid});
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").show();
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ }
+ });
+function inv_add_recipients(profile_id) {
+ if (typeof profile_id === "undefined") {
+ var pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol").attr('pid');
+ } else {
+ var pid = profile_id;
+ }
+ // vedno shranjujemo če ne druga v zacasin seznam.
+ var save_profile = true;
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_recipients_list").val();
+ var fields = [];
+ $('ul').children('li.inv_field_enabled').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ fields.push(;
+ });
+ if (fields.length > 0) {
+ if (recipients_list.length > 0) {
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=add_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, recipients_list:recipients_list, fields:fields, pid:pid, save_profile:save_profile});
+ // porihtamo še navigacijo - hardcoded
+ $elm = $("ul.secondNavigation li.inv_ff_left_on");
+ $elm.prev().find('a').removeClass('active');
+ $'a').addClass('active');
+ $elm.removeClass('inv_ff_left_on').addClass('inv_ff_right_on').next().next().addClass('inv_ff_left_on');
+ } else {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note1']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note2']);
+ }
+function inv_save_recipient() {
+ var inv_rid = $("#inv_rid").val();
+ var rec_email = $("#rec_email").val();
+ var rec_password = $("#rec_password").val();
+ var rec_firstname = $("#rec_firstname").val();
+ var rec_lastname = $("#rec_lastname").val();
+ var rec_salutation = $("#rec_salutation").val();
+ var rec_phone = $("#rec_phone").val();
+ var rec_custom = $("#rec_custom").val();
+ var rec_relation = $("#rec_relation").val();
+ // odstranimo morebitne predhodne napake
+ $("#rec_email").removeClass('inv_input_error');
+ $("#rec_password").removeClass('inv_input_error');
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=save_recipient', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, inv_rid:inv_rid, rec_email:rec_email, rec_password:rec_password,
+ rec_firstname:rec_firstname, rec_lastname:rec_lastname, rec_salutation:rec_salutation, rec_phone:rec_phone, rec_custom:rec_custom, rec_relation:rec_relation, noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ // smo shranli lahko zapremo okno in refrešamo podatke
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+ // Refreshamo celotno stran
+ location.reload();
+ }
+ else {
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").show();
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.error_email == '1') {
+ $("#rec_email").addClass('inv_input_error');
+ }
+ if (data.error_password == '1') {
+ $("#rec_password").addClass('inv_input_error');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function inv_filter_recipients() {
+ var inv_filter_on = $("#inv_rec_filter_on").is(":checked") ? 'true' : 'false';
+ var inv_filter_value = $("#inv_rec_filter_value").val();
+ var inv_filter_send = $("#inv_rec_filter_send option:selected").val();
+ var inv_filter_respondet = $("#inv_rec_filter_respondet option:selected").val();
+ var inv_filter_unsubscribed = $("#inv_rec_filter_unsubscribed option:selected").val();
+ var inv_filter_list = $("#inv_rec_filter_list option:selected").val();
+ var inv_filter_duplicates = $("#inv_rec_filter_duplicates").is(":checked") ? 'true' : 'false';
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=set_recipient_filter', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,inv_filter_on:inv_filter_on, inv_filter_value:inv_filter_value, inv_filter_send:inv_filter_send,inv_filter_respondet:inv_filter_respondet,inv_filter_unsubscribed:inv_filter_unsubscribed, inv_filter_list:inv_filter_list, inv_filter_duplicates:inv_filter_duplicates, noNavi:'true'}, function() {
+ // Ce smo v telefonskem modulu
+ if($('#advanced_module_phone').val()){
+ $("#globalSettingsInner").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id});
+ }
+ else{
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id});
+ }
+ });
+function inv_add_rec_to_db() {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=add_users_to_database', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id}, function() {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ });
+function recipientsProfileOnlyThisSurvey() {
+ //var checked = $("#inv_rec_only_this_survey").is(":checked");
+ var checked = $('input[name=inv_show_list_type]:checked').val() == 1 ? true : false;
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=only_this_survey', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, checked:checked, noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ var pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol").attr('pid');
+ if (pid == 'undefined') {
+ pid = '-1';
+ }
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=use_recipients_list', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid });
+ });
+function mailToRadioChange() {
+ var send_type = $('input[name=mailto]:checked').val();
+ var prefix = "";
+ var checkboxes = "";
+ if ( $('#mailto4').is(":checked") ) {
+ //$('#inv_send_advanced_div').slideDown();
+ //disablamo ali enablamo spodnje checkboxe
+ $('#inv_send_advanced_div span').removeClass('gray');
+ $('#inv_send_advanced_div span input[type=checkbox]').attr('disabled',false);
+ } else {
+ //$('#inv_send_advanced_div').slideUp();
+ //disablamo ali enablamo spodnje checkboxe
+ $('#inv_send_advanced_div span').addClass('gray');
+ $('#inv_send_advanced_div span input[type=checkbox]').attr('disabled',true);
+ }
+ $('input[name="mailto_status[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ checkboxes = checkboxes+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ var source_type = $('input[name=mailsource]:checked').val();
+ var source_lists = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('input[name="mailsource_lists[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ source_lists = source_lists+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ var noMailing = $('input[name=noMailing]').val();
+ $("#inv_select_mail_to_respondents").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_send_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true',send_type:send_type, checkboxes:checkboxes, source_type:source_type, source_lists:source_lists, noMailing:noMailing}, function(){
+ var cb = $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td').length;
+ if (cb > 0 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").hide();
+ }
+ if (cb > 4999 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").hide();
+ }
+ });
+function mailToSourceChange() {
+ var send_type = $('input[name=mailto]:checked').val();
+ var prefix = "";
+ var checkboxes = "";
+ $('input[name="mailto_status[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ checkboxes = checkboxes+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ var source_type = $('input[name=mailsource]:checked').val();
+ var source_lists = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('input[name="mailsource_lists[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ source_lists = source_lists+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ $("#inv_select_mail_to_source_lists").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=mailToSourceChange', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true',source_type:source_type, source_lists:source_lists}, function(){
+ });
+ $("#inv_select_mail_to_respondents").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_send_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true',send_type:send_type, checkboxes:checkboxes, source_type:source_type, source_lists:source_lists}, function(){
+ var cb = $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td').length;
+ if (cb > 0 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").hide();
+ }
+ if (cb > 4999 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").hide();
+ }
+ });
+function mailToSourceCheckboxChange() {
+ var send_type = $('input[name=mailto]:checked').val();
+ var prefix = "";
+ var checkboxes = "";
+ $('input[name="mailto_status[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ checkboxes = checkboxes+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ var source_type = $('input[name=mailsource]:checked').val();
+ var source_lists = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('input[name="mailsource_lists[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ source_lists = source_lists+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ $("#inv_select_mail_to_respondents").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_send_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true',send_type:send_type, checkboxes:checkboxes, source_type:source_type, source_lists:source_lists}, function(){
+ var cb = $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td').length;
+ if (cb > 0 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").hide();
+ }
+ if (cb > 4999 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").hide();
+ }
+ });
+function mailTocheCheckboxChange() {
+ // izberemo rado za status
+ $('#mailto4').attr('checked', true);
+ var send_type = $('input[name=mailto]:checked').val();
+ var prefix = "";
+ var checkboxes = "";
+ $('input[name="mailto_status[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ checkboxes = checkboxes+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ var source_type = $('input[name=mailsource]:checked').val();
+ var source_lists = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('input[name="mailsource_lists[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ source_lists = source_lists+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ $("#inv_select_mail_to_respondents").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_send_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true',send_type:send_type, checkboxes:checkboxes, source_type:source_type, source_lists:source_lists}, function(){
+ var cb = $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td').length;
+ if (cb > 0 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").hide();
+ }
+ if (cb > 4999 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").hide();
+ }
+ });
+function invitations_init() {
+ $(".inv_checkbox").live('change', function(event) {
+ toggleInvCheckbox(this);
+ });
+ $("#inv_upload_recipients").live('click', function(event) {
+ var inv_iid = $("#inv_iid").val();
+ $("#inv_recipients_upload_form").submit();
+ });
+ $(".inv_step").mouseover(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("hover");
+ }).mouseout(function(){
+ $(this).removeClass("hover");
+ });
+ $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td input').live('change', function(event) {
+ // preštejemo obkljukane
+ var cb = $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td input').filter(':checked').length;
+ $("#inv_num_recipients").html(cb);
+ if (cb > 0 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").hide();
+ }
+ if (cb > 4999 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").hide();
+ }
+ });
+ // dodajanje respondentov
+ $("#add_recipients").live('click', function(event) {
+ inv_add_recipients();
+ });
+ // izbira obstoječega profila prejemnikov
+ $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol li").live('click', function(event) {
+ var target = $(;
+ var pid = $(target).attr('pid');
+ if (pid != 'undefined') {
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=use_recipients_list', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid });
+ }
+ });
+ $("#tbl_archive_list .as_link").live('click', function(event) {
+ var target = $(;
+ var arch_to_view = $(target).attr('id');
+ if($(target).hasClass('as_view')) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ archType = $(target).data('archtype');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_archive_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, arch_to_view:arch_to_view, archType:archType, noNavi:'true'});
+ } else {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=edit_archive_comment', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, arch_to_view:arch_to_view, noNavi:'true'});
+ }
+ });
+function invChangeMessage(mid) {
+ if (mid != 'undefined' && mid > 0) {
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']) {
+ delete CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'];
+ }
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=make_default',
+ {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, mid:mid },
+ function(){
+ if (!CKEDITOR.instances) {
+ CKEDITOR.replace['inv_message_body'];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+function invMessageDelete() {
+ var mid = $("#invitation_messages ol").attr("mid");
+ if (confirm(lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_profile_confirm'])) {
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']) {
+ delete CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'];
+ }
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=delete_msg_profile', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, mid:mid });
+ }
+function invShowMessageRename() {
+ // prikažemo popup za preimenovanje
+ var mid = $("#invitation_messages ol").attr("mid");
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=show_message_rename', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true', mid:mid});
+function invMessageRename() {
+ // prikažemo popup za preimenovanje
+ var mid = $("#invitation_messages ol").attr("mid");
+ var name = $("#inv_message_profile_name").val();
+ var comment = $("#inv_message_comment").val();
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=message_rename',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ name : name,
+ comment : comment,
+ noNavi : 'true'
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('')
+ } else {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('')
+ }
+ }
+ );
+function inv_message_save_advanced(mid) {
+ // najprej dodatno poeditiramo sporočilo
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=edit_message_details', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true', mid:mid});
+function inv_message_save_forward(mid) {
+ //v kolikor je CKEditor vklopljen potem, ga odstranimo pred skranjevanjem
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']){
+ CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'].destroy();
+ }
+ //gremo naprej brez dodatnega editiranja
+ //preverimo če so spremembe in če so shranimo v novo sporočilo
+ // shranimo v mid
+ var replyto = $("#inv_message_replyto").val();
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ var url = $("#inv_message_url").val();
+ // resetiramo morebitne prejšne napake
+ $("#inv_message_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=message_save_forward',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ replyto : replyto,
+ subject : subject,
+ body : body,
+ url: url,
+ noNavi : 'true',
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ // redirektamo na pošiljanje
+ var href = 'index.php?anketa='+srv_meta_anketa_id+'&a=invitations&m=send_message';
+ window.location = href;
+ } else {
+ if (!CKEDITOR.instances) {
+ CKEDITOR.replace['inv_message_body'];
+ }
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.inv_message_replyto == '1') {
+ $("#inv_¸ge_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_subject == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_body == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function inv_message_save_forward_noEmail(mid) {
+ //v kolikor je CKEditor vklopljen potem, ga odstranimo pred skranjevanjem
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']){
+ CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'].destroy();
+ }
+ //gremo naprej brez dodatnega editiranja
+ //preverimo če so spremembe in če so shranimo v novo sporočilo
+ // shranimo v mid
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ var url = $("#inv_message_url").val();
+ // resetiramo morebitne prejšne napake
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=message_save_forward_noEmail',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ subject : subject,
+ body : body,
+ url: url,
+ noNavi : 'true',
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ // redirektamo na pošiljanje
+ var href = 'index.php?anketa='+srv_meta_anketa_id+'&a=invitations&m=send_message';
+ window.location = href;
+ } else {
+ if (!CKEDITOR.instances) {
+ CKEDITOR.replace['inv_message_body'];
+ }
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.inv_message_subject == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_body == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function inv_message_save_simple(mid) {
+ //v kolikor sporočilosamo shranimo potem editorpustimo odprt
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']){
+ CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'].destroy();
+ }
+ // shranimo v mid
+ var replyto = $("#inv_message_replyto").val();
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ var url = $("#inv_message_url").val();
+ // resetiramo morebitne prejšne napake
+ $("#inv_message_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=save_message_simple',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ replyto : replyto,
+ subject : subject,
+ body : body,
+ url : url,
+ noNavi : 'true'
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ create_inv_editor('', true)
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ // skrijemo okno in
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.inv_message_replyto == '1') {
+ $("#inv_messge_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_subject == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_body == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+function inv_message_save_simple_noEmail(mid) {
+ //v kolikor sporočilosamo shranimo potem editorpustimo odprt
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']){
+ CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'].destroy();
+ }
+ // shranimo v mid
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ var url = $("#inv_message_url").val();
+ // resetiramo morebitne prejšne napake
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=save_message_simple_noEmail',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ subject : subject,
+ body : body,
+ url : url,
+ noNavi : 'true'
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ create_inv_editor('', true)
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ // skrijemo okno in
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.inv_message_subject == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_body == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+function inv_message_save_details() {
+ // najprej shranimo detajle
+ var mid = $("#inv_recipients_profile_name select").val();
+ var profile_comment = $("#inv_message_comment").val();
+ var naslov = $("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ //v kolikor je CKEditor vklopljen potem, ga odstranimo pred skranjevanjem
+ if(CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body']){
+ CKEDITOR.instances['inv_message_body'].destroy();
+ }
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=message_save_details',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ profile_comment : profile_comment,
+ naslov : naslov,
+ body : body,
+ subject : subject,
+ noNavi : 'true'
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0" && parseInt(data.mid) > 0) {
+ inv_message_save_simple(parseInt(data.mid));
+ /*var href = 'index.php?anketa='+srv_meta_anketa_id+'&a=invitations&m=send_message';
+ window.location = href;*/
+ window.location.reload()
+ } else {
+ // so napake
+ alert (' '+data.msg);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+function inv_new_message_list_change(what) {
+ if ($(what).val() == 0) {
+ $("#new_message_list_span").show();
+ $("#inv_message_comment").val('');
+ } else {
+ $("#new_message_list_span").hide();
+ $("#inv_message_comment").val($(what).find('option:selected').attr('comment'));
+ }
+function edit_message_save(mid) {
+ // shranimo v mid
+ var replyto = $("#inv_message_replyto").val();
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ var profile_comment = $("#inv_message_comment").val();
+ var quickSave = true;
+ if (!mid || mid == 'undefined') {
+ mid = $("#inv_recipients_profile_name select").val();
+ quickSave = false;
+ }
+ var naslov = $("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ var old_mid = $("#invitation_messages ol").attr('mid');
+ // resetiramo morebitne prejšne napake
+ $("#inv_message_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=save_message',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ old_mid:old_mid,
+ quickSave:quickSave,
+ replyto : replyto,
+ subject : subject,
+ body : body,
+ noNavi : 'true',
+ profile_comment : profile_comment,
+ naslov:naslov
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ // redirektamo na pošiljanje
+ //var href = 'index.php?anketa='+srv_meta_anketa_id+'&a=invitations&m=send_message';
+ //window.location = href;
+ window.location.reload()
+ } else {
+ // skrijemo okno in
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('')
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.inv_message_replyto == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_subject == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_body == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return false;
+function invSendMail() {
+ var send_type = $('input[name=mailto]:checked').val();
+ var prefix = "";
+ var checkboxes = "";
+ $('input[name="mailto_status[]"]:checked').each(function(el) {
+ checkboxes = checkboxes+prefix+$(this).val();
+ prefix = ",";
+ });
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=check_send_mail',{anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true', send_type:send_type, checkboxes:checkboxes});
+function inv_del_rec_profile() {
+ var pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol").attr("pid");
+ if (confirm(lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_profile_confirm'])) {
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=delete_rec_profile', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid, noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ // osvežimo polja
+ var new_pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol li").first().attr('pid');
+ // če je slučajno isti kot smo ga zbrisli izberemo nasledenjega
+ if (new_pid == pid) {
+ var new_pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol li").first().next().attr('pid');
+ }
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=use_recipients_list', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:new_pid });
+ });
+ }
+function inv_edit_rec_profile() {
+ var pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol").attr("pid");
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=edit_rec_profile', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid, noNavi:'true'});
+function inv_prepare_add_recipients() {
+ alert('Deprecated!');
+ return false;
+function inv_recipients_add_to_list() {
+ // prejemnike shranimo v seznam pred dodajanjem v bazo
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_recipients_list").val();
+ var fields = [];
+ $('ul').children('li.inv_field_enabled').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ fields.push(;
+ });
+ var doAdd = '0';
+ if (fields.length > 0) {
+ if (recipients_list.length > 0) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=get_profile_name', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, recipients_list:recipients_list, fields:fields, noNavi:'true', doAdd:doAdd});
+ } else {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note1']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note2']);
+ }
+function inv_new_recipients_list_change(what) {
+ if ($(what).val() > 0) {
+ $("#new_recipients_list_span_note").show();
+ $("#new_recipients_list_span_note_name").html($(what).find('option:selected').text());
+ } else {
+ $("#new_recipients_list_span_note").hide();
+ }
+ if ($(what).val() == 0) {
+ $("#new_recipients_list_span").show();
+ $("#rec_profile_comment").val('');
+ } else {
+ $("#new_recipients_list_span").hide();
+ $("#rec_profile_comment").val($(what).find('option:selected').attr('comment'));
+ }
+function invSendPage(page,show_per_page) {
+ var start = (page-1) * show_per_page;
+ var end = start +show_per_page;
+ $("#tbl_recipients_send_list").find('tbody tr').slice(1).addClass('displayNone').slice(start,end).removeClass('displayNone');
+ $("#frm_do_send div#pagination div").removeClass('currentPage_small');
+ $("#frm_do_send div#pagination div").slice(page-1,page).addClass('currentPage_small');
+function invSendPageChangeLimit(what,cnt) {
+ // osvežimo paginacijo
+ $("#inv_pagination_content").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=changePaginationLimit', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true', limit:$(what).val(), cnt:cnt},
+ function() { invSendPage(1,$(what).val()); }
+ );
+function invTogleSend(what) {
+ var checked = $(what).is(":checked") ? true : false;
+ $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', checked );
+ // preštejemo obkljukane
+ var cb = $('#tbl_recipients_send_list tr td input').filter(':checked').length;
+ $("#inv_num_recipients").html(cb);
+ if (cb > 0 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_btn").hide();
+ }
+ if (cb > 4999 ) {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#inv_send_mail_limit").hide();
+ }
+function inv_selectAll(val){
+ // oznacimo vse checkboxe
+ $('#tbl_recipients_list tr td input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() {
+ $(this).attr("checked", val);
+ });
+ if(val == true){
+ $("#inv_switch_on").hide();
+ $("#inv_switch_off").show();
+ } else{
+ $("#inv_switch_off").hide();
+ $("#inv_switch_on").show();
+ }
+function inv_list_selectAll(val){
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ if(val == true){
+ $('.test_checkAll').each(function(){
+ this.checked = true;
+ })
+ $("#inv_switch_on").hide();
+ $("#inv_switch_off").show();
+ }else{
+ $('.test_checkAll').each(function(){
+ this.checked = false;
+ })
+ $("#inv_switch_on").show();
+ $("#inv_switch_off").hide();
+ }
+ });
+function inv_recipients_form_action(action) {
+ var recipents = $('#tbl_recipients_list input[name="inv_rids[]"]:checked');
+ if (action == 'delete') {
+ // imamo akcijo briši, preverimo če je kak izbran
+ if (recipents.length) {
+ if (confirm(lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_multi'])) {
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("action", "ajax.php?t=invitations&a=delete_recipient");
+ $('#frm_inv_rec_export').submit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (confirm(lang['srv_invitation_note10'])) {
+ //alert('brisem vse!');
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=delete_recipient_all', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true'}, function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.success == 1) {
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id});
+ } else {
+ alert(data.error);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (action == 'export_all') {
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("action", "ajax.php?t=invitations&a=export_recipients_all");
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("target", "_blank");
+ $('#frm_inv_rec_export').submit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (action == 'export') {
+ // imamo akcijo izvozi
+ //če je kak izbran izvozimo tistega, če ne pa izberemo vse in izvozimo vse
+ if (recipents.length == 0) {
+ // izberemo vse checkboxe
+ //$('#tbl_recipients_list input[name="inv_rids[]"]').attr('checked', 'true');
+ //var recipents = $('#tbl_recipients_list input[name="inv_rids[]"]:checked');
+ //$('#tbl_recipients_list input[name="inv_rids[]"]').attr('checked', 'false');
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("action", "ajax.php?t=invitations&a=export_recipients_all");
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("target", "_blank");
+ $('#frm_inv_rec_export').submit();
+ } else {
+ // izvozimo samo izbrane
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("action", "ajax.php?t=invitations&a=export_recipients");
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("target", "_blank");
+ $('#frm_inv_rec_export').submit();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (action == 'add') {
+ // imamo akcijo dodaj respondente
+ if (recipents.length) {
+ //if (confirm(lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_multi'])) {
+ $("#frm_inv_rec_export").attr("action", "ajax.php?t=invitations&a=add_checked_users_to_database");
+ $('#frm_inv_rec_export').submit();
+ return false;
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+function inv_recipients_list_action(action){
+ if(action == 'delete'){
+ var ids = [];
+ $('.test_checkAll').each(function(){
+ if(this.checked == true){
+ ids.push(this.value);
+ }
+ });
+ if(ids.length){
+ if(confirm(lang['srv_inv_list_delete_multi'])){
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ data: {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true',ids: ids},
+ url: "ajax.php?t=invitations&a=deleteRecipientsListMulti",
+ success: function(data){
+ //console.log("Tle pride");
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=inv_lists', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ confirm(lang['srv_inv_list_delete_multi']);
+ }
+function inv_prepare_save_message() {
+ // kateri mid imamo da če dodajamo k obstoječmu ga kr izberemo
+ var mid = $("#invitation_messages ol").attr('mid');
+ // shrani - uredi
+ var chck1 = $("input#inv_message_save_type1").is(":checked");
+ // pošlji
+ //var chck2 = $("input#inv_message_send_type2").is(":checked");
+ if (chck1) {
+ // vsaj en checkbox more bit obkljukan
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=prepare_save_message', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true', mid:mid});
+ } else {
+ // shranimo v trenutno izbrano sporočilo in redirektmo na pošiljanje
+ // shranimoi v novo sporočilo
+ edit_message_save('-1');
+ }
+ return false;
+function edit_message_save(mid) {
+ var replyto = $("#inv_message_replyto").val();
+ var subject = $("#inv_message_subject").val();
+ var body = $("#inv_message_body").val();
+ var profile_comment = $("#inv_message_comment").val();
+ var quickSave = true;
+ if (!mid || mid == 'undefined') {
+ mid = $("#inv_recipients_profile_name select").val();
+ quickSave = false;
+ }
+ var naslov = $("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ var old_mid = $("#invitation_messages ol").attr('mid');
+ // resetiramo morebitne prejšne napake
+ $("#inv_message_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : 'none'
+ });
+ $("#inv_error_note").addClass('hidden');
+ $.post(
+ 'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=save_message',
+ {
+ anketa : srv_meta_anketa_id,
+ mid : mid,
+ old_mid:old_mid,
+ quickSave:quickSave,
+ replyto : replyto,
+ subject : subject,
+ body : body,
+ noNavi : 'true',
+ profile_comment : profile_comment,
+ naslov:naslov
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (data.error == "0") {
+ // redirektamo na pošiljanje
+ //var href = 'index.php?anketa='+srv_meta_anketa_id+'&a=invitations&m=send_message';
+ //window.location = href;
+ window.location.reload()
+ } else {
+ // skrijemo okno in
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('')
+ // prikažemo obvestilo o napaki
+ $("#inv_error_note").html(data.msg);
+ $("#inv_error_note").removeClass('hidden');
+ if (data.inv_message_replyto == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_replyto").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_subject == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_subject").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ if (data.inv_message_body == '1') {
+ $("#inv_message_body").css({
+ 'border' : '1px solid red'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return false;
+function inv_arch_edit_details(aid) {
+ if (aid > 0) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=arch_edit_details', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, aid:aid,noNavi:'true'});
+ }
+function inv_arch_show_details(aid) {
+ if (aid > 0) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=arch_show_details', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, aid:aid,noNavi:'true'});
+ }
+function inv_arch_show_recipients(aid) {
+ if (aid > 0) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=arch_show_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, aid:aid,noNavi:'true'});
+ }
+function showRecipientTracking(rid) {
+ if (rid > 0) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=showRecipientTracking', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, rid:rid,noNavi:'true'});
+ }
+function changeInvRecListCheckbox() {
+ var pids = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('#inv_edit_rec_list table tr td input:checked').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ pids = pids + prefix + $(elm).attr('value');
+ prefix = ',';
+ });
+ var onlyThisSurvey = $('input[name=inv_show_list_type]:checked').val();
+ $("#inv_selected_rec_list").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=editRecList', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true',pids:pids, onlyThisSurvey:onlyThisSurvey});
+//urejanje prejemnikov
+$("#inv_edit_rec_list table tr td").live('click', function(event) {
+ var isCtrlPressed = event.ctrlKey;
+ var target = $("tr");
+ var pid = $(target).attr('pid');
+ // če imamo CTRL pritisnjen med klikom omogočimo muli select
+ if (isCtrlPressed == true) {
+ if (target.hasClass('active')) {
+ target.removeClass('active');
+ } else {
+ target.addClass('active');
+ }
+ } else {
+ // izbiramo vsakega posebej
+ $('#inv_edit_rec_list table tr').removeClass('active');
+ target.addClass('active');
+ }
+ var pids = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('#inv_edit_rec_list table').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ pids = pids + prefix + $(elm).attr('pid');
+ prefix = ',';
+ });
+ $("#inv_selected_rec_list").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=editRecList', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true',pids:pids});
+function inv_list_edit(pid) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=invListEdit', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:pid, noNavi:'true'});
+function inv_list_get_name(saveNew) {
+ // prejemnike shranimo v seznam pred dodajanjem v bazo
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_recipients_list").val();
+ var fields = [];
+ $('div#inv_field_container ul').children('li.inv_field_enabled').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ fields.push(;
+ });
+ // kateri pid imamo da če dodajamo k obstoječmu ga kr izberemo
+ //var pid = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol").attr('pid');
+ var pid = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('#inv_edit_rec_list table tr td input:checked').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ pid = pid + prefix + $(elm).attr('value');
+ prefix = ',';
+ });
+ if (fields.length > 0) {
+ if (recipients_list.length > 0) {
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=list_get_name', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, recipients_list:recipients_list, fields:fields, noNavi:'true', pid:pid, saveNew:saveNew});
+ } else {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note1']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note2']);
+ }
+function changeInvRecListEdit() {
+ var checked = $("#inv_show_list_edit").is(":checked");
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=changeInvRecListEdit', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, checked:checked, noNavi:'true'}, function() {
+ changeInvRecListCheckbox();
+ });
+function inv_list_save() {
+ var profile_id = $("#profile_id").val();
+ var profile_name = $("#inv_recipients_profile_name").find("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ var profile_comment = $("#inv_recipients_profile_name").find("#rec_profile_comment").val();
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_prof_recipients_list").val();
+ var field_list = $("#inv_prof_field_list").val();
+ var saveNew = ($("#saveNew").val() == 'true') ? 'true': 'false';
+ alert(profile_name);
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=inv_list_save', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, recipients_list:recipients_list, field_list:field_list, profile_id:profile_id, profile_name:profile_name, profile_comment:profile_comment, saveNew:saveNew});
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+function inv_list_edit_save() {
+ var form_serialize = $("#inv_list_edit_form").serializeArray();
+ form_serialize[form_serialize.length] = {name:'anketa', value:srv_meta_anketa_id}
+ form_serialize[form_serialize.length] = {name:'noNavi', value:'true'}
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=invListEditSave', form_serialize);
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+function inv_list_save_old(profile_id) {
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_recipients_list").val();
+ var fields = [];
+ $('ul').children('li.inv_field_enabled').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ fields.push(;
+ });
+ var rec_profile_name = $("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ var rec_profile_comment = $("#rec_profile_comment").val();
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=invListSaveOld', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, recipients_list:recipients_list, field_list:fields, profile_id:profile_id, rec_profile_name:rec_profile_name, rec_profile_comment:rec_profile_comment});
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+function deleteRecipientsList_confirm(id) {
+ if (confirm(lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_list_confirm'])) {
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=deleteRecipientsList', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, id:id});
+ }
+function inv_listAccess(show_hide) {
+ if (show_hide == 'true') {
+ $("#invListAccessShow1").toggle();
+ $("#invListAccessShow2").toggle();
+ $("div[name=listAccess]").each(function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('displayNone');
+ });
+ } else {
+ $("#invListAccessShow1").toggle();
+ $("#invListAccessShow2").toggle();
+ $("div[name=listAccess] label input:not(:checked)").each(function(){
+ $(this).parent().parent().addClass('displayNone');
+ });
+ }
+function showInvitationListsNames() {
+ var onlyThisSurvey = $('input[name=inv_show_list_type]:checked').val();
+ var pids = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('#inv_edit_rec_list table tr td input:checked').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ pids = pids + prefix + $(elm).attr('value');
+ prefix = ',';
+ });
+ $("#inv_edit_rec_list").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=showInvitationListsNames', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true',onlyThisSurvey:onlyThisSurvey, pids:pids},
+ function() {
+ // pids pogledamo na novo, ker se lahko vmes kaj spremeni
+ var pids = "";
+ var prefix = "";
+ $('#inv_edit_rec_list table tr td input:checked').each(function(idx, elm) {
+ pids = pids + prefix + $(elm).attr('value');
+ prefix = ',';
+ });
+ $("#inv_selected_rec_list").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=editRecList', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true',pids:pids, onlyThisSurvey:onlyThisSurvey});
+ //$('#inv_selected_rec_list div').nextAll().remove();
+ }
+ );
+function inv_upload_list() {
+ // vprašamo ali resnično želi izbrisati respondenta
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=upload_list', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true'});
+function inv_upload_list_check() {
+ // preverimo polja
+ // preverimo datoteko
+ var file = $('#invListFile').val();
+ if (file != '') {
+ // preverimo končnico
+ var extension = file.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
+ //var extension = file.substr( (file.lastIndexOf('.') +1) );
+ if (extension == 'txt' || extension == 'csv') {
+ $('#inv_recipients_upload_form').submit();
+ } else {
+ alert("Nepravilna vrsta datoteke!");
+ }
+ } else {
+ alert("Izberite datoteko!");
+ }
+//prikaze editor za ne-spremenljivko (za karkoli druzga pac)
+function create_inv_editor (id, focus) {
+ id='inv_message_body';
+ if (!editor_init) {
+ CKEDITOR.replace(id, {
+ fullPage: true,
+ allowedContent: true
+ });
+ editor_init = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ CKEDITOR.replace(id, {
+ fullPage: true,
+ allowedContent: true
+ });
+ }
+function mailSourceMesageChange(what) {
+ var mid = $(what).val();
+ if (mid != 'undefined' && mid > 0) {
+ $("#inv_select_mail_preview").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=make_default_from_preview', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, mid:mid,noNavi:'true'});
+ }
+function inv_set_sort_field(field,type) {
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=setSortField', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true', field:field,type:type}, function() {
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=view_recipients', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id});
+ });
+function inv_addSysVarsMapping() {
+ var form_serialize = $("#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm").serializeArray();
+ form_serialize[form_serialize.length] = {name:'anketa', value:srv_meta_anketa_id};
+ form_serialize[form_serialize.length] = {name:'noNavi', value:'true'};
+ $("#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingDiv").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=addSysVarsMapping', form_serialize);
+function inv_ValidateSysVarsMapping() {
+ var form_serialize = $("#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm").serializeArray();
+ form_serialize[form_serialize.length] = {name:'anketa', value:srv_meta_anketa_id};
+ form_serialize[form_serialize.length] = {name:'noNavi', value:'true'};
+ $("#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingDiv").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=validateSysVarsMapping', form_serialize);
+function invSysVarMapChange(what) {
+ var value = $(what).val()+"";
+ var name = $(what).attr('name')+"";
+ /*
+ if (value != "") {
+ // uporabnik je izbral polje, v vseh ostalih selectih je potrebno disejblat to polje
+ $('#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm select > option').each(function(el) {
+ if ( $(this).parent().attr('name') != name && value == $(this).val()+"" ) {
+ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ */
+ {
+ //polovimo izbrane vrednosti ostale enejlamo
+ var values = [];
+ $('#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm select').each(function(el){
+ if ($(this).val()+"" != "") {
+ values.push($(this).val()+"");
+ }
+ });
+ // zlopamo skozi vse opcije in najprej odstranimo disabled
+ $('#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm select > option').each(function(el) {
+ $(this).removeAttr("disabled","disabled");
+ });
+ // zlopamo skozi vse opcije in najprej dodamo disabled
+ $('#inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm select > option').each(function(el) {
+ if ( $(this).parent().attr('name') != name && ($.inArray($(this).val()+"", values) !== -1)) {
+ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+function invRenameRecipientsChange() {
+ var checked = $("#inv_recipients_rename_profile").is(":checked");
+ if (checked == true) {
+ $("#div_inv_recipients_rename_list_type").show();
+ $('#rec_profile_name').focus();
+ } else {
+ $("#div_inv_recipients_rename_list_type").hide();
+ }
+function invRecipientsForward() {
+ // ali dodajamo respondente v anketo
+ var doAdd = $("#inv_recipients_add").is(":checked") ? true : false;
+ // vedno shranjujemo če ne druga v zacasin seznam.
+ var doSave = true;
+ var profile_name = $("#rec_profile_name").val();
+ // ce ne shranjujemo uporabimo id novega profila
+ var profile_id = $("#inv_import_list_profiles ol").attr('pid');
+ if (doSave == true)
+ { // ce shranjujemo uporabimo id novega profila
+ profile_id = $("#sel_inv_list_type").find('option:selected').val();
+ }
+ var profile_comment = $("#rec_profile_comment").val();
+ var recipients_list = $("#inv_recipients_list").val();
+ var recipientsDelimiter = $('input[name=recipientsDelimiter]:checked').val();
+ var fields = [];
+ $('ul').children('li.inv_field_enabled').each(function(idx, elm)
+ {
+ fields.push(;
+ });
+ if (fields.length > 0)
+ {
+ if (recipients_list.length > 0)
+ {
+ // shranimo seznam ali dodamo respondente ali oboje
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=recipientsAddForward', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, doAdd:doAdd, doSave:doSave, recipients_list:recipients_list, fields:fields, profile_name:profile_name, profile_comment:profile_comment, profile_id:profile_id, recipientsDelimiter: recipientsDelimiter});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note1']);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alert(lang['srv_invitation_note2']);
+ }
+function showInvitationAdvancedConditions(cid) {
+ if (typeof cid === 'undefined')
+ {
+ if ($("a.faicon.if_add").data('cid').length)
+ {
+ cid = $("a.faicon.if_add").data('cid');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#fullscreen').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#fullscreen").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=showAdvancedConditions', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id,noNavi:'true', cid:cid});
+function invitationSetCondition(cid)
+ var cid = $("#divConditionProfiles #condition_profile").find(".active").data('cid');
+ $('#fullscreen').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+ $(".anketa_edit_main").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=setAdvancedCondition', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, cid:cid});
+function noEmailingToggle(value){
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=set_noEmailing', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, value:value}, function(data) {
+ /*if(value == '1'){
+ $('#inv_messages_holder').hide();
+ $('#inv_messages_holder_noEmailing').show();
+ }
+ else{
+ $('#inv_messages_holder_noEmailing').hide();
+ $('#inv_messages_holder').show();
+ }*/
+ window.location.reload();
+ });
+function noEmailingType(value){
+ $.post('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=set_noEmailing_type', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, value:value});
+// AAI - popup pri vklopu ARNES smtp streznika pri vabilih
+function smtpAAIPopupShow(){
+ $('#fade').fadeTo('slow', 1);
+ $('#popup_note').html('').fadeIn('slow');
+ $("#popup_note").load('ajax.php?t=invitations&a=showAAISmtpPopup', {anketa: srv_meta_anketa_id, noNavi:'true'});
+function smtpAAIPopupClose(){
+ // Ni sprejel - vrnemo radio
+ $('input[name=SMTPMailMode][value=2]').prop('checked', true);
+ $('#popup_note').fadeOut('slow').html('');
+ $('#fade').fadeOut('slow');
+function smtpAAISet(){
+ // Shranimo formo
+ $("form[name='settingsanketa_"+srv_meta_anketa_id+"']").submit();
+ // Prikazemo nastavitve za Arnes smtp
+ /*$('#send_mail_mode1, #send_mail_mode2').hide();
+ $('#send_mail_mode0').show();
+ // Zapremo popup
+ smtpAAIPopupClose();*/
+function smtpAAIAccept(){
+ if($('#aai_smtp_checkbox').is(':checked'))
+ $('#aai_smtp_button').show();
+ else
+ $('#aai_smtp_button').hide();
+function squaloSwitch(){
+ if($('#squalo_mode').prop('checked')){
+ $('#send_mail_mode0, #send_mail_mode1, #send_mail_mode2, .mail_mode_switch, #send_mail_mode_test').hide();
+ $('#success_save').hide();
+ }
+ else{
+ $('.squalo_settings').hide();
+ $('#send_mail_mode2, .mail_mode_switch, #send_mail_mode_test').show();
+ $('#success_save').hide();
+ }