#include "common.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "AnimBlendAssociation.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "BulletInfo.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Coronas.h" #include "DMAudio.h" #include "Explosion.h" #include "General.h" #include "Glass.h" #include "Heli.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "Particle.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "PointLights.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "ProjectileInfo.h" #include "RpAnimBlend.h" #include "ShotInfo.h" #include "SpecialFX.h" #include "Stats.h" #include "TempColModels.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Automobile.h" #include "Boat.h" #include "WaterLevel.h" #include "WeaponInfo.h" #include "World.h" #include "SurfaceTable.h" #include "Bike.h" #include "Glass.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Pickups.h" #include "SaveBuf.h" float fReloadAnimSampleFraction[5] = { 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.7f }; float fSeaSparrowAimingAngle = 10.0f; float fHunterAimingAngle = 30.0f; float fPlayerAimScaleDist = 5.0f; float fPlayerAimScale = 2.5f; bool CWeapon::bPhotographHasBeenTaken; #ifdef SECUROM int32 sniperPirateCheck = 0x00797743; // 'Cwy\0' ??? #endif CWeaponInfo * CWeapon::GetInfo() { CWeaponInfo *info = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType); ASSERT(info!=nil); return info; } CWeapon::CWeapon(eWeaponType type, int32 ammo) { m_eWeaponType = type; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; m_nAmmoTotal = Min(ammo, 99999); m_nAmmoInClip = 0; Reload(); m_nTimer = 0; m_bAddRotOffset = false; } void CWeapon::InitialiseWeapons(void) { CWeaponInfo::Initialise(); CShotInfo::Initialise(); CExplosion::Initialise(); CProjectileInfo::Initialise(); CBulletInfo::Initialise(); bPhotographHasBeenTaken = false; } void CWeapon::ShutdownWeapons(void) { CWeaponInfo::Shutdown(); CShotInfo::Shutdown(); CExplosion::Shutdown(); CProjectileInfo::Shutdown(); CBulletInfo::Shutdown(); } void CWeapon::UpdateWeapons(void) { CShotInfo::Update(); CExplosion::Update(); CProjectileInfo::Update(); CBulletInfo::Update(); } void CWeapon::Initialise(eWeaponType type, int32 ammo) { m_eWeaponType = type; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; m_nAmmoTotal = Min(ammo, 99999); m_nAmmoInClip = 0; Reload(); m_nTimer = 0; int32 modelId = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType)->m_nModelId; int32 model2Id = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType)->m_nModel2Id; if ( modelId != -1 ) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(modelId)->AddRef(); if ( model2Id != -1 ) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(model2Id)->AddRef(); } void CWeapon::Shutdown() { int32 modelId = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType)->m_nModelId; if (modelId != -1) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(modelId)->RemoveRef(); int32 model2Id = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType)->m_nModel2Id; if (model2Id != -1) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(model2Id)->RemoveRef(); m_eWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; m_nAmmoInClip = 0; m_nAmmoTotal = 0; m_nTimer = 0; } bool CWeapon::Fire(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); CVector fireOffset(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f); CVector *source = fireSource; #ifdef FIX_BUGS static CVector shooterSource; #else CVector shooterSource; #endif if ( !fireSource ) { shooterSource = shooter->GetMatrix() * fireOffset; source = &shooterSource; } if ( m_bAddRotOffset ) { float heading = RADTODEG(shooter->GetForward().Heading()); float angle = DEGTORAD(heading); (*source).x += -Sin(angle) * 0.15f; (*source).y += Cos(angle) * 0.15f; } if ( m_eWeaponState != WEAPONSTATE_READY && m_eWeaponState != WEAPONSTATE_FIRING ) return false; bool fired; bool addFireRateAsDelay = true; if ( GetInfo()->m_eWeaponFire != WEAPON_FIRE_MELEE ) { if (m_nAmmoInClip <= 0) { if (m_nAmmoTotal <= 0 || m_eWeaponState == WEAPONSTATE_RELOADING) return false; Reload(); } switch ( m_eWeaponType ) { case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_SPAS12_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN: { addFireRateAsDelay = true; fired = FireShotgun(shooter, source); break; } case WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE: case WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPE: { if (shooter == FindPlayerPed()) fired = FireSniper(shooter); else fired = FireInstantHit(shooter, source); break; } case WEAPONTYPE_COLT45: case WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON: case WEAPONTYPE_UZI: case WEAPONTYPE_TEC9: case WEAPONTYPE_SILENCED_INGRAM: case WEAPONTYPE_MP5: case WEAPONTYPE_M4: case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: case WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: { if ((TheCamera.PlayerWeaponMode.Mode == CCam::MODE_HELICANNON_1STPERSON || TheCamera.PlayerWeaponMode.Mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON) && shooter == FindPlayerPed()) { addFireRateAsDelay = true; fired = FireM16_1stPerson(shooter); } else { addFireRateAsDelay = false; fired = FireInstantHit(shooter, source); } break; } case WEAPONTYPE_ROCKETLAUNCHER: { if ( shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->m_pSeekTarget != nil ) { float distToTarget = (shooter->GetPosition() - ((CPed*)shooter)->m_pSeekTarget->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); if ( distToTarget > 8.0f || ((CPed*)shooter)->IsPlayer() ) fired = FireProjectile(shooter, source, 0.0f); else fired = false; } else fired = FireProjectile(shooter, source, 0.0f); break; } case WEAPONTYPE_MOLOTOV: case WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE: case WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR_GRENADE: case WEAPONTYPE_TEARGAS: { if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) { fired = FireProjectile(shooter, source, ((CPlayerPed*)shooter)->m_fAttackButtonCounter*0.0375f); } else if ( shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->m_pSeekTarget != nil ) { float distToTarget = (shooter->GetPosition() - ((CPed*)shooter)->m_pSeekTarget->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); float power = Clamp((distToTarget-10.0f)*0.02f, 0.2f, 1.0f); fired = FireProjectile(shooter, source, power); } else fired = FireProjectile(shooter, source, 0.3f); if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR_GRENADE) { ((CPed*)shooter)->GiveWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR, 1, true); ((CPed*)shooter)->GetWeapon(((CPed*)shooter)->GetWeaponSlot(WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR)).m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; ((CPed*)shooter)->SetCurrentWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR); } break; } case WEAPONTYPE_FLAMETHROWER: { fired = FireAreaEffect(shooter, source); break; } case WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR: { CWorld::UseDetonator(shooter); m_nAmmoTotal = 1; m_nAmmoInClip = m_nAmmoTotal; fired = true; break; } case WEAPONTYPE_CAMERA: { fired = TakePhotograph(shooter); break; } default: { debug("Unknown weapon type, Weapon.cpp"); break; } } if (fired) { bool isPlayer = false; if (shooter->IsPed()) { CPed* shooterPed = (CPed*)shooter; if ( m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_CAMERA ) { shooterPed->bIsShooting = true; if (shooterPed->IsPlayer()) isPlayer = true; } DMAudio.PlayOneShot(shooterPed->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_SHOT_FIRED, 0.0f); if ( isPlayer ) { CPed *aimPed = (CPed *)shooterPed->m_pSeekTarget; if ( aimPed ) { if ( aimPed->IsPed() ) shooterPed->Say(SOUND_PED_ON_FIRE); } } } switch ( m_eWeaponType ) { case WEAPONTYPE_COLT45: case WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON: case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_SPAS12_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_TEC9: case WEAPONTYPE_UZI: case WEAPONTYPE_SILENCED_INGRAM: case WEAPONTYPE_MP5: case WEAPONTYPE_M4: case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: case WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE: case WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPE: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: case WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN: CStats::RoundsFiredByPlayer++; break; case WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE: case WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR_GRENADE: case WEAPONTYPE_MOLOTOV: case WEAPONTYPE_ROCKET: case WEAPONTYPE_ROCKETLAUNCHER: case WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR: case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: CStats::KgsOfExplosivesUsed++; break; } if (m_nAmmoInClip > 0) m_nAmmoInClip--; if (m_nAmmoTotal > 0 && (m_nAmmoTotal < 25000 || isPlayer) && (!isPlayer || CStats::GetPercentageProgress() < 100.0f || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_DETONATOR)) m_nAmmoTotal--; if (m_eWeaponState == WEAPONSTATE_READY && m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_FLAMETHROWER) DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)shooter)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER_FIRE, 0.0f); m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_FIRING; if (m_nAmmoInClip == 0) { if (m_nAmmoTotal == 0) { if (TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode == CCam::MODE_CAMERA) CPad::GetPad(0)->Clear(false); return true; } m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_RELOADING; m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + GetInfo()->m_nReload; if (shooter == FindPlayerPed()) { if (CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_bFastReload) m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + GetInfo()->m_nReload / 4; } return true; } if ( addFireRateAsDelay ) m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + GetInfo()->m_nFiringRate; else m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); } } else { if ( m_eWeaponState != WEAPONSTATE_FIRING ) { m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + GetInfo()->m_nReload; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_FIRING; if (shooter->IsPed() && m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) { DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPed*)shooter)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_MELEE_ATTACK_START, m_eWeaponType << 8); } } fired = FireMelee(shooter, *source); } if ( m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_BASEBALLBAT ) return true; else return fired; } bool CWeapon::FireFromCar(CVehicle *shooter, bool left, bool right) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); if ( m_eWeaponState != WEAPONSTATE_READY && m_eWeaponState != WEAPONSTATE_FIRING ) return false; if ( m_nAmmoInClip <= 0 ) return false; if ( FireInstantHitFromCar(shooter, left, right) ) { DMAudio.PlayOneShot(shooter->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_SHOT_FIRED, 0.0f); if ( m_nAmmoInClip > 0 ) m_nAmmoInClip--; if ( m_nAmmoTotal < 25000 && m_nAmmoTotal > 0 && (!shooter || shooter->GetStatus() != STATUS_PLAYER || CStats::GetPercentageProgress() < 100.f)) m_nAmmoTotal--; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_FIRING; if ( m_nAmmoInClip == 0 ) { if ( m_nAmmoTotal == 0 ) return true; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_RELOADING; m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + GetInfo()->m_nReload; return true; } m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 1000; } return true; } bool CWeapon::FireMelee(CEntity *shooter, CVector &fireSource) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); bool anim2Playing = false; if ( CPed::GetFireAnimGround(info, false) != (AnimationId)0 ) { if ( RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation(shooter->GetClump(), CPed::GetFireAnimGround(info, false)) ) anim2Playing = true; } ASSERT(shooter->IsPed()); CPed *shooterPed = (CPed*)shooter; if (shooterPed == FindPlayerPed()) { if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_NIGHTSTICK || (m_eWeaponType >= WEAPONTYPE_BASEBALLBAT && m_eWeaponType <= WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW)) { CGlass::BreakGlassPhysically(fireSource, info->m_fRadius); if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, FindPlayerPed(), FindPlayerPed(), 1000); } } int damageEntityRegistered = 0; for ( int32 i = 0; i < shooterPed->m_numNearPeds; i++ ) { CPed *victimPed = shooterPed->m_nearPeds[i]; ASSERT(victimPed!=nil); if ( (victimPed->m_nPedType != shooterPed->m_nPedType || victimPed == shooterPed->m_pSeekTarget) && victimPed != shooterPed->m_leader || !(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 31) && (!shooterPed->IsGangMember() || victimPed->CanBeDamagedByThisGangMember(shooterPed)) ) { bool collided = false; if (victimPed->m_nPedState == PED_DRIVING && (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_BRASSKNUCKLE || info->IsFlagSet(WEAPONFLAG_FIGHTMODE))) continue; float victimPedRadius = victimPed->GetBoundRadius() + info->m_fRadius; if ( victimPed->bUsesCollision || victimPed->Dead() || victimPed->Driving() ) { CVector victimPedPos = victimPed->GetPosition(); if ( SQR(victimPedRadius) > (victimPedPos-fireSource).MagnitudeSqr() ) { CVector collisionDist; CColModel* victimPedCol = &gpTempColModels->ms_colModelPed1; bool useLocalPos = false; if (victimPed->m_nPedState == PED_FALL || victimPed->m_nPedState == PED_DIE && victimPed->bIsPedDieAnimPlaying || victimPed->m_nWaitState == WAITSTATE_SIT_IDLE || victimPed->m_nWaitState == WAITSTATE_SUN_BATHE_IDLE) { useLocalPos = true; victimPedCol = ((CPedModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(victimPed->GetModelIndex()))->AnimatePedColModelSkinnedWorld(victimPed->GetClump()); } else if (victimPed->DyingOrDead()) { victimPedCol = &CTempColModels::ms_colModelPedGroundHit; } int32 s = 0; while ( s < victimPedCol->numSpheres ) { CColSphere *sphere = &victimPedCol->spheres[s]; if (useLocalPos) collisionDist = sphere->center - fireSource; else collisionDist = victimPedPos + sphere->center - fireSource; if ( SQR(sphere->radius + info->m_fRadius) > collisionDist.MagnitudeSqr() ) { collided = true; break; } s++; } if ( !(victimPed->IsPlayer() && victimPed->GetPedState() == PED_GETUP) ) { if ( collided ) { float victimPedHealth = victimPed->m_fHealth; CVector bloodPos = fireSource + (collisionDist*0.7f); CVector2D posOffset(shooterPed->GetPosition().x-victimPedPos.x, shooterPed->GetPosition().y-victimPedPos.y); int32 localDir = victimPed->GetLocalDirection(posOffset); bool isHeavy = m_eWeaponType >= WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB && m_eWeaponType <= WEAPONTYPE_KATANA && m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_HAMMER; if (shooterPed->m_fDamageImpulse == 0.0f) { shooterPed->m_pDamageEntity = victimPed; victimPed->RegisterReference(&shooterPed->m_pDamageEntity); } damageEntityRegistered = 3; if (victimPed->bInVehicle) { CVehicle *victimVeh = victimPed->m_pMyVehicle; if (victimVeh) { if (victimVeh->IsBike()) { CBike *victimBike = (CBike*)victimVeh; victimBike->KnockOffRider(m_eWeaponType, localDir, victimPed, false); if (victimBike->pDriver) victimBike->pDriver->ReactToAttack(shooterPed); else { if (victimVeh->pPassengers[0]) victimVeh->pPassengers[0]->ReactToAttack(shooterPed); } continue; } } } if ( !victimPed->DyingOrDead() ) victimPed->ReactToAttack(shooterPed); uint8 hitLevel = HITLEVEL_HIGH; if ( isHeavy && (victimPed->OnGround() || victimPed->m_nWaitState == WAITSTATE_SUN_BATHE_IDLE)) hitLevel = HITLEVEL_GROUND; victimPed->StartFightDefend(localDir, hitLevel, 10); if ( !victimPed->DyingOrDead() ) { if ( shooterPed->IsPlayer() && isHeavy && anim2Playing ) victimPed->InflictDamage(shooterPed, m_eWeaponType, 100.0f, PEDPIECE_TORSO, localDir); else if ( shooterPed->IsPlayer() && ((CPlayerPed*)shooterPed)->m_bAdrenalineActive ) victimPed->InflictDamage(shooterPed, m_eWeaponType, 3.5f*info->m_nDamage, PEDPIECE_TORSO, localDir); else { if ( victimPed->IsPlayer() && isHeavy ) // wtf, it's not fair victimPed->InflictDamage(shooterPed, m_eWeaponType, 2.0f*info->m_nDamage, PEDPIECE_TORSO, localDir); else victimPed->InflictDamage(shooterPed, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage, PEDPIECE_TORSO, localDir); } } if ( CGame::nastyGame && victimPed->GetIsOnScreen() ) { CVector dir = collisionDist * RecipSqrt(1.0f, 10.0f*collisionDist.MagnitudeSqr()); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, dir); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, dir); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, dir); if ( isHeavy ) { dir.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.05f, 0.05f); dir.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.05f, 0.05f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, dir); dir.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.05f, 0.05f); dir.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.05f, 0.05f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, dir); } if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) { if (victimPed->m_nPedState != PED_DEAD && !((CTimer::GetFrameCounter() + 17) & 1) || victimPed->m_nPedState == PED_DEAD && !((CTimer::GetFrameCounter() + 17) & 3)) { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_TEST, bloodPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.2f); } CVector newDir(dir); newDir.z += 0.2f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SMALL, bloodPos, newDir); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, newDir); newDir.z = dir.z + 0.1f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, bloodPos, newDir); newDir.x = 0.0f; newDir.y = 0.0f; newDir.z = 0.01f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_DEBRIS2, bloodPos, newDir); CVector dropDir(CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.15f, 0.15f), CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.1f, 0.35f), 0.f); CVector dropPos(CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(SCREEN_STRETCH_X(50.0f), SCREEN_STRETCH_FROM_RIGHT(50.0f)), CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(50.0f), SCREEN_STRETCH_FROM_BOTTOM(50.0f)), 1.f); /*CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOODDROP, dropPos, dropDir, nil, CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.1f, 0.15f), CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 1, 0); */ } if (info->m_AnimToPlay == ASSOCGRP_KNIFE) { dir += 0.1f * shooterPed->GetUp() + 0.05f * shooterPed->GetRight(); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SPURT, bloodPos, dir); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SPURT, bloodPos, dir); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SPURT, bloodPos, dir); } } if ( !victimPed->OnGround() ) { if ( victimPed->m_fHealth > 0.0f && (victimPed->m_fHealth < 30.0f && victimPedHealth > 30.0f || (isHeavy || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_BRASSKNUCKLE) && !victimPed->IsPlayer()) ) { posOffset.Normalise(); victimPed->bIsStanding = false; if(m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-2.0f, posOffset.y*-2.0f, 2.0f); else victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-5.0f, posOffset.y*-5.0f, 3.0f); if ( isHeavy && victimPed->IsPlayer() ) victimPed->SetFall(3000, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HIGHIMPACT_FRONT + localDir), false); else victimPed->SetFall(1500, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HIGHIMPACT_FRONT + localDir), false); shooterPed->m_pSeekTarget = victimPed; shooterPed->m_pSeekTarget->RegisterReference(&shooterPed->m_pSeekTarget); } } else if (victimPed->Dying() && !anim2Playing) { posOffset.Normalise(); victimPed->bIsStanding = false; if(m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-1.0f, posOffset.y*-1.0f, 1.0f); else victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-5.0f, posOffset.y*-5.0f, 3.0f); } m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_MELEE_MADECONTACT; if (m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE && m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_MACHETE && m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_KATANA && m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) { if (victimPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_ASSAULT_POLICE, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victimPed, shooterPed, 2000); else CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_ASSAULT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victimPed, shooterPed, 2000); } else { if (victimPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_ASSAULT_NASTYWEAPON_POLICE, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victimPed, shooterPed, 2000); else CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_ASSAULT_NASTYWEAPON, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victimPed, shooterPed, 2000); } } } } } } } CVehicle *nearVeh = (CVehicle*)CWorld::TestSphereAgainstWorld(fireSource, info->m_fRadius, nil, false, true, false, false, false, false); if (nearVeh && nearVeh->IsCar()) { CAutomobile *nearCar = (CAutomobile*)nearVeh; m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_MELEE_MADECONTACT; if (shooterPed == FindPlayerPed()) { if (nearCar->IsLawEnforcementVehicle()) { FindPlayerPed()->SetWantedLevelNoDrop(1); } CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_ASSAULT, EVENT_ENTITY_VEHICLE, nearCar, shooterPed, 2000); } float oldHealth = nearCar->m_fHealth; if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) { for( int32 i=0; i<4; i++ ) { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK_SMALL, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].point, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f)); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].point, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].normal * 0.1f); } } if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) { nearCar->VehicleDamage(info->m_nDamage * (0.00075f * nearCar->pHandling->fMass), gaTempSphereColPoints[0].pieceB); //CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_HEATHAZE, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].point, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { nearCar->VehicleDamage(info->m_nDamage* (0.01f * nearCar->pHandling->fMass), gaTempSphereColPoints[0].pieceB); } if (nearCar->m_fHealth < oldHealth) { nearCar->m_nLastWeaponDamage = m_eWeaponType; nearCar->m_pLastDamageEntity = shooterPed; } if (shooterPed->m_fDamageImpulse == 0.0f) { shooterPed->m_pDamageEntity = nearCar; nearCar->RegisterReference(&shooterPed->m_pDamageEntity); } damageEntityRegistered = 2; if (FindPlayerPed()->GetWeapon() == this && nearCar->VehicleCreatedBy != MISSION_VEHICLE) { if (nearCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle != DRIVINGSTYLE_PLOUGH_THROUGH && (CGeneral::GetRandomTrueFalse() || nearCar->AutoPilot.m_nCarMission != MISSION_CRUISE)) { int leaveCarDelay = 200; CPed *driver = nearCar->pDriver; if (driver && driver->CharCreatedBy != MISSION_CHAR) { if (driver->m_pedStats->m_temper <= driver->m_pedStats->m_fear) { driver->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_FLEE_ON_FOOT_TILL_SAFE); } else { driver->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_KILL_CHAR_ON_FOOT, FindPlayerPed()); driver->m_objectiveTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 10000; driver->m_prevObjective = OBJECTIVE_KILL_CHAR_ON_FOOT; } driver->m_leaveCarTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 200; leaveCarDelay = 400; } for (int j = 0; j < nearCar->m_nNumPassengers; ++j) { CPed *passenger = nearCar->pPassengers[j]; if (passenger && passenger->CharCreatedBy != MISSION_CHAR) { nearCar->pPassengers[j]->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_FLEE_ON_FOOT_TILL_SAFE); passenger->m_leaveCarTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + leaveCarDelay; leaveCarDelay += 200; } } } else { CPed *driver = nearCar->pDriver; if (driver) { if (driver->m_objective != OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_CAR && driver->m_objective != OBJECTIVE_KILL_CHAR_ON_FOOT && driver->m_objective != OBJECTIVE_FLEE_ON_FOOT_TILL_SAFE) { if (nearCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle != DRIVINGSTYLE_PLOUGH_THROUGH) nearCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = nearCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed * 1.5f; nearCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_PLOUGH_THROUGH; } } } } } if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) { CEntity *nearStatic = (CObject*)CWorld::TestSphereAgainstWorld(fireSource, info->m_fRadius, nil, true, false, false, true, false, false); if (nearStatic) { for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK_SMALL, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].point, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f), 0, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].point, 0.1f * gaTempSphereColPoints[0].normal, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0); } //CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_HEATHAZE, gaTempSphereColPoints[0].point, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!damageEntityRegistered) { m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_MELEE_MADECONTACT; if (shooterPed->m_fDamageImpulse == 0.0f) { shooterPed->m_pDamageEntity = nearStatic; nearStatic->RegisterReference(&shooterPed->m_pDamageEntity); } } if (nearStatic->IsObject() && ((CObject*)nearStatic)->m_nCollisionDamageEffect >= DAMAGE_EFFECT_SMASH_COMPLETELY) ((CObject*)nearStatic)->ObjectDamage(200.0f); } } return true; } bool CWeapon::FireInstantHit(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(fireSource!=nil); CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); CVector source, target; CColPoint point; CEntity *victim = nil; float heading = RADTODEG(shooter->GetForward().Heading()); float angle = DEGTORAD(heading); CVector2D ahead(-Sin(angle), Cos(angle)); ahead.Normalise(); CVector vel = ((CPed *)shooter)->m_vecMoveSpeed; int32 shooterMoving = false; if ( Abs(vel.x) > 0.0f && Abs(vel.y) > 0.0f ) shooterMoving = true; if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) { static float prev_heading = 0.0f; prev_heading = ((CPed*)shooter)->m_fRotationCur; } if ( shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed *)shooter)->m_pPointGunAt ) { CPed *shooterPed = (CPed *)shooter; if ( shooterPed->m_pedIK.m_flags & CPedIK::GUN_POINTED_SUCCESSFULLY ) { int32 accuracy = shooterPed->m_wepAccuracy; int32 inaccuracy = 100-accuracy; CPed *threatAttack = (CPed*)shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt; if ( threatAttack->IsPed() ) { threatAttack->m_pedIK.GetComponentPosition(target, PED_MID); threatAttack->ReactToPointGun(shooter); } else target = threatAttack->GetPosition(); target -= *fireSource; float distToTarget = Max(target.Magnitude(), 0.01f); target *= info->m_fRange / distToTarget; target += *fireSource; if (shooter == FindPlayerPed() && inaccuracy != 0.f) { float newInaccuracy = fPlayerAimScale * FindPlayerPed()->m_fAttackButtonCounter * (inaccuracy * Min(1.f, fPlayerAimScaleDist / distToTarget)); if (FindPlayerPed()->bIsDucking) newInaccuracy *= 0.4f; target.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.15f, 0.15f) * newInaccuracy; target.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.15f, 0.15f) * newInaccuracy; target.z += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f) * newInaccuracy; FindPlayerPed()->m_fAttackButtonCounter += info->m_nDamage * 0.04f; } else if (inaccuracy > 0.f) { if (threatAttack == FindPlayerPed()) { float speed = Min(0.33f, FindPlayerPed()->m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude()); inaccuracy *= (0.3f * speed * 100.f / 33.f + 0.8f); } target.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f) * inaccuracy; target.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f) * inaccuracy; target.z += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f) * inaccuracy; } if (shooter == FindPlayerPed()) CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false); CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; } else { target.x = info->m_fRange; target.y = 0.0f; target.z = 0.0f; shooterPed->TransformToNode(target, PED_HANDR); CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false); CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; } } else if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() && TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() ) { TheCamera.Find3rdPersonCamTargetVector(info->m_fRange, *fireSource, source, target); CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true; CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = true; ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false); CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false; CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = false; if (victim) CheckForShootingVehicleOccupant(&victim, &point, m_eWeaponType, source, target); int32 rotSpeed = 1; if ( m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M4 ) rotSpeed = 4; CVector bulletPos; if ( CHeli::TestBulletCollision(&source, &target, &bulletPos, 4) ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, bulletPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.0f, rotSpeed); } } else { uint32 model = shooter->GetModelIndex(); if (model == MI_HUNTER || model == MI_SEASPAR || model == MI_SPARROW) { float inaccuracyMult = 0.6f; target = shooter->GetForward(); if (shooter->GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER) { target *= info->m_fRange; target += *fireSource; CWeapon::DoDriveByAutoAiming(FindPlayerPed(), (CVehicle*)shooter, fireSource, &target); target -= *fireSource; target.Normalise(); if (model == MI_SEASPAR || model == MI_SPARROW) inaccuracyMult = 0.1f; else inaccuracyMult = 0.3f; } target.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f) * inaccuracyMult; target.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f) * inaccuracyMult; target.z += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f) * inaccuracyMult; target.Normalise(); target *= info->m_fRange; target += *fireSource; CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = shooter; ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, true, false); CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = nil; int32 rotSpeed = 1; if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M4) rotSpeed = 4; CVector bulletPos; if (CHeli::TestBulletCollision(fireSource, &target, &bulletPos, 4)) { for (int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, bulletPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.0f, rotSpeed); } } else { float shooterHeading = RADTODEG(shooter->GetForward().Heading()); float shooterAngle = DEGTORAD(shooterHeading); CVector2D rotOffset(-Sin(shooterAngle), Cos(shooterAngle)); rotOffset.Normalise(); target = *fireSource; target.x += rotOffset.x * info->m_fRange; target.y += rotOffset.y * info->m_fRange; CParticle::HandleShootableBirdsStuff(shooter, *fireSource); if (shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->bDoomAim && (shooter != FindPlayerPed() || !info->IsFlagSet(WEAPONFLAG_CANAIM))) { CWeapon::DoDoomAiming(shooter, fireSource, &target); } CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false); CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; int32 rotSpeed = 1; if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M4) rotSpeed = 4; CVector bulletPos; if (CHeli::TestBulletCollision(fireSource, &target, &bulletPos, 4)) { for (int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, bulletPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.0f, rotSpeed); } } } if ( shooter->IsPed() && victim) { if (victim == ((CPed*)shooter)->m_leader) return false; if (victim->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->IsGangMember() && !((CPed*)victim)->CanBeDamagedByThisGangMember((CPed*)shooter)) return false; } if (shooter->IsPed()) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, shooter, (CPed*)shooter, 1000); else if (shooter->IsVehicle() && ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_VEHICLE, shooter, ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver, 1000); if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) { if ( !(CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 3) ) MakePedsJumpAtShot((CPhysical*)shooter, fireSource, &target); } switch ( m_eWeaponType ) { case WEAPONTYPE_M4: case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: case WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: { static uint8 counter = 0; if ( info->m_nFiringRate >= 50 || !(++counter & 1) ) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS AddGunFlashBigGuns(*fireSource, target); #else AddGunFlashBigGuns(*fireSource, *fireSource + target); #endif CVector gunshellPos = *fireSource; gunshellPos -= CVector(0.65f*ahead.x, 0.65f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CVector dir = CrossProduct(CVector(ahead.x, ahead.y, 0.0f), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); dir.Normalise2D(); AddGunshell(shooter, gunshellPos, CVector2D(dir.x, dir.y), 0.02f); } break; } case WEAPONTYPE_UZI: case WEAPONTYPE_TEC9: case WEAPONTYPE_SILENCED_INGRAM: case WEAPONTYPE_MP5: { CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, *fireSource, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NONE, false); CVector gunflashPos = *fireSource; if ( shooterMoving ) gunflashPos += CVector(1.5f*vel.x, 1.5f*vel.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.07f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.06f*ahead.x, 0.06f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.05f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.04f*ahead.x, 0.04f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.04f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.04f*ahead.x, 0.04f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.03f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.03f*ahead.x, 0.03f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.03f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.03f*ahead.x, 0.03f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.02f*ahead.x, 0.02f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.01f); CVector gunsmokePos = *fireSource; float rnd = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.05f, 0.25f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(ahead.x*rnd, ahead.y*rnd, 0.0f)); CVector gunshellPos = *fireSource; gunshellPos -= CVector(0.2f*ahead.x, 0.2f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CVector dir = CrossProduct(CVector(ahead.x, ahead.y, 0.0f), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); dir.Normalise2D(); AddGunshell(shooter, gunshellPos, CVector2D(dir.x, dir.y), 0.015f); break; } case WEAPONTYPE_COLT45: case WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON: case WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE: case WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPE: { CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, *fireSource, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NONE, false); CVector gunflashPos = *fireSource; if ( shooterMoving ) gunflashPos += CVector(1.5f*vel.x, 1.5f*vel.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.06f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.06f*ahead.x, 0.06f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.04f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.04f*ahead.x, 0.04f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); CVector gunsmokePos = *fireSource; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(ahead.x*0.10f, ahead.y*0.10f, 0.0f), nil, 0.005f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(ahead.x*0.15f, ahead.y*0.15f, 0.0f), nil, 0.015f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(ahead.x*0.20f, ahead.y*0.20f, 0.0f), nil, 0.025f); CVector gunshellPos = *fireSource; gunshellPos -= CVector(0.2f*ahead.x, 0.2f*ahead.y, 0.0f); CVector dir = CrossProduct(CVector(ahead.x, ahead.y, 0.0f), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); dir.Normalise2D(); AddGunshell(shooter, gunshellPos, CVector2D(dir.x, dir.y), 0.015f); break; } default: break; } DoBulletImpact(shooter, victim, fireSource, &target, &point, ahead); return true; } void CWeapon::AddGunFlashBigGuns(CVector start, CVector end) { CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, start, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NONE, false); CVector gunflashPos = start; CVector shootVec = end - start; // Wtf did you do there R*? shootVec.Normalise(); CVector2D ahead = shootVec; ahead.Normalise(); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.08f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.06f * ahead.x, 0.06f * ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.06f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.06f * ahead.x, 0.06f * ahead.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.06f); gunflashPos = start; gunflashPos += CVector(-0.1f * ahead.x, -0.1f * ahead.y, 0.0f); gunflashPos.z += 0.04f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.04f); gunflashPos.z += 0.04f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); gunflashPos.z += 0.03f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); gunflashPos = start; gunflashPos += CVector(-0.1f * ahead.x, -0.1f * ahead.y, 0.0f); gunflashPos.z -= 0.04f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.04f); gunflashPos.z -= 0.04f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); gunflashPos.z -= 0.03f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); CVector offset = CrossProduct(CVector(ahead.x, ahead.y, 0.0f), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f)); offset.Normalise2D(); gunflashPos = start; gunflashPos += CVector(-0.1f * ahead.x, -0.1f * ahead.y, 0.0f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.06f * offset.x, 0.06f * offset.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.04f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.04f * offset.x, 0.04f * offset.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.03f); gunflashPos += CVector(0.03f * offset.x, 0.03f * offset.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); gunflashPos = start; gunflashPos += CVector(-0.1f * ahead.x, -0.1f * ahead.y, 0.0f); gunflashPos -= CVector(0.06f * offset.x, 0.06f * offset.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.04f); gunflashPos -= CVector(0.04f * offset.x, 0.04f * offset.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.03f); gunflashPos -= CVector(0.03f * offset.x, 0.03f * offset.y, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.02f); CVector gunsmokePos = start; float rnd = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.05f, 0.25f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(ahead.x * rnd, ahead.y * rnd, 0.0f)); } void CWeapon::AddGunshell(CEntity *shooter, CVector const &source, CVector2D const &direction, float size) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); if ( shooter == nil) return; CVector dir(direction.x*0.05f, direction.y*0.05f, CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.02f, 0.08f)); static CVector prevEntityPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); CVector entityPosition = shooter->GetPosition(); CVector diff = entityPosition - prevEntityPosition; if ( Abs(diff.x)+Abs(diff.y)+Abs(diff.z) > 1.5f ) { prevEntityPosition = entityPosition; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSHELL_FIRST, source, dir, nil, size, CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-20.0f, 20.0f)); } else { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSHELL, source, dir, nil, size, CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-20.0f, 20.0f)); } } void CWeapon::DoBulletImpact(CEntity *shooter, CEntity *victim, CVector *source, CVector *target, CColPoint *point, CVector2D ahead) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(source!=nil); ASSERT(target!=nil); ASSERT(point!=nil); CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); if ( victim ) { if (shooter) { if (shooter && shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->m_attachedTo == victim) return; if (shooter->IsPed() && !((CPed*)shooter)->IsPlayer()) { CPed* shooterPed = (CPed*)shooter; CEntity* guyWePointGun = shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt; if (guyWePointGun) { if (victim != guyWePointGun) { float distWithAim = (guyWePointGun->GetPosition() - shooter->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); float distWithBullet = (point->point - shooter->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); if (distWithAim > 0.1f && distWithBullet > 0.1f) { // Normalize CVector aimDir = (guyWePointGun->GetPosition() - shooter->GetPosition()) * (1.0f / distWithAim); CVector bulletDir = (point->point - shooter->GetPosition()) * (1.0f / distWithBullet); float dotProd = DotProduct(aimDir, bulletDir); float aimAndBulletAngle; if (dotProd <= 0.35f) aimAndBulletAngle = PI; else aimAndBulletAngle = Acos(dotProd); if (aimAndBulletAngle <= DEGTORAD(45.0f) && (aimAndBulletAngle <= DEGTORAD(15.0f) || distWithBullet / distWithAim >= 0.75f) && distWithBullet / distWithAim >= 0.99f) { shooterPed->bObstacleShowedUpDuringKillObjective = false; shooterPed->m_shotTime = 0; } else { shooterPed->bObstacleShowedUpDuringKillObjective = true; shooterPed->m_shootTimer = 0; shooterPed->m_shotTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); if (distWithAim < 10.0f) shooterPed->SetAttackTimer(1500); else shooterPed->SetAttackTimer(3000); } } } } } } CGlass::WasGlassHitByBullet(victim, point->point); CVector traceTarget = point->point; CBulletTraces::AddTrace(source, &traceTarget, m_eWeaponType, shooter); if (victim->IsPed() && shooter->IsVehicle() && ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver) shooter = ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver; if ( victim->IsPed() && shooter->IsPed() && (((CPed*)shooter)->m_nPedType != ((CPed*)victim)->m_nPedType || ((CPed*)shooter)->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_PLAYER2 || !((CPed*)shooter)->IsGangMember() && ((CPed*)shooter)->m_nPedType != PEDTYPE_COP)) { CPed *victimPed = (CPed *)victim; if ( !victimPed->DyingOrDead() && victim != shooter ) { CVector pos = victimPed->GetPosition(); CVector2D posOffset(source->x-pos.x, source->y-pos.y); int32 localDir = victimPed->GetLocalDirection(posOffset); victimPed->ReactToAttack(shooter); if ( !victimPed->IsPedInControl() || victimPed->bIsDucking ) { victimPed->InflictDamage(shooter, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage, (ePedPieceTypes)point->pieceB, localDir); } else { if ( victimPed->bCanBeShotInVehicle && (IsShotgun(m_eWeaponType) || (!victimPed->IsPlayer() && (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M60 || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON)))) { posOffset.Normalise(); victimPed->bIsStanding = false; victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-5.0f, posOffset.y*-5.0f, 5.0f); victimPed->SetFall(1500, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HIGHIMPACT_FRONT + localDir), false); victimPed->InflictDamage(shooter, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage, (ePedPieceTypes)point->pieceB, localDir); } else { if ( victimPed->IsPlayer() ) { CPlayerPed *victimPlayer = (CPlayerPed *)victimPed; if ( victimPlayer->m_nHitAnimDelayTimer < CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() && victimPed->m_nPedState != PED_DRIVING ) { victimPed->ClearAttackByRemovingAnim(); CAnimBlendAssociation *asoc = CAnimManager::AddAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HITBYGUN_FRONT + localDir)); ASSERT(asoc!=nil); asoc->blendAmount = 0.0f; asoc->blendDelta = 8.0f; if ( m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M4 ) victimPlayer->m_nHitAnimDelayTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 2500; else victimPlayer->m_nHitAnimDelayTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 1000; } } else { victimPed->ClearAttackByRemovingAnim(); CAnimBlendAssociation *asoc = CAnimManager::AddAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HITBYGUN_FRONT + localDir)); ASSERT(asoc!=nil); asoc->blendAmount = 0.0f; asoc->blendDelta = 8.0f; } victimPed->InflictDamage(shooter, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage, (ePedPieceTypes)point->pieceB, localDir); } } if ( victimPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_SHOOT_COP, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victim, (CPed*)shooter, 10000); else CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_SHOOT_PED, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victim, (CPed*)shooter, 10000); if ( CGame::nastyGame ) { uint8 bloodAmount = 8; if ( IsShotgun(m_eWeaponType) || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON ) bloodAmount = 32; CVector dir = (point->point - victim->GetPosition()) * 0.01f; dir.z = 0.01f; if ( victimPed->GetIsOnScreen() ) { for ( uint8 i = 0; i < bloodAmount; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SMALL, point->point, dir); } if (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN) { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_TEST, point->point, CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), nil, 0.f, 0, 0, 0, 0); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_TEST, point->point + CVector(0.2f, -0.2f, 0.f), CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), nil, 0.f, 0, 0, 0, 0); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_TEST, point->point + CVector(-0.2f, 0.2f, 0.f), CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), nil, 0.f, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } else { if ( CGame::nastyGame ) { CVector dir = (point->point - victim->GetPosition()) * 0.01f; dir.z = 0.01f; if ( victim->GetIsOnScreen() ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SMALL, point->point + CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.15f), dir); } if ( victimPed->Dead() ) { CAnimBlendAssociation *asoc; if ( RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOC_FRONTAL) ) asoc = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, ANIM_STD_HIT_FLOOR_FRONT, 8.0f); else asoc = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, ANIM_STD_HIT_FLOOR, 8.0f); if ( asoc ) { asoc->SetCurrentTime(0.0f); asoc->flags |= ASSOC_RUNNING; asoc->flags &= ~ASSOC_FADEOUTWHENDONE; } } } } } else { switch ( victim->GetType() ) { case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, point->point, point->normal*0.05f); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CVector dist = point->point - (*source); float distMagnitude = dist.Magnitude(); CVector smokePos = point->point - Max(distMagnitude / 10.0f, 0.2f) * dist / distMagnitude; #else CVector smokePos = point->point; #endif // !FIX_BUGS smokePos.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); smokePos.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); smokePos.z += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BULLETHIT_SMOKE, smokePos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: { if (point->pieceB >= CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF && point->pieceB <= CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_RR) { ((CVehicle*)victim)->BurstTyre(point->pieceB, true); for (int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BULLETHIT_SMOKE, point->point, point->normal * 0.05f); } else { ((CVehicle*)victim)->InflictDamage(shooter, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage); for (int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, point->point, point->normal * 0.05f); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CVector dist = point->point - (*source); CVector offset = dist - Max(0.2f * dist.Magnitude(), 0.5f) * CVector(ahead.x, ahead.y, 0.0f); CVector smokePos = *source + offset; #else CVector smokePos = point->point; #endif CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BULLETHIT_SMOKE, smokePos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } if ( shooter->IsPed() ) { CPed *shooterPed = (CPed *)shooter; if ( shooterPed->bNotAllowedToDuck ) { if ( shooterPed->bKindaStayInSamePlace && victim != shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt ) { shooterPed->bKindaStayInSamePlace = false; shooterPed->m_duckAndCoverTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 15000; } } } break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, point->point, point->normal*0.05f); CObject *victimObject = (CObject *)victim; if ( !victimObject->bInfiniteMass && victimObject->m_fCollisionDamageMultiplier < 99.9f) { bool notStatic = !victimObject->GetIsStatic(); if (notStatic && victimObject->m_fUprootLimit <= 0.0f) { victimObject->SetIsStatic(false); victimObject->AddToMovingList(); } notStatic = !victimObject->GetIsStatic(); if (!notStatic) { CVector moveForce = point->normal * -4.0f; victimObject->ApplyMoveForce(moveForce.x, moveForce.y, moveForce.z); } } else if (victimObject->m_nCollisionDamageEffect >= DAMAGE_EFFECT_SMASH_COMPLETELY) { victimObject->ObjectDamage(50.f); } break; } default: break; } } switch ( victim->GetType() ) { case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_1, point->point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_VEHICLE, 1.0f); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_PED, 1.0f); ((CPed*)victim)->Say(SOUND_PED_BULLET_HIT); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_2, point->point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_3, point->point); break; } default: break; } } else CBulletTraces::AddTrace(source, target, m_eWeaponType, shooter); if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) CPad::GetPad(0)->StartShake_Distance(240, 128, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().x, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().y, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().z); BlowUpExplosiveThings(victim); } bool CWeapon::FireShotgun(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(fireSource!=nil); CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); float heading = RADTODEG(shooter->GetForward().Heading()); float angle = DEGTORAD(heading); CVector2D rotOffset(-Sin(angle), Cos(angle)); rotOffset.Normalise(); CVector gunflashPos = *fireSource; gunflashPos += CVector(rotOffset.x*0.1f, rotOffset.y*0.1f, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.0f); gunflashPos += CVector(rotOffset.x*0.1f, rotOffset.y*0.1f, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.15f); gunflashPos += CVector(rotOffset.x*0.1f, rotOffset.y*0.1f, 0.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH, gunflashPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.2f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH, *fireSource, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 0.0f); CVector gunsmokePos = *fireSource; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(rotOffset.x*0.10f, rotOffset.y*0.10f, 0.0f), nil, 0.1f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(rotOffset.x*0.15f, rotOffset.y*0.15f, 0.0f), nil, 0.1f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(rotOffset.x*0.20f, rotOffset.y*0.20f, 0.0f), nil, 0.1f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNSMOKE2, gunsmokePos, CVector(rotOffset.x*0.25f, rotOffset.y*0.25f, 0.0f), nil, 0.1f); CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, shooter, (CPed*)shooter, 1000); CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, *fireSource, CVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NONE, false); float shooterAngle; if ( shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->m_pPointGunAt != nil ) { CEntity *threatAttack = ((CPed*)shooter)->m_pPointGunAt; shooterAngle = CGeneral::GetAngleBetweenPoints(threatAttack->GetPosition().x, threatAttack->GetPosition().y, (*fireSource).x, (*fireSource).y); } else shooterAngle = RADTODEG(shooter->GetForward().Heading()); int shootsAtOnce; int checkObstacleOnShootNo; float angleRange; switch (m_eWeaponType) { case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: angleRange = DEGTORAD(9.0f); checkObstacleOnShootNo = 1; shootsAtOnce = 3; break; case WEAPONTYPE_SPAS12_SHOTGUN: angleRange = DEGTORAD(6.0f); checkObstacleOnShootNo = 1; shootsAtOnce = 3; break; case WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN: angleRange = DEGTORAD(18.0f); checkObstacleOnShootNo = 2; shootsAtOnce = 5; break; default: break; } bool statUpdated = false; float halfAngleRange = angleRange / 2.f; float angleBetweenTwoShot = angleRange / (shootsAtOnce - 1.f); for ( int32 i = 0; i < shootsAtOnce; i++ ) { float shootAngle = DEGTORAD(RADTODEG(halfAngleRange - angleBetweenTwoShot * i) + shooterAngle); CVector2D shootRot(-Sin(shootAngle), Cos(shootAngle)); shootRot.Normalise(); CVector source, target; CColPoint point; CEntity *victim; if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() && TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() ) { TheCamera.Find3rdPersonCamTargetVector(1.0f, *fireSource, source, target); CVector Left = CrossProduct(TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Front, TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Up); float f = (i - (shootsAtOnce / 2)) * angleBetweenTwoShot; target = f * Left + target - source; target *= info->m_fRange; target += source; CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = true; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true; ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false); CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false; CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = false; } else { target = *fireSource; target.x += shootRot.x * info->m_fRange; target.y += shootRot.y * info->m_fRange; if ( shooter->IsPed() ) { CPed *shooterPed = (CPed *)shooter; if ( shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt == nil ) DoDoomAiming(shooter, fireSource, &target); else { CVector pos; if (shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt->IsPed()) { ((CPed*)shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt)->m_pedIK.GetComponentPosition(pos, PED_MID); } else { pos = ((CPed*)shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt)->GetPosition(); } float distToTarget = (pos - (*fireSource)).Magnitude2D(); target.z += info->m_fRange / distToTarget * (pos.z - target.z); } } if (shooter == FindPlayerPed()) CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false); CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false; } CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; if ( victim ) { CGlass::WasGlassHitByBullet(victim, point.point); CWeapon::BlowUpExplosiveThings(victim); if (i == checkObstacleOnShootNo) { if (shooter) { if (shooter->IsPed() && !((CPed*)shooter)->IsPlayer()) { CPed *shooterPed = (CPed*)shooter; CEntity *guyWePointGun = shooterPed->m_pPointGunAt; if (guyWePointGun) { if (victim != guyWePointGun) { float distWithAim = (guyWePointGun->GetPosition() - shooter->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); float distWithBullet = (point.point - shooter->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); if (distWithAim > 0.1f && distWithBullet > 0.1f) { // Normalize CVector aimDir = (guyWePointGun->GetPosition() - shooter->GetPosition()) * (1.0f / distWithAim); CVector bulletDir = (point.point - shooter->GetPosition()) * (1.0f / distWithBullet); float dotProd = DotProduct(aimDir, bulletDir); float aimAndBulletAngle; if (dotProd <= 0.35f) aimAndBulletAngle = PI; else aimAndBulletAngle = Acos(dotProd); if (aimAndBulletAngle <= DEGTORAD(45.0f) && (aimAndBulletAngle <= DEGTORAD(15.0f) || distWithBullet / distWithAim >= 0.75f) && distWithBullet / distWithAim >= 0.99f) { shooterPed->bObstacleShowedUpDuringKillObjective = false; shooterPed->m_shotTime = 0; } else { shooterPed->bObstacleShowedUpDuringKillObjective = true; shooterPed->m_shootTimer = 0; shooterPed->m_shotTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); if (distWithAim < 10.0f) shooterPed->SetAttackTimer(1500); else shooterPed->SetAttackTimer(3000); } } } } } } } CBulletTraces::AddTrace(fireSource, &point.point, m_eWeaponType, shooter); if ( victim->IsPed() ) { CPed *victimPed = (CPed *)victim; if ( !victimPed->DyingOrDead() && victim != shooter ) { bool cantStandup = true; CVector pos = victimPed->GetPosition(); CVector2D posOffset((*fireSource).x-pos.x, (*fireSource).y-pos.y); int32 localDir = victimPed->GetLocalDirection(posOffset); victimPed->ReactToAttack(FindPlayerPed()); posOffset.Normalise(); if ( victimPed->m_getUpTimer > (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - 3000) || !victimPed->bCanBeShotInVehicle) cantStandup = false; if ( victimPed->bIsStanding && cantStandup ) { victimPed->bIsStanding = false; victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-6.0f, posOffset.y*-6.0f, 5.0f); } else victimPed->ApplyMoveForce(posOffset.x*-2.0f, posOffset.y*-2.0f, 0.0f); if ( cantStandup ) victimPed->SetFall(1500, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HIGHIMPACT_FRONT + localDir), false); victimPed->InflictDamage(shooter, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage, (ePedPieceTypes)point.pieceB, localDir); if ( victimPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_SHOOT_COP, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victim, (CPed*)shooter, 10000); else CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_SHOOT_PED, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victim, (CPed*)shooter, 10000); if ( CGame::nastyGame ) { uint8 bloodAmount = 8; if ( IsShotgun(m_eWeaponType) ) bloodAmount = 32; CVector dir = (point.point - victim->GetPosition()) * 0.01f; dir.z = 0.01f; if ( victimPed->GetIsOnScreen() ) { for ( uint8 i = 0; i < bloodAmount; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SMALL, point.point, dir); } } } else { if (CGame::nastyGame) { CVector dir = (point.point - victim->GetPosition()) * 0.01f; dir.z = 0.01f; if (victimPed->GetIsOnScreen()) { for (uint8 i = 0; i < 8; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SMALL, point.point + CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.15f), dir); } if (victimPed->Dead()) { CAnimBlendAssociation *hitAssoc; if (RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOC_FRONTAL)) { hitAssoc = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, ANIM_STD_HIT_FLOOR_FRONT, 8.0f); } else { hitAssoc = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, ANIM_STD_HIT_FLOOR, 8.0f); } if (hitAssoc) { hitAssoc->SetCurrentTime(0.0f); hitAssoc->SetRun(); hitAssoc->flags &= ~ASSOC_DELETEFADEDOUT; } } } } } else { switch ( victim->GetType() ) { case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: { if (point.pieceB >= CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF && point.pieceB <= CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_RR) { ((CVehicle*)victim)->BurstTyre(point.pieceB, true); for (int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BULLETHIT_SMOKE, point.point, point.normal * 0.05f); } else { ((CVehicle*)victim)->InflictDamage(shooter, m_eWeaponType, info->m_nDamage); for (int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, point.point, point.normal * 0.05f); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CVector dist = point.point - (*fireSource); CVector offset = dist - Max(0.2f * dist.Magnitude(), 2.0f) * CVector(shootRot.x, shootRot.y, 0.0f); CVector smokePos = *fireSource + offset; #else CVector smokePos = point.point; #endif CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BULLETHIT_SMOKE, smokePos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, point.point, point.normal*0.05f); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CVector dist = point.point - (*fireSource); CVector offset = dist - Max(0.2f*dist.Magnitude(), 2.0f) * CVector(shootRot.x, shootRot.y, 0.0f); CVector smokePos = *fireSource + offset; #else CVector smokePos = point.point; #endif smokePos.x += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); smokePos.y += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); smokePos.z += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BULLETHIT_SMOKE, smokePos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); if ( victim->IsObject() ) { CObject *victimObject = (CObject *)victim; if ( !victimObject->bInfiniteMass ) { bool notStatic = !victimObject->GetIsStatic(); if ( notStatic && victimObject->m_fUprootLimit <= 0.0f ) { victimObject->SetIsStatic(false); victimObject->AddToMovingList(); } notStatic = !victimObject->GetIsStatic(); if ( !notStatic ) { CVector moveForce = point.normal*-5.0f; victimObject->ApplyMoveForce(moveForce.x, moveForce.y, moveForce.z); } } } break; } default: break; } } switch ( victim->GetType() ) { case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_1, point.point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: { if (!statUpdated) { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; statUpdated = true; } DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_VEHICLE, 1.0f); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: { if (!statUpdated) { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; statUpdated = true; } DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_PED, 1.0f); ((CPed*)victim)->Say(SOUND_PED_BULLET_HIT); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: { if (!statUpdated) { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; statUpdated = true; } PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_2, point.point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_3, point.point); break; } default: break; } } else { CVector traceTarget = *fireSource; traceTarget += (target - (*fireSource)) * Min(info->m_fRange, 30.0f) / info->m_fRange; CBulletTraces::AddTrace(fireSource, &traceTarget, m_eWeaponType, shooter); } } if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) CPad::GetPad(0)->StartShake_Distance(240, 128, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().x, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().y, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().z); return true; } bool CWeapon::FireProjectile(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource, float power) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(fireSource!=nil); CVector source, target; eWeaponType projectileType = m_eWeaponType; if ( m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_ROCKETLAUNCHER ) { source = *fireSource; projectileType = WEAPONTYPE_ROCKET; if ( shooter->IsPed() && ((CPed*)shooter)->IsPlayer() ) { int16 mode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode; if (!( mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON || mode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER || mode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER || mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_RUNABOUT) ) { return false; } *fireSource += TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Front; } else *fireSource += shooter->GetForward(); target = *fireSource; } else { float dot = DotProduct(*fireSource-shooter->GetPosition(), shooter->GetForward()); if ( dot < 0.3f ) *fireSource += (0.3f-dot) * shooter->GetForward(); target = *fireSource; if ( target.z - shooter->GetPosition().z > 0.0f ) target += 0.6f*shooter->GetForward(); source = *fireSource - shooter->GetPosition(); source = *fireSource - DotProduct(source, shooter->GetForward()) * shooter->GetForward(); } if ( !CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightClear(source, target, true, true, false, true, false, false, false) ) { if ( m_eWeaponType != WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE ) CProjectileInfo::RemoveNotAdd(shooter, projectileType, *fireSource); else { if ( shooter->IsPed() ) { source = shooter->GetPosition() - shooter->GetForward(); source.z -= 0.4f; if ( !CWorld::TestSphereAgainstWorld(source, 0.5f, nil, false, false, true, false, false, false) ) CProjectileInfo::AddProjectile(shooter, WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE, source, 0.0f); else CProjectileInfo::RemoveNotAdd(shooter, WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE, *fireSource); } } } else CProjectileInfo::AddProjectile(shooter, projectileType, *fireSource, power); CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = nil; if ( shooter->IsPed() ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, shooter, (CPed *)shooter, 1000); else if ( shooter->IsVehicle() && ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_VEHICLE, shooter, ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver, 1000); return true; } void CWeapon::GenerateFlameThrowerParticles(CVector pos, CVector dir) { dir *= 0.7f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_FIREBALL, pos, dir); dir *= 0.7f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_FIREBALL, pos, dir); dir *= 0.7f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_FIREBALL, pos, dir); dir *= 0.7f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_FIREBALL, pos, dir); dir *= 0.7f; CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_FIREBALL, pos, dir); } bool CWeapon::FireAreaEffect(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(fireSource!=nil); CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); float heading = RADTODEG(shooter->GetForward().Heading()); CVector source; CVector target; CVector dir; if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() && TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() ) { TheCamera.Find3rdPersonCamTargetVector(info->m_fRange, *fireSource, source, target); float norm = (1.0f / info->m_fRange); dir = (target - source) * norm; } else { float angle = DEGTORAD(heading); dir = CVector(-Sin(angle)*0.5f, Cos(angle)*0.5f, 0.0f); target = *fireSource + dir; } CShotInfo::AddShot(shooter, m_eWeaponType, *fireSource, target); CWeapon::GenerateFlameThrowerParticles(*fireSource, dir); if ( shooter == (CEntity *)FindPlayerPed() ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < FindPlayerPed()->m_numNearPeds; i++ ) { if ( FindPlayerPed()->m_nearPeds[i]->CharCreatedBy == RANDOM_CHAR ) { if ( FindPlayerPed()->m_nearPeds[i]->IsPedInControl() && FindPlayerPed()->m_nearPeds[i]->m_nPedState != PED_FLEE_ENTITY ) FindPlayerPed()->m_nearPeds[i]->SetFlee(shooter, 10000); } } } return true; } bool CWeapon::LaserScopeDot(CVector *pOutPos, float *pOutSize) { CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); float range = info->m_fRange; CVector source, target; CEntity *foundEnt = nil; CColPoint foundCol; source = 0.5f * TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Front + TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Source; target = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Front; target.Normalise(); target *= range; target += source; if ( CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, foundCol, foundEnt, true, true, true, true, false, false, false) ) { CVector pos = foundCol.point; float w, h; if ( CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(foundCol.point, &pos, &w, &h, true) ) { *pOutPos = pos; *pOutSize = w * 0.05f; CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uintptr)this + 7, 128, 0, 0, 255, pos, 1.2f, 50.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_STAR, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f); return true; } } return false; } bool CWeapon::FireSniper(CEntity *shooter) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); if ( (CEntity *)FindPlayerPed() == shooter ) { int16 mode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode; if (!( mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON || mode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER || mode == CCam::MODE_CAMERA || mode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER || mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_RUNABOUT) ) { return false; } } #ifdef SECUROM if (sniperPirateCheck){ // if not pirated game // sniperPirateCheck = 0; } #endif #ifndef FIX_BUGS CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); //unused #endif CCam *cam = &TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam]; ASSERT(cam!=nil); CVector source = cam->Source; CVector dir = cam->Front; if ( DotProduct(dir, CVector(0.0f, -0.9894f, 0.145f)) > 0.997f ) CCoronas::MoonSize = (CCoronas::MoonSize+1) & 7; dir.Normalise(); dir *= 16.0f; #ifdef SECUROM if (sniperPirateCheck) return true; #endif CBulletInfo::AddBullet(shooter, m_eWeaponType, source, dir); if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) { CPad::GetPad(0)->StartShake_Distance(240, 128, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().x, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().y, FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition().z); CParticle::HandleShootableBirdsStuff(shooter, source); CamShakeNoPos(&TheCamera, 0.2f); } if ( shooter->IsPed() ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, shooter, (CPed*)shooter, 1000); else if ( shooter->IsVehicle() && ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_VEHICLE, shooter, ((CVehicle*)shooter)->pDriver, 1000); return true; } bool CWeapon::TakePhotograph(CEntity *shooter) { if ( TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode == CCam::MODE_CAMERA ) { CSpecialFX::bSnapShotActive = true; CSpecialFX::SnapShotFrames = 0; CStats::PhotosTaken++; bPhotographHasBeenTaken = true; for ( int32 i = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CPed *ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if ( ped ) { if ( (ped->GetPosition() - TheCamera.GetPosition()).Magnitude() < 125.0f ) { CVector pedPos = ped->GetPosition(); pedPos.z += 0.8f; CVector pos; float w, h; if ( CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(pedPos, &pos, &w, &h, false) ) { if ( SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.1f < pos.x && SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.9f > pos.x && SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.1f < pos.y && SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.9f > pos.y ) { CVector source, target; CEntity *foundEnt = nil; CColPoint foundCol; target = pedPos; source = TheCamera.GetForward() * 2.0f + TheCamera.GetPosition(); if ( CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, foundCol, foundEnt, true, true, true, true, true, true, false) ) { if ( foundEnt != (CEntity*)ped ) continue; } ped->bHasBeenPhotographed = true; } } } } } return true; } return false; } bool CWeapon::FireM16_1stPerson(CEntity *shooter) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); int16 mode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode; if (!( mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON || mode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER || mode == CCam::MODE_CAMERA || mode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER || mode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_RUNABOUT || mode == CCam::MODE_HELICANNON_1STPERSON) ) { return false; } CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = true; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; CColPoint point; CEntity *victim; CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = shooter; CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true; CCam *cam = &TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam]; ASSERT(cam!=nil); CVector source = cam->Source; CVector target = cam->Front*info->m_fRange + source; if (ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, true, false)) { CheckForShootingVehicleOccupant(&victim, &point, m_eWeaponType, source, target); } CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = nil; CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = false; CVector2D front(cam->Front.x, cam->Front.y); front.Normalise(); DoBulletImpact(shooter, victim, &source, &target, &point, front); CVector bulletPos; if ( CHeli::TestBulletCollision(&source, &target, &bulletPos, (m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M60 || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON ? 20 : 4)) ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, bulletPos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } if ( shooter == FindPlayerPed() ) { float mult; switch (m_eWeaponType) { case WEAPONTYPE_M4: mult = 0.0003f; break; case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: mult = 0.00015f; break; case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: mult = 0.0003f; break; default: mult = 0.0002f; break; } if (FindPlayerPed()->bIsDucking || FindPlayerPed()->m_attachedTo) mult *= 0.3f; TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Beta += float((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 127) - 64) * mult; TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Alpha += float((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 127) - 64) * mult; // yes, double double notFiringRate = (20.0 - info->m_nFiringRate) / 80.0; double raisedNotFiringRate = Max(1.0, Max(0.0, notFiringRate)); uint8 shakeFreq = 80.0 * raisedNotFiringRate + 130.0; CPad::GetPad(0)->StartShake(20000.0f * CTimer::GetTimeStep() / shakeFreq, shakeFreq); } return true; } bool CWeapon::FireInstantHitFromCar(CVehicle *shooter, bool left, bool right) { CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); CVehicleModelInfo *modelInfo = shooter->GetModelInfo(); CVector source, target; if ( shooter->IsBike() ) { if ( shooter->pDriver ) { source = info->m_vecFireOffset; shooter->pDriver->TransformToNode(source, PED_HANDR); source += CTimer::GetTimeStep() * shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed; if ( left ) target = source - info->m_fRange * shooter->GetRight(); else if ( right ) target = source + info->m_fRange * shooter->GetRight(); else target = source + info->m_fRange * shooter->GetForward(); } else if ( left ) { source = shooter->GetMatrix() * CVector(-shooter->GetColModel()->boundingBox.max.x + -0.25f, float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 255) * 0.001f + modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().y - 0.05f, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().z + 0.63f); source += CTimer::GetTimeStep() * shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed; target = shooter->GetMatrix() * CVector(-info->m_fRange, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().y, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().z + 0.6f); } else if ( right ) { source = shooter->GetMatrix() * CVector(shooter->GetColModel()->boundingBox.max.x + 0.25f, float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 255) * 0.001f + modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().y - 0.18f, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().z + 0.52f); source += CTimer::GetTimeStep() * shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed; target = shooter->GetMatrix() * CVector(info->m_fRange, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().y, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().z + 0.5f); } else { source = shooter->GetMatrix() * CVector(float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 255) * 0.001f + -0.4f, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().y + shooter->GetColModel()->boundingBox.max.y + 0.2f, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().z + 0.55f); source += CTimer::GetTimeStep() * shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed; target = shooter->GetMatrix() * CVector(0.0f, info->m_fRange, modelInfo->GetFrontSeatPosn().z + 0.5f); } } else { if ( left ) source = info->m_vecFireOffset; else { source = 1.8f * info->m_vecFireOffset; source.z -= 0.1f; } shooter->pDriver->TransformToNode(source, PED_HANDR); source += CTimer::GetTimeStep() * shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed; if ( left ) target = source - info->m_fRange * shooter->GetRight(); else target = source + info->m_fRange * shooter->GetRight(); } target += CVector(float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&255)*0.01f-1.28f, float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&255)*0.01f-1.28f, float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&255)*0.01f-1.28f); DoDriveByAutoAiming(FindPlayerPed(), shooter, &source, &target); CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, FindPlayerPed(), FindPlayerPed(), 1000); if ( !TheCamera.GetLookingLRBFirstPerson() ) { if ( !shooter->IsBike() ) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH, source, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); else CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, source, 1.4f*shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed); } else CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH_NOANIM, source, 1.6f*shooter->m_vecMoveSpeed, nil, 0.18f); CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_GUNSHOT, EVENT_ENTITY_VEHICLE, shooter, FindPlayerPed(), 1000); CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, source, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NONE, false); CColPoint point; CEntity *victim; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true; CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = shooter; ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, true, false); CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = NULL; CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false; if ( !(CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 3) ) MakePedsJumpAtShot(shooter, &source, &target); if ( victim ) { CVector traceTarget = point.point; CBulletTraces::AddTrace(&source, &traceTarget, m_eWeaponType, shooter); if ( victim->IsPed() ) { CPed *victimPed = (CPed*)victim; if ( !victimPed->DyingOrDead() && victim != (CEntity *)shooter ) { CVector pos = victimPed->GetPosition(); CVector2D posOffset(source.x-pos.x, source.y-pos.y); int32 localDir = victimPed->GetLocalDirection(posOffset); victimPed->ReactToAttack(FindPlayerPed()); victimPed->ClearAttackByRemovingAnim(); CAnimBlendAssociation *asoc = CAnimManager::AddAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HITBYGUN_FRONT + localDir)); ASSERT(asoc!=nil); asoc->blendAmount = 0.0f; asoc->blendDelta = 8.0f; victimPed->InflictDamage(shooter, WEAPONTYPE_UZI_DRIVEBY, 3*info->m_nDamage, (ePedPieceTypes)point.pieceB, localDir); pos.z += 0.8f; if ( victimPed->GetIsOnScreen() ) { if ( CGame::nastyGame ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { CVector dir; dir.x = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f); dir.y = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f); dir.z = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, pos, dir); } } } if ( victimPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP ) CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_SHOOT_COP, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victimPed, FindPlayerPed(), 10000); else CEventList::RegisterEvent(EVENT_SHOOT_PED, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, victimPed, FindPlayerPed(), 10000); } } else if ( victim->IsVehicle() ) ((CVehicle *)victim)->InflictDamage(FindPlayerPed(), WEAPONTYPE_UZI_DRIVEBY, info->m_nDamage); else CGlass::WasGlassHitByBullet(victim, point.point); switch ( victim->GetType() ) { case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_1, point.point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: { DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_VEHICLE, 1.0f); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: { DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_PED, 1.0f); ((CPed*)victim)->Say(SOUND_PED_BULLET_HIT); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_2, point.point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_3, point.point); break; } default: break; } } else { float norm = 30.0f/info->m_fRange; CVector traceTarget = (target-source)*norm + source; CBulletTraces::AddTrace(&source, &traceTarget, m_eWeaponType, shooter); } if ( shooter == FindPlayerVehicle() ) CPad::GetPad(0)->StartShake_Distance(240, 128, FindPlayerVehicle()->GetPosition().x, FindPlayerVehicle()->GetPosition().y, FindPlayerVehicle()->GetPosition().z); return true; } void CWeapon::DoDoomAiming(CEntity *shooter, CVector *source, CVector *target) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(source!=nil); ASSERT(target !=nil); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CEntity entity; // unused #endif CPed *shooterPed = (CPed*)shooter; int16 lastEntity; CEntity *entities[16]; CWorld::FindObjectsInRange(*source, (*target-*source).Magnitude(), true, &lastEntity, 15, entities, false, true, true, false, false); float closestEntityDist = 10000.0f; int16 closestEntity; for ( int32 i = 0; i < lastEntity; i++ ) { CEntity *victim = entities[i]; ASSERT(victim!=nil); if ( (CEntity*)shooterPed != victim && shooterPed->CanSeeEntity(victim, DEGTORAD(22.5f)) ) { if ( !(victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_TRAIN_MOVING || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_TRAIN_NOT_MOVING || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_HELI || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_PLANE || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_WRECKED) ) { float distToVictim = (shooterPed->GetPosition()-victim->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D(); float distToVictimZ = Abs(shooterPed->GetPosition().z-victim->GetPosition().z); if ( 1.5f*distToVictimZ < distToVictim ) { float entityDist = Sqrt(SQR(distToVictim) + SQR(distToVictimZ)); if ( entityDist < closestEntityDist ) { closestEntityDist = entityDist; closestEntity = i; } } } } } CColPoint foundCol; CEntity *foundEnt; if (closestEntityDist < DOOMAUTOAIMING_MAXDIST && !CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*source, entities[closestEntity]->GetPosition(), foundCol, foundEnt, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true)) { CEntity *victim = entities[closestEntity]; ASSERT(victim !=nil); float distToTarget = (*target - *source).Magnitude2D(); float distToSource = (victim->GetPosition() - *source).Magnitude2D(); float victimZ = victim->GetPosition().z + 0.3f; if ( victim->IsPed() ) { if ( ((CPed*)victim)->bIsDucking ) victimZ -= 0.8f; } (*target).z = (distToTarget / distToSource) * (victimZ - (*source).z) + (*source).z; } } void CWeapon::DoTankDoomAiming(CEntity *shooter, CEntity *driver, CVector *source, CVector *target) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(driver!=nil); ASSERT(source!=nil); ASSERT(target!=nil); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CEntity entity; // unused #endif int16 lastEntity; CEntity *entities[16]; CWorld::FindObjectsInRange(*source, (*target-*source).Magnitude(), true, &lastEntity, 15, entities, false, true, false, false, false); float closestEntityDist = 10000.0f; int16 closestEntity; float normZ = (target->z - source->z) / (*target-*source).Magnitude(); for ( int32 i = 0; i < lastEntity; i++ ) { CEntity *victim = entities[i]; ASSERT(victim!=nil); if ( shooter != victim && driver != victim ) { if ( !(victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_TRAIN_MOVING || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_TRAIN_NOT_MOVING || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_HELI || victim->GetStatus() == STATUS_PLANE) ) { if ( !(victim->IsVehicle() && victim->bRenderScorched) ) { float distToVictim = (shooter->GetPosition()-victim->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D(); float distToVictimZ = Abs(shooter->GetPosition().z - (distToVictim*normZ + victim->GetPosition().z)); if ( 3.0f*distToVictimZ < distToVictim ) { CVector tmp = CVector(victim->GetPosition().x, victim->GetPosition().y, 0.0f); if ( CCollision::DistToLine(source, target, &tmp) < victim->GetBoundRadius()*3.0f ) { float vehicleDist = Sqrt(SQR(distToVictim) + SQR(distToVictimZ)); if ( vehicleDist < closestEntityDist ) { closestEntityDist = vehicleDist; closestEntity = i; } } } } } } } if ( closestEntityDist < DOOMAUTOAIMING_MAXDIST ) { CEntity *victim = entities[closestEntity]; ASSERT(victim!=nil); float distToTarget = (*target - *source).Magnitude2D(); float distToSource = (victim->GetPosition() - *source).Magnitude2D(); (*target).z = (distToTarget / distToSource) * (0.3f + victim->GetPosition().z - (*source).z) + (*source).z; } } void CWeapon::DoDriveByAutoAiming(CEntity *driver, CVehicle *vehicle, CVector *source, CVector *target) { ASSERT(driver!=nil); ASSERT(source!=nil); ASSERT(target!=nil); #ifndef FIX_BUGS CEntity entity; // unused #endif CPed *shooterPed = (CPed*)driver; int16 lastEntity; CEntity *peds[16]; CWorld::FindObjectsInRange(*source, (*target-*source).Magnitude(), true, &lastEntity, 15, peds, false, false, true, false, false); float closestEntityDist = 10000.0f; int16 closestEntity; for ( int32 i = 0; i < lastEntity; i++ ) { CPed *victim = (CPed*)peds[i]; ASSERT(victim!=nil); if (driver != victim && !victim->DyingOrDead() && victim->m_attachedTo != vehicle) { float lineDist = CCollision::DistToLine(source, target, &victim->GetPosition()); uint32 model = vehicle->GetModelIndex(); float pedDist; if (model == MI_HUNTER || model == MI_SEASPAR || model == MI_SPARROW) { float distToVictim = (victim->GetPosition() - vehicle->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); pedDist = lineDist / Max(5.f, distToVictim); } else { float distToVictim = (victim->GetPosition() - driver->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); pedDist = 0.15f * distToVictim + lineDist; } if ( DotProduct((*target-*source), victim->GetPosition()-*source) > 0.0f && pedDist < closestEntityDist) { closestEntity = i; closestEntityDist = pedDist; } } } uint32 model = vehicle->GetModelIndex(); float maxAimDistance = CAR_DRIVEBYAUTOAIMING_MAXDIST; if (model == MI_HUNTER) { maxAimDistance = Tan(DEGTORAD(fHunterAimingAngle)); } else if (model == MI_SEASPAR || model == MI_SPARROW) { maxAimDistance = Tan(DEGTORAD(fSeaSparrowAimingAngle)); } if ( closestEntityDist < maxAimDistance ) { CEntity *victim = peds[closestEntity]; ASSERT(victim!=nil); float distToTarget = (*source - *target).Magnitude(); float distToSource = (*source - victim->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); *target = (distToTarget / distToSource) * (victim->GetPosition() - *source) + *source; } } void CWeapon::Reload(void) { if (m_nAmmoTotal == 0) return; CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); if (m_nAmmoTotal >= info->m_nAmountofAmmunition) m_nAmmoInClip = info->m_nAmountofAmmunition; else m_nAmmoInClip = m_nAmmoTotal; } void CWeapon::Update(int32 audioEntity, CPed *pedToAdjustSound) { CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); switch ( m_eWeaponState ) { case WEAPONSTATE_MELEE_MADECONTACT: { m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; break; } case WEAPONSTATE_FIRING: { if ( IsShotgun(m_eWeaponType) && AEHANDLE_IS_OK(audioEntity) ) { uint32 timePassed = m_nTimer - CWeaponInfo::ms_aReloadSampleTime[m_eWeaponType]; if ( CTimer::GetPreviousTimeInMilliseconds() < timePassed && CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() >= timePassed ) DMAudio.PlayOneShot(audioEntity, SOUND_WEAPON_RELOAD, 0.0f); } if ( CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > m_nTimer ) { if ( GetInfo()->m_eWeaponFire != WEAPON_FIRE_MELEE && m_nAmmoTotal == 0 ) { m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_OUT_OF_AMMO; CPickups::RemoveAllPickupsOfACertainWeaponGroupWithNoAmmo(m_eWeaponType); } else m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; } break; } case WEAPONSTATE_RELOADING: { if ( AEHANDLE_IS_OK(audioEntity) && m_eWeaponType < WEAPONTYPE_TOTALWEAPONS) { CAnimBlendAssociation *reloadAssoc = nil; if (pedToAdjustSound) { if (CPed::GetReloadAnim(info) && (!CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_bFastReload || !pedToAdjustSound->IsPlayer())) { reloadAssoc = RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation(pedToAdjustSound->GetClump(), CPed::GetReloadAnim(info)); if (!reloadAssoc) { reloadAssoc = RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation(pedToAdjustSound->GetClump(), CPed::GetCrouchReloadAnim(info)); } } } if (reloadAssoc && reloadAssoc->IsRunning() && reloadAssoc->blendAmount > 0.2f) { float soundStart = 0.75f; switch (info->m_AnimToPlay) { case ASSOCGRP_PYTHON: soundStart = fReloadAnimSampleFraction[0]; break; case ASSOCGRP_COLT: case ASSOCGRP_TEC: soundStart = fReloadAnimSampleFraction[1]; break; case ASSOCGRP_UZI: soundStart = fReloadAnimSampleFraction[2]; break; case ASSOCGRP_RIFLE: soundStart = fReloadAnimSampleFraction[3]; break; case ASSOCGRP_M60: soundStart = fReloadAnimSampleFraction[4]; break; default: break; } if (reloadAssoc->GetProgress() >= soundStart && (reloadAssoc->currentTime - reloadAssoc->timeStep) / reloadAssoc->hierarchy->totalLength < soundStart) DMAudio.PlayOneShot(audioEntity, SOUND_WEAPON_RELOAD, m_eWeaponType); if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > m_nTimer && reloadAssoc->GetProgress() < 0.9f) { m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); } } else { uint32 timePassed = m_nTimer - CWeaponInfo::ms_aReloadSampleTime[m_eWeaponType]; if (CTimer::GetPreviousTimeInMilliseconds() < timePassed && CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() >= timePassed) DMAudio.PlayOneShot(audioEntity, SOUND_WEAPON_RELOAD, m_eWeaponType); } } if ( CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > m_nTimer ) { Reload(); m_eWeaponState = WEAPONSTATE_READY; } break; } default: break; } } void FireOneInstantHitRound(CVector *source, CVector *target, int32 damage) { ASSERT(source!=nil); ASSERT(target!=nil); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_GUNFLASH, *source, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, *source, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 5.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NONE, false); CColPoint point; CEntity *victim; CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*source, *target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, true, false); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_HELI_ATTACK, *source, ((*target) - (*source)) * 0.15f); if ( victim ) { if ( victim->IsPed() ) { CPed *victimPed = (CPed *)victim; if ( !victimPed->DyingOrDead() ) { CVector pos = victimPed->GetPosition(); CVector2D posOffset((*source).x-pos.x, (*source).y-pos.y); int32 localDir = victimPed->GetLocalDirection(posOffset); victimPed->ClearAttackByRemovingAnim(); CAnimBlendAssociation *asoc = CAnimManager::AddAnimation(victimPed->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, AnimationId(ANIM_STD_HITBYGUN_FRONT + localDir)); ASSERT(asoc!=nil); asoc->blendAmount = 0.0f; asoc->blendDelta = 8.0f; victimPed->InflictDamage(nil, WEAPONTYPE_UZI, damage, (ePedPieceTypes)point.pieceB, localDir); pos.z += 0.8f; if ( victimPed->GetIsOnScreen() ) { if ( CGame::nastyGame ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { CVector dir; dir.x = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f); dir.y = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f); dir.z = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-0.1f, 0.1f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD, pos, dir); } } } } } else if ( victim->IsVehicle() ) ((CVehicle *)victim)->InflictDamage(nil, WEAPONTYPE_UZI, damage); //BUG ? no CGlass::WasGlassHitByBullet switch ( victim->GetType() ) { case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_1, point.point); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SMOKE, point.point, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f)); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_VEHICLE, 1.0f); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; DMAudio.PlayOneShot(((CPhysical*)victim)->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_HIT_PED, 1.0f); ((CPed*)victim)->Say(SOUND_PED_BULLET_HIT); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: { CStats::BulletsThatHit++; PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_2, point.point); break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: { PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_GROUND_3, point.point); break; } default: break; } } else { float waterLevel; if ( CWaterLevel::GetWaterLevel((*target).x, (*target).y, (*target).z + 10.0f, &waterLevel, false) ) { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BOAT_SPLASH, CVector((*target).x, (*target).y, waterLevel), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f)); PlayOneShotScriptObject(SCRIPT_SOUND_BULLET_HIT_WATER, point.point); // no sound(empty) } } } bool CWeapon::IsTypeMelee(void) { return CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType)->m_eWeaponFire == WEAPON_FIRE_MELEE; } bool CWeapon::IsType2Handed(void) { return m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_FLAMETHROWER || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M60 || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M4 || IsShotgun(m_eWeaponType) || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_RUGER || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE || m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPE; } void CWeapon::MakePedsJumpAtShot(CPhysical *shooter, CVector *source, CVector *target) { ASSERT(shooter!=nil); ASSERT(source!=nil); ASSERT(target!=nil); float minx = Min(source->x, target->x) - 2.0f; float maxx = Max(source->x, target->x) + 2.0f; float miny = Min(source->y, target->y) - 2.0f; float maxy = Max(source->y, target->y) + 2.0f; float minz = Min(source->z, target->z) - 2.0f; float maxz = Max(source->z, target->z) + 2.0f; for ( int32 i = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CPed *ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if ( ped ) { if ( ped->GetPosition().x > minx && ped->GetPosition().x < maxx && ped->GetPosition().y > miny && ped->GetPosition().y < maxy && ped->GetPosition().z > minz && ped->GetPosition().z < maxz ) { if ( ped != FindPlayerPed() && !((uint8)(ped->m_randomSeed ^ CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()) & 31) ) ped->SetEvasiveDive(shooter, 1); } } } } bool CWeapon::HitsGround(CEntity *holder, CVector *fireSource, CEntity *aimingTo) { ASSERT(holder!=nil); ASSERT(aimingTo!=nil); if (!holder->IsPed() || !((CPed*)holder)->m_pSeekTarget) return false; CWeaponInfo *info = GetInfo(); CVector adjustedOffset = info->m_vecFireOffset; adjustedOffset.z += 0.6f; CVector source, target; CEntity *foundEnt = nil; CColPoint foundCol; if (fireSource) source = *fireSource; else source = holder->GetMatrix() * adjustedOffset; CEntity *aimEntity = aimingTo ? aimingTo : ((CPed*)holder)->m_pSeekTarget; ASSERT(aimEntity!=nil); target = aimEntity->GetPosition(); target.z += 0.6f; CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, foundCol, foundEnt, true, false, false, false, false, false, false); if (foundEnt && foundEnt->IsBuilding()) { // That was supposed to be Magnitude, according to leftover code in assembly float diff = (foundCol.point.z - source.z); if (diff < 0.0f && diff > -3.0f) return true; } return false; } void CWeapon::BlowUpExplosiveThings(CEntity *thing) { if ( thing ) { CObject *object = (CObject*)thing; int32 mi = object->GetModelIndex(); if ( IsExplosiveThingModel(mi) && !object->bHasBeenDamaged && object->IsObject() ) { object->bHasBeenDamaged = true; CExplosion::AddExplosion(object, FindPlayerPed(), EXPLOSION_BARREL, object->GetPosition()+CVector(0.0f,0.0f,0.5f), 100); if ( MI_EXPLODINGBARREL == mi ) object->m_vecMoveSpeed.z += 0.55f; else object->m_vecMoveSpeed.z += 0.45f; object->m_vecMoveSpeed.x += float((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&255) - 128) * 0.0002f; object->m_vecMoveSpeed.y += float((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&255) - 128) * 0.0002f; if ( object->GetIsStatic()) { object->SetIsStatic(false); object->AddToMovingList(); } } } } bool CWeapon::HasWeaponAmmoToBeUsed(void) { // FIX: This is better (not bug tho) //#if 0 if (m_eWeaponType <= WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW) //#else // if (CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(m_eWeaponType)->m_eWeaponFire == WEAPON_FIRE_MELEE) //#endif return true; else return m_nAmmoTotal != 0; } bool CPed::IsPedDoingDriveByShooting(void) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (FindPlayerPed() == this && CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(GetWeapon()->m_eWeaponType)->m_nWeaponSlot == WEAPONSLOT_SUBMACHINEGUN) { #else if (FindPlayerPed() == this && GetWeapon()->m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_UZI) { #endif if (TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].LookingLeft || TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].LookingRight) return true; } return false; } bool CWeapon::ProcessLineOfSight(CVector const &point1, CVector const &point2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, eWeaponType type, CEntity *shooter, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { return CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(point1, point2, point, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, false, ignoreSomeObjects, true); } void CWeapon::CheckForShootingVehicleOccupant(CEntity **victim, CColPoint *point, eWeaponType weapon, CVector const& source, CVector const& target) { if (!(*victim)->IsVehicle()) return; CColSphere headSphere; CVehicle *veh = (CVehicle*)*victim; CColPoint origPoint(*point); float radius = 1.0f; bool found = false; CColLine shootLine(source, target); if (veh->pDriver && veh->pDriver->bCanBeShotInVehicle) { CVector pos(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); veh->pDriver->TransformToNode(pos, PED_HEAD); headSphere.Set(0.2f, pos + CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.1f), 0, PEDPIECE_HEAD); if (CCollision::ProcessLineSphere(shootLine, headSphere, *point, radius)) { *victim = veh->pDriver; found = true; } } for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(veh->pPassengers); i++) { CPed *passenger = veh->pPassengers[i]; if (passenger && passenger->bCanBeShotInVehicle) { CVector pos(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); passenger->TransformToNode(pos, PED_HEAD); headSphere.Set(0.2f, pos + CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.1f), 0, PEDPIECE_HEAD); if (CCollision::ProcessLineSphere(shootLine, headSphere, *point, radius)) { *victim = passenger; found = true; } } } if (veh->IsCar()) { CVector distVec = target - source; if (DotProduct(distVec, veh->GetForward()) < 0.0f && DotProduct(distVec, veh->GetUp()) <= 0.0f) { CColModel *colModel = veh->GetColModel(); if (colModel->numTriangles > 0) { bool passesGlass = false; CMatrix invVehMat; Invert(veh->GetMatrix(), invVehMat); shootLine.p0 = invVehMat * shootLine.p0; shootLine.p1 = invVehMat * shootLine.p1; CCollision::CalculateTrianglePlanes(colModel); for (int i = 0; i < colModel->numTriangles; i++) { if (colModel->triangles[i].surface == SURFACE_GLASS && CCollision::TestLineTriangle(shootLine, colModel->vertices, colModel->triangles[i], colModel->trianglePlanes[i])) { passesGlass = true; break; } } CAutomobile *car = (CAutomobile*)veh; // No need to damage windscreen if there isn't one. if (passesGlass && car->Damage.ProgressPanelDamage(VEHPANEL_WINDSCREEN)) { if (car->Damage.GetPanelStatus(VEHPANEL_WINDSCREEN) == PANEL_STATUS_SMASHED2) car->Damage.ProgressPanelDamage(VEHPANEL_WINDSCREEN); car->SetPanelDamage(CAR_WINDSCREEN, VEHPANEL_WINDSCREEN, true); DMAudio.PlayOneShot(veh->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_CAR_WINDSHIELD_CRACK, 0.f); } } } } if (!found) { *victim = veh; *point = origPoint; } } #ifdef COMPATIBLE_SAVES #define CopyFromBuf(buf, data) memcpy(&data, buf, sizeof(data)); SkipSaveBuf(buf, sizeof(data)); #define CopyToBuf(buf, data) memcpy(buf, &data, sizeof(data)); SkipSaveBuf(buf, sizeof(data)); void CWeapon::Save(uint8*& buf) { CopyToBuf(buf, m_eWeaponType); CopyToBuf(buf, m_eWeaponState); CopyToBuf(buf, m_nAmmoInClip); CopyToBuf(buf, m_nAmmoTotal); CopyToBuf(buf, m_nTimer); CopyToBuf(buf, m_bAddRotOffset); ZeroSaveBuf(buf, 3); } void CWeapon::Load(uint8*& buf) { CopyFromBuf(buf, m_eWeaponType); CopyFromBuf(buf, m_eWeaponState); CopyFromBuf(buf, m_nAmmoInClip); CopyFromBuf(buf, m_nAmmoTotal); CopyFromBuf(buf, m_nTimer); CopyFromBuf(buf, m_bAddRotOffset); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 3); } #undef CopyFromBuf #undef CopyToBuf #endif