// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2019 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #pragma once #include #include "common/common_types.h" #include "video_core/vulkan_common/vulkan_wrapper.h" namespace Layout { struct FramebufferLayout; } namespace Vulkan { class Device; class Scheduler; class Swapchain { public: explicit Swapchain(VkSurfaceKHR surface, const Device& device, Scheduler& scheduler, u32 width, u32 height, bool srgb); ~Swapchain(); /// Creates (or recreates) the swapchain with a given size. void Create(u32 width, u32 height, bool srgb); /// Acquires the next image in the swapchain, waits as needed. bool AcquireNextImage(); /// Presents the rendered image to the swapchain. void Present(VkSemaphore render_semaphore); /// Returns true when the swapchain needs to be recreated. bool NeedsRecreation(bool is_srgb) const { return HasColorSpaceChanged(is_srgb) || IsSubOptimal() || NeedsPresentModeUpdate(); } /// Returns true when the color space has changed. bool HasColorSpaceChanged(bool is_srgb) const { return current_srgb != is_srgb; } /// Returns true when the swapchain is outdated. bool IsOutDated() const { return is_outdated; } /// Returns true when the swapchain is suboptimal. bool IsSubOptimal() const { return is_suboptimal; } /// Returns true when the swapchain format is in the srgb color space bool IsSrgb() const { return current_srgb; } VkExtent2D GetSize() const { return extent; } std::size_t GetImageCount() const { return image_count; } std::size_t GetImageIndex() const { return image_index; } std::size_t GetFrameIndex() const { return frame_index; } VkImage GetImageIndex(std::size_t index) const { return images[index]; } VkImage CurrentImage() const { return images[image_index]; } VkFormat GetImageViewFormat() const { return image_view_format; } VkFormat GetImageFormat() const { return surface_format.format; } VkSemaphore CurrentPresentSemaphore() const { return *present_semaphores[frame_index]; } VkSemaphore CurrentRenderSemaphore() const { return *render_semaphores[frame_index]; } u32 GetWidth() const { return width; } u32 GetHeight() const { return height; } VkExtent2D GetExtent() const { return extent; } private: void CreateSwapchain(const VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR& capabilities, bool srgb); void CreateSemaphores(); void CreateImageViews(); void Destroy(); bool HasFpsUnlockChanged() const; bool NeedsPresentModeUpdate() const; const VkSurfaceKHR surface; const Device& device; Scheduler& scheduler; vk::SwapchainKHR swapchain; std::size_t image_count{}; std::vector images; std::vector resource_ticks; std::vector present_semaphores; std::vector render_semaphores; u32 width; u32 height; u32 image_index{}; u32 frame_index{}; VkFormat image_view_format{}; VkExtent2D extent{}; VkPresentModeKHR present_mode{}; VkSurfaceFormatKHR surface_format{}; bool current_srgb{}; bool current_fps_unlocked{}; bool is_outdated{}; bool is_suboptimal{}; }; } // namespace Vulkan