# Copyright © 2022 degasus # This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, # as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. from itertools import product # The primitive instructions OPS = { 'ir.BitwiseAnd({}, {})' : (2, 1, lambda a,b: a&b), 'ir.BitwiseOr({}, {})' : (2, 1, lambda a,b: a|b), 'ir.BitwiseXor({}, {})' : (2, 1, lambda a,b: a^b), 'ir.BitwiseNot({})' : (1, 0.1, lambda a: (~a) & 255), # Only tiny cost, as this can often inlined in other instructions } # Our database of combination of instructions optimized_calls = {} def cmp(lhs, rhs): if lhs is None: # new entry return True if lhs[3] > rhs[3]: # costs return True if lhs[3] < rhs[3]: # costs return False if len(lhs[0]) > len(rhs[0]): # string len return True if len(lhs[0]) < len(rhs[0]): # string len return False if lhs[0] > rhs[0]: # string sorting return True if lhs[0] < rhs[0]: # string sorting return False assert lhs == rhs, "redundant instruction, bug in brute force" return False def register(imm, instruction, count, latency): # Use the sum of instruction count and latency as costs to evaluate which combination is best costs = count + latency old = optimized_calls.get(imm, None) new = (instruction, count, latency, costs) # Update if new or better if cmp(old, new): optimized_calls[imm] = new return True return False # Constants: 0, 1 (for free) register(0, 'ir.Imm32(0)', 0, 0) register(255, 'ir.Imm32(0xFFFFFFFF)', 0, 0) # Inputs: a, b, c (for free) ta = 0xF0 tb = 0xCC tc = 0xAA inputs = { ta : 'a', tb : 'b', tc : 'c', } for imm, instruction in inputs.items(): register(imm, instruction, 0, 0) register((~imm) & 255, 'ir.BitwiseNot({})'.format(instruction), 0.099, 0.099) # slightly cheaper NEG on inputs # Try to combine two values from the db with an instruction. # If it is better than the old method, update it. while True: registered = 0 calls_copy = optimized_calls.copy() for OP, (argc, cost, f) in OPS.items(): for args in product(calls_copy.items(), repeat=argc): # unpack(transponse) the arrays imm = [arg[0] for arg in args] value = [arg[1][0] for arg in args] count = [arg[1][1] for arg in args] latency = [arg[1][2] for arg in args] registered += register( f(*imm), OP.format(*value), sum(count) + cost, max(latency) + cost) if registered == 0: # No update at all? So terminate break # Hacky output. Please improve me to output valid C++ instead. s = """ case {imm}: return {op};""" for imm in range(256): print(s.format(imm=imm, op=optimized_calls[imm][0]))