// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include #include "common/polyfill_ranges.h" #include "common/settings.h" #include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_master_semaphore.h" #include "video_core/vulkan_common/vulkan_device.h" #include "video_core/vulkan_common/vulkan_wrapper.h" namespace Vulkan { constexpr u64 FENCE_RESERVE_SIZE = 8; MasterSemaphore::MasterSemaphore(const Device& device_) : device(device_) { if (!device.HasTimelineSemaphore()) { static constexpr VkFenceCreateInfo fence_ci{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FENCE_CREATE_INFO, .pNext = nullptr, .flags = 0}; free_queue.resize(FENCE_RESERVE_SIZE); std::ranges::generate(free_queue, [&] { return device.GetLogical().CreateFence(fence_ci); }); wait_thread = std::jthread([this](std::stop_token token) { WaitThread(token); }); return; } static constexpr VkSemaphoreTypeCreateInfo semaphore_type_ci{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_CREATE_INFO, .pNext = nullptr, .semaphoreType = VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE, .initialValue = 0, }; static constexpr VkSemaphoreCreateInfo semaphore_ci{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_CREATE_INFO, .pNext = &semaphore_type_ci, .flags = 0, }; semaphore = device.GetLogical().CreateSemaphore(semaphore_ci); if (!Settings::values.renderer_debug) { return; } // Validation layers have a bug where they fail to track resource usage when using timeline // semaphores and synchronizing with GetSemaphoreCounterValue. To workaround this issue, have // a separate thread waiting for each timeline semaphore value. debug_thread = std::jthread([this](std::stop_token stop_token) { u64 counter = 0; while (!stop_token.stop_requested()) { if (semaphore.Wait(counter, 10'000'000)) { ++counter; } } }); } MasterSemaphore::~MasterSemaphore() = default; void MasterSemaphore::Refresh() { if (!semaphore) { // If we don't support timeline semaphores, there's nothing to refresh return; } u64 this_tick{}; u64 counter{}; do { this_tick = gpu_tick.load(std::memory_order_acquire); counter = semaphore.GetCounter(); if (counter < this_tick) { return; } } while (!gpu_tick.compare_exchange_weak(this_tick, counter, std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_relaxed)); } void MasterSemaphore::Wait(u64 tick) { if (!semaphore) { // If we don't support timeline semaphores, use an atomic wait while (true) { u64 current_value = gpu_tick.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (current_value >= tick) { return; } gpu_tick.wait(current_value); } return; } // No need to wait if the GPU is ahead of the tick if (IsFree(tick)) { return; } // Update the GPU tick and try again Refresh(); if (IsFree(tick)) { return; } // If none of the above is hit, fallback to a regular wait while (!semaphore.Wait(tick)) { } Refresh(); } VkResult MasterSemaphore::SubmitQueue(vk::CommandBuffer& cmdbuf, VkSemaphore signal_semaphore, VkSemaphore wait_semaphore, u64 host_tick) { if (semaphore) { return SubmitQueueTimeline(cmdbuf, signal_semaphore, wait_semaphore, host_tick); } else { return SubmitQueueFence(cmdbuf, signal_semaphore, wait_semaphore, host_tick); } } static constexpr std::array wait_stage_masks{ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT, }; VkResult MasterSemaphore::SubmitQueueTimeline(vk::CommandBuffer& cmdbuf, VkSemaphore signal_semaphore, VkSemaphore wait_semaphore, u64 host_tick) { const VkSemaphore timeline_semaphore = *semaphore; const u32 num_signal_semaphores = signal_semaphore ? 2 : 1; const std::array signal_values{host_tick, u64(0)}; const std::array signal_semaphores{timeline_semaphore, signal_semaphore}; const u32 num_wait_semaphores = wait_semaphore ? 1 : 0; const VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo timeline_si{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_SUBMIT_INFO, .pNext = nullptr, .waitSemaphoreValueCount = 0, .pWaitSemaphoreValues = nullptr, .signalSemaphoreValueCount = num_signal_semaphores, .pSignalSemaphoreValues = signal_values.data(), }; const VkSubmitInfo submit_info{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO, .pNext = &timeline_si, .waitSemaphoreCount = num_wait_semaphores, .pWaitSemaphores = &wait_semaphore, .pWaitDstStageMask = wait_stage_masks.data(), .commandBufferCount = 1, .pCommandBuffers = cmdbuf.address(), .signalSemaphoreCount = num_signal_semaphores, .pSignalSemaphores = signal_semaphores.data(), }; return device.GetGraphicsQueue().Submit(submit_info); } VkResult MasterSemaphore::SubmitQueueFence(vk::CommandBuffer& cmdbuf, VkSemaphore signal_semaphore, VkSemaphore wait_semaphore, u64 host_tick) { const u32 num_signal_semaphores = signal_semaphore ? 1 : 0; const u32 num_wait_semaphores = wait_semaphore ? 1 : 0; const VkSubmitInfo submit_info{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO, .pNext = nullptr, .waitSemaphoreCount = num_wait_semaphores, .pWaitSemaphores = &wait_semaphore, .pWaitDstStageMask = wait_stage_masks.data(), .commandBufferCount = 1, .pCommandBuffers = cmdbuf.address(), .signalSemaphoreCount = num_signal_semaphores, .pSignalSemaphores = &signal_semaphore, }; auto fence = GetFreeFence(); auto result = device.GetGraphicsQueue().Submit(submit_info, *fence); if (result == VK_SUCCESS) { std::scoped_lock lock{wait_mutex}; wait_queue.emplace(host_tick, std::move(fence)); wait_cv.notify_one(); } return result; } void MasterSemaphore::WaitThread(std::stop_token token) { while (!token.stop_requested()) { u64 host_tick; vk::Fence fence; { std::unique_lock lock{wait_mutex}; Common::CondvarWait(wait_cv, lock, token, [this] { return !wait_queue.empty(); }); if (token.stop_requested()) { return; } std::tie(host_tick, fence) = std::move(wait_queue.front()); wait_queue.pop(); } fence.Wait(); fence.Reset(); gpu_tick.store(host_tick); gpu_tick.notify_all(); std::scoped_lock lock{free_mutex}; free_queue.push_front(std::move(fence)); } } vk::Fence MasterSemaphore::GetFreeFence() { std::scoped_lock lock{free_mutex}; if (free_queue.empty()) { static constexpr VkFenceCreateInfo fence_ci{ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FENCE_CREATE_INFO, .pNext = nullptr, .flags = 0}; return device.GetLogical().CreateFence(fence_ci); } auto fence = std::move(free_queue.back()); free_queue.pop_back(); return fence; } } // namespace Vulkan