path: root/src/yuzu/main.h
blob: 2f16e0b1c7c897bc35a50e8b5bbff7b9deb5ad4c (plain) (tree)
















































































// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Citra Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <optional>

#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QTranslator>

#include "common/announce_multiplayer_room.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "input_common/drivers/tas_input.h"
#include "yuzu/compatibility_list.h"
#include "yuzu/hotkeys.h"

#ifdef __unix__
#include <QVariant>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusInterface>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>

class Config;
class ClickableLabel;
class EmuThread;
class GameList;
class GImageInfo;
class GRenderWindow;
class LoadingScreen;
class MicroProfileDialog;
class OverlayDialog;
class ProfilerWidget;
class ControllerDialog;
class QLabel;
class MultiplayerState;
class QPushButton;
class QProgressDialog;
class QSlider;
class QHBoxLayout;
class WaitTreeWidget;
enum class GameListOpenTarget;
enum class GameListRemoveTarget;
enum class GameListShortcutTarget;
enum class DumpRomFSTarget;
enum class InstalledEntryType;
class GameListPlaceholder;

class QtAmiiboSettingsDialog;
class QtControllerSelectorDialog;
class QtProfileSelectionDialog;
class QtSoftwareKeyboardDialog;
class QtNXWebEngineView;

enum class StartGameType {
    Normal, // Can use custom configuration
    Global, // Only uses global configuration

namespace Core {
enum class SystemResultStatus : u32;
class System;
} // namespace Core

namespace Core::Frontend {
struct CabinetParameters;
struct ControllerParameters;
struct InlineAppearParameters;
struct InlineTextParameters;
struct KeyboardInitializeParameters;
struct ProfileSelectParameters;
} // namespace Core::Frontend

namespace DiscordRPC {
class DiscordInterface;

namespace FileSys {
class ContentProvider;
class ManualContentProvider;
class VfsFilesystem;
} // namespace FileSys

namespace InputCommon {
class InputSubsystem;

namespace Service::AM::Applets {
enum class SwkbdResult : u32;
enum class SwkbdTextCheckResult : u32;
enum class SwkbdReplyType : u32;
enum class WebExitReason : u32;
} // namespace Service::AM::Applets

namespace Service::NFP {
class NfpDevice;
} // namespace Service::NFP

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

enum class EmulatedDirectoryTarget {

enum class InstallResult {

enum class ReinitializeKeyBehavior {

class GMainWindow : public QMainWindow {

    /// Max number of recently loaded items to keep track of
    static const int max_recent_files_item = 10;

    // TODO: Make use of this!
    enum {

    void filterBarSetChecked(bool state);
    void UpdateUITheme();
    explicit GMainWindow(std::unique_ptr<Config> config_, bool has_broken_vulkan);
    ~GMainWindow() override;

    bool DropAction(QDropEvent* event);
    void AcceptDropEvent(QDropEvent* event);


     * Signal that is emitted when a new EmuThread has been created and an emulation session is
     * about to start. At this time, the core system emulation has been initialized, and all
     * emulation handles and memory should be valid.
     * @param emu_thread Pointer to the newly created EmuThread (to be used by widgets that need to
     *      access/change emulation state).
    void EmulationStarting(EmuThread* emu_thread);

     * Signal that is emitted when emulation is about to stop. At this time, the EmuThread and core
     * system emulation handles and memory are still valid, but are about become invalid.
    void EmulationStopping();

    // Signal that tells widgets to update icons to use the current theme
    void UpdateThemedIcons();

    void UpdateInstallProgress();

    void AmiiboSettingsFinished(bool is_success, const std::string& name);

    void ControllerSelectorReconfigureFinished();

    void ErrorDisplayFinished();

    void ProfileSelectorFinishedSelection(std::optional<Common::UUID> uuid);

    void SoftwareKeyboardSubmitNormalText(Service::AM::Applets::SwkbdResult result,
                                          std::u16string submitted_text, bool confirmed);
    void SoftwareKeyboardSubmitInlineText(Service::AM::Applets::SwkbdReplyType reply_type,
                                          std::u16string submitted_text, s32 cursor_position);

    void WebBrowserExtractOfflineRomFS();
    void WebBrowserClosed(Service::AM::Applets::WebExitReason exit_reason, std::string last_url);

    void SigInterrupt();

public slots:
    void OnLoadComplete();
    void OnExecuteProgram(std::size_t program_index);
    void OnExit();
    void OnSaveConfig();
    void AmiiboSettingsShowDialog(const Core::Frontend::CabinetParameters& parameters,
                                  std::shared_ptr<Service::NFP::NfpDevice> nfp_device);
    void AmiiboSettingsRequestExit();
    void ControllerSelectorReconfigureControllers(
        const Core::Frontend::ControllerParameters& parameters);
    void ControllerSelectorRequestExit();
    void SoftwareKeyboardInitialize(
        bool is_inline, Core::Frontend::KeyboardInitializeParameters initialize_parameters);
    void SoftwareKeyboardShowNormal();
    void SoftwareKeyboardShowTextCheck(Service::AM::Applets::SwkbdTextCheckResult text_check_result,
                                       std::u16string text_check_message);
    void SoftwareKeyboardShowInline(Core::Frontend::InlineAppearParameters appear_parameters);
    void SoftwareKeyboardHideInline();
    void SoftwareKeyboardInlineTextChanged(Core::Frontend::InlineTextParameters text_parameters);
    void SoftwareKeyboardExit();
    void ErrorDisplayDisplayError(QString error_code, QString error_text);
    void ErrorDisplayRequestExit();
    void ProfileSelectorSelectProfile(const Core::Frontend::ProfileSelectParameters& parameters);
    void ProfileSelectorRequestExit();
    void WebBrowserOpenWebPage(const std::string& main_url, const std::string& additional_args,
                               bool is_local);
    void WebBrowserRequestExit();
    void OnAppFocusStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state);
    void OnTasStateChanged();

    /// Updates an action's shortcut and text to reflect an updated hotkey from the hotkey registry.
    void LinkActionShortcut(QAction* action, const QString& action_name);

    void RegisterMetaTypes();

    void InitializeWidgets();
    void InitializeDebugWidgets();
    void InitializeRecentFileMenuActions();

    void SetDefaultUIGeometry();
    void RestoreUIState();

    void ConnectWidgetEvents();
    void ConnectMenuEvents();
    void UpdateMenuState();

    void SetupPrepareForSleep();

    void PreventOSSleep();
    void AllowOSSleep();

    bool LoadROM(const QString& filename, u64 program_id, std::size_t program_index);
    void BootGame(const QString& filename, u64 program_id = 0, std::size_t program_index = 0,
                  StartGameType with_config = StartGameType::Normal);
    void ShutdownGame();

    void ShowTelemetryCallout();
    void SetDiscordEnabled(bool state);
    void LoadAmiibo(const QString& filename);

    bool SelectAndSetCurrentUser(const Core::Frontend::ProfileSelectParameters& parameters);

     * Stores the filename in the recently loaded files list.
     * The new filename is stored at the beginning of the recently loaded files list.
     * After inserting the new entry, duplicates are removed meaning that if
     * this was inserted from \a OnMenuRecentFile(), the entry will be put on top
     * and remove from its previous position.
     * Finally, this function calls \a UpdateRecentFiles() to update the UI.
     * @param filename the filename to store
    void StoreRecentFile(const QString& filename);

     * Updates the recent files menu.
     * Menu entries are rebuilt from the configuration file.
     * If there is no entry in the menu, the menu is greyed out.
    void UpdateRecentFiles();

     * If the emulation is running,
     * asks the user if he really want to close the emulator
     * @return true if the user confirmed
    bool ConfirmClose();
    bool ConfirmChangeGame();
    bool ConfirmForceLockedExit();
    void RequestGameExit();
    void RequestGameResume();
    void changeEvent(QEvent* event) override;
    void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) override;

    std::string CreateTASFramesString(
        std::array<size_t, InputCommon::TasInput::PLAYER_NUMBER> frames) const;

#ifdef __unix__
    void SetupSigInterrupts();
    static void HandleSigInterrupt(int);
    void OnSigInterruptNotifierActivated();

private slots:
    void OnStartGame();
    void OnRestartGame();
    void OnPauseGame();
    void OnPauseContinueGame();
    void OnStopGame();
    void OnPrepareForSleep(bool prepare_sleep);
    void OnMenuReportCompatibility();
    void OnOpenModsPage();
    void OnOpenQuickstartGuide();
    void OnOpenFAQ();
    /// Called whenever a user selects a game in the game list widget.
    void OnGameListLoadFile(QString game_path, u64 program_id);
    void OnGameListOpenFolder(u64 program_id, GameListOpenTarget target,
                              const std::string& game_path);
    void OnTransferableShaderCacheOpenFile(u64 program_id);
    void OnGameListRemoveInstalledEntry(u64 program_id, InstalledEntryType type);
    void OnGameListRemoveFile(u64 program_id, GameListRemoveTarget target,
                              const std::string& game_path);
    void OnGameListDumpRomFS(u64 program_id, const std::string& game_path, DumpRomFSTarget target);
    void OnGameListCopyTID(u64 program_id);
    void OnGameListNavigateToGamedbEntry(u64 program_id,
                                         const CompatibilityList& compatibility_list);
    void OnGameListCreateShortcut(u64 program_id, const std::string& game_path,
                                  GameListShortcutTarget target);
    void OnGameListOpenDirectory(const QString& directory);
    void OnGameListAddDirectory();
    void OnGameListShowList(bool show);
    void OnGameListOpenPerGameProperties(const std::string& file);
    void OnMenuLoadFile();
    void OnMenuLoadFolder();
    void IncrementInstallProgress();
    void OnMenuInstallToNAND();
    void OnMenuRecentFile();
    void OnConfigure();
    void OnConfigureTas();
    void OnDecreaseVolume();
    void OnIncreaseVolume();
    void OnMute();
    void OnTasStartStop();
    void OnTasRecord();
    void OnTasReset();
    void OnToggleGraphicsAPI();
    void OnToggleDockedMode();
    void OnToggleGpuAccuracy();
    void OnToggleAdaptingFilter();
    void OnConfigurePerGame();
    void OnLoadAmiibo();
    void OnOpenYuzuFolder();
    void OnAbout();
    void OnToggleFilterBar();
    void OnToggleStatusBar();
    void OnDisplayTitleBars(bool);
    void InitializeHotkeys();
    void ToggleFullscreen();
    bool UsingExclusiveFullscreen();
    void ShowFullscreen();
    void HideFullscreen();
    void ToggleWindowMode();
    void ResetWindowSize(u32 width, u32 height);
    void ResetWindowSize720();
    void ResetWindowSize900();
    void ResetWindowSize1080();
    void OnCaptureScreenshot();
    void OnReinitializeKeys(ReinitializeKeyBehavior behavior);
    void OnLanguageChanged(const QString& locale);
    void OnMouseActivity();
    bool OnShutdownBegin();
    void OnShutdownBeginDialog();
    void OnEmulationStopped();
    void OnEmulationStopTimeExpired();

    QString GetGameListErrorRemoving(InstalledEntryType type) const;
    void RemoveBaseContent(u64 program_id, InstalledEntryType type);
    void RemoveUpdateContent(u64 program_id, InstalledEntryType type);
    void RemoveAddOnContent(u64 program_id, InstalledEntryType type);
    void RemoveTransferableShaderCache(u64 program_id, GameListRemoveTarget target);
    void RemoveVulkanDriverPipelineCache(u64 program_id);
    void RemoveAllTransferableShaderCaches(u64 program_id);
    void RemoveCustomConfiguration(u64 program_id, const std::string& game_path);
    std::optional<u64> SelectRomFSDumpTarget(const FileSys::ContentProvider&, u64 program_id);
    InstallResult InstallNSPXCI(const QString& filename);
    InstallResult InstallNCA(const QString& filename);
    void MigrateConfigFiles();
    void UpdateWindowTitle(std::string_view title_name = {}, std::string_view title_version = {},
                           std::string_view gpu_vendor = {});
    void UpdateDockedButton();
    void UpdateAPIText();
    void UpdateFilterText();
    void UpdateAAText();
    void UpdateVolumeUI();
    void UpdateStatusBar();
    void UpdateGPUAccuracyButton();
    void UpdateStatusButtons();
    void UpdateUISettings();
    void UpdateInputDrivers();
    void HideMouseCursor();
    void ShowMouseCursor();
    void CenterMouseCursor();
    void OpenURL(const QUrl& url);
    void LoadTranslation();
    void OpenPerGameConfiguration(u64 title_id, const std::string& file_name);
    bool CheckDarkMode();

    QString GetTasStateDescription() const;
    bool CreateShortcut(const std::string& shortcut_path, const std::string& title,
                        const std::string& comment, const std::string& icon_path,
                        const std::string& command, const std::string& arguments,
                        const std::string& categories, const std::string& keywords);

    std::unique_ptr<Ui::MainWindow> ui;

    std::unique_ptr<Core::System> system;
    std::unique_ptr<DiscordRPC::DiscordInterface> discord_rpc;
    std::shared_ptr<InputCommon::InputSubsystem> input_subsystem;

    MultiplayerState* multiplayer_state = nullptr;

    GRenderWindow* render_window;
    GameList* game_list;
    LoadingScreen* loading_screen;
    QTimer shutdown_timer;
    OverlayDialog* shutdown_dialog{};

    GameListPlaceholder* game_list_placeholder;

    // Status bar elements
    QLabel* message_label = nullptr;
    QLabel* shader_building_label = nullptr;
    QLabel* res_scale_label = nullptr;
    QLabel* emu_speed_label = nullptr;
    QLabel* game_fps_label = nullptr;
    QLabel* emu_frametime_label = nullptr;
    QLabel* tas_label = nullptr;
    QPushButton* gpu_accuracy_button = nullptr;
    QPushButton* renderer_status_button = nullptr;
    QPushButton* dock_status_button = nullptr;
    QPushButton* filter_status_button = nullptr;
    QPushButton* aa_status_button = nullptr;
    QPushButton* volume_button = nullptr;
    QWidget* volume_popup = nullptr;
    QSlider* volume_slider = nullptr;
    QTimer status_bar_update_timer;

    std::unique_ptr<Config> config;

    // Whether emulation is currently running in yuzu.
    bool emulation_running = false;
    std::unique_ptr<EmuThread> emu_thread;
    // The path to the game currently running
    QString current_game_path;

    bool auto_paused = false;
    bool auto_muted = false;
    QTimer mouse_hide_timer;
    QTimer mouse_center_timer;
    QTimer update_input_timer;

    QString startup_icon_theme;
    bool os_dark_mode = false;

    // FS
    std::shared_ptr<FileSys::VfsFilesystem> vfs;
    std::unique_ptr<FileSys::ManualContentProvider> provider;

    // Debugger panes
    ProfilerWidget* profilerWidget;
    MicroProfileDialog* microProfileDialog;
    WaitTreeWidget* waitTreeWidget;
    ControllerDialog* controller_dialog;

    QAction* actions_recent_files[max_recent_files_item];

    // stores default icon theme search paths for the platform
    QStringList default_theme_paths;

    HotkeyRegistry hotkey_registry;

    QTranslator translator;

    // Install progress dialog
    QProgressDialog* install_progress;

    // Last game booted, used for multi-process apps
    QString last_filename_booted;

    // Applets
    QtAmiiboSettingsDialog* cabinet_applet = nullptr;
    QtControllerSelectorDialog* controller_applet = nullptr;
    QtProfileSelectionDialog* profile_select_applet = nullptr;
    QDialog* error_applet = nullptr;
    QtSoftwareKeyboardDialog* software_keyboard = nullptr;
    QtNXWebEngineView* web_applet = nullptr;

    // True if amiibo file select is visible
    bool is_amiibo_file_select_active{};

    // True if load file select is visible
    bool is_load_file_select_active{};

    // True if TAS recording dialog is visible
    bool is_tas_recording_dialog_active{};

#ifdef __unix__
    QSocketNotifier* sig_interrupt_notifier;
    static std::array<int, 3> sig_interrupt_fds;

    QDBusObjectPath wake_lock{};

    void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event) override;
    void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event) override;
    void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event) override;
    void leaveEvent(QEvent* event) override;