diff options
6 files changed, 210 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/uint128.h b/src/common/uint128.h
index f890ffec2..f450a6db9 100644
--- a/src/common/uint128.h
+++ b/src/common/uint128.h
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
#pragma intrinsic(_udiv128)
#include <cstring>
-#include <x86intrin.h>
#include "common/common_types.h"
diff --git a/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.cpp b/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.cpp
index 0989474be..f7a497a14 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.cpp
+++ b/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <memory>
+#include "core/hle/ipc_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.h"
#include "core/hle/service/service.h"
#include "core/hle/service/sm/sm.h"
@@ -77,10 +78,102 @@ public:
+class IClkrstSession final : public ServiceFramework<IClkrstSession> {
+ explicit IClkrstSession(Core::System& system_, DeviceCode deivce_code_)
+ : ServiceFramework{system_, "IClkrstSession"}, deivce_code(deivce_code_) {
+ // clang-format off
+ static const FunctionInfo functions[] = {
+ {0, nullptr, "SetClockEnabled"},
+ {1, nullptr, "SetClockDisabled"},
+ {2, nullptr, "SetResetAsserted"},
+ {3, nullptr, "SetResetDeasserted"},
+ {4, nullptr, "SetPowerEnabled"},
+ {5, nullptr, "SetPowerDisabled"},
+ {6, nullptr, "GetState"},
+ {7, &IClkrstSession::SetClockRate, "SetClockRate"},
+ {8, &IClkrstSession::GetClockRate, "GetClockRate"},
+ {9, nullptr, "SetMinVClockRate"},
+ {10, nullptr, "GetPossibleClockRates"},
+ {11, nullptr, "GetDvfsTable"},
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ RegisterHandlers(functions);
+ }
+ void SetClockRate(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
+ IPC::RequestParser rp{ctx};
+ clock_rate = rp.Pop<u32>();
+ LOG_DEBUG(Service_PCV, "(STUBBED) called, clock_rate={}", clock_rate);
+ IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2};
+ rb.Push(ResultSuccess);
+ }
+ void GetClockRate(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
+ LOG_DEBUG(Service_PCV, "(STUBBED) called");
+ IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 3};
+ rb.Push(ResultSuccess);
+ rb.Push<u32>(clock_rate);
+ }
+ DeviceCode deivce_code;
+ u32 clock_rate{};
+class CLKRST final : public ServiceFramework<CLKRST> {
+ explicit CLKRST(Core::System& system_, const char* name) : ServiceFramework{system_, name} {
+ // clang-format off
+ static const FunctionInfo functions[] = {
+ {0, &CLKRST::OpenSession, "OpenSession"},
+ {1, nullptr, "GetTemperatureThresholds"},
+ {2, nullptr, "SetTemperature"},
+ {3, nullptr, "GetModuleStateTable"},
+ {4, nullptr, "GetModuleStateTableEvent"},
+ {5, nullptr, "GetModuleStateTableMaxCount"},
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ RegisterHandlers(functions);
+ }
+ void OpenSession(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
+ IPC::RequestParser rp{ctx};
+ const auto device_code = static_cast<DeviceCode>(rp.Pop<u32>());
+ const auto unkonwn_input = rp.Pop<u32>();
+ LOG_DEBUG(Service_PCV, "called, device_code={}, input={}", device_code, unkonwn_input);
+ IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2, 0, 1};
+ rb.Push(ResultSuccess);
+ rb.PushIpcInterface<IClkrstSession>(system, device_code);
+ }
+class CLKRST_A final : public ServiceFramework<CLKRST_A> {
+ explicit CLKRST_A(Core::System& system_) : ServiceFramework{system_, "clkrst:a"} {
+ // clang-format off
+ static const FunctionInfo functions[] = {
+ {0, nullptr, "ReleaseControl"},
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ RegisterHandlers(functions);
+ }
void InstallInterfaces(SM::ServiceManager& sm, Core::System& system) {
+ std::make_shared<CLKRST>(system, "clkrst")->InstallAsService(sm);
+ std::make_shared<CLKRST>(system, "clkrst:i")->InstallAsService(sm);
+ std::make_shared<CLKRST_A>(system)->InstallAsService(sm);
} // namespace Service::PCV
diff --git a/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.h b/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.h
index a42e6f8f6..6b26b6fa7 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/service/pcv/pcv.h
@@ -13,6 +13,97 @@ class ServiceManager;
namespace Service::PCV {
+enum class DeviceCode : u32 {
+ Cpu = 0x40000001,
+ Gpu = 0x40000002,
+ I2s1 = 0x40000003,
+ I2s2 = 0x40000004,
+ I2s3 = 0x40000005,
+ Pwm = 0x40000006,
+ I2c1 = 0x02000001,
+ I2c2 = 0x02000002,
+ I2c3 = 0x02000003,
+ I2c4 = 0x02000004,
+ I2c5 = 0x02000005,
+ I2c6 = 0x02000006,
+ Spi1 = 0x07000000,
+ Spi2 = 0x07000001,
+ Spi3 = 0x07000002,
+ Spi4 = 0x07000003,
+ Disp1 = 0x40000011,
+ Disp2 = 0x40000012,
+ Isp = 0x40000013,
+ Vi = 0x40000014,
+ Sdmmc1 = 0x40000015,
+ Sdmmc2 = 0x40000016,
+ Sdmmc3 = 0x40000017,
+ Sdmmc4 = 0x40000018,
+ Owr = 0x40000019,
+ Csite = 0x4000001A,
+ Tsec = 0x4000001B,
+ Mselect = 0x4000001C,
+ Hda2codec2x = 0x4000001D,
+ Actmon = 0x4000001E,
+ I2cSlow = 0x4000001F,
+ Sor1 = 0x40000020,
+ Sata = 0x40000021,
+ Hda = 0x40000022,
+ XusbCoreHostSrc = 0x40000023,
+ XusbFalconSrc = 0x40000024,
+ XusbFsSrc = 0x40000025,
+ XusbCoreDevSrc = 0x40000026,
+ XusbSsSrc = 0x40000027,
+ UartA = 0x03000001,
+ UartB = 0x35000405,
+ UartC = 0x3500040F,
+ UartD = 0x37000001,
+ Host1x = 0x4000002C,
+ Entropy = 0x4000002D,
+ SocTherm = 0x4000002E,
+ Vic = 0x4000002F,
+ Nvenc = 0x40000030,
+ Nvjpg = 0x40000031,
+ Nvdec = 0x40000032,
+ Qspi = 0x40000033,
+ ViI2c = 0x40000034,
+ Tsecb = 0x40000035,
+ Ape = 0x40000036,
+ AudioDsp = 0x40000037,
+ AudioUart = 0x40000038,
+ Emc = 0x40000039,
+ Plle = 0x4000003A,
+ PlleHwSeq = 0x4000003B,
+ Dsi = 0x4000003C,
+ Maud = 0x4000003D,
+ Dpaux1 = 0x4000003E,
+ MipiCal = 0x4000003F,
+ UartFstMipiCal = 0x40000040,
+ Osc = 0x40000041,
+ SysBus = 0x40000042,
+ SorSafe = 0x40000043,
+ XusbSs = 0x40000044,
+ XusbHost = 0x40000045,
+ XusbDevice = 0x40000046,
+ Extperiph1 = 0x40000047,
+ Ahub = 0x40000048,
+ Hda2hdmicodec = 0x40000049,
+ Gpuaux = 0x4000004A,
+ UsbD = 0x4000004B,
+ Usb2 = 0x4000004C,
+ Pcie = 0x4000004D,
+ Afi = 0x4000004E,
+ PciExClk = 0x4000004F,
+ PExUsbPhy = 0x40000050,
+ XUsbPadCtl = 0x40000051,
+ Apbdma = 0x40000052,
+ Usb2TrkClk = 0x40000053,
+ XUsbIoPll = 0x40000054,
+ XUsbIoPllHwSeq = 0x40000055,
+ Cec = 0x40000056,
+ Extperiph2 = 0x40000057,
+ OscClk = 0x40000080
void InstallInterfaces(SM::ServiceManager& sm, Core::System& system);
} // namespace Service::PCV
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp
index 01028cee0..34f3f7a67 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp
@@ -478,13 +478,16 @@ void RendererOpenGL::DrawScreen(const Layout::FramebufferLayout& layout) {
- ASSERT_MSG( == 0, "Unimplemented");
ASSERT_MSG(framebuffer_crop_rect.left == 0, "Unimplemented");
+ f32 left_start{};
+ if (framebuffer_crop_rect.Top() > 0) {
+ left_start = static_cast<f32>(framebuffer_crop_rect.Top()) /
+ static_cast<f32>(framebuffer_crop_rect.Bottom());
+ }
f32 scale_u = static_cast<f32>(framebuffer_width) / static_cast<f32>(screen_info.texture.width);
f32 scale_v =
static_cast<f32>(framebuffer_height) / static_cast<f32>(screen_info.texture.height);
// Scale the output by the crop width/height. This is commonly used with 1280x720 rendering
// (e.g. handheld mode) on a 1920x1080 framebuffer.
if (framebuffer_crop_rect.GetWidth() > 0) {
@@ -503,10 +506,14 @@ void RendererOpenGL::DrawScreen(const Layout::FramebufferLayout& layout) {
const auto& screen = layout.screen;
const std::array vertices = {
- ScreenRectVertex(screen.left,, * scale_u, left * scale_v),
- ScreenRectVertex(screen.right,, texcoords.bottom * scale_u, left * scale_v),
- ScreenRectVertex(screen.left, screen.bottom, * scale_u, right * scale_v),
- ScreenRectVertex(screen.right, screen.bottom, texcoords.bottom * scale_u, right * scale_v),
+ ScreenRectVertex(screen.left,, * scale_u,
+ left_start + left * scale_v),
+ ScreenRectVertex(screen.right,, texcoords.bottom * scale_u,
+ left_start + left * scale_v),
+ ScreenRectVertex(screen.left, screen.bottom, * scale_u,
+ left_start + right * scale_v),
+ ScreenRectVertex(screen.right, screen.bottom, texcoords.bottom * scale_u,
+ left_start + right * scale_v),
glNamedBufferSubData(vertex_buffer.handle, 0, sizeof(vertices), std::data(vertices));
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
index 7d1431b6d..bdb71dc53 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ struct FormatTuple {
{VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT, Attachable | Storage}, // R8G8_SINT
{VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT, Attachable | Storage}, // R8G8_UINT
{VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT, Attachable | Storage}, // R32G32_UINT
+ {VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT, Attachable | Storage}, // R16G16B16X16_FLOAT
{VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT, Attachable | Storage}, // R32_UINT
{VK_FORMAT_R32_SINT, Attachable | Storage}, // R32_SINT
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_blit_screen.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_blit_screen.cpp
index 27e6ebf94..444c29f68 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_blit_screen.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_blit_screen.cpp
@@ -1402,12 +1402,15 @@ void BlitScreen::SetVertexData(BufferData& data, const Tegra::FramebufferConfig&
UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(framebuffer_crop_rect.left != 0);
+ f32 left_start{};
+ if (framebuffer_crop_rect.Top() > 0) {
+ left_start = static_cast<f32>(framebuffer_crop_rect.Top()) /
+ static_cast<f32>(framebuffer_crop_rect.Bottom());
+ }
f32 scale_u = static_cast<f32>(framebuffer.width) / static_cast<f32>(screen_info.width);
f32 scale_v = static_cast<f32>(framebuffer.height) / static_cast<f32>(screen_info.height);
// Scale the output by the crop width/height. This is commonly used with 1280x720 rendering
// (e.g. handheld mode) on a 1920x1080 framebuffer.
if (!fsr) {
@@ -1426,10 +1429,13 @@ void BlitScreen::SetVertexData(BufferData& data, const Tegra::FramebufferConfig&
const auto y = static_cast<f32>(;
const auto w = static_cast<f32>(screen.GetWidth());
const auto h = static_cast<f32>(screen.GetHeight());
- data.vertices[0] = ScreenRectVertex(x, y, * scale_u, left * scale_v);
- data.vertices[1] = ScreenRectVertex(x + w, y, texcoords.bottom * scale_u, left * scale_v);
- data.vertices[2] = ScreenRectVertex(x, y + h, * scale_u, right * scale_v);
- data.vertices[3] = ScreenRectVertex(x + w, y + h, texcoords.bottom * scale_u, right * scale_v);
+ data.vertices[0] = ScreenRectVertex(x, y, * scale_u, left_start + left * scale_v);
+ data.vertices[1] =
+ ScreenRectVertex(x + w, y, texcoords.bottom * scale_u, left_start + left * scale_v);
+ data.vertices[2] =
+ ScreenRectVertex(x, y + h, * scale_u, left_start + right * scale_v);
+ data.vertices[3] =
+ ScreenRectVertex(x + w, y + h, texcoords.bottom * scale_u, left_start + right * scale_v);
void BlitScreen::CreateFSR() {