#include "common.h" #include "main.h" #include "General.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "Bike.h" #include "Automobile.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "HandlingMgr.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "Population.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "World.h" #include "Lights.h" #include "PointLights.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "VisibilityPlugins.h" #include "DMAudio.h" #include "Radar.h" #include "Fire.h" #include "Darkel.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Stats.h" #include "Garages.h" #include "Wanted.h" #include "SurfaceTable.h" #include "Particle.h" #include "WaterLevel.h" #include "Timecycle.h" #include "Weather.h" #include "Coronas.h" bool CVehicle::bWheelsOnlyCheat; bool CVehicle::bAllDodosCheat; bool CVehicle::bCheat3; bool CVehicle::bCheat4; bool CVehicle::bCheat5; bool CVehicle::bCheat8; bool CVehicle::bCheat9; bool CVehicle::bCheat10; bool CVehicle::bHoverCheat; bool CVehicle::bAllTaxisHaveNitro; bool CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering = true; bool CVehicle::bDisableRemoteDetonation; bool CVehicle::bDisableRemoteDetonationOnContact; #ifndef MASTER bool CVehicle::m_bDisplayHandlingInfo; #endif void *CVehicle::operator new(size_t sz) { return CPools::GetVehiclePool()->New(); } void *CVehicle::operator new(size_t sz, int handle) { return CPools::GetVehiclePool()->New(handle); } void CVehicle::operator delete(void *p, size_t sz) { CPools::GetVehiclePool()->Delete((CVehicle*)p); } void CVehicle::operator delete(void *p, int handle) { CPools::GetVehiclePool()->Delete((CVehicle*)p); } #ifdef FIX_BUGS // I think they meant that #define DAMAGE_FLEE_IN_CAR_PROBABILITY_VALUE (MYRAND_MAX * 35 / 100) #define DAMAGE_FLEE_ON_FOOT_PROBABILITY_VALUE (MYRAND_MAX * 70 / 100) #else #define DAMAGE_FLEE_IN_CAR_PROBABILITY_VALUE (35000) #define DAMAGE_FLEE_ON_FOOT_PROBABILITY_VALUE (70000) #endif #define DAMAGE_HEALTH_TO_FLEE_ALWAYS (200.0f) #define DAMAGE_HEALTH_TO_CATCH_FIRE (250.0f) CVehicle::CVehicle(uint8 CreatedBy) { int i; m_nCurrentGear = 1; m_fChangeGearTime = 0.0f; m_fSteerInput = 0.0f; m_type = ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE; VehicleCreatedBy = CreatedBy; m_nRouteSeed = 0; bIsLocked = false; bIsLawEnforcer = false; bIsAmbulanceOnDuty = false; bIsFireTruckOnDuty = false; #ifdef FIX_BUGS bIsHandbrakeOn = false; #endif CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount(this, false); m_fHealth = 1000.0f; bEngineOn = true; bFreebies = true; pDriver = nil; m_nNumPassengers = 0; m_nNumGettingIn = 0; m_nGettingInFlags = 0; m_nGettingOutFlags = 0; m_nNumMaxPassengers = ARRAY_SIZE(pPassengers); for(i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++) pPassengers[i] = nil; m_nBombTimer = 0; m_pBlowUpEntity = nil; m_nPacManPickupsCarried = 0; bComedyControls = false; bCraneMessageDone = false; bExtendedRange = false; bTakeLessDamage = false; bIsDamaged = false; bFadeOut = false; bIsBeingCarJacked = false; m_nTimeOfDeath = 0; m_pCarFire = nil; bHasBeenOwnedByPlayer = false; bCreateRoadBlockPeds = false; bCanBeDamaged = true; bUsingSpecialColModel = false; bOccupantsHaveBeenGenerated = false; bGunSwitchedOff = false; m_nGunFiringTime = 0; m_nTimeBlocked = 0; bLightsOn = false; bVehicleColProcessed = false; m_numPedsUseItAsCover = 0; bIsCarParkVehicle = false; bHasAlreadyBeenRecorded = false; m_bSirenOrAlarm = false; m_nCarHornTimer = 0; m_nCarHornPattern = 0; m_nCarHornDelay = 0; bPartOfConvoy = false; bHeliMinimumTilt = false; bAudioChangingGear = false; bIsDrowning = false; bTyresDontBurst = false; bCreatedAsPoliceVehicle = false; bRestingOnPhysical = false; bParking = false; bCanPark = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 1.0f) < 0.0f; // never true. probably doesn't work very well bIsVan = false; bIsBus = false; bIsBig = false; bLowVehicle = false; m_bombType = CARBOMB_NONE; bDriverLastFrame = false; m_pBombRigger = nil; m_nSetPieceExtendedRangeTime = 0; m_nAlarmState = 0; m_nDoorLock = CARLOCK_UNLOCKED; m_nLastWeaponDamage = -1; m_pLastDamageEntity = nil; m_fMapObjectHeightAhead = m_fMapObjectHeightBehind = 0.0f; m_audioEntityId = DMAudio.CreateEntity(AUDIOTYPE_PHYSICAL, this); if(m_audioEntityId >= 0) DMAudio.SetEntityStatus(m_audioEntityId, true); //m_nRadioStation = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % USERTRACK; switch(GetModelIndex()){ case MI_HUNTER: case MI_ANGEL: case MI_FREEWAY: m_nRadioStation = V_ROCK; break; case MI_RCBARON: case MI_RCBANDIT: case MI_RCRAIDER: case MI_RCGOBLIN: case MI_TOPFUN: case MI_CADDY: case MI_BAGGAGE: m_nRadioStation = RADIO_OFF; break; default: m_nRadioStation = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % USERTRACK; break; } m_pCurGroundEntity = nil; m_bRainAudioCounter = 0; m_bRainSamplesCounter = 0; m_comedyControlState = 0; m_aCollPolys[0].valid = false; m_aCollPolys[1].valid = false; AutoPilot.m_nCarMission = MISSION_NONE; AutoPilot.m_nTempAction = TEMPACT_NONE; AutoPilot.m_nTimeToStartMission = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); AutoPilot.m_bStayInCurrentLevel = false; AutoPilot.m_bIgnorePathfinding = false; AutoPilot.m_nSwitchDistance = 20; } CVehicle::~CVehicle() { m_nAlarmState = 0; if (m_audioEntityId >= 0){ DMAudio.DestroyEntity(m_audioEntityId); m_audioEntityId = -5; } CRadar::ClearBlipForEntity(BLIP_CAR, CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetIndex(this)); if (pDriver) pDriver->FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(); for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++){ if (pPassengers[i]) pPassengers[i]->FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(); } if (m_pCarFire) m_pCarFire->Extinguish(); CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount(this, true); if (bIsAmbulanceOnDuty){ CCarCtrl::NumAmbulancesOnDuty--; bIsAmbulanceOnDuty = false; } if (bIsFireTruckOnDuty){ CCarCtrl::NumFiretrucksOnDuty--; bIsFireTruckOnDuty = false; } } void CVehicle::SetModelIndex(uint32 id) { CEntity::SetModelIndex(id); m_aExtras[0] = CVehicleModelInfo::ms_compsUsed[0]; m_aExtras[1] = CVehicleModelInfo::ms_compsUsed[1]; m_nNumMaxPassengers = CVehicleModelInfo::GetMaximumNumberOfPassengersFromNumberOfDoors(id); } bool CVehicle::SetupLighting(void) { ActivateDirectional(); SetAmbientColoursForPedsCarsAndObjects(); if(bRenderScorched){ WorldReplaceNormalLightsWithScorched(Scene.world, 0.1f); }else{ CVector coors = GetPosition(); float lighting = CPointLights::GenerateLightsAffectingObject(&coors); if(lighting != 1.0f){ SetAmbientAndDirectionalColours(lighting); return true; } } return false; } void CVehicle::RemoveLighting(bool reset) { CRenderer::RemoveVehiclePedLights(this, reset); } bool CVehicle::IsClearToDriveAway(void) { CColPoint point; float length = GetColModel()->boundingBox.GetSize().y; CEntity *ent = nil; CVector front = GetForward() * (length*0.5f + 3.0f); return !CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(GetPosition() + front, GetPosition(), point, ent, true, true, false, false, false, true, true) || ent == this; } float CVehicle::GetHeightAboveRoad(void) { return -1.0f * GetColModel()->boundingBox.min.z; } void CVehicle::FlyingControl(eFlightModel flightModel) { if(pFlyingHandling == nil) return; switch(flightModel){ case FLIGHT_MODEL_DODO: { // This seems pretty magic // Move Left/Right float moveSpeed = m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude(); float sideSpeed = DotProduct(m_vecMoveSpeed, GetRight()); float sideImpulse = -1.0f * sideSpeed / moveSpeed; float fwdSpeed = DotProduct(m_vecMoveSpeed, GetForward()); float magic = m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() * sq(fwdSpeed); float turnImpulse = (sideImpulse*0.003f + m_fSteerAngle*0.001f) * magic*m_fTurnMass*CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyTurnForce(turnImpulse*GetRight(), -4.0f*GetForward()); float impulse = sideImpulse*0.2f * magic*m_fMass*CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyMoveForce(impulse*GetRight()); ApplyTurnForce(impulse*GetRight(), 2.0f*GetUp()); // Move Up/Down moveSpeed = m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude(); float upSpeed = DotProduct(m_vecMoveSpeed, GetUp()); float upImpulse = -1.0f * upSpeed / moveSpeed; turnImpulse = (upImpulse*0.002f + -CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringUpDown()/128.0f*0.001f) * magic*m_fTurnMass*CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyTurnForce(turnImpulse*GetUp(), -4.0f*GetForward()); impulse = (upImpulse*3.5f + 0.5f)*0.05f * magic*m_fMass*CTimer::GetTimeStep(); if(GRAVITY*m_fMass*CTimer::GetTimeStep() < impulse && GetPosition().z > 100.0f) impulse = 0.9f*GRAVITY*m_fMass*CTimer::GetTimeStep(); CVector com = Multiply3x3(GetMatrix(), m_vecCentreOfMass); ApplyMoveForce(impulse*GetUp()); ApplyTurnForce(impulse*GetUp(), 2.0f*GetUp() + com); m_vecTurnSpeed.y *= Pow(0.9f, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); moveSpeed = m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr(); if(moveSpeed > SQR(1.5f)) m_vecMoveSpeed *= 1.5f/Sqrt(moveSpeed); float turnSpeed = m_vecTurnSpeed.MagnitudeSqr(); if(turnSpeed > SQR(0.2f)) m_vecTurnSpeed *= 0.2f/Sqrt(turnSpeed); break; } case FLIGHT_MODEL_RCPLANE: case FLIGHT_MODEL_SEAPLANE: case FLIGHT_MODEL_PLANE_UNUSED: case FLIGHT_MODEL_PLANE: { float fSteerLR = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringLeftRight() / 128.0f; float fSteerUD = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringUpDown() / 128.0f; float fGunUD = Abs(CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunUpDown()); #ifdef FREE_CAM if(!CCamera::bFreeCam || (CCamera::bFreeCam && !CPad::IsAffectedByController)) #endif if(fGunUD > 1.0f) fSteerUD = -CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunUpDown() / 128.0f; float fSteerAngle = Atan2(fSteerUD, fSteerLR); float fSteerMult = 1.0f; if(fSteerAngle > -PI/4.0f && fSteerAngle <= PI/4.0f) fSteerMult = 1.0f/Cos(fSteerAngle); else if(fSteerAngle > PI/4.0f && fSteerAngle <= PI*3.0f/4.0f) fSteerMult = 1.0f/Cos(fSteerAngle - HALFPI); else if(fSteerAngle > PI*3.0f/4.0f) fSteerMult = 1.0f/Cos(fSteerAngle - PI); else if(fSteerAngle <= -PI*3.0f/4.0f) fSteerMult = 1.0f/Cos(fSteerAngle + PI); else if(fSteerAngle > -PI*3.0f/4.0f && fSteerAngle < -PI/4.0f) fSteerMult = 1.0f/Cos(fSteerAngle + HALFPI); fSteerLR *= fSteerMult; fSteerUD *= -fSteerMult; // thrust float fThrust = pFlyingHandling->fThrust; float fThrustFallOff = pFlyingHandling->fThrustFallOff; float fThrustFallOffBack = pFlyingHandling->fThrustFallOff * 8.0f; #ifdef BETTER_ALLCARSAREDODO_CHEAT if (bAllDodosCheat && !IsRealPlane()) { fThrust = pHandling->Transmission.fEngineAcceleration * (pHandling->Transmission.nDriveType == '4' ? 4.0f : 2.0f); fThrust = 5.0f * Max(fThrust, pFlyingHandling->fThrust); //tweak: (cars engines too weak to thrust car on air) fThrustFallOff = Min(0.7f / pHandling->Transmission.fMaxVelocity, fThrustFallOff); //tweak: (use 0.7 instead of 1.0 to make cars 30% faster) fThrustFallOffBack = -1.0f / pHandling->Transmission.fMaxReverseVelocity; } #endif float fForwSpeed = DotProduct(GetMoveSpeed(), GetForward()); CVector vecTail = GetColModel()->boundingBox.min.y * GetForward(); float fPedalState = (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetAccelerate() - CPad::GetPad(0)->GetBrake()) / 255.0f; float fThrustAccel; if(fForwSpeed > 0.0f || fPedalState > 0.0f) fThrustAccel = (fPedalState - fThrustFallOff * fForwSpeed) * fThrust; else fThrustAccel = Min(fPedalState - fThrustFallOffBack * fForwSpeed, 0.0f) * fThrust; if(flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_PLANE_UNUSED) fThrustAccel *= 0.3f; else if(flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_PLANE) fThrustAccel *= 0.1f; ApplyMoveForce(fThrustAccel * GetForward() * m_fMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep()); // left/right float fSideSpeed = -DotProduct(GetMoveSpeed(), GetRight()); float fSideSlipAccel = pFlyingHandling->fSideSlip * fSideSpeed * Abs(fSideSpeed); ApplyMoveForce(m_fMass * GetRight() * fSideSlipAccel * CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float fYaw = -DotProduct(GetSpeed(vecTail), GetRight()); float fYawAccel = pFlyingHandling->fYawStab * fYaw * Abs(fYaw) + pFlyingHandling->fYaw * fSteerLR * fForwSpeed; ApplyTurnForce(fYawAccel * GetRight() * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), vecTail); float fRollAccel; if (flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_RCPLANE) { float fDirectionMultiplier = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetLookRight(); if (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetLookLeft()) fDirectionMultiplier = -1; fRollAccel = (0.5f * fDirectionMultiplier + fSteerLR) * pFlyingHandling->fRoll; } else fRollAccel = fSteerLR * pFlyingHandling->fRoll; ApplyTurnForce(GetRight() * fRollAccel * fForwSpeed * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), GetUp()); CVector vecFRight = CrossProduct(GetForward(), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); CVector vecStabilise = (GetUp().z > 0.0f) ? vecFRight : -vecFRight; float fStabiliseDirection = (GetRight().z > 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f; float fStabiliseSpeed = pFlyingHandling->fRollStab * fStabiliseDirection * (1.0f - DotProduct(GetRight(), vecStabilise)) * (1.0f - Abs(GetForward().z)); ApplyTurnForce(fStabiliseSpeed * m_fTurnMass * GetRight(), GetUp()); // no CTimer::GetTimeStep(), is it right? // up/down float fTail = -DotProduct(GetSpeed(vecTail), GetUp()); float fPitchAccel = pFlyingHandling->fPitchStab * fTail * Abs(fTail) + pFlyingHandling->fPitch * fSteerUD * fForwSpeed; ApplyTurnForce(fPitchAccel * m_fTurnMass * GetUp() * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), vecTail); float fLift = DotProduct(GetMoveSpeed(), GetUp()) / Max(0.01f, GetMoveSpeed().Magnitude()); //accel*angle float fLiftAccel = (pFlyingHandling->fFormLift - pFlyingHandling->fAttackLift * fLift) * SQR(fForwSpeed); float fLiftImpulse = fLiftAccel * m_fMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(); if (GRAVITY * CTimer::GetTimeStep() * m_fMass < fLiftImpulse) { if (flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_RCPLANE && GetPosition().z > 50.0f) fLiftImpulse = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * 0.9f*GRAVITY * m_fMass; else if (flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_SEAPLANE && GetPosition().z > 80.0f) fLiftImpulse = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * 0.9f*GRAVITY * m_fMass; #ifdef BETTER_ALLCARSAREDODO_CHEAT else if(bAllDodosCheat && GetPosition().z > 170.0f) fLiftImpulse = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * 0.9f * GRAVITY * m_fMass; #endif } ApplyMoveForce(fLiftImpulse * GetUp()); CVector vecResistance; vecResistance = pFlyingHandling->vecTurnRes; float rX = Pow(vecResistance.x, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float rY = Pow(vecResistance.y, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float rZ = Pow(vecResistance.z, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); CVector vecTurnSpeed = Multiply3x3(m_vecTurnSpeed, GetMatrix()); vecTurnSpeed.x *= rX; float fResistance = vecTurnSpeed.y * (1.0f / (pFlyingHandling->vecSpeedRes.y * SQR(vecTurnSpeed.y) + 1.0f)) * rY - vecTurnSpeed.y; vecTurnSpeed.z *= rZ; m_vecTurnSpeed = Multiply3x3(GetMatrix(), vecTurnSpeed); ApplyTurnForce(-GetUp() * fResistance * m_fTurnMass, GetRight() + Multiply3x3(GetMatrix(), m_vecCentreOfMass)); float fMoveSpeed = m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr(); if(fMoveSpeed > SQR(1.5f)) m_vecMoveSpeed *= 1.5f/Sqrt(fMoveSpeed); float fTurnSpeed = m_vecTurnSpeed.MagnitudeSqr(); if(fTurnSpeed > SQR(0.2f)) m_vecTurnSpeed *= 0.2f/Sqrt(fTurnSpeed); break; } case FLIGHT_MODEL_RCHELI: case FLIGHT_MODEL_HELI: { #ifdef RESTORE_ALLCARSHELI_CHEAT tFlyingHandlingData* flyingHandling = bAllCarCheat && !IsRealHeli() ? mod_HandlingManager.GetFlyingPointer(HANDLING_MAVERICK) : pFlyingHandling; #else tFlyingHandlingData* flyingHandling = pFlyingHandling; #endif float rm = Pow(flyingHandling->fMoveRes, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); m_vecMoveSpeed *= rm; if (GetStatus() != STATUS_PLAYER && GetStatus() != STATUS_PLAYER_REMOTE) return; float fUpSpeed = DotProduct(m_vecMoveSpeed, GetUp()); float fThrust = (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetAccelerate() - CPad::GetPad(0)->GetBrake()) / 255.0f; if(fThrust < 0.0f) fThrust *= 2.0f; if(flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_RCHELI){ fThrust = flyingHandling->fThrust * fThrust + 0.45f; ApplyMoveForce(GRAVITY * CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f) * m_fMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep()); }else fThrust = flyingHandling->fThrust * fThrust + 0.95f; fThrust -= flyingHandling->fThrustFallOff * fUpSpeed; if(flightModel == FLIGHT_MODEL_RCHELI && GetPosition().z > 40.0f) fThrust *= 10.0f/(GetPosition().z - 30.0f); else if(GetPosition().z > 80.0f) fThrust *= 10.0f/(GetPosition().z - 70.0f); ApplyMoveForce(GRAVITY * GetUp() * fThrust * m_fMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep()); if (GetUp().z > 0.0f){ float upRight = clamp(GetRight().z, -flyingHandling->fFormLift, flyingHandling->fFormLift); float upImpulseRight = -upRight * flyingHandling->fAttackLift * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyTurnForce(upImpulseRight * GetUp(), GetRight()); float upFwd = clamp(GetForward().z, -flyingHandling->fFormLift, flyingHandling->fFormLift); float upImpulseFwd = -upFwd * flyingHandling->fAttackLift * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyTurnForce(upImpulseFwd * GetUp(), GetForward()); }else{ float upRight = GetRight().z < 0.0f ? -flyingHandling->fFormLift : flyingHandling->fFormLift; float upImpulseRight = -upRight * flyingHandling->fAttackLift * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyTurnForce(upImpulseRight * GetUp(), GetRight()); float upFwd = GetForward().z < 0.0f ? -flyingHandling->fFormLift : flyingHandling->fFormLift; float upImpulseFwd = -upFwd * flyingHandling->fAttackLift * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(); ApplyTurnForce(upImpulseFwd * GetUp(), GetForward()); } float fRoll, fPitch, fYaw; if (bCheat5) { fPitch = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringUpDown() / 128.0f; fRoll = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetLookLeft(); if (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetLookRight()) fRoll = -1.0f; fYaw = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringLeftRight() / 128.0f; } else { fPitch = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringUpDown() / 128.0f; fRoll = -CPad::GetPad(0)->GetSteeringLeftRight() / 128.0f; fYaw = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetLookRight(); if (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetLookLeft()) fYaw = -1.0f; #ifdef FREE_CAM if (!CCamera::bFreeCam || (CCamera::bFreeCam && !CPad::IsAffectedByController)) #endif if(Abs(CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunLeftRight()) > 1.0f) fYaw = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunLeftRight() / 128.0f; } #ifdef FREE_CAM if(!CCamera::bFreeCam || (CCamera::bFreeCam && !CPad::IsAffectedByController)) #endif if(Abs(CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunUpDown()) > 1.0f) fPitch = -CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunUpDown() / 128.0f; if (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetHorn()) { fYaw = 0.0f; fPitch = clamp(flyingHandling->fPitchStab * DotProduct(m_vecMoveSpeed, GetForward()), -200.0f, 1.3f); fRoll = clamp(flyingHandling->fRollStab * DotProduct(m_vecMoveSpeed, GetRight()), -200.0f, 1.3f); } ApplyTurnForce(fPitch * GetUp() * flyingHandling->fPitch * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), GetForward()); ApplyTurnForce(fRoll * GetUp() * flyingHandling->fRoll * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), GetRight()); float fSideSpeed = -DotProduct(GetMoveSpeed(), GetRight()); float fSideSlipAccel = flyingHandling->fSideSlip * fSideSpeed * Abs(fSideSpeed); ApplyMoveForce(m_fMass * GetRight() * fSideSlipAccel * CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float fYawAccel = flyingHandling->fYawStab * fSideSpeed * Abs(fSideSpeed) + flyingHandling->fYaw * fYaw; ApplyTurnForce(fYawAccel * GetRight() * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), -GetForward()); ApplyTurnForce(fYaw * GetForward() * flyingHandling->fYaw * m_fTurnMass * CTimer::GetTimeStep(), GetRight()); float rX = Pow(flyingHandling->vecTurnRes.x, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float rY = Pow(flyingHandling->vecTurnRes.y, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float rZ = Pow(flyingHandling->vecTurnRes.z, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); CVector vecTurnSpeed = Multiply3x3(m_vecTurnSpeed, GetMatrix()); float fResistanceMultiplier = Pow(1.0f / (flyingHandling->vecSpeedRes.z * SQR(vecTurnSpeed.z) + 1.0f) * rZ, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); float fResistance = vecTurnSpeed.z * fResistanceMultiplier - vecTurnSpeed.z; vecTurnSpeed.x *= rX; vecTurnSpeed.y *= rY; vecTurnSpeed.z *= fResistanceMultiplier; m_vecTurnSpeed = Multiply3x3(GetMatrix(), vecTurnSpeed); ApplyTurnForce(-GetRight() * fResistance * m_fTurnMass, GetForward() + Multiply3x3(GetMatrix(), m_vecCentreOfMass)); break; } } } static CColModel rotorColModel; static CColSphere rotorColSphere; float ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS = 0.05f; float ROTOR_TURN_SPEED = 0.2f; float ROTOR_DISGUARD_MULT = 0.3f; float ROTOR_COL_ELASTICITY = 1.0f; float ROTOR_COL_TURNMULT = -0.001f; float ROTOR_DEFAULT_DAMAGE = 100.0f; bool CVehicle::DoBladeCollision(CVector pos, CMatrix &matrix, int16 rotorType, float radius, float damageMult) { CVector max(radius, radius, radius); CVector min(-radius, -radius, -radius); switch(rotorType){ case ROTOR_TOP: case ROTOR_BOTTOM: min.z = -ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS; max.z = ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS; break; case ROTOR_FRONT: case ROTOR_BACK: min.y = -ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS; max.y = ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS; break; case ROTOR_RIGHT: case ROTOR_LEFT: min.x = -ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS; max.x = ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS; break; } min += pos; max += pos; rotorColModel.boundingBox.Set(min, max); rotorColModel.boundingSphere.Set(radius, pos); rotorColSphere.Set(radius, pos, 0, 0); rotorColModel.spheres = &rotorColSphere; rotorColModel.numSpheres = 1; pos = matrix * pos; bool hadCollision = false; int minX = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(pos.x - radius); if(minX <= 0) minX = 0; int minY = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(pos.y - radius); if(minY <= 0) minY = 0; int maxX = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(pos.x + radius); #ifdef FIX_BUGS if(maxX >= NUMSECTORS_X) maxX = NUMSECTORS_X - 1; #else if(maxX >= NUMSECTORS_X) maxX = NUMSECTORS_X; #endif int maxY = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(pos.y + radius); #ifdef FIX_BUGS if(maxY >= NUMSECTORS_Y) maxY = NUMSECTORS_Y - 1; #else if(maxY >= NUMSECTORS_Y) maxY = NUMSECTORS_Y; #endif CWorld::AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); for(int curY = minY; curY <= maxY; curY++) { for(int curX = minX; curX <= maxX; curX++) { CSector *sector = CWorld::GetSector(curX, curY); if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, damageMult)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, damageMult)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, damageMult)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, damageMult)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, 0.0f)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, 0.0f)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, damageMult)) hadCollision = true; if(BladeColSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], rotorColModel, matrix, rotorType, damageMult)) hadCollision = true; } } rotorColModel.spheres = nil; rotorColModel.numSpheres = 0; return hadCollision; } bool CVehicle::BladeColSectorList(CPtrList &list, CColModel &rotorColModel, CMatrix &matrix, int16 rotorType, float damageMult) { int i; CVector axis; CVector turnSpeed(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); switch(rotorType){ case ROTOR_TOP: turnSpeed.z = -ROTOR_TURN_SPEED; axis = -matrix.GetUp(); break; case ROTOR_BOTTOM: turnSpeed.z = ROTOR_TURN_SPEED; axis = matrix.GetUp(); break; case ROTOR_FRONT: turnSpeed.y = -ROTOR_TURN_SPEED; axis = -matrix.GetForward(); break; case ROTOR_BACK: turnSpeed.y = ROTOR_TURN_SPEED; axis = matrix.GetForward(); break; case ROTOR_RIGHT: turnSpeed.x = -ROTOR_TURN_SPEED; axis = -matrix.GetRight(); break; case ROTOR_LEFT: turnSpeed.x = ROTOR_TURN_SPEED; axis = matrix.GetRight(); break; } turnSpeed = Multiply3x3(matrix, turnSpeed); CVector center = rotorColModel.boundingSphere.center; center = matrix*center; for(CPtrNode *node = list.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *entity = (CEntity *)node->item; if(entity == (CEntity*)this || !entity->bUsesCollision || entity->m_scanCode == CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode()) continue; entity->m_scanCode = CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode(); int numCollisions; CColModel *entityCol; if(entity->IsPed()) entityCol = ((CPedModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(entity->GetModelIndex()))->AnimatePedColModelSkinned(entity->GetClump()); else entityCol = entity->GetColModel(); if(entityCol) numCollisions = CCollision::ProcessColModels(matrix, rotorColModel, entity->GetMatrix(), *entityCol, CWorld::m_aTempColPts, nil, nil); else numCollisions = 0; if(numCollisions > 0 && entity->IsPed()){ CPed *ped = (CPed*)entity; CVector2D dirToRotor = GetPosition() - entity->GetPosition(); dirToRotor.Normalise(); int localDir = ped->GetLocalDirection(dirToRotor); if(ped->m_attachedTo == nil){ ped->bIsStanding = false; ped->ApplyMoveForce(-5.0f*dirToRotor.x, -5.0f*dirToRotor.y, 5.0f); } ped->InflictDamage(this, WEAPONTYPE_RUNOVERBYCAR, 1000.0f, PEDPIECE_TORSO, localDir); if(CGame::nastyGame && ped->GetIsOnScreen()){ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_BLOOD_SMALL, ped->GetPosition(), CVector(dirToRotor.x, dirToRotor.y, 1.0f) * 0.01f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_TEST, ped->GetPosition(), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.02f), nil, 0.1f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_TEST, ped->GetPosition()+CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.01f), nil, 0.1f); } }else if(numCollisions > 0 && entity->GetModelIndex() != MI_MISSILE){ float impulse = 0.0f; bool hadCollision = false; float savedElasticity = m_fElasticity; m_fElasticity = ROTOR_COL_ELASTICITY; for(i = 0; i < numCollisions; i++){ CVector colpos = CWorld::m_aTempColPts[i].point; CVector localColpos = colpos - center; float axisDir = DotProduct(axis, localColpos); float colDir = DotProduct(CWorld::m_aTempColPts[i].normal, localColpos); if(2.0f*ROTOR_SEMI_THICKNESS < Abs(axisDir) && ROTOR_DISGUARD_MULT*Abs(colDir) < Abs(axisDir)) continue; hadCollision = true; colpos -= axisDir*axis; // get rid of axis component CVector tangentSpeed = CrossProduct(turnSpeed, colpos - center); // Particles for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK_SMALL, colpos, (tangentSpeed+m_vecMoveSpeed)/2.0f); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_SPARK, colpos, 0.1f*CWorld::m_aTempColPts[i].normal); } // Apply Collision if(IsCar()){ CAutomobile *heli = (CAutomobile*)this; if(heli->m_aWheelSpeed[1] > 0.15f){ ApplyCollision(CWorld::m_aTempColPts[i], impulse); ApplyTurnForce(m_fTurnMass*ROTOR_COL_TURNMULT*tangentSpeed, colpos - center); heli->m_aWheelSpeed[1] = 0.15f; }else if(heli->m_aWheelSpeed[1] < 0.075f && heli->m_aWheelSpeed[1] > 0.0f) heli->m_aWheelSpeed[1] *= -1.0f; } float damageImpulse = damageMult * Max(impulse, ROTOR_DEFAULT_DAMAGE*m_fMass/3000.0f); if(damageImpulse > m_fDamageImpulse) SetDamagedPieceRecord(0, damageImpulse, entity, CWorld::m_aTempColPts[i].normal); } if(hadCollision && !entity->IsPed()) DMAudio.ReportCollision(this, entity, SURFACE_CAR_PANEL, SURFACE_TARMAC, 50.0f, 0.09f); m_fElasticity = savedElasticity; } } return false; } float WS_ALREADY_SPINNING_LOSS = 0.2f; float WS_TRAC_FRAC_LIMIT = 0.3f; float fBurstSpeedMax = 0.2f; float fBurstTyreMod = 0.13f; void CVehicle::ProcessWheel(CVector &wheelFwd, CVector &wheelRight, CVector &wheelContactSpeed, CVector &wheelContactPoint, int32 wheelsOnGround, float thrust, float brake, float adhesion, int8 wheelId, float *wheelSpeed, tWheelState *wheelState, uint16 wheelStatus) { // BUG: using statics here is probably a bad idea static bool bAlreadySkidding = false; // this is never reset static bool bBraking; static bool bDriving; #ifdef FIX_SIGNIFICANT_BUGS bAlreadySkidding = false; #endif // how much force we want to apply in these axes float fwd = 0.0f; float right = 0.0f; bBraking = brake != 0.0f; if(bBraking) thrust = 0.0f; bDriving = thrust != 0.0f; float contactSpeedFwd = DotProduct(wheelContactSpeed, wheelFwd); float contactSpeedRight = DotProduct(wheelContactSpeed, wheelRight); adhesion *= CTimer::GetTimeStep(); if(*wheelState != WHEEL_STATE_NORMAL){ bAlreadySkidding = true; adhesion *= pHandling->fTractionLoss; if(*wheelState == WHEEL_STATE_SPINNING && (GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER || GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER_REMOTE)) adhesion *= 1.0f - Abs(m_fGasPedal) * WS_ALREADY_SPINNING_LOSS; } *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_NORMAL; // moving sideways if(contactSpeedRight != 0.0f){ // exert opposing force right = -contactSpeedRight/wheelsOnGround; #ifdef FIX_BUGS // contactSpeedRight is independent of framerate but right has timestep as a factor // so we probably have to fix this right *= CTimer::GetTimeStepFix(); #endif if(wheelStatus == WHEEL_STATUS_BURST){ float fwdspeed = Min(contactSpeedFwd, fBurstSpeedMax); right += fwdspeed * CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-fBurstTyreMod, fBurstTyreMod); } } if(bDriving){ fwd = thrust; // limit sideways force (why?) if(right > 0.0f){ if(right > adhesion) right = adhesion; }else{ if(right < -adhesion) right = -adhesion; } }else if(contactSpeedFwd != 0.0f){ fwd = -contactSpeedFwd/wheelsOnGround; #ifdef FIX_BUGS // contactSpeedFwd is independent of framerate but fwd has timestep as a factor // so we probably have to fix this fwd *= CTimer::GetTimeStepFix(); #endif if(!bBraking){ if(m_fGasPedal < 0.01f){ if(IsBike()) brake = 0.6f * mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / (pHandling->GetMass() + 200.0f); else if(IsPlane()) brake = 0.0f; else if(pHandling->GetMass() < 500.0f) brake = 0.1f * mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / pHandling->GetMass(); else if(GetModelIndex() == MI_RCBANDIT) brake = 0.2f * mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / pHandling->GetMass(); else brake = mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / pHandling->GetMass(); #ifdef FIX_BUGS brake *= CTimer::GetTimeStepFix(); #endif } } if(brake > adhesion){ if(Abs(contactSpeedFwd) > 0.005f) *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_FIXED; }else { if(fwd > 0.0f){ if(fwd > brake) fwd = brake; }else{ if(fwd < -brake) fwd = -brake; } } } float speedSq = sq(right) + sq(fwd); if(sq(adhesion) < speedSq){ if(*wheelState != WHEEL_STATE_FIXED){ float tractionLimit = WS_TRAC_FRAC_LIMIT; if(contactSpeedFwd > 0.15f && (wheelId == CARWHEEL_FRONT_LEFT || wheelId == CARWHEEL_FRONT_RIGHT)) tractionLimit *= 2.0f; if(bDriving && tractionLimit*adhesion < Abs(fwd)) *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_SPINNING; else *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_SKIDDING; } float l = Sqrt(speedSq); float tractionLoss = bAlreadySkidding ? 1.0f : pHandling->fTractionLoss; if(*wheelState == WHEEL_STATE_SPINNING && (GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER || GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER_REMOTE)) tractionLoss *= 1.0f - Abs(m_fGasPedal) * WS_ALREADY_SPINNING_LOSS; right *= adhesion * tractionLoss / l; fwd *= adhesion * tractionLoss / l; } if(fwd != 0.0f || right != 0.0f){ CVector totalSpeed = fwd*wheelFwd + right*wheelRight; CVector turnDirection = totalSpeed; bool separateTurnForce = false; if(pHandling->fSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier > 0.0f){ if(bBraking){ separateTurnForce = true; turnDirection = totalSpeed - pHandling->fSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier*fwd*wheelFwd; }else if(bDriving){ separateTurnForce = true; turnDirection = totalSpeed - 0.5f*pHandling->fSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier*fwd*wheelFwd; } } CVector direction = totalSpeed; float speed = totalSpeed.Magnitude(); float turnSpeed; if(separateTurnForce) turnSpeed = turnDirection.Magnitude(); else turnSpeed = speed; direction.Normalise(); if(separateTurnForce) turnDirection.Normalise(); else turnDirection = direction; float impulse = speed*m_fMass; float turnImpulse = turnSpeed*GetMass(wheelContactPoint, turnDirection); ApplyMoveForce(impulse * direction); ApplyTurnForce(turnImpulse * turnDirection, wheelContactPoint); } } float fBurstBikeSpeedMax = 0.12f; float fBurstBikeTyreMod = 0.05f; float fTweakBikeWheelTurnForce = 2.0f; //--LCS: done void CVehicle::ProcessBikeWheel(CVector &wheelFwd, CVector &wheelRight, CVector &wheelContactSpeed, CVector &wheelContactPoint, int32 wheelsOnGround, float thrust, float brake, float adhesion, float destabTraction, int8 wheelId, float *wheelSpeed, tWheelState *wheelState, eBikeWheelSpecial special, uint16 wheelStatus) { // BUG: using statics here is probably a bad idea static bool bAlreadySkidding = false; // this is never reset static bool bBraking; static bool bDriving; static bool bReversing; #ifdef FIX_SIGNIFICANT_BUGS bAlreadySkidding = false; #endif // how much force we want to apply in these axes float fwd = 0.0f; float right = 0.0f; bBraking = brake != 0.0f; if(bBraking) thrust = 0.0f; bDriving = thrust != 0.0f; bReversing = thrust < 0.0f; float contactSpeedFwd = DotProduct(wheelContactSpeed, wheelFwd); float contactSpeedRight; if(*wheelState != WHEEL_STATE_NORMAL) bAlreadySkidding = true; *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_NORMAL; adhesion *= CTimer::GetTimeStep(); if(bAlreadySkidding) adhesion *= pHandling->fTractionLoss; if(special == BIKE_WHEELSPEC_2 || special == BIKE_WHEELSPEC_3) contactSpeedRight = 0.0f; else contactSpeedRight = DotProduct(wheelContactSpeed, wheelRight); // moving sideways if(contactSpeedRight != 0.0f){ // exert opposing force right = -contactSpeedRight/wheelsOnGround; #ifdef FIX_BUGS // contactSpeedRight is independent of framerate but right has timestep as a factor // so we probably have to fix this right *= CTimer::GetTimeStepFix(); #endif if(wheelStatus == WHEEL_STATUS_BURST){ float fwdspeed = Min(contactSpeedFwd, fBurstBikeSpeedMax); right += fwdspeed * CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-fBurstBikeTyreMod, fBurstBikeTyreMod); } } if(bDriving){ fwd = thrust; // limit sideways force (why?) if(right > 0.0f){ if(right > adhesion) right = adhesion; }else{ if(right < -adhesion) right = -adhesion; } }else if(contactSpeedFwd != 0.0f){ fwd = -contactSpeedFwd/wheelsOnGround; #ifdef FIX_BUGS // contactSpeedFwd is independent of framerate but fwd has timestep as a factor // so we probably have to fix this fwd *= CTimer::GetTimeStepFix(); #endif if(!bBraking){ if(m_fGasPedal < 0.01f){ if(IsBike()) brake = 0.6f * mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / (pHandling->fMass + 200.0f); else if(pHandling->fMass < 500.0f) brake = mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / m_fMass; else if(GetModelIndex() == MI_RCBANDIT) brake = 0.2f * mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / m_fMass; else brake = mod_HandlingManager.fWheelFriction / m_fMass; #ifdef FIX_BUGS brake *= CTimer::GetTimeStepFix(); #endif } } if(brake > adhesion){ if(Abs(contactSpeedFwd) > 0.005f) *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_FIXED; }else { if(fwd > 0.0f){ if(fwd > brake) fwd = brake; }else{ if(fwd < -brake) fwd = -brake; } } } float speedSq = sq(right) + sq(fwd); if(sq(adhesion) < speedSq){ if(*wheelState != WHEEL_STATE_FIXED){ if(bDriving && contactSpeedFwd < 0.2f) *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_SPINNING; else *wheelState = WHEEL_STATE_SKIDDING; } float l = Sqrt(speedSq); float tractionLoss = bAlreadySkidding ? 1.0f : pHandling->fTractionLoss; right *= adhesion * tractionLoss / l; fwd *= adhesion * tractionLoss / l; if(destabTraction < 1.0f) right *= destabTraction; }else if(destabTraction < 1.0f){ if(!bAlreadySkidding) destabTraction *= pHandling->fTractionLoss; if(sq(adhesion*destabTraction) < speedSq){ float l = Sqrt(speedSq); right *= adhesion * destabTraction / l; } } if(fwd != 0.0f || right != 0.0f){ CVector direction = fwd*wheelFwd + right*wheelRight; float speed = direction.Magnitude(); direction.Normalise(); float impulse = speed*m_fMass; float turnImpulse = speed*GetMass(wheelContactPoint, direction); CVector vTurnImpulse = turnImpulse * direction; ApplyMoveForce(impulse * direction); float turnRight = DotProduct(vTurnImpulse, GetRight()); float contactRight = DotProduct(wheelContactPoint, GetRight()); float contactFwd = DotProduct(wheelContactPoint, GetForward()); if(wheelId != BIKEWHEEL_REAR || !bBraking && !bReversing) ApplyTurnForce((vTurnImpulse - turnRight*GetRight()) * fTweakBikeWheelTurnForce, wheelContactPoint - contactRight*GetRight()); ApplyTurnForce(turnRight*GetRight(), contactFwd*GetForward()); } } float CVehicle::ProcessWheelRotation(tWheelState state, const CVector &fwd, const CVector &speed, float radius) { float angularVelocity; switch(state){ case WHEEL_STATE_SPINNING: angularVelocity = -1.1f; // constant speed forward break; case WHEEL_STATE_FIXED: angularVelocity = 0.0f; // not moving break; default: angularVelocity = -DotProduct(fwd, speed) / radius; // forward speed break; } return angularVelocity * CTimer::GetTimeStep(); } int CVehicle::FindTyreNearestPoint(float x, float y) { CVector pos = CVector(x - GetPosition().x, y - GetPosition().y, 0.0f); float fwd = DotProduct(GetForward(), pos); float right = DotProduct(GetRight(), pos); int piece; if(IsBike()){ piece = fwd > 0.0f ? CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF : CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LR; }else{ piece = fwd > 0.0f ? right > 0.0f ? CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_RF : CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF : right > 0.0f ? CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_RR : CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LR; } return piece - CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF; } void CVehicle::InflictDamage(CEntity *damagedBy, eWeaponType weaponType, float damage, CVector pos) { if (!bCanBeDamaged) return; if(GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER && CStats::GetPercentageProgress() >= 100.0f) damage *= 0.5f; if (GetStatus() != STATUS_PLAYER && bOnlyDamagedByPlayer && (damagedBy != FindPlayerPed() && damagedBy != FindPlayerVehicle())) return; if(damage > 10.0f && (damagedBy == FindPlayerPed() || damagedBy == FindPlayerVehicle()) && GetStatus() != STATUS_WRECKED){ CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_nHavocLevel += 2; CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_fMediaAttention += 1.0f; CStats::PropertyDestroyed += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(5, 25); } bool bFrightensDriver = false; switch (weaponType) { case WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED: case WEAPONTYPE_BRASSKNUCKLE: case WEAPONTYPE_SCREWDRIVER: case WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB: case WEAPONTYPE_NIGHTSTICK: case WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE: case WEAPONTYPE_BASEBALLBAT: case WEAPONTYPE_HAMMER: case WEAPONTYPE_CLEAVER: case WEAPONTYPE_MACHETE: case WEAPONTYPE_KATANA: case WEAPONTYPE_CHAINSAW: if (bMeleeProof) return; break; case WEAPONTYPE_COLT45: case WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON: case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_SPAS12_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_TEC9: case WEAPONTYPE_UZI: case WEAPONTYPE_SILENCED_INGRAM: case WEAPONTYPE_MP5: case WEAPONTYPE_M4: case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: case WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE: case WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPE: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: case WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: case WEAPONTYPE_UZI_DRIVEBY: if (bBulletProof) return; bFrightensDriver = true; break; case WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE: case WEAPONTYPE_MOLOTOV: case WEAPONTYPE_ROCKET: case WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION: if (bExplosionProof) return; bFrightensDriver = true; break; case WEAPONTYPE_FLAMETHROWER: if (bFireProof) return; break; case WEAPONTYPE_RAMMEDBYCAR: if (bCollisionProof) return; break; default: break; } if(bFrightensDriver && GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER && m_fHealth < 250.0f) return; // Pop tires if(damagedBy && damagedBy->IsPed() && (IsCar() || IsBike())){ int accuracy = 0; switch(weaponType){ case WEAPONTYPE_COLT45: accuracy = 10; break; case WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON: if(!((CPed*)damagedBy)->IsPlayer()) accuracy = 64; break; case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: accuracy = 25; break; case WEAPONTYPE_TEC9: case WEAPONTYPE_UZI: case WEAPONTYPE_SILENCED_INGRAM: case WEAPONTYPE_MP5: case WEAPONTYPE_UZI_DRIVEBY: accuracy = 15; break; case WEAPONTYPE_M4: case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: if(!((CPed*)damagedBy)->IsPlayer()) accuracy = 15; break; } if(((CPed*)damagedBy)->IsPlayer() && (CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson || TheCamera.Using1stPersonWeaponMode())) accuracy = 0; if(accuracy != 0 && !bTyresDontBurst && (CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&0x7F) < accuracy){ if(IsBike()) BurstTyre(FindTyreNearestPoint(pos.x, pos.y) + CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF, false); else if(GetVehicleAppearance() == VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_CAR) BurstTyre(FindTyreNearestPoint(pos.x, pos.y) + CAR_PIECE_WHEEL_LF, true); } } if (m_fHealth > 0.0f) { if (VehicleCreatedBy == RANDOM_VEHICLE && pDriver && (GetStatus() == STATUS_SIMPLE || GetStatus() == STATUS_PHYSICS) && AutoPilot.m_nCarMission == MISSION_CRUISE) { if (m_randomSeed < DAMAGE_FLEE_IN_CAR_PROBABILITY_VALUE) { CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics(this); AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_AVOID_CARS; AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = GAME_SPEED_TO_CARAI_SPEED * pHandling->Transmission.fMaxCruiseVelocity; SetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS); } } m_nLastWeaponDamage = weaponType; m_pLastDamageEntity = damagedBy; float oldHealth = m_fHealth; if (m_fHealth > damage) { m_fHealth -= damage; if (VehicleCreatedBy == RANDOM_VEHICLE && !IsBoat()){ switch (GetStatus()) { case STATUS_SIMPLE: case STATUS_PHYSICS: if(AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle == DRIVINGSTYLE_PLOUGH_THROUGH || CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 1.0f) > 0.5f && AutoPilot.m_nCarMission == MISSION_CRUISE){ // Drive away like a maniac if(pDriver && pDriver->m_objective != OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_CAR){ if(AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle != DRIVINGSTYLE_PLOUGH_THROUGH) AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed *= 1.5f; AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_PLOUGH_THROUGH; } }else{ // Leave vehicle if (pDriver && pDriver->CharCreatedBy != MISSION_CHAR) { SetStatus(STATUS_ABANDONED); pDriver->bFleeAfterExitingCar = true; pDriver->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_CAR, this); pDriver->Say(SOUND_PED_FLEE_SPRINT); } int time = 200; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++) { if (pPassengers[i] && pPassengers[i]->m_objective != OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_CAR && pPassengers[i]->CharCreatedBy != MISSION_CHAR) { pPassengers[i]->bFleeAfterExitingCar = true; pPassengers[i]->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_CAR, this); pPassengers[i]->m_objectiveTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + time; pPassengers[i]->Say(SOUND_PED_FLEE_SPRINT); time += 200; } } } break; default: break; } } if (oldHealth >= DAMAGE_HEALTH_TO_CATCH_FIRE && m_fHealth < DAMAGE_HEALTH_TO_CATCH_FIRE) { if (IsCar()) { CAutomobile* pThisCar = (CAutomobile*)this; pThisCar->Damage.SetEngineStatus(ENGINE_STATUS_ON_FIRE); pThisCar->m_pSetOnFireEntity = damagedBy; if (damagedBy) damagedBy->RegisterReference((CEntity**)&pThisCar->m_pSetOnFireEntity); } } } else { m_fHealth = 0.0f; if (weaponType == WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION) { // between 1000 and 3047. Also not very nice: can't be saved by respray or cheat m_nBombTimer = 1000 + CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0x7FF; m_pBlowUpEntity = damagedBy; if (damagedBy) damagedBy->RegisterReference((CEntity**)&m_pBlowUpEntity); } else BlowUpCar(damagedBy); } } #ifdef FIX_BUGS // removing dumb case when shooting police car in player's own garage gives wanted level if (GetModelIndex() == MI_POLICE && damagedBy == FindPlayerPed() && damagedBy != nil && !bHasBeenOwnedByPlayer) #else if (GetModelIndex() == MI_POLICE && damagedBy == FindPlayerPed()) #endif FindPlayerPed()->SetWantedLevelNoDrop(1); } void CVehicle::DoFixedMachineGuns(void) { if(TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].DirectionWasLooking == LOOKING_FORWARD){ if(CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunFired() && !bGunSwitchedOff){ FireFixedMachineGuns(); }else{ if(CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > m_nGunFiringTime + 1400) m_nAmmoInClip = 20; } } } void CVehicle::FireFixedMachineGuns(void) { if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() <= m_nGunFiringTime + 150) return; CVector source, target; float dx, dy, len; dx = GetForward().x; dy = GetForward().y; len = Sqrt(SQR(dx) + SQR(dy)); if (len < 0.1f) len = 0.1f; dx /= len; dy /= len; m_nGunFiringTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); source = GetMatrix() * CVector(2.0f, 2.5f, 1.0f); target = source + CVector(dx, dy, 0.0f) * 60.0f; target += CVector( ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0xFF) - 128) * 0.015f, ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0xFF) - 128) * 0.015f, ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0xFF) - 128) * 0.02f); CWeapon::DoTankDoomAiming(this, pDriver, &source, &target); FireOneInstantHitRound(&source, &target, 15); source = GetMatrix() * CVector(-2.0f, 2.5f, 1.0f); target = source + CVector(dx, dy, 0.0f) * 60.0f; target += CVector( ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0xFF) - 128) * 0.015f, ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0xFF) - 128) * 0.015f, ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0xFF) - 128) * 0.02f); CWeapon::DoTankDoomAiming(this, pDriver, &source, &target); FireOneInstantHitRound(&source, &target, 15); DMAudio.PlayOneShot(m_audioEntityId, SOUND_WEAPON_SHOT_FIRED, 0.0f); m_nAmmoInClip--; if (m_nAmmoInClip == 0) { m_nAmmoInClip = 20; m_nGunFiringTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 1400; } } void CVehicle::ActivateBomb(void) { if(m_bombType == CARBOMB_TIMED){ m_bombType = CARBOMB_TIMEDACTIVE; m_nBombTimer = 7000; m_pBlowUpEntity = FindPlayerPed(); CGarages::TriggerMessage("GA_12", -1, 3000, -1); DMAudio.PlayOneShot(m_audioEntityId, SOUND_BOMB_TIMED_ACTIVATED, 1.0f); }else if(m_bombType == CARBOMB_ONIGNITION){ m_bombType = CARBOMB_ONIGNITIONACTIVE; CGarages::TriggerMessage("GA_12", -1, 3000, -1); DMAudio.PlayOneShot(m_audioEntityId, SOUND_BOMB_ONIGNITION_ACTIVATED, 1.0f); } } void CVehicle::ActivateBombWhenEntered(void) { if(pDriver){ if(!bDriverLastFrame && m_bombType == CARBOMB_ONIGNITIONACTIVE){ // If someone enters the car and there is a bomb, detonate m_nBombTimer = 1000; m_pBlowUpEntity = m_pBombRigger; if(m_pBlowUpEntity) m_pBlowUpEntity->RegisterReference((CEntity**)&m_pBlowUpEntity); DMAudio.PlayOneShot(m_audioEntityId, SOUND_BOMB_TICK, 1.0f); } bDriverLastFrame = true; }else bDriverLastFrame = false; } void CVehicle::ExtinguishCarFire(void) { if(GetStatus() != STATUS_WRECKED) m_fHealth = Max(m_fHealth, 300.0f); if(m_pCarFire) m_pCarFire->Extinguish(); if(IsCar()){ CAutomobile *car = (CAutomobile*)this; if(car->Damage.GetEngineStatus() >= ENGINE_STATUS_ON_FIRE) car->Damage.SetEngineStatus(ENGINE_STATUS_ON_FIRE-10); car->m_fFireBlowUpTimer = 0.0f; } } bool CVehicle::ShufflePassengersToMakeSpace(void) { if (m_nNumPassengers >= m_nNumMaxPassengers) return false; if (pPassengers[1] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_LR) && IsRoomForPedToLeaveCar(CAR_DOOR_LR, nil)) { if (!pPassengers[2] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_RR)) { pPassengers[2] = pPassengers[1]; pPassengers[1] = nil; pPassengers[2]->m_vehDoor = CAR_DOOR_RR; return true; } if (!pPassengers[0] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_RF)) { pPassengers[0] = pPassengers[1]; pPassengers[1] = nil; pPassengers[0]->m_vehDoor = CAR_DOOR_RF; return true; } return false; } if (pPassengers[2] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_RR) && IsRoomForPedToLeaveCar(CAR_DOOR_RR, nil)) { if (!pPassengers[1] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_LR)) { pPassengers[1] = pPassengers[2]; pPassengers[2] = nil; pPassengers[1]->m_vehDoor = CAR_DOOR_LR; return true; } if (!pPassengers[0] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_RF)) { pPassengers[0] = pPassengers[2]; pPassengers[2] = nil; pPassengers[0]->m_vehDoor = CAR_DOOR_RF; return true; } return false; } if (pPassengers[0] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_RF) && IsRoomForPedToLeaveCar(CAR_DOOR_RF, nil)) { if (!pPassengers[1] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_LR)) { pPassengers[1] = pPassengers[0]; pPassengers[0] = nil; pPassengers[1]->m_vehDoor = CAR_DOOR_LR; return true; } if (!pPassengers[2] && !(m_nGettingInFlags & CAR_DOOR_FLAG_RR)) { pPassengers[2] = pPassengers[0]; pPassengers[0] = nil; pPassengers[2]->m_vehDoor = CAR_DOOR_RR; return true; } return false; } return false; } void CVehicle::MakeNonDraggedPedsLeaveVehicle(CPed *ped1, CPed *ped2, CPlayerPed *&player, CCopPed *&cop) { int i; player = nil; cop = nil; if(ped1->IsPlayer() && ped2->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP && ((CPlayerPed*)ped1)->m_pWanted->GetWantedLevel() > 0 && ped2->m_pedInObjective == ped1){ player = (CPlayerPed*)ped1; cop = (CCopPed*)ped2; return; } bool ped1IsDriver = ped1 == pDriver; // Just what the hell is this weird code? CPed *peds[9]; CPed *peds2[9]; int numPeds = 0; int numPeds2 = 0; for(i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++){ CPed *p = pPassengers[i]; if(p && p != ped1 && !p->bStayInCarOnJack){ peds[numPeds++] = p; // uhh what? if(i < 1 && !ped1IsDriver) continue; peds2[numPeds2++] = p; } } // So we're copying this array for no reason... CPed *peds3[9]; int numPeds3 = 0; for(i = 0; i < numPeds; i++){ if(peds[i]->IsPlayer() && ped2->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP && ((CPlayerPed*)peds[i])->m_pWanted->GetWantedLevel() > 0 && ped2->m_pedInObjective == peds[i]){ player = (CPlayerPed*)peds[i]; cop = (CCopPed*)ped2; return; } peds3[numPeds3++] = peds[i]; } int time = 1800; for(i = 0; i < numPeds3; i++){ peds3[i]->m_leaveCarTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + time; peds3[i]->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_CAR, this); time += CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(300.0f, 600.0f); } if(IsCar() && numPeds2 > 0 && CGeneral::GetRandomTrueFalse()) for(i = 0; i < numPeds2; i++) if(peds2[i]->IsFemale() || CGeneral::GetRandomTrueFalse()){ peds2[i]->m_leaveCarTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 10000; peds2[i]->bHeldHostageInCar = true; peds2[i]->bFleeAfterExitingCar = true; } } void CVehicle::ProcessDelayedExplosion(void) { if(m_nBombTimer == 0) return; int tick = CTimer::GetTimeStep()/60.0f*1000.0f; int16 prev = m_nBombTimer; if(tick > m_nBombTimer) m_nBombTimer = 0; else m_nBombTimer -= tick; if(IsCar() && ((CAutomobile*)this)->m_bombType == CARBOMB_TIMEDACTIVE && (m_nBombTimer & 0xFE00) != (prev & 0xFE00)) DMAudio.PlayOneShot(m_audioEntityId, SOUND_CAR_BOMB_TICK, 0.0f); if (m_nBombTimer != 0) return; BlowUpCar(m_pBlowUpEntity); } bool CVehicle::IsLawEnforcementVehicle(void) { switch(GetModelIndex()){ case MI_POLICE: case MI_ENFORCER: case MI_PREDATOR: case MI_RHINO: case MI_BARRACKS: case MI_FBIRANCH: case MI_VICECHEE: return true; default: return false; } } bool CVehicle::UsesSiren(void) { switch(GetModelIndex()){ case MI_FIRETRUCK: case MI_AMBULAN: case MI_FBICAR: case MI_MRWHOOP: case MI_POLICE: case MI_ENFORCER: case MI_PREDATOR: case MI_FBIRANCH: case MI_VICECHEE: return true; default: return false; } } bool CVehicle::IsVehicleNormal(void) { if (!pDriver || m_nNumPassengers != 0 || GetStatus() == STATUS_WRECKED) return false; return GetModelInfo()->m_vehicleClass != -1; } bool CVehicle::CarHasRoof(void) { if((pHandling->Flags & HANDLING_HAS_NO_ROOF) == 0) return true; // component 0 is assumed to be a roof return m_aExtras[0] == 0 || m_aExtras[1] == 0; } bool CVehicle::IsUpsideDown(void) { if(GetUp().z > -0.9f) return false; return true; } bool CVehicle::IsOnItsSide(void) { if(GetRight().z < 0.8f && GetRight().z > -0.8f) return false; return true; } bool CVehicle::CanBeDeleted(void) { int i; if(m_nNumGettingIn || m_nGettingOutFlags) return false; if(pDriver){ // This looks like it was inlined if(pDriver->CharCreatedBy == MISSION_CHAR) return false; if(pDriver->GetPedState() != PED_DRIVING && pDriver->GetPedState() != PED_DEAD) return false; } for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pPassengers); i++){ // Same check as above if(pPassengers[i]){ if(pPassengers[i]->CharCreatedBy == MISSION_CHAR) return false; if(pPassengers[i]->GetPedState() != PED_DRIVING && pPassengers[i]->GetPedState() != PED_DEAD) return false; } // and then again... probably because something was inlined if(pPassengers[i]){ if(pPassengers[i]->GetPedState() != PED_DRIVING && pPassengers[i]->GetPedState() != PED_DEAD) return false; } } switch(VehicleCreatedBy){ case RANDOM_VEHICLE: return true; case MISSION_VEHICLE: return false; case PARKED_VEHICLE: return true; case PERMANENT_VEHICLE: return false; } return true; } bool CVehicle::CanPedOpenLocks(CPed *ped) { if(m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_LOCKED || m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_LOCKED_INITIALLY || m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_LOCKED_PLAYER_INSIDE || m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_SKIP_SHUT_DOORS) return false; if(ped->IsPlayer() && m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_LOCKOUT_PLAYER_ONLY) return false; return true; } bool CVehicle::CanDoorsBeDamaged(void) { return m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_NOT_USED || m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_UNLOCKED || m_nDoorLock == CARLOCK_SKIP_SHUT_DOORS; } bool CVehicle::CanPedEnterCar(void) { // can't enter when car is on side if(IsBike() || GetUp().z > 0.1f || GetUp().z < -0.1f){ // also when car is moving too fast if(m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() > sq(0.2f)) return false; if(m_vecTurnSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() > sq(0.2f)) return false; return true; } return false; } bool CVehicle::CanPedExitCar(bool jumpExit) { CVector up = GetUp(); if(up.z > 0.1f || up.z < -0.1f){ if (IsBoat()) return true; // can't exit when car is moving too fast if(m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() > 0.005f && !jumpExit) return false; // if car is slow enough, check turn speed if(Abs(m_vecTurnSpeed.x) > 0.01f || Abs(m_vecTurnSpeed.y) > 0.01f || Abs(m_vecTurnSpeed.z) > 0.01f) return false; return true; }else{ // What is this? just > replaced by >= ?? // can't exit when car is moving too fast if(m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() >= 0.005f) return false; // if car is slow enough, check turn speed if(Abs(m_vecTurnSpeed.x) >= 0.01f || Abs(m_vecTurnSpeed.y) >= 0.01f || Abs(m_vecTurnSpeed.z) >= 0.01f) return false; return true; } } bool CVehicle::CanPedJumpOutCar(void) { if(GetUp().z < 0.3f) return false; float speed = m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr(); return speed < 0.1f || speed > 0.5f ? false : true; } bool CVehicle::CanPedJumpOffBike(void) { if(pPassengers[0]) return false; return m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() < 0.07f ? false : true; } void CVehicle::ChangeLawEnforcerState(uint8 enable) { if (enable) { if (!bIsLawEnforcer) { bIsLawEnforcer = true; CCarCtrl::NumLawEnforcerCars++; } } else { if (bIsLawEnforcer) { bIsLawEnforcer = false; CCarCtrl::NumLawEnforcerCars--; } } } CPed* CVehicle::SetUpDriver(void) { if(pDriver) return pDriver; if(VehicleCreatedBy != RANDOM_VEHICLE) return nil; pDriver = CPopulation::AddPedInCar(this, true); pDriver->m_pMyVehicle = this; pDriver->m_pMyVehicle->RegisterReference((CEntity**)&pDriver->m_pMyVehicle); pDriver->bInVehicle = true; pDriver->SetPedState(PED_DRIVING); if(bIsBus) pDriver->bRenderPedInCar = false; return pDriver; } CPed* CVehicle::SetupPassenger(int n) { int i; if(pPassengers[n]) return pPassengers[n]; if((IsTaxi() || IsLimo()) && n == 0) pPassengers[0] = nil; else{ CPed *passenger = CPopulation::AddPedInCar(this, false); pPassengers[n] = passenger; passenger->m_pMyVehicle = this; passenger->m_pMyVehicle->RegisterReference((CEntity**)&pPassengers[n]->m_pMyVehicle); passenger->bInVehicle = true; passenger->SetPedState(PED_DRIVING); if(passenger->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_CIVMALE || passenger->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_CIVFEMALE) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if(pPassengers[i] && pPassengers[n] && (pPassengers[i]->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_CIVMALE || pPassengers[i]->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_CIVFEMALE) && passenger->GetModelIndex() == pPassengers[i]->GetModelIndex()){ pPassengers[n] = nil; CPopulation::RemovePed(passenger); } } if(bIsBus && pPassengers[n]) pPassengers[n]->bRenderPedInCar = false; ++m_nNumPassengers; return pPassengers[n]; } void CVehicle::SetDriver(CPed *driver) { pDriver = driver; pDriver->RegisterReference((CEntity**)&pDriver); if(bFreebies && driver == FindPlayerPed()){ bFreebies = false; switch(GetModelIndex()){ case MI_AMBULAN: FindPlayerPed()->m_fHealth = Max(FindPlayerPed()->m_fHealth, Min(FindPlayerPed()->m_fHealth + 20.0f, CWorld::Players[0].m_nMaxHealth)); break; case MI_TAXI: case MI_CABBIE: case MI_BORGNINE: CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_nMoney += 12; break; case MI_POLICE: CStreaming::RequestModel(MI_SHOTGUN, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); bFreebies = true; break; case MI_ENFORCER: driver->m_fArmour = Max(driver->m_fArmour, CWorld::Players[0].m_nMaxArmour); break; case MI_CADDY: if(!(driver->IsPlayer() && ((CPlayerPed*)driver)->DoesPlayerWantNewWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB, true))) CStreaming::RequestModel(MI_GOLFCLUB, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); break; } } if(IsBike()) ApplyMoveForce(-0.02f*driver->m_fMass * GetUp()); else ApplyTurnForce(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.02f*driver->m_fMass, driver->GetPosition().x - GetPosition().x, driver->GetPosition().y - GetPosition().y, 0.0f); } bool CVehicle::AddPassenger(CPed *passenger) { int i; if(IsBike()) ApplyTurnForce(-0.02f*passenger->m_fMass * GetUp(), -0.1f*GetForward()); else ApplyTurnForce(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.2f*passenger->m_fMass, passenger->GetPosition().x - GetPosition().x, passenger->GetPosition().y - GetPosition().y, 0.0f); for(i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++) if(pPassengers[i] == nil){ pPassengers[i] = passenger; m_nNumPassengers++; return true; } return false; } bool CVehicle::AddPassenger(CPed *passenger, uint8 n) { if(bIsBus) return AddPassenger(passenger); if(IsBike()) ApplyTurnForce(-0.02f*passenger->m_fMass * GetUp(), -0.1f*GetForward()); else ApplyTurnForce(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.2f*passenger->m_fMass, passenger->GetPosition().x - GetPosition().x, passenger->GetPosition().y - GetPosition().y, 0.0f); if(n < m_nNumMaxPassengers && pPassengers[n] == nil){ pPassengers[n] = passenger; m_nNumPassengers++; return true; } return false; } void CVehicle::RemoveDriver(void) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (GetStatus() != STATUS_WRECKED) #endif SetStatus(STATUS_ABANDONED); if(pDriver == FindPlayerPed()){ if(GetModelIndex() == MI_POLICE && CStreaming::HasModelLoaded(MI_SHOTGUN)){ if(bFreebies){ if(((CPlayerPed*)pDriver)->DoesPlayerWantNewWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN, true)) pDriver->GiveWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN, 5, true); else pDriver->GrantAmmo(WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN, 5); bFreebies = false; } CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable(MI_SHOTGUN); }else if(GetModelIndex() == MI_CADDY && CStreaming::HasModelLoaded(MI_GOLFCLUB)){ if(((CPlayerPed*)pDriver)->DoesPlayerWantNewWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB, true)) pDriver->GiveWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB, 1, true); CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable(MI_GOLFCLUB); } } pDriver = nil; } void CVehicle::RemovePassenger(CPed *p) { if (IsTrain()){ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pPassengers); i++){ if (pPassengers[i] == p) { pPassengers[i] = nil; m_nNumPassengers--; return; } } return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++){ if (pPassengers[i] == p){ pPassengers[i] = nil; m_nNumPassengers--; return; } } } bool CVehicle::IsDriver(CPed *ped) { if(ped == nil) return false; return ped == pDriver; } bool CVehicle::IsDriver(int32 model) { return pDriver && pDriver->GetModelIndex() == model; } bool CVehicle::IsPassenger(CPed *ped) { int i; if(ped == nil) return false; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) if(pPassengers[i] == ped) return true; return false; } bool CVehicle::IsPassenger(int32 model) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) if(pPassengers[i] && pPassengers[i]->GetModelIndex() == model) return true; return false; } void CVehicle::UpdatePassengerList(void) { int i; bool hasPassenger = false; if(m_nNumPassengers) for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) if(pPassengers[i]){ hasPassenger = true; break; } if(!hasPassenger) m_nNumPassengers = 0; } void CVehicle::ProcessCarAlarm(void) { uint32 step; if(!IsAlarmOn()) return; step = CTimer::GetTimeStepInMilliseconds(); if((uint16)m_nAlarmState < step){ m_nAlarmState = 0; m_nCarHornTimer = 0; }else m_nAlarmState -= step; } bool CVehicle::IsSphereTouchingVehicle(float sx, float sy, float sz, float radius) { float x, y, z; // sphere relative to vehicle CVector sph = CVector(sx, sy, sz) - GetPosition(); CColModel *colmodel = GetColModel(); x = DotProduct(sph, GetRight()); if(colmodel->boundingBox.min.x - radius > x || colmodel->boundingBox.max.x + radius < x) return false; y = DotProduct(sph, GetForward()); if(colmodel->boundingBox.min.y - radius > y || colmodel->boundingBox.max.y + radius < y) return false; z = DotProduct(sph, GetUp()); if(colmodel->boundingBox.min.z - radius > z || colmodel->boundingBox.max.z + radius < z) return false; return true; } RpMaterial* SetCompAlphaCB(RpMaterial *material, void *data) { uint32 alpha = (uint32)(uintptr)data; RwRGBA *col = (RwRGBA*)RpMaterialGetColor(material); // get rid of const col->alpha = alpha; return material; } void CVehicle::SetComponentAtomicAlpha(RpAtomic *atomic, int32 alpha) { RpGeometry *geo = RpAtomicGetGeometry(atomic); RpGeometrySetFlags(geo, RpGeometryGetFlags(geo) | rpGEOMETRYMODULATEMATERIALCOLOR); RpGeometryForAllMaterials(geo, SetCompAlphaCB, (void*)alpha); } void CVehicle::UpdateClumpAlpha(void) { int clumpAlpha = CVisibilityPlugins::GetClumpAlpha((RpClump*)m_rwObject); if(bFadeOut){ clumpAlpha -= 8; if(clumpAlpha < 0) clumpAlpha = 0; }else if(clumpAlpha < 255){ clumpAlpha += 16; if(clumpAlpha > 255) clumpAlpha = 255; } CVisibilityPlugins::SetClumpAlpha((RpClump*)m_rwObject, clumpAlpha); } void CVehicle::HeliDustGenerate(CEntity *heli, float radius, float ground, int rnd) { int i; float angle; CColPoint point; CEntity *entity; uint8 r, g, b; if(heli == nil) return; uint8 surface = SURFACE_TARMAC; int frm = CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 7; float testLowZ = ground - 10.0f; float dustSize = 0.0f; float baseSize = 1.0f; float offset = 1.0f; // when heli is tilted float particleZ = -101.0f; int n = 0; if(heli->GetModelIndex() == MI_RCGOBLIN || heli->GetModelIndex() == MI_RCRAIDER){ radius = 3.0f; dustSize = 0.04f; baseSize = 0.07f; offset = 0.3f; } CVector heliPos = heli->GetPosition(); if(heli->IsVehicle() && ((CVehicle*)heli)->IsCar()){ heliPos.x -= (heliPos.z - ground)*heli->GetUp().x*offset*0.5f; heliPos.y -= (heliPos.z - ground)*heli->GetUp().y*offset*0.5f; } float steamSize = 0.25f * radius * baseSize; float splashSize = 0.3f * radius * baseSize; i = 0; for(i = 0; i < 32+rnd; i++){ angle = i * TWOPI/32.0f; CVector pos(radius*Cos(angle), radius*Sin(angle), 0.0f); CVector dir = CVector(pos.x, pos.y, 1.0f)*0.01f; pos += heliPos; if(i < 32 && i == 4*frm){ if(CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine(pos, testLowZ, point, entity, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil)){ n = rnd; particleZ = point.point.z; surface = point.surfaceB; }else n = 0; float waterLevel = 0.0f; if(CWaterLevel::GetWaterLevel(pos, &waterLevel, false) && waterLevel > particleZ){ surface = SURFACE_WATER; n = rnd; particleZ = waterLevel; } } if(n){ pos.z = particleZ; if(surface == SURFACE_WATER){ float red = (0.3*CTimeCycle::GetDirectionalRed() + CTimeCycle::GetAmbientRed_Obj())*255.0f/4.0f; float green = (0.3*CTimeCycle::GetDirectionalGreen() + CTimeCycle::GetAmbientGreen_Obj())*255.0f/4.0f; float blue = (0.3*CTimeCycle::GetDirectionalBlue() + CTimeCycle::GetAmbientBlue_Obj())*255.0f/4.0f; r = clamp(red, 0.0f, 255.0f); g = clamp(green, 0.0f, 255.0f); b = clamp(blue, 0.0f, 255.0f); RwRGBA col1 = { r, g, b, (RwUInt8)CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(8, 32) }; RwRGBA col2 = { 255, 255, 255, 32 }; if(n&1) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_STEAM_NY_SLOWMOTION, pos, dir, nil, steamSize, col2); else CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_CAR_SPLASH, pos, dir, nil, splashSize, col1, CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 10.0f), CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 90.0f), 1); }else{ switch(surface){ default: case SURFACE_TARMAC: r = 10; g = 10; b = 10; break; case SURFACE_GRASS: r = 10; g = 10; b = 3; break; case SURFACE_GRAVEL: r = 10; g = 8; b = 7; break; case SURFACE_MUD_DRY: r = 10; g = 6; b = 3; break; case SURFACE_SAND: case SURFACE_SAND_BEACH: r = 10; g = 10; b = 7; break; } RwRGBA col = { r, g, b, 32 }; if(heliPos.z - pos.z < 20.0f) CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_HELI_DUST, pos, dir, nil, dustSize, col); } n--; } } } #define GLARE_MIN_DIST (13.0f) #define GLARE_FULL_DIST (30.0f) #define GLARE_MIN_ANGLE (0.99f) #define GLARE_FULL_ANGLE (0.995f) void CVehicle::DoSunGlare(void) { if(bRenderScorched || GetPosition().z < 0.0f || GetVehicleAppearance() != VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_CAR || CWeather::SunGlare <= 0.0f) return; CVector camDir = TheCamera.GetPosition() - GetPosition(); float dist = camDir.Magnitude(); camDir *= 2.0f/dist; CVector glareVec = camDir + CTimeCycle::GetSunDirection(); CVector localGlareVec; localGlareVec.x = DotProduct(glareVec, GetRight()); localGlareVec.y = DotProduct(glareVec, GetForward()); localGlareVec.z = 0.0; localGlareVec.Normalise(); CVector2D fwd2D = GetForward(); fwd2D.Normalise(); CVector2D camDir2D = camDir; camDir2D.Normalise(); float fwdness = Abs(DotProduct2D(fwd2D, camDir2D)); // check angle float strength; if(fwdness > GLARE_FULL_ANGLE) strength = 1.0f; else if(fwdness > GLARE_MIN_ANGLE) strength = (fwdness - GLARE_MIN_ANGLE)/(GLARE_FULL_ANGLE-GLARE_MIN_ANGLE); else return; // check distance if(dist > GLARE_FULL_DIST){ // no max distance }else if(dist > GLARE_MIN_DIST) strength *= (dist - GLARE_MIN_DIST)/(GLARE_FULL_DIST - GLARE_MIN_DIST); else return; float intens = 0.8f * strength * CWeather::SunGlare; int r = intens * (CTimeCycle::GetSunCoreRed() + 2*255)/3.0f; int g = intens * (CTimeCycle::GetSunCoreGreen() + 2*255)/3.0f; int b = intens * (CTimeCycle::GetSunCoreBlue() + 2*255)/3.0f; CColModel *colmodel = GetColModel(); CCollision::CalculateTrianglePlanes(colmodel); int i; for(i = 0; i < colmodel->numTriangles-2; i += 2){ int a1 = colmodel->triangles[i].a; int b1 = colmodel->triangles[i].b; int c1 = colmodel->triangles[i].c; int a2 = colmodel->triangles[i+1].a; int b2 = colmodel->triangles[i+1].b; int c2 = colmodel->triangles[i+1].c; CVector vert1 = colmodel->vertices[a1].Get(); CVector vert4; // Need an upward surface if(vert1.z <= 0.0f) continue; // trying to find a quad here int numTri2Verts = 0; if(a2 != a1 && a2 != b1 && a2 != c1){ // a2 is not in tri1 numTri2Verts++; vert4 = colmodel->vertices[a2].Get(); } if(b2 != a1 && b2 != b1 && b2 != c1){ // b2 is not in tri1 numTri2Verts++; vert4 = colmodel->vertices[b2].Get(); } if(c2 != a1 && c2 != b1 && c2 != c1){ // c2 is not in tri1 numTri2Verts++; vert4 = colmodel->vertices[c2].Get(); } // Need exactly one vertex from tri2 for a quad with tri1 if(numTri2Verts != 1) continue; CVector mid = (vert1 + colmodel->vertices[b1].Get() + colmodel->vertices[c1].Get() + vert4)/4.0f; float dy = mid.y - vert1.y; float dx = mid.x - vert1.x; float dist = 1.4f * Min(Abs(dx), Abs(dy)); if(dist > 0.6f){ CVector pos = GetMatrix() * (dist * localGlareVec + mid) + camDir; CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uintptr)this + 27 + i, r, g, b, 255, pos, 0.9f*CWeather::SunGlare, 90.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_STAR, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_OFF, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_OFF, 0.0f); } } } void CVehicle::KillPedsInVehicle(void) { int i; if(pDriver){ CDarkel::RegisterKillByPlayer(pDriver, WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION); if(pDriver->GetPedState() == PED_DRIVING){ pDriver->SetDead(); if(!pDriver->IsPlayer()) pDriver->FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(); }else pDriver->SetDie(); } for(i = 0; i < m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++){ if(pPassengers[i]){ CDarkel::RegisterKillByPlayer(pPassengers[i], WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION); if(pPassengers[i]->GetPedState() == PED_DRIVING){ pPassengers[i]->SetDead(); if(!pPassengers[i]->IsPlayer()) pPassengers[i]->FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(); }else pPassengers[i]->SetDie(); } } } void DestroyVehicleAndDriverAndPassengers(CVehicle* pVehicle) { if (pVehicle->pDriver) { CDarkel::RegisterKillByPlayer(pVehicle->pDriver, WEAPONTYPE_UNIDENTIFIED); pVehicle->pDriver->FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(); } for (int i = 0; i < pVehicle->m_nNumMaxPassengers; i++) { if (pVehicle->pPassengers[i]) { CDarkel::RegisterKillByPlayer(pVehicle->pPassengers[i], WEAPONTYPE_UNIDENTIFIED); pVehicle->pPassengers[i]->FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(); } } CWorld::Remove(pVehicle); delete pVehicle; } #ifdef COMPATIBLE_SAVES void CVehicle::Save(uint8*& buf) { SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetRight().x); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetRight().y); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetRight().z); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetForward().x); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetForward().y); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetForward().z); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetUp().x); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetUp().y); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetUp().z); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetPosition().x); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetPosition().y); WriteSaveBuf(buf, GetPosition().z); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 16); SaveEntityFlags(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 208); AutoPilot.Save(buf); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_currentColour1); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_currentColour2); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 2); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nAlarmState); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 42); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nNumMaxPassengers); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 3); WriteSaveBuf(buf, field_1D0[0]); WriteSaveBuf(buf, field_1D0[1]); WriteSaveBuf(buf, field_1D0[2]); WriteSaveBuf(buf, field_1D0[3]); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 8); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_fSteerAngle); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_fGasPedal); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_fBrakePedal); WriteSaveBuf(buf, VehicleCreatedBy); uint8 flags = 0; if (bIsLawEnforcer) flags |= BIT(0); if (bIsLocked) flags |= BIT(3); if (bEngineOn) flags |= BIT(4); if (bIsHandbrakeOn) flags |= BIT(5); if (bLightsOn) flags |= BIT(6); if (bFreebies) flags |= BIT(7); WriteSaveBuf(buf, flags); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 10); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_fHealth); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nCurrentGear); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 3); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_fChangeGearTime); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 12); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nTimeOfDeath); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 2); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nBombTimer); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 12); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nDoorLock); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 111); } void CVehicle::Load(uint8*& buf) { CMatrix tmp; SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); tmp.GetRight().x = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetRight().y = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetRight().z = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); tmp.GetForward().x = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetForward().y = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetForward().z = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); tmp.GetUp().x = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetUp().y = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetUp().z = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 4); tmp.GetPosition().x = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetPosition().y = ReadSaveBuf(buf); tmp.GetPosition().z = ReadSaveBuf(buf); m_matrix = tmp; SkipSaveBuf(buf, 16); LoadEntityFlags(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 208); AutoPilot.Load(buf); m_currentColour1 = ReadSaveBuf(buf); m_currentColour2 = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 2); m_nAlarmState = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 42); m_nNumMaxPassengers = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 3); field_1D0[0] = ReadSaveBuf(buf); field_1D0[1] = ReadSaveBuf(buf); field_1D0[2] = ReadSaveBuf(buf); field_1D0[3] = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 8); m_fSteerAngle = ReadSaveBuf(buf); m_fGasPedal = ReadSaveBuf(buf); m_fBrakePedal = ReadSaveBuf(buf); VehicleCreatedBy = ReadSaveBuf(buf); uint8 flags = ReadSaveBuf(buf); bIsLawEnforcer = !!(flags & BIT(0)); bIsLocked = !!(flags & BIT(3)); bEngineOn = !!(flags & BIT(4)); bIsHandbrakeOn = !!(flags & BIT(5)); bLightsOn = !!(flags & BIT(6)); bFreebies = !!(flags & BIT(7)); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 10); m_fHealth = ReadSaveBuf(buf); m_nCurrentGear = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 3); m_fChangeGearTime = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 12); m_nTimeOfDeath = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 2); m_nBombTimer = ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 12); m_nDoorLock = (eCarLock)ReadSaveBuf(buf); SkipSaveBuf(buf, 111); } #endif eVehicleAppearance CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance(void) { uint32 flags = pHandling->Flags & 0xF0000; if (flags == 0) return VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_CAR; if (flags == HANDLING_IS_BIKE) return VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_BIKE; if (flags == HANDLING_IS_HELI) return VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_HELI; if (flags == HANDLING_IS_PLANE) return VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_PLANE; if (flags == HANDLING_IS_BOAT) return VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_BOAT; return VEHICLE_APPEARANCE_NONE; } bool IsVehiclePointerValid(CVehicle* pVehicle) { if (!pVehicle) return false; int index = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetJustIndex_NoFreeAssert(pVehicle); #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (index < 0 || index >= NUMVEHICLES) #else if (index < 0 || index > NUMVEHICLES) #endif return false; return pVehicle->m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE || pVehicle->m_entryInfoList.first; }