#pragma once enum Config { NUMPLAYERS = 1, NUMCDIMAGES = 6, // gta3.img duplicates (not used on PC) MAX_CDIMAGES = 8, // additional cdimages MAX_CDCHANNELS = 5, MODELINFOSIZE = 6500, TXDSTORESIZE = 1385, COLSTORESIZE = 31, EXTRADIRSIZE = 256, CUTSCENEDIRSIZE = 512, SIMPLEMODELSIZE = 3885, TIMEMODELSIZE = 385, CLUMPMODELSIZE = 5, WEAPONMODELSIZE = 37, PEDMODELSIZE = 130, VEHICLEMODELSIZE = 110, TWODFXSIZE = 1210, MAXVEHICLESLOADED = 50, // 70 on mobile NUMOBJECTINFO = 400, // TODO(MIAMI): fantasy // object.dat // Pool sizes NUMPTRNODES = 50000, NUMENTRYINFOS = 3200, NUMPEDS = 140, NUMVEHICLES = 110, NUMBUILDINGS = 7000, NUMTREADABLES = 1, NUMOBJECTS = 460, NUMDUMMIES = 2340, NUMAUDIOSCRIPTOBJECTS = 192, NUMCOLMODELS = 4400, NUMCUTSCENEOBJECTS = 50, // does not exist in VC NUMANIMBLOCKS = 35, NUMANIMATIONS = 450, NUMTEMPOBJECTS = 40, // Path data NUM_PATHNODES = 9650, NUM_CARPATHLINKS = 3500, NUM_MAPOBJECTS = 1250, NUM_PATHCONNECTIONS = 20400, // Link list lengths NUMALPHALIST = 20, NUMBOATALPHALIST = 20, NUMALPHAENTITYLIST = 200, NUMALPHAUNTERWATERENTITYLIST = 30, NUMCOLCACHELINKS = 50, NUMREFERENCES = 800, // Zones NUMAUDIOZONES = 14, NUMINFOZONES = 169, NUMMAPZONES = 39, NUMNAVIGZONES = 20, // Cull zones NUMATTRIBZONES = 704, NUMOCCLUSIONVOLUMES = 350, NUMACTIVEOCCLUDERS = 48, PATHNODESIZE = 4500, NUMWEATHERS = 7, NUMHOURS = 24, NUMEXTRADIRECTIONALS = 4, NUMANTENNAS = 8, NUMCORONAS = 56, NUMPOINTLIGHTS = 32, NUM3DMARKERS = 32, NUMBRIGHTLIGHTS = 32, NUMSHINYTEXTS = 32, NUMMONEYMESSAGES = 16, NUMPICKUPMESSAGES = 16, NUMBULLETTRACES = 16, NUMMBLURSTREAKS = 4, NUMSKIDMARKS = 32, NUMONSCREENCLOCKS = 1, NUMONSCREENCOUNTERS = 3, NUMRADARBLIPS = 75, NUMGENERALPICKUPS = 320, NUMSCRIPTEDPICKUPS = 16, NUMPICKUPS = NUMGENERALPICKUPS + NUMSCRIPTEDPICKUPS, NUMCOLLECTEDPICKUPS = 20, NUMPACMANPICKUPS = 256, NUMEVENTS = 64, NUM_CARGENS = 185, NUM_PATH_NODES_IN_AUTOPILOT = 8, NUM_ACCIDENTS = 20, NUM_FIRES = 40, NUM_GARAGES = 32, NUM_PROJECTILES = 32, NUM_GLASSPANES = 45, NUM_GLASSENTITIES = 32, NUM_WATERCANNONS = 3, NUMPEDROUTES = 200, NUMPHONES = 50, NUMPEDGROUPS = 67, NUMMODELSPERPEDGROUP = 16, MAXZONEPEDSLOADED = 8, NUMSHOTINFOS = 100, NUMROADBLOCKS = 300, NUM_SCRIPT_ROADBLOCKS = 16, NUMVISIBLEENTITIES = 2000, NUMINVISIBLEENTITIES = 150, NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS = 4, NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS = 2, NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS = 20, NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_BANKS = 2, NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_SLOTS = 27, NUM_AUDIOENTITIES = 250, NUM_AUDIO_REFLECTIONS = 8, NUM_SCRIPT_MAX_ENTITIES = 40, NUM_GARAGE_STORED_CARS = 4, NUM_CRANES = 8, NUM_ESCALATORS = 22, NUM_EXPLOSIONS = 48, NUM_SETPIECES = 96, NUM_SHORTCUT_START_POINTS = 16 }; // We'll use this once we're ready to become independent of the game // Use it to mark bugs in the code that will prevent the game from working then //#define STANDALONE // We don't expect to compile for PS2 or Xbox // but it might be interesting for documentation purposes #define GTA_PC //#define GTA_PS2 //#define GTA_XBOX // This enables things from the PS2 version on PC #define GTA_PS2_STUFF // This is enabled for all released games. // any debug stuff that isn't left in any game is not in FINAL //#define FINAL // This is enabled for all released games except mobile // any debug stuff that is only left in mobile, is not in MASTER //#define MASTER #if defined GTA_PS2 # define GTA_PS2_STUFF # define RANDOMSPLASH # define VU_COLLISION #elif defined GTA_PC # define GTA3_1_1_PATCH //# define GTA3_STEAM_PATCH //# define GTAVC_JP_PATCH # ifdef GTA_PS2_STUFF # define USE_PS2_RAND # define RANDOMSPLASH // use random splash as on PS2 # define PS2_MATFX # endif #elif defined GTA_XBOX #endif #ifdef VU_COLLISION #define COMPRESSED_COL_VECTORS // current need compressed vectors in this code #endif #ifdef MASTER // only in master builds #else // not in master builds #define VALIDATE_SAVE_SIZE #endif #ifdef FINAL // in all games # define USE_MY_DOCUMENTS // use my documents directory for user files #else // not in any game # define NASTY_GAME // nasty game for all languages # define NO_MOVIES // disable intro videos # define NO_CDCHECK # define CHATTYSPLASH // print what the game is loading # define DEBUGMENU # define TIMEBARS // print debug timers #endif #define FIX_BUGS // fixes bugs that we've came across during reversing, TODO: use this more //#define MORE_LANGUAGES // Add more translations to the game #define COMPATIBLE_SAVES // this allows changing structs while keeping saves compatible #define FIX_HIGH_FPS_BUGS_ON_FRONTEND // Just debug menu entries #ifdef DEBUGMENU #define RELOADABLES // some debug menu options to reload TXD files #define MISSION_SWITCHER // from debug menu #endif // Rendering/display #define ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE // Not just makes everything scale with aspect ratio, also adds support for all aspect ratios #define DEFAULT_NATIVE_RESOLUTION // Set default video mode to your native resolution (fixes Windows 10 launch) #define USE_TXD_CDIMAGE // generate and load textures from txd.img #define PS2_ALPHA_TEST // emulate ps2 alpha test #define IMPROVED_VIDEOMODE // save and load videomode parameters instead of a magic number //#define DISABLE_LOADING_SCREEN // disable the loading screen which vastly improves the loading time //#define NO_ISLAND_LOADING // disable loadscreen between islands via loading all island data at once, consumes more memory and CPU //#define USE_TEXTURE_POOL //#define CUTSCENE_BORDERS_SWITCH //#define EXTENDED_COLOURFILTER // more options for colour filter (replaces mblur) //#define EXTENDED_PIPELINES // custom render pipelines (includes Neo) //#define MULTISAMPLING // adds MSAA option TODO #ifdef LIBRW // these are not supported with librw yet # undef MULTISAMPLING #endif // Water & Particle #define PC_PARTICLE //#define PS2_ALTERNATIVE_CARSPLASH // unused on PS2 // #define PC_WATER #define WATER_CHEATS //#define USE_CUTSCENE_SHADOW_FOR_PED #define DISABLE_CUTSCENE_SHADOWS // Pad #if !defined(RW_GL3) && defined(_WIN32) #define XINPUT #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__SWITCH__) #define DONT_TRUST_RECOGNIZED_JOYSTICKS // Then we'll only rely on GLFW gamepad DB, and expect user to enter Controller->Detect joysticks if his joystick isn't on that list. #endif #define DETECT_PAD_INPUT_SWITCH // Adds automatic switch of pad related stuff between controller and kb/m #define KANGAROO_CHEAT #define RESTORE_ALLCARSHELI_CHEAT #define BETTER_ALLCARSAREDODO_CHEAT #define WALLCLIMB_CHEAT #define REGISTER_START_BUTTON //#define BIND_VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON // Adds ability to rebind fire key for 'in vehicle' controls // Hud, frontend and radar //#define BETA_SLIDING_TEXT #define TRIANGULAR_BLIPS // height indicating triangular radar blips, as in VC #define PC_MENU #ifndef PC_MENU # define PS2_MENU //# define PS2_MENU_USEALLPAGEICONS #else # define MAP_ENHANCEMENTS // Adding waypoint etc. # define TRIANGLE_BACK_BUTTON //# define CIRCLE_BACK_BUTTON //#define CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS # define GRAPHICS_MENU_OPTIONS #define LEGACY_MENU_OPTIONS #define MUCH_SHORTER_OUTRO_SCREEN // Script #define USE_DEBUG_SCRIPT_LOADER // Loads main.scm by default. Hold R for main_freeroam.scm and D for main_d.scm #define USE_MEASUREMENTS_IN_METERS // makes game use meters instead of feet in script #define USE_PRECISE_MEASUREMENT_CONVERTION // makes game convert feet to meeters more precisely //#define MISSION_REPLAY // mobile feature #endif //#define SIMPLIER_MISSIONS // apply simplifications from mobile #define USE_ADVANCED_SCRIPT_DEBUG_OUTPUT #define SCRIPT_LOG_FILE_LEVEL 1 // 0 == no log, 1 == overwrite every frame, 2 == full log #ifndef USE_ADVANCED_SCRIPT_DEBUG_OUTPUT #define USE_BASIC_SCRIPT_DEBUG_OUTPUT #endif // Replay //#define DONT_FIX_REPLAY_BUGS // keeps various bugs in CReplay, some of which are fairly cool! //#define USE_BETA_REPLAY_MODE // adds another replay mode, a few seconds slomo (caution: buggy!) // Vehicles #define EXPLODING_AIRTRAIN // can blow up jumbo jet with rocket launcher #define CPLANE_ROTORS // make the rotors of the NPC police heli rotate // Pickups //#define MONEY_MESSAGES #define CAMERA_PICKUP // Peds #define PED_SKIN // support for skinned geometry on peds #define ANIMATE_PED_COL_MODEL #define VC_PED_PORTS // various ports from VC's CPed, mostly subtle #define CANCELLABLE_CAR_ENTER // Camera #define IMPROVED_CAMERA // Better Debug cam, and maybe more in the future #define FREE_CAM // Rotating cam // Audio #ifndef AUDIO_OAL // is not working yet for openal #define AUDIO_CACHE // cache sound lengths to speed up the cold boot #endif //#define PS2_AUDIO // changes audio paths for cutscenes and radio to PS2 paths, needs vbdec to support VB with MSS //#define SQUEEZE_PERFORMANCE #ifdef SQUEEZE_PERFORMANCE #undef PS2_ALPHA_TEST #undef NO_ISLAND_LOADING #define PC_PARTICLE #define VC_PED_PORTS // To not process collisions always. But should be tested if that's really beneficial #endif