path: root/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..782951fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/word_manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022 yuzu Emulator Project
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <bit>
+#include <limits>
+#include <utility>
+#include "common/alignment.h"
+#include "common/common_funcs.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "common/div_ceil.h"
+#include "core/memory.h"
+namespace VideoCommon {
+constexpr u64 PAGES_PER_WORD = 64;
+constexpr u64 BYTES_PER_PAGE = Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE;
+/// Vector tracking modified pages tightly packed with small vector optimization
+template <size_t stack_words = 1>
+union WordsArray {
+ /// Returns the pointer to the words state
+ [[nodiscard]] const u64* Pointer(bool is_short) const noexcept {
+ return is_short ? : heap;
+ }
+ /// Returns the pointer to the words state
+ [[nodiscard]] u64* Pointer(bool is_short) noexcept {
+ return is_short ? : heap;
+ }
+ std::array<u64, stack_words> stack{}; ///< Small buffers storage
+ u64* heap; ///< Not-small buffers pointer to the storage
+template <size_t stack_words = 1>
+struct Words {
+ explicit Words() = default;
+ explicit Words(u64 size_bytes_) : size_bytes{size_bytes_} {
+ if (IsShort()) {
+ cpu.stack.fill(~u64{0});
+ gpu.stack.fill(0);
+ cached_cpu.stack.fill(0);
+ untracked.stack.fill(~u64{0});
+ } else {
+ const size_t num_words = NumWords();
+ // Share allocation between CPU and GPU pages and set their default values
+ u64* const alloc = new u64[num_words * 4];
+ cpu.heap = alloc;
+ gpu.heap = alloc + num_words;
+ cached_cpu.heap = alloc + num_words * 2;
+ untracked.heap = alloc + num_words * 3;
+ std::fill_n(cpu.heap, num_words, ~u64{0});
+ std::fill_n(gpu.heap, num_words, 0);
+ std::fill_n(cached_cpu.heap, num_words, 0);
+ std::fill_n(untracked.heap, num_words, ~u64{0});
+ }
+ // Clean up tailing bits
+ const u64 last_word_size = size_bytes % BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 last_local_page = Common::DivCeil(last_word_size, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ const u64 shift = (PAGES_PER_WORD - last_local_page) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 last_word = (~u64{0} << shift) >> shift;
+ cpu.Pointer(IsShort())[NumWords() - 1] = last_word;
+ untracked.Pointer(IsShort())[NumWords() - 1] = last_word;
+ }
+ ~Words() {
+ Release();
+ }
+ Words& operator=(Words&& rhs) noexcept {
+ Release();
+ size_bytes = rhs.size_bytes;
+ cpu = rhs.cpu;
+ gpu = rhs.gpu;
+ cached_cpu = rhs.cached_cpu;
+ untracked = rhs.untracked;
+ rhs.cpu.heap = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Words(Words&& rhs) noexcept
+ : size_bytes{rhs.size_bytes}, cpu{rhs.cpu}, gpu{rhs.gpu},
+ cached_cpu{rhs.cached_cpu}, untracked{rhs.untracked} {
+ rhs.cpu.heap = nullptr;
+ }
+ Words& operator=(const Words&) = delete;
+ Words(const Words&) = delete;
+ /// Returns true when the buffer fits in the small vector optimization
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsShort() const noexcept {
+ return size_bytes <= stack_words * BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of words of the buffer
+ [[nodiscard]] size_t NumWords() const noexcept {
+ return Common::DivCeil(size_bytes, BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ }
+ /// Release buffer resources
+ void Release() {
+ if (!IsShort()) {
+ // CPU written words is the base for the heap allocation
+ delete[] cpu.heap;
+ }
+ }
+ u64 size_bytes = 0;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> cpu;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> gpu;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> cached_cpu;
+ WordsArray<stack_words> untracked;
+enum class Type {
+ CPU,
+ GPU,
+ CachedCPU,
+ Untracked,
+template <class RasterizerInterface, size_t stack_words = 1>
+class WordManager {
+ explicit WordManager(VAddr cpu_addr_, RasterizerInterface& rasterizer_, u64 size_bytes)
+ : cpu_addr{cpu_addr_}, rasterizer{&rasterizer_}, words{size_bytes} {}
+ explicit WordManager() = default;
+ void SetCpuAddress(VAddr new_cpu_addr) {
+ cpu_addr = new_cpu_addr;
+ }
+ VAddr GetCpuAddr() const {
+ return cpu_addr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change the state of a range of pages
+ *
+ * @param dirty_addr Base address to mark or unmark as modified
+ * @param size Size in bytes to mark or unmark as modified
+ */
+ template <Type type, bool enable>
+ void ChangeRegionState(u64 dirty_addr, s64 size) noexcept(type == Type::GPU) {
+ const s64 difference = dirty_addr - cpu_addr;
+ const u64 offset = std::max<s64>(difference, 0);
+ size += std::min<s64>(difference, 0);
+ if (offset >= SizeBytes() || size < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
+ u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
+ const u64 offset_end = std::min(offset + size, SizeBytes());
+ const u64 begin_page_index = offset / BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ const u64 begin_word_index = begin_page_index / PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 end_page_index = Common::DivCeil(offset_end, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ const u64 end_word_index = Common::DivCeil(end_page_index, PAGES_PER_WORD);
+ u64 page_index = begin_page_index % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ u64 word_index = begin_word_index;
+ while (word_index < end_word_index) {
+ const u64 next_word_first_page = (word_index + 1) * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 left_offset =
+ std::min(next_word_first_page - end_page_index, PAGES_PER_WORD) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 right_offset = page_index;
+ u64 bits = ~u64{0};
+ bits = (bits >> right_offset) << right_offset;
+ bits = (bits << left_offset) >> left_offset;
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ NotifyRasterizer<!enable>(word_index, untracked_words[word_index], bits);
+ }
+ if constexpr (enable) {
+ state_words[word_index] |= bits;
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ untracked_words[word_index] |= bits;
+ }
+ } else {
+ state_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU || type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ untracked_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
+ }
+ }
+ page_index = 0;
+ ++word_index;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loop over each page in the given range, turn off those bits and notify the rasterizer if
+ * needed. Call the given function on each turned off range.
+ *
+ * @param query_cpu_range Base CPU address to loop over
+ * @param size Size in bytes of the CPU range to loop over
+ * @param func Function to call for each turned off region
+ */
+ template <Type type, typename Func>
+ void ForEachModifiedRange(VAddr query_cpu_range, s64 size, bool clear, Func&& func) {
+ static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
+ const s64 difference = query_cpu_range - cpu_addr;
+ const u64 query_begin = std::max<s64>(difference, 0);
+ size += std::min<s64>(difference, 0);
+ if (query_begin >= SizeBytes() || size < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ [[maybe_unused]] u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
+ [[maybe_unused]] u64* const cpu_words = Array<Type::CPU>();
+ u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
+ const u64 query_end = query_begin + std::min(static_cast<u64>(size), SizeBytes());
+ u64* const words_begin = state_words + query_begin / BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ u64* const words_end = state_words + Common::DivCeil(query_end, BYTES_PER_WORD);
+ u64 first_page = (query_begin / BYTES_PER_PAGE) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const auto modified = [](u64 word) { return word != 0; };
+ const auto first_modified_word = std::find_if(words_begin, words_end, modified);
+ if (first_modified_word == words_end) {
+ // Exit early when the buffer is not modified
+ return;
+ }
+ if (first_modified_word != words_begin) {
+ first_page = 0;
+ }
+ std::reverse_iterator<u64*> first_word_reverse(first_modified_word);
+ std::reverse_iterator<u64*> last_word_iterator(words_end);
+ auto last_word_result = std::find_if(last_word_iterator, first_word_reverse, modified);
+ u64* const last_modified_word = &(*last_word_result) + 1;
+ const u64 word_index_begin = std::distance(state_words, first_modified_word);
+ const u64 word_index_end = std::distance(state_words, last_modified_word);
+ const unsigned local_page_begin = std::countr_zero(*first_modified_word);
+ const unsigned local_page_end =
+ static_cast<unsigned>(PAGES_PER_WORD) - std::countl_zero(last_modified_word[-1]);
+ const u64 word_page_begin = word_index_begin * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 word_page_end = (word_index_end - 1) * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 query_page_begin = query_begin / BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ const u64 query_page_end = Common::DivCeil(query_end, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ const u64 page_index_begin = std::max(word_page_begin + local_page_begin, query_page_begin);
+ const u64 page_index_end = std::min(word_page_end + local_page_end, query_page_end);
+ const u64 first_word_page_begin = page_index_begin % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 last_word_page_end = (page_index_end - 1) % PAGES_PER_WORD + 1;
+ u64 page_begin = std::max(first_word_page_begin, first_page);
+ u64 current_base = 0;
+ u64 current_size = 0;
+ bool on_going = false;
+ for (u64 word_index = word_index_begin; word_index < word_index_end; ++word_index) {
+ const bool is_last_word = word_index + 1 == word_index_end;
+ const u64 page_end = is_last_word ? last_word_page_end : PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 right_offset = page_begin;
+ const u64 left_offset = PAGES_PER_WORD - page_end;
+ u64 bits = ~u64{0};
+ bits = (bits >> right_offset) << right_offset;
+ bits = (bits << left_offset) >> left_offset;
+ const u64 current_word = state_words[word_index] & bits;
+ if (clear) {
+ state_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
+ }
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ NotifyRasterizer<false>(word_index, untracked_words[word_index], current_word);
+ untracked_words[word_index] |= current_word;
+ cpu_words[word_index] |= current_word;
+ }
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ const u64 current_bits = untracked_words[word_index] & bits;
+ untracked_words[word_index] &= ~bits;
+ NotifyRasterizer<true>(word_index, current_bits, ~u64{0});
+ }
+ const u64 word = current_word;
+ u64 page = page_begin;
+ page_begin = 0;
+ while (page < page_end) {
+ const int empty_bits = std::countr_zero(word >> page);
+ if (on_going && empty_bits != 0) {
+ InvokeModifiedRange(func, current_size, current_base);
+ current_size = 0;
+ on_going = false;
+ }
+ if (empty_bits == PAGES_PER_WORD) {
+ break;
+ }
+ page += empty_bits;
+ const int continuous_bits = std::countr_one(word >> page);
+ if (!on_going && continuous_bits != 0) {
+ current_base = word_index * PAGES_PER_WORD + page;
+ on_going = true;
+ }
+ current_size += continuous_bits;
+ page += continuous_bits;
+ }
+ }
+ if (on_going && current_size > 0) {
+ InvokeModifiedRange(func, current_size, current_base);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ void InvokeModifiedRange(Func&& func, u64 current_size, u64 current_base) {
+ const u64 current_size_bytes = current_size * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ const u64 offset_begin = current_base * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ const u64 offset_end = std::min(offset_begin + current_size_bytes, SizeBytes());
+ func(cpu_addr + offset_begin, offset_end - offset_begin);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true when a region has been modified
+ *
+ * @param offset Offset in bytes from the start of the buffer
+ * @param size Size in bytes of the region to query for modifications
+ */
+ template <Type type>
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsRegionModified(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
+ static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
+ const u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
+ const u64 num_query_words = size / BYTES_PER_WORD + 1;
+ const u64 word_begin = offset / BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 word_end = std::min(word_begin + num_query_words, NumWords());
+ const u64 page_limit = Common::DivCeil(offset + size, BYTES_PER_PAGE);
+ u64 page_index = (offset / BYTES_PER_PAGE) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ for (u64 word_index = word_begin; word_index < word_end; ++word_index, page_index = 0) {
+ const u64 word = state_words[word_index];
+ if (word == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const u64 page_end = std::min((word_index + 1) * PAGES_PER_WORD, page_limit);
+ const u64 local_page_end = page_end % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 page_end_shift = (PAGES_PER_WORD - local_page_end) % PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ if (((word >> page_index) << page_index) << page_end_shift != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a begin end pair with the inclusive modified region
+ *
+ * @param offset Offset in bytes from the start of the buffer
+ * @param size Size in bytes of the region to query for modifications
+ */
+ template <Type type>
+ [[nodiscard]] std::pair<u64, u64> ModifiedRegion(u64 offset, u64 size) const noexcept {
+ static_assert(type != Type::Untracked);
+ const u64* const state_words = Array<type>();
+ const u64 num_query_words = size / BYTES_PER_WORD + 1;
+ const u64 word_begin = offset / BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ const u64 word_end = std::min(word_begin + num_query_words, NumWords());
+ const u64 page_base = offset / BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ u64 page_begin = page_base & (PAGES_PER_WORD - 1);
+ u64 page_end =
+ Common::DivCeil(offset + size, BYTES_PER_PAGE) - (page_base & ~(PAGES_PER_WORD - 1));
+ u64 begin = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
+ u64 end = 0;
+ for (u64 word_index = word_begin; word_index < word_end; ++word_index) {
+ const u64 base_mask = (1ULL << page_begin) - 1ULL;
+ const u64 end_mask = page_end >= PAGES_PER_WORD ? 0ULL : ~((1ULL << page_end) - 1ULL);
+ const u64 off_word = end_mask | base_mask;
+ const u64 word = state_words[word_index] & ~off_word;
+ if (word == 0) {
+ page_begin = 0;
+ page_end -= PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const u64 local_page_begin = std::countr_zero(word);
+ const u64 local_page_end = PAGES_PER_WORD - std::countl_zero(word);
+ const u64 page_index = word_index * PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ begin = std::min(begin, page_index + local_page_begin);
+ end = page_index + local_page_end;
+ page_begin = 0;
+ page_end -= PAGES_PER_WORD;
+ }
+ static constexpr std::pair<u64, u64> EMPTY{0, 0};
+ return begin < end ? std::make_pair(begin * BYTES_PER_PAGE, end * BYTES_PER_PAGE) : EMPTY;
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of words of the manager
+ [[nodiscard]] size_t NumWords() const noexcept {
+ return words.NumWords();
+ }
+ /// Returns the size in bytes of the manager
+ [[nodiscard]] u64 SizeBytes() const noexcept {
+ return words.size_bytes;
+ }
+ /// Returns true when the buffer fits in the small vector optimization
+ [[nodiscard]] bool IsShort() const noexcept {
+ return words.IsShort();
+ }
+ void FlushCachedWrites() noexcept {
+ const u64 num_words = NumWords();
+ u64* const cached_words = Array<Type::CachedCPU>();
+ u64* const untracked_words = Array<Type::Untracked>();
+ u64* const cpu_words = Array<Type::CPU>();
+ for (u64 word_index = 0; word_index < num_words; ++word_index) {
+ const u64 cached_bits = cached_words[word_index];
+ NotifyRasterizer<false>(word_index, untracked_words[word_index], cached_bits);
+ untracked_words[word_index] |= cached_bits;
+ cpu_words[word_index] |= cached_bits;
+ cached_words[word_index] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ template <Type type>
+ u64* Array() noexcept {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ return words.cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ return words.gpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ return words.cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
+ return words.untracked.Pointer(IsShort());
+ }
+ }
+ template <Type type>
+ const u64* Array() const noexcept {
+ if constexpr (type == Type::CPU) {
+ return words.cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::GPU) {
+ return words.gpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::CachedCPU) {
+ return words.cached_cpu.Pointer(IsShort());
+ } else if constexpr (type == Type::Untracked) {
+ return words.untracked.Pointer(IsShort());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Notify rasterizer about changes in the CPU tracking state of a word in the buffer
+ *
+ * @param word_index Index to the word to notify to the rasterizer
+ * @param current_bits Current state of the word
+ * @param new_bits New state of the word
+ *
+ * @tparam add_to_rasterizer True when the rasterizer should start tracking the new pages
+ */
+ template <bool add_to_rasterizer>
+ void NotifyRasterizer(u64 word_index, u64 current_bits, u64 new_bits) const {
+ u64 changed_bits = (add_to_rasterizer ? current_bits : ~current_bits) & new_bits;
+ VAddr addr = cpu_addr + word_index * BYTES_PER_WORD;
+ while (changed_bits != 0) {
+ const int empty_bits = std::countr_zero(changed_bits);
+ addr += empty_bits * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ changed_bits >>= empty_bits;
+ const u32 continuous_bits = std::countr_one(changed_bits);
+ const u64 size = continuous_bits * BYTES_PER_PAGE;
+ const VAddr begin_addr = addr;
+ addr += size;
+ changed_bits = continuous_bits < PAGES_PER_WORD ? (changed_bits >> continuous_bits) : 0;
+ rasterizer->UpdatePagesCachedCount(begin_addr, size, add_to_rasterizer ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ }
+ VAddr cpu_addr = 0;
+ RasterizerInterface* rasterizer = nullptr;
+ Words<stack_words> words;
+} // namespace VideoCommon