#pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable : 4005) #pragma warning( pop ) #ifndef LIBRW #define WITHD3D #endif #include "common.h" #ifndef LIBRW #include "rpanisot.h" #endif #include "crossplatform.h" #include "platform.h" #include "Timer.h" #ifdef GTA_PC #include "FileMgr.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "main.h" #include "Directory.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "TxdStore.h" #include "CdStream.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Sprite2d.h" #include "Text.h" #include "RwHelper.h" #endif //GTA_PC float texLoadTime; int32 texNumLoaded; #ifdef LIBRW #define READNATIVE(stream, tex, size) rwNativeTextureHackRead(stream, tex, size) #else #define READNATIVE(stream, tex, size) RWSRCGLOBAL(stdFunc[rwSTANDARDNATIVETEXTUREREAD](stream, tex, size)) #endif RwTexture* RwTextureGtaStreamRead(RwStream *stream) { RwUInt32 size, version; RwTexture *tex; if(!RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_TEXTURENATIVE, &size, &version)) return nil; float preloadTime = (float)CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / (float)CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(); if(!READNATIVE(stream, &tex, size)) return nil; if (gGameState == GS_INIT_PLAYING_GAME) { texLoadTime = (texNumLoaded * texLoadTime + (float)CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / (float)CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond() - preloadTime) / (float)(texNumLoaded+1); texNumLoaded++; } if(tex == nil) return nil; #ifndef LIBRW if(RpAnisotTextureGetMaxAnisotropy(tex) > 1) RpAnisotTextureSetMaxAnisotropy(tex, RpAnisotTextureGetMaxAnisotropy(tex)); #endif return tex; } RwTexture* destroyTexture(RwTexture *texture, void *data) { RwTextureDestroy(texture); return texture; } RwTexDictionary* RwTexDictionaryGtaStreamRead(RwStream *stream) { RwUInt32 size, version; RwInt32 numTextures; RwTexDictionary *texDict; RwTexture *tex; if(!RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_STRUCT, &size, &version)) return nil; if(RwStreamRead(stream, &numTextures, size) != size) return nil; texDict = RwTexDictionaryCreate(); if(texDict == nil) return nil; while(numTextures--){ tex = RwTextureGtaStreamRead(stream); if(tex == nil){ RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures(texDict, destroyTexture, nil); RwTexDictionaryDestroy(texDict); return nil; } RwTexDictionaryAddTexture(texDict, tex); } return texDict; } static int32 numberTextures = -1; static int32 streamPosition; RwTexDictionary* RwTexDictionaryGtaStreamRead1(RwStream *stream) { RwUInt32 size, version; RwInt32 numTextures; RwTexDictionary *texDict; RwTexture *tex; numberTextures = 0; if(!RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_STRUCT, &size, &version)) return nil; assert(size == 4); if(RwStreamRead(stream, &numTextures, size) != size) return nil; texDict = RwTexDictionaryCreate(); if(texDict == nil) return nil; numberTextures = numTextures/2; while(numTextures > numberTextures){ numTextures--; tex = RwTextureGtaStreamRead(stream); if(tex == nil){ RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures(texDict, destroyTexture, nil); RwTexDictionaryDestroy(texDict); return nil; } RwTexDictionaryAddTexture(texDict, tex); } numberTextures = numTextures; streamPosition = STREAMPOS(stream); return texDict; } RwTexDictionary* RwTexDictionaryGtaStreamRead2(RwStream *stream, RwTexDictionary *texDict) { RwTexture *tex; RwStreamSkip(stream, streamPosition - STREAMPOS(stream)); while(numberTextures--){ tex = RwTextureGtaStreamRead(stream); if(tex == nil){ RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures(texDict, destroyTexture, nil); RwTexDictionaryDestroy(texDict); return nil; } RwTexDictionaryAddTexture(texDict, tex); } return texDict; } #ifdef GTA_PC #ifdef LIBRW #define CAPSVERSION 0 struct GPUcaps { uint32 version; // so we can force regeneration easily uint32 platform; uint32 subplatform; uint32 dxtSupport; }; static void GetGPUcaps(GPUcaps *caps) { caps->version = CAPSVERSION; caps->platform = rw::platform; caps->subplatform = 0; caps->dxtSupport = 0; // TODO: more later #ifdef RW_GL3 caps->subplatform = rw::gl3::gl3Caps.gles; caps->dxtSupport = rw::gl3::gl3Caps.dxtSupported; #endif #ifdef RW_D3D9 caps->dxtSupport = 1; // TODO, probably #endif } void ReadVideoCardCapsFile(GPUcaps *caps) { memset(caps, 0, sizeof(GPUcaps)); int32 file = CFileMgr::OpenFile("DATA\\CAPS.DAT", "rb"); if (file != 0) { CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&caps->version, 4); CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&caps->platform, 4); CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&caps->subplatform, 4); CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&caps->dxtSupport, 4); CFileMgr::CloseFile(file); } } bool CheckVideoCardCaps(void) { GPUcaps caps, fcaps; GetGPUcaps(&caps); ReadVideoCardCapsFile(&fcaps); return caps.version != fcaps.version || caps.platform != fcaps.platform || caps.subplatform != fcaps.subplatform || caps.dxtSupport != fcaps.dxtSupport; } void WriteVideoCardCapsFile(void) { GPUcaps caps; GetGPUcaps(&caps); int32 file = CFileMgr::OpenFile("DATA\\CAPS.DAT", "wb"); if (file != 0) { CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&caps.version, 4); CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&caps.platform, 4); CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&caps.subplatform, 4); CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&caps.dxtSupport, 4); CFileMgr::CloseFile(file); } } #else extern "C" RwInt32 _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(RwRasterType type, RwInt32 flags); extern "C" RwBool _rwD3D8CheckValidTextureFormat(RwInt32 format); void ReadVideoCardCapsFile(uint32 &cap32, uint32 &cap24, uint32 &cap16, uint32 &cap8) { cap32 = UINT32_MAX; cap24 = UINT32_MAX; cap16 = UINT32_MAX; cap8 = UINT32_MAX; int32 file = CFileMgr::OpenFile("DATA\\CAPS.DAT", "rb"); if (file != 0) { CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&cap32, 4); CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&cap24, 4); CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&cap16, 4); CFileMgr::Read(file, (char*)&cap8, 4); CFileMgr::CloseFile(file); } } bool CheckVideoCardCaps(void) { uint32 cap32 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMAT8888); uint32 cap24 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMAT888); uint32 cap16 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMAT1555); uint32 cap8 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMATPAL8 | rwRASTERFORMAT8888); uint32 fcap32, fcap24, fcap16, fcap8; ReadVideoCardCapsFile(fcap32, fcap24, fcap16, fcap8); return cap32 != fcap32 || cap24 != fcap24 || cap16 != fcap16 || cap8 != fcap8; } void WriteVideoCardCapsFile(void) { uint32 cap32 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMAT8888); uint32 cap24 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMAT888); uint32 cap16 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMAT1555); uint32 cap8 = _rwD3D8FindCorrectRasterFormat(rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE, rwRASTERFORMATPAL8 | rwRASTERFORMAT8888); int32 file = CFileMgr::OpenFile("DATA\\CAPS.DAT", "wb"); if (file != 0) { CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&cap32, 4); CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&cap24, 4); CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&cap16, 4); CFileMgr::Write(file, (char*)&cap8, 4); CFileMgr::CloseFile(file); } } #endif bool CanVideoCardDoDXT(void) { #ifdef LIBRW // TODO #ifdef RW_OPENGL return false; #else return true; #endif #else return _rwD3D8CheckValidTextureFormat(D3DFMT_DXT1) && _rwD3D8CheckValidTextureFormat(D3DFMT_DXT3); #endif } void ConvertingTexturesScreen(uint32 num, uint32 count, const char *text) { HandleExit(); CSprite2d *splash = LoadSplash(nil); if (!DoRWStuffStartOfFrame(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255)) return; CSprite2d::SetRecipNearClip(); CSprite2d::InitPerFrame(); CFont::InitPerFrame(); DefinedState(); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTUREADDRESS, (void*)rwTEXTUREADDRESSCLAMP); splash->Draw(CRect(0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)); CSprite2d::DrawRect(CRect(SCREEN_SCALE_X(200.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(240.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_FROM_RIGHT(200.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(248.0f)), CRGBA(64, 64, 64, 255)); CSprite2d::DrawRect(CRect(SCREEN_SCALE_X(200.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(240.0f), (SCREEN_SCALE_FROM_RIGHT(200.0f) - SCREEN_SCALE_X(200.0f)) * ((float)num / (float)count) + SCREEN_SCALE_X(200.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(248.0f)), CRGBA(255, 217, 106, 255)); CSprite2d::DrawRect(CRect(SCREEN_SCALE_X(120.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(150.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_FROM_RIGHT(120.0f), SCREEN_HEIGHT - SCREEN_SCALE_Y(220.0f)), CRGBA(50, 50, 50, 210)); CFont::SetBackgroundOff(); CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(0.45f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(0.7f)); CFont::SetCentreOff(); CFont::SetWrapx(SCREEN_SCALE_FROM_RIGHT(170.0f)); CFont::SetJustifyOff(); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(255, 217, 106, 255)); CFont::SetBackGroundOnlyTextOff(); CFont::SetFontStyle(FONT_STANDARD); CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(170.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(160.0f), TheText.Get(text)); CFont::DrawFonts(); DoRWStuffEndOfFrame(); } void DealWithTxdWriteError(uint32 num, uint32 count, const char *text) { while (!RsGlobal.quit) { ConvertingTexturesScreen(num, count, text); CPad::UpdatePads(); if (CPad::GetPad(0)->GetEscapeJustDown()) break; } RsGlobal.quit = false; LoadingScreen(nil, nil, nil); RsGlobal.quit = true; } #ifdef LIBRW #define STREAMTELL(str) str->tell() #else #define STREAMTELL(str) filesys->rwftell((str)->Type.file.fpFile) #endif bool CreateTxdImageForVideoCard() { uint8 *buf = new uint8[CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE]; CDirectory *pDir = new CDirectory(TXDSTORESIZE); CDirectory::DirectoryInfo dirInfo; CStreaming::FlushRequestList(); #ifndef LIBRW RwFileFunctions *filesys = RwOsGetFileInterface(); #endif RwStream *img = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMWRITE, "models\\txd.img"); if (img == nil) { // original code does otherwise and it leaks delete []buf; delete pDir; if (_dwOperatingSystemVersion == OS_WINNT || _dwOperatingSystemVersion == OS_WIN2000 || _dwOperatingSystemVersion == OS_WINXP) DealWithTxdWriteError(0, TXDSTORESIZE, "CVT_CRT"); return false; } #ifdef LIBRW // so we can read back DXT with GLES // only works for textures that are not yet loaded // so let's hope that is the case for all rw::gl3::needToReadBackTextures = true; #endif int32 i; for (i = 0; i < TXDSTORESIZE; i++) { ConvertingTexturesScreen(i, TXDSTORESIZE, "CVT_MSG"); if (CTxdStore::GetSlot(i) != nil && CStreaming::IsObjectInCdImage(i + STREAM_OFFSET_TXD)) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS if(strcmp(CTxdStore::GetTxdName(i), "generic") == 0) continue; #endif CStreaming::RequestTxd(i, STREAMFLAGS_KEEP_IN_MEMORY); CStreaming::RequestModelStream(0); CStreaming::FlushChannels(); char filename[64]; sprintf(filename, "%s.txd", CTxdStore::GetTxdName(i)); if (CTxdStore::GetSlot(i)->texDict) { int32 pos = STREAMTELL(img); if (RwTexDictionaryStreamWrite(CTxdStore::GetSlot(i)->texDict, img) == nil) { DealWithTxdWriteError(i, TXDSTORESIZE, "CVT_ERR"); RwStreamClose(img, nil); delete []buf; delete pDir; CStreaming::RemoveTxd(i); #ifdef LIBRW rw::gl3::needToReadBackTextures = false; #endif return false; } int32 size = STREAMTELL(img) - pos; int32 num = size % CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; size /= CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; if (num != 0) { size++; num = CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE - num; RwStreamWrite(img, buf, num); } dirInfo.offset = pos / CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; dirInfo.size = size; strncpy(dirInfo.name, filename, sizeof(dirInfo.name)); pDir->AddItem(dirInfo); CStreaming::RemoveTxd(i); } CStreaming::FlushRequestList(); } } RwStreamClose(img, nil); delete []buf; #ifdef LIBRW rw::gl3::needToReadBackTextures = false; #endif if (!pDir->WriteDirFile("models\\txd.dir")) { DealWithTxdWriteError(i, TXDSTORESIZE, "CVT_ERR"); delete pDir; return false; } delete pDir; WriteVideoCardCapsFile(); return true; } #endif // GTA_PC