# shallow clone clone_depth: 10 cache: - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin -> appveyor.yml - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib -> appveyor.yml os: Visual Studio 2017 platform: - x64 configuration: - Release install: - git submodule update --init --recursive before_build: - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCITRA_USE_BUNDLED_QT=1 -DCITRA_USE_BUNDLED_SDL2=1 -DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL=0 .. - cd .. build: project: build/citra.sln parallel: true after_build: - ps: | $GITDATE = $(git show -s --date=short --format='%ad') -replace "-","" $GITREV = $(git show -s --format='%h') $GIT_LONG_HASH = $(git rev-parse HEAD) # Where are these spaces coming from? Regardless, let's remove them $MSVC_BUILD_NAME = "citra-windows-msvc-$GITDATE-$GITREV.zip" -replace " ", "" $MSVC_BUILD_PDB = "citra-windows-msvc-$GITDATE-$GITREV-debugsymbols.zip" -replace " ", "" $MSVC_SEVENZIP = "citra-windows-msvc-$GITDATE-$GITREV.7z" -replace " ", "" $BINTRAY_VERSION = "nightly-$GIT_LONG_HASH" -replace " ", "" # set the build names as env vars so the artifacts can upload them $env:MSVC_BUILD_NAME = $MSVC_BUILD_NAME $env:MSVC_BUILD_PDB = $MSVC_BUILD_PDB $env:MSVC_SEVENZIP = $MSVC_SEVENZIP $env:GITREV = $GITREV 7z a -tzip $MSVC_BUILD_PDB .\build\bin\release\*.pdb rm .\build\bin\release\*.pdb # Find out which kind of release we are producing by tag name if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME) { $RELEASE_DIST, $RELEASE_VERSION = $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME.split('-') } else { # There is no repo tag - make assumptions $RELEASE_DIST = "head" } mkdir $RELEASE_DIST Copy-Item .\build\bin\release\* -Destination $RELEASE_DIST -Recurse Copy-Item .\license.txt -Destination $RELEASE_DIST Copy-Item .\README.md -Destination $RELEASE_DIST 7z a -tzip $MSVC_BUILD_NAME $RELEASE_DIST\* 7z a $MSVC_SEVENZIP $RELEASE_DIST test_script: - cd build && ctest -VV -C Release && cd .. artifacts: - path: $(MSVC_BUILD_NAME) name: msvcbuild type: zip - path: $(MSVC_BUILD_PDB) name: msvcdebug type: zip - path: $(MSVC_SEVENZIP) name: msvcupdate deploy: provider: GitHub release: $(appveyor_repo_tag_name) auth_token: secure: "dbpsMC/MgPKWFNJCXpQl4cR8FYhepkPLjgNp/pRMktZ8oLKTqPYErfreaIxb/4P1" artifact: msvcupdate,msvcbuild draft: false prerelease: false on: appveyor_repo_tag: true