<@?i global@> const app_version = "<@?g app_version@>"; const previous_commit = "<@?g latest_commit@>"; const BEZIAPP_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 300; // update vsakih 300 sekund if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register("/sw.js") .then(() => { }) .catch((err) => console.log("Service worker registration failed", err)); } // Listen to messages from service workers. if (navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if (event.data.msg === "install") { window.location.replace("/index.html"); } }); } /** * Displays a user-friendly text to the user and * detailed text to developer (console) * @param {string} usermsg User-friendly message * @param {string} devmsg Developer-friendly message */ async function UIAlert(usermsg, devmsg) { if (true) { // če bo kakšen dev switch? M.toast({ html: usermsg }); console.log(`[BežiApp UIAlert] ${usermsg} ${devmsg}`); } else { M.toast({ html: `${usermsg} ${devmsg}` }); } } /** * Handles GSEC error - notifies the user and prints a console message * @param {Object} err GSEC error object */ function gsecErrorHandlerUI(err) { console.log(`gsecErrorHanderUI: handling ${err}`); if (err == GSEC_ERR_NET || err == GSEC_ERR_NET_POSTBACK_GET || err == GSEC_ERR_NET_POSTBACK_POST) { UIAlert(D("gsecErrNet")); } else if (err == GSEC_ERR_LOGIN) { UIAlert(D("gsecErrLogin")); localforage.setItem("logged_in", false).then(() => { window.location.replace("/index.html"); }); } else { UIAlert(D("gsecErrOther")); } } var update_app_function = async function () { try { $.get("/cache_name.txt", (data, status) => { var cache_name = data.split("///")[1].split("|||")[0]; var data_to_send = { action: "checkversion", valid_cache_name: cache_name } try { navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data_to_send)); } catch (e) { console.log("update requested but sw is not available in app.js"); } }); } catch (e) { console.log("update requested but failed because of network error probably in update_app_function in app.js"); } } var error_report_function = async function (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) { // catching everything here so no looping error shit. that's the last thing we want try { localforage.getItem("errorReporting").then(async function (value) { let selectedE = value; if (value == null || value.length < 1) { selectedE = "on"; } if (selectedE == "on") { var data = {}; data.error = { "msg": msg, "url": url, "line": lineNo, "column": columnNo, "obj": error }; data.client = { "ua": navigator.userAgent, "app_version": app_version, "previous_commit": previous_commit, "username": null }; // Load required data data.client.username = await localforage.getItem("username"); data.type = "error"; $.post("https://beziapp-report.gimb.tk/", data); } else { console.log("error not reported as reporting is disabled!"); } }).catch(() => { }); return false; } catch (e) { console.log("error_erport_function: !!! ERROR! (caught) - probably some network error."); } } window.onerror = error_report_function; window.onunhandledrejection = error_report_function; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { var update_interval = setInterval(() => { // ok, it's value is never read, so what?! localforage.getItem("lastUpdate").then((data) => { if (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) > data + BEZIAPP_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { // trigger an update update_app_function(); } }); }, 1000 * BEZIAPP_UPDATE_INTERVAL); });