path: root/admin/survey/classes/surveyAnalysis/class.SurveyBreak.php
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /admin/survey/classes/surveyAnalysis/class.SurveyBreak.php
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/surveyAnalysis/class.SurveyBreak.php')
1 files changed, 1578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/surveyAnalysis/class.SurveyBreak.php b/admin/survey/classes/surveyAnalysis/class.SurveyBreak.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2a829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/surveyAnalysis/class.SurveyBreak.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1578 @@
+/** Class ki skrbi za T-test
+ * December 2011
+ *
+ *
+ * Enter description here ...
+ * @author Gorazd_Veselic
+ *
+ */
+define("EXPORT_FOLDER", "admin/survey/SurveyData");
+define("BREAK_OPTION_LIMIT", 15);
+class SurveyBreak
+ private $sid; # id ankete
+ private $db_table; # katere tabele uporabljamo
+ public $_HEADERS = array(); # shranimo podatke vseh variabel
+ private $headFileName = null; # pot do header fajla
+ private $dataFileStatus = null; # status data datoteke
+ private $SDF = null; # class za inkrementalno dodajanje fajlov
+ public $variablesList = null; # Seznam vseh variabel nad katerimi lahko izvajamo break(zakeširamo)
+ public $_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER = ''; # filter po statusih, privzeto izvažamo 6 in 5
+ public $_HAS_TEST_DATA = false; # ali anketa vsebuje testne podatke
+ public $break_percent = false; # ali prikazujemo procente
+ public $break_charts = 0; # ali prikazujemo 0->tabele ali 1->grafe
+ private $sessionData; # podatki ki so bili prej v sessionu - za nastavitve, ki se prenasajo v izvoze...
+ private $SurveyAnaliza; # klas analiza
+ private $SurveyCrosstab; # klas Crosstab
+ private $decimal_point = ',';
+ private $thousands = '.';
+ private $num_digit_average = NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE;
+ private $num_digit_percent = NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT;
+ function __construct($sid) {
+ if ((int)$sid > 0) {
+ $this->sid = $sid;
+ SurveyAnalysisHelper::getInstance()->Init($this->sid);
+ # polovimo vrsto tabel (aktivne / neaktivne)
+ SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->sid);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) {
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ }
+ #inicializiramo class za datoteke
+ $this->SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
+ $this->SDF->init($this->sid);
+ $this->headFileName = $this->SDF->getHeaderFileName();
+ $this->dataFileStatus = $this->SDF->getStatus();
+ # Inicializiramo in polovimo nastavitve missing profila
+ SurveyStatusProfiles::Init($this->sid);
+ SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyStatusProfiles::Init($this->sid);
+ SurveyMissingProfiles :: Init($this->sid,$global_user_id);
+ SurveyConditionProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyZankaProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyTimeProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyVariablesProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id);
+ SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: Init($this->sid);
+ # polovimo decimalna mesta in vejice za tisočice
+ $this->decimal_point = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('decimal_point');
+ $this->thousands = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('thousands');
+ $this->num_digit_average = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE');
+ $this->num_digit_percent = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_PERCENT');
+ // preberemo nastavitve iz baze (prej v sessionu)
+ SurveyUserSession::Init($this->sid);
+ $this->sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData();
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED){
+ Common::noDataAlert();
+ exit();
+ }
+ if ($this->headFileName !== null && $this->headFileName != '') {
+ $this->_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->headFileName));
+ }
+ $this->SurveyAnaliza = new SurveyAnalysis();
+ $this->SurveyAnaliza->Init($this->sid);
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab = new SurveyCrosstabs();
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->Init($this->sid);
+ # nastavimo vse filtre
+ $this->setUpFilter();
+ } else {
+ echo 'Invalid Survey ID!';
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ function ajax() {
+ # spremenljivko in sekvenco shranimo v session
+ if (isset($_POST['spr'])) {
+ $this->sessionData['break']['spr'] = $_POST['spr'];
+ if (isset($_POST['seq'])) {
+ $this->sessionData['break']['seq'] = $_POST['seq'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Shranimo spremenjene nastavitve v bazo
+ SurveyUserSession::saveData($this->sessionData);
+ # izvedemo akcijo
+ switch ($_GET['a']) {
+ case 'spremenljivkaChange':
+ $this->doBreakForSpremenljivka();
+ break;
+ case 'change_break_percent':
+ $this->setSessionPercent();
+ break;
+ break;
+ case 'change_break_charts':
+ $this->setSessionCharts();
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r("<pre>");
+ print_r($_GET);
+ print_r($_POST);
+ print_r("</pre>");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Funkcija ki nastavi vse filtre
+ *
+ */
+ private function setUpFilter() {
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA
+ || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE
+ || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED){
+ return false;
+ }
+ # ali prikazujemo procente
+ $this->break_percent = (isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_percent']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ # poiščemo kater profil uporablja uporabnik
+ $_currentMissingProfile = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_missing_profile');
+ $this->currentMissingProfile = (isset($_currentMissingProfile) ? $_currentMissingProfile : 1);
+ # filtriranje po statusih
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsAWKString();
+ # filtriranje po časih
+ $_time_profile_awk = SurveyTimeProfiles :: getFilterForAWK($this->_HEADERS['unx_ins_date']['grids']['0']['variables']['0']['sequence']);
+ # dodamo še ife
+ SurveyConditionProfiles :: setHeader($this->_HEADERS);
+ $_condition_profile_AWK = SurveyConditionProfiles:: getAwkConditionString();
+ if (($_condition_profile_AWK != "" && $_condition_profile_AWK != null ) || ($_time_profile_awk != "" && $_time_profile_awk != null)) {
+ if ($_condition_profile_AWK != "" && $_condition_profile_AWK != null ) {
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER .= ' && '.$_condition_profile_AWK;
+ }
+ if ($_time_profile_awk != "" && $_time_profile_awk != null) {
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER .= ' && '.$_time_profile_awk;
+ }
+ $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER .= ')';
+ }
+ $status_filter = $this->_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER;
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_OK || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_OLD) {
+ if (isset($this->_HEADERS['testdata'])) {
+ $this->_HAS_TEST_DATA = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Display() {
+ global $lang;
+ # ali imamo testne podatke
+ if ($this->_HAS_TEST_DATA) {
+ # izrišemo bar za testne podatke
+ $SSH = new SurveyStaticHtml($this->sid);
+ $SSH -> displayTestDataBar(true);
+ }
+ /*echo '<div id="dataOnlyValid">';
+ SurveyStatusProfiles::displayOnlyValidCheckbox();
+ echo '</div>';*/
+ # ali prikazujemo tabele ali grafe
+ $this->break_charts = (isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts'] == 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ //$this->DisplayLinks();
+ //$this->DisplayFilters();
+ echo '<div id="div_break_data">';
+ $this->displayData();
+ echo '</div>'; #id="div_break_data"
+ }
+ function DisplayLinks() {
+ # izrišemo navigacijo za analize
+ $SSH = new SurveyStaticHtml($this->sid);
+ $SSH -> displayAnalizaSubNavigation();
+ }
+ /** Prikazuje filtre
+ *
+ */
+ function DisplayFilters() {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED || $this->dataFileStatus == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($this->setUpJSAnaliza == true) {
+ echo '<script>
+ window.onload = function() {
+ __analiza = 1;
+ __tabele = 1;
+ }
+ </script>';
+ }
+ # izrišemo navigacijo za analize
+ $SSH = new SurveyStaticHtml($this->sid);
+ # izrišemo desne linke do posameznih nastavitev
+ $SSH -> displayAnalizaRightOptions(M_ANALYSIS_BREAK);
+ }
+ function displayData() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div id="break_variables">';
+ $variables = $this->getVariableList(2);
+ echo '<span id="breakSpremenljivkaSpan" class="floatLeft spaceRight">';
+ echo $lang['srv_break_label1'];
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<select id="breakSpremenljivka" name="breakSpremenljivka" onchange="breakSpremenljivkaChange();" autocomplete="off">';
+ echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_break_select1_option'] . '</option>';
+ if (count($variables)) {
+ foreach ($variables as $variable) {
+ echo '<option value="'.$variable['spr_id'].'"'
+ . ( isset($variable['sequence']) ? ' seq="'.$variable['sequence'].'" ' : '')
+ . (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
+ .($this->sessionData['break']['seq'] == $variable['sequence'] && (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1 ? ' selected="selected"':'')
+ . '> '
+ . ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? '&nbsp;&nbsp;' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' ))
+ . $variable['variableNaslov'] . '</option>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</select>'; # name="breakSpremenljivka"
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<span id="div_crossCheck" class="floatLeft spaceLeft" style="margin-top:14px;">' ;
+ $this->displayLinePercent();
+ $this->displayLineCharts(); // V DELU...
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '<br class="clr" />';
+ echo '</div>'; # id="break_variables"
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['break']['spr']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['spr'] > 0
+ && isset($this->sessionData['break']['seq']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['seq'] > 0) {
+ echo '<div id="breakResults" >';
+ $this->doBreakForSpremenljivka();
+ echo '</div>'; # id="breakResults"
+ } else {
+ echo '<div id="breakResults" />';
+ }
+ }
+ /** funkcija vrne seznam primern variabel za crostabe
+ *
+ */
+ function getVariableList($witch) {
+ # pobrišemo array()
+ $this->variablesList = array();
+ # zloopamo skozi header in dodamo variable (potrebujemo posamezne sekvence)
+ foreach ($this->_HEADERS AS $skey => $spremenljivka) {
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ {
+ #drugi dropdown
+ # tekstovnih in numeričnih tipov ne dodajamo
+ $_dropdown_condition = is_numeric($tip)
+ #&& $tip != 2# checkbox - 21.11.2012 baje mormo checkboxe p
+ && $tip != 4 #text
+ && $tip != 5 #label
+ && $tip != 7 #number
+ && $tip != 8 #datum
+ && $tip != 9 #SN-imena
+ && $tip != 16 #multicheck
+ && $tip != 18 #vsota
+ && $tip != 19 #multitext
+ && $tip != 20 #multinumber
+ && $tip != 21 #besedilo*
+ && $tip != 22 #compute
+ && $tip != 25 #kvota
+ ? true : false;
+ }
+ if ($_dropdown_condition) {
+ $cnt_all = (int)$spremenljivka['cnt_all'];
+ # radio in select in checkbox
+ if ($cnt_all == '1' || $tip == 1 || $tip == 3 || $tip == 2) {
+ # pri tipu radio ali select dodamo tisto variablo ki ni polje "drugo"
+ if ($tip == 1 || $tip == 3 ) {
+ if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) == 1 ) {
+ # če imamo samo en grid ( lahko je več variabel zaradi polja drugo.
+ $grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][0];
+ if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ # imampo samo eno sekvenco grids[0]variables[0]
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'sequence'=>$spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][$vid]['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ($tip == 2){
+ if ($witch == 1) {
+ #pri checkboxu ponudimo vsako podvariablo posebej
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>false,
+ 'sub'=>0);
+ # imampo samo eno sekvenco grids[0]
+ if (count ($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'vr_id'=>$vid,
+ 'sequence'=>$variable['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$variable['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($variable['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # imampo samo eno sekvenco grids[0]variables[0]
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'sequence'=>$spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][0]['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # imampo samo eno sekvenco grids[0]variables[0]
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'sequence'=>$spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][0]['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>0);
+ }
+ } else if ($cnt_all > 1){
+ # imamo več skupin ali podskupin, zato zlopamo skozi gride in variable
+ if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0 ) {
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>false,
+ 'sub'=>0);
+ # ali imamo en grid, ali več (tabele
+ if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) == 1 ) {
+ # če imamo samo en grid ( lahko je več variabel zaradi polja drugo.
+ $grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][0];
+ if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'sequence'=>$variable['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$variable['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($variable['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if($tip == 16||$tip == 18) {
+ # imamo multicheckbox
+ foreach($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ $sub = 0;
+ if ($grid['variable'] != '') {
+ $sub++;
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'grd_id'=>$gid,
+ 'sequence'=>$grid['variables'][0]['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$grid['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($grid['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # imamo več gridov - tabele
+ foreach($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ $sub = 0;
+ if ($grid['variable'] != '') {
+ $sub++;
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$grid['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($grid['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>false,
+ 'sub'=>$sub);
+ }
+ if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) {
+ $sub++;
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $this->variablesList[] = array(
+ 'tip'=>$tip,
+ 'spr_id'=>$skey,
+ 'sequence'=>$variable['sequence'],
+ 'variableNaslov'=>'('.$variable['variable'].')&nbsp;'.strip_tags($variable['naslov']),
+ 'canChoose'=>true,
+ 'sub'=>$sub);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->variablesList;
+ }
+ function doBreakForSpremenljivka() {
+ global $lang;
+ # ali prikazujemo procente
+ $this->break_percent = isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_percent']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'] == 1 ? true : false;
+ $this->break_charts = isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (isset($this->sessionData['break']['spr']) && $this->sessionData['break']['spr'] != 0){
+ $_spr = explode('_',$this->sessionData['break']['spr']);
+ $spr = $this->sessionData['break']['spr'];
+ # poiščemo pripadajoče variable
+ $_spr_data = $this->_HEADERS[$this->sessionData['break']['spr']];
+ # poiščemo sekvenco
+ $sekvenca = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'];
+ # poiščemo opcije
+ $opcije = $_spr_data['options'];
+ # izrisemo ikone za izvoz pdf/rtf
+ $this->displayExport($spr, $sekvenca);
+ if ((int)$_spr_data['tip'] != 2) {
+ $seqences[] = $sekvenca;
+ $options = $opcije;
+ } else {
+ # za checkboxe imamo več sekvenc
+ $seqences = explode('_',$_spr_data['sequences']);
+ $options[1] = $opcije[1];
+ }
+ # za vsako opcijo posebej izračunamo povprečja za vse spremenljivke
+ $frequencys = array();
+ if (count($seqences) > 0) {
+ foreach ($seqences as $seq) {
+ if (count($options) > 0) {
+ foreach ($options as $oKey => $option) {
+ # zloopamo skozi variable
+ $oKeyfrequencys = $this->getAllFrequencys($oKey, $seq, $spr);
+ if ($oKeyfrequencys != null) {
+ $frequencys[$seq][$oKey] = $oKeyfrequencys;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->displayBreak($spr,$frequencys);
+ } else {
+ echo '<br class="clr">';
+ echo '<p class="red strong">'.$lang['srv_break_error_note_1'].'</p>';
+ }
+ }
+ /** za posamezno opcijo izračunamo frekvence za vse spremenljivke
+ *
+ * @param unknown_type $oKey
+ * @param unknown_type $seq
+ */
+ function getAllFrequencys($oKey, $seq, $spr) {
+ $result = null;
+ # sestavimo dodaten awk filter
+ $awk_filter = $this->getAwkFilter($oKey, $seq, $spr);
+ if ($awk_filter != null) {
+ # pridobimo frekvence
+ $this->SurveyAnaliza->setUpFilter();
+ $this->SurveyAnaliza->frequencyAddInvalid(false);
+ $result = $this->SurveyAnaliza->getFrequencys($awk_filter);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function getAwkFilter($oKey, $seq, $spr) {
+ $result = null;
+ $_spr_data = $this->_HEADERS[$spr];
+ $tip = $_spr_data['tip'];
+ $result = '$'.$seq.'=='.$oKey;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function formatNumber ($value, $digit = 0, $sufix = "") {
+ if ($value <> 0 && $value != null)
+ $result = round($value, $digit);
+ else
+ $result = "0";
+ $result = number_format($result, $digit, $this->decimal_point, $this->thousands) . $sufix;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function displayBreak($forSpr, $frequencys) {
+ ob_start(); // outer buffer
+ # če imamo filter spremenljivk ga izpišemo
+ echo '<br/>';
+ # če ne uporabljamo privzetega časovnega profila izpišemo opozorilo
+ SurveyTimeProfiles :: printIsDefaultProfile(false);
+ # če imamo filter ifov ga izpišemo
+ SurveyConditionProfiles:: getConditionString();
+ # če imamo filter spremenljivk ga izpišemo
+ SurveyVariablesProfiles:: getProfileString(true);
+ SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getVariableTypeNote();
+ # filtriranje po spremenljivkah
+ $_FILTRED_VARIABLES = SurveyVariablesProfiles::getProfileVariables(SurveyVariablesProfiles::checkDefaultProfile(), true);
+ foreach ($this->_HEADERS AS $skey => $spremenljivka) {
+ if ((int)$spremenljivka['hide_system'] == 1 && in_array($spremenljivka['variable'],array('email','ime','priimek','telefon','naziv','drugo'))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $spremenljivka['id'] = $skey;
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ if ( is_numeric($tip)
+ && $tip != 4 #text
+ && $tip != 5 #label
+ && $tip != 8 #datum
+ && $tip != 9 #SN-imena
+ && $tip != 19 #multitext
+ && $tip != 21 #besedilo*
+ && ( count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) == 0 || (count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) > 0 && isset($_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$skey]) ))
+ ) {
+ $this->displayBreakSpremenljivka($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ } else if ( is_numeric($tip)
+ && (
+ $tip == 4 #text
+ || $tip == 19 #multitext
+ || $tip == 21 #besedilo*
+ || $tip == 20 #multi numer*
+ ) && ( count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) == 0 || (count($_FILTRED_VARIABLES) > 0 && isset($_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$skey]) ) )
+ ) {
+ $this->displayBreakSpremenljivka($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ }
+ ob_end_flush();
+ }
+ // Izpisemo nastavitve na dnu (izvozi, arhiv, vabila...)
+ $this->displayBottomSettings();
+ }
+ function displayBreakSpremenljivka($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka) {
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ if ($forSpr != $spremenljivka['id']) {
+ switch ($tip) {
+ # radio, dropdown
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ $this->displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ #multigrid
+ case 6:
+ $skala = Common::getSpremenljivkaSkala($spremenljivka['id']);
+ if ($skala == 0) {
+ $this->displayBreakTableMgrid($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ }
+ break;
+ # checkbox
+ case 2:
+ $this->displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ #number
+ case 7:
+ #ranking
+ case 17:
+ #vsota
+ case 18:
+ #multinumber
+ case 20:
+ $this->displayBreakTableNumber($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break ;
+ case 19:
+ $this->displayBreakTableText($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break ;
+ #multicheck
+ case 16:
+ $this->displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 21:
+ # po novem besedilo izpisujemo v klasični tabeli
+ $this->displayBreakTableText($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ #$this->displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function displayBreakTableMgrid($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka){
+ #mgrid - 16:
+ // Ce izrisujemo graf
+ if($this->break_charts == 1){
+ $tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->sid, $this, 'break');
+ $tableChart->setBreakVariables($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ $tableChart->display();
+ }
+ // Ce izrisujemo tabelo
+ else{
+ $keysCount = count($frequencys);
+ $sequences = explode('_',$spremenljivka['sequences']);
+ $forSpremenljivka = $this->_HEADERS[$forSpr];
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ # izračunamo povprečja za posamezne sekvence
+ $means = array();
+ $totalMeans = array();
+ $totalFreq = array();
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $options) {
+ foreach ($options AS $oKey => $option) {
+ foreach ($sequences AS $sequence) {
+ $txt = $this->getMeansFromKey($option[$sequence]);
+ if ($txt) {
+ $cnt[$fkey]++;
+ $means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence] = $txt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ce imamo vec kot 20 kategorij,izpisujemo samo tiste ki imajo vrednosti
+ $displayAll = (count($options) > 20) ? false : true;
+ echo '<div id="'.$spremenljivka['id'].'" class="breakTableDiv">';
+ if (isset($spremenljivka['double']) && $spremenljivka['double'] > 1) {
+ $doubleGridParts = $spremenljivka['double'];
+ $multiply = 1;
+ $isDoubleGrid = true;
+ } else {
+ $doubleGridParts[1]['subtitle'] = '';
+ $multiply = 2;
+ $isDoubleGrid = false;
+ }
+ # če imamo dvojno tabelo
+ $rowspan = ' rowspan="3"';
+ $colspan = ' colspan="'.($multiply*count($sequences)).'"';
+ foreach ($doubleGridParts AS $part => $doubleGridTitle) {
+ echo '<br/>';
+ # če ni multicheck in multi grid
+ echo '<table>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th'.$rowspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $forSpr . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th'.$colspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $spremenljivka['id'] . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ if (isset ($doubleGridTitle['subtitle'])) {
+ echo ' - '.$doubleGridTitle['subtitle'];
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ if ($isDoubleGrid == false || ($isDoubleGrid == true && $grid['part'] == $part)) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub" colspan="2">';
+ echo $variable['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$variable['variable'].')';
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ if ($isDoubleGrid == false || ($isDoubleGrid == true && $grid['part'] == $part)) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub">Povprečje'.$lang[''];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th class="sub red">Št. enot'.$lang[''];
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cnt=0;
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ $cbxLabel = $forSpremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][$cnt]['naslov'];
+ $cnt++;
+ foreach ($options AS $oKey => $option) {
+ if ($means[$fkey][$oKey] != null || $displayAll) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td'.$break_percentRowSpan.' class="rsdl_bck_variable1">';
+ if ($forSpremenljivka['tip'] == 2) {
+ echo $cbxLabel;
+ } else {
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['options'][$oKey];
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ $css = '';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ if ($isDoubleGrid == false || ($isDoubleGrid == true && $grid['part'] == $part)) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ echo '<td'.$css.$break_percentRowSpan.'>';
+ echo $this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence],$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ # enote
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ echo (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ $totalMeans[$sequence] += ($means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]*(int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt']);
+ $totalFreq[$sequence]+= (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #dodamo še skupno sumo in povprečje
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="rsdl_bck_variable1 red">';
+ echo 'Skupaj';
+ echo '</td>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ if ($isDoubleGrid == false || ($isDoubleGrid == true && $grid['part'] == $part)) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ $totalMean = $totalFreq[$sequence] > 0 ? $totalMeans[$sequence] / $totalFreq[$sequence] : 0;
+ echo $this->formatNumber($totalMean ,$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ # enote
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ echo (int)$totalFreq[$sequence];
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';//$forSpremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables']
+ }
+ // Zvezdica za vkljucitev v porocilo
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'].'-'. $this->sessionData['break']['spr'].'-undefined';
+ $spr2 = $spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][0]['sequence'].'-'.$spremenljivka['id'].'-undefined';
+ SurveyAnalysisHelper::getInstance()->addCustomReportElement($type=9, $sub_type=0, $spr1, $spr2);
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ function displayBreakTableNumber($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka){
+ #number - 7:
+ #ranking - 17:
+ #vsota - 18:
+ #multinumber - 20:
+ $keysCount = count($frequencys);
+ $sequences = explode('_',$spremenljivka['sequences']);
+ $forSpremenljivka = $this->_HEADERS[$forSpr];
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ # izračunamo povprečja za posamezne sekvence
+ $means = array();
+ $totalMeans = array();
+ $totalFreq = array();
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $options) {
+ foreach ($options AS $oKey => $option) {
+ foreach ($sequences AS $sequence) {
+ $txt = $this->getMeansFromKey($option[$sequence]);
+ if ($txt) {
+ $means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence] = $txt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ce imamo vec kot 20 kategorij,izpisujemo samo tiste ki imajo vrednosti
+ $displayAll = (count($options) > 20) ? false : true;
+ // Ce izrisujemo graf
+ if($this->break_charts == 1){
+ // Number, vsota, ranking graf
+ if($tip != 20 ){
+ $tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->sid, $this, 'break');
+ $tableChart->setBreakVariables($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ $tableChart->display();
+ }
+ // Multinumber graf
+ else{
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ // Izrisujemo samo 1 graf v creportu
+ if($_GET['m'] == 'analysis_creport'){
+ if($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] == $gkey){
+ $tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->sid, $this, 'break');
+ $tableChart->setBreakVariables($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ $tableChart->display();
+ }
+ }
+ // Izrisujemo vse zaporedne grafe
+ else{
+ $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] = $gkey;
+ $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence'] = $grid['variables'][0]['sequence'];
+ $tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->sid, $this, 'break');
+ $tableChart->setBreakVariables($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka);
+ $tableChart->display();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce izrisujemo tabelo
+ else{
+ echo '<div id="'.$spremenljivka['id'].'" class="breakTableDiv">';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ # za multi number naredimo po skupinah
+ if ($tip != 20 ) {
+ $rowspan = ' rowspan="3"';
+ $colspan = ' colspan="'.(2*count($sequences)).'"';
+ # ali prikazujemo procente
+ if ((int)$this->break_percent > 0) {
+ $break_percentRowSpan = ' rowspan="2"';
+ }
+ # če ni multicheck in multi grid
+ echo '<table>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th'.$rowspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $forSpr . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th'.$colspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $spremenljivka['id'] . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$spremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub" colspan="2">';
+ echo $variable['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$variable['variable'].')';
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub">Povprečje'.$lang[''];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th class="sub red">Št. enot'.$lang[''];
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ foreach ($options AS $oKey => $option) {
+ if ($displayAll || $means[$fkey][$oKey] != null) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td'.$break_percentRowSpan.' class="rsdl_bck_variable1">';
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['options'][$oKey];
+ echo '</td>';
+ $css = '';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ echo '<td'.$css.$break_percentRowSpan.'>';
+ echo $this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence],$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ #echo $this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$sequence],SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('NUM_DIGIT_AVERAGE'),'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ # enote
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ echo (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ #echo (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ #$totalMeans[$sequence] += ($this->getMeansFromKey($fkeyFrequency[$sequence])*(int)$frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt']);
+ #$totalFreq[$sequence]+= (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ $totalMeans[$sequence] += ($means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]*(int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt']);
+ $totalFreq[$sequence]+= (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ if ((int)$this->break_percent) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ echo '<td class="">';
+ #echo (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ $percent = 0;
+ if ($frequencys[$fkey][$sequence]['validCnt'] > 0 ) {
+ $percent = 100;
+ }
+ echo $this->formatNumber($percent,$this->num_digit_percent,'%');
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #dodamo še skupno sumo in povprečje
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="rsdl_bck_variable1">';
+ echo $lang[''].'Skupaj';
+ echo '</td>';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ $totalMean = $totalFreq[$sequence] > 0 ? $totalMeans[$sequence] / $totalFreq[$sequence] : 0;
+ echo $this->formatNumber($totalMean ,$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ # enote
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ echo (int)$totalFreq[$sequence];
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ // Zvezdica za vkljucitev v porocilo
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'].'-'. $this->sessionData['break']['spr'].'-undefined';
+ $spr2 = $spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][0]['sequence'].'-'.$spremenljivka['id'].'-undefined';
+ #xxxxx
+ SurveyAnalysisHelper::getInstance()->addCustomReportElement($type=9, $sub_type=0, $spr1, $spr2);
+ } else if ($tip == 20){
+ # za multi number razdelimo na grupe - skupine
+ $rowspan = ' rowspan="3"';
+ $colspan = ' colspan="'.(2*count($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'])).'"';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ // Ce smo v porocilu po meri in ni prava tabela jo preskocimo
+ if(isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key']) && $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] != $gkey){
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Ce smo v porocilu po meri in je prava tabelo jo izpisemo brez naslova
+ if(!isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence'])){
+ echo '<br/><b>'.$lang['srv_break_table_for'];
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov'].' (';
+ echo $spremenljivka['variable'].') = ';
+ echo $grid['naslov'];
+ echo ' ('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ echo '</b>';
+ }
+ echo '<table>';
+ #labele
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th'.$rowspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $forSpr . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th'.$colspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $spremenljivka['id'] . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov']. ' - ';
+ echo $grid['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo'</tr>';
+ #labele
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub" colspan="2">';
+ echo $variable['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$variable['variable'].')';
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub">Povprečje'.$lang[''];
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th class="sub red">Št. enot'.$lang[''];
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cnt=0;
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ $cbxLabel = $forSpremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][$cnt]['naslov'];
+ $cnt++;
+ foreach ($forSpremenljivka['options'] AS $oKey => $option) {
+ if ($displayAll || $means[$fkey][$oKey] != null) {
+ # če je osnova checkbox vzamemo samo tam ko je 1
+ if(($forSpremenljivka['tip'] == 2 && $option == 1) || $forSpremenljivka['tip'] != 2 ) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td'.$break_percentRowSpan.' class="rsdl_bck_variable1">';
+ if ($forSpremenljivka['tip'] == 2) {
+ echo $cbxLabel;
+ } else {
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['options'][$oKey];
+ }
+ #echo ' ('.$oKey.')';
+ echo '</td>';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ #povprečje
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo $this->formatNumber($means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence],$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ # enote
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ echo (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ echo '</td>';
+ $totalMeans[$sequence] += ($means[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]*(int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt']);
+ $totalFreq[$sequence]+= (int)$frequencys[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence]['validCnt'];
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #dodamo še skupno sumo in povprečje
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td class="rsdl_bck_variable1">';
+ echo 'Skupaj';
+ echo '</td>';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
+ #povprečja
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ $totalMean = $totalFreq[$sequence] > 0 ? $totalMeans[$sequence] / $totalFreq[$sequence] : 0;
+ echo $this->formatNumber($totalMean ,$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ # enote
+ echo '<td class="red strong">';
+ echo (int)$totalFreq[$sequence];
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ // Zvezdica za vkljucitev v porocilo
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'].'-'. $this->sessionData['break']['spr'].'-undefined';
+ $spr2 = $grid['variables'][0]['sequence'].'-'.$spremenljivka['id'].'-undefined';
+ SurveyAnalysisHelper::getInstance()->addCustomReportElement($type=9, $sub_type=0, $spr1, $spr2);
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ function displayBreakTableText($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka){
+ #text - 21:
+ #multi text - 19:
+ $keysCount = count($frequencys);
+ $sequences = explode('_',$spremenljivka['sequences']);
+ $forSpremenljivka = $this->_HEADERS[$forSpr];
+ $tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
+ # izračunamo povprečja za posamezne sekvence
+ $texts = array();
+ $totalMeans = array();
+ $totalFreq = array();
+ $forSequences = array();
+ $cnt = array();
+ foreach ($frequencys AS $fkey => $fkeyFrequency) {
+ $forSequences[] = $fkey;
+ foreach ($forSpremenljivka['options'] AS $oKey => $option) {
+ foreach ($sequences AS $sequence) {
+ $txt = $this->getTextFromKey($fkeyFrequency[$oKey][$sequence]);
+ if ($txt) {
+ $cnt[$fkey]++;
+ $texts[$fkey][$oKey][$sequence] = $txt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # če imamo več kot 20 kategorij,izpisujemo samo tiste ki imajo vrednosti
+ $displayAll = (count($forSpremenljivka['options']) > 20) ? false : true;
+ echo '<div id="'.$spremenljivka['id'].'" class="breakTableDiv">';
+ echo '<br/>';
+ # za multi text razdelimo na grupe - skupine
+ $rowspan = ' rowspan="2"';
+ $colspan = ' colspan="'.(count($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'])).'"';
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
+ // Ce smo v porocilu po meri in ni prava tabela jo preskocimo
+ if(isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence']) && $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] != $gkey){
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Ce smo v porocilu po meri in je prava tabelo jo izpisemo brez naslova
+ if(!isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence'])){
+ echo '<br/>';
+ if($tip != '21'){
+ echo '<b>';
+ echo $lang['srv_break_table_for'];
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov'].' (';
+ echo $spremenljivka['variable'].') = ';
+ echo $grid['naslov'];
+ echo ' ('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ echo '</b>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<table>';
+ #labele
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th'.$rowspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $forSpr . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$forSpremenljivka['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th'.$colspan.'>';
+ echo '<span class="anl_variabla">';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . $lang['srv_predogled_spremenljivka'] . '" onclick="showspremenljivkaSingleVarPopup(\'' . $spremenljivka['id'] . '\'); return false;">';
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov']. ' - ';
+ echo $grid['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ echo '</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo'</tr>';
+ #labele
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ echo '<th class="sub" >';
+ echo $variable['naslov'];
+ echo '('.$variable['variable'].')';
+ echo '('.$variable['sequence'].')';
+ echo '</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $cntCbx= 0;
+ foreach ($forSequences AS $fKey => $forSequence) {
+ $cbxLabel = $forSpremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables'][$cntCbx]['naslov'];
+ $cntCbx++;
+ foreach ($forSpremenljivka['options'] AS $oKey => $option) {
+ if ($displayAll || $texts[$forSequence][$oKey] != null) {
+ if(($forSpremenljivka['tip'] == 2 && $option == 1) || $forSpremenljivka['tip'] != 2 ) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td'.$break_percentRowSpan.' class="rsdl_bck_variable1">';
+ if ($forSpremenljivka['tip'] == 2) {
+ echo $cbxLabel;
+ } else {
+ echo $forSpremenljivka['options'][$oKey];
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $variable) {
+ $sequence = $variable['sequence'];
+ #povprečje
+ echo '<td class="anl_at cll_clps" style="vertical-align:top;">';
+ if (count($texts[$forSequence][$oKey][$sequence]) > 0) {
+ $cnt=1;
+ $count = count($texts[$forSequence][$oKey][$sequence]);
+ foreach ($texts[$forSequence][$oKey][$sequence] AS $ky => $units) {
+ echo '<div class="'.($cnt<=$count && $cnt>1?'anl_bt_dot ':'').('').'"style="line-height: 150%; padding:3px;">';
+ echo $units['text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ #echo $this->formatNumber($texts[$oKey][$sequence],$this->num_digit_average,'');
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ // Zvezdica za vkljucitev v porocilo
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'].'-'. $this->sessionData['break']['spr'].'-undefined';
+ $spr2 = $grid['variables'][0]['sequence'].'-'.$spremenljivka['id'].'-undefined';
+ SurveyAnalysisHelper::getInstance()->addCustomReportElement($type=9, $sub_type=0, $spr1, $spr2);
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ function displayCrosstabTable($forSpr,$frequencys,$spremenljivka){
+ #polovimo sekvence in spremenljivke
+ // Ce smo v creportu imamo nastavljeno prvo spremenljivko posebej (ne v sessionu)
+ if(isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence'])){
+ $spr1 = $spremenljivka['creport_first_spr']['spr'];
+ $seq1 = $spremenljivka['creport_first_spr']['seq'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $spr1 = $this->sessionData['break']['spr'];
+ $seq1 = $this->sessionData['break']['seq'];
+ }
+ $grd1 = 'undefined';
+ foreach ($this->_HEADERS[$spr1]['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vkey => $vrednost) {
+ if ($vrednost['sequence'] == $seq1) {
+ $grd1 = $gid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->displayHi2 = false;
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->fromBreak = true;
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->showAverage = $this->break_percent;
+ if ($spremenljivka['tip'] == 2
+ || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 16
+ || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 4
+ || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 19
+ || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 21
+ || ($spremenljivka['tip'] == 6 && $spremenljivka['skala'] != 0)
+ || ($spremenljivka['tip'] == 1 && $spremenljivka['skala'] != 0)){
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->showAverage = false;
+ }
+ $spr2 = $spremenljivka['id'];
+ foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
+ // Ce smo v porocilu po meri in ni prava tabela jo preskocimo
+ if(isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence']) && $spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['key'] != $gid){
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Ce smo v porocilu po meri in je prava tabelo jo izpisemo brez naslova
+ if(!isset($spremenljivka['break_sub_table']['sequence']) && ($spremenljivka['tip'] == 16 || $spremenljivka['tip'] == 6) && $this->break_charts != 1){
+ echo '<br/><b>'.$lang['srv_break_table_for'];
+ echo $spremenljivka['naslov'].' (';
+ echo $spremenljivka['variable'].') = ';
+ echo $grid['naslov'];
+ if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 6) {
+ echo ' ('.$grid['variable'].')';
+ }
+ echo '</b>';
+ }
+ $seq2 = $grid['variables'][0]['sequence'];
+ $grd2 = $gid;
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->setColor(false);
+ # ali rišemo povprečje po stolpcih v zadnji vrstici
+ if ($spremenljivka['tip'] == 1 && $spremenljivka['skala'] == 0 ) {
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->showBottomAverage (true);
+ }
+ if($this->break_charts == 1){
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->setVariables($seq1,$spr1,'undefined'/*$grd1*/,$seq2,$spr2,$grd2);
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->fromBreak = false;
+ $tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->sid, $this->SurveyCrosstab, 'break');
+ $tableChart->break_crosstab = 1;
+ $tableChart->display();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->setVariables($seq1,$spr1,$grd1,$seq2,$spr2,$grd2);
+ $this->SurveyCrosstab->displayCrosstabsTable();
+ }
+ echo '<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ function getMeansFromKey($frequencys) {
+ $sum = 0;
+ if (count($frequencys['valid']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($frequencys['valid'] AS $fkey => $tmp) {
+ $sum += (int)$fkey * (int)$tmp['cnt'];
+ }
+ }
+ $mean = (int)$frequencys['validCnt'] > 0 ? (int)$sum / (int)$frequencys['validCnt'] : 0;
+ return $mean;
+ }
+ function getTextFromKey($frequencys) {
+ $texts = array();
+ if (count($frequencys['valid']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($frequencys['valid'] AS $fkey => $tmp) {
+ $texts[] = $tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ return $texts;
+ }
+ function DisplayLink($hideAdvanced = true) {
+ global $lang;
+ if ($_GET['m'] == M_ANALYSIS_BREAK) {
+ $css = ' black';
+ } else {
+ $css = ' gray';
+ }
+ if ($hideAdvanced == false) {
+ echo '<li>';
+ echo '<span class="as_link'.$css.'" title="' . $lang['srv_break'] . '"><a class="gray" href="index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a=analysis&m=break">' . $lang['srv_break'] . '</a></span>'."\n";
+ echo '</li>';
+ echo '<li class="space">&nbsp;</li>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Izvoz pdf in rtf
+ function displayExport ($spr, $seq) {
+ if ((int)$spr > 0 && (int)$seq > 0) {
+ $href_pdf = makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?b=export&m=break_izpis&anketa='.$this->sid);
+ $href_rtf = makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?b=export&m=break_izpis_rtf&anketa='.$this->sid);
+ $href_xls = makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?b=export&m=break_izpis_xls&anketa='.$this->sid);
+ echo '<script>';
+ # nastavimopravilne linke
+ echo '$("#secondNavigation_links a#breakDoPdf").attr("href", "'.$href_pdf.'");';
+ echo '$("#secondNavigation_links a#breakDoRtf").attr("href", "'.$href_rtf.'");';
+ echo '$("#secondNavigation_links a#breakDoXls").attr("href", "'.$href_xls.'");';
+ # prikažemo linke
+ echo '$("#hover_export_icon").removeClass("hidden");';
+ echo '$("#secondNavigation_links a").removeClass("hidden");';
+ echo '</script>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Nastavitve na dnu
+ function displayBottomSettings(){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // Preverimo, ce je funkcionalnost v paketu, ki ga ima uporabnik
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ $lan_print = ' title="'.$lang['PRN_Izpis'].'"';
+ $lan_pdf = ' title="'.$lang['PDF_Izpis'].'"';
+ $lan_rtf = ' title="'.$lang['RTF_Izpis'].'"';
+ $lan_xls = ' title="'.$lang['XLS_Izpis'].'"';
+ echo '<div class="analysis_bottom_settings printHide">';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="addCustomReportAllElementsAlert(9);" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_comments_add_hover'].'" class="'.(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('analysis_analysis_creport') ? 'user_access_locked' : '').'" user-access="analysis_analysis_creport" style="margin-right: 40px;"><span class="spaceRight faicon comments_creport" ></span><span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_comments_add'].'</span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="printAnaliza(\'Break\'); return false;"'.$lan_print.' class="srv_ico"><span class="faicon print icon-grey_dark_link"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="'.makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?b=export&m=break_izpis&anketa=' . $this->sid) . '" target="_blank"'.$lan_pdf.' class="srv_ico '.(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('analysis_export') ? 'user_access_locked' : '').'" user-access="analysis_export"><span class="faicon pdf black very_large"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="'.makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?b=export&m=break_izpis_rtf&anketa=' . $this->sid) . '" target="_blank"'.$lan_rtf.' class="srv_ico '.(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('analysis_export') ? 'user_access_locked' : '').'" user-access="analysis_export"><span class="faicon rtf black very_large"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="'.makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?b=export&m=break_izpis_xls&anketa=' . $this->sid) . '" target="_blank"'.$lan_xls.' class="srv_ico '.(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('analysis_export') ? 'user_access_locked' : '').'" user-access="analysis_export"><span class="faicon xls black very_large"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="doArchiveBreak();" title="'.$lang['srv_analiza_arhiviraj_ttl'].'" class="'.(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('archive') ? 'user_access_locked' : '').'" user-access="archive"><span class="faicon arhiv black very_large"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="createArchiveBreakBeforeEmail();" title="'.$lang['srv_analiza_arhiviraj_email_ttl'] . '" class="'.(!$userAccess->checkUserAccess('archive') ? 'user_access_locked' : '').'" user-access="archive"><span class="faicon arhiv_mail black very_large"></span></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Javascript s katerim povozimo urlje za izvoze, ki niso na voljo v paketu
+ global $app_settings;
+ if($app_settings['commercial_packages'] == true){
+ echo '<script> userAccessExport(); </script>';
+ }
+ }
+ function setSessionPercent() {
+ if (isset($_POST['break_percent'])) {
+ $this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'] = ($_POST['break_percent'] == 'true') ? true : false;
+ $this->break_percent = $this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'];
+ }
+ // Shranimo spremenjene nastavitve v bazo
+ SurveyUserSession::saveData($this->sessionData);
+ $this->break_percent = isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_percent']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_percent'] == 1 ? true : false;
+ }
+ function setSessionCharts() {
+ if (isset($_POST['break_charts'])) {
+ $this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts'] = ($_POST['break_charts'] == 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ $this->break_charts = $this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts'];
+ }
+ // Shranimo spremenjene nastavitve v bazo
+ SurveyUserSession::saveData($this->sessionData);
+ $this->break_charts = isset($this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts']) && (int)$this->sessionData['break']['break_show_charts'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ function displayLinePercent() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<label><input id="break_percent" name="break_percent" onchange="change_break_percent();" type="checkbox" ' . ((int)$this->break_percent == 1 ? ' checked="checked" ' : '') . ' autocomplete="off"/>';
+ echo $lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_odstotek_vrstice_short'].'</label>';
+ }
+ function displayLineCharts() {
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<span class="spaceLeft">';
+ echo ' <label for="break_charts_0"><input type="radio" value="0" name="break_charts" id="break_charts_0" '.((int)$this->break_charts == 0 ? ' checked="checked" ' : '').' onClick="change_break_charts(this.value)" />'.$lang['srv_tables'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <label for="break_charts_1"><input type="radio" value="1" name="break_charts" id="break_charts_1" '.((int)$this->break_charts == 1 ? ' checked="checked" ' : '').' onClick="change_break_charts(this.value)" />'.$lang['srv_charts'].'</label>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file