path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
25 files changed, 2916 insertions, 1748 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/intrusive_list.h b/src/common/intrusive_list.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d330dc1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/intrusive_list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include "common/common_funcs.h"
+#include "common/parent_of_member.h"
+namespace Common {
+// Forward declare implementation class for Node.
+namespace impl {
+class IntrusiveListImpl;
+class IntrusiveListNode {
+ YUZU_NON_COPYABLE(IntrusiveListNode);
+ friend class impl::IntrusiveListImpl;
+ IntrusiveListNode* m_prev;
+ IntrusiveListNode* m_next;
+ constexpr IntrusiveListNode() : m_prev(this), m_next(this) {}
+ constexpr bool IsLinked() const {
+ return m_next != this;
+ }
+ constexpr void LinkPrev(IntrusiveListNode* node) {
+ // We can't link an already linked node.
+ ASSERT(!node->IsLinked());
+ this->SplicePrev(node, node);
+ }
+ constexpr void SplicePrev(IntrusiveListNode* first, IntrusiveListNode* last) {
+ // Splice a range into the list.
+ auto last_prev = last->m_prev;
+ first->m_prev = m_prev;
+ last_prev->m_next = this;
+ m_prev->m_next = first;
+ m_prev = last_prev;
+ }
+ constexpr void LinkNext(IntrusiveListNode* node) {
+ // We can't link an already linked node.
+ ASSERT(!node->IsLinked());
+ return this->SpliceNext(node, node);
+ }
+ constexpr void SpliceNext(IntrusiveListNode* first, IntrusiveListNode* last) {
+ // Splice a range into the list.
+ auto last_prev = last->m_prev;
+ first->m_prev = this;
+ last_prev->m_next = m_next;
+ m_next->m_prev = last_prev;
+ m_next = first;
+ }
+ constexpr void Unlink() {
+ this->Unlink(m_next);
+ }
+ constexpr void Unlink(IntrusiveListNode* last) {
+ // Unlink a node from a next node.
+ auto last_prev = last->m_prev;
+ m_prev->m_next = last;
+ last->m_prev = m_prev;
+ last_prev->m_next = this;
+ m_prev = last_prev;
+ }
+ constexpr IntrusiveListNode* GetPrev() {
+ return m_prev;
+ }
+ constexpr const IntrusiveListNode* GetPrev() const {
+ return m_prev;
+ }
+ constexpr IntrusiveListNode* GetNext() {
+ return m_next;
+ }
+ constexpr const IntrusiveListNode* GetNext() const {
+ return m_next;
+ }
+// DEPRECATED: static_assert(std::is_literal_type<IntrusiveListNode>::value);
+namespace impl {
+class IntrusiveListImpl {
+ YUZU_NON_COPYABLE(IntrusiveListImpl);
+ IntrusiveListNode m_root_node;
+ template <bool Const>
+ class Iterator;
+ using value_type = IntrusiveListNode;
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = value_type*;
+ using const_pointer = const value_type*;
+ using reference = value_type&;
+ using const_reference = const value_type&;
+ using iterator = Iterator<false>;
+ using const_iterator = Iterator<true>;
+ using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
+ template <bool Const>
+ class Iterator {
+ public:
+ using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
+ using value_type = typename IntrusiveListImpl::value_type;
+ using difference_type = typename IntrusiveListImpl::difference_type;
+ using pointer =
+ std::conditional_t<Const, IntrusiveListImpl::const_pointer, IntrusiveListImpl::pointer>;
+ using reference = std::conditional_t<Const, IntrusiveListImpl::const_reference,
+ IntrusiveListImpl::reference>;
+ private:
+ pointer m_node;
+ public:
+ constexpr explicit Iterator(pointer n) : m_node(n) {}
+ constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const {
+ return m_node == rhs.m_node;
+ }
+ constexpr pointer operator->() const {
+ return m_node;
+ }
+ constexpr reference operator*() const {
+ return *m_node;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator& operator++() {
+ m_node = m_node->m_next;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator& operator--() {
+ m_node = m_node->m_prev;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator operator++(int) {
+ const Iterator it{*this};
+ ++(*this);
+ return it;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator operator--(int) {
+ const Iterator it{*this};
+ --(*this);
+ return it;
+ }
+ constexpr operator Iterator<true>() const {
+ return Iterator<true>(m_node);
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator<false> GetNonConstIterator() const {
+ return Iterator<false>(const_cast<IntrusiveListImpl::pointer>(m_node));
+ }
+ };
+ constexpr IntrusiveListImpl() : m_root_node() {}
+ // Iterator accessors.
+ constexpr iterator begin() {
+ return iterator(m_root_node.GetNext());
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator begin() const {
+ return const_iterator(m_root_node.GetNext());
+ }
+ constexpr iterator end() {
+ return iterator(std::addressof(m_root_node));
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator end() const {
+ return const_iterator(std::addressof(m_root_node));
+ }
+ constexpr iterator iterator_to(reference v) {
+ // Only allow iterator_to for values in lists.
+ ASSERT(v.IsLinked());
+ return iterator(std::addressof(v));
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator iterator_to(const_reference v) const {
+ // Only allow iterator_to for values in lists.
+ ASSERT(v.IsLinked());
+ return const_iterator(std::addressof(v));
+ }
+ // Content management.
+ constexpr bool empty() const {
+ return !m_root_node.IsLinked();
+ }
+ constexpr size_type size() const {
+ return static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(this->begin(), this->end()));
+ }
+ constexpr reference back() {
+ return *m_root_node.GetPrev();
+ }
+ constexpr const_reference back() const {
+ return *m_root_node.GetPrev();
+ }
+ constexpr reference front() {
+ return *m_root_node.GetNext();
+ }
+ constexpr const_reference front() const {
+ return *m_root_node.GetNext();
+ }
+ constexpr void push_back(reference node) {
+ m_root_node.LinkPrev(std::addressof(node));
+ }
+ constexpr void push_front(reference node) {
+ m_root_node.LinkNext(std::addressof(node));
+ }
+ constexpr void pop_back() {
+ m_root_node.GetPrev()->Unlink();
+ }
+ constexpr void pop_front() {
+ m_root_node.GetNext()->Unlink();
+ }
+ constexpr iterator insert(const_iterator pos, reference node) {
+ pos.GetNonConstIterator()->LinkPrev(std::addressof(node));
+ return iterator(std::addressof(node));
+ }
+ constexpr void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveListImpl& o) {
+ splice_impl(pos, o.begin(), o.end());
+ }
+ constexpr void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveListImpl& o, const_iterator first) {
+ const_iterator last(first);
+ std::advance(last, 1);
+ splice_impl(pos, first, last);
+ }
+ constexpr void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveListImpl& o, const_iterator first,
+ const_iterator last) {
+ splice_impl(pos, first, last);
+ }
+ constexpr iterator erase(const_iterator pos) {
+ if (pos == this->end()) {
+ return this->end();
+ }
+ iterator it(pos.GetNonConstIterator());
+ (it++)->Unlink();
+ return it;
+ }
+ constexpr void clear() {
+ while (!this->empty()) {
+ this->pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ constexpr void splice_impl(const_iterator _pos, const_iterator _first, const_iterator _last) {
+ if (_first == _last) {
+ return;
+ }
+ iterator pos(_pos.GetNonConstIterator());
+ iterator first(_first.GetNonConstIterator());
+ iterator last(_last.GetNonConstIterator());
+ first->Unlink(std::addressof(*last));
+ pos->SplicePrev(std::addressof(*first), std::addressof(*first));
+ }
+} // namespace impl
+template <class T, class Traits>
+class IntrusiveList {
+ YUZU_NON_COPYABLE(IntrusiveList);
+ impl::IntrusiveListImpl m_impl;
+ template <bool Const>
+ class Iterator;
+ using value_type = T;
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = value_type*;
+ using const_pointer = const value_type*;
+ using reference = value_type&;
+ using const_reference = const value_type&;
+ using iterator = Iterator<false>;
+ using const_iterator = Iterator<true>;
+ using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
+ template <bool Const>
+ class Iterator {
+ public:
+ friend class Common::IntrusiveList<T, Traits>;
+ using ImplIterator =
+ std::conditional_t<Const, Common::impl::IntrusiveListImpl::const_iterator,
+ Common::impl::IntrusiveListImpl::iterator>;
+ using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
+ using value_type = typename IntrusiveList::value_type;
+ using difference_type = typename IntrusiveList::difference_type;
+ using pointer =
+ std::conditional_t<Const, IntrusiveList::const_pointer, IntrusiveList::pointer>;
+ using reference =
+ std::conditional_t<Const, IntrusiveList::const_reference, IntrusiveList::reference>;
+ private:
+ ImplIterator m_iterator;
+ private:
+ constexpr explicit Iterator(ImplIterator it) : m_iterator(it) {}
+ constexpr ImplIterator GetImplIterator() const {
+ return m_iterator;
+ }
+ public:
+ constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const {
+ return m_iterator == rhs.m_iterator;
+ }
+ constexpr pointer operator->() const {
+ return std::addressof(Traits::GetParent(*m_iterator));
+ }
+ constexpr reference operator*() const {
+ return Traits::GetParent(*m_iterator);
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator& operator++() {
+ ++m_iterator;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator& operator--() {
+ --m_iterator;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator operator++(int) {
+ const Iterator it{*this};
+ ++m_iterator;
+ return it;
+ }
+ constexpr Iterator operator--(int) {
+ const Iterator it{*this};
+ --m_iterator;
+ return it;
+ }
+ constexpr operator Iterator<true>() const {
+ return Iterator<true>(m_iterator);
+ }
+ };
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode& GetNode(reference ref) {
+ return Traits::GetNode(ref);
+ }
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode const& GetNode(const_reference ref) {
+ return Traits::GetNode(ref);
+ }
+ static constexpr reference GetParent(IntrusiveListNode& node) {
+ return Traits::GetParent(node);
+ }
+ static constexpr const_reference GetParent(IntrusiveListNode const& node) {
+ return Traits::GetParent(node);
+ }
+ constexpr IntrusiveList() : m_impl() {}
+ // Iterator accessors.
+ constexpr iterator begin() {
+ return iterator(m_impl.begin());
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator begin() const {
+ return const_iterator(m_impl.begin());
+ }
+ constexpr iterator end() {
+ return iterator(m_impl.end());
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator end() const {
+ return const_iterator(m_impl.end());
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const {
+ return this->begin();
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator cend() const {
+ return this->end();
+ }
+ constexpr reverse_iterator rbegin() {
+ return reverse_iterator(this->end());
+ }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(this->end());
+ }
+ constexpr reverse_iterator rend() {
+ return reverse_iterator(this->begin());
+ }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(this->begin());
+ }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const {
+ return this->rbegin();
+ }
+ constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const {
+ return this->rend();
+ }
+ constexpr iterator iterator_to(reference v) {
+ return iterator(m_impl.iterator_to(GetNode(v)));
+ }
+ constexpr const_iterator iterator_to(const_reference v) const {
+ return const_iterator(m_impl.iterator_to(GetNode(v)));
+ }
+ // Content management.
+ constexpr bool empty() const {
+ return m_impl.empty();
+ }
+ constexpr size_type size() const {
+ return m_impl.size();
+ }
+ constexpr reference back() {
+ return GetParent(m_impl.back());
+ }
+ constexpr const_reference back() const {
+ return GetParent(m_impl.back());
+ }
+ constexpr reference front() {
+ return GetParent(m_impl.front());
+ }
+ constexpr const_reference front() const {
+ return GetParent(m_impl.front());
+ }
+ constexpr void push_back(reference ref) {
+ m_impl.push_back(GetNode(ref));
+ }
+ constexpr void push_front(reference ref) {
+ m_impl.push_front(GetNode(ref));
+ }
+ constexpr void pop_back() {
+ m_impl.pop_back();
+ }
+ constexpr void pop_front() {
+ m_impl.pop_front();
+ }
+ constexpr iterator insert(const_iterator pos, reference ref) {
+ return iterator(m_impl.insert(pos.GetImplIterator(), GetNode(ref)));
+ }
+ constexpr void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList& o) {
+ m_impl.splice(pos.GetImplIterator(), o.m_impl);
+ }
+ constexpr void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList& o, const_iterator first) {
+ m_impl.splice(pos.GetImplIterator(), o.m_impl, first.GetImplIterator());
+ }
+ constexpr void splice(const_iterator pos, IntrusiveList& o, const_iterator first,
+ const_iterator last) {
+ m_impl.splice(pos.GetImplIterator(), o.m_impl, first.GetImplIterator(),
+ last.GetImplIterator());
+ }
+ constexpr iterator erase(const_iterator pos) {
+ return iterator(m_impl.erase(pos.GetImplIterator()));
+ }
+ constexpr void clear() {
+ m_impl.clear();
+ }
+template <auto T, class Derived = Common::impl::GetParentType<T>>
+class IntrusiveListMemberTraits;
+template <class Parent, IntrusiveListNode Parent::*Member, class Derived>
+class IntrusiveListMemberTraits<Member, Derived> {
+ using ListType = IntrusiveList<Derived, IntrusiveListMemberTraits>;
+ friend class IntrusiveList<Derived, IntrusiveListMemberTraits>;
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode& GetNode(Derived& parent) {
+ return parent.*Member;
+ }
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode const& GetNode(Derived const& parent) {
+ return parent.*Member;
+ }
+ static Derived& GetParent(IntrusiveListNode& node) {
+ return Common::GetParentReference<Member, Derived>(std::addressof(node));
+ }
+ static Derived const& GetParent(IntrusiveListNode const& node) {
+ return Common::GetParentReference<Member, Derived>(std::addressof(node));
+ }
+template <auto T, class Derived = Common::impl::GetParentType<T>>
+class IntrusiveListMemberTraitsByNonConstexprOffsetOf;
+template <class Parent, IntrusiveListNode Parent::*Member, class Derived>
+class IntrusiveListMemberTraitsByNonConstexprOffsetOf<Member, Derived> {
+ using ListType = IntrusiveList<Derived, IntrusiveListMemberTraitsByNonConstexprOffsetOf>;
+ friend class IntrusiveList<Derived, IntrusiveListMemberTraitsByNonConstexprOffsetOf>;
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode& GetNode(Derived& parent) {
+ return parent.*Member;
+ }
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode const& GetNode(Derived const& parent) {
+ return parent.*Member;
+ }
+ static Derived& GetParent(IntrusiveListNode& node) {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<Derived*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(std::addressof(node)) -
+ GetOffset());
+ }
+ static Derived const& GetParent(IntrusiveListNode const& node) {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const Derived*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(std::addressof(node)) - GetOffset());
+ }
+ static uintptr_t GetOffset() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(std::addressof(reinterpret_cast<Derived*>(0)->*Member));
+ }
+template <class Derived>
+class IntrusiveListBaseNode : public IntrusiveListNode {};
+template <class Derived>
+class IntrusiveListBaseTraits {
+ using ListType = IntrusiveList<Derived, IntrusiveListBaseTraits>;
+ friend class IntrusiveList<Derived, IntrusiveListBaseTraits>;
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode& GetNode(Derived& parent) {
+ return static_cast<IntrusiveListNode&>(
+ static_cast<IntrusiveListBaseNode<Derived>&>(parent));
+ }
+ static constexpr IntrusiveListNode const& GetNode(Derived const& parent) {
+ return static_cast<const IntrusiveListNode&>(
+ static_cast<const IntrusiveListBaseNode<Derived>&>(parent));
+ }
+ static constexpr Derived& GetParent(IntrusiveListNode& node) {
+ return static_cast<Derived&>(static_cast<IntrusiveListBaseNode<Derived>&>(node));
+ }
+ static constexpr Derived const& GetParent(IntrusiveListNode const& node) {
+ return static_cast<const Derived&>(
+ static_cast<const IntrusiveListBaseNode<Derived>&>(node));
+ }
+} // namespace Common
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_event_info.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_event_info.h
index 25b3ff594..eacfa5dc6 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_event_info.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_event_info.h
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
#include <array>
-#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/slab_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/svc_types.h"
namespace Kernel {
-class KEventInfo : public KSlabAllocated<KEventInfo>, public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
+class KEventInfo : public KSlabAllocated<KEventInfo>,
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<KEventInfo> {
struct InfoCreateThread {
u32 thread_id{};
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_object_name.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_object_name.h
index 2d97fc777..a8876fe37 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_object_name.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_object_name.h
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
#include <array>
#include <memory>
-#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_light_lock.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/slab_helpers.h"
@@ -15,13 +16,14 @@ namespace Kernel {
class KObjectNameGlobalData;
-class KObjectName : public KSlabAllocated<KObjectName>, public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
+class KObjectName : public KSlabAllocated<KObjectName>,
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<KObjectName> {
explicit KObjectName(KernelCore&) {}
virtual ~KObjectName() = default;
static constexpr size_t NameLengthMax = 12;
- using List = boost::intrusive::list<KObjectName>;
+ using List = Common::IntrusiveListBaseTraits<KObjectName>::ListType;
static Result NewFromName(KernelCore& kernel, KAutoObject* obj, const char* name);
static Result Delete(KernelCore& kernel, KAutoObject* obj, const char* name);
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_port.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_port.h
index 21c040e62..625280290 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_port.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_port.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <utility>
-#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_server_session.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_synchronization_object.h"
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
bool IsSignaled() const override;
- using SessionList = boost::intrusive::list<KServerSession>;
+ using SessionList = Common::IntrusiveListBaseTraits<KServerSession>::ListType;
void CleanupSessions();
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_session.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_session.h
index 5ee02f556..403891919 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_session.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_server_session.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <utility>
-#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_light_lock.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_session_request.h"
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class KSession;
class KThread;
class KServerSession final : public KSynchronizationObject,
- public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<KServerSession> {
KERNEL_AUTOOBJECT_TRAITS(KServerSession, KSynchronizationObject);
friend class ServiceThread;
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ private:
KSession* m_parent{};
/// List of threads which are pending a reply.
- boost::intrusive::list<KSessionRequest> m_request_list{};
+ using RequestList = Common::IntrusiveListBaseTraits<KSessionRequest>::ListType;
+ RequestList m_request_list{};
KSessionRequest* m_current_request{};
KLightLock m_lock;
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_session_request.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_session_request.h
index b5f04907b..283669e0a 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_session_request.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_session_request.h
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include <array>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_auto_object.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_event.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_memory_block.h"
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ namespace Kernel {
class KSessionRequest final : public KSlabAllocated<KSessionRequest>,
public KAutoObject,
- public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<KSessionRequest> {
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_shared_memory_info.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_shared_memory_info.h
index 75b73ba39..2d8ff20d6 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_shared_memory_info.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_shared_memory_info.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#pragma once
-#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/slab_helpers.h"
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace Kernel {
class KSharedMemory;
class KSharedMemoryInfo final : public KSlabAllocated<KSharedMemoryInfo>,
- public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<KSharedMemoryInfo> {
explicit KSharedMemoryInfo(KernelCore&) {}
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_thread.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_thread.h
index 9c1a41128..f9814ac8f 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_thread.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_thread.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
-#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include "common/intrusive_list.h"
#include "common/intrusive_red_black_tree.h"
#include "common/spin_lock.h"
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ s32 GetCurrentCoreId(KernelCore& kernel);
Core::Memory::Memory& GetCurrentMemory(KernelCore& kernel);
class KThread final : public KAutoObjectWithSlabHeapAndContainer<KThread, KWorkerTask>,
- public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<>,
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<KThread>,
public KTimerTask {
KERNEL_AUTOOBJECT_TRAITS(KThread, KSynchronizationObject);
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public:
using ThreadContext32 = Core::ARM_Interface::ThreadContext32;
using ThreadContext64 = Core::ARM_Interface::ThreadContext64;
- using WaiterList = boost::intrusive::list<KThread>;
+ using WaiterList = Common::IntrusiveListBaseTraits<KThread>::ListType;
* Gets the thread's current priority
@@ -750,8 +750,9 @@ private:
- class LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo : public KSlabAllocated<LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo>,
- public boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<> {
+ class LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo
+ : public KSlabAllocated<LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo>,
+ public Common::IntrusiveListBaseNode<LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo> {
explicit LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo(KernelCore&) {}
@@ -839,7 +840,7 @@ public:
using LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfoList =
- boost::intrusive::list<LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo>;
+ Common::IntrusiveListBaseTraits<LockWithPriorityInheritanceInfo>::ListType;
ConditionVariableThreadTree* m_condvar_tree{};
u64 m_condvar_key{};
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp
index 0cd87a48f..fee510f7b 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/emit_spirv_context_get_set.cpp
@@ -473,7 +473,8 @@ void EmitSetFragColor(EmitContext& ctx, u32 index, u32 component, Id value) {
void EmitSetSampleMask(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
- ctx.OpStore(ctx.sample_mask, value);
+ const Id pointer{ctx.OpAccessChain(ctx.output_u32, ctx.sample_mask, ctx.u32_zero_value)};
+ ctx.OpStore(pointer, value);
void EmitSetFragDepth(EmitContext& ctx, Id value) {
diff --git a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/spirv_emit_context.cpp b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/spirv_emit_context.cpp
index d48d4860e..47739794f 100644
--- a/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/spirv_emit_context.cpp
+++ b/src/shader_recompiler/backend/spirv/spirv_emit_context.cpp
@@ -1572,7 +1572,8 @@ void EmitContext::DefineOutputs(const IR::Program& program) {
Decorate(frag_depth, spv::Decoration::BuiltIn, spv::BuiltIn::FragDepth);
if (info.stores_sample_mask) {
- sample_mask = DefineOutput(*this, U32[1], std::nullopt);
+ const Id array_type{TypeArray(U32[1], Const(1U))};
+ sample_mask = DefineOutput(*this, array_type, std::nullopt);
Decorate(sample_mask, spv::Decoration::BuiltIn, spv::BuiltIn::SampleMask);
diff --git a/src/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/src/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 39b774c98..1e158f375 100644
--- a/src/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ add_executable(tests
- video_core/buffer_base.cpp
+ video_core/memory_tracker.cpp
diff --git a/src/tests/video_core/buffer_base.cpp b/src/tests/video_core/buffer_base.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 734dbf4b6..000000000
--- a/src/tests/video_core/buffer_base.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
-#include "common/alignment.h"
-#include "common/common_types.h"
-#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h"
-namespace {
-using VideoCommon::BufferBase;
-using Range = std::pair<u64, u64>;
-constexpr u64 PAGE = 4096;
-constexpr u64 WORD = 4096 * 64;
-constexpr VAddr c = 0x1328914000;
-class RasterizerInterface {
- void UpdatePagesCachedCount(VAddr addr, u64 size, int delta) {
- const u64 page_start{addr >> Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEBITS};
- const u64 page_end{(addr + size + Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE - 1) >>
- Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEBITS};
- for (u64 page = page_start; page < page_end; ++page) {
- int& value = page_table[page];
- value += delta;
- if (value < 0) {
- throw std::logic_error{"negative page"};
- }
- if (value == 0) {
- page_table.erase(page);
- }
- }
- }
- [[nodiscard]] int Count(VAddr addr) const noexcept {
- const auto it = page_table.find(addr >> Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEBITS);
- return it == page_table.end() ? 0 : it->second;
- }
- [[nodiscard]] unsigned Count() const noexcept {
- unsigned count = 0;
- for (const auto& [index, value] : page_table) {
- count += value;
- }
- return count;
- }
- std::unordered_map<u64, int> page_table;
-} // Anonymous namespace
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Small buffer", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == WORD / PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD) == Range{0, 0});
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, 1);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD) == Range{PAGE * 1, PAGE * 2});
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Large buffer", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 32);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 32);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 4096, WORD * 4);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD + PAGE * 2) == Range{PAGE, WORD + PAGE * 2});
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c + PAGE * 2, PAGE * 6) == Range{PAGE * 2, PAGE * 8});
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD * 32) == Range{PAGE, WORD * 4 + PAGE});
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 4, PAGE) == Range{WORD * 4, WORD * 4 + PAGE});
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 3 + PAGE * 63, PAGE) ==
- Range{WORD * 3 + PAGE * 63, WORD * 4});
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 6, PAGE);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 8, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 5, WORD) ==
- Range{WORD * 5 + PAGE * 6, WORD * 5 + PAGE * 9});
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 8, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 5, WORD) ==
- Range{WORD * 5 + PAGE * 6, WORD * 5 + PAGE * 7});
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, WORD * 31 + PAGE * 63);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD * 32) == Range{PAGE, WORD * 32});
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 4, PAGE);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 6, PAGE);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 32);
- REQUIRE(buffer.ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD * 32) == Range{0, 0});
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Rasterizer counting", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 1);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 2);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Basic range", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == 0U);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 1U);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Border upload", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD * 2, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD - PAGE);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
- });
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Border upload range", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD - PAGE);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
- });
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD - PAGE);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- });
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD, PAGE, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- });
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Border upload partial range", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - 1, 2, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD - PAGE);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
- });
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - 1, 1, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD - PAGE);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- });
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD + 50, 1, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- });
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Partial word uploads", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, 0x9d000);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == 0U);
- REQUIRE(size == WORD);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD);
- REQUIRE(size == WORD);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + 0x79000, 0x24000, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD * 2);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 0x1d);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 3);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Partial page upload", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 2, PAGE);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 9, PAGE);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, PAGE * 3, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 7, PAGE * 3, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 9);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 2);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Partial page upload with multiple words on the right") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 8);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 8);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 13, WORD * 7);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 10, WORD * 7, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 13);
- REQUIRE(size == WORD * 7 - PAGE * 3);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE, WORD * 8, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD * 7 + PAGE * 10);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 3);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 2);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Partial page upload with multiple words on the left", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 8);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 8);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 13, WORD * 7);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 16, WORD * 7, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 16);
- REQUIRE(size == WORD * 7 - PAGE * 3);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 13);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 3);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 2);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Partial page upload with multiple words in the middle", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 8);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 8);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 13, PAGE * 140);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 16, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 16);
- REQUIRE(size == WORD);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == PAGE * 13);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 3);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD * 8, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD + PAGE * 16);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 73);
- ++num;
- });
- REQUIRE(num == 3);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Empty right bits", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 2048);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2048);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD * 2048, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
- REQUIRE(offset == WORD - PAGE);
- REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
- });
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Out of bound ranges 1", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c - WORD, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c - PAGE, PAGE, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- REQUIRE(num == 0);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c - PAGE, PAGE * 2, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- REQUIRE(num == 1);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Out of bound ranges 2", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, 0x22000);
- REQUIRE_NOTHROW(buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 0x22000, PAGE));
- REQUIRE_NOTHROW(buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 0x28000, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
- REQUIRE_NOTHROW(buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 0x21100, PAGE - 0x100));
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 1);
- REQUIRE_NOTHROW(buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - 0x1000, PAGE * 2));
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - 0x3000, PAGE * 2);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - 0x2000, PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 2);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Out of bound ranges 3", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, 0x310720);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, 0x310720);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c) == 1);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c + PAGE) == 1);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c + WORD) == 1);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c + WORD + PAGE) == 1);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Sparse regions 1", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 1, PAGE);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE * 4);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [i = 0](u64 offset, u64 size) mutable {
- static constexpr std::array<u64, 2> offsets{PAGE, PAGE * 3};
- static constexpr std::array<u64, 2> sizes{PAGE, PAGE * 4};
- REQUIRE(offset ==;
- REQUIRE(size ==;
- ++i;
- });
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Sparse regions 2", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, 0x22000);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, 0x22000);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0x22);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 0x1B, PAGE);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 0x21, PAGE);
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [i = 0](u64 offset, u64 size) mutable {
- static constexpr std::array<u64, 2> offsets{PAGE * 0x1B, PAGE * 0x21};
- static constexpr std::array<u64, 2> sizes{PAGE, PAGE};
- REQUIRE(offset ==;
- REQUIRE(size ==;
- ++i;
- });
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Single page modified range", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Two page modified range", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE * 2));
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Multi word modified ranges", "[video_core]") {
- for (int offset = 0; offset < 4; ++offset) {
- const VAddr address = c + WORD * offset;
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, address, WORD * 4);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 48, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 56, PAGE));
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE, WORD));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 31, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 33, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 31, PAGE * 2));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE * 2));
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(address + PAGE * 33, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE * 2));
- }
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Single page in large buffer", "[video_core]") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 16);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 16);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, WORD * 16));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 8, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, WORD * 16));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 10, WORD * 2));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 11, WORD * 2));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12, WORD * 2));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 4, PAGE * 8));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 6, PAGE * 8));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 6, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 7, PAGE * 2));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 8, PAGE * 2));
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Out of bounds region query") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 16);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c - PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c - PAGE * 2, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 16, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 16 - PAGE, WORD * 64));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 16, WORD * 64));
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Wrap word regions") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE * 2);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, WORD * 2));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 62, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 64, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE * 2));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE * 8));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 60, PAGE * 8));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, WORD * 16));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, WORD * 16));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 126, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 126, PAGE * 2));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 128, WORD * 16));
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Unaligned page region query") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 4000, 1000);
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + 4000, 1000));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + 4000, 1));
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Cached write") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.FlushCachedWrites();
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Multiple cached write") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE));
- buffer.FlushCachedWrites();
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Cached write unmarked") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.FlushCachedWrites();
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Cached write iterated") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- REQUIRE(num == 0);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.FlushCachedWrites();
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
-TEST_CASE("BufferBase: Cached write downloads") {
- RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
- BufferBase buffer(rasterizer, c, WORD);
- buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 64);
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 63);
- buffer.MarkRegionAsGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
- int num = 0;
- buffer.ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
- REQUIRE(num == 0);
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.FlushCachedWrites();
- REQUIRE(buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- REQUIRE(!buffer.IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
- REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
diff --git a/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp b/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3981907a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/video_core/memory_tracker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
+#include "common/alignment.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h"
+namespace {
+using Range = std::pair<u64, u64>;
+constexpr u64 PAGE = 4096;
+constexpr u64 WORD = 4096 * 64;
+constexpr u64 HIGH_PAGE_BITS = 22;
+constexpr u64 HIGH_PAGE_SIZE = 1ULL << HIGH_PAGE_BITS;
+constexpr VAddr c = 16 * HIGH_PAGE_SIZE;
+class RasterizerInterface {
+ void UpdatePagesCachedCount(VAddr addr, u64 size, int delta) {
+ const u64 page_start{addr >> Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEBITS};
+ const u64 page_end{(addr + size + Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE - 1) >>
+ Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEBITS};
+ for (u64 page = page_start; page < page_end; ++page) {
+ int& value = page_table[page];
+ value += delta;
+ if (value < 0) {
+ throw std::logic_error{"negative page"};
+ }
+ if (value == 0) {
+ page_table.erase(page);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] int Count(VAddr addr) const noexcept {
+ const auto it = page_table.find(addr >> Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEBITS);
+ return it == page_table.end() ? 0 : it->second;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] unsigned Count() const noexcept {
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ for (const auto& [index, value] : page_table) {
+ count += value;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<u64, int> page_table;
+} // Anonymous namespace
+using MemoryTracker = VideoCommon::MemoryTrackerBase<RasterizerInterface>;
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Small region", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == WORD / PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD) == Range{0, 0});
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, 1);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD) == Range{c + PAGE * 1, c + PAGE * 2});
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Large region", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 32);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 4096, WORD * 4);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD + PAGE * 2) ==
+ Range{c + PAGE, c + WORD + PAGE * 2});
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c + PAGE * 2, PAGE * 6) ==
+ Range{c + PAGE * 2, c + PAGE * 8});
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD * 32) == Range{c + PAGE, c + WORD * 4 + PAGE});
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 4, PAGE) ==
+ Range{c + WORD * 4, c + WORD * 4 + PAGE});
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 3 + PAGE * 63, PAGE) ==
+ Range{c + WORD * 3 + PAGE * 63, c + WORD * 4});
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 6, PAGE);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 8, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 5, WORD) ==
+ Range{c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 6, c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 9});
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 8, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c + WORD * 5, WORD) ==
+ Range{c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 6, c + WORD * 5 + PAGE * 7});
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, WORD * 31 + PAGE * 63);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD * 32) == Range{c + PAGE, c + WORD * 32});
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 4, PAGE);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 6, PAGE);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 32);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->ModifiedCpuRegion(c, WORD * 32) == Range{0, 0});
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Rasterizer counting", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 1);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE * 2);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 2);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE * 2);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Basic range", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1U);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Border upload", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD * 2, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD - PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
+ });
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Border upload range", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD - PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
+ });
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD - PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ });
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD, PAGE, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ });
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Border upload partial range", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - 1, 2, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD - PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
+ });
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD - 1, 1, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD - PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ });
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD + 50, 1, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ });
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Partial word uploads", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c);
+ REQUIRE(size == WORD);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD);
+ REQUIRE(size == WORD);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + 0x79000, 0x24000, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD * 2);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 0x1d);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 3);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Partial page upload", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 2, PAGE);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 9, PAGE);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, PAGE * 3, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 2);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 7, PAGE * 3, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 9);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 2);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Partial page upload with multiple words on the right") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 9);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 13, WORD * 7);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 10, WORD * 7, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 13);
+ REQUIRE(size == WORD * 7 - PAGE * 3);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE, WORD * 8, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD * 7 + PAGE * 10);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 3);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 2);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Partial page upload with multiple words on the left", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 8);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 13, WORD * 7);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 16, WORD * 7, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 16);
+ REQUIRE(size == WORD * 7 - PAGE * 3);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 13);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 3);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 2);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Partial page upload with multiple words in the middle", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 8);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 13, PAGE * 140);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + PAGE * 16, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 16);
+ REQUIRE(size == WORD);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + PAGE * 13);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 3);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD * 8, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD + PAGE * 16);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 73);
+ ++num;
+ });
+ REQUIRE(num == 3);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Empty right bits", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 2048);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD - PAGE, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD * 2048, [](u64 offset, u64 size) {
+ REQUIRE(offset == c + WORD - PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(size == PAGE * 2);
+ });
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Out of bound ranges 1", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - WORD, 3 * WORD);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == (3 * WORD - PAGE) / PAGE);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c - WORD, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c + WORD, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c - PAGE, PAGE, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ REQUIRE(num == 0);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c - PAGE, PAGE * 2, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 2 * WORD / PAGE);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Out of bound ranges 2", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 0x22000, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 0x28000, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 2);
+ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 0x21100, PAGE - 0x100));
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 3);
+ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - PAGE, PAGE * 2));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - PAGE * 3, PAGE * 2);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c - PAGE * 2, PAGE * 2);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 7);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Out of bound ranges 3", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, 0x310720);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c) == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c + PAGE) == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c + WORD) == 1);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count(c + WORD + PAGE) == 1);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Sparse regions 1", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 1, PAGE);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE * 4);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [i = 0](u64 offset, u64 size) mutable {
+ static constexpr std::array<u64, 2> offsets{c + PAGE, c + PAGE * 3};
+ static constexpr std::array<u64, 2> sizes{PAGE, PAGE * 4};
+ REQUIRE(offset ==;
+ REQUIRE(size ==;
+ ++i;
+ });
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Sparse regions 2", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE * 0x23);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0x23);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 0x1B, PAGE);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 0x21, PAGE);
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, PAGE * 0x23, [i = 0](u64 offset, u64 size) mutable {
+ static constexpr std::array<u64, 3> offsets{c + PAGE * 0x1B, c + PAGE * 0x21};
+ static constexpr std::array<u64, 3> sizes{PAGE, PAGE};
+ REQUIRE(offset ==;
+ REQUIRE(size ==;
+ ++i;
+ });
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Single page modified range", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Two page modified range", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE * 2));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Multi word modified ranges", "[video_core]") {
+ for (int offset = 0; offset < 4; ++offset) {
+ const VAddr address = c + WORD * offset;
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 48, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 56, PAGE));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE, WORD));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 31, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 33, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 31, PAGE * 2));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE * 2));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(address + PAGE * 33, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(address + PAGE * 32, PAGE * 2));
+ }
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Single page in large region", "[video_core]") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 16);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, WORD * 16));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 8, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, WORD * 16));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 10, WORD * 2));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 11, WORD * 2));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12, WORD * 2));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 4, PAGE * 8));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 6, PAGE * 8));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 6, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 7, PAGE * 2));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + WORD * 12 + PAGE * 8, PAGE * 2));
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Wrap word regions") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD * 32);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE * 2);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, WORD * 2));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 62, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 64, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE * 2));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 63, PAGE * 8));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 60, PAGE * 8));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, WORD * 16));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, WORD * 16));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 127, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 126, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 126, PAGE * 2));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 128, WORD * 16));
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Unaligned page region query") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + 4000, 1000);
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + 4000, 1000));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + 4000, 1));
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Cached write") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, c + PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->FlushCachedWrites();
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Multiple cached write") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ memory_track->CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE));
+ memory_track->FlushCachedWrites();
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE * 3, PAGE));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Cached write unmarked") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->FlushCachedWrites();
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Cached write iterated") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ memory_track->CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ REQUIRE(num == 0);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->FlushCachedWrites();
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+TEST_CASE("MemoryTracker: Cached write downloads") {
+ RasterizerInterface rasterizer;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryTracker> memory_track(std::make_unique<MemoryTracker>(rasterizer));
+ memory_track->UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 64);
+ memory_track->CachedCpuWrite(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 63);
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE);
+ int num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ REQUIRE(num == 1);
+ num = 0;
+ memory_track->ForEachUploadRange(c, WORD, [&](u64 offset, u64 size) { ++num; });
+ REQUIRE(num == 0);
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->FlushCachedWrites();
+ REQUIRE(memory_track->IsRegionCpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ REQUIRE(!memory_track->IsRegionGpuModified(c + PAGE, PAGE));
+ memory_track->MarkRegionAsCpuModified(c, WORD);
+ REQUIRE(rasterizer.Count() == 0);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
index e904573d7..92cab93f3 100644
--- a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ endif()
add_library(video_core STATIC
+ buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h
+ buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h
+ buffer_cache/word_manager.h
@@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ add_library(video_core STATIC
+ renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache_base.cpp
@@ -154,6 +158,7 @@ add_library(video_core STATIC
+ renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache_base.cpp
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h
index 1b4d63616..9cbd95c4b 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@
#include "common/alignment.h"
#include "common/common_funcs.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
-#include "common/div_ceil.h"
-#include "common/settings.h"
-#include "core/memory.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h"
namespace VideoCommon {
@@ -36,116 +34,12 @@ struct NullBufferParams {};
template <class RasterizerInterface>
class BufferBase {
- static constexpr u64 PAGES_PER_WORD = 64;
- static constexpr u64 BYTES_PER_PAGE = Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE;
- static constexpr u64 BYTES_PER_WORD = PAGES_PER_WORD * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- /// Vector tracking modified pages tightly packed with small vector optimization
- union WordsArray {
- /// Returns the pointer to the words state
- [[nodiscard]] const u64* Pointer(bool is_short) const noexcept {
- return is_short ? &stack : heap;
- }
- /// Returns the pointer to the words state
- [[nodiscard]] u64* Pointer(bool is_short) noexcept {
- return is_short ? &stack : heap;
- }
- u64 stack = 0; ///< Small buffers storage
- u64* heap; ///< Not-small buffers pointer to the storage
- };
- struct Words {
- explicit Words() = default;
- explicit Words(u64 size_bytes_) : size_bytes{size_bytes_} {
- if (IsShort()) {
- cpu.stack = ~u64{0};
- gpu.stack = 0;
- cached_cpu.stack = 0;
- untracked.stack = ~u64{0};
- } else {
- // Share allocation between CPU and GPU pages and set their default values
- const size_t num_words = NumWords();
- u64* const alloc = new u64[num_words * 4];
- cpu.heap = alloc;
- gpu.heap = alloc + num_words;
- cached_cpu.heap = alloc + num_words * 2;
- untracked.heap = alloc + num_words * 3;
- std::fill_n(cpu.heap, num_words, ~u64{0});
- std::fill_n(gpu.heap, num_words, 0);
- std::fill_n(cached_cpu.heap, num_words, 0);
- std::fill_n(untracked.heap, num_words, ~u64{0});
- }
- // Clean up tailing bits
- const u64 last_word_size = size_bytes % BYTES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 last_local_page = Common::DivCeil(last_word_size, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
- const u64 shift = (PAGES_PER_WORD - last_local_page) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 last_word = (~u64{0} << shift) >> shift;
- cpu.Pointer(IsShort())[NumWords() - 1] = last_word;
- untracked.Pointer(IsShort())[NumWords() - 1] = last_word;
- }
- ~Words() {
- Release();
- }
- Words& operator=(Words&& rhs) noexcept {
- Release();
- size_bytes = rhs.size_bytes;
- cpu = rhs.cpu;
- gpu = rhs.gpu;
- cached_cpu = rhs.cached_cpu;
- untracked = rhs.untracked;
- rhs.cpu.heap = nullptr;
- return *this;
- }
- Words(Words&& rhs) noexcept
- : size_bytes{rhs.size_bytes}, cpu{rhs.cpu}, gpu{rhs.gpu},
- cached_cpu{rhs.cached_cpu}, untracked{rhs.untracked} {
- rhs.cpu.heap = nullptr;
- }
- Words& operator=(const Words&) = delete;
- Words(const Words&) = delete;
- /// Returns true when the buffer fits in the small vector optimization
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsShort() const noexcept {
- return size_bytes <= BYTES_PER_WORD;
- }
- /// Returns the number of words of the buffer
- [[nodiscard]] size_t NumWords() const noexcept {
- return Common::DivCeil(size_bytes, BYTES_PER_WORD);
- }
- /// Release buffer resources
- void Release() {
- if (!IsShort()) {
- // CPU written words is the base for the heap allocation
- delete[] cpu.heap;
- }
- }
- u64 size_bytes = 0;
- WordsArray cpu;
- WordsArray gpu;
- WordsArray cached_cpu;
- WordsArray untracked;
- };
- enum class Type {
- CPU,
- GPU,
- CachedCPU,
- Untracked,
- };
- explicit BufferBase(RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_, VAddr cpu_addr_, u64 size_bytes)
- : rasterizer{&rasterizer_}, cpu_addr{Common::AlignDown(cpu_addr_, BYTES_PER_PAGE)},
- words(Common::AlignUp(size_bytes + (cpu_addr_ - cpu_addr), BYTES_PER_PAGE)) {}
+ static constexpr u64 BASE_PAGE_BITS = 16;
+ static constexpr u64 BASE_PAGE_SIZE = 1ULL << BASE_PAGE_BITS;
+ explicit BufferBase(RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_, VAddr cpu_addr_, u64 size_bytes_)
+ : cpu_addr{cpu_addr_}, size_bytes{size_bytes_} {}
explicit BufferBase(NullBufferParams) {}
@@ -155,100 +49,6 @@ public:
BufferBase& operator=(BufferBase&&) = default;
BufferBase(BufferBase&&) = default;
- /// Returns the inclusive CPU modified range in a begin end pair
- [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedCpuRegion(VAddr query_cpu_addr,
- u64 query_size) const noexcept {
- const u64 offset = query_cpu_addr - cpu_addr;
- return ModifiedRegion<Type::CPU>(offset, query_size);
- }
- /// Returns the inclusive GPU modified range in a begin end pair
- [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedGpuRegion(VAddr query_cpu_addr,
- u64 query_size) const noexcept {
- const u64 offset = query_cpu_addr - cpu_addr;
- return ModifiedRegion<Type::GPU>(offset, query_size);
- }
- /// Returns true if a region has been modified from the CPU
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionCpuModified(VAddr query_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) const noexcept {
- const u64 offset = query_cpu_addr - cpu_addr;
- return IsRegionModified<Type::CPU>(offset, query_size);
- }
- /// Returns true if a region has been modified from the GPU
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionGpuModified(VAddr query_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) const noexcept {
- const u64 offset = query_cpu_addr - cpu_addr;
- return IsRegionModified<Type::GPU>(offset, query_size);
- }
- /// Mark region as CPU modified, notifying the rasterizer about this change
- void MarkRegionAsCpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 size) {
- ChangeRegionState<Type::CPU, true>(dirty_cpu_addr, size);
- }
- /// Unmark region as CPU modified, notifying the rasterizer about this change
- void UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 size) {
- ChangeRegionState<Type::CPU, false>(dirty_cpu_addr, size);
- }
- /// Mark region as modified from the host GPU
- void MarkRegionAsGpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 size) noexcept {
- ChangeRegionState<Type::GPU, true>(dirty_cpu_addr, size);
- }
- /// Unmark region as modified from the host GPU
- void UnmarkRegionAsGpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 size) noexcept {
- ChangeRegionState<Type::GPU, false>(dirty_cpu_addr, size);
- }
- /// Mark region as modified from the CPU
- /// but don't mark it as modified until FlusHCachedWrites is called.
- void CachedCpuWrite(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 size) {
- flags |= BufferFlagBits::CachedWrites;
- ChangeRegionState<Type::CachedCPU, true>(dirty_cpu_addr, size);
- }
- /// Flushes cached CPU writes, and notify the rasterizer about the deltas
- void FlushCachedWrites() noexcept {
- flags &= ~BufferFlagBits::CachedWrites;
- const u64 num_words = NumWords();
- u64* const cached_words = Array<Type::CachedCPU>();
- u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
- u64* const cpu_words = Array<Type::CPU>();
- for (u64 word_index = 0; word_index < num_words; ++word_index) {
- const u64 cached_bits = cached_words[word_index];
- NotifyRasterizer<false>(word_index, untracked_words[word_index], cached_bits);
- untracked_words[word_index] |= cached_bits;
- cpu_words[word_index] |= cached_bits;
- if (!Settings::values.use_pessimistic_flushes) {
- cached_words[word_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Call 'func' for each CPU modified range and unmark those pages as CPU modified
- template <typename Func>
- void ForEachUploadRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, u64 size, Func&& func) {
- ForEachModifiedRange<Type::CPU>(query_cpu_range, size, true, func);
- }
- /// Call 'func' for each GPU modified range and unmark those pages as GPU modified
- template <typename Func>
- void ForEachDownloadRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, u64 size, bool clear, Func&& func) {
- ForEachModifiedRange<Type::GPU>(query_cpu_range, size, clear, func);
- }
- template <typename Func>
- void ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(VAddr query_cpu_range, u64 size, Func&& func) {
- ForEachModifiedRange<Type::GPU>(query_cpu_range, size, true, func);
- }
- /// Call 'func' for each GPU modified range and unmark those pages as GPU modified
- template <typename Func>
- void ForEachDownloadRange(Func&& func) {
- ForEachModifiedRange<Type::GPU>(cpu_addr, SizeBytes(), true, func);
- }
/// Mark buffer as picked
void Pick() noexcept {
flags |= BufferFlagBits::Picked;
@@ -295,11 +95,6 @@ public:
return static_cast<u32>(other_cpu_addr - cpu_addr);
- /// Returns the size in bytes of the buffer
- [[nodiscard]] u64 SizeBytes() const noexcept {
- return words.size_bytes;
- }
size_t getLRUID() const noexcept {
return lru_id;
@@ -308,305 +103,16 @@ public:
lru_id = lru_id_;
- template <Type type>
- u64* Array() noexcept {
- if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
- return words.cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
- } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
- return words.gpu.Pointer(IsShort());
- } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
- return words.cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
- } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
- return words.untracked.Pointer(IsShort());
- }
- }
- template <Type type>
- const u64* Array() const noexcept {
- if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
- return words.cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
- } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
- return words.gpu.Pointer(IsShort());
- } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
- return words.cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
- } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
- return words.untracked.Pointer(IsShort());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Change the state of a range of pages
- *
- * @param dirty_addr Base address to mark or unmark as modified
- * @param size Size in bytes to mark or unmark as modified
- */
- template <Type type, bool enable>
- void ChangeRegionState(u64 dirty_addr, s64 size) noexcept(type == Type::GPU) {
- const s64 difference = dirty_addr - cpu_addr;
- const u64 offset = std::max<s64>(difference, 0);
- size += std::min<s64>(difference, 0);
- if (offset >= SizeBytes() || size < 0) {
- return;
- }
- u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
- u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
- const u64 offset_end = std::min(offset + size, SizeBytes());
- const u64 begin_page_index = offset / BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- const u64 begin_word_index = begin_page_index / PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 end_page_index = Common::DivCeil(offset_end, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
- const u64 end_word_index = Common::DivCeil(end_page_index, PAGES_PER_WORD);
- u64 page_index = begin_page_index % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- u64 word_index = begin_word_index;
- while (word_index < end_word_index) {
- const u64 next_word_first_page = (word_index + 1) * PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 left_offset =
- std::min(next_word_first_page - end_page_index, PAGES_PER_WORD) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 right_offset = page_index;
- u64 bits = ~u64{0};
- bits = (bits >> right_offset) << right_offset;
- bits = (bits << left_offset) >> left_offset;
- if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
- NotifyRasterizer<!enable>(word_index, untracked_words[word_index], bits);
- }
- if constexpr (enable) {
- state_words[word_index] |= bits;
- if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
- untracked_words[word_index] |= bits;
- }
- } else {
- state_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
- if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
- untracked_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
- }
- }
- page_index = 0;
- ++word_index;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Notify rasterizer about changes in the CPU tracking state of a word in the buffer
- *
- * @param word_index Index to the word to notify to the rasterizer
- * @param current_bits Current state of the word
- * @param new_bits New state of the word
- *
- * @tparam add_to_rasterizer True when the rasterizer should start tracking the new pages
- */
- template <bool add_to_rasterizer>
- void NotifyRasterizer(u64 word_index, u64 current_bits, u64 new_bits) const {
- u64 changed_bits = (add_to_rasterizer ? current_bits : ~current_bits) & new_bits;
- VAddr addr = cpu_addr + word_index * BYTES_PER_WORD;
- while (changed_bits != 0) {
- const int empty_bits = std::countr_zero(changed_bits);
- addr += empty_bits * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- changed_bits >>= empty_bits;
- const u32 continuous_bits = std::countr_one(changed_bits);
- const u64 size = continuous_bits * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- const VAddr begin_addr = addr;
- addr += size;
- changed_bits = continuous_bits < PAGES_PER_WORD ? (changed_bits >> continuous_bits) : 0;
- rasterizer->UpdatePagesCachedCount(begin_addr, size, add_to_rasterizer ? 1 : -1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Loop over each page in the given range, turn off those bits and notify the rasterizer if
- * needed. Call the given function on each turned off range.
- *
- * @param query_cpu_range Base CPU address to loop over
- * @param size Size in bytes of the CPU range to loop over
- * @param func Function to call for each turned off region
- */
- template <Type type, typename Func>
- void ForEachModifiedRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, s64 size, bool clear, Func&& func) {
- static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
- const s64 difference = query_cpu_range - cpu_addr;
- const u64 query_begin = std::max<s64>(difference, 0);
- size += std::min<s64>(difference, 0);
- if (query_begin >= SizeBytes() || size < 0) {
- return;
- }
- u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
- u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
- const u64 query_end = query_begin + std::min(static_cast<u64>(size), SizeBytes());
- u64* const words_begin = state_words + query_begin / BYTES_PER_WORD;
- u64* const words_end = state_words + Common::DivCeil(query_end, BYTES_PER_WORD);
- const auto modified = [](u64 word) { return word != 0; };
- const auto first_modified_word = std::find_if(words_begin, words_end, modified);
- if (first_modified_word == words_end) {
- // Exit early when the buffer is not modified
- return;
- }
- const auto last_modified_word = std::find_if_not(first_modified_word, words_end, modified);
- const u64 word_index_begin = std::distance(state_words, first_modified_word);
- const u64 word_index_end = std::distance(state_words, last_modified_word);
- const unsigned local_page_begin = std::countr_zero(*first_modified_word);
- const unsigned local_page_end =
- static_cast<unsigned>(PAGES_PER_WORD) - std::countl_zero(last_modified_word[-1]);
- const u64 word_page_begin = word_index_begin * PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 word_page_end = (word_index_end - 1) * PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 query_page_begin = query_begin / BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- const u64 query_page_end = Common::DivCeil(query_end, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
- const u64 page_index_begin = std::max(word_page_begin + local_page_begin, query_page_begin);
- const u64 page_index_end = std::min(word_page_end + local_page_end, query_page_end);
- const u64 first_word_page_begin = page_index_begin % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 last_word_page_end = (page_index_end - 1) % PAGES_PER_WORD + 1;
- u64 page_begin = first_word_page_begin;
- u64 current_base = 0;
- u64 current_size = 0;
- bool on_going = false;
- for (u64 word_index = word_index_begin; word_index < word_index_end; ++word_index) {
- const bool is_last_word = word_index + 1 == word_index_end;
- const u64 page_end = is_last_word ? last_word_page_end : PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 right_offset = page_begin;
- const u64 left_offset = PAGES_PER_WORD - page_end;
- u64 bits = ~u64{0};
- bits = (bits >> right_offset) << right_offset;
- bits = (bits << left_offset) >> left_offset;
- const u64 current_word = state_words[word_index] & bits;
- if (clear) {
- state_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
- }
- if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
- const u64 current_bits = untracked_words[word_index] & bits;
- untracked_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
- NotifyRasterizer<true>(word_index, current_bits, ~u64{0});
- }
- // Exclude CPU modified pages when visiting GPU pages
- const u64 word = current_word & ~(type == Type::GPU ? untracked_words[word_index] : 0);
- u64 page = page_begin;
- page_begin = 0;
- while (page < page_end) {
- const int empty_bits = std::countr_zero(word >> page);
- if (on_going && empty_bits != 0) {
- InvokeModifiedRange(func, current_size, current_base);
- current_size = 0;
- on_going = false;
- }
- if (empty_bits == PAGES_PER_WORD) {
- break;
- }
- page += empty_bits;
- const int continuous_bits = std::countr_one(word >> page);
- if (!on_going && continuous_bits != 0) {
- current_base = word_index * PAGES_PER_WORD + page;
- on_going = true;
- }
- current_size += continuous_bits;
- page += continuous_bits;
- }
- }
- if (on_going && current_size > 0) {
- InvokeModifiedRange(func, current_size, current_base);
- }
- }
- template <typename Func>
- void InvokeModifiedRange(Func&& func, u64 current_size, u64 current_base) {
- const u64 current_size_bytes = current_size * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- const u64 offset_begin = current_base * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- const u64 offset_end = std::min(offset_begin + current_size_bytes, SizeBytes());
- func(offset_begin, offset_end - offset_begin);
+ size_t SizeBytes() const {
+ return size_bytes;
- /**
- * Returns true when a region has been modified
- *
- * @param offset Offset in bytes from the start of the buffer
- * @param size Size in bytes of the region to query for modifications
- */
- template <Type type>
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionModified(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
- static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
- const u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
- const u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
- const u64 num_query_words = size / BYTES_PER_WORD + 1;
- const u64 word_begin = offset / BYTES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 word_end = std::min<u64>(word_begin + num_query_words, NumWords());
- const u64 page_limit = Common::DivCeil(offset + size, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
- u64 page_index = (offset / BYTES_PER_PAGE) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- for (u64 word_index = word_begin; word_index < word_end; ++word_index, page_index = 0) {
- const u64 off_word = type == Type::GPU ? untracked_words[word_index] : 0;
- const u64 word = state_words[word_index] & ~off_word;
- if (word == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- const u64 page_end = std::min((word_index + 1) * PAGES_PER_WORD, page_limit);
- const u64 local_page_end = page_end % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 page_end_shift = (PAGES_PER_WORD - local_page_end) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
- if (((word >> page_index) << page_index) << page_end_shift != 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a begin end pair with the inclusive modified region
- *
- * @param offset Offset in bytes from the start of the buffer
- * @param size Size in bytes of the region to query for modifications
- */
- template <Type type>
- [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedRegion(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
- static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
- const u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
- const u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
- const u64 num_query_words = size / BYTES_PER_WORD + 1;
- const u64 word_begin = offset / BYTES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 word_end = std::min<u64>(word_begin + num_query_words, NumWords());
- const u64 page_base = offset / BYTES_PER_PAGE;
- const u64 page_limit = Common::DivCeil(offset + size, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
- u64 begin = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
- u64 end = 0;
- for (u64 word_index = word_begin; word_index < word_end; ++word_index) {
- const u64 off_word = type == Type::GPU ? untracked_words[word_index] : 0;
- const u64 word = state_words[word_index] & ~off_word;
- if (word == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- const u64 local_page_begin = std::countr_zero(word);
- const u64 local_page_end = PAGES_PER_WORD - std::countl_zero(word);
- const u64 page_index = word_index * PAGES_PER_WORD;
- const u64 page_begin = std::max(page_index + local_page_begin, page_base);
- const u64 page_end = std::min(page_index + local_page_end, page_limit);
- begin = std::min(begin, page_begin);
- end = std::max(end, page_end);
- }
- static constexpr std::pair<u64, u64> EMPTY{0, 0};
- return begin < end ? std::make_pair(begin * BYTES_PER_PAGE, end * BYTES_PER_PAGE) : EMPTY;
- }
- /// Returns the number of words of the buffer
- [[nodiscard]] size_t NumWords() const noexcept {
- return words.NumWords();
- }
- /// Returns true when the buffer fits in the small vector optimization
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsShort() const noexcept {
- return words.IsShort();
- }
- RasterizerInterface* rasterizer = nullptr;
VAddr cpu_addr = 0;
- Words words;
BufferFlagBits flags{};
int stream_score = 0;
size_t lru_id = SIZE_MAX;
+ size_t size_bytes = 0;
} // namespace VideoCommon
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.cpp
index a16308b60..40db243d2 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "common/microprofile.h"
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
index abdc593df..7975564b5 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
@@ -1,485 +1,29 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2019 yuzu Emulator Project
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
-#include <array>
#include <memory>
-#include <mutex>
#include <numeric>
-#include <span>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
-#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
-#include "common/common_types.h"
-#include "common/div_ceil.h"
-#include "common/literals.h"
-#include "common/lru_cache.h"
-#include "common/microprofile.h"
-#include "common/polyfill_ranges.h"
-#include "common/scratch_buffer.h"
-#include "common/settings.h"
-#include "core/memory.h"
-#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h"
-#include "video_core/control/channel_state_cache.h"
-#include "video_core/delayed_destruction_ring.h"
-#include "video_core/dirty_flags.h"
-#include "video_core/engines/draw_manager.h"
-#include "video_core/engines/kepler_compute.h"
-#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
-#include "video_core/memory_manager.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_interface.h"
-#include "video_core/surface.h"
-#include "video_core/texture_cache/slot_vector.h"
-#include "video_core/texture_cache/types.h"
-namespace VideoCommon {
-using BufferId = SlotId;
-using VideoCore::Surface::PixelFormat;
-using namespace Common::Literals;
-constexpr u32 NUM_VERTEX_BUFFERS = 32;
-constexpr u32 NUM_STORAGE_BUFFERS = 16;
-constexpr u32 NUM_TEXTURE_BUFFERS = 16;
-constexpr u32 NUM_STAGES = 5;
-enum class ObtainBufferSynchronize : u32 {
- NoSynchronize = 0,
- FullSynchronize = 1,
- SynchronizeNoDirty = 2,
-enum class ObtainBufferOperation : u32 {
- DoNothing = 0,
- MarkAsWritten = 1,
- DiscardWrite = 2,
- MarkQuery = 3,
-using UniformBufferSizes = std::array<std::array<u32, NUM_GRAPHICS_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES>;
-using ComputeUniformBufferSizes = std::array<u32, NUM_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>;
-template <typename P>
-class BufferCache : public VideoCommon::ChannelSetupCaches<VideoCommon::ChannelInfo> {
- // Page size for caching purposes.
- // This is unrelated to the CPU page size and it can be changed as it seems optimal.
- static constexpr u32 YUZU_PAGEBITS = 16;
- static constexpr u64 YUZU_PAGESIZE = u64{1} << YUZU_PAGEBITS;
- static constexpr bool IS_OPENGL = P::IS_OPENGL;
- static constexpr bool HAS_FULL_INDEX_AND_PRIMITIVE_SUPPORT =
- static constexpr bool USE_MEMORY_MAPS = P::USE_MEMORY_MAPS;
- static constexpr BufferId NULL_BUFFER_ID{0};
- static constexpr s64 DEFAULT_EXPECTED_MEMORY = 512_MiB;
- static constexpr s64 DEFAULT_CRITICAL_MEMORY = 1_GiB;
- static constexpr s64 TARGET_THRESHOLD = 4_GiB;
- using Maxwell = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs;
- using Runtime = typename P::Runtime;
- using Buffer = typename P::Buffer;
- using IntervalSet = boost::icl::interval_set<VAddr>;
- using IntervalType = typename IntervalSet::interval_type;
- struct Empty {};
- struct OverlapResult {
- std::vector<BufferId> ids;
- VAddr begin;
- VAddr end;
- bool has_stream_leap = false;
- };
- struct Binding {
- VAddr cpu_addr{};
- u32 size{};
- BufferId buffer_id;
- };
- struct TextureBufferBinding : Binding {
- PixelFormat format;
- };
- static constexpr Binding NULL_BINDING{
- .cpu_addr = 0,
- .size = 0,
- .buffer_id = NULL_BUFFER_ID,
- };
- static constexpr u32 DEFAULT_SKIP_CACHE_SIZE = static_cast<u32>(4_KiB);
- explicit BufferCache(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_,
- Core::Memory::Memory& cpu_memory_, Runtime& runtime_);
- void TickFrame();
- void WriteMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
- void CachedWriteMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
- void DownloadMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
- bool InlineMemory(VAddr dest_address, size_t copy_size, std::span<const u8> inlined_buffer);
- void BindGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size);
- void DisableGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index);
- void UpdateGraphicsBuffers(bool is_indexed);
- void UpdateComputeBuffers();
- void BindHostGeometryBuffers(bool is_indexed);
- void BindHostStageBuffers(size_t stage);
- void BindHostComputeBuffers();
- void SetUniformBuffersState(const std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES>& mask,
- const UniformBufferSizes* sizes);
- void SetComputeUniformBufferState(u32 mask, const ComputeUniformBufferSizes* sizes);
- void UnbindGraphicsStorageBuffers(size_t stage);
- void BindGraphicsStorageBuffer(size_t stage, size_t ssbo_index, u32 cbuf_index, u32 cbuf_offset,
- bool is_written);
- void UnbindGraphicsTextureBuffers(size_t stage);
- void BindGraphicsTextureBuffer(size_t stage, size_t tbo_index, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size,
- PixelFormat format, bool is_written, bool is_image);
- void UnbindComputeStorageBuffers();
- void BindComputeStorageBuffer(size_t ssbo_index, u32 cbuf_index, u32 cbuf_offset,
- bool is_written);
- void UnbindComputeTextureBuffers();
- void BindComputeTextureBuffer(size_t tbo_index, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size, PixelFormat format,
- bool is_written, bool is_image);
- void FlushCachedWrites();
- /// Return true when there are uncommitted buffers to be downloaded
- [[nodiscard]] bool HasUncommittedFlushes() const noexcept;
- void AccumulateFlushes();
- /// Return true when the caller should wait for async downloads
- [[nodiscard]] bool ShouldWaitAsyncFlushes() const noexcept;
- /// Commit asynchronous downloads
- void CommitAsyncFlushes();
- void CommitAsyncFlushesHigh();
- /// Pop asynchronous downloads
- void PopAsyncFlushes();
- bool DMACopy(GPUVAddr src_address, GPUVAddr dest_address, u64 amount);
- bool DMAClear(GPUVAddr src_address, u64 amount, u32 value);
- [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Buffer*, u32> ObtainBuffer(GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size,
- ObtainBufferSynchronize sync_info,
- ObtainBufferOperation post_op);
- /// Return true when a CPU region is modified from the GPU
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionGpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size);
- /// Return true when a region is registered on the cache
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionRegistered(VAddr addr, size_t size);
- /// Return true when a CPU region is modified from the CPU
- [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionCpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size);
- void SetDrawIndirect(
- const Tegra::Engines::DrawManager::IndirectParams* current_draw_indirect_) {
- current_draw_indirect = current_draw_indirect_;
- }
- [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Buffer*, u32> GetDrawIndirectCount();
- [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Buffer*, u32> GetDrawIndirectBuffer();
- std::recursive_mutex mutex;
- Runtime& runtime;
- template <typename Func>
- static void ForEachEnabledBit(u32 enabled_mask, Func&& func) {
- for (u32 index = 0; enabled_mask != 0; ++index, enabled_mask >>= 1) {
- const int disabled_bits = std::countr_zero(enabled_mask);
- index += disabled_bits;
- enabled_mask >>= disabled_bits;
- func(index);
- }
- }
- template <typename Func>
- void ForEachBufferInRange(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size, Func&& func) {
- const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(cpu_addr + size, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- for (u64 page = cpu_addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS; page < page_end;) {
- const BufferId buffer_id = page_table[page];
- if (!buffer_id) {
- ++page;
- continue;
- }
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- func(buffer_id, buffer);
- const VAddr end_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + buffer.SizeBytes();
- page = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- }
- }
- template <typename Func>
- void ForEachWrittenRange(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size, Func&& func) {
- const VAddr start_address = cpu_addr;
- const VAddr end_address = start_address + size;
- const VAddr search_base =
- static_cast<VAddr>(std::min<s64>(0LL, static_cast<s64>(start_address - size)));
- const IntervalType search_interval{search_base, search_base + 1};
- auto it = common_ranges.lower_bound(search_interval);
- if (it == common_ranges.end()) {
- it = common_ranges.begin();
- }
- for (; it != common_ranges.end(); it++) {
- VAddr inter_addr_end = it->upper();
- VAddr inter_addr = it->lower();
- if (inter_addr >= end_address) {
- break;
- }
- if (inter_addr_end <= start_address) {
- continue;
- }
- if (inter_addr_end > end_address) {
- inter_addr_end = end_address;
- }
- if (inter_addr < start_address) {
- inter_addr = start_address;
- }
- func(inter_addr, inter_addr_end);
- }
- }
- static bool IsRangeGranular(VAddr cpu_addr, size_t size) {
- return (cpu_addr & ~Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEMASK) ==
- ((cpu_addr + size) & ~Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEMASK);
- }
- void RunGarbageCollector();
- void BindHostIndexBuffer();
- void BindHostVertexBuffers();
- void BindHostDrawIndirectBuffers();
- void BindHostGraphicsUniformBuffers(size_t stage);
- void BindHostGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index, u32 binding_index, bool needs_bind);
- void BindHostGraphicsStorageBuffers(size_t stage);
- void BindHostGraphicsTextureBuffers(size_t stage);
- void BindHostTransformFeedbackBuffers();
- void BindHostComputeUniformBuffers();
- void BindHostComputeStorageBuffers();
- void BindHostComputeTextureBuffers();
- void DoUpdateGraphicsBuffers(bool is_indexed);
- void DoUpdateComputeBuffers();
- void UpdateIndexBuffer();
- void UpdateVertexBuffers();
- void UpdateVertexBuffer(u32 index);
- void UpdateDrawIndirect();
- void UpdateUniformBuffers(size_t stage);
- void UpdateStorageBuffers(size_t stage);
- void UpdateTextureBuffers(size_t stage);
- void UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffers();
- void UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffer(u32 index);
- void UpdateComputeUniformBuffers();
- void UpdateComputeStorageBuffers();
- void UpdateComputeTextureBuffers();
- void MarkWrittenBuffer(BufferId buffer_id, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
- [[nodiscard]] BufferId FindBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
- [[nodiscard]] OverlapResult ResolveOverlaps(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 wanted_size);
- void JoinOverlap(BufferId new_buffer_id, BufferId overlap_id, bool accumulate_stream_score);
- [[nodiscard]] BufferId CreateBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 wanted_size);
- void Register(BufferId buffer_id);
- void Unregister(BufferId buffer_id);
- template <bool insert>
- void ChangeRegister(BufferId buffer_id);
- void TouchBuffer(Buffer& buffer, BufferId buffer_id) noexcept;
- bool SynchronizeBuffer(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
- bool SynchronizeBufferImpl(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
- void UploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes, u64 largest_copy,
- std::span<BufferCopy> copies);
- void ImmediateUploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 largest_copy,
- std::span<const BufferCopy> copies);
- void MappedUploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes, std::span<BufferCopy> copies);
- void DownloadBufferMemory(Buffer& buffer_id);
- void DownloadBufferMemory(Buffer& buffer_id, VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
- void DeleteBuffer(BufferId buffer_id);
- void NotifyBufferDeletion();
- [[nodiscard]] Binding StorageBufferBinding(GPUVAddr ssbo_addr, u32 cbuf_index,
- bool is_written = false) const;
- [[nodiscard]] TextureBufferBinding GetTextureBufferBinding(GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size,
- PixelFormat format);
- [[nodiscard]] std::span<const u8> ImmediateBufferWithData(VAddr cpu_addr, size_t size);
- [[nodiscard]] std::span<u8> ImmediateBuffer(size_t wanted_capacity);
- [[nodiscard]] bool HasFastUniformBufferBound(size_t stage, u32 binding_index) const noexcept;
- void ClearDownload(IntervalType subtract_interval);
- VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer;
- Core::Memory::Memory& cpu_memory;
- SlotVector<Buffer> slot_buffers;
- DelayedDestructionRing<Buffer, 8> delayed_destruction_ring;
- const Tegra::Engines::DrawManager::IndirectParams* current_draw_indirect{};
- u32 last_index_count = 0;
- Binding index_buffer;
- std::array<Binding, NUM_VERTEX_BUFFERS> vertex_buffers;
- std::array<std::array<Binding, NUM_GRAPHICS_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES> uniform_buffers;
- std::array<std::array<Binding, NUM_STORAGE_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES> storage_buffers;
- std::array<std::array<TextureBufferBinding, NUM_TEXTURE_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES> texture_buffers;
- std::array<Binding, NUM_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS> transform_feedback_buffers;
- Binding count_buffer_binding;
- Binding indirect_buffer_binding;
- std::array<Binding, NUM_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_BUFFERS> compute_uniform_buffers;
- std::array<Binding, NUM_STORAGE_BUFFERS> compute_storage_buffers;
- std::array<TextureBufferBinding, NUM_TEXTURE_BUFFERS> compute_texture_buffers;
- std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> enabled_uniform_buffer_masks{};
- u32 enabled_compute_uniform_buffer_mask = 0;
- const UniformBufferSizes* uniform_buffer_sizes{};
- const ComputeUniformBufferSizes* compute_uniform_buffer_sizes{};
- std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> enabled_storage_buffers{};
- std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> written_storage_buffers{};
- u32 enabled_compute_storage_buffers = 0;
- u32 written_compute_storage_buffers = 0;
- std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> enabled_texture_buffers{};
- std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> written_texture_buffers{};
- std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> image_texture_buffers{};
- u32 enabled_compute_texture_buffers = 0;
- u32 written_compute_texture_buffers = 0;
- u32 image_compute_texture_buffers = 0;
- std::array<u32, 16> uniform_cache_hits{};
- std::array<u32, 16> uniform_cache_shots{};
- u32 uniform_buffer_skip_cache_size = DEFAULT_SKIP_CACHE_SIZE;
- bool has_deleted_buffers = false;
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h"
- std::conditional_t<HAS_PERSISTENT_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS, std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES>, Empty>
- dirty_uniform_buffers{};
- std::conditional_t<IS_OPENGL, std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES>, Empty> fast_bound_uniform_buffers{};
- std::array<std::array<u32, NUM_GRAPHICS_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES>, Empty>
- uniform_buffer_binding_sizes{};
- std::vector<BufferId> cached_write_buffer_ids;
- IntervalSet uncommitted_ranges;
- IntervalSet common_ranges;
- std::deque<IntervalSet> committed_ranges;
- Common::ScratchBuffer<u8> immediate_buffer_alloc;
- struct LRUItemParams {
- using ObjectType = BufferId;
- using TickType = u64;
- };
- Common::LeastRecentlyUsedCache<LRUItemParams> lru_cache;
- u64 frame_tick = 0;
- u64 total_used_memory = 0;
- u64 minimum_memory = 0;
- u64 critical_memory = 0;
+namespace VideoCommon {
- std::array<BufferId, ((1ULL << 39) >> YUZU_PAGEBITS)> page_table;
+using Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE;
template <class P>
BufferCache<P>::BufferCache(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_,
Core::Memory::Memory& cpu_memory_, Runtime& runtime_)
- : runtime{runtime_}, rasterizer{rasterizer_}, cpu_memory{cpu_memory_} {
+ : runtime{runtime_}, rasterizer{rasterizer_}, cpu_memory{cpu_memory_}, memory_tracker{
+ rasterizer} {
// Ensure the first slot is used for the null buffer
void(slot_buffers.insert(runtime, NullBufferParams{}));
+ inline_buffer_id = NULL_BUFFER_ID;
+ active_async_buffers = !Settings::IsGPULevelHigh();
if (!runtime.CanReportMemoryUsage()) {
@@ -531,6 +75,8 @@ void BufferCache<P>::TickFrame() {
uniform_cache_hits[0] = 0;
uniform_cache_shots[0] = 0;
+ active_async_buffers = !Settings::IsGPULevelHigh();
const bool skip_preferred = hits * 256 < shots * 251;
uniform_buffer_skip_cache_size = skip_preferred ? DEFAULT_SKIP_CACHE_SIZE : 0;
@@ -543,35 +89,62 @@ void BufferCache<P>::TickFrame() {
+ for (auto& buffer : async_buffers_death_ring) {
+ runtime.FreeDeferredStagingBuffer(buffer);
+ }
+ async_buffers_death_ring.clear();
+ }
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::WriteMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size) {
- ForEachBufferInRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](BufferId, Buffer& buffer) {
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(cpu_addr, size);
- });
+ memory_tracker.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(cpu_addr, size);
+ if (memory_tracker.IsRegionGpuModified(cpu_addr, size)) {
+ const IntervalType subtract_interval{cpu_addr, cpu_addr + size};
+ ClearDownload(subtract_interval);
+ common_ranges.subtract(subtract_interval);
+ }
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::CachedWriteMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size) {
- ForEachBufferInRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](BufferId buffer_id, Buffer& buffer) {
- if (!buffer.HasCachedWrites()) {
- cached_write_buffer_ids.push_back(buffer_id);
- }
- buffer.CachedCpuWrite(cpu_addr, size);
- });
+ memory_tracker.CachedCpuWrite(cpu_addr, size);
+ const IntervalType add_interval{Common::AlignDown(cpu_addr, YUZU_PAGESIZE),
+ Common::AlignUp(cpu_addr + size, YUZU_PAGESIZE)};
+ cached_ranges.add(add_interval);
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::DownloadMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size) {
+ WaitOnAsyncFlushes(cpu_addr, size);
ForEachBufferInRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](BufferId, Buffer& buffer) {
DownloadBufferMemory(buffer, cpu_addr, size);
template <class P>
+void BufferCache<P>::WaitOnAsyncFlushes(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size) {
+ bool must_wait = false;
+ ForEachInOverlapCounter(async_downloads, cpu_addr, size,
+ [&](VAddr, VAddr, int) { must_wait = true; });
+ bool must_release = false;
+ ForEachInRangeSet(pending_ranges, cpu_addr, size, [&](VAddr, VAddr) { must_release = true; });
+ if (must_release) {
+ std::function<void()> tmp([]() {});
+ rasterizer.SignalFence(std::move(tmp));
+ }
+ if (must_wait || must_release) {
+ rasterizer.ReleaseFences();
+ }
+template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::ClearDownload(IntervalType subtract_interval) {
+ RemoveEachInOverlapCounter(async_downloads, subtract_interval, -1024);
+ pending_ranges.subtract(subtract_interval);
for (auto& interval_set : committed_ranges) {
@@ -591,6 +164,7 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::DMACopy(GPUVAddr src_address, GPUVAddr dest_address, u64 am
const IntervalType subtract_interval{*cpu_dest_address, *cpu_dest_address + amount};
+ WaitOnAsyncFlushes(*cpu_src_address, static_cast<u32>(amount));
BufferId buffer_a;
@@ -616,10 +190,11 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::DMACopy(GPUVAddr src_address, GPUVAddr dest_address, u64 am
const VAddr diff = base_address - *cpu_src_address;
const VAddr new_base_address = *cpu_dest_address + diff;
const IntervalType add_interval{new_base_address, new_base_address + size};
- uncommitted_ranges.add(add_interval);
+ uncommitted_ranges.add(add_interval);
+ pending_ranges.add(add_interval);
- ForEachWrittenRange(*cpu_src_address, amount, mirror);
+ ForEachInRangeSet(common_ranges, *cpu_src_address, amount, mirror);
// This subtraction in this order is important for overlapping copies.
const bool has_new_downloads = tmp_intervals.size() != 0;
@@ -628,7 +203,7 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::DMACopy(GPUVAddr src_address, GPUVAddr dest_address, u64 am
runtime.CopyBuffer(dest_buffer, src_buffer, copies);
if (has_new_downloads) {
- dest_buffer.MarkRegionAsGpuModified(*cpu_dest_address, amount);
+ memory_tracker.MarkRegionAsGpuModified(*cpu_dest_address, amount);
std::vector<u8> tmp_buffer(amount);
cpu_memory.ReadBlockUnsafe(*cpu_src_address,, amount);
@@ -866,10 +441,9 @@ void BufferCache<P>::BindComputeTextureBuffer(size_t tbo_index, GPUVAddr gpu_add
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::FlushCachedWrites() {
- for (const BufferId buffer_id : cached_write_buffer_ids) {
- slot_buffers[buffer_id].FlushCachedWrites();
- }
+ memory_tracker.FlushCachedWrites();
+ cached_ranges.clear();
template <class P>
@@ -879,10 +453,6 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::HasUncommittedFlushes() const noexcept {
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::AccumulateFlushes() {
- if (Settings::values.gpu_accuracy.GetValue() != Settings::GPUAccuracy::High) {
- uncommitted_ranges.clear();
- return;
- }
if (uncommitted_ranges.empty()) {
@@ -891,7 +461,11 @@ void BufferCache<P>::AccumulateFlushes() {
template <class P>
bool BufferCache<P>::ShouldWaitAsyncFlushes() const noexcept {
- return false;
+ return (!async_buffers.empty() && async_buffers.front().has_value());
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
template <class P>
@@ -899,12 +473,16 @@ void BufferCache<P>::CommitAsyncFlushesHigh() {
if (committed_ranges.empty()) {
+ if (active_async_buffers) {
+ async_buffers.emplace_back(std::optional<Async_Buffer>{});
+ }
+ }
- const bool is_accuracy_normal =
- Settings::values.gpu_accuracy.GetValue() == Settings::GPUAccuracy::Normal;
+ pending_ranges.clear();
auto it = committed_ranges.begin();
while (it != committed_ranges.end()) {
auto& current_intervals = *it;
@@ -926,11 +504,12 @@ void BufferCache<P>::CommitAsyncFlushesHigh() {
const std::size_t size = interval.upper() - interval.lower();
const VAddr cpu_addr = interval.lower();
ForEachBufferInRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](BufferId buffer_id, Buffer& buffer) {
- buffer.ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(
- cpu_addr, size, [&](u64 range_offset, u64 range_size) {
- if (is_accuracy_normal) {
- return;
- }
+ const VAddr buffer_start = buffer.CpuAddr();
+ const VAddr buffer_end = buffer_start + buffer.SizeBytes();
+ const VAddr new_start = std::max(buffer_start, cpu_addr);
+ const VAddr new_end = std::min(buffer_end, cpu_addr + size);
+ memory_tracker.ForEachDownloadRange(
+ new_start, new_end - new_start, false, [&](u64 cpu_addr_out, u64 range_size) {
const VAddr buffer_addr = buffer.CpuAddr();
const auto add_download = [&](VAddr start, VAddr end) {
const u64 new_offset = start - buffer_addr;
@@ -944,92 +523,142 @@ void BufferCache<P>::CommitAsyncFlushesHigh() {
// Align up to avoid cache conflicts
- constexpr u64 align = 8ULL;
+ constexpr u64 align = 64ULL;
constexpr u64 mask = ~(align - 1ULL);
total_size_bytes += (new_size + align - 1) & mask;
largest_copy = std::max(largest_copy, new_size);
- const VAddr start_address = buffer_addr + range_offset;
- const VAddr end_address = start_address + range_size;
- ForEachWrittenRange(start_address, range_size, add_download);
- const IntervalType subtract_interval{start_address, end_address};
- common_ranges.subtract(subtract_interval);
+ ForEachInRangeSet(common_ranges, cpu_addr_out, range_size, add_download);
if (downloads.empty()) {
+ if (active_async_buffers) {
+ async_buffers.emplace_back(std::optional<Async_Buffer>{});
+ }
+ }
- if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
- auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes);
- runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
- for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- // Have in mind the staging buffer offset for the copy
- copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
- const std::array copies{copy};
- runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, slot_buffers[buffer_id], copies, false);
- }
- runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
- runtime.Finish();
- for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- const Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
- // Undo the modified offset
- const u64 dst_offset = copy.dst_offset - download_staging.offset;
- const u8* read_mapped_memory = + dst_offset;
- cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, read_mapped_memory, copy.size);
+ if (active_async_buffers) {
+ auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes, true);
+ boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 4> normalized_copies;
+ IntervalSet new_async_range{};
+ runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
+ for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
+ const std::array copies{copy};
+ BufferCopy second_copy{copy};
+ Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ second_copy.src_offset = static_cast<size_t>(buffer.CpuAddr()) + copy.src_offset;
+ VAddr orig_cpu_addr = static_cast<VAddr>(second_copy.src_offset);
+ const IntervalType base_interval{orig_cpu_addr, orig_cpu_addr + copy.size};
+ async_downloads += std::make_pair(base_interval, 1);
+ runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, buffer, copies, false);
+ normalized_copies.push_back(second_copy);
+ }
+ runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
+ pending_downloads.emplace_back(std::move(normalized_copies));
+ async_buffers.emplace_back(download_staging);
+ } else {
+ committed_ranges.clear();
+ uncommitted_ranges.clear();
} else {
- const std::span<u8> immediate_buffer = ImmediateBuffer(largest_copy);
- for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- buffer.ImmediateDownload(copy.src_offset, immediate_buffer.subspan(0, copy.size));
- const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
- cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr,, copy.size);
+ if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
+ auto download_staging = runtime.DownloadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes);
+ runtime.PreCopyBarrier();
+ for (auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ // Have in mind the staging buffer offset for the copy
+ copy.dst_offset += download_staging.offset;
+ const std::array copies{copy};
+ runtime.CopyBuffer(download_staging.buffer, slot_buffers[buffer_id], copies, false);
+ }
+ runtime.PostCopyBarrier();
+ runtime.Finish();
+ for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ const Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
+ // Undo the modified offset
+ const u64 dst_offset = copy.dst_offset - download_staging.offset;
+ const u8* read_mapped_memory = + dst_offset;
+ cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, read_mapped_memory, copy.size);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const std::span<u8> immediate_buffer = ImmediateBuffer(largest_copy);
+ for (const auto& [copy, buffer_id] : downloads) {
+ Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ buffer.ImmediateDownload(copy.src_offset, immediate_buffer.subspan(0, copy.size));
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.src_offset;
+ cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr,, copy.size);
+ }
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::CommitAsyncFlushes() {
- if (Settings::values.gpu_accuracy.GetValue() == Settings::GPUAccuracy::High) {
- CommitAsyncFlushesHigh();
- } else {
- uncommitted_ranges.clear();
- committed_ranges.clear();
- }
+ CommitAsyncFlushesHigh();
template <class P>
-void BufferCache<P>::PopAsyncFlushes() {}
+void BufferCache<P>::PopAsyncFlushes() {
+ PopAsyncBuffers();
template <class P>
-bool BufferCache<P>::IsRegionGpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size) {
- const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(addr + size, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- for (u64 page = addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS; page < page_end;) {
- const BufferId image_id = page_table[page];
- if (!image_id) {
- ++page;
- continue;
- }
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[image_id];
- if (buffer.IsRegionGpuModified(addr, size)) {
- return true;
+void BufferCache<P>::PopAsyncBuffers() {
+ if (async_buffers.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!async_buffers.front().has_value()) {
+ async_buffers.pop_front();
+ return;
+ }
+ auto& downloads = pending_downloads.front();
+ auto& async_buffer = async_buffers.front();
+ u8* base = async_buffer->;
+ const size_t base_offset = async_buffer->offset;
+ for (const auto& copy : downloads) {
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = static_cast<VAddr>(copy.src_offset);
+ const u64 dst_offset = copy.dst_offset - base_offset;
+ const u8* read_mapped_memory = base + dst_offset;
+ ForEachInOverlapCounter(
+ async_downloads, cpu_addr, copy.size, [&](VAddr start, VAddr end, int count) {
+ cpu_memory.WriteBlockUnsafe(start, &read_mapped_memory[start - cpu_addr],
+ end - start);
+ if (count == 1) {
+ const IntervalType base_interval{start, end};
+ common_ranges.subtract(base_interval);
+ }
+ });
+ const IntervalType subtract_interval{cpu_addr, cpu_addr + copy.size};
+ RemoveEachInOverlapCounter(async_downloads, subtract_interval, -1);
- const VAddr end_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + buffer.SizeBytes();
- page = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
+ async_buffers_death_ring.emplace_back(*async_buffer);
+ async_buffers.pop_front();
+ pending_downloads.pop_front();
- return false;
+template <class P>
+bool BufferCache<P>::IsRegionGpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size) {
+ bool is_dirty = false;
+ ForEachInRangeSet(common_ranges, addr, size, [&](VAddr, VAddr) { is_dirty = true; });
+ return is_dirty;
template <class P>
bool BufferCache<P>::IsRegionRegistered(VAddr addr, size_t size) {
const VAddr end_addr = addr + size;
- const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- for (u64 page = addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS; page < page_end;) {
+ const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ for (u64 page = addr >> CACHING_PAGEBITS; page < page_end;) {
const BufferId buffer_id = page_table[page];
if (!buffer_id) {
@@ -1041,28 +670,14 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::IsRegionRegistered(VAddr addr, size_t size) {
if (buf_start_addr < end_addr && addr < buf_end_addr) {
return true;
- page = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
+ page = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
return false;
template <class P>
bool BufferCache<P>::IsRegionCpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size) {
- const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(addr + size, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- for (u64 page = addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS; page < page_end;) {
- const BufferId image_id = page_table[page];
- if (!image_id) {
- ++page;
- continue;
- }
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[image_id];
- if (buffer.IsRegionCpuModified(addr, size)) {
- return true;
- }
- const VAddr end_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + buffer.SizeBytes();
- page = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- }
- return false;
+ return memory_tracker.IsRegionCpuModified(addr, size);
template <class P>
@@ -1072,7 +687,7 @@ void BufferCache<P>::BindHostIndexBuffer() {
const u32 offset = buffer.Offset(index_buffer.cpu_addr);
const u32 size = index_buffer.size;
const auto& draw_state = maxwell3d->draw_manager->GetDrawState();
- if (!draw_state.inline_index_draw_indexes.empty()) {
+ if (!draw_state.inline_index_draw_indexes.empty()) [[unlikely]] {
if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
auto upload_staging = runtime.UploadStagingBuffer(size);
std::array<BufferCopy, 1> copies{
@@ -1155,7 +770,7 @@ void BufferCache<P>::BindHostGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index, u32
TouchBuffer(buffer, binding.buffer_id);
const bool use_fast_buffer = binding.buffer_id != NULL_BUFFER_ID &&
size <= uniform_buffer_skip_cache_size &&
- !buffer.IsRegionGpuModified(cpu_addr, size);
+ !memory_tracker.IsRegionGpuModified(cpu_addr, size);
if (use_fast_buffer) {
if constexpr (IS_OPENGL) {
if (runtime.HasFastBufferSubData()) {
@@ -1378,27 +993,36 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UpdateIndexBuffer() {
// We have to check for the dirty flags and index count
// The index count is currently changed without updating the dirty flags
const auto& draw_state = maxwell3d->draw_manager->GetDrawState();
- const auto& index_array = draw_state.index_buffer;
+ const auto& index_buffer_ref = draw_state.index_buffer;
auto& flags = maxwell3d->dirty.flags;
if (!flags[Dirty::IndexBuffer]) {
flags[Dirty::IndexBuffer] = false;
- last_index_count = index_array.count;
- if (!draw_state.inline_index_draw_indexes.empty()) {
+ if (!draw_state.inline_index_draw_indexes.empty()) [[unlikely]] {
auto inline_index_size = static_cast<u32>(draw_state.inline_index_draw_indexes.size());
+ u32 buffer_size = Common::AlignUp(inline_index_size, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ if (inline_buffer_id == NULL_BUFFER_ID) [[unlikely]] {
+ inline_buffer_id = CreateBuffer(0, buffer_size);
+ }
+ if (slot_buffers[inline_buffer_id].SizeBytes() < buffer_size) [[unlikely]] {
+ slot_buffers.erase(inline_buffer_id);
+ inline_buffer_id = CreateBuffer(0, buffer_size);
+ }
index_buffer = Binding{
.cpu_addr = 0,
.size = inline_index_size,
- .buffer_id = CreateBuffer(0, inline_index_size),
+ .buffer_id = inline_buffer_id,
- const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_begin = index_array.StartAddress();
- const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_end = index_array.EndAddress();
+ const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_begin = index_buffer_ref.StartAddress();
+ const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_end = index_buffer_ref.EndAddress();
const std::optional<VAddr> cpu_addr = gpu_memory->GpuToCpuAddress(gpu_addr_begin);
const u32 address_size = static_cast<u32>(gpu_addr_end - gpu_addr_begin);
- const u32 draw_size = (index_array.count + index_array.first) * index_array.FormatSizeInBytes();
+ const u32 draw_size =
+ (index_buffer_ref.count + index_buffer_ref.first) * index_buffer_ref.FormatSizeInBytes();
const u32 size = std::min(address_size, draw_size);
if (size == 0 || !cpu_addr) {
index_buffer = NULL_BINDING;
@@ -1434,17 +1058,15 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UpdateVertexBuffer(u32 index) {
const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_begin = array.Address();
const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_end = limit.Address() + 1;
const std::optional<VAddr> cpu_addr = gpu_memory->GpuToCpuAddress(gpu_addr_begin);
- u32 address_size = static_cast<u32>(
- std::min(gpu_addr_end - gpu_addr_begin, static_cast<u64>(std::numeric_limits<u32>::max())));
- if (array.enable == 0 || address_size == 0 || !cpu_addr) {
+ const u32 address_size = static_cast<u32>(gpu_addr_end - gpu_addr_begin);
+ u32 size = address_size; // TODO: Analyze stride and number of vertices
+ if (array.enable == 0 || size == 0 || !cpu_addr) {
vertex_buffers[index] = NULL_BINDING;
if (!gpu_memory->IsWithinGPUAddressRange(gpu_addr_end)) {
- address_size =
- static_cast<u32>(gpu_memory->MaxContinuousRange(gpu_addr_begin, address_size));
+ size = static_cast<u32>(gpu_memory->MaxContinuousRange(gpu_addr_begin, size));
- const u32 size = address_size; // TODO: Analyze stride and number of vertices
vertex_buffers[index] = Binding{
.cpu_addr = *cpu_addr,
.size = size,
@@ -1591,17 +1213,16 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UpdateComputeTextureBuffers() {
template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::MarkWrittenBuffer(BufferId buffer_id, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size) {
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- buffer.MarkRegionAsGpuModified(cpu_addr, size);
+ memory_tracker.MarkRegionAsGpuModified(cpu_addr, size);
+ if (memory_tracker.IsRegionCpuModified(cpu_addr, size)) {
+ SynchronizeBuffer(slot_buffers[buffer_id], cpu_addr, size);
+ }
const IntervalType base_interval{cpu_addr, cpu_addr + size};
- const bool is_async = Settings::values.use_asynchronous_gpu_emulation.GetValue();
- if (!is_async) {
- return;
- }
+ pending_ranges.add(base_interval);
template <class P>
@@ -1609,7 +1230,7 @@ BufferId BufferCache<P>::FindBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size) {
if (cpu_addr == 0) {
- const u64 page = cpu_addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS;
+ const u64 page = cpu_addr >> CACHING_PAGEBITS;
const BufferId buffer_id = page_table[page];
if (!buffer_id) {
return CreateBuffer(cpu_addr, size);
@@ -1638,9 +1259,9 @@ typename BufferCache<P>::OverlapResult BufferCache<P>::ResolveOverlaps(VAddr cpu
.has_stream_leap = has_stream_leap,
- for (; cpu_addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS < Common::DivCeil(end, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
- cpu_addr += YUZU_PAGESIZE) {
- const BufferId overlap_id = page_table[cpu_addr >> YUZU_PAGEBITS];
+ for (; cpu_addr >> CACHING_PAGEBITS < Common::DivCeil(end, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ cpu_addr += CACHING_PAGESIZE) {
+ const BufferId overlap_id = page_table[cpu_addr >> CACHING_PAGEBITS];
if (!overlap_id) {
@@ -1666,11 +1287,11 @@ typename BufferCache<P>::OverlapResult BufferCache<P>::ResolveOverlaps(VAddr cpu
// as a stream buffer. Increase the size to skip constantly recreating buffers.
has_stream_leap = true;
if (expands_right) {
- begin -= YUZU_PAGESIZE * 256;
+ begin -= CACHING_PAGESIZE * 256;
cpu_addr = begin;
if (expands_left) {
- end += YUZU_PAGESIZE * 256;
+ end += CACHING_PAGESIZE * 256;
@@ -1690,25 +1311,22 @@ void BufferCache<P>::JoinOverlap(BufferId new_buffer_id, BufferId overlap_id,
if (accumulate_stream_score) {
new_buffer.IncreaseStreamScore(overlap.StreamScore() + 1);
- std::vector<BufferCopy> copies;
+ boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 1> copies;
const size_t dst_base_offset = overlap.CpuAddr() - new_buffer.CpuAddr();
- overlap.ForEachDownloadRange([&](u64 begin, u64 range_size) {
- copies.push_back(BufferCopy{
- .src_offset = begin,
- .dst_offset = dst_base_offset + begin,
- .size = range_size,
- });
- new_buffer.UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(begin, range_size);
- new_buffer.MarkRegionAsGpuModified(begin, range_size);
+ copies.push_back(BufferCopy{
+ .src_offset = 0,
+ .dst_offset = dst_base_offset,
+ .size = overlap.SizeBytes(),
- if (!copies.empty()) {
- runtime.CopyBuffer(slot_buffers[new_buffer_id], overlap, copies);
- }
- DeleteBuffer(overlap_id);
+ runtime.CopyBuffer(new_buffer, overlap, copies);
+ DeleteBuffer(overlap_id, true);
template <class P>
BufferId BufferCache<P>::CreateBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 wanted_size) {
+ VAddr cpu_addr_end = Common::AlignUp(cpu_addr + wanted_size, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ cpu_addr = Common::AlignDown(cpu_addr, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ wanted_size = static_cast<u32>(cpu_addr_end - cpu_addr);
const OverlapResult overlap = ResolveOverlaps(cpu_addr, wanted_size);
const u32 size = static_cast<u32>(overlap.end - overlap.begin);
const BufferId new_buffer_id = slot_buffers.insert(runtime, rasterizer, overlap.begin, size);
@@ -1718,7 +1336,7 @@ BufferId BufferCache<P>::CreateBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 wanted_size) {
JoinOverlap(new_buffer_id, overlap_id, !overlap.has_stream_leap);
- TouchBuffer(slot_buffers[new_buffer_id], new_buffer_id);
+ TouchBuffer(new_buffer, new_buffer_id);
return new_buffer_id;
@@ -1746,8 +1364,8 @@ void BufferCache<P>::ChangeRegister(BufferId buffer_id) {
const VAddr cpu_addr_begin = buffer.CpuAddr();
const VAddr cpu_addr_end = cpu_addr_begin + size;
- const u64 page_begin = cpu_addr_begin / YUZU_PAGESIZE;
- const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(cpu_addr_end, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
+ const u64 page_begin = cpu_addr_begin / CACHING_PAGESIZE;
+ const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(cpu_addr_end, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
for (u64 page = page_begin; page != page_end; ++page) {
if constexpr (insert) {
page_table[page] = buffer_id;
@@ -1766,9 +1384,6 @@ void BufferCache<P>::TouchBuffer(Buffer& buffer, BufferId buffer_id) noexcept {
template <class P>
bool BufferCache<P>::SynchronizeBuffer(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size) {
- if (buffer.CpuAddr() == 0) {
- return true;
- }
return SynchronizeBufferImpl(buffer, cpu_addr, size);
@@ -1777,10 +1392,11 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::SynchronizeBufferImpl(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 s
boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 4> copies;
u64 total_size_bytes = 0;
u64 largest_copy = 0;
- buffer.ForEachUploadRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](u64 range_offset, u64 range_size) {
+ VAddr buffer_start = buffer.CpuAddr();
+ memory_tracker.ForEachUploadRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](u64 cpu_addr_out, u64 range_size) {
.src_offset = total_size_bytes,
- .dst_offset = range_offset,
+ .dst_offset = cpu_addr_out - buffer_start,
.size = range_size,
total_size_bytes += range_size;
@@ -1795,6 +1411,51 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::SynchronizeBufferImpl(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 s
template <class P>
+bool BufferCache<P>::SynchronizeBufferNoModified(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size) {
+ boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 4> copies;
+ u64 total_size_bytes = 0;
+ u64 largest_copy = 0;
+ IntervalSet found_sets{};
+ auto make_copies = [&] {
+ for (auto& interval : found_sets) {
+ const std::size_t sub_size = interval.upper() - interval.lower();
+ const VAddr cpu_addr_ = interval.lower();
+ copies.push_back(BufferCopy{
+ .src_offset = total_size_bytes,
+ .dst_offset = cpu_addr_ - buffer.CpuAddr(),
+ .size = sub_size,
+ });
+ total_size_bytes += sub_size;
+ largest_copy = std::max(largest_copy, sub_size);
+ }
+ const std::span<BufferCopy> copies_span(, copies.size());
+ UploadMemory(buffer, total_size_bytes, largest_copy, copies_span);
+ };
+ memory_tracker.ForEachUploadRange(cpu_addr, size, [&](u64 cpu_addr_out, u64 range_size) {
+ const VAddr base_adr = cpu_addr_out;
+ const VAddr end_adr = base_adr + range_size;
+ const IntervalType add_interval{base_adr, end_adr};
+ found_sets.add(add_interval);
+ });
+ if (found_sets.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const IntervalType search_interval{cpu_addr, cpu_addr + size};
+ auto it = common_ranges.lower_bound(search_interval);
+ auto it_end = common_ranges.upper_bound(search_interval);
+ if (it == common_ranges.end()) {
+ make_copies();
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (it != it_end) {
+ found_sets.subtract(*it);
+ it++;
+ }
+ make_copies();
+ return false;
+template <class P>
void BufferCache<P>::UploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes, u64 largest_copy,
std::span<BufferCopy> copies) {
if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
@@ -1805,39 +1466,45 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes, u64 larg
template <class P>
-void BufferCache<P>::ImmediateUploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 largest_copy,
- std::span<const BufferCopy> copies) {
- std::span<u8> immediate_buffer;
- for (const BufferCopy& copy : copies) {
- std::span<const u8> upload_span;
- const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.dst_offset;
- if (IsRangeGranular(cpu_addr, copy.size)) {
- upload_span = std::span(cpu_memory.GetPointer(cpu_addr), copy.size);
- } else {
- if (immediate_buffer.empty()) {
- immediate_buffer = ImmediateBuffer(largest_copy);
+void BufferCache<P>::ImmediateUploadMemory([[maybe_unused]] Buffer& buffer,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u64 largest_copy,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::span<const BufferCopy> copies) {
+ if constexpr (!USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
+ std::span<u8> immediate_buffer;
+ for (const BufferCopy& copy : copies) {
+ std::span<const u8> upload_span;
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.dst_offset;
+ if (IsRangeGranular(cpu_addr, copy.size)) {
+ upload_span = std::span(cpu_memory.GetPointer(cpu_addr), copy.size);
+ } else {
+ if (immediate_buffer.empty()) {
+ immediate_buffer = ImmediateBuffer(largest_copy);
+ }
+ cpu_memory.ReadBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr,, copy.size);
+ upload_span = immediate_buffer.subspan(0, copy.size);
- cpu_memory.ReadBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr,, copy.size);
- upload_span = immediate_buffer.subspan(0, copy.size);
+ buffer.ImmediateUpload(copy.dst_offset, upload_span);
- buffer.ImmediateUpload(copy.dst_offset, upload_span);
template <class P>
-void BufferCache<P>::MappedUploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes,
- std::span<BufferCopy> copies) {
- auto upload_staging = runtime.UploadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes);
- const std::span<u8> staging_pointer = upload_staging.mapped_span;
- for (BufferCopy& copy : copies) {
- u8* const src_pointer = + copy.src_offset;
- const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.dst_offset;
- cpu_memory.ReadBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, src_pointer, copy.size);
+void BufferCache<P>::MappedUploadMemory([[maybe_unused]] Buffer& buffer,
+ [[maybe_unused]] u64 total_size_bytes,
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::span<BufferCopy> copies) {
+ if constexpr (USE_MEMORY_MAPS) {
+ auto upload_staging = runtime.UploadStagingBuffer(total_size_bytes);
+ const std::span<u8> staging_pointer = upload_staging.mapped_span;
+ for (BufferCopy& copy : copies) {
+ u8* const src_pointer = + copy.src_offset;
+ const VAddr cpu_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + copy.dst_offset;
+ cpu_memory.ReadBlockUnsafe(cpu_addr, src_pointer, copy.size);
- // Apply the staging offset
- copy.src_offset += upload_staging.offset;
+ // Apply the staging offset
+ copy.src_offset += upload_staging.offset;
+ }
+ runtime.CopyBuffer(buffer, upload_staging.buffer, copies);
- runtime.CopyBuffer(buffer, upload_staging.buffer, copies);
template <class P>
@@ -1847,7 +1514,9 @@ bool BufferCache<P>::InlineMemory(VAddr dest_address, size_t copy_size,
if (!is_dirty) {
return false;
- if (!IsRegionGpuModified(dest_address, copy_size)) {
+ VAddr aligned_start = Common::AlignDown(dest_address, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
+ VAddr aligned_end = Common::AlignUp(dest_address + copy_size, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
+ if (!IsRegionGpuModified(aligned_start, aligned_end - aligned_start)) {
return false;
@@ -1886,30 +1555,31 @@ void BufferCache<P>::DownloadBufferMemory(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u64 si
boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 1> copies;
u64 total_size_bytes = 0;
u64 largest_copy = 0;
- buffer.ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(cpu_addr, size, [&](u64 range_offset, u64 range_size) {
- const VAddr buffer_addr = buffer.CpuAddr();
- const auto add_download = [&](VAddr start, VAddr end) {
- const u64 new_offset = start - buffer_addr;
- const u64 new_size = end - start;
- copies.push_back(BufferCopy{
- .src_offset = new_offset,
- .dst_offset = total_size_bytes,
- .size = new_size,
- });
- // Align up to avoid cache conflicts
- constexpr u64 align = 256ULL;
- constexpr u64 mask = ~(align - 1ULL);
- total_size_bytes += (new_size + align - 1) & mask;
- largest_copy = std::max(largest_copy, new_size);
- };
- const VAddr start_address = buffer_addr + range_offset;
- const VAddr end_address = start_address + range_size;
- ForEachWrittenRange(start_address, range_size, add_download);
- const IntervalType subtract_interval{start_address, end_address};
- ClearDownload(subtract_interval);
- common_ranges.subtract(subtract_interval);
- });
+ memory_tracker.ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(
+ cpu_addr, size, [&](u64 cpu_addr_out, u64 range_size) {
+ const VAddr buffer_addr = buffer.CpuAddr();
+ const auto add_download = [&](VAddr start, VAddr end) {
+ const u64 new_offset = start - buffer_addr;
+ const u64 new_size = end - start;
+ copies.push_back(BufferCopy{
+ .src_offset = new_offset,
+ .dst_offset = total_size_bytes,
+ .size = new_size,
+ });
+ // Align up to avoid cache conflicts
+ constexpr u64 align = 64ULL;
+ constexpr u64 mask = ~(align - 1ULL);
+ total_size_bytes += (new_size + align - 1) & mask;
+ largest_copy = std::max(largest_copy, new_size);
+ };
+ const VAddr start_address = cpu_addr_out;
+ const VAddr end_address = start_address + range_size;
+ ForEachInRangeSet(common_ranges, start_address, range_size, add_download);
+ const IntervalType subtract_interval{start_address, end_address};
+ ClearDownload(subtract_interval);
+ common_ranges.subtract(subtract_interval);
+ });
if (total_size_bytes == 0) {
@@ -1943,7 +1613,7 @@ void BufferCache<P>::DownloadBufferMemory(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u64 si
template <class P>
-void BufferCache<P>::DeleteBuffer(BufferId buffer_id) {
+void BufferCache<P>::DeleteBuffer(BufferId buffer_id, bool do_not_mark) {
const auto scalar_replace = [buffer_id](Binding& binding) {
if (binding.buffer_id == buffer_id) {
binding.buffer_id = BufferId{};
@@ -1962,8 +1632,10 @@ void BufferCache<P>::DeleteBuffer(BufferId buffer_id) {
std::erase(cached_write_buffer_ids, buffer_id);
// Mark the whole buffer as CPU written to stop tracking CPU writes
- Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
- buffer.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(buffer.CpuAddr(), buffer.SizeBytes());
+ if (!do_not_mark) {
+ Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ memory_tracker.MarkRegionAsCpuModified(buffer.CpuAddr(), buffer.SizeBytes());
+ }
@@ -2011,7 +1683,7 @@ typename BufferCache<P>::Binding BufferCache<P>::StorageBufferBinding(GPUVAddr s
LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "Failed to find storage buffer for cbuf index {}", cbuf_index);
- const VAddr cpu_end = Common::AlignUp(*cpu_addr + size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE);
+ const VAddr cpu_end = Common::AlignUp(*cpu_addr + size, YUZU_PAGESIZE);
const Binding binding{
.cpu_addr = *cpu_addr,
.size = is_written ? size : static_cast<u32>(cpu_end - *cpu_addr),
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..656baa550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <span>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
+#define BOOST_NO_MT
+#include <boost/pool/detail/mutex.hpp>
+#undef BOOST_NO_MT
+#include <boost/icl/interval.hpp>
+#include <boost/icl/interval_base_set.hpp>
+#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
+#include <boost/icl/split_interval_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/pool/pool.hpp>
+#include <boost/pool/pool_alloc.hpp>
+#include <boost/pool/poolfwd.hpp>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "common/div_ceil.h"
+#include "common/literals.h"
+#include "common/lru_cache.h"
+#include "common/microprofile.h"
+#include "common/scope_exit.h"
+#include "common/settings.h"
+#include "core/memory.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_base.h"
+#include "video_core/control/channel_state_cache.h"
+#include "video_core/delayed_destruction_ring.h"
+#include "video_core/dirty_flags.h"
+#include "video_core/engines/draw_manager.h"
+#include "video_core/engines/kepler_compute.h"
+#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
+#include "video_core/memory_manager.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_interface.h"
+#include "video_core/surface.h"
+#include "video_core/texture_cache/slot_vector.h"
+#include "video_core/texture_cache/types.h"
+namespace boost {
+template <typename T>
+class fast_pool_allocator<T, default_user_allocator_new_delete, details::pool::null_mutex, 4096, 0>;
+namespace VideoCommon {
+using BufferId = SlotId;
+using VideoCore::Surface::PixelFormat;
+using namespace Common::Literals;
+constexpr u32 NUM_VERTEX_BUFFERS = 32;
+constexpr u32 NUM_STORAGE_BUFFERS = 16;
+constexpr u32 NUM_TEXTURE_BUFFERS = 16;
+constexpr u32 NUM_STAGES = 5;
+using UniformBufferSizes = std::array<std::array<u32, NUM_GRAPHICS_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES>;
+using ComputeUniformBufferSizes = std::array<u32, NUM_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>;
+enum class ObtainBufferSynchronize : u32 {
+ NoSynchronize = 0,
+ FullSynchronize = 1,
+ SynchronizeNoDirty = 2,
+enum class ObtainBufferOperation : u32 {
+ DoNothing = 0,
+ MarkAsWritten = 1,
+ DiscardWrite = 2,
+ MarkQuery = 3,
+template <typename P>
+class BufferCache : public VideoCommon::ChannelSetupCaches<VideoCommon::ChannelInfo> {
+ // Page size for caching purposes.
+ // This is unrelated to the CPU page size and it can be changed as it seems optimal.
+ static constexpr u32 CACHING_PAGEBITS = 16;
+ static constexpr u64 CACHING_PAGESIZE = u64{1} << CACHING_PAGEBITS;
+ static constexpr bool IS_OPENGL = P::IS_OPENGL;
+ static constexpr bool HAS_FULL_INDEX_AND_PRIMITIVE_SUPPORT =
+ static constexpr bool USE_MEMORY_MAPS = P::USE_MEMORY_MAPS;
+ static constexpr BufferId NULL_BUFFER_ID{0};
+ static constexpr s64 DEFAULT_EXPECTED_MEMORY = 512_MiB;
+ static constexpr s64 DEFAULT_CRITICAL_MEMORY = 1_GiB;
+ static constexpr s64 TARGET_THRESHOLD = 4_GiB;
+ // Debug Flags.
+ static constexpr bool DISABLE_DOWNLOADS = true;
+ using Maxwell = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs;
+ using Runtime = typename P::Runtime;
+ using Buffer = typename P::Buffer;
+ using Async_Buffer = typename P::Async_Buffer;
+ using MemoryTracker = typename P::MemoryTracker;
+ using IntervalCompare = std::less<VAddr>;
+ using IntervalInstance = boost::icl::interval_type_default<VAddr, std::less>;
+ using IntervalAllocator = boost::fast_pool_allocator<VAddr>;
+ using IntervalSet = boost::icl::interval_set<VAddr>;
+ using IntervalType = typename IntervalSet::interval_type;
+ template <typename Type>
+ struct counter_add_functor : public boost::icl::identity_based_inplace_combine<Type> {
+ // types
+ typedef counter_add_functor<Type> type;
+ typedef boost::icl::identity_based_inplace_combine<Type> base_type;
+ // public member functions
+ void operator()(Type& current, const Type& added) const {
+ current += added;
+ if (current < base_type::identity_element()) {
+ current = base_type::identity_element();
+ }
+ }
+ // public static functions
+ static void version(Type&){};
+ };
+ using OverlapCombine = counter_add_functor<int>;
+ using OverlapSection = boost::icl::inter_section<int>;
+ using OverlapCounter = boost::icl::split_interval_map<VAddr, int>;
+ struct Empty {};
+ struct OverlapResult {
+ std::vector<BufferId> ids;
+ VAddr begin;
+ VAddr end;
+ bool has_stream_leap = false;
+ };
+ struct Binding {
+ VAddr cpu_addr{};
+ u32 size{};
+ BufferId buffer_id;
+ };
+ struct TextureBufferBinding : Binding {
+ PixelFormat format;
+ };
+ static constexpr Binding NULL_BINDING{
+ .cpu_addr = 0,
+ .size = 0,
+ .buffer_id = NULL_BUFFER_ID,
+ };
+ static constexpr u32 DEFAULT_SKIP_CACHE_SIZE = static_cast<u32>(4_KiB);
+ explicit BufferCache(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_,
+ Core::Memory::Memory& cpu_memory_, Runtime& runtime_);
+ void TickFrame();
+ void WriteMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
+ void CachedWriteMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
+ void DownloadMemory(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
+ bool InlineMemory(VAddr dest_address, size_t copy_size, std::span<const u8> inlined_buffer);
+ void BindGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size);
+ void DisableGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index);
+ void UpdateGraphicsBuffers(bool is_indexed);
+ void UpdateComputeBuffers();
+ void BindHostGeometryBuffers(bool is_indexed);
+ void BindHostStageBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void BindHostComputeBuffers();
+ void SetUniformBuffersState(const std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES>& mask,
+ const UniformBufferSizes* sizes);
+ void SetComputeUniformBufferState(u32 mask, const ComputeUniformBufferSizes* sizes);
+ void UnbindGraphicsStorageBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void BindGraphicsStorageBuffer(size_t stage, size_t ssbo_index, u32 cbuf_index, u32 cbuf_offset,
+ bool is_written);
+ void UnbindGraphicsTextureBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void BindGraphicsTextureBuffer(size_t stage, size_t tbo_index, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size,
+ PixelFormat format, bool is_written, bool is_image);
+ void UnbindComputeStorageBuffers();
+ void BindComputeStorageBuffer(size_t ssbo_index, u32 cbuf_index, u32 cbuf_offset,
+ bool is_written);
+ void UnbindComputeTextureBuffers();
+ void BindComputeTextureBuffer(size_t tbo_index, GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size, PixelFormat format,
+ bool is_written, bool is_image);
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Buffer*, u32> ObtainBuffer(GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size,
+ ObtainBufferSynchronize sync_info,
+ ObtainBufferOperation post_op);
+ void FlushCachedWrites();
+ /// Return true when there are uncommitted buffers to be downloaded
+ [[nodiscard]] bool HasUncommittedFlushes() const noexcept;
+ void AccumulateFlushes();
+ /// Return true when the caller should wait for async downloads
+ [[nodiscard]] bool ShouldWaitAsyncFlushes() const noexcept;
+ /// Commit asynchronous downloads
+ void CommitAsyncFlushes();
+ void CommitAsyncFlushesHigh();
+ /// Pop asynchronous downloads
+ void PopAsyncFlushes();
+ void PopAsyncBuffers();
+ bool DMACopy(GPUVAddr src_address, GPUVAddr dest_address, u64 amount);
+ bool DMAClear(GPUVAddr src_address, u64 amount, u32 value);
+ /// Return true when a CPU region is modified from the GPU
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionGpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size);
+ /// Return true when a region is registered on the cache
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionRegistered(VAddr addr, size_t size);
+ /// Return true when a CPU region is modified from the CPU
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionCpuModified(VAddr addr, size_t size);
+ void SetDrawIndirect(
+ const Tegra::Engines::DrawManager::IndirectParams* current_draw_indirect_) {
+ current_draw_indirect = current_draw_indirect_;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Buffer*, u32> GetDrawIndirectCount();
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<Buffer*, u32> GetDrawIndirectBuffer();
+ std::recursive_mutex mutex;
+ Runtime& runtime;
+ template <typename Func>
+ static void ForEachEnabledBit(u32 enabled_mask, Func&& func) {
+ for (u32 index = 0; enabled_mask != 0; ++index, enabled_mask >>= 1) {
+ const int disabled_bits = std::countr_zero(enabled_mask);
+ index += disabled_bits;
+ enabled_mask >>= disabled_bits;
+ func(index);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void ForEachBufferInRange(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size, Func&& func) {
+ const u64 page_end = Common::DivCeil(cpu_addr + size, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ for (u64 page = cpu_addr >> CACHING_PAGEBITS; page < page_end;) {
+ const BufferId buffer_id = page_table[page];
+ if (!buffer_id) {
+ ++page;
+ continue;
+ }
+ Buffer& buffer = slot_buffers[buffer_id];
+ func(buffer_id, buffer);
+ const VAddr end_addr = buffer.CpuAddr() + buffer.SizeBytes();
+ page = Common::DivCeil(end_addr, CACHING_PAGESIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void ForEachInRangeSet(IntervalSet& current_range, VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size, Func&& func) {
+ const VAddr start_address = cpu_addr;
+ const VAddr end_address = start_address + size;
+ const IntervalType search_interval{start_address, end_address};
+ auto it = current_range.lower_bound(search_interval);
+ if (it == current_range.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto end_it = current_range.upper_bound(search_interval);
+ for (; it != end_it; it++) {
+ VAddr inter_addr_end = it->upper();
+ VAddr inter_addr = it->lower();
+ if (inter_addr_end > end_address) {
+ inter_addr_end = end_address;
+ }
+ if (inter_addr < start_address) {
+ inter_addr = start_address;
+ }
+ func(inter_addr, inter_addr_end);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void ForEachInOverlapCounter(OverlapCounter& current_range, VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size,
+ Func&& func) {
+ const VAddr start_address = cpu_addr;
+ const VAddr end_address = start_address + size;
+ const IntervalType search_interval{start_address, end_address};
+ auto it = current_range.lower_bound(search_interval);
+ if (it == current_range.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto end_it = current_range.upper_bound(search_interval);
+ for (; it != end_it; it++) {
+ auto& inter = it->first;
+ VAddr inter_addr_end = inter.upper();
+ VAddr inter_addr = inter.lower();
+ if (inter_addr_end > end_address) {
+ inter_addr_end = end_address;
+ }
+ if (inter_addr < start_address) {
+ inter_addr = start_address;
+ }
+ func(inter_addr, inter_addr_end, it->second);
+ }
+ }
+ void RemoveEachInOverlapCounter(OverlapCounter& current_range,
+ const IntervalType search_interval, int subtract_value) {
+ bool any_removals = false;
+ current_range.add(std::make_pair(search_interval, subtract_value));
+ do {
+ any_removals = false;
+ auto it = current_range.lower_bound(search_interval);
+ if (it == current_range.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto end_it = current_range.upper_bound(search_interval);
+ for (; it != end_it; it++) {
+ if (it->second <= 0) {
+ any_removals = true;
+ current_range.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (any_removals);
+ }
+ static bool IsRangeGranular(VAddr cpu_addr, size_t size) {
+ return (cpu_addr & ~Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEMASK) ==
+ ((cpu_addr + size) & ~Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGEMASK);
+ }
+ void RunGarbageCollector();
+ void WaitOnAsyncFlushes(VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
+ void BindHostIndexBuffer();
+ void BindHostVertexBuffers();
+ void BindHostDrawIndirectBuffers();
+ void BindHostGraphicsUniformBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void BindHostGraphicsUniformBuffer(size_t stage, u32 index, u32 binding_index, bool needs_bind);
+ void BindHostGraphicsStorageBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void BindHostGraphicsTextureBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void BindHostTransformFeedbackBuffers();
+ void BindHostComputeUniformBuffers();
+ void BindHostComputeStorageBuffers();
+ void BindHostComputeTextureBuffers();
+ void DoUpdateGraphicsBuffers(bool is_indexed);
+ void DoUpdateComputeBuffers();
+ void UpdateIndexBuffer();
+ void UpdateVertexBuffers();
+ void UpdateVertexBuffer(u32 index);
+ void UpdateDrawIndirect();
+ void UpdateUniformBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void UpdateStorageBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void UpdateTextureBuffers(size_t stage);
+ void UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffers();
+ void UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffer(u32 index);
+ void UpdateComputeUniformBuffers();
+ void UpdateComputeStorageBuffers();
+ void UpdateComputeTextureBuffers();
+ void MarkWrittenBuffer(BufferId buffer_id, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
+ [[nodiscard]] BufferId FindBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
+ [[nodiscard]] OverlapResult ResolveOverlaps(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 wanted_size);
+ void JoinOverlap(BufferId new_buffer_id, BufferId overlap_id, bool accumulate_stream_score);
+ [[nodiscard]] BufferId CreateBuffer(VAddr cpu_addr, u32 wanted_size);
+ void Register(BufferId buffer_id);
+ void Unregister(BufferId buffer_id);
+ template <bool insert>
+ void ChangeRegister(BufferId buffer_id);
+ void TouchBuffer(Buffer& buffer, BufferId buffer_id) noexcept;
+ bool SynchronizeBuffer(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
+ bool SynchronizeBufferImpl(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
+ bool SynchronizeBufferNoModified(Buffer& buffer, VAddr cpu_addr, u32 size);
+ void UploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes, u64 largest_copy,
+ std::span<BufferCopy> copies);
+ void ImmediateUploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 largest_copy,
+ std::span<const BufferCopy> copies);
+ void MappedUploadMemory(Buffer& buffer, u64 total_size_bytes, std::span<BufferCopy> copies);
+ void DownloadBufferMemory(Buffer& buffer_id);
+ void DownloadBufferMemory(Buffer& buffer_id, VAddr cpu_addr, u64 size);
+ void DeleteBuffer(BufferId buffer_id, bool do_not_mark = false);
+ void NotifyBufferDeletion();
+ [[nodiscard]] Binding StorageBufferBinding(GPUVAddr ssbo_addr, u32 cbuf_index,
+ bool is_written) const;
+ [[nodiscard]] TextureBufferBinding GetTextureBufferBinding(GPUVAddr gpu_addr, u32 size,
+ PixelFormat format);
+ [[nodiscard]] std::span<const u8> ImmediateBufferWithData(VAddr cpu_addr, size_t size);
+ [[nodiscard]] std::span<u8> ImmediateBuffer(size_t wanted_capacity);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool HasFastUniformBufferBound(size_t stage, u32 binding_index) const noexcept;
+ void ClearDownload(IntervalType subtract_interval);
+ VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer;
+ Core::Memory::Memory& cpu_memory;
+ SlotVector<Buffer> slot_buffers;
+ DelayedDestructionRing<Buffer, 8> delayed_destruction_ring;
+ const Tegra::Engines::DrawManager::IndirectParams* current_draw_indirect{};
+ u32 last_index_count = 0;
+ Binding index_buffer;
+ std::array<Binding, NUM_VERTEX_BUFFERS> vertex_buffers;
+ std::array<std::array<Binding, NUM_GRAPHICS_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES> uniform_buffers;
+ std::array<std::array<Binding, NUM_STORAGE_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES> storage_buffers;
+ std::array<std::array<TextureBufferBinding, NUM_TEXTURE_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES> texture_buffers;
+ std::array<Binding, NUM_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS> transform_feedback_buffers;
+ Binding count_buffer_binding;
+ Binding indirect_buffer_binding;
+ std::array<Binding, NUM_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_BUFFERS> compute_uniform_buffers;
+ std::array<Binding, NUM_STORAGE_BUFFERS> compute_storage_buffers;
+ std::array<TextureBufferBinding, NUM_TEXTURE_BUFFERS> compute_texture_buffers;
+ std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> enabled_uniform_buffer_masks{};
+ u32 enabled_compute_uniform_buffer_mask = 0;
+ const UniformBufferSizes* uniform_buffer_sizes{};
+ const ComputeUniformBufferSizes* compute_uniform_buffer_sizes{};
+ std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> enabled_storage_buffers{};
+ std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> written_storage_buffers{};
+ u32 enabled_compute_storage_buffers = 0;
+ u32 written_compute_storage_buffers = 0;
+ std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> enabled_texture_buffers{};
+ std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> written_texture_buffers{};
+ std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES> image_texture_buffers{};
+ u32 enabled_compute_texture_buffers = 0;
+ u32 written_compute_texture_buffers = 0;
+ u32 image_compute_texture_buffers = 0;
+ std::array<u32, 16> uniform_cache_hits{};
+ std::array<u32, 16> uniform_cache_shots{};
+ u32 uniform_buffer_skip_cache_size = DEFAULT_SKIP_CACHE_SIZE;
+ bool has_deleted_buffers = false;
+ std::conditional_t<HAS_PERSISTENT_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS, std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES>, Empty>
+ dirty_uniform_buffers{};
+ std::conditional_t<IS_OPENGL, std::array<u32, NUM_STAGES>, Empty> fast_bound_uniform_buffers{};
+ std::array<std::array<u32, NUM_GRAPHICS_UNIFORM_BUFFERS>, NUM_STAGES>, Empty>
+ uniform_buffer_binding_sizes{};
+ std::vector<BufferId> cached_write_buffer_ids;
+ MemoryTracker memory_tracker;
+ IntervalSet uncommitted_ranges;
+ IntervalSet common_ranges;
+ IntervalSet cached_ranges;
+ IntervalSet pending_ranges;
+ std::deque<IntervalSet> committed_ranges;
+ // Async Buffers
+ OverlapCounter async_downloads;
+ std::deque<std::optional<Async_Buffer>> async_buffers;
+ std::deque<boost::container::small_vector<BufferCopy, 4>> pending_downloads;
+ std::optional<Async_Buffer> current_buffer;
+ std::deque<Async_Buffer> async_buffers_death_ring;
+ size_t immediate_buffer_capacity = 0;
+ Common::ScratchBuffer<u8> immediate_buffer_alloc;
+ struct LRUItemParams {
+ using ObjectType = BufferId;
+ using TickType = u64;
+ };
+ Common::LeastRecentlyUsedCache<LRUItemParams> lru_cache;
+ u64 frame_tick = 0;
+ u64 total_used_memory = 0;
+ u64 minimum_memory = 0;
+ u64 critical_memory = 0;
+ BufferId inline_buffer_id;
+ bool active_async_buffers = false;
+ std::array<BufferId, ((1ULL << 39) >> CACHING_PAGEBITS)> page_table;
+} // namespace VideoCommon
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bc59017f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <bit>
+#include <deque>
+#include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include "common/alignment.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h"
+namespace VideoCommon {
+template <class RasterizerInterface>
+class MemoryTrackerBase {
+ static constexpr size_t MAX_CPU_PAGE_BITS = 39;
+ static constexpr size_t HIGHER_PAGE_BITS = 22;
+ static constexpr size_t HIGHER_PAGE_SIZE = 1ULL << HIGHER_PAGE_BITS;
+ static constexpr size_t HIGHER_PAGE_MASK = HIGHER_PAGE_SIZE - 1ULL;
+ static constexpr size_t NUM_HIGH_PAGES = 1ULL << (MAX_CPU_PAGE_BITS - HIGHER_PAGE_BITS);
+ static constexpr size_t MANAGER_POOL_SIZE = 32;
+ using Manager = WordManager<RasterizerInterface, WORDS_STACK_NEEDED>;
+ MemoryTrackerBase(RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_) : rasterizer{&rasterizer_} {}
+ ~MemoryTrackerBase() = default;
+ /// Returns the inclusive CPU modified range in a begin end pair
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedCpuRegion(VAddr query_cpu_addr,
+ u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ return IteratePairs<true>(
+ query_cpu_addr, query_size, [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ return manager->template ModifiedRegion<Type::CPU>(offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Returns the inclusive GPU modified range in a begin end pair
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedGpuRegion(VAddr query_cpu_addr,
+ u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ return IteratePairs<false>(
+ query_cpu_addr, query_size, [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ return manager->template ModifiedRegion<Type::GPU>(offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Returns true if a region has been modified from the CPU
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionCpuModified(VAddr query_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ return IteratePages<true>(
+ query_cpu_addr, query_size, [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ return manager->template IsRegionModified<Type::CPU>(offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Returns true if a region has been modified from the GPU
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionGpuModified(VAddr query_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ return IteratePages<false>(
+ query_cpu_addr, query_size, [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ return manager->template IsRegionModified<Type::GPU>(offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Mark region as CPU modified, notifying the rasterizer about this change
+ void MarkRegionAsCpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) {
+ IteratePages<true>(dirty_cpu_addr, query_size,
+ [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ manager->template ChangeRegionState<Type::CPU, true>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Unmark region as CPU modified, notifying the rasterizer about this change
+ void UnmarkRegionAsCpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) {
+ IteratePages<true>(dirty_cpu_addr, query_size,
+ [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ manager->template ChangeRegionState<Type::CPU, false>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Mark region as modified from the host GPU
+ void MarkRegionAsGpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ IteratePages<true>(dirty_cpu_addr, query_size,
+ [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ manager->template ChangeRegionState<Type::GPU, true>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Unmark region as modified from the host GPU
+ void UnmarkRegionAsGpuModified(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ IteratePages<true>(dirty_cpu_addr, query_size,
+ [](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ manager->template ChangeRegionState<Type::GPU, false>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Mark region as modified from the CPU
+ /// but don't mark it as modified until FlusHCachedWrites is called.
+ void CachedCpuWrite(VAddr dirty_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) {
+ IteratePages<true>(
+ dirty_cpu_addr, query_size, [this](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ const VAddr cpu_address = manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset;
+ manager->template ChangeRegionState<Type::CachedCPU, true>(cpu_address, size);
+ cached_pages.insert(static_cast<u32>(cpu_address >> HIGHER_PAGE_BITS));
+ });
+ }
+ /// Flushes cached CPU writes, and notify the rasterizer about the deltas
+ void FlushCachedWrites(VAddr query_cpu_addr, u64 query_size) noexcept {
+ IteratePages<false>(query_cpu_addr, query_size,
+ [](Manager* manager, [[maybe_unused]] u64 offset,
+ [[maybe_unused]] size_t size) { manager->FlushCachedWrites(); });
+ }
+ void FlushCachedWrites() noexcept {
+ for (auto id : cached_pages) {
+ top_tier[id]->FlushCachedWrites();
+ }
+ cached_pages.clear();
+ }
+ /// Call 'func' for each CPU modified range and unmark those pages as CPU modified
+ template <typename Func>
+ void ForEachUploadRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, u64 query_size, Func&& func) {
+ IteratePages<true>(query_cpu_range, query_size,
+ [&func](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ manager->template ForEachModifiedRange<Type::CPU, true>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size, func);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Call 'func' for each GPU modified range and unmark those pages as GPU modified
+ template <typename Func>
+ void ForEachDownloadRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, u64 query_size, bool clear, Func&& func) {
+ IteratePages<false>(query_cpu_range, query_size,
+ [&func, clear](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ if (clear) {
+ manager->template ForEachModifiedRange<Type::GPU, true>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size, func);
+ } else {
+ manager->template ForEachModifiedRange<Type::GPU, false>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size, func);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void ForEachDownloadRangeAndClear(VAddr query_cpu_range, u64 query_size, Func&& func) {
+ IteratePages<false>(query_cpu_range, query_size,
+ [&func](Manager* manager, u64 offset, size_t size) {
+ manager->template ForEachModifiedRange<Type::GPU, true>(
+ manager->GetCpuAddr() + offset, size, func);
+ });
+ }
+ template <bool create_region_on_fail, typename Func>
+ bool IteratePages(VAddr cpu_address, size_t size, Func&& func) {
+ using FuncReturn = typename std::invoke_result<Func, Manager*, u64, size_t>::type;
+ static constexpr bool BOOL_BREAK = std::is_same_v<FuncReturn, bool>;
+ std::size_t remaining_size{size};
+ std::size_t page_index{cpu_address >> HIGHER_PAGE_BITS};
+ u64 page_offset{cpu_address & HIGHER_PAGE_MASK};
+ while (remaining_size > 0) {
+ const std::size_t copy_amount{std::min(HIGHER_PAGE_SIZE - page_offset, remaining_size)};
+ auto* manager{top_tier[page_index]};
+ if (manager) {
+ if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
+ if (func(manager, page_offset, copy_amount)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ func(manager, page_offset, copy_amount);
+ }
+ } else if constexpr (create_region_on_fail) {
+ CreateRegion(page_index);
+ manager = top_tier[page_index];
+ if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
+ if (func(manager, page_offset, copy_amount)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ func(manager, page_offset, copy_amount);
+ }
+ }
+ page_index++;
+ page_offset = 0;
+ remaining_size -= copy_amount;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <bool create_region_on_fail, typename Func>
+ std::pair<u64, u64> IteratePairs(VAddr cpu_address, size_t size, Func&& func) {
+ std::size_t remaining_size{size};
+ std::size_t page_index{cpu_address >> HIGHER_PAGE_BITS};
+ u64 page_offset{cpu_address & HIGHER_PAGE_MASK};
+ u64 begin = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
+ u64 end = 0;
+ while (remaining_size > 0) {
+ const std::size_t copy_amount{std::min(HIGHER_PAGE_SIZE - page_offset, remaining_size)};
+ auto* manager{top_tier[page_index]};
+ const auto execute = [&] {
+ auto [new_begin, new_end] = func(manager, page_offset, copy_amount);
+ if (new_begin != 0 || new_end != 0) {
+ const u64 base_address = page_index << HIGHER_PAGE_BITS;
+ begin = std::min(new_begin + base_address, begin);
+ end = std::max(new_end + base_address, end);
+ }
+ };
+ if (manager) {
+ execute();
+ } else if constexpr (create_region_on_fail) {
+ CreateRegion(page_index);
+ manager = top_tier[page_index];
+ execute();
+ }
+ page_index++;
+ page_offset = 0;
+ remaining_size -= copy_amount;
+ }
+ if (begin < end) {
+ return std::make_pair(begin, end);
+ } else {
+ return std::make_pair(0ULL, 0ULL);
+ }
+ }
+ void CreateRegion(std::size_t page_index) {
+ const VAddr base_cpu_addr = page_index << HIGHER_PAGE_BITS;
+ top_tier[page_index] = GetNewManager(base_cpu_addr);
+ }
+ Manager* GetNewManager(VAddr base_cpu_addess) {
+ const auto on_return = [&] {
+ auto* new_manager = free_managers.front();
+ new_manager->SetCpuAddress(base_cpu_addess);
+ free_managers.pop_front();
+ return new_manager;
+ };
+ if (!free_managers.empty()) {
+ return on_return();
+ }
+ manager_pool.emplace_back();
+ auto& last_pool = manager_pool.back();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MANAGER_POOL_SIZE; i++) {
+ new (&last_pool[i]) Manager(0, *rasterizer, HIGHER_PAGE_SIZE);
+ free_managers.push_back(&last_pool[i]);
+ }
+ return on_return();
+ }
+ std::deque<std::array<Manager, MANAGER_POOL_SIZE>> manager_pool;
+ std::deque<Manager*> free_managers;
+ std::array<Manager*, NUM_HIGH_PAGES> top_tier{};
+ std::unordered_set<u32> cached_pages;
+ RasterizerInterface* rasterizer = nullptr;
+} // namespace VideoCommon
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a42455045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <bit>
+#include <limits>
+#include <span>
+#include <utility>
+#include "common/alignment.h"
+#include "common/common_funcs.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "common/div_ceil.h"
+#include "core/memory.h"
+namespace VideoCommon {
+constexpr u64 PAGES_PER_WORD = 64;
+constexpr u64 BYTES_PER_PAGE = Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE;
+enum class Type {
+ CPU,
+ GPU,
+ CachedCPU,
+ Untracked,
+/// Vector tracking modified pages tightly packed with small vector optimization
+template <size_t stack_words = 1>
+struct WordsArray {
+ /// Returns the pointer to the words state
+ [[nodiscard]] const u64* Pointer(bool is_short) const noexcept {
+ return is_short ? : heap;
+ }
+ /// Returns the pointer to the words state
+ [[nodiscard]] u64* Pointer(bool is_short) noexcept {
+ return is_short ? : heap;
+ }
+ std::array<u64, stack_words> stack{}; ///< Small buffers storage
+ u64* heap; ///< Not-small buffers pointer to the storage
+template <size_t stack_words = 1>
+struct Words {
+ explicit Words() = default;
+ explicit Words(u64 size_bytes_) : size_bytes{size_bytes_} {
+ num_words = Common::DivCeil(size_bytes, BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ if (IsShort()) {
+ cpu.stack.fill(~u64{0});
+ gpu.stack.fill(0);
+ cached_cpu.stack.fill(0);
+ untracked.stack.fill(~u64{0});
+ } else {
+ // Share allocation between CPU and GPU pages and set their default values
+ u64* const alloc = new u64[num_words * 4];
+ cpu.heap = alloc;
+ gpu.heap = alloc + num_words;
+ cached_cpu.heap = alloc + num_words * 2;
+ untracked.heap = alloc + num_words * 3;
+ std::fill_n(cpu.heap, num_words, ~u64{0});
+ std::fill_n(gpu.heap, num_words, 0);
+ std::fill_n(cached_cpu.heap, num_words, 0);
+ std::fill_n(untracked.heap, num_words, ~u64{0});
+ }
+ // Clean up tailing bits
+ const u64 last_word_size = size_bytes % BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 last_local_page = Common::DivCeil(last_word_size, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ const u64 shift = (PAGES_PER_WORD - last_local_page) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 last_word = (~u64{0} << shift) >> shift;
+ cpu.Pointer(IsShort())[NumWords() - 1] = last_word;
+ untracked.Pointer(IsShort())[NumWords() - 1] = last_word;
+ }
+ ~Words() {
+ Release();
+ }
+ Words& operator=(Words&& rhs) noexcept {
+ Release();
+ size_bytes = rhs.size_bytes;
+ num_words = rhs.num_words;
+ cpu = rhs.cpu;
+ gpu = rhs.gpu;
+ cached_cpu = rhs.cached_cpu;
+ untracked = rhs.untracked;
+ rhs.cpu.heap = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Words(Words&& rhs) noexcept
+ : size_bytes{rhs.size_bytes}, num_words{rhs.num_words}, cpu{rhs.cpu}, gpu{rhs.gpu},
+ cached_cpu{rhs.cached_cpu}, untracked{rhs.untracked} {
+ rhs.cpu.heap = nullptr;
+ }
+ Words& operator=(const Words&) = delete;
+ Words(const Words&) = delete;
+ /// Returns true when the buffer fits in the small vector optimization
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsShort() const noexcept {
+ return num_words <= stack_words;
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of words of the buffer
+ [[nodiscard]] size_t NumWords() const noexcept {
+ return num_words;
+ }
+ /// Release buffer resources
+ void Release() {
+ if (!IsShort()) {
+ // CPU written words is the base for the heap allocation
+ delete[] cpu.heap;
+ }
+ }
+ template <Type type>
+ std::span<u64> Span() noexcept {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ return std::span<u64>(cpu.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ return std::span<u64>(gpu.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ return std::span<u64>(cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
+ return std::span<u64>(untracked.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ }
+ }
+ template <Type type>
+ std::span<const u64> Span() const noexcept {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ return std::span<const u64>(cpu.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ return std::span<const u64>(gpu.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ return std::span<const u64>(cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
+ return std::span<const u64>(untracked.Pointer(IsShort()), num_words);
+ }
+ }
+ u64 size_bytes = 0;
+ size_t num_words = 0;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> cpu;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> gpu;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> cached_cpu;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> untracked;
+template <class RasterizerInterface, size_t stack_words = 1>
+class WordManager {
+ explicit WordManager(VAddr cpu_addr_, RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_, u64 size_bytes)
+ : cpu_addr{cpu_addr_}, rasterizer{&rasterizer_}, words{size_bytes} {}
+ explicit WordManager() = default;
+ void SetCpuAddress(VAddr new_cpu_addr) {
+ cpu_addr = new_cpu_addr;
+ }
+ VAddr GetCpuAddr() const {
+ return cpu_addr;
+ }
+ static u64 ExtractBits(u64 word, size_t page_start, size_t page_end) {
+ constexpr size_t number_bits = sizeof(u64) * 8;
+ const size_t limit_page_end = number_bits - std::min(page_end, number_bits);
+ u64 bits = (word >> page_start) << page_start;
+ bits = (bits << limit_page_end) >> limit_page_end;
+ return bits;
+ }
+ static std::pair<size_t, size_t> GetWordPage(VAddr address) {
+ const size_t converted_address = static_cast<size_t>(address);
+ const size_t word_number = converted_address / BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ const size_t amount_pages = converted_address % BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ return std::make_pair(word_number, amount_pages / BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void IterateWords(size_t offset, size_t size, Func&& func) const {
+ using FuncReturn = std::invoke_result_t<Func, std::size_t, u64>;
+ static constexpr bool BOOL_BREAK = std::is_same_v<FuncReturn, bool>;
+ const size_t start = static_cast<size_t>(std::max<s64>(static_cast<s64>(offset), 0LL));
+ const size_t end = static_cast<size_t>(std::max<s64>(static_cast<s64>(offset + size), 0LL));
+ if (start >= SizeBytes() || end <= start) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto [start_word, start_page] = GetWordPage(start);
+ auto [end_word, end_page] = GetWordPage(end + BYTES_PER_PAGE - 1ULL);
+ const size_t num_words = NumWords();
+ start_word = std::min(start_word, num_words);
+ end_word = std::min(end_word, num_words);
+ const size_t diff = end_word - start_word;
+ end_word += (end_page + PAGES_PER_WORD - 1ULL) / PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ end_word = std::min(end_word, num_words);
+ end_page += diff * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ constexpr u64 base_mask{~0ULL};
+ for (size_t word_index = start_word; word_index < end_word; word_index++) {
+ const u64 mask = ExtractBits(base_mask, start_page, end_page);
+ start_page = 0;
+ end_page -= PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
+ if (func(word_index, mask)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ func(word_index, mask);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void IteratePages(u64 mask, Func&& func) const {
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ while (mask != 0) {
+ const size_t empty_bits = std::countr_zero(mask);
+ offset += empty_bits;
+ mask = mask >> empty_bits;
+ const size_t continuous_bits = std::countr_one(mask);
+ func(offset, continuous_bits);
+ mask = continuous_bits < PAGES_PER_WORD ? (mask >> continuous_bits) : 0;
+ offset += continuous_bits;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change the state of a range of pages
+ *
+ * @param dirty_addr Base address to mark or unmark as modified
+ * @param size Size in bytes to mark or unmark as modified
+ */
+ template <Type type, bool enable>
+ void ChangeRegionState(u64 dirty_addr, u64 size) noexcept(type == Type::GPU) {
+ std::span<u64> state_words = words.template Span<type>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::span<u64> untracked_words = words.template Span<Type::Untracked>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::span<u64> cached_words = words.template Span<Type::CachedCPU>();
+ IterateWords(dirty_addr - cpu_addr, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ NotifyRasterizer<!enable>(index, untracked_words[index], mask);
+ }
+ if constexpr (enable) {
+ state_words[index] |= mask;
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ untracked_words[index] |= mask;
+ }
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ cached_words[index] &= ~mask;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
+ cached_words[index] &= ~word;
+ }
+ state_words[index] &= ~mask;
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ untracked_words[index] &= ~mask;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loop over each page in the given range, turn off those bits and notify the rasterizer if
+ * needed. Call the given function on each turned off range.
+ *
+ * @param query_cpu_range Base CPU address to loop over
+ * @param size Size in bytes of the CPU range to loop over
+ * @param func Function to call for each turned off region
+ */
+ template <Type type, bool clear, typename Func>
+ void ForEachModifiedRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, s64 size, Func&& func) {
+ static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
+ std::span<u64> state_words = words.template Span<type>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::span<u64> untracked_words = words.template Span<Type::Untracked>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] std::span<u64> cached_words = words.template Span<Type::CachedCPU>();
+ const size_t offset = query_cpu_range - cpu_addr;
+ bool pending = false;
+ size_t pending_offset{};
+ size_t pending_pointer{};
+ const auto release = [&]() {
+ func(cpu_addr + pending_offset * BYTES_PER_PAGE,
+ (pending_pointer - pending_offset) * BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ };
+ IterateWords(offset, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
+ if constexpr (clear) {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ NotifyRasterizer<true>(index, untracked_words[index], mask);
+ }
+ state_words[index] &= ~mask;
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ untracked_words[index] &= ~mask;
+ }
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ cached_words[index] &= ~word;
+ }
+ }
+ const size_t base_offset = index * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ IteratePages(word, [&](size_t pages_offset, size_t pages_size) {
+ const auto reset = [&]() {
+ pending_offset = base_offset + pages_offset;
+ pending_pointer = base_offset + pages_offset + pages_size;
+ };
+ if (!pending) {
+ reset();
+ pending = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pending_pointer == base_offset + pages_offset) {
+ pending_pointer += pages_size;
+ return;
+ }
+ release();
+ reset();
+ });
+ });
+ if (pending) {
+ release();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true when a region has been modified
+ *
+ * @param offset Offset in bytes from the start of the buffer
+ * @param size Size in bytes of the region to query for modifications
+ */
+ template <Type type>
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionModified(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
+ static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
+ const std::span<const u64> state_words = words.template Span<type>();
+ bool result = false;
+ IterateWords(offset, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
+ if (word != 0) {
+ result = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a begin end pair with the inclusive modified region
+ *
+ * @param offset Offset in bytes from the start of the buffer
+ * @param size Size in bytes of the region to query for modifications
+ */
+ template <Type type>
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedRegion(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
+ static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
+ const std::span<const u64> state_words = words.template Span<type>();
+ u64 begin = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
+ u64 end = 0;
+ IterateWords(offset, size, [&](size_t index, u64 mask) {
+ const u64 word = state_words[index] & mask;
+ if (word == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const u64 local_page_begin = std::countr_zero(word);
+ const u64 local_page_end = PAGES_PER_WORD - std::countl_zero(word);
+ const u64 page_index = index * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ begin = std::min(begin, page_index + local_page_begin);
+ end = page_index + local_page_end;
+ });
+ static constexpr std::pair<u64, u64> EMPTY{0, 0};
+ return begin < end ? std::make_pair(begin * BYTES_PER_PAGE, end * BYTES_PER_PAGE) : EMPTY;
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of words of the manager
+ [[nodiscard]] size_t NumWords() const noexcept {
+ return words.NumWords();
+ }
+ /// Returns the size in bytes of the manager
+ [[nodiscard]] u64 SizeBytes() const noexcept {
+ return words.size_bytes;
+ }
+ /// Returns true when the buffer fits in the small vector optimization
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsShort() const noexcept {
+ return words.IsShort();
+ }
+ void FlushCachedWrites() noexcept {
+ const u64 num_words = NumWords();
+ u64* const cached_words = Array<Type::CachedCPU>();
+ u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
+ u64* const cpu_words = Array<Type::CPU>();
+ for (u64 word_index = 0; word_index < num_words; ++word_index) {
+ const u64 cached_bits = cached_words[word_index];
+ NotifyRasterizer<false>(word_index, untracked_words[word_index], cached_bits);
+ untracked_words[word_index] |= cached_bits;
+ cpu_words[word_index] |= cached_bits;
+ cached_words[word_index] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ template <Type type>
+ u64* Array() noexcept {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ return words.cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ return words.gpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ return words.cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
+ return words.untracked.Pointer(IsShort());
+ }
+ }
+ template <Type type>
+ const u64* Array() const noexcept {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ return words.cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ return words.gpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ return words.cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
+ return words.untracked.Pointer(IsShort());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Notify rasterizer about changes in the CPU tracking state of a word in the buffer
+ *
+ * @param word_index Index to the word to notify to the rasterizer
+ * @param current_bits Current state of the word
+ * @param new_bits New state of the word
+ *
+ * @tparam add_to_rasterizer True when the rasterizer should start tracking the new pages
+ */
+ template <bool add_to_rasterizer>
+ void NotifyRasterizer(u64 word_index, u64 current_bits, u64 new_bits) const {
+ u64 changed_bits = (add_to_rasterizer ? current_bits : ~current_bits) & new_bits;
+ VAddr addr = cpu_addr + word_index * BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ IteratePages(changed_bits, [&](size_t offset, size_t size) {
+ rasterizer->UpdatePagesCachedCount(addr + offset * BYTES_PER_PAGE,
+ size * BYTES_PER_PAGE, add_to_rasterizer ? 1 : -1);
+ });
+ }
+ VAddr cpu_addr = 0;
+ RasterizerInterface* rasterizer = nullptr;
+ Words<stack_words> words;
+} // namespace VideoCommon
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache.h
index a8c3f8b67..18d3c3ac0 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h"
#include "video_core/rasterizer_interface.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_device.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_resource_manager.h"
@@ -200,6 +201,8 @@ private:
struct BufferCacheParams {
using Runtime = OpenGL::BufferCacheRuntime;
using Buffer = OpenGL::Buffer;
+ using Async_Buffer = u32;
+ using MemoryTracker = VideoCommon::MemoryTrackerBase<VideoCore::RasterizerInterface>;
static constexpr bool IS_OPENGL = true;
static constexpr bool HAS_PERSISTENT_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS = true;
@@ -208,6 +211,7 @@ struct BufferCacheParams {
static constexpr bool NEEDS_BIND_STORAGE_INDEX = true;
static constexpr bool USE_MEMORY_MAPS = false;
static constexpr bool SEPARATE_IMAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS = true;
+ static constexpr bool IMPLEMENTS_ASYNC_DOWNLOADS = false;
using BufferCache = VideoCommon::BufferCache<BufferCacheParams>;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache_base.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache_base.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f15ae8e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache_base.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h"
+#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_buffer_cache.h"
+namespace VideoCommon {
+template class VideoCommon::BufferCache<OpenGL::BufferCacheParams>;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.cpp
index 9cbcb3c8f..510602e8e 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.cpp
@@ -314,8 +314,12 @@ StagingBufferRef BufferCacheRuntime::UploadStagingBuffer(size_t size) {
return staging_pool.Request(size, MemoryUsage::Upload);
-StagingBufferRef BufferCacheRuntime::DownloadStagingBuffer(size_t size) {
- return staging_pool.Request(size, MemoryUsage::Download);
+StagingBufferRef BufferCacheRuntime::DownloadStagingBuffer(size_t size, bool deferred) {
+ return staging_pool.Request(size, MemoryUsage::Download, deferred);
+void BufferCacheRuntime::FreeDeferredStagingBuffer(StagingBufferRef& ref) {
+ staging_pool.FreeDeferred(ref);
u64 BufferCacheRuntime::GetDeviceLocalMemory() const {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.h b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.h
index 183b33632..879f1ed94 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.h
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
#pragma once
-#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache_base.h"
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/memory_tracker_base.h"
#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_compute_pass.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_staging_buffer_pool.h"
@@ -75,7 +76,9 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] StagingBufferRef UploadStagingBuffer(size_t size);
- [[nodiscard]] StagingBufferRef DownloadStagingBuffer(size_t size);
+ [[nodiscard]] StagingBufferRef DownloadStagingBuffer(size_t size, bool deferred = false);
+ void FreeDeferredStagingBuffer(StagingBufferRef& ref);
void PreCopyBarrier();
@@ -142,6 +145,8 @@ private:
struct BufferCacheParams {
using Runtime = Vulkan::BufferCacheRuntime;
using Buffer = Vulkan::Buffer;
+ using Async_Buffer = Vulkan::StagingBufferRef;
+ using MemoryTracker = VideoCommon::MemoryTrackerBase<VideoCore::RasterizerInterface>;
static constexpr bool IS_OPENGL = false;
static constexpr bool HAS_PERSISTENT_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS = false;
@@ -150,6 +155,7 @@ struct BufferCacheParams {
static constexpr bool NEEDS_BIND_STORAGE_INDEX = false;
static constexpr bool USE_MEMORY_MAPS = true;
static constexpr bool SEPARATE_IMAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS = false;
+ static constexpr bool IMPLEMENTS_ASYNC_DOWNLOADS = true;
using BufferCache = VideoCommon::BufferCache<BufferCacheParams>;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache_base.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache_base.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9e271507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache_base.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h"
+#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_buffer_cache.h"
+namespace VideoCommon {
+template class VideoCommon::BufferCache<Vulkan::BufferCacheParams>;