path: root/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexAnalysisElement.php
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexAnalysisElement.php
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexAnalysisElement.php')
1 files changed, 2022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexAnalysisElement.php b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexAnalysisElement.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b3cec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/export/latexclasses/class.LatexAnalysisElement.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2022 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za izris posamezne tabele analiz
+ *
+ *
+ */
+define("MAX_STRING_LENGTH", 20);
+class LatexAnalysisElement{
+ var $anketa; // ID ankete
+ var $spremenljivka; // ID spremenljivke za katero izrisujemo frekvence
+ protected $spid;
+ private $headFileName = null; # pot do header fajla
+ private $dataFileName = null; # pot do data fajla
+ private $dataFileStatus = null; # status data datoteke
+ private $CID = null; # class za inkrementalno dodajanje fajlov
+ var $current_loop = 'undefined';
+ protected $texNewLine = '\\\\ ';
+ protected $horizontalLineTex = ' \hline ';
+ protected $numbering = 0; // ostevillcevanje vprasanj
+ protected $skin;
+ protected $frontpage;
+ protected $showLegenda;
+ protected $hideEmpty;
+ protected $hideAllSystem;
+ protected $export_subtype;
+ protected $export_format;
+ public $crosstabClass = null; //crosstab class
+ protected $crossData1;
+ protected $crossData2;
+ public $multiCrosstabClass = null; // crosstab class
+ protected $meansClass;
+ public $breakClass = null; // break class
+ protected $spr = 0; // spremenljivka za katero delamo razbitje
+ protected $seq; // sekvenca
+ protected $break_percent; // opcija za odstotke
+ public $break_charts = 0; // ali prikazujemo graf ali tabelo za razbitje
+ protected $sessionData; // podatki ki so bili prej v sessionu - za nastavitve, ki se prenasajo v izvoze...
+ protected $user_id;
+ protected $from;
+ protected $exportClass; // instanca razreda v katerem izrisujemo PDF
+ protected $analizaClass; // instanca razreda kjer imamo analize (crosstab, means, ttest...)
+ protected $path2Images;
+ protected $path2Charts;
+ //function __construct($anketa, $spremenljivka){ //$anketa, $export_format, $fillablePdf, $usr_id
+ //function __construct($anketa, $export_format, $fillablePdf, $usr_id, $export_subtype){
+ //function __construct($anketa, $spremenljivka=0, $export_format, $fillablePdf, $spid=0, $headFileName, $export_subtype, $crossData1=0, $crossData2=0){ //$anketa, $export_format, $fillablePdf, $usr_id
+ function __construct($anketa=null, $spremenljivka=0, $export_format='', $fillablePdf = 0, $spid=0, $headFileName=null, $export_subtype=''){
+ global $site_path, $global_user_id, $admin_type, $lang;
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ $this->spremenljivka = $spremenljivka;
+ $this->spid = $spid;
+ $this->headFileName = $headFileName;
+ $this->export_subtype = $export_subtype;
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ //Za pobiranje nastavitev
+ SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa, $global_user_id);
+ //Nastavitve - Splosni prikazi analiz
+ # ali izrisujemo legendo
+ $this->showLegenda = (SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('analiza_legenda') == true) ? true : false;
+ $this->hideEmpty = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('hideEmpty');
+ //echo "this->hideEmpty: ".$this->hideEmpty."</br>";
+ $this->hideAllSystem = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('hideAllSystem');
+ //echo "hideAllSystem: ".$this->hideAllSystem."</br>";
+ //Nastavitve - Splosni prikazi analiz - konec
+ //Nastavitve grafov
+ $this->skin = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_chart_profile_skin');
+ $this->numbering = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('chartNumbering');
+ $this->frontpage = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('chartFP');
+ //echo "Numbering: ".$this->numbering."</br>";
+ //Nastavitve grafov - konec
+ //echo $this->spremenljivka['tip']."</br>";
+ //echo "Spid v construct: ".$spid."</br>";
+ //echo "Spid v construct: ".$this->spid."</br>";
+ //echo "head file name: ".$this->headFileName."</br>";
+ //echo 'To je construct tip analysis </br>';
+ }
+ public function displayTablesLatex($spid=0, $export_format=''){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ //echo 'funkcija displayTableLatex</br>';
+ //echo "Tip: ".$this->spremenljivka['tip']."</br>";
+ //echo "Export subtype: ".$this->export_subtype."</br>";
+ //TODO: Omenjene funkcije se ne potrebujejo
+ //# polovimo frekvence
+ //SurveyAnalysis::getFrequencys();
+ //
+ //#odstranimo sistemske variable
+ //SurveyAnalysis::removeSystemVariables();
+ //
+ //$vars_count = count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_VARIABLES);
+ $tabela = '';
+ switch ( $this->export_subtype ){
+ case 'sums':
+ $sums = new AnalizaSums($this->anketa);
+ $tabela .= $sums->displayTableLatex($this->headFileName, $this->spremenljivka, $spid, $export_format, $this->hideEmpty);
+ break;
+ case 'freq':
+ $freq = new AnalizaFreq($this->anketa);
+ $tabela .= $freq->displayTableLatex($this->headFileName, $this->spremenljivka, $spid, $export_format, $this->hideEmpty);
+ break;
+ case 'desc':
+ $desc = new AnalizaDesc($this->anketa);
+ //$tabela .= $desc->displayTableLatex($this->headFileName, $this->spremenljivka, $spid, $export_format, $this->hideEmpty);
+ $tabela .= $desc->displayTableLatex($this->headFileName, $this->spremenljivka, $export_format, $this->hideEmpty);
+ break;
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ public function displayCrosstabsTablesLatex($crossData1=null, $crossData2=null){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $tabela = '';
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData('crosstab_charts');
+ //ustvarimo crosstab objekt in mu napolnimo variable (var1, var2, checkboxi)
+ $this->crosstabClass = new SurveyCrosstabs();
+ $this->crosstabClass->Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ for($i=0; $i<sizeof($crossData1)/3; $i++){
+ $index = $i * 3;
+ $this->crossData1[$i] = array($crossData1[$index],$crossData1[$index+1],$crossData1[$index+2]);
+ }
+ for($i=0; $i<sizeof($crossData2)/3; $i++){
+ $index = $i * 3;
+ $this->crossData2[$i] = array($crossData2[$index],$crossData2[$index+1],$crossData2[$index+2]);
+ }
+ switch ( $this->export_subtype ){
+ case 'crosstab':
+ $this->crosstabClass->_LOOPS = SurveyZankaProfiles::getFiltersForLoops();
+ //echo "stevilo crosstab loopov: ".count($this->crosstabClass->_LOOPS)."</br>";
+ if (count($this->crosstabClass->_LOOPS) > 0) {
+ # če mamo zanke
+ foreach ( $this->crosstabClass->_LOOPS AS $loop) {
+ $this->crosstabClass->_CURRENT_LOOP = $loop;
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabsTable();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // loopamo cez vse izbrane variable in izrisemo vse tabele
+ $addPage = false;
+ $this->counter = 0;
+ for($j=0; $j<sizeof($this->crossData2); $j++){
+ for($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->crossData1); $i++){
+ if($addPage)
+ $this->pdf->AddPage();
+ else
+ $addPage = true;
+ /*$this->pdf->ln(5);*/
+ $this->crosstabClass->setVariables($this->crossData2[$j][0],$this->crossData2[$j][1],$this->crossData2[$j][2],$this->crossData1[$i][0],$this->crossData1[$i][1],$this->crossData1[$i][2]);
+ $tabela .= $this->displayCrosstabsTable($this->counter);
+ $this->counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //$tabela .= $crosstab->displayTableLatex($this->headFileName, $this->spremenljivka, $spid, $export_format, $this->hideEmpty);
+ //$tabela .= 'To je podtip crosstab';
+ break;
+ }
+ //echo "tabela: ".$tabela."</br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ public function displayMultiCrosstabsTablesLatex(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $tabela = '';
+ //ustvarimo multicrosstabs objekt
+ $this->multiCrosstabClass = new SurveyMultiCrosstabs($this->anketa['id']);
+ if (class_exists('AnalizaMultiCrosstab')) {
+ $multiCrossTabs = new AnalizaMultiCrosstab($this->anketa);
+ }
+ // Napolnimo variable s katerimi lahko operiramo
+ $this->multiCrosstabClass->getVariableList();
+ // Izris tabele
+ $tabela .= $multiCrossTabs->displayTable($this->multiCrosstabClass, $this->export_format);
+ // Izris legende
+ $tabela .= $multiCrossTabs->displayLegend($this->export_format);
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ public function displayBreakTablesLatex(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $tabela = '';
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ // ustvarimo break objekt
+ $this->breakClass = new SurveyBreak($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->spr = $this->sessionData['break']['spr'];
+ // poiščemo sekvenco
+ $this->seq = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'];
+ $this->break_percent = (isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_percent']) && $this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'] == false) ? false : true;
+ // ali prikazujemo tabele ali grafe
+ $this->break_charts = (isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts'] == 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ if ($this->spr != 0){
+ if (class_exists('AnalizaBreak')) {
+ $break = new AnalizaBreak($this->anketa);
+ }
+ // poiščemo pripadajoče variable
+ $_spr_data = $this->breakClass->_HEADERS[$this->spr];
+ // poiščemo opcije
+ $options = $_spr_data['options'];
+ // za vsako opcijo posebej izračunamo povprečja za vse spremenljivke
+ $frequencys = null;
+ if (count($options) > 0) {
+ foreach ($options as $okey => $option) {
+ // zloopamo skozi variable
+ $okeyfrequencys = $this->breakClass->getAllFrequencys($okey, $this->seq, $this->spr);
+ if ($okeyfrequencys != null) {
+ if ($frequencys == null) {
+ $frequencys = array();
+ }
+ $frequencys[$okey] = $okeyfrequencys;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tabela .= $break->displayBreak($this->spr, $this->seq, $frequencys, $this->breakClass, $this->break_charts, $this->export_format);
+ } else {
+ //$this->pdf->MultiCell(150, 5, $lang['srv_break_error_note_1'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $tabela .= $lang['srv_break_error_note_1'];
+ }
+ //echo "TABELA: ".$tabela."</br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ public function displayMeanTablesLatex(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $tabela = '';
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ // ustvarimo means objekt
+ $this->meansClass = new SurveyMeans($this->anketa['id']);
+ $meanData1 = $this->sessionData['means']['means_variables']['variabla1'];
+ $meanData2 = $this->sessionData['means']['means_variables']['variabla2'];
+ $means = array();
+ if (meanData1 !== null && $meanData2 !== null) {
+ $variables1 = $meanData2;
+ $variables2 = $meanData1;
+ $c1=0;
+ $c2=0;
+ if (class_exists('AnalizaMean')) {
+ $mean = new AnalizaMean($this->anketa);
+ }
+ if(is_array($variables2) && count($variables2) > 0){
+ #prikazujemo ločeno
+ if ($this->sessionData['means']['meansSeperateTables'] == true || $this->sessionData['mean_charts']['showChart'] == '1') {
+ foreach ($variables2 AS $v_second) {
+ if (is_array($variables1) && count($variables1) > 0) {
+ foreach ($variables1 AS $v_first) {
+ $_means = $this->meansClass->createMeans($v_first, $v_second);
+ if ($_means != null) {
+ $means[$c1][0] = $_means;
+ }
+ $c1++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #prikazujemo skupaj
+ else {
+ foreach ($variables2 AS $v_second) {
+ if (is_array($variables1) && count($variables1) > 0) {
+ foreach ($variables1 AS $v_first) {
+ $_means = $this->meansClass->createMeans($v_first, $v_second);
+ if ($_means != null) {
+ $means[$c1][$c2] = $_means;
+ }
+ $c2++;
+ }
+ }
+ $c1++;
+ $c2=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_array($means) && count($means) > 0) {
+ $count = 0;
+ foreach ($means AS $mean_sub_grup) {
+ if($this->sessionData['mean_charts']['showChart'] == '1'){
+ //$this->displayMeansTable($mean_sub_grup);
+ $tabela .= $mean->displayMeansTable($mean_sub_grup, $this->meansClass, $this->export_format);
+ //$this->displayChart($count);
+ $tabela .= $mean->displayChart($count, $meanData1, $meanData2, $this->sessionData);
+ }
+ else{
+ $tabela .= $mean->displayMeansTable($mean_sub_grup, $this->meansClass, $this->export_format);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "tabela: ".$tabela."</br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ public function displayTTestTablesLatex(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $tabela = '';
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ // ustvarimo ttest objekt
+ $this->ttestClass = new SurveyTTest($this->anketa['id']);
+ if (class_exists('AnalizaTTest')) {
+ $tTest = new AnalizaTTest($this->anketa);
+ }
+ if (count($this->sessionData['ttest']['sub_conditions']) > 1 ) {
+ $variables1 = $this->ttestClass->getSelectedVariables();
+ if (count($variables1) > 0) {
+ foreach ($variables1 AS $v_first) {
+ $ttest = null;
+ $ttest = $this->ttestClass->createTTest($v_first, $this->sessionData['ttest']['sub_conditions']);
+ $tabela .= $tTest->displayTTestTable($ttest, $this->ttestClass, $this->export_format, $this->sessionData);
+ // Izrisemo graf za tabelo - zaenkrat samo admin
+ if(isset($this->sessionData['ttest_charts']['showChart']) && $this->sessionData['ttest_charts']['showChart'] == true){
+ $tabela .= $tTest->displayChart($this->sessionData, $this->ttestClass, $this->anketa);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "tabela: ".$tabela."</br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayCrosstabsTable() {
+ global $lang;
+ $tabela = '';
+ $crosstab = new AnalizaCrosstab($this->anketa, $this->crosstabClass, $this->counter);
+ $tabela .= $crosstab->showCrosstabsTable($this->crosstabClass, $this->export_format);
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ public function displayChartLatex($spr_id_0=null){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $graf = '';
+ # preberemo header
+ if ($this->headFileName !== null) {
+ //polovimo podatke o nastavitvah trenutnega profila (missingi..)
+ //SurveyAnalysis::$missingProfileData = SurveyMissingProfiles::getProfile(SurveyAnalysis::$currentMissingProfile);
+ // Preverimo ce imamo zanke (po skupinah)
+ SurveyAnalysis::$_LOOPS = SurveyZankaProfiles::getFiltersForLoops();
+ if (class_exists('AnalizaCharts')) {
+ $chart = new AnalizaCharts($this->anketa, $this->export_format, $spr_id_0);
+ }
+ # če nimamo zank
+ if(count(SurveyAnalysis::$_LOOPS) == 0){
+ $graf .= $chart->displayCharts();
+ }
+ else{
+ // izrisemo samo eno tabelo iz enega loopa
+ if($this->current_loop > 0){
+ $loop = SurveyAnalysis::$_LOOPS[(int)$this->current_loop-1];
+ $loop['cnt'] = $this->current_loop;
+ SurveyAnalysis::$_CURRENT_LOOP = $loop;
+ // Izpisemo naslov zanke za skupino
+/* $this->pdf->setFont('','B','10');
+ $this->pdf->ln(5);
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell(200, 5, $this->encodeText($lang['srv_zanka_note'].$loop['text']), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $this->pdf->ln(5);
+ $this->pdf->setFont('','','6'); */
+ //$graf .= $this->displayCharts();
+ $graf .= $chart->displayCharts();
+ }
+ // Izrisemo vse tabele spremenljivka (iz vseh loopov)
+ else{
+ $loop_cnt = 0;
+ # če mamo zanke
+ foreach(SurveyAnalysis::$_LOOPS AS $loop) {
+ $loop_cnt++;
+ $loop['cnt'] = $loop_cnt;
+ SurveyAnalysis::$_CURRENT_LOOP = $loop;
+ // Izpisemo naslov zanke za skupino
+/* $this->pdf->setFont('','B','10');
+ $this->pdf->ln(5);
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell(200, 5, $this->encodeText($lang['srv_zanka_note'].$loop['text']), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $this->pdf->ln(5);
+ $this->pdf->setFont('','','6'); */
+ //$graf .= $this->displayCharts();
+ $graf .= $chart->displayCharts();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // end if else ($_headFileName == null)
+ return $graf;
+ }
+ public function displayCreportLatex(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $creportLatex = '';
+ $creport = new AnalizaCReport($this->anketa, $this->export_format);
+ //$creport = new AnalizaCReport($this->anketa);
+ $anketaId = $this->anketa['id'];
+ //*******************************************************************
+ $creportProfile= $creport->getCreportProfile();
+ $what = 'creport_title_profile_'.$creportProfile;
+ $sqlT = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$this->usr_id' AND what='$what'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlT) == 0){
+ $titleString = $lang['export_analisys_creport'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle();
+ }
+ else{
+ $rowT = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlT);
+ $titleString = $rowT['value'];
+ }
+ $naslovIzvoza = $this->encodeText($titleString);
+ //$creportLatex .= '\textbf{'.$naslovIzvoza.'}'.$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
+ $creportLatex .= '\MakeUppercase{\huge \textbf{'.$naslovIzvoza.'}}'.$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $creportLatex .= '\begin{tableAnalysis}'; /*zacetek environmenta z manjsim fontom*/
+ }
+ if ($creport->getDataFileStatus() == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA || $creport->getDataFileStatus() == FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE || $creport->getDataFileStatus() == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED) {
+ $creportLatex .= 'NAPAKA!!! Manjkajo datoteke s podatki.'.$this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ else{
+ $sqlString = "SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$anketaId' AND usr_id='$global_user_id' AND profile='$creportProfile' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC";
+ $sql = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
+ // Loop po vseh dodanih elementih porocila
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
+ //echo "tipi spremenljivk: ".$row['type']."</br>";
+ switch($row['type']){
+ // sumarnik
+ case '1':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displaySum($row);
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // frekvence
+ case '2':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayFreq($row);
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // opisne
+ case '3':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayDesc($row);
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // grafi
+ case '4':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayChart($row);
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // crosstab
+ case '5':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ // tabela
+ if($row['sub_type'] == '0'){
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayCrosstab($row);
+ }
+ // graf
+ else{
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayCrosstabChart($row);
+ }
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // mean
+ case '6':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ // tabela
+ if($row['sub_type'] == '0'){
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayMean($row);
+ }
+ // graf
+ else{
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayMeanChart($row);
+ }
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // ttest
+ case '7':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ // tabela
+ if($row['sub_type'] == '0')
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTTest($row);
+ // graf
+ else
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTTestChart($row);
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // text
+ case '8':
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayText($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // break
+ case '9':
+ // naslov elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayTitle($row);
+ // tabela
+ if($row['sub_type'] == '0'){
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayBreak($row);
+ }
+ // graf
+ else{
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayBreakChart($row);
+ }
+ // Komentar elementa
+ $creportLatex .= $creport->displayComment($row['text']);
+ break;
+ // page break
+/* case '-1':
+ if($this->pdf->getY() > 30)
+ $this->pdf->AddPage();
+ break; */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $creportLatex .= '\end{tableAnalysis}'; /*zakljucek environmenta z manjsim fontom*/
+ }
+ //*******************************************************************
+ //echo $creportLatex."</br>";
+ return $creportLatex;
+ }
+ /*Moje funkcije*/
+ // Izrisujemo NAVADEN GRAF
+ public function displayChartsInLatex($spid=null, $type=0, $fromCharts=false, $anketa=null, $from='sums', $exportClass=null, $export_format='', $analizaClass=null){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ //iniciacija spremenljivk
+ //$charts = '';
+ //$charts = '\begin{absolutelynopagebreak}'; //da se naslov in graf pojavljata na eni strani
+ $charts = ''; //da se naslov in graf pojavljata na eni strani
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ $this->user_id = $global_user_id;
+ $this->from = $from;
+ $this->exportClass = $exportClass;
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ if($analizaClass != null){
+ $this->analizaClass = $analizaClass;
+ }
+ $spremenljivka = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$spid];
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ // ce ga imamo v sessionu ga preberemo
+ if(isset($this->sessionData['charts'][$spid])){
+ // Napolnimo podatke za graf - rabimo za cache
+ if(count(SurveyAnalysis::$_LOOPS) == 0){
+ $settings = $this->sessionData['charts'][$spid];
+ }else{
+ $settings = $this->sessionData['charts'][$spid][SurveyAnalysis::$_CURRENT_LOOP['cnt']];
+ }
+ $DataSet = SurveyChart::getDataSet($spid, $settings);
+ // nimamo nobenih podatkov in imamo vklopljeno opcijo da ne prikazujemo praznih grafov - vrnemo 0
+ if($DataSet == 0){
+ //self::displayEmptyWarning($spid);
+ return;
+ }
+ // preberemo ime slike iz sessiona
+ $imgName = $settings['name'];
+ }
+ // ce ga nimamo v sessionu
+ else{
+ // Napolnimo podatke za graf - rabimo za cache
+ $settings = SurveyChart::getDefaultSettings();
+ $DataSet = SurveyChart::getDataSet($spid, $settings);
+ // nimamo nobenih podatkov in imamo vklopljeno opcijo da ne prikazujemo praznih grafov - vrnemo 0
+ if($DataSet == 0){
+ //self::displayEmptyWarning($spid);
+ return;
+ }
+ $ID = SurveyChart::generateChartId($spid, $settings, $DataSet->GetNumerus());
+ $Cache = new pCache('pChart/Cache/');
+ $Cache = new pCache('../survey/pChart/Cache/');
+ $imgName = $Cache->GetHash($ID,$DataSet->GetData());
+ }
+ // Izrisemo naslov (v creportu ne, ker imamo drugacne naslove)
+ if($fromCharts){
+ $stevilcenje = ($this->exportClass->numbering == 1 ? $spremenljivka['variable'].' - ' : '');
+ $title = $stevilcenje . $spremenljivka['naslov'];
+ if(SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('chartNumerusText') == 0){
+ $title .= ' (n = '.$DataSet->GetNumerus().')';
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce prebija slika stran
+/* if(isset($this->sessionData['charts'][$spid])){
+ if(count(SurveyAnalysis::$_LOOPS) == 0)
+ $settings = $this->sessionData['charts'][$spid];
+ else
+ $settings = $this->sessionData['charts'][$spid][SurveyAnalysis::$_CURRENT_LOOP['cnt']];
+ $imgName = $settings['name'];
+ $size = getimagesize('pChart/Cache/'.$imgName);
+ $ratio = ($size[0] / 800) < 1 ? 1 : ($size[0] / 800);
+ $height = $size[1] / 5;
+ } */
+ //self::$exportClass->pdf->setFont('','b','6');
+ //self::$exportClass->pdf->MultiCell(165, 5, $title, 0, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $boldedTitle = $this->returnBold($this->encodeText($title)).$this->texNewLine; //vrni boldan naslov in skoci v novo vrstico
+ if($spremenljivka['tip'] == 2){
+ //self::$exportClass->pdf->setFont('','','5');
+ //self::$exportClass->pdf->MultiCell(165, 1, $lang['srv_info_checkbox'], 0, 'C', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true);
+ $boldedSubTitle .= $lang['srv_info_checkbox'].$this->texNewLine;
+ }
+ //self::$exportClass->pdf->setFont('','','6');
+ }
+ $this->path2Charts = $site_path.'admin/survey/pChart/Cache/';
+ //kopiranje slik kot png, ker latex mora imeti extension za prikazovanje slike
+ //copy('pChart/Cache/'.$imgName,'pChart/Cache/'.$imgName.'.png');
+ ##### ZA TESTIRANJE ureditev pretvorbe slike v pdf
+ chdir($this->path2Charts);
+ $pretvoriPng_v_Pdf = "/usr/bin/convert $imgName $imgName.pdf";
+ shell_exec($pretvoriPng_v_Pdf);
+ ##### ZA TESTIRANJE ureditev pretvorbe slike v pdf - konec
+ $texImageOnly = " \\includegraphics[scale=0.66]{".$this->path2Charts."".$imgName."} "; //latex za sliko
+ //$texImageOnly = " \\includegraphics[scale=0.66, draft=false]{".$this->path2Charts."".$imgName."} "; //latex za sliko
+ //$texImageOnly = " \\includegraphics[scale=0.85]{".$this->path2Charts."".$imgName."} "; //latex za sliko
+ //echo "ime slike: $texImageOnly </br>";
+ $charts .= $this->returnCentered($boldedTitle.$boldedSubTitle.$texImageOnly, $export_format); //vrni sredinsko poravnana naslov in slika
+ # izpišemo še tekstovne odgovore za polja drugo
+ $_answersOther = $DataSet->GetOther();
+ if (count($_answersOther) > 0 && SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_OTHER) {
+ foreach ($_answersOther AS $oAnswers) {
+ $spid = $oAnswers['spid'];
+ $_variable = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$spid]['grids'][$oAnswers['gid']]['variables'][$oAnswers['vid']];
+ $_sequence = $_variable['sequence'];
+ if(count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['valid']) > 0){
+ $charts .= $this->outputOtherAnswers($oAnswers, '', $export_format);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dodamo space (v creportu ne, ker imamo drugacen izpis)
+ //if($fromCharts)
+ //self::$exportClass->pdf->setY(self::$exportClass->pdf->getY() + 10);
+ //$charts .= '\end{absolutelynopagebreak}';
+ //echo "Charts: ".$charts."</br>";
+ return $charts;
+ }
+ #moja funkcija encodeText
+ function encodeText($text=''){
+ // popravimo sumnike ce je potrebno
+ //$text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+ //$text = str_replace("&scaron;","š",$text);
+ //echo "Encoding ".$text."</br>";
+ //resevanje razbirajanja predolgih neprekinjenih besed in URL - spremenljivke za kasnejsi prilagojen izpis
+ $numOfWords = str_word_count($text, 0); //stevilo besed v besedilu
+ $numOfSpacesPrej = substr_count($text, ' '); //stevilo presledkov v besedilu
+ $stringLength = strlen($text); //dolzina besedila
+ $findSpace = ' ';
+ $findHttp = 'http://';
+ $findHttps = 'https://';
+ $posHttp = strpos($text, $findHttp);
+ $posHttps = strpos($text, $findHttps);
+ $isURL = 0;
+ /* if($posHttp !== false || $posHttps !== false) { //imamo URL naslov
+ $isURL = 1;
+ } */
+ //resevanje razbirajanja predolgih neprekinjenih besed in URL - konec
+ if($text == ''){ //ce ni teksta, vrni se
+ return;
+ }
+ $textOrig = $text;
+ $findme = '<br />';
+ $findmeLength = strlen($findme);
+ $findImg = '<img';
+ $findImgLength = strlen($findImg);
+ $pos = strpos($text, $findme);
+ $posImg = strpos($text, $findImg);
+ //ureditev izrisa slike
+ if($posImg !== false){
+ $numOfImgs = substr_count($text, $findImg); //stevilo '<br />' v tekstu
+ $posImg = strpos($text, $findImg);
+ $textPrej = '';
+ $textPotem = '';
+ for($i=0; $i<$numOfImgs; $i++){
+ $posImg = strpos($text, $findImg);
+ $textPrej = substr($text, 0, $posImg); //tekst do img
+ $textPotem = substr($text, $posImg); //tekst po img, z vkljuceno hmlt kodo z img
+ $posImgEnd = strpos($textPotem, '/>'); //pozicija, kjer se konca html koda za img
+ $textPotem = substr($textPotem, $posImgEnd+strlen('/>')); //tekst od konca html kode za img dalje
+ //$text = $textPrej.' '.PIC_SIZE_ANS."{".$this->getImageName($text, 0, '<img')."}".' '.$textPotem;
+ $text = $textPrej.' '.PIC_SIZE_ANS."{".$this->path2Images."".$this->getImageName($text, 0, '<img')."}".' '.$textPotem;
+ }
+ //pred ureditvijo posebnih karakterjev, odstrani del teksta s kodo za sliko, da se ne pojavijo tezave zaradi imena datoteke od slike
+ $findImgCode = '\includegraphics';
+ $posOfImgCode = strpos($text, $findImgCode);
+ //echo $posOfImgCode."</br>";
+ $textToImgCode = substr($text, 0, $posOfImgCode); //tekst do $findImgCode
+ //echo $textToImgCode."</br>";
+ $textFromImgCode = substr($text, $posOfImgCode); //tekst po $findImgCode
+ //echo $textFromImgCode."</br>";
+ $findImgCodeEnd = '}';
+ //$posOfImgCodeEnd = strpos($text, $findImgCodeEnd);
+ $posOfImgCodeEnd = strpos($textFromImgCode, $findImgCodeEnd);
+ //echo $posOfImgCodeEnd."</br>";
+ $textAfterImgCode = substr($textFromImgCode, $posOfImgCodeEnd+1); //tekst po $findImgCodeEnd
+ //echo $textAfterImgCode."</br>";
+ $textOfImgCode = substr($text, $posOfImgCode, $posOfImgCodeEnd+1);
+ //echo $textOfImgCode."</br>";
+ $text = $textToImgCode.$textAfterImgCode;
+ //pred ureditvijo posebnih karakterjev, odstrani del teksta s kodo za sliko, da se ne pojavijo tezave zaradi imena datoteke od slike - konec
+ }
+ //ureditev izrisa slike - konec
+ //ureditev posebnih karakterjev za Latex,
+ $text = str_replace('\\','\textbackslash{} ',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('{','\{',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('}','\}',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('$','\$ ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('#','\# ',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('%','\% ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('%','\%',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('€','\euro',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('^','\textasciicircum{} ',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('_','\_ ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('_','\_',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('~','\textasciitilde{} ',$text);
+ if(strpos($text, '&amp;')){ //ce je prisotno v besedilu &amp;'
+ $text = str_replace('&amp;','\& ',$text);
+ }else{
+ $text = str_replace('&','\& ',$text);
+ }
+ $andSymbolPresent = 0;
+ $posAndSymbolPresent = strpos($text,'&amp;');
+ if($posAndSymbolPresent !== false){ //ce je v besedilu prisoten '&' zapisan kot '&amp;'
+ $text = str_replace('&amp;','\&',$text);
+ $andSymbolPresent = 1;
+ }
+ if($andSymbolPresent == 0){
+ $text = str_replace('&','\&',$text);
+ }
+ //$text = str_replace('&lt;','\textless ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('&lt;','\textless',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('&gt;','\textgreater ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('&gt;','\textgreater',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('&nbsp;',' ',$text);
+ //ureditev posebnih karakterjev za Latex - konec
+ //ureditev grskih crk
+ $text = str_replace('α','\textalpha ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('β','\textbeta ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('γ','\textgamma ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('δ','\textdelta ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ε','\textepsilon ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ζ','\textzeta ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('η','\texteta ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('θ','\texttheta ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ι','\textiota ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('κ','\textkappa ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('λ','\textlambda ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('μ','\textmugreek ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ν','\textnu ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ξ','\textxi ',$text);
+ //$text = str_replace('ο','\textomikron ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('π','\textpi ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ρ','\textrho ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('σ','\textsigma ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('τ','\texttau ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('υ','\textupsilon ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('φ','\textphi ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('χ','\textchi ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ψ','\textpsi ',$text);
+ $text = str_replace('ω','\textomega ',$text);
+ //ureditev grskih crk - konec
+ //ureditev preureditve html kode ul in li v latex itemize
+ $findUl = '<ul';
+ $findUlLength = strlen($findUl);
+ $posUl = strpos($text, $findUl);
+ if($posUl !== false){
+ //echo "text prej: ".$text."</br>";
+ $numOfUl = substr_count($text, $findUl); //stevilo '<ul' v tekstu
+ //echo "numOfUl ".$numOfUl."</br>";
+ ######################
+ if($numOfUl!=0){
+ $text = str_replace('<ul>','\begin{itemize} ', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('<li>','\item ', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('</ul>','\end{itemize} ', $text);
+ }
+ //echo "prazno v html: ".strpos($text, '\r')."</br>";
+ //echo "text potem: ".$text."</br>";
+ ######################
+ }
+ //ureditev preureditve html kode ul in li v latex itemize - konec
+ //po ureditvi posebnih karakterjev, dodati del teksta s kodo za sliko, ce je slika prisotna
+ if($posImg !== false){
+ $text = substr_replace($text, $textOfImgCode, $posOfImgCode, 0);
+ }
+ //po ureditvi posebnih karakterjev, dodati del teksta s kodo za sliko, ce je slika prisotna
+ if($pos === false && $posImg === false) { //v tekstu ni br in img
+ //return $text;
+/* echo "encode pred strip: ".$text."</br>";
+ echo "encode po strip: ".strip_tags($text)."</br>";
+ return strip_tags($text); */
+ }else { //v tekstu sta prisotna br ali img
+ $text2Return = ''; //tekst ki bo vrnjen
+ //ureditev preureditev html kode za novo vrstico v latex, ureditev prenosa v novo vrstico
+ if($pos !== false){
+ $pos = strpos($text, $findme);
+ $numOfBr = substr_count($text, $findme); //stevilo '<br />' v tekstu
+ for($i=0; $i<$numOfBr; $i++){
+ if($i == 0){ //ce je prvi najdeni '<br />'
+ $textPrej = substr($text, 0, $pos);
+ $textPotem = substr($text, $pos+$findmeLength);
+ if($i == $numOfBr-1){
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break '.$textPotem;
+ }else{
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break ';
+ }
+ }else{ //drugace
+ $pos = strpos($textPotem, $findme);
+ $textPrej = substr($textPotem, 0, $pos);
+ $textPotem = substr($textPotem, $pos+$findmeLength);
+ if($i == $numOfBr-1){
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break '.$textPotem;
+ }else{
+ $text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $text = $text2Return;
+ }
+ //ureditev preureditev html kode za novo vrstico v latex, ureditev prenosa v novo vrstico - konec
+/* echo "encode pred strip: ".$text."</br>";
+ echo "encode po strip: ".strip_tags($text)."</br>";
+ return strip_tags($text); //vrni tekst brez html tag-ov */
+ }
+ //ureditev odstranjevanja presledkov, ce so na zacetku ali koncu besedila
+ if(($numOfSpacesPrej)){ //ce so prisotni presledki
+ $odstranjeno = 0; //belezi, ali so bili presledki odstranjeni iz zacetka ali konca
+ for($numPresledkovTmp = 1; $numPresledkovTmp <= $numOfSpacesPrej; $numPresledkovTmp++){ //za vsak presledek
+ $posSpace = strpos($text, $findSpace); //najdi pozicijo presledka v besedilu//preveri, kje se nahaja
+ if($posSpace==0){ //ce je presledek na zacetku besedila
+ $text = substr_replace($text, '', $posSpace, 1); //odstrani presledek iz besedila
+ $stringLength = strlen($text);
+ $odstranjeno = 1;
+ }elseif($posSpace==$stringLength){ //ce je presledek na koncu besedila
+ $text = substr_replace($text, '', $posSpace, 1); //odstrani presledek iz besedila
+ $stringLength = strlen($text);
+ $odstranjeno = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $numOfSpacesPrej = substr_count($text, ' '); //stevilo presledkov v besedilu
+ }
+ //ureditev odstranjevanja presledkov, ce so na zacetku ali koncu besedila - konec
+ //echo "v besedilu $text je stevilo presledkov $numOfSpacesPrej in besed $numOfWords </br>";
+ //priprava izpisa zelo dolgega besedila brez presledkov s seqsplit (URL, email, ...)
+ if( ($numOfSpacesPrej == 0 && $stringLength >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH && $odstranjeno) ){ //ce v besedilu ni presledkov in je besedilo daljse od max dovoljene dolzine
+ $text = "\seqsplit{".$text."}"; //ni v redu seqsplit, ker ne dela, če so posebni znaki
+ }
+ //priprava izpisa zelo dolgega besedila brez presledkov - konec
+ return strip_tags($text); //vrni tekst brez html tag-ov
+ }
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis latex kode za zacetek tabele ##################################################################################
+ #argumenti 1. export_format, 2. parametri tabele, 3. tip tabele za pdf, 4. tip tabele za rtf, 5. sirina pdf tabele (delez sirine strani), 6. sirina rtf tabele (delez sirine strani)
+ function StartLatexTable($export_format='', $parameterTabular='', $pdfTable='', $rtfTable='', $pdfTableWidth=null, $rtfTableWidth=null){
+ $tex = '';
+ $tex .= '\keepXColumns';
+ if($export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $tex .= '\begin{'.$pdfTable.'}';
+ if($pdfTable=='tabularx'){
+ //$tex .= '{'.$pdfTableWidth.'\textwidth}';
+ $tex .= '{\hsize}';
+ }
+ $tex .= '{ '.$parameterTabular.' }';
+ }elseif($export_format == 'rtf'||$export_format == 'xls'){
+ $tex .= '\begin{'.$rtfTable.'}';
+ if($rtfTable=='tabular*'){
+ $tex .= '{'.$pdfTableWidth.'\textwidth}';
+ }
+ $tex .= '{ '.$parameterTabular.' }';
+ }
+ return $tex;
+ }
+ #funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis latex kode za zacetek tabele - konec ##########################################################################
+ function outputSumaValidAnswerVertical($counter=null,$_sequence=null,$spid=null,$_options=array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ $text = array();
+ $texoutputSumaValidAnswerVertical = '';
+ # opcije
+ $options = array( 'isTextAnswer' => false, # ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ 'isOtherAnswer' => false, # ali je odgovor Drugo
+ 'inline_legenda' => true, # ali je legenda inline ali v headerju
+ 'textAnswerExceed'=>false # ali presegamo število tekstovnih odgovorov za prikaz
+ );
+ foreach ($_options as $_oKey => $_option) {
+ $options[$_oKey] = $_option;
+ }
+ $_percent = (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] > 0 ) ? 100*SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'] / SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] : 0;
+ $_brez_MV = ((int)SurveyAnalysis::$currentMissingProfile == 2) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ $_sufix = '';
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_valid']);
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_suma1']);
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'] > 0 ? SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'] : 0);
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber(100, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber(100, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = '';
+ $exportformat = $options['exportFormat'];
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($exportformat);
+ $outputSumaValidAnswerVertical .= self::tableRow($text, $brezHline);
+ return $outputSumaValidAnswerVertical;
+ //$counter++;
+ //return $counter;
+ }
+ function outputValidAnswerVertical($counter=null,$vkey='', $vAnswer=null, $_sequence=null,$spid=null, &$_kumulativa=null,$_options=array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ //echo "funkcija outputValidAnswerVertical </br>";
+ $text = array();
+ $texoutputValidAnswerVertical = '';
+ # opcije
+ $options = array( 'isTextAnswer' => false, # ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ 'isOtherAnswer' => false, # ali je odgovor Drugo
+ 'inline_legenda' => true, # ali je legenda inline ali v headerju
+ 'textAnswerExceed'=>false # ali presegamo število tekstovnih odgovorov za prikaz
+ );
+ foreach ($_options as $_oKey => $_option) {
+ $options[$_oKey] = $_option;
+ }
+ $cssBck = ' '.SurveyAnalysis::$cssColors['0_' . ($counter & 1)];
+ $_valid = (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'] > 0 ) ? 100*$vAnswer['cnt'] / SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'] : 0;
+ $_percent = (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] > 0 ) ? 100*$vAnswer['cnt'] / SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] : 0;
+ $_kumulativa += $_valid;
+ # ali presegamo število prikazanih vrstic, takrat v zadnji prikazani dodamo link več.. ostale vrstice pa skrijemo
+/* if ($options['textAnswerExceed'] == true) {
+ if ($counter == TEXT_ANSWER_LIMIT ) {
+ # link za več
+ $show_more = '<div id="valid_row_togle_'.$_sequence.'" class="floatRight blue pointer" onclick="showHidenTextRow(\''.$_sequence.'\');return false;">(več...)</div>'.NEW_LINE;
+ } elseif ($counter > TEXT_ANSWER_LIMIT ) {
+ $hide_row = ' hidden';
+ $_exceed = true;
+ }
+ } */
+ //if ($counter < TEXT_MAX_ANSWER_LIMIT) {
+ $text[] = '';
+ $addText = (($options['isTextAnswer'] == false && (string)$vkey != $vAnswer['text']) ? ' ('.$vAnswer['text'] .')' : '');
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(' '.$vkey.$addText);
+ $text[] = $this->snippet($this->encodeText(' '.$vkey.$addText), 400);
+ $text[] = (int)$vAnswer['cnt'];
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_valid, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_valid, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_kumulativa, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_kumulativa, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ /*} elseif ($counter == TEXT_MAX_ANSWER_LIMIT ) {
+ echo '<tr id="'.$spid.'_'.$_sequence.'_'.$counter.'" name="valid_row_'.$_sequence.'">';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bl anl_ac anl_br gray anl_dash_bt anl_dash_bb" colspan="'.(6+(int)SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$spid]['show_valid_percent']+((int)SurveyAnalysis::$_SHOW_LEGENDA*2)).'"> . . . Prikazujemo samo prvih '.TEXT_MAX_ANSWER_LIMIT.' veljavnih odgovorov!</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }*/
+ $exportformat = $options['exportFormat'];
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($exportformat);
+ $texoutputValidAnswerVertical .= self::tableRow($text, $brezHline);
+ //echo "Besedilo na koncu funkcije outputValidAnswerVertical:".$texoutputValidAnswerVertical."</br>";
+ return $texoutputValidAnswerVertical;
+/* $counter++;
+ return $counter; */
+ }
+ function outputInvalidAnswerVertical($counter=null,$vkey='', $vAnswer=null, $_sequence=null, $spid=null, $_options=array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ $text = array();
+ $texoutputInvalidAnswerVertical = '';
+ # opcije
+ $options = array( 'isTextAnswer' => false, # ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ 'isOtherAnswer' => false, # ali je odgovor Drugo
+ 'inline_legenda' => true, # ali je legenda inline ali v headerju
+ 'textAnswerExceed'=>false # ali presegamo število tekstovnih odgovorov za prikaz
+ );
+ foreach ($_options as $_oKey => $_option) {
+ $options[$_oKey] = $_option;
+ }
+ $exportformat = $options['exportFormat'];
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($exportformat);
+ $_percent = (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] > 0 ) ? 100*$vAnswer['cnt'] / SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] : 0;
+ $_invalid = (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalidCnt'] > 0 ) ? 100*$vAnswer['cnt'] / SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalidCnt'] : 0;
+ $_sufix = '';
+ //$_Z_MV = ((int)SurveyAnalysis::$missingProfileData['display_mv_type'] === 2) ? TRUE : FALSE; //po tej stari kodi ne pridem do zelene informacije, tudi stari izvozi ne delajo pravilno, ce se zeli pokazati missinge
+ $_Z_MV = !$this->hideEmpty;
+ //$_Z_MV = 1;
+ if($_Z_MV){
+ //echo "this->hideEmpty: ".$this->hideEmpty."</br>";
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_missing1']);
+ //$text[] = '\multirow{ '.$vAnswer['cnt'].'}{*}{ '.$this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_missing1']).' }';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($vkey.' (' . $vAnswer['text'].')');
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$vAnswer['cnt']);
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $texoutputInvalidAnswerVertical .= $this->tableRow($text, $brezHline);
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ //echo "Besedilo na koncu funkcije outputInvalidAnswerVertical:".$texoutputInvalidAnswerVertical."</br>";
+ return $texoutputInvalidAnswerVertical;
+ /*return $counter; */
+ }
+ function outputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical($counter=null, $_sequence=null, $spid=null, $_options = array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ $texoutputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical = '';
+ # opcije
+ $options = array( 'isTextAnswer' => false, # ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ 'isOtherAnswer' => false, # ali je odgovor Drugo
+ 'inline_legenda' => true, # ali je legenda inline ali v headerju
+ 'textAnswerExceed'=>false # ali presegamo število tekstovnih odgovorov za prikaz
+ );
+ foreach ($_options as $_oKey => $_option) {
+ $options[$_oKey] = $_option;
+ }
+ $exportformat = $options['exportFormat'];
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($exportformat);
+ $cssBck = ' '.SurveyAnalysis::$cssColors['text_' . ($counter & 1)];
+ $_percent = (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] > 0 ) ? 100*SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalidCnt'] / SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] : 0;
+ //$_brez_MV = ((int)SurveyAnalysis::$missingProfileData['display_mv_type'] === 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ $_brez_MV = $this->hideEmpty;
+ if(!$_brez_MV){
+ $text = array();
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_missing1']);
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_suma1']);
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalidCnt']);
+ $answer['cnt'] = SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalidCnt'] > 0 ? SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalidCnt'] : 0;
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$answer['cnt']);
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_percent, SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $texoutputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical .= $this->tableRow($text, $brezHline);
+ }
+ //echo $texoutputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical."</br>";
+ return $texoutputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical;
+/* $counter++;
+ return $counter; */
+ }
+ function outputSumaVertical($counter=null, $_sequence=null, $spid=null, $_options = array()) {
+ global $lang;
+ $texoutputSumaVertical = '';
+ # opcije
+ $options = array( 'isTextAnswer' => false, # ali je tekstovni odgovor
+ 'isOtherAnswer' => false, # ali je odgovor Drugo
+ 'inline_legenda' => true, # ali je legenda inline ali v headerju
+ 'textAnswerExceed'=>false # ali presegamo število tekstovnih odgovorov za prikaz
+ );
+ foreach ($_options as $_oKey => $_option) {
+ $options[$_oKey] = $_option;
+ }
+ $cssBck = ' '.SurveyAnalysis::$cssColors['0_' .($counter & 1)];
+ //$_brez_MV = ((int)SurveyAnalysis::$missingProfileData['display_mv_type'] === 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+/* if($options['exportFormat'] == 'xls'){
+ $brezHline = 1;
+ }else{
+ $brezHline = 0;
+ } */
+ $exportformat = $options['exportFormat'];
+ $brezHline = $this->getBrezHline($exportformat);
+ $_brez_MV = $this->hideEmpty;
+ if(!$_brez_MV){
+ $text = array();
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_suma2']);
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] ? SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['allCnt'] : 0));
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber('100', SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber('100', SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT'), '%'));
+ $text[] = '';
+ $text[] = '';
+ $texoutputSumaVertical .= $this->tableRow($text, $brezHline);
+ }
+ return $texoutputSumaVertical;
+ }
+ function outputOtherAnswers($oAnswers=null, $parameterTabular='', $export_format='') {
+ global $lang;
+ $spid = $oAnswers['spid'];
+ $_variable = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$spid]['grids'][$oAnswers['gid']]['variables'][$oAnswers['vid']];
+ $_sequence = $_variable['sequence'];
+ $_frekvence = SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_variable['sequence']];
+ $this->export_format = $export_format;
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers = '';
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo
+ $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = 6;
+ $steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
+ $sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
+ $parameterTabular = '|';
+ for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
+ //ce je prvi stolpec
+ if($i == 0){
+ $parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'P|' : 'l|');
+ }else{
+ $parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize='.$sirinaOstalihStolpcev.'\hsize \centering\arraybackslash}X|' : 'c|'); /*sirina ostalih je odvisna od njihovega stevila, da se sirine razporedijo po celotni sirini tabele*/
+ }
+ }
+ //Priprava parametrov za tabelo - konec
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za Drugo
+ $pdfTable = 'tabularx';
+ $rtfTable = 'tabular';
+ $pdfTableWidth = 1;
+ $rtfTableWidth = 1;
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->StartLatexTable($export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ //zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za Drugo - konec
+ /*Naslovni vrstici tabele*/
+ //prva vrstica tabele
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->encodeText($_variable['variable'])." & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{".$this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$oAnswers['spid']]['variable'].' ('.$_variable['naslov'].' )')."} ".$this->texNewLine;
+ //$texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->encodeText($_variable['variable'])." & \multicolumn{5}{X|}{".$this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$oAnswers['spid']]['variable'].' ('.$_variable['naslov'].' )')."} ".$this->texNewLine;
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ $brezHline = 1;
+ }
+ //druga vrstica tabele z naslovi stolpcev
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->tableHeader();
+ //$this->pdf->setFont('','','6');
+ /*Naslovni vrstici tabele - konec*/
+ //prva vrstica
+/* $this->pdf->setFont('','b','6');
+ $this->pdf->ln(5);
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell(18, $height, $this->encodeText($_variable['variable']), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true);
+ $this->pdf->MultiCell(162, $height, $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$oAnswers['spid']]['variable'].' ('.$_variable['naslov'].' )'), 1, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); */
+ //druga vrstica
+/* $this->tableHeader();
+ $this->pdf->setFont('','','6'); */
+ // konec naslovne vrstice
+ $counter = 1;
+ $_kumulativa = 0;
+ if (count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['valid'])> 0 ) {
+ foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['valid'] AS $vkey => $vAnswer) {
+ if ($vAnswer['cnt'] > 0 ) { # izpisujemo samo tiste ki nisno 0
+ //$counter = self::outputValidAnswerVertical($counter,$vkey,$vAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,$_kumulativa,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true));
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputValidAnswerVertical($counter,$vkey,$vAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,$_kumulativa,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true, 'exportFormat'=>$export_format));
+ }
+ }
+ # izpišemo sumo veljavnih
+ //$counter = self::outputSumaValidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true));
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputSumaValidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true, 'exportFormat'=>$export_format));
+ }
+ if (count(SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalid'])> 0 ) {
+ $_Z_MV = !$this->hideEmpty;
+ if($_Z_MV){ //ce je potrebno izpisati tudi manjkajoce
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= $this->encodeText($lang['srv_anl_missing1']);
+ }
+ foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['invalid'] AS $ikey => $iAnswer) {
+ if ($iAnswer['cnt'] > 0 ) { # izpisujemo samo tiste ki nisno 0
+ //$counter = self::outputInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$ikey,$iAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true));
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$ikey,$iAnswer,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true, 'exportFormat'=>$export_format));
+ }
+ }
+ # izpišemo sumo veljavnih
+ //$counter = self::outputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true));
+ //$texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true));
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputSumaInvalidAnswerVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true, 'exportFormat'=>$export_format));
+ }
+ #izpišemo še skupno sumo
+ //$texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputSumaVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true));
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= self::outputSumaVertical($counter,$_sequence,$spid,array('isOtherAnswer'=>true, 'exportFormat'=>$export_format));
+ //zaljucek latex tabele za Drugo
+ $texOutputOtherAnswers .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? "\\end{tabularx}" : "\\end{tabular}");
+ //zaljucek latex tabele za Drugo - konec
+ return $texOutputOtherAnswers;
+ }
+ function tableHeader($export_format=''){
+ global $lang;
+ $tableHeader = '';
+ $naslov = array();
+ $naslov[] = '';
+ $naslov[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_frekvence_titleAnswers']);
+ $naslov[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_frekvence_titleFrekvenca']);
+ $naslov[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_frekvence_titleOdstotek']);
+ $naslov[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_frekvence_titleVeljavni']);
+ $naslov[] = $this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_frekvence_titleKumulativa']);
+ $params = array('border' => 'TB', 'bold' => 'B', 'align2' => 'C');
+ //$tableHeader .= $this->tableRow($naslov, $params);
+ if($export_format=='xls'){
+ $brezHline = 1;
+ }else{
+ $brezHline = 0;
+ }
+ $tableHeader .= $this->tableRow($naslov, $brezHline);
+ /*$linecount = $this->pdf->getNumLines($this->encodeText($arrayText[1]), 90);
+ $linecount == 1 ? $height = 4.7 : $height = 4.7 + ($linecount-1)*3.3;*/
+ $height = 1; //$height = $this->getCellHeight($this->encodeText($arrayText[1]), 90);
+ //ce smo na prelomu strani
+/* if( ($this->pdf->getY() + $height) > 270){
+ $this->drawLine();
+ $this->pdf->AddPage('P');
+ $arrayParams['border'] .= 'T';
+ } */
+ if($arrayParams['align2'] != 'C')
+ $arrayParams['align2'] = 'L';
+ for($i=0;$i<count($naslov);$i++){
+ $tableHeader .= $naslov[$i].$this->texNewLine;
+ echo "naslovi v tabeli: ".$naslov[$i]."</br>";
+ } */
+ return $tableHeader;
+ }
+ //funkcija skrbi za izpis multicol celice
+ function MultiColCellLatex($steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic=null, $text='', $odZacetka=0){
+ $tabela = '';
+ //echo "steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic: $steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic</br>";
+ if($steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic==1){ //ce je 1, ne sme biti multicolumn{1}, saj so drugace tezave z izpisom
+ $tabela .= " & ".$text." ";
+ }else{
+ $steviloTabColSep = ($steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic-1)*2;
+ $steviloArrayrulewidth = ($steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic-1);
+ if($odZacetka==0){
+ //$tabela .= " & \multicolumn{".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."}{X|}{";//zacetek multicol
+ $tabela .= " & \multicolumn{".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."\hsize+".$steviloTabColSep."\\tabcolsep+".$steviloArrayrulewidth."\arrayrulewidth\\relax}C|}{";//zacetek multicol
+ }else{
+ //$tabela .= " \multicolumn{".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."}{X|}{";//zacetek multicol
+ $tabela .= " \multicolumn{".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr".$steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic."\hsize+".$steviloTabColSep."\\tabcolsep+".$steviloArrayrulewidth."\arrayrulewidth\\relax}C|}{";//zacetek multicol
+ }
+ $tabela .= $text;
+ if($odZacetka==0){
+ $tabela .= '} ';//zakljucek multicol
+ }else{
+ $tabela .= '} &';//zakljucek multicol
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "fukcija s tekstom: ".$tabela." </br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ //funkcija skrbi za izpis multirow celice, ce je ta potrebna
+ function MultiRowCellLatex($steviloVmesnihVrstic=null, $text='', $tabela2 = '', $tabela3 = '', $cols=1){
+ $tabela = '';
+ global $lang;
+ //echo "cols: $cols</br>";
+ //if($steviloVmesnihVrstic > 1){ //ce je potrebno multirow prikazovanje
+ if($steviloVmesnihVrstic > 1 && (($tabela2!=''&&$tabela3=='') || ($tabela2!=''&&$tabela3!=''))){ //ce je potrebno multirow prikazovanje
+ $tabela .= '\multirow{'.$steviloVmesnihVrstic.'}{*}{'; //zacetek multirow
+ }
+ $tabela .= $text;
+ /* if($cols==0 && $text==$this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_skupaj'])){ //premaknil nize, ker je delalo težave pri izpisu daljsih tabel
+ $tabela .= ' & ';
+ } */
+ //if($steviloVmesnihVrstic > 1){ //ce je potrebno multirow prikazovanje
+ if($steviloVmesnihVrstic > 1 && (($tabela2!=''&&$tabela3=='') || ($tabela2!=''&&$tabela3!=''))){ //ce je potrebno multirow prikazovanje
+ $tabela .= '}'; //konec multirow
+ }
+ if($cols==0 && $text==$this->encodeText($lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_skupaj'])){
+ $tabela .= ' & ';
+ }
+ //echo $tabela."</br>";
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function DisplayLatexCells($crossChk='', $podVrstice=null, $colNum=null, $steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic=2, $niSodo = 0){
+ $tabela = '';
+ //echo "steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic: $steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic </br>";
+ //echo "crossChk: $crossChk </br>";
+ if($steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic > 1 && $podVrstice){ //ce je potrebno multicol prikazovanje
+ //if($niSodo == 1 && $podVrstice && $steviloVmesnihStolpcevPodvrstic > 1){ //ce je potrebno multicol prikazovanje
+ $tabela .= $this->MultiColCellLatex($colNum, $crossChk);
+ }else{
+ $tabela .= " & ";
+ $tabela .= $crossChk;
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ //function tableRow($arrayText, $brezHline=0, $brezNoveVrstice=0, $nadaljevanjeVrstice=0, $steviloPodstolpcev){
+ //function tableRow($arrayText, $brezHline=0, $brezNoveVrstice=0, $nadaljevanjeVrstice=0, $color='', $export_format, $steviloPodstolpcev){
+ function tableRow($arrayText=[], $brezHline=0, $brezNoveVrstice=0, $nadaljevanjeVrstice=0, $color='', $export_format='', $steviloPodstolpcev=[]){
+ $tableRow = '';
+ /*$linecount = $this->pdf->getNumLines($this->encodeText($arrayText[1]), 90);
+ $linecount == 1 ? $height = 4.7 : $height = 4.7 + ($linecount-1)*3.3;*/
+ $height = 1; //$height = $this->getCellHeight($this->encodeText($arrayText[1]), 90);
+/* echo $arrayText[0]."</br>";
+ echo $arrayText[1]."</br>";
+ echo "brez hline: ".$brezHline."</br>"; */
+ if($arrayParams['align2'] != 'C')
+ $arrayParams['align2'] = 'L';
+ //echo "velikost polja s tekstom: ".count($arrayText)."</br>";
+ if($export_format == 'pdf'){
+ if($color=='blue'){
+ //$cellBgColor = 'cyan';
+ $cellBgColor = 'crta';
+ $color = 'besedilo';
+ }elseif($color=='red'){
+ //$cellBgColor = 'pink';
+ $cellBgColor = 'crtaGraf';
+ $color = 'besedilo';
+ }
+ $cellColoring = ' \cellcolor{'.$cellBgColor.'} ';
+ }else{ //drugace, ce je rtf
+ $cellColoring = '';
+ if($color=='blue'){
+ $color = 'cyan'; //v rtf pride modra
+ }elseif($color=='red'){
+ //$color = 'green'; //v rtf pride cyan
+ //$color = 'red'; //v rtf pride viola
+ $color = 'yellow'; //v rtf pride rdece
+ }
+ }
+ for($i=0;$i<count($arrayText);$i++){
+ //echo "array text: ".$arrayText[$i]."</br>";
+ ####### koda, kjer sem testiral seqsplit za ureditev dolgih besed
+/* if($arrayText[$i]==''){ //ce je prazen
+ $arrayBesedilo = $arrayText[$i];
+ }else{
+ ##################### preveri, ali ima podatek, ki mora se pojaviti v celici na koncu presledek, to je pomembno za delovanje razbijanja dolgih besed v celici tabele oz. \seqsplit
+ $zadnjiChar = substr($arrayText[$i], -1);
+ if($zadnjiChar == ' '){
+ $arrayText[$i] = substr($arrayText[$i], 0, -1);
+ }
+ #####################
+ ##################### ureditev specialnih znakov, da se jih da izpisati
+ //$arrayText[$i] = $this->pripraviBesediloZaSeqsplit($arrayText[$i]);
+ $arrayText[$i] = $this->pripraviBesediloZaSeqsplit($arrayText[$i]);
+ #####################
+ $arrayBesedilo = '\seqsplit{'.$arrayText[$i].'}';
+ } */
+ ####### koda, kjer sem testiral seqsplit za ureditev dolgih besed - konec
+ $arrayBesedilo = $arrayText[$i];
+ if($color!=''){ //ce je potrebno besedilo dolocene barve
+ //$text = ' \cellcolor{'.$cellBgColor.'} '.$this->coloredTextLatex($color, $arrayText[$i]);
+ //$text = $cellColoring.''.$this->coloredTextLatex($color, '\seqsplit{'.$arrayText[$i].'}');
+ $text = $cellColoring.''.$this->coloredTextLatex($color, $arrayBesedilo);
+ }else{
+ //$text = $arrayText[$i];
+ //$text = '\seqsplit{'.$arrayText[$i].'}';
+ $text = $arrayBesedilo;
+ }
+ if($i==0&&!$nadaljevanjeVrstice&&!count($steviloPodstolpcev)){
+ $tableRow .= $text;
+ }
+ elseif($i==0&&!$nadaljevanjeVrstice&&count($steviloPodstolpcev)){
+ //$tableRow .= ' \multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev[$i].'}{c|}{ '.$text.' }';
+ $tableRow .= ' \multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev[$i].'}{X|}{ '.$text.' }';
+ }elseif(count($steviloPodstolpcev)){ //ce rabimo multicolumn
+ //$tableRow .= ' & \multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev[$i].'}{c|}{ '.$text.' }';
+ $tableRow .= ' & \multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev[$i].'}{X|}{ '.$text.' }';
+ }
+ else{
+ $tableRow .= ' & '.$text;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$brezNoveVrstice){
+ $tableRow .= $this->texNewLine; /*nova vrstica*/
+ }
+ if (!$brezHline) { //dodaj se horizontal line, ce je to potrebno (po navadi vse povsod razen npr. za tabelo s st. odklonom in povprecjem)
+ //if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ if($this->export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tableRow .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "Vrstica tabele: ".$tableRow."</br>";
+ return $tableRow;
+ }
+ function getSteviloPodstolpcev($steviloPodstolpcevPolje=null){
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = 0;
+ foreach($steviloPodstolpcevPolje as $stevilo){
+ $steviloPodstolpcev = $steviloPodstolpcev + $stevilo;
+ }
+ return $steviloPodstolpcev;
+ }
+ function AddEmptyCells($colspan=null){
+ $tabela = '';
+ if($colspan){ //ce imamo tudi horizontalne spremenljivke
+ for($i=0;$i<$colspan;$i++){ //dodamo ustrezno stevilo praznih celic v ustezni vrstici
+ $tabela .= ' & ';
+ }
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function urediCrteTabele($indeksMultiRow=null, $colspan=null, $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular=null){
+ $tabela = '';
+ if (in_array(0, $indeksMultiRow)){ //ce v polju je 0, ce ne potrebujemo vse povsod crte
+ for($j=0;$j<2;$j++){ //inicializacija indeksMultiRow, saj prva dva stolpca ne potrebujeta crt
+ array_unshift($indeksMultiRow,0); //dodaj na zacetku polja se 2 nicli
+ }
+ $clinesPrvi = array();
+ $clinesZadnji = array();
+ $prviZabelezen = 0;
+ foreach($indeksMultiRow as $indeks=>$vrednost){
+ if($vrednost==1&&$prviZabelezen==0){
+ $clinesPrvi[] = ($indeks+1);
+ $prviZabelezen = 1;
+ }elseif($vrednost==0&&$prviZabelezen==1){
+ $clinesZadnji[] = ($indeks);
+ $prviZabelezen = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(count($clinesPrvi)!=count($clinesZadnji)){ //ce ni istega stevila indeksov za cline
+ $clinesZadnji[] = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; //je zadnji indeks stevilo vseh stolpcev
+ }
+ foreach($clinesPrvi as $indeksPrvi=>$clinePrvi){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{".$clinePrvi."-".$clinesZadnji[$indeksPrvi]."}";
+ }
+ }else{
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{".($colspan+1)."-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}";
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function displayDataCellLatex($vrsticaPodatki=null, $tableSettingsNumerus=null, $tableSettingsAvgVar=null, $tableSettingsDelezVar=null, $colspan=null, $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular=null, $export_format=''){
+ $tabela = '';
+ if($this->tableSettingsNumerus){
+ if($this->tableSettingsPercent||$this->tableSettingsAvgVar||$this->tableSettingsDelezVar){ //ce je potrebno izpisati se ostale vrstice izracunov
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['numerus'][0],1);
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{".($colspan+1)."-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //prekinjena horizontalna vrstica
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->AddEmptyCells($colspan); //dodaj prazne celice
+ }else{
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['numerus'][0],1);
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->tableSettingsPercent){
+ if($this->tableSettingsAvgVar||$this->tableSettingsDelezVar){ //ce je potrebno izpisati se ostale vrstice izracunov
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['percent'][0],1);
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{".($colspan+1)."-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //prekinjena horizontalna vrstica
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->AddEmptyCells($colspan); //dodaj prazne celice
+ }else{
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['percent'][0],1);
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->tableSettingsAvgVar!= ''){
+ $color = 'blue';
+ if($this->tableSettingsDelezVar){ //ce je potrebno izpisati se ostale vrstice izracunov
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['avg'][0],1,0,0,$color, $export_format);
+ //$tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['avg'][0],1);
+ if($export_format != 'xls'){
+ $tabela .= "\\cline{".($colspan+1)."-".$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular."}"; //prekinjena horizontalna vrstica
+ }
+ $tabela .= $this->AddEmptyCells($colspan); //dodaj prazne celice
+ }else{
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['avg'][0],1,0,0,$color, $export_format);
+ //$tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['avg'][0],1);
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->tableSettingsDelezVar!= ''){
+ $color = 'red';
+ $tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['delez'][0],1,0,0,$color, $export_format);
+ //$tabela .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki['delez'][0],1);
+ }
+ return $tabela;
+ }
+ function coloredTextLatex($color='', $text=''){
+ $coloredText = '';
+ $coloredText .= '\textcolor{'.$color.'}{'.$text.'}';
+ return $coloredText;
+ }
+ /** Izriše vrstico z opisnimi z Latex
+ *
+ * @param unknown_type $spremenljivka
+ * @param unknown_type $variable
+ */
+ function displayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow($spid=null,$spremenljivka=null,$show_enota=null,$_sequence = null) {
+ global $lang;
+ //echo "funkcija displayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow: ".$spremenljivka['variable']." </br>";
+ $texDisplayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow = '';
+ if ($_sequence != null) {
+ $_desc = SurveyAnalysis::$_DESCRIPTIVES[$_sequence];
+ }
+ $text = array();
+ $text[] = '\textbf{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['variable']).'}';
+ $text[] = '\textbf{'.$this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov']).'}';
+ #veljavno
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((!$show_enota ? (int)$_desc['validCnt'] : ''));
+ #ustrezno
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((!$show_enota ? (int)$_desc['allCnt'] : ''));
+ if (isset($_desc['avg']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1)
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_desc['avg'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),''));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_desc['avg'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),''));
+ else
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText('');
+ if (isset($_desc['div']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1)
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_desc['div'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_DEVIATION'),''));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_desc['div'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_DEVIATION'),''));
+ else
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText('');
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 ? $_desc['min'] : '');
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 ? $_desc['max'] : '');
+ $text[] = (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 ? $_desc['min'] : '';
+ $text[] = (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 ? $_desc['max'] : '';
+ //$texDisplayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow .= $this->descTableRow($text);
+ $texDisplayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow .= $this->tableRow($text);
+ //echo "tex iz funkcije displayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow: ".$texDisplayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow."</br>";
+ return $texDisplayDescriptivesSpremenljivkaRow;
+ }
+ /** Izriše vrstico z opisnimi
+ *
+ * @param unknown_type $spremenljivka
+ * @param unknown_type $variable
+ */
+ function displayDescriptivesVariablaRow($spremenljivka=null, $grid=null, $variable=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ //echo "funkcija displayDescriptivesVariablaRow: ".$spremenljivka['variable']." </br>";
+ $texDescriptivesVariablaRow = '';
+ $_sequence = $variable['sequence']; # id kolone z podatki
+ if ($_sequence != null) {
+ $_desc = SurveyAnalysis::$_DESCRIPTIVES[$_sequence];
+ }
+ $text = array();
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($variable['variable']);
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($variable['naslov']);
+ #veljavno
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$_desc['validCnt']);
+ #ustrezno
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$_desc['allCnt']);
+ //if (isset($_desc['avg']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1)
+ //if (isset($_desc['avg']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && $spremenljivka['tip'] != 16)
+ if (isset($_desc['avg']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 16 && $spremenljivka['tip'] != 2))
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_desc['avg'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),''));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_desc['avg'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),''));
+ //else if (isset($_desc['avg']) && $spremenljivka['tip'] == 2 && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] == 1 )
+ else if (isset($_desc['avg']) && $spremenljivka['tip'] == 2 && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 16))
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_desc['avg']*100,SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'&nbsp;%'));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_desc['avg']*100,SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'&nbsp;%'));
+ else
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText('');
+ //if (isset($_desc['div']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1)
+ //if (isset($_desc['div']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && $spremenljivka['tip'] != 16)
+ if (isset($_desc['div']) && (int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 16 && $spremenljivka['tip'] != 2))
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText(SurveyAnalysis::formatNumber($_desc['div'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_DEVIATION'),''));
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_desc['div'],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_DEVIATION'),''));
+ else
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText('');
+ //if ((int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && $spremenljivka['tip'] != 16){
+ if ((int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 && ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 16 && $spremenljivka['tip'] != 2)){
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($_desc['min']);
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText($_desc['max']);
+ }else{
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText('');
+ $text[] = $this->encodeText('');
+ }
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 ? $_desc['min'] : '');
+ //$text[] = $this->encodeText((int)$spremenljivka['skala'] !== 1 ? $_desc['max'] : '');
+ $texDescriptivesVariablaRow .= $this->tableRow($text);
+ //echo "nekaj: ".$this->encodeText(self::formatNumber($_desc['avg']*100,SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'&nbsp;%'))." ".$spremenljivka['tip']."</br>";
+ //echo "tex iz funkcije displayDescriptivesVariablaRow: ".$texDescriptivesVariablaRow."</br>";
+ return $texDescriptivesVariablaRow;
+ }
+ function returnBold($text=''){
+ $boldedText = '';
+ $boldedText .= '\textbf{'.$text.'}';
+ return $boldedText;
+ }
+ function returnCentered($text='', $export_format = ''){
+ //echo "$export_format </br>";
+ $centeredText = '';
+ if($export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $centeredText .= ' \begin{absolutelynopagebreak} ';
+ }
+ $centeredText .= '\begin{center}{'.$text.'} \end{center}';
+ if($export_format == 'pdf'){
+ $centeredText .= ' \end{absolutelynopagebreak} ';
+ }
+ //$centeredText .= ' \begin{absolutelynopagebreak} \begin{center}{'.$text.'} \end{center} \end{absolutelynopagebreak} ';
+ return $centeredText;
+ }
+ function GetSprId($spid=null){
+ $find = '_';
+ $findPos = strpos($spid, $find);
+ $sprId = '';
+ $sprId = substr_replace($spid,'',$findPos);
+ return $sprId;
+ }
+ function displayHeatmapImageLatex($sprId=null){
+ global $site_path;
+ $tex = '';
+ $this->path2HeatmapImages = $site_path.'main/survey/uploads/';
+ //$heatmapImageFileName = $site_url.'main/survey/uploads/heatmap'.$sprId.'.png';
+ $heatmapImageFileName = 'heatmap'.$sprId;
+ $tex .= '\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{'.$this->path2HeatmapImages.''.$heatmapImageFileName.'}';
+ return $tex;
+ }
+ //funkcija, ki okrog posebnih crk dodaja {}, da lahko knjiznica seqsplit lahko deluje
+ function pripraviBesediloZaSeqsplit($besedilo=''){
+ //najdi posebno crko in okoli nje dodaj {}
+ //echo "array text: ".$besedilo."</br>";
+ $chars = array('č', 'ć', 'ž', 'š', 'đ', 'Č', 'Ć', 'Ž', 'Š', 'Đ'); //polje s najbolj pogostimi posebnimi crkami, ki jih seqsplit ne sprejema
+ foreach($chars AS $char){ //za vsako posebno crko, uredi {}
+ $moreChars = 0;
+ $pozicijaChar = '';
+ $pozicijaChar = strpos($besedilo, $char); //najdi pozicijo posebne crke
+ if(is_numeric($pozicijaChar)){ //ce je prisotna posebna crka v besedilu
+ //echo "črka: ".$char."</br>";
+ //echo "pozicija črke: ".$pozicijaChar."</br>";
+ $textToChar = substr($besedilo, 0, $pozicijaChar); //tekst do posebne crke
+ //echo $textToChar."</br>";
+ $tmpTextFromChar = substr($besedilo, $pozicijaChar); //tekst po posebne crke posebno crko
+ //echo $tmpTextFromChar."</br>";
+ $textFromChar = substr($tmpTextFromChar, 2); //tekst po posebni crki dalje
+ //echo $textFromChar."</br>";
+ //$besediloTmp = $textToChar."{".$char."}".$textFromChar;
+ $besedilo = $textToChar."{".$char."}".$textFromChar;
+ $besediloTmp = $textToChar."{".$char."}";
+ //echo "besedilo: ".$besedilo."</br>";
+ //$besedilo = $besediloTmp;
+ do{
+ //ce je prisotna se kaksna posebna crka v drugem delu besedila, ponovi
+ $pozicijaChar = '';
+ $pozicijaChar = strpos($textFromChar, $char); //najdi pozicijo posebne crke v ostalem delu besedila
+ if(is_numeric($pozicijaChar)){ //ce je prisotna posebna crka v besedilu v ostalem delu besedila
+ $moreChars = 1;
+ $textToChar = substr($textFromChar, 0, $pozicijaChar); //tekst do posebne crke
+ $tmpTextFromChar = substr($textFromChar, $pozicijaChar); //tekst po posebne crke posebno crko
+ $textFromChar = substr($tmpTextFromChar, 2); //tekst po posebni crki dalje
+ $besediloTmp .= $textToChar."{".$char."}";
+ }else{
+ $moreChars = 0;
+ $besediloTmp .= $textFromChar;
+ }
+ //echo "moreChars: ".$moreChars."</br>";
+ $besedilo = $besediloTmp;
+ }while($moreChars == 1);
+ }
+ }
+ //echo "besedilo končno: ".$besedilo."</br>";
+ return $besedilo;
+ }
+ //funkcija, ki okrog posebnih crk dodaja {}, da lahko knjiznica seqsplit lahko deluje - konec
+ /*Moje funkcije - konec*/
+ /*Skrajsa tekst in doda '...' na koncu*/
+ function snippet($text='', $length=64, $tail="...")
+ {
+ $text = trim($text);
+ $txtl = strlen($text);
+ if($txtl > $length)
+ {
+ for($i=1;$text[$length-$i]!=" ";$i++)
+ {
+ if($i == $length)
+ {
+ return substr($text,0,$length) . $tail;
+ }
+ }
+ $text = substr($text,0,$length-$i+1) . $tail;
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ function formatNumber($value=null, $digit=0, $sufix="")
+ {
+ if ( $value <> 0 && $value != null )
+ $result = round($value,$digit);
+ else
+ $result = "0";
+ $result = number_format($result, $digit, ',', '.').$sufix;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function getBrezHline($exportformat=''){
+ if($exportformat=='xls'){
+ $brezHline = 1;
+ }else{
+ $brezHline = 0;
+ }
+ return $brezHline;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file