# Gets a UTC timstamp and sets the provided variable to it function(get_timestamp _var) string(TIMESTAMP timestamp UTC) set(${_var} "${timestamp}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${SRC_DIR}/externals/cmake-modules") # Find the package here with the known path so that the GetGit commands can find it as well find_package(Git QUIET PATHS "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}") # generate git/build information include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_revision(GIT_REF_SPEC GIT_REV) git_describe(GIT_DESC --always --long --dirty) git_branch_name(GIT_BRANCH) get_timestamp(BUILD_DATE) # Generate cpp with Git revision from template # Also if this is a CI build, add the build name (ie: Nightly, Canary) to the scm_rev file as well set(REPO_NAME "") set(BUILD_VERSION "0") if (BUILD_REPOSITORY) # regex capture the string nightly or canary into CMAKE_MATCH_1 string(REGEX MATCH "yuzu-emu/yuzu-?(.*)" OUTVAR ${BUILD_REPOSITORY}) if ("${CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT}" GREATER 0) # capitalize the first letter of each word in the repo name. string(REPLACE "-" ";" REPO_NAME_LIST ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) foreach(WORD ${REPO_NAME_LIST}) string(SUBSTRING ${WORD} 0 1 FIRST_LETTER) string(SUBSTRING ${WORD} 1 -1 REMAINDER) string(TOUPPER ${FIRST_LETTER} FIRST_LETTER) set(REPO_NAME "${REPO_NAME}${FIRST_LETTER}${REMAINDER}") endforeach() if (BUILD_TAG) string(REGEX MATCH "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}-([0-9]+)" OUTVAR ${BUILD_TAG}) if (${CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT} GREATER 0) set(BUILD_VERSION ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) endif() if (BUILD_VERSION) # This leaves a trailing space on the last word, but we actually want that # because of how it's styled in the title bar. set(BUILD_FULLNAME "${REPO_NAME} ${BUILD_VERSION} ") else() set(BUILD_FULLNAME "") endif() endif() endif() endif() # The variable SRC_DIR must be passed into the script # (since it uses the current build directory for all values of CMAKE_*_DIR) configure_file("${SRC_DIR}/src/common/scm_rev.cpp.in" "scm_rev.cpp" @ONLY)