path: root/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyInvitationsNew.php
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyInvitationsNew.php
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyInvitationsNew.php')
1 files changed, 10534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyInvitationsNew.php b/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyInvitationsNew.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ec13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/surveyEmails/class.SurveyInvitationsNew.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10534 @@
+# mysql_real_unescape_string
+/** Class ki skrbi za različna vabila
+ * Julij 2011
+ *
+ *
+ * Enter description here ...
+ * @author Gorazd_Veselic
+ *
+ */
+define('GROUP_PAGINATE', 4); # po kolko strani grupira pri paginaciji
+define('REC_ON_PAGE', 10); # kolko zapisov na stran pri urejanju respondentov
+define('REC_ON_SEND_PAGE', 20); # kolko zapisov na stran pri pošiljanju
+define('NOTIFY_INFO1KA', 5); # Nad koliko emaili obveščamo
+set_time_limit(2400); # 30 minut
+class SurveyInvitationsNew {
+ private $sid;
+ private $count_all = 0; # koliko prejemnikov je v bazi
+ private $surveySettings; # zakeširamo nastavitve ankete
+ private $rec_send_page_limit = 20; # Koliko zapisov imamo za paginacijo
+ private $newTracking = false; # Ali imamo podroben tracking za anketo
+ private $inv_variables = array('email','password','ime','priimek','naziv','telefon','drugo','odnos');
+ private $inv_variables_link = array('email'=>'email','geslo'=>'password','ime'=>'firstname','priimek'=>'lastname','naziv'=>'salutation','telefon'=>'phone','drugo'=>'custom','odnos'=>'relation','last_status'=>'last_status','sent'=>'sent','responded'=>'responded','unsubscribed'=>'unsubscribed');
+ private $inv_variables_excel = array('email'=>'email','geslo'=>'password','ime'=>'firstname','priimek'=>'lastname','naziv'=>'salutation','telefon'=>'phone','drugo'=>'custom','odnos'=>'relation','last_status'=>'last_status','sent'=>'sent','responded'=>'responded','unsubscribed'=>'unsubscribed'
+ ,'date_inserted'=>'date_inserted','date_sent'=>'date_sent','date_responded'=>'date_responded','date_unsubscribed'=>'date_unsubscribed','list_name'=>'list_name');
+ private $inv_variables_tel_excel = array('status'=>'status','email'=>'email','geslo'=>'password','ime'=>'firstname','priimek'=>'lastname','naziv'=>'salutation','telefon'=>'phone','drugo'=>'custom','odnos'=>'relation','call_time'=>'call_time','last_status'=>'last_status'
+ ,'comment'=>'comment','date_inserted'=>'date_inserted','list_name'=>'list_name');
+ #private $inv_sys_db_map = array('email'=>'email','password'=>'geslo','firstname'=>'ime','lastname'=>'priimek','salutation'=>'naziv','phone'=>'telefon','custom'=>'drugo');
+ private $invitationAdvancedConditionId = 0;
+ private $user_inv_ids = array();
+ private $db_table = '';
+ function __construct($sid) {
+ $this->sid = $sid;
+ SurveyInfo::SurveyInit($this->sid);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1)
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ $this->surveySettings = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ # koliko respondentov je že v bazi
+ $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'");
+ $sql_row_all = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_all);
+ $this->count_all = (int)$sql_row_all[0];
+ # preverimo ali prikazujemo nov ali star način odvisno od nastavitve v misc
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_anketa AS a WHERE id ='".$this->sid."' AND insert_time > (SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what = 'invitationTrackingStarted' LIMIT 1)");
+ list($newTracking) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ $this->newTracking = (int)$newTracking > 0 ? true : false;
+ SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: Init($this->sid);
+ if (isset($_SESSION['rec_on_send_page']) && (int)$_SESSION['rec_on_send_page'] > 0) {
+ $this->rec_send_page_limit = (int)$_SESSION['rec_on_send_page'];
+ } else {
+ $this->rec_send_page_limit = REC_ON_SEND_PAGE;
+ }
+ SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid);
+ $this->invitationAdvancedConditionId = (int)SurveySession::get('invitationAdvancedConditionId');
+ }
+ function ajax() {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && trim($_REQUEST['a']) != '') {
+ if (isset($_POST['recipients_list']) && $_POST['recipients_list'] != null) {
+ $_POST['recipients_list'] = mysql_real_unescape_string($_POST['recipients_list']);
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST['fields']) && $_POST['fields'] != null) {
+ $_POST['fields'] = mysql_real_unescape_string($_POST['fields']);
+ }
+ $this->action($_REQUEST['a']);
+ }
+ else {
+ echo 'Ajax error!';
+ return 'Ajax error!';
+ }
+ }
+ function action($action) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $NoNavi = $_POST['noNavi'];
+ if ($action == 'inv_lists') {
+ #$NoNavi = true;
+ }
+ if ($action == 'view_archive') {
+ $NoNavi = true;
+ }
+ if ($NoNavi == false) {
+ echo '<div id="inv_top_navi">';
+ $this->displayNavigation();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Warning za nastavitev streznika
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation');
+ if(!$MA->is1KA()){
+ if($MA->isGoogle())
+ $mail_settings = $MA->getGoogleSettings();
+ else
+ $mail_settings = $MA->getSMTPSettings();
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ if( (empty($mail_settings) || $mail_settings['SMTPFrom'] == '' || $mail_settings['SMTPUsername'] == '')
+ && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')
+ && $isEmail ){
+ // Gorenje tega nima
+ if (!Common::checkModule('gorenje')){
+ // Pri ajax klicih nikoli tega ne izpišemo, ravno tako ne izpisujemo, ce imamo vklopljeno posiljanje brez emaila (navadna posta, sms)
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ if($NoNavi == false && $noEmailing != 1){
+ echo '<div id="email_server_warning">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon warning icon-orange"></span> '.$lang['srv_invitation_server_warning'].'!';
+ if($action != 'inv_server')
+ echo '<span class="spaceLeft"><a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_settings">'.$lang['srv_usermailing_setting'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($action == M_INVITATIONS) {
+ $this->useRecipientsList();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'add_recipients_view') {
+ $this->useRecipientsList();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'add_recipients') {
+ $this->addRecipients();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'view_recipients') {
+ $this->viewRecipients();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'view_message') {
+ $this->viewMessage($_POST['mid']);
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'make_default') {
+ $this->makeDefaultMessage($_POST['mid']);
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'make_default_from_preview') {
+ $this->makeDefaultFromPreview($_POST['mid']);
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'save_message_simple') {
+ $this->save_message_simple();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'save_message_simple_noEmail') {
+ $this->save_message_simple_noEmail();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'send_message') {
+ $this->sendMessage($_POST['mid']);
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'view_archive') {
+ $this->viewAarchive($_POST['mid']);
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'view_send_recipients') {
+ if(isset($_POST['noMailing']) && $_POST['noMailing'] == '1')
+ $this->selectSendToNoEmailing();
+ else
+ $this->selectSendTo();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'mailToSourceChange') {
+ $this->mailToSourceChange();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'send_mail') {
+ // Posiljanje brez emailov (samo aktivacija prejemnikov)
+ if(isset($_GET['noemailing']) && $_GET['noemailing'] == '1'){
+ $this->sendMailNoEmailing();
+ }
+ // Klasicno posiljanje preko smtp-ja
+ else{
+ $this->sendMail();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'upload_recipients') {
+ $this->uploadRecipients();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'view_archive_recipients') {
+ $this->viewArchiveRecipients();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'edit_archive_comment') {
+ $this->editArchiveComment();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'delete_recipient_confirm') {
+ $this->deleteRecipientConfirm();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'delete_recipient') {
+ $this->deleteRecipient();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'delete_recipient_single') {
+ $this->deleteRecipientSingle();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'delete_recipient_all') {
+ $this->deleteRecipientAll();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'export_recipients') {
+ $this->exportRecipients();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'export_recipients_all') {
+ $this->exportRecipients_all();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'use_recipients_list') {
+ $this->useRecipientsList();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'change_import_type') {
+ $this->changeImportType();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'save_recipient_list') {
+ $this->saveRecipientList();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'get_profile_name') {
+ echo "DEPRECATED!";
+ die();
+ $this->getProfileName();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'list_get_name') {
+ $this->listGetName();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'invListEdit') {
+ $this->invListEdit();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'save_rec_profile') {
+ $this->saveRecProfile();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'delete_rec_profile') {
+ $this->deleteRecProfile();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'edit_rec_profile') {
+ $this->editRecProfile();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'update_rec_profile') {
+ $this->updateRecProfile();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'delete_msg_profile') {
+ $this->deleteMsgProfile();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'message_rename') {
+ $this->messageRename();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'show_message_rename') {
+ $this->showMessageRename();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'edit_recipient') {
+ $this->editRecipient();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'save_recipient') {
+ $this->saveRecipient();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'set_recipient_filter') {
+ $this->setRecipientFilter();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'only_this_survey') {
+ $this->onlyThisSurvey();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'add_users_to_database') {
+ $this->add_users_to_database();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'add_checked_users_to_database') {
+ $this->add_checked_users_to_database();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'arch_save_comment') {
+ $this->saveArchiveComment();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'edit_message_details') {
+ $this->editMessageDetails();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'message_save_details') {
+ $this->messageSaveDetails();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'message_save_forward') {
+ $this->messageSaveforward();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'message_save_forward_noEmail') {
+ $this->messageSaveforwardNoEmail();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'prepare_save_message') {
+ $this->prepareSaveMessage();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'showRecipientTracking') {
+ $this->showRecipientTracking();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'arch_show_recipients') {
+ $this->showArchiveRecipients();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'arch_show_details') {
+ $this->showArchiveDetails();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'arch_edit_details') {
+ $this->editArchiveDetails();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'inv_status') {
+ $this->showInvitationStatus();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'inv_lists') {
+ $this->showInvitationLists();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'inv_list_save') {
+ $this->listSave();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'invListSaveOld') {
+ $this->invListSaveOld();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'invListEditSave') {
+ $this->invListEditSave();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'editRecList') {
+ $doEdit = $_SESSION['inv_edit_rec_profile'][$this->sid] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ if ($doEdit) {
+ $this->showEditRecList();
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->showNoEditRecList();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'deleteRecipientsList') {
+ $this->deleteRecipientsList();
+ }
+ else if($action == 'deleteRecipientsListMulti'){
+ $this->deleteRecipientsListMulti();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'showInvitationListsNames') {
+ $this->showInvitationListsNames();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'changeInvRecListEdit') {
+ $this->changeInvRecListEdit();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'upload_list') {
+ $this->upload_list();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'send_upload_list') {
+ $this->send_upload_list();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'changePaginationLimit') {
+ $this->changePaginationLimit();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'setSortField') {
+ $this->setSortField();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'validateSysVarsMapping') {
+ $this->validateSysVarsMapping();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'addSysVarsMapping') {
+ $this->addSysVarsMapping();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'recipientsAddForward') {
+ $this->recipientsAddForward();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'showAdvancedConditions') {
+ $this->showAdvancedConditions();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'setAdvancedCondition') {
+ $this->setAdvancedCondition();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'inv_server') {
+ $this->viewServerSettings();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'inv_settings') {
+ $this->showInvitationSettings();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'set_noEmailing') {
+ $this->setNoEmailing();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'set_noEmailing_type') {
+ $this->setNoEmailingType();
+ }
+ else if ($action == 'showAAISmtpPopup') {
+ $this->showAAISmtpPopup();
+ }
+ else {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."')");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ // Ce imamo ze posiljanje je default stran "Pregled"
+ if($row[0] == 1)
+ $this->showInvitationStatus();
+ // Ce se nimamo nobenega posiljanja je default stran "Nastavitve"
+ else
+ $this->showInvitationSettings();
+ }
+ }
+ function addRecipients() {
+ global $lang,$global_user_id;
+ # dodamo uporabnike
+ $fields = $_POST['fields'];
+ $recipients_list = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']);
+ $new_profile_id = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ # če so bile spremembe v profilu ga shranimo kot novega
+ list($old_recipients_list,$old_fields) = $this->getRecipientsProfile((int)$_POST['pid']);
+ $old_recipients_list = $old_recipients_list != '' ? implode("\n", $old_recipients_list) : $old_recipients_list;
+ $new_recipients_list = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $recipients_list);
+ $old_fields = implode(",", $old_fields);
+ $new_fields = implode(",", $fields);
+ if ($_POST['save_profile'] == 'true' && ($old_recipients_list !== $new_recipients_list || $old_fields !== $new_fields)) {
+ # shranjujemo v nov profil
+ $post_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$_POST['fields']));
+ $post_recipients = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']);
+ #zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'];
+ $names = array();
+ $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) {
+ $names[] = $r['name'];
+ }
+ if (count($names) > 0) {
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt;
+ }
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles".
+ " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ".
+ " VALUES ('$new_name', '$global_user_id', '$post_fields', '$post_recipients', NOW(), '', '".$this->sid."' )";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ echo 'Napaka!';
+ } else {
+ $new_profile_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ #dodamo polja
+ $result = $this->addMassRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $new_profile_id);
+ /*
+ # ni sprememb shranimo v sejo
+ $this->saveSessionRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $profile_comment);
+ */
+ # prikažemo napake
+ $invalid_recipiens_array = $this->displayRecipentsErrors($result);
+ # po novem gremo na respondente
+ $this->viewRecipients();
+ return ;
+ }
+ function saveSessionRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $profile_comment=null ) {
+ global $lang;
+ # polja
+ $field_list = (isset($_POST['field_list']) && trim($_POST['field_list']) != '') ? trim($_POST['field_list']) : 'email';
+ # shranimo v začasni profil
+ $new_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $recipients_list);
+ $new_recipients = explode("\n",$new_recipients);
+ session_start();
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents'])) {
+ $old_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents']);
+ $old_recipients = explode("\n",$old_recipients);
+ $new_recipients = array_unique(array_merge($old_recipients, $new_recipients));
+ }
+ if (is_array($new_recipients)) {
+ $recipients_list = implode("\n",$new_recipients);
+ } else {
+ $recipients_list = '';
+ }
+ $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = array(
+ 'pid'=>-1,
+ 'name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'],
+ 'fields'=>$field_list,
+ 'respondents'=>$recipients_list,
+ 'comment'=>$profile_comment
+ );
+ }
+ function changeImportType() {
+ $this->displayAddRecipientsView();
+ }
+ #prikažemo vmesnik za dodajanje respondentov
+ function addRecipientsView( $fields = array(), $recipients_list=null) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ //echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_inv_add_recipients_heading'].'</h2>';
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ $row = $this->surveySettings;
+ echo '<h2 style="margin-left: 15px; color:#333 !important;">';
+ // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja
+ $settings_text = '<span class="bold spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':</span>';
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ if($individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($noEmailing == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0'];
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1'];
+ if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft"> <a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_settings">'.$lang['edit4'].'</a></span>';
+ echo $settings_text;
+ echo '</h2>';
+ echo '<div id="srv_invitation_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_num_respondents'].(int)$this->count_all;
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_import">';
+ $this->displayAddRecipientsView($fields, $recipients_list);
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_import"
+ }
+ function displayAddRecipientsView( $fields = array(), $recipients_list=null) {
+ global $lang, $site_path, $site_url;
+ $field_list = array();
+ # odvisno od tipa sporočil prikažemo različna polja
+ # Personalizirano e-poštno vabilo
+ // Ce ne posiljamo z emailom sta default polja ime in priimek
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ if($noEmailing == 1){
+ $default_fields = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 1,
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 1,
+ 'inv_field_password' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ else{
+ $default_fields = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => count($fields) == 0 ? 1 : 0,
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_password' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0;
+ }
+ # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj
+ if (count($fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($fields as $key=>$field) {
+ $field_list[$field] = 1;
+ if (isset($default_fields[$field])) {
+ unset($default_fields[$field]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($default_fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) {
+ $field_list[$key] = $field;
+ unset($default_fields[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $import_type = isset($_POST['import_type']) ? (int)$_POST['import_type'] : 2;
+ session_start();
+ $checked = (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey']) && (int)$_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] == 1) ? '1' : '0';
+ # profili respondentov
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profiles_holder">';
+ echo '<label><input name="inv_show_list_type" id="inv_show_list_type1" type="radio" value="0" onclick="recipientsProfileOnlyThisSurvey();"'.($checked == '0' ? ' checked="checked"':'').' autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_from_this_survey'].'</label><br/>';
+ echo '<label><input name="inv_show_list_type" id="inv_show_list_type2" type="radio" value="1" onclick="recipientsProfileOnlyThisSurvey();"'.($checked == '1' ? ' checked="checked"':'').' autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_from_all_surveys'].'</label><br/>';
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_select_list'].'</span><br/>';
+ $this->listRecipientsProfiles();
+ echo '</div>'; # id=inv_recipients_profiles_holder
+ echo '<div id="inv_import_list_container">';
+ $sqlSysMapping = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '$this->sid'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlSysMapping) > 0) {
+ $sysUserToAddQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0'");
+ list($sysUserToAdd) = mysqli_fetch_row($sysUserToAddQuery);
+ }
+ echo '<span><input name="inv_import_type" id="inv_import_type2" type="radio" value="2" onclick="inv_change_import_type();"'.($import_type == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off"><label for="inv_import_type2">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_from_list'].'</label></span>';
+ echo '<span><input name="inv_import_type" id="inv_import_type1" type="radio" value="1" onclick="inv_change_import_type();"'.($import_type == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off"><label for="inv_import_type1">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_from_file'].'</label></span>';
+ echo '<span><input name="inv_import_type" id="inv_import_type3" type="radio" value="3" onclick="inv_change_import_type();"'.($import_type == 3 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' autocomplete="off"><label for="inv_import_type3">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_from_system']
+ .($sysUserToAdd > 0 ? ' ('.$sysUserToAdd.')' : '').'</label></span>';
+ echo Help::display('inv_recipiens_from_system');
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ if ($import_type == 3) {
+ $this->createSystemVariablesMapping();
+ }
+ else {
+ # sporočilo za personalizirana e-vabila in respondente iz baze
+ echo '<span class="inv_note">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_field_note'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br >';
+ echo '<div id="inv_field_container">';
+ echo '<ul class="connectedSortable">';
+ $field_lang = array();
+ if (count($field_list ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked) {
+ $is_selected = ($checked == 1 ) ? true : false;
+ # če je polje obkljukano
+ $css = $is_selected ? ' class="inv_field_enabled"' : '';
+ $label_for = ' for="'.$field.'_chk"';
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj') && $field == 'inv_field_relation')
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<li id="'.$field.'"'.$css.'>';
+ echo '<input id="'.$field.'_chk" type="checkbox" class="inv_checkbox' . $hidden_checkbox . '"'.($is_selected == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<label'.$label_for.'>'.$lang['srv_'.$field].'</label>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ if ($is_selected == 1) {
+ $field_lang[] = $lang['srv_'.$field];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo "$('ul.connectedSortable').sortable({update : function () { refreshFieldsList(); }, forcePlaceholderSize:'true', tolerance:'pointer', placeholder:'inv_field_placeholder', cancel:'#inv_field_relation'});";
+ echo '</script>';
+ # iz seznama
+ echo '<div id="inv_import_list"'.($import_type != 1 ? '' : ' class="hidden"').'>' ;
+ echo '<span class="inv_note">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_email_note'];
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><span class="inv_sample" >';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample'].'&nbsp;</span><span class="inv_sample">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample1'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_fields'].' <span id="inv_field_list" class="inv_type_0">';
+ echo implode(',',$field_lang);
+ echo '</span>';
+ // Opozorilo za limit znakov pri passwordu (20)
+ echo '<span id="inv_field_list_warning" class="red" style="display:none;">';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_pass_warning'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ // delimiter
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_delimiter']
+ .'<label for="recipientsDelimiter1"><input id="recipientsDelimiter1" type="radio" ' .(!isset ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter']) || $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']==","?'checked="checked"':'') .' value="," name="recipientsDelimiter">' .$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_comma'] .' (,)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+ .'<label for="recipientsDelimiter4"><input id="recipientsDelimiter4" type="radio" ' .(isset ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter']) && $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']=="|~|"?'checked="checked"':'') .' value="|~|" name="recipientsDelimiter">' .$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_1KA'] .' (|~|)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+ .'<label for="recipientsDelimiter2"><input id="recipientsDelimiter2" type="radio" ' .(isset ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter']) && $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']==";"?'checked="checked"':'') .' value=";" name="recipientsDelimiter">' .$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_semicolon'] .' (;) </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+ .'<label for="recipientsDelimiter3"><input id="recipientsDelimiter3" type="radio" ' .(isset ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter']) && $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']=="|"?'checked="checked"':'') .' value="|" name="recipientsDelimiter">' .$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_pipe'] .' (|)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_recipients_list" cols="50" rows="9" name="inv_recipients_list">';
+ if (is_array($recipients_list) && count($recipients_list) > 0 ) {
+ echo implode("\n",$recipients_list);
+ }
+ echo '</textarea>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ #podatki o profilu
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ $ppid = isset($_POST['pid']) ? (int)$_POST['pid'] : -1;
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft" style="min-width:200px;">';
+ if ((int)$ppid > 0) {
+ # polovimo podatke profila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.*,, u.surname FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = WHERE = '".(int)$ppid."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($sql_row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div class="gray">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_list_created_by'].implode(' ',$avtor).'</div>';
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div class="gray" title="'.date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_list_created_day'].date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="gray" title="'.$sql_row['comment'].'" style="max-width:202px;">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_list_comment'].trim (strip_tags($sql_row['comment'])).'</div>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<div class="gray">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_temporary_list'].'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<div class="floatLeft spaceLeft">';
+ echo '<div>';
+ echo '<label class="spaceRight"><input type="checkbox" id="inv_recipients_add" value="1" checked="checked">'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_add_type4'].'</label>';
+ /*echo '<label class="spaceRight"><input type="checkbox" id="inv_recipients_rename_profile" onchange="invRenameRecipientsChange();">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_rename_list'].'</label>';
+ echo Help::display('srv_invitation_rename_profile');*/
+ #echo '&nbsp;';
+ #echo '<label class="spaceLeft"><input type="checkbox" id="inv_recipients_add_type2" value="2" >'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_add_type5'].'</label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="div_inv_recipients_rename_list_type" class="displayNone">';
+ $this->saveRecipientListName();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi ponudimo gumb naprej
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceLeft spaceRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="invRecipientsForward(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ echo '</div>'; # id=inv_import_list
+ # iz datoteke
+ echo '<div id="inv_import_file"'.($import_type == 1 ? '' : ' class="hidden"').'>' ;
+ echo '<form id="inv_recipients_upload_form" name="resp_uploader" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=upload_recipients" autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="fields" id="inv_recipients_upoad_fields" value="'.implode(',',$fields).'" />';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="posted" value="1" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_note">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_file_note_1'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_fields'].' <span id="inv_field_list" class="inv_type_1">';
+ echo implode(',',$field_lang);
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo $lang['srv_mailing_upload_list'];
+ echo '<input type="file" name="recipientsFile" id="recipientsFile" size="42" >';
+ if (count($errors) > 0) {
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ foreach($errors as $error) {
+ echo '* '.$error.'<br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ echo '<br/><br/><label>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_import_file_delimiter'].'</label> <input type="radio" name="recipientsDelimiter" id="recipientsDelimiter1" value="," checked><label for="recipientsDelimiter1">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_comma'].' (,)</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="recipientsDelimiter" id="recipientsDelimiter2" value=";"><label for="recipientsDelimiter2">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_semicolon'].' (;)</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="recipientsDelimiter" id="recipientsDelimiter3" value="|"><label for="recipientsDelimiter3">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_pipe'].' (|)</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="recipientsDelimiter" id="recipientsDelimiter4" value="|~|"><label for="recipientsDelimiter4">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_1KA'].' (|~|)</label>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><span class="inv_sample" >';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample'].'&nbsp;</span><span class="inv_sample">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample1'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span id="inv_upload_recipients" class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" ><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_btn_add_recipients_add'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>'; # id=inv_import_file
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; # id=inv_import_list_container
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Enter description here ...
+ * @param $_recipients - prejemniki vsak v svoji vrstici, ločeni z vejico
+ * @param $fields - array polij ki jih dodajamo
+ */
+ function addMassRecipients($_recipients = '', $fields = array(), $new_profile_id = null) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ # vabila z e-maili naredimo tukaj, brez e-mailov pa s podebno funkcijo
+ if (in_array('inv_field_email',$fields)) {
+ # vabila z emaili
+ $inv_iid = $this->inv_iid;
+ # povezava imena polji iz forem, z imeni polji v bazi
+ $db_vs_form_array = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => 'email',
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 'firstname',
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 'lastname',
+ 'inv_field_password' => 'password',
+ 'inv_field_cookie' => 'cookie',
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 'salutation',
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 'phone',
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 'custom',
+ 'inv_field_relation' => 'relation',
+ );
+ #dodamo potrebna sistemska polja
+ $this->addSystemVariables($fields);
+ # dodamo ustrezne uporabnike, neustrezne izpišemo še enkrat da se lahko popravijo
+ $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_recipients);
+ $recipients_list = explode("\n",$_recipients);
+ $num_recipients_list = count($recipients_list);
+ # katero polje je za e-mail
+ if (in_array('inv_field_email',$fields)) {
+ $user_email = true;
+ } else {
+ #za tip 0 - Personalizirano e-poštno vabilo kjer je polje e-mail obvezno
+ # dodamo polje email
+ $user_email = true;
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_email';
+ }
+ # polje cookie mora bit zraven
+ if (!in_array('inv_field_cookie',$fields)) {
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_cookie';
+ }
+ /* brez preverjanja unikatnosti
+ # polovimo že dodane prejemnike iz baze
+ $email_in_db = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $email_in_db[] = strtolower($sql_row['email']);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ # katero polje je za password
+ if (in_array('inv_field_password',$fields)) {
+ $user_password = true;
+ } else {
+ $user_password = false;
+ # dodamo polje password
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_password';
+ }
+ # polja za bazo
+ $db_fields = '';
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ $db_fields .= ', '.$db_vs_form_array[$field];
+ }
+ # katera gesla (code) že imamo v bazi za to anketo
+ $password_in_db = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT password FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $password_in_db[$sql_row['password']] = $sql_row['password'];
+ }
+ $unsubscribed = array();
+ #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND unsubscribed = '1'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $unsubscribed = array();
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $unsubscribed[] = $sql_row['email'];
+ }
+ }
+ #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil i datoteje srv_survey_unsubscribed
+ $condition = (count($unsubscribed) > 0 ) ? " AND email NOT IN('".implode('\',\'',$unsubscribed)."')" : '';
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_survey_unsubscribe WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."'".$condition;
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $unsubscribed[] = $sql_row['email'];
+ }
+ }
+ #array z veljavnimi zapisi
+ $valid_recipiens_array = array();
+ # array z zapisi kjer so napake v geslih
+ $invalid_password_array = array();
+ #array z zapisi kjer so neveljavna gesla
+ $invalid_email_array = array();
+ #array z podvojenimi zapisi
+ $duplicate_email_array = array();
+ #aray z zapisi kjer so uporabniki izbrali da ne želijo prejemat e-mailov
+ $unsubscribed_recipiens_array = array();
+ if ( $num_recipients_list > 0 ) {
+ foreach ($recipients_list AS $recipient_line) {
+ $recipient_line = trim($recipient_line);
+ if ($recipient_line != null && $recipient_line != '') {
+ // interni delimiter in ne vejicaa!!!!
+ $line_array = explode('|~|',$recipient_line);
+ //$line_array = explode(',',$recipient_line);
+ # predpostavljamo da je vrstica vredu
+ $invalid_line = false;
+ #prilagodimo izbrana polja
+ $recipent_array = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($fields AS $field) {
+ $recipent_array[$field] = $line_array[$i];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # izvedemo validacijo posameznih polij
+ # najprej preverimo gesla, če niso uporabniško določena, jih dodelimo sami
+ if ( $invalid_line == false ) {
+ # če še ni bilo napake ( da ne podvajamo zapisov pri katerih je več napak)
+ if ($user_password == false) {
+ # gesla določamo avtomatsko, (ne bo problemov :] )
+ # Izberemo random hash, ki se ni v bazi
+ do {
+ list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode();
+ #} while (in_array($code,$password_in_db) && !is_numeric($code));
+ } while (in_array($code,$password_in_db)); # je bil problem kadar so same številke
+ # polje za geslo je na zadnjem mestu (smo ga dodali zgoraj)
+ $recipent_array['inv_field_password'] = $code;
+ $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie;
+ # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih
+ $password_in_db[$code] = $code;
+ } else {
+ # gesla je določil uporabnik, (dajmo ga malo preverit)
+ $user_password = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_password']);
+ # preverimo ali je geslo že v bazi
+ if ($user_password == null || $user_password == '' || in_array($user_password,$password_in_db)) {
+ $invalid_password_array[] = $recipient_line;
+ $invalid_line = true;
+ }
+ # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih
+ if ($invalid_line == false) {
+ $password_in_db[$user_password] = $user_password;
+ #dodamo še piškotek
+ list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode();
+ $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # če imamo emaile naredimo validacijo, preverimo zavrnitve.. itd
+ if ($user_email == true && $invalid_line == false) {
+ # preberemo uporabniški email
+ $email_field = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_email']);
+ #ali je email veljaven
+ if (!$this->validEmail($email_field) && $invalid_line == false) {
+ $invalid_email_array[] = $recipient_line;
+ $invalid_line = true;
+ }
+ # ali je email podvojen
+ /* brez preverjanja unikatnosti
+ if (in_array(strtolower($email_field),$email_in_db) && $invalid_line == false) {
+ $duplicate_email_array[] = strtolower($recipient_line);
+ $invalid_line = true;
+ }
+ */
+ # ali uporabnik ne želi prejemati sporočil (opted out)
+ if (in_array($email_field,$unsubscribed) && $invalid_line == false) {
+ $unsubscribed_recipiens_array[] = $recipient_line;
+ $invalid_line = true;
+ }
+ # če je vse ok, email dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih
+ if ( $invalid_line == false) {
+ $email_in_db[] = strtolower($email_field);
+ }
+ }
+ # če je vse ok dodamo userja k veljavnim
+ if ( $invalid_line == false) {
+ $valid_recipiens_array[] = $recipent_array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($new_profile_id == null) {
+ $list_id = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ } else {
+ $list_id = $new_profile_id;
+ }
+ # pripravimo sql stavek za vstavljanje
+ if (count($valid_recipiens_array ) > 0) {
+ $sql_insert_start = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients (ank_id".$db_fields.",sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,date_inserted,inserted_uid,list_id) VALUES ";
+ $count = 0;
+ $sql_insert_array = array();
+ $cnt = 0;
+ $max_in_array = 1000; # po koliko respondentov dodajamo naenkeat
+ $array_loop = 0;
+ foreach ( $valid_recipiens_array AS $recipent_fields) {
+ $cnt++;
+ $sql_insert = "('".$this->sid."'";
+ foreach ($recipent_fields as $field) {
+ $sql_insert .= ", '" .str_replace (array('\\', "'"), array('', '&#39;'), $field) ."'";
+ }
+ $sql_insert .= ",'0','0','0','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."','".$list_id."')";
+ $sql_insert_array[$array_loop][] = $sql_insert;
+ if ($cnt >= $max_in_array) {
+ $array_loop++;
+ $cnt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_insert_end = " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE firstname=VALUES(firstname), lastname=VALUES(lastname), salutation=VALUES(salutation), phone=VALUES(phone), custom=VALUES(custom), relation=VALUES(relation), deleted='0', date_inserted=NOW()";
+ # v loopu dodamo posamezne respondente po skupinah (ker kadar je respondentov veliko mysql crkne)
+ if (count($sql_insert_array) > 0) {
+ foreach ($sql_insert_array AS $sub_insert_array) {
+ $query_insert = $sql_insert_start. implode(',',$sub_insert_array) .$sql_insert_end;
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($query_insert);
+ $rows = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ }
+ return array( 'valid_recipiens' => $valid_recipiens_array,
+ 'invalid_password' => $invalid_password_array,
+ 'invalid_email' => $invalid_email_array,
+ 'duplicate_email' => $duplicate_email_array,
+ 'unsubscribed' => $unsubscribed_recipiens_array);
+ } else {
+ # vabila brez emailov
+ return $this->addMassRecipientsWithoutEmail($_recipients, $fields, $new_profile_id);
+ }
+ }
+ function addMassRecipientsWithoutEmail($_recipients='', $fields=array(), $new_profile_id=null) {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $inv_iid = $this->inv_iid;
+ # povezava imena polji iz forem, z imeni polji v bazi
+ $db_vs_form_array = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => 'email',
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 'firstname',
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 'lastname',
+ 'inv_field_password' => 'password',
+ 'inv_field_cookie' => 'cookie',
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 'salutation',
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 'phone',
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 'custom',
+ 'inv_field_relation' => 'relation',
+ );
+ #dodamo potrebna sistemska polja
+ $this->addSystemVariables($fields);
+ # dodamo ustrezne uporabnike, neustrezne izpišemo še enkrat da se lahko popravijo
+ $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_recipients);
+ $recipients_list = explode("\n",$_recipients);
+ $num_recipients_list = count($recipients_list);
+ # katero polje je za e-mail
+ if (in_array('inv_field_email',$fields)) {
+ $user_email = true;
+ } else {
+ }
+ # polje cookie mora bit zraven
+ if (!in_array('inv_field_cookie',$fields)) {
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_cookie';
+ }
+ # polovimo že dodane prejemnike iz baze
+ $user_in_db = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT firstname,lastname,salutation,phone,custom,relation,password FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $user_in_db[] = $sql_row['firstname'].$sql_row['lastname'].$sql_row['salutation'].$sql_row['phone'].$sql_row['custom'].$sql_row['relation'].$sql_row['password'];
+ }
+ }
+ # katero polje je za password
+ if (in_array('inv_field_password',$fields)) {
+ $user_password = true;
+ } else {
+ $user_password = false;
+ # dodamo polje password
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_password';
+ }
+ # polja za bazo
+ $db_fields = '';
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ $db_fields .= ', '.$db_vs_form_array[$field];
+ }
+ # katera gesla (code) že imamo v bazi za to anketo
+ $password_in_db = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT password FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $password_in_db[$sql_row['password']] = $sql_row['password'];
+ }
+ $unsubscribed = array();
+ #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil
+ #
+ # $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE unsubscribed = '1'";
+ # $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ # $unsubscribed = array();
+ // if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) {
+ # while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ # $unsubscribed[] = $sql_row['email'];
+ # }
+ # }
+ #array z veljavnimi zapisi
+ $valid_recipiens_array = array();
+ # array z zapisi kjer so napake v geslih
+ $invalid_password_array = array();
+ #array z zapisi kjer so neveljavna gesla
+ $invalid_email_array = array();
+ #array z podvojenimi zapisi
+ $duplicate_email_array = array();
+ #aray z zapisi kjer so uporabniki izbrali da ne želijo prejemat e-mailov
+ $unsubscribed_recipiens_array = array();
+ if ( $num_recipients_list > 0 ) {
+ foreach ($recipients_list AS $recipient_line) {
+ $recipient_line = trim($recipient_line);
+ if ($recipient_line != null && $recipient_line != '') {
+ $line_array = explode('|~|',$recipient_line);
+ # predpostavljamo da je vrstica vredu
+ $invalid_line = false;
+ #prilagodimo izbrana polja
+ $recipent_array = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($fields AS $field) {
+ $recipent_array[$field] = $line_array[$i];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # izvedemo validacijo posameznih polij
+ # najprej preverimo gesla, če niso uporabniško določena, jih dodelimo sami
+ if ( $invalid_line == false ) {
+ # če še ni bilo napake ( da ne podvajamo zapisov pri katerih je več napak)
+ if ($user_password == false) {
+ # gesla določamo avtomatsko, (ne bo problemov :] )
+ # Izberemo random hash, ki se ni v bazi
+ do {
+ list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode();
+ } while (in_array($code,$password_in_db));
+ # polje za geslo je na zadnjem mestu (smo ga dodali zgoraj)
+ $recipent_array['inv_field_password'] = $code;
+ $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie;
+ # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih
+ $password_in_db[$code] = $code;
+ } else {
+ # gesla je določil uporabnik, (dajmo ga malo preverit)
+ $user_password = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_password']);
+ # preverimo ali je geslo že v bazi
+ if ($user_password == null || $user_password == '' || in_array($user_password,$password_in_db)) {
+ $invalid_password_array[] = $recipient_line;
+ $invalid_line = true;
+ }
+ # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih
+ if ($invalid_line == false) {
+ $password_in_db[$user_password] = $user_password;
+ #dodamo še piškotek
+ list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode();
+ $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # če imamo emaile naredimo validacijo, preverimo zavrnitve.. itd
+ // if ($user_email == true && $invalid_line == false) {
+ if ($invalid_line == false) {
+ # # preberemo uporabniški email
+ $email_field = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_firstname'])
+ . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_lastname'])
+ . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_salutation'])
+ . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_phone'])
+ . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_custom'])
+ . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_relation'])
+ . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_password']);
+ #
+ # #ali je email veljaven
+ // if (!$this->validEmail($email_field) && $invalid_line == false) {
+ # $invalid_email_array[] = $recipient_line;
+ # $invalid_line = true;
+ # }
+ # ali je email podvojen
+ if (in_array(strtolower($email_field),$user_in_db) && $invalid_line == false) {
+ $duplicate_email_array[] = strtolower($recipient_line);
+ $invalid_line = true;
+ }
+ # ali uporabnik ne želi prejemati sporočil (opted out)
+ // if (in_array($email_field,$unsubscribed) && $invalid_line == false) {
+ # $unsubscribed_recipiens_array[] = $recipient_line;
+ # $invalid_line = true;
+ # }
+ # če je vse ok, email dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih
+ if ( $invalid_line == false) {
+ $user_in_db[] = $email_field;
+ }
+ }
+ # če je vse ok dodamo userja k veljavnim
+ if ( $invalid_line == false) {
+ $valid_recipiens_array[] = $recipent_array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # pripravimo sql stavek za vstavljanje
+ if ($new_profile_id == null) {
+ $list_id = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $list_id = $new_profile_id;
+ }
+ if (count($valid_recipiens_array ) > 0) {
+ $sql_insert_start = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients (ank_id".$db_fields.",sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,date_inserted,inserted_uid,list_id) VALUES ";
+ $count = 0;
+ $sql_insert_array = array();
+ $cnt = 0;
+ $max_in_array = 1000; # po koliko respondentov dodajamo naenkeat
+ $array_loop = 0;
+ foreach ( $valid_recipiens_array AS $recipent_fields) {
+ $cnt++;
+ $sql_insert = "('".$this->sid."'";
+ foreach ($recipent_fields as $field) {
+ $sql_insert .= ", '$field'";
+ }
+ $sql_insert .= ",'0','0','0','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."','".$list_id."')";
+ $sql_insert_array[$array_loop][] = $sql_insert;
+ if ($cnt >= $max_in_array) {
+ $array_loop++;
+ $cnt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_insert_end = " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE firstname=VALUES(firstname), lastname=VALUES(lastname), salutation=VALUES(salutation), phone=VALUES(phone), custom=VALUES(custom), relation=VALUES(relation), deleted='0', date_inserted=NOW()";
+ # v loopu dodamo posamezne respondente po skupinah (ker kadar je respondentov veliko mysql crkne)
+ if (count($sql_insert_array) > 0) {
+ foreach ($sql_insert_array AS $sub_insert_array) {
+ $query_insert = $sql_insert_start. implode(',',$sub_insert_array) .$sql_insert_end;
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($query_insert);
+ $rows = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ }
+ return array( 'valid_recipiens' => $valid_recipiens_array,
+ 'invalid_password' => $invalid_password_array,
+ 'invalid_email' => $invalid_email_array,
+ 'duplicate_email' => $duplicate_email_array,
+ 'unsubscribed' => $unsubscribed_recipiens_array);
+ }
+ function generateCode() {
+ // Zgeneriramo cookie
+ $cookie = md5(mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax()) . '@' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+ // Ce je prvi znak stevilka jo spremenimo v crko ker drugace vcasih izvoz v excel ne dela ok
+ $letters = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
+ if(is_numeric(substr($cookie, 0, 1)))
+ $cookie = $letters[array_rand($letters)].substr($cookie, 1);
+ // Koda je prvi del cookija
+ $code = substr($cookie, 0, 6);
+ return array($code, $cookie);
+ }
+ #preglej prejemnike
+ function viewRecipients($errors = array(), $msgs = array()) {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $admin_type;
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ $row = $this->surveySettings;
+ echo '<h2 style="margin-left: 15px; color:#333 !important;">';
+ // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja
+ $settings_text = '<span class="bold spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':</span>';
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ if($individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($noEmailing == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0'];
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1'];
+ if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft"> <a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_settings">'.$lang['edit4'].'</a></span>';
+ echo $settings_text;
+ echo '</h2>';
+ #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil
+ # nastavimo filter
+ session_start();
+ $filter_duplicated = $_SESSION['inv_filter']['duplicated'];
+ $filter = $_SESSION['inv_filter']['value'];
+ if ($filter != '') {
+ $mysql_filter = " AND ("
+ . " LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR i.firstname LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR i.lastname LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR i.password LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR i.salutation LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR i.custom LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . "OR i.relation LIKE '%".$filter."%'"
+ . ")";
+ }
+ if (isset($_SESSION['inv_filter_on']) && $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] == true ) {
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] == 0) {
+ $mysql_filter .= "";
+ } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] == 2) {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.sent='1'";
+ } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] == 1) {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.sent='0'";
+ }
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] == 0) {
+ $mysql_filter .= "";
+ } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] == 2) {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.responded='1'";
+ } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] == 1) {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.responded='0'";
+ }
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] == 0) {
+ $mysql_filter .= "";
+ } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] == 2) {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.unsubscribed='1'";
+ } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] == 1) {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.unsubscribed='0'";
+ }
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['list']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] == -2) {
+ $mysql_filter .= "";
+ } else {
+ $mysql_filter .= " AND i.list_id='".(int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['list']."'";
+ }
+ }
+ # preštejemo koliko imamo vseh respondentov in koliko jih je brez e-maila
+ $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'");
+ $count_all = mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_all);
+ $sql_string_withot_email = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0' AND email IS NULL AND sent='0'";
+ $sql_query_without_email = sisplet_query($sql_string_withot_email);
+ $sql_row_without_email = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_without_email);
+ $count_without_email = $sql_row_without_email[0];
+ #koliko zapisov bi morali prikazovati
+ $sql_string_filterd_all = "SELECT i.* FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter." ORDER BY";
+ $sql_query_filterd_all = sisplet_query($sql_string_filterd_all);
+ $filtred_all = mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd_all);
+ # Katera polja prikazujemo v seznamu prejemnikov
+ $default_fields = array(
+ 'sent' => 1,
+ 'email' => 1,
+ 'firstname' => 0,
+ 'lastname' => 0,
+ 'salutation' => 0,
+ 'phone' => 0,
+ 'custom' => 0,
+ );
+ // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj
+ if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ $default_fields['responded'] = 1;
+ $default_fields['unsubscribed'] = 1;
+ $default_fields['password'] = 1;
+ }
+ // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ $default_fields['relation'] = 0;
+ }
+ # pogledamo katera polja dejansko prikazujemo
+ $sql_select_fields = array();
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_filterd_all)) {
+ foreach ($default_fields AS $key => $value) {
+ # če polje še ni dodano in če ni prazno, ga dodamo
+ if ($fields[$key] == 0 && isset($sql_row[$key]) && trim($sql_row[$key]) != '') {
+ $fields[$key] = 1;
+ $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.'.$key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dodamo še ostala polja
+ // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj
+ if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ $fields['last_status'] = 1;
+ $fields['date(date_expired)'] = 1;
+ }
+ $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.last_status';
+ $fields['date_inserted'] = 1;
+ $fields['inserted_uid'] = 1;
+ $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.inserted_uid';
+ $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.date_inserted';
+ $sql_select_fields[] = 'date(date_expired)';
+ $fields['list_id'] = 1;
+ $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.list_id';
+ #dodamo paginacijo in poiščemo zapise
+ $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
+ $limit_start = ($page*REC_ON_PAGE)-REC_ON_PAGE;
+ $sort_string = $this->getSortString();
+ $sql_string_duplicated = null;
+ if ($filter_duplicated == true)
+ {
+ $sql_string_duplicated = " JOIN(
+ SELECT email, COUNT( email ) AS email_duplicated
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients
+ WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'
+ GROUP BY email
+ HAVING email_duplicated >1
+ ) AS dup ON = ";
+ }
+ $sql_string_filterd = "SELECT,
+ ".implode(',',$sql_select_fields)."
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i
+ ".$sql_string_duplicated."
+ WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'
+ ".$mysql_filter."
+ ".$sort_string."
+ LIMIT $limit_start,".REC_ON_PAGE;
+ #koliko zapisov bi morali prikazovati
+ # po potrebi upoštevamo filter pogojev
+ $this->user_inv_ids = array();
+ if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0) {
+ $this->user_inv_ids = $this->getConditionUserIds($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId);
+ if (isset($this->user_inv_ids) && is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0 )
+ {
+ $sql_string_filterd = "SELECT, ".implode(',',$sql_select_fields)." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i "
+ . $sql_string_duplicated
+ . " INNER JOIN srv_user AS su ON = su.inv_res_id"
+ ." WHERE su.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND su.inv_res_id IS NOT NULL AND su.deleted = '0' AND IN ('".(implode('\',\'',$this->user_inv_ids))."')"
+ ." AND i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter.' '.$sort_string." LIMIT $limit_start,".REC_ON_PAGE;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_query_filterd = sisplet_query($sql_string_filterd);
+ # polovimo userje
+ $uids = array();
+ $sql_string_users = "SELECT DISTINCT i.inserted_uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter." GROUP BY i.inserted_uid ORDER BY";
+ $sql_query_users = sisplet_query($sql_string_users);
+ while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_users)) {
+ $uids[] = $row_users['inserted_uid'];
+ }
+ $users = array();
+ if (count($uids) > 0) {
+ $sql_string_users = "SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE id IN(".implode(',',$uids).")";
+ $sql_query_users = sisplet_query($sql_string_users);
+ while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_users)) {
+ $users[$row_users['id']] = array('email'=>$row_users['email']);
+ }
+ }
+ # polovimo sezname
+ $lids = array();
+ $sql_string_users = "SELECT i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter." GROUP BY i.list_id ORDER BY";
+ $sql_query_users = sisplet_query($sql_string_users);
+ while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_users)) {
+ $lids[] = $row_users['list_id'];
+ }
+ #seznami
+ $lists = array();
+ $lists['-1'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']);
+ $lists['0'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']);
+ if (count($lids) > 0 ) {
+ $sql_string_lists = "SELECT * from srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid IN(".implode(',',$lids).") ";
+ $sql_query_lists = sisplet_query($sql_string_lists);
+ while ($row_lists = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_lists)) {
+ $lists[$row_lists['pid']] = array('name'=>$row_lists['name']);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($msgs) > 0) {
+ echo '<span class="inv_msg_note">';
+ foreach($msgs as $msg) {
+ echo '* '.$msg.'<br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ if (count($errors) > 0) {
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ foreach($errors as $error) {
+ echo '* '.$error.'<br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ if ($count_all > 0 ) {
+ # dodamo filtriranje
+ echo '<div id="inv_rec_filter">';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter'].'</label> <input id="inv_rec_filter_value" type="text" onchange="inv_filter_recipients(); return false;" value="'.$_SESSION['inv_filter']['value'].'">';
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label><input id="inv_rec_filter_on" type="checkbox" onchange="inv_filter_recipients(); return false;"'.(isset($_SESSION['inv_filter_on']) && $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] == true ? ' checked="true"' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_advanced'].'</label>';
+ if (isset($_SESSION['inv_filter_on']) && $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] == true ) {
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_sent'];
+ $selected = (int)(isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send']) ? (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] : 0);
+ echo ' <select id="inv_rec_filter_send" onchange="inv_filter_recipients();">';
+ echo '<option value="0"'.((int)$selected == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter0'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="1"'.((int)$selected == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter1'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="2"'.((int)$selected == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter2'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select></label>';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_answered'];
+ $selected = (int)(isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet']) ? (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] : 0);
+ echo ' <select id="inv_rec_filter_respondet" onchange="inv_filter_recipients();">';
+ echo '<option value="0"'.((int)$selected == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter0'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="1"'.((int)$selected == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter1'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="2"'.((int)$selected == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter2'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select></label>';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_unsubscribed'];
+ $selected = (int)(isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed']) ? (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] : 0);
+ echo ' <select id="inv_rec_filter_unsubscribed" onchange="inv_filter_recipients();">';
+ echo '<option value="0"'.((int)$selected == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter0'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="1"'.((int)$selected == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter1'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="2"'.((int)$selected == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_filter2'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select></label>';
+ $this->listCondition();
+ $this->advancedCondition();
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<form id="frm_inv_rec_export" name="resp_uploader" method="post" autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="anketa" id="anketa" value="'.$this->sid.'">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="noNavi" id="noNavi" value="true">';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ if ($filter != '') {
+ echo '<span class="red strong">';
+ printf($lang['srv_inv_list_no_recipients_filter'],$filter);
+ #Podatki so filtrirani: "'.$filter.'"<br/>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ if ($count_all > 0 && mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd) != $count_all ) {
+ echo '<div id="srv_invitation_note" class="floatLeft spaceRight">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_num_respondents_filtred'].(int)mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd);
+ echo '</div>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<div id="srv_invitation_note" class="floatLeft spaceRight">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_num_respondents'].(int)$this->count_all;
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # duplicated
+ echo '<label><input type="checkbox" id="inv_rec_filter_duplicates" onchange="inv_filter_recipients(); return false" '. ($filter_duplicated ?' checked="checked"':'') .'>' . $lang['srv_inv_recipient_show_only_duplicates'] .'</label><br class="clr"/>';
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd) > 0 && $count_all > 0) {
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ $this->displayPagination($filtred_all);
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<div style="display:inline-block; margin-right: 20px;">';
+ # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi več kot 20 ponudimo gumb naprej tudi zgoraj
+ if ($this->count_all > 20) {
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceLeft" style="margin-bottom:10px;"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="'.$this->addUrl('view_message').'"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'</span></a></span>';
+ }
+ // Izvoz vseh v excel
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft" style="line-height:45px; padding-left:10px;">';
+ echo '<a onclick="inv_recipients_form_action(\'export_all\');" href="#">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon xls" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_all'].'" style="height:14px; width:16px;"></span>';
+ echo ' '.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_all'];
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_recipients_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ # checkbox
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" colspan="'.($this->surveySettings['show_email']==1?'4':'3').'" >&nbsp;</th>';
+ foreach ($fields AS $fkey =>$field) {
+ if ($field == 1) {
+ if ($fkey == 'sent' || $fkey == 'responded' || $fkey == 'unsubscribed' ) {
+ #echo '<th class="anl_ac tbl_icon_'.$fkey.' inv_'.$fkey.'_1" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '<th'.$this->addSortField($fkey).' class="anl_ac pointer tbl_icon_'.$fkey.'" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].$this->addSortIcon($fkey).'</th>';
+ } else if ($fkey == 'last_status' ) {
+ echo '<th'.$this->addSortField($fkey).' class="anl_ac pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].$this->addSortIcon($fkey).'</th>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<th'.$this->addSortField($fkey).' class="pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].$this->addSortIcon($fkey).'</th>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_filterd)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ # checkbox
+ echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="inv_rids[]" value="'.$sql_row['id'].'"></td>';
+ #izbriši
+ #echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left"><span class="as_link rec_delete_confirm" inv_rid="'.$sql_row['id'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_delete'].'</span></td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left"><span class="faicon delete_circle icon-orange_link" onclick="deleteRecipient_confirm(\''.$sql_row['id'].'\'); return false;" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_delete'].'"></span></td>';
+ #uredi
+ #echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left"><span class="as_link rec_edit" inv_rid="'.$sql_row['id'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_edit'].'</span></td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left"><span class="faicon edit smaller icon-as_link" onclick="editRecipient(\''.$sql_row['id'].'\'); return false;" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_edit'].'"></span></td>';
+ // Skoci na urejanje odgovorov - ce imamo identifikatorje povezane s podatki
+ if($this->surveySettings['show_email'] == 1)
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left"><span class="icon-grey_dark_link" onclick="\''.$site_url.'/main/survey/edit_anketa.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&usr_id='.$sql_row['id'].'&code='.$sql_row['password'].'\', \'blank\')" title="'.$lang['srv_edit_data_row'].'"></span></td>';
+ foreach ($fields AS $fkey =>$field) {
+ if ($field == 1) {
+ switch ($fkey) {
+ case 'sent':
+ echo '<td class="anl_ac pointer" onclick="showRecipientTracking(\''.$sql_row['id'].'\'); return false;">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon '.((int)$sql_row['sent'] == 1 ? ('inv_sent_1') : 'inv_sent_0').' icon-as_link" title="'.((int)$sql_row['sent'] == 1 ? $lang['sent'] : $lang['not_sent']).'"></span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ break;
+ case 'responded':
+ echo '<td class="anl_ac">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon '.((int)$sql_row['responded'] == 1 ? ('inv_responded_1') : 'inv_responded_0').' icon-orange"></span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ break;
+ case 'unsubscribed':
+ echo '<td class="anl_ac ">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon '.((int)$sql_row['unsubscribed'] == 1 ? ('inv_unsubscribed_1') : 'inv_unsubscribed_0').'"></span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ break;
+ case 'last_status':
+ echo '<td>('.$sql_row[$fkey].') - '.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row[$fkey]].'</td>';
+ break;
+ case 'inserted_uid':
+ echo '<td>'.$users[$sql_row[$fkey]]['email'].'</td>';
+ break;
+ case 'email':
+ echo '<td>';
+ if ($filter != '') {
+ echo $this->hightlight($sql_row[$fkey],$filter);
+ } else {
+ echo $sql_row[$fkey];
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ break;
+ case 'list_id':
+ echo '<td>';
+ if ((int)$sql_row[$fkey] > 0) {
+ if ($lists[$sql_row[$fkey]]['name'] != '') {
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="$(\'#anketa_edit\').load(\'ajax.php?t=invitations&a=use_recipients_list\', {anketa:srv_meta_anketa_id, pid:'.(int)$sql_row[$fkey].' });">'.$lists[$sql_row[$fkey]]['name'].'</a>';
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_deleted'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo $lists[$sql_row[$fkey]]['name'];
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left">';
+ if ($filter != '') {
+ echo $this->hightlight($sql_row[$fkey],$filter);
+ } else {
+ echo $sql_row[$fkey];
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ @ob_flush();
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_bottom_edit">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon arrow_up"></span> ';
+ echo '<span id="inv_switch_on"><a href="javascript:inv_selectAll(true);">'.$lang['srv_select_all'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<span id="inv_switch_off" style="display:none;"><a href="javascript:inv_selectAll(false);">'.$lang['srv_deselect_all'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onClick="inv_recipients_form_action(\'delete\');"><span class="faicon delete_circle icon-orange" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_delete_selected'].'"></span>&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_delete_selected'].'</a>';
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onClick="inv_recipients_form_action(\'export\');"><span class="faicon xls delete" style="height:14px; width:16px;" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_selected'].'"></span>&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_selected'].'</a>';
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onClick="inv_recipients_form_action(\'add\');">&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_activate3'].'</a>';
+ // Aktivira vse v seznamu (jih doda v podatke, kot da so poslani)
+ echo '<br /><span style="line-height:40px;"><a href="#" onclick="inv_add_rec_to_db(); return false;" target="_blank">'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_activate2'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi ponudimo gumb naprej
+ if ($count_all > 0) {
+ echo '<div class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceLeft" style="margin-top:-30px;"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="'.$this->addUrl('view_message').'"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/><br>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_no_recipients_filtred'].'<br class="clr">';
+ }
+ echo '</form>';
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_no_recipients'].'<br class="clr">';
+ }
+ }
+ function viewMessage($mid = null) {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url;
+ $row = $this->surveySettings;
+ echo '<h2 style="margin-left: 15px; color:#333 !important;">';
+ // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja
+ $settings_text = '<span class="bold spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':</span>';
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ if($individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ if($noEmailing == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0'];
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1'];
+ if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft"> <a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_settings">'.$lang['edit4'].'</a></span>';
+ echo $settings_text;
+ //echo '<span style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px;"><input type="radio" name="inv_messages_noEmailing" id="inv_messages_noEmailing_1" '.($noEmailing == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' style="margin-bottom:4px;" onClick="noEmailingToggle(\'0\');" /> <label for="inv_messages_noEmailing_1">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_0'].'</label></span>';
+ //echo '<span><input type="radio" name="inv_messages_noEmailing" id="inv_messages_noEmailing_2" '.($noEmailing == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' style="margin-bottom:4px;" onClick="noEmailingToggle(\'1\');" /> <label for="inv_messages_noEmailing_2">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_1'].'</label></span>';
+ echo '</h2>';
+ // Ce posiljamo preko emaila
+ if($noEmailing != 1){
+ echo '<div id="inv_messages_holder">';
+ if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) {
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ } else {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $array_messages = array();
+ while ( list($id, $naslov, $subject_text, $body_text, $reply_to ,$isdefault, $comment, $url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query) ) {
+ $array_messages[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'naslov' => $naslov, 'subject_text'=>$subject_text, 'body_text'=>$body_text, 'reply_to'=>$reply_to ,'isdefault'=>$isdefault, 'comment'=>$comment, 'url'=>$url);
+ if ($isdefault == '1') {
+ # če izbiramo profile in nismo postali še nobenga
+ if ( $mid == null ) {
+ $mid = $id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $preview_message = $array_messages[$mid];
+ echo '<div id="inv_messages_profiles_holder" class="floatLeft">';
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_message_choose'].':</span><br/>';
+ echo '<div id="invitation_messages" >';
+ echo '<ol>';
+ foreach ($array_messages AS $_m => $message) {
+ echo '<li mid="'.$message['id'].'" class="'
+ .($message['id'] == $mid ? ' active' : '')
+ .'" onclick="invChangeMessage(\''.$message['id'].'\')">';
+ echo $message['naslov'];
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ol>';
+ echo '</div>'; #invitation_messages
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ if (count($array_messages) > 1) {
+ echo '<span class="as_link" id="inv_del_msg_profile" onclick="invMessageDelete();" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_message_delete_profile'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_delete_profile'].'</span><br/>';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="as_link" id="inv_ren_msg_profile" onclick="invShowMessageRename();" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_profile'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_profile'].'</span>';
+ {
+ # polovimo podatke profila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT sim.*,, u.surname, as ename, e.surname as esurname FROM srv_invitations_messages AS sim LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sim.uid = LEFT JOIN users AS e ON sim.edit_uid = WHERE = '".(int)$mid."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $avtor = array();
+ $edit = array();
+ if (trim($sql_row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div class="gray">'.$lang['srv_invitation_author'].' '.implode(' ',$avtor).'</div>';
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div class="gray" title="'.date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'">'.$lang['srv_invitation_author_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'</div>';
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['ename'])) {
+ $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['ename']);
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['esurname'])) {
+ $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['esurname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($edit) > 0 && $edit != $avtor) {
+ echo '<div class="gray">'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed'].' '.implode(' ',$edit).'</div>';
+ }
+ if ($sql_row['insert_time'] != $sql_row['edit_time']) {
+ echo '<div class="gray" title="'.date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($sql_row['edit_time'])).'">'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="gray" style="max-width:202px">'.$lang['srv_invitation_comment'].' '. trim ($sql_row['comment']).'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; #inv_messages_profiles_holder
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation');
+ # zlistamo seznam vseh sporočil
+ # izpišemo primer besedila
+ echo '<div id="inv_msg_preview_hld" class="floatLeft">';
+ echo '<span class="h2 spaceRight floatLeft">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_heading'].'</span> '.Help::display('srv_inv_message_title');
+ //echo '<span class="spaceRight floatRight"><a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_server&show_back=true">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_settings'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_error_note" class="hidden"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_msg_preview">';
+ echo '<table>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ if($MA->getMailFrom() == '')
+ echo '<a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_settings">'.$lang['srv_usermailing_setting'].'</a>';
+ else
+ echo $MA->getMailFrom();
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="inv_message_replyto" value="'.$MA->getMailFrom().'" autocomplete="off" readonly>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_reply'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo $MA->getMailReplyTo();
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="inv_message_replyto" value="'.$MA->getMailReplyTo().'" autocomplete="off" readonly>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="inv_message_subject" value="'.$preview_message['subject_text'].'" autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td ><div class="msgBody">';
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_message_body" name="inv_message_body" autocomplete="off">'.($preview_message['body_text']).'</textarea>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ create_inv_editor('inv_message_body', false);
+ </script><?php
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ $urls = $this->getUrlLists();
+ if (count($urls) > 0) {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_url'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<select id="inv_message_url">';
+ foreach ($urls AS $url) {
+ $selected = '';
+ if ($preview_message['url'] == '') {
+ if ($preview_message['dc'] == true) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ }
+ } else if ($preview_message['url'] == $url['url']) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ }
+ echo '<option value="'.$url['url'].'"'.$selected.'>'.$url['name'].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'"><a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onclick="inv_message_save_forward(\''.$mid.'\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="if(inv_message_save_simple(\''.$mid.'\')) { window.location.reload() }; return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_message_saveNew'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_message_save_advanced(\''.$mid.'\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_message_saveNew'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="invitation_profile_notes"><p>';
+ $_indicators = $this->getAvailableIndicators();
+ $_sysVars = $this->getAvailableSysVars();
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_help'];
+ // Poiščemo še sistemske spremenljivke iz ankete
+ $prefix='';
+ if (count($_indicators ) > 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_help_identifikators'];
+ foreach ($_indicators AS $_identifikator) {
+ echo $prefix.'<br/>#'.strtoupper($_identifikator).'#'.$lang['srv_inv_message_help_system_'.strtolower($_identifikator)];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ # preverimo ali imamo nastavljen mapping
+ $prefix = '';
+ $sqlSysMapping = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '$this->sid'");
+ if (count($_sysVars ) > 0 && mysqli_num_rows($sqlSysMapping) > 0) {
+ echo '<br/><br/>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_help_systemvars'];
+ foreach ($_sysVars AS $_sys_var => $_sysLabel) {
+ echo $prefix.'<br/>#'.strtoupper($_sys_var).'#'.$lang['srv_inv_message_help_system_'.strtolower($_sys_var)];
+ $prefix = ', ';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note12'];
+ }
+ echo '</p></div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Ce samo dokumentiramo - navadna posta, SMS...
+ else{
+ echo '<div id="inv_messages_holder_noEmailing">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_text'];
+ // Izbira nacina posiljanja (navadna posta, sms...) - prestavljeno pod nastavitve
+ /*echo '<div id="inv_select_noMail_type">';
+ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type');
+ echo '<span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type'].':</span>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span spaceLeft"><input name="noMailType" id="noMailType1" value="0" type="radio" '.($noEmailingType == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="noEmailingType(\'0\');"><label for="noMailType1">' . $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'] . '</label></span>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span spaceLeft"><input name="noMailType" id="noMailType2" value="1" type="radio" '.($noEmailingType == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="noEmailingType(\'1\');"><label for="noMailType2">' . $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'] . '</label></span>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span spaceLeft"><input name="noMailType" id="noMailType3" value="2" type="radio" '.($noEmailingType == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="noEmailingType(\'2\');"><label for="noMailType3">' . $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'] . '</label></span>';
+ echo '</div>';*/
+ // Gumb naprej
+ /*echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'">';
+ echo '<a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=send_message&noemailing=1"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'];
+ echo '</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';*/
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_messages_holder">';
+ if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) {
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ } else {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $array_messages = array();
+ while ( list($id, $naslov, $subject_text, $body_text, $reply_to ,$isdefault, $comment, $url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query) ) {
+ $array_messages[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'naslov' => $naslov, 'subject_text'=>$subject_text, 'body_text'=>$body_text, 'reply_to'=>$reply_to ,'isdefault'=>$isdefault, 'comment'=>$comment, 'url'=>$url);
+ if ($isdefault == '1') {
+ # če izbiramo profile in nismo postali še nobenga
+ if ( $mid == null ) {
+ $mid = $id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $preview_message = $array_messages[$mid];
+ echo '<div id="inv_messages_profiles_holder" class="floatLeft">';
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_message_choose'].':</span><br/>';
+ echo '<div id="invitation_messages" >';
+ echo '<ol>';
+ foreach ($array_messages AS $_m => $message) {
+ echo '<li mid="'.$message['id'].'" class="'
+ .($message['id'] == $mid ? ' active' : '')
+ .'" onclick="invChangeMessage(\''.$message['id'].'\')">';
+ echo $message['naslov'];
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ol>';
+ echo '</div>'; #invitation_messages
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ if (count($array_messages) > 1) {
+ echo '<span class="as_link" id="inv_del_msg_profile" onclick="invMessageDelete();" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_message_delete_profile'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_delete_profile'].'</span><br/>';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="as_link" id="inv_ren_msg_profile" onclick="invShowMessageRename();" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_profile'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_profile'].'</span>';
+ {
+ # polovimo podatke profila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT sim.*,, u.surname, as ename, e.surname as esurname FROM srv_invitations_messages AS sim LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sim.uid = LEFT JOIN users AS e ON sim.edit_uid = WHERE = '".(int)$mid."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $avtor = array();
+ $edit = array();
+ if (trim($sql_row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div class="gray">'.$lang['srv_invitation_author'].' '.implode(' ',$avtor).'</div>';
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div class="gray" title="'.date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'">'.$lang['srv_invitation_author_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'</div>';
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['ename'])) {
+ $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['ename']);
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['esurname'])) {
+ $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['esurname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($edit) > 0 && $edit != $avtor) {
+ echo '<div class="gray">'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed'].' '.implode(' ',$edit).'</div>';
+ }
+ if ($sql_row['insert_time'] != $sql_row['edit_time']) {
+ echo '<div class="gray" title="'.date("d.m.Y H:i:s",strtotime($sql_row['edit_time'])).'">'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="gray" style="max-width:202px">'.$lang['srv_invitation_comment'].' '. trim ($sql_row['comment']).'</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; #inv_messages_profiles_holder
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation');
+ # zlistamo seznam vseh sporočil
+ # izpišemo primer besedila
+ echo '<div id="inv_msg_preview_hld" class="floatLeft">';
+ echo '<span class="h2 spaceRight floatLeft">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_heading'].'</span> '.Help::display('srv_inv_message_title_noEmail');
+ //echo '<span class="spaceRight floatRight"><a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_server&show_back=true">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_settings'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_error_note" class="hidden"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_msg_preview">';
+ echo '<table>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="inv_message_subject" value="'.$preview_message['subject_text'].'" autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td ><div class="msgBody">';
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_message_body" name="inv_message_body" autocomplete="off">'.($preview_message['body_text']).'</textarea>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ create_inv_editor('inv_message_body', false);
+ </script><?php
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ if (count($urls) > 0) {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_url'].'</th>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<select id="inv_message_url">';
+ foreach ($urls AS $url) {
+ $selected = '';
+ if ($preview_message['url'] == '') {
+ if ($preview_message['dc'] == true) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ }
+ } else if ($preview_message['url'] == $url['url']) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ }
+ echo '<option value="'.$url['url'].'"'.$selected.'>'.$url['name'].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'"><a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onclick="inv_message_save_forward_noEmail(\''.$mid.'\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="if(inv_message_save_simple_noEmail(\''.$mid.'\')) { window.location.reload() }; return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_message_saveNew'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_message_save_advanced(\''.$mid.'\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_message_saveNew'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ }
+ function checkDefaultMessage() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'");
+ $row = $this->surveySettings;
+ # če privzeto sporočilo ne obstaja ga skreiramo
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) == 0 ) {
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($this->sid);
+ $reply_to = Common::getInstance()->getReplyToEmail();
+ # poiščemo ime seznama za sporočila
+ $naslov = $this->generateMessageName();
+ $body_text = ($row['usercode_required'] == 1) ? $lang['srv_inv_message_body_text'].$lang['srv_inv_message_body_text_pass'] : $lang['srv_inv_message_body_text'];
+ # skreiramo osnovno sporočilo
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, url ) VALUES ('$this->sid', '".$naslov."', '".$lang['srv_inv_message_subject_text']."', '".$body_text."', '".$reply_to."', '1', '".$global_user_id."', NOW(), '', '".$global_user_id."', NOW(), '')");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ $new_msg_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ((int)$new_msg_id > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ # insert ni uspel, in privzetega sporočila nimamo
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # če smo tu, imamo privzeto sporočilo
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function makeDefaultMessage($mid = null) {
+ # preverimo kater message je trenutno privzet
+ $sql_string = "SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($def_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ if ((int)$def_id > 0 && (int)$mid > 0 && (int)$def_id != (int)$mid) {
+ # odstranimo privzet id in ga nastavimo na novo
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ # nastavimo na nov id
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '1' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $this->viewMessage($mid);
+ }
+ function makeDefaultFromPreview($mid = null) {
+ # preverimo kater message je trenutno privzet
+ $sql_string = "SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($def_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ if ((int)$def_id > 0 && (int)$mid > 0 && (int)$def_id != (int)$mid) {
+ # odstranimo privzet id in ga nastavimo na novo
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ # nastavimo na nov id
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '1' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $this->displayMessagePreview();
+ }
+ /**
+ * shranimo v obstoječ profil
+ */
+ function save_message_simple() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0');
+ # shranimo vsebino
+ #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu
+ $mid = (int)$_POST['mid'];
+ $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
+ $replyto = trim($_POST['replyto']);
+ $body = trim($_POST['body']);
+ $url = trim($_POST['url']);
+ $newline = '';
+ if ($replyto == null || $replyto == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ } else {
+ if (!$this->validEmail($replyto)) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_valid_email'];
+ $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ if ($body == null || $body == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_body'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ # če ni napak shranim:
+ if ( $return['error'] == '0') {
+ if ((int)$mid > 0) {
+ # shranjujemo v obstoječ msg
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET subject_text = '$subject', body_text = '$body', reply_to = '$replyto', edit_uid = '".$global_user_id."', edit_time = NOW(), url='".$url."' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $return['mid'] = $mid;
+ if ( $sqlQuery != 1) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ # mid manjka
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert;
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * shranimo v obstoječ profil
+ */
+ function save_message_simple_noEmail() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0');
+ # shranimo vsebino
+ #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu
+ $mid = (int)$_POST['mid'];
+ $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
+ $body = trim($_POST['body']);
+ $url = trim($_POST['url']);
+ $newline = '';
+ if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ if ($body == null || $body == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_body'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ # če ni napak shranim:
+ if ( $return['error'] == '0') {
+ if ((int)$mid > 0) {
+ # shranjujemo v obstoječ msg
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET subject_text = '$subject', body_text = '$body', edit_uid = '".$global_user_id."', edit_time = NOW(), url='".$url."' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $return['mid'] = $mid;
+ if ( $sqlQuery != 1) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ # mid manjka
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert;
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function messageSaveforward() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0');
+ $mid = (int)$POST['mid'];
+ #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu
+ $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
+ $replyto = trim($_POST['replyto']);
+ $body = trim($_POST['body']);
+ $url = trim($_POST['url']);
+ $newline = '';
+ if ($replyto == null || $replyto == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ } else {
+ if (!$this->validEmail($replyto)) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_valid_email'];
+ $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ if ($body == null || $body == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_body'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ # če ni napak shranim:
+ if ( $return['error'] == '0') {
+ # preverimo ali je kakšna sprememba, če je sprememba shranimo v nov profil
+ $sql_string = "SELECT subject_text, body_text, reply_to, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='".(int)$_POST['mid']."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($old_subject, $old_body_text, $old_reply_to, $old_url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ if ($old_subject != $subject || $old_body_text != $body || $old_reply_to != $replyto || $old_url != $url) {
+ # shranjujemo v novo sporočilo
+ $naslov = $this->generateMessageName();
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, url ) ".
+ "VALUES ('$this->sid', '$naslov', '$subject', '$body', '$replyto', '1', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$comment', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$url')";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ $newID = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($newID > 0) {
+ $return['mid'] = $newID;
+ # popravmo še isdefault pri starem zapisz
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id != '$newID'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ } else {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert;
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function messageSaveforwardNoEmail() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0');
+ $mid = (int)$POST['mid'];
+ #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu
+ $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
+ $body = trim($_POST['body']);
+ $url = trim($_POST['url']);
+ $newline = '';
+ if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ if ($body == null || $body == '' ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty'];
+ $return['inv_message_body'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ # če ni napak shranim:
+ if ( $return['error'] == '0') {
+ # preverimo ali je kakšna sprememba, če je sprememba shranimo v nov profil
+ $sql_string = "SELECT subject_text, body_text, reply_to, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='".(int)$_POST['mid']."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($old_subject, $old_body_text, $old_reply_to, $old_url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ if ($old_subject != $subject || $old_body_text != $body || $old_url != $url) {
+ # shranjujemo v novo sporočilo
+ $naslov = $this->generateMessageName();
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, url ) ".
+ "VALUES ('$this->sid', '$naslov', '$subject', '$body', '1', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$comment', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$url')";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ $newID = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($newID > 0) {
+ $return['mid'] = $newID;
+ # popravmo še isdefault pri starem zapisz
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id != '$newID'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ } else {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert;
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function addUrl($what) {
+ global $site_url;
+ if ($what == null || trim($what) == '') {
+ $what = 'add_recipients_view';
+ }
+ $url = $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&amp;a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&amp;m='.$what;
+ return $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ Validate an email address.
+ */
+ function validEmail($email = null) {
+ return Common::getInstance()->validEmail($email);
+ }
+ function displayRecipentsErrors($result) {
+ global $lang;
+ $valid_recipiens = is_array($result['valid_recipiens']) ? $result['valid_recipiens'] : array();
+ $invalid_password = is_array($result['invalid_password']) ? $result['invalid_password'] : array();
+ $invalid_email = is_array($result['invalid_email']) ? $result['invalid_email'] :array();
+ $duplicate_email = is_array($result['duplicate_email']) ? $result['duplicate_email'] : array();
+ $unsubscribed = is_array($result['unsubscribed']) ? $result['unsubscribed'] : array();
+ # dodani so bili nekateri uporabniki
+ if (count($valid_recipiens) > 0) {
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipiens_added">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_success_cnt'].'<span class="inv_count"><span class="as_link" onclick="$(\'#invRecipiensList1\').toggle();">'. count($valid_recipiens).'</span></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div id="invRecipiensList1" class="displayNone"><br/>';
+ foreach ($valid_recipiens AS $fields) {
+ if (is_array($fields)) {
+ $text = '';
+ $text .= mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']);
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') {
+ $text .= ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_firstname'], 'UTF-8'));
+ }
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') {
+ $text .= ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_lastname'], 'UTF-8'));
+ }
+ echo $text;
+ }
+ else {
+ echo mb_strtolower($fields, 'UTF-8');
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ if ( (count($invalid_password) + count($invalid_email) + count($duplicate_email) + count($unsubscribed)) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipiens_rejected">';
+ # ni veljavnih uporabnikov
+ if (count($valid_recipiens) == 0 ) {
+ echo '<span class="red bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_error'].'</span><br/>';
+ }
+ # zavrnjeni uporabniki
+ if (count($unsubscribed)> 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_optedout_cnt'].'<span class="inv_count"><span class="as_link" onclick="$(\'#invRecipiensList2\').toggle();">'.count($unsubscribed).'</span></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div id="invRecipiensList2" class="displayNone">';
+ foreach ($unsubscribed AS $fields) {
+ if (is_array($fields)) {
+ echo strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']);
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_firstname'];
+ }
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_lastname'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo $fields;
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # podvojeni uporabniki
+ if (count($duplicate_email)> 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_exist_cnt'].'<span class="inv_count"><span class="as_link" onclick="$(\'#invRecipiensList3\').toggle();">'.count($duplicate_email).'</span></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div id="invRecipiensList3" class="displayNone">';
+ foreach ($duplicate_email AS $fields) {
+ if (is_array($fields)) {
+ echo strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']);
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_firstname'];
+ }
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_lastname'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo strtolower($fields);
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # neveljaven e-mail
+ if (count($invalid_email) > 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_cnt'].'<span class="inv_count"><span class="as_link" onclick="$(\'#invRecipiensList4\').toggle();">'.count($invalid_email).'!</span></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div id="invRecipiensList4" class="displayNone">';
+ foreach ($invalid_email AS $fields) {
+ if (is_array($fields)) {
+ echo str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_email'], 'UTF-8'));
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", $fields['inv_field_firstname']);
+ }
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", $fields['inv_field_lastname']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields, 'UTF-8'));
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # neveljavena gesla
+ if (count($invalid_password) > 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_password_cnt'].'<span class="inv_count"><span class="as_link" onclick="$(\'#invRecipiensList5\').toggle();">'.count($invalid_password).'!</span></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div id="invRecipiensList5" class="displayNone">';
+ foreach ($invalid_password AS $fields) {
+ if (is_array($fields)) {
+ echo strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']);
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_firstname'];
+ }
+ if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') {
+ echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_lastname'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo strtolower($fields);
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ if (count($invalid_email) > 0 || count($invalid_password) > 0) {
+ //echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_note'];
+ echo '<br /><span class="red">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_note2'].'!</span>';
+ echo Help::display('srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_note');
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ return array_merge($unsubscribed, $duplicate_email, $invalid_email, $invalid_password) ;
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ function displayNavigation() {
+ global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $app_settings;
+ $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ #če ni dostopa mu ne prikažemo linkov
+ if ((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) {
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!isset($_POST['noNavi']) || (isset($_POST['noNavi']) && $_POST['noNavi'] != 'true')) {
+ $_sub_action = $_GET['m'];
+ if ($_sub_action == null && $_GET['t'] == 'invitations') {
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'use_recipients_list') {
+ $_sub_action = 'add_recipients_view';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'view_message'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'make_default'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'delete_msg_profile' ) {
+ $_sub_action = 'view_message';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'delete_recipient'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'add_recipients'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'view_recipients'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'export_recipients'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'add_checked_users_to_database'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'setAdvancedCondition'
+ || $_GET['a'] == 'recipientsAddForward') {
+ $_sub_action = 'view_recipients';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'view_archive' ) {
+ $_sub_action = 'view_archive';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'send_mail') {
+ $_sub_action = 'send_message';
+ #$_sub_action = 'view_archive';
+ }
+ } else if( $_sub_action == 'send_mail') {
+ #$_sub_action = 'view_archive';
+ $_sub_action = 'send_message';
+ }
+ $active_step[] = array(1=>'',2=>'',3=>'',4=>'',5=>'',6=>'',7=>'',8=>'');
+ switch ($_sub_action) {
+ case 'inv_settings':
+ $active_step['1'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'add_recipients_view':
+ $active_step['2'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'view_recipients':
+ $active_step['3'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'view_message':
+ $active_step['4'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'send_message':
+ $active_step['5'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'view_archive':
+ $active_step['6'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'inv_lists':
+ $active_step['7'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'inv_server':
+ $active_step['8'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ case 'inv_status':
+ $active_step['9'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."')");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ // Ce imamo ze posiljanje je default stran "Pregled"
+ if($row[0] == 1)
+ $active_step['9'] = ' active';
+ // Drugace je default stran "Nastavitve"
+ else
+ $active_step['1'] = ' active';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email') || SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('phone')) {
+ $disabled = false;
+ $css_disabled = '';
+ } else {
+ $disabled = true;
+ $css_disabled = '_disabled';
+ }
+ if($isEmail) {
+ #$spaceChar = '&#187;';
+ $spaceChar = '&nbsp;';
+ echo '<div id="inv_step_nav">';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$active_step[1].'">';
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('inv_settings').'">';
+ //echo '<span class="circle">1</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_settings'].'</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ #space
+ echo '<div class="inv_space">&nbsp;</div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_step_nav" class="yellow">';
+ $class_yellow = ' yellow';
+ #navigacija
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.$active_step[2].'">';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('add_recipients_view').'">';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="circle">1</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_add_recipients'].'</span>';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step_space'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.'">'.$spaceChar.'</div>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.$active_step[3].'">';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('view_recipients').'">';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="circle">2</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_edit_recipiens'].'</span>';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step_space'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.'">'.$spaceChar.'</div>';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('view_message').'">';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.$active_step[4].'">';
+ echo '<span class="circle">3</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label" >'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_edit_message'].'</span>';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step_space'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.'">'.$spaceChar.'</div>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$class_yellow.$css_disabled.$active_step[5].'">';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('send_message').'">';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="circle">4</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label" >'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_send_message'].'</span>';
+ if ($disabled == false) {
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Pregled
+ #space
+ echo '<div class="inv_space">&nbsp;</div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_step_nav">';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$active_step[9].'">';
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('inv_status').'">';
+ //echo '<span class="circle">1</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_review'].'</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Seznami
+ #space
+ echo '<div class="inv_space">&nbsp;</div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_step_nav">';
+ echo '<div class="inv_step'.$active_step[7].'">';
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('inv_lists').'">';
+ //echo '<span class="circle">1</span>';
+ echo '<span class="label">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_lists'].'</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="surveyConditionPage" value="invitations">';
+ }
+ function sendMessage() {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ // Ali posiljamo maile ali ne
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ $row = $this->surveySettings;
+ # Pripravimo izbor komu lahko pošiljamo
+ echo '<h2 style="margin-left: 15px; color:#333 !important;">';
+ // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja
+ $settings_text = '<span class="bold spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':</span>';
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ if($individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($noEmailing == 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].'</span>';
+ }
+ $settings_text .= ' - ';
+ if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0'];
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft spaceRight">'.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1'];
+ if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')</span>';
+ }
+ else{
+ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ $settings_text .= '<span class="spaceLeft"> <a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_settings">'.$lang['edit4'].'</a></span>';
+ echo $settings_text;
+ echo '</h2>';
+ if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) {
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ exit();
+ }
+ echo '<div id="inv_send_mail">';
+ # damo v tabelo zaradi prilagajanja oblike levo/desno
+ echo '<table><tr>';
+ // Pri volitvah vedno posiljamo samo tistim, katerim se nismo poslali
+ if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<div>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_database'].'<br/>';
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft">';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="mailsource" value="0" onclick="mailToSourceChange();" checked="checked">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_all_units'].'</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ $this->advancedCondition();
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="mailsource" value="1" onclick="mailToSourceChange();">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_archive'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br/><label><input type="radio" name="mailsource" value="2" onclick="mailToSourceChange();">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_lists'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_select_mail_to_source_lists">';
+ $this->displayMailToSourceLists((int)$_POST['source_type']);
+ echo '</div>'; #id="inv_select_mail_to_source_lists"
+ echo '</div>';
+ # polovimo sporočilo in prejemnike
+ $sql_query_m = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) {
+ $preview_message = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m);
+ }
+ else {
+ #nimamo še vsebine sporočila skreiramo privzeto.
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ exit();
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ echo '<td>';
+ // Ce posiljamo preko navadne poste ali smsov, nimamo sporocila
+ if($noEmailing == 0){
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="noMailing" value="0" />';
+ echo '<div id="inv_select_mail_preview">';
+ $this->displayMessagePreview();
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_preview
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_select_mail_to_respondents">';
+ $this->selectSendTo();
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_to_respondents
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="noMailing" value="1" />';
+ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type');
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="noMailingType" value="'.$noEmailingType.'" />';
+ echo '<div id="inv_select_mail_to_respondents">';
+ $this->selectSendToNoEmailing();
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_to_respondents
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr></table>';
+ echo '</div>'; //inv_send_mail
+ }
+ function displayMailToSourceLists($source_type) {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ $canShowSubOption = false;
+ echo '<p style="margin-left:25px;">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_create1'].'<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=invitations&m=inv_lists">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_create2'].'</a><br/>';
+ if ((int)$source_type == 0) {
+ # vsi respondenti v bazi
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_database_note'];
+ $canShowSubOption = true;
+ }
+ elseif ((int)$source_type == 1) {
+ # Arhivi pošiljanja
+ # poiščemo arhiv mailingov
+ # zloopamo še po posameznih pošiljanjih
+ $sql_string_arc = "SELECT sia.*, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds,, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send ASC;";
+ $sql_query_arc = sisplet_query($sql_string_arc);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_arc) > 0) {
+ $canShowSubOption = true;
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_archive_note'];
+ echo '<table id="tbl_recipients_source_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon">&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_address'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_respondents'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_date_create'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($row_arc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_arc)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_icon"><input type="checkbox" name="mailsource_lists[]" onchange="mailToSourceCheckboxChange();" value="'.$row_arc['id'].'"></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$row_arc['naslov'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_ac">'.((int)$row_arc['cnt_succsess']+(int)$row_arc['cnt_error']).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$row_arc['ds'].'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_archive_no_archive'];
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ((int)$source_type == 2) {
+ # seznami respondentov
+ # zloopamo skozi posamezne sezname respondentov
+ $sql_string_arc ="";
+ $sql_query_arc = sisplet_query("SELECT list_id as id, COUNT(*) as cnt_succsess, list_id, as naslov, DATE_FORMAT(sirp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir
+ LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp
+ ON sir.list_id =
+ WHERE ank_id ='".$this->sid."' AND sir.deleted ='0' group BY list_id
+ ");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_arc) > 0) {
+ $canShowSubOption = true;
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_all_units_note'];
+ echo '<table id="tbl_recipients_source_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon">&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_name'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_respondents'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_date_create'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($row_arc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_arc)) {
+ if ($row_arc['id'] > 0 && $row_arc['naslov'] == '') {
+ # če ni imena in je id < 0 je bil izbrisan
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($row_arc['id'] > 0) {
+ if ($row_arc['naslov'] != '') {
+ $_naslov = $row_arc['naslov'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $_naslov = $lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_deleted'];
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($row_arc['id'] == 0) {
+ $_naslov = $lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_temporary'];
+ }
+ else if ($row_arc['id'] < 0) {
+ $_naslov = $lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_noname'];
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_icon"><input type="checkbox" name="mailsource_lists[]" onchange="mailToSourceCheckboxChange();" value="'.$row_arc['id'].'"></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$_naslov.'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_ac">'.$row_arc['cnt_succsess'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$row_arc['ds'].'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_no_lists'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ if ($canShowSubOption == true) {
+ echo '<span id="inv_select_mail_to">';
+ echo '<span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_note'].'</span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span"><input name="mailto" id="mailto0" value="0" type="radio" checked="checked" onclick="mailToRadioChange();"><label for="mailto0">' . $lang['srv_inv_send_recipients0'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span"><input name="mailto" id="mailto1" value="1" type="radio" onclick="mailToRadioChange();"><label for="mailto1">' . $lang['srv_inv_send_recipients1'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span"><input name="mailto" id="mailto2" value="2" type="radio" onclick="mailToRadioChange();"><label for="mailto2">' . $lang['srv_inv_send_recipients2'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span"><input name="mailto" id="mailto3" value="3 " type="radio" onclick="mailToRadioChange();"><label for="mailto3">' . $lang['srv_inv_send_recipients3'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span">'.$lang['srv_invitation_send_advanced'].'</span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span"><input name="mailto" id="mailto4" value="4 " type="radio" onclick="mailToRadioChange();"><label for="mailto4">' . $lang['srv_inv_send_recipients4'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_send_advanced_div" >';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="0" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_0" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">0 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_0'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="1" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_1" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">1 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_1'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="2" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_2" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">2 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_2'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="3" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_3" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">3 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_3'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="4" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_4" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">4 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_4'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="5" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_5" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">5 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_5'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_send_span shift gray"><label><input name="mailto_status[]" value="6" type="checkbox" id="mailto_status_6" onclick="mailTocheCheckboxChange();" disabled="disabled">6 - ' . $lang['srv_userstatus_6'] . '</label></span><br/>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</span>'; // inv_select_mail_to
+ }
+ }
+ function selectSendTo($send_type = 0, $checkboxes = array()) {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ if ((int)$this->surveySettings['active'] !== 1) {
+ $activity = SurveyInfo:: getSurveyActivity();
+ $_last_active = end($activity);
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_error9'];
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="anketa_active(\'' . $this->sid . '\',\'' . (int)$this->surveySettings['active'] . '\'); return false;" title="' . $lang['srv_anketa_noactive'] . '">';
+ if ((int)$_last_active > 0 ) {
+ # anketa je zaključena
+ echo ' <span id="srv_inactive">'.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].'</span>';
+ } else {
+ # anketa je neaktivna
+ echo ' <span id="srv_inactive">'.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].'</span>';
+ }
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ # anketa je aktivna lahko pošiljamo
+ else {
+ // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve - obvestilo, da ni naknadnega posiljanja
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<p class="bold red">'.$lang['srv_voting_no_duplicates'].'</p>';
+ }
+ $sql_string = "SELECT comment FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($comment) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ $_msg = '<span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_note3'].'</span>';
+ if (isset($_POST['send_type'])) {
+ $send_type = (int)$_POST['send_type'];
+ }
+ $checkboxes = array();
+ if (isset($_POST['checkboxes']) && trim($_POST['checkboxes']) != '') {
+ $checkboxes = explode(',',$_POST['checkboxes']);
+ }
+ $source_type = (int)$_POST['source_type'];
+ $source_lists = trim($_POST['source_lists']);
+ $respondents = $this->getRespondents2Send($send_type, $checkboxes, $source_type, $source_lists);
+ #koliko strani imamp
+ $numRespondents = count($respondents);
+ $pages = ceil($numRespondents / $this->rec_send_page_limit);
+ if (count($respondents) > 0) {
+ echo '<div class="inv_send_mail_send_type">';
+ // Način pošiljanja
+ echo '<span class="bold">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_type'].': ';
+ echo $lang['email'];
+ echo '</span><br /><br />';
+ echo '<form id="frm_do_send" action="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=send_mail" method="post">';
+ // Komentar pri posiljanju
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_comment'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_comment').': ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="comment" id="msg_comment" value="'.$comment.'">';
+ echo '</label><br class="clr"><br />';
+ // Pobrisi podvojene maile
+ echo '<label><input type="checkbox" id="dont_send_duplicated" name="dont_send_duplicated" checked="checked">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_remove_duplicates'].'</label></span> '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_double').'<br />';
+ // Gumb Poslji
+ echo '<br /><div id="inv_send_mail_btn"><span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft"><a href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeTo(\'slow\', 1); $(\'#inv_send_note\').fadeTo(\'slow\',1); $(\'#frm_do_send\').submit();" class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" ><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_send'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/><br /></div>';
+ // Komentiram kot workaround (če ni zakomentiran, ob ajaxu tu vrine konec forme) - MISLIM DA JE TA POPRAVEK ŠE VEDNO POTREBEN (v kombinaciji z Robertovim)
+ //echo '</div>';
+ // Seznam mailov na katere bomo poslali
+ if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0)
+ {
+ //if (is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0)
+ {
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft">';
+ $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid);
+ $note = $scp -> getConditionString($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId );
+ echo $note;
+ #$scp -> displayConditionNote($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId );
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ # izpišemo seznam e-mailov in dodamo checkboxe
+ echo '<div class="strong">'.$lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents'].'&nbsp;<span id="inv_num_recipients">'.count($respondents).'</span></div>';
+ # izpišemo opozorilo kadar pošiljamo na več kakor 5000 naslovov
+ $text = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit_gorenje'] : $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_send_mail_limit" class="red strong'.(count($respondents) > 4999?'':' hidden').'">'.$text.'</div>';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="anketa" id="anketa" value="'.$this->sid.'">';
+ # da preprečimo večkratno pošiljanje
+ session_start();
+ list($short,$long) = $this->generateCode();
+ $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] = $long;
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="_token" id="_token" value="'.$long.'">';
+ if ($pages > 1 || $numRespondents > REC_ON_SEND_PAGE) {
+ echo '<div id="inv_pagination_content">';
+ $this->displaySendPagination($numRespondents);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # polovimo sezname
+ $lists = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name'];
+ }
+ $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_send_note">Pošiljam . . . Prosimo počakajte.</div>';
+ echo '<br/><table id="tbl_recipients_send_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" onclick="invTogleSend(this);">'.'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_list_id'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cnt=1;
+ foreach ($respondents as $pass => $respondent) {
+ echo '<tr'.($cnt > $this->rec_send_page_limit ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="rids[]" value="'.$respondent['id'].'" checked="checekd"></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$respondent['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$respondent['status']].' ('.$respondent['status'].')'.'</td>';
+ if ($lists[$respondent['list_id']] != '') {
+ echo '<td>'.$lists[$respondent['list_id']].'</td>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_deleted'].'</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cnt == 0) {
+ # ni respondentov
+ echo $_msg;
+ }
+ }
+ function selectSendToNoEmailing($send_type = 0, $checkboxes = array()) {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ if ((int)$this->surveySettings['active'] !== 1) {
+ #anketa ni aktivna, ne pustimo pošiljanja
+ # aktivnost
+ $activity = SurveyInfo:: getSurveyActivity();
+ $_last_active = end($activity);
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_error9'];
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="anketa_active(\'' . $this->sid . '\',\'' . (int)$this->surveySettings['active'] . '\'); return false;" title="' . $lang['srv_anketa_noactive'] . '">';
+ if ((int)$_last_active > 0 ) {
+ # anketa je zaključena
+ echo ' <span id="srv_inactive">'.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].'</span>';
+ } else {
+ # anketa je neaktivna
+ echo ' <span id="srv_inactive">'.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].'</span>';
+ }
+ echo '</a>';
+ } else {
+ # anketa je aktivna lahko pošiljamo
+ $sql_string = "SELECT comment FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($comment) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ $_msg = '<span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_note3'].'</span>';
+ if (isset($_POST['send_type'])) {
+ $send_type = (int)$_POST['send_type'];
+ }
+ $checkboxes = array();
+ if (isset($_POST['checkboxes']) && trim($_POST['checkboxes']) != '') {
+ $checkboxes = explode(',',$_POST['checkboxes']);
+ }
+ $source_type = (int)$_POST['source_type'];
+ $source_lists = trim($_POST['source_lists']);
+ $respondents = $this->getRespondents2Send($send_type, $checkboxes, $source_type, $source_lists, $noEmailing=1);
+ #koliko strani imamp
+ $numRespondents = count($respondents);
+ $pages = ceil($numRespondents / $this->rec_send_page_limit);
+ if (count($respondents) > 0) {
+ echo '<div class="inv_send_mail_send_type">';
+ // Način pošiljanja
+ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type');
+ echo '<span class="bold">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_type_external'].': </span>';
+ if($noEmailingType == 1)
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'];
+ elseif($noEmailingType == 2)
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'];
+ else
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'];
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ echo '<form id="frm_do_send" action="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=send_mail&noemailing=1" method="post">';
+ // Komentar pri posiljanju
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_comment'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_comment').': ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="comment" id="msg_comment" value="'.$comment.'">';
+ echo '</label><br class="clr"><br />';
+ // Pobrisi podvojene maile
+ echo '<label><input type="checkbox" id="dont_send_duplicated" name="dont_send_duplicated" checked="checked">'.$lang['srv_inv_send_remove_duplicates'].'</label></span> '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_double').'<br />';
+ // Gumb poslji
+ echo '<br /><div id="inv_send_mail_btn"><span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft"><a href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeTo(\'slow\', 1); $(\'#inv_send_note\').fadeTo(\'slow\',1); $(\'#frm_do_send\').submit();" class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" ><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_send_noEmailing'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/><br /></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Seznam mailov na katere bomo poslali
+ if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0)
+ {
+ #if (is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0)
+ {
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft">';
+ $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid);
+ $note = $scp -> getConditionString($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId );
+ echo $note;
+ #$scp -> displayConditionNote($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId );
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ # izpišemo seznam e-mailov in dodamo checkboxe
+ echo '<div class="strong">'.$lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents'].'&nbsp;<span id="inv_num_recipients">'.count($respondents).'</span></div>';
+ # izpišemo opozorilo kadar pošiljamo na več kakor 5000 naslovov
+ $text = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit_gorenje'] : $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_send_mail_limit" class="red strong'.(count($respondents) > 4999?'':' hidden').'">'.$text.'</div>';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="anketa" id="anketa" value="'.$this->sid.'">';
+ # da preprečimo večkratno pošiljanje
+ session_start();
+ list($short,$long) = $this->generateCode();
+ $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] = $long;
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="_token" id="_token" value="'.$long.'">';
+ if ($pages > 1 || $numRespondents > REC_ON_SEND_PAGE) {
+ echo '<div id="inv_pagination_content">';
+ $this->displaySendPagination($numRespondents);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ # polovimo sezname
+ $lists = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name'];
+ }
+ $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_send_note">Pošiljam . . . Prosimo počakajte.</div>';
+ echo '<br/><table id="tbl_recipients_send_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" onclick="invTogleSend(this);">'.'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_firstname'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_firstname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_list_id'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cnt=1;
+ foreach ($respondents as $pass => $respondent) {
+ echo '<tr'.($cnt > $this->rec_send_page_limit ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="rids[]" value="'.$respondent['id'].'" checked="checekd"></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$respondent['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$respondent['firstname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$respondent['status']].' ('.$respondent['status'].')'.'</td>';
+ if ($lists[$respondent['list_id']] != '') {
+ echo '<td>'.$lists[$respondent['list_id']].'</td>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_deleted'].'</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cnt == 0) {
+ # ni respondentov
+ echo $_msg;
+ }
+ }
+ function mailToSourceChange() {
+ $this->displayMailToSourceLists((int)$_POST['source_type']);
+ }
+ function viewAarchive() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div id="div_archive_content">';
+ #preglej prejemnike
+ #echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_inv_heading_step5'].$lang['srv_inv_archive_heading'].'</h2>';
+ //echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_heading'].'</h2>';
+ # normalno pošiljanje
+ $sql_string = "SELECT sia.*,, u.surname,, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y') AS ds, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%T') AS hs FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send DESC;";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ # enostavno pošiljanje na posamezne maile
+ $SSMI = new SurveySimpleMailInvitation($this->sid);
+ $simple_recipents = $SSMI -> getRecipients();
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 || count($simple_recipents) > 0) {
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_archive_invitation'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_archive_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_date_send'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_date_send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_hour_send'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_hour_send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_subject_text'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_naslov'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_subject_text'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_subject_text'].'</th>';
+ #echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_body_text'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_body_text'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_cnt_succsess'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_cnt_succsess'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_archive_sent').'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_cnt_error'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_cnt_error'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_sender'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_sender'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_comment'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_comment'].'</th>';
+ #echo '<th >&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Datum
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_center">'.$row['ds'].'</td>';
+ // Ura
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_center">'.$row['hs'].'</td>';
+ // Email sporocilo
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_lef inv_arch_subject" title="'.$row['naslov'].'">';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="inv_arch_edit_details(\''.$row['id'].'\'); return false;">'.$row['naslov'].'</a>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Subject
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_lef inv_arch_subject" title="'.$row['naslov'].'">';
+ echo $row['subject_text'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ #echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left inv_arch_text" title="'.$row['body_text'].'">'.$row['body_text'].'</td>';
+ // Nacin posiljanja (email, posta, sms...)
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_center">';
+ if ($row['tip'] == '0')
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'].'</span>';
+ elseif($row['tip'] == '1')
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'].'</span>';
+ elseif($row['tip'] == '2')
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'].'</span>';
+ else
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['email'].'</span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ # uspešno poslani
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_center">';
+ if ((int)$row['cnt_succsess'] > 0 ) {
+ echo '<span class="as_link as_view strong" id="inv_arch_1_'.$row['id'].'" data-archtype="succ">'.$row['cnt_succsess'].'</span>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<span>'.$row['cnt_succsess'].'</span>';
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ # neuspešno poslani
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_center">';
+ if ((int)$row['cnt_error'] > 0 ) {
+ echo '<span class="as_link as_view strong" id="inv_arch_0_'.$row['id'].'" data-archtype="err">'.$row['cnt_error'].'</span>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<span>'.$row['cnt_error'].'</span>';
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ # poslal
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row['surname']);
+ }
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span title="'.(isset($row['email']) ? $row['email'] : implode(' ',$avtor)).'">'.implode(' ',$avtor).'</span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ # komentar
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="inv_arch_edit_details(\''.$row['id'].'\'); return false;">'.$row['comment'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ # dodamo simpl pošiljanje
+ if ( count($simple_recipents) > 0 ) {
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) {
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ }
+ echo '<b>Prejemniki enostavnih email vabil:</b>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_archive_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_date_send'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_date_send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_email_address'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_email_address'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_center" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_status'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_sender'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_sender'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ($simple_recipents as $row) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$row['send_time'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$row['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_center">'.$row['state'].'</td>';
+ # poslal
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row['surname']);
+ }
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span title="'.(isset($row['adminmail']) ? $row['adminmail'] : implode(' ',$avtor)).'">'.implode(' ',$avtor).'</span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo '<fieldset>';
+ echo '<legend>'.$lang['srv_archive_invitation'].'</legend>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note4'].'';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; # id="div_archive_content">';
+ echo '<br class="clr">';
+ }
+ // Glavno posiljanje mail vabil
+ function sendMail() {
+ global $lang, $site_path, $site_url, $global_user_id, $lastna_instalacija;
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($this->sid);
+ if (isset($_POST['rids'])) {
+ session_start();
+ # preverimo token, da ne pošiljamo večkrat
+ if (isset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid])
+ && isset($_POST['_token'])
+ && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] != null
+ && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] == isset($_POST['_token'])){
+ // na send smo kliknili samo 1x
+ unset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid]);
+ session_commit();
+ $dont_send_duplicated = false;
+ if (isset($_POST['dont_send_duplicated']) && $_POST['dont_send_duplicated'] == 'on') {
+ $dont_send_duplicated = true;
+ }
+ $rids = $_POST['rids'];
+ $return = array();
+ $return['error'] = '0';
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note5'].'</div>';
+ // Shranimo komentar h posiljanju
+ if(isset($_POST['comment']) && $_POST['comment'] != ''){
+ $comment = $_POST['comment'];
+ $sqlC = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET comment='$comment' WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'");
+ }
+ if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) {
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ exit();
+ }
+ else {
+ // polovimo sporočilo in prejemnike
+ $sql_query_m = sisplet_query("SELECT id, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, naslov, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) {
+ $sql_row_m = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m);
+ }
+ else {
+ #nimamo še vsebine sporočila skreiramo privzeto.
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ $subject_text = $sql_row_m['subject_text'];
+ $body_text = $sql_row_m['body_text'];
+ $msg_url = $sql_row_m['url'];
+ // naslov za odgovor je avtor ankete
+ if ($this->validEmail($sql_row_m['reply_to'])) {
+ $reply_to = $sql_row_m['reply_to'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $reply_to = Common::getInstance()->getReplyToEmail();
+ }
+ // prejeminki besedila
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients
+ WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND id IN (".implode(',',$rids).")
+ ");
+ # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo
+ $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ $numRows = mysqli_num_rows($sql_query);
+ # če pošiljamo na večje število reposndentov obvestimo
+ if ($numRows > NOTIFY_INFO1KA && (!isset($lastna_instalacija) || $lastna_instalacija == false)) {
+ // Gorenje tega nima
+ if (!Common::checkModule('gorenje')){
+ global $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $sqlinfo_query = sisplet_query("SELECT email, name, surname FROM users WHERE id = '".$global_user_id."'");
+ list($infoEmail,$infoName,$infoSurname) = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlinfo_query);
+ $infourl = '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'">anketi</a>';
+ $format = $lang['srv_inv_send_finish_note'];
+ $info1ka_mass_email_note = sprintf($format, $infoName, $infoSurname, $infoEmail, $infourl, $numRows);
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='admin');
+ $MA->addRecipients('');
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($info1ka_mass_email_note, 'Masovno pošiljanje vabil (poslanih več kot '.NOTIFY_INFO1KA.')');
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Pripravimo arhiv pošiljanj, da dobimo arch_id
+ $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'");
+ list($count_all) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_all);
+ $archive_naslov = 'mailing_'.date("d.m.Y").', '.date("H:i:s");
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive
+ (id, ank_id, date_send, subject_text, body_text, uid, comment, naslov, rec_in_db)
+ (NULL , '$this->sid', '$date_sent', '".addslashes($subject_text)."', '".addslashes($body_text)."', '$global_user_id','$comment','$archive_naslov','$count_all')
+ ");
+ $arch_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ // Podatki posiljatelja
+ list($name, $surname, $email) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, email FROM users WHERE id='$global_user_id'"));
+ // Podatki za posiljanje
+ $sending_data = array(
+ 'body_text' => $body_text,
+ 'subject_text' => $subject_text,
+ 'arch_id' => $arch_id,
+ 'msg_url' => $msg_url,
+ 'date_sent' => $date_sent,
+ 'from_email' => $email,
+ 'from_name' => $name.' '.$surname,
+ 'reply_to_email' => $reply_to
+ );
+ // Loop po prejemnikih in posiljanje mailov
+ $squalo = new SurveyInvitationsSqualo($this->sid);
+ if($squalo->getSqualoActive()){
+ $sending_results = $squalo->sendSqualoInvitations($sql_query, $sending_data);
+ }
+ else{
+ $sending_results = $this->sendMailToUsers($sql_query, $sending_data);
+ }
+ $send_ok = $sending_results['send_ok'];
+ $send_ok_ids = $sending_results['send_ok_ids'];
+ $send_users_data = $sending_results['send_users_data'];
+ $send_error = $sending_results['send_error'];
+ $send_error_ids = $sending_results['send_error_ids'];
+ // dodajmo še userje v povezovalno tabelo (arhiv)
+ if ($arch_id > 0) {
+ // updejtamo še tabelo arhivov
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_archive SET cnt_succsess='".count($send_ok_ids)."', cnt_error='".count($send_error_ids)."' WHERE id ='$arch_id'");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ // za arhive
+ $_archive_recipients = array();
+ // za tracking
+ $_tracking = array();
+ if (count($send_ok_ids) > 0) {
+ foreach ( $send_ok_ids AS $id) {
+ $_archive_recipients[] = "('$arch_id','$id','1')";
+ #status 1=pošta poslana
+ $_tracking[] = "('$arch_id',NOW(),'$id','1')";
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($send_error_ids) > 0) {
+ foreach ( $send_error_ids AS $id) {
+ $_archive_recipients[] = "('$arch_id','$id','0')";
+ #status 2=pošta - napaka
+ $_tracking[] = "('$arch_id',NOW(),'$id','2')";
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($_archive_recipients) > 0) {
+ $sqlString = 'INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive_recipients (arch_id,rec_id,success) VALUES ';
+ $sqlString .= implode(', ', $_archive_recipients);
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ }
+ if (count($_tracking) > 0) {
+ $sqlStrTracking = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_tracking (inv_arch_id, time_insert, res_id, status) VALUES ";
+ $sqlStrTracking .= implode(', ', $_tracking);
+ $sqlQueryTracking = sisplet_query($sqlStrTracking);
+ }
+ }
+ // Izpis rezultatov - errors and successes
+ if (count($send_error) > 0 ) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note7'].count($send_error).'</div>';
+ }
+ else if (count($send_ok) > 0 ) {
+ $who='';
+ if (trim($name) != '') {
+ $who = $name;
+ }
+ if (trim($surname) != '') {
+ if ($who != '') {
+ $who .=' ';
+ }
+ $who .= $surname;
+ }
+ if ($email != '') {
+ if ($who != '') {
+ $who .=' ('.$email.')';
+ } else {
+ $who = $email;
+ }
+ }
+ $return['error'] = '0';
+ // Uspesno poslano sporocilo
+ $return['msg'] = '<br /><span class="bold" style="line-height:30px;">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note8a'].'</span><br />';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<div class="inv_send_message">';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<table id="inv_send_mail_preview">';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<tr><th><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':</span></th>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<span>'.$sql_row_m['subject_text'].'</span>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '</td></tr>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':</th>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<td>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '<span class="nl2br">'.($sql_row_m['body_text']).'</span>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '</td></tr>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '</table>';
+ $return['msg'] .= '</div>';
+ // Je uporabnik poslal na ...
+ $return['msg'] .= sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note8b'], $who, date("d.m.y", time()));
+ $return['msg'] .= '<span class="bold" style="line-height:30px;">'.sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note8'], count($send_ok)).'</span><br />';
+ // Arhivi
+ $return['msg'] .= '<span class="bold" style="line-height:20px;">'.sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note8c'], $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_archive').'</span><br />';
+ // Seznam emailov...
+ $return['msg'] .= '<span class="bold" style="line-height:30px;">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note8d'].'</span><br />';
+ // Seznam mailov na katere je bilo uspesno poslano
+ if (count($send_ok) > 0) {
+ $return['msg'] .= '<div class="inv_send_message">';
+ foreach ($send_ok AS $email) {
+ $return['msg'] .= '&nbsp;'.$email.'<br/>';
+ }
+ $return['msg'] .= '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $return['error'] = '0';
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.'<strong>'.$lang['srv_invitation_note9'].'</strong></div><br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #old session token
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message"><span class="red strong">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note13'].'</span>'.'</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #nimamo $rids
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note14'].'</div>';
+ }
+ # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa);
+ Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp();
+ #$this->viewAarchive($return['msg']);
+ $this->viewSendMailFinish($return['msg']);
+ }
+ // Posljemo mail userjem - loop in send
+ private function sendMailToUsers($sql_recipients_query, $sending_data){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve
+ $voting = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting');
+ # če mamo SEO
+ $nice_url = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink();
+ // Polovimo sistemske spremenljivke
+ $sys_vars = $this->getSystemVars();
+ # zakeširamo user_id za datapiping
+ $arryDataPiping = array();
+ $qryDataPiping = sisplet_query("SELECT id, inv_res_id FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND inv_res_id IS NOT NULL");
+ while (list($dpUid, $dpInvResId) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryDataPiping)) {
+ if ((int)$dpInvResId > 0 && (int)$dpUid > 0) {
+ $arryDataPiping[$dpInvResId] = (int)$dpUid;
+ }
+ }
+ $duplicated = array();
+ # array za rezultate
+ $send_ok = array();
+ $send_ok_ids = array();
+ $send_users_data = array();
+ $send_error = array();
+ $send_error_ids = array();
+ // Loop po prejemnikih
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_recipients_query)) {
+ $password = $sql_row['password'];
+ $email = $sql_row['email'];
+ // Preverimo ce je duplikat
+ if ($dont_send_duplicated == true && isset($duplicated[$email])) {
+ $duplicated[$email] ++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ $duplicated[$email] = 1;
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ if ( ($individual == 1 && trim($email) != '' && trim($password) != '') || ($individual == 0 && trim($email) != '') ){
+ // odvisno ali imamo url za jezik.
+ if ($sending_data['msg_url'] != null && trim($sending_data['msg_url']) != '' ) {
+ $url = $sending_data['msg_url'] . ($individual == 1 ? '?code='.$password : '');
+ }
+ else {
+ $url = $nice_url . ($individual == 1 ? '&code='.$password : '');
+ }
+ $url .= '&ai='.(int)$sending_data['$arch_id'];
+ // odjava
+ $unsubscribe = $site_url . 'admin/survey/unsubscribe.php?anketa=' . $this->sid . '&code='.$password;
+ $user_body_text = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '#URL#',
+ '#URLLINK#',
+ '#EMAIL#',
+ '#CODE#',
+ '#PHONE#',
+ '#CUSTOM#',
+ ),
+ array(
+ '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>',
+ $url,
+ '<a href="' . $unsubscribe . '">' . $lang['user_bye_hl'] . '</a>',
+ $sql_row['firstname'],
+ $sql_row['lastname'],
+ $sql_row['email'],
+ $sql_row['password'],
+ $sql_row['password'],
+ $sql_row['phone'],
+ $sql_row['salutation'],
+ $sql_row['custom'],
+ $sql_row['relation'],
+ ),
+ $sending_data['body_text']
+ );
+ // naredimo DataPiping;
+ if (isset($arryDataPiping[$sql_row['id']])) {
+ $user_body_text = Common::getInstance()->dataPiping($user_body_text, $arryDataPiping[$sql_row['id']], 0);
+ }
+ $resultX = null;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation');
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($user_body_text, $sending_data['subject_text']);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ // todo fajn bi bilo zalogirat kaj se dogaja
+ $__error = $e->getMessage();
+ $__errStack = $e->getTraceAsString();
+ }
+ $_user_data = $sql_row;
+ if ($resultX) {
+ $send_ok[] = $email;
+ $send_ok_ids[] = $sql_row['id'];
+ $_user_data['status'] = 1;
+ # poslalo ok
+ }
+ else {
+ // ni poslalo
+ $send_error[] = $email;
+ $send_error_ids[] = $sql_row['id'];
+ $_user_data['status'] = 2;
+ }
+ $send_users_data[] = $_user_data;
+ // updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano - PO NOVEM TO DELAMO SPROTI
+ if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) {
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent='1', date_sent='".$sending_data['date_sent']."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ // statuse popravimo samo če vabilo še ni bilo poslano ali je bila napaka
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status='1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ // Pri volitvah za sabo pobrisemo podatke preko katerih bi lahko povezali prejemnike z responsi
+ if($voting){
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients
+ SET cookie='', password=''
+ WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND sent='1' AND last_status='1' AND ank_id='".$this->sid."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # updejtamo status za errorje
+ if ( count($send_error_ids) > 0) {
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status = GREATEST(last_status,2) WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_error_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0')");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ // če mamo personalizirana email vabila, userje dodamo v bazo
+ if ($individual == 1) {
+ // dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko
+ $strInsertDataText = array();
+ $strInsertDataVrednost = array();
+ // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ignoriramo vse identifikatorje
+ if($voting){
+ $_r = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user
+ (ank_id, cookie, pass, last_status, inv_res_id)
+ ('".$this->sid."', '".$_user_data['cookie']."', '".$_user_data['password']."', '".$_user_data['status']."', '-1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cookie = '".$_user_data['cookie']."', pass='".$_user_data['password']."'
+ ");
+ // Ce ne belezimo parapodatka za cas responsa, anonimno zabelezimo cas zadnjega responsa
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET last_response_time=NOW() WHERE id='".$this->sid."'");
+ }
+ else{
+ $_r = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user
+ (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id)
+ ('".$this->sid."', '".$_user_data['email']."', '".$_user_data['cookie']."', '".$_user_data['password']."', '".$_user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$_user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cookie = '".$_user_data['cookie']."', pass='".$_user_data['password']."'
+ ");
+ }
+ $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($usr_id) {
+ // dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES ('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')");
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES ('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())");
+ // dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke
+ foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) {
+ $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']];
+ if (trim($_user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $_user_data[$_user_variable] != null) {
+ if($spremenljivka['variable'] == 'odnos')
+ $strInsertDataVrednost[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id'][trim($_user_data[$_user_variable])]."','".$usr_id."')";
+ else
+ $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($_user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // lahko da user že obstaja in je šlo za duplicated keys
+ }
+ // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ne vsatvimo nicesar v sistemske spremenljivke
+ if(!$voting){
+ // vstavimo v srv_data_text
+ if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ // vstavimo v srv_data_vrednost
+ if (count($strInsertDataVrednost) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataVrednost);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $results = array(
+ 'send_ok' => $send_ok,
+ 'send_ok_ids' => $send_ok_ids,
+ 'send_users_data' => $send_users_data,
+ 'send_error' => $send_error,
+ 'send_error_ids' => $send_error_ids,
+ );
+ return $results;
+ }
+ private function getSystemVars(){
+ // polovimo sistemske spremenljivke z vrednostmi
+ $qrySistemske = sisplet_query("SELECT, s.naslov, s.variable
+ FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE s.sistem='1' AND AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN ("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."')
+ ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red
+ ");
+ $sys_vars = array();
+ $sys_vars_ids = array();
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qrySistemske)) {
+ $sys_vars[$row['id']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'variable'=>$row['variable'],'naslov'=>$row['naslov']);
+ $sys_vars_ids[] = $row['id'];
+ }
+ $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, id AS vre_id, vrstni_red, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id IN(".implode(',',$sys_vars_ids).") ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC ");
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednost)) {
+ // Ce gre za odnos imamo radio
+ if($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['variable'] == 'odnos'){
+ if(!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['vrstni_red']]))
+ $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['variable']] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ elseif (!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'])) {
+ $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ return $sys_vars;
+ }
+ // Rocna aktivacija vabil
+ function sendMailNoEmailing() {
+ global $lang, $site_path, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($this->sid);
+ if (isset($_POST['rids'])) {
+ session_start();
+ # preverimo token, da ne pošiljamo večkrat
+ if (isset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid])
+ && isset($_POST['_token'])
+ && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] != null
+ && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] == isset($_POST['_token'])) {
+ # na send smo kliknili samo 1x
+ unset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid]);
+ session_commit();
+ $dont_send_duplicated = false;
+ if (isset($_POST['dont_send_duplicated']) && $_POST['dont_send_duplicated'] == 'on') {
+ $dont_send_duplicated = true;
+ }
+ $rids = $_POST['rids'];
+ $return = array();
+ $return['error'] = '0';
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note5_noEmailing'], $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_archive').'<br /><br/>';
+ $return['msg'] .= sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note5_noEmailing2'], $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients').'</div>';
+ // Shranimo komentar h posiljanju
+ if(isset($_POST['comment']) && $_POST['comment'] != ''){
+ $comment = $_POST['comment'];
+ $sqlC = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET comment='$comment' WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'");
+ }
+ // Preberemo tip posiljanja (navadna posta, sms...)
+ $noMail_type = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type');
+ // Pripravimo arhiv pošiljanj, da dobimo arch_id
+ $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'");
+ list($count_all) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_all);
+ $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ $archive_naslov = 'mailing_'.date("d.m.Y").', '.date("H:i:s");
+ // Naslov in body
+ // polovimo sporočilo in prejemnike
+ $sql_query_m = sisplet_query("SELECT id, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, naslov, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) {
+ $sql_row_m = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m);
+ }
+ else {
+ $subject_text = $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_subject'];
+ $body_text = '';
+ }
+ $subject_text = $sql_row_m['subject_text'];
+ $body_text = $sql_row_m['body_text'];
+ $msg_url = $sql_row_m['url'];
+ // Vstavimo podatke v arhiv
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive
+ (id, ank_id, date_send, subject_text, body_text, tip, uid, comment, naslov, rec_in_db)
+ (NULL , '$this->sid', '$date_sent', '".addslashes($subject_text)."', '".addslashes($body_text)."', '$noMail_type', '$global_user_id', '$comment', '$archive_naslov', '$count_all')
+ ");
+ $arch_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $duplicated = array();
+ // Polovimo sistemske spremenljivke
+ $sys_vars = $this->getSystemVars();
+ // prejeminki besedila
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients
+ WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND id IN (".implode(',',$rids).")
+ ");
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $password = $sql_row['password'];
+ $email = $sql_row['email'];
+ if ($dont_send_duplicated == true && isset($duplicated[$email]) && $email != '') {
+ $duplicated[$email] ++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ $duplicated[$email] = 1;
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ $_user_data = $sql_row;
+ $send_ok[] = $email;
+ $send_ok_ids[] = $sql_row['id'];
+ $_user_data['status'] = 1;
+ $send_users_data[] = $_user_data;
+ }
+ // updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano
+ if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) {
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent = '1', date_sent = '".$date_sent."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ // statuse popravimo samo če vabilo še ni bilo poslano ali je bila napaka
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status = '1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ $comment = $_POST['comment'];
+ // dodajmo še userje v povezovalno tabelo
+ if ($arch_id > 0) {
+ // updejtamo še tabelo arhivov
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_archive SET cnt_succsess='".count($send_ok_ids)."' WHERE id ='$arch_id'");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ # za arhive
+ $_archive_recipients = array();
+ # za tracking
+ $_tracking = array();
+ if (count($send_ok_ids) > 0) {
+ foreach ( $send_ok_ids AS $id) {
+ $_archive_recipients[] = "('$arch_id','$id','1')";
+ #status 1=pošta poslana
+ $_tracking[] = "('$arch_id',NOW(),'$id','1')";
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($_archive_recipients) > 0) {
+ $sqlString = 'INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive_recipients (arch_id,rec_id,success) VALUES ';
+ $sqlString .= implode(', ', $_archive_recipients);
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ }
+ if (count($_tracking) > 0) {
+ $sqlStrTracking = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_tracking (inv_arch_id, time_insert, res_id, status) VALUES ";
+ $sqlStrTracking .= implode(', ', $_tracking);
+ $sqlQueryTracking = sisplet_query($sqlStrTracking);
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ # če mamo personalizirana email vabila, userje dodamo v bazo
+ if ($individual == 1 && count($send_users_data) > 0) {
+ # dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko
+ $strInsertDataText = array();
+ $strInsertUserbase = array();
+ $strInsertUserstatus = array();
+ foreach ($send_users_data AS $user_data) {
+ $_r = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user
+ (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id)
+ ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['email']."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cookie = '".$user_data['cookie']."', pass='".$user_data['password']."'
+ ");
+ $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ if ($usr_id) {
+ # dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus
+ $strInsertUserbase[] = "('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')";
+ $strInsertUserstatus[] = "('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())";
+ # dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke
+ foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) {
+ $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']];
+ if (trim($user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $user_data[$_user_variable] != null) {
+ $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // lahko da user že obstaja in je šlo za duplicated keys
+ }
+ }
+ // vstavimo v srv_userbase
+ if (count($strInsertUserbase) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserbase);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ // vstavimo v srv_userstatus
+ if (count($strInsertUserstatus) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserstatus);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ // vstavimo v srv_data_text
+ if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ if (count($send_ok) > 0 ) {
+ list($name,$surname,$email) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, email FROM users WHERE id='$global_user_id'"));
+ $who='';
+ if (trim($name) != '') {
+ $who = $name;
+ }
+ if (trim($surname) != '') {
+ if ($who != '') {
+ $who .=' ';
+ }
+ $who .= $surname;
+ }
+ if ($email != '') {
+ if ($who != '') {
+ $who .=' ('.$email.')';
+ } else {
+ $who = $email;
+ }
+ }
+ $return['error'] = '0';
+ }
+ else {
+ $return['error'] = '0';
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.'<strong>'.$lang['srv_invitation_note9'].'</strong></div><br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #old session token
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message"><span class="red strong">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note13'].'</span>'.'</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #nimamo $rids
+ $return['msg'] = '<div class="inv_send_message">'.$lang['srv_invitation_note14'].'</div>';
+ }
+ # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa);
+ Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp();
+ $this->viewSendMailFinish($return['msg']);
+ }
+ function viewSendMailFinish($msg) {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ echo $msg;
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=inv_status"><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ }
+ function uploadRecipients() {
+ global $lang;
+ $errors = array();
+ $allowedExtensions = array("txt","csv","dat");
+ $_fields = trim($_POST['fields']);
+ if ($_fields != null && $_fields != '') {
+ $fields = explode(',',$_fields);
+ }
+ else {
+ $fields = array();
+ }
+ $file_name = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["name"];
+ $file_type = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["type"];
+ $file_size = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["size"] > 0 ? $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["size"] / 1024 : 0;
+ $file_tmp = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["tmp_name"];
+ $okFileType = ( $file_type == 'text/plain' || $file_type == 'text/csv' || $file_type == 'application/' );
+ $okFileEnd = (pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'txt' || pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'csv');
+ # preverimo ali smo uploadali datoteko in če smo izbrali katero polje
+ if ($_POST['posted'] == '1' && count($fields) == 0) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error_no_fields'];
+ }
+ #preverimo ime datoteke
+ if ( trim($file_name) == '' || $file_name == null ) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file'];
+ # preverimo tip:
+ } else if ( $okFileType == false ) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type'];
+ # prevermio še končnico (.txt)
+ } else if ($okFileEnd == false) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type'];
+ }
+ # preverimo velikost
+ else if ( (float)$file_size == 0 ) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_size'];
+ }
+ # če so napake jih prikažemo če ne obdelamo datoteko
+ if (count($errors) > 0) {
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_message_errors">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ foreach($errors as $error) {
+ echo '* '.$error.'<br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ $this->addRecipientsView($fields, $invalid_recipiens_array);
+ }
+ else {
+ $fh = @fopen($file_tmp, "rb");
+ if ($fh) {
+ $recipients_list = fread($fh, filesize($file_tmp));
+ fclose($fh);
+ }
+ # po potrebi zamenjamo delimiter iz (;) v (,)
+ // Vejica NI kul, ker se uporablja pri nazivih in v custom poljih Za interni delimiter naj bo recimo " | "...
+ $recipients_list = str_replace ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter'], "|~|", $recipients_list);
+ // Shranimo v seznam
+ $pid = $this->saveAppendRecipientList($pid=0, $fields, $recipients_list, $profileName='', $profileComment='');
+ // Dodamo polja
+ $result = $this->addMassRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $pid);
+ // Prikažemo napake
+ $invalid_recipiens_array = $this->displayRecipentsErrors($result);
+ $this->addRecipientsView($fields, $invalid_recipiens_array);
+ }
+ }
+ function viewArchiveRecipients() {
+ $data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']);
+ $_success = (int)$data[2];
+ $_arch_id = $data[3];
+ $archType = $_POST['archType'];
+ # za novejše ankete prikažemo nov način
+ if ($this->newTracking) {
+ $this->showArchiveRecipients($_arch_id, $archType);
+ return;
+ }
+ global $lang,$site_url,$global_user_id;
+ echo '<div id="inv_view_arch_recipients">';
+ # polovimo sezname
+ $lists = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name'];
+ }
+ $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author'];
+ $data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']);
+ $_success = (int)$data[2];
+ $_arch_id = $data[3];
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '$_arch_id'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_a_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email,firstname,lastname, password,salutation,phone,custom,relation,sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,last_status,list_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients AS siar LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients AS sir on siar.rec_id = WHERE arch_id = '$_arch_id' AND success = '$_success'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_content">';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_recipients_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_left">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_firstname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_lastname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_list_id'].'</th>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_responded'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_responded'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_unsubscribed'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_unsubscribed'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_left">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_password'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_firstname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_lastname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_list_id'].'</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<td><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_0/'.((int)$sql_row['sent'] == 1 ? 'email_sent.png' : 'email_open.png').'"></td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left">'.$sql_row['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['firstname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['lastname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].'</td>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<td><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_0/'.((int)$sql_row['sent'] == 1 ? 'email_sent.png' : 'email_open.png').'"></td>';
+ echo '<td><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/'.((int)$sql_row['responded'] == 1 ? 'star_on.png' : 'star_off.png').'"></td>';
+ echo '<td><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_0/'.((int)$sql_row['unsubscribed'] == 1 ? 'opdedout_on.png' : 'opdedout_off.png').'"></td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left">'.$sql_row['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['password'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['firstname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['lastname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row['last_status']].' ('.$sql_row['last_status'].')'.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].'</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>'; // id="arc_content"
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_btm">';
+ echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_recipients_close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function editArchiveComment() {
+ global $lang,$site_url;
+ echo '<div id="inv_view_arch_recipients">';
+ $data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']);
+ $_success = (int)$data[2];
+ $_arch_id = $data[3];
+ #polovimo podatke arhiva
+ $sql_string = "SELECT comment FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '".$_arch_id."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($comment) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_content">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_comment'];
+ echo '<input id="inv_arch_id" type="hidden" value="'.$_arch_id.'">';
+ echo '<input id="inv_arch_comment" type="text" value="'.$comment.'">';
+ echo '</div>'; // id="arc_content"
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_btm">';
+ echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_save_comment(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_recipients_close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function deleteRecipientConfirm() {
+ global $lang;
+ if (isset($_POST['inv_rid']) && trim($_POST['inv_rid']) != '') {
+ $rid = $_POST['inv_rid'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_delete_rec_confirm">';
+ echo '<span class="h2">Ali ste prepričani da želite izbrisati respondenta:</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ # polovimo podatke respondenta
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id = '".(int)$_POST['inv_rid']."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ echo '<div id="inv_error_note" class="hidden"/>';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="inv_rid" value="'.$sql_row['id'].'">';
+ echo '<table id="inv_edit_recipient">';
+ #email
+ if (trim($sql_row['email']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_email'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['email'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #geslo
+ if (trim($sql_row['password']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_password'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['password'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #ime
+ if (trim($sql_row['firstname']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_firstname'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['firstname'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #priimek
+ if (trim($sql_row['lastname']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_lastname'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['lastname'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #naziv
+ if (trim($sql_row['salutation']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_salutation'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['salutation'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #telefon
+ if (trim($sql_row['phone']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_phone'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['phone'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #drugo
+ if (trim($sql_row['custom']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_custom'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['custom'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ #odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ if (trim($sql_row['relation']) != '') {
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_relation'].'</th><td>';
+ echo $sql_row['relation'];
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<span id="inv_delete_recipent" class="buttonwrapper floatRight" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_delete'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_delete_recipient();return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_delete'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_delete_rec_confirm"
+ }
+ }
+ function deleteRecipient() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url;
+ $return = array('success'=>'0');
+ #array z napakami
+ $errors = array();
+ $rids = $_POST['inv_rids'];
+ if (isset($rids) && is_array($rids) && count($rids)) {
+ $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET deleted='1', date_deleted=NOW(), uid_deleted='".$global_user_id."' WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND id IN(".implode(',',$rids).")";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error'];
+ } else {
+ # updejtamo še srv_users
+ $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_user SET inv_res_id=NULL WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IN(".implode(',',$rids).")";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ $return['success'] = 2;
+ //$this->viewRecipients();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error'];
+ }
+ header('location: ' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients');
+ }
+ function deleteRecipientSingle() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url;
+ $return = array('success'=>'0');
+ # single delete
+ $inv_rid = $_POST['inv_rid'];
+ if ((int)$inv_rid > 0) {
+ $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET deleted='1', date_deleted=NOW(), uid_deleted='".$global_user_id."' WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND id ='$inv_rid'";
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $return['error'] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error'];
+ } else {
+ $return['success'] = 1;
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $return['error'] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error'];
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function deleteRecipientAll() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url;
+ $return = array('success'=>'0');
+ # all delete
+ $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET deleted='1', date_deleted=NOW(), uid_deleted='".$global_user_id."' WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0'";
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $return['error'] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error'];
+ } else {
+ $return['success'] = 1;
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function addSystemVariables($variables) {
+ global $site_path, $lang;
+ // Pri modulu za volitve so responsi anonimni, zato nimamo nobenih sistemskih spremenljivk
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting'))
+ return;
+ $system_fields = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => 'email',
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 'ime',
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 'priimek',
+ # 'inv_field_password' => 'geslo', # gesla ne dodajamo kot sistemsko spremenljivko
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 'naziv',
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 'telefon',
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 'drugo',
+ 'inv_field_relation' => 'odnos',
+ );
+ $ba = new BranchingAjax($this->sid);
+ if (count($variables) > 0) {
+ // zakaj je bi ta reverse???
+ //$variables = array_reverse($variables,true);
+ foreach ($variables as $var) {
+ if (isset($system_fields[$var])) {
+ $spr_id = null;
+ $variable = $system_fields[$var];
+ $sqlVariable = sisplet_query("SELECT FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.variable='".$variable."' AND AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVariable) == 0 && $variable!='pass') { // če varabla še ne obstaja jo kreiramo
+ // za polje pass - Geslo ne kreiramo sistemske variable
+ if ($variable != 'language') $user_base = 1;
+ // za polje odnos (module 360 - adecco) ustvarimo radio tip spremenljivke
+ if($system_fields[$var] == 'odnos'){
+ ob_start();
+ $ba->ajax_spremenljivka_new(0, 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ $spr_id = $ba->spremenljivka;
+ ob_clean();
+ $s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET variable='".$variable."', variable_custom='1', naslov='".$variable."', sistem='1', visible='0' WHERE id='$spr_id'");
+ if (!$s) echo 'err435'.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ // če gre za sistemsko "odnos" za module 360 (adecco) ustvarimo 4 vrednosti (nadrejeni, podrejeni, sodelavec, samoocenjevalec)
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_vrednost SET naslov='".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_1']."', variable='1' WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND vrstni_red='1'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_vrednost SET naslov='".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_2']."', variable='2' WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND vrstni_red='2'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_vrednost SET naslov='".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_3']."', variable='3' WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND vrstni_red='3'");
+ $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_vrednost (id, spr_id, naslov, variable, vrstni_red) VALUES ('', '$spr_id', '".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_4']."', '4', '4')");
+ }
+ // dodamo novo spremenljivko na konec, tip je 21
+ else{
+ ob_start();
+ $ba->ajax_spremenljivka_new(0, 0, 1, 0, 21);
+ $spr_id = $ba->spremenljivka;
+ ob_clean();
+ $s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET variable='".$variable."', variable_custom='1', naslov='".$variable."', sistem='1', visible='0' WHERE id='$spr_id'");
+ if (!$s) echo 'err435'.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ #MAPPING za povezavo podatkov
+ # če smo dodajali email, ga dodamo tudi v mapping
+ if ($variable == 'email' && (int)$spr_id > 0) {
+ $insertString = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_mapping (sid, spr_id, field) VALUES ('$this->sid','$spr_id','email')";
+ sisplet_query($insertString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function listRecipientsProfiles() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $ppid = isset($_POST['pid']) ? (int)$_POST['pid'] : -1;
+ # polovimo vse profile
+ $array_profiles = array();
+ session_start();
+ # če obstaja seznam iz seje za to anketo
+ if (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid])) {
+ $array_profiles[-1] = array('name' => $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['name']);
+ }
+ $array_profiles[0] = array('name' => $lang['srv_temp_profile_author']);
+ $onlyThisSurvey = (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey']) && (int)$_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] == 1) ? false : true;
+ if ($onlyThisSurvey == 0) {
+ #id-ji profilov do katerih lahko dostopamo
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."') OR pid IN (SELECT DISTINCT pid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access where uid = '$global_user_id')";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ } else {
+ # 1
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.* FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp WHERE from_survey = '$this->sid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ }
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name']);
+ }
+ echo '<div id="inv_import_list_profiles">';
+ echo '<ol>';
+ foreach ($array_profiles AS $_pid => $profile) {
+ echo '<li pid="'.$_pid.'" class="'
+ # .($_pid['isdefault'] == 1 ? ' strong' : '')
+ .($ppid === $_pid ? ' active' : '')
+ .'">';
+ echo $profile['name'];
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ol>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ if ((int)$ppid > 0) {
+ # polovimo še ostale porfile
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".(int)$ppid."' AND from_survey ='".$this->sid."' ";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) {
+ # če je iz iste ankete, potem lahko urejamo
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="inv_del_rec_profile();" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_profile'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_profile'].'</a><br/>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="inv_edit_rec_profile();" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_edit_profile'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_edit_profile'].'</a><br/>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ }
+ function getRecipientsProfile($pid) {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ session_start();
+ $fields = array();
+ $recipients_list = null;
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ # če ne obstaja začasen seznam ga naredimo (praznega)
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid])) {
+ $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = array(
+ 'pid' => -1,
+ 'name' => $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'],
+ 'fields' => ($noEmailing == 1 ? 'firstname,lastname' : 'email'),
+ 'respondents' => '',
+ 'comment' => $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']
+ );
+ }
+ #polovimo emaile in poljaiz seznama
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ # če imamo pid in je večji kot nič polovimo podatke iz tabele
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT fields,respondents FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid = '".$pid."'");
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ if (trim($sql_row['respondents']) != '') {
+ //$recipients_list = explode("\n",trim($sql_row['respondents']));
+ // Zamenjamo 1ka delimiter z default vejico, ker drugače je v seznamih porušeno
+ $recipients_list = explode("\n",str_replace ("|~|", ",", trim($sql_row['respondents'])));
+ }
+ $_fields = explode(",", $sql_row['fields']);
+ if (count($_fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($_fields AS $field) {
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_'.$field;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($pid == 0) {
+ # če ne je začasin porfil - avtor
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT email, name, surname FROM users WHERE id = '".$global_user_id."'");
+ $rowEmail = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ // default smo rekli je vejica, ane?
+ $recipients_list[] = $rowEmail['email'];
+ //$recipients_list[] = $rowEmail['email'].','.$rowEmail['name'].','.$rowEmail['surname'];
+ $fields[]= 'inv_field_email';
+ /*$fields[]= 'inv_field_firstname';
+ $fields[]= 'inv_field_lastname';*/
+ }
+ else if ($pid == -1) {
+ # začasen profil iz seje
+ $_fields = explode(",",$_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['fields']);
+ if (count($_fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($_fields AS $field) {
+ $fields[] = 'inv_field_'.$field;
+ }
+ }
+ if (trim($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents']) != '') {
+ $recipients_list = explode("\n",trim($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents']));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $recipients_list[] = '';
+ $fields[]= 'inv_field_email';
+ }
+ return array($recipients_list,$fields);
+ }
+ function useRecipientsList($profile_id = null) {
+ if (isset($profile_id) && !is_null($profile_id))
+ {
+ $pid = $profile_id;
+ $_POST['pid'] = $profile_id;
+ }
+ else if (isset($_POST['pid']))
+ {
+ $pid = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]))
+ {
+ $pid = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $pid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ list($recipients_list,$fields) = $this->getRecipientsProfile($pid);
+ $this->addRecipientsView($fields,$recipients_list);
+ }
+ function saveRecipientList() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ echo 'DEPRCATED!';
+ return false;
+ $return = array('success'=>'0');
+ # shranjujemo v nov profil
+ $post_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$_POST['fields']));
+ $post_recipients = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']);
+ $pid = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ # če je pid < 0 shranimo v nov porfil
+ if ($pid <= 0) {
+ # dodelimo ime
+ #zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'];
+ $names = array();
+ $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) {
+ $names[] = $r['name'];
+ }
+ if (count($names) > 0) {
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt;
+ }
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles".
+ " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ".
+ " VALUES ('$new_name', '$global_user_id', '$post_fields', '$post_recipients', NOW(), '', '".$this->sid."' )";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $return['success'] = '0';
+ $return['msg'] = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ } else {
+ $return['success'] = '1';
+ $return['pid'] = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # updejtamo obstoječ profil
+ $sql_update = " UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles".
+ " SET fields = '$post_fields', respondents ='$post_recipients' WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_update);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $return['success'] = '0';
+ $return['msg'] = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ } else {
+ $return['success'] = '1';
+ $return['pid'] = $pid;
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function getProfileName() {
+ echo 'DEPRECATED';
+ }
+ function saveRecProfile() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $profile_id = isset($_POST['profile_id'])? (int)$_POST['profile_id'] : -1;
+ $profile_name = (isset($_POST['profile_name']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_name']) : $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $profile_comment = (isset($_POST['profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_comment']) : '';
+ $recipients_list = trim($this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']));
+ $field_list = (isset($_POST['field_list']) && trim($_POST['field_list']) != '') ? trim($_POST['field_list']) : 'email';
+ if ((int)$profile_id == -1) {
+ # shranimo v začasni profil
+ session_start();
+ $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = array(
+ 'pid'=>-1,
+ 'name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'],
+ 'fields'=>$field_list,
+ 'respondents'=>$recipients_list,
+ 'comment'=>$profile_comment
+ );
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x0', 'pid'=>-1);
+ }
+ else if ((int)$profile_id == 0) {
+ # shranjujemo v nov profil
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) VALUES ('$profile_name', '$global_user_id', '$field_list', '$recipients_list', NOW(), '$profile_comment', '".$this->sid."' )";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x1', 'pid'=>mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']));
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ else {
+ # dodajamo v obstoječ profil
+ # polovimo podatke obstoječega profila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."') AND pid = '".$profile_id."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $respondents = $sql_row['respondents']."\n".$recipients_list;
+ $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET respondents = '".$respondents."', comment='".$profile_comment."' WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."') AND pid = '".$profile_id."'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$profile_id());
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$profile_id);
+ }
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function updateRecProfile() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'');
+ $pid = (int)(int)$_POST['pid'];
+ $profile_name = (isset($_POST['profile_name']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_name']) : '';
+ /*$profile_comment = (isset($_POST['profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_comment']) : '';
+ $profile_respondents = (isset($_POST['profile_respondents']) && trim($_POST['profile_respondents']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_respondents']) : '';*/
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ if ($profile_name != '') {
+ //$sql_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name = '$profile_name', comment = '$profile_comment', respondents = '$profile_respondents' WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $sql_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name = '$profile_name' WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_update);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error);
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>$sql_update);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$lang['srv_inv_msg_1']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$lang['srv_inv_msg_2']);
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function deleteRecProfile() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $pid = isset($_POST['pid']) && (int)$_POST['pid'] > 0 ? (int)$_POST['pid'] : null;
+ if ($_POST['pid']) {
+ $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$pid."' AND uid='".$global_user_id."'";
+ $return['str'] = $sql_string;
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] = $error;
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function editRecProfile() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $pid = (int)$_POST['pid'];
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$pid."'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sqlRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery);
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profile_name">';
+ echo '<div id="inv_error_note" class="hidden"></div>';
+ echo '<table>';
+ echo '<tr><td class="bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_name'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$sqlRow['name'].'" autofocus="autofocus" style="width: 200px;">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="rec_profile_pid" value="'.$pid.'" >';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['save'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_update_rec_profile(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients"
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function deleteMsgProfile() {
+ global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $mid = isset($_POST['mid']) && (int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? (int)$_POST['mid'] : null;
+ # preštejemo koliko profilov imamo. Zadnjega ne pustimo izbrisati
+ $sql_string = "SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id <> '".$mid."' LIMIT 1";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($id) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ if ((int)$id > 0 ) {
+ # nastavimo na nov id
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '1' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$id'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ # če imamo še kak profil pustimo zbrisat izbranega
+ if ((int)$mid > 0) {
+ $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE id='".$mid."'";
+ $return['str'] = $sql_string;
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] = $error;
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ $this->viewMessage($id);
+ }
+ #$this->viewMessage();
+ # echo json_encode($return);
+ # exit;
+ }
+ function showMessageRename() {
+ global $lang;
+ $mid = (int)$_POST['mid'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profile_name">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_rename_new_name'].'&nbsp;';
+ # polovimo vsa sporočila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT naslov, comment FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id = '$mid'";
+ list($naslov, $comment) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($sql_string));
+ echo '<input type="text" id="inv_message_profile_name" value="'.$naslov.'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '<br/><br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_comment'];
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_message_comment" tabindex="3" rows="2" style="width:200px;">'.($comment).'</textarea>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['save'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="invMessageRename(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function messageRename() {
+ global $lang;
+ $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0');
+ $mid = (int)$_POST['mid'];
+ $return['mid'] = $mid;
+ $name = trim($_POST['name']);
+ $comment = trim($_POST['comment']);
+ if ($name == '' || $name == null) {
+ $name = $this->generateMessageName();
+ }
+ if ($mid > 0) {
+ #updejtamo obstoječ profil
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET naslov='".$name."', comment='".$comment."', edit_uid='".$global_user_id."', edit_time=NOW() WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if ( $sqlQuery != 1) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ } else {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function editRecipient() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipient_edit">';
+ echo '<h2>Urejanje respondenta</h2>';
+ if ((int)$_POST['inv_rid'] > 0) {
+ # polovimo podatke respondenta
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id = '".(int)$_POST['inv_rid']."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ echo '<div id="inv_error_note" class="hidden"/>';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" id="inv_rid" value="'.$sql_row['id'].'">';
+ echo '<table id="inv_edit_recipient">';
+ #email
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_email'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_email" value="'.$sql_row['email'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="100">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #geslo
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_password'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_password" value="'.$sql_row['password'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="45">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #ime
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_firstname'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_firstname" value="'.$sql_row['firstname'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="45">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #priimek
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_lastname'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_lastname" value="'.$sql_row['lastname'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="45">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #naziv
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_salutation'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_salutation" value="'.$sql_row['salutation'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="45">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #telefon
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_phone'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_phone" value="'.$sql_row['phone'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="45">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #drugo
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_custom'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_custom" value="'.$sql_row['custom'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="100">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ #odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_field_relation'].'</th><td>';
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_relation" value="'.$sql_row['relation'].'" autocomplete="off" maxlength="100">';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<span id="save_recipients" class="buttonwrapper floatRight" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_save_recipient();return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function saveRecipient() {
+ global $lang;
+ $return = array('msg'=>$lang['srv_inv_error1'], 'error'=>'0');
+ $rid = (int)trim($_POST['inv_rid']);
+ $rec_email = trim($_POST['rec_email']);
+ $rec_password = trim($_POST['rec_password']);
+ $rec_firstname = trim($_POST['rec_firstname']);
+ $rec_lastname = trim($_POST['rec_lastname']);
+ $rec_salutation = trim($_POST['rec_salutation']);
+ $rec_phone = trim($_POST['rec_phone']);
+ $rec_custom = trim($_POST['rec_custom']);
+ $rec_relation = (int)trim($_POST['rec_relation']);
+ $return['rid'] = $rid;
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND id = '".$rid."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ # če smo imeli polje email ga preverjamo
+ if ($sql_row['email'] != null || trim($sql_row['email']) != '' || ($rec_email != null && $rec_email != '')) {
+ # email ne sme biti prazen
+ if (($sql_row['email'] != null || trim($sql_row['email']) != '') && ($rec_email == null || $rec_email == '')) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error2'];
+ $return['error_email'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ } else if (!$this->validEmail($rec_email)) {
+ # email mora biti pravilne oblike
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error3'];
+ $return['error_email'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ # password ne sme biti prazen
+ if ($rec_password == null || $rec_password == '') {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error4'];
+ $return['error_password'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ } else {
+ #preverimo da geslo še ni uporabljeno za to anketo za katerega drugega respondenta
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND password = '".$rec_password."' AND id != '".$rid."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error5'];
+ $return['error_password'] = '1';
+ $newline= '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ # če ni napak shranimo
+ if ( $return['error'] == '0') {
+ # ali shranjujemo obstoječ msg
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET"
+ ." email = '".strtolower($rec_email)."',"
+ ." password = '$rec_password',"
+ ." firstname = '$rec_firstname',"
+ ." lastname = '$rec_lastname',"
+ ." salutation = '$rec_salutation',"
+ ." phone = '$rec_phone',"
+ ." custom = '$rec_custom',"
+ ." relation = '$rec_relation'"
+ ." WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$rid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ if ( $sqlQuery != 1) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error6'];
+ }
+ }
+ # MAP: če imamo mapirano, updejtamo tudi pri podatkih
+ $strMap = "SELECT spr_id FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '".$this->sid."' AND field='email'";
+ $qryMap = sisplet_query($strMap);
+ list($mapSprId) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryMap);
+ if ((int)$mapSprId > 0) {
+ # preverimo ali ima respondent povezavo na srv_user
+ $selectUser = "SELECT id FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id='$rid' AND deleted='0'";
+ $qryUser = sisplet_query($selectUser);
+ list($uid) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryUser);
+ if ((int)$uid > 0 && $this->validEmail($rec_email)) {
+ $updateStr = "UPDATE srv_data_text".$this->db_table." SET text = '$rec_email' WHERE spr_id='$mapSprId' AND usr_id='".(int)$uid."'";
+ $qryUpdate = sisplet_query($updateStr);
+ if ((int)$qryUpdate > 0) {
+ # updejtamo še timestamp userja
+ $updateUserString = "UPDATE srv_user SET time_edit=NOW() WHERE id='".(int)$uid."'";
+ $qryUserUpdate = sisplet_query($updateUserString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND id = '".$rid."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $return['rec'] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function setRecipientFilter(){
+ session_start();
+ if (isset($_POST['inv_filter_on']) && $_POST['inv_filter_on'] == 'true') {
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] = true;
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] = false;
+ }
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['value'] = trim($_POST['inv_filter_value']);
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_send'];
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_respondet'];
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_unsubscribed'];
+ # če ni seznama privzeto damo na vsi
+ if (!isset($_POST['inv_filter_list']) && !isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'])) {
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] = '-2';
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_list'];
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST['inv_filter_duplicates']) && $_POST['inv_filter_duplicates'] == 'true') {
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['duplicated'] = true;
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['inv_filter']['duplicated'] = false;
+ }
+ session_commit();
+ return;
+ }
+ function exportRecipients() {
+ global $lang;
+ $convertTypes = array('charSet' => 'UTF-8', # windows-1250',
+ 'delimit' => ';',
+ 'newLine' => "\n",
+ 'BOMchar' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF");
+ #header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']);
+ header('Content-type: application/csv; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']);
+ header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="respondenti_anketa_'.$this->sid.'-'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv"');
+ header('Pragma: public');
+ header('Expires: 0');
+ header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
+ header('Cache-Control: private',false);
+ ob_clean();
+ # dodami boomchar za utf-8
+ echo $convertTypes['BOMchar'];
+ #array z napakami
+ $errors = array();
+ $inv_rids = $_POST['inv_rids'];
+ if (is_array($inv_rids) && count($inv_rids) > 0) {
+ // Ce delamo izvoz za telefonski modul
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('phone')){
+ $delimit = '';
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable];
+ $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ #echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_count_inv'];
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF( IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', AS list_name, scm.comment, scs.call_time, sch.status "
+ ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir"
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_comment AS scm ON (scm.rec_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_schedule AS scs ON (scs.rec_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_history AS sch ON (sch.rec_id ="
+ ." WHERE IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).") ORDER BY id";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) {
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ if($inv_variable == 'status' && $sql_row[$inv_variable] == '')
+ echo $lang['srv_telephone_status_'].$convertTypes['delimit'];
+ else
+ echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izvoz za navadna vabila
+ else{
+ $delimit = '';
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable];
+ $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ #echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_count_inv'];
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF( IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', AS list_name "
+ ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir"
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id ="
+ #." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients AS siar ON ( = siar.rec_id)"
+ ." WHERE IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).") ORDER BY id";
+ /*
+ $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF( IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', AS list_name, count(siar.arch_id) AS count_inv"
+ ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir"
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients AS siar ON ( = siar.rec_id)"
+ ." WHERE IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).") GROUP BY siar.rec_id ORDER BY id";
+ */
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) {
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ # echo $sql_row['count_inv'];
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_error7'];
+ }
+ ob_flush();
+ }
+ function exportRecipients_all() {
+ global $lang;
+ $convertTypes = array('charSet' => 'UTF-8', # windows-1250',
+ 'delimit' => ';',
+ 'newLine' => "\n",
+ 'BOMchar' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF");
+ #header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']);
+ header('Content-type: application/csv; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']);
+ header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="respondenti_anketa_'.$this->sid.'-'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv"');
+ header('Pragma: public');
+ header('Expires: 0');
+ header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
+ header('Cache-Control: private',false);
+ ob_clean();
+ # dodami boomchar za utf-8
+ echo $convertTypes['BOMchar'];
+ // Ce delamo izvoz za telefonski modul
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('phone')){
+ #array z napakami
+ $errors = array();
+ $delimit = '';
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable];
+ $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ #echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_count_inv'];
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF( IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', AS list_name, scm.comment, scs.call_time, sch.status "
+ ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir"
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_comment AS scm ON (scm.rec_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_schedule AS scs ON (scs.rec_id ="
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_history AS sch ON (sch.rec_id ="
+ ." WHERE sir.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND deleted='0' ORDER BY id";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) {
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ if($inv_variable == 'status' && $sql_row[$inv_variable] == '')
+ echo $lang['srv_telephone_status_'].$convertTypes['delimit'];
+ else
+ echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izvoz za navadna vabila
+ else{
+ #array z napakami
+ $errors = array();
+ $delimit = '';
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable];
+ $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF( IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', AS list_name "
+ ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir"
+ ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id ="
+ ." WHERE sir.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND deleted='0' ORDER BY id";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) {
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) {
+ foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) {
+ echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit'];
+ }
+ echo $convertTypes['newLine'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ob_flush();
+ }
+ function onlyThisSurvey() {
+ session_start();
+ $_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] = (isset($_POST['checked']) && $_POST['checked'] == 'true');
+ }
+ function hightlight($str, $keywords = '') {
+ $keywords = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', strip_tags(trim($keywords))); // filter
+ $style = 'inv_high';
+ $style_i = 'inv_high_i';
+ /* Apply Style */
+ $var = '';
+ foreach(explode(' ', $keywords) as $keyword)
+ {
+ $replacement = "<span class='".$style."'>".$keyword."</span>";
+ $var .= $replacement." ";
+ $str = str_ireplace($keyword, $replacement, $str);
+ }
+ /* Apply Important Style */
+ $str = str_ireplace(rtrim($var), "<span class='".$style_i."'>".$keywords."</span>", $str);
+ return $str;
+ }
+ // Dodamo vse userje v bazo podatkov kot respondente
+ function add_users_to_database() {
+ // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve
+ $voting = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting');
+ # prejeminki besedila
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients
+ WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND sent='0'
+ ");
+ # polovimo sistemske spremenljivke z vrednostmi
+ $qrySistemske = sisplet_query("SELECT, s.naslov, s.variable
+ FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE s.sistem='1' AND AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."'
+ AND variable IN("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."')
+ ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red
+ ");
+ $sys_vars = array();
+ $sys_vars_ids = array();
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qrySistemske)) {
+ $sys_vars[$row['id']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'variable'=>$row['variable'],'naslov'=>$row['naslov']);
+ $sys_vars_ids[] = $row['id'];
+ }
+ $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, id AS vre_id, vrstni_red, variable
+ FROM srv_vrednost
+ WHERE spr_id IN(".implode(',',$sys_vars_ids).")
+ ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC
+ ");
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednost)) {
+ // Ce gre za odnos imamo radio
+ if($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['variable'] == 'odnos'){
+ if(!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['vrstni_red']]))
+ $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['variable']] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ elseif (!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'])) {
+ $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ # array za rezultate
+ $send_users_data = array();
+ # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo
+ $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $_user_data = $sql_row;
+ $_user_data['status'] = 1;
+ $send_users_data[] = $_user_data;
+ }
+ # dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko
+ $strInsertDataText = array();
+ $strInsertUserbase = array();
+ $strInsertUserstatus = array();
+ foreach ($send_users_data AS $user_data) {
+ // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ignoriramo vse identifikatorje
+ if($voting){
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user
+ (ank_id, cookie, pass, last_status, inv_res_id)
+ ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', '-1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_status=VALUES(last_status)
+ ");
+ // Ce ne belezimo parapodatka za cas responsa, anonimno zabelezimo cas zadnjega responsa
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET last_response_time=NOW() WHERE id='".$this->sid."'");
+ }
+ else{
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user
+ (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id)
+ ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['email']."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_status=VALUES(last_status), inv_res_id=VALUES(inv_res_id)
+ ");
+ }
+ $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($usr_id) {
+ # za update v srv_invitations_respondents
+ $send_ok_ids[] = $user_data['id'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $send_error_ids[] = $user_data;
+ }
+ # dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus
+ $strInsertUserbase[] = "('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')";
+ $strInsertUserstatus[] = "('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())";
+ # dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke
+ foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) {
+ $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']];
+ if (trim($user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $user_data[$_user_variable] != null) {
+ if($spremenljivka['variable'] == 'odnos')
+ $strInsertDataVrednost[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id'][trim($user_data[$_user_variable])]."','".$usr_id."')";
+ else
+ $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')";
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_userbase
+ if (count($strInsertUserbase) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserbase);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_userstatus
+ if (count($strInsertUserstatus) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserstatus);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ne vsatvimo nicesar v sistemske spremenljivke
+ if(!$voting){
+ # vstavimo v srv_data_text
+ if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_data_vrednost
+ if (count($strInsertDataVrednost) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataVrednost);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo
+ $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ # updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano
+ if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) {
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent='1', date_sent = '".$date_sent."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")");
+ if (!$sqlQuery)
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status='1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')");
+ if (!$sqlQuery)
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ $msg = array($lang['srv_inv_activate_respondents']. count($send_ok_ids));
+ if (count($send_error_ids) > 0) {
+ print_r("<pre>");
+ print_r($lang['srv_inv_error0']);
+ print_r($send_error_ids);
+ print_r("</pre>");
+ }
+ # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa);
+ Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp();
+ $this->viewRecipients(/*array(),$msg*/);
+ }
+ // Dodamo samo izbrane userje v bazo podatkov kot respondente
+ function add_checked_users_to_database() {
+ global $site_url;
+ // Prejemniki, ki jih ročno dodajamo med respondente
+ $inv_rids = $_POST['inv_rids'];
+ # prejeminki besedila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND sent='0' AND id IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).")";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ # polovimo sistemske spremenljivke z vrednostmi
+ $strSistemske = "SELECT, s.naslov, s.variable FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."') ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red";
+ $qrySistemske = sisplet_query($strSistemske);
+ $sys_vars = array();
+ $sys_vars_ids = array();
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qrySistemske)) {
+ $sys_vars[$row['id']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'variable'=>$row['variable'],'naslov'=>$row['naslov']);
+ $sys_vars_ids[] =$row['id'];
+ }
+ $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, id AS vre_id, vrstni_red, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id IN(".implode(',',$sys_vars_ids).") ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC ");
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednost)) {
+ // Ce gre za odnos imamo radio
+ if($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['variable'] == 'odnos'){
+ if(!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['vrstni_red']]))
+ $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['variable']] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ elseif (!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'])) {
+ $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'] = $row['vre_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ # array za rezultate
+ $send_users_data = array();
+ # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo
+ $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $_user_data = $sql_row;
+ $_user_data['status'] = 1;
+ $send_users_data[] = $_user_data;
+ }
+ # dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko
+ $strInsertDataText = array();
+ $strInsertUserbase = array();
+ $strInsertUserstatus = array();
+ foreach ($send_users_data AS $user_data) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['email']."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_status=VALUES(last_status), inv_res_id=VALUES(inv_res_id)";
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($usr_id) {
+ # za update v srv_invitations_respondents
+ $send_ok_ids[] = $user_data['id'];
+ } else {
+ $send_error_ids[] = $user_data;
+ }
+ # dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus
+ $strInsertUserbase[] = "('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')";
+ $strInsertUserstatus[] = "('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())";
+ # dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke
+ foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) {
+ $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']];
+ if (trim($user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $user_data[$_user_variable] != null) {
+ if($spremenljivka['variable'] == 'odnos')
+ $strInsertDataVrednost[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id'][trim($user_data[$_user_variable])]."','".$usr_id."')";
+ else
+ $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')";
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_userbase
+ if (count($strInsertUserbase) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserbase);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_userstatus
+ if (count($strInsertUserstatus) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserstatus);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_data_text
+ if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ # vstavimo v srv_data_vrednost
+ if (count($strInsertDataVrednost) > 0) {
+ $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES ";
+ $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataVrednost);
+ sisplet_query($strInsert);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo
+ $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ # updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano
+ if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) {
+ $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent = '1', date_sent = '".$date_sent."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status = '1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ $msg = array($lang['srv_inv_activate_respondents']. count($send_ok_ids));
+ if (count($send_error_ids) > 0) {
+ print_r("<pre>");
+ print_r($lang['srv_inv_error0']);
+ print_r($send_error_ids);
+ print_r("</pre>");
+ }
+ # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda
+ Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa);
+ Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp();
+ header('location: ' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients');
+ }
+ function getRespondents2Send($send_type, $checkboxes, $source_type, $source_lists, $noEmailing=0) {
+ $respondenti = array();
+ # če imamo dodatne omejitve source_type > 0 (arhivi, seznami) dodamo dodatno kontrolo na id-je respondentov
+ $advancedConditionJoin = '';
+ $advancedCondition = '';
+ if ($source_type == 0)
+ {
+ $this->user_inv_ids = array();
+ if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0)
+ {
+ $this->user_inv_ids = $this->getConditionUserIds($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId);
+ if (isset($this->user_inv_ids) && is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0 )
+ {
+ $advancedConditionJoin = " INNER JOIN srv_user AS su ON = su.inv_res_id";
+ $advancedCondition = " AND su.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND su.inv_res_id IS NOT NULL AND su.deleted = '0' AND IN ('".(implode('\',\'',$this->user_inv_ids))."')";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($source_type == 1)
+ {
+ # arhivi
+ if ($source_lists != '')
+ {
+ $sub_query = " AND IN(SELECT rec_id AS id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients WHERE arch_id IN(".$source_lists.")) ";
+ } else {
+ $sub_query = " AND 0=1 ";
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($source_type == 2)
+ {
+ if ($source_lists != '')
+ {
+ $sub_query = " AND i.list_id IN(".$source_lists.") ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sub_query = " AND 0=1 ";
+ }
+ }
+ # polovimo respondente ki ustrezajo posameznemu statusu
+ if ($send_type == 0 )
+ {
+ }
+ if ($send_type == 1)
+ {
+ $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.sent = '0'";
+ }
+ if ($send_type == 2)
+ {
+ $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.sent = '1' AND i.responded = '0'";
+ }
+ if ($send_type == 3)
+ {
+ $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.sent = '1' AND i.responded = '1'";
+ }
+ if ($send_type == 4)
+ {
+ if ($_POST['checkboxes'] != null && trim($_POST['checkboxes']) != '' )
+ {
+ $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.last_status IN (".$_POST['checkboxes'].")";
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce imamo vklopljene volitve potem posiljamo samo tistim, katerim še nismo poslali vabila (ponovno posiljanje ni mogoce)
+ $sql_voting_condition = (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')) ? " AND i.sent = '0' AND i.cookie != '' AND i.password != ''" : "";
+ // Ce imamo posiljanje brez emaila, ni potrebno da je email vnesen za posameznega respondenta
+ if($noEmailing == 1){
+ $sql_fields = "SELECT DISTINCT i.password,,, i.firstname, i.last_status, i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i";
+ $sql_main_condition = " WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0' AND i.unsubscribed = '0'";
+ $sql_sort = " ORDER BY ASC";
+ $sql_string = $sql_fields
+ . $advancedConditionJoin
+ . $sql_main_condition
+ . $advancedCondition
+ . $sql_sub_condition
+ . $sub_query
+ . $sql_sort;
+ if ($sql_string != null) {
+ $qry = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ $respondenti[$row['password']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'email'=>$row['email'], 'firstname'=>$row['firstname'], 'status'=>$row['last_status'], 'list_id'=>$row['list_id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $sql_fields = "SELECT DISTINCT i.password,,, i.last_status, i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i";
+ $sql_main_condition = " WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0' AND i.unsubscribed = '0' AND IS NOT NULL";
+ $sql_sort = " ORDER BY ASC";
+ $sql_string = $sql_fields
+ . $advancedConditionJoin
+ . $sql_main_condition
+ . $sql_voting_condition
+ . $advancedCondition
+ . $sql_sub_condition
+ . $sub_query
+ . $sql_sort;
+ if ($sql_string != null) {
+ $qry = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ $respondenti[$row['password']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'email'=>$row['email'], 'status'=>$row['last_status'], 'list_id'=>$row['list_id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return($respondenti);
+ }
+ /* Paginacija za pregled respondentov pred pošiljanjem
+ *
+ */
+ function displaySendPagination($all_records) {
+ global $lang,$site_url;
+ #trenutna stran
+ $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
+ $current = is_numeric($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0 ? $page : '1';
+ $all = ceil($all_records / $this->rec_send_page_limit);
+ # current nastavimo na zadnji element
+ if ( $all > 1 ) {
+ echo '<div id="pagination">';
+ # povezava na prejšnjo stran
+ # $prev_page = $current - 1 ? $current - 1 :$current;
+ # echo('<div><a href="#" onclick="invSendPage('.($prev_page).','.$this->rec_send_page_limit.')">'.$lang['previous_page_short'].'</a></div>');
+ # povezave za vmesne strani
+ for($a = 1; $a <= $all; $a++) {
+ echo('<div value="'.$a.'" '.($a == 1 ? ' class="currentPage_small"':'').'><a href="#" onclick="invSendPage('.($a).','.$this->rec_send_page_limit.')">'.($a).'</a></div>');
+ }
+ # povezava na naslednjo stran
+ # $next_page = ($current + 1) ? ($current + 1) : $current;
+ # echo('<div><a href="#" onclick="invSendPage('.($next_page).','.$this->rec_send_page_limit.')">'.$lang['next_page_short'].'</a></div>');
+ $rec_on_page = $all != $current ? $this->rec_send_page_limit : ( $all_records - ($all-1)*$this->rec_send_page_limit);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '<br/><div class="justtext">'.$lang['srv_inv_pagination_shown'];
+ $rec_on_page_options = array(20,50,100,200,500,1000);
+ $none_added = true;
+ $added_over = false;
+ echo '<select onchange="invSendPageChangeLimit(this,\''.$all_records.'\'); return false;">';
+ foreach ($rec_on_page_options AS $option) {
+ if ($all_records >= $option || $none_added == true || $added_over == false) {
+ echo '<option value="'.$option.'"'.($option == $this->rec_send_page_limit ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$option.'</option>';
+ $none_added = false;
+ if ($option > $all_records) {
+ $added_over = true;
+ }
+ }
+ #$rec_on_page;
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_pagination_shown_records'].'</div>';
+ }
+ /* Paginacija za pregled reposndentov
+ *
+ */
+ function displayPagination($all_records) {
+ global $lang, $site_url;
+ #trenutna stran
+ $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
+ $current = is_numeric($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0 ? $page : '1';
+ $all = ceil($all_records / REC_ON_PAGE);
+ # current nastavimo na zadnji element
+ if ( $all > 1) {
+ echo '<div id="pagination">';
+ $baseUrl = $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients&page=';
+ # povezava -10
+ if ($all > 10) {
+ if ($current - 10 >= 0) {
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.($current - 10).'">-10</a></div>');
+ } else {
+ # brez href povezave
+ echo('<div class="disabledPage">-10</div>');
+ }
+ }
+ # povezava na prejšnjo stran
+ $prev_page = $current - 1 ? $current - 1 :$current;
+ if( ($current - 1) >= 1) {
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$prev_page.'">'.$lang['previous_page_short'].'</a></div>');
+ } else {
+ # brez href povezave
+ echo('<div class="disabledPage">'.$lang['previous_page_short'].'</div>');
+ }
+ # povezave za vmesne strani
+ $middle = $all / 2;
+ $skipped = false;
+ for($a = 1; $a <= $all; $a++) {
+ if ($all < ((GROUP_PAGINATE+1) * 2) || $a <= GROUP_PAGINATE || $a > ($all-GROUP_PAGINATE)
+ || ( abs($a-$current) < GROUP_PAGINATE)) {
+ if ($skipped == true) {
+ echo '<div class="spacePage">.&nbsp;.&nbsp;.</div>';
+ $skipped = false;
+ }
+ if($a == $current) {
+ # brez href povezave
+ echo('<div class="currentPage">'.($a).'</div>');
+ } else {
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$a.'">'.($a).'</a></div>');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $skipped = true;
+ }
+ }
+ # povezava na naslednjo stran
+ $next_page = ($current + 1) ? ($current + 1) : $current;
+ if(($current ) < $all) {
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.$next_page.'">'.$lang['next_page_short'].'</a></div>');
+ } else {
+ # brez href povezave
+ echo('<div class="disabledPage">'.$lang['next_page_short'].'</div>');
+ }
+ if ($all > 10) {
+ if ($current + 10 < $all) {
+ echo('<div><a href="'.$baseUrl.($current + 10).'">+10</a></div>');
+ } else {
+ # brez href povezave
+ echo('<div class="disabledPage">+10</div>');
+ }
+ }
+ $rec_on_page = $all != $current ? REC_ON_PAGE : ( $all_records - ($all-1)*REC_ON_PAGE);
+ echo '<div class="justtext">'.$lang['srv_inv_pagination_shown'].$rec_on_page.$lang['srv_inv_pagination_shown_records'].'</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ function saveArchiveComment() {
+ $id = $_POST['aid'];
+ $comment = $_POST['comment'];
+ if ((int)$id > 0) {
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_archive SET comment= '".$comment ."' WHERE id = '".$id."'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ }
+ function generateMessageName() {
+ global $lang;
+ # poiščemo nov naslov
+ # zaporedno številčimo ime sporočilo1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_name'];
+ $names = array();
+ $s = "SELECT naslov FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND naslov LIKE '%".$new_name."%'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ while (list($naslov) = mysqli_fetch_row($q)) {
+ $names[] = $naslov;
+ }
+ if (count($names) > 0) {
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_message_draft_name'].$cnt, $names)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_name'].$cnt;
+ }
+ return $new_name;
+ }
+ function editMessageDetails() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profile_name">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_new_save'].':&nbsp;';
+ # polovimo vsa sporočila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ echo '<select onchange="inv_new_message_list_change(this);" autofocus="autofocus" tabindex="2">';
+ echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" class="gray bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_new'].'</option>';
+ $messages = array();
+ while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query) ) {
+ $messages[$row['id']] = $row;
+ #'.((int)$_POST['mid'] == $row['id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'
+ echo '<option value="'.$row['id'].'" comment="'.$row['comment'].'">'.$row['naslov'].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ #'.((int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'
+ echo '<span id="new_message_list_span">';
+ echo '<br><br/>';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_new_name'];
+ $newName = $this->generateMessageName();
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$newName.'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/><br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_comment'];
+ #.((int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? $messages[(int)$_POST['mid']]['comment'] : '').
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_message_comment" tabindex="3" rows="2" style="width:200px;"></textarea>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight" title="'.$lang['save'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_message_save_details(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients"
+ }
+ function messageSaveDetails() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0');
+ #echo json_encode($return);
+ $mid = (int)$_POST['mid'];
+ $return['mid'] = $mid;
+ $comment = trim($_POST['profile_comment']);
+ $naslov = trim($_POST['naslov']);
+ $body = $_POST['body'];
+ $subject = $_POST['subject'];
+ if ($mid > 0) {
+ #updejtamo obstoječ profil
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET subject_text='".$subject."', body_text='".$body."', comment='".$comment."', edit_uid='".$global_user_id."', edit_time=NOW() WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $return['mid'] = $mid;
+ if ( $sqlQuery != 1) {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ } else {
+ # shranimo v nov profil
+ # ali shranjujemo v novo sporočilo
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, subject_text, body_text) "
+ ."VALUES ('$this->sid', '$naslov', '1', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$comment', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$subject', '$body')";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ $mid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($mid > 0) {
+ $return['mid'] = $mid;
+ # popravmo še isdefault pri starem zapisz
+ $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id != '$mid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ } else {
+ $return['error'] = '1';
+ $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4'];
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ echo json_encode($return);
+ exit;
+ }
+ function prepareSaveMessage() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profile_name">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_new_save'].':&nbsp;';
+ # polovimo vsa sporočila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ echo '<select onchange="inv_new_message_list_change(this);" autofocus="autofocus" tabindex="2">';
+ echo '<option value="0" class="gray bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_new'].'</option>';
+ $messages = array();
+ while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query) ) {
+ $messages[$row['id']] = $row;
+ echo '<option value="'.$row['id'].'" comment="'.$row['comment'].'"'.((int)$_POST['mid'] == $row['id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$row['naslov'].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '<span id="new_message_list_span"'.((int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<br><br/>';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_name'];
+ $newName = $this->generateMessageName();
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$newName.'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/><br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_comment'];
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_message_comment" tabindex="3" rows="2" style="width:200px;">'.((int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? $messages[(int)$_POST['mid']]['comment'] : '').'</textarea>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['save'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_message_save_details(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients"
+ }
+ function showRecipientTracking() {
+ global $lang,$site_url,$global_user_id;
+ $_rec_id = $_POST['rid'];
+ # polovimo podatke o uporabniku
+ $sql_string = "SELECT firstname,lastname,email,last_status, DATE_FORMAT(date_inserted,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS di FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id = '".(int)$_rec_id."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($sql_row['firstname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($sql_row['firstname']));
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['lastname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($sql_row['lastname']));
+ }
+ $lastStatus = $sql_row['last_status'];
+ echo '<div id="inv_view_arch_recipients" class="singleRec">';
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_content">';
+ echo '<div id="inv_arch_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<span class="strong" style="font-size: 14px;">'.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_note'];
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<span>';
+ echo implode(' ',$avtor);
+ if($sql_row['email'] != '')
+ echo ' ('.trim($sql_row['email']).')';
+ echo '</span>';
+ } else {
+ # izpišemo samo email
+ echo trim($sql_row['email']);
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipients_date_inserted'].': '.$sql_row['di'];
+ # polovimo podatke uporabnikovih arhivov
+ $sql_string = "SELECT ia.*,, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_archive AS ia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON ia.uid = WHERE IN (SELECT inv_arch_id FROM srv_invitations_tracking WHERE res_id = '$_rec_id' ) ";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $cnt =0;
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($sql_row['email']));
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($sql_row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor);
+ } else {
+ $avtor_name = $avtor_email;
+ }
+ echo '<div style="font-weight:600; padding:5px 0px; ">';
+ echo $cnt.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_sending'];
+ echo ' ('.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_send_by'];
+ echo ' <span title="'.$avtor_email.'">'.$avtor_name.'</span>';
+ echo ')';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div style="margin-left:25px;margin-bottom:10px;">';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_respondentArchive">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_date'].'</th>';
+ // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj
+ if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting'))
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $sql_string1 = "SELECT status, DATE_FORMAT(time_insert,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS status_time FROM srv_invitations_tracking WHERE res_id = '$_rec_id' AND inv_arch_id='".$sql_row['id']."' ORDER BY uniq ASC";
+ $sql_query1 = sisplet_query($sql_string1);
+ while ($sql_row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query1)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row1['status_time'].'</td>';
+ // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj
+ if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting'))
+ echo '<td>('.$sql_row1['status'].') - '.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row1['status']].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ if ($sql_row['tip'] == '0')
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'];
+ elseif($sql_row['tip'] == '1')
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'];
+ elseif($sql_row['tip'] == '2')
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'];
+ else
+ echo $lang['email'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj
+ if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<div style="padding:5px 0px;">';
+ echo '<span style="font-weight:600;">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_final_status'].'</span> ('.$lastStatus.') - '.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$lastStatus];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_preview
+ echo '</div>'; // id="arc_content"
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_btm">';
+ echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
+ #echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_save_comment(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_recipients_close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function showArchiveRecipients($_arch_id = null, $archType = 'all') {
+ global $lang,$site_url,$global_user_id;
+ echo '<div id="inv_view_arch_recipients" class="fromArchive">';
+ if ($_arch_id == null) {
+ $_arch_id = $_POST['aid'];
+ }
+ #polovimo podatke arhiva
+ $sql_string = "SELECT sia.*, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds,, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = WHERE = '".$_arch_id."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ # polovimo sezname
+ $lists = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name'];
+ }
+ $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author'];
+ #max ststusi po userjih
+ $arch_user_max_status = array();
+ $str_max_status = "select res_id AS rid, max(status) AS usr_status from srv_invitations_tracking where inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id' GROUP BY res_id";
+ $qry_max_status = sisplet_query($str_max_status);
+ while (list($res_id,$arch_status) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_max_status)) {
+ $arch_user_max_status[$res_id] = $arch_status;
+ }
+ #$data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']);
+ #$_success = (int)$data[2];
+ #$_arch_id = $data[3];
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '$_arch_id'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sql_a_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ #$sql_string = "SELECT id as res_id,email,firstname,lastname, password,sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,list_id,last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT res_id FROM srv_invitations_tracking WHERE inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id' )";
+ $sql_string = "SELECT DISTINCT as res_id,,sir.firstname,sir.lastname, sir.password,sir.sent,sir.responded,sir.unsubscribed,sir.deleted,"
+ ."sir.list_id,sir.last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir INNER JOIN srv_invitations_tracking AS sit ON = sit.res_id WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id'";
+ // prikazujemo samo napake
+ if ($archType == 'err') {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT DISTINCT as res_id,,sir.firstname,sir.lastname, sir.password,sir.sent,sir.responded,sir.unsubscribed,sir.deleted,"
+ ."sir.list_id,sir.last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir INNER JOIN srv_invitations_tracking AS sit ON = sit.res_id "
+ ." JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar ON = siar.rec_id AND siar.arch_id = sit.inv_arch_id AND siar.success = '0'"
+ ."WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id'";
+ }
+ // priazujemo samo ok
+ if ($archType == 'succ') {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT DISTINCT as res_id,,sir.firstname,sir.lastname, sir.password,sir.sent,sir.responded,sir.unsubscribed,sir.deleted,"
+ ."sir.list_id,sir.last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir INNER JOIN srv_invitations_tracking AS sit ON = sit.res_id "
+ ." JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar ON = siar.rec_id AND siar.arch_id = sit.inv_arch_id AND siar.success = '1'"
+ ."WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id'";
+ }
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_content">';
+ $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($row['email']));
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($row['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($row['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor);
+ } else {
+ $avtor_name = $avtor_email;
+ }
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_detail">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_archive_naslov'];
+ echo ': <span class="bold"><a href="#" onclick="inv_arch_edit_details(\''.$row['id'].'\'); return false;">'.$row['naslov'].'</a>';
+ echo '</span></span><br />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_detail">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_send_by'];
+ echo ' <span class="bold"><span title="'.$avtor_email.'">'.$avtor_name.'</span>';
+ echo ', ';
+ echo $row['ds'];
+ echo '</span></span><br />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_detail">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_type'];
+ echo ': <span class="bold">';
+ if ($row['tip'] == '0')
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'];
+ elseif($row['tip'] == '1')
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'];
+ elseif($row['tip'] == '2')
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'];
+ else
+ echo $lang['email'];
+ echo '</span></span>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_arch_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<table id="tbl_recipients_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_left">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_firstname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_lastname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_list_id'].'</th>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_sent'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_responded'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_responded'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_icon" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_unsubscribed'].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_unsubscribed'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="tbl_inv_left">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_email'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_password'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_firstname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_lastname'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_max_archive_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_last_status'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_list_id'].'</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ echo '<td><span class="as_link" onclick="showRecipientTracking(\''.$sql_row['res_id'].'\'); return false;"><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_0/'.((int)$sql_row['sent'] == 1 ? 'email_sent.png' : 'email_open.png').'"></span></td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left">'.$sql_row['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['firstname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['lastname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].'</td>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<td><span class="as_link" onclick="showRecipientTracking(\''.$sql_row['res_id'].'\'); return false;"><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_0/'.((int)$sql_row['sent'] == 1 ? 'email_sent.png' : 'email_open.png').'"></span></td>';
+ echo '<td><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/'.((int)$sql_row['responded'] == 1 ? 'star_on.png' : 'star_off.png').'"></td>';
+ echo '<td><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/img_0/'.((int)$sql_row['unsubscribed'] == 1 ? 'opdedout_on.png' : 'opdedout_off.png').'"></td>';
+ echo '<td class="tbl_inv_left">'.$sql_row['email'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['password'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['firstname'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$sql_row['lastname'].'</td>';
+ $status = $arch_user_max_status[$sql_row['res_id']];
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$status].' ('.$status.')'.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row['last_status']].' ('.$sql_row['last_status'].')'.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].'</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_preview
+ echo '</div>'; // id="arc_content"
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_btm">';
+ echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
+ #echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_save_comment(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_recipients_close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function editArchiveDetails() {
+ global $lang,$site_url;
+ echo '<div id="inv_view_arch_recipients">';
+ $_arch_id = $_POST['aid'];
+ #polovimo podatke arhiva
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '".$_arch_id."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_content">';
+ echo '<div id="inv_arch_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<input id="inv_arch_id" type="hidden" value="'.$_arch_id.'">';
+ echo '<table id="inv_arch_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<tr><td class="bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':</td>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt bold">';
+ echo '<span>'.$row['subject_text'].'</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':</td>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<span class="nl2br">'.($row['body_text']).'</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_comment'].':</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span>';
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_arch_comment" rows="2" style="width:380px;">'.$row['comment'].'</textarea>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_preview
+ echo '</div>'; // id="arc_content"
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_btm">';
+ echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_save_comment(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_recipients_close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function showArchiveDetails() {
+ global $lang,$site_url;
+ echo '<div id="inv_view_arch_recipients">';
+ $_arch_id = $_POST['aid'];
+ #polovimo podatke arhiva
+ $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '".$_arch_id."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query);
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_content">';
+ echo '<div id="inv_arch_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<table id="inv_arch_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<tr><td>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':</td>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<span>'.$row['subject_text'].'</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':</td>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<span class="nl2br">'.($row['body_text']).'</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_comment'].':</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_arch_comment" rows="2" style="width:380px;">'.$row['comment'].'</div>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>'; // inv_select_mail_preview
+ echo '</div>'; // id="arc_content"
+ echo '<div class="inv_FS_btm">';
+ echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
+ #echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_save_comment(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_arch_recipients_close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
+ echo '<div class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function showInvitationStatus() {
+ global $admin_type, $app_settings, $global_user_id;
+ $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ $d = new Dostop();
+ echo '<table style="width:50%"><tr>';
+ // Pri volitvah prikazemo samo osnovne stevilke - zaradi anonimizacije ni trackinga
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ // Ce so izklopljena ne prikazemo leve strani
+ if((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')){
+ echo '<td style="padding-right:10px;vertical-align: top;">';
+ $this->displayInvitationStatusVoting();
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Nov način z trackingom
+ elseif($this->newTracking == true) {
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ // Ce so izklopljena ne prikazemo leve strani
+ if((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')){
+ echo '<td style="padding-right:10px;vertical-align: top;">';
+ $this->displayInvitationStatusNew();
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ # star način brez trackinga
+ else {
+ echo '<td style="padding-right:10px;vertical-align: top;">';
+ $this->displayInvitationStatusOld();
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr></table>';
+ }
+ function displayInvitationStatusOld() {
+ global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path;
+ $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ # polovimo lurkerje
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ if ((int)$isEmail > 0) {
+ # preštejemo respondente po statusu
+ $recipients_by_status = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT count(*) as cnt, last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' GROUP BY last_status";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) {
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $recipients_by_status['all'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ switch ((int)$row['last_status']) {
+ # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana
+ case 0:
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor
+ case 1:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 2 - E-pošta - napaka
+ case 2:
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['error'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 3 - klik na nagovor
+ case 3:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 4 - klik na anketo
+ case 4:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 5 - delno prazna
+ case 5:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 6 - končana
+ case 6:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['finished'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # null - neznan
+ default:
+ $recipients_by_status['unknown'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $all_rec_in_survey = (int)$recipients_by_status['all'];
+ echo '<table class="inv_dashboard_table">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>-</th>';
+ echo '<th>100%</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #popslano enotam
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #neodgovori
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].'</td>';
+ $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']);
+ echo '<td>'.$unanswered.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi
+ if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="red">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ # zloopamo še po posameznih pošiljanjih
+ $sql_string_arc = "SELECT sia.*, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds,, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND cnt_succsess > 0 ORDER BY sia.date_send ASC;";
+ $sql_query_arc = sisplet_query($sql_string_arc);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_arc) > 1) {
+ $cnt=0;
+ while($row_arc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_arc)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ # preštejemo respondente po statusu
+ $recipients_by_status = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT count(*) as cnt, last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND id IN (select rec_id from srv_invitations_archive_recipients where arch_id = ".$row_arc['id']." AND success !='0') GROUP BY last_status";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) {
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $recipients_by_status['all'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ switch ((int)$row['last_status']) {
+ # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana
+ case 0:
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor
+ case 1:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 2 - E-pošta - napaka
+ case 2:
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['error'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 3 - klik na nagovor
+ case 3:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 4 - klik na anketo
+ case 4:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 5 - delno prazna
+ case 5:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # 6 - končana
+ case 6:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ $recipients_by_status['finished'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ # null - neznan
+ default:
+ $recipients_by_status['unknown'] += (int)$row['cnt'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($row_arc['email']));
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($row_arc['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row_arc['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($row_arc['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($row_arc['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor);
+ } else {
+ $avtor_name = $avtor_email;
+ }
+ echo '<span class="pointer span_list_archive" onClick="$(this).next().next().next().toggle(); $(this).find(\'.plus\').toggle();$(this).find(\'.minus\').toggle(); $(this).next(\'.link_archive\').toggle();">';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_title as_link">';
+ echo '<span class="plus" style="color: inherit;">+ </span>';
+ echo '<span class="minus displayNone" style="color: inherit;">- </span>';
+ echo $cnt.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_list_cnt_title'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_detail" title="'.$avtor_email.'">'.$avtor_name.'</span>';
+ echo ', ';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_detail" >'.$row_arc['ds'].'</span>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<span class="link_archive as_link displayNone" ><a href="#" onclick="inv_arch_show_details(\''.$row_arc['id'].'\'); return false;"> arhiv </a></span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<table class="inv_dashboard_table sub displayNone">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$all_rec_in_survey.'</th>';
+ #echo '<th>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '<th>100%</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #popslano enotam
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #neodgovori
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].'</td>';
+ $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']);
+ echo '<td>'.$unanswered.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi
+ if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="red">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ #Vabil še nismo pošiljali
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_empty'].' <a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&amp;a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&amp;m=add_recipients_view">'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_add_link'].'</a>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_not_enabled'];
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ #pošiljanje po enotah
+ $cnt_by_sendings = array();
+ $all_units_count = 0;
+ # najprej koliko enotam še ni bilo poslano
+ $sel = "select count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND sent = '0'";
+ $query = sisplet_query($sel);
+ list($count) = mysqli_fetch_row($query);
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ $cnt_by_sendings[0] = (int)$count;
+ }
+ $all_units_count = (int)$count;
+ $sel1 = "select count(*) as cnt, rec_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients WHERE arch_id in (select id from srv_invitations_archive where ank_id = '".$this->sid."') AND success !='0' group by rec_id ORDER BY cnt ASC;";
+ $query1 = sisplet_query($sel1);
+ while (list($count, $rec_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($query1)) {
+ $cnt_by_sendings[(int)$count] ++;
+ $all_units_count++;
+ }
+ if (count($cnt_by_sendings) > 0) {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset">';
+ echo '<legend >';
+ echo '<span class="pointer legend" onClick="$(this).parent().parent().find(\'.inv_filedset_inline_div\').toggle(); $(this).find(\'.plus\').toggle();$(this).find(\'.minus\').toggle();">';
+ echo '<span class="plus red strong">+ </span>';
+ echo '<span class="minus red strong displayNone">- </span>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_nav_email_sending_status'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo Help::display('srv_inv_cnt_by_sending');
+ echo '</legend>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div displayNone">';
+ echo '<table style="border-spacing: 0px;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;">';
+ echo '<colgrup>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '</colgrup>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_cnt'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_units'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_percentage'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ($cnt_by_sendings AS $cnt => $units) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$cnt.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$units.'</td>';
+ $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $units / $all_units_count * 100 : 0;
+ echo '<td>'.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_sum'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.$all_units_count.'</td>';
+ $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $all_units_count / $all_units_count * 100 : 0;
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikaz statusov posiljanj
+ private function displayInvitationStatusNew() {
+ global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings;
+ $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ // Email vabila so omogocena
+ if ((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ #koliko je vseh uporabnikov v bazi
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0'");
+ list($cnt_all_in_db) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ #zloopamo skozi posamezna pošiljanja in preštejemo vse potrebno
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT, sia.tip, rec_in_db, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds,, u.surname,
+ FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia
+ INNER JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid =
+ WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."'
+ ORDER BY sia.date_send ASC;
+ ");
+ $array_dashboard = array();
+ $array_archive_subdata = array();
+ $user_max_status = array();
+ $user_lurker = array();
+ # štetje po pošiljanjih
+ $cnt_by_user = array();
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) {
+ #loop po vseh arhivih
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $array_archive_subdata[$row['id']] = $row;
+ $sql_subStr = "SELECT sit.res_id,sit.status FROM srv_invitations_tracking AS sit WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '".$row['id']."' AND sit.res_id IN (SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0')";
+ $sql_subStr = "SELECT sit.res_id,sit.status, su.lurker FROM srv_invitations_tracking AS sit"
+ ." INNER JOIN srv_invitations_recipients AS sir ON sit.res_id ="
+ ." INNER join srv_user AS su ON sit.res_id = su.inv_res_id"
+ ." WHERE sir.ank_id='$this->sid' AND sir.deleted ='0' AND su.ank_id='$this->sid' AND sit.inv_arch_id = '$row[id]'";
+ $sql_subQry = sisplet_query($sql_subStr);
+ $sub_max = array();
+ #loop po vseh trackingih posameznega arhiva
+ while($subRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_subQry)) {
+ if ((int)$subRow['status'] == 2) {
+ $subRow['status'] = -2;
+ }
+ if ((int)$subRow['status'] == 1) {
+ $cnt_by_user[$subRow['res_id']]++;
+ }
+ #maximalni status uporabnika za posamezen arhiv
+ $sub_max[$subRow['res_id']] = max($sub_max[$subRow['res_id']],$subRow['status']);
+ #globalni max statusi posameznih uporabnikov
+ $_userMaxStatus = max($user_max_status[$subRow['res_id']],$subRow['status']);
+ $user_max_status[$subRow['res_id']] = $_userMaxStatus;
+ $user_lurker[$subRow['res_id']] = $subRow['lurker'];
+ }
+ #maximalni statusi uporabniak v posameznem arhivu
+ $array_dashboard[$row['id']] = $sub_max;
+ }
+ }
+ # preštejemo respondente po statusu
+ $recipients_by_status = array();
+ $recipients_by_status['all']=(int)$cnt_all_in_db;
+ $user_by_status_for_archive = array();
+ if (count($user_max_status) > 0) {
+ foreach ($user_max_status AS $uid => $status) {
+ switch ((int)$status) {
+ # 2 - E-pošta - napaka
+ case -2:
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] ++;
+ $recipients_by_status['error'] ++;
+ break;
+ # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana
+ case 0:
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] ++;
+ break;
+ # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor
+ case 1:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] ++;
+ break;
+ # 3 - klik na nagovor
+ case 3:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] ++;
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++;
+ break;
+ # 4 - klik na anketo
+ case 4:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] ++;
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++;
+ break;
+ # 5 - delno prazna
+ case 5:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] ++;
+ #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++;
+ if ($user_lurker[$uid] == 1) {
+ # če je lurker
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++;
+ } else {
+ $recipients_by_status['finished'] ++;
+ }
+ break;
+ # 6 - končana
+ case 6:
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] ++;
+ if ($user_lurker[$uid] == 1) {
+ # če je lurker
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++;
+ } else {
+ $recipients_by_status['finished'] ++;
+ }
+ break;
+ # null - neznan
+ default:
+ $recipients_by_status['unknown'] ++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<table class="inv_dashboard_table">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>-</th>';
+ echo '<th>100%</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #popslano enotam
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #neodgovori
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].'</td>';
+ $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']);
+ echo '<td>'.$unanswered.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi
+ if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="red">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ # POSAMEZNA pošiljanja
+ if (count($array_dashboard ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($array_dashboard AS $archive_id => $archive_data) {
+ if (count($archive_data ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($archive_data AS $uid => $status) {
+ if ((int)$status == 6 && $user_lurker[$uid] == 1) {
+ $user_by_status_for_archive[$archive_id]['6l']++;
+ } else if ((int)$status == 5 && $user_lurker[$uid] == 1) {
+ $user_by_status_for_archive[$archive_id]['5l']++;
+ } else {
+ $user_by_status_for_archive[$archive_id][$status]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cnt = 0;
+ if (count($user_by_status_for_archive ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($user_by_status_for_archive AS $arch_id => $archive_data) {
+ $cnt++;
+ if (count($archive_data ) > 0) {
+ $recipients_by_status = array();
+ $recipients_by_status['all']=(int)$array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['rec_in_db'];
+ foreach ($archive_data AS $status => $cntUsers) {
+ # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana
+ if( $status == '0') {
+ $recipients_by_status['not_send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor'
+ } else if( $status == '1') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 2 - E-pošta - napaka
+ } else if( $status == '2') {
+ $recipients_by_status['error'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 3 - klik na nagovor
+ } else if( $status == '3') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 4 - klik na anketo
+ } else if( $status == '4') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 5 - delno prazna
+ } else if( $status == '5') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers;
+ $recipients_by_status['finished'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 5 - delno prazna -lurker
+ } else if( $status == '5l') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 6 - končana
+ } else if( $status == '6') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ $recipients_by_status['finished'] +=$cntUsers;
+ # 6 - končana - lurker
+ } else if( $status == '6l') {
+ $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers;
+ $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers;
+ } else {
+ # null - neznan
+ $recipients_by_status['unknown'] +=$cntUsers;
+ }
+ }
+ $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['email']));
+ $avtor = array();
+ if (trim($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['name'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['name']);
+ }
+ if (trim($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['surname'])) {
+ $avtor[] = trim ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['surname']);
+ }
+ if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) {
+ $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor);
+ } else {
+ $avtor_name = $avtor_email;
+ }
+ $all_rec_in_survey = (int)$recipients_by_status['all'];
+ echo '<span class="pointer span_list_archive" onClick="$(this).next().next().next().toggle(); $(this).find(\'.plus\').toggle();$(this).find(\'.minus\').toggle(); $(this).next(\'.link_archive\').toggle();">';
+ echo '<span class="inv_dashboard_sub_title as_link">';
+ echo '<span class="plus" style="color: inherit;">+ </span>';
+ echo '<span class="minus displayNone" style="color: inherit;">- </span>';
+ echo $cnt.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_list_cnt_title'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ // avtor
+ echo '<span style="font-size: 13px;" title="'.$avtor_email.'">'.$avtor_name.'</span>';
+ // datum
+ echo ', ';
+ echo '<span style="font-size: 13px;">'.$array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['ds'].'</span>';
+ // nacin posiljanja
+ echo ', ';
+ echo '<span style="font-size: 13px;">';
+ if ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['tip'] == '0')
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'].'</span>';
+ elseif($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['tip'] == '1')
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'].'</span>';
+ elseif($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['tip'] == '2')
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'].'</span>';
+ else
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['email'].'</span>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ // arhiv
+ echo '<span class="link_archive as_link displayNone" style="margin-left:10px;"><a href="#" onclick="inv_arch_show_recipients(\''.$array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['id'].'\'); return false;"> arhiv </a></span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<table class="inv_dashboard_table sub displayNone">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$all_rec_in_survey.'</th>';
+ #echo '<th>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '<th>100%</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ # poslano enotam
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ # neodgovori
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].'</td>';
+ $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']);
+ echo '<td>'.$unanswered.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(($all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi
+ if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="red">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ #napake
+ if ((int)$recipients_by_status['error'] > 0) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt">'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_error'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt">'.(int)$recipients_by_status['error'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt">&nbsp;</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt">'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['error'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['error']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Imamo sezname, ni pa poslanih vabil
+ if ((int)$cnt_all_in_db > 0){
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_has_list2'];
+ //echo '<p class="spaceLeft bold"><a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&amp;a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&amp;m=add_recipients_view">'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_add_list'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '<div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton floatLeft spaceLeft" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=add_recipients_view">'.$lang['srv_adding_email_respondents'].'</a></div>';
+ echo '<div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton floatLeft spaceLeft" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=send_message">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_send'].'</a></div>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ //echo '<p class="spaceLeft bold"><a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&amp;a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&amp;m=view_recipients">'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_view_list'].'</a></p>';
+ }
+ // Ni seznamov in ni poslanih vabil
+ else{
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_empty'];
+ //echo '<p class="spaceLeft bold"><a href="'.$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&amp;a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&amp;m=add_recipients_view">'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_add_list'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '<div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton floatLeft spaceLeft" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=add_recipients_view">'.$lang['srv_adding_email_respondents'].'</a></div>';
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ // Email vabila niso omogocena
+ else {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_not_enabled'];
+ # uporabnik nima pravic omogočit vabil
+ if (!$userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) {
+ echo '<br/>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_no_permissions'];
+ }
+ # uporabnik lahko vklopi email vabila
+ else {
+ echo '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="enableEmailInvitation(this);">'.$lang['srv_omogoci'].'</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ // predpripravimo podatke za vsa pošiljanja
+ $cnt_by_sendings = array();
+ $all_units_count = count($cnt_by_user);
+ if ($all_units_count > 0) {
+ foreach ($cnt_by_user AS $uid => $ucnt) {
+ $cnt_by_sendings[$ucnt]++;
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ #pregled po pošiljanjih
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset">';
+ echo '<legend>';
+ echo '<span class="pointer" onClick="$(this).parent().parent().find(\'.inv_filedset_inline_div\').toggle(); $(this).find(\'.plus\').toggle();$(this).find(\'.minus\').toggle();">';
+ echo '<span class="plus strong displayNone blue">+ </span>';
+ echo '<span class="minus strong blue">- </span>';
+ echo '<span class="legend blue">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_sending_status'].'</span>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo Help::display('srv_inv_cnt_by_sending');
+ echo '</legend>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<table style="border-spacing:0px; padding:0px; margin:0 0 20px 15px;">';
+ echo '<colgrup>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '</colgrup>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_cnt'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_units'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_percentage'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ if ($cnt_by_sendings > 0) {
+ foreach ($cnt_by_sendings AS $cnt => $units) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$cnt.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$units.'</td>';
+ $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $units / $all_units_count * 100 : 0;
+ echo '<td>'.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_sum'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.$all_units_count.'</td>';
+ $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $all_units_count / $all_units_count * 100 : 0;
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikaz statusov posiljanj pri volitvah
+ private function displayInvitationStatusVoting() {
+ global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings;
+ $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ // Email vabila so omogocena
+ if ((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ #koliko je vseh uporabnikov v bazi in kolkim je bil mail poslan
+ $sql_count = sisplet_query("SELECT count(id) as cnt, sent
+ FROM srv_invitations_recipients
+ WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0'
+ GROUP BY sent
+ ");
+ $cnt_all_in_db = 0;
+ $cnt_sent_in_db = 0;
+ while($row_count = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_count)){
+ $cnt_all_in_db += (int)$row_count['cnt'];
+ if($row_count['sent'] == '1'){
+ $cnt_sent_in_db += (int)$row_count['cnt'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<table class="inv_dashboard_table">';
+ // Vsi v bazi
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.(int)$cnt_all_in_db.'</th>';
+ echo '<th>-</th>';
+ echo '<th>100%</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ // Poslani
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.(int)$cnt_sent_in_db.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.((int)$cnt_sent_in_db > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$this->formatNumber(((int)$cnt_sent_in_db > 0 ? (int)$cnt_sent_in_db*100/(int)$cnt_all_in_db : 0),0,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ // Email vabila niso omogocena
+ else {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_not_enabled'];
+ # uporabnik nima pravic omogočit vabil
+ if (!$userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) {
+ echo '<br/>'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_no_permissions'];
+ }
+ # uporabnik lahko vklopi email vabila
+ else {
+ echo '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="enableEmailInvitation(this);">'.$lang['srv_omogoci'].'</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ // predpripravimo podatke za vsa pošiljanja
+ /*$cnt_by_sendings = array();
+ $all_units_count = count($cnt_by_user);
+ if ($all_units_count > 0) {
+ foreach ($cnt_by_user AS $uid => $ucnt) {
+ $cnt_by_sendings[$ucnt]++;
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ #pregled po pošiljanjih
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset">';
+ echo '<legend>';
+ echo '<span class="pointer" onClick="$(this).parent().parent().find(\'.inv_filedset_inline_div\').toggle(); $(this).find(\'.plus\').toggle();$(this).find(\'.minus\').toggle();">';
+ echo '<span class="plus strong displayNone blue">+ </span>';
+ echo '<span class="minus strong blue">- </span>';
+ echo '<span class="legend blue">'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_sending_status'].'</span>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo Help::display('srv_inv_cnt_by_sending');
+ echo '</legend>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<table style="border-spacing:0px; padding:0px; margin:0 0 20px 15px;">';
+ echo '<colgrup>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '<col style="min-width:150px;"/>';
+ echo '</colgrup>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_cnt'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_units'].'</th>';
+ echo '<th class="anl_al">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_percentage'].'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ if ($cnt_by_sendings > 0) {
+ foreach ($cnt_by_sendings AS $cnt => $units) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$cnt.'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$units.'</td>';
+ $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $units / $all_units_count * 100 : 0;
+ echo '<td>'.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_sum'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.$all_units_count.'</td>';
+ $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $all_units_count / $all_units_count * 100 : 0;
+ echo '<td class="anl_bt_dot red">'.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }*/
+ }
+ function showInvitationSettings() {
+ global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings;
+ $row = $this->surveySettings;
+ $_email = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email');
+ $sqlu = sisplet_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id='".$global_user_id."'");
+ $rowu = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlu);
+ if ($rowu['email'] == '') {
+ $sqlm = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM misc WHERE what = 'AlertFrom'");
+ $rowm = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlm);
+ $rowu['email'] = $rowm['value'];
+ }
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing');
+ # Admini, managerji in Clani, ki imajo odobren dostop - lahko vklopijo vabila
+ if ($userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) {
+ // Vklop vabil
+ if ($_email == 0) {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset" style="max-width:800px; padding-bottom:15px;"><legend>'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_title'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text1'];
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '<p>';
+ if($lang['id'] == '1')
+ echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], '');
+ else
+ echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], '');
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '<p>';
+ // Za gorenje popravimo text
+ $text3 = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? str_replace('1KA', 'ESurvey', $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text3']) : $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text3'];
+ echo $text3;
+ echo '</p>';
+ $text_button = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? str_replace('1KA', 'ESurvey', $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_button_activate']) : $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_button_activate'];
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="enableEmailInvitation(\'1\');">'.$text_button.'</a></span>';
+ //echo '<span class="spaceLeft bold" style="line-height:25px;"><a href="">'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_more'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ // Vabila so vklopljena - NASTAVITVE
+ else{
+ if($noEmailing == 1){
+ echo '<table class="invitations_settings" style="width:50%;">';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<table class="invitations_settings" style="width:100%;">';
+ echo '<colgroup style="width:48%;"></colgroup>';
+ echo '<colgroup style="width:48%;"></colgroup>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Leva stran - navadne nastavitve
+ echo '<td style="padding-right:20px;vertical-align: top;">';
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_invitations_settings_general'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_general_settings').'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<div id="surveyInvitationSetting">';
+ // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve - potem ne pustimo nobenih preklopov
+ $voting_disabled = '';
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){
+ $voting_disabled = ' disabled';
+ // Warning za volitve
+ echo '<p class="red bold">'.$lang['srv_voting_warning'].'</p>';
+ }
+ $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'];
+ // Individualizirana vabila - GLAVNA NASTAVITEV
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_user_base_individual_invitaition'];
+ if($individual == 0)
+ echo ' '.Help::display('srv_user_base_individual_invitaition_note2').' </label>';
+ else
+ echo ' '.Help::display('srv_user_base_individual_invitaition_note').' </label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="individual_invitation" value="0" id="individual_invitation_0"'.($individual == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'individual_invitation\',true);"/>'.$lang['no1'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="individual_invitation" value="1" id="individual_invitation_1"'.($individual == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'individual_invitation\',true);"/>'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ // Ce niso indvidualizirana imamo samo nacin posiljanja
+ if ($individual == 0) {
+ // Nacin posiljanja (email, posta, sms...)
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].': '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_type').'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="inv_messages_noEmailing" value="0" id="inv_messages_noEmailing_1"'.($noEmailing == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="noEmailingToggle(\'0\');"/>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_0'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="inv_messages_noEmailing" value="1" id="inv_messages_noEmailing_1"'.($noEmailing == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="noEmailingToggle(\'1\');"/>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_1'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ // Nacin dokumentiranja (posta, sms, drugo)
+ if($noEmailing == 1){
+ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type');
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type_external'].':</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="noMailType" value="0" id="noMailType1"'.($noEmailingType == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onClick="noEmailingType(\'0\');" />'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="noMailType" value="1" id="noMailType2"'.($noEmailingType == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onClick="noEmailingType(\'1\');" />'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="noMailType" value="2" id="noMailType3"'.($noEmailingType == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onClick="noEmailingType(\'2\');" />'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ }
+ # Normalna vabila z unikatinim URL
+ else {
+ // Nacin posiljanja (email, posta, sms...)
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].': '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_type').'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="inv_messages_noEmailing" value="0" id="inv_messages_noEmailing_1"'.($noEmailing == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="noEmailingToggle(\'0\');"/>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_0'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="inv_messages_noEmailing" value="1" id="inv_messages_noEmailing_1"'.($noEmailing == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="noEmailingToggle(\'1\');"/>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_1'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ // Nacin dokumentiranja (posta, sms, drugo)
+ if($noEmailing == 1){
+ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type');
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_type_external'].':</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="noMailType" value="0" id="noMailType1"'.($noEmailingType == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onClick="noEmailingType(\'0\');" />'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="noMailType" value="1" id="noMailType2"'.($noEmailingType == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onClick="noEmailingType(\'1\');" />'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="noMailType" value="2" id="noMailType3"'.($noEmailingType == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onClick="noEmailingType(\'2\');" />'.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ // Vnos kode - samo ce je email (drugace itak vedno rocni vnos)
+ if($noEmailing != 1){
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['usercode_required1'].':'.Help::display('usercode_required').'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_required" value="0" id="usercode_required_0"'.($row['usercode_required'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_required\',true);"/>'.$lang['usercode_required2'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_required" value="1" id="usercode_required_1"'.($row['usercode_required'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_required\',true);"/>'.$lang['usercode_required3'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ if ($row['usercode_required'] != 0) {
+ echo '<p>';
+ if($noEmailing == 1)
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['usercode_text2'].': </label><br />';
+ else
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['usercode_text'].': </label><br />';
+ $nagovorText = ($row['usercode_text'] && $row['usercode_text'] != null && $row['usercode_text'] != "") ? $row['usercode_text'] : $lang['srv_basecode'];
+ echo '<textarea style="width:430px; margin-left:15px; margin-top:5px;" name="usercode_text" onblur="surveyBaseSettingText(\'usercode_text\',false);return false;">'.$nagovorText.'</textarea>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ // Dostop brez kode
+ echo '<p><label for="usercode_skip_0" class="lbl_email_setting">';
+ echo $lang['srv_user_base_access_check'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_no_code');
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" name="usercode_skip_checkbox" value="0" id="usercode_skip_0"'.($row['usercode_skip'] != 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' '.$voting_disabled.' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_skip\',true);" />';
+ echo '</label></p>';
+ if($row['usercode_skip'] > 0){
+ echo '<div style="float: left; margin: -10px 0 0 15px;">';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_user_base_access'].Help::display('usercode_skip').' </label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_skip" value="1" id="usercode_skip_1"'.($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_skip\',true);"/>'.$lang['srv_vsi'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_skip" value="2" id="usercode_skip_2"'.($row['usercode_skip'] == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_skip\',true);"/>'.$lang['srv_setting_onlyAuthor'].'</label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ /*echo '<p>';
+ echo '<label class="lbl_email_setting">'.$lang['srv_user_base_access'].Help::display('usercode_skip').' </label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_skip" value="0" id="usercode_skip_0"'.($row['usercode_skip'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_skip\',true);"/>'.$lang['no1'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_skip" value="1" id="usercode_skip_1"'.($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_skip\',true);"/>'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="usercode_skip" value="2" id="usercode_skip_2"'.($row['usercode_skip'] == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onChange="surveyBaseSettingRadio(\'usercode_skip\',true);"/>'.$lang['srv_setting_onlyAuthor'].'</label>';
+ echo '<br/><i class="small">* '.$lang['srv_user_base_access_alert_'.$row['usercode_skip'].''].'</i>';
+ echo '</p>';*/
+ }
+ echo '<br />';
+ // Gumb shrani - samo provizorično
+ echo '<div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton floatRight" href="#" title="'.$lang['save'].'">'.$lang['save'].'</a></div>';
+ echo '<div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton floatRight spaceRight" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=add_recipients_view">'.$lang['srv_adding_email_respondents'].'</a></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ // desna stran - nastavitve streznika - samo ce imamo posiljanje preko emaila
+ if($noEmailing != 1){
+ // Gorenje tega nima
+ if (!Common::checkModule('gorenje')){
+ echo '<td style="padding-right:10px;vertical-align: top;">';
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset"><legend>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_title'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<div id="surveyInvitationSettingServer">';
+ $this->viewServerSettings();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr></table>';
+ }
+ }
+ # navadni uporabniki, ki nimajo dostopa - text kako lahko pridobijo dostop
+ else {
+ echo '<fieldset class="inv_fieldset" style="max-width:800px; padding-bottom: 15px;"><legend>'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_title'].'</legend>';
+ echo '<div class="inv_filedset_inline_div">';
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text1'];
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '<p>';
+ if($lang['id'] == '1')
+ echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], '');
+ else
+ echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], '');
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text3'];
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="">'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_button_details'].'</a></span>';
+ //echo '<span class="spaceLeft bold" style="line-height:25px;"><a href="">'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_more'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ }
+ function formatNumber ($value, $digit = 0, $sufix = "") {
+ if ($value <> 0 && $value != null)
+ $result = round($value, $digit);
+ else
+ $result = "0";
+ # polovimo decimalna mesta in vejice za tisočice
+ $decimal_point = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('decimal_point');
+ $thousands = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('thousands');
+ $result = number_format($result, $digit, $decimal_point, $thousands) . $sufix;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function showInvitationLists($profile_id=null) {
+ global $lang,$global_user_id;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_header'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<table>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;min-height:500px; min-width:550px;">';
+ echo '<div style="height:25px; width:100%; ">';
+ echo '<label><input name="inv_show_list_type" id="inv_show_list_type1" type="radio" value="1" onclick="showInvitationListsNames();" checked="checked" autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_from_this_survey'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input name="inv_show_list_type" id="inv_show_list_type2" type="radio" value="0" onclick="showInvitationListsNames();" autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_from_all_surveys'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input name="inv_show_list_type" id="inv_show_list_type3" type="radio" value="2" onclick="showInvitationListsNames();" autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_from_archive'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label class="as_link spaceLeft" onclick="inv_upload_list();">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_upload_file'].'</label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_edit_rec_list">';
+ $this->showInvitationListsNames($profile_id);
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td><td style="padding-left:20px; vertical-align:top;">';
+ echo '<div id="inv_selected_rec_list">';
+ $doEdit = $_SESSION['inv_edit_rec_profile'][$this->sid] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ if ($doEdit) {
+ $this->showEditRecList($profile_id);
+ } else {
+ $this->showNoEditRecList($profile_id);
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ function showInvitationListsNames($profile_id=null) {
+ global $lang,$global_user_id;
+ $onlyThisSurvey = isset($_POST['onlyThisSurvey']) ? (int)$_POST['onlyThisSurvey'] : 1;
+ if ($profile_id == null) {
+ $pids = explode(',',$_POST['pids']);
+ } else {
+ $pids = explode(',',$profile_id);
+ }
+ if ($onlyThisSurvey == 0) {
+ #id-ji profilov do katerih lahko dostopamo
+ $accPid = '';
+ $accStr = "SELECT DISTINCT pid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access where uid = '$global_user_id'";
+ $accQry = sisplet_query($accStr);
+ while (list($pid) = mysqli_fetch_row($accQry)) {
+ $accPid .= $prefix ."'".$pid."'";
+ $prefix = ',';
+ }
+ # polovimo še ostale porfile
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.*,DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, as firstname, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = WHERE rp.uid in('".$global_user_id."')".($accPid != '' ? ' OR pid IN ('.$accPid.')':'');
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ } else if ($onlyThisSurvey == 2) {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT sia.*, as pid, sia.naslov AS name, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, as firstname, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send DESC;";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ } else {
+ # 1
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.*, DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds , as firstname, u.surname, FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = WHERE from_survey = '$this->sid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query)>0) {
+ echo '<table class="inv_edit_rec_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
+ if ($onlyThisSurvey != 2) {
+ echo '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
+ echo '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
+ }
+ echo '<th>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_name'];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_cnt_receive'];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_comment'];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_date_create'];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_author'];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" class="test_checkAll" id="inv_list_chck_'.$sql_row['pid'].'" onclick="changeInvRecListCheckbox();" value="'.$sql_row['pid'].'" '.(in_array($sql_row['pid'],$pids) ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '</td>';
+ if ($onlyThisSurvey != 2) {
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span class="faicon delete_circle icon-orange_link" onclick="deleteRecipientsList_confirm(\''.$sql_row['pid'].'\'); return false;" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_delete'].'"></span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span class="faicon quick_edit user smaller icon-as_link" onclick="inv_list_edit(\''.$sql_row['pid'].'\'); return false;" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_edit_access'].'"></span>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<label for="inv_list_chck_'.$sql_row['pid'].'">';
+ echo $sql_row['name'];
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ if (isset($sql_row['respondents'])) {
+ $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $sql_row['respondents']);
+ $_recipients = explode("\n",$_recipients);
+ echo count($_recipients);
+ } else if (isset($sql_row['cnt_succsess']) || isset($sql_row['cnt_error'])) {
+ echo (int)$sql_row['cnt_succsess']+(int)$sql_row['cnt_error'];
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ #echo '<td>';
+ #$_fields = explode(",",$sql_row['fields']);
+ #$_fields_lang = array();
+ #foreach ($_fields as $_field) {
+ # $_fields_lang[] = $lang['srv_inv_field_'.$_field];
+ #}
+ #echo implode(',',$_fields_lang);
+ #echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo $sql_row['comment'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo $sql_row['ds'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td title="'.$sql_row['email'].'">';
+ echo $sql_row['firstname'];
+ echo ' '.$sql_row['surname'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ /*
+ * Osznačevanje vseh seznamov in brisanje le teh*/
+ echo '<div id="inv_bottom_edit">';
+ echo '<span class="faicon arrow_up"></span> ';
+ echo '<span id="inv_switch_on"><a href="#" onClick="inv_list_selectAll(true)">'.$lang['srv_select_all'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<span id="inv_switch_off" style="display:none;"><a href="#" onClick="inv_list_selectAll(false)">'.$lang['srv_deselect_all'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="inv_recipients_list_action(\'delete\');"><span class="faicon delete_circle icon-orange" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_delete_selected'].'"/></span>&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_delete_selected'].'</a>';
+ //echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="inv_recipients_form_action(\'export\');"><span class="sprites xls delete" style="height:14px; width:16px;" title="'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_selected'].'"/></span>&nbsp;'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_selected'].'</a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ } else {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_no_lists'];
+ }
+ return (int)mysqli_num_rows($sql_query);
+ }
+ function showNoEditRecList($profile_id = null) {
+ global $lang;
+ $pids=array();
+ $onlyThisSurvey = (int)$_POST['onlyThisSurvey'];
+ if ($profile_id == null)
+ {
+ # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente
+ if ($_POST['pids'] != '')
+ {
+ $pids = explode(',',$_POST['pids']);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente
+ if ($profile_id != '')
+ {
+ $pids = explode(',',$profile_id);
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($pids))
+ {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_choose_left'].'<br>';
+ }
+ session_start();
+ $infoBox = null;
+ if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) > 0)
+ {
+ echo '<div style="width:100%; height:25px;"><label><input name="inv_show_list_edit" id="inv_show_list_edit" type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="changeInvRecListEdit();" autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit'].'</label></div>';
+ $respondents = array();
+ $fields = array();
+ # info box prikazujemo samo ko imamo izbran 1 seznam
+ if ($onlyThisSurvey <= 1)
+ {
+ # če imamo normalne sezname
+ if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1) {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields,, rp.comment, AS iemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fitime, AS eemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.edit_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fetime FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = LEFT JOIN users AS e ON rp.uid = WHERE IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")";
+ } else {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp WHERE IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")";
+ }
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query))
+ {
+ # info box prikazujemo samo ko imamo izbran 1 seznam
+ if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1)
+ {
+ $infoBox .= '<span class="gray" style="display:inline-block; margin:10px;5px;">';
+ $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_added'];
+ $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['iemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['iemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi'];
+ $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fitime'];
+ if ($sql_row['fitime'] != $sql_row['fetime']) {
+ $infoBox .= '<br/>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_changed'];
+ $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['eemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['eemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi'];
+ $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fetime'];
+ }
+ $infoBox .= '<br/><label>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_name'].$sql_row['name'].'</label>';
+ $infoBox .= '<br/><label>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_comment'].$sql_row['comment'].'</label>';
+ }
+ #$array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name']);
+ $respondents_list = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $sql_row['respondents']);
+ $respondents_list = explode("\n",$respondents_list);
+ $respondents = array_merge($respondents,$respondents_list);
+ $_fields = explode(",",$sql_row['fields']);
+ foreach ($_fields as $_field)
+ {
+ if (!in_array($_field,$fields)) {
+ $fields[] = $_field;
+ }
+ }
+ } # end-while
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # imamo arhive
+ $fields = array();
+ $_recipients = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email,firstname,lastname,salutation,phone,custom,relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir WHERE IN (SELECT siar.rec_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar WHERE siar.arch_id IN (".(implode(',',$pids))."))";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query) ) {
+ $_recipients[] = $row;
+ foreach ($row AS $key => $value) {
+ if ($value !== null && !in_array($key,$fields)) {
+ $fields[] = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # pripravimo respondente
+ foreach ($_recipients AS $_recipient) {
+ $recipient = '';
+ $prefix='';
+ foreach ($fields AS $field) {
+ $recipient.=$prefix.$_recipient[$field];
+ $prefix=',';
+ }
+ if ($recipient != '') {
+ $respondents[] = $recipient;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # pohandlamo polja
+ $field_list = array();
+ $default_fields = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => count($fields) == 0 ? 1 : 0,
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_password' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 0,
+ );
+ // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0;
+ }
+ # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj
+ if (count($fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ $field_list['inv_field_'.$field] = 1;
+ if (isset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field])) {
+ unset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($default_fields) > 0)
+ {
+ foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) {
+ $field_list[$key] = $field;
+ unset($default_fields[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $respondents = array_unique($respondents);
+ echo '<table class="inv_edit_rec_list">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ $fields_cnt = 0;
+ foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked)
+ {
+ if ($checked == 1) {
+ $fields_cnt++;
+ echo '<th title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$field].'">'.$lang['srv_'.$field].'</th>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ if (is_array($respondents) && count($respondents) > 0 )
+ {
+ foreach ($respondents AS $respondent_data) {
+ $row_cnt = 0;
+ echo '<tr>';
+ $respondent_data_array = explode('|~|',$respondent_data);
+ if (count($respondent_data_array) > 0) {
+ foreach ($respondent_data_array AS $tekst) {
+ if ($row_cnt < $fields_cnt) {
+ echo '<td>'.str_replace ("|~|", ",", $tekst).'</td>';
+ $row_cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ echo $infoBox;
+ }
+ function showEditRecList($profile_id = null)
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ $pids=array();
+ $onlyThisSurvey = (int)$_POST['onlyThisSurvey'];
+ if ($profile_id == null) {
+ # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente
+ if ($_POST['pids'] != '') {
+ $pids = explode(',',$_POST['pids']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente
+ if ($profile_id != '') {
+ $pids = explode(',',$profile_id);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_list_choose_left'].'<br>';
+ }
+ session_start();
+ if (is_array($pids) && !empty($pids))
+ {
+ echo '<div style="height:25px;width:100%;"><label><input name="inv_show_list_edit" id="inv_show_list_edit" type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="changeInvRecListEdit();" checked="checked" autocomplete="off">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit'].'</label></div>';
+ $respondents = array();
+ $fields = array();
+ $infoBox = null;
+ if ($onlyThisSurvey <= 1)
+ {
+ # če imamo normalne sezname
+ if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1) {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields,, rp.comment, AS iemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fitime, AS eemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.edit_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fetime FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = LEFT JOIN users AS e ON rp.uid = WHERE IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")";
+ } else {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp WHERE IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")";
+ }
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query))
+ {
+ # info box prikazujemo samo ko imamo izbran 1 seznam
+ if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1)
+ {
+ $infoBox = '<span class="gray" style="display:inline-block; margin:10px;5px;">';
+ $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_added'];
+ $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['iemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['iemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi'];
+ $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fitime'];
+ if ($sql_row['fitime'] != $sql_row['fetime'])
+ {
+ $infoBox .= '<br/>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_changed'];
+ $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['eemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['eemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi'];
+ $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fetime'];
+ }
+ $infoBox .= '<br/><label>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_name'].'<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$sql_row['name'].'" tabindex="1" ></label>';
+ $infoBox .= '<br/><label>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_comment'].'<input type="text" id="rec_profile_comment" value="'.$sql_row['comment'].'" tabindex="2"></label>';
+ }
+ #$array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name']);
+ $respondents_list = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $sql_row['respondents']);
+ $respondents_list = explode("\n",$respondents_list);
+ $respondents = array_merge($respondents,$respondents_list);
+ $_fields = explode(",",$sql_row['fields']);
+ foreach ($_fields as $_field)
+ {
+ if (!in_array($_field,$fields))
+ {
+ $fields[] = $_field;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # imamo arhive
+ $fields = array();
+ $_recipients = array();
+ $sql_string = "SELECT email,firstname,lastname,salutation,phone,custom,relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir WHERE IN (SELECT siar.rec_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar WHERE siar.arch_id IN (".(implode(',',$pids))."))";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query) ) {
+ $_recipients[] = $row;
+ foreach ($row AS $key => $value) {
+ if ($value !== null && !in_array($key,$fields)) {
+ $fields[] = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # pripravimo respondente
+ foreach ($_recipients AS $_recipient) {
+ $recipient = '';
+ $prefix='';
+ foreach ($fields AS $field) {
+ $recipient.=$prefix.$_recipient[$field];
+ $prefix=',';
+ }
+ if ($recipient != '') {
+ $respondents[] = $recipient;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # pohandlamo polja
+ $field_list = array();
+ $default_fields = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => count($fields) == 0 ? 1 : 0,
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_password' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 0,
+ );
+ // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0;
+ }
+ # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj
+ if (count($fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ $field_list['inv_field_'.$field] = 1;
+ if (isset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field])) {
+ unset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($default_fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) {
+ $field_list[$key] = $field;
+ unset($default_fields[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $respondents = array_unique($respondents);
+ echo '<div id="inv_field_container">';
+ echo '<ul class="connectedSortable">';
+ $field_lang = array();
+ if (count($field_list ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked)
+ {
+ # ali je polje izbrano ( če imamo personalizirano e-vabilo, moramo nujno imeti polje email
+ $is_selected = ($checked == 1 ) ? true : false;
+ # če je polje obkljukano
+ $css = $is_selected ? ' class="inv_field_enabled"' : '';
+ # ali labela sproži klik checkboxa
+ $label_for = ' for="'.$field.'_chk"';
+ echo '<li id="'.$field.'"'.$css.'>';
+ echo '<input id="'.$field.'_chk" type="checkbox" class="inv_checkbox' . $hidden_checkbox . '"'.($is_selected == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<label'.$label_for.'>'.$lang['srv_'.$field].'</label>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ }
+ if ($is_selected == 1) {
+ $field_lang[] = $lang['srv_'.$field];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo "$('ul.connectedSortable').sortable({update : function () { refreshFieldsList(); }, forcePlaceholderSize: 'true',tolerance: 'pointer',placeholder: 'inv_field_placeholder',});";
+ echo '</script>';
+ echo '<div>';
+ echo '<textarea id="inv_recipients_list" name="inv_recipients_list">';
+ if (is_array($respondents) && count($respondents) > 0 ) {
+ echo str_replace ("|~|", ",", implode("\n",$respondents));
+ }
+ echo '</textarea>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo $infoBox;
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ if (count($pids) <= 1 ) {
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="inv_list_save_old(\''.implode('',$pids).'\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_save_old'].'</span></a></span>';
+ }
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_list_get_name(\'true\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_save_new'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ }
+ }
+ function invListEdit() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ # polovimo podatke profila
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name, comment, uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$_POST['pid']."'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ list($pid, $name, $comment, $uid) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profile_name" class="access">';
+ echo '<form id="inv_list_edit_form" name="inv_list_edit_form" autocomplete="off">';
+ /*
+ echo '<span id="new_recipients_list_span" >';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_name'];
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" name="rec_profile_name" value="'.$name.'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/><br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_comment'];
+ echo '<textarea id="rec_profile_comment" name="rec_profile_comment" tabindex="3" rows="5" >'.$comment.'</textarea>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ */
+ $this->displayListAccess($pid);
+ # skrita polja za respondente in polja
+ echo '<input id="profile_id" name="profile_id" type="hidden" value="'.($_POST['pid']).'" >';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight" title="'.$lang['save'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_list_edit_save(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients"
+ /* echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo "$('#rec_profile_name').focus();";
+ echo '</script>';
+ */
+ }
+ function listGetName() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $saveNew = $_POST['saveNew'] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ $array_profiles = array();
+ #ne vem če je fino da lahko dodaja kar na vse sezname
+ session_start();
+ # polovimo še ostale porfile
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name'], 'comment'=>$sql_row['comment']);
+ }
+ echo '<div id="inv_recipients_profile_name">';
+ if ($saveNew == true) {
+ echo '<span id="new_recipients_list_span" >';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_name'];
+ # zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'];
+ $names = array();
+ $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) {
+ $names[] = $r['name'];
+ }
+ if (count($names) > 0) {
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt;
+ }
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$new_name.'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<span id="new_recipients_list_span" >';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_name'];
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$array_profiles[$_POST['pid']]['name'].'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ echo '<br/><br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_comment'];
+ echo '<textarea id="rec_profile_comment" tabindex="3" rows="2" >'.$array_profiles[$_POST['pid']]['comment'].'</textarea>';
+ # skrita polja za respondente in polja
+ $_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$_POST['fields']));
+ echo '<input id="inv_prof_field_list" type="hidden" value="'.$_fields.'" >';
+ echo '<input id="inv_prof_recipients_list" type="hidden" value="'.$this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']).'" >';
+ echo '<input id="saveNew" type="hidden" value="'.($saveNew == true ? 'true' : 'false').'" >';
+ echo '<input id="profile_id" type="hidden" value="'.($_POST['pid']).'" >';
+ echo '<br class="clr" /><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\');$(\'#fullscreen\').fadeOut(\'slow\').html(\'\');return false;" ><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['save'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_list_save(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['save'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients"
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo "$('#rec_profile_name').focus();";
+ echo '</script>';
+ }
+ function invListSaveOld() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $recipients_list = trim($this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']));
+ $field_list = (is_array($_POST['field_list']) && count($_POST['field_list']) > 0) ? implode(',',$_POST['field_list']) : trim($_POST['field_list']);
+ $field_list = str_replace('inv_field_','',$field_list);
+ $profile_id = explode(',',$_POST['profile_id']);
+ $profile_id = $profile_id[0];
+ $rec_profile_name = $_POST['rec_profile_name'];
+ $rec_profile_comment = $_POST['rec_profile_comment'];
+ # dodajamo v obstoječ profil
+ $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name='$rec_profile_name', comment='$rec_profile_comment', respondents = '$recipients_list', fields='$field_list' WHERE uid in('$global_user_id') AND pid = '$profile_id'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ $this->removeDuplicates($profile_id);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$profile_id());
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$profile_id);
+ }
+ #echo json_encode($return);
+ $this->showInvitationLists($profile_id);
+ }
+ function listSave() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $profile_name = (isset($_POST['profile_name']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_name']) : $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $profile_comment = (isset($_POST['profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_comment']) : '';
+ $recipients_list = trim($this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']));
+ $field_list = (isset($_POST['field_list']) && trim($_POST['field_list']) != '') ? trim($_POST['field_list']) : 'email';
+ $profile_id = explode(',',$_POST['profile_id']);
+ $profile_id = $profile_id[0];
+ $saveNew = $_POST['saveNew'] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ if ($saveNew == true) {
+ # shranjujemo v nov profil
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) VALUES ('$profile_name', '$global_user_id', '$field_list', '$recipients_list', NOW(), '$profile_comment', '".$this->sid."' )";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ $new_pid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ #odstranimo podvojene
+ $this->removeDuplicates($new_pid);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$new_pid);
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x1', 'pid'=>$new_pid);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ } else {
+ # dodajamo v obstoječ profil
+ $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name='$profile_name', respondents = '$recipients_list', comment='$profile_comment' WHERE uid in('$global_user_id') AND pid = '$profile_id'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ #odstranimo podvojene
+ $this->removeDuplicates($profile_id);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$profile_id());
+ } else {
+ $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$profile_id);
+ }
+ }
+ #echo json_encode($return);
+ $this->showInvitationLists();
+ }
+ function invListEditSave() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ /*
+ * rec_profile_name] => Seznam1 [rec_profile_comment] => Komentar [uid] => Array ( [0] => 1045 [1] => 1049 [2] => 1046 ) [profile_id] => 2 [anketa] => 94 )
+ */
+ $return = array('error'=>'0');
+ $profile_name = (isset($_POST['rec_profile_name']) && trim($_POST['rec_profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['rec_profile_name']) : $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'];
+ $profile_comment = (isset($_POST['rec_profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['rec_profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['rec_profile_comment']) : '';
+ $uids = $_POST['uid'];
+ $pid = (int)$_POST['profile_id'];
+ # pripravimo insert query (id avtorja ne dodajamo v dostope, ker je tako v uid profila)
+ $insert_string = array();
+ if (count($uids) > 0) {
+ foreach ($uids AS $key => $uid) {
+ $insert_string[] = "('".$pid."','".$uid."')";
+ }
+ }
+ # pobrišemo stare vrednosti dostopov in jih nastavimo na novo
+ $delStr = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $delQuery = sisplet_query($delStr);
+ if (count($insert_string)) {
+ # dodamo nove vrednosti dostopov
+ $insStr = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access VALUES ".implode(',',$insert_string);
+ $insQuery = sisplet_query($insStr);
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ # dodajamo v obstoječ profil
+ # $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name='$profile_name', comment='$profile_comment' WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ # $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update);
+ # sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ // if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ # $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ # $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$pid);
+ # } else {
+ # $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$pid);
+ # }
+ #echo json_encode($return);
+ $this->showInvitationLists();
+ }
+ function deleteRecipientsList() {
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $id = (int)$_POST['id'];
+ if ($id > 0 ) {
+ $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$id."' AND uid='".$global_user_id."'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ $this->showInvitationLists();
+ }
+ function deleteRecipientsListMulti() {
+ $return = array('success'=>'0');
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $ids = $_POST['ids'];
+ if(count($ids) > 0){
+ $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid='".$global_user_id."' AND pid IN(".implode(',',$ids).")";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error'];
+ } else {
+ $return['success'] = 2;
+ //$this->showInvitationLists();
+ }
+ }
+ function removeDuplicates($pid) {
+ # dodamo tracking
+ if ((int)$pid > 0) {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT respondents FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ $respondents = array();
+ list ($new_recipients) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query);
+ $new_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $new_recipients);
+ $new_recipients = explode("\n",$new_recipients);
+ $new_recipients = implode("\n",array_unique($new_recipients));
+ $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET respondents='".$new_recipients."' WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ }
+ }
+ function displayListAccess($pid) {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $admin_type;
+ # polovimo avtorja profila
+ $uidQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid ='$pid'");
+ list($uid) = mysqli_fetch_row($uidQuery);
+ # polovimo id-je userjev ki imajo dostop do tega profila
+ $accessArray = array();
+ $accessQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access WHERE pid ='$pid'");
+ while (list($uid_) = mysqli_fetch_row($accessQuery)) {
+ $accessArray[] = $uid_;
+ }
+ $sqlQuery = null;
+ // tip admina: 0=>admin, 1=>manager, 2=>clan, 3=>user
+ switch ( $admin_type ) {
+ case 0: // admin vidi vse
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, id, email FROM users ORDER BY name ASC");
+ break;
+ case 1: // manager vidi ljudi pod sabo
+ // polovimo vse clane ki spo pod managerjem
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT DISTINCT name, surname, id, email FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager='$global_user_id') OR id = '$global_user_id'");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ // TODO
+ // clani in userji lahko vidijo samo tiste ki so jim poslali maile in so se registrirali
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE 1 = 0");
+ break;
+ }
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_access'].'</span><br/>';
+ echo '<span class="gray small">'.$lang['srv_inv_list_access_legend'].'</span><br/><br/>';
+ echo '<span id="invListAccessShow1"><a href="#" onClick="inv_listAccess(\'true\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_dostop_show_all'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<span id="invListAccessShow2" class="displayNone"><a href="#" onClick="inv_listAccess(\'false\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_dostop_hide_all'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '<div id="invListAccess">';
+ while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) {
+ $checked = ( in_array($row1[id],$accessArray) ||$uid == $row1['id']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
+ $_css_hidden = ($checked != '' ? '' : ' displayNone');
+ echo '<div id="div_for_uid_' . $row1['id'] . '" name="listAccess" class="floatLeft listAccess_uid'.$_css_hidden.'">';
+ echo '<label nowrap title="' . $row1['email'] . '"'.($uid == $row1['id']?' class="gray"':'').'>';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" name="uid[]" value="' . $row1['id'] . '" id="uid_' . $row1['id'] . '"' . $checked .($uid == $row1['id'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''). ' autocomplete="off"/>';
+ echo $row1['name'] . ($uid == $row1['id'] ? ' (' . $lang['author'] . ')' : '') . '</label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function changeInvRecListEdit() {
+ session_start();
+ $_SESSION['inv_edit_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = ($_POST['checked'] == 'true' ? true : false);
+ session_commit();
+ }
+ function getUrlLists() {
+ global $lang,$site_url;
+ $result = array();
+ $p = new Prevajanje($this->sid);
+ $lang_array = $p->get_all_translation_langs();
+ $link = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink();
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT link FROM srv_nice_links WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' ORDER BY id ASC");
+ $default_checked =false;
+ $cnt=0;
+ #lepi linki
+ while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqll)) {
+ $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'], 'name'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'].(count($lang_array) > 0 ? ' - '.$lang['language'].' ' : ''));
+ if ($default_checked == false) {
+ $result[$cnt]['dc'] = true;
+ $default_checked = true;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ if (count($lang_array) > 0) {
+ #jezikovni podlinki
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $lang_id => $lang_name) {
+ $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'].'?language='.$lang_id, 'name'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'].'?language='.$lang_id.' - '.$lang_name);
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $link1 = $site_url.'a/'.Common::encryptAnketaID($this->sid);
+ # normalen link
+ $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$link1, 'name'=>$link1.(count($lang_array) > 0 ? ' - '.$lang['language'] : ''));
+ if ($default_checked == false) {
+ $result[$cnt]['dc'] = true;
+ $default_checked = true;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ #jezikovni link
+ if (count($lang_array) > 0) {
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $lang_id => $lang_name) {
+ $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$link1.'?language='.$lang_id, 'name'=>$link1.'?language='.$lang_id.' - '.$lang_name);
+ if ($default_checked == false) {
+ $result[$cnt]['dc'] = true;
+ $default_checked = true;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function upload_list() {
+ global $lang, $site_path, $site_url;
+ $fields = array();
+ $field_list = array();
+ # odvisno od tipa sporočil prikažemo različna polja
+ # Personalizirano e-poštno vabilo
+ $default_fields = array(
+ 'inv_field_email' => 1,
+ 'inv_field_firstname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_lastname' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_password' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_salutation' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_phone' => 0,
+ 'inv_field_custom' => 0,
+ );
+ // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){
+ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0;
+ }
+ # pri personaliziranih aporočilih je e-mail obvezno polje
+ array_push($fields, 'inv_field_email');
+ # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj
+ if (count($fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($fields as $key=>$field) {
+ $field_list[$field] = 1;
+ if (isset($default_fields[$field])) {
+ unset($default_fields[$field]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($default_fields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) {
+ $field_list[$key] = $field;
+ unset($default_fields[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<div id="inv_upload_list">';
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_inv_list_upload_header'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_note">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_field_note'].':</span>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_field_container">';
+ echo '<ul class="connectedSortable">';
+ $field_lang = array();
+ if (count($field_list ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked) {
+ # ali je polje izbrano ( če imamo personalizirano e-vabilo, moramo nujno imeti polje email
+ # $is_selected = ($checked == 1 || $field == 'inv_field_email' ) ? true : false;
+ $is_selected = ($checked == 1 ) ? true : false;
+ # če je polje obkljukano
+ $css = $is_selected ? ' class="inv_field_enabled"' : '';
+ # ali prikazujemo checkbox
+ # $hidden_checkbox = $field == 'inv_field_email' ? ' hidden' : '';
+ # ali labela sproži klik checkboxa
+ # $label_for = $field != 'inv_field_email' ? ' for="'.$field.'_chk"' : '';
+ $label_for = ' for="'.$field.'_chk"';
+ echo '<li id="'.$field.'"'.$css.'>';
+ echo '<input id="'.$field.'_chk" type="checkbox" class="inv_checkbox' . $hidden_checkbox . '"'.($is_selected == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<label'.$label_for.'>'.$lang['srv_'.$field].'</label>';
+ echo '</li>';
+ if ($is_selected == 1) {
+ $field_lang[] = $lang['srv_'.$field];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo "$('ul.connectedSortable').sortable({update : function () { refreshFieldsList(); }, forcePlaceholderSize: 'true',tolerance: 'pointer',placeholder: 'inv_field_placeholder',});";
+ echo '</script>';
+ echo '<form id="inv_recipients_upload_form" name="resp_uploader" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=send_upload_list" autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="fields" id="inv_recipients_upoad_fields" value="'.implode(',',$fields).'" />';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="posted" value="1" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_note">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_file_note_1'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_fields'].' <span id="inv_field_list" class="inv_type_1">';
+ echo implode(',',$field_lang);
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo $lang['srv_mailing_upload_list'];
+ echo '<input type="file" name="invListFile" id="invListFile" size="42" >';
+ if (count($errors) > 0) {
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ foreach($errors as $error) {
+ echo '* '.$error.'<br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ echo '<br/><br/><label>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_import_file_delimiter'].'</label> <input type="radio" name="recipientsDelimiter" id="recipientsDelimiter1" value="," checked><label for="recipientsDelimiter1">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_comma'].' (,)</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="recipientsDelimiter" id="recipientsDelimiter2" value=";"><label for="recipientsDelimiter2">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_delimiter_semicolon'].' (;)</label>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '<span class="inv_sample" >';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample'].'&nbsp;</span><span class="inv_sample">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample1'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<div class="buttons_holder">';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceLeft" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="$(\'#inv_upload_list, #fullscreen, #fade\').hide();return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceLeft" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="inv_upload_list_check(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_inv_btn_add_recipients_add'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function send_upload_list() {
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ $errors = array();
+ $allowedExtensions = array("txt","csv","dat");
+ $_fields = trim($_POST['fields']);
+ if ($_fields != null && $_fields != '') {
+ $fields = explode(',',$_fields);
+ } else {
+ $fields = array();
+ }
+ $file_name = $_FILES["invListFile"]["name"];
+ $file_type = $_FILES["invListFile"]["type"];
+ $file_size = $_FILES["invListFile"]["size"] > 0 ? $_FILES["invListFile"]["size"] / 1024 : 0;
+ $file_tmp = $_FILES["invListFile"]["tmp_name"];
+ $okFileType = ( $file_type == 'text/plain' || $file_type == 'text/csv' || $file_type == 'application/' );
+ $okFileEnd = ( pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'txt'
+ || pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'csv'
+ || pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'dat');
+ # preverimo ali smo uploadali datoteko in če smo izbrali katero polje
+ if ($_POST['posted'] == '1' && count($fields) == 0) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error_no_fields'];
+ }
+ #preverimo ime datoteke
+ if ( trim($file_name) == '' || $file_name == null ) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file'];
+ # preverimo tip:
+ } else if ( $okFileType == false ) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type'];
+ # prevermio še končnico (.txt)
+ } else if ($okFileEnd == false) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type'];
+ }
+ # preverimo velikost
+ else if ( (float)$file_size == 0 ) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_size'];
+ }
+ # če so napake jih prikažemo če ne obdelamo datoteko
+ if (count($errors) > 0) {
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_message_errors">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '<span class="inv_error_note">';
+ foreach($errors as $error) {
+ echo '* '.$error.'<br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ #$this->addRecipientsView($fields, $invalid_recipiens_array);
+ } else {
+ $fh = @fopen($file_tmp, "rb");
+ if ($fh) {
+ $_recipients = fread($fh, filesize($file_tmp));
+ fclose($fh);
+ }
+ $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_recipients);
+ $recipients_list = explode("\n",$_recipients);
+ $num_recipients_list = count($recipients_list);
+ # pri prejemnikih odrežemo "polja", katerih nismo navedli
+ $fields_cont = (int)count($fields);
+ $fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',$fields);
+ $clean_recipients = array();
+ if (count($recipients_list) > 0) {
+ if (isset ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter'])) {
+ $delimiter = $_POST['recipientsDelimiter'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $delimiter = "|~|";
+ }
+ foreach ($recipients_list AS $recipient) {
+ #poiščemo n-ti delimiter
+ $clean_recipients[] = trim(substr($recipient, 0, $this->strpos_offset($delimiter, $recipient, $fields_cont)));
+ }
+ }
+ $clean_fields = trim(implode(',', $fields));
+ $clean_recipients = trim(implode("\n", $clean_recipients));
+ if ($fields!=null && $fields != '' && $clean_recipients != null && $clean_recipients != '') {
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles".
+ " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ".
+ " VALUES ('Uploaded list', '$global_user_id', '$clean_fields', '$clean_recipients', NOW(), 'Uploaded list', '".$this->sid."' )";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->showInvitationLists();
+ }
+ /*
+ function strpos_index($haystack = '',$needle = '',$offset = 0,$limit = 99,$return = null)
+ {
+ $length = strlen($needle);
+ $occurances = array();
+ while((($count = count($occurances)) < $limit) && (false !== ($offset = strpos($haystack,$needle,$offset))))
+ {
+ $occurances[$count]['length'] = $length;
+ $occurances[$count]['start'] = $offset;
+ $occurances[$count]['end'] = $offset = $offset + $length;
+ }
+ return $return === null ? $occurances : $occurances[$return];
+ }
+ */
+ /**
+ * Find position of Nth $occurrence of $needle in $haystack
+ * Starts from the beginning of the string
+ **/
+ function strpos_offset($needle, $haystack, $occurrence) {
+ // explode the haystack
+ $arr = explode($needle, $haystack);
+ // check the needle is not out of bounds
+ switch( $occurrence ) {
+ case $occurrence == 0:
+ return false;
+ case $occurrence > max(array_keys($arr)):
+ return strlen($haystack);
+ default:
+ $index = (int)strlen(implode($needle, array_slice($arr, 0, $occurrence)));
+ return $index;
+ }
+ }
+ function changePaginationLimit() {
+ session_start();
+ if (isset($_POST['limit']) && (int)$_POST['limit'] > 0) {
+ $_SESSION['rec_on_send_page'] = (int)$_POST['limit'];
+ $this->rec_send_page_limit = (int)$_POST['limit'];
+ }
+ session_commit();
+ $this->displaySendPagination((int)$_POST['cnt']);
+ }
+ function displayMessagePreview() {
+ global $lang;
+ $sql_string_m = "SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'";
+ $sql_query_m = sisplet_query($sql_string_m);
+ $preview_message = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m);
+ # polovimo imena vseh sporocil
+ $sql_string_m = "SELECT id, naslov FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'";
+ echo '<table id="inv_send_mail_preview">';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_name'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<span>';
+ $sql_query_m = sisplet_query($sql_string_m);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) {
+ echo '<select onchange="mailSourceMesageChange(this);">';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m)) {
+ echo '<option value="'.$row['id'].'"'.($row['id'] ==$preview_message['id']?' selected="selected"':'' ).'>'.$row['naslov'].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ }
+ #.$preview_message['naslov'];
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td class="inv_bt">';
+ echo '<span>'.$preview_message['subject_text'].'</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><th>'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':</th>';
+ echo '<td >';
+ echo '<span class="nl2br">'.($preview_message['body_text']).'</span>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ // Opozorilo ce manjka #URL# v besedilu maila in imamo individualizirano vabilo
+ if(strpos($preview_message['body_text'], '#URL#') == false && $this->surveySettings['usercode_required'] == 0 && $this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'] != 0)
+ echo '<span class="red">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_nourl_warning'].'</span><br />';
+ // Opozorilo ce je #URL# v besedilu maila in imamo neindividualizirano vabilo
+ elseif(strpos($preview_message['body_text'], '#URL#') == true && $this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'] == 0)
+ echo '<span class="red">'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_url_warning'].'</span><br />';
+ // Popravi sporocilo
+ echo '<a href="'.$this->addUrl('view_message').'">'.$lang['srv_invitation_reedit_message'].'</a>';
+ }
+ function addSortField($field){
+ $type = 'ASC';
+ session_start();
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == $field) {
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] == 'DESC') {
+ $type = 'ASC';
+ } else {
+ $type = 'DESC';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $type = 'ASC';
+ }
+ return ' onclick="inv_set_sort_field(\''.$field.'\',\''.$type.'\');" ';
+ }
+ function addSortIcon($field){
+ session_start();
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == $field) {
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] == 'DESC') {
+ return ' <span class="faicon sort_descending icon-blue"></span>';
+ } else {
+ return ' <span class="faicon sort_ascending icon-blue"></span>';
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ function setSortField() {
+ session_start();
+ if (isset($_POST['field']) && trim($_POST['field']) != '') {
+ $_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] = trim($_POST['field']);
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] = 'date_inserted';
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST['type']) && trim($_POST['type']) != '') {
+ $_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] = trim($_POST['type']);
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] = 'ASC';
+ }
+ session_commit();
+ }
+ function getSortString() {
+ session_start();
+ $sort_string = ' ORDER BY i.last_status';
+ if (isset($_SESSION['rec_sort_field']) && trim($_SESSION['rec_sort_field']) != '') {
+ $prefix = 'i.';
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == 'count_inv') {
+ $prefix = '';
+ }
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == 'date(date_expired)') {
+ $sort_string = ' ORDER BY '.$prefix.'date_expired';
+ }
+ else{
+ $sort_string = ' ORDER BY '.$prefix.trim($_SESSION['rec_sort_field']);
+ }
+ if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] == 'DESC') {
+ $sort_string .= ' DESC';
+ } else {
+ $sort_string .= ' ASC';
+ }
+ }
+ // Vedno dodatno se sortirtamo po mailu
+ $sort_string .= ',';
+ return $sort_string;
+ }
+ function getAvailableSysVars() {
+ $result = array();
+ $qry = sisplet_query("SELECT s.variable, s.naslov FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND AND s.tip!='5' AND (s.tip < '10' OR s.tip = '22' OR s.tip = '25' OR s.tip='21') AND s.sistem='1'");
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
+ $result[$row['variable']] = $row['naslov'];
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function getAvailableIndicators() {
+ $result = array();
+ $_indicators = array('email','password','firstname','lastname','salutation','phone','custom','relation');
+ #za vsako spremenljivko preverimo zapise v bazi
+ foreach ($_indicators AS $indicator) {
+ $sql_string = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0' AND $indicator IS NOT NULL";
+ list($cnt) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($sql_string));
+ if ((int)$cnt > 0) {
+ $result[] = $indicator;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function createSystemVariablesMapping() {
+ global $lang;
+ # polovimo sistemske variable
+ $sys_db_maps = array('email');
+ $strSelect = "SELECT spr_id, field FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '".$this->sid."'";
+ $qrySelect = sisplet_query($strSelect);
+ $mappingArray = array();
+ while (list($spr_id,$field) = mysqli_fetch_row($qrySelect)) {
+ $mappingArray[$spr_id] = $field;
+ }
+ $qryString = "SELECT, s.naslov, s.variable, s.variable_custom, s.coding FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.tip IN (1,3,17,21) AND AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red";
+ $sqlSpremenlivka = sisplet_query($qryString);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlSpremenlivka) > 0) {
+ echo '<form id="inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm" name="inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingFrm">';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_email_choose'];
+ echo '<table>';
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenlivka)) {
+ $system_variables[$row['id']] = $row;
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ $checked = (isset($mappingArray[$row['id']]) && $mappingArray[$row['id']] == 'email' )?' checked="checked"':'';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="sysVarMap" id="sysVarMap_'.$row['id'].'" value="'.$row['id'].'"'.$checked.'>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td><label for="sysVarMap_'.$row['id'].'"><span style="color: #78a971;">'.$row['variable'].'</span></label></td>';
+ echo '<td><label for="sysVarMap_'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['naslov'].'</label></td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<form/>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<div id="inv_ValidateSysVarsMappingDiv">';
+ echo '<span onclick="inv_ValidateSysVarsMapping();" class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" ><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validate'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_error3'].'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ function validateSysVarsMapping() {
+ global $lang,$global_user_id;
+ # preverimo sistemske spremenljivke
+ $strSistemske = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."') ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red";
+ list($cntSistemske) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($strSistemske));
+ $emailsToAdd = array();
+ $invalidEmails = array();
+ $errors = array();
+ $emailSpr = (int)$_POST['sysVarMap'];
+ if ((int)$emailSpr > 0) {
+ # preverimo ali lovimo samo ustrezne ali vse userje , preverimo kako imamo nastavljeno pri podatkih
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $_POST['meta_akcija'] = 'data';
+ SurveyStatusProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ $currentProfileId = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getCurentProfileId();
+ $statusProfileCondition = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsQueryString($currentProfileId);
+ #zloopamo skozi userje in dodamo kateri še niso bili dodani
+ $selectUser = "SELECT id,cookie,pass,last_status,lurker,unsubscribed FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0' ".$statusProfileCondition;
+ $queryUser = sisplet_query($selectUser );
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($queryUser) ) {
+ #zakeširamo vrednosti za email
+ $this->getUsersDataForSpr($emailSpr);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryUser)) {
+ $email = trim($this->cacheArrayVrednost[$emailSpr][$row['id']]);
+ if ($this->validEmail($email)) {
+ $emailsToAdd[] = $email;
+ } else {
+ $invalidEmails[] = $email;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error1']."(".count($invalidEmails).')';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error2'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((int)$cntSistemske == 0) {
+ # ni sistemskih spremenljivk
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error3'];
+ } else {
+ # ni določena email spremenljivka
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error4'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<span onclick="inv_ValidateSysVarsMapping();" class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft spaceRight" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" ><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validate'].'</span></a></span>';
+ if (count($emailsToAdd)) {
+ echo '<span onclick="inv_addSysVarsMapping();" class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft spaceRight" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" ><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validateAndAdd'].'</span></a></span>';
+ }
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($queryUser) > 0)
+ { # če je kaj novih zapisov v bazi
+ # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi ponudimo gumb naprej
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="'.$this->addUrl('view_recipients').'"><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo '<span class="strong">';
+ printf($lang['srv_invitation_system_found'],mysqli_num_rows($queryUser));
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_from_this'];
+ if (count($emailsToAdd)) {
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_from_this_valid'].(int)count($emailsToAdd);
+ if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) {
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_and'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_from_this_invalid'].(int)count($invalidEmails);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_not_found'];
+ }
+ }
+ function addSysVarsMapping() {
+ global $lang,$global_user_id;
+ $addedEmails = array();
+ $errorEmails = array();
+ $invalidEmails = array();
+ $errors = array();
+ #pobrišemo obstoječe povezave
+ $strDelete = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '".$this->sid."'";
+ $qryDelete = sisplet_query($strDelete);
+ $emailSpr = (int)$_POST['sysVarMap'];
+ if ((int)$emailSpr > 0) {
+ $insertString = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_mapping (sid, spr_id, field) VALUES ('$this->sid','$emailSpr','email')";
+ sisplet_query($insertString);
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ # preverimo ali lovimo samo ustrezne ali vse userje , preverimo kako imamo nastavljeno pri podatkih
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $_POST['meta_akcija'] = 'data';
+ SurveyStatusProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ $currentProfileId = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getCurentProfileId();
+ $statusProfileCondition = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsQueryString($currentProfileId);
+ #zloopamo skozi userje in dodamo kateri še niso bili dodani
+ $selectUser = "SELECT id,cookie,pass,last_status,lurker,unsubscribed FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0' ".$statusProfileCondition;
+ $queryUser = sisplet_query($selectUser );
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($queryUser)) {
+ #zakeširamo vrednosti za email
+ $this->getUsersDataForSpr($emailSpr);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryUser)) {
+ $email = trim($this->cacheArrayVrednost[$emailSpr][$row['id']]);
+ if ($this->validEmail($email)) {
+ $pass = (trim($row['pass']) != '') ? trim($row['pass']) : substr($row['cookie'],0,6);
+ #dodamo respondenra in naredimo povezav
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT IGNORE INTO srv_invitations_recipients (ank_id,email,password,cookie,sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,date_inserted,inserted_uid,list_id,last_status) VALUES ";
+ $sql_insert .= "('".$this->sid."','$email','$pass','".$row['cookie']."'";
+ $sql_insert .= ",'0','0','".(int)$row['unsubscribed']."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."','".$list_id."','".$row['last_status']."')";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ if (!$sqlQuery) {
+ $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $errorEmails[] = $email;
+ } else {
+ $rid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ((int)$rid > 0) {
+ # updejtamo srv user
+ $sqlString2 = "UPDATE srv_user SET inv_res_id='$rid' WHERE id='".$row['id']."'";
+ $updateQuery2 = sisplet_query($sqlString2);
+ $addedEmails[] = $email;
+ } else {
+ $errorEmails[] = $email;
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ } else {
+ if ($email != '') {
+ $invalidEmails[] = $email;
+ } else {
+ $invalidEmails[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_empty_email'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ #V bazi ni respondentov, katere lahko dodam v vabila!
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error2'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ # ni določena email spremenljivka
+ $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error4'];
+ }
+ echo '<span onclick="inv_ValidateSysVarsMapping();" class="buttonwrapper floatLeft spaceLeft" ><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" ><span>'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validate'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr"/>';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ if (count($errors) > 0) {
+ foreach ($errors AS $error) {
+ echo '<br/><span class="strong">'.$error.'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($addedEmails) > 0) {
+ echo '<span class="strong">'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_added_users_finish']."(".(int)count($addedEmails)."): </span>";
+ foreach ($addedEmails AS $email) {
+ echo '<br/><span>'.$email.'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($errorEmails) > 0) {
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_error6']." (".(int)count($errorEmails)."): ";
+ foreach ($errorEmails AS $email) {
+ echo '<br/><span>'.$email.'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) {
+ echo '<span class="strong gray">'.$lang['srv_invitation_system_error6'].'('.(int)count($invalidEmails).'): </span><br/>';
+ foreach ($invalidEmails AS $email) {
+ echo '<span>'.$email.'</span><br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private $cacheArrayVrednost = array();
+ function getUsersDataForSpr($spr_id = 0) {
+ if ((int)$spr_id > 0 ) {
+ if (!isset($this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id])) {
+ list($tip) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query("SELECT tip FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '$spr_id'"));
+ switch ($tip) {
+ case 21:
+ $str = "SELECT, sdt.text FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." AS sdt LEFT JOIN srv_user AS u ON WHERE sdt.spr_id ='$spr_id' AND ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0'";
+ $sql = sisplet_query($str);
+ while (list($uid,$txt) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql)) {
+ if ((int)$uid > 0 && trim($txt) != '') {
+ $this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id][$uid] = $txt;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ return $this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id];
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function saveRecipientListName() {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ $array_profiles = array();
+ #ne vem če je fino da lahko dodaja kar na vse sezname
+ session_start();
+ $_only_this_survey = (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey']) && (int)$_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] == 1) ? '' : " AND from_survey = '".$this->sid. "'" ;
+ # polovimo še ostale porfile
+ $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')".$_only_this_survey;
+ $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string);
+ while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) {
+ $array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name'], 'comment'=>$sql_row['comment']);
+ }
+ echo '<div style="margin-top:10px; padding:5px; background-color:#f2f2f2; border:1px solid #c2c2c2;">';
+ # echo '<span class="inv_new_list_note">';
+ # echo $lang[''].'Izberite seznam kamor želite dodati prejemnike. Izbirate lahko med:<br/><ul><li>\'Nov seznam\' - prejemniki se dodajo v nov seznam, kateremu določite ime</li><li>\'Začasen seznam\' - seznam obstaja samo v času seje brskalnika</li><li>ali izberete obstoječ seznam, h kateremu se bodo dodali prejemniki</li></ul><br/>';
+ # echo '</span>';
+ echo $lang['srv_invitation_recipients_list_add'].':&nbsp;';
+ echo '<select id="sel_inv_list_type" onchange="inv_new_recipients_list_change(this);" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '<option value="0" class="gray bold"'.((int)$_POST['pid'] > 0 ? '' : ' selected="selected"' ).'>'.$lang['srv_invitation_new_list'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="-1" class="gray bold">'.$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'].'</option>';
+ if (count($array_profiles) > 0){
+ foreach($array_profiles AS $key => $profile) {
+ echo '<option value="'.$key.'" comment="'.$profile['comment'].'"'.($_POST['pid'] == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$profile['name'].'</option>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '<span id="new_recipients_list_span_note" '.((int)$_POST['pid'] < 1 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '' ).'>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo $lang[''].'Uporabniki bodo dodani v seznam: ';
+ echo $array_profiles[$_POST['pid']]['name'];
+ echo '<span id="new_recipients_list_span_note_name"></span>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<span id="new_recipients_list_span" '.((int)$_POST['pid'] > 0 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '' ).'>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_name'];
+ # zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'];
+ $names = array();
+ $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) {
+ $names[] = $r['name'];
+ }
+ if (count($names) > 0) {
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) {
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt;
+ }
+ echo '<input type="text" id="rec_profile_name" value="'.$new_name.'" tabindex="1" autofocus="autofocus">';
+ echo '</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br/><br/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_comment'];
+ echo '<textarea id="rec_profile_comment" tabindex="3" rows="2" >';
+ echo $array_profiles[$_POST['pid']]['comment'];
+ echo '</textarea>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function getCleanString($string) {
+ return preg_replace ("/'/", "`", $string);
+ }
+ function recipientsAddForward() {
+ $doSave = $_POST['doSave'] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ $doAdd = $_POST['doAdd'] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ $fields = $_POST['fields'];
+ $recipients_list = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']);
+ $delimiter = $_POST['recipientsDelimiter'];
+ $profileName = $_POST['profile_name'];
+ $profileComment = $_POST['profile_comment'];
+ $pid = $_POST['profile_id'];
+ // Bom kar tule rešil konverzijo iz delimiterja v |~|
+ $recipients_list = str_replace ($delimiter, "|~|", $recipients_list);
+ # če shranjujemo respondente
+ if ($doSave == true){
+ $pid = $this->saveAppendRecipientList($pid, $fields, $recipients_list, $profileName, $profileComment);
+ }
+ # če dodajamo respondente v bazo
+ if ($doAdd == true){
+ #dodamo polja
+ $result = $this->addMassRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $pid);
+ # prikažemo napake
+ $invalid_recipiens_array = $this->displayRecipentsErrors($result);
+ }
+ # če smo dodajali repsondente v bazo, prikažemo tabelo respondentov
+ if ($doAdd == true){
+ $this->viewRecipients();
+ }
+ # če ne prikažemo profile respondentov
+ else {
+ $this->useRecipientsList($pid);
+ }
+ // Ce smo dodajali respondente rocno v bazo, to shranimo, ker potem ne smemo povezati mailov s podatki
+ /*if ($doAdd == true) {
+ $update = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET show_email='0' WHERE id='".$this->sid."'");
+ }*/
+ }
+ function saveAppendRecipientList($pid, $fields, $recipients, $profileName, $profileComment) {
+ global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id;
+ # shranjujemo v nov profil
+ $post_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$fields));
+ $post_recipients = $this->getCleanString($recipients);
+ $pid = (int)$pid;
+ # če je pid < 0 shranimo v nov porfil
+ if ($pid <= 0)
+ {
+ # ali shranjujemo v sejo
+ if ($pid == -1)
+ {
+ $this->saveSessionRecipients($post_recipients,$post_fields,$profileComment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # dodelimo ime
+ if ($profileName == NULL || trim($profileName) == '')
+ {
+ #zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja
+ $profileName = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'];
+ $names = array();
+ $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q))
+ {
+ $names[] = $r['name'];
+ }
+ if (count($names) > 0)
+ {
+ $cnt = 1;
+ while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names))
+ {
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ $profileName = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles".
+ " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ".
+ " VALUES ('$profileName', '$global_user_id', '$post_fields', '$post_recipients', NOW(), '$profileComment', '".$this->sid."' )";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert);
+ if (!$sqlQuery)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $pid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # polovimo obstoječe podatke
+ $s = "SELECT fields, respondents FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid ='$pid'";
+ $q = sisplet_query($s);
+ list($old_fields, $old_respondents) = mysqli_fetch_row($q);
+ # najprej polja
+ $old_fields = explode(',',$old_fields);
+ $post_fields = explode(',',$post_fields);
+ foreach ($post_fields AS $post_field )
+ {
+ #če polje še ni v bazi ga dodamo
+ if (!in_array($post_field, $old_fields))
+ {
+ $old_fields[] = $post_field;
+ }
+ }
+ # nato porihtamo podatke
+ $old_recipients_list = explode("\n", $old_respondents);
+ $new_recipients_list = explode("\n", $post_recipients);
+ foreach ($new_recipients_list AS $post_recipient )
+ {
+ #če polje še ni v bazi ga dodamo
+ if (!in_array($post_recipient, $old_recipients_list))
+ {
+ $old_recipients_list[] = $post_recipient;
+ }
+ }
+ # počistimo prazne
+ foreach ($old_recipients_list AS $k => $post_recipient )
+ {
+ if (is_null($post_recipient) || $post_recipient == '')
+ {
+ unset($old_recipients_list[$k]);
+ }
+ }
+ $post_fields = implode(",",$old_fields);;
+ $post_recipients = implode("\n",$old_recipients_list);
+ # updejtamo obstoječ profil
+ $sql_update = " UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles".
+ " SET fields = '$post_fields', respondents ='$post_recipients' WHERE pid = '$pid'";
+ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_update);
+ if (!$sqlQuery)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("COMMIT");
+ #vrnemo pid seznama (če smo kreirali nov seznam je tako now pid)
+ return $pid;
+ }
+ function showAdvancedConditions()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid);
+ $scp->setChooseAction('invitationSetCondition()');
+ $scp->displayConditions($_POST['cid']);
+ }
+ function setAdvancedCondition()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid);
+ SurveySession::set('invitationAdvancedConditionId', (int)$_POST['cid']);
+ $this->invitationAdvancedConditionId = (int)$_POST['cid'];
+ $this->viewRecipients();
+ }
+ function getConditionUserIds($cid = 0){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if ($cid > 0){
+ // Poskrbimo za datoteko s podatki
+ $SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ $SDF->init($this->sid);
+ $SDF->prepareFiles();
+ $headFileName = $SDF->getHeaderFileName();
+ $dataFileName = $SDF->getDataFileName();
+ $dataFileStatus = $SDF->getStatus();
+ if ($dataFileStatus >= 0){
+ $_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($headFileName));
+ SurveyConditionProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyConditionProfiles :: setHeader($_HEADERS);
+ $_condition_profile_AWK = SurveyConditionProfiles:: getAwkConditionString($cid);
+ if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $_command = 'gawk -F"'.STR_DLMT.'" "'.$_condition_profile_AWK.' { if ('.USER_ID_FIELD.'!=0) print \"$invUsrId[]=\",'.USER_ID_FIELD.',\";\" }" '.$dataFileName .' >> '. $dataFileName.'.tmp';
+ }
+ else {
+ $_command = 'awk -F"'.STR_DLMT.'" \' '.$_condition_profile_AWK.' { if ('.USER_ID_FIELD.'!=0) print "$invUsrId[]=",'.USER_ID_FIELD.',";" }\' '.$dataFileName .' >> '.$dataFileName.'.tmp';
+ }
+ $file_handler = fopen($dataFileName.'.tmp',"w");
+ fwrite($file_handler,"<?php\n");
+ fclose($file_handler);
+ $out = shell_exec($_command);
+ $file_handler = fopen($dataFileName.'.tmp',"a");
+ fwrite($file_handler,'?>');
+ fclose($file_handler);
+ include($dataFileName.'.tmp');
+ if (file_exists($dataFileName.'.tmp')) {
+ unlink($dataFileName.'.tmp');
+ }
+ if (is_array($invUsrId) && count($invUsrId) > 0){
+ return $invUsrId;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '!!!OLD DATA FILE!!!';
+ }
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ function advancedCondition()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<span id="conditionProfileNote" class="simple">';
+ echo $lang['srv_inv_condition_filter'].' ';
+ if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0)
+ {
+ $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid);
+ echo ' <strong>'.$scp->getConditionName((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId).'</strong> ';
+ $this->user_inv_ids = $this->getConditionUserIds($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId);
+ $note = $scp -> getConditionString($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId );
+ echo $note;
+ if (is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ echo '<span class="as_link spaceLeft" onclick="showInvitationAdvancedConditions(\''.(int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId.'\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_profile_edit'].'</span>';
+ echo '<span class="as_link spaceLeft" onclick="invitationSetCondition(\'0\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_profile_remove'].'</span>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo '<strong>'.$lang['srv_inv_condition_no_filter'].'</strong>';
+ echo '<a href="#" class="faicon if_add" onclick="showInvitationAdvancedConditions(); return false;" data-cid="'.(int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId.'">&nbsp;</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ function listCondition()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ # get all lists
+ $lists = $this->getSurveyInvitationLists(true);
+ $selected = (int)(isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['list']) ? (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] : -2);
+ echo '&nbsp;';
+ echo '<label>'.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_list'];
+ echo '<select id="inv_rec_filter_list" onchange="inv_filter_recipients();">';
+ foreach ($lists AS $list_id => $list)
+ {
+ echo '<option value="'.$list_id.'"'.((int)$selected == $list_id ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$list['name'].'</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select></label>';
+ }
+ function getSurveyInvitationLists($add_all = false)
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ # polovimo sezname
+ $lists = array();
+ if ($add_all)
+ {
+ $lists['-2'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_list_all']);
+ }
+ $lists['-1'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']);
+ $lists['0'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']);
+ $sql_string_lists = "SELECT * from srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid IN(SELECT i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '{$this->sid}' AND i.deleted = '0' GROUP BY i.list_id ORDER BY ";
+ $sql_query_lists = sisplet_query($sql_string_lists);
+ while ($row_lists = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_lists)) {
+ $lists[$row_lists['pid']] = array('name'=>$row_lists['name']);
+ }
+ return $lists;
+ }
+ function viewServerSettings(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ global $aai_instalacija;
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ echo '<form name="settingsanketa_' . $row['id'] . '" action="ajax.php?a=editanketasettings&m=inv_server" method="post" autocomplete="off">' . "\n\r";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="anketa" value="' . $this->sid . '" />' . "\n\r";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="' . $_GET['a'] . '" />' . "\n\r";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="submited" value="1" />' . "\n\r";
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation');
+ // Dostop za posiljanje mailov preko 1ka serverja
+ $enabled1ka = $MA->is1KA() ? true : false;
+ // Admini na testu, www in virtualkah imajo 1ka smtp
+ if(($admin_type == 0) && ($mysql_database_name == 'www1kasi' || $mysql_database_name == 'test1kasi' || $mysql_database_name == 'real1kasi'))
+ $enabled1ka = true;
+ // Squalo
+ $squalo = new SurveyInvitationsSqualo($this->sid);
+ if($squalo->getSqualoEnabled()){
+ // Vklop squalo
+ echo '<div class="squalo_switch"><p>';
+ echo '<span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_squalo'].':</span>&nbsp;';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="squalo_mode" value="0">';
+ echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="squalo_mode" id="squalo_mode" value="1" '.($squalo->getSqualoActive() ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').' style="vertical-align:-2px;" onclick="squaloSwitch();">';
+ echo $lang['srv_squalo_sending'].' </label>';
+ echo '</p></div>';
+ // Squalo nastavitve...
+ echo '<div class="squalo_settings '.(!$squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' displayNone' : '').'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_squalo_active'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izbira streznika
+ echo '<div class="mail_mode_switch '.($squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' displayNone' : '').'">';
+ // Opozorilo, ce imamo vklopljena vabila, da gre za iste nastavitve
+ echo '<p class="red bold">'.$lang['srv_email_server_settings_warning'].'</p>';
+ // Izbira SMTP streznika
+ echo '<span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_email_setting_select_server'].'</span>&nbsp;';
+ // AAI ima Arnesov smtp
+ if($aai_instalacija){
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPMailMode" value="0" '.($MA->is1KA() ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').' onclick="smtpAAIPopupShow();">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_adapter0_aai']. ' </label>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPMailMode" value="0" '.($MA->is1KA() ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').' '.($enabled1ka ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"').' onclick="$(\'#send_mail_mode1, #send_mail_mode2\').hide();$(\'#send_mail_mode0\').show();">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_adapter0']. ' </label>';
+ }
+ // Google smtp je viden samo starim, kjer je ze vklopljen
+ if($MA->isGoogle()){
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPMailMode" value="1" '.($MA->isGoogle() ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').' onclick="$(\'#send_mail_mode0, #send_mail_mode2\').hide(); $(\'#send_mail_mode1\').show();">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_adapter1'].' </label>';
+ }
+ // Lastni smtp
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPMailMode" value="2" '.($MA->isSMTP() ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').' onclick="$(\'#send_mail_mode0, #send_mail_mode1\').hide(); $(\'#send_mail_mode2\').show();">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_adapter2'].' </label>';
+ echo Help :: display('srv_mail_mode');
+ echo '</div>';
+ #1KA
+ $enkaSettings = $MA->get1KASettings($raziskave=true);
+ echo '<div id="send_mail_mode0" '.(!$MA->is1KA() || $squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<br /><span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_email_setting_settings'].'</span>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ # from
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_from'].'<span>'.$enkaSettings['SMTPFrom'].'</span><input type="hidden" name="SMTPFrom0" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPFrom'].'"></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ # replyTo
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_reply'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPReplyTo0" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPReplyTo'].'" ></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #delay
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_smtp_delay'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_delay').': <select name="SMTPDelay0">'
+ /*. '<option value="0" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="0"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0 </option>'
+ . '<option value="10000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="10000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.01 sec (max 100 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="20000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="20000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.02 sec (max 50 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="50000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="50000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.05 sec (max 20 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="100000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="100000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.1 sec (max 10 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="200000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="200000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.2 sec (max 5 / sec)</option>'*/
+ . '<option value="500000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="500000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.5 sec (max 2 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="1000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="1000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>1 sec (max 1 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="2000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="2000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>2 sec (max 30 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="4000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="4000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>4 sec (max 15 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="5000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="5000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>5 sec (max 12 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="10000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="10000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>10 sec (max 6 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="20000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="20000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>20 sec (max 3 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="30000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="30000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>30 sec (max 2 / min)</option>'
+ . '</select></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ #GMAIL - Google
+ $enkaSettings = $MA->getGoogleSettings();
+ echo '<div id="send_mail_mode1" '.(!$MA->isGoogle() || $squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<br /><span class="italic">'.$lang['srv_email_setting_adapter1_note'].'</span><br />';
+ echo '<br /><span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_email_setting_settings'].'</span><br />';
+ # from
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_from'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPFrom1" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPFrom'].'"></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ # replyTo
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_reply'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPReplyTo1" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPReplyTo'].'" ></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #Password
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_password'].'<input type="password" name="SMTPPassword1" placeholder="'.$lang['srv_email_setting_password_placeholder'].'"></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ $enkaSettings = $MA->getSMTPSettings();
+ echo '<div id="send_mail_mode2" '.(!$MA->isSMTP() || $squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<br /><span class="italic">'.$lang['srv_email_setting_adapter2_note'].'</span><br />';
+ echo '<br /><span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_email_setting_settings'].'</span><br />';
+ # from - NICE
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_from_nice'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPFromNice2" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPFromNice'].'"></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ # from
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_from'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPFrom2" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPFrom'].'"></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ # replyTo
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_reply'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPReplyTo2" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPReplyTo'].'" ></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #Username
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_username'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPUsername2" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPUsername'].'" ></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #Password
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_password'].'<input type="password" name="SMTPPassword2" placeholder="'.$lang['srv_email_setting_password_placeholder'].'"></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #autentikacija
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_autentication'];
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPAuth2" value="0" '.((int)$enkaSettings['SMTPAuth'] != 1 ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_no'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPAuth2" value="1" '.((int)$enkaSettings['SMTPAuth'] == 1 ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_yes'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #Varnost SMTPSecure
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_encryption'];
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPSecure2" value="0" '.((int)$enkaSettings['SMTPSecure'] == 0 ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_encryption_none'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPSecure2" value="ssl" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPSecure'] == 'ssl' ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_encryption_ssl'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label><input type="radio" name="SMTPSecure2" value="tls" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPSecure'] == 'tls' ? 'checked ="checked" ' : '').'>';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_encryption_tls'].'</label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #port
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_port'].'<input type="number" min="0" max="65535" name="SMTPPort2" value="'.(int)$enkaSettings['SMTPPort'].'" style="width:80px;"></label>';
+ echo ' '.$lang['srv_email_setting_port_note'];
+ echo '</p>';
+ #host
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_host'].'<input type="text" name="SMTPHost2" value="'.$enkaSettings['SMTPHost'].'" ></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ #delay
+ echo '<p><label>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_smtp_delay'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_delay').': <select name="SMTPDelay2">'
+ /*. '<option value="0" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="0"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0 </option>'
+ . '<option value="10000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="10000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.01 sec (max 100 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="20000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="20000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.02 sec (max 50 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="50000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="50000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.05 sec (max 20 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="100000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="100000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.1 sec (max 10 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="200000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="200000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.2 sec (max 5 / sec)</option>'*/
+ . '<option value="500000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="500000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>0.5 sec (max 2 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="1000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="1000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>1 sec (max 1 / sec)</option>'
+ . '<option value="2000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="2000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>2 sec (max 30 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="4000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="4000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>4 sec (max 15 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="5000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="5000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>5 sec (max 12 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="10000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="10000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>10 sec (max 6 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="20000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="20000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>20 sec (max 3 / min)</option>'
+ . '<option value="30000000" '.($enkaSettings['SMTPDelay']=="30000000"?'selected="selected"':'') .'>30 sec (max 2 / min)</option>'
+ . '</select></label>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ // Gumb shrani
+ echo '<span class="floatRight" ><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange btn_savesettings" href="#" onclick="document.settingsanketa_' . $row['id'] . '.submit(); return false;">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_btn_save'] . '</a></div></span>';
+ // Gumb preveri nastavitve
+ echo '<span id="send_mail_mode_test" class="floatRight spaceRight '.($squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' displayNone' : '').'"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_green" href="#" onclick="showTestSurveySMTP(); return false;">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_btn_test'].'</a></div></span>';
+ if ($_GET['s'] == '1') {
+ echo '<div id="success_save" style="float:left; display:inline; margin: -2px 0 0 0;"></div>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() {show_success_save();});</script>';
+ }
+ }
+ // V session nastavimo nastavitev da se posilja z/brez email posiljanja
+ function setNoEmailing(){
+ if(isset($_POST['value'])){
+ SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid);
+ SurveySession::set('inv_noEmailing', (int)$_POST['value']);
+ // Ce preklopimo na drugo posiljanje (posta, sms...) moramo tudi preklopiti na rocni vnos kode
+ if($_POST['value'] == '1'){
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET usercode_required='1' WHERE id='".$this->sid."'");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // V session nastavimo tip posiljanja (ce ni email - posta, sms, drugo...)
+ function setNoEmailingType(){
+ if(isset($_POST['value'])){
+ SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid);
+ SurveySession::set('inv_noEmailing_type', (int)$_POST['value']);
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikazemo popup za vklop arnes smtp-ja na aai
+ private function showAAISmtpPopup(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div class="popup_close"><a href="#" onClick="quick_title_edit_cancel(); return false;">✕</a></div>';
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_adapter0_aai_title'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<div class="popup_content">';
+ echo $lang['srv_email_setting_adapter0_aai_popup'];
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" id="aai_smtp_checkbox" name="aai_smtp_checkbox" class="pointer" onClick="smtpAAIAccept();">';
+ echo ' <label for="aai_smtp_checkbox"><b>'.$lang['srv_email_setting_adapter0_aai_popup2'].'</b></label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="buttons_holder">';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceLeft" id="aai_smtp_button" style="display:none;" title="'.$lang['srv_save_profile_yes'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onClick="smtpAAISet(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_save_profile_yes'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="buttonwrapper floatRight" title="'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="smtpAAIPopupClose(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_cancel'].'</span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }