#pragma once #include "Physical.h" #include "AutoPilot.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "AnimManager.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "HandlingMgr.h" class CPed; class CFire; struct tHandlingData; enum { RANDOM_VEHICLE = 1, MISSION_VEHICLE = 2, PARKED_VEHICLE = 3, PERMANENT_VEHICLE = 4, }; enum eCarLock { CARLOCK_NOT_USED, CARLOCK_UNLOCKED, CARLOCK_LOCKED, CARLOCK_LOCKOUT_PLAYER_ONLY, CARLOCK_LOCKED_PLAYER_INSIDE, CARLOCK_LOCKED_INITIALLY, CARLOCK_FORCE_SHUT_DOORS, CARLOCK_SKIP_SHUT_DOORS }; enum { BOAT_POS_FRONTSEAT }; enum eDoors { DOOR_BONNET = 0, DOOR_BOOT, DOOR_FRONT_LEFT, DOOR_FRONT_RIGHT, DOOR_REAR_LEFT, DOOR_REAR_RIGHT }; enum ePanels { VEHPANEL_FRONT_LEFT, VEHPANEL_FRONT_RIGHT, VEHPANEL_REAR_LEFT, VEHPANEL_REAR_RIGHT, VEHPANEL_WINDSCREEN, VEHBUMPER_FRONT, VEHBUMPER_REAR, }; enum eLights { VEHLIGHT_FRONT_LEFT, VEHLIGHT_FRONT_RIGHT, VEHLIGHT_REAR_LEFT, VEHLIGHT_REAR_RIGHT, }; enum eWheels { VEHWHEEL_FRONT_LEFT, VEHWHEEL_FRONT_RIGHT, VEHWHEEL_REAR_LEFT, VEHWHEEL_REAR_RIGHT, }; enum { CAR_PIECE_BONNET = 1, CAR_PIECE_BOOT, CAR_PIECE_BUMP_FRONT, CAR_PIECE_BUMP_REAR, CAR_PIECE_DOOR_LF, CAR_PIECE_DOOR_RF, CAR_PIECE_DOOR_LR, CAR_PIECE_DOOR_RR, CAR_PIECE_WING_LF, CAR_PIECE_WING_RF, CAR_PIECE_WING_LR, CAR_PIECE_WING_RR, CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF, CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LR, CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_RF, CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_RR, CAR_PIECE_WINDSCREEN, }; enum tWheelState { WHEEL_STATE_NORMAL, // standing still or rolling normally WHEEL_STATE_SPINNING, // rotating but not moving WHEEL_STATE_SKIDDING, WHEEL_STATE_FIXED, // not rotating }; enum eFlightModel { FLIGHT_MODEL_DODO, // not used in III FLIGHT_MODEL_RCPLANE, FLIGHT_MODEL_HELI, FLIGHT_MODEL_SEAPLANE }; enum eVehicleAppearance { VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_NONE, VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_CAR, VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_BIKE, VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_HELI, VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_BOAT, VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_PLANE, }; class CVehicle : public CPhysical { public: tHandlingData *pHandling; CAutoPilot AutoPilot; uint8 m_currentColour1; uint8 m_currentColour2; uint8 m_aExtras[2]; int16 m_nAlarmState; int16 m_nRouteSeed; CPed *pDriver; CPed *pPassengers[8]; uint8 m_nNumPassengers; int8 m_nNumGettingIn; int8 m_nGettingInFlags; int8 m_nGettingOutFlags; uint8 m_nNumMaxPassengers; float field_1D0[4]; CEntity *m_pCurGroundEntity; CFire *m_pCarFire; float m_fSteerAngle; float m_fGasPedal; float m_fBrakePedal; uint8 VehicleCreatedBy; // cf. https://github.com/DK22Pac/plugin-sdk/blob/master/plugin_sa/game_sa/CVehicle.h from R* uint8 bIsLawEnforcer: 1; // Is this guy chasing the player at the moment uint8 bIsAmbulanceOnDuty: 1; // Ambulance trying to get to an accident uint8 bIsFireTruckOnDuty: 1; // Firetruck trying to get to a fire uint8 bIsLocked: 1; // Is this guy locked by the script (cannot be removed) uint8 bEngineOn: 1; // For sound purposes. Parked cars have their engines switched off (so do destroyed cars) uint8 bIsHandbrakeOn: 1; // How's the handbrake doing ? uint8 bLightsOn: 1; // Are the lights switched on ? uint8 bFreebies: 1; // Any freebies left in this vehicle ? uint8 bIsVan: 1; // Is this vehicle a van (doors at back of vehicle) uint8 bIsBus: 1; // Is this vehicle a bus uint8 bIsBig: 1; // Is this vehicle a bus uint8 bLowVehicle: 1; // Need this for sporty type cars to use low getting-in/out anims uint8 bComedyControls : 1; // Will make the car hard to control (hopefully in a funny way) uint8 bWarnedPeds : 1; // Has scan and warn peds of danger been processed? uint8 bCraneMessageDone : 1; // A crane message has been printed for this car allready uint8 bExtendedRange : 1; // This vehicle needs to be a bit further away to get deleted uint8 bTakeLessDamage : 1; // This vehicle is stronger (takes about 1/4 of damage) uint8 bIsDamaged : 1; // This vehicle has been damaged and is displaying all its components uint8 bHasBeenOwnedByPlayer : 1;// To work out whether stealing it is a crime uint8 bFadeOut : 1; // Fade vehicle out uint8 bIsBeingCarJacked : 1; // Fade vehicle out uint8 bCreateRoadBlockPeds : 1; // If this vehicle gets close enough we will create peds (coppers or gang members) round it uint8 bCanBeDamaged : 1; // Set to FALSE during cut scenes to avoid explosions uint8 bUsingSpecialColModel : 1;// Is player vehicle using special collision model, stored in player strucure uint8 bOccupantsHaveBeenGenerated : 1; // Is true if the occupants have already been generated. (Shouldn't happen again) uint8 bGunSwitchedOff : 1; // Level designers can use this to switch off guns on boats uint8 bVehicleColProcessed : 1;// Has ProcessEntityCollision been processed for this car? uint8 bIsCarParkVehicle : 1; // Car has been created using the special CAR_PARK script command uint8 bHasAlreadyBeenRecorded : 1; // Used for replays uint8 bPartOfConvoy : 1; uint8 bHeliMinimumTilt : 1; // This heli should have almost no tilt really //uint8 bAudioChangingGear : 1; // sounds like vehicle is changing gear uint8 bIsDrowning : 1; // is vehicle occupants taking damage in water (i.e. vehicle is dead in water) uint8 bTyresDontBurst : 1; // If this is set the tyres are invincible uint8 bCreatedAsPoliceVehicle : 1;// True if this guy was created as a police vehicle (enforcer, policecar, miamivice car etc) uint8 bRestingOnPhysical : 1; // Dont go static cause car is sitting on a physical object that might get removed uint8 bParking : 1; //uint8 bCanPark : 1; uint8 m_bombType : 3; int8 m_numPedsUseItAsCover; uint8 m_nAmmoInClip; // Used to make the guns on boat do a reload (20 by default) int8 m_nPacManPickupsCarried; uint8 m_nRoadblockType; int16 m_nRoadblockNode; float m_fHealth; // 1000.0f = full health. 250.0f = fire. 0 -> explode uint8 m_nCurrentGear; float m_fChangeGearTime; CEntity* m_pBombRigger; uint32 m_nGunFiringTime; // last time when gun on vehicle was fired (used on boats) uint32 m_nTimeOfDeath; uint16 m_nTimeBlocked; int16 m_nBombTimer; // goes down with each frame CEntity *m_pBlowUpEntity; float m_fMapObjectHeightAhead; // front Z? float m_fMapObjectHeightBehind; // rear Z? eCarLock m_nDoorLock; int8 m_nLastWeaponDamage; // see eWeaponType, -1 if no damage CEntity *m_pLastDamageEntity; int8 m_nRadioStation; uint8 m_bRainAudioCounter; uint8 m_bRainSamplesCounter; uint8 m_nCarHornTimer; uint8 m_nCarHornPattern; bool m_bSirenOrAlarm; uint8 m_nCarHornDelay; int8 m_comedyControlState; CStoredCollPoly m_aCollPolys[2]; // poly which is under front/rear part of car float m_fSteerRatio; eVehicleType m_vehType; static void *operator new(size_t); static void *operator new(size_t sz, int slot); static void operator delete(void*, size_t); static void operator delete(void*, int); CVehicle(void) {} // FAKE CVehicle(uint8 CreatedBy); ~CVehicle(void); // from CEntity void SetModelIndex(uint32 id); bool SetupLighting(void); void RemoveLighting(bool); void FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(void) {} virtual void ProcessControlInputs(uint8) {} virtual void GetComponentWorldPosition(int32 component, CVector &pos) {} virtual bool IsComponentPresent(int32 component) { return false; } virtual void SetComponentRotation(int32 component, CVector rotation) {} virtual void OpenDoor(int32, eDoors door, float) {} virtual void ProcessOpenDoor(uint32, uint32, float) {} virtual bool IsDoorReady(eDoors door) { return false; } virtual bool IsDoorFullyOpen(eDoors door) { return false; } virtual bool IsDoorClosed(eDoors door) { return false; } virtual bool IsDoorMissing(eDoors door) { return false; } virtual void RemoveRefsToVehicle(CEntity *ent) {} virtual void BlowUpCar(CEntity *ent) {} virtual bool SetUpWheelColModel(CColModel *colModel) { return false; } virtual void BurstTyre(uint8 tyre) {} virtual bool IsRoomForPedToLeaveCar(uint32 component, CVector *forcedDoorPos) { return false;} virtual float GetHeightAboveRoad(void); virtual void PlayCarHorn(void) {} #ifdef COMPATIBLE_SAVES virtual void Save(uint8*& buf); virtual void Load(uint8*& buf); #endif eVehicleAppearance GetVehicleAppearance(void); bool IsCar(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR; } bool IsBoat(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT; } bool IsTrain(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_TRAIN; } bool IsHeli(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI; } bool IsPlane(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE; } bool IsBike(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_BIKE; } void FlyingControl(eFlightModel flightModel); void ProcessWheel(CVector &wheelFwd, CVector &wheelRight, CVector &wheelContactSpeed, CVector &wheelContactPoint, int32 wheelsOnGround, float thrust, float brake, float adhesion, int8 wheelId, float *wheelSpeed, tWheelState *wheelState, uint16 wheelStatus); void ExtinguishCarFire(void); void ProcessDelayedExplosion(void); float ProcessWheelRotation(tWheelState state, const CVector &fwd, const CVector &speed, float radius); bool IsLawEnforcementVehicle(void); void ChangeLawEnforcerState(uint8 enable); bool UsesSiren(uint32 id); bool IsVehicleNormal(void); bool CarHasRoof(void); bool IsUpsideDown(void); bool IsOnItsSide(void); bool CanBeDeleted(void); bool CanPedOpenLocks(CPed *ped); bool CanPedEnterCar(void); bool CanPedExitCar(void); // do these two actually return something? CPed *SetUpDriver(void); CPed *SetupPassenger(int n); void SetDriver(CPed *driver); bool AddPassenger(CPed *passenger); bool AddPassenger(CPed *passenger, uint8 n); void RemovePassenger(CPed *passenger); void RemoveDriver(void); void ProcessCarAlarm(void); bool IsSphereTouchingVehicle(float sx, float sy, float sz, float radius); bool ShufflePassengersToMakeSpace(void); void InflictDamage(CEntity *damagedBy, eWeaponType weaponType, float damage); void DoFixedMachineGuns(void); void FireFixedMachineGuns(void); bool IsAlarmOn(void) { return m_nAlarmState != 0 && m_nAlarmState != -1; } CVehicleModelInfo* GetModelInfo() { return (CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(GetModelIndex()); } bool IsTaxi(void) { return GetModelIndex() == MI_TAXI || GetModelIndex() == MI_CABBIE || GetModelIndex() == MI_ZEBRA || GetModelIndex() == MI_KAUFMAN; } bool IsRealHeli(void) { return !!(pHandling->Flags & HANDLING_IS_HELI); } static bool bWheelsOnlyCheat; static bool bAllDodosCheat; static bool bCheat3; static bool bCheat4; static bool bCheat5; #ifdef ALT_DODO_CHEAT static bool bAltDodoCheat; #endif static bool m_bDisableMouseSteering; static bool bDisableRemoteDetonation; static bool bDisableRemoteDetonationOnContact; }; void DestroyVehicleAndDriverAndPassengers(CVehicle* pVehicle); bool IsVehiclePointerValid(CVehicle* pVehicle);