// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2019 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #pragma once #include #include #include #include "shader_recompiler/shader_info.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_device.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_resource_manager.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_staging_buffer_pool.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/util_shaders.h" #include "video_core/texture_cache/image_view_base.h" #include "video_core/texture_cache/texture_cache_base.h" namespace Settings { struct ResolutionScalingInfo; } namespace OpenGL { class ProgramManager; class StateTracker; class Framebuffer; class Image; class ImageView; class Sampler; using VideoCommon::ImageId; using VideoCommon::ImageViewId; using VideoCommon::ImageViewType; using VideoCommon::NUM_RT; using VideoCommon::Region2D; using VideoCommon::RenderTargets; using VideoCommon::SlotVector; struct FormatProperties { GLenum compatibility_class; bool compatibility_by_size; bool is_compressed; }; class FormatConversionPass { public: explicit FormatConversionPass(UtilShaders& util_shaders); ~FormatConversionPass() = default; void ConvertImage(Image& dst_image, Image& src_image, std::span copies); private: UtilShaders& util_shaders; OGLBuffer intermediate_pbo; size_t pbo_size{}; }; class TextureCacheRuntime { friend Framebuffer; friend Image; friend ImageView; friend Sampler; public: explicit TextureCacheRuntime(const Device& device, ProgramManager& program_manager, StateTracker& state_tracker, StagingBufferPool& staging_buffer_pool); ~TextureCacheRuntime(); void Finish(); StagingBufferMap UploadStagingBuffer(size_t size); StagingBufferMap DownloadStagingBuffer(size_t size); u64 GetDeviceLocalMemory() const { return device_access_memory; } u64 GetDeviceMemoryUsage() const; bool CanReportMemoryUsage() const { return device.CanReportMemoryUsage(); } bool ShouldReinterpret([[maybe_unused]] Image& dst, [[maybe_unused]] Image& src) const noexcept { return true; } bool CanUploadMSAA() const noexcept { return true; } void CopyImage(Image& dst, Image& src, std::span copies); void CopyImageMSAA(Image& dst, Image& src, std::span copies); void ReinterpretImage(Image& dst, Image& src, std::span copies); void ConvertImage(Framebuffer* dst, ImageView& dst_view, ImageView& src_view) { UNIMPLEMENTED(); } bool CanImageBeCopied(const Image& dst, const Image& src); void EmulateCopyImage(Image& dst, Image& src, std::span copies); void BlitFramebuffer(Framebuffer* dst, Framebuffer* src, const Region2D& dst_region, const Region2D& src_region, Tegra::Engines::Fermi2D::Filter filter, Tegra::Engines::Fermi2D::Operation operation); void AccelerateImageUpload(Image& image, const StagingBufferMap& map, std::span swizzles); void InsertUploadMemoryBarrier(); FormatProperties FormatInfo(VideoCommon::ImageType type, GLenum internal_format) const; bool HasNativeBgr() const noexcept { // OpenGL does not have native support for the BGR internal format return false; } bool HasBrokenTextureViewFormats() const noexcept { return has_broken_texture_view_formats; } bool HasNativeASTC() const noexcept; void TickFrame() {} StateTracker& GetStateTracker() { return state_tracker; } void BarrierFeedbackLoop() const noexcept { // OpenGL does not require a barrier for attachment feedback loops. } private: const Device& device; StateTracker& state_tracker; StagingBufferPool& staging_buffer_pool; UtilShaders util_shaders; FormatConversionPass format_conversion_pass; std::array, 3> format_properties; bool has_broken_texture_view_formats = false; OGLTexture null_image_1d_array; OGLTexture null_image_cube_array; OGLTexture null_image_3d; OGLTextureView null_image_view_1d; OGLTextureView null_image_view_2d; OGLTextureView null_image_view_2d_array; OGLTextureView null_image_view_cube; std::array null_image_views{}; std::array rescale_draw_fbos; std::array rescale_read_fbos; const Settings::ResolutionScalingInfo& resolution; u64 device_access_memory; }; class Image : public VideoCommon::ImageBase { friend ImageView; public: explicit Image(TextureCacheRuntime&, const VideoCommon::ImageInfo& info, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, VAddr cpu_addr); explicit Image(const VideoCommon::NullImageParams&); ~Image(); Image(const Image&) = delete; Image& operator=(const Image&) = delete; Image(Image&&) = default; Image& operator=(Image&&) = default; void UploadMemory(GLuint buffer_handle, size_t buffer_offset, std::span copies); void UploadMemory(const StagingBufferMap& map, std::span copies); void DownloadMemory(GLuint buffer_handle, size_t buffer_offset, std::span copies); void DownloadMemory(std::span buffer_handle, std::span buffer_offset, std::span copies); void DownloadMemory(StagingBufferMap& map, std::span copies); GLuint StorageHandle() noexcept; GLuint Handle() const noexcept { return current_texture; } GLuint GlFormat() const noexcept { return gl_format; } GLuint GlType() const noexcept { return gl_type; } bool ScaleUp(bool ignore = false); bool ScaleDown(bool ignore = false); private: void CopyBufferToImage(const VideoCommon::BufferImageCopy& copy, size_t buffer_offset); void CopyImageToBuffer(const VideoCommon::BufferImageCopy& copy, size_t buffer_offset); void Scale(bool up_scale); OGLTexture texture; OGLTexture upscaled_backup; OGLTextureView store_view; GLenum gl_internal_format = GL_NONE; GLenum gl_format = GL_NONE; GLenum gl_type = GL_NONE; GLsizei gl_num_levels{}; TextureCacheRuntime* runtime{}; GLuint current_texture{}; }; class ImageView : public VideoCommon::ImageViewBase { friend Image; public: explicit ImageView(TextureCacheRuntime&, const VideoCommon::ImageViewInfo&, ImageId, Image&, const SlotVector&); explicit ImageView(TextureCacheRuntime&, const VideoCommon::ImageInfo&, const VideoCommon::ImageViewInfo&, GPUVAddr); explicit ImageView(TextureCacheRuntime&, const VideoCommon::ImageInfo& info, const VideoCommon::ImageViewInfo& view_info); explicit ImageView(TextureCacheRuntime&, const VideoCommon::NullImageViewParams&); ~ImageView(); ImageView(const ImageView&) = delete; ImageView& operator=(const ImageView&) = delete; ImageView(ImageView&&) = default; ImageView& operator=(ImageView&&) = default; [[nodiscard]] GLuint StorageView(Shader::TextureType texture_type, Shader::ImageFormat image_format); [[nodiscard]] GLuint Handle(Shader::TextureType handle_type) const noexcept { return views[static_cast(handle_type)]; } [[nodiscard]] GLuint DefaultHandle() const noexcept { return default_handle; } [[nodiscard]] GLenum Format() const noexcept { return internal_format; } [[nodiscard]] GPUVAddr GpuAddr() const noexcept { return gpu_addr; } [[nodiscard]] u32 BufferSize() const noexcept { return buffer_size; } private: struct StorageViews { std::array signeds{}; std::array unsigneds{}; }; void SetupView(Shader::TextureType view_type); GLuint MakeView(Shader::TextureType view_type, GLenum view_format); std::array views{}; std::vector stored_views; std::unique_ptr storage_views; GLenum internal_format = GL_NONE; GLuint default_handle = 0; u32 buffer_size = 0; GLuint original_texture = 0; int num_samples = 0; VideoCommon::SubresourceRange flat_range; VideoCommon::SubresourceRange full_range; std::array swizzle{}; bool set_object_label = false; bool is_render_target = false; }; class ImageAlloc : public VideoCommon::ImageAllocBase {}; class Sampler { public: explicit Sampler(TextureCacheRuntime&, const Tegra::Texture::TSCEntry&); [[nodiscard]] GLuint Handle() const noexcept { return sampler.handle; } [[nodiscard]] GLuint HandleWithoutAnisotropy() const noexcept { return sampler_without_anisotropy.handle; } [[nodiscard]] bool HasAddedAnisotropy() const noexcept { return static_cast(sampler_without_anisotropy.handle); } private: OGLSampler sampler; OGLSampler sampler_without_anisotropy; }; class Framebuffer { public: explicit Framebuffer(TextureCacheRuntime&, std::span color_buffers, ImageView* depth_buffer, const VideoCommon::RenderTargets& key); ~Framebuffer(); Framebuffer(const Framebuffer&) = delete; Framebuffer& operator=(const Framebuffer&) = delete; Framebuffer(Framebuffer&&) = default; Framebuffer& operator=(Framebuffer&&) = default; [[nodiscard]] GLuint Handle() const noexcept { return framebuffer.handle; } [[nodiscard]] GLbitfield BufferBits() const noexcept { return buffer_bits; } private: OGLFramebuffer framebuffer; GLbitfield buffer_bits = GL_NONE; }; struct TextureCacheParams { static constexpr bool ENABLE_VALIDATION = true; static constexpr bool FRAMEBUFFER_BLITS = true; static constexpr bool HAS_EMULATED_COPIES = true; static constexpr bool HAS_DEVICE_MEMORY_INFO = true; static constexpr bool IMPLEMENTS_ASYNC_DOWNLOADS = false; using Runtime = OpenGL::TextureCacheRuntime; using Image = OpenGL::Image; using ImageAlloc = OpenGL::ImageAlloc; using ImageView = OpenGL::ImageView; using Sampler = OpenGL::Sampler; using Framebuffer = OpenGL::Framebuffer; using AsyncBuffer = u32; using BufferType = GLuint; }; using TextureCache = VideoCommon::TextureCache; } // namespace OpenGL