// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_glsl_instructions.h" #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/glsl_emit_context.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h" #include "shader_recompiler/profile.h" #include "shader_recompiler/runtime_info.h" namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL { namespace { constexpr char SWIZZLE[]{"xyzw"}; u32 CbufIndex(u32 offset) { return (offset / 4) % 4; } char OffsetSwizzle(u32 offset) { return SWIZZLE[CbufIndex(offset)]; } bool IsInputArray(Stage stage) { return stage == Stage::Geometry || stage == Stage::TessellationControl || stage == Stage::TessellationEval; } std::string InputVertexIndex(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view vertex) { return IsInputArray(ctx.stage) ? fmt::format("[{}]", vertex) : ""; } std::string_view OutputVertexIndex(EmitContext& ctx) { return ctx.stage == Stage::TessellationControl ? "[gl_InvocationID]" : ""; } std::string ChooseCbuf(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, std::string_view index) { if (binding.IsImmediate()) { return fmt::format("{}_cbuf{}[{}]", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32(), index); } else { const auto binding_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(binding)}; return fmt::format("GetCbufIndirect({},{})", binding_var, index); } } void GetCbuf(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view ret, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, u32 num_bits, std::string_view cast = {}, std::string_view bit_offset = {}) { const bool is_immediate{offset.IsImmediate()}; const bool component_indexing_bug{!is_immediate && ctx.profile.has_gl_component_indexing_bug}; if (is_immediate) { const s32 signed_offset{static_cast(offset.U32())}; static constexpr u32 cbuf_size{0x10000}; if (signed_offset < 0 || offset.U32() > cbuf_size) { LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Immediate constant buffer offset is out of bounds"); ctx.Add("{}=0u;", ret); return; } } const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)}; const auto index{is_immediate ? fmt::format("{}", offset.U32() / 16) : fmt::format("{}>>4", offset_var)}; const auto swizzle{is_immediate ? fmt::format(".{}", OffsetSwizzle(offset.U32())) : fmt::format("[({}>>2)%4]", offset_var)}; const auto cbuf{ChooseCbuf(ctx, binding, index)}; const auto cbuf_cast{fmt::format("{}({}{{}})", cast, cbuf)}; const auto extraction{num_bits == 32 ? cbuf_cast : fmt::format("bitfieldExtract({},int({}),{})", cbuf_cast, bit_offset, num_bits)}; if (!component_indexing_bug) { const auto result{fmt::format(fmt::runtime(extraction), swizzle)}; ctx.Add("{}={};", ret, result); return; } const auto cbuf_offset{fmt::format("{}>>2", offset_var)}; for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { const auto swizzle_string{fmt::format(".{}", "xyzw"[i])}; const auto result{fmt::format(fmt::runtime(extraction), swizzle_string)}; ctx.Add("if(({}&3)=={}){}={};", cbuf_offset, i, ret, result); } } void GetCbuf8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view cast) { const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)}; if (offset.IsImmediate()) { const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("{}", (offset.U32() % 4) * 8)}; GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 8, cast, bit_offset); } else { const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)}; const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("({}%4)*8", offset_var)}; GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 8, cast, bit_offset); } } void GetCbuf16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset, std::string_view cast) { const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)}; if (offset.IsImmediate()) { const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("{}", ((offset.U32() / 2) % 2) * 16)}; GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 16, cast, bit_offset); } else { const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)}; const auto bit_offset{fmt::format("(({}>>1)%2)*16", offset_var)}; GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 16, cast, bit_offset); } } } // Anonymous namespace void EmitGetCbufU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "" : "ftou"}; GetCbuf8(ctx, inst, binding, offset, cast); } void EmitGetCbufS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "int" : "ftoi"}; GetCbuf8(ctx, inst, binding, offset, cast); } void EmitGetCbufU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "" : "ftou"}; GetCbuf16(ctx, inst, binding, offset, cast); } void EmitGetCbufS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "int" : "ftoi"}; GetCbuf16(ctx, inst, binding, offset, cast); } void EmitGetCbufU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32)}; const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "" : "ftou"}; GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 32, cast); } void EmitGetCbufF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::F32)}; const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "utof" : ""}; GetCbuf(ctx, ret, binding, offset, 32, cast); } void EmitGetCbufU32x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, const IR::Value& offset) { const auto cast{ctx.profile.has_gl_cbuf_ftou_bug ? "" : "ftou"}; if (offset.IsImmediate()) { const auto cbuf{fmt::format("{}_cbuf{}", ctx.stage_name, binding.U32())}; static constexpr u32 cbuf_size{0x10000}; const u32 u32_offset{offset.U32()}; const s32 signed_offset{static_cast(offset.U32())}; if (signed_offset < 0 || u32_offset > cbuf_size) { LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Immediate constant buffer offset is out of bounds"); ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2(0u);", inst); return; } if (u32_offset % 2 == 0) { ctx.AddU32x2("{}={}({}[{}].{}{});", inst, cast, cbuf, u32_offset / 16, OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset), OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset + 4)); } else { ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2({}({}[{}].{}),{}({}[{}].{}));", inst, cast, cbuf, u32_offset / 16, OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset), cast, cbuf, (u32_offset + 4) / 16, OffsetSwizzle(u32_offset + 4)); } return; } const auto offset_var{ctx.var_alloc.Consume(offset)}; const auto cbuf{ChooseCbuf(ctx, binding, fmt::format("{}>>4", offset_var))}; if (!ctx.profile.has_gl_component_indexing_bug) { ctx.AddU32x2("{}=uvec2({}({}[({}>>2)%4]),{}({}[(({}+4)>>2)%4]));", inst, cast, cbuf, offset_var, cast, cbuf, offset_var); return; } const auto ret{ctx.var_alloc.Define(inst, GlslVarType::U32x2)}; const auto cbuf_offset{fmt::format("{}>>2", offset_var)}; for (u32 swizzle = 0; swizzle < 4; ++swizzle) { ctx.Add("if(({}&3)=={}){}=uvec2({}({}.{}),{}({}.{}));", cbuf_offset, swizzle, ret, cast, cbuf, "xyzw"[swizzle], cast, cbuf, "xyzw"[(swizzle + 1) % 4]); } } void EmitGetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Attribute attr, std::string_view vertex) { const u32 element{static_cast(attr) % 4}; const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]}; if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) { const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)}; if (!ctx.runtime_info.previous_stage_stores.Generic(index, element)) { if (element == 3) { ctx.AddF32("{}=1.f;", inst, attr); } else { ctx.AddF32("{}=0.f;", inst, attr); } return; } ctx.AddF32("{}=in_attr{}{}.{};", inst, index, InputVertexIndex(ctx, vertex), swizzle); return; } switch (attr) { case IR::Attribute::PrimitiveId: ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_PrimitiveID);", inst); break; case IR::Attribute::PositionX: case IR::Attribute::PositionY: case IR::Attribute::PositionZ: case IR::Attribute::PositionW: { const bool is_array{IsInputArray(ctx.stage)}; const auto input_decorator{is_array ? fmt::format("gl_in[{}].", vertex) : ""}; ctx.AddF32("{}={}{}.{};", inst, input_decorator, ctx.position_name, swizzle); break; } case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteS: case IR::Attribute::PointSpriteT: ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_PointCoord.{};", inst, swizzle); break; case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointU: case IR::Attribute::TessellationEvaluationPointV: ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_TessCoord.{};", inst, swizzle); break; case IR::Attribute::InstanceId: ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_InstanceID);", inst); break; case IR::Attribute::VertexId: ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_VertexID);", inst); break; case IR::Attribute::FrontFace: ctx.AddF32("{}=itof(gl_FrontFacing?-1:0);", inst); break; default: throw NotImplementedException("Get attribute {}", attr); } } void EmitGetAttributeU32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Attribute attr, std::string_view) { switch (attr) { case IR::Attribute::PrimitiveId: ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_PrimitiveID);", inst); break; case IR::Attribute::InstanceId: ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_InstanceID);", inst); break; case IR::Attribute::VertexId: ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_VertexID);", inst); break; default: throw NotImplementedException("Get U32 attribute {}", attr); } } void EmitSetAttribute(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Attribute attr, std::string_view value, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view vertex) { if (IR::IsGeneric(attr)) { const u32 index{IR::GenericAttributeIndex(attr)}; const u32 attr_element{IR::GenericAttributeElement(attr)}; const GenericElementInfo& info{ctx.output_generics.at(index).at(attr_element)}; const auto output_decorator{OutputVertexIndex(ctx)}; if (info.num_components == 1) { ctx.Add("{}{}={};", info.name, output_decorator, value); } else { const u32 index_element{attr_element - info.first_element}; ctx.Add("{}{}.{}={};", info.name, output_decorator, "xyzw"[index_element], value); } return; } const u32 element{static_cast(attr) % 4}; const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]}; switch (attr) { case IR::Attribute::Layer: if (ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry && !ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) { LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Shader stores viewport layer but device does not support " "viewport layer extension"); break; } ctx.Add("gl_Layer=ftoi({});", value); break; case IR::Attribute::ViewportIndex: if (ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry && !ctx.profile.support_viewport_index_layer_non_geometry) { LOG_WARNING(Shader_GLSL, "Shader stores viewport index but device does not support " "viewport layer extension"); break; } ctx.Add("gl_ViewportIndex=ftoi({});", value); break; case IR::Attribute::ViewportMask: if (ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry && !ctx.profile.support_viewport_mask) { LOG_WARNING( Shader_GLSL, "Shader stores viewport mask but device does not support viewport mask extension"); break; } ctx.Add("gl_ViewportMask[0]=ftoi({});", value); break; case IR::Attribute::PointSize: ctx.Add("gl_PointSize={};", value); break; case IR::Attribute::PositionX: case IR::Attribute::PositionY: case IR::Attribute::PositionZ: case IR::Attribute::PositionW: ctx.Add("gl_Position.{}={};", swizzle, value); break; case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance1: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance2: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance3: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance4: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance5: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance6: case IR::Attribute::ClipDistance7: { const u32 index{static_cast(attr) - static_cast(IR::Attribute::ClipDistance0)}; ctx.Add("gl_ClipDistance[{}]={};", index, value); break; } default: throw NotImplementedException("Set attribute {}", attr); } } void EmitGetAttributeIndexed(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view offset, std::string_view vertex) { const bool is_array{ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry}; const auto vertex_arg{is_array ? fmt::format(",{}", vertex) : ""}; ctx.AddF32("{}=IndexedAttrLoad(int({}){});", inst, offset, vertex_arg); } void EmitSetAttributeIndexed([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view offset, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view value, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view vertex) { NotImplemented(); } void EmitGetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, IR::Patch patch) { if (!IR::IsGeneric(patch)) { throw NotImplementedException("Non-generic patch load"); } const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)}; const u32 element{IR::GenericPatchElement(patch)}; const char swizzle{"xyzw"[element]}; ctx.AddF32("{}=patch{}.{};", inst, index, swizzle); } void EmitSetPatch(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Patch patch, std::string_view value) { if (IR::IsGeneric(patch)) { const u32 index{IR::GenericPatchIndex(patch)}; const u32 element{IR::GenericPatchElement(patch)}; ctx.Add("patch{}.{}={};", index, "xyzw"[element], value); return; } switch (patch) { case IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft: case IR::Patch::TessellationLodRight: case IR::Patch::TessellationLodTop: case IR::Patch::TessellationLodBottom: { const u32 index{static_cast(patch) - u32(IR::Patch::TessellationLodLeft)}; ctx.Add("gl_TessLevelOuter[{}]={};", index, value); break; } case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorU: ctx.Add("gl_TessLevelInner[0]={};", value); break; case IR::Patch::TessellationLodInteriorV: ctx.Add("gl_TessLevelInner[1]={};", value); break; default: throw NotImplementedException("Patch {}", patch); } } void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, std::string_view value) { const char swizzle{"xyzw"[component]}; ctx.Add("frag_color{}.{}={};", index, swizzle, value); } void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view value) { ctx.Add("gl_SampleMask[0]=int({});", value); } void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view value) { ctx.Add("gl_FragDepth={};", value); } void EmitLocalInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.AddU32x3("{}=gl_LocalInvocationID;", inst); } void EmitWorkgroupId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.AddU32x3("{}=gl_WorkGroupID;", inst); } void EmitInvocationId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_InvocationID);", inst); } void EmitSampleId(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.AddU32("{}=uint(gl_SampleID);", inst); } void EmitIsHelperInvocation(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.AddU1("{}=gl_HelperInvocation;", inst); } void EmitYDirection(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.uses_y_direction = true; ctx.AddF32("{}=gl_FrontMaterial.ambient.a;", inst); } void EmitResolutionDownFactor(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst) { ctx.AddF32("{}=scaling.z;", inst); } void EmitLoadLocal(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, std::string_view word_offset) { ctx.AddU32("{}=lmem[{}];", inst, word_offset); } void EmitWriteLocal(EmitContext& ctx, std::string_view word_offset, std::string_view value) { ctx.Add("lmem[{}]={};", word_offset, value); } } // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL