// Copyright 2022 yuzu emulator team // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "core/hle/ipc_helpers.h" #include "core/hle/service/mnpp/mnpp_app.h" #include "core/hle/service/sm/sm.h" namespace Service::MNPP { class MNPP_APP final : public ServiceFramework { public: explicit MNPP_APP(Core::System& system_) : ServiceFramework{system_, "mnpp:app"} { // clang-format off static const FunctionInfo functions[] = { {0, &MNPP_APP::Unknown0, "unknown0"}, {1, &MNPP_APP::Unknown1, "unknown1"}, }; // clang-format on RegisterHandlers(functions); } private: void Unknown0(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) { LOG_WARNING(Service_MNPP, "(STUBBED) called"); IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2}; rb.Push(ResultSuccess); } void Unknown1(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) { LOG_WARNING(Service_MNPP, "(STUBBED) called"); IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2}; rb.Push(ResultSuccess); } }; void InstallInterfaces(SM::ServiceManager& service_manager, Core::System& system) { std::make_shared(system)->InstallAsService(service_manager); } } // namespace Service::MNPP