.DEFAULT_HOAD := default default: @echo "welcome to bverbose Makefile." @echo "*** ONLY DEBIAN IS SUPPORTED (woah) ***" @echo "targets are" @echo " make prepare installs dependencies - requires root" @echo " make install compiles some useful binaries." @echo "no target specified, exiting." prepare: apt install libuuid1 uuid-dev -y install: mkdir -p bin gcc -I lib -I src test/tape-test.c -o bin/bvr-compose-single -luuid gcc test/compose-all-in-dir.c -I lib -I src -o bin/bvr-compose-html -luuid gcc test/jsbundle-test.c -I lib -I src -luuid -o bin/bvr-jsbundle gcc test/jsmin-test.c -I lib -I src -luuid -o bin/bvr-jsmin @echo "install target done, now you should add the bin directory to your PATH"